Apologies for the late chapter yo _(;3/ Banana was trying to finish Way Of Transmigration first. #Yass
Anyway, here’s the chapter yo! Last but not least, many thanks to Eli for the kofi (0w0)/ Super grateful that there are still people reading my translation for this novel~! Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 19”
Category: Tribe 穿越之游兽部落
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 18.2
One beastman return from his hunting trip. Lin Mu didn’t expect that he will bring back a few people with him. Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 18.2”
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 18.1
Ei, Banana was trying to make it before midnight but in the end, I was too late… whahahaahah
Anyway, here’s a chapter yo~ And I split it into 2 part because the word count is long
Please forgive me _(;3/ Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 18.1”
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 17
Aww man, sorry for late chapter yo~ _(;3/
Banana keeps getting distracted by other novels :v And I can’t help procrastinating when the word count is over 3k :v Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 17”
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 16
Ei, the chapters were quite long ah _(;3/ #Wry
Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 16”
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 15
Banana : Sorry for the late chapter _(;3/ I admit that I got lured by other novels and got lazy to translate _(;3/
Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 15”
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 14
Question : Banana just realized that the author only gave titles to some chapters while some were left blank or being put in a sentence from the chapter itself. So I wanna ask if you guys are okay with me putting in an appropriate keyword as the title for chapters that have no titles?
Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 14”
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 13
Thank you to people who commented (0w0)/
Banana is trying to get back on track, slowly now~~~
Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 13”
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 12
Banana finally back~! (0w0)/ Hello hello~~
I hope y’all is still here ah~~
Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 12”
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 11
Banana is late right? _(;3/ But I’m busy moving house _(;3/
And it doesn’t help that this chapter has 4.3k word count _(;3/
#ThanksForReading Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 11”