Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 68 Part 1

Chapter 68 Gu Ye (ETL) Part 1


Chapter 68 Laozi going on a new journey

Gu Ye said half a year ago that Dingnan Entertainment would be closed within half a year. Calculating the days, the bankruptcy is really within the prophesied deadline. When Gu Ye said that, many people said that he was bluffing. But now, is Gu Ye the reincarnation of a god? How could he be so accurate? How could such a big company like Dingnan Entertainment Company, with so many veteran artists, be closed within half a year?

Now the facts tell them: it is really closed!

As soon as this trending search came up, Gu Ye’s fans suddenly grew to more than 5 million. Every Weibo he posted was forwarded crazily: [I just want this immortal being to look at me, please give me a fortune-telling!]

Not only ordinary people but also many people in the entertainment industry want to ask Gu Ye for fortune-telling. Before this, only small stars with bleak prospects would look for him. Now even first-line stars are tempted and start to get a reading from Gu Ye through connections. Many stars secretly register small accounts to follow him. Some of them are more straightforward and directly follow Gu Ye with their main account: [Please, Master Gu, look at me!]

Gu Ye only knew that he was on the trending search list after Gu Lin told him. Gu Ye was surprised and logged on to Weibo to check. When he saw the number of his fans, he exclaimed, “Are they crazy? I’m not an internet celebrity.”

Looking at his inbox, Gu Ye saw an explosive amount of PMs. Because there were too many, Gu Ye simply stopped reading the messages altogether.

At school, the classmates were all gossiping about this matter. They surrounded Gu Ye and asked, “How did you calculate it? Can you calculate again where those stars from Dingnan will go? What is their future? By the way, can you really calculate whether a drama will be popular when you read a script?”

Gu Ye only heard buzzing in his head. When his cell phone rang, he immediately had an excuse to leave, “I’m going out to answer a call.”

The call turned out to be from Du Jianuo, who he hadn’t contacted for a long time. Gu Ye answered the phone and asked with a smile, “Big star, how are you these days?”

Du Jianuo laughed, “What kind of big star am I? Don’t tease me. I hope I didn’t disturb you in class?”

Gu Ye chuckled and said, “No, do you have something to ask me?”

“No, I just want to ask about your current situation. You had a scandal some time ago, and now you got on the hot search again. I’m worried that someone wants to make trouble for you.” Du Jianuo’s voice sank, a little embarrassed, “But I was overthinking it. Master Gu is good at predicting the future and is not afraid of trouble.”

Leaning against the wall, Gu Ye basked in the sun, and asked with a smile, “So you have been paying attention to me. If you didn’t contact me, I thought you had forgotten me, my dear investment!”

“No, I didn’t forget!” Du Jianuo explained anxiously, “I have always wanted to call you and send you messages, but I didn’t have the courage to call you. I always felt… I felt that I have not met your requirements (to be a successful person) yet.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “What kind of reason is this? Whether you do well or not is your own business, not for me.”

Du Jianuo smiled awkwardly, “You are right.”

Gu Ye heard the cautiousness in Du Jianuo’s tone and comforted him gently, “You have to believe in my vision and be more confident. You will be fine.”

Du Jianuo immediately relaxed a lot as he said, “I will work hard. Master Gu, I bought you gifts when I was filming in various places, can I… can I give them to you?”

Gu Ye was amused, “Normally, I won’t accept it.”

“Is that so?” Du Jianuo said disappointedly, “Alright then.”

“But since you bought them already, just send them to me. I can’t waste your kindness. Also, take a selfie for me. I need your current one. If it’s not convenient, take a photo of your palm and I’ll take a look.”

Du Jianuo asked happily, “Can we video chat instead?”

“Sure, wait a minute.” Gu Ye hung up the phone and made a video call right away. The other party answered almost immediately. Du Jianuo was still in the hotel. He must have just woken up because his hair was still a little messy.

Due to Gu Ye calling so quickly, Du Jianuo was a little surprised but more to embarrassed. He quickly ruffled his hair and said apologetically, “Just shot a night scene last night.”

“Aren’t you looking handsome now?” Gu Ye curled his lips and looked at the other party. “You are now a popular idol with both good looks and acting skills.”

Du Jianuo scratched his head shyly after being praised so bluntly by Gu Ye. “No.”

Gu Ye smiled, “It’s good. But don’t get close to women wearing pink clothes recently.”

Du Jianuo’s heart skipped a beat. “Pink?”

“Yes. “Gu Ye smiled and said, “You can come to me if you have any questions. I am your consultant and you have to give me 5 million yuan next year. With that much money, I can’t not do anything for you.”

Du Jianuo shook his head quickly, “You have helped me a lot.”

“Anyway, come to me if you have any questions. Don’t be polite,” Gu Ye looked at the time, “I have to go to class, bye~”

After hanging up the phone, Du Jianuo excitedly took out a big box from his suitcase. Inside was a variety of small items. They were all special souvenirs he bought when he was filming in various places. He was about to ask a courier to send them to Gu Ye when there was a knock on the door.

Du Jianuo put on his clothes, walked to the door, and asked, “Who is it?”

A familiar female voice came from outside the door, “Xiao Du, it’s me, open the door.”

Du Jianuo opened the door, and a woman in a pink skirt stood at the door, “I want to ask if you have time to discuss tonight’s plot together.”

The moment Du Jianuo saw her clothes, he was stunned. Then he thought of what Gu Ye said to him, and immediately shook his head to refuse, “Sorry, sister, I’m too sleepy, let’s talk about it tonight.”

The woman said regretfully, “Alright then, continue your sleep. I’ll go ask Teacher Zheng.”

Du Jianuo watched as the other party knocked on the door of the male lead next door, and felt that something was wrong. As a girl, how dare she enter a grown man’s room casually?

Du Jianuo didn’t expect that the scandal would spread that night, and it spread faster and more detailed than expected. The second female lead entered the male lead’s room and didn’t come out for the whole afternoon. Many fans on the Internet were paying attention to this matter as if the two had already confirmed their relationship. They all shouted for justice that the man should be responsible, and if he didn’t take responsibility, he would be a scumbag!

During the filming at night, many reporters came to secretly take pictures. The male lead was very unhappy about such a scandal. The second female lead apologized to the other party apologetically, saying that she didn’t expect such a thing to happen and that she was not thoughtful. The male lead has been a famous figure for many years and it would be embarrassing if he argued with a little girl. So, he kept a cold face and didn’t say much all night.

What happened to the male lead made Du Jianuo feel cold in his heart. He admired Gu Ye’s ability even more and was extremely grateful to him. If it weren’t for Gu Ye’s words, he would be the one being rumored right now. He has not established himself yet and is just a new popular star. Many people who like him are ‘girlfriend fans’, how many fans will he lose if this wave of rumors spreads? Moreover, no matter how many times this rumor spreads, whether it is true or not, the reputation of a scumbag will spread, and it can’t be washed away easily.

Du Jianuo wanted to say thank you to Gu Ye again, but after thinking about it, he felt that the word ‘thank you’ was too pale and weak. In addition, many people on the Internet were tagging Gu Ye in their posts. He felt that Gu Ye was very busy, so he quietly packed the things he bought, found a courier to send it, and said nothing.

On the other hand, Gu Ye was also speechless upon finding out about this behavior of praying to him online. One can pray for peace (safe from harm), at least that’s what he does by selling talismans, right? But asking for bonuses during the Chinese New Year, why would anyone do that and come to pray to him? Does he have the final say (on their company’s bonus)?

Gu Ye took a photo of Kuman Thong and posted it on his Weibo: [Worship him rather than me.]

As soon as the little golden boy appeared, millions of fans replied with praying emoticons to worship him, asking for all kinds of stuff. Gu Ye looked at these fans and closed his Weibo with an amused smile.

Not able to reach Gu Ye online, people from Gu Lin’s company managed to find him on WeChat: [Master Gu, our movie is about to start filming. Can you calculate an auspicious start date?]

[Little Wangye, please help. Our variety show needs to change its name, can you help to choose one?]

[Master Gu, which actor should be used in this drama? Can you calculate it?]

Gu Ye expressionlessly took a screenshot of these messages and sent it to his second brother: [Before letting your people come to me to do things, pay first. Even brothers have to settle accounts clearly, otherwise, there’s no deal and insta-block!]

Gu Lin: “…”

Soon, the artists of Dingnan Entertainment Company were poached by major entertainment companies, and the one that benefited the most was Gu Lin’s company. Those with good acting skills and good character were all here. Fans finally don’t have to worry about their idols having no film contracts and no food to eat in the future.

Raw word count: 7032 (whole chapter)


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