Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 67 Part 2

Chapter 67 Gu Ye (ETL) Part 2


Chapter 67 Master Gu suddenly appeared on the hot search

The friends in the group were all shocked. They had been fortune-telling and feng shui for so many years, but they had never seen so much money in all their assets combined!

Xie Cheng happened to be in the group. He was popular and had many friends. The friends who were familiar with him all tagged him and asked Xie Cheng: [Is this true?]

Being tagged, Xie Cheng had to stand in the limelight and explained embarrassedly: [Actually, the client wanted to give more, but my friend was embarrassed to ask for more than agreed, so he took that 1 million and donated 500,000 to the charity department to accumulate merit for both of us.]

The friends in the group were all shocked: [No wonder Xie Cheng has become rich recently and even rented a house!]

[And there is the motorcycle! That little vehicle is pretty cool! You must have bought it yourself!]

[Xie Cheng, this poor guy, has money, but we are still poor guys!]

[For me, I don’t need 1 million yuan. I will do it for even 100,000 yuan. Then I will have 50,000 yuan left after donating 50,000 yuan!]

Within the group chat, several people contacted their friends and formed a team. Right now, they just wanted to wait for the resignation letter to be approved, and then they would go out for a run. The active members in the group warmly greeted everyone: [Don’t forget to donate! This is to accumulate virtue for yourself, otherwise, you will lose your virtue and not live long!]

Everyone understands this principle and will keep it in mind. Then someone suddenly said: [I heard it before that the association will donate to welfare organizations every year, and everyone’s name is written. Now that I think about it, I don’t know if it is true.]

The group was silent for more than 10 seconds, and someone said: [No way. If this is false, isn’t it a disregard for human life?]

At this moment, someone suddenly said: [I heard that Huai Xiang Guo died of illness at the age of 45. Didn’t his little apprentice follow his senior uncle now?]

The group was silent all of a sudden, frightened and speechless.

Xie Cheng: [Don’t think about it, just do some good things to accumulate virtue for yourself. Forget about asking money from the poor, just give them a bun as a token of help.]

Everyone reacted: [That’s right, yeah!]

Xie Cheng: [If you see any evil ghosts, go ahead and catch them. Don’t wait until it harms people.]

Everyone responded: [That’s right, yeah!]

Someone asked: [How much does it cost to check Fengshui for Yin house1? I am not good at other things, but I am good at this aspect.]

Xie Cheng: [The same logic, ask more from the rich and less from the poor. No matter how you charge, it’s better than going to work in the association! No more chatting, my master called me.]

After the active member in the group finished speaking, someone privately sent a message to Gu Ye: [Boss, what do you think of my control in topic flow/pace?]

Gu Ye happily gave the other party a red envelope and replied: [Not bad, you are worthy of being an insurance dealer, you are very good at talking. If you work hard and perform well, I will introduce you to my brother’s company and find you a reliable job.]

The other party was naturally grateful: [Thank you, boss! I will definitely perform well!]

Seeing this, Gu Ye raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a satisfied smile. He found this person under the overpass. At that time, the other party was wearing a suit and tie in the cold weather, with a low-quality leather bag under his armpit. He looked decent, but in fact, his face was red and his body was stiff from the cold.

Gu Ye looked at the man’s facial features and thought he was eloquent and had a good personality, so he treated the other party to a bowl of noodles and asked if he wanted to do his business. The man was so poor that he couldn’t afford food. After hearing what Gu Ye said, he gladly accepted the task.

Using several small accounts together to control the conversation flow within the group chat, they managed to lure more than half of the young people who moved out of the Xuanshu Association dormitory in just a few days.

In the evening, Gu Ye cut a stack of paper figures. After burning them, the figures looked like ghosts. He also invited some real ghosts and sent them to the door of the Xuanshu Association.

Go ahead and make a fuss. Let them all become bald (from frustration).

After finishing his task, Gu Ye called Yu Ze, “How is the work at your side going?”

Yu Ze also knew what Gu Ye had done in the past few days. Hearing him ask so seriously, he couldn’t help but tease him, “Me? Isn’t your work more interesting?”

Gu Ye couldn’t help but smirk, “I’m just making a small fuss, just to disgust them. They still want to hold elections and continue their business? They’re dreaming! How’s your side? Have you found any evidence?”

“I haven’t collected all of them yet. But so far, they are fake companies, illegal operations, tax evasion, and illegal organizations brainwashing children.” Yu Ze’s voice was very light, but every point he made was ruthless. “My company has a team of lawyers, and they will follow up the whole process. There is still one month left before the end of the year, so we will get rid of the association before the end of the year.”

Gu Ye exclaimed, applauded very attentively, and praised, “President Yu is indeed the son of heaven, so handsome!”

They were talking about a very serious topic but the conversation suddenly changed tone. Yu Ze raised the corner of his mouth, “Don’t be naughty, I have something else to ask you.”

Gu Ye smiled and said, “Aiya~ Ask me after I finished being naughty~”

Yu Ze replied lovingly, “Then you go ahead and tell me when you’re done.”

Gu Ye couldn’t be naughty anymore, “Okay, I’m done, you tell me.”

“You and your senior brother Gu Ye have similar personalities.”

Because Yu Ze said this so suddenly, Gu Ye shuddered all over, and the smile on his face froze. He suddenly realized whether he was too careless, or trusted Yu Ze too much, and said things that slipped out of his mouth. After all, this person’s insight was so sharp that it was terrifying.

“Maybe it was because of our similar personalities that he accepted me as his junior brother. During the Chinese New Year last year, I was in my hometown, and he happened to pass by. That time, he said that the reason I was mentally unwell since I was a child wasn’t my fault, but that I was missing a soul. After curing my illness, he threw me a few books and left.” Gu Ye lay on the sofa, letting himself relax, so that his voice wouldn’t sound strange at all.

“This is a great favor to you, but it’s a pity that I can’t repay it on your behalf. So I was thinking, should I arrange to send his body back to your master’s tomb?”

Hearing that Yu Ze believed his nonsense, Gu Ye quietly breathed a sigh of relief, “No need, my senior brother died in a sacrifice. His soul was dispersed, his body turned into ashes and was scattered between heaven and earth. There is no body at all.”

“Okay,” Yu Ze said regretfully, “What a pity.”

Gu Ye smiled, “En.”

The two chatted for a few more sentences, and Gu Ye used some excuse to hang up the phone. Holding his pounding heart, he buried his head under the pillow in annoyance. Fortunately, Yu Ze was fooled.

Little did Gu Ye know that at this time, Yu Ze’s cold eyes were facing the mobile phone screen, and his eyes were dark and unclear. An idea gradually rose in his heart, and no matter how he thought about it, he felt it was too unbelievable. Yu Ze shook his head, shook off the idea in his mind, and picked up a document on the table.

Gu Ye, 25 years old, was born in an unknown place. He was abandoned at a mass grave beside a mountain road at the age of 4. For more than half a year, he was fed by ‘hundreds of families’2 in a small mountain village and was raised by villagers. He was then sent to a provincial orphanage. At the age of 6, he was adopted by a mystic master Shao Fuxian. Born with extremely high spiritual energy, at the age of 10, he participated in the Xuanshu Association’s internal competition and defeated Xuanshu masters whose average age was 23, becoming famous overnight.

He had a rebellious personality and was extremely willful. He often did his own thing and hated being constrained the most. He did things based on his personal preferences and was listed as an outlier in the Xuanshu society by the association. However, everything he did was on the side of justice. No matter whether the victim was a human or a ghost, he only helped the reasonable party. How similar is this to Gu Ye’s style of doing things?

At the age of 25, he sacrificed his own life for the lives of the people of Huaixin City, but in the end, no trace of his body remained. Dozens of masters tried to summon his soul, but to no avail, and his soul was considered to have dispersed.

Yu Ze put the information down, frowning all the time. Are there really people with such similar personalities? Puzzled, Yu Ze locked the information in the drawer and asked his assistant when the car he ordered for Gu Ye would arrive. He also sent Gu Ye a good night message and got a small heart emoji in return.

Yu Ze’s mouth curved up. Looking at Gu Ye’s picture in his phone background, he caressed it with deep eyes. No matter how many little secrets he hid, Gu Ye was his.

The Xuanshu Association has been in trouble one after another. Various investigations have been carried out on them, so the internal election has not been held as scheduled. Yu Ze has mobilized a team of lawyers, and Gu Ye is also involved. Naturally, the Gu family has also received the news.

Gu Sen wanted to ask if he needed help, but when he thought of Gu Ye’s words, Gu Sen couldn’t bring his ego down to ask. He felt that he really had no face to face Yu Ze, his old classmate. What should he call him in the future? Sister-in-law? Old Third’s family member?

“Old Second, ask Yu Ze if he needs help?” The eldest brother began to ask for help from others.

Gu Lin said disdainfully, “Why do you want me to ask? I don’t want to talk to him.”

Gu Sen urged unhappily, “Just ask like I told you to, why are you asking so many questions?”

Gu Lin was speechless, “I am just a sandwich3, but I am also a big CEO, you can’t bully me like this!”

Gu Sen looked gloomy and looked at his brother seriously, “Are you going to ask or not?”

Gu Lin sighed, “I’ll ask, who asked me to be born a sandwich?”

The next morning, Gu Lin called Yu Ze coldly after breakfast, “You are quite concerned about the matter of the Xuanshu Association.”

Yu Ze was not surprised when he received the call and answered lightly, “It’s my job (to assist GY as his partner).”

Gu Lin said indifferently, “In the future, you should always treat what he wants to do as your job.”

Yu Ze coldly replied, “Of course.”

Gu Lin curled his lips, feeling extremely uncomfortable, “Is this a promise to me as his older brother?”


Gu Lin said coldly, “I still don’t like you.”

Yu Ze: “En.”

After talking for a while, Gu Lin didn’t hang up the phone, and shouted coldly over his shoulder, “Big brother, President Yu said that he can handle it himself! You don’t need to worry about it!”

After that, Gu Lin hung up the phone.

Yu Ze: “…” It seems that it will take some effort to bring Gu Ye back to his(YZ) home.

Entering the twelfth lunar month, the weather is getting colder and colder, and it seems that this is the season when bankruptcy is easy4. First, the company under the Xuanshu Association was found to be operating illegally, evading taxes, and brainwashing orphans. Although the upper level has not been arrested, they can no longer do tasks. The masters under the association’s name have lost their jobs and don’t know where to go in the cold winter.

Then, ‘a cold wind’ blew in the entertainment industry: [Dingnan Entertainment Company declared bankruptcy!]

The latter is obviously more exciting, and more people are paying attention. Dingnan Entertainment’s artists have terminated their contracts on a large scale, and fans of each company are as anxious as ants on a hot pot, worrying about what their idols will do next.

Gu Ye, who participated in both incidents, landed on the hot search because of a sentence he said half a year ago! For some time, the name Gu Ye was popular in the entertainment industry!

Raw word count: 6646 (whole chapter)


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