先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 25

A round of applause for these awesome peeps for the sponsor and support ~! Adrian (brought forward) , Icy (is this name okay? :3 ) and Joanne ~
Thank you so much~! (0w0)/ And many thanks to Joanne for your message, I hope you will like this chapter~ 😀

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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 24

[Translator : I finally have some free time to read the raw so I started with some chapters. Usually when I speed-read a novel, it means copying the entire thing and have the online translator read it to me. Because reading by myself takes time :v

The usual voice from the online translator was a 30 to 40-ish man. All of a sudden, the voice changed to a 60-ish old man who speaks slowly. FriCK! WHAT THE HELL?! That scared the heebie jeebies crap out of me ;3 Do you still remember that this Banana is as timid as JiYuan?]

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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 22

[Translator : Folks, we have another chapter out today~ Please give a round of applause to April, Raynal and Adrian for sponsoring the chapter~! Really appreciate the help here ya (0w0)/
I wanna apologize if you included other name to be credited and I took the wrong one, because I’m not with my comp and it’s hard for me to check possible name list ;D ]

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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 21

[Translator : ‘phew For the sake of unlocking the paywall chapters, I have to register at 3 different sites ;D Got my heart thumping when I was in the middle of paying and inputting codes/pins >.< But no fear dear comrades, I have charged points in the site, ready to read the raw as soon as I have time! Let us hope that there will be a sexy time chapter yo!
(edits) Oh whoa, VIP chapters will expire after 1 year … despite the fact that I bought it :v … and oh whoa, the first paid chapter has 10,653 word count _(;3/ I'll need to split it to 3 parts ;D ]
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先撩为敬 Let me tease you – Chapter 19

[Translator : Looking at the 30+ titles in my reading list that were updated with new chapters, I am a bit reluctant to read them. Because I couldn’t remember the name/plot/place/time after not reading them in a while. That somehow brings me to this question, do you need me to copy-paste the last paragraph of the previous chapter to refresh your mind? I mean doing this for every chapter onward, or it’s fine as it is?]
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