Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 30 Part 2

Chapter 30 Gu Ye: I’m going to fall in love with him! Part 2

Gu Ye has always heard people call ‘Old Master Yu’ here and there, so he thought that the old man would be a rigid old pedant, the kind who is more rigid than his own father. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a refined and handsome old man, with a smile on his face, looking very kind. Looking at Yu Ze standing next to him, Gu Ye understood that Yu Ze’s appearance doesn’t come from his mother’s genes, the old master’s genes are extremely prevalent.

Old Master Yu briefly greeted everyone. After everyone sat down, he said, “A friend gave me a nameless ancient painting so I’m inviting every master here to come today, to help me take a look. Is this young lady alive?”

If someone dared to say such nonsense as the painting being alive, everyone here would laugh out loud and reply, “Bullshit!” However, as soon as Old Master Yu said this, everyone’s expression became serious, “Is it possessed by a spirit body? It is impossible for the person in the painting to come to life.”

“It’s better to get the painting out, let’s take a look.”

When everyone saw the ancient painting in the glass container, they all praised it, “What a solid foundation! The lines and ink are well-defined, and the colors are bright and colorful. The most important point is that it is so well preserved, huh? There is no signature?”

“There is resentment attached to it, giving off an ominous feeling. I’m afraid it was dug out from the ground (burial ground)?”

The moment the painting is placed for viewing, everyone can feel the resentment emanating from it, but they can’t see any figure in this painting moving by themselves. Old Master Yu turned his head to look at Yu Ze who stood far away with a cold and disdainful attitude, not wanting to join in.

Yu Ze said with a cold face, “Don’t ask me, I can’t see anything.”

Old Master Yu pointed to the door, “Then, please go out first. You should know that ghosts and gods dare not breathe/move when you are around.”

“Pfft!” Gu Ye couldn’t hold back and laughed out loud. It’s no wonder that Yu Ze didn’t believe in ghosts and gods. With his aura, he really couldn’t see anything strange. When he is around, ghosts and gods don’t dare to come out.

Yu Ze looked helplessly at Gu Ye smiling at him. There is a little resentment in his eyes (for not being able to stay back).

Gu Ye immediately gave Yu Ze a look that said ‘I understand you. It’s not easy being a child born in old age. The parents will be old people when you grow up, and old people are always unreasonable.’

Yu Ze went out with a sullen face.

With the curtains drawn, the entire study room is darkened but the girl in the painting remains motionless. Old Master Yu said to everyone, “Now. I can only ask you gentlemen to show your abilities. I have no malicious intentions and just want to know the reason (what is happening). Whoever can find out, you can go to the second floor and choose one of my calligraphy and paintings to take with you.”

Earlier, Gu Ye was not interested in the painting, but hearing Old Master Yu’s words, his eyes widened. Those are all the calligraphy of Old Master Yu. They are treasures and ever so valuable!

Except for Elder Tang, everyone is eager to try their hand, obviously moved by the reward that Old Master Yu said.

“If she doesn’t show herself, then I can only force her to come out.” Someone already prepared a magic weapon at hand, like a warrior who slays demons and defends the weak.

But Gu Ye simply walked over from the back and pushed that person away. Ignoring everyone’s gaze, he put his hand on the glass container and closed his eyes, trying to feel something with his heart.

The young man wanted to speak, but Old Master Yu gave him a ‘shush’, signaling him to be quiet and not to interrupt Gu Ye. The young man could only endure it. Looking at the magic weapon in his hand, he somehow felt that he was like a joke.

2 minutes later, Gu Ye opened his eyes and asked Old Master Yu, “So, as long as you can figure out the reason, it’s fine? There’s no need to kill her, right?”

“Yes.” Old Master Yu nodded appreciatively, “I just want to know the reason.”

Gu Ye smiled, “There is indeed a spirit attached here. She is imprisoned in this painting. She wants to leave, but she can’t. This young lady is also a poor soul.”

Old Master Yu expressed his interest, “Oh? I would like to hear more about it.”

“A thousand years ago, a local corrupt official wanted to give his boss a birthday gift. He heard that his boss loved calligraphy and painting, but he couldn’t produce one himself, so he found a scholar to do it for him. This scholar has his own arrogance so naturally he doesn’t listen to the official. Hence, the official sent someone to arrest the scholar’s family and threaten him. The scholar had no choice but to paint.”

Gu Ye looked at the woman in red in the painting again before continuing, “The scholar drew a picture of a seductive young woman who is pretending to be a girl from a good family, secretly going out on a date, waiting for her sweetheart in the mountains. He is insinuating that the corrupt official did terrible things but wanted to maintain a good reputation at the same time. In the end, the official won’t get anything from the wait.”

Old Master Yu suddenly realized, “No wonder there is no inscription or signature on this painting, the scholar should be disdaining it ba?”

“How do you know so clearly?” The young man who got pushed away by Gu Ye just now asked in a bad tone, “Who knows if you are making up stories to bluff people.”

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows and sighed, “Because I’m smart, I’m talented, and I can form empathy link, can you?”

The young man stared at Gu Ye with envy and hatred. He really didn’t have this kind of talent, “Then you still haven’t explained why she is coming alive.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye’s expression turned cold, “This is also an inhumane tragedy. In order to make sure this painting never faded, the corrupt official added corpse oil to the paint and specially refined it with a secret method.”

Everyone’s expression changed. There were indeed many such inhumane things in ancient times, and there are also many people who used live people as sacrifices. They just didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen in this painting.

“For thousands of years, this painting has not changed a bit. The young lady in the painting, because of long-term contact with things used by living people, started to feel the emotions of human beings, and gradually gained spirit. However, being trapped by the corpse oil with a resentful aura, she couldn’t escape, even if she wanted to leave.”

Gu Ye asked seriously, “Can’t you guys feel her despair?”

Very well, Gu Ye understood from their expressions, they couldn’t feel it.

“Your talent is really…” Gu Ye doesn’t want to go on but everyone understood the meaning – too noob!

Being embarrassed by Gu Ye, the young man wanted to get some dignity back and said, “This matter is easy to solve, just get rid of this spirit.”

“Getting rid of it is too much,” another rather kind-hearted master said, “The human world is not a place for her to stay, why not send her to reincarnation instead? It is not easy for a non-living thing to be able to form spiritual consciousness, reincarnation is the greatest kindness to her.”

Gu Ye laughed, “Why did you decide for others? Have you considered this young lady’s opinion?”

“Yin and yang are different, she can’t survive in this world. It’s for her own good.”

“Then why don’t you ask this big sister what she thinks.” Gu Ye stretched out a finger and tapped the glass lightly twice, “Miss big sister, if you still don’t show up, they will kill you for real.”

With everyone paying attention, the woman in the painting finally moved. The beautiful woman in red put down the things in her hands and bowed to Gu Ye, every movement is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Gu Ye pointed at her and asked everyone, “Look, how sensible. You guys have the heart to kill her?”

An old man in the group earnestly advised, “She is a spirit and not a human being. If given the chance, she can cultivate into a Yao/spiritual being. Not doing bad things now doesn’t mean she won’t do it in the future. Furthermore, letting her reincarnate doesn’t mean killing her. Don’t be tempted by her beauty, you young man.”

Gu Ye sighed, “Old man, to be reincarnated or not, you have to ask the person concerned. Little big sister, do you want to reincarnate?”

The woman in the painting shook her head. She finally acquired spiritual consciousness. If she goes to reincarnate, she will no longer be herself.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “Can you play the pipa?”

Even though the person in the painting didn’t understand why Gu Ye asked this question, she still nodded.

“Then can you sing and dance?”

The person in the painting nodded again.

“Can you come out and hold the umbrella for me when it’s raining?”

The person in the painting froze for a moment, then nodded again.

“Can you help me get takeout when I’m hungry?”

The person in the painting couldn’t understand what takeaway meant, but thinking that it is probably about running errands, she nodded again.

Gu Ye snapped his fingers, “Okay! It’s you then! From now on, you will be my No. 1 servant. I will rescue you from the painting, and you will serve me for 80 years, how about it?”

Gu Ye’s words immediately caused an uproar, “Are you crazy? It is forbidden to raise ghosts and spirits!”

Gu Ye ignored them at all and took out a small porcelain bottle. After that, he took out a cinnabar pen and drew a spell on the bottle. The next moment, the beauty in red in the painting finally gets out of the painting and is put into the porcelain bottle in the blink of an eye. Gu Ye curved the corner of his mouth. Clenching the porcelain bottle tightly, he looked at the crowd with a provocative expression, “It depends on my mood whether to raise (ghost/spirit) or not.”

“Humans and spirits are different. Child, don’t make trouble for yourself!”

“Crazy! If you don’t listen to advice now, something will happen sooner or later!” Several masters present shook their heads and sighed as if they had expected that Gu Ye would be killed by this woman in the near future.

Gu Ye looked at Old Master Yu and Elder Tang who had been silent all this time, “Is this matter settled?”

Old Master Yu looked at the painting, and said regretfully, “Oh, if the spirit is gone, the core of this painting will be gone as well.”

Gu Ye couldn’t help laughing. At this moment, the old master is actually feeling sorry for his painting.

“It’s fate to meet you,” Old Master Yu took the key and opened the glass container. Taking out the scroll inside, he rolled it up and put it in a box, “Since you took the person away, take this painting with you as well.”

Gu Ye asked anxiously, “Then, can I pick another one (prize) to take away?”

Old Master Yu is amused and says, “Take it. Since I am happy today, I will allow you to pick 2 more instead.” Old Master Yu whispered in Gu Ye’s ear, “I’ll tell you in secret. In my collection, lies a most precious treasure. Most people can’t pick it out, so it depends on your eyes.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye’s eyes lit up. “Since you said that, then pardon my rudeness. My dad likes your handwriting very much. He will be turning 60 years old soon. Originally when I accepted the invitation, I wanted to ask you to write him a few words as a birthday present. Unexpectedly, I hit the jackpot today! Hahaha~”

“Okay, go pick it!” Old Master Yu patted Gu Ye on the shoulder, and Gu Ye went upstairs under the eyes of everyone who wanted to bite him with envy.

After inviting several other masters to the tearoom, Tang Lao said, “I didn’t expect to finally able to pick one with wits after searching so long. Unconventional, knowledgeable, and courageous, he seems to be able to resist pressure as well.”

Old Master Yu nodded and said with a smile, “Unfortunately, he is too young to convince the majority, but he will be doing great in a few years. In order to pick someone for you, I lost 3 paintings.”

“Yeah sure,” Tang Lao stroked his beard, and casually said, “Obviously you like that child yourself and are willing to give the paintings away. Don’t I know you yet?”

At this time, Gu Ye had already wandered around Old Master Yu’s study room. He could see the aura in the calligraphy and painting. Old Master Yu’s calligraphy is majestic, and every piece is worthy of being treasured. Gu Ye couldn’t pick one as he wanted every piece he saw. After checking around, Gu Ye couldn’t find the treasure that Old Master Yu mentioned. He walked to the window and saw Yu Ze standing outside the main door. Gu Ye shouted, “Mr. Yu!”

Yu Ze looked up and saw Gu Ye waving to him with a smile all over his face. He is signaling to him, ‘Come, come!’

Yu Ze paused but really went upstairs.

Gu Ye asked in a low voice, “Old Master Yu said that there is a treasure hidden here, can you tell me which treasure is it?”

“He even told you this?” The corners of Yu Ze’s mouth curved up, “Has anyone ever told you that you are very likable?”

Gu Ye waved his hand, “No, but many people say that I’m crazy, even ghosts are afraid of me.”

Yu Ze frowned, and said in dissatisfaction, “It’s because they are stupid and ignorant.”

“Yes, I think so too.” Gu Ye raised his hand and signaled Yu Ze to give him a high-five. As expected from heroes who see the same thing.

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye’s face approaching in front of him, slightly lost in thought. At this moment, the setting sun is shining its last through the window, and Gu Ye’s fair cheeks are tinted with a thin layer of pink by the sunset. With his bright smile, his long eyelashes flicker like two cute little fans. He looks delicate like a doll, but his temperament is like a glass of strong wine. The timid dare not get close to it, and those who dare to taste it will get drunk when they touch it.

Yu Ze stretched out his hand without thinking and fulfilled Gu Ye’s wish, tapping his palm lightly. Seeing Gu Ye’s happy face, he also smiled and said, “The treasure he said is just what he thinks is a treasure. It has no value at all in the eyes of others.”

At this moment, Gu Ye’s eyes suddenly fell on a painting in the corner, and he couldn’t move his eyes away. This painting is obviously one size smaller than the other drawing papers, and there is no inscription on it. It is just a thick blood-stained broken sword, inserted in the devastated desert. The surrounding wind and sand are rustling, and the sky is vast. The broken sword is just left here, which should have given people a sense of desolation. However, the feeling of this painting is domineering. It emanates an aura of ‘Who’s there to take the brunt of responsibility but me’. Even if it is broken, it still does not hold back its edge.

Gu Ye suddenly thought of the Ghost General sitting in Yu Ze’s car. How come the feeling of this painting is similar to that Ghost General?

Gu Ye couldn’t help touching the painting, “This painting is so handsome. What kind of mind should the person who painted this picture have? I am going to fall in love with him. This is the one I want! I want this painting!”

Gu Ye excitedly moved the stool and climbed up to take down the painting. He is very much in admiration for Old Master Yu. He decided to go to Old Master Yu later and begged the old man for a few words (calligraphy).

Yu Ze raised a finger and poked Gu Ye’s waist twice, “This is my casual drawing when I was 16 years old. It doesn’t worth any money, do you really want it?”

Gu Ye: “Sorry, what I said just now doesn’t count!”

Raw word count: 6366 (whole chapter)


[Banana] Spent 3 days to translate this because I can’t help zoning out _(;3/ usually when I translate, I read the whole chapter 3 times. But for this chapter, I read the whole thing 4-5 times. #IKenot
Also, are there still people reading this? I felt like I’m just doing this alone…

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 30 Part 1

Chapter 30 Gu Ye: I’m going to fall in love with him! Part 1

Gu Ye got out of the car at the gate of Yu’s old house, looked at the courtyard, and exclaimed, “What an amazing feng shui spot where water gathers with hidden dragons.”

Yu Ze pushed open the door, and an old man in a blue Tang suit with gray hair came up to him. The old man smiled and said, “The young master is back, and this is…?” Seeing Gu Ye who was blocked by Yu Ze, the old man is taken aback. This is the first time Yu Ze brought someone home.

“Gu Ye, he is the master I invited. This is Uncle An.”

Gu Ye smiled and said hello, “Hi Uncle An. Old Master Yu invited me to come and see the painting.”

“The master who saved Young Master Pengyu?” Uncle An asked in surprise. “You are sure young and promising. Master Gu, please come in.”

Gu Ye smiled awkwardly. Promising young man or whatnots, it is the first time he heard someone use this word to praise him. Other people usually say he is someone who is not doing his job properly.

Stepping into the gate, they crossed the front yard, passed through the vertical flower carving gate, and then entered the inner courtyard. On the left and right sides are the east and west wing rooms, and several servants hang lanterns at the door. Yu Ze looked back at Gu Ye who is half a step behind him, “This is my father’s study room. Even the east and west side rooms are filled with books, calligraphy, and paintings.”

Gu Ye sincerely praised, “Old Master Yu is very knowledgeable, and it’s normal to have a lot of books.”

The more Gu Ye walked, the more he admired the surroundings. He sighed in his heart that the Yu family is worthy of a scholarly family. All the buildings are kept in antique-style interiors, from the stone tables and stools to the wooden carvings in the corridors, all of which demonstrate the owner’s cultural accomplishment and rich family heritage. Moreover, to have such a large courtyard house so close to the center of the imperial capital, the value of this courtyard must be at least several hundred million. The rarest thing is that there is a layer of golden light above the Yu family, which is the aura of merit and virtue that can only be formed by doing good deeds. The Yu family is so rich but does good deeds so low-key, which shows the nature of this family.

After walking forward for dozens of steps, they arrived at the main room.

“Hidden from the wind but gathers water, four corner spirit protecting the house, good Fengshui!” After Gu Ye sighed in admiration, he gossiped in a low voice, very curious. “Mr. Yu, if standing on the roof of your house on October 1st, is it possible to see the military parade?”

Hearing that, the corner of Yu Ze’s mouth curved slightly. He smiled and said, “You can go up and have a look later.”

Gu Ye gave Yu Ze a puzzled look, how could he be so casual about this?

Yu Ze nodded, indicating that it’s okay, just go to see if you want.

However, Gu Ye smiled and shook his head. It’s not good to walk around other people’s houses, it’s too impolite.

Soon, Yu Ze brought Gu Ye to the backyard. When they stepped into the door, Gu Ye found a familiar figure squatting by the pond. Gu Ye slowed down, and walked over to look. Next, he felt like wanting to kick the person down, “Are you virtueless?”

The koi fishes in the pond look silly and naive, and Zhao Pengyu is trying to fish them up with a fishing rod.

“Yo~ Heavenly being is here!” Zhao Pengyu smirked, “I’m going fishing tomorrow, so gotta try out the fishing rod in advance.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye became speechless. This person is sure virtueless.

Zhao Pengyu raised his head and asked, “Are you coming with me?”

Gu Ye answered with interest, “Sure, let’s go together tomorrow.”

“I heard that you went to the countryside to experience life. So how is it, and why did you not get tanned?”

“Anyone with a high IQ can’t get tanned.”

Zhao Pengyu touched his face and rolled his eyes speechlessly. He got tanned from playing basketball.

Yu Ze looked at the watch on his wrist and said to Gu Ye, “You can take a rest here. Someone will call you later when it’s starting.”

Gu Ye nodded, “If Mr. Yu has something to do, just go and do your stuff, don’t worry about me.”

The corner of Yu Ze’s mouth curved up, “Okay, by the way, do you want to eat the dessert from last time?”

Zhao Pengyu raised his hand, “Want!”

Gu Ye is not a hypocritical person either so he said the same thing, “Want!”

“There is a pastry room in the back kitchen, let Pengyu ask for whatever you want to eat.”

Gu Ye grabbed Yu Ze’s sleeve, and smiled until his eyes are narrowed, “Thank you.”

Yu Ze got slightly taken aback, but Gu Ye immediately let go, with a smiling expression on his face, making it hard to guess what he meant. Yu Ze looked at his own wrist and left without saying anything.

Zhao Pengyu looked despair, and waited for Yu Ze to leave before he dared to complain, “I seem to be your nanny.”

Gu Ye looked at the purple qi remaining on his five fingertips with emotion, “Your uncle is so good at taking care of people, a warm-hearted person ah!”

“You…” Zhao Pengyu’s eyes were filled with a blatant question: Have you gone crazy?!

Gu Ye didn’t bother to pay attention to Zhao Pengyu. He happily took out his mobile phone, logged into the game, and cracked the hero egg that he had never dared to touch for a long time. Next, a notification sounded: [Congratulations to the player [I run darn fast] for getting the S-level hero – Nuwa.]

“Oh my f god!” Zhao Pengyu threw away the fishing rod enviously and said, “What kind of dogshit luck you have?! This hero can add an extra life during battles so that players can be resurrected after death! I want it too!!”

With a hehehe, Gu Ye looked at the purple qi on his fingers that had been used up, and secretly suggested, “Then you can go and touch your uncle, and see if you can get lucky.”

“I dare not! He has germophobia! You grabbed him just now and he actually didn’t throw you out,” Zhao Pengyu stretched out his paw angrily, “Can I touch you a bit? Are you also covered in lucky aura?”

Gu Ye grinned in disgust, “Get away! I’m a lucky person now, and this lucky person doesn’t want to talk to you.”

Zhao Pengyu: “…” This friendship will end sooner or later!

After resting for a while, Uncle An came to look for Gu Ye, “My master invites Master Gu to the side wing hall.”

Gu Ye put down the half-eaten cherry blossom jelly in his hand and followed Uncle An to the East Wing. Upon entering the hall, he found that there are several other colleagues there. After Gu Ye sat down, he saw a familiar face opposite him, and he happily said, “Yo! We meet again! Where’s your little apprentice?”

When the person opposite saw Gu Ye, his expression is not very good and he answered sullenly, “Luo Huai is still young, so he is not suitable for this kind of scene.”

It is the master Gu Ye met in Daliu Village.

As if Gu Ye didn’t hear the hint in the other party’s words at all, he said, “You’re right, still young. Still didn’t learn much, need to practice more.”

Stunned, Huai Xiang Guo’s face turned red instantly when he heard these words. Doesn’t this mean that he can’t teach well?

Uncle An put the half-eaten jelly on the table as if he didn’t hear the conversation between the two, he said kindly, “You can continue to eat. The old master and the young master are talking so they will only come over in a while.”

Gu Ye thanked Uncle An with a smile and started to eat on his own. All the masters present looked at him with scrutiny in their eyes. Those who can come here are all famous figures in the circle, but Gu Ye, a young face, has received such courteous treatment, which really makes people confused about his background. Huai Xiang Guo also had to shut up at this time and endured it.

The old gentleman on the table next to Gu Ye took a sip of tea, and asked tentatively, “Can I ask where this little gentleman learned your skills from?”

Taking a bite of the jelly, Gu Ye’s eyes curved with a smile. He casually replied, “No school/clan, no sect, I just mess around by myself.”

This is obviously a lie. The old gentleman saw that Gu Ye didn’t want to tell him so he didn’t ask further.

However, Huai Xiang Guo said flatly, “He is Gu Ye’s younger disciple brother, also called Gu Ye.”

“Gu Ye?” The expressions of all the people around changed. Some are surprised, some are sorry, and some are disdainful.

Gu Ye smiled and said, “That’s right. My name is Gu Ye too, and my father is Gu Decheng. When my family needs to change the feng shui someday, I’ll invite you. My father is rich.”

Huai Xiang Guo’s words are blocked in one breath, his face flushed from holding back.

The old man next to Gu Ye sighed, “Your senior brother is a good person. In fact, there is no need to distinguish such a clear distinction between Taoism and sects, and there is no need to distinguish between good and evil. As long as one doesn’t do bad things and uses it in the right place, it’s good. From Gu Ye’s death, haven’t you all understood it yet? It’s time for the Xuanshu Association to reform. The rules and regulations have restricted everyone inside a tight circle, and this is the real reason why this line of work cannot be passed on.”

Everyone present did not dare to say anything, they lowered their heads and listened quietly to the teaching.

The old man looked at Gu Ye’s eyebrows again, and said with a smile, “Little mister has merits and virtues, and doesn’t care about trivial matters. This is a good thing. But your temper has to be restrained a little, so as not to offend others. You must know that ‘it is easy to hide from a visible spear, but it is difficult to guard against the hidden arrow.’ (idiom)”

Putting down the jelly in his hand, Gu Ye stood up. Then, he bowed to the old man, and said respectfully, “Thank you, Elder Tang, for your advice.”

Elder Tang is surprised, “You know me?”

“I do. The respected seniors in the mystic circle are completely different from those hypocrites who are trying to gain fame.”

Elder Tang shook his head helplessly. Listen to those words, he is still not afraid of offending others.

Behind the screen, Old Master Yu, who is nearly 70 years old and has gray hair, couldn’t help laughing when he heard Gu Ye’s words, “This kid you brought is quite interesting.”

Yu Ze had a cold expression with disdain, “Much better than the people you invited.”

As soon as Old Master Yu came out from the back, everyone in the hall stood up.

Raw word count: 6366 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 29

Chapter 29 My god, my brother ran away with a man!

Without turning back, Gu Ye knew who the person standing behind him is, and he also knew why the other party is looking for him. But he still stayed calm and continued burning the offering; the beauties and the tractor to his master. As he did it, he muttered to his master, “Although it’s not Qingming or the 15th day of the month, I feel that you don’t care about these rules anyway, old man. Just treat these as receiving a courier, and you can use it when you receive it. I haven’t dreamed of you for a long time, and I don’t know if you have been reincarnated. It would be a pity if you were reincarnated. These beauties are expensive yo.”

Hearing that, Qi Zong, who is standing behind Gu Ye, twitched his mouth again.

By the time Gu Ye burned everything, it is already dark. He stood up, patted the ashes on his hands, and looked at Team Leader Qi, “This Sir, you’ve been waiting for a long time.”

Qi Zong coughed and recovered from Gu Ye’s nagging, “Hello, I am the leader of the investigation team of Xuanshu Association, Qi Zong.”

Gu Ye tilted his head, “What can I do for you?”

“Are you Mr. Shao’s second apprentice? As far as I know, Mr. Shao has only one apprentice, Gu Ye.”

“That’s right because the time I got accepted was not during my master is alive. My senior brother was the one who accepted me. Coincidentally, my name is also Gu Ye.” Gu Ye smiled, “My senior brother mentioned that in the future, I will also get an apprentice and call him Gu Ye.”

The statement caused Qi Zong to choke on his breath. One Gu Ye is enough to give them a headache. These days, many young people who are new to the association are fans of Gu Ye, and they all think his lawless temper is very cool. Now there is another junior brother of Gu Ye, who is as lawless as him and has the same name and surname as him. Just thinking about it makes his head hurt.

“I came here to ask if you want to join the Xuanshu Association.” Qi Zong seriously threw out an olive branch, “We have many colleagues discussing academics together, learning from each other, and helping the people deal with unknown and dangerous events. There is a monthly salary, social insurances, and a housing loan. Since now you are the only one left in your sect, you should join us. Metaphysics gradually depreciated as time passed. With everyone staying together, at least we have someone to take care of each other’s back.”

Gu Ye waved his hand, “No, no, no, I think Mr. Qi has misunderstood. I don’t need organization, nor do I need to learn from each other, and I don’t need others to take care of me.” Gu Ye straightened his back and said proudly, “My father is Gu Decheng. My dad has money, he has plenty of money.”

Qi Zong is speechless. It’s precisely because he knew that Gu Ye’s father is rich and that he didn’t want Gu Ye to join Xuanshu Association that he(QZ) chased him(GY) to here. Gu Ye is still young, but his ability is very high. It is a pity that such a talent is left alone to grow free-range (without rules and guidance). And with this temperament, if no one manages him, he will be the next Gu Ye in the future who would dare to slap the face of the entire mystical arts world when stimulated.

“I’ve finished talking. Goodbye, Mr. Qi.”


“Don’t follow me!” Gu Ye’s expression turned cold in a second. He pointed at the man and said seriously, “Otherwise my master will crawl out of the coffin and take you away with him.”

Qi Zong: “…” Can’t continue with this talk anymore!

Gu Ye suppressed a smile, put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and walked away in his small white sneakers. When passing by a small mound of dirt, he can even skip along, just like an innocent boy who is not bothered by the world.

Qi Zong couldn’t even muster the strength to get angry. Finally, he shook his head helplessly, feeling powerless all over his body.

Gu Ye returned to the village, tidied up the house, and packed his backpack. Then he burned some joss paper in the yard, and said to the empty yard, “You poor little ones who have nowhere to go, it’s okay to stay in my house. Just remember to take care of the weeds and don’t let the house gets dusty.”

A breeze rose in the yard, and it spun around Gu Ye a few times. The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth curved up in a beautiful arc, and he nodded, “Okay, see you next time.”

Early the next morning, Gu Ye picked up his backpack and quietly left the village without closing the gate. At the entrance of the village, he stood there and yawned. Gu Ye has dark circles under his eyes as he finally dreamed of his master last night, after a long time. He was back to the days when he lived in the alley in the capital when he was a child. The old man chased after him all night with a walking stick. After running past eight streets, Gu Ye is too tired to walk now.

Counting something with his fingers, Gu Ye then raised his hand to stop a taxi and said when he entered the car, “Go north.”

The driver is puzzled, “North? Where should I stop then?”

Gu Ye leaned lazily on the seat. He closed his eyes, wanting to sleep, “Go north all the way and don’t look back, I’ll pay the distance you went. I have good fortune in the north.”

The driver master stepped on the gas pedal speechlessly, thinking that this young man is good-looking, but his brain is not good.

With this, Gu Ye ran out to play for several days. Mrs. Gu saw that Gu Ye seems to have enjoyed himself too much outside and didn’t intend to come back, so she sent him a message: [Come back quickly after playing enough, your father wants to send someone to catch you again.]

Gu Ye took a picture of a particularly rural road, surrounded by weeds and lala plants (Japanese hops), and sent it to his little mother: [Mom, when you are old, your son will take you here for a trip, isn’t it beautiful?]

Mrs. Gu replied in seconds: [Not going, thank you!]

Gu Ye secretly posted the conversation on his socmed: [This little old lady really doesn’t know how to appreciate the beauty of the world.]

Mrs. Gu is so angry when she saw the nickname ‘little old lady’ that she wanted to blacklist this unfilial son.

Unexpectedly, there are people who liked Gu Ye’s post. Mother Zhao looked at her son’s phone screen curiously and smiled, “From Gu Ye’s attitude, it can be seen that Gu Ye’s mother is still good to him, not as bad as the outside rumors.”

At this moment, another Like appeared under Gu Ye’s post. Seeing that,  Zhao Pengyu’s eyes widened, and he stood up in shock, startling Mother Zhao who was talking.

“Mom! Tell the truth, am I my uncle’s biological nephew? He even gave Gu Ye a thumbs-up (a Like in his post). He never gave a thumbs-up to me!”

Mrs. Zhao is also very surprised by this because Yu Ze is someone with deep thoughts since he was a child. No one would know what he is thinking unless he said it out.

“Probably… because you are ugly.” Mother Zhao couldn’t find a suitable reason, so she could only explain it this way to the child.

Zhao Pengyu angrily replied to Gu Ye: [Same world, same mother!]

The reason why Gu Ye chose to wander in the countryside is that the environment is good and pollution-free. The pace of life is slow too, which can reduce stress. The second is that there are many strange happenings in the countryside. Not only can he find some fun, but he can also help people solve their problems, which is also considered a merit.

When Gu Ye was young, his master told him that in order to cultivate oneself, one must first cultivate one’s mind, and one can do so among the people. Only when one is down to earth and understands people from all walks of life, then they will know how to be grateful and also know who actually needs their help.

Carrying a bag with him, Gu Ye played outside for half a month amidst Mrs. Gu’s soul-chasing calls. It wasn’t until Yu Ze called him to ask him for something that he stopped. Gu Ye calculated that his grades would come out soon so he head home slowly.

After entering the house, Gu Ye handed his bag to the nanny. Raising his hand with difficulty, he said, “Please turn on the air conditioner to 18 degrees Celsius, and give me a cup of strawberry-flavored shaved ice, thank you.”

Mrs. Gu sees that Gu Ye’s hair has grown so much that it became an eye-sore, “After going out for so many days, why didn’t you get tanned? See, your hair is so long that it can be braided. How did you live outside like this?”

Gu Ye fell on the sofa, lying flat like a salted fish, and said with a smile, “Can’t help it, this kind of thing follows whoever raises me. Since my mother is good-looking, I can’t get tanned no matter what. Even with a funky hairstyle, I will still be heaven-defying good-looking.”

Mrs. Gu glared at Gu Ye for a while with her mouth pursed. But soon, she couldn’t hold back the corners of her mouth, and patted Gu Ye’s shoulder happily, “Oh, you brat, hahaha~ Sister Wang, tell the kitchen to cook more dishes for lunch today. Xiao Ye likes to eat beef so make a steak too! I think he seemed to have lost weight, so we need to nourish him.”

Gu Ye grinned in pain and took the shaved ice handed over by the servant. Then he smiled too, my mom is so easy to flatter!

During lunchtime, Gu Yang also came back with his schoolbag on his back. Kiddo got invited by a group of girls to play at the claw game machine after school. The result was a great haul, and he carried several strings of dolls on his back. Seeing that his brother is back home, Gu Yang jumped up and down excitedly. The dolls behind him swayed from side to side, up and down. They were very colorful and Gu Ye wanted to sigh when he saw them.

“Brother! Where did you go to play? Take me with you next time! Take me with you!” Gu Yang threw himself on Gu Ye’s back and put his arms around Gu Ye’s neck. With a grin, he tried to knock his brother down.

Gu Ye clicked his tongue, this brat has grown up fast recently. He as the child from a premature birth seems to be the shortest of the brothers. If this kid dared to rebel even now, how about later in the future?

Gu Ye moved away to avoid the force of Gu Yang’s attack. With a kick from the bottom of his foot, he hit the acupuncture point on Gu Yang’s ankle. Kiddo fell down on the sofa with a gr0an, and Gu Ye pressed him down firmly with just one hand, “Easy. If I have a chance, I will take you there. Don’t get scared until you peed your pants yo.”

“Whoever is afraid is a dog!” Unable to struggle free, Gu Yang stiffened his neck and exclaimed.

Gu Ye suppressed Gu Yang again, and added the other leg, pressing down on Gu Yang that he could only wave his limbs around. He floundered like a little turtle being pinned to the ground, but unable to turn over.

Gu Ye didn’t expect Gu Yang to be serious with his words, because during the summer vacation, he really led Gu Yang to catch ghosts. At that time, he reminded Gu Yang, “You said it yourself, whoever is afraid of a dog, you are not allowed to back away.” As a result, Gu Yang hugged his arm and barked all the way, making Gu Ye so angry that he don’t want to bring him out anymore.

After taking a nap at noon, Gu Ye took a shower, changed his clothes, and went downstairs.

Gu Yang secretly followed behind Gu Ye and asked, “Brother, where are you going?”

Gu Ye answered without turning his head, “I have something to do outside. Don’t wait for me for dinner, I probably won’t come back to eat.”

Gu Yang asked cautiously, “Who are you eating with? Girlfriend?”

Gu Ye looked back helplessly, “What is this about girlfriend and boyfriend? Brat, don’t make wild guesses.”

Gu Yang curled his lips and ran to the top attic in one breath. He took out his binoculars and looked out. In his view, he saw a familiar luxury car parked in the shade of the gate outside. A young man in a white shirt is standing beside the car. The man is estimated to be over 1.85m, with long legs and a straight back. He just stood there quietly, but full of aura. Looking at the face, he is as handsome as the model on the poster. Next, Gu Ye can be seen at the gate and greeted the man with a smile. The other party raised his hand and shook it lightly, as a greeting. His gestures are elegant and handsome.

Gu Yang saw his brother get into the car and felt displeased. He doesn’t know when his brother made such a friend. At first glance, this kind of person seems to be very good at deceiving children!

When Gu Ye got into the car, Yu Ze said, “Is someone in your family hostile to me?”

“It should be my younger brother. That little brat, I don’t know what’s wrong with him.” Gu Ye smiled, but inside, he couldn’t help admiring Yu Ze’s ability. This person’s sensitivity is terrifyingly sharp. To be able to feel hostility from such a distance, is he still a human being?

Since they are closer distance with each other now, Gu Ye clearly felt the ghostly aura on Yu Ze’s body. It is daytime, and the cool Ghost General did not appear, but Gu Ye could still feel that the general is protecting Yu Ze. This is very strange to Gu Ye. Why did that Ghost General choose to follow Yu Ze who couldn’t see him? The general should come to him, be his No. 1 spirit servant!

Seeing that Gu Ye is silent, Yu Ze took out a game console from the drawer, “Want to play?”

Gu Ye took it over and saw that it is new and unopened, “You didn’t buy it now, did you?”

“At your age, you might be bored on the road.”

Yu Ze’s voice is so soft that people can’t feel how caring he is but the warm gesture made Gu Ye curve the corner of his mouth. He and Yu Ze haven’t actually spoken a few words, and he doesn’t know each other’s temperament but judging from his facial features, Yu Ze is not a person who will take the initiative to care about others. On the contrary, he should be terribly indifferent, and there should be nothing for him to care about except his family.

“Actually, Mr. Yu doesn’t need to keep thinking about the incident where I saved Zhao Pengyu. He and I are buddies and I am happy to save him. You really don’t need to pay off the debt for him.” Gu Ye attributed Yu Ze’s kindness to him from Zhao Pengyu’s incident.

After opening the box of the game console, Gu Ye shifted to a comfortable position and sat down. Then he asked, “What do you think Old Master Yu asked me to see? Is it about the tea party?”

“No.” Yu Ze said with a helpless expression, “Someone gave him a painting. But he said there is something wrong with it, so he wanted to have a master to look at it.”

Gu Ye couldn’t help laughing. This is not easy for Yu Ze as he didn’t believe in ghosts and gods at all. But his father believed in this and invited the masters to his home for gatherings every year.

At this moment in the old house of the Yu family, the study room is filled with priceless ancient paintings. In a beautiful landscape painting, a beautiful woman in a red dress, holding a pipa and a red paper umbrella stood up from the stone bench under the tree and flew lightly to the tree.

The attendant who cleaned the study swallowed nervously as soon as he walked to the painting. Mustering the courage to look at this painting, he then threw away the feather duster in fright, screaming, “Sure enough, she moved again! That woman moved again! She moves as soon as the young master is not at home!”

The author has something to say:

When Yu Ze is at home, the beauty: Dare not move, dare not move, dare not move…

Raw word count: 3764


[Banana: Apologies for the slow update. Busy at RL work and also Banana is playing Stardew Valley again… ehe]

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 28 Part 2

Chapter 28 If She Won’t Marry, You Will! (Part 2)

At this moment, Li Cui’s house is more lively than the other side. After selling his daughter, Li Dahai had already heard a lot of gossip and knew that the neighbors are scolding him; he can be considered famous in the town now. Many old people said that he will get retribution. Even his wife cried and said every day that his daughter would hate them. In the past 2 days, Li Dahai has been a little paranoid. When he heard noises in the middle of the night, he will get up and have a look.

Tonight, the sky is extremely dark, and the air seemed to be different from before. Li Dahai is tossing and turning and couldn’t sleep. He keeps having a feeling that something is watching him. Suddenly, there is a loud noise in the living room, and there is the sound of something being smashed. Li Dahai endured his fear, turned on the light, and went out to have a look. The family portrait they had taken before had fallen to the ground and is broken into several pieces. Li Dahai’s heart skipped a beat, and he wondered if the girl really came back.

Suddenly, the lights went out!

The room is so dark that one couldn’t see their fingers. When people can’t see, it makes them feel more terrified. Li Dahai asked with a trembling voice, “Cui Cui? Is that you, Cui Cui?”

There is another smashing sound. Li Dahai is so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground. Next, the things in the room started flying by themselves and fell to the ground with a loud crash. Li Dahai hugged his head in fear, and shouted in a panicked tone, “Girl, stop making trouble! Stop making trouble! I have no other choice. Your mother and I have raised you so long to adulthood. But you were gone in the blink of an eye. What can I do? I have to find a way to earn some money for the coffin/burial, right?”

There is no movement in the room. Li Dahai thought that Li Cui had listened to his words, and wanted to continue persuading her. However, at this moment, with a BANG, the table at home flew out upside down, and then the sofa stood up. Compared with just now, his daughter has become even more violent.

Li Dahai almost peed in fright, squatting in the corner trembling, when the light suddenly turned on again.

“What’s going on?” Li Cui’s mother turned on the light, and the youngest daughter also came out of another room. Seeing the mess of the house, she angrily asked her husband who is squatting in the corner, “What are you doing and not sleeping at night?”

Because her husband sold her eldest daughter, Li Cui’s mother had serious resentment towards her husband, and she didn’t even want to share a room with him. The same goes for the younger daughter, who looked at her father with disdain. When her sister was alive, her father used the money she earned to smoke and drink. When her sister died, this man would not even let the body go (and sold it), which made her feel a chill down her back.

“Cui Cui is back! Cui Cui is back and making trouble!” Li Dahai crawled to the door tremblingly. He couldn’t stay in this house anymore, he is scared, really scared.

“If you don’t do anything wrong, what are you afraid of my sister?” The little girl is also eloquent in her speech with a poisonous tongue, “My sister didn’t say that she will take you away.”

When Li Cui’s mother heard that her daughter had come back, she called out in a low voice with red eyes, “Cui Cui, are you blaming your parents? Your father is not human!”

After Li Cui’s mother cried out, the light went out again, and the whole family is shocked. Then, the light is turned on and off, flashing back and forth dozens of times. Li Cui’s mother couldn’t bear it anymore. She burst into tears, “Mom knows you are wronged. Cui Cui, stop making trouble. I’ll let your father return the money tomorrow and bring you back. We’ll let you go to Liu Chao’s place so let’s stop making trouble, okay?”

After Li Cui’s mother finished speaking, the lights stopped flashing.

After a while, Li Dahai realized that he is really fine and unharmed, he stood up tremblingly and scolded his wife with a strict tone, “Send the money back? What will I spend then? How can I earn 50,000 yuan by myself?”

The little girl said with a cold face, “If you only sit at home and wait to die, you will not earn 50,000 yuan in your whole life.”

“I…” Li Dahai is at a loss for words. The temper he has from being told off by the little girl suddenly jumps up, and he raised his hand, wanting to hit someone, “You unfilial daughter! What you eat and wear now is given by me!”

“My mother is the one who gave it to me! My mother made the money by cleaning other people’s houses!”

“I’ll beat you to death!”

Seeing that there is going to be another argument, the TV set at home suddenly flew up and smashed towards Li Dahai. Li Dahai is so frightened that he staggered and flopped on the ground. The TV barely stopped moving on top of his head, almost killing him. Li Dahai is so frightened that he didn’t dare to move, holding his head like a quail.

At this moment, Li Cui’s younger sister pointed at the wall and her eyes widened in shock, “Mom! Look!”

A line of conspicuous words is written in bright red blood on the wall: Mom, get a divorce. You will live better without him.

Seeing this, Li Cui’s mother sat on the ground covering her face, crying in despair. Indeed, she and her little daughter would have a better life without this lazy man. Even if her eldest daughter is dead, she(LC) still can’t stop worrying about her. At this point, what else holding her back? Why should she care about other people’s opinions? This marriage needs to get a divorce.

It’s lively here at the Li family, while the Xiang family where Li Cui’s body is located is simply horrifying.

For the bride has risen from her coffin!

The people in the mourning shed are terrified. The master invited by the Xiang family went over to see and swiftly declared that he didn’t want any red envelopes (more money). He said bluntly that he couldn’t handle this matter anymore. He had never learned how to fight stiff corpse/jiangshi so he ran away as fast as he could. The Xiang family is in a mess. They are so scared that they paid a high price to find someone to send Li Cui’s body back overnight.

It’s a stiff corpse/jiangshi, alright?! Who would dare to want this kind of daughter-in-law?

So at dawn the next day, a hearse stopped in front of Liu Chao’s house. After unloading a phoenix motive coffin, the car turned around, driving away at a speeding speed of 180 mph.

Gu Ye slept until noon, just in time to see the cremation vehicle coming out of Liu Chao’s house. He watched them walk away together and shrugged; a merit is completed. Yawning, he went back to his room, changed his clothes, and went to town.

Ordering 3 dishes, a bowl of soup, Gu Ye finished it with half a bowl of rice in a restaurant and stretched lazily. After that, he went to the funeral supply shop and bought a sack of hell money, a paper pig, a paper cow, a paper horse, and a two-story paper building. After thinking for a while, he pointed to the paper mahjong machine standing in the corner, “That one, give me one too.”

The shopkeeper looked at him with incomparably thoughtful eyes, but he still wrote it down in the purchase notebook.

Gu Ye smiled and asked, “Boss, can you deliver door-to-door if I buy more?”

The uncle shopkeeper didn’t know what Gu Ye is happy about. Generally, people who come to his shop to buy things have mournful faces. It’s the first time he sees such a festive-looking customer and he can’t get used to it.

“If your home is located in this town and you buy a lot, we can deliver it.”

“Alright then, this, this, and this, I’ll give my master a set! Ey? Those 8 young ladies, give my master a set too!”

The corner of the shopkeeper’s mouth twitched. Inside, he thought to himself, who is this unlucky master who accepted such an unreliable disciple? Giving his master 8 beauties, isn’t that simply looking for a beating?

“For the ladies, do you want the exquisitely crafted version or the ordinary ones? Exquisite ones are expensive. It’s 500 yuan per person, so 8 will cost you 4,000 yuan.”

“The exquisite ones, I want the best for my master!” Gu Ye rested his chin and looked around the shop again, and suddenly burst into laughter, “Boss, sell me that tractor too.”

When Gu Ye imagine how his master driving a tractor, with a group of beautiful girls sitting in the back of the tractor, the tractor emitting black smoke and putted along the moment he pressed the pedal… the mental picture is too beautiful!

When the leader of the investigation team of Xuanshu Association found Gu Ye, Gu Ye is squatting in front of his master’s grave, burning gifts of beauties and a tractor to his master. Upon seeing what he burned, the team leader’s expression is quite spectacular.

Master: No one can hold down my coffin board (a.k.a stopping him from coming out of his coffin!

Raw word count: 5015 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 28 Part 1

Chapter 28 If She Won’t Marry, You Will! (Part 1)

Xiang Lei was a villain when he was alive. Because of rxpe and murder, and the circumstances were particularly horrible, he got sentenced to death. However, he didn’t get better after death. In the past few years, he has bullied the lonely ghosts around him and even ate ghosts before. That is why his spiritual power is so strong.

The beautiful wife that Xiang Lei took fancy is almost gotten in hand but now has slipped away. In a fit of rage, Xiang Lei came to snatch her. Regardless of whether she is married or not, he would take her away if he saw her.

From childhood to adulthood, his family gave him everything he wanted, and there was nothing he couldn’t get so Xiang Lei is used to being overbearing. However, he never expected that there would be someone fiercer than him here! Xiang Lei got slapped back a few steps by the brick and had no choice but to let go of the bride in his hand. He turned to look at Gu Ye apprehensively and is stunned speechless with what he saw.

The person in front of him is a young man with red lips and white teeth, looking beautiful and delicate. Now because of anger, the young man’s face is slightly red, and his pale skin looked dewy and tender, making him look even more beautiful than the bride. Xiang Lei is a bastard and doesn’t have gender preferences. When he saw Gu Ye, he became excited. He pointed at Gu Ye’s nose, and said excitedly, “If she won’t marry, you’ll will!”

Gu Ye laughed out of anger, gritted his teeth, and forced out a sentence, “I think you wanted your soul to be blasted to smithereens!”

Just now, Gu Ye simply wanted to beat the ghost up, so he attacked without using any spells.

Xiang Lei didn’t know that he had completely pissed off Gu Ye. He is absorbed in checking Gu Ye out. His face is good-looking, and his body is also nice. The more he looked, the more satisfied he are. “Don’t think that you can resist me after learning a little Taoism skill. When I was alive, no one dared to mess with me. I have eaten several Taoist priests like you!”

“Heh!” Gu Ye sneered and took out a cinnabar pen from his pocket. He drew a few strokes on the brick, and the golden aura instantly covered the whole brick. Gu Ye tested the weight in his hand and think that the brick felt right in his hand. Next, he rushed forward and smacked Xiang Lei’s face directly without saying a word.

When Xiang Lei saw the golden light from the brick, he became a little cautious. This kind of golden light is formed by the power of merit. Even ghosts are afraid of this kind of yang energy and holy thing. Xiang Lei subconsciously raised his arm to block it, but he didn’t expect Gu Ye’s brick to be effective like a sacred weapon for exorcising demons. His arm is like a crab’s leg blocking a car, and it got smashed without resistance. The golden light spread throughout his body through his arms, and even his soul trembled. Xiang Lei screamed ARRRGGGHH in pain, scaring away all the wild ghosts who wanted to watch the excitement at the side.

Ordinary people can’t hear his ghostly scream, but Gu Ye can hear it clearly. The voice is so horrible that it hurts people’s eardrums. Gu Ye shoved the brick into the bastard’s mouth and said, “Shut up!”

Xiang Lei’s teeth almost got smashed in by Gu Ye, so he is furious and wanted to kill Gu Ye. With a cold face, Gu Ye moved his fist without saying anything, hitting out like punching a sandbag, “You think you are amazing because you killed people before?! You think you are great because you got shot to death?! Eating ghosts is amazing?! How narcissistic you are!”

The black ghost aura on Xiang Lei’s body is punched away by Gu Ye’s repeated hits. There is a golden light on his fist, causing Xiang Lei’s soul to tremble every time he got hit. He screamed in pain as if his soul is about to disappear in the next second, and his ghostly aura is dispersed. Every time he wanted to accumulate his aura again and is about to succeed, Gu Ye made him feel hopeless with another punch.

Liu Chao and Li Cui hugged each other, watching Gu Ye beating a ghost. They are trembling with fright, especially when Gu Ye raised his fist. They felt like wanted to step back a little, for fear of getting brushed by the golden light and getting their soul destroyed.

Gu Ye didn’t stop until Xiang Lei’s ghostly aura could no longer gather. Grabbing Xiang Lei’s hair with one hand, he dragged Xiang Lei into his yard like dragging a broom. Seeing that the couple hadn’t followed in yet, Gu Ye glared in the direction of the door angrily, “Come in, you two.”

Terrified, Liu Chao and Li Cui quickly followed, and even help to close the broken wooden door of Gu Ye’s house.

Gu Ye threw Xiang Lei’s ghost on the ground like mud and stepped over him. Then, he moved a folding stool from the house and put it at the door before sitting there with a murderous look on his face.


Liu Chao who is being cued, trembled in fear.

“Go to your wife’s house to make a fuss until the whole family can’t sleep. No matter what method you use, just give them a good scare.” Gu Ye drew a talisman for Liu Chao, “This talisman can strengthen your aura. Go and make a commotion, understand?”


The Li Cui who is being cued this time, hid behind Liu Chao in fear.

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched. Is he that scary?!

“Go to that retard’s family to make trouble. Do you know how to move your corpse?”

The young couple looked confused and didn’t understand why Gu Ye arranged it like this.

Gu Ye looked at the couple as if they are mentally handicapped, and thought to himself, ‘No wonder it was said on the Internet that people in love have low IQs’.

“You are already ghosts, do you deserve the word ghost if you don’t haunt them? Make a fuss, make a fuss to your heart’s content. Make them so frightened that they send Li Cui’s body back at dawn. Whether her body can be sent back tomorrow depends on how the two of you perform tonight.”

“Oh! Understood!” The couple finally understood. Under the threat of Gu Ye’s gaze that says ‘Why are you still dawdling here, do you want to be beaten?’, they flew out like arrows leaving the bow.

Gu Ye looked at Xiang Lei again and made a finger sign in disgust. This kind of bastard, it’s better to just destroy his soul.

At this moment, with a squeaking sound, the dilapidated wooden door is pushed open from the outside. Someone stood at the door and whispered, “Is anyone there?”

Gu Ye frowned, he is very upset to be interrupted by this unexpected visitor. Two men in black attire came to the yard and saw Gu Ye and Xiang Lei’s ghost lying on the ground in front of him. The young man who is walking in front couldn’t hold back and asked, “What’s the matter with you, why did you catch him into your home? We have been looking for him for several days! Did you also snatch away the soul of that female ghost?”

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, dissatisfied with the interrogation, “What do you mean by snatching? The young couple originally wanted to be together. Isn’t there a saying that goes ‘one would rather demolish a temple than a marriage’? Your master didn’t tell you this fact?”

After being said that, the young man is speechless. It seemed logical.

The middle-aged man said with a sullen face, “There is no such thing as helping ghosts. It is a rule in the mystical art world to help people, not to help ghosts. The more you help, the more entangled you become. Didn’t your master tell you this fact?”

Gu Ye looked at the men’s faces, and felt amused, “You are his master, right? No wonder your disciple speaks without a brain. It seems that you as the master don’t have a good brain either.”

Gu Ye pointed to Xiang Lei who is lying on the ground, his soul had been beaten to the point of instability, “It’s this retard who came to make trouble. People are married but he still comes to snatch the bride. You guys from Xuanshu Association, do your eyes grow on the soles of your feet? You can’t even understand this logic?”

Being scolded, the little disciple’s face flushed red. He wanted to get angry but couldn’t find a suitable reason. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Gu Ye said is reasonable. So he looked at his master, and said sullenly, “It seems that this ghost is really in the wrong.”

“Shut up! The point is not right or wrong, but rules!” The middle-aged man scolded his disciple, “Rules are rules!”

Gu Ye sneered, “Good children are taught askew by you like this. Let me tell you, child. Humans and ghosts are the same. Right and wrong, good and evil, you have to learn to judge for yourself. A bastard, whether it’s a human or a ghost, is a bastard when doing bad things. If you want to beat a bastard, would you still consider whether it is human or ghost?”

The young man got taken aback by what Gu Ye said. After thinking about Gu Ye’s words carefully, his eyes suddenly brightened. From the moment he entered the Taoism circle, everyone told him to obey the rules, or he would be punished by heaven. But today, Gu Ye opened the door to a new world for him. So it can be viewed like this! Very cool!

The middle-aged man looked at the little disciple’s eyes and wished he could find a piece of tape to seal Gu Ye’s mouth. This is simply misleading others’ disciples!

“You guys are looking for this thing, right? Here, catch it!” Gu Ye is happy to let people do the job. Raising his foot, he kicked Xiang Lei to the feet of the master and disciple like a football.

The middle-aged man saw that Gu Ye wanted to shift the responsibilities to them. This ghost has done a lot of evil so one could only destroy his soul (not imprisonment). Who would want to do such a thing? He quickly said, “There is an unwritten rule in our mystic arts circle. If you don’t care about the matter, don’t do anything about it. But if you want to take action, you must handle it to the end. Since you have already taken action, we won’t interfere.”

“Oh no, you guys are the official department, and I’m a passing vagrant.”

With a smile on the corner of Gu Ye’s mouth, he spread his hands and said cheerfully, “Handling these things is the job of your Xuanshu Association, you guys are paid for it. To use an analogy, the one who saves people is the Father. For me who casually saves people along the way, at most I can be regarded as a wild Father, you are real Fathers.”

The middle-aged man’s face turned red and he stomped his feet angrily. What real father and wild father? He felt like he is being scolded!

After Gu Ye finished speaking, he moved his folding chair into the house and closed the door. He is too lazy to talk nonsense with them, so he returned to his bed and went to sleep. Tomorrow he still has to go shopping for the old man’s grave visit; he is very busy.

The master and apprentice reluctantly collected Xiang Lei’s ghost and took it back to deal with.

The little disciple looked at the closed door. He couldn’t help but run over. Sticking himself against the crack of the door, he asked softly, “My name is Luo Huai, what’s your name?”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and answered, “Gu Ye’s younger junior brother, No. 2 Gu Ye.”

“Master! He’s that Gu Ye’s younger brother! That Gu Ye who used forbidden techniques to save the people of a city! He’s so handsome (attitude)!” The little disciple jumped around his master excitedly, “My idol! So amazing!”

“Shut up! That’s a taboo in the circle. He doesn’t obey the rules and often uses forbidden techniques. You are not allowed to learn from him!”

“So handsome!”

“Shut up! Don’t mention that name!”

Raw word count: 5015 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 27

Chapter 27 The big fight of bride-snatching

The newly-turned ghost is undoubtedly the woman’s son, the Liu Chao that several aunts mentioned. Gu Ye chased the ghost to the mountain behind the village, “Liu Chao, come out now. Don’t you just want to find your wife? I can help you.”

The surroundings remained quiet, and there is no sign of ghosts coming out of it. Gu Ye continued with a smile, “If you don’t come out, your wife’s wedding ceremony will be finished on the other side in another half an hour. At that moment, no one can help you anymore.”

“Who are you? You can see me?” The ghost figure finally floated out from its hiding place, looking at Gu Ye defensively.

“I’m Gu Ye, the Gu Ye who stayed in the house in front of your home.”

Gu Ye sized the ghost up. Liu Chao’s eyes had already started to turn red, and the black ghostly aura on his body has become so strong that he didn’t look like a normal new ghost. Liu Chao is about to blacken into a fierce ghost. Gu Ye calculated their future earlier, once Liu Chao completely blackened, many innocent people will die. However, the one who is fiercer than him is his wife, who is a boss in disguise.

Liu Chao scrutinized Gu Ye, “Are you the fortune teller Gu Ye?”

Gu Ye said with a thoughtful tone, “The Gu Ye you mentioned should be my senior brother, but I am also Gu Ye.”

Hearing that, Liu Chao is a little confused.

Gu Ye smiled, “My senior brother said, find a junior named Gu Ye, and then in the future find an apprentice named Gu Ye. So, whoever provokes us in the future, it’s like stabbing a hornet’s nest called Gu Ye, let Grandpa Gu’s ghost haunts them everywhere.”

Liu Chao finally shows a little joyful expression on his face, “I heard from my family that Gu Ye is very powerful, Gu Ye is a little heavenly being!”

Gu Ye squinted his eyes to see that the black aura above Liu Chao’s head hadn’t gotten any worse, and then he felt relieved, “I know, I can help you.”

Liu Chao excitedly said, “I can do anything, be a cow or a horse (servant) to repay you. I will be your ghost servant, and you can do whatever you want me to do. Cui Cui is very timid, and she must be very scared now. I am going to save her.”

Gu Ye wondered, “Is love something that can make people this crazy?”

Liu Chao said firmly, “Yes.”

Gu Ye understood that love is something that can turn a ghost into a mentally handicapped person.

“Okay, give me the 8 characters of her birth date.”

Liu Chao thought for a while and looked a little embarrassed, “I don’t know the exact date. She is born in the rabbit year, and her birthday is the 3rd day of July/七月初三 (in the Chinese calendar). Also, she should be born at noon because I remember she mentioned before that people born at noon are brave, but she is timid.”

[Banana: Not very sure how the Chinese calendar works, Banana just knows to look at the calendar for reference hehe. Any country with Chinese residents should be familiar with this kind of calendar. 3rd day of July should be 18th Aug in this case but Banana thinks the date differs every year?]

Gu Ye counted the perpetual calendar backward and said, “It’s enough to know the rough date. Do you have anything that she used before? Come on, time is running out.”

“My home has it!”

Gu Ye turned to run immediately. But Liu Chao is a newly-turned ghost, and he hadn’t learned how to float faster. So he couldn’t catch up with Gu Ye’s mortal legs. Gu Ye made a hand sign in disdain and a golden thread appeared, tying to Liu Chao’s body. Pulling the ghost like flying a kite, Gu Ye reached Liu Chao’s house in 2 minutes.

At this time, the mourning hall of the Liu family is still there (not dismantled yet). Liu Chao’s body has been placed in a coffin and will be cremated tomorrow. There is also a phoenix motive coffin next to it, obviously prepared for Li Cui, but unfortunately, it is empty now.

Liu Chao’s mother sat beside the coffin, her tears seemed to dry up. Sitting there motionless, she stared straight at the portrait of her son with blank eyes, as if she had lost her goal of living.

Liu Chao cried out in distress, “Mom!”

His mother didn’t respond so Liu Chao wanted to call again, but Gu Ye tightened the string in his hand and pulled him to his side, “Stop calling, she can’t hear you.”

Seeing Gu Ye, a stranger, the villagers who were helping came over and asked, “Who are you?”

Gu Ye didn’t have time to explain to the villagers, so he went straight to the point, “I’m Gu Ye’s younger disciple brother who lived next door. I saw Liu Chao just now, and I have a few words I want to say to Liu Chao’s parents.”

The villagers immediately felt a chill down their backs. Gu Ye is a well-known figure in their town. He can tell fortune, read Feng Shui, find locations for ancestor burial spots, and solve many problems for the villagers. This young man doesn’t look like he’s lying, so if he is really Gu Ye’s junior brother, it’s not uncommon for him to be able to see ghosts.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Gu Ye introduced himself, the woman who was sitting in front of the coffin in a daze just now suddenly seemed to come alive. She rushed out of the house like crazy, grabbing Gu Ye’s shoulders with both hands and asked with red eyes, “My son is back? Did you see my son? What did my son say? Is he unwilling?”

“Yes.” Gu Ye’s shoulders hurt from being held in a tight grip, so he pinched the acupuncture points on the aunt’s wrist with both hands and loosened her strength. He comforted her, “I’ll help him to snatch his wife back. Auntie, you have to help me.”

“I’ll help! I’ll definitely help!” Aunt Liu pulled Gu Ye into the house, “Tell me, little master, what can I do?”

Gu Ye sighed again. Should it be said that the countryside folks are simple-minded, or should it be said that the hearts of parents in the world are pitiful? Being a mother is bitter, even if there is a glimmer of hope, she can fight for her son. See, he is just a stranger but she believes what he said.

“Your son said that there are things that Li Cui used in his room, and I need them now.”

Aunt Liu hurried to look for it, and she really found it.

Liu Chao’s father finished his work outside and came back haggard. He is also unkempt, having not shaved for 2 days, and the hair at his temples is turning white. After listening to Liu Chao’s mother’s explanation, the uncle just thought about it for a while, “Okay, let’s do whatever little master says. We just ask for peace of mind.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let them bring your daughter-in-law back.”

Gu Ye closed the door and drew a soul-capturing array at the side of the coffin. Next, he placed the things used by the girl inside the coffin, and write her birth date characters on the paper with a cinnabar pen. Gu Ye never takes the usual path. Other masters invite souls, but he directly captures souls. Anyone will have to come even if they don’t want to.

A green light quietly lit up in the array. After the will-o’-the-wisps struggled a few times, a ghost bride wearing a red bridal gown quietly appeared in the circle!

Liu Chao, who is standing behind Gu Ye, rushed over in surprise. At this moment, the ghost bride raised her head. Her eyes are red, and she glared at everyone in front of her with hatred. Her wedding dress is as red as if stained with blood, especially after seeing Liu Chao’s memorial portrait, a layer of blood-colored mist filled the surroundings, and Liu Chao got bounced away in an instant!

“Cui Cui!” Liu Chao looked at this vicious female ghost in shock, “Is it Cui Cui? How did you become like this, Cui Cui?”

Seeing his lover, Liu Chao ignored the danger and took two steps forward. Distressed, he yelled again, “Cui Cui, I’m Liu Chao. Cui Cui, take a look at me!”

Hearing Liu Chao’s call, the ghost bride turned her head slowly with red eyes. After seeing clearly that it was Liu Chao, her body froze for a while. Then at the next moment, she rushed over like a red arrow and hugged Liu Chao. She cried, “Liu Chao!”

Gu Ye watched the thick blood mist on the girl’s body gradually fade away. The black aura on Liu Chao’s body faded away too, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Chao died full of resentment as he couldn’t get what he wanted, but he needed to be stimulated a little more to be blackened. However, this girl got sold to a stranger by her biological father so the grievances on her body are heavier than Liu Chao’s. Her temperament has changed drastically, and she has murderous intentions. Once she killed someone and is stained with human blood, she will be even crazier than Liu Chao. But still, Gu Ye has to sigh, it’s scary how love has such a magical power!

A young couple who finally reunited embraced each other, performing a scene of a life and death love, and seems to be starting a crying fest. Gu Ye interrupted them, “Don’t cry, cry later if you wanted to. Come on, bridegroom. Go and start the wedding ceremony. We’ll grab this marriage tonight, and tomorrow you can pay your respect to your in-laws.”

Liu Chao’s parents couldn’t see the ghosts, so when they heard Gu Ye’s words, they turned to stare at the soul-capturing formation. Liu Chao’s mother asked cautiously, “My son is back? He’s back?”

Gu Ye clicked his tongue. Thinking that now that he has reached this point, he should just let the two poor old people be comforted, so he drew twice in the air with a cinnabar pen, “Spiritual eyes, open!”

The next moment, Liu Chao’s parents looked at the scene in disbelief. The old couple are so excited that they wanted to pounce on their son. Gu Ye stopped them and pulled the two to sit on the chair. “Calm down! We’re snatching a bride here, understand? If the couple doesn’t start the wedding ceremony (worship heaven and earth a.k.a the first bow as a married couple), Li Cui’s soul will be bound to the other family there.”

The family of four didn’t dare to cry anymore and obeyed Gu Ye’s arrangement honestly.

“Worship the heavens and the earth, and then worship the parents. After thanking me as a matchmaker, the ceremony is done. Go and kowtow to your parents.”

Gu Ye wrote the couple’s birth date characters together and burned the talisman paper. After that, he persuaded, “When the grievances are gone, go to reincarnate. I will give you two a love line for 3 lifetimes together.”

This side has completed the ceremony, so on the other side, the family that bought Li Cui is dumbfounded. The master in charge of this matter has put together the birth date characters of Li Cui and a man named Xiang Lei. He set them in the incense, but it won’t burn up no matter how. The master looked at the Li Cui’s memorial tablet in puzzlement, and suddenly found that there is a red line on the tablet, “Eh? No, this girl has already a marriage contract. So this marriage cannot be concluded.”

“What marriage contract?” A chubby woman in her fifties who looked like a nouveau riche woman wearing a gold necklace, gold earrings, and gold bracelet came over and asked anxiously, “We’ve inquired already. This girl has a boyfriend but is not engaged. If we hadn’t gone to buy her body in the middle of the night, we wouldn’t make it in time to grab her.”

The master checked the tablet again, and said with certainty, “It’s not that my eyes have a problem, it’s just that there is really a marriage contract. One woman does not marry two husbands, so if that marriage is not dissolved there, this one can’t be done here.”

The woman became impatient, “What’s going on with that family? They are cheating our money! No, this marriage has to be done!” Rubbing her legs, she pulled her husband in a panic, and asked in a low voice, “Does this master think that the money we gave him is not enough? If so, I will give him another red envelope. I am afraid that if this marriage does not work out, that unfilial son will come and beat me in my dream again.”

The woman had been dreaming about her son for several days. Her son said that it was too boring to be alone under there, and he wanted a wife. He even dared to punch and kick her in the dream. Hence, the woman asked someone to burn a paper wife for him, but he made a fuss about not wanting that and even came to look for her again in her dream. After finally finding a suitable girl, this wedding must be done.

At this moment, no one saw that a black figure is crouching on the roof, glaring at the tablet angrily. Then, it turned around and flew towards Daliu Village.

Gu Ye had other arrangements to do in the second half of the night. It is just after 10.00 pm, and he is about to take a rest for a while and get up again at 11.00 pm. Unexpectedly, just as he lay down, a gloomy ghostly aura flitted past his roof. It has been a long day today and Gu Ye spent half the day on the road so he is quite tired. Dawdling out of his room to take a look, the scene caused him to purse his mouth in anger.

A ferocious-looking middle-aged ghost viciously kicked Liu Chao, a new ghost, away, and dragged Li Cui’s neck like a dead dog with him, showing no mercy. After all, Liu Chao has just recently died, and he has never done anything bad in his lifetime. He only has resentment on his body, but no evil aura. Regardless of the pain, he got up and rushed up again, but he is not the old ghost’s opponent at all. He is grabbed by the hair and pinned to the ground, and his soul had become transparent after being thrown.

Seeing her lover being beaten like this, the evil aura that had disappeared from her body once again gathered in Li Cui’s body. Bloody mist filled the air, and her eyes turned blood red, “Why? Why do you all have to force me? Why? Why can’t you let us go?”

Seeing Li Cui’s evil aura getting intense, Liu Chao shouted worriedly, “Cui Cui! If you lose your mind, you won’t be able to reincarnate!”

“If I can’t be with you, why should I reincarnate? Why should I pass to another life? Why should I become a new person?”

Li Cuicui grabbed Xiang Lei’s wrist, and her body floated up. The strong evil spirit stirred up a gust of eerie wind, and the blood-red wedding dress rustled wildly in the wind.

“Oh? You bitch, how dare you resist me!” Xiang Lei then said viciously, “I’ll eat him so that he would never be reincarnated!”

Seeing this, Gu Ye picked up a brick from the ground. He ran over and slammed it at the old ghost on the forehead, angrily scolding, “Like to eat so much? Are you not afraid of breaking your doggy teeth?! Eat this then! If you don’t open your mouth, I’ll kill you!”

Dog: Who did I offended???

Raw word count: 3416


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Selling Own Daughter For Money

Unsurprisingly, the person on the other side fell silent, as if he was torn between whether to come or not. Gu Ye held back a smirk and said, “I’m just kidding. If I’m inviting you to dinner, we definitely wouldn’t come to this kind of place.”

Yu Ze probably didn’t expect Gu Ye to joke with him, so he paused for a moment before chuckling, “I have a meeting later so I can’t come. But I’ll treat you guys to some after-meal dessert.”

Gu Ye looks at Zhao Pengyu, your little uncle is such a nice guy!

Zhao Pengyu shook his head like a rattle. He held out both hands with Gu Ye like Er Kang’s pose, indicating that his uncle is not as nice as he thought. He suffered countless hidden damages when he was a child. His childhood memories were all of his uncle’s tricks*.

*This sentence is a play of words that is not translatable to English so Banana just replace with something similar.

Sure enough, Yu Ze kept his word. In a short while, someone brought a box of desserts. There are all kinds of desserts, and the portions are just right for tasting. Gu Ye said in a surprised tone, “He actually knows where we are.”

“It should be he checked the GPS I have on my body.” Zhao Pengyu used a fork to flip the dessert box and then checked the desserts one by one. As he did that, he turned his face to the side, for fear that something would spray out from the dessert and hit himself with cream foam.

Gu Ye and Xia Xiang didn’t think too much. They each took one and ate it. It makes them wonder where Yu Ze ordered these desserts from. It tastes better than the ones sold in the shops. The cream melts in the mouth, and the chilly feeling; very tasty. Zhao Pengyu only dared to eat the desserts when he saw the two of them are eating well.

Xia Xiang asked, “Your uncle is really kind to you. He only has you as the only nephew?”

“No, I’m the oldest. My second aunt’s family has twins, and my third aunt’s family has a younger cousin. When I was young, no one cared about me so I often lived in my grandfather’s house. My uncle is only 7 years older than me, and he teases me like a monkey every day. Maybe that’s why he likes me the most.” Zhao Pengyu had a serious face, and he almost believed what he said.

Xia Xiang pointed out mercilessly, “He didn’t even want you to talk just now.”

Zhao Pengyu: “Don’t say it! One does not simply reveal the truth!”

Gu Ye smiled and ate another piece of dessert. He doesn’t like dessert very much and just tastes for something new. But he did eat more than usual today. After eating and drinking, the three of them went to a nearby video game city and played games all afternoon. It is past 5.00 pm when he got back.

When Gu Ye got home, he saw the invitation card on his desk, and couldn’t help admiring. These words from Old Master Yu deserved to be framed up and treated as a treasure. The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, flying like dragons and phoenixes. Without decades of foundation, momentum, and insight, one simply can’t write such characters.

During dinner at night, Gu Decheng asked Gu Ye, “I heard that you received an invitation from the Yu family?”

Gu Ye answered calmly, “The old master invited me to appreciate the antiques.”

Gu Decheng happily said, “Not bad. Inviting you to this tea party should be because you saved Zhao Pengyu. It’s also good to go and broaden your knowledge. The Yu family has a rich cultural background, and the old master’s calligraphy and paintings are all national treasures. You should talk less, listen more, watch more, and learn more.”

Gu Ye nodded obediently. The way to survive in this family is – Everything Dad said is right.

“Take out that invitation card of yours…” Gu Decheng paused and said seriously, “… and bring it to me to have a look.”

Gu Ye asked worriedly, “You won’t cut out those words and keep them for collection, right? Don’t cut out holes in my invitation card.”

Hearing that, Gu Decheng’s face darkened, “Am I that kind of person? How could I rob my son?”

After admiring Old Master Yu’s handwriting, Gu Decheng casually put the invitation card by his side, pressed on it with his elbow, and continued to eat. Gu Ye curled his lips, you don’t want to rob me, you just simply take it away.

Mrs. Gu rolled her eyes and placed a shrimp in Gu Ye’s bowl. Then she asked flatteringly, “Would you like to take your brother together with you? It’s summer vacation at that time.”

Gu Decheng clicked his tongue, and asked disapprovingly, “What’s the point with bringing the child along?”

Gu Ye didn’t mind and said, “It’s fine to take him along. Then we can go and play with Zhao Pengyu.”

Mrs. Gu shrank her neck when her husband looked at her, “Isn’t this just to let Gu Yang join in the fun and gain a lot of knowledge? If you don’t want him to go, then he won’t go.”

At this moment, Gu Ye wisely says nothing so to protect himself. He retreated to his room when he was full and began to pack his things.

Early the next morning, when the nanny called Gu Ye down for breakfast, she found that he had left a note on the table, and had disappeared. The nanny saw the words written on the paper, clutched her little heart, and rushed downstairs, “It’s not good! Sir! Ma’am! The third young master ran away from home!”

“Run away from home?” Mrs. Gu got taken aback. Wasn’t he fine last night?

Gu Decheng read the letter Gu Ye left for him with a cold face, and slapped the table angrily, “Just reaching adulthood and he thinks his wings are strong enough to fly. Servants, bring him back to me!”

“Don’t, don’t, don’t!” Mrs. Gu hurriedly stopped Gu Decheng. After reading Gu Ye’s message and knowing that he just wanted to go out for a walk, she quickly comforted her husband and soothed him, “The child has finished his college entrance examination and just wants to go out to relax. He is no longer a child, you can let him go.”

“You are still pampering him. If he dares to run away from home today, he will dare to elope with a girl tomorrow!”

Mrs. Gu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. This train of thought is going too far, “To put it bluntly, you just can’t bear to see your child grow up.”

Gu Decheng asked angrily: “You are still protecting him until now, how many benefits have you received from him?”

Mrs. Gu snorted and muttered unhappily, “Is it easy for me to be a mother? If I don’t care for him, you will say that I treated him badly. But it’s still my fault if I protected him. What do you really want me to do?”

Gu Decheng got a mental slap in the face by the last sentence. If he continued this conversation, she would make a fuss again. So, President Gu sighed heavily and said, “A benevolent mother who spoils her children will have bad children! You just continue to pamper him like all I care, I’m going to the company now!”

Mrs. Gu quickly sent a message to Gu Ye, “Come back after playing for a few days, or your father will send someone to catch you. At that time, I really can’t stop it.”

Gu Ye replied after seeing the message: [Okay~ Mom, I love you yo~ *finger-gesture heart]

Mrs. Gu sent Gu Ye a string of dots in return. Gu Ye could imagine how speechless the expression on his little mother’s face was after reading his reply, and couldn’t help but laugh by himself.

It took Gu Ye a day and a half by car before he arrived at his destination, a small town surrounded by mountains and rivers – Wufu Town.

This is a small town formed by the union of several surrounding villages. There is a river on the outskirts of the town. Looking down from the mountain, it seems like the town is embraced by the river, like a paradise isolated from the world. In fact, this small town is not so closed off from the outside world. Many young people in the town go to work in the city, and the standard of living in the town is not bad.

This small town is the hometown of Shao Fuxian, Gu Ye’s master. Before Shao Fuxian died, he told Gu Ye that he had no other request, but he hoped Gu Ye would take him back to his hometown for burial. Gu Ye went all the way to bring the old man’s ashes back, found a place with good geomantic omens to bury his ashes, and even lived in this small town for a while.

An old woman saw the direction Gu Ye is going, and asked with concern, “Young man, are you here to visit the town?”

Gu Ye smiled and shook his head, “I’m just going home, Auntie. Did something happen in Daliu Village up front?”

The aunt saw that Gu Ye isn’t dressed like a villager, and kindly advised him, “If you are not in a hurry, come back in 2 days. Many people died in Daliu Village. Funerals are going on in the past few days. It’s a mess.”

Gu Ye thanked the aunty for the reminder with a smile and continued to walk in. When approaching the entrance of Daliu Village, he found a large shed built at the entrance of the village. There are several large coffins under the shed, and there are several rows of paper horses and cows next to them. Gu Ye tilted his head and looked carefully, his face became serious. How many people died at once to warrant a collective funeral?

In small villages like this, almost every household has some relation with each other, 7th aunt, 8th aunt, 3rd aunt, and 6th uncle. If something is going on in the countryside, almost the whole family is involved. Generally, when someone from a family dies, a string of hell paper money is placed at the door of the families related to that family.

When Gu Ye entered the village, he found that almost every household had a string of hell paper papers. It is really rare for the whole village to hold a funeral at once. The more he walked, the more he felt uneasy, until he came to the place where he lived before. Gu Ye pushed open the unlocked gate with complicated emotions and found that the yard is already full of weeds. Gu Ye immediately regretted it. He shouldn’t have come back by himself. He should have brought a gardener back with him to change the hairstyle of the green grass.

At this moment, someone at the door asked, “Who are you? Where did you come from?”

Gu Ye turned around and saw a middle-aged man who is not very tall, dark-skinned, and a little thin. He called out happily, “Uncle Guan Ting?”

“You are?” The other party got stunned by his call and didn’t know who Gu Ye was for a while.

Gu Ye realized that he had changed his body now, and the people in this village no longer knew him. He smiled and said, “My senior brother Gu Ye has something to do, so he let me come back to visit Master’s grave. My senior brother mentioned you to me, Uncle Guan Ting, the neighbor uncle who is very good at building houses.”

“Oh! Gu Ye’s junior brother,” Liu Guan Ting smiled innocently when he heard Gu Ye praise him and stopped acting distant like a stranger to Gu Ye, “He actually let you come back alone, you are not familiar with this place,” Liu Guan Ting glanced at the courtyard and said with disgust, “It’s impossible to find a place to step on at all. Just wait for a moment, Uncle will tidy up the yard for you in a while.”

After a while, the uncle came back with a big shovel and quickly leveled the grass in the yard. Gu Ye felt really embarrassed to bother Guan Ting, so he stuffed the other party with a sesame oil chicken he bought on the road. His excuse is that his senior brother asked him to bring it, and I have to give it away.

Uncle Guan Ting accepted it embarrassingly, and enthusiastically asked Gu Ye to go to their house for dinner. Gu Ye declined, and asked by the way, “Uncle, what happened in our village?”

At the mention of this, the smile on Liu Guan Ting’s face faded. He took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep puff, and said after a long time, “It’s miserable!”

After finishing smoking the cigarette, Liu Guan Ting finally calmed down and began to say, “It’s the rainy season now. The rain is heavy and the current is fast so the river has washed away the bridge in the town. Many people in our village are working on construction sites outside. Since they promise to work on people’s projects, they have to do it. There are people in the village who know how to row boats. So they pulled out the old boats at home, and use them to carry people across the river. It was fine for the first few days, but the boat capsized the day before yesterday.”

Uncle Guan Ting sighed, “A dozen people got caught under the boat. Even those who can swim are not spared. In the end, only 2 came back alive.”

There are also a few buddies who grew up with Liu Guan Ting among the deceased. The more he talks, the more uncomfortable he becomes. Liu Guan Ting wiped away his tears and picked up the big shovel for weeding.

“Uncle is going to help dig the grave. If you need something, go to ask your aunt (LGT’s wife).”

Gu Ye sent Liu Guan Ting out. Hearing the cries from all over the village, he heaved a long sigh and lamented that the world is impermanent.

Gu Ye checked the circuit and found that there is no problem. There are pots and pans at home, and they can be used after washing them a bit. When it is getting dark, Gu Ye took out the food he bought on the road from his backpack and warmed it up. Just as Gu Ye is eating, he heard a burst of crying outside and many people shouting and cursing, as if something terrible had happened.

Gu Ye quickly spread out a flatbread. He shaved off the meat from the chicken legs, and then put some shredded cucumbers. Rolling them into a roll (like kimbap), he went out to watch the commotion.

Surrounded by the crowd, a middle-aged aunt is held up by two women. She is crying so much that she couldn’t walk by herself. As she is being dragged away, she scolded, “Li Dahai! You have no conscience! You are inhuman! You will not end well! You dare to sell your own daughter! Are you not afraid that your daughter will find you in the middle of the night?! Pity my son, nothing is left behind. Why didn’t you think about the parents who raised you when you jumped down!”[1]

The surrounding villagers sympathetically scolded along with the woman, “So heartless, actually selling own daughter for money!”

“What is this thing? Liu Chao has suffered, and now his life ended for nothing, alas!”

Gu Ye walked behind the two aunts and asked in a low voice, “Auntie, what’s going on?”

Sometimes, being good-looking has its own advantage. The aunts saw Gu Ye’s nice appearance with red lips and white teeth. Even if he is not from this village, she still talked to him, “This woman’s son Liu Chao and Li Cui, a girl from the next village[1], grew up together as childhood sweethearts. The two graduated and worked outside together. This time they said they were coming back to get engaged and gotten just in time to catch the boat. There was a big wave and the girl fell off. The boy can swim, in order to save the girl, he also jumped down. Unexpectedly, the boat capsized and he is caught underneath. If he didn’t jump to save the girl, he might survive.[2]”

Another aunt also came over to chip in, “The boy’s family thought that the two children had a good relationship and since they both died, they should arrange a yin marriage for them. They will be buried together so that they will still be together in the next life. They agreed with the bride’s family yesterday, but who would have thought that when the woman went to discuss this matter today, the other party backed away from the deal.”

“It is said that someone drove from the city in the middle of the night last night. They gave Li Dahai 50,000 yuan and bought Li Cui’s body away that night. Times like this, it is very difficult to find girls for a yin marriage, so everyone is rushing to get them when they caught wind of it.”

When the aunts get together, their gossip can dig out people’s ancestors up to 8 generations. An older lady with red eyes wiped her tears and said, “I heard that the family who bought that girl is the richest man in the county/district. He’s a big boss who runs the coal mine and has a lot of money in his family. His son was executed by shooting a few years ago, he was a murderer.”

“Aiya! Li Dahai is really inhuman! This kind of person’s money also dares to take, and he is not afraid of retribution. Does he feel at ease spending the money from selling his daughter?”

Amidst a group of sighs and cursing, Gu Ye suddenly felt a ghostly aura. He looked over vigilantly and saw a young man in his early twenties standing on a hillside not far away. The young man looked at the woman who got taken home with a painful expression, the black aura above his head became more and more intense. Just as Gu Ye is about to chase after him, the ghost disappeared in a flash.

With a sullen face, Gu Ye counted with his fingers, and cursed in his heart: F U U C C K!

Raw word count: 4049


[1] 这家儿子刘朝和隔壁村闺女李翠 – the raw said that Li Cui is from the other village so Banana is not very sure why the son’s mother is making a commotion in her own village instead of Li Dahai’s house?
[2] But to be honest, which fiancee won’t jump down to save the person they wanted to marry? Especially they are planning to get married.

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 25 Part 2

Chapter 25 Mr. Yu, want to come and play? Part 2

Carrying his schoolbag, Gu Ye casually stood by the door and waved goodbye to his parents, “Don’t worry, everything is destined.”

Mrs. Gu rolled her eyes, what does the test score have to do with destiny?

“Remember to take the exam well, and check the answers several times after you finish the test. Don’t eat random things starting today, and make sure you don’t get sick when you go to the exam room tomorrow. After the exam, I will pick you up at the entrance gate. If you don’t pass the exam, your dad will spank your butt when you come home!”

“Okay, okay~” Gu Ye swung his bag onto his back, “I remembered it all! After the exam, please give me a few days off, I want to go out for a while and play.”

Gu Decheng wants to say ‘Where do you want to play, please stop running around and stay put’ but Mrs. Gu grabbed her husband and said, “For now, just let him do whatever he wants. Let him go to the exam without any pressure.”

Gu Decheng could only endure it.

Gu Ye climbed into the car and left with a smile on his face. Gu Ye simply takes it as his consent if his father didn’t object. After the exam, he wanted to go out and had fun. Then he wants to go to the mountains to sweep his master’s tomb and burn incense sticks.

On the day of the college entrance examination, it must rain! This is the iron law of nature![1]

A large group of parents held umbrellas and guarded the school gate like mushroom soldiers. They are more anxious than the students who are on the battlefield. It really makes people feel sorry for the parents in the world. Students without parents to accompany the exam all went to have lunch with Teacher Yu. After lunch, they went to a nearby hotel to rest and prepare for the exam in the afternoon.

Gu Ye went to the bathroom after lunch. When he came out, he heard someone in the corner saying something like a swindler, “I am your senior from the previous class. I have people in the education bureau who already know the question. I can give you the answer for only 200 yuan. Do you want it?”

Amused, Gu Ye thought to himself, what age is this? How can any fool still believe in such nonsense?

At this moment, a girl asked in a low voice, “Is it true? Can you give it now?”

Hearing that, Gu Ye is dumbfounded. There really are fools!

“I can’t give now. I can only give you the answers 5 minutes before you enter the examination hall. How much you can memorize depends on your ability. If I give it to you in advance, the risk of you leaking it will be greater. Wouldn’t it cause me trouble?”

The girl didn’t even realize that it is just a lie, so she thought she is being smart in asking, “What if after I give you money, but you don’t give me the answers?”

“Then you report to the police to arrest me. You can add me on WeChat, and I will never run away.”

Gu Ye could hardly listen to the scam anymore and turned around the corner to see how bastardly-looking is that liar’s face.

The liar had just made a fortune, so when he saw Gu Ye coming over, he wanted to continue his scam and asked, “Little handsome guy, I have the answers to the next test questions here, do you want it?”

Gu Ye asked coldly, “If I buy it, what can I do if you send me a bunch of nonsensical answers? The college entrance examination papers are not distributed to outsiders, so who knows if you gave me the right ones? You can still claim that I have a bad memory if I get the wrong answers. Your words are justified anyway.”

Seeing that Gu Ye didn’t take the bait, the liar continued to lie, “If I lie to you, you can go to the police station and make a report!”

Gu Ye sneered, “Buying illegal answers for the college entrance examination, you think I still have the face to complain after being cheated? For 200 yuan, do you think I’ll let the teacher know about it? At that time, won’t I try to hide the secret tightly? Liars like you who aim to cheat little fools, I can beat 800 of them to death a day.”

At this point, the girl who was cheated also realized that something is wrong, “Liar! Give me back the money!”

“Who is a liar? Little girl, how do you talk? Let me tell you, you are legally responsible for framing someone!”

After all, the student is just a little girl who has never been in contact with society. The girl didn’t expect this liar to be so shameless. She got frightened by his domineering attitude and took a step back, not daring to speak out.

Gu Ye grabbed the liar by the collar with one hand and dragged him to the toilet like a dog. Then he pressed the liar against the wall with his elbow, so that he couldn’t move, “Give her back the money, or I will feed you shit.”

The liar is frightened by Gu Ye’s strength, while paying back the money, he quibbles, “I, I’ll give it back. I’m not lying, I really have the answer, why don’t you guys believe me?”

Gu Ye curled his lips, dragged the liar out forcibly, and handed him over to the patrolling police.

The girl caught up with Gu Ye and said gratefully, “Classmate, thank you.”

“For pushovers, you can only learn from your mistakes.” Gu Ye threw his schoolbag on his back, waved his hands without looking back, and left.

The girl chased after Gu Ye for a few steps but failed to catch up. She regretfully took a picture of his back. In her heart she hoped, see you again if we have fate.

On the morning of the second day of the college entrance examination, Lin Zihao rushed to the toilet, clutching his stomach. The little cartoon that Gu Ye gave him is a nightmare for him, and he was afraid that it would come true during the college entrance examination*. Yesterday he didn’t dare to eat too much all day, for fear of ruining his stomach. But because he ate too little, he was very hungry when he came back. So he asked his mother to make him a bowl of noodles and added a little bit of chili that he usually likes to eat. Unexpectedly, because he has been staying hungry for too long, his stomach became fragile. Stimulated by the chili, he ended up having diarrhea.

*Lin Zihao is the person who reported to Teacher Yu that Gu Ye must have cheated in the exam. And Gu Ye drew a cartoon figure behind his paper in Chapter 14 that he will lose his admission slip

Lin Zihao’s hatred rose in his heart, thinking to himself that this must be Gu Ye’s curse on him!

Before going out to the examination hall, Lin Zihao went to the toilet 3 times. He went too much that he almost gets dehydrated, causing his parents to feel anxious for him. Seeing that time is running out, Lin Zihao tightened his belt and rushed out of the toilet. He put on his schoolbag and ran out the door. His parents also hurried to catch up, but no one saw that Lin Zihao’s admission slip is still lying on the table.

One can imagine the result. For the first exam, Lin Zihao failed to enter the exam room, his parents fell into despair on the spot.

Lin Zihao muttered furiously with red eyes, “It must be Gu Ye who cursed me, Gu Ye has already cursed me since then! It’s Gu Ye!”

After the exam has ended, Gu Ye walked out with Teacher Yu and a few classmates when Lin Zihao rushed up, “Gu Ye! I’m going to kill you!”

Before Lin Zihao could reach them, the security personnel held Lin Zihao down, “What’s the matter with you, student? You can’t commit crimes even if you don’t do well in the exam.”

“Gu Ye, did you curse me to lose my admission slip? It must be you!” Lin Zihao struggled like crazy, just wanting to rush up and hit Gu Ye.

Hearing that, several students in the same class became speechless, “Lin Zihao, are you mental? What does it have to do with Gu Ye that you didn’t bring your admission slip?”

Teacher Yu’s face turned red from the anger. He had been extremely disappointed in Lin Zihao for the past 6 months, “Lin Zihao, why are you having trouble with Gu Ye again?”

Gu Ye shook his head. He had calculated that Lin Zihao would encounter a hurdle, and this time he would definitely not be able to get into the university of his choice. That picture he drew before was just to scare him.

Lin Zihao is jealous, narrow-minded, and doesn’t know how to be grateful. If Zhao Pengyu, an innocent person, hadn’t been implicated, he wouldn’t have bothered to help him and Liu Yiwen (from the female ghost case). If this person had changed his temperament, he might not have suffered such a catastrophe. Unfortunately, nature is hard to change.

Lin Zihao’s mother is surprised by her son’s behavior. She ran to hold her son, and asked in panic, “Zihao, what’s wrong with you? You didn’t lose your admission slip. Your dad found it for you. You put it on the table and didn’t take it. How can you blame others?”

Lin Zihao froze in astonishment, “On, on the table?”

“Yeah, it’s on your desk.” His mother cried and persuaded him, “It doesn’t matter if you didn’t pass the exam this year. You can study for another year and take the exam next year. You can’t let yourself down.”

After such a commotion, the parents and students around looked at Lin Zihao as if he has gone crazy. Lin Zihao couldn’t bear it, so he pushed his mother away and ran away. In the afternoon exam, Lin Zihao did not come. He has to review for an extra year anyway whether he takes this exam or not. Lin Zihao is so lofty that he couldn’t afford to lose his face by coming.

After the college entrance examination, there are even more parents waiting at the gate. Because it rained yesterday, the sky is washed clean today and the sun is shining brightly. The heat makes people feel like they are melting, and a mushroom of umbrellas once again propped up at the school gate.

As soon as Gu Ye left the school gate, he saw his little mother all wrapped up, looking like she had just returned from the Sahara Desert. Amused, Gu Ye walked over with a smile, and praised, “Even if it is a mushroom, you are the most beautiful one here.”

“Aiya, you brat, hahaha,” Mrs. Gu slapped Gu Ye on the shoulder happily, “You are the only one who knows how to talk, hahaha!”

Gu Ye grinned in pain, and quickly grabbed her hand, “Mom, there are a lot of people watching you here. Later, won’t news come out saying: Shocking! The wealthy stepmother beat up her stepson in the street, why is she so vicious?”

The smile on Mrs. Gu’s face paused, this is really possible. When she came, she had already noticed that a reporter taking pictures of her, but she didn’t know what those people said about her. Probably saying that she is just putting on a show for waiting here. She didn’t bother to think about those stupid things anymore, so she asked Gu Ye with concern, “How did you do in the exam?”

Gu Ye smiled and said, “I have answered everything I know. Let’s go home, I want to have a big meal and then have a good sleep.”

Gu Ye slept all morning again the next day and didn’t get up until lunchtime. Mrs. Gu is not at home, so Gu Ye went downstairs to make a cup of milk tea by himself. The nanny came over and asked him, “Third Young Master, what do you want for lunch? Chinese food or Western food?”

Gu Ye shook his head disinterestedly.

The nanny asked with a smile, “The sea cucumbers bought by the kitchen today are not bad, do you want some sushi?”

Gu Ye continue shaking his head, still not interested.

The nanny asked tentatively, “Then, Thai food?”

Gu Ye finished his milk tea and stretched his waist, “I want to eat Malatang and stinky tofu.”

Nanny: “… Urm, we don’t know how to do this, but we can learn!”

Gu Ye laughed, “Then you guys definitely can’t make it at noon today. I’ll go out to eat, so don’t worry about me, and don’t tell my mother.”

Mrs. Gu has never let her children eat those outside food. Gu Ye couldn’t hold it anymore, so he called Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang, and they went to the snack street. 3 wealthy young masters, each holding a bowl of Malatang, eating until their belly is round and sweating all over.

While sitting and resting, Gu Ye received a phone call unexpectedly. When he checked the caller ID, Gu Ye blinked and asked seriously, “Zhao Pengyu, if I invite your uncle to eat Malatang and stinky tofu, will he come?”

Zhao Pengyu saw that the caller ID is Yu Ze, and sneered twice, “My uncle is obsessed with cleanliness. In some aspects, he is almost obsessed. Hero, you can try to ask.”

“Hello, I’m Yu Ze.” Yu Ze’s cold voice sounded, like a glass of sake in summer. Gu Ye immediately felt much refreshed.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes with a smile, “Mr. Yu, what do you want me to do?”

“Have you received the invitation?”

Gu Ye is puzzled, “What invitation?”

Zhao Pengyu came to his senses first and explained, “It must be the invitation for the July tea party. The guests are all masters in your field, let’s go play together!”

Hearing Zhao Pengyu’s voice, Yu Ze said in disdain, “Shut up.”

Zhao Pengyu immediately fell silent.

Gu Ye understood what is happening and said, “I’m eating out now, the invitation should be at home.”

Yu Ze asked, “So, do you want to come and play?”

“Okay.” Gu Ye agreed immediately. Then, squinting his eyes, he warmly invited in the call, “I’m eating Malatang and stinky tofu outside. Mr. Yu, want to come and play?”

Yu Ze: “…”

Author has something to say:

Yu Ze: Should I go or not?

Raw word count: 6153 (whole chapter)


[1] Just like how Banana’s place would rain for no reason whenever a funfair is built nearby, for about 2-weeks to a month

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 25 Part 1

Chapter 25 Mr. Yu, want to come and play? Part 1

If to say Gu Ye looked like he simply doesn’t care and bother with them, Gu Decheng definitely looked hostile to the people from Xuanshu Association, “I don’t care what you do but my son will not have anything to do with you in the future, stay away from my son.”

The people from Xuanshu Association stood there in embarrassment. They didn’t know how they managed to get on this boss’s nerves.

In the car, Gu Decheng told Gu Ye sternly, “This Xuanshu Association sounds like an underground organization engaged in feudal superstition. If you dare to become a Taoist priest, I will break your legs.”

“Okay Dad, I’ll listen to you.” Gu Ye took out his mobile phone and searched for the most popular variety show while promising piously in the mouth.

President Gu wanted to beat the child again, “Still remember the Disciple’s Rules? Recite once for me.”

Gu Ye sighed, and turned off the video,
If the Parents call out, don’t delay to answer,
If the Parents give an order, don’t be lazy to do it,
If the Parents teach a lesson, listen quietly,
If the Parents give a scolding, obey and follow.

Dad, please say what you want. I will kneel and listen to your scolding.”

Gu Decheng softened his expression and said, “How do you know that Li Shengkai evaded taxes? You calculated it?”

“For the fortune-telling business, after seeing through the secrets of Heaven, one must also add in personal speculation.”

“So if one’s brain is not working well (not witty), they can’t do this job?”


Amused, Gu Decheng asked, “Why didn’t I see that you were so smart before this?”

Gu Ye said solemnly, “I got scared from getting beaten by you before, so I dare not make noise.”

“Then why are you constantly making trouble now?”

“Because I know you are reluctant to beat me to death now.”

Papa Gu is at a loss for words, what Gu Ye said really made sense.

At this moment, Gu Ye glanced at the window and his eyes lit up. He suddenly asked, “Is the car at the front belonging to Li Shengkai?”

The driver took a look and answered, “Yes, this kind of thing also can be calculated out?”

“It’s just that it has the same aura as Li Shengkai. Stop here, I’ll go down for a while.”

Gu Decheng watched Gu Ye goof about with a cold face. At first, he wanted to stop him, but it seemed that he hadn’t sat in the same car with his son for a long time. Also, it’s been a long time since he saw Gu Ye make a request so naturally, so he just endured it.

Gu Ye walked around Li Shengkai’s car and patted the front of the car with a smile. After that, he returned to the car with a grin and said, “Let’s go.”

The driver looked at the smile on the corner of Gu Ye’s mouth from the rearview mirror and didn’t dare to ask any more questions. He had a feeling that Third Young Master had an evil smile at that moment.

The next day, it was reported that Li Shengkai encountered a ‘ghost hitting the wall’* on the way home. It was said that he wandered around the Outer Ring Road for most of the night, and finally found his way back around dawn.

*Keep circling in the same area, unable to leave

After Gu Ye made such a fuss in the reception, many people in the business circle asked if Li Shengkai is really evading taxes, especially those who wanted to cooperate with him. Hence, they went and got someone to check it out. Although no tangible evidence was found, some problems were found during the investigation. Cooperating with Li Shengkai under the pressure of offending Gu Decheng is inherently risky, now that the other party may really break the law, who wants to take risks? In a short time, countless orders were withdrawn, and the stock of Li Shengkai’s company fell all the way to the bottom.

Immediately afterward, Li Shengkai is reported to the authorities. He had offended many people over the years so upon hearing that Gu Ye calculated about his crime, those people would rather believe Gu Ye and reported Li Shengkai. After receiving the reports, the relevant units began to investigate his tax issues.

Li Shengkai is worried about his company until his hair would turn white, but it is a pity that misfortunes never come alone. One of the little mistresses he secretly raised outside came to his house with a child in her arms. Knowing that Li Shengkai has encountered problems, the little mistress is afraid that she will no longer have money to use for the rest of her life. She is one of the mistresses and has given birth to a child for Li Shengkai but why did he send another vixen abroad as soon as something happened, not to mention that he gave that woman money as well?!

Hu Yu is mad with anger and slapped the mistress. Unexpectedly, the mistress is not someone easy to provoke. She pulled Hu Yu’s hair, pushed her to the ground, and kicked her fiercely.

It happened that Li Shengkai’s son, Li Peng, came home. When he saw that the mistress dared to beat his mother, he rushed up and hit the mistress until her head is bleeding. Li Shengkai wanted to protect his little lover, so he shoved his son away angrily. That push caused Li Peng to knock his head on the table, and a big bump immediately appeared.

Seeing this, Hu Yu finally understood that there is no way to live this life. She declared, “Divorce, we must divorce! Everything you have is given by my father, and it is all mine!”

“How dare you?!” Li Shengkai’s eyes turned red, “Even if I kill you, I won’t divorce you!”

“If you have the guts, kill me then!” Hu Yu straightened her neck at Li Shengkai. With her son by her side, she stiffened her will to divorce.

Li Shengkai looked at the mother and son who dared to resist him and hated them very much. He picked up something from the table without looking at what it was and smashed it hard at Hu Yu, “Bitch, I’ll kill you right now!”

“ARGH!” With Hu Yu’s scream, the atmosphere suddenly turned silent. Hu Yu fell to the ground, her widened eyes stained with blood staring at the floor gradually turning red.

“Mom! Mom!!” Li Peng picked up his mother with trembling hands. After shouting a few times but his mother didn’t respond, his face turned pale with fright, “What are you doing in a daze? Call an ambulance!”

The little mistress didn’t dare to make trouble anymore and silently slipped away with the baby in her arms. Li Shengkai is also scared by what happened and subconsciously took out his mobile phone. Just after he pressed the number 120 (number for the ambulance), he suddenly thought of something. His finger hovered over the dial button for a long time but didn’t press it.

Li Peng anxiously cover the blood on his mother’s head, calling his mother several times but there was no response. As her body got colder, Li Peng looked up at his father in fear, “What are you doing? Help my mother!”

“Son, we may not be able to save your mother.” Li Shengkai steeled his heart and grabbed his son’s shoulder with one hand. The strength of the grip is so strong that his veins bulged out. If Hu Yu dies, she will not divorce him, and the family property will not be divided. In the current situation, Hu Yu’s death is in his best interest.

Li Peng looked at his father in shock, as if he didn’t know the man in front of him anymore. Not caring about the pain in his shoulder, he asked, “Do you want to watch my mother die? She can still be saved! If you don’t call, I will call!”

Li Peng took out his cell phone to call an ambulance, but Li Shengkai pushed his son down. Grabbing Li Peng’s cell phone, he smashed it to the ground.

“Are you crazy? You’re crazy! You murderer!”

Li Peng is only 15 years old. This is the first time in his life that he suffered such a big blow and it is because his father wanted to kill his mother. Li Peng is already in a panic and wanted to run away, but his father held him down. When he looked back, his father’s eyes are red, like a lunatic.

“If you reported it, you will not only have no mother, but also no father, and you will lose a good life in the future. Dad promises you that after this difficulty is over, Dad will send you to study abroad. I will give you whatever you want.”

Li Peng cried, “I just want my mother, can you give her to me?”

With red eyes, Li Shengkai held the stone lion that smashed Hu Yu just now. A fierce glint flashed in his eyes, “Are you listening to me or not?”

Li Peng is so frightened that he trembled all over. Nodding tremblingly, he cried, “I, I’ll listen. Dad, I’ll listen to you. I’ll listen to you in everything.”

Hearing that, Li Shengkai loosened his grip on Li Peng’s hand a little bit. At this moment, Li Peng jumped up suddenly. After all, he is an energetic 15-year-old boy. He often fights so he still has that explosive power. Li Shengkai is suddenly pushed to the ground. Before he could react, Li Peng had already run to the door.

Li Peng cried and shouted, “Help! Call an ambulance! Quickly call an ambulance!”

Unfortunately, when the ambulance arrived, Hu Yu’s body is already cold. The doctor said regretfully, “It’s too late, even if it’s 3 minutes earlier, she can still be saved.”

Li Peng tidied up his mother’s body expressionlessly and adjusted his mother’s appearance. Then, not even looking at Li Shengkai, he ran away from home as the Li family fell into chaos.

Soon, the police came to the door, “Your son said you killed his mother, we need to investigate.”

“This unfilial son!” Li Shengkai never thought that his son would betray him as soon as he left the house.

The evidence is solid, so Li Shengkai is arrested that day. This incident really answered Gu Ye’s words, finished.

The Li family is completely finished.

After this incident got out, Gu Ye’s name became more famous in the circle. The more rumors are passed on, the more evil they become, and it is said that a few words of him have ruined a company. Even though Gu Ye is still young, after so many incidents, they all prefer to believe what they heard and have the mentality that they don’t want to offend the master. This incident even caused Gu Decheng’s business to become smoother.

There are also many people who want Gu Ye to check out their Feng Shui and do fortune telling, but unfortunately, they can’t get started queueing now because Master Gu is about to take the college entrance examination.

The people in the Xuanshu Association are also very troubled. If this Gu Ye is really related to that ‘Gu Ye’, then they would have to bring him into their association in advance to control his temper so that he would not be difficult to manage when he grows up. It’s a pity that Gu Ye is the son of Gu Decheng, and President Gu has inexplicable hostility towards them, so it’s not convenient to get close to Gu Ye.

Many masters in the Xuanshu Association got together for a chat, “This kid is quite capable of stealing business, which sect does he belongs to?”

“I don’t know, I never heard of such a young child that possesses such strong spiritual power, and he is still in school.”

“Why are people with the name Gu Ye so talented? Will Old Master Yu invite him to a tea party this year?”

“Anyone invited in the name of the old master must ensure that they attend. This is, after all, the old national treasure that could make both the business circle and the entertainment circle sing along with a stomp of feet. Coupled with the success of the heir, the Yu family will develop better and better. Anything the old master says, everyone must give face.”

“Mr. Yu is also very interesting. Every July, he will hold a tea party, inviting people from our circle to appraise some antiques and whatnot. What is his real purpose?” The person who asked this question is a young man who had just joined the association not long ago.

Hearing that, a few old people amusedly answered, “What else? It’s to choose a truly talented person to change the life of his youngest son. Yu Ze’s whole body of good fortune, if ordinary people possessed just a little bit of that, they will be prosperous and rich all their lives. It’s a pity that ‘when a thing reaches an extreme, it can only move in the opposite direction* (idiom)’. Yu Ze had his fortune told from the moment he was born that he won’t have any children and grandchildren. The fate of an emperor is heaped on this lifetime in wealth and honor.”

*You can never have too much good things

The young man thought for a while and said enviously, “…I feel that I can exchange my life with him. I don’t want children and descendants, I just want to live a rich life.[1]”

The elders joked, “Won’t your parents beat you to death?”

The young man fell silent. The fact is that young people don’t actually care about having children, but old people don’t think so. Therefore, Old Master Yu religiously invites people to come over every year. This year, he really wrote an extra invitation to Gu Ye, which is now on the old man’s desk.

Raw word count: 6153 (whole chapter)


[1] Same here, brother, Banana has the same thought (╥_╥) who cares about children? (okay, some do) … I just want to live a life where I don’t have to worry if I earned enough for retirement or worried if I don’t have enough money for healthcare. I just want to enjoy life _(;3/

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 24 Part 2

Chapter 24 My calculation is your time will be over soon Part 2

In the circle of businessmen, seniority is judged by economic strength, and the one with the most money is the boss. Wherever Papa Gu goes, there are people who come to flatter him. It’s not good to not give a face when people come, so he will give a perfunctory sip. But taking a sip for each person, a dozen of people could make him drunk.

A middle-aged entrepreneur approached Gu Decheng with a glass of wine and chatted with him, “Mr. Gu is not only capable but also taught your sons well. Your two eldest sons are both capable, needless to say. But I also heard that your 3rd son is also at the top of the school. He learned from a very powerful master and has saved many people.”

What Gu Decheng likes to hear is that others praise his son, and he is happy to hide here in a less crowded area to chat and drink less. Just as he was talking, a mocking voice asked, “Can I ask Third Young Master Gu to do a prayer dance and fortune telling on how to guard against bad people?”

Gu Decheng knew it is Li Shengkai without looking back. The whole Li family has been emptied out by him, so he doesn’t know where Li Shengkai got the courage, to dare to provoke him here. With a cold face, Gu Decheng said condescendingly with the attitude of a winner, “If you want to guard against bad people, just cover your face when you go out.”

At first, Li Shengkai didn’t understand what Gu Decheng meant, but the person next to Gu Decheng almost laughed out loud. President Gu meant that Li Shengkai is the bad person. So if he covered his face when he went out, other people can guard against him.

After figuring out the meaning, Li Shengkai cursed in a low voice with a dark face. He scoffed at Gu Decheng’s attitude of ‘showing off’ his son and said, “I wonder which master is so awesome to be able to teach fools so well?”

Gu Decheng understood the meaning when he heard it and his expression turned cold all of a sudden. Just as he is about to explode, a cold voice said indifferently, “If Mr. Li still has time to care about how the Gu family’s children are raised, it’s better to care about yourself.”

Everyone is startled when they heard this voice. They all turned their heads and saw a tall, handsome but unsmiling young man who had come to stand behind Gu Decheng. He is wearing a white shirt, while the collar and cufflinks are cool gray. It made his handsome face seem to lack a human touch.

It is Yu Ze.

Even though Yu Ze is young, everyone present dare not underestimate him. They can understand to some extent what kind of temperament is he. Unexpectedly, the notoriously indifferent young man directly confronts Li Shengkai. Those who found out what is going on all shut their mouths, quietly observing the development of the situation here, for fear of accidentally causing trouble for themselves.

Yu Ze passed by Li Shengkai expressionlessly, picked up a wine glass from the plate carried by the waiter, and toasted Gu Decheng, “Mr. Gu, we meet again.”

Gu Decheng clinked glasses with Yu Ze happily, but is also a little surprised that Yu Ze would go out of his way to interrupt, “I thought you wouldn’t come.”

“I’ve got something to do at the company, so I’m late.” Yu Ze’s expression softened, and he directly changed the subject, “Mr. Gu taught your sons well. Gu Ye saved my nephew’s life a while ago and took good care of him. My family has always been grateful.”

“Naturally, saving a friend should be a duty.” The corners of Gu Decheng’s mouth curved up, feeling relieved. He looked at this young man with admiration and felt envious in his heart that Yu Ze is able to support a business empire at such a young age, but none of his sons wanted to succeed him.

Just as the atmosphere eased, a voice carrying a smile said lightly, “Yo~ Mister, let me calculate. You’ve had bad luck these past few months. Is it okay to be bald and wear a wig at such a young age?”

When Gu Decheng heard the familiar voice, he let out an angry laugh. His third son, who is the most difficult to discipline is here. He doesn’t know how Gu Ye managed to get in, but he is currently pinching his fingers and standing solemnly in front of Li Shengkai, telling his fortune.

“If you do too many bad things, don’t walk around at night as it’s easy to run into ghosts. Don’t sleep too much with your 3rd, 4th, and 5th mistress as it will make you prone to impotence. Let me calculate more, aiya, you have 2 children outside. Madam Li is so lucky, she’s a mother to 2 extra children!”

Gu Decheng became sullen, wanting to stop this little bastard from engaging in feudal superstition in front of so many people. But before he could go out, he is stopped by Yu Ze who said, “I suddenly felt that his actions are quite interesting.” Yu Ze paused, staring at the smirk on Gu Ye’s face. His eyebrows and eyes are slightly drawn, and the corners of his mouth are raised a little before continuing, “I want to hear what he wants to say.”

Feeling a headache, Gu Decheng rubbed his forehead. This little rascal had nothing good to say, and Yu Zu will absolutely regret it.

Today Li Shengkai brought his wife with him. After all, it is a formal business reception, and more than half of the businessmen brought their wives. Li Shengkai’s business is taken over from his father-in-law, so if his wife comes, he can win some face. When Hu Yu heard that her husband is messing around outside, Hu Yu’s expression became a little uneasy.

Gu Ye smiled and said, “Ma’am, don’t change your expression yet. He has the look of a scoundrel. Your father should still be alive right, but he is not in good health, got harmed by bad people ah. Is he(LSK) married into your family? Did he start his business with your family’s power? A lot of indiscriminate means were used eh, and you still think that your father suddenly fell ill. Is it really because of his poor health? Have you never used those godforsaken methods?”

“You are talking nonsense! Where did this wild child come from, simply talking nonsense!” Hu Yu immediately changed her attitude. She had met Gu Ye before, but Gu Ye had changed so much that she didn’t recognize him for a while.

Gu Ye curled his lips, amused, “Wild child? That’s not what you said when you asked my mother to kill me.”

Hearing what Gu Ye said, everyone understood that this is the 3rd son of the Gu family. Those words of persuasion that Hu Yu said were uploaded by Mrs. Gu to her social page so there are quite a few people present who know about this. They didn’t comment but the way they looked at Hu Yu is different.

Hu Yu is furious but unable to quibble so her face turned pale with anger.

Gu Ye sneered, “How did your father fall sick? You can ask someone to check it out. The cause is absolutely inseparable from the man next to you.”

Indeed, the people present heard of the news that Li Shengkai started his business by relying on his father-in-law and mother-in-law. In the end, the old father-in-law got tricked into transferring all the shares to Li Shengkai. Although there is no evidence, people who know how things work can see that something is fishy. That’s why Gu Decheng told Mrs. Gu that this person’s family history is not clean. Only Hu Yu loves Li Shengkai deeply and doesn’t know anything.

Being watched by so many people, Li Shengkai panicked and scolded in embarrassment, “Gu Decheng, is this the way you taught your son? What kind of place is this, he dares to come here to act wild?!”

Seeing Li Shengkai acting nervous, Gu Decheng calmed down instead. He leisurely watched the commotion, clinked glasses with Yu Ze, and drank another sip.

Li Shengkai’s eyes turned red with anger.

Compared with Li Shengkai’s exasperation, Gu Ye said calmly, “I calculated some more. You have a mistress who is pregnant with someone else’s seed, but now the child carries the surname Li, that’s amazing! How much money did you steal for this illegitimate son of yours? Ma’am, please be cautious. He used the money your father earned to support his lover, who even gave him a cuckold. The relationship between your family is too chaotic.”

Hu Yu’s complexion became even uglier. She knew that her husband raised a woman outside. She cried and quarreled, and later her husband severed ties with that woman, so why is the child involved now? It is said that the Old Third of the Gu family can tell fortunes. Right now, he could tell the story with so many details, could it be true?

Subconsciously, Hu Yu felt a little uneasy and speculative when she looked at her husband, and took this matter to heart.

Li Shengkai glared at Hu Yu, “You actually believe this kind of nonsense!”

“Tsk tsk tsk,” Gu Ye chuckled a few times, “I can count how many bastard things you have done. Did you keep your tax evasion secret tightly? Whoever dares to cooperate with you is a hero, who is not afraid of death or sacrifice, and dares to contribute all his property.”

It was not easy but Li Shengkai managed to attract a few people who reluctantly agreed to cooperate with him. But now they looked at each other, tax evasion? Gu Ye rescued Mr. Yu’s grandson before, which has long been spread. If the Gu family’s 3rd son is saying nonsense, it’s still okay. But if he really can tell fortune, then this cooperation has to stop.

Li Shengkai squeezed the wine glass fiercely, wishing he could stab Gu Ye to death with the glass.

Gu Ye took the time to ask, “Are you thinking to hit me? It’s really ‘an old cat sleeping on the eaves, habits passed down from generation to generation’. Your son must be yours biologically, this is still certain. He dared to commit school violence when he was just in junior high school, beating his classmate into vegetative states. You gave half a million to settle the matter but if your son murders and sets fire in the future, can you also settle it for him?

‘The upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant’[1]. What kind of eye-prickling things you gave birth to?”

The people watching the commotion around are all prominent figures. If one wants to see the teaching style of a family, one can see it from the children. Li Shengkai taught his children like this, it is conceivable that their family is not a good parent.

Li Shengkai couldn’t hold his head up anymore. With so many people looking, he really can’t do anything to Gu Ye so he could only stand trembling from anger due to his words. If eyes could kill, he would have cut Gu Ye 800 times.

Gu Ye gave Li Shengkai a cold look, and finally said to him, “You’re finished.”

If it wasn’t for Li Shengkai playing tricks with that Evil Beckoning talisman, the owner of this body should still have half a year’s lifespan. Although it was by mistake that he came into this body and got a big advantage of rebirth, Gu Ye still felt that ‘he’ was being bullied. If he doesn’t take revenge and get back to the perpetrator, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

Gu Ye walked straight past Li Shengkai to Gu Decheng, and asked with a smile, “Let me see first, has this old man drunk too much?”

Gu Decheng scolded with a smile, “Still playing around!”

Gu Decheng is in a good mood, and introduced, “This is President Yu. He is young and promising, a leader of the younger generation in the business world. If you have one-tenth of him, I will happily burn incense and offer prayers to God.”

Gu Ye regretfully said, “Then forget it, the Bodhisattva will not accept your incense.”

Gu Decheng opened his mouth but choked back what he wanted to say. He just wanted to hit the child.

Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze and said with a smile, “Mr. Yu, I still owe you 2 meals.”

Inside, Gu Ye sighed in admiration. From facial features to figures to temperament, every detail of this person makes people feel perfect and flawless. But his father wants him to be like Yu Ze, which is absolutely impossible. He just wants to lie down like a salted fish and enjoy life.

The corner of Yu Ze’s mouth twitched slightly, “How?”

Gu Ye stretched out his fingers and explained to Yu Ze, “You treated me to a meal that night. Then the next day, I asked you to go do something for me, so in total 2 meals.”

Gu Decheng grabbed Gu Ye from behind and scolded him, “Nonsense! President Yu is busy, how can he has time to eat with you?”

“I have the time.” Yu Ze took out a business card with a gentle expression, “You decide the time and place, just let me know one day in advance.”

Gu Ye took it in a daze, a little confused. Is CEO normally so easy to talk to?

Gu Decheng said helplessly, “Don’t bother him. He has a childish temper, can’t spoil him too much.”

Yu Ze smiled slightly, “He is very sensible.”

Gu Decheng glared at Gu Ye, reminding him not to mess around, and don’t ask Yu Ze out for real.

Gu Ye has already happily put the business card in his pocket. This business card is still enveloped with a purple aura. After he returned home, he will rub with his hands more, and then buy lottery tickets.

Seeing that it is almost midnight, this business banquet should end. Gu Decheng took Gu Ye with him, exchanged pleasantries with some old friends, and then left. When walking towards the parking lot, Gu Ye looked at his father resentfully. This old man is really unreasonable. When they were heading out, a big boss asked him to tell his fortune, and he did it. But his old man wouldn’t let him take the money. How can there be such a loss-making business?

Gu Decheng stared back at Gu Ye, “Uncle Lin is just teasing you, how could you really tell his fortune for real?”

Gu Ye curled his lips, “I dare to tell even when the king of heaven comes.”

Gu Decheng had a cold face and wanted about to take the opportunity to teach Gu Ye a lesson. Let him know what to say on what occasion, especially in this kind of business circle. Everyone is two-faced people. They smile at you on the surface but stab you in the back. Talking too much will be a disadvantage for him.

However, before Gu Decheng could say much, a middle-aged man in a black shirt came over, “Hello, Mr. Gu, I’m from Xuanshu Association, and I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Gu Decheng frowned, “What does the Xuanshu Association want to do with me? My son is not a Taoist priest either.”

“You misunderstood,” the person from the Xuanshu Association quickly explained, “I just wanted to ask 3rd Young Master a few questions.”

Gu Ye asked back with a look of disgust, “Xuanshu Association is not my father, why should I answer any questions? I refused!”

People from Xuanshu Association: “…”

If you say that this tooth-aching attitude has nothing to do with ‘that guy’, he wouldn’t believe it if you beat him to death.

Gu Decheng: Don’t listen to his nonsense!

Yu Ze: Very interesting.

Raw word count: 6813 (whole chapter)


[1] When the superiors (or parents) do not set a good example, the subordinates (or children) are not expected behave well.