Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 69 Part 2

Chapter 69 Young brother, remember to come find me! Part 2

[Banana: Super small cliff at the end of this chapter :v]

The actress was surprised, “Is the price determined by the status of popularity? Why is my fee so low?”

Everyone around her laughed. This actress was extremely popular, and her qualifications were almost the same as those of two famous stars earlier.

Gu Ye answered seriously, “Because you haven’t been popular for as long as them. In 5 years, you will retire to take care of your husband and children.”

The actress gasped in shock, “I really don’t have any plans in this regard now.”

“It’s okay, let’s get back to the point,” Gu Ye looked at the character1, “He is engaged in a career that requires sweat and hard work. The character ‘干’ at the back is flat, which means he may be a Buddhist, kind, and hardworking. The character ‘干’ is also a hanging needle, which means his family background is poor, but if he can be down-to-earth, he can become a ‘王/king’, that is, a leader. You can consider the marriage issue yourself.”

“Thank you, Master Gu. But will this person be the reason that I retire from stardom?”

Hearing the question, Gu Ye’s mouth curved up. In his heart, he is thinking that those who can get to this point of popularity are indeed not simple. This question is really skillful. But he simply smiled and said, “I don’t know.”

“Then I want to ask for another reading.”

Gu Ye said apologetically, “1 reading per person, 10 readings a day, that’s my rule.”

The actress stood up regretfully, “Okay, thank you.”

Gu Ye smiled at the crowd and pointed at Qin Xu who was standing at the back, “That extremely handsome guy, do you want to have your fortune told?”

Qin Xu raised his lips and asked with interest, “How much do you want for a fortune telling?”

Gu Ye held out a finger.

Qin Xu raised his eyebrows, “10,000 yuan?”

“1 million yuan.”

Everyone was in an uproar. They all knew Gu Ye’s rules, which were to ask for a price based on the person’s capability/ability. Since Qin Xu was asked for 1 million yuan, does it mean that he would develop better than everyone else present?

Qin Xu raised his eyebrows, looked into Gu Ye’s eyes, and asked with a smile, “If I don’t want to have my fortune read, will it disappoint your expectations?”

Gu Ye said indifferently, “No, you can decline a reading now but you will still have to look for me again in 2 months.”

Upon hearing that, Qin Xu’s expression darkened. Just when he was hesitating, Gu Lin came. Seeing so many people around Gu Ye, Gu Lin gave an angry laugh, “Are you guys idle?”

The company’s management is young-minded, and Gu Lin is a smiling fox. Seeing his good temper, even an A-list movie star dares to joke with him, “Our little Wangye has come here with great difficulty. Your Majesty, please show some mercy and let him read a few more fortunes.”

Gu Lin walked into the crowd helplessly and picked up Gu Ye, “That’s enough, there are still serious things to do.”

Gu Ye looked at Qin Xu reluctantly and said to Gu Lin, “Dear brother, I’m negotiating a big deal here!”

Gu Lin said disdainfully, “Be serious!”

As Gu Ye is dragged away by his second brother, he can be heard begging for mercy, “Dear brother, please have pity on this child. Yu Ze, that spendthrift, spent all my pocket money. Your younger brother now is so poor that he can’t even afford to keep a cat.”

Gu Lin heartlessly replied, “Then you can go and spend his money instead. He has a lot of money, so you can spend it however you want.”

Gu Ye had no choice but to turn around and wave at Qin Xu, “Young brother, you have a peach blossom disaster (love trouble)! Remember to come to me in 2 months! You have to prepare 2 million yuan for me by then, otherwise I won’t save you!”

Qin Xu watched Gu Ye being dragged away but still didn’t behave himself. The part where Gu Ye looked back and smiled was inexplicably likable. So Qin Xu smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll remember that.”

Gu Ye regretted, “Alas, this is fate. A blessing is not a disaster, and a disaster cannot be avoided2.”

Gu Lin urged Gu Ye, “Don’t nag. We only have 1 day, why don’t you work hard? These few need to be renamed. This one, you should calculate the date.”

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand lazily, “Where’s the money?”

Gu Lin said disdainfully, “I’ll transfer it to your account later, 1 million yuan per item.”

“Oh my god! Brother, you are so generous. If I had known this, why would I do fortune-telling for celebrities? At your side here, I can tell fortune until the end of time! Why is it so little? Secretary Yang, go find more things for me to calculate!”

Gu Lin’s mouth twitched. That’s my real brother alright!

Gu Ye went to eat lunch with Gu Lin. He had just eaten half of it when Gao Yingjing, who had asked him to tell fortunes in the morning, came with her husband.

Gu Lin raised his lips and said without question, “No more fortune-telling, it’s time for lunch.”

“President Gu misunderstood us. We are not asking for a reading, we’re here to give the fortune-telling fee money.”

Gao Yingjing took out a red envelope from her bag and said politely, “I was so excited and left in a hurry that I didn’t even give Master Gu the money. I’m so sorry.”

Gu Ye put down his chopsticks with a smile, “It’s okay.”

Gao Yingjing handed the red envelope over, but Gu Ye didn’t take it, “You gave too much, I only want 300,000 yuan.”

The couple looked at each other and saw shock in each other’s eyes. Gu Ye could tell how much money was in the envelope at a glance?!

“Master Gu, please keep it.” The couple were not simple people. They knew that even if they could not be good friends, they could not offend Gu Ye. “I went to the hospital to check, and I was really pregnant. If you hadn’t told me my fortune today, I would have to take on another role. Then I afraid that I would not be able to keep the child.”

Gu Ye smiled, “What is destined to happen will happen. Since the child is here, whether I tell your fortune or not, you are destined to have him. You don’t have to thank me too much. The agreed amount is 300,000 yuan, not a cent more.”

Gao Yingjing wanted to say something, but her husband took over the topic, “This is indeed a red envelope of 600,000 yuan. For the extra 300,000 yuan, we would like you to name the child.”

Gu Ye thought about it and then accepted the envelope, “Give me the 8-character birthdate of the child after the birth, and I will calculate a name for him.”

The couple thanked Gu Ye happily, “I will trouble Master Gu when the time comes!”

Not long after Gao Yingjing and her husband left, the news that Gu Ye’s divination in the morning had come true spread in the circle. Gao Yingjing has been famous for many years and has many good friends in the circle. As soon as she got pregnant, the news spread. When they heard that Gu Ye had calculated it with a single word, more people were moved.

Some people waited for Gu Ye in the afternoon, but unfortunately, Gu Ye did not come out of the president’s office. When he got off work in the evening, he also took Gu Lin’s car to leave, which made those who missed him very regretful.

When Gu Ye returned home in the evening, he found that his eldest brother was also at home. Gu Ye asked in confusion, “Why are you here at home at this time?”

Gu Ye’s second brother sent him back home and left. His eldest brother also bought a house near the company and didn’t come back to live in the Gu residence unless it was necessary. It was not normal to see his eldest brother as soon as he entered the house today.

Gu Sen asked seriously, “Do you have anything to do tomorrow?”

Gu Ye didn’t understand the intention of the question and replied honestly, “I have plans to see Yu Ze.”

Then, Gu Sen said seriously, “Come with me to work tomorrow and see which piece of land is suitable to buy next?”

The question made Gu Ye feel burdened and he asked, “You’re still buying land before the New Year? Can’t you wait until after the New Year? Aren’t we going back to hometown the day after tomorrow?”

Gu Sen frowned, “I’m doing serious business.”

Gu Ye pouted, “Didn’t you say you don’t believe me (feudal superstition)?”

Gu Sen replied coldly, “I believe it now.”

Gu Ye sighed tiredly, “Okay.”

After returning to the room, Gu Ye sent a message to Yu Ze: [I can’t go to you tomorrow, my eldest brother asked me to go to his company to help him look for a piece of land.]

Yu Ze’s eyes darkened as he replied: [You went to your second brother’s company today?]

Gu Ye replied sullenly: [Yes.]

Yu Ze put down the pen with a gloomy face and replied: [I understand. I will get off work early tomorrow and pick you up at your eldest brother’s company. We will have dinner together in the evening.]

Gu Ye’s eyes lit up and he instantly regained his spirits: [Okay!]

The next morning, Gu Sen came to pick up Gu Ye. Gu Decheng was lazy now. If Gu Sen could handle it, he would not go to the company at all. He went out with his wife and youngest son early in the morning, ready to go shopping in the mall. The New Year was coming soon, so he news to buy some gifts for the children and friends at hometown.

Seeing Gu Ye following his elder brother to help the company, Papa Gu was particularly pleased, “Very good, you have grown up. You should learn to help your brothers, don’t always think about running around outside.”

Gu Ye was not in a good mood because he couldn’t see Yu Ze. Seeing his father so relaxed, he couldn’t help but tut a few times. He leaned lazily against the car’s window glass and muttered, “Oh.”

At the side, Gu Sen shook his head, “He wishes he could retire right away.”

Gu Ye comforted Gu Sen half-heartedly, “Thank you for your hard work. It can’t be helped that you are the eldest.”

Gu Sen turned his head to look at Gu Ye speechlessly, and Gu Ye quickly sat up straight, with a well-behaved face.

“Are you this obedient in front of your second brother too?”

Gu Ye nodded quickly, “Yes, I am very obedient.”

Gu Sen didn’t know how to communicate with Gu Ye for a moment.

After arriving at the company, Gu Sen gave Gu Ye a map and said seriously, “Draw a circle on whichever land you like, and I will buy it.”

Gu Ye suddenly realized that something was wrong and asked calmly, “How long can I take to draw? Aren’t we going to the local area (physical site visit) today?”

Gu Sen took the report from his secretary and said solemnly, “I have 2 meetings to attend in the morning and don’t have time to go out. You draw it first.”

“Oh.” Gu Ye lowered his head, picked up the pen obediently, and pretended to study the map seriously.

Seeing that Gu Ye didn’t suspect anything, Gu Sen approved the report and went to the meeting.

After Gu Ye determined that Gu Sen left the room, he immediately raised his head, and the corner of his mouth curved up. He flipped the map over and wrote a few big words. Next, he threw the pen, and ran away!

Gu Sen came back from the meeting and didn’t see Gu Ye. After asking, he found out that Gu Ye took a taxi and ran away. Brother Gu had a cold expression on his face. When he saw the map on his desk, his face turned black with anger.

“Brother, you can lock my body up, but you can’t lock my heart! I’m leaving! For my wife, run!” Next to it was a picture of a cat with its hackles up, stretching its claws and rushing out the door, longing for freedom.

Gu Sen was angry for several minutes before he recovered and sent a message to Gu Lin: [I didn’t watch him and let him run away.]

Gu Lin said helplessly: [You really are… You can’t keep a cold face, you are too serious. You have to coax him and use money to seduce him. Then he won’t run away even if you ask him to.]

Gu Sen replied angrily: [I still need to coax him? I just want to beat him!]

One can tell at a glance that when Gu Sen is angry, his face becomes more serious. Gu Lin felt tired in his heart, and can also understand that Gu Ye doesn’t want to be locked up in the same room with their elder brother. To be honest, he doesn’t want to either.

Gu Ye took a taxi to Yu Ze’s company and followed the security guard to Yu Ze’s office. It was already past 11.00 am. Upon seeing Yu Ze, Gu Ye said aggrievedly, “I’m hungry. My elder brother wanted to lock me up. I broke through the cage just to see you. I didn’t even stop the car to buy candied haws when I saw someone selling candied haws on the road. In my heart, you are more important than candied haws. Are you happy?”

“Candied haws…” Yu Ze took a deep breath. Seeing Gu Ye’s good mood, Yu Ze felt like he got hit hard by the candied haws and knocked down. He glanced at the busy Secretary Liu, “You go out first.”

“Ah? Oh!” Secretary Liu reacted right away and picked up the laptop. Next, he jumped up from the seat, ran out at full speed, and closed the door.

Gu Ye was stunned by that series of movements and immediately applauded Secretary Liu, “This speed, he must be from the school track and field team!”

Yu Ze held Gu Ye’s hand, and the next second Gu Ye was hugged inside his arms. Yu Ze put his face close to Gu Ye’s ear, and whispered with satisfaction, “I miss you.”

Gu Ye looked up with a smile. Just as he was about to say something naughty, his lips suddenly felt a hot sensation and his pupils dilated from realization.


Raw word count: 6560 (whole chapter)


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