Chapter 6 – Sever ties [OW]

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Su Ling looked down at the content of the news.

“According to reliable sources, the 3 Grade A spiritual plants that were deposited in the Capital insurance company have been taken out today. After an investigation, we confirmed that a mysterious and charming fragrance could be smelled nearby the insurance company today.”

“There are different opinions about who is the owner of the spiritual plants. There is no definite conclusion yet, but since they have been taken out, we should be able to meet them soon.”

“Many famous families expressed their willingness to buy them at a high price, and we shall continue to track what the final result will be.”

Su Ling couldn’t help but asked, “Grade A spiritual plants are that precious?”

“Of course,” Nalu immediately said, “they are all treasures, and have a higher effective rate. Top grade pheromone disorder agents for Alpha and Omega must use Grade A spiritual plant’s raw materials.”

“It should be said that not only the disorder agents but medicines or fragrance products that were made of Grade A spiritual plant’s raw materials have amazing effects.”

Su Ling looked away from the screen, “In this case, the price of their raw materials must be very high, how to deal with nectar and stem? Sell it directly?”

Nalu considered it and said, “Sell it ba, we don’t have to continue paying for the insurance company’s fees so we can save a sum of money, but the store has not been renovated for many years. Right now it is much worse than the store next door, you need to save the money for renovation.”

“On the other hand, you can only go to the black market to sell the nectar and stem. Selling them directly will let people know that the spiritual plants are in our store. From our shop’s business information, people can find out that the store is in your hand, then your father…”

He didn’t continue that sentence and said, “It’s better not to disclose it for the time being.”

Su Ling understood what he meant and thought for a while, “Help me find a lawyer. I want to sever ties with the Su family as soon as possible.”

Father Su’s attitude is apparent, as long as he(SL) doesn’t agree to apply for system allocation, Father Su won’t pay any attention to him. Hence, it is better to directly cut off their relationship, saving their time from any possible disputes over property.

Nalu did not expect him to be so straightforward, “You have decided?”

Su Ling nodded, “Yes, I want to do it as soon as possible.”

Nalu stared at Su Ling to make sure that he is being serious and not just throwing a tantrum. He contacted a lawyer friend to ask about the matter. After he hung up, he told Su Ling, “Severing relationship with parents requires face-to-face procedures.”

Su Ling: “Then we can head directly to Su House now, everyone should be at home.”

The Su House is very lively at this moment, and the tense atmosphere caused by Su Ling in the morning has already dissipated. In the hall, the housekeeping robot was busy arranging the venue for the birthday feast. Su Ao directed on the sidelines, while Old Three occasionally gave some comments. Father Su and Zhao Han were sitting on the corner sofa. Father Su was watching the news, and Zhao Han was looking at her two sons with a smile, looking very proud.

“Grade A spiritual plant!” Father Su exclaimed suddenly.

Zhao Han immediately turned her head to look at the holographic screen in front of Father Su. After watching the news, she held Father Su’s arm, “If you can get your hands on it, our Su’s spiritual plant store will definitely become more famous.

Father Su nodded in agreement, “I will inquire for more information and try to get it.”

When Su Ling came to the Su House with a lawyer, the hall has completely changed. It was full of joy, and the sign saying Happy Birthday was particularly conspicuous in the middle of the hall. Su Ao was the first one to notice him, his smiling face shattered as he asked: “Why are you back?”

Su Ling ignored him and signalled lawyer to the two people sitting on the sofa, “My father and stepmother.” As he said that, he walked towards the couch.

Zhao Han saw him and pulled Father Su’s arm, she said with a smile, “Xiao Ling is back, he must have considered it clearly.”

Father Su humphed, “Simply doesn’t know ‘how high is the sky outside’. You think turning into an adult means your wings are hard enough to fly? Without anyone’s support, he can’t even survive one day outside.”

Su Ling sat down across them and invited the lawyer to sit down as well.

Father Su’s expression was not very good. He ignored Su Ling and glanced at the elite-looking person wearing suit and leather shoes, “You are?”

The lawyer spread out 2 forms with a gentle attitude, “Hello, I am a lawyer commissioned by Mr Su Ling to help him with the formalities of severing relations with the Su family.”

The living room went quiet for a moment. Su Ao was keeping his ears open the moment Su Ling returned. So his eyes widened when he heard what the lawyer said, and he looked at Su Ling incredulously. The third son had the same expression on his face.

Zhao Han was stunned for a long time. She unconsciously revealed an expression of uncontrollable joy but was quickly covered up.

Father Su was furious, and he glared at Su Ling, “What did you ask him to do?”

Su Ling’s tone was calm as he explained, “Asking you to go through the formalities of severance? Didn’t you say it already? If I don’t sign the application form, you won’t admit that I’m your son.” Smiling, “I won’t sign it, so have to trouble you to sign on the form to sever our ties.”

The lawyer cooperatively handed the form to Father Su.

Father Su stared at Su Ling and asked, “Are you really willing? After breaking our relationship, I won’t care even if you die in front of me.”

Su Ling nodded.

Seeing Su Ling being determined, Father Su grunted heavily and took the form. He raised the pen, preparing to sign.

The lawyer quickly stopped him, “Please wait a moment, the whole process has to be recorded and kept in file to ensure that both parties have severed the relationship peacefully and that it was not forced by one party.” Upon receiving approvals from both parties, he pressed on the recording function in his bracelet and looked at Su Ling, “Are you willing to sever ties with the Su Family?”

Su Ling: “Yes.”

The lawyer turned to ask Father Su, “Do you agree to sever ties with Mr.Su Ling?”

Father Su adjusted his sitting posture to become more upright before replying, “This decision was very difficult for me, but I respect his choice.”

Su Ling raised his eyes and smiled, “Upset? You?” He glanced at the living room, “How about Su Ao’s birthday?”

Father Su’s face changed slightly. Before he could answer, Su Ling continued to ask, “Do you know when is my birthday?”

Father Su instantly frowned and replied, “It was just a few days ago.”

Su Ling raised an eyebrow, “Which day? 17 or 18, do you remember?”

Father Su choked up.

Zhao Han approached Father Su, wanting to give him a hint, but Su Ling glanced at her and smiled. He looked at Father Su, “It’s not 17 nor 18, it’s 19. If you really know it, you would have refuted my question right away. In fact, you don’t even know which day my birthday falls on.”

“Just be honest if you don’t care, people have always been biased in their heart. Just don’t say anything like you are upset with what happened, it sounds terribly ironic.”

Father Su’s face was ugly, but due to the whole process was recorded, he bore it and sighed.

“When you were a kid, I spent a lot of hard work for you. Your pheromone has always been unpleasant, and our family was laughed at because of you. No matter how much love I have for you, it has been worn off.”

Su Ling looked at him. Like acting much?

His smile disappeared, and his voice was dull, “I’m sorry. After our relationship is cut off, I will have nothing to do with the Su Family. Your Su Family will no longer have a stinky Omega.”

After he finished, he asked the lawyer, “Can I sign the form now? I don’t want to cry in front of my father.”

The lawyer glanced at him and nodded, “Please sign the form. After signing, both parties will no longer be related.”

Su Ling decisively signed his name. Father Su signed after Su Ling.

The lawyer collected the form and announced, “Within 24 hours, both parties will receive new account information.”

Su Ling thanked the lawyer. He waved at Father Su, before leaving with the lawyer.

Su Ao looked at the back of his figure in a daze, he was too surprised to say anything.

Father Su leaned on the sofa and looked complicated.

Zhao Han was thrilled. However, when she saw Father Su looking like that, a hint of unwillingness flashed in her eyes. She comforted, “Don’t be sad, Xiao Ling may only be impulsive for a while. Later, when he finally thought it over, he can return to the Su Family anytime.”

Father Su said in a deep voice, “Never! Don’t even think of wanting to return to the Su House in this lifetime!”

Zhao Han’s eyes flashed with joy, “So, what were you thinking about?”

There was confusion in Father Su’s tone, “How could he dare to break our relationship? He has not graduated from high school and has no income at all.”

Zhao Han had already thought about this problem when Su Ling left this morning. She reasoned, “He is 18 years old now and should have taken over the inheritance left by his mother.”

Father Su: “Qin Min has sold her house in the past to treat his pheromone disorder, and almost used up her savings. The money left for him should be around 100,000 only.”

Note: Sorry, Banana has to put the info here. Ghost blog isn’t like WordPress, it doesn’t have a normal footnote system. Anyway, as of now, the author never mentioned what is the currency used in her/his novel, so Banana is clueless as well. Dunno whether it’s energy coins or intergalaxy points or something else.

He snorted, “He thought that such a small amount of money would enable him to live a lifetime? Wait till he regrets it!”

Su Ling and his lawyer separated in front of the Su House, and he got on Nalu’s car.

Nalu immediately asked, “How was it? Is it smooth?”

Su Ling smiled, “Very smooth.”

Nalu asked while driving, “Are you a dorm student or a day student?”

Su Ling: “Day student.”

The smell of this body’s pheromone is too hard to endure. Wearing the isolator all the time will damage the glands. He must remove it at night, so he couldn’t stay at the dorm. He asked Nalu, “Isn’t there a lounge in the store? I want to stay in the store.”

Nalu shook his head, “No, you are too young, it is not suitable to stay in the store.”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows. Nalu met his clear eyes and coughed, “The fragrance bar is crowded and has various people. You are an Omega, it’s not safe.”

Su Ling pointed at the back of his neck, “You think it is unsafe?”

Nalu replied helplessly, “Who could know if you have worn an isolator or not? This is not your school. No one knows about your situation. You have to have confidence in your appearance.”

Su Ling has always known that his appearance looks good. His previous appearance is not as good as it is now, it got him sitting firmly on top of the ‘school grass’[1] ranking.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m an adult now. Even if I don’t stay in the store, I will visit the store quite often. I want to know more about the situation in the store. It is more convenient to stay in the store.”

Nalu: “Well, you can try staying for a few days, if you are not used to it, then you can rent a room outside. The income from selling Grade A spiritual plant’s raw materials will be sufficient for your school and renting expenses.”

Su Ling stayed in the Tian Ling Fragrance Bar’s lounge on the first floor. The lounge is small in size, but the necessary facilities are complete.

He woke up to this world on the 22nd, and the doctor issued 5-days leave of absence for him. That means he will go to school on 27th. He decided to read all the textbooks before going to school, especially biology. Too fascinated by the information he learned, Su Ling fell asleep, missing the time when the fragrance bar opens for business.

In the morning, he changed his bandages after washing. The wound has scabbed, and it’s not that painful anymore. Next, he gathered up the garbage to throw, and his bracelet shook. Seeing the caller, Su Ling was quite surprised and quickly connected the call, “President Gu?”

Gu Liheng: “It’s me, sorry to bother you. Are you free to come to the villa now?”

Su Ling threw the bandage into the trash can and walked out of the bathroom, “Something wrong with the spiritual plants?”

Gu Liheng: “No, it’s just that they won’t cooperate with Darry, and they are unwilling to provide raw materials. Except for Darry, anyone who approaches them will be attacked.”

Su Ling washed his hands and asked, “Why is this happening?”

“Should be related to you. Darry guessed that they may have recognized you as their owner and will only provide raw materials if you are present.”

Su Ling: “So amazing?”

He thought about it for a while. If he was really recognized as the owner, it probably has nothing to do with him. Should be something Mother Qin did. Sighing, he continued, “I’m free, I’ll take a taxi now.”

Gu Liheng: “I will get the driver to pick you up.”

Su Ling smiled and said: “Just reimburse me the fare. Get your driver to wait for me at the part where the taxi can not enter, it will be faster this way.”


When Su Ling went out, no one was in the store, the fragrance bar was not open during the day. He left from the back door and called a taxi. After he told the driver the location, the driver took a glance at him and said, “Can’t enter the villas at mid-hills area.”

“It’s okay, just stop at the part where you can’t go further.”

He changed to President Gu’s car at the villa area’s main gate and soon arrived at the villa.

Gu Liheng wore a suit and sparkling leather shoes; he was dressed for work.

Su Ling followed him to the room where the spiritual plants were placed. As soon as he entered, he could smell a comfortable scent. Darry was three steps away from the spiritual plants and was still trying to communicate with them.

Hearing footsteps, Darry turned back and saw Su Ling. He said, “I will try again.” This time, he successfully obtained raw materials from the spiritual plants.

Su Ling approached the spiritual plants, and they bent their branches towards him, trying to reach him with their petals. He reached out to touch them, and his fingers rubbed against the petals.

Darry: “It seems they really recognized you as their owner.”

Gu Liheng looked at Su Ling and asked, “Sorry, I have an abrupt request. I need quite an amount of Redthorn Ball’s fluid. It should be every day for at least one month consecutively, can you come here every day?” Then he added, “I will get someone to pick you up.”

Su Ling immediately agreed, “Okay.” He still needs the nectar and stem to sell for money.

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭? ~
Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or donated nutrient solution ~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3520


[1] School grass – the male version of School flower. It’s like prom’s King and Queen.

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