Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 72

After sleeping for half a month, Furball is very affectionate to everyone. It rubbed itself in everyone’s arms before returning to Lou Fan. Squatting on the edge of the plate in front of Lou Fan, Furball began to feast.

After eating the hot pot, Lou Fan slumped on the sofa, rubbing his bulging belly. He felt more comfortable eating at home. There are no annoying people here so his appetite is much better.

Jiang Dong and Wen Lang helped to clean up Nie Feng’s room which is next to Chen Shuyang’s. After dinner, Nie Feng went to his room. The rest also cleaned up and returned to their rooms.

After everything is cleaned up, only Lou Fan and Qin Tan are left downstairs. Seeing Lou Fan lying on the sofa and didn’t want to move, Qin Tan helplessly walked over. Leaning close to Lou Fan, Qin Tan lowered his head and bit Lou Fan’s lips.

Feeling the pain, Lou Fan let out a whimper. Next, Furball rushed over to block between the two and started a staring match with Qin Tan.

“Pfft.” Lou Fan laughed, and rubbed Furball’s head, which felt so good, “Furball is good. He bullied me so you have to help me.”

Furball chirped twice and glared at Qin Tan aggressively, with a feeling of ‘If you want to bully my master, step over my dead body first’. Lou Fan twisted his body wickedly, and the place where the two were touching suddenly became tight.

The sensation caused Lou Fan to suppress the low breath in his throat, while Qin Tan took a deep breath. His eyes suddenly darkened, and one could even see the desire flashing inside.

“Acting up now? That place doesn’t hurt anymore?” The man asked in a suppressed voice.

However, there is a ball of fur blocking in front of him. No matter how one looked at the scene, there is no sense of threat. Lou Fan sneered, “Only you are allowed to be a tease? Not possible!” Anyone can be one, depending on who can do better.

Looking at the smug man under him, Qin Tan picked the furball up and flung it away. With a PA, Furball got thrown far away. After rolling twice on the ground, it stood up in confusion. Next, Furball bared its teeth and wants to jump back, only to find out that it got locked in the living room. Furball chirped twice outside but no one responded so it can only lie down on the sofa by itself, staring at the door.

The touch of fingers lingers on his firm back, making his back muscles turn tenser. Qin Tan let go of the lips he was biting. His voice is so low that he could spit fire, “You don’t want to get up anymore tomorrow?”

Lou Fan looked at Qin Tan defiantly and pecked him on the mouth, “Who said I can’t get up tomorrow? Have you never heard a saying before – There’s no over-plowed fields, only exhausted cows?”

Qin Tan squinted. This person is very arrogant today, could it be because of drinking? Next time, it’s better to make him drink a little more.

Strong arms wrapped around the man and they threw themselves on the bed. Clothes have long since been discarded and their exposed skin sticks to each other. Qin Tan slid his fingers to the edge of Lou Fan’s lower abdomen. With a flick, the clasp opens easily. Lou Fan is fully exposed to the air and the coldness made him shiver. In the next second, he is engulfed by the man again.

Hot sensation invaded and the intense pleasure made Lou Fan arched his body to accommodate; his toes slightly curled up. The violent impact made the leaked gr.o.a.n shatter into pieces. Lou Fan hugged the man’s neck tightly, gasping like a choking fish. He could only feel like he is currently bobbing up and down, about to be overwhelmed by the huge waves.

Qin Tan held Lou Fan tightly, fiercely thrusting in and out. It was like huge fireworks exploded in Lou Fan’s mind but Qin Tan bit his lips, suppressing the gro.a.n.s in his throat. Then, the man covered on top of him, kissing his lips lightly.

Lou Fan felt like he got turned over and over again. His entire body is powerless, and it felt like he is about to be torn apart. Maybe there’s only a broken body left for tomorrow.

“The field is damaged by over-plowing?”

Lou Fan: You still have the frcking spirit to joke around.

The eyes glaring at Qin Tan looked like they are fluttering like a soft wink, very seductive. Qin Tan couldn’t hold back and bit down again.

With a pain in his chest, Lou Fan growled, “Qin Tan, are you a dog?”

“Yes, you only find out today? I’m a dog.” After Qin Tan said that, he stuck out his tongue and licked Lou Fan’s nips lightly.

Lou Fan froze all over, and a shudder ran from his tailbone to the back of his head: …

Qin Tan, where is your face (dignity)? I don’t want to date a dog.

Wen Lang heard Qin Tan humming in the kitchen early in the morning. He walked over with a weird look and asked, “Brother Qin, why are you so happy?”

Qin Tan: “Ploughing the land makes me happy.”

Lou Fan who just came out while rubbing his waist: …

Lou Fan is sitting on the sofa with a can of Coke, waiting for Tong Fei to come down. There is still a little discomfort in the waist. As he rubbed it, he pulled a soft pad to put it under his buttocks.

Tong Fei arrived with a grin. Big waves of hair draped over her shoulders, and she sat across from Lou Fan while looking at her newly painted nails. Her gaze is very blatant as she glanced up and down Lou Fan’s waist, “What happened? Your conjoined twins didn’t come with you?”

Lou Fan: “No, he’s kneeling on the washboard at home.”

“Pfft.” Tong Fei couldn’t help laughing out and then changed the subject. She asked, “So, tell me why you asked to see me today?”

Lou Fan put down the Coke. He took out 2 sets of spells, a total of 8 amulets, and handed them to Tong Fei. “Tomorrow, you are going to enter your next mission world. Consider this a gift given by our team, take it.”

Tong Fei raised her eyebrows as she reached out to take it. Then, her expression changed immediately. She heard from Qi Haichao yesterday that the bazaar registration office obtained a few amulets, but they got intercepted by the senior management of the registration office before they could get listed on the electronic board. Also, the asking price was not expensive. She remembered hearing Qi Haichao say that he didn’t know which idiot was selling it but it was really stupid to sell a few amulets at such a low price. So stupid.

Tong Fei touched the amulets, which are made with ordinary paper. The spell on it was drawn with a black-inked pen, which is completely different from the ordinary amulet she knew. But it looked exactly as Qi Haichao described, and the seller guarantees that it will work.

Tong Fei looked up at Lou Fan and asked hesitantly, “You give me so much of such an important thing? You are also the people who put it up to sell in the bazaar yesterday?”

Lou Fan didn’t expect that Tong Fei would know about it and nodded, “It’s ours. I can’t tell you how we got it, but I promise it works.”

“Of course I believe you.” Tong Fei waved her hand, hesitant to return the amulets. Since Lou Fan gave it to her, it means he still has some in hand so she added, “Then, I will thank you first.”

Lou Fan laughed, “It’s nothing, but don’t tell anyone else.”

The meaning in his words is too clear. Tong Fei looked at Lou Fan and said seriously, “You don’t like Qi Haichao. Why?”

“It doesn’t matter if we like him or not.” Lou Fan said, “It’s just that I instinctively don’t like him. Sister Tong Fei, you should also be a bit more vigilant.”

After explaining to Tong Fei about the effect and usage of the spell, Lou Fan has completed what he came to do. He still have to go back to training, so he told Tong Fei that they will come to send her off tomorrow, then got up and left.

Tong Fei pinched the amulets in her hand, feeling a little emotional for a while.

Jiang Rou came out of the kitchen with some fruits in her hand. She didn’t see Lou Fan and only saw her captain sitting silently on the sofa, holding a few strange amulets in her hand.

“Sister Fei, what is this?”

Tong Fei handed the amulets to Jiang Rou, “These amulets are given by Lou Fan.”

Hearing that, Jiang Rou widened her eyes. She touched it carefully, and blurted out, “Brother Lou, they are so nice. They even gave us such an important thing, unlike that someone…”

Jiang Rou stopped herself and looked at Tong Fei carefully. Her eyes shifted, and she made an excuse to slip away.

Tong Fei giggled to herself. That’s right, friends can think about her so much, but what about men? Heh.

The next day, at 11.30 am, Lou Fan’s team of 6 people stood on the platform to send Tong Fei off. Tong Fei’s team also has a total of 6 people this time, and everything is well prepared. The team of 6 women[1] is carrying big bags and their expressions are very calm.

“Sister Tong Fei, you all be careful. Pay attention to safety, and we will wait for your return.”

Tong Fei smiled, “Don’t worry, I will come back safely.”

The train slowly entered the station and Tong Fei took a deep breath. She waved and brought her teammates into the train, never looking back.

Selling spells, recruiting a new member Nie Feng, and Furball waking up have become the most important things for their team upon returning to Lazuli this time. Because there are too few points in the hand, their team has to sell more amulets even though it is conspicuous. Before this, the amulets are not too eye-catching so nothing happens when they sold it. But now, they can only sell them secretly.

All the transactions regarding the amulets are done by Jiang Dong to the bazaar registry. Because he requested confidentiality, It didn’t cause any waves. After selling 3 sets, the team thinks they should stop selling temporarily to avoid attracting attention. Although they don’t know who the buyer is, the buyers already know who they are.

Nie Feng started training with the rest of the team the next day. His skills are good, but he was a wild rogue. It could be seen from his moves that he has been to many fights before. Qin Tan made a training plan for Nie Feng according to his characteristics. Nie Feng politely said thank you, and then trained strictly according to the plan. He also worked very hard.

The team is actively preparing for their next task, trying to adjust their state to the best, and everyone is working hard. Lou Fan originally planned to exchange a set of weapons for Nie Feng, but Nie Feng didn’t want it, saying that his scissors is easy to use and he didn’t need more. Finally, at Qin Tan’s insistence, he exchanged a dagger and equipped it on himself.

Jiang Dong learned the lesson from the previous mission this time. After Lou Fan authorized the funds, the medical supplies are well prepared. The quantity is not much but expensive, and all aspects were considered.

Wen Lang is the first to find out that something is wrong. While eating today, he looked out a few times before saying to everyone, “Do you feel that more people are walking around recently? I counted, there are 10 people walking past from outside this morning alone. This was impossible in the past, as I can count the people I see in a day with just 1 hand.”

Lou Fan sighed, “It seems that this is caused by the sale of amulets. Forget it, those who want to come will always come. We’ll just let them see. We are all so handsome here, it’s a pity not to show them.”

Since no one has taken actual action, the team doesn’t plan to care. It’s not like they can prevent others from passing by their door. It’s illogical.

The leisure time always passes quickly, and their next task information arrives as usual.

Task content: Going through the maze and getting on the train on time at 6.00 pm on 29th February. Please get on the train on time at 6.00 am on 20th February.

Task time limit: From 6.00 am on 20th February to 6.00 pm on 29th February.

Team information: Lou Fan Level 5, Chen Shuyang Level 5, Jiang Dong Level 5, Qin Tan Level 6, Wen Lang Level 6, Nie Feng Level 6.

Everyone in the team stared at the words ‘Going through the maze’. The content of this task is too simple, and it could only be preliminarily judged that their task is a maze. Hence, the things that could be prepared in advance are very limited.

Tong Fei’s mission this time lasted for half a month. Hence, until Lou Fan and the others set foot on the train for their mission, they still didn’t see Tong Fei. In his heart, Lou Fan is sweating nervously for Tong Fei and is very worried. There is still 1 day before the deadline for her return. Lou Fan didn’t know if she…

As an intermediate team, Qin Tan’s team arranged for Wen Lang to impart basic knowledge to the newcomers. This is Lazuli’s practice (for the intermediate team). Wen Lang also made preparations in advance, trying to explain everything in the shortest time and in the most concise words, without wasting time.

Of course, if there are really disobedient people, they can only use force.

A day later, Tong Fei and Jiang Rou got off the train. There are only 2 of them left in the 3 carriages[2]. Their bodies are intact, not lacking any parts, but their eyes are cold and ruthless, with a trace of bloodthirstiness. The spirit weapon they held in their hands emitted a faint orange light.

Raw word count: 3133

#Hard( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[1] It was not mentioned before who are in Tong Fei’s new team after she announced that she will be creating a all-female team so they are probably random females that are not introduced in the novel.
[2] Meaning, everyone in the junior team and newcomer team are dead.

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