Chapter 80 – Tracking down [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.


Because Sainz exerted great force on his attack and was very fast, the Alpha instinctively bent over his abdomen, grunting in pain. Sainz released the Alpha’s hand to pinch his throat with his left hand and held a syringe in his right hand against the Alpha’s neck.

“Give me the medicine,” Sainz commanded in a dark tone while staring at Su Ling.

Su Ling was taken aback. Gu Liheng got up to protect him and looked at Sainz. With a calm tone, not panicking, he said, “You are a fake.”

Sainz snorted.

While the Alpha, who was caught by Sainz, recovered from the pain and came to realize that his safety is threatened. He didn’t dare to struggle, and his face flushed red as he started yelling, “Bastard, let me go! Do you know who I am? How dare you do this to me?!”

Sainz harshly replied, “Prince Kǎiya, you asked for this yourself. You could just obediently stay in Planet Klai, but what are you doing running over to Planet Belle?” He slowly pinched Kǎiya’s neck harder, “It just happened to be so untimely.” Almost, he almost got the medicine!

Kǎiya opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and his voice was muffled because of his throat being pinched, “You know who I am and yet you still dare to do this to me?!”

“It’s because I know who you are that I did it,” Sainz said coldly, “Ain’t it because the spiritual plants are originally yours?”

As long as Kǎiya showed his evidence, Su Ling will know that he(S) is a fake and he won’t give him the medicine. That’s why after much deliberation, using Kǎiya as a hostage is currently the best way.

Nalu strode over to stand beside Su Ling. Looking at Kǎiya in surprise, he blurted, “You are Planet Klai’s little prince?”

Kǎiya’s face turned paler as the grip tightened, “Help…help me.”

Because Su Ling was blocked by Gu Liheng, Sainz stared at Gu Liheng and said, “Give me the medicine and I will let him go.”

Gu Liheng: “You can’t escape.”

Sainz sneered, “You don’t need to bother,” he urged in a deep voice, “Give me the medicine. He is the most favored son of the Klai royal family. If he dies here, all of you will be in trouble.”

Hearing that, Su Ling walked to Gu Liheng’s side. But Gu Liheng put his arm at his waist and took a step back.

Su Ling: “What if after I gave you the medicine, and you don’t let him go?”

Sainz: “You can throw the medicine over. Since I have to catch it with my hand, naturally I will have to release him.”

As Sainz said that, he exerted more strength on his grip. The veins on Kǎiya’s neck were popping up from the tension, and he couldn’t say a word.

Su Ling’s heart tightened and he took out the medicine (from space storage), “Let him go.”

Even if he didn’t know Kǎiya, he wouldn’t be so indifferent to watch a person being killed in front of him, not to mention the medicine for exchange is something he doesn’t need. It is very worthwhile to exchange it for a life. Apart from that, Kǎiya has a special identity, as Sainz said, if something happens, it will be very troublesome.

Sainz loosened some strength from his hand and feverishly stared at the medicine in Su Ling’s hand. His voice was hoarse with excitement, “Throw it over.”

Before Su Ling could do anything, Gu Liheng reached out and took the medicine from his hand. Next, he threw it in another direction, 2 meters from Sainz’s left side. At this distance, Sainz will be able to catch the medicine and at the same time had to let go of Kǎiya.

Sainz’s pupils shrunk slightly, and he instantly released Kǎiya. Then he moved quickly to the left and stretched out his left hand, bending over to catch the medicine before it hits the ground.

At the moment when he let go, Kǎiya swiftly ran to Gu Liheng’s group. He stopped at the back, bent over, and coughed hard on the back of a chair.

On the other hand, Gu Liheng took the opportunity to send their location to Hua Cheng. Then he stood guard beside Su Ling, watching Sainz vigilantly, in case he had other actions. Sainz’s seat is by the door, so they will have to pass Sainz if they want to go out.

When Sainz caught the medicine, he checked it a bit before putting it in his space storage. He is about to straighten up when a bunch of vines rushed towards him. Sainz turned sideways to dodge, and suddenly a 20 cm cylindrical item appeared in his hand. He pushed the switch, and a beam of flames emerged. The flames were faintly blue, and the length of the jet was longer than the cylinder[1].

The vines can’t avoid the flames and its front leaves were rolled up. The emerald green fades, leaving the edges gray in color. Su Ling felt a strong feeling of panic and irritability flashing in his mind, and he exclaimed, “Uncle Lóng!”

Lóng Mo Téng’s vines hurriedly climbed to the wall and hid in a safe place, waiting for an opportunity.

Sainz took out another cylinder from his space storage, posing with both hands on guard. He turned to look at Su Ling, slowly showing a cruel smile, “Ah Min didn’t tell you that Grade S spiritual plants also have weaknesses?”

Hearing that, Su Ling’s expression changed slightly. A wild guess suddenly flashed in his heart, and he asked, “You are Giant Bear?”

Sainz laughed lowly, “As expected of my grandson,” he stepped back to the door, a brutal expression flashed in his eyes, “we will meet again, dear boy.”

Giant Bear? Gu Liheng’s expression turned cold. This is the Giant Bear who killed his father. He took out a silver gun from his space storage and said in a deep voice, “Stop right there.”

Standing by the door, Sainz narrowed his eyes. The corners of his mouth curled up as he stared at the gun, “Do you think you can kill me?”

When his words fell, the cylinder in his left hand disappeared and is replaced by a black ball. He raised his hand and smashed the ball onto the table. The room immediately enveloped by black mist.

Gu Liheng fired a shot at the door, before turning around and hugged Su Ling tightly.

When the black mist cleared, Sainz has disappeared, and Lóng Mo Téng as well. Su Ling yelled for Uncle Lóng several times, then looked around in the private room again, but he did not find Uncle Lóng. Uncle Lóng was hanging on the wall at the time, so Giant Bear can’t possibly grab Uncle Lóng before escaping. That leaves one possibility, which is Uncle Lóng went after Giant Bear. Su Ling knew that Uncle Lóng had a super ability to disguise itself, but still he couldn’t help but worry. Giant Bear is fully aware of its weakness and even prepared weapons for this. In case Uncle Lóng is discovered by him…

Gu Liheng hugged Su Ling’s shoulders, “He can’t escape. There is surveillance everywhere in this area and Hua Cheng has contacted the Ministry of Transportation.”

“Hello, someone called the police and reported that they heard gunshots here.” Two policemen opened the door and came in. After showing their credentials, they asked seriously, “What happened?”

Kǎiya jumped up and said, “I was seized just now. You must send someone to arrest him. You must catch him! Cough cough cough…” Because his throat was injured, his shouting makes him cough again.

After learning about the situation, the police immediately check the surveillance camera of the cafe and got a copy of Sainz’s photo. They went to issue a wanted order and returned to check the private room again.

“Normal civilians are forbidden to carry this kind of item, this is homemade.”

A policeman looked serious as he said, “The remnants of the dark web, it would be very dangerous if he managed to escape.”

The two reported the case to their superiors and received an order to send Kǎiya to the hospital for treatment.

Kǎiya: “Wait, I’ll go later,” he turned to look at Su Ling and said, “Return the 3 spiritual plants to me.”

Su Ling: “It’s yours?”

Giant Bear said that the spiritual plants belong to Kǎiya’s family, but Kǎiya’s age is really incompatible (to be the one who gifted it to his mother).

Kǎiya gritted his teeth, “My father’s things are mine too.”

Su Ling: “Your father asked you to come?”

Kǎiya’s face changed slightly, “Why are you asking so much? Anyway, it belongs to my family.”

“What do you want the spiritual plants for?” Su Ling continued to ask.

“Of course to destroy them!” Kǎiya glared at Su Ling and said angrily, “Why do I want to leave around the things my father gave to other people and make my mother sad?”

Su Ling frowned, “Spiritual plants also have IQ. Although they are different from human beings, they are also a living body,” he said solemnly, “I won’t give them to you.”

“You liar, you said you would return the plants to the original owner…cough cough cough.” Kǎiya accused in agitation.

Su Ling: “Just now, in order to save you, I gave away the medicine for treating dark matter injury to Giant Bear. That counts as an exchange for the 3 spiritual plants.”

“I don’t agree, I can give you money!”

Su Ling: “I don’t want money, or you can ask your father to ask me for it personally, the emperor of Klai, isn’t it? He’s the one who gifted them at the beginning, not my mother who stolen it, right?”

Kǎiya was stunned speechlessly.

Nalu: “He came by himself. He didn’t bring even a bodyguard with him.”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows, “So it’s just your own idea to retrieve the spiritual plants? Your father doesn’t know?”

“I…” Kǎiya glared at Su Ling, “Don’t make excuses if you don’t want to give it back.”

Su Ling understood, it was Kǎiya’s idea. Too lazy to continue the bicker, he pulled Gu Liheng to leave, “Let’s go home.” Nalu followed them.

Kǎiya wanted to keep up, but was stopped by the police, “Prince Kǎiya, we will take you to the hospital.” After all, Kǎiya has a special status, and it is difficult to explain to Planet Klai if he has an accident in Planet Belle.

Stepping out of the cafe, Nalu reminded them, “Giant Bear is not caught yet, so be careful.”

Su Ling nodded, Nalu got into his car and left.

Su Ling and Gu Liheng returned to the villa. Su Ling thought for a while but did not take out Xian Mo Yu. He is afraid that Papa Xian would be worried upon knowing that Uncle Lóng has gone missing, and then made crazy moves. Maybe they will find Uncle Lóng soon. He and Gu Liheng are sitting on the sofa reading the information that Hua Cheng shared. In the middle of the holographic screen is a map, the route is very complicated, not like the planning of a bustling city at all.

Hua Cheng: “Giant Bear went to the slum area after escaping from the cafe. The trail is gone in the crowd. There are many underground passages under the slum area. We are investigating it, and the police have arrived also.”

Su Ling pulled down Gu Liheng’s sleeves, “Let them pay attention to the plants. Uncle Lóng must have followed him. Uncle Lóng can move underground and it is not easy to be spotted, but if Giant Bear is not on the floors above ground, Uncle Lóng should show up.” He said and added, “Uncle Lóng is very good at disguising, its appearance is not fixed.”

Gu Liheng nodded and conveyed Su Ling’s words to Hua Cheng.

Inside a building of the slum area, at the B2 (basement level 2) floor, there is a large secret partition. From the outside, it is just a mottled wall, one cannot see that there is a room inside at all. Giant Bear is lying on the bed with his upper body half na.ked, carefully dripping the medicine on the wound. The sharp pain is accompanied by a sizzling sound, which is the sound of the dark matter infested skin and the dark matter being destroyed together. Veins were popping on his forehead and it is all sweaty, but his eyes are very bright. The temporary communicator in his trouser pocket sounded, so he stopped a while to check the message: “The preparation for gene surgery is ready and can start at any time.”

He replied: “Wait for me to go back.”

Setting the communicator aside, Giant Bear continued to drip the medicine, with a cheerful twisted smile on his mouth. He didn’t notice, a gray-colored leaf the same color as the wall behind his head moved and then disappeared from the wall. A thin gray vine crawled along the top edge of the wall, even if someone looked at it, they would only think it’s the wall line.

Hua Cheng and a team member have just finished asking questions from a pair of mother and son from a dilapidated house. Upon coming out of the house, Hua Cheng felt a cold sensation at his wrists all of a sudden. He shook his hand violently and looked down to see a vine entangled at his wrist, while the other half of the vine is hanging from the door frame wall.

“Boss, what’s the matter?” The team member was taken aback by his movements.

Just as the team member asked the question, the gray vines had returned to emerald green, and just that the top is still gray in color.

“Lóng Mo Téng?” Hua Cheng’s eyes shone brightly. He walked to a blind spot, raised his hand, and asked in a low voice.

One end of Lóng Mo Téng moved up and down, and it returned to climb on the wall. Except for a little emerald green spot at the other end, the rest of the vine became the same color as the wall. At first glance, only one green dot can be seen, which is easily overlooked. The end of the vine tilted up to simulate a beckoning motion, and hooked inward, indicating to follow it.

“Wow!” the team member exclaimed, then lowered his voice to ask, “This is President Gu’s Madam’s Grade S spiritual plant?”

Hua Cheng: “En, gather up the team. We need to keep up with it.”

In his mind, Hua Cheng tried to suppress his excitement and pondered as he walked. How can he get Lóng Mo Téng into his mercenary group?

Raw word count:  3267


[1] Imagine a short lightsaber or a lighter that shoots blue fire

Chapter 79 – Exchange [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

After Su Ling thought about it, he felt that asking Father Su whether there is a mole on Mother Qin’s back is quite impossible as the question is too private. Father Su might be angry after hearing it, and he might not answer it.

Seeing Su Ling’s frown, Gu Liheng suggested, “You can ask her caregiver during labor.”

When Nalu heard it, he agreed, “Yes, your mother gave birth to you in the Central Hospital. She has no relatives so the Su family’s 2 elders hired a caregiver to take care of your mother for a week.”

Su Ling turned to Sainz and said, “I will find out whether what you said is true as soon as possible. Before that, I cannot give you the spiritual plants.”

“What if you can’t get a clear answer?” Sainz is not satisfied with Su Ling’s words. “I understand it if you don’t want to ask your father, but I am a businessman. I cannot stay in Belle for long.” He put his arms around his chest and continued, “With the Gu family’s ability, it is not difficult to find a caregiver. I will give you 3 days. If you cannot find the caregiver, you have to ask your father. I will leave Belle in 3 days.”

Turning to look at Gu Liheng, he agreed after seeing Gu Liheng nodded.

Sainz tapped at his bracelet, “Let us exchange contact information, and inform me of any updates as soon as possible.”

After exchanging contact information, Sainz got up and said, “I look forward to the good news.” He turned and left.

Nalu looked back until Sainz has completely left the bar, before turning around and said, “The spiritual plants are probably his. He doesn’t seem to be lying.”

Su Ling agreed, “If he is lying, his acting is amazing.” Because he was too calm.

Sighing lightly, Su Ling thought about the 3 Grade A spiritual plants and feeling a little bit sad.

Gu Liheng contacted his subordinates and asked them to find out who is the caregiver for Mother Qin after she gave birth and where the caregiver is currently. Before dinner, Gu Liheng received a reply. Mother Qin’s caregiver at the time is now a doctor in the Central Hospital.

After Su Ling knew about it, he got the contact information of the caregiver through Ni An. He contacted the caregiver directly and got an affirmative answer. Hanging up the call, Su Ling was in a complicated mood. Sainz is really the original owner, but he couldn’t bear to part with the 3 spiritual plants. After coming to this world, they have helped him a lot. Moreover, for him to be able to interact with male god smoothly, their contribution was indispensable. Even encountering Papa Xian and getting his pheromone to return to normal, it’s all related to the 3 spiritual plants.

Gu Liheng embraced Su Ling from behind and rubbed the top of his hair, “Feeling reluctant? I will talk to him and buy the spiritual plants.”

Su Ling sighed, “They must be expensive, and Sainz may not be selling them.”

Sure enough, when they met again the next day, Sainz hesitated and refused after hearing the proposal, “I don’t lack money, I just want the spiritual plants.”

Su Ling reluctantly took out 3 plants from his space storage, and they hurriedly wrapped his fingers with their leaves or branches. Earlier before he left, he told the 3 plants about the current situation. At that time, 3 different tearful expressions appeared in his mind. Also, there was a big ‘No’ (不) beside Lopseed and Baby’s breath’s crying expression. Redthorn Ball has only been back with the group for a short time so it still cannot write yet. Su Ling felt even more uncomfortable, he had the illusion that he is abandoning a bunch of children.

Sainz saw this situation and his eyes flashed with surprise. Then his expression became very ugly, “They recognize you are their owner?”

Su Ling nodded, “Yes.”

“Are you playing with me?” Sainz asked in an unhappy voice, “I can’t harvest the raw materials from the spiritual plants that have already recognized their owner. What’s the use of me holding onto it then?”

Su Ling: “When I learned of what my mother left for me, they already recognized me as the owner[1].”

Sainz loudly slammed on the table and was about to speak, when his expression suddenly changed. He started to cough while holding his right chest tightly. His original slightly pale lips became paler, which contrasted sharply with his skin tone. Quickly, Sainz took out a box of pills and popped two pills. It took a while before he returned to normal, and his expression was a bit weak. He leaned on the back of the seat and said, “Forget it, a high-level spiritual plant specialist can reset the connection and make them recognize another owner. And Planet Belle’s military definitely has no shortage of talents.”

Su Ling was taken aback, “You have relations with the military?”

Sainz: “There will be a partnership soon.”

Su Ling thought about what he said and asked, “What do you want to cooperate with the military using the spiritual plants?”

Placing his hand on his right chest, Sainz’s expression was not very good. He replied, “I had an accident in the space previously. I survived, but not without a sequela.” His tone was low and resentful as he continued, “A wound caused by dark matters was left on my body,” he sighed, “Fortunately before I despair, I saw the news that Planet Belle can heal this kind of wounds.” Then, he looked at Su Ling, “The medicine is also related to you.”

Su Ling understood what Sainz said, “You want to exchange the spiritual plants for the medicine to cure dark matter wounds?”

Sainz: “Yes. The Belle military will only agree to give me the medicine if I exchange them.”

Glancing over Lóng Mo Téng on Su Ling’s wrist, Sainz added, “Unfortunately, you can only provide raw materials from Xian Mo Yu, not making the medicine, or I can cooperate with you instead. Judging from your behaviors, it seems that you are reluctant to part with them as well.”

Indeed he is. Su Ling stroked the leaves and petals of the 3 plants with his fingers. After thinking for a while, he asked, “You only want 1 portion of the medicine, right?”

Sainz nodded.

Su Ling: “I will use the medicine to exchange them with you,” he paused, “You won’t leave until 2 days, and I will get the medicine before that.”

Sainz raised his index finger and stated in a non-negotiable tone, “I give you 1 day. In case you couldn’t get the medicine, I’ll still have a day to discuss cooperation by myself.”

Su Ling: “Alright.”

Sainz got up and left.

Next, Su Ling first contacted Doctor Ni An and learned that the medicines for dark matter wounds were all in the hands of the military so he contacted the Chief of the Logistics department.

The Chief was a little embarrassed as he replied, “This is a precious resource. We have a waiting list for the people in need of medical treatment in the military and the queue is as long as decades for now. The use of each medicine need to be clearly noted in our records.”

Su Ling: “I will trade with the raw materials.”

Other than the amount he submits to the military in accordance with the contract each month, Su Ling has a small amount of surplus of raw materials left for himself. It was fortunate that he didn’t sign to sell all of it at that time.

The Logistics Chief hesitated, “This…”

Su Ling: “I provide 10 times the raw materials needed for 1 portion of medicine.”

“I will submit an application report,” the minister responded, and then asked, “How deep is the patient’s wound? How long since he has the wound? Different wounds require different amounts of medicine.”

Su Ling was unsure so he asked, “I’m not very clear so can I send you a message later?”


Hanging up the call, Su Ling breathed a sigh of relief. He poked the soft and glistening sphere of the Redthorn Ball, “Don’t worry, I will try my best to keep you guys.”

The 3 plants immediately rubbed against his fingers with their leaves and petals.

Su Ling put them away in his space storage and sent a message to Sainz. Sainz quickly replied, and Su Ling forwarded his reply to the Chief.

Logistics Chief: “The request has been issued. After it is approved, I will get someone to make the medicine according to your requirements right away. When it’s done, I can either give it to you, or you can ask the patient to come to the military hospital to receive treatment.”

After Su Ling asked Sainz for his preference, he replied to the Chief, “Give it to me.”

At noon, Su Ling was having lunch when he received the news that the medicine had been prepared, together with delivery tracking information. His eyes lit up, and after he expressed his gratitude, Su Ling said to Gu Liheng, “The medicine is ready. We can trade with Sainz in the afternoon.”

Gu Liheng: “I will have someone draw up a contract. After he signs it, the spiritual plant will be yours in the future.”

Su Ling nodded and felt a little impatient. He couldn’t stop worrying if things were not confirmed. What if Sainz changes his mind?!

“I will make an appointment with him right away.”

Gu Liheng held Su Ling’s wrist and stopped his movement, “Eat first. You can contact him after an afternoon nap.”

Su Ling shook his free hand and said, “No need afternoon nap, I’ve already recovered.”

Hearing that, Gu Liheng’s eyes changed slightly. But seeing that Su Ling’s face is flushed and looking expectant, he let go of him and said, “Set the appointment to somewhere nearby.”

After the meal, the two went directly to the cafe not far from the villa. Sainz arrived shortly after they reached the private room. Su Ling passed the contract to Sainz. After Sainz read it, he cautiously said, “I want to test the medicine first.”

Su Ling expressed his understanding and asked, “How are you going to test it?”

Sainz: “Give me a little, I will know whether it’s genuine or not by using it on the edge of my wound.”

Su Ling took out the medicine and took 2 drops with a small dropper. Then he handed it to Sainz.

Sainz didn’t take the medicine but started to unbutton his clothes instead without reserve.

Gu Liheng wrinkled his brows and said, “Wait.” Next, he took the dropper from Su Ling’s hand and turned his(SL) chair 180 degrees, making Su Ling’s back facing Sainz.

Su Ling felt a little embarrassed and thought it was amusing. Sainz is not a woman, so what wrong with letting him see? But after thinking about the gender setting in this world, he shrugged his shoulders and sat obediently without turning back.

As for Sainz, he only raised his eyebrows and snorted before opening his clothes to reveal the wound on his right chest. The wound looked very hideous, and the dark sunken skin was very terrifying.

Gu Liheng’s expression remained unchanged, but deep inside he patted himself at the back. Fortunately, he makes the young man turn around before this.

Sainz took the dropper and smelled the medicine. Then he looked at it for a while before starting the experiment.

Su Ling raised his ears to listen to what’s happening. The sizzling sound like the sound of barbecue and the sound of teeth grinding making him feel a chill running down his back. At this moment, his bracelet vibrated, and it is a call from Nalu. As soon as he connected, Nalu quickly said, “Another person came to claim the spiritual plants. He has evidence and wants to see you!”

Su Ling: “… Bring him here.” He sent the cafe’s address and room number to Nalu.

“It’s alright now.” Gu Liheng waited for Sainz to wear his clothes, then turned Su Ling around.

Sainz’s face was ecstatic as he said, “It’s the real medicine!” He stared at Su Ling and said, “Take out all the medicine.”

Su Ling didn’t take the medicine immediately but asked, “Do you want something to drink?”

Sainz narrowed his eyes, his ice-blue eyes filled with sharp chill, “Not drinking, now give me the medicine. The spiritual plants are in your hand, and I will sign the contract when I get the medicine.”

Su Ling spread his hands and said, “You don’t need to sign it for now.”

Sainz: “What do you mean?”

“Another person has come to claim the spiritual plants, and he will be here soon,” Su Ling said.

Sainz snorted, “Do you have to meet every single person who comes to claim the spiritual plants?”

Su Ling: “For the time being, there are only two of you. Moreover, he said he has evidence.”

If one does not have evidence, they would not dare to pretend to claim it. After all, he already said that anyone who tried to make a false claim will be handed over to the police.

Hearing that, Sainz’s expression is not good. He lowered his eyes to hide the coldness in his gaze.

“Xiao Ling.” Nalu opened the door. Behind him is a 15 or 16 years old Alpha, who was very tall and had pale skin.

“Are you Su Ling?” The Alpha walked past Nalu and his gaze fell on Su Ling.

Su Ling nodded and asked right away, “What evidence do you have?”

The Alpha did not answer, but turned to look at Sainz and pointed at him, “Are you the person who pretended to be the owner of the spiritual plants? What evidence did you provide?”

When Sainz saw that person, his face changed slightly and his eyes flickered. Some thoughts went back and forth in his mind. The place where he used the medicine just now feels completely different from other areas. Although it is only a small area, the wound has followed him for many years, and he is too familiar with the pain. That small patch of recovered skin hooked out his strong desire for recovery. The ferocity in his eyes instantly turned violent. When everyone didn’t have the time to react, he reached out and grabbed the Alpha’s palm, then pulled hard towards him. At the same time, he quickly got up and kicked the Alpha’s abdomen.

Raw word count:  3200


Banana: Ehmergerd cliff! How can Banana leave you guys hanging on this true cliff?! XD That’s why the next chapter is on me, hehe. Go on and press next now~ XDXD Are you happy? I’m happy~ Feel free to praise me~~ XD
[1] – There’s no real mention about the ownership part, just briefly talked about in Chapter 6. So it’s either Banana’s short term memory working here or they never really mention how the ownership came about in previous chapters.

Chapter 78 – Making a claim [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Surprised flashed in Su Ling’s eyes, someone came to claim the spiritual plants? No one has contacted him since he posted that statement on his Boyan page. Hence, he did not expect someone to show up now. Who is that person? According to Nalu, the spiritual plants were given to Mother Qin by someone else. Could it be someone who liked Mother Qin before?

“What are you thinking?” As Su Ling was thinking, Gu Liheng strode into the bedroom and asked.

He only went downstairs not long ago, but he was worried about Su Ling so he kept watching the room through the surveillance camera. So, when he saw Su Ling opened his eyes, he immediately went upstairs.

Su Ling supported himself to sit up, “Uncle Nalu…”

Hearing his hoarse voice make him paused. Then some pictures of him asking for mercy and even crying inevitably appeared in his mind. His face flushed instantly, feeling embarrassed and awkward; that person is not him! He cleared his throat, but this was just in vain as his voice did not change much, “Uncle Nalu said that someone went to the store to claim the spiritual plants.”

“I’ll ask someone to check the identity of that person. You can go there in a few days.” Gu Liheng said, putting the tray in his hand on the bedside table.

Su Ling smelled the fragrant and strong food scent, and he couldn’t stop himself from salivating. Turning sideways, he stretched his neck over to look and exclaimed, “It smells good!”

“Chicken soup simmered in an ancient casserole,” Gu Liheng spooned a small bowl of soup for Su Ling and set it aside. Then he bent over to pick Su Ling up, “It’s too hot, wait until you finish washing up.”

Su Ling leaned on Gu Liheng’s shoulders and was enveloped in a strong sense of security. He didn’t feel embarrassed by their interactions at all. On the contrary, the intimacy makes him happy and he readily agreed with male god’s suggestions from the bottom of his heart.

While brushing his teeth, Su Ling looking in the mirror. Gu Liheng stood by his side and had an arm around his waist, keeping his eyes on him, unwilling to move away for a second. Su Ling thought of what he read in the physiology book. After permanent marking, the Alpha will have absolute possessiveness and protection desire for the Omega, while the Omega will rely on and obey the Alpha. He was still very skeptical at first because how could things in his heart (feelings) be affected by physiological reactions? Now he knows, it does have an impact.

Coming out of the bathroom, Gu Liheng carried Su Ling and walked to the bed. Su Ling patted his arm and said, “I want to go to the dining room.”

Gu Liheng worriedly said, “You need to rest more.”

Su Ling smiled and calmly said, “I have been asleep for a long time. I only started moving a while ago and I’m in good spirits.”

Checking at his expression, Gu Liheng made sure that he is not forcing himself. And so, he carried him downstairs, and Domi went upstairs to bring the chicken soup to the dining room. The two of them had their meal and, as Su Ling suggested, they went to rest on the deck chairs in the garden. Gu Liheng hugged Su Ling and massaged the sore parts on his body. The sun shone on his body through the gaps in the leaves, making Su Ling squinted lazily. He rested his head on male god’s shoulder; feeling safe and comfortable. In the next two days, the two were almost inseparable. Su Ling recovered very well under male god’s massage and nutritious good food.

Su Ling woke up very early on this day. He has been sleeping too much lately and he is not missing any sleep at all. However, it is rare to see male god’s sleeping face so he lay on the bed and admired the scene for a while. All of a sudden, at the corner of his eyes he saw something moving by the window. He turned his head and recognized Xian Mo Yu’s roots at a glance. Smiling, he lightly got out of bed and walked downstairs. Before he could step down the last step, his wrist was entangled with roots.

Following the pull from the roots, Su Ling walked to the corner of the spiritual plant room and saw 2 Flower Bud Grass standing side by side. Sensing his presence, the 2 spiritual plants bent their branches towards him. Su Ling turned to look at Lóng Mo Téng on Xian Mo Yu’s petals, and smiled, “Uncle Lóng, thank you.”

Needless to ask, for the small flower bud to grow up to adulthood, it is definitely the result of Uncle Lóng’s daily supply of vine liquid. That was really a surprise! The fragrance bar needs high-level inhibitors for emergencies, and to do so he needs raw materials.

Lóng Mo Téng calmly wrote, “It is a waste anyway if I don’t use it.”

Xian Mo Yu shook its roots and said, “I teach them to read every day!”

Hearing that, 3 Grade A spiritual plants and 2 Flower Bud Grass shook their leaves together.

Su Ling was amused. Papa Xian’s behavior right now is just like a kindergartener asking for praises. He pinched its roots and said, “Thanks to Papa Xian.”

“BANG…” There was a noise from the door, and Su Ling turned his head.

A figure flashed in front of him and the next second, he was hugged tightly, surrounded by a familiar aura. Su Ling raised his head in surprise, Gu Liheng lowered his head and kissed him, not stopping until he felt like he couldn’t breathe smoothly.

Su Ling sensed Gu Liheng’s anxiety and asked softly, “What’s the matter?”

Gu Liheng closed his eyes and opened them again. With a dark voice, he said, “I woke up and you are not there.”

Su Ling patted Gu Liheng’s arm and said, “I have been sleeping a lot recently and can’t fall asleep. So I came down to take a look at the spiritual plants.” He pointed to the corner, “Look, the small bud from before has also grown.”

Gu Liheng glanced at the plant, then moved his gaze to Su Ling again, “The next time you leave my side, remember to tell me.”

Su Ling tapped at his eyelid with his index finger and said, “You have been very tired the past few days. Seeing you slept soundly, I didn’t disturb you.”

“No matter how tired I am, you still have to tell me.”

Su Ling saw his seriousness and nodded, “Okay.” Then he pulled male god out of the spiritual plant room, “I will rest with you again.”

Gu Liheng: “No.”

With Su Ling’s insistence, Gu Liheng continued to take a nap for half an hour.

At breakfast, Gu Liheng received the information from Hua Cheng. He called up the holographic screen to show it across the table and watched it with Su Ling.

“Sainz, Alpha, 42 years old, an interstellar merchant. He wanders around different planets to buy and sell goods. 20 years ago, he was trading goods at Planet Klai, and…” Gu Liheng paused at ‘Madam Su or Mother’ before continuing with, “Met Mother.”

Su Ling looked at Gu Liheng and smiled. He said, “Call Mother Qin.”

In order to distinguish between his mother (Qin Min) from Mother Gu, he got used to calling that.

Gu Liheng nodded.

Su Ling looked at the information and pondered, “The timing is right, and the chances of interstellar merchants owning a rare spiritual plant are also very high. Maybe he did give the 3 spiritual plants to Mother Qin.”

Gu Liheng: “It’s not necessarily. Anyone who has been in contact with Mother Qin is possible.”

Su Ling: “I have to meet him.”

Gu Liheng: “I will accompany you.”

Su Ling contacted Nalu and make an appointment.

At 2.00 pm, Su Ling and Gu Liheng came to the fragrance bar.

Nalu was sitting in the deck seat further back. Opposite him is a tall Alpha, with profound facial features. His skin was dark wheatish, and his lips were pale, giving the sense of a brutal handsome look. Nalu got up and introduced, “This is Sainz.” He then sat next to Sainz, pointing to the opposite seat, “Sit down and talk.”

Su Ling and Gu Liheng sat across from them.

Sainz’s blue eyes had a cold texture. He didn’t speak immediately, but looked at Gu Liheng, before shifting to Su Ling.

“Are you Min’s son?” Sainz asked, his voice rough and slightly hoarse.

Su Ling nodded, “Yes,” he got straight to the point, “Do you want to get back 3 spiritual plants?”

Sainz: “Yes,” he narrowed and a sharp flash glinted as he opened his eyes, “I gave them to Min, hoping she would marry me.”

After he said that, Sainz clenched his fist and thumped the tabletop with a ‘BANG’. He didn’t care, and his anger was obvious, “She actually left with the spiritual plants and got married someone else anonymously. This is an insult to me.”

Gu Liheng frowned slightly and wrapped his arms around Su Ling’s waist. Then he glared at Sainz, “Please follow an Alpha’s gentlemanly demeanor and don’t make an unnecessary ruckus.”

Sainz glanced at Gu Liheng and leaned back in his chair. He apologized to Su Ling, “Sorry, it’s just that I suffered too much.”

Su Ling didn’t care about the sound, but he knew that male god is still influenced by their permanent marking. At this moment, he(GLH) regarded him very importantly, and at the same time felt that he is very fragile. Stretching out his hand to cover the back of male god’s hand, Su Ling smiled at Gu Liheng before asking Sainz, “How do you prove that the 3 spiritual plants belong to you?” He added, “I hope you can understand that I am not trying to monopolize the spiritual plants, but Grade A spiritual plants are very precious. Many people have intentions on them. I must be cautious.”

Sainz: “Of course I understand. Thank you for your caution. If I get the news that the spiritual plants have been cheated away when I come, I won’t be happy.” He leaned forward slightly, “You are an Omega. Then you should have communicated with the 3 Grade A spiritual plants before? You can let them share their memories, and you will know that they belong to me.”

Su Ling shook his head, “I have asked them before I came here. They have been frozen for 20 years so their memory is incomplete. There are only fragments of pictures, and they were sent to my mother by mail, not by hand. They can’t identify the identity of gift’s sender.”

The field of vision of the three spiritual plants was from the forest, in the storage box, in the mail express box, and then to Mama Qin’s hands. During this period, the sender’s face did not show up at all.

Sainz frowned unhappily, “The fact that I made this proposal, shouldn’t it be enough proof? If I were a liar, would I suggest that? If the spiritual plants have memories of their owner, you would be able to catch me red-handed on the spot.”

Su Ling hesitated.

Gu Liheng stated in a steady tone, “The news of the 3 spiritual plants were widely spread in Planet Belle. The part about them being kept frozen is not a secret either. It is not difficult to find out that long-term freezing treatment will cause the spiritual plant to lose part of its memory.”

“People who know the gifting process would not even have to think about checking the memory of the spiritual plant and even daringly proposed to do so, because they know that the sender did not show his face. You may be the sender, or you may just some other people know about it.”

Gu Liheng stared at Sainz, “Perhaps, you can submit the mailing information of that year.”

Su Ling’s eyes lit up slightly, “Yes, mailing information can prove it.”

Sainz’s brows tightened, his eyes scanned between the two, and finally stopped on Gu Liheng, “Did you investigate me?”

Gu Liheng did not deny.

Sainz snorted coldly, “Then you know that not long after Min disappeared, I had an accident. At that time, I barely survived. My bracelet was destroyed and the data was lost, but you still deliberately made this request.”

Next, Sainz shouted angrily at Su Ling, “Your post in Boyan is just for people to see, you don’t intend to return the spiritual plants at all! You were attracted by their value!”

Su Ling was firm with his standing and he didn’t do anything wrong. So he is not afraid at all, and raises his doubts, “Mailing information can be restored through identity verification, and the history records are in the identity account.”

Hearing that, Sainz’s expression looked ugly, “The 3 Grade A spiritual plants were given out behind my team member’s back. How could I use my ID account? At that time, I was so charmed. To think I actually used the Grade A spiritual plants to please a liar Omega!”

Su Ling couldn’t help saying, “Mother didn’t lie to you. She was going to return the spiritual plants, but her father didn’t allow it. She left to avoid her father.”

Sainz was silent for a moment before saying, “If so, why didn’t she return it later then?”

Su Ling was not sure of this person’s identity and did not want to reveal too much about Mother Qin’s information. Instead of answering, he asked, “Is there anything else you can prove that the spiritual plants belong to you?”

Sainz thought for a moment before saying, “Yes! The reason why I launched a fierce pursuit at the beginning was actually not completely hot-headed one-sidedly, Min responded to my courting as well.”

Su Ling and Nalu looked at each other. Mother Qin had feelings for the person who gave her the spiritual plants.

“If I wasn’t desperate, I would not say it,” Sainz said. “There is a black mole under the butterfly bone (wing bone) on the right side of her back.”

Su Ling looked at Nalu, and Nalu waved his hands, “I don’t know about that!”

Su Ling has a headache and asked, “Do we have to go to the Su family to ask?”

If Father Su heard the question, one wonders if his face would turn green.

Raw word count:  3309


Banana: Anyone who read with MTL before, please remember not to put spoiler in the comments yo (cautioning just in case :P)

Chapter 77 – Getting the certificate [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling stared at the box for 2 seconds, then his eyes widened in surprise. People in Planet Belle rarely consumed nutrient packs, so most of them are supplied to the army. The energy of a nutrient pack is greater than the energy of a meal. The taste is not as good as normal cooked food, but it is simple and quick. Right now they have a full box of the packs… Su Ling feels a chill ran down his back inexplicably. Are you telling him that it is difficult to even eat normally during the permanent marking? That realization caused his heart to beat faster; he’s a little scared but kind of anticipating it.

“The kitchen won’t cook these days?” He couldn’t help asking.

Gu Liheng has a deep gaze as he replied, “You won’t be able to eat it even if the kitchen cooked. The nutrient from the pack is more suitable.”

Su Ling: “So exaggerated?”

Gu Liheng walked up to Su Ling and looked down to check his expression, “Afraid?”

Su Ling hasn’t answered yet, but Gu Liheng grabbed his hand and held it inside his palm. He added, “How about we get the certificate another day? And when you are ready then…”

“I’m ready!” Su Ling interrupted Gu Liheng with a firm expression, “Go today.”

This is his goal right from the start. Seeing that he is about to achieve it, even if he feels a little apprehensive, he will never shrink back. Su Ling glared at Gu Liheng, “Don’t tell me that you are regretting it?”

Gu Liheng kissed Su Ling on the forehead, “No.”

Laughing, Su Ling dragged Gu Liheng with him downstairs. The two had breakfast together, then went back to their room to change into couple style suits. Gu Liheng rarely wears white at ordinary times, and this couple suit is white. Su Ling’s gaze couldn’t help chasing his figure, from leaving the bedroom to getting into the car, without moving away.

Too handsome and knightly, Su Ling sighed silently.

Gu Liheng shook Su Ling’s hand, “You have been staring at me for some time. Nervous?”

Su Ling shook his head and said honestly, “No, you are so handsome.”

Raising his hand, Gu Liheng stroked the end of Su Ling’s hair, and said with a smile in his eyes, “You look good today.”

The young man has fair skin, and his white suit is in sharp contrast with black hair, making his appearance picturesque and delicate.

Su Ling tilted his head and smiled, “When we first met, we also flattered each other like this.”

Gu Liheng: “I didn’t flatter you, just telling the truth.”

Su Ling smiled deeper.

Before long, the car stopped in front of the Building of Civil Affairs. When they walked into the marriage registration department, many pairs of eyes fell on them; both amazed and surprised. Amazed is because they looked really good, and surprised is because of their identities.

“This is President Gu and Su Ling, the owner of the Grade S spiritual plant, right?”

“It’s them, oh my God! I thought they got together just for playing around, I didn’t expect them to get married so soon.”

“I believe in love again. Like Su Ling is an abandoned son of the Su family. Even if he has a Grade S spiritual plant, his status is still too far away from the Gu family who has a profound foundation. For them to get together, this is absolutely true love!”

Su Ling heard the discussion and glanced at Gu Liheng. Gu Liheng looked at him and confirmed with a calm voice, “It’s true love.”

The corner of Su Ling’s mouth curled up. He knew very well that even if he is not an abandoned/unfavoured son, the Su family’s background is far from worthy of the Gu family. Therefore, he and male god are true love!

The two walked to one of the registration counters. The staff stared at them but did not react for a while, still in surprise.

“Can we register now?” Gu Liheng reminded.

“Sorry,” the staff member came back to his/her senses and smiled embarrassedly, “I’ll handle it for you right away.”

After 5 minutes, Gu Liheng and Su Ling left the building.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Su Ling grasped Gu Liheng’s wrist to tap at his bracelet. Then he placed his bracelet side by side with his. The holographic screen that popped up on the bracelet displayed their personal information. The original status [Single] has now changed to [Married], and the name of their partner is filled in the empty box under Partner’s column. After Su Ling looked at it carefully, he turned around and hugged Gu Liheng.

Finally, he is married to male god. He no longer has to worry that the plot in the book will appear. To be honest, he has been worrying about the plot, that Zhao Qi might suddenly appear to do something, or some incident will happen to follow the original story plot. Fortunately, everything went well.

This is the real world, not inside a novel.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Liheng asked softly. Aware of the changes in Su Ling’s mood, he reached out to hold him behind his back.

Su Ling tilted his head and smiled, “It’s okay, I’m just very happy.”

Hearing that, Gu Liheng looked at Su Ling’s face. There were smiles in his eyes as well, and he(GLH) lowered his head to kiss him on his cheek, “Me too.”

Back at the villa, after the driver left, they walked into the living room with the villa door closing behind them.

Taking off his isolator, Su Ling glanced at Gu Liheng, and pointed to the spiritual plant room, “You go upstairs first.” Seeing Gu Liheng nodding, he then walked into the spiritual plant room.

The spiritual plant room has been remodeled. The entire wall facing outside has been replaced with an automatic door. The switch button is on the sidewall. Whether it is Xian Mo Yu or Lóng Mo Téng, they can easily tap at it to open or close the door. Su Ling took out Xian Mo Yu and waited for Lóng Mo Téng to shift onto the petals, then he gave them some reminders.

“Papa Xian, Uncle Lóng, stay in the villa to play these days, don’t go out,” he coughed lightly, looking a little embarrassed as he added, “and don’t look for me either.”

Although they are only spiritual plants, their IQs are not low. Needing to purposely remind them still makes Su Ling feels a little embarrassed. But if he doesn’t remind them, something will definitely happen which then will make things even more embarrassing. Uncle Lóng is okay with how things go but Papa Xian might look for him if it didn’t see him for a few days.

Xian Mo Yu: “Oh, I got it. You want to do permanent marking, Ah Lóng already told me about it.”

Su Ling: “…” Uncle Lóng sure knows a lot.

After thinking about it, it is normal that Uncle Lóng knew. After all, except when they are in the villa, Uncle Lóng is always wrapped around his wrist. Although it has been pretending to be an accessory and usually does not say a word, it probably remembers everything that happens around it. Though the two plants are not his real elders, Su Ling is still a bit embarrassed to let them know. He cleared his throat and reached out to touch Lóng Mo Téng’s leaves, “Uncle Lóng, have to trouble you to take care of Papa Xian.”

The leaves moved up and down, and Lóng Mo Téng wrote a word, “Okay.”

Su Ling said a few more words to Xian Mo Yu and pinched its root before leaving the spiritual plant room.

After he left, Xian Mo Yu’s roots rose to wrap around the vine’s leaves. Its tone excited, “My son is so sweet and he asked you to look after me!”

The leaf turned its direction and stabbed the root, “Idiot, stop your stupid thoughts. He just doesn’t believe you can stay good by yourself.”

Xian Mo Yu immediately drew a big crying expression (T____T), “Really? Am I so unreliable in my son’s heart? Am I not the most dependable and stable father? Am I…”

Lóng Mo Téng: “Shut up and stop your tirades!”

The tearful expression filled Lóng Mo Téng’s consciousness so the leaves moved to touch the roots, “Your son asked me to look after you which means he cares about you. That’s very sweet.”

The tearful expression from Xian Mo Yu instantly changed to a smiling face, and the roots swayed around in the air, “Haha, I said that just now! Did you envy me just now and said those words on purpose?” The roots rubbed against the vine and added, “Don’t be sad, when my son comes out, I will help you to teach him a lesson for not caring about you and ask me to take care of you!”

Lóng Mo Téng’s leaves curled up on the petals, looking like it is about to rest, “Oh.”

As soon as Su Ling exited the spiritual plant room, he smelled the mellow red wine that made his heart beat faster.

Gu Liheng stood at the top of the stairs, leaning on the handrails casually. His suit and shirt were still neat, only the tie was loosened; giving a sense of abstinence and sexiness. He locked Su Ling’s gaze tightly and raised his hand to beckon Su Ling.

All of a sudden, Su Ling’s heartbeat speeded up. He took a deep breath and quickly walked towards Gu Liheng.

Gu Liheng’s eyes grew darker, and before Su Ling approached, he took 2 steps forward and carried Su Ling back to the room. The moment their skin touches, it was as if sparks fell into a patch of withered grass, the flame surged the ground and starting a prairie fire. The aroma of red wine mixed together with citrus mint. As they influenced each other, their aroma quickly becomes rich, like a pool of water suddenly turns into a deep ocean, the waves completely engulfed the two.

Su Ling tugged at his collar, his slender fingers trying to unbutton it but his hands slipped off. His body felt soft like a puddle of water and he couldn’t muster any strength at all. Frowning, he tilted his head to utter a tsk, “So annoying.” It felt good to have close contact with male god, but this feeling of weakness makes him feel disgusted, he’s too weak.

Gu Liheng placed the young man on the bed. His breathing blew hot air as he kissed between his(SL) eyebrows. With a deep voice, he held Su Ling’s hand and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll do it.”

As Gu Liheng often played ball sports (like tennis), there were thin calluses on his fingers. Su Ling being held by him, his irritability and discomfort disappeared immediately. Pulling back slightly, Gu Liheng unbuttoned his suit, followed by his shirt. However, Su Ling couldn’t stand with just his shirts unbuttoned. He stretched out his hand around Gu Liheng’s neck to get closer to him.

The air seemed to ignite. Originally, Su Ling was letting Gu Liheng undress him, but Gu Liheng wasn’t close enough, which made him feel uncomfortable very quickly. He eagerly wanted to be closer to male god. His body felt empty and his head seemed to be filled with hot steam, causing his thinking to become slower; only his instincts were exceptionally clear.

During the whole process, Su Ling has been in a state of chaos. Everything seems like his personal experience, but also like a dream. In the beginning, he could maintain a trace of reason, but later it was all instinct. Soon, the only thing in his mind was to ask for mercy and he just wanted it to end. At the moment of permanent marking, a huge shocking pleasure and pain struck at the same time. He couldn’t help his reaction at all. He cried and tried to back away as far as he could, but he couldn’t move at all.

There were pity and distress in Gu Liheng’s eyes as his fingers stroked Su Ling’s hair. He kissed him comfortingly on his face, and his voice was hoarse, “Don’t be afraid, it will be better soon.”

Su Ling couldn’t think of anything at all. He just sobbed and repeated his words, “You.. let go.”

His appearance aroused Gu Liheng’s desire even more. Not letting go and tightening his hold instead, he used his remaining reason to hug Su Ling to comfort him.

Su Ling gr-o-aned, and he complained with a hoarse, agitated voice, “Liar!”

Su Ling didn’t know how many times he had been tossed around like a flatbread or when he fell asleep. When he woke up, the smell of pheromones in the air has dissipated a lot and his body felt refreshed. Medicine has been applied behind him, so it didn’t feel throbbing and painful. Gu Liheng hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead.

“How are you?” He asked, taking a nutrient pack from the bedside table, “You need to replenish your energy.”

Su Ling didn’t have much strength and didn’t want to refuse him at all, so he drank the nutrient from Gu Liheng’s hand. Looking at Gu Liheng, he has this very strange feeling that though he(GLH) is an independent person completely different from himself, he felt that they are one entity at this moment. Before long, the fragrance in the air became rich once more, the temperature of Su Ling’s body rose rapidly, and the two entangled with each other again. A thought flashed in Su Ling’s mind, ‘No wonder he can’t eat (normal food), there is not enough time to eat it.’

This situation lasted a total of 5 days. There were traces of them all over the place; the entire bedroom, balcony, bathroom, washstand, and even the cloakroom. From the night of the fifth day, Su Ling slept until the morning of the seventh day, which he would occasionally be woken up by Gu Liheng to eat something.

When he finally woke up, he was in good spirits, just that his body is very weak, and there were soreness and weakness everywhere. Whenever he closed his eyes, his mind will be filled with the chaotic and fuzzy scenes that happened these days. Su Ling rubbed his eyebrows, the physiology book didn’t lie. Knotting or whatnots, it turned out to be true. It’s just that personal experience is countless times more profound than how he feels when he read the book. Even when he is thinking about it now, he still can’t help feeling his scalp tingling.

His bracelet vibrated, and he tapped on it. There were 2 messages from Nalu, which were sent one after another.

“After your body recovers, come to the store. Someone wanted to claim the 3 Grade A spiritual plants!”

“But don’t worry, come back after you have a good rest.”

Raw word count:  3282

#ExceptThePlaces ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)

Chapter 76 – Popular [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Xian Mo Yu’s appearance instantly hyped up the atmosphere in the fragrance bar. Countless pairs of eyes fell on Xian Mo Yu. Scrupulous about the lethality of the black liquid, no one dared to come close, but they watched Xian Mo Yu from a distance and discussed excitedly with their companions. Many guests regained their senses from the surprise and quickly contacted their relatives and friends: “Come to Tian Ling Fragrance Bar! Xian Mo Yu is in the bar!”

Someone also wrote in their Boyan: “Oh my God, I saw the Grade S spiritual plant with my own eyes, and I only spent the price of a cup of fragrance. This is great!”

It is forbidden to take photos in the fragrance bar, but Boyan has a positioning function. So, people who saw the post soon understood which bar he/she is talking about.

Tian Ling Fragrance Bar has reopened, and Xian Mo Yu is out here in the bar!

This news quickly swept the Internet, and within half an hour, the upper and lower floors of the fragrance bar were full of people. Nalu smiled and walked to the door to put up a sign stating that they are currently ‘Full’. The guest who had just arrived at the door hurriedly took Nalu’s hand and said, “Manager, please let me in. The bar won’t be affected by adding one more person!”

Nalu pulled his hand away, “Sorry, in order to ensure a social environment for guests, we have a quota for the number of guests, so you cannot enter at the moment.”

After Nalu returned to the main hall, the security guard is guarding at the door. Anyone who wanted to enter the door will receive a unanimous reply: “How many people come out, that is how many people can get in.”

Of course, there are exceptions.

Lin Meng stared at the people lined up at the store entrance and kicked Xiào Rui’s calf. Then he adjusted his collar with a blushing face, “I told you to come early!”

Grabbing Lin Meng’s hand, Xiào Rui helped him to adjust his collar to hide the red marks, “You can’t blame me for this. You look so good today.”

Lin Meng glared at Xiào Rui, “I was planning to join Ling Ling with the reopening!”

Xiào Rui squeezed his finger comfortingly, “Contact Su Ling, you should be able to enter through the back door.”

The business is so good in the shop that all the staff wished that they could grow out ‘3 heads and 6 arms’ (to handle the orders). Su Ling and Xiao Bian are each responsible to make fragrance drinks for customers in different areas. A holographic screen is lit on Su Ling’s right hand, which are the guests’ orders, arranged in chronological order. When he finished making a drink, he will tap on that order on the screen. A ‘Completed’ sign will appear in the upper right corner, and a small note will be printed, showing the location of the guest and the order. Then the holographic screen will automatically change to show the next order to be made. As for the waiters, they will come over upon receiving the message and bring the fragrance to the guest.

Su Ling has just completed an order and was about to continue when he received a call from Lin Meng. He opened the panel of the bar’s security system and remotely unlocked the back door. After the two came in, he closed the back door again and said, “Sorry, it’s very busy here. Come to the main hall.”

Lin Meng: “It’s okay. I saw a lot of people line up at the front door. You can go do your own thing, not need to take care of us.”

Lin Meng and Xiào Rui arrived at the bar. Su Ling raised his head to say hello, and asked, “What do you want to drink?”

However, Lin Meng’s attention was all on Xian Mo Yu. Xian Mo Yu’s roots were scattered in the air, and two of them fell from above the bar to Su Ling’s side. Staring at the roots, Lin Meng said, “We won’t jump the queue, we will place the order ourselves.” As he said that, he nudged Xiào Rui with his elbow, and Xiào Rui placed their order. Lin Meng tapped his fingers on the bar several times, and finally couldn’t help asking Xian Mo Yu, “Can I touch your root[1]?”

Xian Mo Yu stretched out a root in front of Lin Meng and his eyes lit up. He reached and lightly squeezed the root; the touch was slightly cool and bouncy. He was about to squeeze again, but the root removed itself from his grip.

Lin Meng supported his cheeks with his palms, envious showing in his gaze as he sighed, “I also want to have a Xian Mo Yu for myself.”

Su Ling smiled. In his case, it was totally unexpected that he came across Xian Mo Yu. He raised his hand and squeezed the root, “Tell me if you feel bored. I will send you back to the backyard.”

“No,” Xian Mo Yu swayed, “It’s great here!”

Lin Meng and Su Ling chatted at the bar for a while, then he(LM) went behind the bar to help, while Xiào Rui and Gu Liheng sat down and chatted together.

Lin Meng: “How about going on a trip to other planets together in the last month of our holiday?” His eyebrows curved in joy as he continued, “Ah Rui’s grandpa is fine now and you don’t need to come to harvest the liquid every day. You should have time, right?”

Su Ling shook his head, “Not for the time being, I will get the certificate with Brother Liheng[2] tomorrow.”

“What?” Lin Meng stared at Su Ling, then lowered his voice and smiled ambiguously, “Is it because President Gu can’t help it anymore and wants to mark you completely?”

Su Ling: “No,” he glanced at Lin Meng’s neck before adding, “Brother Liheng is more tolerant than Xiào Rui.”

Hearing the meaning in Su Ling’s words, Lin Meng blushed and turned his head away. Then he turned around again after a while to ask, “You have a high compatibility rate, right?”

Su Ling nodded.

Lin Meng: “For permanent marking, an AO pair with a high compatibility rate will definitely fall into estrus passively[3],” he smiled, “rest assured, I won’t disturb you in the next few days.”

Su Ling is not shy by their conversation and frankly said, “I just want to let you know that I will be out of touch in the next few days,” he shrugged, “You won’t be able to disturb me either way.”

Lin Meng is regarded as his only friend. If he(LM) couldn’t contact him for a few days, he will inevitably be worried.

Lin Meng smiled brightly, “That’s my friend!”

They continued chatting and Xian Mo Yu shook its roots. It spread its attention around, listened to the guests’ conversation, and then shared its findings with Lóng Mo Téng while making some remarks.

An hour later, Su Ling saw that Lin Meng looked tired. Thinking of the red marks on his neck, he resolutely refused Lin Meng to continue helping out; making him go back to rest. As for Xian Mo Yu, after listening to the guests chatting for more than an hour, the excitement dies down, and it turned its attention to Su Ling again. The fragrance bar is constantly full and the waiters are too busy to stop by. Hence, the drinks Su Ling made stood a long line on the counter. Xian Mo Yu’s roots swayed beside the fragrance drink on the far left, curling up the glass, and wrote to Su Ling, “I’ll help.”

These words flashed in Su Ling’s mind. Before he could stop Xian Mo Yu, the drink had risen into the air. The root turned flexibly in the air and delivered the fragrance to the middle table on the right.

“Ah!” The guests at that table were shocked when they saw a root and a fragrance drink coming down from above. When they realized what happened, they were surprised and exclaimed, “Wow!”

The root loosened the glass and quickly left.

The guest happily held his drink while receiving admiring glances from other people – this was delivered by the Grade S spiritual plant after all!

Su Ling quickly picked up the notes on the tray and looked at it, then he asked the waiter where it was delivered. After making sure the order was correctly delivered, he squeezed the root beside his hand, “So smart.”

The roots swayed happily and 12 roots rushed to the bar. After a while, 12 glasses of fragrance drinks were picked up and delivered to the guests steadily.

The guests were very surprised, and they were extremely excited because it was the Grade S spiritual plant that delivered their drinks.

“I want Xian Mo Yu to send it too!” A guest requested.

“Me too!” Many guests echoed the request.

Because of the ‘new waiter’ Xian Mo Yu, customers who have ordered fragrance previously can’t help but order another drink again, just so that their drink can be delivered by Xian Mo Yu. Hence, the slightly slower business became busy again.

Xian Mo Yu has a lot of roots and they moved back and forth in the air to do the delivery. There is no table or chair to obstruct the way so its working speed is very fast. Although the business is suddenly booming, the waiters are more relaxed.

Nalu rested his arm on the bar counter with a smile and praised, “Xian Mo Yu deserved to be called the best waiter.”

Glancing at the stage, Su Ling who knows Xian Mo Yu very well said, “It just feels fun for a while and won’t keep doing it.”

Nalu expressed that it didn’t matter and added, “Even if it’s only a few minutes, Xian Mo Yu is still the best promoter,” he exclaimed. “What a treasure.”

Su Ling nodded in agreement and felt very warm thinking about what Xian Mo Yu had said about making money to raise him(SL).

Nearing midnight after 11.00 pm, there are still a lot of people in the store. Most of them have stayed in the fragrance bar for quite some time and not leaving yet, and there are not many new customers coming in. Therefore, although the Fragrance Bar is lively, the staff felt much more leisurely.

There were many AO pairs among the guests. They removed their isolator upon entering the fragrance bar and their pheromone was very stable over the night. For a large-scale fragrance bar, using fragrance products to ensure the stability of the AO guest’s pheromone after they removed their isolator is the basic work and the primary challenge. However, even with a large-scale fragrance bar, it is difficult to ensure an A or O in a stable state the entire night.

A customer couldn’t help asking, “Boss, what fragrance do you use in your store? Can you sell me some?” He exclaimed, “My pheromone is super stable tonight. I was not affected by the pheromone at all while chatting with an Omega. It feels really great!”

Su Ling: “Bought it online, it’s the one with the highest sales volume.”

“I know that one, but it doesn’t have such a good effect.”

Su Ling smiled, “En, the effect is good tonight, mainly because of the fragrance Xian Mo Yu released.”

To make a general fragrance, Su Ling could use his raw materials to do a lot of experiments but without proper learning, it is difficult for him to make fragrances that could stabilize the AO’s pheromone. The ones currently used in the store are the same as before, all bought by Nalu. Of course, just in case, he made some fragrance that could hide pheromones and advanced inhibitors for Nalu to deal with emergencies. No one can guarantee that there won’t be cases where an Omega suddenly falling into estrus, or if a highly matched AO pair accidentally meets in the fragrance bar and then reacted to each other. In these two cases, ordinary and stable fragrances will not work, and better medicines are needed.

The guests understood and their gaze on Xian Mo Yu turned hotter.

When it is almost midnight, Nalu urged Su Ling to go, “Go back to rest, you just reached adulthood, staying up late is not good. Plus, tomorrow you…” He paused and pulled Su Ling by his sleeves out of the bar, “Go, go, go…”

Su Ling did not refuse, he was really tired actually, “Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Nalu.”

Nalu waved his hand, “What hard work? We are all used to this working time. Don’t worry, the bar won’t have any problem with the medicine you gave me.”

Su Ling uttered an En and walked to the stage to put Xian Mo Yu in his space storage.

Gu Liheng had dealt with his matters a long time ago and kept looking at Su Ling. So he walked over and they went out together. Gu Liheng embraced Su Ling and sat in the back seat of the car, “Lean on my shoulder and rest for a while.” Su Ling leaned against him and he held Su Ling’s hand while gently rubbing his wrist.

Yawning, Su Ling closed his eyes. His voice was low and dull as he said, “Call me when we arrived. I want to take a shower before going to bed.”

“Alright.” Gu Liheng responded.

When Su Ling woke up again, Gu Liheng is helping him undress. The water in the bathtub next to him was steaming slightly.

“I woke you up?” Gu Liheng immediately realized that Su Ling is awake, and asked while looking annoyed by himself.

Su Ling lowered his head and saw that the first 4 buttons of the shirt he wore specially for the opening ceremony were unbuttoned. He raised his eyebrows slightly at Gu Liheng.

Gu Liheng removed his hand and lightly stepped back. But Su Ling put his hands on his shoulders. Closing his eyes, he leaned back and said, “I’m tired and sleepy.”

In the fragrance bar today, Su Ling stood in front of the bar counter for almost 5 hours, and he also needs to make drinks so he is really tired. Gu Liheng felt distressed and embraced Su Ling, “Sleep.”

Su Ling allowed Gu Liheng to undress him. Then he seems to have nodded off again. Only when he is soaking in the hot water, he sighed comfortably and then fell asleep without knowing. When he woke up again, it is already the next morning. After he woke up, he got up for a second and looked around, but he didn’t see Gu Liheng. Glancing at the time, he saw that it is less than half-past seven. When he came out of the bathroom, Gu Liheng came in from the door with a box in his hand. Domi followed behind him while carrying a bigger box.

“What is this?” Su Ling asked.

Gu Liheng put the box on the bedside table. His eyes shifted slightly, and he paused before answering, “Nutrition packs.”

Raw word count:  3242

#NutritionForWhat ?
#Hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

1] Tecnically, it’s not ‘touch’. Lin Meng is asking if he could pinch/squeeze the root like how you will do to a baby’s hand XD Anyway, it doesn’t translate nicely to English in this sentence _(;3/
[2] Another awkward word that cannot be translated nicely. Su Ling said ‘Liheng ge’. Everyone should know that Ge/Gege means big brother. In this case, the ‘ge’ here is an endearment term. Still, it doesn’t sound as nice as it does in Chinese (or Korean – hyung XD)
[3] Probably sounds awkward but Banana thinks Lin Meng is actually stating a general remark about high compatibility AO can easily affect each other into estrus. It doesn’t have to be talking about permanent marking. Reread the raw twice but I still dunno what he wants to say :v

Chapter 75 – Reopening [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

In the last few days of July, Su Ling spends most of the time in the spiritual plant room. After lunch, he will do some exercise before going out to check out some houses. Finally, on 1st August, he bought a villa. The villa is located between the fragrance bar and the Banshan villa area. Though the location is not as good as the Banshan villa area, the price is not cheap. Su Ling almost spent all of his money to buy the villa, and the overall area was not large as well.

On their way back home, Gu Liheng’s brows were slightly furrowed the whole journey. He kept his gaze forward, not looking at Su Ling. Su Ling put a hand on Gu Liheng’s shoulder, and leaned his head over, “Are you angry?”

Gu Liheng pressed his thin lips lightly but eventually turned his head after a while. Su Ling’s head was on his shoulder, and their face was very close. His face brushed Su Ling’s lips when he turned his head and his eyes moved slightly.

“The villa you like is at Zone 3.” Gu Liheng stated, not asking a question.

Su Ling’s eyes curved with smiles. He really likes the villa at Zone 3 very much. The whole architectural style appeals to him, but the overall area is too large and it is seriously over-capitalized. He smiled and said, “The one at Zone 5 is also very good; small but fully equipped.”

Looking at Su Ling, Gu Liheng finally said what he minded, “You don’t want to spend my money.”

Su Ling said, “Of course, I have to be the one to pay for my pre-marriage house,” he grabbed Gu Liheng’s hand and smiled, “Don’t think too much about it. It doesn’t matter whether Zone 3 or 5, I just need to buy one under my name. It’s not like you want me to stay there, right?

“No,” Gu Liheng shook his hand, “Stay with me at Banshan villa. When it’s time for you to go to school, it will be closer.”

Su Ling nodded without hesitation, “Okay.”

Seeing that the young man immediately agreed with him, Gu Liheng’s expression was much softer. He could understand why the young man insisted on buying his own house before getting married. However, the young man rather buys the house he didn’t like the most than spending his money. It gives him the illusion that the young man drew a clear between them and might leave at any time. The young man’s attitude made him feel uneasy.

At 5.30 pm, Su Ling and Gu Liheng had dinner in advance before going to Tian Ling Fragrance Bar. The fragrance bar has a brand new look now. From the street view, it no longer looks shabby. The main building’s colors are blue and white, which is very conspicuous. As soon as he entered the bar, Su Ling smelled a faint fragrance. There was a circular space (for stage) in the middle of the bar, with deck seats on both left and right sides, while private rooms are on the second floor. The overall style is cozy and fresh, with light and bright colors, which makes people feel relaxed and comfortable. The staff in the store greeted Su Ling one after another and smiled ambiguously when they saw Gu Liheng.

Sitting at the bar, Nalu turned around the swivel chair and waved when he heard the sound from the door.

“Uncle Nalu,” Su Ling greeted as he approached. Holding Gu Liheng’s hand with a smile, he proceeds to introduce him, “Let me officially introduce him, my boyfriend, Gu Liheng.”

“President Gu.” Nalu stood up subconsciously.

Gu Liheng: “Not need to be polite, just call my name.”

Nalu is a bit older than Gu Liheng. Hence, upon hearing Gu Liheng’s words, he followed the flow and said, “Li Heng.” He patted Gu Liheng on the shoulder and said, “We just reopen today so I will be busy later. Let’s find some time to have a drink next time.”

Gu Liheng nodded, “Okay.”

A waiter asked for Nalu and he turned to answer the question. When he is free, Su Ling said,
“I will go to see the spiritual plant shed.”

Nalu acknowledged with an En and went busy again.

Su Ling took Gu Liheng to the backyard. The original spiritual plant shed has been demolished and turned into a fully transparent spiritual plant room. There are 3 floors in total and at the entrance were stairs for people to walk up. There is also a conveyor belt (lift?) so that flower pots can be placed directly on it. The spiritual plant room is equipped with a fully automatic cultivation system. The system might be useless towards spiritual plants of different levels and high levels. But the raw materials in the store are all low-grade, so it suits his need; convenient and easy.

Next to the spiritual plant room is the fragrance making room, which has not changed much from before. It was just renovated, and it looked empty due to lack of equipment. Su Ling took Xian Mo Yu and 2 Grade A spiritual plants out of his space storage. Then he took out their nutrient solution. Xian Mo Yu opened up its petals, and its roots swayed in mid-air, obviously feeling happy. Su Ling lightly squeezed a root and said, “Papa Xian, stay here. Since the shop reopens today, I will have to stay back in the shop a little longer tonight.”

Xian Mo Yu wrote a mental word to Su Ling, “Okay.”

Hearing Su Ling’s words, Lóng Mo Téng stopped its movement towards Xian Mo Yu’s petals and returned to wrap around his wrist again.

After Su Ling settled down the spiritual plants, he went to the bar to ask if the raw materials are enough.

Nalu: “I have prepared a lot, it should be enough.”

Su Ling let Gu Liheng sit in one of the deck seats, and went to help out with some preparations.

At 7.30 pm, the fragrance bar opened on time. The neon signs were lit up, and electronic fireworks screens were placed on both sides of the door, together with some signs of the reopening promotion. As soon as the door opened, the guests waiting outside quickly walked in.

At the bar, Nalu’s mood became happy, “It’s good to be famous. I only mention the reopening on the official website but so many people came.”

“Su Ling! It’s great to see you here,” an Omega ran to Su Ling and greeted him in excitement. Then he looked around and asked, “Is Xian Mo Yu there?”

“Hello,” Su Ling smiled and explained, “Here, we provide a place for socializing, and the fragrance bar sells fragrances, not spiritual plants.”

The Omega with a look of anticipation, “I just want to have a look.”

Su Ling politely refused, “Sorry,” he pointed to the fragrance list, “Would you like something to drink? I can introduce you to…”

He recommended in a gentle tone, the Omega was initially disappointed, but soon became interested in the fragrance introduced by Su Ling. He placed an order before returning to his seat. Afterward, many guests asked him to recommend fragrances to them.

An Alpha approached Su Ling and asked, “Can you recommend one to me?”

At the moment, the staff in the store are very busy. Moreover, Su Ling originally came with the intention to help so he smiled, and introduced the fragrances in a friendly manner. The Alpha ordered two cups of soothing fragrances. Then he gave Su Ling a cup and bends down slightly, “You look better than your picture online. Can I buy you a drink?”

Hearing that makes Su Ling raise his eyebrows, but before he could say anything, his shoulders were hugged by someone. Gu Liheng, who was originally sitting at the nearest seat of the bar, stared emotionlessly at the Alpha.

The Alpha froze for a moment, but he quickly recognized Gu Liheng. Embarrassment flashed on his face as he greeted, “President Gu.”

Su Ling leaned his back against male god’s chest. Then he looked at the Alpha with smiles in his eyes, “Sorry, I already have a lover.”

The man knows about Su Ling’s relationship with Gu Liheng, but Alpha generally persistent towards the Omega they are interested in. In their point of view, as long as the Omega is not permanently marked, they will always have the chance to pursue the Omega. Of course, for the extreme type Alpha, permanent marking is the only way, there are no other options. This Alpha is not extreme, he is just trying his luck. After all, no matter who the competitor is, the most important thing is who the Omega likes. However, it is clear that this Omega in front of him likes President Gu very much.

The Alpha shrugged, “That’s a shame,” he smiled at Gu Liheng, “Congratulations.”

Gu Liheng’s eyebrows are slightly loosened and he nodded as a reply.

The Alpha turned and left with the fragrance drink he ordered.

Turning around to look at male god, Su Ling smiled and joked, “Could it be you are worried about me? Don’t forget, I used the pheromone masking agent today.”

Gu Liheng looked down at Su Ling before bending over to kiss him, “Even without your pheromones, you are a charming person.”

Su Ling put his hand around Gu Liheng’s neck, “Speaking so sweetly?”

“When I first liked you, your pheromone was still in an abnormal state.” Gu Liheng calmly used himself as an example.

Su Ling raised his head and took the initiative to kiss Gu Liheng. After a while, he let go and said, “Don’t worry too much. And don’t forget that we will be getting our certificate tomorrow. You will be cut off from contact with the outside world for almost a week. Have you finished arranging the company’s affairs?”

Although Gu Liheng is on holiday at the moment, he will still handle urgent matters and keep in touch with the company at all times, just that he didn’t go to the company. However, this time it is different. It is equivalent to a week of complete disconnection. Of course, the process may take less than a week, but they still have to be fully prepared. Many things must be arranged. In addition to the company’s business, there is also the preparation of daily necessities needed within a week.

With his hand supporting the back of Su Ling’s head, Gu Liheng rubbed a lock of his black hair in his fingers and said, “The arrangement is almost done, but I will buy some more things. Remember to rest when you are tired.”

Su Ling nodded, and Gu Liheng returned to the deck seat.

Nalu waited for Gu Liheng to sit down before leaning close to Su Ling and said, “Tsk tsk tsk. Are you two showing affection in the store on purpose or just want to abuse us single dogs?”

Su Ling looked innocent as he said, “Neither, this is just our everyday interactions.”

Nalu hissed sourly and Su Ling couldn’t help laughing. Then he whispered, “We will get our marriage certificate tomorrow.”

Surprised, Nalu opened his eyes widely, “You are still so young! Are you really confirmed about it? You don’t want to wait and compare a few more people?”

Nalu’s questions made Su Ling felt funny, “It’s on my mind since a long time ago and I have been waiting for such a day to come.”

Nalu stared at Su Ling for a while. After making sure that he is not joking, he sighed, “I never see an Omega as determined as you. You have more ideas than your mother.”

This young man said from the very beginning that he is interested in President Gu. Nalu thought he was just curious or attracted for a while, but he didn’t expect Su Ling to be so determined. He patted Su Ling on the shoulder and said, “Congratulations,” then he frowned, “Should have told me earlier, I don’t know what to give you as a congratulatory gift at the moment.”

Su Ling smiled and said, “I will be cutting off contact with the outside world in the next 7 days. Uncle Nalu working hard at the store is the best gift to me.”

Nalu thought for a while, “Okay, I’ll make it up when you have your wedding.” He patted Su Ling on the shoulder again, “Don’t worry, I’ll be watching the store, no problem.”

Su Ling and Gu Liheng’s public intimate behavior was very effective. No one came to Su Ling on purpose to ask for recommendations anymore. But Su Ling is not staying idle, he went around helping Xiao Bian to make fragrance products, and let the waiters deliver them to the guests.

The positioning of the fragrance bar is good, it was not noisy, and the environment is refreshing. In the middle stage, there are folk artists specially invited by Nalu to play light music. Usually, the area is used for guests to dance in pairs or order songs. But since the bar is reopened today, they specially invited artists to come and play music.

Standing by the bar, with the fragrance wafting at his nose and the soothing music flowing, Su Ling feels particularly comfortable. When making the fragrance beverages, the corners of his mouth stayed curved up. Gu Liheng would look at him occasionally from his business matters, and his expression became softer.

“AH!” Suddenly, a loud cry came from the entrance of the corridor on the right.

Su Ling looked over immediately, but he couldn’t see anyone due to a wall structure blocking a direct view of the corridor. The corridor there is connected to the public toilet and the backyard, but there is a locked door in the backyard. No one is allowed to go to the backyard except for the employees who have access.

Putting down the fragrance in his hand, Su Ling walked out from the bar counter towards the corridor. When he arrived, Nalu was pulling a yellow-haired man out.

“Xian Mo Yu! It must be Xian Mo Yu!” The yellow-haired man struggled and hugged Nalu’s arm, “Let me take a look!”

The man was being pulled out to the hall, and he was talking in a loud voice. When the other guests heard his shouts, they stretched their necks out curiously to listen. Some people couldn’t bear their curiosity and got up to the corridor.

Su Ling glanced at the back door, which was closed tightly.

Nalu shrugged, “I just saw a root rushing back to the backyard just now.”

Su Ling: “…I’ll go take a look.”

Gu Liheng walked to Su Ling, “I’ll go with you.”

“Owner, is Xian Mo Yu here? Can we see it?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Many guests echoed their support to the suggestion.

Su Ling didn’t answer and went to the backyard spiritual plant room with Gu Liheng.

Xian Mo Yu’s petals were gathered up, enclosing the stamen and roots, which look like a big red oval object. Su Ling felt funny to see that because Xian Mo Yu never act like this before. Even if it is sleeping, its roots will still be left out to drink the nutrient solution. This is obviously an act of guilty conscience! He stepped forward and touched the outer wall of the petals. Thinking for a while, he asked, “Papa Xian, how about going outside to play?”

Two roots sprang out immediately; one wrapped around his wrist, and the other stood erected in front of him and swaying happily: “Okay!”

Su Ling: “You can hear my question even when you are sleeping?”

The root standing in front of him was stunned. Lóng Mo Téng on Su Ling’s wrist instantly stretched out and unceremoniously whipped the root: “Idiot!”

The roots slumped to the ground, drew a big crying expression in Su Ling’s mind. Then it added: “I’m so bored, I just want to take a look quietly.” As it ‘said’ that, the root patted the ground, and continued: “It is not long enough, so I opened the door to go out!”

The fragrance-making room is just beside the backyard door, and it is separated from the main hall by the corridor, which was indeed a bit far away. Su Ling thought for a while before saying, “Then you go to the bar with us, but you can’t spray black liquid, or release the bad odor. Also, you can’t hurt anyone with your roots.”

The root bounced up from the ground and nodded rapidly, “Okay, okay.”

Su Ling laughed and contacted Nalu. After that, he put Xian Mo Yu in the space storage. Xian Mo Yu is too wide to pass through the corridor. When he went to the main hall again, many guests waited eagerly and looked behind him. They didn’t see Xian Mo Yu and looked disappointed, “Owner, where is Xian Mo Yu?”

Su Ling smiled and walked to the edge of the empty stage. He said to the guests, “At your request, I will take out Xian Mo Yu. But please don’t hurt it or you will have to bear the consequences.”

As he said that, Su Ling opened his space storage and Xian Mo Yu immediately filled the stage. Its red petals were shining under the lights, which was really beautiful. Exclamation sound could be heard one after another in the bar. At the same time, a strong fragrance exuded from Xian Mo Yu in the air.

Xian Mo Yu’s roots swayed in the air: “Wow, many people! Happy~”

Raw word count:  3918
