Chapter 76 – Popular [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Xian Mo Yu’s appearance instantly hyped up the atmosphere in the fragrance bar. Countless pairs of eyes fell on Xian Mo Yu. Scrupulous about the lethality of the black liquid, no one dared to come close, but they watched Xian Mo Yu from a distance and discussed excitedly with their companions. Many guests regained their senses from the surprise and quickly contacted their relatives and friends: “Come to Tian Ling Fragrance Bar! Xian Mo Yu is in the bar!”

Someone also wrote in their Boyan: “Oh my God, I saw the Grade S spiritual plant with my own eyes, and I only spent the price of a cup of fragrance. This is great!”

It is forbidden to take photos in the fragrance bar, but Boyan has a positioning function. So, people who saw the post soon understood which bar he/she is talking about.

Tian Ling Fragrance Bar has reopened, and Xian Mo Yu is out here in the bar!

This news quickly swept the Internet, and within half an hour, the upper and lower floors of the fragrance bar were full of people. Nalu smiled and walked to the door to put up a sign stating that they are currently ‘Full’. The guest who had just arrived at the door hurriedly took Nalu’s hand and said, “Manager, please let me in. The bar won’t be affected by adding one more person!”

Nalu pulled his hand away, “Sorry, in order to ensure a social environment for guests, we have a quota for the number of guests, so you cannot enter at the moment.”

After Nalu returned to the main hall, the security guard is guarding at the door. Anyone who wanted to enter the door will receive a unanimous reply: “How many people come out, that is how many people can get in.”

Of course, there are exceptions.

Lin Meng stared at the people lined up at the store entrance and kicked Xiào Rui’s calf. Then he adjusted his collar with a blushing face, “I told you to come early!”

Grabbing Lin Meng’s hand, Xiào Rui helped him to adjust his collar to hide the red marks, “You can’t blame me for this. You look so good today.”

Lin Meng glared at Xiào Rui, “I was planning to join Ling Ling with the reopening!”

Xiào Rui squeezed his finger comfortingly, “Contact Su Ling, you should be able to enter through the back door.”

The business is so good in the shop that all the staff wished that they could grow out ‘3 heads and 6 arms’ (to handle the orders). Su Ling and Xiao Bian are each responsible to make fragrance drinks for customers in different areas. A holographic screen is lit on Su Ling’s right hand, which are the guests’ orders, arranged in chronological order. When he finished making a drink, he will tap on that order on the screen. A ‘Completed’ sign will appear in the upper right corner, and a small note will be printed, showing the location of the guest and the order. Then the holographic screen will automatically change to show the next order to be made. As for the waiters, they will come over upon receiving the message and bring the fragrance to the guest.

Su Ling has just completed an order and was about to continue when he received a call from Lin Meng. He opened the panel of the bar’s security system and remotely unlocked the back door. After the two came in, he closed the back door again and said, “Sorry, it’s very busy here. Come to the main hall.”

Lin Meng: “It’s okay. I saw a lot of people line up at the front door. You can go do your own thing, not need to take care of us.”

Lin Meng and Xiào Rui arrived at the bar. Su Ling raised his head to say hello, and asked, “What do you want to drink?”

However, Lin Meng’s attention was all on Xian Mo Yu. Xian Mo Yu’s roots were scattered in the air, and two of them fell from above the bar to Su Ling’s side. Staring at the roots, Lin Meng said, “We won’t jump the queue, we will place the order ourselves.” As he said that, he nudged Xiào Rui with his elbow, and Xiào Rui placed their order. Lin Meng tapped his fingers on the bar several times, and finally couldn’t help asking Xian Mo Yu, “Can I touch your root[1]?”

Xian Mo Yu stretched out a root in front of Lin Meng and his eyes lit up. He reached and lightly squeezed the root; the touch was slightly cool and bouncy. He was about to squeeze again, but the root removed itself from his grip.

Lin Meng supported his cheeks with his palms, envious showing in his gaze as he sighed, “I also want to have a Xian Mo Yu for myself.”

Su Ling smiled. In his case, it was totally unexpected that he came across Xian Mo Yu. He raised his hand and squeezed the root, “Tell me if you feel bored. I will send you back to the backyard.”

“No,” Xian Mo Yu swayed, “It’s great here!”

Lin Meng and Su Ling chatted at the bar for a while, then he(LM) went behind the bar to help, while Xiào Rui and Gu Liheng sat down and chatted together.

Lin Meng: “How about going on a trip to other planets together in the last month of our holiday?” His eyebrows curved in joy as he continued, “Ah Rui’s grandpa is fine now and you don’t need to come to harvest the liquid every day. You should have time, right?”

Su Ling shook his head, “Not for the time being, I will get the certificate with Brother Liheng[2] tomorrow.”

“What?” Lin Meng stared at Su Ling, then lowered his voice and smiled ambiguously, “Is it because President Gu can’t help it anymore and wants to mark you completely?”

Su Ling: “No,” he glanced at Lin Meng’s neck before adding, “Brother Liheng is more tolerant than Xiào Rui.”

Hearing the meaning in Su Ling’s words, Lin Meng blushed and turned his head away. Then he turned around again after a while to ask, “You have a high compatibility rate, right?”

Su Ling nodded.

Lin Meng: “For permanent marking, an AO pair with a high compatibility rate will definitely fall into estrus passively[3],” he smiled, “rest assured, I won’t disturb you in the next few days.”

Su Ling is not shy by their conversation and frankly said, “I just want to let you know that I will be out of touch in the next few days,” he shrugged, “You won’t be able to disturb me either way.”

Lin Meng is regarded as his only friend. If he(LM) couldn’t contact him for a few days, he will inevitably be worried.

Lin Meng smiled brightly, “That’s my friend!”

They continued chatting and Xian Mo Yu shook its roots. It spread its attention around, listened to the guests’ conversation, and then shared its findings with Lóng Mo Téng while making some remarks.

An hour later, Su Ling saw that Lin Meng looked tired. Thinking of the red marks on his neck, he resolutely refused Lin Meng to continue helping out; making him go back to rest. As for Xian Mo Yu, after listening to the guests chatting for more than an hour, the excitement dies down, and it turned its attention to Su Ling again. The fragrance bar is constantly full and the waiters are too busy to stop by. Hence, the drinks Su Ling made stood a long line on the counter. Xian Mo Yu’s roots swayed beside the fragrance drink on the far left, curling up the glass, and wrote to Su Ling, “I’ll help.”

These words flashed in Su Ling’s mind. Before he could stop Xian Mo Yu, the drink had risen into the air. The root turned flexibly in the air and delivered the fragrance to the middle table on the right.

“Ah!” The guests at that table were shocked when they saw a root and a fragrance drink coming down from above. When they realized what happened, they were surprised and exclaimed, “Wow!”

The root loosened the glass and quickly left.

The guest happily held his drink while receiving admiring glances from other people – this was delivered by the Grade S spiritual plant after all!

Su Ling quickly picked up the notes on the tray and looked at it, then he asked the waiter where it was delivered. After making sure the order was correctly delivered, he squeezed the root beside his hand, “So smart.”

The roots swayed happily and 12 roots rushed to the bar. After a while, 12 glasses of fragrance drinks were picked up and delivered to the guests steadily.

The guests were very surprised, and they were extremely excited because it was the Grade S spiritual plant that delivered their drinks.

“I want Xian Mo Yu to send it too!” A guest requested.

“Me too!” Many guests echoed the request.

Because of the ‘new waiter’ Xian Mo Yu, customers who have ordered fragrance previously can’t help but order another drink again, just so that their drink can be delivered by Xian Mo Yu. Hence, the slightly slower business became busy again.

Xian Mo Yu has a lot of roots and they moved back and forth in the air to do the delivery. There is no table or chair to obstruct the way so its working speed is very fast. Although the business is suddenly booming, the waiters are more relaxed.

Nalu rested his arm on the bar counter with a smile and praised, “Xian Mo Yu deserved to be called the best waiter.”

Glancing at the stage, Su Ling who knows Xian Mo Yu very well said, “It just feels fun for a while and won’t keep doing it.”

Nalu expressed that it didn’t matter and added, “Even if it’s only a few minutes, Xian Mo Yu is still the best promoter,” he exclaimed. “What a treasure.”

Su Ling nodded in agreement and felt very warm thinking about what Xian Mo Yu had said about making money to raise him(SL).

Nearing midnight after 11.00 pm, there are still a lot of people in the store. Most of them have stayed in the fragrance bar for quite some time and not leaving yet, and there are not many new customers coming in. Therefore, although the Fragrance Bar is lively, the staff felt much more leisurely.

There were many AO pairs among the guests. They removed their isolator upon entering the fragrance bar and their pheromone was very stable over the night. For a large-scale fragrance bar, using fragrance products to ensure the stability of the AO guest’s pheromone after they removed their isolator is the basic work and the primary challenge. However, even with a large-scale fragrance bar, it is difficult to ensure an A or O in a stable state the entire night.

A customer couldn’t help asking, “Boss, what fragrance do you use in your store? Can you sell me some?” He exclaimed, “My pheromone is super stable tonight. I was not affected by the pheromone at all while chatting with an Omega. It feels really great!”

Su Ling: “Bought it online, it’s the one with the highest sales volume.”

“I know that one, but it doesn’t have such a good effect.”

Su Ling smiled, “En, the effect is good tonight, mainly because of the fragrance Xian Mo Yu released.”

To make a general fragrance, Su Ling could use his raw materials to do a lot of experiments but without proper learning, it is difficult for him to make fragrances that could stabilize the AO’s pheromone. The ones currently used in the store are the same as before, all bought by Nalu. Of course, just in case, he made some fragrance that could hide pheromones and advanced inhibitors for Nalu to deal with emergencies. No one can guarantee that there won’t be cases where an Omega suddenly falling into estrus, or if a highly matched AO pair accidentally meets in the fragrance bar and then reacted to each other. In these two cases, ordinary and stable fragrances will not work, and better medicines are needed.

The guests understood and their gaze on Xian Mo Yu turned hotter.

When it is almost midnight, Nalu urged Su Ling to go, “Go back to rest, you just reached adulthood, staying up late is not good. Plus, tomorrow you…” He paused and pulled Su Ling by his sleeves out of the bar, “Go, go, go…”

Su Ling did not refuse, he was really tired actually, “Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Nalu.”

Nalu waved his hand, “What hard work? We are all used to this working time. Don’t worry, the bar won’t have any problem with the medicine you gave me.”

Su Ling uttered an En and walked to the stage to put Xian Mo Yu in his space storage.

Gu Liheng had dealt with his matters a long time ago and kept looking at Su Ling. So he walked over and they went out together. Gu Liheng embraced Su Ling and sat in the back seat of the car, “Lean on my shoulder and rest for a while.” Su Ling leaned against him and he held Su Ling’s hand while gently rubbing his wrist.

Yawning, Su Ling closed his eyes. His voice was low and dull as he said, “Call me when we arrived. I want to take a shower before going to bed.”

“Alright.” Gu Liheng responded.

When Su Ling woke up again, Gu Liheng is helping him undress. The water in the bathtub next to him was steaming slightly.

“I woke you up?” Gu Liheng immediately realized that Su Ling is awake, and asked while looking annoyed by himself.

Su Ling lowered his head and saw that the first 4 buttons of the shirt he wore specially for the opening ceremony were unbuttoned. He raised his eyebrows slightly at Gu Liheng.

Gu Liheng removed his hand and lightly stepped back. But Su Ling put his hands on his shoulders. Closing his eyes, he leaned back and said, “I’m tired and sleepy.”

In the fragrance bar today, Su Ling stood in front of the bar counter for almost 5 hours, and he also needs to make drinks so he is really tired. Gu Liheng felt distressed and embraced Su Ling, “Sleep.”

Su Ling allowed Gu Liheng to undress him. Then he seems to have nodded off again. Only when he is soaking in the hot water, he sighed comfortably and then fell asleep without knowing. When he woke up again, it is already the next morning. After he woke up, he got up for a second and looked around, but he didn’t see Gu Liheng. Glancing at the time, he saw that it is less than half-past seven. When he came out of the bathroom, Gu Liheng came in from the door with a box in his hand. Domi followed behind him while carrying a bigger box.

“What is this?” Su Ling asked.

Gu Liheng put the box on the bedside table. His eyes shifted slightly, and he paused before answering, “Nutrition packs.”

Raw word count:  3242

#NutritionForWhat ?
#Hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

1] Tecnically, it’s not ‘touch’. Lin Meng is asking if he could pinch/squeeze the root like how you will do to a baby’s hand XD Anyway, it doesn’t translate nicely to English in this sentence _(;3/
[2] Another awkward word that cannot be translated nicely. Su Ling said ‘Liheng ge’. Everyone should know that Ge/Gege means big brother. In this case, the ‘ge’ here is an endearment term. Still, it doesn’t sound as nice as it does in Chinese (or Korean – hyung XD)
[3] Probably sounds awkward but Banana thinks Lin Meng is actually stating a general remark about high compatibility AO can easily affect each other into estrus. It doesn’t have to be talking about permanent marking. Reread the raw twice but I still dunno what he wants to say :v

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