Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 72 Part 2

Chapter 72 Hometown (ETL)


Chapter 72 Five Ghosts Carrying a Coffin Part 2

Gu Ye walked behind the brothers and patted their shoulders sympathetically. He had seen too many such endings. After the deceased is gone, the widow will be left behind and in pain. No matter how much comfort talk was done in this matter, it was useless. The wound in the heart could only be healed by time.

“It’s good to be able to calm down. Living well is better than anything else. Next, let’s change the Feng Shui of your pig farm.”

“What about the murderer?” Liu Long was more aggressive than his elder brother. He couldn’t get his anger out and felt uncomfortable. “Did my family die in vain? Will the police care if I call them? If this gets out, people will think I’m crazy!”

Gu Ye said slowly, “Of course, he will pay the price. Why do you think I left some of his soul behind? 13 lives, how can it be so easy for him to get away with it?”

When the Liu brothers finally calmed down, it was already past 11.00 am. At this moment, the Yang aura was strong, and they went to the pig farm again. Because the flagpole and the Feng Shui vase were destroyed, and the sun was shining down on the ground, the evil aura is less thicker now.

“This location is not suitable for doing business to start with. A T-junction will bring bad luck and ruin your fortune. If you want to change it, you have to make a big change, but your financial conditions do not allow for a big change.” Gu Ye walked around the pig farm and finally came up with only one solution, “Move the flagpole to this position. Don’t leave it bare. Hang the national flag. The red flag is the strongest, the most fierce, and the most righteous. It can ward off all evil.”

The two brothers thought of what the half-immortal said to them, don’t hang a red flag, red attracts bad luck, and their hatred started to flare up again. That scammer started to plot against them so early!

Gu Ye pointed to the empty space in the corner, “Then, build a small temple here. 10 square meters is enough, and it doesn’t need to be too high.”

Liu Sheng crossed his hands, “10 square meters is not a problem for us. We can build it in 2 days. What can we worship inside?”

“It doesn’t matter if you worship or not. If you say it is a temple, it is a temple. Others may not believe it, but you must firmly believe that what you built is a temple.” Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “Some things did not exist originally. When more people talk about it, they naturally formed. In this way, all the evil aura that was attracted here can be repelled.”

“Okay, we listen to the little immortal.”

“Change the position of the flagpole today, go dig a hole now, and put it up at 12.00 pm.” Gu Ye took out the small bottle and looked at it, his eyes turned cold, “Bury him.”

Both brothers were stunned, “What do you mean by burying it?”

Gu Ye smiled, “Let him benefit these 2 villages in the future, starting from your family.”

After giving the instructions, Gu Ye returned to the car. The heater was on, and it relieved his frozen hands and feet. Earlier, Gu Yang was scared and didn’t dare to look anymore. Gu Lin already knew what Gu Ye usually did, so he was kind enough to accompany his younger brother and watch Gu Ye work in the car with the heater on.

“You two are really true brothers.” Gu Ye rubbed his hands, his nose red from the cold.

Gu Lin raised his lips, “It’s because you’re my brother that I’m waiting for you. If not, I would have driven away long ago.”

Gu Ye said gratefully, “Thank you for waiting for me, brother! I’ll kowtow to you! Give me another red envelope, thank you!”

Gu Lin was amused. After a few chuckles, his expression gradually turned cold, “Old Third, this job can’t last long.”

Gu Ye asked puzzledly, “What do you mean?”

Gu Lin said seriously, “In this kind of work, you see the dark side of human nature. There are too many negative emotions. People’s spirits can’t stand it for a long time.”

Gu Ye laughed. His second brother is really a talent. He himself didn’t understand it before and it wasn’t until he felt tired and confused in life that Yu Ze pointed out the reason. But his second brother only followed him for a morning and found out the hidden dangers of this occupation.

“I know, I’ve passed that hurdle. I’ll save them if I can in the future, other people’s lives are not mine. I’ve seen too many dead people, I’m just a bystander now.”

Gu Lin looked back, looked at Gu Ye’s indifferent eyes, and finally felt relieved, “That’s good, remember that your brother can support your life even if you quit working.”

Gu Ye felt warm in his heart, “Brother, I’ll keep that in mind, don’t worry.”

At the side, Gu Yang asked cautiously, “Second brother, if I don’t study well, are you going to support me too?”

Gu Ye and Gu Lin looked at each other and sighed, “Study hard, and we’ll talk about it if you don’t study well.”

The two brothers had the same idea in their hearts, Old Fourth would definitely rely on his brothers to support him. This child is not a good student, and he probably won’t be able to pass the exam for the first option in university.

Soon, the Liu brothers dug a pit at the location Gu Ye pointed out. Gu Ye pulled out the Taoist’s soul and stuffed it into a vase with talisman painted on the bottle, intending to use it as a Feng Shui vase. Seeing that the Taoist’s soul was covered with wounds and was dying, Gu Ye said with disgust, “You should thank me. If I pulled you out a few minutes later, they would have eaten you.”

After sealing the Taoist’s soul in a Feng Shui vase, Gu Ye gave it to Liu Sheng, “Bury this vase under the flagpole, with the mouth facing outwards.”

Liu Sheng did as he was told, and filled the soil with hatred. After filling it, he stomped on it several times. The hatred in his heart could not be expressed, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

Gu Ye sighed, “Please don’t be sad. Living well is the best comfort for the deceased.”

Liu Long’s eyes were hot, and he asked with tears, “Little immortal, can I… see my family again?”

Seeing them again would only increase the sadness so Gu Ye refused lightly, “You are separated from them by Yin and Yang, and seeing them again is against the will of heaven. I will send them all to reincarnation, so it’s better not to see them.”

The two brothers also felt that it was unrealistic to meet their dead family members once more. After Gu Ye said this, they didn’t force it and said, “Then can you please help us tell them that we will raise all the children and take good care of the family, so that they can rest assured.”

Gu Ye nodded, “Okay, I will tell them. There are a few more pieces of advice for you to remember. First, this temple must be built. You must firmly believe that it is a temple. Second, when you are old, dig out the bottle and smash it. Don’t be greedy for money and don’t forget to do it, otherwise, it will bring bad luck to the whole family. Third, you don’t have to pay me now. At this same time next year, you must donate 30,000 yuan to charity in my name. Remember, if you don’t donate, it will be bad for you.”

Liu Sheng continued, “We have taken note and will definitely do it. Don’t worry, little immortal.”

“Okay, I’m leaving. You can do the following thing yourself.” Gu Ye waved his hand and got in the car.

Gu Yang sighed like a little adult, “Alas, the people are dead, what’s the point of making money now?”

Gu Ye pinched his nose, feeling a little numb from the cold. The wind in the countryside was bone-chilling. He said sullenly, “I am a human, not a god, and I cannot help people come back to life. It was their luck that saved their lives, as I came back to celebrate the New Year. If it were 2 days later, they would have been killed to put together a set of ‘Five Ghosts Carrying a Coffin’. Now in the future, they can make money and live a good life, this is a repayment for them.”

Gu Yang spread his hands, “But, they didn’t give us money.”

“They don’t have money now, they are so poor that they can’t even celebrate the New Year,” Gu Ye said helplessly, “Let them have money next year, and then give it to us.”

Gu Yang frowned, “Alas, the first business of the year, and you worked for nothing.”

Gu Ye was amused and punched Gu Yang, “Little brat, you think too much.”

On the way, as the heater blew out hot air, Gu Ye felt a little headache. He endured it and returned home. As soon as he got out of the car, Gu Ye sneezed. Gu Lin frowned and looked at Gu Ye’s red face, “It’s so cold outside and you keep getting on and off the car just now. Did you catch a cold?”

Gu Ye shook his head, “How is it possible? How can I catch a cold? Are you kidding?!”

Gu Lin ‘Hehe-ed’ twice, not wanting to talk about Gu Ye. Hasn’t this child been a sickly child since young? Where does he get the confidence to think that he has a good physique?

Gu Ye went back to the room to put those souls away first and planned to send them away at night. Thinking of the miserable state of the Taoist priest, Gu Ye felt that these souls were very resentful and might not be sent away so easily. The Taoist priest was not dead yet, but just crazy, and they should not let him live.

“I will let you all out at night. If you want to seek revenge on the Taoist priest again, I won’t care. However, you shouldn’t touch the 2 hun and 3 po (souls) that were buried under the flagpole. Keep him for the benefit of your family and ensure their wealth for life. What do you think?”

The bottle shook as a response.

Gu Ye raised his lips, “That’s good, they will all live well, don’t worry.”

As Gu Ye expected, this group of souls headed straight for Zao Village as soon as they were released. If they died, they would take the Taoist priest with them.

“A-choo!” Gu Ye watched the souls floating away by the window and sneezed. Then he wiped his nose with a tissue. Gu Ye felt dizzy and went downstairs in slippers. His throat hurt, so he went to find some water to drink.

Mrs. Gu saw that Gu Ye’s expression was not right. So she walked over and touched his forehead, and was shocked by the temperature on Gu Ye’s forehead, “Why didn’t you tell me that you had a fever?!”

“Ah?” Gu Ye looked innocent, “I have a fever?”

As the mother, Mrs. Gu was furious, “It’s New Year’s Day, and you are still restless! The wind outside is freezing, and you have to go out on such a day! Wait for me, I’ll get you some medicine.”

When they heard that Gu Ye had a fever, everyone in the family was shocked, “Why did he suddenly have a fever? Did he catch a cold?”

“I said he didn’t look right at noon, but the rascal didn’t listen.”

“Why don’t we take my brother to the hospital? Is there an emergency room here at night?”

“It’s okay, I brought some daily use medicine.” As the mother, Mrs. Gu was still careful, and brought back some cold medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, and medicine for bumps and bruises, “Take the medicine first and take a nap. If it doesn’t work, then go to the county hospital tomorrow morning.”

Gu Ye took the medicine and was confused, “Why do I have a fever?”

Mrs. Gu said disdainfully, “Don’t you often have a fever and catch a cold? Only in the past 2 years has your condition improved. You’ve grown up, so I worry less. You got sick more often when you were a kid. When your dad wasn’t at home, I’d hold you all night.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye said flatteringly, “When you’re old, I’ll be filial to you.”

Mrs. Gu’s expression softened, and she massaged Gu Ye’s head, “Shut up and go to sleep.”

Gu Ye buried his face in the quilt and felt his heartstrings suddenly twitch. Thinking of his previous life, he had thought about looking for his family, but his mother didn’t want him. She might want him to die, otherwise, why would she throw him into a mass grave in the ravine? There was no point in looking for her and he put that idea aside in a second. And now, Gu Ye felt that he must be so sentimental because of his illness. A child with a mother is indeed like a treasure.

“Mom, I feel sick.”

“You just took the antipyretic medicine. It will take at least half an hour for the fever to go down. You won’t feel sick in a while. Do you want some water?”

Gu Yang ran upstairs holding a water pitcher, “The water is here.”

Gu Lin followed in with Gu Sen behind him, “I just asked around. There is a private clinic in this town. If the fever doesn’t go down in a while, my brother and I will go and ask for a doctor. We’ll just give more money and the doctor will come for a house visit.”

Gu Decheng walked into the room with his hands behind his back. He looked at Gu Ye’s red face and frowned, “Why did you suddenly get so sick? Don’t go out when it’s cold in the future. You’re asking for trouble.”

Mrs. Gu was anxious, “He hasn’t been sick for a year. I thought his physique had improved. This child… ‘sigh’.”

Gu Ye’s eyes were hot, but the corners of his mouth were raised, “I will be a spoiled child in the future. I will stay at home so all of you should be nice to me.”

Mrs. Gu pinched Gu Ye’s face unhappily, “You’re still naughty when you’re sick!”

Gu Ye shrank back into the bed and smiled, “I’m fine, a cold won’t kill me. I’ll just sleep it off so you all go back and rest.”

Mrs. Gu was worried, “I’ll wait until your fever goes down before I leave.”



“Love you yo~”

Mrs. Gu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and slapped Gu Ye across the quilt, “Go to sleep!”

What was worrying was that Gu Ye took antipyretics and it took an hour to get his fever down, but within 2 hours, the fever came back. The doctors in the town came but there was nothing they could do. It was a viral cold, an epidemic, and people with weak constitutions couldn’t avoid it. It would take at least 3 days for the fever to go down, and there was no specific medicine for this disease.

Gu Ye was forced to take another dose of antibiotic medicine and fell asleep until dawn. He was dragged out of the bed by his two brothers, dressed like a fat bear, and stuffed into the car and went to the county hospital.

Gu Ye’s nose was stuffy and his head hurt, so he sent a message to Yu Ze aggrievedly: [Wife, I’m sick, I feel uncomfortable, and I want to see you.]

Upon receiving the message, Yu Ze called immediately, “Are you sick? Have you seen a doctor?”

Gu Ye looked at his two brothers’ faces, “My mother gave me medicine, and now my brothers are taking me to see a doctor. It’s not serious, and I can go back tomorrow. You can come to my house to see me tomorrow.”

Yu Ze said in a deep voice, “I’ll go to see you now.”

“No,” Gu Ye hurriedly stopped Yu Ze, “It’s so far, don’t come.”

“Wait for me.” After Yu Ze said this, he hung up the phone.

Gu Ye was confused, Yu Ze is coming? So resolute?

Gu Lin, who was sitting next to Gu Ye, asked with a smile, “Why don’t you let him come? It’s just right for him to come and see ‘his ancestors’ of our family since he will enter the Gu family in the future (marry into the family).”

Gu Ye suddenly felt a headache, his second brother’s expression was so scary!

Raw word count: 8256 (whole chapter)


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