先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 30

ji fam
The males from the Ji family (as far as we know from the story)

[Translator : If anyone got themselves confused with the similar names between the Ji males, I made a random family chart for you guys 😀 And also to jolt some memories in case you forgotten~]
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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 26 (c)

[Translator : I was running away during translation as usual. Thought I wanna read some other translated novels before coming back to translate this one. But I ended up reading a translator drama instead of their translation. Phew, that moment when everyone wanted to translate the same thing at the same time. Scary. I won’t tell you which title was that, but coincidentally, the urge to translate that same novel crossed my mind before. Glad I didn’t, or else you guys won’t be reading this novel at all :v ]
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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 26 (a)

[Translator : This chapter will be split into 3 parts due to its big word count of 10k words. Please bear with me (> . <)/ … And on the other hand, I noticed a small surge of viewer coming from Facebook, can anyone tell me which part of fb did you come from? :3 ]
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