(ON)The Yin Emperor or The Yang Empress Chapter 2 : The calm before the storm

By now, if this was an adultery gossip, the whole Palace would be already talking about it. But when the main character of the news was the Emperor, no one dared to squeak about it. Continue reading “(ON)The Yin Emperor or The Yang Empress Chapter 2 : The calm before the storm”

王爺你好賤 53 – None of his damm business


According to HongSan, ever since she returned to Zhu House, Ning Huang has returned home with Zhu Mo too.
So since Ning Huang already returned home, what do he want suddenly appearing here?
With a dark gloomy look on his face, Zhu Mo looked at Zhu WuXin and said, “Although I don’t know what you suddenly came to the restaurant, but I am warning you. If you dared to do anything harmful against Zhu House, then don’t blame me for taking actions without considering siblings’ affection.”
“Unfathomable mystery.”1
If you want to say something, then just say it. Why do you need to clench your teeth!
Only you know how to clench your teeth ah?
Your old mother me2 even clenched my teeth when I was asleep!
Moreover, this is strangely odd.
What did she do? Seduced his wife or killed his son?
Not sure how the previous Zhu WuXin did to offend this big brother, for him to be so hateful towards her this way.
Really baffling. It’s none of his damm business whether she come to the restaurant or not.
She have already inquired about this restaurant.
Nominally, this Meng Xiang Restaurant belongs to Zhu Hou.
But in the earlier years, Zhu Hou has already given this place to HongSan to take care of it.
Who the Hell was he to point fingers at her for wandering inside HongSan’s territory?
Her purpose was really based on doing things unfavorable towards Zhu House, what can he do with her?
If he have the ability, can just do away with her ah.
Furthermore, who is being siblings with him?
The one being siblings with him already kicked the bucket.
Now at this moment, even her soul won’t recognize being siblings with him!
Siblings his head!
“I’m sorry, I quite busy. If you don’t have anything matter, please don’t bother me.” Zhu Wuxin said while coldly looking at Zhu Mo.
A trace of surprise flashed in Zhu Mo’s eyes.
Just like those who used to bully her in her childhood, they just can’t believe what happened when she really gathered the courage to go against them.
But in a blink of an eye, he returned to his calm expression and quickly left.
Looking at his running appearance, Zhu WuXin was just baffled and bemused.
These ancient times people, they are getting more and more disconcerting one after another.
“What are you muttering over there?”
Just as Zhu WuXin was staring at the abruptly-leaving back of Zhu Mo, a clear voice suddenly sounded from behind.
She turned around, and seeing the incoming person, she instantly broke into a bright smile.

1 : 莫名其妙 – I explained this before but if someone used this sentence just like that, it also give off a feel that the speaker is dismissing the listener like “I don’t know what the eff are you talking about.”. ↩
2 : 老娘我 – The way people trying to belittle the other person by referring own self more superior(older age) than them. ↩