Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 36

Hey hey, Banana is trying to get into a schedule of posting twice a week here~ Let’s hope that it’ll stick :v On the other hand, since Way of Transmigration (WoT) is finished now, Banana has started a new project. You can check it out HERE, hope you will like it~! (0w0)/
Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 36”

Chapter 2 – Allocation [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling glared at the door. He got out of bed and tried to open the door, but failed to open it. Then he looked down at the wrist of his left hand, the blood-stained from the white gauze on his wrist was very conspicuous. At the same time, he could feel the stabbing pain. He can’t stay here, this woman is sick!

Standing on the spot and randomly thinking about everything, Su Ling took a deep breath and walked to the desk next to the window, with the medicine and gauze he received on it. He picked up the medicine and read the instructions, pulled the stool to sit down, and removed the bandage. When the wound was exposed, he carefully observed it and was almost certain that the wound originated from a suicide. He pursed his lips and carefully applied medicine before changing the bandage.

This original body seemed to be only 17 or 18 years old. For him to do such a thing, he obviously had a very unpleasant experience. Moreover, such a stepmother, it is impossible to be happy. He wrapped his bandage, got up and walked to the bed. He took the paper thrown by the woman and read carefully.

‘Omega Marriage System Allocation Application Form: The system will select the Alpha that best matches your genes from the gene bank. After the pairing is successful, the Alpha will pick you up at your address within three days and go through the marriage procedures with you.

Remarks: This form adopts a completely voluntary principle, so please sign it by hand. The relevant department will conduct an authenticity check, and after confirming that it is correct, we will start matching you with a suitable partner.’

Marriage allocation?

When Su Ling recalled that woman’s words, she said because no one is willing to marry him, he has to apply for a system allocation. But he is still so young! And a man to boot…

No, that’s not right!

His eyes fell at the heading of the form, and there was a line in the upper right corner: For Omega use. He is no stranger to this word, as he has just finished reading a novel related to this keyword. Because the author wrote about his imaginary male god, he acted cute to the author. Then because the male god died in the novel, he sent the author a row of bloody knives[1].

Omega exists in an ABO world setting. In this world, people have six genders, male Alpha, Beta, Omega, female Alpha, Beta, Omega. Simply put, no matter male or female, the Alpha ones will be the gong, will not be pregnant; Beta can be gong and shou, but their fertility rate is not high; Omega is purely shou, with the highest fertility rate. Beta has the largest number of people, A and O are very rare, A is more than O, the strongest of the three, with O being the weakest in terms of strength.

‘Ten thousand mud horses’ ran across Su Ling’s heart. ABO’s world setting? Isn’t that fictional? It turned out to be true! And he is an Omega now? That means there will be estrus period, which he won’t be able to resist Alpha, and will even be ‘thirsty’? Without any hesitation, Su Ling tore the paper apart, he would never let the system assign him a husband. He likes men, but it doesn’t mean he likes any man. He threw the paper into the trash bin and thought for a moment. Then he started to rummage the room carefully and put useful things he found on the desk. To his delight, he found a ‘watch’ that looked like what the man used in the hospital. He carefully read the ‘watch’s’ manual.

The ‘watch’ is called a personal bracelet. It has the functions of a mobile phone and a computer and can pop up a holographic screen, very high-tech. The instructions were quite clear, and Su Ling soon knows how to use his bracelet. He opens the address book to understand how was this original body’s social circle. One can finish reading the address book with just a glance; Teacher, Father, Aunt Han, Second younger brother and Third younger brother, a total of five contacts. After a moment of pause, Su Ling switched to the diary. He hesitated, then unlocked the lock with his fingerprint.

It took him a long time to read the boy’s past. After reading it, he felt a little uncomfortable. The holographic screen showed the last page of the diary, May 19th.

“Today, I’m 18 years old, already a grown-up, must be brave! I wished to be able to enter the university, take care of mother’s shop. I will confess tomorrow, must be brave!”

Su Ling sighed, closed the diary, and checked the paper he discovered earlier. He found three pink-white cards in the drawer, all of which were words of confessions and blessings. All three were crossed out, which were obviously drafts. The bottom one has distinct folds, like it has been stained wet by water. He turned the card over, and the writing on the back was very messy.

“I’m a coward, I’m useless, no one will like me, I can’t go to university, I can’t take care of my mother’s shop, sorry mother, sorry…”

Su Ling exhaled and turned his head to look out of the window. The orange sunlight shining on the window was lovely. He placed the card back in the drawer and locked it. He continued to look at the bracelet to get more information. Sliding at the holographic screen, Su Ling saw an encrypted folder named ‘Mom’. The folder has two files in it, namely ‘Mom’s Gift’ and ‘Mom’s Shop’.

Mom’s gift file contains a total of 16 videos, which was birthday wishes from the age of 3 to 18. The last opened date of the latest video is May 19th, 00:00. Su Ling clicked on the final video, and a gentle woman with short hair and kind eyebrows appeared on the holographic screen. Her face was pale, and she doesn’t look like she is in good health. She sat on a wicker chair in the garden and smiled at the camera, “Ling Ling, happy 18th birthday. Mother is sorry for not be able to stay with you all the time.”

Tears burst into the woman’s eyes, “My poor child, is he not good to you? I’m so sorry, your growth requires an elder’s pheromone to appease it, so I can’t not send you away.” She wiped her tears and grinned reluctantly, “Congratulations to adulthood, mother’s shop is officially handed over to you today. It’s up to you on how to arrange the matter.”

Then with a careful look, she said, “What I am about to say next, you must remember carefully. Mother has been looking for ways to treat your pheromone abnormalities for the past two years. There are already clues, but unfortunately, mother’s time is running out.”

“You contact Uncle Nalu in the shop, he will take you to the Capital’s insurance company, where I have deposited 3 A-level spiritual plants. Only you can take them out if you go in person; your pheromone abnormality is related to them.”

Her gaze was sad, “Mother is really sorry, it was all because of my negligence that you suffered.”

She looked deeply at the screen, “Don’t marry someone who doesn’t love you in the future. Mother wishes you a happy, happy birthday, Ling Ling.”

Su Ling froze for a while before finally recovering. This woman looks exactly like his mother. He can’t help but wonder if this really him in another world? It took him a while to calm down his emotions. Reaching out and touched the back of his neck, Su Ling’s expression slightly loosened. It’s okay if there is hope for treatment. He doesn’t want to be stinky all his life. Just that he doesn’t know what is ‘spiritual plant’. This original body also mentioned in the diary, saying that he wanted to be admitted into the Spiritual Plant department.

Next, Su Ling opened the file named ‘Mom’s Shop’. There was a real estate certificate with the address of the shop and some related information. The name at the ownership box was Su Ling’s name. Other than a real estate certificate, there is a manual.

“The company was entrusted by Madam Qin Min, that after her son Su Ling’s 18th birthday, she will transfer the Tian Ling Fragrance Bar under her name to Su Ling’s name. The procedure has been completed and can be utilised at any time.”

There is also the contact information of the person in charge of the store, Nalu. Su Ling did not hesitate to contact Nalu right away. Just after he hung up the call, the door of his room was pushed open, so he immediately looked over.

A pretty boy rushed in. Immediately, Su Ling knew the identity of the other party, his stepmother’s eldest son, his second younger brother, 16-year-old Omega Su Ao.

Su Ao stayed two steps away from him, the pitch of his voice raised up, “You hit my mother?”

Su Ling glanced at his wrist and felt that violence is not a good idea. He stood up, causing the boy to take a step back vigilantly. Stooping down to pick up the bloody bandage from the trash bin, he replied with a calm and helpless tone, “She hit me and fell due to unstable footing.”

Su Ao snorted, “I knew it. Was thinking that you won’t be that bold, coward.”

He covered his nose in disgust, “Picking up something from the trash, so dirty. Since you didn’t do it, I will let you go.” As he said that, he raised his chin proudly and pulled the hem of his blue suit dress, “Dad bought this for me when he came back.” Then he turned to go out, “Come on, my mother said to get you for dinner together.” After that, he muttered, “Don’t know what mother is thinking, why we have to call you for dinner together…”

Su Ling threw the bandage into the trash bin and raised his eyebrows. This father, who has been working all year round, has returned. He was initially worried that he would be locked and starved. After washed his hands, Su Ling followed behind Su Ao. Su Ao walked proudly and said, “Dad specially came back to hold a 16th birthday party for me.”

Su Ling’s phoenix eyes squinted, “So good.”

The eldest son’s birthday didn’t even get a Happy Birthday wishes, but for the second son, he hurried back to hold a party, such bias. However, this is for the best, he won’t have any psychological burden no matter what he did.

Su Ao thought it was a compliment and was very satisfied.

On the dinner table, Su Ling can match all the people with the names in the address book except Teacher. During the entire dinner, 4 members of the Su Family enjoyed the meal like a family, while he was treated like air. However, Su Ling didn’t care. He ate his food seriously, the chef’s skill was excellent, the taste was delicious. He ate his meat with the vegetable and was very satisfied.

After dinner, Su Ling was hesitant whether to go back to his room or continue acting like air to listen to them chatting and collecting some news about this world. Then he heard Father Su saying, “Su Ling, come here.”

Su Ling followed Father Su to the living room sofa. Mother Su, Zhao Han sat on the side with a gentle face, while Old Second and Third sat side by side.
Father Su: “Have you signed the application form your mother gave you?”

Su Ling shook his head.

Father Su was displeased: “Your mother is correct, you have been rebellious recently.”

He took out a piece of paper and a pen and pushed it to Su Ling, “Sign it, if it’s fast enough, I can still attend your wedding before I go on a business trip.”

Su Ling looked down at the paper and saw the familiar application form. It was exactly same with the previous one, the one that had been turned into pieces and lying in the trash can.

“I won’t sign,” Su Ling looked at Father Su, “I won’t accept being paired by the system.”

Father Su’s expression darkened, and Zhao Han warmly persuaded: “Your father is thinking for your own good. You also know your situation, other than getting a matching by the system, it will be tough for you to find a partner.”

Father Su said sternly: “You are an adult, what do you want to do if you don’t get married?”

Su Ling was not intimidated by him at all. He honestly stated his plan, “I want to take a university entrance exam.”

There were many study notes in the bracelet, which are similar to modern knowledge, just that biology is vastly different. He has yet to graduate in his real world, so now that he is 18 years old, he must finish studies. Otherwise, he really doesn’t know what he can do.

A chuckle escaped nearby. Su Ling took a glance and saw Su Ao covering his mouth with a smile, “How could you possibly go to university?”

Su Ling pursed his lips, “How do you know I can’t pass the exam?”

Su Ao: “You are so stinky.”

Su Ling was very dissatisfied with personal attacks, but could not refute either: “… Is this even related to me taking the exam?”

Su Ao looked at him like a fool: “Nonsense, you are an Omega. Your pheromone is so stinky, how can you pass the exam?! Unless the rest of your subjects are all excellent.”

Su Ling was stunned, pheromones’ smell can affect whether he could go to university or not?

Father Su’s face was even more ugly: “You don’t even know anything about the exams, and you want to go to university?”

He was too lazy to argue, and pointed at the application form, “Sign!”

Su Ling’s attitude was firm: “I won’t sign.”

Even if he fails to enter university, he will not let the system assign him a marriage partner.

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~
Yesterday there was a little cute comment, worrying about little O’s pheromone smell. He is now in an abnormal state but will recover! He is very fragrant \ (^ o ^) / ~
Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or donated~
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3356

[1] Means emoticons or pictures in comment area/pm. Not the real knife because that’s illegal :v


Chapter 1 – Rebirth [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

“Need to take good care of mom’s shop.”

Who’s talking?

Su Ling instantly opened his eyes and swept around. Everything was white in colour, and there was a faint smell of disinfectant in the air. This is clearly a ward. No one is here but him. A chill ran down his back. Su Ling quickly got up, turned his head and looked out the window.

Outside the window, the sun shone on the green leaves. The golden light gleams, very beautiful.

How could this be? Shouldn’t he be in the laboratory? The time is not right either. He did experiments for 2 days consecutively, and his last memory was at two in the morning. Could it be the headache he experienced during the experiment made him fall into a coma, and then he was taken to the hospital? He looked around, but he did not see his mobile phone and anything related to him, just some strange equipment at the bedside. There’s an ultra-thin LCD screen displaying figure/data that he cannot understand. All of a sudden, his eyes opened widely, the date in the lower right corner of the screen: Ephemeris Interstellar Year 1780, May 22nd.

He was startled. Next, he recalled of a weak young man’s voice he heard when he woke up. A chill rose from the soles of his feet; Su Ling immediately lifted the quilt to get out of bed. When his gaze fell to his right hand on the quilt, he paused, then without even wearing his shoes, he jumped out of bed and ran.

This is not his hand! His hands are not this pale and tender.

He rushed out of the ward and stood at the door for a second. Without any hesitation, he ran to the left. There was a corner to the right in front of him. A large area of sunlight shone from the corridor on the right.

He needs sunshine right now!

He stared at the lighted area while speeding up, but just before he reached the corner, he saw someone approaching from that direction. With an exclaim, Su Ling’s body leaned to the left, wanting to avoid the man, but his feet turned forward because of inertia, and his body crumbled towards the right. He panicked, unconsciously reaching out to grab the person he almost hit.

Not waiting for him to reach out, the man grabbed Su Ling’s hand in one hand and wrapped his waist in another hand, holding Su Ling firmly in his arms. The man instantly let go of his hand at the next moment, then a calm and pleasant male voice came out, “Be careful.”


Su Ling didn’t have time to appreciate the voice, as he was holding his left wrist and gasping in pain. That hurts! He just noticed that his wrist was covered with a layer of gauze, and he covered his hands, his face getting paler.

The pain is so real, it’s not a dream!

The man’s voice sounded again, “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

Su Ling shook his head. His(SL) clothing was white in color, and his sleeves covered half of his palms. Even he himself didn’t realize he had injuries on his hands, “It’s not your fault.”

He raised his head and smiled. When he saw the man’s appearance, he paused slightly before continuing, “Thank you, if not for you, I would fall down.”

This man is too handsome!

Under his dark hair were heroic sword-like eyebrows, a pair of deep black eyes, a tall nose and thin lips. His figure should be at least 186cm, handsome and stylish.

The young man’s face was pale, but dimples appeared on his cheeks when he smiled, and he looked very soft. The man’s serious expression was slightly loosened: “You’re welcome.”

He glanced at Su Ling’s bare feet, “Do you need my help?”

Su Ling looked at the sunlight falling on his left shoulder and forced a smile, “It’s alright.”

He read many rebirth and transmigration novels before but never thought that this kind of thing would really happen to him. But with this current situation, he has no choice but to think in this direction. He felt like he could see the news header now – ‘A certain university student staying up late for days consecutively in the laboratory and suffered sudden death’. A thought flashed through his mind – ‘Staying late hurts the body!’

After accepting this speculation, he gently exhaled, and his tense emotions relaxed a little. Good thing he didn’t encounter a supernatural event in the daytime! As soon as he relaxed, his senses felt much sharper. Frowning, Su Ling wrinkled his nose and looked around. Then he looked at the man and asked, “Did you smell something bad?”

Right after that, Su Ling quickly followed with an adjective, “Like a rotten egg.” He couldn’t help guessing, “Who threw uneaten eggs here and left them to rot?” When he said that, his expression was obviously disgusted, indicating that he hated the smell very much.

The man’s eyelids slightly moved, his calm expression flashed for a second unexpectedly. The man was silent for a moment, then a small rectangular transparent sheet suddenly appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Su Ling, “You may need this.”

Su Ling pointed at the sheet in confusion, “This is?”

The man was about to answer when a low, clear sound came from the black ‘watch’ on his wrist. He handed the sheet to Su Ling, and Su Ling subconsciously pinched it. The man pressed down at one side of the ‘watch’. A small earphone popped up. After putting on the earphone, the man tapped his finger on the dial. He listened silently for a while before saying, “We will have a meeting in 15mins.” Then he took off the earphone and skillfully put it back on the ‘watch’.

Su Ling looked at his series of movements curiously. This ‘watch’ seems to be a mobile phone?

The man looked at him and pointed to the round button on the wall of the ward door behind him, “You can press the call button if you need a doctor.”

Su Ling looked back and thanked him with a smile, “Alright, thank you.”

A slight nod and the man strode past him and left.

Su Ling looked down at the thin sheet in his hand. Then he heard footsteps, when he looked up, he saw four men in black suits came over and stood at the door of the ward where the man had come out. Four pair of eyes fell on him, looking at him differently.

Su Ling was confused when he suddenly realized that those people might be thinking he has some ulterior motives. He smiled at the bodyguards and said, “I was just passing by.” After that, he turned and walked back. Su Ling felt a little nervous in his heart because he doesn’t know what is his identity right now, and whether he has any relatives. Just when he was about to arrive back at the ward, a woman with delicate makeup and a petite figure approached him. There was also a male doctor in a white coat next to her.

The woman saw him and glared at him. Then she quickly stepped forward, with a helpless and concerned tone, “Do you know how worried I was? Why did you run around?”

Someone came out of the ward beside them and muttered, “So damned smelly.” The door slammed shut.

The woman grabbed the transparent sheet from Su Ling’s hand and turned her back to the doctor. Her expression was a bit ugly, but her tone sounded very gentle, “Don’t you know to put on the isolator before you go out?” As she said that, she placed the thin sheet on the back of Su Ling’s neck.

Su Ling was stunned by the woman’s seemingly split personality and didn’t have the time to stop her. When the sheet was attached, he shrunk his neck a bit. Then he reached out to touch the back of his neck; quite fitting, there wasn’t any discomfort.

The woman warned, “Don’t take it off, you can wear it now.”

The doctor added, “Yes, your condition is stable now so the isolator will not affect your health. It’s better to wear it. I will give you a body checkup.”

Su Ling then withdrew his hand and followed the doctor into the ward. He didn’t say a word during the whole process and only observed silently.

After the doctor’s examination, he sighed, “For the wound on your wrist, you can just apply some medicine on it. But your pheromones is still abnormal, and there isn’t any way to cure it at the moment.”

The woman sighed and looked at Su Ling with pity, “Don’t be sad, there will be a way.”

Su Ling took a glance at her and felt that she is wasting talent for not being an actress.

The doctor sighed, “Madam Su is really a good mother.”

The woman’s face revealed a helpless expression, “This stepmother is not good. Look at this child, Su Ling. He usually doesn’t even say anything to me. I’m still not good enough.”

Su Ling’s eyes flashed with surprise, it’s the same name as him!

The doctor calmed the woman with two sentences, “He can be discharged from the hospital now, and please make sure he is in a  constant positive mood.”

The woman said her thanks and asked people to help Su Ling with the discharge procedures before leading Su Ling home. Sitting at the back seat with Su Ling, she sighed and stopped talking after finished some acting to comfort him.

Su Ling also didn’t speak, he only stared at the passenger seat with a complicated expression. He discovered that ever since he had the isolator on, he didn’t smell any rotten eggs smell again! When the doctor gave him an examination, he found that the air was good. He thought that it was the ward door that has isolated the odour from coming in, but when he left the corridor, he still didn’t smell it.

Thinking back of that woman’s attitude, plus the name of the sheet ‘isolator’ and timing when it was applied, he has a very terrible conjecture. The smell of rotten eggs shouldn’t be emitted from him, right?!

This conjecture was quickly confirmed.

After the woman led him to his room, and there are no other people around, she stopped pretending to be nice. She sneered at Su Ling, “Why are you so thick-skinned? Dare to run around with such a stink, our Su family’s face has been thrown away by you.”

“Reflect yourself properly.” The woman said, pushed him into the room and closed the door.

Su Ling staggered forward, and when he corrected his footing, the door is already closed.

Su Ling: “…”

Su Ling lifted his foot and randomly kicked the door, then looked at the room. His top priority right now is to clarify the situation. The room is mainly white, simple and clean; it looks cold. The space is not very large, but the structure is very complete; it came attached to a bathroom. Staring at the full-length mirror beside the wardrobe for a while, Su Ling finally strode over. At first sight of the person in the mirror, his heart beats wildly.

This is not him!

Although they looked similar, he can confirm that it was not him. The one in the mirror was younger than him, similar to when he was 18 years old.

The young man in the mirror was pale, with slightly long black hair, and his bangs have crossed his eyebrows. Underneath the bangs is a pair of light brown phoenix eyes with a slightly tight expression, looking quite cold. The young man’s facial features were almost the same as him. However, he often conducts experiments, so his skin quality is worse, and he never leaves such long bangs because it will hinder him.

Su Ling raised his hand and picked at his bangs. The young man in the mirror did the same thing. He sighed, it seems that he really did reborn in another body. This familiar face and the same name made him wonder if this is himself in another world. He raised his eyebrows and smiled at the youth in the mirror, “I will look after your mother’s shop.”

After he finished speaking, he approached the mirror, stretched his neck to look at the back of the neck. He hesitated, and then he removed the isolator. After a while, he caught a whiff of a slight smell of rotten eggs. This is really what he smells like!

Su Ling pinched the isolator, his expression complicated. Obviously, that man earlier totally understood what was going on; otherwise, he would not give him the isolator. Thinking back, when he asked the man if he smelled anything and looked disgusted, he must have looked stupid. Fortunately, they don’t know each other. Su Ling placed the isolator back and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After a bath, heavy sleepiness struck as he lay in bed and soon fell asleep.

“Dong Dong Dong…” Impatient knocks could be heard from the door.

When Su Ling opened his eyes and saw the white ceiling, he was stunned for a while. It took him a moment to react that he is now in the Su family.

“Why didn’t you answer me if you are awake?” Su Ling was just sitting up on the bed when the door was pushed open. His stepmother walked to his bed and frowned at him.

His stepmother’s figure is petite, but she has a big temper. She snorted, “Pretending to be dead? Don’t die at our Su House if you want to die.” After she said that, she threw a paper and pen in on the quilt, “Sign it.”

Su Ling expressionlessly looked at his stepmother. Dare to disturb his sleep, and yet acting so arrogant. How annoying! But the other party is a woman and also an older generation, plus he still doesn’t understand the situation so he can’t mess things up.

Zhao Han was a little stunned, her heart feeling inexplicable, she had never seen Su Ling revealing any expression of resistance. She was too used to Su Ling’s cautious, weak and compliance look.

“What are you doing?” Zhao Han roared, her tone was higher than before, and the pitch at the end was a little sharp, “I am doing this for your own good. If you don’t apply for a system matching, are you expecting someone would be willing to marry you?”

Su Ling’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t help laughing. When he discovered that he likes men, he has no plans to marry a wife, and he definitely didn’t plan to get married out.

How baffling!

This laugh was a straightforward mocking in Zhao Han’s eyes. She was so angry that she took a step forward, grabbed the pen, while her other hand grabbed Su Ling’s wrist to force the pen into Su Ling’s hand.

“Ah!” Sudden pain came from his wrist made Su Ling leaned forward. He raised his hand and struggled to break away.

Zhao Han has yet to put the pen in Su Ling’s hand when she got hit by his struggle. His hand managed to hit the side of her face. That caused Zhao Han to stepped back a few steps. Her high heels couldn’t stand firm, and she fell to the ground. Zhao Han covered her face and froze. Standing up from the ground, she pointed at Su Ling’s hand, shaking, “Are you rebelling? You dare to hit me! Just wait!”

When she reached the door, her footsteps stopped, and she turned back, fiercely said, “If you don’t sign, don’t even hope of getting out.”

“Bang!” The door made a loud noise when it hit the door frame.

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~
Open new novel \ (^ o ^) / ~ Update time 12: 00 ~

cries ~ Only after publishing the chapter, and learned that little cutie readers can’t see each other’s comments! But I can see it! Many comments ~ (*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *)

Raw word count: 3674

Banana: Hey y’all~! This is the my next project after WoT is finally done ~~ Yay~! And I’m accepting sponsored chapter yo, if you are interested. You can check it out in the project page – HERE


PS: I missed WordPress’s footnote plugin ;w; I can’t do the same here, so I can’t post small unimportant snippets/explanations in the floating footnote like Banana usually do _(;3/

Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 35

Banana would like to say tenkiu to MCJohnston for the kofi~! (0w0)/
I hope that I will be able to familiarize myself with the current half-quarantine norm and start to translate regularly :3 #LetsHopeMwahahaha Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 35”

Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 34

Hey guys, Banana is still alive … whahahahahaha cough cough cough wahahahaahah
Anyway, here is the chapter yo~ Oh, before that, I wished to express my thanks to solomaize for the kofi <3 Thank you so much~! Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 34”

Chapter 192 – Continuation 17 : Always With You (END)

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

When they returned to the sleeping chamber, Shui Ruoshan shrugged off Yin Suye’s arms and sat down on a chair. Before he could start preaching about Yin Suye’s behaviour, Yan Ruya’s voice immediately rang out from outside the door.

“Your Majesty, many people have sent you congratulatory gifts for getting a life partner.”

After the human Supreme King left the city square with their demon Supreme King, Yan Ruya immediately follows suit. After all, the rest of the ceremony has already been arranged, and she does not need to personally supervise on the spot. Instead, she is more worried about their Supreme King being taken away. Hence, after some considerations, she still decided to rush over.

“Come in.” Shui Ruoshan wants to see what kind of thing that other people gave him, so he didn’t wait for Yin Suye to object and permitted Yan Ruya to come in.

“Yes.” Yan Ruya pushed the door into the room with a tray in her hands.

At a glance, Shui Ruoshan saw a storage bag on the tray, but his eyes were utterly affixed to the golden and silver rings beside the bag instead.

“Isn’t this Sunlight and Moonlight?” Shui Ruoshan stepped forward to pick up the rings and gently played with it in his hand.

Although Shui Ruoshan was asking the question,  his tone was affirmative.


Yin Suye picked up Sunlight, and in an instant Sunlight changed from its ring form to a sword. Yin Suye’s eyes flashed when he looked at the Sunlight in his hand, then he waved his hand, the sword transformed back to its ring form.

“Who sent it?” Shui Ruoshan immediately turned his head and asked Yan Ruya, who brought the rings in.

“This subordinate doesn’t remember seeing these rings in the list of gifts, and I had put all the gifts in the storage bag before I came.”

Yan Ruya was stunned by what happened, but immediately she said what she knew.

“Is this from Huan Tian?” Shui Ruoshan turned around and asked Yin Suye.

He remembered that both Sunlight and Moonlight were in Huan Tian’s hands previously, and Yan Ruya was very sure that she didn’t see it before. That is to say,  Sunlight and Moonlight probably suddenly appeared out of thin air on the tray after Yan Ruya pushed the door into the room. And the only person who can make things appear in front of him and Yin Suye without them knowing is obviously Huan Tian, who has surpassed the strength of a Supreme King. With Huan Tian’s power, it would be too easy to prevent people from discovering him!

“Does this mean that Huan Tian is still alive?”

Shui Ruoshan has never been able to determine whether Huan Tian is still alive, but at this moment, he has an inexplicable intuition. That is, Huan Tian is still alive, together with the 1st gen Supreme King Ye Wuhua. Because if Ye Wuhua didn’t survive, it would be impossible for Huan Tian to be so nice to give them gifts as his blessing to their ‘marriage’. Heck, they would be grateful if the maniac Huan Tian didn’t come to bother them.

“Should be.” Yin Suye nodded and had to admit that there is a proverb in the little guy’s hometown (Earth) that is quite right, ‘good people don’t live long, bad ones live forever’.

“So, the matter is this straightforward or there are still many things that are unclear behind?”

Shui Ruoshan was full of doubts again. If Huan Tian and the 1st gen human Supreme King are still alive, then how can the next Supreme King Yin Suye ascend to the position? Apart from that, how Huan Tian and Ye Wuhua manage to survive safely without changing history?

“Why do you care about Huan Tian so much?” Yin Suye was dissatisfied that the little guy keeps thinking of other people, especially when that person is the culprit who caused him to separate from the little guy. Naturally, this made his mood to become worse.

“Indeed.” Shui Ruoshan considered it and decided that he doesn’t need to struggle with the questions.

Although he can be regarded as the creator of this world, it does not mean that he must know everything about this world! Moreover, Huan Tian is a huge mystery to him. Huan Tian has too many secrets that he cannot even begin to find out. If he wants to explore Huan Tian’s every secret, he will be exhausted to death by it so he shouldn’t bother!

Anyway, it seems that Huan Tian is not going to appear in front of them, and he and Yin Suye obviously didn’t intend to find Huan Tian either. After all, their relationship is not too friendly, so he doesn’t even have to think about it.

“Then, it’s time for you to accompany me now?” Yin Suye waved his hand and forced Yan Ruya out of the room.

After kicking unnecessary people out, Yin Suye locked the door and added a barrier around the room in order to prevent any possible disturbance later. One cannot be too careful with preventive measures!

“Aren’t I always here with you?”

Shui Ruoshan is very clear about Yin Suye’s pettiness, so he didn’t argue with his action in driving people out of the room. One needs to know, except the time he was forced to transmigrate back to Earth, he has been staying beside Yin Suye all the time. Other than Siamese twins, probably there won’t be any other people stickier than the two of them? So Shui Ruoshan immediately became cautious when Yin Suye starts to become sticky.

“What are you trying to do now?”

“Didn’t we already went through the ceremony before? Naturally, it’s time for the wedding night!” Yin Suye said with a serious face.

Those who don’t know him might think that he is talking about a very solemn topic!

“Wedding night your sister ah!” Shui Ruoshan felt that he could not place much hope on Yin Suye.

Since when your words become so ‘yellow’ (dirty)?

Does Yin Suye know what a pedophile is?

“Purely chatting under the quilt?” Shui Ruoshan also knows that he can never reason with Yin Suye, so he wisely took a roundabout tactic.

But Yin Suye’s stance is obviously stronger than Shui Ruoshan.

Yin Suye : “Actually, it’s alright even if we don’t go all the way.”

Yin Suye was quite stifled by the fact that he can only ‘see’ but not ‘eat’. However, his lover’s current body is too young, he can’t go all the way even if he wanted to! But that doesn’t mean that he has no ways to seek benefits for himself.

Shui Ruoshan : “I still have some work to deal with!”

Sensing Yin Suye’s desire to eat him from his gaze, Shui Ruoshan weakly threw out an excuse that doesn’t sound like an excuse at all. Then, Shui Ruoshan got up, trying to go out to show that he has something to do and no one should stop him!

“I have something to do too!”

Unfortunately, Yin Suye didn’t give Shui Ruoshan the opportunity. He pulled Shui Ruoshan back, and he(SRS) fell on the bed.


Shui Ruoshan looked at that ‘someone’ who pressed him on the bed, half compromised and closed his eyes.

Something to do your sister!

Who works on the bed?


Raw Word Count : 2192


Banana: That’s it, folks~ This is the end. Yes, the author ended this novel on the safe side. Once again, the river crab has conquered the world _(;3/
But never mind that, onward to a new novel~~ Yass~~ This time Banana has learned her lesson, will only translate stuff that she has finished reading. Like seriously.

Wanna join me to see the future world this time? :3

Chapter 191 – Continuation 16 : I Do

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Like he didn’t see the confusion in Shui Ruoshan’s eyes, Yin Suye stood in front of Shui Ruoshan, then pulled Shui Ruoshan’s hand under everyone’s gaze.

Although Shui Ruoshan didn’t know what Yin Suye wanted to do, he didn’t resist Yin Suye’s actions and was quite cooperative. No matter what Yin Suye secretly intends to do this time, he only needs to know that Yin Suye will not do anything to hurt him! So, occasionally he is willing to spoil Yin Suye a little bit!

Yin Suye could sense the little guy’s attitude towards him softening, and then thinking about what he is going to do, his eyes became gentler. Yin Suye took Shui Ruoshan’s hand and walked forward a few steps. After that, he gently glanced around the crowd. Upon seeing that everyone is focusing on him and Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye slowly announced the matter he had planned earlier.

“Today, we celebrate not only the enthronement of your demon Supreme King, but also to celebrate your demon Supreme King and I becoming life partners!” Yin Suye raised Shui Ruoshan’s hand and then lowered his(YSY) head to place a soft kiss on the back of his(SRS) hand.

Ever since Yin Suye confirmed his feelings with the little guy a long time ago, he always wanted to find an opportunity to announce his relationship with Shui Ruoshan to the people of the world. This way, he could put his mark permanently on Shui Ruoshan, and no one will dare to have any intentions towards his beloved. The world will know that Shui Ruoshan is his! And he(SRS) can only belong to him! It’s just that he hasn’t been able to find a suitable opportunity to announce this matter before this. He doesn’t want to let the little guy to be aggrieved; hence he must find a high-profile chance so that the little guy can receive everyone’s blessing. And this time the little guy’s enthronement ceremony is undoubtedly a good time, that’s why Yin Suye will choose to announce his relationship with Shui Ruoshan directly at the ceremony. This is also the reason why he is willing to take over the preparation for the celebration and make the celebration as grand as possible.

Shui Ruoshan blushed when Yin Suye said they were going to be partners, and became redder when Yin Suye kissed the back of his hand. Although Yin Suye often took advantage of him; using various way to ‘eat his tofu’ (mo*lest him), that basically happened when they were alone together. But now Yin Suye did it in front of so many people, giving him a kiss. Although it was just a kiss the back of his hand, Shui Ruoshan, who was always thin-skinned, immediately got embarrassed. Shui Ruoshan doesn’t dare to look at everyone’s reaction at the moment, he just silently bowed his head, getting embarrassed alone!

Everyone obviously didn’t think that their demon Supreme King is thin-skinned. After hearing that their demon Supreme King is going to be life partners with the human Supreme King, they immediately cheered warmly and sent their sincere blessing. Although the demons and humans were not at good terms, the relationship between two sides has slowly reconciled in recent years.

Before the celebration, Yan Ruya had already considered various situations. She sent out some people in advance to analyze the pros and cons from the announcement, then made some necessary guidance to some demons, so that the citizens could fully accept the situation of the Supreme Kings being life partners.

In the demons’ thoughts, since the human Supreme King held this ceremony in the demon realm with their demon Supreme King, it was evident that he(YSY) is ‘marrying’ into their demon realm. Although they were somewhat dissatisfied with someone from another race coming to seduce their demon Supreme King away, what more a male, but considering that this other race is a Supreme King who has the same status as their demon Supreme King, the demons instantly became psychologically balanced (calm) again. After all, it is their demon Supreme King who managed to subdue the human Supreme King.

Thinking about it this way, they instantly felt proud; naturally, they won’t oppose to them being life partners. In fact, the demons also know that it’s useless if they are really against the decision. Moreover, the opposition might turn counter-productive instead. Their Supreme King already does not have a great sense of belonging in the demon realm, doing that will push their Supreme King to the human Supreme King.

They won’t be that stupid!

Therefore, they must support their demon Supreme King ‘marrying’ the human Supreme King!

娶 – female marrying into male family

Unfortunately, when the demons finally realized later on that their demon Supreme King was the one gotten eaten up, they immediately regretted their decision!

How could they be so easily deceived by the cunning Supreme King!

They didn’t protect His Majesty’s dignity!

They are guilty towards His Majesty!

Back to this side, Shui Ruoshan watched the miraculous scene where everyone is very supportive of him being partners with Yin Suye. He could not help but cast his suspicion on Yin Suye who was standing beside him and watching him intently with passion. No need to guess, Shui Ruoshan knows that for this matter to proceed so smoothly, Yin Suye must have exerted a lot of energy!

It’s just that he didn’t know how Yin Suye manages to do all this without him knowing.

“From now on, both of us only belong to each other, do you accept?” Yin Suye’s focused gaze reflected only Shui Ruoshan’s figure alone.

“I do!”

Just by hearing Yin Suye’s low voice full of feelings, Shui Ruoshan already felt a little overwhelmed, not to mention Yeye used that extremely loving gaze at him, which made him(YSY) even more irresistible. Hence, Shui Ruoshan revealed his thoughts right away, not bothering with what Yin Suye had secretly done before.

But after replying, Shui Ruoshan blushed again. Actually, ever since he met Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan is destined to be unable to escape from the fate named Yin Suye, although he never thought of escaping at all! He was very touched by Yin Suye’s feeling to him, but the moment he remember that Yin Suye has changed his good old enthronement ceremony to an engagement ceremony, he felt a bit drunk!

No, the ceremony has now become a wedding ceremony!

Shui Ruoshan only managed to come to his senses at this moment. No wonder Yin Suye’s action felt off at the beginning of the enthronement ceremony, and he was wearing a similar style like a couple’s outfit. It turns out that everything is waiting for him here! This trap is sure deep! And looking at everyone’s expressions, it doesn’t seem like they were caught off guard or anything, which means that everyone except him is aware that Yin Suye will announce his partner here? Everyone cooperated to hide this matter from him!

Thinking this way, Shui Ruoshan angrily rolled his eyes at Yin Suye. The meaning inside was obvious – ‘Wait until we go back and I’ll settle the account with you!’

It’s just that Shui Ruoshan couldn’t imagine how cute and tempting was his action of rolling his eyes to Yin Suye. If not because it’s not the right time at the moment, Yin Suye will definitely catch him in his arms and rub him all over. However, Yin Suye has never been someone who will let himself be aggrieved. Since he wants to hold Shui Ruoshan in his arms, he will do it. He stepped forward and embraced the person in his arms. After that, not minding how people would view his actions, he threw out a sentence “Ceremony is done, everyone can start the celebration”, then he carried Shui Ruoshan and disappeared from the altar. Obviously, Yin Suye is planning to carry Shui Ruoshan back to his residence. After all, the celebration is done, it should be time for him to receive his welfare, especially the little guy in his family has just seduced him unconsciously. So he has to go back and put the little guy in his place!


Shui Ruoshan, who was held in Yin Suye’s arms, didn’t know that Yin Suye’s thought was that dirty. He just silently looked at Yin Suye.

As the main characters of the celebration, the two of them just abandoned everyone and walked away?

Isn’t this a bit too irresponsible?

Plus, they made the celebration so grand, only to have it ended like that, isn’t it a bit too anticlimatic?

It’s a pity that no matter how dissatisfied Shui Ruoshan was with Yin Suye’s behaviour, he can’t change what was done, so he can only speechlessly let Yin Suye take him back to the palace…


Raw Word Count : 2458


Chapter 190 – Continuation 15 : Wait

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“King, please don’t use this kind of thing to make a joke!”

Yan Ruya was the first one to wake up from the shock, then she immediately expressed her disapproval. Obviously, being announced as the next demon Supreme King by Shui Ruoshan at his enthronement ceremony didn’t give Yan Ruya the slightest hint of joy, she kind of rejected it as well. In fact, she is not someone with a strong desire for power. Just that Huan Tian, the former demon Supreme King, is really irresponsible. She can only help to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the entire demon race.

But just when Yan Ruya thought she finally waited until the new demon Supreme King arrived, and that she could retire, the new demon Supreme King’s actions caught her even more off guard. She can accept being the Supreme King’s assistant to manage the demons. After all, she knew that Shui Ruoshan, the new demon Supreme King doesn’t live in the demon realm before this, so she cannot expect him to get started with handling the demon’s matter right away. That’s obviously unrealistic, so she doesn’t mind helping him to manage the demons together. But this does not mean that she will agree being declared as the next demon Supreme King.

No one can control when a new Supreme King emerges. Even if her current strength is already one of the best in the demon realm, it does not mean that she can become a demon Supreme King in the future. Because being a Supreme King needs strength, lots of luck and the right opportunity. Not to mention, luck and opportunity are intangible things that no one can predict.

Due to the fact that only one Supreme King can exist for one race, if a new Supreme King wants to emerge, the current Supreme King will undoubtedly fall. One needs to know that a demon’s lifespan is very long, and it will become longer with the increase of strength, so Yan Ruya does not think that the current demon Supreme King Shui Ruoshan’s lifespan will be shorter than hers. Hence, she cannot accept Shui Ruoshan’s behaviour in saying such unlucky words at his own enthronement ceremony.

“I’m not joking.”

Although Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know what Yan Ruya is thinking, he could understand the concerns in her heart.

“Because everything I say will be the truth!”

Because he is the author of [The Strongest King in History], and the creator of this world!

So what he said will be the absolute truth for this world!

Hence, when he said that Yan Ruya will become the next demon Supreme King, it was not because of his own preference but was based on facts.

Yan Ruya, as the heroine of [The Strongest King in History], naturally has thick ‘golden fingers’ (cheats). Although it may not be as good as the protagonist’s ‘golden thighs’(cheats), it was not bad. It was because of his transmigration, the male protagonist’s rebirth, and the mess Huan Tian make that caused Yan Ruya, the heroine, to be ignored to the point of being dispensable.

Although the plot has collapsed to the point where it cannot be saved, and the heroine Yan Ruya has lost her love and some fortunate encounters, this does not mean that her luck as a heroine will be lost. Since Yan Ruya still possesses the heroine’s halo, it will be a matter of time before she becomes the next demon Supreme King.

Other than that, Shui Ruoshan felt that Yan Ruya has lost too much because of him, so he wants to compensate her in different ways, such as making her a Supreme King in a faster and more convenient way. After all, his will also represents the will of this world to some extent, which is why Shui Ruoshan directly announced Yan Ruya as the next demon Supreme King in front of all demons.

Shui Ruoshan felt that by announcing his choice, he can openly train Yan Ruya’s ability, help her build a noble image in the demon race, and help her develop faster. In this way, he can quickly retreat to the background, get rid of the responsibilities that Huan Tian forcefully on him, and then go enjoy himself!

His plan is really perfect!

He is so witty!

“Yan Ruya, you are my selection for the next demon Supreme King!” Shui Ruoshan firmly said.

“But…” Yan Ruya slightly frowned, obviously not agreeing with Shui Ruoshan’s statement.

But before she could say anything, Shui Ruoshan immediately interrupted her.

“Relax, I will be fine!” Shui Ruoshan’s tone softened a little.

Others may not know his background, thinking he is the real demon Supreme King. But Shui Ruoshan himself is very clear that he is not the demon Supreme King at all, even his real strength is not that strong. He was only schemed by Huan Tian, so he has to temporarily replace Huan Tian’s position as the Supreme King. So even if Yan Ruya became the Supreme King, it wouldn’t have any impact on his existence.

The truth is so helpless!


In the end, Yan Ruya still temporarily compromised under Shui Ruoshan’s firm eyes, but this did not mean that she really accepted the fact. Just that she doesn’t want to open an argument in the important enthronement ceremony of their demon Supreme King, so she planned to wait for the demon Supreme to secretly discuss the matter later.

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know what Yan Ruya was thinking. He thought he managed to convince her with facts, so he nodded in satisfaction, and turned his head to look back at the people present. Seeing that there are still some people who have not fully awakened from the shock of his words, Shui Ruoshan does not mind and continues to follow the process of the original enthronement ceremony.

He has already crowned himself King, so what’s left is to start the celebration.

The celebration time belongs to these demons, not him. He has completed his part, so it doesn’t matter whether he’s here or not. Moreover, if he stayed back, the crowd can’t let go of themselves to enjoy the celebration.

Just as Sui Ruoshan is about to announce the next activity, Yin Suye who has been standing by silently and watching Shui Ruoshan, suddenly stepped forward and stood directly in front of Shui Ruoshan, preventing Shui Ruoshan from saying anything.

Yin Suye opened his mouth slightly to Shui Ruoshan, and mouthed the word ‘wait’.

Shui Ruoshan was confused that Yin Suye didn’t act according to plan. He couldn’t understand why he suddenly stepped forward. So how should he respond to this?

Their plan earlier didn’t say anything about this!

So what is Yin Suye trying to do?


Raw Word Count : 2094


Chapter 189 – Continuation 14 : The Next Demon Supreme King

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Shui Ruoshan elegantly ascended step by step to the high altar, wearing a complicated and magnificent dress robe. He looked down at the tens of thousands of people wholeheartedly looking up at their Supreme King. A sense of pride and responsibility burst out in his heart. The demon race is now his responsibility, and he is about to become the real demon Supreme King!

Because the new demon Supreme King ascending the throne is a grand ceremony for all demons, it was not held indoors but was held on the largest city square. The altar was built in the centre of the square where only significant events were usually organized. The view from the altar was excellent. Shui Ruoshan can clearly see all the people in the whole square just by glancing down.

Seeing that the demons couldn’t help but stare at him breathlessly, Shui Ruoshan took a step forward and raised his head. He adjusted the hair crown on his head, and then raised the sceptre in his right hand, while his left hand is gently concealed behind him; displaying his domineering aura very well.

“I, Shui Ruoshan, from now on, is the second generation Demon Supreme King! I will use my life to lead the demons towards a more prosperous future!” Shui Ruoshan announced loudly.

His hair crown that symbolizes the status of the demon Supreme King shone brightly in the sun. He is the Supreme King, the highest status in the realm; naturally, no one has the qualification to crown him, so he self-crowned himself! Shui Ruoshan has never considered Yin Suye to crown him, even if Yin Suye has the same status as him, even if their relationship is unusual. It was because he represents the demons, and Yin Suye represents the humans. The two of them represent different races, so it’s impossible for him to be crowned by another Supreme King, even if that Supreme King is his lover.

That’s right, he is someone with principle!

As Shui Ruoshan’s loud voice rang throughout the square, everyone couldn’t help getting excited, and they cheered in unison.

“All Hail Demon Supreme King, please receive our praise of all generations, longevity and heaven!”

Everyone looked up and stared at the peerless godlike figure standing on the altar, like a deity, with infinite admiration in their eyes. This is their demon Supreme King, who will lead them to a brighter future.

When Shui Ruoshan heard everyone shouting that ‘slogan’ in unison, he almost couldn’t hold back and break out of character. This slogan really caused him some internal injuries. The hell is ‘praise of all generations, longevity and heaven’? It’s like he has united the ‘Jianghu’ (martial world)!

But no matter how much Shui Ruoshan ranted at this moment, the expression on his face was still tight, his aloof expression seemed unpredictable. However, in order to prevent everyone from continuing to shout that slogan, Shui Ruoshan immediately and gently waved his hand to indicate everyone to be quiet, and that they don’t need to mind such formalities.

“Alright, that’s enough!”

“Now, I will announce my first order.”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t stay for some time in the parallel in vain, so he doesn’t have any pressure to cope with the big crowd in front of him. Isn’t it just pretending to be awesome, it’s what he does the best! So, he narrowed his eyes slightly while looking around indifferently. His twinkling phoenix eyes squinted, the frost seemed to be condensed between his eyes, producing an extremely cold gaze. However, he still gave off another kind of charm. Even the words spoken exuded a kind of supreme majesty tone.

Everyone has been watching the demon Supreme King’s every move. When he signalled them to be silent, they immediately held their breath and looked at their demon Supreme King more attentively. Even though their Supreme King is just standing there, those cold, frost-like eyes made people felt suffocated, and yet it also made people felt like rising up with an urge to worship. So when they heard that the demon Supreme King is about to announce his order, they immediately looked at their demon Supreme King.

“Yan Ruya, step forward!” Shui Ruoshan was very satisfied with the people’s behaviour, but he didn’t announce his orders right away but make Yan Ruya, who had been standing silently by the side, to come out to him instead.

“Yes.” Yan Ruya immediately stepped forward, kneeling respectfully in front of Shui Ruoshan.

“Yan Ruya, I appoint you as the Supreme King’s advisor, who will be solely responsible for managing all the demons.”

Although Shui Ruoshan became the demon Supreme King, it does not mean that he really knows how to govern a country, so naturally, he has to hand things over to someone talented who do.

“At the same time, Yan Ruya will also be the next demon Supreme King, that is, the third generation demon Supreme King!”

Shui Ruoshan is very clear that he can’t stay in the position of the demon Supreme King for a lifetime. That means he needs to find the next demon Supreme King in advance, and Yan Ruya is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate, not to mention that Yan Ruya herself is very capable and strong. Before this, when Huan Tian is not in the demon realm, everything was managed by Yan Ruya. At the same time, the people of the demon realm were also convinced by her management skill. Besides, although Yan Ruya is the heroine of his novel [The Strongest King in History], and her luck is not as good as the protagonist, it was not bad, so it is quite safe for Shui Ruoshan to hand over the demon realm to Yan Ruya.

With the heroine’s halo, Yan Ruya is indeed the most likely candidate to become the next demon Supreme King. Of course, if he as the author and the God of creation thinks so, the Rules of this world will undoubtedly think the same. Hence, Yan Ruya will become the demon Supreme King sooner or later. On the other hand, he is not really a genuine Supreme King, so the birth of the next demon Supreme King has nothing to do with his absence from the throne. So in order to avoid the unscientific event where two demon Supreme King appearing at the same time, he wants to give the identity to Yan Ruya in advance, this would be giving an early notice to everyone.

He really knows how to plan ahead for a rainy day!

“Your order…” is my command?

When Yan Ruya heard the first part of the command, she prepared herself to take over the task. After all, the demon Supreme King had already told her about it before the ceremony, so she knew about. She was prepared to accept it without any pressure. It was the next sentence that Yan Ruya couldn’t help but widened her eyes, and her words were stuck in her throat. She didn’t know what to do except revealing a shocked reaction.

Apart from Yan Ruya, everyone present when they heard their demon Supreme King announcing the candidate for the next demon Supreme King at the enthronement ceremony was no better.
All were stunned speechless!


Raw Word Count : 2033


Chapter 188 – Continuation 13 : During the celebration

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

The mirror revealed the picture of a tender young man with white teeth and red lips in a magnificent dress robe. Even if Shui Ruoshan is familiar with his appearance, he could not help being surprised by himself. He never knew that dressing up a little could improve his appearance by a whole level. No wonder not only all women in the world like to dress up, but some men also do too. The main reason is here! In the mirror, he wore a dark purple sweeping robe that perfectly set off his young undeveloped figure. The corner of his wide sleeves was embroidered with gold threads to form mysterious rune patterns, pairing with various exquisite accessories it gave the wearer a gorgeous aura. His waist-length black hair was tied up high, secured with an exquisite hair crown representing his status as the demon Supreme King, which turned his originally immature appearance to a noble bearing.

“The time for the ceremony is approaching, let’s go out!”

Yin Suye quickly suppressed the stunned emotion in his eyes and extended his right hand to Shui Ruoshan, indicating that he can put his hand on his palm and let him pull him to the stage. Yin Suye has already changed into his outfit, and he wore the same series of clothing as Shui Ruoshan, the same deep purple robe embellished with gold thread and embroidered cuffs. However, compared to Shui Ruoshan’s dazzling and luxurious appearance, the overall style of Yin Suye’s appearance is more low-key and restrained. His hair was tied simply behind his head, apart from the same forehead accessory as Shui Ruoshan, he doesn’t wear any other accessories. From afar, their same style of dressing was unified and harmonious, as if they were originally ‘two halves of a whole’.


Shui Ruoshan has long noticed that Yin Suye is wearing the same style of clothing as him, but he is very calm about it as Yin Suye always likes to dress like that with him. Showing off or whatnots, he can already accept other’s envy and jealousy without changing his facial expressions, through Yin Suye’s ‘lessons’. So wearing a couple style is nothing at all! And so, without any pressure, Shui Ruoshan placed his left hand on Yin Suye’s hand, then picked up the purple sceptre on the table that symbolized the rights of a demon Supreme King with his right hand, and took the lead to walk out.

The aisle outside the room has already been covered with luxurious red carpets, and the uniformed servants were standing neatly at the side. As soon as Shui Ruoshan walked out of the room, the servants presented their most sincere bow to their new demon Supreme King. Shui Ruoshan nodded gently to the attendants, then raised his head and puffed his chest before heading outside. Every step he took was steady and slow, and the wind lightly blew with a heavenly filter. He was like an emperor wandering between the stars, in charge of the entire starry sky.

Extremely majestic!

Standing on the side, Yin Suye, who was holding Shui Ruoshan’s hand deliberately lowered his sense of presence so everyone can focus better on the little guy. Therefore, everyone only saw their new demon Supreme King, who walked slowly and gracefully, leaving a background that people admires infinitely. If they have the ability to see through their rose-tinted glasses, they will definitely not look at their new Supreme King with a fanatical look of belief right now but will be silently sweating on their foreheads. It’s a pity that they don’t have such a skill, so they will never know how their elegant and calm demon Supreme King actively ranting in his heart at this moment.

Shui Ruoshan didn’t realize that zoning out at such a critical moment is quite ruining his image. But it’s really uncomfortable to not rant! He has special ranting skills anyway! Although he admits that he looked quite handsome in the dress robe, but the combined weight of all the layers of clothes and the gorgeous accessories of large and small… fcuk, it’s really too heavy, a’ight?! At first, he only felt that they were a little heavy, but as time went by, he felt like it definitely weighs more than their original weight! Definitely a weight unbearable for his life!

He thought back about how he has fallen into the trap where he needs to carry such heavy clothing. The cause of everything seems to return to the fact that he is lazy and pushed the responsibility to other people to handle the ceremony. If he didn’t push the responsibility onto others, then he won’t be so clueless about the duration of the ceremony. Thinking of the long list of processes written on the paper, Shui Ruoshan felt like having a headache. The moment he remembers that he needs to wear those heavy clothes to go through the entire processes of the celebration, he regrets it, very regrets, deeply regrets!

Why did he want to save time and be lazy?

If he personally participates in the decision-making of the celebration, he will definitely disagree with the current celebration’s process! He will let people know the necessity of streamlining!

Thinking this way, Shui Ruoshan could not help but glare fiercely at Yin Suye. He had Yin Suye to take charge of the celebration because he thinks that his family Xiao Yeye will understand him and would definitely handle this matter according to his(SRS) will. But he didn’t expect that his family Xiao Yeye’s work would be quite unreliable sometimes! He understood Yan Ruya’s desire to hold the celebration, but he couldn’t bring himself to understand why Yin Suye would agree to it. Because if Yin Suye is not willing, even if Yan Ruya is the heroine of [The Strongest King in History], Yan Ruya still can’t win against the big villain boss Yin Suye! Especially when this big villain has reborn, it is even more impossible! Therefore, for the celebration to be this complicated and grand right now, it is absolutely indispensable that Yin Suye has contributed to it! Or in other words, it was directed by Yin Suye. Hence, we returned to the question, why Yin Suye made the celebration known to the world?

It’s a pity that Yin Suye obviously didn’t want to answer Shui Ruoshan’s question. His eyes turned away slightly as if he didn’t notice the little guy’s stare.

Shui Ruoshan became a little sulky, so he ruthlessly stepped on Yin Suye’s foot where no one could see. Then, as if he hadn’t done anything, he continued his noble bearing to march toward. His family Xiao Yeye’s attitude is telling him that he(YSY) will not explain everything to him at the moment. Since he cannot ask, then he will not ask. He will always know the reason in the end anyway. The most important matter right now is to finish the celebration first!


Raw Word Count : 1999


Banana : To be frank, I’m not very used to Ghost _(;3/ or markdown, or everything _(;3/ cries