Chapter 8 – Going to school [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Just as the boy said those words, he saw Su Ling’s face and was stunned speechless. Amazement flashed through his eyes, then his anger became deeper.

Su Ling didn’t take those threats and yelling into his heart, he just clenched his fists tightly. Gu Liheng is really his imaginary male god! Yes, although the author rarely describes his male god in words, but when he thinks about it carefully, President Gu’s temperament and his male god is quite similar. They have excellent elite education, grew up under strict teaching, and possessed a strong sense of responsibility. Plus, that deep and restrained personality.  At this moment, when Su Ling thought of Gu Liheng, his feelings became different.

“You dared to ignore me!” Zhao Qi’s eyes turned red while pointing at Su Ling. Then he stepped forward and waved his fist at Su Ling’s head.

Su Ling’s thin eyelids slightly lifted. He swiftly raised his hand to grab Zhao Qi’s hand.

Zhao Qi was stunned. He didn’t expect Su Ling to fight back at all. His face turned redder from the anger, and he tried to pull back hard, “Let me go.”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows and let go.

Because Zhao Qi was struggling as hard as he could, and he didn’t expect Su Ling to let go of his hands so quickly, his body staggered backward several steps from the inertia. But he was quickly supported by his friend, “Qi Qi, are you okay?”

Zhao Qi pushed his friend away and glared at Su Ling with clenched teeth, “Smelly Su, has your brain gone bad?”

Frowning, Su Ling looked at the imposing Zhao Qi, and thought of the plot where he(ZQ) would marry Gu Liheng, he(SL) was very upset. Thinking of Gu Liheng’s ending, where he dies because of Zhao Qi in the novel, his expression became colder. Definitely cannot let Zhao Qi and Gu Liheng get married!

Currently, Zhao Qi and his friend are both 3rd-year seniors, while Zhao Qi is a university freshman when he gets married to Gu Liheng in the novel. Right now is the end of May, which means there are only 3 months away from the university opening period. Zhao Qi and Gu Liheng got married because of some gratitude, it is not easy to stop that marriage from going on, unless – Gu Liheng is married before that.

“Hey, 3 students over there, classes are going to start soon! Hurry return to the classroom!” Just as Su Ling was thinking about the plot, the teacher on duty at the school gate shouted at them.

Zhao Qi strode over Su Ling in a stride, deliberately bumping his shoulder as he passed, and whispered, “Take ‘good care’ of yourself after school.”

Su Ling touched his chin and curled his lips. So naive. He closed his bracelet’s navigation system, with Zhao Qi leading the way, he doesn’t need it anymore.

When Su Ling entered the classroom, everyone’s gaze fell upon him, staring while discussing something. He stood hesitantly at the door, didn’t know where his seat was. But in this classmates’ eyes, this action means he was afraid. The students were accustomed to it as this is how Su Ling reacts normally; speaks only a few words, and timid.

“Wow, he looks good after changing his hairstyle!”

“I’m dumbfounded, his appearance looks sunny now.”

“Tsk, he is still a coward.”

“Su Ling.” The teacher walked into the classroom and patted Su Ling’s shoulder with a gentle tone. Pointing at the third row of seats by the window on the right, he said, “Teacher adjusted the seat for you. You can sit there.”

Su Ling glanced at the seat the teacher pointed out. His tablemate is a pretty teenager who still has some fat baby on his cheeks, and he has big eyes. When he looked over to the seat, his tablemate waved at him and even smiled, very friendly. Su Ling swept his eyes around in the classroom. His tablemate was the only student who expressed friendliness to him. Other students were indifferent, and some were like Zhao Qi, revealing disdain and hatred towards him.

He bent slightly towards the teacher and said, “Thank you, teacher.”

His tablemate quickly got up to let him pass when he walked over to the seat, allowing him to sit inside. Then his tablemate whispered to him after he has settled down, “Hello, my name is Lin Meng.”

Lin Meng blinked and looked down at Su Ling’s wrist. “Have your wound recovered?”

Su Ling was slightly stunned from Lin Meng’s unabashed concern and nodded, “I have recovered, thank you.”

Lin Meng is the protagonist shou in the novel.

Su Ling had no doubts anymore, he is inside the world of that novel. Just that he is a ‘dead person’ who only appeared in nicknames in the novel, but now, he is still alive and well. So, many things can still be changed ba!

Lin Meng smiled until his eyes were curved, “That’s good,” he pouted slightly, “Zhao Qi is too much, don’t take his words to heart.”

Su Ling acknowledged with an ‘En’, then Lin Meng glanced at him again. His(LM) expression looked complicated for a while, but he said nothing in the end. Su Ling thought for a moment, and suddenly a lightbulb flashed in his mind, he understood why Lin Meng looked like that.

In the novel, the relationship between both protagonists progressed quickly, but it was not easy for them to be together. Various supporting characters appeared to create obstacles for them, letting their feelings to develop deeper. At the beginning of the novel, Lin Meng and Zhao Qi had a quarrel because of ‘his death’. After the quarrel, Lin Meng left the classroom angrily and ran to the school directory, that’s where he met the protagonist gong, Xiào Rui[1]. Lin Meng is a transfer student and does not know Xiào Rui. That was the first time the two have met. Afterward, the two met everywhere in the school. On one occasion where Lin Meng was troubled by Zhao Qi, Xiào Rui came out to help him. At the weekend, the two met again at the banquet the Lin Family organized, and they even danced together. Today is Monday, it’s the day after Lin Meng attended the banquet, and right now, Lin Meng and Xiào Rui are in the stage where they have a mutual good feeling with each other. On the other hand, before ‘his suicide’, the original Su Ling was preparing to confess to Xiào Rui. The reason why Lin Meng looked complicated is probably because of Xiào Rui.

Su Ling thought about the sad ending of various supporting roles in the novel, under the protagonist’s halo, and looked at Lin Meng very seriously. He whispered, “I don’t like Xiào Rui.”

Lin Meng was stunned: “Why? I thought you… because of him…”

Su Ling’s tone was firm, “No, my father asked me to apply for a system allocation, but I wanted to go to university. I just didn’t think properly (referring to his suicide ‘attempt’). It has nothing to do with Xiào Rui.”

Lin Meng: “It turns out this way, what will you do now?”

Su Ling: “I broke off from my family.”

Lin Meng’s eyes widened and exclaimed, “You are so amazing!” His eyes glowed. “If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask me.”

Su Ling nodded, “Okay.”

After 4 classes in the morning, Lin Meng took Su Ling to the canteen for lunch. Just when they came out of the canteen, they were blocked by Zhao Qi and 5-6 people he brought along with him. Other classmates watched from a distance, no one dares to help out. An Omega’s identity is special, and they can’t afford to offend neither side.

Zhao Qi glared at Su Ling, “Come with me to the rooftop.”

“He won’t go!” Lin Meng pulled Su Ling to him and glared at Zhao Qi.

Su Ling looked at Zhao Qi and asked, “Why go to the rooftop? To fight or to confess? Do you know that the university entrance exam is coming soon? If you have free time, you should study hard instead.” Then he raised his wrist at them, “If you hinder me from studying, I will contact the teacher oh.”

Zhao Qi was stunned, Su Ling’s reaction in the morning was already abnormal, but now he is even more unexpected. To dare to report to the teacher!

Seeing that Zhao Qi is just standing in a daze over there, Su Ling led Lin Meng to bypass them and leave. Sure enough, teachers are always a deterrent to students. After all, teachers have the right to contact their parents.

“Qi Qi, what to do now?”

Zhao Qi gritted his teeth, “I won’t let him go.”

Lin Meng followed Su Ling back to the classroom and saw him reading the textbook with much focus. He blurted out, “I thought you were trying to scare off Zhao Qi, didn’t expect you to really come back to study!”

Su Ling: “It was both the reasons.”

Lin Meng held his chin, “You’re so fun. It feels very different from before. I haven’t heard you speak at all during the 2 days we were in class together previously.”

Reading the Illustrated Book of Spiritual Plants, Su Ling replied smoothly, “After all, I am an adult now.”

Lin Meng couldn’t help laughing, “I became an adult yesterday.”

After school in the afternoon, Su Ling stood in front of the school for a while. Then he decisively dialed Gu Liheng’s number. Once he got connected, he asked directly, “President Gu, are you back yet?”

Gu Liheng went to Planet Klai to discuss some business, so he was not in the Capital for a few days. He had not seen Gu Liheng for several days. Previously, he didn’t think of anything special when he interacts with Gu Liheng but knowing that Gu Liheng is his male god now, he couldn’t help wanting to see him. He already endured a day of classes, and he doesn’t want to endure it anymore.

Gu Liheng: “En, what’s the matter?”

Su Ling: “Ah yes, could you please get the driver to pick me up? I want to go to the villa.”

“You can contact the driver directly without telling me.”

These days when Su Ling needs to go to the villa, he contacted the driver without going through Gu Liheng. The corner of Su Ling’s lips curled slightly, “Well, it’s not morning like usual, so I think it’s better to ask you first.” He just wanted to make sure that Gu Liheng has returned.

“It doesn’t matter, as per our contract, you can come to see the spiritual plants at any time.”

Su Ling: “En, I will remember it next time.”

Su Ling didn’t wait for the driver to pick him up. He took a taxi to the villa area and then transferred to the Gu family’s car, so he arrived at the villa around 20 minutes later. It was dinner time when he arrived. Gu Liheng was wearing a lot more casual than usual, wearing only a gray-blue shirt at the top, but the buttons were all buttoned up.

A hint of surprise flashed in Gu Liheng’s eyes when he saw Su Ling. This was the first time he saw Su Ling’s new hairstyle.

Su Ling only wanted to see Gu Liheng and didn’t think about the time. That caused him to feel a bit awkward right now because he looked like he came to bum a meal.

Gu Liheng: “You haven’t eaten yet ba, you can go to see the spiritual plants after eating.”

Seeing his usual expression, all the embarrassment suddenly disappeared from Su Ling’s mind. At least on the surface, the other party did not dislike it. During dinner, Su Ling sneaked glances at Gu Liheng from time to time. As he looked, he connects Gu Liheng with the few times he appeared in the novel, feeling excited.

After dinner, Gu Liheng looked at him and asked, “Why you keep looking at me?”

It wasn’t Su Ling’s first time to receive straightforward questions from Gu Liheng, but it still got him a bit stunned. Being too straightforward felt like a bit of a tease, but Su Ling is very clear that the other party didn’t mean it at all. Inside Su Ling thought, ain’t it because you looked good, though he won’t answer like that anymore. He met Gu Liheng’s eyes and said, “I want to make a request. I’m worried that you will refuse and felt a little anxious, so I keep looking at you.”

Gu Liheng’s expression remained the same, “What request?”

Su Ling said what he already thought of on the way to the villa, “I want to stay here in a villa.”

Gu Liheng raised his eyes slightly, doubt showing in his eyes.

Su Ling didn’t wait for him to refuse and quickly said his reason, “I was on medical leave a few days ago, so it doesn’t matter when I go to the villa to help the raw material collection. But now that I have started school, the time is a little tight on every morning I need to come to the villa and then go to school.”

Gu Liheng’s expression returned to his usual calm, and he nodded, “It is my negligence, I will get someone to arrange a room for you.”

Su Ling’s eyes narrowed, and he smiled, “Thank you, have to trouble you.”

Gu Liheng: “You are here to help me, it’s me who troubles you.”

Su Ling’s eyes were slightly curved and bright. He must be in a good mood. Though he already expected that Gu Liheng would not refuse him after hearing his reasons, it still made him feel good to hear it.

Gu Liheng’s eyes stayed on him for a moment before turning away, “Will you be staying starting tonight?”

Su Ling shook his head, “Let’s start tomorrow. I didn’t bring any clothes, and I had to inform Uncle Nalu.”

That night, Su Ling, who only got chased but never chase after anyone before, posted on the emotional support forum.

[TS/Ice Cream]: “How to make Alpha promise to marry me?”

[Little Grass in Love]: First, what’s your gender?

[Super Cool]: Must be a Beta, how could Omega have this kind of distress!

[Wild Grass on The Roadside]: Find a way to make him like you. There’s always powders from spiritual plants[2], and Alpha doesn’t necessarily have to marry only Omega.

[TS/Ice Cream]: I am an Omega.

[Little Grass in Love]: Is this a prank? There is an Omega worrying about Alpha not marrying you? Could it be the person you like is a popular male god, and he already has someone he likes?

[Wild Grass on The Roadside]: Seduce him! Make him can’t stop obsessing over you.

[Super Cool]: Recommend TS (Thread Starter) to see this post #How does Omega obtain Alpha’s heart?

Su Ling clicked on the link, and there is a listing that listed a hundred ways to please Alpha. After Su Ling looked through the listing from top to bottom, he raised his hand to touch the back of his neck. His ‘hardware’ problem has difficulties in meeting the conditions ah! Using a hand to support his chin, he thought for a while and decided to proceed step by step ba.

Nalu gave him a drink, glanced at Su Ling’s screen. Then he suddenly asked, “Why are you looking at these clothes?”

Su Ling immediately turned off the lingerie interface he was browsing and coughed a little, “I want to buy new pajamas, but accidentally clicked on this.”

Nalu muttered in disapproval, “Weblink is too unreliable, they even put lingerie as one of the recommendations for pajamas.” Then he instructed, “If you are staying in President Gu’s villa, you must wear proper pajamas. Although President Gu looked reliable, he is after all, an Alpha, and you are an Omega.”

Su Ling nodded, “En, I know.”

He thought to himself if only he can see President Gu being ‘unreliable’.

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭? ~
Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or donated nutrient solution ~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

[1] The word Xiao here should not be mistaken as Little/Xiǎo/小. The character of his name is 肖睿.
[2] Probably means aphrxdisiac

Raw word count: 3612

#( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) GetIt

Chapter 7 – Boss [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling agreed without hesitation, and Gu Liheng gratefully thanked him. Then, he motioned to Darry to give Su Ling the nectar and stem of the day. When the three of them returned to the living room, Darry said, “I will go to the hospital first.”

Gu Liheng nodded. Su Ling originally wanted to ask Darry something about the spiritual plant’s ownership but seeing that he is busy, he didn’t ask. After Darry left, Gu Liheng looked at Su Ling, “I have to go to the company now, do you want to stay here to study the spiritual plant?”

Su Ling shook his head, “No, I will go back.” The matter regarding his pheromone was not resolved, he could not use it to study the spiritual plants at all.

Gu Liheng: “The driver is waiting at the gate, just tell him where you want to go.”

Su Ling smiled and nodded, “Okay.” Then, he moved to go out.

“Wait,” Gu Liheng shouted, “I haven’t reimbursed your travel fare.”

Su Ling saw him acting so seriously, his smile deepened, and he said, “I was joking about that. No need to reimburse me, it’s not expensive anyway.”

Gu Liheng’s tone was serious, “You are helping me, how I can let you suffer any loss?” He tapped his bracelet, “How much?”

Su Ling waved his hand and said, “No need, really.”

Gu Liheng: “Is 1000 enough?” As he asked, Gu Liheng entered the amount to be transferred.

Su Ling: “…” This boss never took a taxi before ba.

Gu Liheng’s attitude was too serious, so Su Ling helplessly smiled, “It’s just 42, don’t give more. Otherwise, I have to return it back to you.”

Gu Liheng couldn’t help being a bit surprised, “So cheap?”

“It was only 20 minutes by car.”

Gu Liheng lowered his eyes and re-entered the amount. Although his expression didn’t change, Su Ling could sense Gu Liheng’s embarrassment. Su Ling’s bracelet shook slightly, and Su Ling glanced at him, “I received it.” Then he waved and said, “I’m leaving now.”

Gu Liheng nodded, and the two walked out of the hall.

Su Ling got into the car and told the driver the address to the fragrance bar. When the car started, Su Ling opened the window halfway and turned his head to look out the window. The villa is halfway up the mountain. On the way return, the car goes down the road circling the hill. From one side, he can see the lake at the foot of the mountain in the distance. The wind blows into the car.

Such good air quality.

After a while, he realized that Gu Liheng’s car is behind him, keeping a safe distance. Leaving the villa area, they reached the bustling area of the city. When the vehicle passed through a particular place, one can smell a faint fragrance of meat buns. Su Ling’s stomach felt uncomfortable for a while, then only he remembered that he hadn’t eaten breakfast yet! Su Ling hurriedly urged the driver who had been moving at a constant speed to speed up. Five minutes from the fragrance bar, he saw a breakfast shop in the distance and asked the driver to let him down. There were not many people in this hour in the breakfast shop, but as soon as he approached, he received a lot of attention. Su Ling bought a bowl of noodles and two steamed buns. He originally planned to dine in the store but seeing that a lot of people is looking at him, he opted for a takeaway instead.

Gu Liheng’s car drove past the breakfast shop. When he saw Su Ling, he frowned slightly, and frustration flashed in his face. He said to the driver, “Stop to the side.”

Su Ling was carrying his breakfast, couldn’t decide whether he should nibble on the bun while walking when Gu Liheng’s black luxury car stopped beside him. The window was lowered to reveal Gu Liheng’s face. Not knowing what happened, Su Ling asked, “Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

Gu Liheng glanced at the breakfast in his hand, “Sorry, I don’t know that you haven’t taken your breakfast yet. Where do you want to go? I’ll send you.”

Su Ling smiled, “Why do you keep saying sorry, it has nothing to do with you,” he was a bit embarrassed when he admitted, “I got up too late.” Su Ling hesitated, but he still informed Gu Liheng the address of the fragrance bar. He was about to go to the front seat, when Gu Liheng said, “Come sit at the back.”

The car door for the back seat was opened, and Gu Liheng shifted to the next seat to leave the seat facing the shops to Su Ling.

Su Ling raised his eyebrows and got on the car. After the car started, he turned to ask, “The passenger seat beside the driver cannot be used?”

Gu Liheng: “The front passenger seat is not safe.”

Su Ling pointed out the unreasonable part, “Nalu sat there yesterday.”

Gu Liheng’s expression remained the same when he replied, “He’s a Beta.” His tone was steady as he continued, “the front passenger seat gets hit in a traffic accident more than the rear seat, and even with a protective barrier, it’s dangerous for an Omega.”

Su Ling turned away silently. He was totally unaccustomed to putting himself in the ‘weak person’ category. To be frank, he doesn’t think that there was any difference between him and Alpha Beta males, although he was much shorter than them. Hmm, besides gathering more information related to the spiritual plants, he should read more about the genders in this world. His knowledge of ABO’s gender is limited to the novels he has read. Other than that, the novel only roughly described the setting and was not very detailed. He only knows little, and it may have discrepancies with this world.

The car soon arrived at the back door of Tian Ling Fragrance Bar. Su Ling thanked Gu Liheng and got off. Finished his breakfast, Su Ling went to the barber and then went back to his residence to continue reading. After lunch, he took a nap. Hence, when night comes, he was very spirited. Su Ling went to the lobby just before the fragrance bar opens, and the waiter who was sorting the cups at the bar saw him. The waiter immediately whistled, “Hey, beauty.”

Something like this? Since author mentioned SL has slightly long hair before this

Su Ling’s hairstyle has changed entirely from the previous style. Right now he has slanted bangs with a short perm, revealing his beautiful eyebrows and smooth forehead, giving him a beautiful and sunny aura. He was wearing a white shirt, but he was not very conservative with it. The top two buttons were unbuttoned. One could see half of his delicate collarbone, and his neck looked very slender. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to his elbow, giving other people a hint of laziness. Su Ling raised his eyebrows, he has yet to speak when Nalu who was sitting in front of the bar slapped the waiter at the back of his head, “What courage you have, even dare to tease the boss!”

“What?” All the attendants who were preparing for the opening were surprised.

“So young? And an Omega as well?!”

Su Ling waved at them, “I am Su Ling, please teach me well.”

Nalu officially introduced Su Ling to the employees. The employees saw that Su Ling’s attitude was casual and young-spirited, they didn’t feel restrained. Hence, they also cracked a few jokes together.

“Such a handsome boss, I will not change this job in my life.”

“Does the boss have a boyfriend? How about me?”

Nalu waved his hand, “Don’t mess around, get ready with the preparation.”

Su Ling sat down in front of the bar with his toes lightly tapping the ground. He whispered to Nalu, “Will I delay the shop’s preparation?”

Nalu shook his head, “No, the preparations are almost done.” He looked at Su Ling, “This hairstyle suits you, it looks good. But your clothing,” he coughed, “is not very suitable.”

Su Ling pulled at his sleeves and shrugged helplessly, “It’s all button-down shirts in the closet, I don’t even have any short sleeves clothing.” He had seen the original body’s photos in his bracelet. That person also wore shirts like this when taking pictures, and he will button up all the buttons as if he was worried about showing even an inch of skin.

Nalu smiled, “You were the one who bought it, but you disliked it? Children just like new things and discard the old ones. Let’s buy some clothes tomorrow.” Next, he pointed to the waiter who was sorting out the small cups and introduced to Su Ling, “He is Xiao Bian[1], the perfumer in the store. Most of the drinks come from him. You can learn from him.”

At 7:30, the fragrance bar opened on time with soothing music. Xiao Bian blended some fragrant drink, and the air was filled with a light fragrance, which was very comfortable. Xiao Bian handed Su Ling a glass, “Rose pollen, it’s very popular with Omegas, try it.”

Su Ling thanked him and tried to smell the drink, it smelled fragrant. Next, he took a sip and found the taste was quite light, and it gave him a sense of comfort after drinking it.

Customers gradually arrived at the shop. Su Ling sat on the far left of the bar while watching Xiao Bian making drinks and fragrances.

“Are you alone?” A handsome blond man suddenly appeared, blocking his sight to the bar. The man stood sideways with his right hand propped on the bar, and his left hand raised a glass of drink towards him. “Can I buy you a drink?”

The corner of Su Ling’s lips raised up, and he shook his head. After that, several people wanted to buy him a drink as well, but he refused. At 9 o’clock, he got up and prepared to return to the room upstairs. He got up and headed back, but ended up colliding with someone. He took a step back and was a little bit stunned when he saw the person he bumped at. He subconsciously apologized.

The woman’s eyes were bright as she looked down at him, “Don’t be embarrassed, Little Cutie, are you alone?”

Su Ling stared at her, and he could sense a slight scent coming from her body. He immediately understood that this is a female Alpha. Swiftly throwing out a reply, “No, I have a companion,” he quickly turned and left.

In the next two days, Su Ling didn’t sit at the bar but sat in the corner to observe the waiters and customers. He had been reading textbooks during the day, and soon realized that what they sold in the store was indeed very ordinary. No wonder their business is not good. Sitting in the corner of the deck seat, no customers came to talk to him. Because there were only a few people around, nobody noticed him at all.

The 27th, Monday, quickly arrived. It’s the day Su Ling return to school. He got up earlier, went to Gu Liheng’s villa to help collect the raw materials, and then asked the driver to send him to school. Upon entering the school, he opened his bracelet to check the school’s map. After he has gotten a rough understanding of the school’s building plan, he started the navigation to 3-2 class (3rd year, 2nd class). He was about to walk away when he heard a soft voice from behind, “Qi Qi, look, it’s Smelly Su!”

An angry voice soon followed, “Smelly Su, stop right there!”

Su Ling’s feet stayed rooted in place. He has a deep impression with the nickname ‘Smelly Su’! Every time he read a novel, the first few chapters will give him the deepest impression. And for this novel, the nickname Smelly Su appeared in the first chapter. He remembered it clearly because it was quite unusual. It was also the first time the cannon fodder shou, Zhao Qi, quarrelled with the protagonist who had just transferred from another school. The new of Smelly Su’s suicide and death in the school was in full swing. As his classmate, Zhao Qi criticized Smelly Su in the class. The protagonist shou was very upset when he heard it, and he righteously argued with Zhao Qi.

So, he is the ‘Smelly Su’ who has died in the novel? He is really inside the world of that novel?

Su Ling turned around and saw a bright-looking boy rushing towards him, followed by another boy behind him. He took a deep breath and asked the boy, “Are you Zhao Qi?”

The boy glared at him and loudly replied, “Nonsense! Stop pretending to be stupid, you got me confined for two days this time. I won’t let go of you!”

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭? ~ Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or donated the nutrients drink.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 2943


[1] Random unimportant tidbit – Not sure if the author has terrible naming sense, the name Xiao Bian has the similar pronunciation to peeing (xiǎo biàn/小便)

Chapter 6 – Sever ties [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling looked down at the content of the news.

“According to reliable sources, the 3 Grade A spiritual plants that were deposited in the Capital insurance company have been taken out today. After an investigation, we confirmed that a mysterious and charming fragrance could be smelled nearby the insurance company today.”

“There are different opinions about who is the owner of the spiritual plants. There is no definite conclusion yet, but since they have been taken out, we should be able to meet them soon.”

“Many famous families expressed their willingness to buy them at a high price, and we shall continue to track what the final result will be.”

Su Ling couldn’t help but asked, “Grade A spiritual plants are that precious?”

“Of course,” Nalu immediately said, “they are all treasures, and have a higher effective rate. Top grade pheromone disorder agents for Alpha and Omega must use Grade A spiritual plant’s raw materials.”

“It should be said that not only the disorder agents but medicines or fragrance products that were made of Grade A spiritual plant’s raw materials have amazing effects.”

Su Ling looked away from the screen, “In this case, the price of their raw materials must be very high, how to deal with nectar and stem? Sell it directly?”

Nalu considered it and said, “Sell it ba, we don’t have to continue paying for the insurance company’s fees so we can save a sum of money, but the store has not been renovated for many years. Right now it is much worse than the store next door, you need to save the money for renovation.”

“On the other hand, you can only go to the black market to sell the nectar and stem. Selling them directly will let people know that the spiritual plants are in our store. From our shop’s business information, people can find out that the store is in your hand, then your father…”

He didn’t continue that sentence and said, “It’s better not to disclose it for the time being.”

Su Ling understood what he meant and thought for a while, “Help me find a lawyer. I want to sever ties with the Su family as soon as possible.”

Father Su’s attitude is apparent, as long as he(SL) doesn’t agree to apply for system allocation, Father Su won’t pay any attention to him. Hence, it is better to directly cut off their relationship, saving their time from any possible disputes over property.

Nalu did not expect him to be so straightforward, “You have decided?”

Su Ling nodded, “Yes, I want to do it as soon as possible.”

Nalu stared at Su Ling to make sure that he is being serious and not just throwing a tantrum. He contacted a lawyer friend to ask about the matter. After he hung up, he told Su Ling, “Severing relationship with parents requires face-to-face procedures.”

Su Ling: “Then we can head directly to Su House now, everyone should be at home.”

The Su House is very lively at this moment, and the tense atmosphere caused by Su Ling in the morning has already dissipated. In the hall, the housekeeping robot was busy arranging the venue for the birthday feast. Su Ao directed on the sidelines, while Old Three occasionally gave some comments. Father Su and Zhao Han were sitting on the corner sofa. Father Su was watching the news, and Zhao Han was looking at her two sons with a smile, looking very proud.

“Grade A spiritual plant!” Father Su exclaimed suddenly.

Zhao Han immediately turned her head to look at the holographic screen in front of Father Su. After watching the news, she held Father Su’s arm, “If you can get your hands on it, our Su’s spiritual plant store will definitely become more famous.

Father Su nodded in agreement, “I will inquire for more information and try to get it.”

When Su Ling came to the Su House with a lawyer, the hall has completely changed. It was full of joy, and the sign saying Happy Birthday was particularly conspicuous in the middle of the hall. Su Ao was the first one to notice him, his smiling face shattered as he asked: “Why are you back?”

Su Ling ignored him and signalled lawyer to the two people sitting on the sofa, “My father and stepmother.” As he said that, he walked towards the couch.

Zhao Han saw him and pulled Father Su’s arm, she said with a smile, “Xiao Ling is back, he must have considered it clearly.”

Father Su humphed, “Simply doesn’t know ‘how high is the sky outside’. You think turning into an adult means your wings are hard enough to fly? Without anyone’s support, he can’t even survive one day outside.”

Su Ling sat down across them and invited the lawyer to sit down as well.

Father Su’s expression was not very good. He ignored Su Ling and glanced at the elite-looking person wearing suit and leather shoes, “You are?”

The lawyer spread out 2 forms with a gentle attitude, “Hello, I am a lawyer commissioned by Mr Su Ling to help him with the formalities of severing relations with the Su family.”

The living room went quiet for a moment. Su Ao was keeping his ears open the moment Su Ling returned. So his eyes widened when he heard what the lawyer said, and he looked at Su Ling incredulously. The third son had the same expression on his face.

Zhao Han was stunned for a long time. She unconsciously revealed an expression of uncontrollable joy but was quickly covered up.

Father Su was furious, and he glared at Su Ling, “What did you ask him to do?”

Su Ling’s tone was calm as he explained, “Asking you to go through the formalities of severance? Didn’t you say it already? If I don’t sign the application form, you won’t admit that I’m your son.” Smiling, “I won’t sign it, so have to trouble you to sign on the form to sever our ties.”

The lawyer cooperatively handed the form to Father Su.

Father Su stared at Su Ling and asked, “Are you really willing? After breaking our relationship, I won’t care even if you die in front of me.”

Su Ling nodded.

Seeing Su Ling being determined, Father Su grunted heavily and took the form. He raised the pen, preparing to sign.

The lawyer quickly stopped him, “Please wait a moment, the whole process has to be recorded and kept in file to ensure that both parties have severed the relationship peacefully and that it was not forced by one party.” Upon receiving approvals from both parties, he pressed on the recording function in his bracelet and looked at Su Ling, “Are you willing to sever ties with the Su Family?”

Su Ling: “Yes.”

The lawyer turned to ask Father Su, “Do you agree to sever ties with Mr.Su Ling?”

Father Su adjusted his sitting posture to become more upright before replying, “This decision was very difficult for me, but I respect his choice.”

Su Ling raised his eyes and smiled, “Upset? You?” He glanced at the living room, “How about Su Ao’s birthday?”

Father Su’s face changed slightly. Before he could answer, Su Ling continued to ask, “Do you know when is my birthday?”

Father Su instantly frowned and replied, “It was just a few days ago.”

Su Ling raised an eyebrow, “Which day? 17 or 18, do you remember?”

Father Su choked up.

Zhao Han approached Father Su, wanting to give him a hint, but Su Ling glanced at her and smiled. He looked at Father Su, “It’s not 17 nor 18, it’s 19. If you really know it, you would have refuted my question right away. In fact, you don’t even know which day my birthday falls on.”

“Just be honest if you don’t care, people have always been biased in their heart. Just don’t say anything like you are upset with what happened, it sounds terribly ironic.”

Father Su’s face was ugly, but due to the whole process was recorded, he bore it and sighed.

“When you were a kid, I spent a lot of hard work for you. Your pheromone has always been unpleasant, and our family was laughed at because of you. No matter how much love I have for you, it has been worn off.”

Su Ling looked at him. Like acting much?

His smile disappeared, and his voice was dull, “I’m sorry. After our relationship is cut off, I will have nothing to do with the Su Family. Your Su Family will no longer have a stinky Omega.”

After he finished, he asked the lawyer, “Can I sign the form now? I don’t want to cry in front of my father.”

The lawyer glanced at him and nodded, “Please sign the form. After signing, both parties will no longer be related.”

Su Ling decisively signed his name. Father Su signed after Su Ling.

The lawyer collected the form and announced, “Within 24 hours, both parties will receive new account information.”

Su Ling thanked the lawyer. He waved at Father Su, before leaving with the lawyer.

Su Ao looked at the back of his figure in a daze, he was too surprised to say anything.

Father Su leaned on the sofa and looked complicated.

Zhao Han was thrilled. However, when she saw Father Su looking like that, a hint of unwillingness flashed in her eyes. She comforted, “Don’t be sad, Xiao Ling may only be impulsive for a while. Later, when he finally thought it over, he can return to the Su Family anytime.”

Father Su said in a deep voice, “Never! Don’t even think of wanting to return to the Su House in this lifetime!”

Zhao Han’s eyes flashed with joy, “So, what were you thinking about?”

There was confusion in Father Su’s tone, “How could he dare to break our relationship? He has not graduated from high school and has no income at all.”

Zhao Han had already thought about this problem when Su Ling left this morning. She reasoned, “He is 18 years old now and should have taken over the inheritance left by his mother.”

Father Su: “Qin Min has sold her house in the past to treat his pheromone disorder, and almost used up her savings. The money left for him should be around 100,000 only.”

Note: Sorry, Banana has to put the info here. Ghost blog isn’t like WordPress, it doesn’t have a normal footnote system. Anyway, as of now, the author never mentioned what is the currency used in her/his novel, so Banana is clueless as well. Dunno whether it’s energy coins or intergalaxy points or something else.

He snorted, “He thought that such a small amount of money would enable him to live a lifetime? Wait till he regrets it!”

Su Ling and his lawyer separated in front of the Su House, and he got on Nalu’s car.

Nalu immediately asked, “How was it? Is it smooth?”

Su Ling smiled, “Very smooth.”

Nalu asked while driving, “Are you a dorm student or a day student?”

Su Ling: “Day student.”

The smell of this body’s pheromone is too hard to endure. Wearing the isolator all the time will damage the glands. He must remove it at night, so he couldn’t stay at the dorm. He asked Nalu, “Isn’t there a lounge in the store? I want to stay in the store.”

Nalu shook his head, “No, you are too young, it is not suitable to stay in the store.”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows. Nalu met his clear eyes and coughed, “The fragrance bar is crowded and has various people. You are an Omega, it’s not safe.”

Su Ling pointed at the back of his neck, “You think it is unsafe?”

Nalu replied helplessly, “Who could know if you have worn an isolator or not? This is not your school. No one knows about your situation. You have to have confidence in your appearance.”

Su Ling has always known that his appearance looks good. His previous appearance is not as good as it is now, it got him sitting firmly on top of the ‘school grass’[1] ranking.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m an adult now. Even if I don’t stay in the store, I will visit the store quite often. I want to know more about the situation in the store. It is more convenient to stay in the store.”

Nalu: “Well, you can try staying for a few days, if you are not used to it, then you can rent a room outside. The income from selling Grade A spiritual plant’s raw materials will be sufficient for your school and renting expenses.”

Su Ling stayed in the Tian Ling Fragrance Bar’s lounge on the first floor. The lounge is small in size, but the necessary facilities are complete.

He woke up to this world on the 22nd, and the doctor issued 5-days leave of absence for him. That means he will go to school on 27th. He decided to read all the textbooks before going to school, especially biology. Too fascinated by the information he learned, Su Ling fell asleep, missing the time when the fragrance bar opens for business.

In the morning, he changed his bandages after washing. The wound has scabbed, and it’s not that painful anymore. Next, he gathered up the garbage to throw, and his bracelet shook. Seeing the caller, Su Ling was quite surprised and quickly connected the call, “President Gu?”

Gu Liheng: “It’s me, sorry to bother you. Are you free to come to the villa now?”

Su Ling threw the bandage into the trash can and walked out of the bathroom, “Something wrong with the spiritual plants?”

Gu Liheng: “No, it’s just that they won’t cooperate with Darry, and they are unwilling to provide raw materials. Except for Darry, anyone who approaches them will be attacked.”

Su Ling washed his hands and asked, “Why is this happening?”

“Should be related to you. Darry guessed that they may have recognized you as their owner and will only provide raw materials if you are present.”

Su Ling: “So amazing?”

He thought about it for a while. If he was really recognized as the owner, it probably has nothing to do with him. Should be something Mother Qin did. Sighing, he continued, “I’m free, I’ll take a taxi now.”

Gu Liheng: “I will get the driver to pick you up.”

Su Ling smiled and said: “Just reimburse me the fare. Get your driver to wait for me at the part where the taxi can not enter, it will be faster this way.”


When Su Ling went out, no one was in the store, the fragrance bar was not open during the day. He left from the back door and called a taxi. After he told the driver the location, the driver took a glance at him and said, “Can’t enter the villas at mid-hills area.”

“It’s okay, just stop at the part where you can’t go further.”

He changed to President Gu’s car at the villa area’s main gate and soon arrived at the villa.

Gu Liheng wore a suit and sparkling leather shoes; he was dressed for work.

Su Ling followed him to the room where the spiritual plants were placed. As soon as he entered, he could smell a comfortable scent. Darry was three steps away from the spiritual plants and was still trying to communicate with them.

Hearing footsteps, Darry turned back and saw Su Ling. He said, “I will try again.” This time, he successfully obtained raw materials from the spiritual plants.

Su Ling approached the spiritual plants, and they bent their branches towards him, trying to reach him with their petals. He reached out to touch them, and his fingers rubbed against the petals.

Darry: “It seems they really recognized you as their owner.”

Gu Liheng looked at Su Ling and asked, “Sorry, I have an abrupt request. I need quite an amount of Redthorn Ball’s fluid. It should be every day for at least one month consecutively, can you come here every day?” Then he added, “I will get someone to pick you up.”

Su Ling immediately agreed, “Okay.” He still needs the nectar and stem to sell for money.

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭? ~
Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or donated nutrient solution ~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3520


[1] School grass – the male version of School flower. It’s like prom’s King and Queen.

Chapter 5 – Mutual flattery [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling subconsciously held his breath while staring intently at Gu Liheng. Has he really arrived in that novel’s world?

Gu Liheng’s eyes fell on his face for a moment, then he quickly answered, “No.”

Su Ling exhaled and smiled. Under his breath, he muttered, “No? Then it’s good.”

The plot of that novel swiftly flashed through his mind. At Gu Liheng’s current age, if he doesn’t know Zhao Qi right now, then he(SL) is probably not inside the world of that novel. But then he couldn’t be sure. After all, Gu Liheng married Zhao Qi not because of feelings, but just gratitude. If that world is real, then the two of them will come to know each other soon. Su Ling only needs to pay more attention to Gu Liheng to confirm whether it is right or not.

Returning the fingerprint-certified contract back to Gu Liheng, Su Ling said with a smile, “You can let your people take them away. I will go with you today so that I can recognize the way there next time.”

Gu Liheng nodded. Soon, two bodyguards came in. They approached the protective box, preparing to lift the spiritual plants away. The bodyguard with crop top hair took the lid and was about to close the box. All of a sudden, the branches of the Redthorn Ball suddenly bent towards him. The filaments floating on the surface of the sphere became like steel needles, trying to stab towards his hand. On the other side, Pearl Lopseed’s white slender petals, and Golden Baby’s breath green vines, charged towards his hand at the same time.

“Be careful!” His colleagues shouted anxiously.

The crop top hair bodyguard quickly withdrew, avoiding the 3 spiritual plants; a layer of cold sweat covered his forehead. Su Ling noticed that the fragrance in the air has become much lighter.

Nalu whispered, “So fierce.”

Su Ling looked at the 3 spiritual plants curiously, how strange.

Gu Liheng: “Grade A spiritual plants are very exclusive and have territorial consciousness. They are beneficial and poisonous at the same time. It is very dangerous for others to touch them. Can you help to close the lid?”

Su Ling looked at him and looked at the ball-like Redthorn Ball again, “I try.”

He approached the protective box, and the 3 spiritual plants instantly changed their menacing appearance. Resuming back to their previous unharmful appearances, the filaments on the red ball fluttered toward him like seaweed. Su Ling’s eyes slightly squinted. Although he had no words or other feelings, but from the state of the spiritual plant, he knew that the spiritual plant was very friendly to him. He chuckled lightly, “You all be good, we are going to change places.” Whenever he did experiments back in his previous world, he would often talk to the samples to make them change in the direction he wanted. He placed his hand on the lid, the 3 spiritual plants were very obedient, there wasn’t any obstacle at all, so he managed to close the lid smoothly,

The two bodyguards stepped forward again and lifted the protective box.

On the road, 4 luxurious cars were moving swiftly, with the bodyguards’ car at the front and back. Su Ling, Gu Liheng, and Nalu are in the second car, while the spiritual plants are in the car behind them. Su Ling was sitting in the back seat of the car. The car was very quiet, and that caused him to be uncomfortable. Other than the times he is busy with his experiments, Su Ling never quite like the quiet atmosphere with more than two people within the space, not saying anything would make him feel uncomfortable. He glanced at Gu Liheng, who was sitting next to him. Gu Liheng was doing his business matters, his eyes fell on the holographic screen, and his expression was focused and serious. How mature and stable, and really handsome too!

Thinking of his name, Su Ling’s heartbeat slightly accelerated. What if he is really his imaginary male god? He(SL) will definitely give a chase, of course! Without hesitation, Su Ling subconsciously answered his own question. He almost gets mad when he read about his male god’s death in the novel. He wished he could crawl over the internet and choke the author’s neck to demand him/her to change the plot. He absolutely can’t bear to see Gu Liheng suffer the same encounter as what was written in the novel.

“Why are you staring at me?” Gu Liheng tapped his finger on the bracelet, the holographic screen disappeared, and he looked at Su Ling. His expression didn’t change when he asked the question, and he looked a little serious, not moving his eyebrows.

Their gaze met, and Su Ling coughed awkwardly, “You are nice to look at.”

Gu Liheng stared at him for a moment, and then he moved a little, his posture became stricter as if he was holding an important meeting. His voice was calm, and his tone was very soft, “Do you know what does it means if an Omega asked if the Alpha is married, and then praise his appearance?”

Su Ling didn’t know it initially, but after the other party asked it out explicitly, Su Ling came to a realization. He blushed: “I know now, I don’t mean that.” He waved his hand.

Gu Liheng nodded, “I know, it’s easy to see that. I’m just reminding you that doing so will make people misunderstand.”

Su Ling looked at his serious expression and couldn’t help laughing, “Thank you, but you don’t have to be so serious.”

Gu Liheng tilted his head slightly to the left, “I’m serious?” He relaxed his shoulders slightly, “I was trying to be gentle to avoid the embarrassment, but it seems to be unsuccessful.”

Su Ling couldn’t contain his smile, “You are gentle, just that,” he pointed to his(GLH) face, “no expression.”

Gu Liheng’s eyes fell on Su Ling’s face. The young man was smiled brightly, his eyes were clear, and his whole body was filled with a youthful breath. The corner of his mouth moved, and a stiff smile flashed by, “You really know how to smile.”

Su Ling looked at him and felt uncomfortable in his heart. Obviously, the other party rarely gets to smile. His smile gradually faded, but was quickly raised up again, “You know how to be serious, making you looked calm, and that lets people feel reliable.”

Gu Liheng looked at him, “You speak very well.”

Su Ling: “You know how to praise people too.” He couldn’t help laughing, “Doesn’t this feels like we are mutually flattering each other?”

Gu Liheng: “I never flatter people, I just tell the truth.”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were filled with smiles, “Although I will flatter people, what I said just now is true.”

Gu Liheng’s expression slightly loosened, “Very few people talk to me like this.”

Su Ling: “This is normal. If you are my boss, I won’t talk to you like that as well.”

“President Gu, we have arrived.” At this time, the driver’s voice came from the front.

The doors on both sides opened, Gu Liheng and Su Ling got off the car, and Nalu also got off from the co-driver side. Su Ling looked around, this is a villa on the mountainside, with dark blue and white as the primary colour, and there was a vast green plant coverage in the yard.

Gu Liheng asked the bodyguard to carry the protective box to a huge room on the first floor.  The bodyguards retreated to the door after they lowered the protective box in the room. Only Gu Liheng, Su Ling and Nalu were left in the room.

Su Ling turned to Gu Liheng, “I want to try using my pheromones to communicate with them.”

Gu Liheng nodded and moved to retreat, “Then, I’ll leave first.”

“No,” Su Ling touched his nose. “You know my situation. I just want to remind you to be mentally prepared, wear a mask or something.”

Gu Liheng stopped on his track, “No need.”

Nalu chipped in as well, “I don’t need it either.”

Su Ling walked to the protective box and muttered, “If it wasn’t for the smell coming out from my body, I wanted to wear a mask myself.”

Nalu: “It has been like this for so many years, and yet you are not used to it? Ain’t that a bit exaggerating?”

“If I were a rotten egg, I might get used to it.” Su Ling said, opening the lid, and suddenly the room was covered with a mesmerizing fragrance.

The 3 spiritual plants approached Su Ling with friendly movements.

Su Ling tentatively touched their petals with his index fingers, and they immediately rubbed back intimately. Feeling ticklish at his finger, he smiled and withdrew his hand. Spiritual plants seem to like him very much! That gave him some confidence, and he looked forward to communicating with them using his pheromones. He informed Gu Liheng and Nalu, “I will take the isolator off now.”

The two nodded, Su Ling moved his hand to the back of his neck, and removed the isolator.
Then he placed his focus on the back of his neck, the skin on that area was very sensitive. Soon, a very light smell of rotten eggs passed by his nose. He suddenly felt something like he had never before. In addition to his own smell, the other three aromas in the air became clear and distinct; not becoming more intense, but easier to distinguish from each other.

It’s like a mixed ball of yarns of different colours. He can easily pick out the yarns of the same colour. Pearl Lopseed is light and sweet, Redthorn Ball has a strong fragrance, Golden Baby’s breath has a refreshing fragrance, and the three flavours are very different. He looked at the 3 spiritual plants and could sense his pheromone quickly spread away from him, approaching them. Su Ling’s heart jumped suddenly when his pheromones came to the protective box, at the same time, he felt three same panic emotions from the spiritual plant. The next moment, he saw the 3 spiritual plants bending their branches in the opposite direction from him, like they are going to snap off, as if to avoid him as far as possible. At the same time, Pearl Lopseed’s slender petals are all tightly closed together, like a bent brush. Redthorn Ball’s floating filament stuck to the sphere surface tightly, covering it as tightly as possible. All the beautiful flowers of Golden Baby’s breath were closed. The aroma of the spiritual plant soon faded, and the smell of rotten eggs became prominent.

Su Ling: “…” I thought you like me? This act of disgust is too obvious.

Reattaching the isolator at the back of his neck, Su Ling turned around and saw Gu Liheng’s expression remained unchanged, while Nalu’s expression was complicated. He spread his hand open and admitted, “It’s a failure, so collecting raw materials is even more impossible.”

Gu Liheng: “I will arrange people to do it.”

Su Ling looked at him, expectantly, “Can I watch the process?”

Gu Liheng nodded, “Yes, you can also take away the nectar and stem for today’s portion.”

Soon, a Grade A spiritual plant specialist from the Gu’s Corporation arrived at the room. He was a 30-year-old male, blonde-haired Omega with a gentle appearance. Gu Liheng gave a brief introduction for them, “Darry, Su Ling, Nalu.”

After getting to know each other, Darry stared at the spiritual plants with sparkling eyes. His hands were folded in front of his chest, and he has a dreamy expression on his face, “This is simply heaven.”

The smell of Su Ling’s pheromone has long dissipated in the air, and the spiritual plants have returned to normal. Hence, they looked excellent, regardless of fragrance or appearance. When Darry spoke, Su Ling’s nose twitched, and he could smell a sweet fragrance, coming from Darry.

Darry finished sighing and put his hands down. Three small glass bottles appeared on his hand, and he slowly approached the spiritual plants. The spiritual plants did not attack him and were quite cooperative.

The Pearl Lopseed bent down its slender petals, and transparent dew oozed out of the petals, falling into the glass bottle. The prickly red ball from Redthorn Ball opened a small opening at the bottom of the sphere and spat out some bright red fluid. For Golden Baby’s breath, its vine twists and turns with its petals facing down, then a stem fell into the glass bottle. Darry handed the glass bottles to Gu Liheng, then was stopped by Su Ling when he was about to leave.

Su Ling: “How do you communicate with them?”

Darry pointed to the back of his neck, “Controlling the pheromone,” he smiled gently, “they are much more docile than I expected.”

Su Ling thanked him and decided to check for more information about controlling pheromones after this.

Gu Liheng handed him the nectar and stem, “You can come to experiment at any time.”

Su Ling took it with a smile, “Alright, then we will take our leave first.”

Nodding, Gu Liheng offered, “I’ll get someone to send you, and you can contact me when you want to come over, I will arrange for the driver to pick you up.”

Su Ling thought about the location of the villa and guessed that ordinary taxis might not be able to enter, so he did not refuse, “Have to trouble you.”

When they left, Su Ling saved the location point in his bracelet. Sitting in the back seat, he searched about the material collection process of the spiritual plant raw material. Suddenly, Nalu patted his shoulder.

“Wow, fortunately, we placed the plants in President Gu’s house. I didn’t expect the news to spread out so quickly. It’s not safe at all to put them in the store.”

Su Ling looked over and saw the conspicuous top news in Nalu’s holographic screen.

[Three Grade A spiritual plants have appeared!!]

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭? ~ Happy weekend \ (^ o ^) / ~
Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or sent the nutrient solution ~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3283


Chapter 4 – Male God [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.
This is sponsored chapter by Honey Toast and Anonymous ‘A’ (OwO)/ Much tenkius~~

Su Ling has a natural smile on the outside, but inside his heart, he was a little embarrassed. The mesmerizing fragrance in the air reminds him of the scene where he showed his dislike to his own pheromone in the hospital.

Nalu was surprised by his natural greeting, “Do you know President Gu?”

It was not strange for Su Ling to know President Gu. The strange part was his tone that doesn’t seem like it’s one-sided.

Su Ling’s smile deepened, such a coincidence, this man actually had the same surname with his imaginary male god and was very handsome as well.

“We met in the hospital.” He explained to Nalu and looked at the man.

Gu Liheng walked into the room. His bodyguards stood outside the door and closed the VIP room door behind him.

“I was just passing by, then I caught a whiff of the Redthorn Ball’s scent,” he explained, pointing at the spiritual plant in the middle protective box. He looked at Su Ling, “I want to buy it at a high price.”

Following Gu Liheng’s direction, Su Ling looked at Redthorn Ball plant. The plant, at first glance, looked like a bunch of balloons. From the bottom, there are many elongated branches and on top of each branch is a bright red ball. The ball was translucent and looked quite elastic. The surface of the ball has countless filaments of fluff, and the fluff floated gently in the air while giving off a slight gleam. The Redthorn Ball seemed to sense his gaze, its branch closest to him bent towards him, and the filaments on the surface of the ball also tried to get nearer to him.

Su Ling froze, took a step back, and pulled away from the protective box.

The branch was surprised for a moment, and the ball at the top of that branch droop to the left side as if the branch would fall next second, but it did not fall. After the ball maintained this pose for a few seconds, its filament returned to the ball and covered the entire surface of the ball, while the plant retracted its stem.

Nalu exclaimed, “Why didn’t you comfort it? It likes you very much.”

Su Ling: “… how do you know?”

Nalu: “For spiritual plants to actively approach someone, it’s either to attack or to show affection.”

He said with excitement in his voice, “Although I am a Beta, and I don’t know much about the spiritual plant, but I have been working in fragrance bar for many years, so I do know some related knowledge.

“If you communicate with them using your pheromones, you would definitely feel their goodwill.”

Su Ling thought about the smell of his pheromone and glanced at the people around. He didn’t immediately try to experiment with his pheromone. He turned to Gu Liheng and said, “Sorry, they are not for sale.”

Mother Qin already said in the birthday video that the key to treating his pheromone abnormality lies in these three spiritual plants; hence he cannot possibly sell them off.

Gu Liheng’s expression remained the same, and he nodded slightly, “If you don’t want to sell, are you willing to rent it out?” He said sincerely, “I need the Redthorn Ball’s liquid, we can discuss a good price for it.”

Su Ling thought for a moment, “Will it damage the plant?”

Gu Liheng: “Of course not.”

Nalu whispered some information to Su Ling, “It is impossible to use tough means to take raw materials from the spiritual plant, especially the advanced spiritual plant. If the spiritual plant is not willing, the raw materials they give will either be toxic or useless.”

Su Ling was surprised, so powerful? He felt quite relieved and asked in a low voice, “Is this President Gu’s background solid?”

Nalu nodded, “Very.”

Su Ling smiled and looked at Gu Liheng, “I can rent it to you, but apart from the Redthorn Ball, you have to take care of the other two plants as well.”

This way, he will save a lot of money! Su Ling couldn’t be happier, the spiritual plant that could catch this big President Gu’s attention is obviously not any ordinary treasure. If he took it back to the store today, he is afraid it will cause a lot of trouble. Temporarily storing it at President Gu’s side is obviously the right choice.

Gu Liheng: “No problem, you can just tell me how much you want for the rent.”

In his heart, Su Ling is treating President Gu as a free storage place, so he was embarrassed to mention the rent. “No need for rent, it’s fine provided you can keep them safe, and I can come to see them at any time. Also, if I can take them back anytime.”

A hint of surprise flashed through Gu Liheng’s eyes.

Nalu tugged his sleeve, and Su Ling turned to look at him, “What’s wrong?”

Nalu lowered his voice, “Do you know the price of Grade A spiritual plant’s raw materials?”

Su Ling was not very clear, but he does know that it is expensive. He questioned Nalu back, “Do you know any A-level spiritual plant specialist?”

It is not easy to collect raw materials of Grade A spiritual plants. Even Grade A spiritual plant specialists may not be able to take it successfully.  Their pheromone needs to be compatible with the spiritual plant too.

Nalu was choked by the question, and whispered, “You have a high affinity with them, maybe you can collect it? Many spiritual plant’s raw materials are renewable and can be harvested every day; hence just a day could earn you a lot of money!”

Su Ling thought about it and added a point to Gu Liheng, “You have to promise that I can take someone to see the plants at any time.” If the price of the raw materials is higher than hiring a Grade A spiritual plant specialist, he can always hire one and still earn the money, after it’s proven that he cannot do it himself.

Although they were whispering to each other, the rest of the people in the room were all Alphas. Their five senses were much stronger than them, so their words were heard entirely.

Gu Liheng: “I agreed to your request. You have already helped me a lot by renting it to me, but I still have to pay the rent. Other than the Redthorn Ball’s liquid, the Pearl Lopseed’s nectar and Golden Baby’s breath stem, I will let people collect it every day and give it to you.”

Su Ling was pleased, it’s like ‘being given a pillow when you are sleepy’. But soon he realized that he and Nalu were probably overheard. He smiled brightly to conceal his embarrassment, “That’s great, you are really a good tenant.”

Gu Liheng’s eyes stopped for a moment on his face and said, “It’s you who asked for less.” He had seen too many people doing ‘price gouging’ in business. When he caught the scent of Redthorn Ball, he was ready to lose big money, but he didn’t expect to achieve his goal so easily.

Su Ling smiled, “We can sign a contract now, then you can take them away.”

Gu Liheng tapped open his bracelet and asked his secretary to draft a contract. After that, he exchanged contact information with Su Ling and forwarded the fingerprint-certified contract to Su Ling.

After Su Ling read it, he pressed his fingerprint on the holographic screen. His gaze drifted to the name of the signature column beside, and he silently sighed. The words were beautiful, and they looked elegant and floaty, they must have been specially designed by someone. However, the signature was not easy to read, the Gu character was relatively clear to read, but what is the next character behind? Li? He stared for a few seconds before recognizing the last word as Heng. So President Gu’s name turned out to be Gu Liheng… Gu Liheng!

Su Ling looked up sharply at the man. This man’s name is exactly the same as his imaginary male god! His heart is beating fast, the same world setting, the same name. Did he(SL) really transmigrate into that novel?

In that novel, the cannon fodder shou has offended many people in order to chase the protagonist gong. Later, to take refuge, he married the male god with a strong background. In fact, Su Ling’s male god is only equivalent to a background character in the novel.  The purpose why the author created him is to enhance the ability of the cannon fodder shou and increase the obstacles between the gong and shou protagonist.

His male god didn’t have many scenes and only appeared more in other people’s talk. However, just those few times was enough to make Su Ling a fan. Although his male god didn’t like the cannon fodder shou, he has always born the responsibility of his partner and was very reliable. Su Ling keeps telling himself that such a person don’t exist in the real world and that the author only created him to increase the cannon fodder shou’s power. Still, Su Ling was attracted. No love, yet no abandonment; no intimacy, but the responsibility won’t be pushed away. It seems that no matter what happens, he is always there, very powerful.

Many times while reading the novel, Su Ling was very envious of the cannon fodder shou. Every time the cannon fodder shou seek death by doing something stupid, he really wanted his male god to divorce him, but until his male god was killed by the cannon fodder shou’s stupidity, he(GLH) has never filed for divorce.

The protagonist of the novel once asked his male god about it.

His male god’s answer was, he remembers very clearly – “Since I married him, he is my responsibility for life.”

Su Ling was heartbroken by this sentence. He had seen too many separations and deeply yearned for a stable relationship.

Su Ling looked at Gu Liheng and blurted out, “Are you married?”

Gu Liheng was stunned. Everyone was stunned. It was too suggestive for an Omega to ask an Alpha this question. And they are not in a private setting! Gu Liheng’s eyes fell on Su Ling face, trying to probe Su Ling’s intention for asking that question. He replied, “No.”

Su Ling then asked, “How old are you?”

As he asked that, Su Ling tried to recall how old was his male god when he gets married in the novel. Thinking back and forth, it seems that it was not explicitly mentioned. He only remembers that the cannon fodder shou was 19 years old and a freshman. On the other hand, it seems that something about the difference between the two was mentioned somewhere as well, which is nearly 10 years old. If this Gu Liheng is really his male god, then he should probably be around 29.

Nalu felt that the current situation is not right, he quickly caught Su Ling’s shoulders and said, “How can you ask this question!”

Gu Liheng stayed firmly at the top of the ranking for aged single Alpha. Many people talked about it during the last 2 years, and there were many not-so-good speculations circulating. The media that caused the rumours has collapsed and was taken over by the Gu Corporation. No one talked about President Gu’s single in old age anymore. One needs to know, there are very few excellent Alphas who are still unmarried after graduation, let alone finding one exceeded age 25.

Su Ling: “Is there any reason why I can’t ask?” When he answered that question, he was looking at Gu Liheng.

Gu Liheng’s expression did not change at all, “28, is this related to renting the spiritual plant?”

Su Ling shook his head, “It’s nothing, you…” He took a deep breath, “Do you know someone named Zhao Qi?”

Zhao Qi is the cannon fodder shou in the novel!

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭? ~

Su Ling: Male god, came to my bowl~

Gu: You don’t need a bowl, just eat (me) directly.

Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or gave me nutrient solution~
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 2671


Chapter 3 – Leaving home [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.
Banana : Many thanks for Honey toast for the kofi~ (0w0)/ It has been added to the sponsored chapter pool~

Su Ling gave a quick and firm refusal causing Father Su’s expression to darken instantly.

Zhao Han looked at Su Ling like an insensible child and spoke softly.

“Your father is doing this for your own good. If you don’t apply for system allocation now and wait until the graduation period, there will be more Omega applying. Then you will have a lesser chance of being paired with an excellent Alpha.”

Su Ling was unimpressed, “It doesn’t matter.”

Father Su snorted loudly, “After your 18th birthday, the government will no longer give you the Omega subsidies. If you are not getting married, can you support yourself?”

Su Ling raised an eyebrow, “So, the reason you want me to get married was because you were worried that you will have to support me instead?”

Father Su looked at him in surprise. This was not like what his eldest son will usually say, his eldest son always listened to him, without asking questions. He replied with a straight face, “The Su Family can afford to support you, but we cannot be laughed at just because you can’t marry.”

Su Ling was speechless, “I am only 18 years old and still very young.”

Zhao Han: “Your father didn’t mean that. 18 years old is indeed very young. Originally, it’s fine if you didn’t want to get married, but you didn’t even have a suitor. This… will inevitably make people gossip.”

Su Ling: “…”

Under normal circumstances, if you have a bunch of suitors at the age of 18, won’t your legs be broken?

Father Su: “The Su Family won’t support useless people, if you can’t go to the university, you have to get married!”

Su Ling felt that Father Su is super old fashioned, replied, “I will go to the university.”

Su Ling said with confidence, but the fact was he is not entirely sure. After all, he does not understand how is the exam here, but there are no better ways.

Father Su obviously doesn’t believe him, his face showing a furious expression, “Don’t think about delaying time, I’ve seen too many of such tricks. Do you want to wait until it’s too late, then gets married to someone with poor conditions? You want to let the Su Family be ridiculed from your birth to your marriage?”

Father Su stood up suddenly, “If you don’t agree, don’t tell anyone that you are my son!”

Father Su angrily strode out of the living room, while Zhao Han’s face showing obvious joy, she looked at Su Ling, “You, why are you so disobedient? Your father is doing this for your own good!”

Su Ling’s eyelids were slightly lifted, his expression a bit cold, “Really now? When Su Ao is 18, you will also make him apply for system matching?”

Su Ao jumped up, “I will not! I am not you, I will be admitted to the university.”

Su Ling’s mouth twitched, “Your mother said that making me apply for system matching is for my own good. Since it is a good thing, why are you rejecting it?”

Su Ao sneered, “You can’t get into university and don’t have any suitors. This is, of course, the best choice for you! Which Alpha with good conditions won’t go to university?”

Su Ling: So, going to university is to find a better marriage partner?

He speechlessly stared at Su Ao prideful look.

Zhao Han turned to Su Ling, “Consider your father’s words properly,” then she patted Su Ao’s shoulder and said, “Go back to you room to read.” Zhao Han led Old Second and Third away, so Su Ling returned to his room as well.

The next morning, Su Ling went downstairs with a backpack, while Father Su and the rest were eating breakfast.

Father Su wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at him, “You signed it?”

Su Ling calmly replied, “No.”

Father Su frowned sharply. He had an absolute authority at home, and Su Ling’s attitude was downright provoking him. In a deep voice, he scolded, “Do you think I was joking yesterday?”

Su Ling raised an eyebrow, “Were you? You know how to joke with me?”

Everyone’s expression, including Father Su, changed dramatically. Is this really Su Ling?

Red with anger, Father Su pointed to the door and yelled, “Get out, and don’t come back in the future!”

Su Ling followed the flow, walked out from the gate and called a taxi.

The Su Family’s living room was quiet for a while. Seeing that Father Su was still furious, Zhao Han soothingly comforted, “Don’t be angry, he was injured before this so he may not be sober.”

Father Su got even angrier, “Injured? Went to suicide for the sake of a senior, making such a big commotion and letting people made a laughing stock of him?” He slapped the table and said, “When he comes back, I’ll teach him. We were too gentle to him before this because he is an Omega!”

Su Ling told the driver the address written on the property certificate. The driver confirmed it and drove to the destination. The taxi was fast, and within a quarter of an hour, they reached in front of a luxurious but somewhat deserted shop. Su Ling paid the bill through his personal bracelet, and glanced at the balance of only two thousand, before thanking the driver and got off.

The word ‘Tian Ling Fragrance Bar’ was made of neon light tube and is dark at the moment. The store has 3 doors, the middle door is a large revolving door while there’s a small door on the left and right side of it. At this moment, only the small door on the right is open. Standing by the door was a man with flaxen hair, he looked at Su Ling for a moment, then waved at him.

Su Ling was a little surprised. This man looked younger than he thought. He walked over and asked, “Manager Nalu?”

Nalu laughed, “Just call me Uncle Nalu,” he patted Su Ling’s shoulder with a sigh, “You have grown so big in a blink of an eye.”

“Let’s go. We should go in and talk.”

Su Ling smiled and followed him into the store. The lobby of the fragrance bar is covered with marble floors, the dome is high, and was hung with gorgeous crystal lamps. There is a curved bar in front, and the sides are deck seats.

Su Ling took a whiff of the faint scent of flowers in the air and thought, if he didn’t know in advance where he was going, he would have thought that he went into a typical bar instead. Actually, a fragrance bar and regular bar have some similarities, like they are places for making friends, and they are open at night. However, the drinks in the fragrance bar are mainly floral drinks with aromas, while alcohol was just for fun. These floral beverages are specially made with a spiritual plant’s raw material, and only Omega can gather it from the spiritual plants. Su Ling checked a lot of information last night and got a general understanding of the spiritual plant.

The two sat on the front seat, and Nalu’s eyes stayed on Su Ling’s wrist for a moment. Then he  turned to face him, “Don’t do stupid things like this in the future.”

Su Ling nodded, “Absolutely.”

Nalu was very pleased, “You look better than ever before.”

Su Ling didn’t expect that comment, he asked, “You knew me before this?”

Nalu nodded, “I have been paying attention to you, but according to your mother’s request, I didn’t disturb you because she was worried that you might get swayed by your father. This arrangement made by your mother for you, your father does not know.”

He paused and added, “At that time, their relationship was already frayed.”

Su Ling is not surprised, his and Su Ao’s age can already explain a lot of things.

“I’m going to break away from the Su family.” Su Ling stated, and briefly retold Nalu what happened in the Su Family.

Nalu’s face has an angry expression, his lips moved as if he wanted to scold something. But considering Su Ling is here, he didn’t do it. He eased his emotions and said, “I agree with your decision. Although the profit in the store is meagre, it’s enough for you to enter the university, you…”

He hesitated but still continued to ask, “How is your pheromone now?”

Su Ling shook his nose in disgust, “Smelly.”

Nalu was amused by his reaction, “Do you want to apply for a medical major?”

Su Ling shook his head and replied, “No, the spiritual plant major.”

In this world, plants are divided into two types, one is a common plant like his previous world, and the other is a spiritual plant. The spiritual plant is divided into 5 levels that is S, A, B, C, and D. S is the highest level; the higher the level, the more intelligent and precious is the spiritual plant. Omega can use their pheromones to establish friendly relations with spiritual plants, allowing them to ask the spiritual plants to provide raw materials such as pollen and petals.
Spiritual plant’s raw materials are critical medical materials, at the same time, it can be made into a variety of fragrance products, drinks, perfumes, aromatherapy, and so on. These fragrance products have different effects, and they are very effective for Alpha and Omega. The products can stabilize emotions, and high-grade fragrance products could keep Alpha and Omega in estrus to stay conscious. Fragrant products made of spiritual plant raw materials are good for everyone, no matter young or old. From spiritual plant major, one will be learning about spiritual plant cultivation, raw material collection, fragrance production and more. The reason why Su Ling studied chemistry in his world was to become a perfumer in the future. This spiritual plant major is too suitable for his hobby.

Nalu looked at him, afraid of agitating him, his voice was light, “I know that the spiritual plant profession has always been the most popular with Omega, so it’s normal for you to like it.”

“But the major has an interview, which you need pheromones to have a certain affinity with a spiritual plant, have you ever think about it?”

Su Ling: “I have considered it. A total of 500 points in 5 written tests and 100 points in the interview, a grand total of 600 points. If one of the tests failed, one could still pass the test as long as the total score is excellent.”

Nalu’s eyes opened slightly, “You can get 480 points in the written test?”

Su Ling shrugged his shoulders: “Not really, but I will try my best. If I can’t pass the exam this year, I’ll wait until next year to redo.”

The 5 courses of the written test, except biology, the other subjects were elementary for him. Other than that, he read up biology notes last night. Not sure if this body has a good memory skill or other reasons, he can quickly remember the content of the biology course, especially related to spiritual plants.

Nalu smiled and teased, “Little school bully.”

Su Ling smiled, “Uncle Nalu, tell me about the store.”

Nalu’s smile stiffened, and he rubbed his eyebrows.

“After your mother died, there was no supply of B-level or higher spirit powder in the store. Our high-end customer base was lost, and the profit in the store was not very good these years.

He turned open his bracelet, and pulled up a report, then pointed out a fixed large amount of expenditure.

“Grade A spiritual plants that your mother deposited in the insurance company, according to your mother’s instructions, has been using the frozen treatment. And every year it requires a high cost, the funds in the store are only enough for daily operations.”

Su Ling: “We’ll take the spiritual plants back, then you can save money.”

Nalu nodded, “But we still need a specialist to take care of the spiritual plants,” he frowned. “It’s not easy because Grade A spiritual plants are too precious and I don’t have any Omega that I’m familiar with. I’m not assured no matter who takes care of the plants.”

Su Ling thought for a while, “Maybe I can try?”

The daily care for spiritual plant is relatively simple, all they need is just an Omega to release his/her pheromones to communicate with them, and give them proper nutrition. Su Ling is very curious about the communication with the spiritual plants.

Nalu hesitated for a moment. He had only heard that Su Ling’s pheromone was unpleasant, but he had never experienced it in person. After seeing him acting proactively, Nalu thought Su Ling has the confidence, so he nodded, “Alright.”

After some discussions, the two of them went to Capital insurance company. After undergoing strict identity verification, the insurance company determined that Su Ling ’s identity is correct, and two robust Alpha steadily moved the protective boxes containing 3 spiritual plants from the safe to the VIP room.

The manager looked extremely cautious. He reminded them, “Please check to make sure that everything is correct before taking it away. If there is a problem later, the company will not be responsible.”

Su Ling scanned his pupils, verified his fingerprints, and swiped his card in the card slot. After these procedures, the protective box makes a beeping sound. Secretly admiring how hi-tech it was, Su Ling reached out to lift the lid, and both the manager and Nalu spoke nervously at the same time, “Lightly.”

Su Ling looked at them and found that not only the two men were excited, but the two security guards were also excited and nervous as well. Su Ling couldn’t help being solemn too, he held the lid with both hands and tried to lift it up gently, but it didn’t budge. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he exerted some force all of a sudden to quickly open the lid. Instantly, a rich and charming fragrance wafted out, and Su Ling felt refreshed.

“Oh, as expected from a Grade A spiritual plant.” One of the security guards sighed.

Su Ling was reveling in the fragrance when he felt a cold and refreshing touch coming from his wrist. He lowered his head and saw a long, slender white petal wrapping around his left wrist that was holding the box, and the tip was protruding inwards along the edge of the gauze bandage. Shocked, he yanked his hand away.

The petals also seemed frightened, it straightened abruptly, and maintained an outward pose, looking out of line with the rest of its body.

“This…” Nalu was surprised.

He hadn’t finished his words yet when the manager’s communication device rang. Soon, the manager hung up and walked away to open the door respectfully. Standing at the door was a tall man with a straight suit. He was followed by 4 bodyguards in black, projecting an imposing picture.

The man’s eyes fell on Su Ling, and an unexpectation flashed through his eyes, “Sorry for this disturbance.”

Su Ling smiled, “We meet again. Is there something wrong?”

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Raw word count: 3488
