先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 7

[Translator : Many thanks to Whitney for the ko-fi and helping me to find out the problem for my ko-fi button. Paypal’s CS helped a bit too. I’m quite surprised by their efficiency nowadays. Their service used to suck 4 years ago :v Anyway, as a token of appreciation to Whitney, here’s a new chapter! XD]

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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 2

[edit – Banana here, a-d-sense has trouble with this chapter and I have no idea which word triggered its deli-cat-e system so Banana is c-en-soring all possible words yo. Sorry for the trouble.]

In the blink of an eye, the dagger was snatched and thrown away by Ye Junchi.
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Original Novel : The Yin Emperor or The Yang Empress

Hey guys, I recently posted a short synopsis of an original story based on the art I come upon while browsing Google Image. People seemed to like it so I decided to expand the synopsis into a novel. Hope you will like it? XD Continue reading “Original Novel : The Yin Emperor or The Yang Empress”