Interstellar Super Doctor 星际超级医生 Chapter 9

Banana: Leo is a brat but please don’t give up on him == He will become better after the author slapped him a few times.

Chapter 9 Destined guide

Xiào Mu knocked on the door, and soon the door slid open, and a tall sentinel with Level AA strength appeared behind the door, looking at him sharply, “You are?”

Xiào Mu said, “My name is Xiào Mu. I’m here to find the marshal. I made an appointment in the afternoon.” He glanced around the room and couldn’t help asking, “Where is the marshal?”

The feeling that made him uncomfortable didn’t come from this person. That person should be in the house, and he guessed that it was most likely the marshal.

“The marshal is in the study, wait a moment.” The sentinel said, raising his left hand to connect to the internal line, “Marshal, someone named Xiào Mu is looking for you.” After a while, he frowned, “Marshal?”

Hearing no response, Xiào Mu was alerted and couldn’t help but said, “Is he unwell?”

The sentinel’s complexion instantly changed, and he disappeared from the door like a gust of wind. He pushed open the study door and saw Ren behind the desk. He has a painful expression and his gaze was chaotic, so the sentinel immediately took out a guide pheromone agent.

‘BANG!’ Ren waved his hand irritably, “Go away!”

Sentinel said anxiously, “Marshal, this is Zorn. You are in a very bad state, and you need immediate treatment.”

A huge black panther appeared next to Ren and roared at Zorn. Zorn took another guide pheromone agent but was still not allowed to approach. While sending a message, Zorn ran to the door and pulled Xiào Mu to the study.

Xiào Mu was dragged by the sentinel and staggered all the way. With just one glance, he knew that Ren was in a bad state. The uncomfortable feeling makes him feel disturbed, and his spiritual filaments are raring to go.

Zorn handed the guide pheromone agent to Xiào Mu, “Give the marshal an injection.”

Xiào Mu was stunned, “Me?”

“Yes,” Zorn looked serious, “I’m a sentinel and the marshal is not conscious right now. If another sentinel gets closer to him, he will reject the person.”

Xiào Mu thought of the hospital’s treatment habits and couldn’t help asking, “Don’t you need a sleeping injection?”

Zorn said, “The marshal hates sleeping injection.”

Xiào Mu took the guide agent and approached Ren. When the tip of the needle was a fist distance from his arm, Ren suddenly reached out and crushed the injection. Then he flung it to the ground. Xiào Mu was taken aback and took a step back, “What should I do?”

Zorn gritted his teeth, took out a bottle of spray, and sprayed it twice at the manic Ren. After a while, Ren closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair.

“This is?” Xiào Mu was surprised.

“Sleeping spray,” Zorn said, “The guide agent injection is not successful, of course, the sleeping injection cannot be used as well.” As he said, he stepped forward to give Ren a guide pheromone agent. After that, he asked Xiào Mu, “The marshal will wake up in about half an hour. Are you leaving first or waiting here?”

Xiào Mu thought for a while and replied, “Wait here.” Although the uncomfortable feeling has eased, it still cannot be ignored. He is a little worried.

“I’ll get the blanket for the marshal, don’t walk around,” Zorn said.

Xiào Mu nodded, “Okay.”

Zorn recalled how Ren was excited when Xiào Mu said he was coming to visit, so he figured that the two should be acquaintances. With Xiào Mu looking after him, Zorn was relieved and went to the bedroom to get a blanket.

After Zorn left the study, Xiào Mu looked at Ren’s frown and couldn’t help but stretch out a very thin spiritual filament. The next moment, he quickly retracted and looked around in shock. In that instant, there seemed to be something around the apartment that attracted him, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. This feeling is no stranger to him, and his reaction is the same every time he sees Leo. The feeling just now didn’t feel as violent when facing Leo, but the feeling came from all around him, which made him very uneasy.

Zorn’s expression changed suddenly when he was ready to return with the blanket. What did he feel?! He actually sensed a guide who had a 93% match rate with him! And the person is so near to him! God, he must be dreaming. His spirit animal appeared beside him and ran toward the study in excitement. Zorn was about to run, but his terminal vibrated several times in a row. Zorn was shocked. The 4 messages were from the hidden guards in the surrounding apartments, and they are the people who secretly protected the marshal. His heart beats rapidly, someone attacked the community?

When he accepted the calls at the same time, the virtual screen was divided into 4 grids. His teammates said excitedly almost at the same time, “Zorn, did Golden Tower sent a guide to the Marshal for treatment? What is his name? My God, that person is my destined guide!”

Zorn quickly realized what they meant, “You feel it too?”

“What do you mean by ‘too’?” One of them said, “Bro, he belongs to me. My match rate with him is 91%.”

Zorn made swiped twice to connect all teammates’ calls and said in a deep voice, “He and I are 93%.”

“What? I’m [91%] [90%] [92%].” The three voices answered almost simultaneously.

“This must be a prank.” One of them murmured after a while.

Zorn said, “I don’t feel anything now.”

“Neither did I.” The 4 voices neatly replied.

Zorn glanced at his spirit animal returned dispirited and frowned, “Maybe some special situation has happened. Everyone should be on alert and report back if there is a problem.” He hung up the call, went back to the study. After putting the blanket on Ren, Zorn turned to look at Xiào Mu.

Xiào Mu was very nervous when he saw Zorn and tried to use a joke to relieve the tension, “If you look at me this way, I would think you like me?”

Zorn said, “Has anyone been here just now?”

“No, aren’t you in the apartment as well? If someone comes, you will definitely know.” Xiào Mu said. In his mind, he couldn’t help thinking if Zorn is one of the people who attracted him just now?

Zorn stared at Xiào Mu, “I felt the presence of a guide just now.”

He is one of the people!

Xiào Mu stared in amazement, “Guide? Where? I heard that guides rarely go out in Golden Tower. I have never seen them before!”

Zorn looked away at the guide pheromone agent that had been smashed by Ren before, “Probably not. 5 Level AA sentinels felt a guide’s presence with a match rate of more than 90% at the same time. This sounds like a dream.”

Hearing that, Xiào Mu’s heart trembled. 5 matches that are more than 90%? Then what is his match rate with Leo? He can feel that he and Leo have the highest match rate. He thought again that he must not be discovered as a guide, it was too dangerous. However, he was a little puzzled. Why was he never found out when he was treating patients in the hospital? Is it because the sentinels who go to the hospital are all below B-grade? It seems that he needs to be more cautious in the hospital in the future.

While Zorn is cleaning up the guide pheromone agent, he put some on the tip of his finger and smelled it, but he felt nothing. This is so strange. He clearly sensed that the guide was in this room just now, but there was no trace at all. If he considers other possibilities, there is only the guide pheromone agent, but he just tested the agent and excluded it. He couldn’t help but look suspiciously at Xiào Mu again.

Xiào Mu secretly guarded himself. When he saw the gray wolf that suddenly appeared and approached him, the corner of his mouth twitched. Does sentinel like to test people like this? He pretended not to see it and asked, “Can I go and sit in the hall? I did a part-time job for a day and was a little tired.”

Zorn nodded, “Of course.”

Xiào Mu walked over the wolf lying at the door. Then he turned his head and saw that the wolf was gone. He asked, “I’m a bit thirsty. Can you give me a glass of water?”

Zorn said, “The robot will give it to you.”

Xiào Mu thanked him, turned his head, and smiled brightly. He didn’t want to drink water, he just used the movement of turning his head to make sure that he just dispelled Zorn’s suspicion with the way he left the room.

Sitting in the living room and holding a water glass, Xiào Mu thought to himself. Every time he saw Leo, he would have an obvious reaction, but when there was a protective film in his brain, he felt shielded, like a barrier. He didn’t turn his head and looked at the direction of the study from the corner of his eye. There was no movement there. Xiào Mu put the water glass on the coffee table and gripped his hands firmly. He concentrated, and gradually, a transparent film appeared on the surface of his mind. Taking a deep breath, Xiào Mu moved out a very thin spiritual filament.

No feeling! His eyes lit up, and sure enough, this film could isolate the spiritual filaments from being detected by the sentinels. The protective film struck Xiào Mu with a flash of inspiration. If the film can become bigger, big enough to cover both his and the patient’s mind, does it mean that he will not be sensed by the higher level sentinel when he does the treatment? Xiào Mu became excited by the thought that he wouldn’t have to worry about being discovered in the hospital. Hence, he tried to expand the scope of the film. The film expanded like a balloon and gradually growing outward from his scalp. After a distance of about 5 cm, it stopped growing. Xiào Mu tried to continue, but his head suddenly became hot, and his brows wrinkled.

[Warning warning! Spiritual power is about to fall below 20%]

Xiào Mu was taken aback by the warning and quickly checked his red bar. His spiritual power is currently at 20%, which is 1100 points. He remembered clearly when he came over, his bar was at 29%, 1600 points. He asked in his mind, ‘Will this film consume spiritual power?’

[Building a spiritual barrier needs to consume spiritual power, and the value of the spiritual power is equal to the radius of the barrier. To maintain the spiritual barrier, it costs 1 point of spiritual power per minute]

The spiritual barrier should refer to this protective film ba, but the barrier radius…

His spiritual power became 500 points lesser when building a spiritual barrier, and the film grew 5 cm above the scalp, so this radius only refers to the distance from the scalp. He raised his hand and gestured forward from the forehead, inwardly guessing that if he needs to treat the patient, their heads should need at least 15 cm of coverage. In other words, if he conducts spiritual treatment for sentinel, and wants to be undetected, he must spend at least 1500 spiritual power to build a barrier.

The theory is like this. But imagining placing his head next to the sentinel during treatment, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch. The distance he can accept is far more than 15 cm, it must be at least…40 cm. At the same time, it takes spiritual power to maintain the barrier. It only costs 60 points per hour, and he will recover 100 points per hour, the balance between the two sides is still a positive number. But he has to treat patients to activate skills and unlock the spiritual power bar as well.

Xiào Mu was a little depressed and removed his spiritual barrier. He should only build the barrier when there is danger! Spiritual power is too precious for him now. Just thinking about it, his heart beats rapidly suddenly. Xiào Mu was shocked, and subconsciously established the smallest barrier, and his spiritual power was immediately reduced by 100 points, leaving only 18%. Turning his head, Xiào Mu saw Leo strode into the house. His(L) eyes swept over him with a slight surprise and went straight into the study.

After a while, Leo came out and sat down on the other side of the L-shaped sofa. With his feet crossed and his elbows resting on the armrests, Leo stared at Xiào Mu.

“What is it? You changed your strategy, and want to please my grandfather first?” Leo narrowed his eyes, “Or, you are just making an excuse to see me?”

The author has something to say:
Xiào Mu(ノ`Д)ノ: Don’t be narcissistic

Raw word count: 3067



2 thoughts on “Interstellar Super Doctor 星际超级医生 Chapter 9”

  1. …how could this guy be born from the same author who made excellent ML like Maine……… 🤌

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