Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 71

With Qi Haichao’s arrival, everyone immediately entered the normal eating routine. All of them are engrossed in eating, not even sparing time to drink wine. Qi Haichao still had a decent smile on his face, and occasionally said a few words. Until everyone slowed down their eating, he still kept the same smile.

“I heard Xiao Fei say that half of your team members is Level 5 while the other half is Level 6.” Qi Haichao said, his voice warm and clear.

“Yes.” Qin Tan responded.

Qi Haichao smiled, “I have some information to tell you. Not sure if you knew it before.”

Lou Fan instantly became interested, “Tell me about it.”

Qi Haichao smiled again, and Lou Fan shivered all over. He has this feeling that Qi Haichao’s smile is so penetrating that he felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

“Generally in Lazuli, passengers of the same level will form a team by default. If there is a difference in level, then Lazuli’s preference is to divide the task world according to the highest level team member. That is to say, if Level 5 and 6 members go together, then the difficulty will be set according to the Level 6 team members. Hence, passengers with lower levels will suffer, this is a default rule.”

Seeing Lou Fan nod, Qi Haichao added, “So, your next mission should be the Level 6 mission.”

Lou Fan had this guess before. Every time he would wonder why his team’s mission is so unusual. Apparently, it’s because Qin Tan and Wen Lang are a level higher than them.

Qi Haichao is still smiling, Except for Lou Fan’s face that looked fine, the rest of the people are expressionless. The more he smiled, the more he felt embarrassed. Slowly his face began to stiffen.

“Cough, your next mission should be the Level 6 mission. The Level 6 mission is the threshold to become the intermediate team. According to the common arrangement, it should be a very simple world because you just need to lead the Level 1 team and the newcomer team. As long as you are careful, it will be fine. Consider this a transitional mission world.”

Lou Fan propped his chin and nodded as he listened. In Qi Haichao’s eyes, Lou Fan looked like he is eager to learn, which stroke Qi Haichao’s ego. He thought to himself that although these two people are both intermediate-level spirit weapons holders, they seemed to be inexperienced. Maybe they are just lucky. Aren’t they still need to be taught by an experienced person like him now?

Tong Fei is about to speak, she wanted to tell Qi Haichao that this junior team is very unusual, but she saw Qin Tan shaking his head slightly at her, and she paused. Turning to look at Qi Haichao who is still talking, she pursed her mouth and stayed silent.

Lou Fan yawned and heard Qi Haichao say in a very kind voice, “Both of you have intermediate-level spirit weapons, they must be very powerful. Xiao Fei is about to start her next mission and I’m very worried about her. I have told her about my experience, but it doesn’t seem to be of any use.”

“Oh, we just have pure luck.” Lou Fan turned to look at Tong Fei and winked, “I told Sister Tong Fei just now that we are lucky and managed to randomly bump into the right direction. We are just a junior team and don’t understand anything so your experience is very useful to us.”

A stool slid across the ground, making a harsh rubbing sound. Qin Tan stood up, straightened his clothes, and said in a low voice, “We’ll go back first, everyone is tired.”

Lou Fan nodded and stood up, “Sister Tong Fei, we’ll go back first and not disturb you guys enjoying your time together.”

Tong Fei smiled and watched as they supported Chen Shuyang up and walked out. Seeing that Qi Haichao is going out too, she smiled and said, “I’ll just send them off myself.”

“Won’t that be impolite…” Before Qi Haichao could finish speaking, Tong Fei had already followed the group out and didn’t respond to him at all. His smiling face suddenly collapsed and his expression is heavy. His eyes are fixed on the backs of the group of people with a deep gaze.

Outside of the house, Lou Fan turned his head and saw that Qi Haichao hadn’t followed. He said to Tong Fei, “Sister Tong Fei, I’ll come to see you tomorrow. Um, I have something to do now so I’ll go back for today.”

Tong Fei nodded, understanding what Lou Fan meant.

Nie Feng silently nodded to Tong Fei as a greeting and stepped up to keep up with the people in front of him. This is his new team now.

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong walked in front while supporting Chen Shuyang, and Lou Fan and Qin Tan walked behind. Suddenly remembering that they have a new person joining the team today, Lou Fan tugged Qin Tan’s shirt, motioning him to look back.

Qin Tan turned his head and saw Nie Feng walking slowly behind them, his demeanor lazy and indifferent.

“Nie Feng, where do you live?” Qin Tan asked.

Nie Feng is stunned by the question for a moment. He thought about it and seemed to have a headache. Then he said, “I have forgotten where. I sleep in the store.”

In the store?!

Lou Fan remembered the so-called store is a shed that was built to keep out the wind and rain at best. That place could also be called a home? Isn’t this person a bit too big-hearted?

“Team leader, how do you arrange the new team member? You can’t let such a poor teammate sleep on the street, right?”

Qin Tan thought for a moment. Downstairs, except for him and Lou Fan’s room, other rooms have been converted into recreation rooms. The place where Chen Shuyang lived in the past has turned into training rooms. Then, the 3 rooms upstairs are fully occupied. The only room left is a utility room. It’s just that the space is too small, only can fit a single bed.

“I can accept anywhere, even the sofa.” Nie Feng’s lazy voice sounded.

Qin Tan made a decision and said, “Then, we’ll clear the utility room and put a single bed for you.”

It’s good to meet a teammate who is not picky. See, a decision can be made in just a few minutes.

It is only after 6.00 pm when they returned to the residence. Because of Qi Haichao’s arrival, everyone hadn’t eaten much afterward. Now that they have returned to their residence, they all feel a little hungry.

Not long after Chen Shuyang is brought back, he sobered up at the moment. He rubbed his head and sat on the sofa, looking at Nie Feng with a confused expression.

“Aren’t you the barber? Why are you here?”

Nie Feng sat lazily next to Chen Shuyang. Looking at the cow lick hair on the top of his head, Nie Feng’s hands felt itchy again.

At this moment, Wen Lang came out of the kitchen with a glass of water. When he saw Chen Shuyang is awake, he exaggeratedly exclaimed, “I’m not trying to criticize you, Shuyang. But your alcohol tolerance is no different than none. A glass is enough to make you drunk and you start talking nonsense after that.”

Seeing Nie Feng, who is sitting beside him, Wen Lang recalled that Chen Shuyang was sleeping on the sofa when they accepted the new member. Hence, he introduced him, “This is Nie Feng, a new member of our team.”

The new member Nie Feng gave Chen Shuyang a lazy look. Chen Shuyang make a sound of acknowledgment and said, “Hello, my name is Chen Shuyang”.

They didn’t have enough of the hot pot earlier and didn’t want to think too much about what to make. So, Qin Tan simply brought out a pot of hot pot. Jiang Dong helped to wash and cut the vegetables. Lou Fan stuck his head out and saw 2 people sitting on the sofa. He has never been soft-hearted when using free labor so he gave orders right away.

“Nie Feng, come and help set the table. Wen Lang, go get the drink out. Shuyang, wash your face and sober up. You will have a non-alcoholic drink later. Hurry up, everyone. Get up and get ready to eat.” After that, he clapped his hands and continued to help in the kitchen.

Chen Shuyang responded and got up obediently. He went to the bathroom to wash his face.

On the other hand, Nie Feng is stunned, as if he didn’t understand what Lou Fan said to him. After a while, he slowly got up and walked towards the kitchen with his long legs.

6 people sat at the long dining table that is full of food, with more meat and fewer vegetables. Lou Fan held up an open bottle of beer and got up.

“Cheers, let’s welcome Nie Feng to the team. We have added a new member to our big family.”

Chen Shuyang’s hand is a little itchy and he wanted to sneak a beer over, but the person next to him stuffed a bottle of Coke into his hand. He turned to look and the man looked down. He looked like he is not fully awake, holding a bottle of beer in his hand. Chen Shuyang stood up. Being much shorter than Nie Feng suddenly makes him a little dissatisfied with his height.


Nie Feng didn’t talk much, most of the time is Lou Fan and the others talking while Chen Shuyang spoke up occasionally. Nie Feng narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved to a smile that he didn’t even notice. It had been a long time since he felt such a happy team atmosphere.

“By the way, Nie Feng, what is your spirit weapon?” Wen Lang asked curiously.

Nie Feng took out a pair of scissors from his pocket. It is the one that cut their hair. He stood up and swung forward with the scissors in his hand. It instantly turned into a pair of scissors that is more than 1 meter long. The smooth surface glinted with cold lights, and the blade looked extremely sharp. Nie Feng rested the scissors on his shoulders with one hand, his appearance seemed domineering and powerful.

“My god! That is so frcking handsome!” Wen Lang almost jumped up, staring with envy.

This weapon is awesome! Lou Fan gave a thumbs up and asked, “Nie Feng, have you improved your physique?”

The scissors flipped in Nie Feng’s hand and became smaller again. Putting it into his pocket, he shook his head and sat down, “I was in randomly assigned teams previously, so no.”

Lou Fan turned his head to look at Qin Tan, Qin Tan gave him a faint nod. He got up and walked to his room. When he came out again a few minutes later, he is smiling and holding the snow furball in his hand.

“Guys, see who is this.”

Everyone turned to look at the snow furball in Lou Fan’s hand. Next, Furball opened its mung bean-sized eyes and chirped twice. Then, it swooped and pounced at Chen Shuyang.

Chen Shuyang exclaimed in surprise, “Furball, you are awake!”

Furball has been sleeping for almost half a month and now it finally woke up. On the other hand, their team welcomed a new member. Overall, everything is going fine.

Lou Fan smiled and handed the Longjing grass to Nie Feng. Nie Feng shifted his surprised gaze from the furball and looked at the grass in front of him with doubts.

“This is Longjing Grass, which has a certain role in improving physical fitness. As a new team member introduced by Sister Tong Fei, we fully trust you. Everyone in our team has improved their physical fitness. As a member of our team, you can’t hold us back. So, you should set some time to eat this directly. As for the upgrade of your spirit weapon, we certainly hope you can do it as soon as possible.”

The surprise in Nie Feng’s eyes is even greater. If he remembered correctly, in all the teams he joined before, although they are called a team, everyone basically does things for their own interests. So, it is impossible to anyone to give away this kind of thing to others.

Seeing Nie Feng’s hesitation, Lou Fan put down the Longjing grass in front of him and sat back in his seat. Then he said slowly, “Of course, while we trust you, I also hope you can trust us. After all, we want to go on missions together. Our goal is the same, which is to return to the original world, right?”

It’s not that Nie Feng distrusts this Longjing grass, he was just caught off-guard by this team’s unexpected actions. Not saying anything, he picked up the Longjing grass and put it in his mouth without hesitation. Next, he chewed it twice and swallowed everything. A warm feeling rose in his lower abdomen, then the feeling flowed to his limbs and bones. After that, it disappeared.

Furball tilted its head at the stranger and chirped twice—who is this man?

Raw word count: 3067


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