先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 41

Hey y’all fujoshi and fudanshi~ Come and give thanks to these two kind people for donating! XD Because here comes a bit more sugar to read today~! XDXD
Adrian – It’s very kind of you to donate again, I give muh thanks once again~! (0w0)/
Ryiryi – Lol, thank you so much for your kind donation~! I hope there will be more sugar coming along your way.
A chapter in the queue is for XY, will get it out as soon as I can (0w0)/
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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 40

[Translator : You know what makes me happy? I’ll tell you what, it makes me happy when I see some chapters properly scheduled for incoming release in my WordPress post list XDXD I didn’t translate anything at all yesterday~~ XD The idleness kinda makes me happy XD Welp, back to translating yo, let’s head to the end of this novel at the speed of light~~ (0w0)7 ]
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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 39

[Translator : It seems that my report/complain has been taken seriously 😀 That Wattpad user has decided that I’m too pesky and deleted all chapters of LMTY from his/her wattpad~ Hurhurhur, that or the Wattpad management just decided to take action after 2 weeks of complain :v]knlb
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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 36

popped confetti again
BA BA BA BA BA BA BA ~~~~~ (0w0)/
Are you happy to see me? Like I am to you?
Please all give a round of applause to Pijon ~!
Because of her, you guys get another chapter again! And we are a step nearer to the end of this novel~!
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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 35

popped confetti BA BA BA BA BA BA ~~ Here’s another sponsored chapter for y’all~!
Many thanks to :
Faith – Many thanks for your support again~! I’m touched ;D
Pijon – You have been very supportive, and I appreciate your kindness! TwT)/
I didn’t do anything ‘suspicious’ with this chapter so rest assured and read on ya~!
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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 34

Let me tease you – Chapter 34
Hiya, sorry for the trouble. I was just being petty with the aggregator site and people who chose to read from there instead. Actually, I’m more pissed with those people instead of the aggregator this time.
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