Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 68 Part 2

Chapter 68 Gu Ye (ETL) Part 2


Chapter 68 Laozi going on a new journey

On the other hand, the masters from the Xuanshu Association were still feeling cold.

In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, the Xuanshu Association was officially closed!

The management had just paid off the taxes owed, and received another subpoena: Operating with a fake company! A feudal superstitious organization!

With countless charges thrown at him, Jing Lianzhong was arrested overnight. People in the mystic art circle didn’t even know how to protect themselves, so who would care about him?

After the police got the search warrant, they searched Jing Lianzhong’s home. There were hundreds of millions of cash hidden under his floor. In the past 10 years as president, Jing Lianzhong kept collecting money like a money-collecting machine, but he didn’t do anything he promised the members of the Xuanshu Association to donate money to welfare organizations.

At this point, all the members collapsed and felt like wanting to run to the police station to stab him to death. This was absolutely an irresponsible handling of their life! Many masters in their forties and fifties have worked in the association for 20 or 30 years. If they keep revealing the secrets of Heavens but don’t accumulate virtue (through donation/charity), how much life do they have left? Isn’t Huai Xiang Guo an example?

When Luo Huai, the apprentice of Huai Xiang Guo, walked out of the gate of Xuanshu Association holding his master’s relics, his expression was as if he wanted to dig up Jing Lianzhong’s ancestral grave. Xie Cheng felt sorry for him, so he led him to their message group and put Luo Huai on his own team. The child is only 16 or 17 years old, hope he doesn’t get too stimulated and ends up taking revenge against society.

When Elder Tang learned about it, he was heartbroken. His only property was the courtyard house passed down from his ancestors and some jades he had collected before. Elder Tang wanted to sell all his property and donate it all to welfare organizations to accumulate merit for former members.

The old man packed his luggage overnight and moved to Xie Cheng’s rented house. After arriving there, his anger was still unappeased and he almost fainted from the pent-up feeling. Xie Cheng was so scared that he called his second senior brother to send the old man to the hospital overnight. The two did not dare to close their eyes all night and stayed with the old man all night.

The next morning, the old man calmed down and told Xie Cheng, “Prepare brush, ink, paper, and inkstone for me.”

Xie Cheng was anxious, “Why do you need stationeries in the hospital? You should take good care of yourself and write it when you go back home.”

“No, I’m afraid I won’t be able to wait until then.” Elder Tang’s face was pale. The anger he held got him despaired and had difficulty breathing.

Xie Cheng didn’t dare to make Elder Tang angry, so he hurried to prepare the stationeries.

“Help me up!”

Xie Cheng hurriedly helped Elder Tang up. He stood aside while looking at the words written by his master, which was unexpected but reasonable. He comforted his master, “Master, don’t be angry, we are still here.”

Elder Tang sighed and couldn’t help reddening his eyes, “It has been more than 40 years. I still remember that he was in poor health when he was young. Whenever he got sick, I held him all night, like my own son! In the end, he was the one who disappointed me the most.”

Elder Tang folded the letter with trembling hands and stuffed it into Xie Cheng’s hands, “Go tell him that he was expelled from the sect!”

With his master’s instructions, Xie Cheng came to the place where Jing Lianzhong was temporarily detained. After the visitation application was approved, he finally met his senior brother. The man who usually acted like a gentleman, now his hair is gray, his hands are handcuffed, and his expression is not good.

After seeing Xie Cheng, Jing Lianzhong asked excitedly, “Junior brother, did Master ask you to come and see me?”

Xie Cheng replied unhappily, “That’s right! You almost angered him off to death!”

Jing Lianzhong’s surprised expression faded, “Is Master okay?”

“He’s a lucky man, still alive.”

Jing Lianzhong breathed a sigh of relief and asked tentatively, “Has he forgiven me? Did Master say when he would rescue me?”

Xie Cheng was so angry that he wanted to beat him up. He said coldly, “I came here today to send you something on behalf of Master, but it’s not what you want.” The other party couldn’t get the letter through the glass, so Xie Cheng could only unfold it and stick it on the glass for the other party to see.

Jing Lianzhong was very familiar with Mr. Tang’s handwriting. After reading it, he stood up in shock and leaned on the glass, “Impossible! Master will not abandon me!”

Hearing the sound of handcuffs hitting the glass, Xie Cheng said with a complicated expression, “You know in your heart what the letter means. I have done my part to send the message. But you… you make so much money! In the end, you didn’t even get to spend it, what did you make money for?!” Speaking of the latter part, Xie Cheng was also very sad and angry, “There’s something wrong with your brain!”

Jing Lianzhong sat down dejectedly, looking at his hands, and asked expressionlessly, “Is Master really so heartless?”

Xie Cheng said desperately, “You still don’t know how to repent after getting to this point, and you still want the master to save you? You broke the law, you know! How to save you?!”

Jing Lianzhong raised his eyes and looked at Xie Cheng coldly, “You all betrayed me. Master didn’t want me anymore, and you also betrayed me. You all betrayed me, so I ended up in this situation. Aren’t you my family? Why don’t you help me?”

Xie Cheng stood up angrily, “Since you still have no intention of repentance, stay in there!”

After saying that, Xie Cheng turned around and left. If he said even one more word to the other party, he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself from hitting Hing Lianzhong.

Jing Lianzhong was taken back to the place where he was imprisoned, and the letter was finally handed over to him. He held it with both hands and read the words on the paper countless times. Finally, his eyes turned red, but his mouth grinned and he laughed out loud, “Improper behavior, expelled from the sect.”

Jing Lianzhong’s eyes turned cold and he bit his finger. With all his resentment, he wrote Xie Cheng’s 8-character birth date on the paper.

Xie Cheng took a taxi back to the hospital. Just halfway through, he received a call from the hospital, “Master Tang suddenly bled from all 7 orifices1, and is now being rescued in ICU! Who else is in your family, come quickly!”

Xie Cheng was stunned for a moment, his mind was blank. Although his master looked weak when he went out in the morning, how did he get to this point in such a short while? How could he suddenly bleed from all 7 orifices?

When Xie Cheng rushed back to the hospital, his second senior brother Jiang Xu had already arrived, holding a critical illness notice2 in his hand, sitting outside the operating room, his face pale.

Xie Cheng asked anxiously, “What happened to Master? Did you see him before he went in?”

Jiang Xu shook his head. He also received a call from the hospital at short notice. He went to the company to deal with some things in the morning. He was not done yet with the company matters and rushed back to the hospital anxiously. He did not see Master before he got wheeled into the operating room.

At this moment, the nurse who was responsible for taking care of Elder Tang came and said, “This was found under Mr. Tang’s pillow.”

The two brothers quickly took it, opened the envelope, and a talisman paper fell out of it. Xie Cheng picked it up and his eyes turned red. The 8-character birth date written on it was his! His master actually died on his behalf!

Jiang Xu’s expression turned cold. In this line of work, 8-character birth date is confidential. Especially for Xie Cheng who is an orphan, and he himself does not know the birth date. The date was calculated by Master. Only he and the eldest senior brother know about it.

After reading the letter, Jiang Xu took a deep breath and patted Xie Cheng’s shoulder heavily. He was so angry that he couldn’t even say anything to comfort Xie Cheng.

In the letter, Master Tang had already written his last words. He knew what kind of person his eldest disciple was. Jing Lianzhong always thought that he loved Xie Cheng the most. He was afraid that one day Jing Lianzhong would lose his mind and go crazy in a desperate situation and want to harm Xie Cheng. Hence, he had prepared the substitute talisman early.

Master Tang left a message: “If there is such a day, Master will take him with me.”

“Second brother, M-master…” Xie Cheng covered his face and cried like a helpless child. He had been living with a carefree attitude because the master loved and cared for him like a child.

Jiang Xu’s eyes were also red, and he wiped Xie Cheng’s tears in a soothing manner, “Silly boy, don’t cry, Master will be fine.”

The doctor issued two more critical illness notices in succession. Xie Cheng held the substitute talisman and almost collapsed. 3 hours later, the doctor came out and said tiredly, “Mr. Tang is old and his heart is not good. Whether he can survive depends on himself.”

Xie Cheng asked excitedly, “So, there is still hope?!”

“If he can make it through tonight, there is hope. If he can’t…” The doctor apologized and continued, “Then, prepare for the funeral.”

The hearts of the two brothers were like riding a roller coaster. Before they could react, they heard the nurse shouting, “Director Sun, there’s another person who is bleeding from all 7 orifices! He will be sent to the hospital immediately. Please prepare for surgery!”

Director Sun didn’t have time to explain in detail and rushed away to prepare. Just as he was ready, he heard the nurse say regretfully, “Don’t worry about it anymore. We just received a notice, that the person is dead.”

The medical staff was sending Mr. Tang to a special ward, and the brothers followed closely. Just in time, they heard someone in the corridor say, “…Yes, the name is Jing Lianzhong. Please issue a death certificate.”

“JING. LIAN. ZHONG!” Xie Cheng was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and rushed over. Jiang Xu pulled him back and said coldly, “Don’t be impulsive. Go and look after Master, I’ll ask someone about the situation.”

The result of this inquiry was that good things come in turns, and retribution is inevitable.

The person Jing Lianzhong cursed turned out to be the master who raised him, so the karma hit him instantly. Those who betray their master and ancestors will surely die!

Xie Cheng was not happy at all when he heard such a result, and he felt even more aggrieved.

After Jing Lianzhong’s accident, his wife had already gone abroad with the children, and the only people left to collect his body were Xie Cheng and his friends. After such a thing happened, Elder Tang’s life and death were still unknown, so how could the two brothers have the mood to collect Jing Lianzhong’s body? The two brothers were disheartened and asked the police to follow the standard procedures as usual. They would not collect his body.

Gu Ye and Yu Ze also heard the news that Elder Tang was sick. They came to the hospital that afternoon. Gu Ye saw Xie Cheng’s pale face and patted him on the shoulder, “What did the doctor say?”

Xie Cheng said weakly, “My master’s desire to live is too low. He is too sad, and he is old. If he can’t wake up tonight…” Xie Cheng shook his head and gritted his teeth and couldn’t say it.

Gu Ye counted something with his fingers. Elder Tang was not supposed to die. “Did you talk to him?”

Xie Cheng said without raising his head, “I did. The doctor said he was conscious, but he just couldn’t wake up.”

Gu Ye frowned, “The desire to live is low…? The old man is also very willful. Can he close his eyes whenever he wants?” He thought about it for a while and looked back at Xie Cheng, “I have a trick that’s kinda harmful but I don’t know if it will work.”

Xie Cheng looked bitter. “You can say it, I can even give him some of my lifespans.”

“That won’t work. Birth, aging, illness, and death are parts of destiny. Borrowing life is against the will of heaven.” Gu Ye said seriously, “Go and tell him that you are in love with a girl, and the girl is pregnant. You originally wanted to bring her back to get married. If he dies, you have to observe the mourning period for 3 years. But the child cannot be born without a father, so you have to abort it.”

“Ah?!” Xie Cheng said in embarrassment, “If I said this, it would anger him to death! No way!”

“Why not?” Gu Ye urged, “You said that yourselves. Doesn’t he have no desire to live and only want to die? You can make him feel uneasy to die and force him to open his eyes and see! Go in and tell him what I said just now. If one time doesn’t work, tell him twice. If two times doesn’t work, tell him all night. If he is conscious, he will hear it.”

Xie Cheng was still hesitating. Gu Ye asked unhappily, “Do you want the old man to survive?”

“I do!”

Gu Ye raised his foot and kicked him, “Then go!”

Jiang Xu paced back and forth worriedly, “Is this really okay?”

Gu Ye sighed, “Let’s take a gamble. Isn’t he most worried about Xie Cheng?”

“Yes, Master is afraid that he can’t support himself. At Master’s age, he looks at junior brother like his grandson and loves him the most.”

“That’s it. If you go and tell him that things just now, he won’t worry about you because he knows that you are reliable. Xie Cheng on the other hand should be able to arouse his desire to survive.”

Gu Ye paused and asked Yu Ze seriously, “Let’s go buy a walking stick for the old man. He should be able to use it.”

Yu Ze rubbed Gu Ye’s head, he could even think of such a dirty trick.

Xie Cheng and Jiang Xu were busy all the time, and they didn’t eat. Gu Ye and Yu Ze went out to buy them some food, and when they came back, they saw Xie Cheng still nagging his master. Since Xie Cheng started talking about it, he had nothing to be embarrassed about, so he just let his creativity go. He told his Master about his girlfriend, where she lived, and that he even met her parents. He made up a story about what her parents cooked for him.

Gu Ye touched his chin, feeling that even a walking stick would not be enough for the old man.

At dawn the next day, Gu Ye received a call from Xie Cheng, who cried and told him, “My master woke up once at around 5.00 am. He glared at me angrily and fell asleep again. The doctor said he can be saved!”

“Pfff!” Gu Ye’s heart had been hanging in his throat (feeling anxious), but now he finally can stop worrying. He asked with a smile, “Since the old man can be saved, you should be happy, why are you crying?”

“He will definitely beat me when he wakes up!” Xie Cheng cried and laughed, and talked to Gu Ye for 3 minutes He was talking incoherently, and didn’t know what to say, which made Gu Ye feel amused.

“It’s good that he woke up. If he wants to beat you up, just let him.” Gu Ye smiled and comforted. Then Gu Ye got up and walked to the window. He found that it was white outside. Opening the curtains, he smiled, “It’s cold. Many elderly people can’t survive the cold winter. Elder Tang is lucky. Take good care of him.”

Dahei jumped onto the windowsill and nudged Gu Ye’s hand with his head. Gu Ye lowered his eyes, touched his head, and said with a complicated expression, “Dahei, it’s snowing. There is no such heavy snow in the south, especially in Huaixin City. It rained heavily during the New Year last year. The strange thing is that it’s colder than the snow now.”

With the death of Jing Lianzhong, many people in the upper echelons of the Xuanshu Association were arrested, and the association was completely disbanded. As the New Year is approaching, Gu Ye’s car has finally arrived, but unfortunately, he couldn’t drive it because he was on holiday break. If his father saw him, a student, driving such a good car, would he be beaten? Gu Ye thought about it for a while and told Yu Ze seriously, “Dear, I’ll leave the car with you first. Can you send it to me when school starts?”

Yu Ze: “Okay, I’ll pick you up during the holidays?”

Gu Ye said regretfully: “No, my second brother told me to wait for him to pick me up and told me not to wander somewhere else.”

Yu Ze’s expression turned cold, “Is your second brother so free?”

Gu Ye didn’t hear the resentment in the other party’s words, “Maybe it’s for his company’s business? I’ll go to your company to find you after I’m done.”

Yu Ze smiled, “Okay.”

The two didn’t expect that they wouldn’t have much time to meet after returning home, because Gu Ye received a notice from the head of the family, Papa Gu, as soon as he got home, “We’ll go back to hometown for the New Year this year.”

Gu Ye suddenly remembered the tradition of the Gu family, ancestor worship! A big worship ceremony every 3 years, and they have to go back to hometown every 3 years.

The happiest person in the family was Old Fourth. The young man jumped happily at home, “Hahaha, I can finally go back and have fun!”

The three brothers looked at Gu Yang as if he was a little fool. The eldest brother Gu said solemnly, “Old Fourth is 16 years old. He is an adult now. It’s time for him to pay respect.”

The second brother nodded sympathetically, “Yes.”

Gu Ye laughed dryly, “Yes.”

Gu Ye returned to his room, hugging Dahei, who he had brought home with him. He sent a message to Yu Ze, telling him about his next schedule. He will first go to his second brother’s company to give consultation on artists’ schedule for the next six months, then went to find [Gu Ye]3, and then returned to his hometown.

Yu Ze had no choice. He wanted to bring Gu Ye to live with him and watch over him every day, but reality did not allow it.

Gu Ye groaned and expressed his deep regret for not being able to see his beautiful wife for several days. Every time Yu Ze heard Gu Ye’s nonsense, he wanted to punish him, “I will visit you after the New Year and let you see enough of me.”

Gu Ye felt guilty, “Why do you talk about visiting so imposingly?”

Yu Ze smiled, “When I go to your house, won’t it look like I’m there to snatch someone away?”

Gu Ye thought about the scene. His brothers and he sat in a row, and Yu Ze sat opposite him; a 1vs4 scene. Suddenly he felt amused, it was really like Yu Ze was trying to snatch someone away.

While chatting, Gu Ye was in a very good mood and took out the hexagram plate. After the calculation, his good mood suddenly fell to the bottom, and he wanted to cry. Why is there no peace wherever he goes? Is it really because he worships the King of Hell instead?

Raw word count: 7032 (whole chapter)


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