Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 24 Part 1

Chapter 24 My calculation is your time will be over soon Part 1

Early the next morning, Gu Ye got up early to wash up, took his schoolbag and luggage downstairs, and put them in the lobby before going to eat.

This time the breakfast is not ‘100% mark noodles’, but dumplings. According to Mrs. Gu, “Leave home with dumplings, return home with noodles. These are egg-filling dumplings, so after eating them, you two can scram.”

Gu Ye quietly glanced at his younger brother’s bowl, and then at his own bowl, as if comparing the contents.

Seeing that, Mrs. Gu’s heart tightened, fearing that Gu Ye say nonsense like “My brother’s dumplings are bigger than mine” which would make Gu Decheng and the older sons feel uncomfortable.

Gu Ye looked at her face and smiled. Then he switched his bowl with his younger brother and said, “Our mother is biased. You have opened/leaked dumplings in your bowl.”

Gu Yang blinked. He really believed Gu Ye’s words and asked, “Really? Mom, why do you only love my brother and not me?”

Mrs. Gu couldn’t hold back the corner of her mouth, and said with disgust, “Because your brother studies better than you. You silly thing, you ate a lot but your brain didn’t grow.”

Gu Yang looked dazed, “Is this my biological mother, really?”

Mrs. Gu gave her son a prideful sneer.

Just after eating, the servant came to the restaurant door with a long brocade box in his arms. “Third Young Master, there’s a middle-aged woman outside who left you a gift just now.”

Gu Ye wiped his mouth and took the box under the doubtful eyes of the whole family. Then, under the scrutinizing eyes of his father, he quietly opened a slight gap in the box. After seeing what was inside, he immediately closed it.

“Mom, here’s a Mother’s Day gift for you.” Gu Ye swiftly passed the box on to Mrs. Gu and said with a smile, “Take it back to your room before opening it. Don’t let my dad snatch it away.”

Happily accepting the gift, Mrs. Gu turned away to peek into the box. Then her expression paused slightly, before changing into joy. She hugged the box tightly, “Mom has accepted this gift. You won’t go back on your words, right?”

Gu Ye felt the pain from the damage, but he still keeps smiling, “No.”

Inside the box was the bank card sent by Aunt Wang. It was unknown where she got the money, but they managed to pay off their debts already. The thing is that there is a pennant included in the box! His family’s old man will get high blood pressure whenever he saw pennants. In order to prevent him from doing fortune-telling, his father even wanted to send him abroad. At such a critical time, how can he dare to take the contents out?!

Gu Ye dragged his suitcase to school in great pain (of losing money) while Mrs. Gu happily sent him to the car, telling him to take good care of himself, not to catch a cold, and not to lose weight~ Who is her real biological son? He has long been forgotten.

Gu Ye sat in the car and shook his head. This is what a woman who is obsessed with money looks like, how scary!

Once back to school, the topic that everyone cares about is which school to apply for. Friends will get together in groups of 3 or 5 people to discuss and decide what is their 1st and 2nd choice, and what is the reason. Just like a room full of ducklings, no one is idle in the class. The monitor stood up and shouted, “Students, Mr. Yu asked the students who have arrived to hand in their application forms first! Hand it to me!”

Xia Xiang took out his form and came to Gu Ye’s side, “Have you decided where to go?”

Gu Ye took out his form to show Xia Xiang. The word ‘Capital University’ was neatly written in all the boxes, as if he really has a soft spot for it.

Zhao Pengyu came over and took a look, “My god! This is the top university in the country, where you can honor your ancestors if you pass the exam, but the minimum score is too high.” Then, he looked around. Seeing no one approached them, he asked in a low voice, “You two, with your condition, why not study abroad?”

Gu Ye whispered: “No, the capital has a lot of rich people. Fortune-telling does make money.”

Hearing that, both Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang became speechless. Gu Ye’s reason is too simple.

“What if you don’t pass the exam?”

“That’s just right then. I can take my younger brother with me to set up a stall under the overpass. Dear patrons, you must take care of my business.”

Xia Xiang took a pen on Gu Ye’s desk. In his own form, he wrote in the empty 1st choice column: Capital University. Then he said, “Believe in yourself, you will be able to do it, try your best.”

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth curved up. Xia Xiang is really a contradictory person. He is timid on the outside, but very assertive inside, and he won’t rush into anything when encountered a problem. Next, he turned to look at Zhao Pengyu’s form, all 3 boxes are empty. It seems that he has no idea where to go.

Zhao Pengyu hesitated for a moment, before taking the pen in Xia Xiang’s hand. He wrote his 1st choice calmly: Capital University.

The class monitor who ran over to ask if they had finished filling their form saw Zhao Pengyu’s form. He stared at him with wide eyes, his eyes seemed to be saying, ‘Have you gone crazy? You weakling with only battle power of 5 points?’

Zhao Pengyu laughed carelessly, “People must have dreams, what if they come true?”

Gu Ye took a closer look at Zhao Pengyu’s eyes, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, “Let’s make up lessons. In the last monthly exam, you advanced 500 ranks. This time, you need to advance 800 in the monthly exam, and then get to the top 300 in the whole school. After that, in our last monthly exam, just get the top 50. Then your result will be almost there in time for the college entrance examination.”

Zhao Pengyu waved his hand but said nothing and went back to study materials.

At noon, Teacher Yu called Gu Ye to the office, “I don’t see any problem with your 1st choice, but will you change your 2nd and 3rd choices?”

Gu Ye insisted, “No change.”

“So confident?”

“It’s not about having self-confidence, it’s about cutting off all your backups.”

Teacher Yu has never seen such a stubborn person, “Why?”

With a cold face, Gu Ye answered seriously, “Because it’s closer to home.”

The corner of Teacher Yu’s mouth twitched, and he said kindly, “But changing the other choices won’t interfere with your 1st choice. Teacher is saying this for your own good.”

Gu Ye nodded, “I understand, but I don’t want to go to any other school.”

“That’s all right then, you can go back to your class.” Teacher Yu told Gu Ye to leave and sent a message to his parents: [Your child has filled in his application form, and he wrote the same school for all the choices. Do you, as the parents know about this?]

When Gu Decheng received this WeChat message, he really hesitated whether he should directly change Gu Ye’s choices. As a father, as long as it is for his son’s own good, he doesn’t mind being a bad guy and making Gu Ye hate him. Because how many years does he have left to live? But Gu Ye’s life has just begun.

Just when Gu Decheng is hesitating, Mrs. Gu shook her head at him and persuaded, “Forget it. This child has finally started to live like a normal person so just let him be. Or are you counting on him to expand your territory in the future? Our family’s money is enough to support him for a lifetime. Besides, you may be able to send him away for 3 years, 5 years, but can you keep him from coming back for the rest of his life?”

Mrs. Gu hesitated for a moment, but still reluctantly took out the bank card that Gu Ye gave her, and put it on Gu Decheng’s desk.

“Old Third went out on the second day of the holiday and rescued a family of four. I have checked the thank-you letter and the bank card they sent, there are 1.8 million yuan in it. He called me at school and asked me to donate half of the money to charity for your good fortune (good karma). Then, the rest is left to me as a Mother’s Day gift.”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Gu wiped away touching tears while feeling the pain of losing money, “The child is doing good deeds, how can there be any retribution from heaven? I raise him from baby to now, is it easy for me? You said you want to send him away just like this, but did you even think about how I feel as a mother? People said stepmothers have no heart. If the child is gone, I don’t know what other people would say about me. Like I cannot tolerate his existence or what?”

The more Mrs. Gu talked, the more aggrieved she became. Mrs. Gu is a bit of an actor, and she had to keep Gu Ye for her happiness’ sake, but she didn’t expect her heart to be moved as she spoke. Hence, the more she cried, the more aggrieved she became. Being a stepmother is not easy, and raising children is not easy either. She was only in her twenties when she raised Gu Ye, and she had no experience at all. Gu Ye’s body was weak, and she was afraid that if she didn’t do well, she would make the Gu family unhappy by raising the child badly. But in the end, she had no right to speak at all.

When Mrs. Gu cried, Gu Decheng also felt distressed. Thinking of the smile on Gu Ye’s face, his heart softened, “Okay, okay, we won’t send him away. I’ll listen to your mother and son both. You have the right to speak, and I didn’t say that you can’t give an opinion.”

Mrs. Gu’s eyes turned red from crying, but she began to be arrogant and playful, “Then you leave my son behind!”

“Yes, yes, he’ll stay!” Gu Decheng agreed and immediately called Teacher Yu, “The 1st choice doesn’t need to be changed, but the 2nd choice, please change to Huaxia University of Science, and the 3rd choice to Huaxia Public University.”

These two schools can be ranked in the top 5 in the country, and they are also very famous in the world’s famous school rankings. Moreover, they are both in the north, relatively close to the capital, satisfying Gu Ye’s wish to go home anytime.

Teacher Yu helped to amend Gu Ye’s form before returning it to him, “This is your father’s opinion. When filling out the application form online, you should write according to this, and you can’t write the same for all three boxes.”

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and held up the list happily, “Thank you, teacher, thank you, Mom! I won!”

Teacher Yu: “…” I don’t understand what the kid is thinking.

In the next coming weeks, everyone is studying like crazy. Gu Ye also felt the pressure and placed study on top of everything else. This is just to study hard in order to go to the Capital University which is the nearest school to home. As for Xia Xiang, he will go wherever Gu Ye goes. In order not to live with ghosts, he studies desperately.

Zhao Pengyu also went crazy. Because his results were too far behind, he needed to make up more. He stopped playing ball and only slept 5 hours a night. After lights out, he would continue to read with a flashlight. The materials from Gu Ye’s brothers really came in handy, and he would finish reading a copy in a few days.

To everyone’s shock, Zhao Pengyu could learn by analogy about a topic once someone explained it to him. After doing 2 questions of the same type, he basically understood how to solve it. And so, his results climbed the ranks like flying like a rocket. His clever mind makes many good students jealous. The teachers of all subjects wanted to beat him in anger.

You are so smart, why didn’t you study properly before? Where is your IQ used?!

Gu Ye answered in place of Zhao Pengyu, “It’s used for being stupid.”

Zhao Pengyu couldn’t even protest.

Finally enduring to the end of the month, Zhao Pengyu lost several pounds but his monthly exam results shocked the whole school. As Gu Ye said, he advanced to 800 places in one breath and the top 300 in the school.

And so, until the eve of the college entrance examination, the last two crazy months have ended. All 3rd years got a day off. They returned to their dorm and pack up their things. Then the next day afternoon, they go back to school and go to the examination hall to check things out.

When Gu Ye got home, his eldest brother went abroad again, and his second brother returned to the company. The house is quiet and peaceful. Gu Ye lay down and fell asleep for a full 12 hours before Mrs. Gu woke him up to drink some soup.

Looking at the time, it is past 10.00 pm. Gu Ye looked at the sky outside and asked worriedly, “Where’s my dad? He hasn’t come back by this time?”

As soon as this is mentioned, Mrs. Gu became angry and complained distressedly, “He’s busy. There is a reception tonight, and he still drinks at such an age. His blood pressure is like being tied to a balloon, it only goes up but not down.”

Gu Ye frowned, “Give me the address, I’ll pick him up. He shouldn’t drink too much.”

Raw word count: 6813 (whole chapter)


[Banana – Remember to press Next for part 2, just in case the link didn’t update at the site/NU.]

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Is he still alive?

Gu Ye took out the small box he carried with him from his pocket. Taking out a small cinnabar pen from inside, he squatted down and drew a formation on the ground. Then he put the talisman paper in the center of the formation. Next, Gu Ye stood up and took a step back, drawing a slightly smaller formation. After that, he gets up and draws again.

Watching from the side, Zhao Pengyu found that the formation drawn by Gu Ye is decreasing successively, getting smaller and simpler. He asked puzzledly, “Gu Ye, what are you doing?”

After drawing the last formation, Gu Ye stood up and hooked his fingers at Zhao Pengyu, beckoning him.

Zhao Pengyu walked over, “Need help?”

Gu Ye took Zhao Pengyu’s hand before pulling off the cap on the other end of the cinnabar pen to reveal a small needlepoint. Before Zhao Pengyu understood what Gu Ye wanted to do, he felt a stabbing pain at his finger, “Damn! What are you doing?”

Gu Ye explained solemnly, “Every formation needs a drop of blood. You are built stronger than me so your Yang energy must be stronger than mine. Your blood is easier to use.”

Zhao Pengyu raised his eyebrows, “I think you are simply afraid of pain.”

Being exposed, Gu Ye did not refute. He pulled Zhao Pengyu to drip a drop of blood on each of the formations he had drawn on the floor. Then he pushed Zhao Pengyu away and said, “Stay away, don’t get in the way.”

Zhao Pengyu grinds his teeth, what the hell is this kind of toxic friend?!

Standing in the smallest formation, Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, “Yangming Dakui, Yuanji Wenchang, Yinjing Taiji, Taishang Xuanji, listen to my orders and return to your position*!”

*[Banana: I’m not going to translate in detail regarding the chants as Banana also dunno if those are fictional or real Taoist chants #CantUnderstandLol. _(;3/ Just let it be ya]

As soon as Gu Ye finished speaking, somewhere at a distance of more than 100 kilometers away, a middle-aged man who was sleeping on the bed suddenly opened his eyes. His pair of mousy eyes the size of mung beans are wide open as he got up in disbelief.

Opening a purple box on the table, he saw a black line appear on the talisman paper inside. A wicked cold light flashed in his eyes. Immediately, the man picked up the long sword made of copper coins, picked up the talisman paper, and began to gesticulate while chanting. As the man chanted, the talisman straightened instantly from its limp state, like a spinach that had absorbed enough water.

Gu Ye tilted his head, as if sensing something. The corner of his mouth slightly curved and he took another step forward, standing in the next circle. With his cinnabar pen, he draws a few simple strokes and said, “Feigang breath, ten thousand ghosts submit, hundreds of ghosts obey my orders, return to your positions!”

The middle-aged man felt that there is dark gloomy air around him, and he felt like he is stuck in a quagmire. The spiritual energy is getting lesser, making it difficult for him to breathe due to the pressure. As the Yin wind under his feet is getting stronger, the man hurriedly chanted something and danced to a ritual. With the other free hand, he burned a talisman paper and poured the ashes into the water. He suppressed nausea and drank it, and he felt better afterward.

Gu Ye pursed his lips and took a step into another formation. The 7-star fighting formation, every step is stronger than the previous step. This formation lets the other party feel the pressure step by step, pulling them into the abyss of despair. Destroying the opponent’s will step by step, that’s the kind of game that’s fun to play.

Zhao Pengyu watched as Gu Ye muttered an incomprehensible sentence every step he took, the blood-red talisman had gradually turned yellow. Then, as Gu Ye approached nearer to the biggest formation, the talisman paper trembled with every step, as if it is afraid. The scene was really strange to watch.

The middle-aged man just managed to take a breath when he suddenly felt something pressing down on the top of his head. Sensing the ghostly aura above, he gritted his teeth and crawled under the table. He took out a mahogany wood sword that he had treasured for a long time, and stabbed upwards with all his strength. The force from above paused, and the middle-aged man’s eyes showed joy.

However, just as the man felt hopeful, the force pressing down suddenly multiplied several times, as if something heavy fell straight down on him. The mahogany wood sword snapped and the middle-aged man let out a scream. His right hand is twisted unnaturally; it is broken.

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth curved up, and his footsteps still did not stop until he reached the 6th step. Then, Gu Ye stopped and tilted his head, as if sensing something.

Zhao Pengyu didn’t dare to disturb Gu Ye, for fear that something might happen to Gu Ye. Then, he wouldn’t be able to explain himself to the Gu family.

Gu Ye paused for more than 10 seconds, then suddenly laughed, “Tough-life thing, but Laozi has never lost a spell fight.” He finally raised his foot, stood in the last formation, and stepped on the talisman paper with one foot, “The excursion of 4 sages, 7 evil spirits follow behind. 5 heavenly emperors and demon lord, 8 caves take refuge. Axis of heaven and earth, soldiers of heaven and earth, listen to my order, return to your positions. Kill!”

As soon as the last two words are said, a gust of wind rose in the living room. In this early afternoon, Zhao Pengyu and Aunt Wang who were watching from the side felt a chill running down their back.

Gu Ye stood there quietly, and his hair fluttered without wind. In his pair of pitch-black eyes, there is a faint smile that revealed Gu Ye’s determination to win. Coupled with his exquisite face, he looked like an evil spirit that has descended into the world, giving people an inexplicable bewitching feeling.

The middle-aged man who cast the curse vomited blood and fell to the ground. All his limbs are twisted unnaturally, and broken into several pieces inside. He turned to look at the talisman paper and spat out blood again in horror. With a roll of his eyes, the man passed out.

Gu Ye picked up the talisman paper from the ground. He took a lighter from the table and burned it on the spot. After that, he reminded Aunt Wang, who is still in a state of shock, “It’s best for the family not to go out these days. Everyone should listen to the Diamond Sutra more. As for the fee, you can hold it first. Give it to me again when you have money.”

Gu Ye called Zhao Pengyu, “Let’s go to eat something delicious. I’ll order a soft-shelled turtle soup for you to nourish your body.”

Zhao Pengyu caught what Gu Ye meant and ran over, grabbing Gu Ye’s neck with both hands, “I’m not that delicate!”

“Then you will follow me to kill demons and exorcist ghosts in the future, and be my mobile blood bank?”

“In your dreams! So, this matter with Aunt Wang is resolved?”

Gu Ye glanced at Aunt Wang, “As for the rest, I can only let her solve it by herself. Maybe her friend just took a fancy to her life and wanted to take away her good luck. Unexpectedly, she found a vicious master, who wanted to kill Aunt Wang’s family to realize his ulterior motive.”

“That master, how is he now?”

Gu Ye casually shrugged, “It’s not important.”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu felt speechless. What the hell it means by ‘it’s not important’?

When the two young men came to the elevator, they happened to meet a girl in her early twenties who just came home with a bag on her back. Zhao Pengyu bared his teeth and teased, “Yo~ Freshman big sister is back?”

The girl glared at Zhao Pengyu angrily, scolding ‘little rascal’ under her breath. She swung the backpack on her shoulders, almost slapped Zhao Pengyu in his face, and walked away with a temper.

Embarrassed, Zhao Pengyu said, “Her temper is still so big!”

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, “Aunt Wang’s daughter?”

Zhao Pengyu spread his hands, “Yes. I think I have forgotten how I offended her when I was a child, but she kept calling me little rascal whenever she sees me.”

Gu Ye smiled, “Maybe you were naughty when you were young, and you did some bastardly to her, and you forgot all about it.”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu scratched his head, feeling really guilty.

Hang Siwen knocked on the door, and it lets Aunt Wang recover from the shock just now. Opening the door, she saw her daughter, and asked in surprise, “Why did you come back so soon? Didn’t you go to the hospital?”

“Detour from the east, it’s closer to home. Dad called me and said he’s fine except for a broken arm so I decided to come back to see you first.”

Aunt Wang saw that her daughter’s expression is not very good, and asked in concern, “Why is your little face looking like this? Are you sick?”

At the mention of this, Hang Siwen hugged her mother’s neck in fear, “You almost lost your daughter. Fortunately, I listened to your words. By the way, where is the master? I have to pay homage to him.”

“The master has left. It’s not very long ago, so you should have seen him at the elevator.”

“I only saw that rascal Zhao Pengyu and a beautiful boy that he abducted.”

Aunt Wang helplessly replied, “That little handsome boy is the master you are looking for.”

Hang Siwen dropped her bag in shock, “His face is so small! Very ‘shou-looking’!!”

Aunt Wang felt speechless, what do girls focus on nowadays? Boys of this age are growing, so they are ‘thin’.

*[Banana: The word ‘thin/瘦’ has the same pronunciation as the word uke/bottom/shou]

The mother and daughter went to the hospital together to see Mr. Hang. After making sure there is nothing wrong with her husband, Aunt Wang called the driver to send her straight to a flower shop.

Entering the door of the flower shop, Aunt Wang closed the door casually. The female owner of the shop is a beautiful woman with a classic appearance. She has a slender figure, wearing a blue cheongsam. As soon as she saw Aunt Wang, she ran towards the door enthusiastically, “Why are you here at this time? You have free time?”

Aunt Wang had a cold face. She waited for the woman to come to her side before raising her fleshy hand, and slapping her face, “I’m not free, I should be in the hospital right now!”

Aunt Wang is chubby and has great strength. The female owner’s thin body staggered by the force of Aunt Wang’s slap, and almost fell on the ground. She covered her face and looked at Aunt Wang in shock, her eyes seemed to say, are you crazy?

Seeing the woman’s innocent-looking face, Aunt Wang is so angry that she wanted to tear her apart, “How have I treated you all these years? When your parents don’t have money for medical treatment, I lent it to you! When you don’t have a place to live, I helped you rent a house! When you want to open a flower shop, I rented out this shop of mine to you at a low price, and helped you make contacts! Even when you were bullied when you were a child, I would fight back for you, why did you want to kill my whole family?”

The woman burst into tears, and asked aggrievedly, “What nonsense are you talking about? How could I harm you?”

“I don’t need to hear your quibble. Your handwriting, I have seen it since I was a child. It has been more than 40 years. We have been friends for more than 40 years!” Aunt Wang’s eyes turned red with sadness, “I just came to tell you about this store that I opened for you. It’s my storefront so I’m taking it back. I’ll send someone to check it tomorrow at noon so take your flowers and get lost.”

As soon as the woman heard that her terrible deed had been discovered, her face immediately turned pale. She subconsciously grabbed Aunt Wang, not daring to let go of this childhood friend that she had been relying on, but couldn’t find an excuse to say.

Aunt Wang flung the woman away in disgust. Opening the door, she took the potted fortune tree from the driver. The pot has been broken by Gu Ye, and the soil left by the roots smells fishy. “I’m returning this potted flower to you. I can’t call the police on the grounds that you cursed my whole family, but I can keep an eye on you from now on. In the remaining 50 years, you must be cautious (and don’t do anything bad). Otherwise, I will create an opportunity for you to redeem your sins.”

The woman is finally scared. Her future life is cut off, so how will she live in the future? She rushed up and hugged Aunt Wang’s leg, and cried, “Meijuan, I admit my mistake. I was blinded by my feelings. This kind of thing is just feudal superstition, how could it work? I’m just jealous that you live so well, while I’m miserable. We grew up together, I look better than you, studied better than you, but why do you get to marry better than me? I just didn’t think properly at that moment! I just wanted your good luck, I just wanted to live a life like yours!”

Aunt Wang felt cold in her heart, “You wanted my life, but what should I do?”

“I… I will treat you as well as you did to me!” The woman cried and pulled Aunt Wang, “For the sake of our years of friendship, please forgive me this time. I won’t believe in feudal superstition in the future, I won’t be jealous of you anymore!”

Hearing that, Aunt Wang just felt that it is funny, “Feudal superstition? Do you really think that it doesn’t work? Not to mention whether it works or not, just that thought alone makes me sick. Where do you have the face to ask me to forgive you? I am too kind to you. Too kind that it makes you feel that it’s okay to take away all my things.” Aunt Wang raised her foot in disgust, but couldn’t release herself from the woman’s grip so the driver came to drag her away with a cold face.

Aunt Wang wiped her wet eyes, and said indifferently, “There are many poor people out there, but one can’t be without principle. I have already informed your husband. Go back with him, and live a good life.”

“No! No! He will beat me to death! Why are you so cruel?!” The woman cried pitifully like pear blossoms in the rain and her body is covered with crushed flowers and soil. She pounced towards Aunt Wang like crazy but was pulled by the driver halfway and pushed aside.

Seeing Aunt Wang walking away proudly, the woman crawled forward two steps with both hands and feet, but she still didn’t manage to touch even Aunt Wang’s clothes. She covered her face in despair, trembling all over. Compared with the shock of losing her source of income and having no shelter, she is more afraid of her husband. That’s a demon, he’ll hound her like gangrene, sucking her to the last drop of blood. She lived in domestic violence every day and finally managed to escape. She couldn’t believe that Aunt Wang would treat her like this, and she didn’t dare to think about how she would live in the future.

Trembling, she took out her mobile phone and found Aunt Wang’s number. She wanted to pray for another chance. She wants her life like that, yes. She wanted to exchange her life with her. Is it wrong for her to want to live a good life? Didn’t Wang Meijuan appear in front of her, well and unharmed? Obviously, nothing happened, why did she treat her like this?

It’s a pity that the call didn’t connect as she has been blocked. Their friendship has completely broken.

The woman went back to the flower shop and cried a lot. With a heartbroken heart, she dialed a series of numbers, “Hello? Master, the spell last time is discovered. Is there any way to remedy it? You promised me, as long as I give you money and her birthdate characters, you can let me absorb her good luck and live a good life. What should I do now? What should I do?!”

“What should you do? Nothing. This guy couldn’t even take care of himself now, how can he save you?”

This sloppy voice is obviously different from the master she saw last time, so the woman asked vigilantly, “Who are you?”

The other side answered seriously, “Instant Noodle Superman (it’s like Power Rangers).”

Two young men in black trench coats are in the fortune teller’s small shop. After hanging up the woman’s call, they turned to look at the fortune teller’s miserable appearance. They kicked him in disgust, “No zuo no die! See, met a powerful opponent, didn’t you? Btw, hello, mxthxrfxckxr. We are from the Xuanshu Association, please go back with us to accept the investigation.”

The other colleague looked more decent. He said, “He can’t hear you anymore. His opponent didn’t want his life, it’s just that this lesson is harsh. He won’t be able to work in this line of work in the future anymore.”

“He deserves it! Look at the things he raises. He uses human life to raise the little devil and then sells the little devil to make money. Black-hearted bastard, he must have several lives in his hands. Eh? What is this?”

The two found a cracked talisman on the altar. What surprised them was not the viciousness of the spell, but the way the spell now appeared. It seemed to have been crushed by something, full of golden veins. Such a result can only be caused by being pressured by very fierce things.

The man who called himself Instant Noodle Superman became serious, “The person who took care of him actually used this method. Do you feel familiar?”

His colleague carefully packed the spell, “Take it back and let Lu Yun appraise it. There may be other descendants from his sect.”

“It won’t be everyone from that sect all have the same personality?”

“If so, the management will have a headache.”

Raw word count: 4223


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Don’t be cowardly, just do it!

Zhao Pengyu knocked on the door of Aunt Wang’s house. Seeing a slightly chubby aunt opening the door, Gu Ye’s expression became colder, and it could be seen that he is getting angry. Such a strong black evil spirit. If he came 2 days later, there would be a massacre in this family. This misfortune was not formed naturally at all, it was secretly done by people in his profession.

Gu Ye hates this kind of person the most. Those who don’t have the ability but spout nonsense to cheat people deserve a beating. Those who have the ability but used it to harm others just fking deserve death.

Judging from Aunt Wang’s facial reading, Zhao Pengyu’s description of her is correct. This aunt is a kind-hearted person with a straight temper and is very loyal to her friends. But her eyeballs are slightly protruding and the bridge of her nose is uneven, which shows that this aunt is not very good at handling the relationship between friends. Kindness makes her easy to trust friends and be deceived by people around her, hence the situation she is in today.

“This is the little master that your mother told me about? Please come in.” Aunt Wang didn’t sleep all night so her face is pale and her hair is a bit messy. It could be seen that she had just come back from outside, and she didn’t even have time to take off her coat. Hastily invited the two of them in, she arranged for the nanny to make tea for them.

Zhao Pengyu pulled Aunt Wang to the sofa and sat down, “Aunt Wang, don’t go busying around with the tasks. We just ate a meal so we are not thirsty. You should sit down and rest for a while. How is Uncle now?”

“Fortunately, it’s just a broken arm,” Aunt Wang said with a sense of gratitude that he survived the catastrophe. “Falling down from such a high bridge and he managed to survive. It’s God’s blessing.”

While Zhao Pengyu is talking to Aunt Wang, Gu Ye had already looked around the living room of this house and the decoration made him feel a headache. This messy aura, it seems that many masters have come to see the feng shui. It’s like this master asked to put a bottle on one side while another master asked to put a mirror on the other. There are also some Taoist runes painted on the steps upstairs. The entire arrangement looks just like an altar. Anyone who makes it like this at home may really attract ghosts even if they didn’t do anything (bad).

Looking at Aunt Wang again, Gu Ye can see that when the black qi in the house tried to seep into her body, most of it got blocked by the light glowing from an item on her neck. This is why all her family members had accidents while Aunt Wang didn’t.

Gu Ye asked directly, “Aunt Wang, can I see what you are wearing around your neck?”

“Yes, it’s just a small Buddha statue,” Aunt Wang took off the pendant from her neck and handed it to Gu Ye. “It’s not a valuable thing. It’s a relic left to me by my grandma, and I’ve been wearing it since I was a child.”

Gu Ye didn’t take it but said, “It saved your life. You have a predestined relationship with Buddha so after this is over, remember to go to the temple to burn some incense.”

“Oh, alright!” Aunt Wang got stunned for a moment before realizing what Gu Ye meant. She quickly put the thing on her neck again, promising, “I will definitely offer incense to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas later, and donate incense money!”

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched slightly but he continued, “Your husband’s ancestors were in the shipbuilding business along the coast. They made their fortune 30 years ago, and then came to the mainland to change their profession to making children’s toys, right?”

“Yes.” Aunt Wang is dumbfounded by Gu Ye’s words. Her husband’s ancestor was indeed a shipbuilder. But this was mentioned after he came to the mainland and this happened decades ago. This little master actually calculated these, it’s amazing!

Gu Ye added, “Your family is honest and kind, and has never done anything bad. Generally speaking, your fate should not be over yet.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that someone wants to kill your family of four. Both your children are unlucky, your husband’s business is not doing good recently, and something even happened yesterday. Doing the math, you probably lost more than 10 million yuan in business in the past 3 months and the family is already in debt.”

Hearing that, Aunt Wang’s complexion changed and her expression flustered. It’s all correct!

The family is indeed in a bind. In order not to affect the business outside, no one told anyone about this matter. But this little master has calculated this, it’s amazing! Strangely amazing and terrifying!

Gu Ye smiled, “Aunt Wang, do you believe me?”

At this point, Aunt Wang can only answer nervously, “I trust you! If master has something to say, just say it.”

“It’s enough if you believe me. Call your daughter now and ask her to come back from the East Outer Ring road.”

Aunt Wang thought of her daughter. When she knew that her father had an accident, she rushed back overnight and told her that she had already got into a taxi. According to her daughter’s temperament, she will go to see her father first. From the airport to the hospital, she would have to take the West Outer Ring road. Aunt Wang’s heart skipped a beat. When she thought that something would happen to her daughter, she trembled in fright and took out her mobile phone to call her daughter.

When Aunt Wang’s daughter Hang Siwen heard her mother suddenly asked her to change the route, she said helplessly, “I will arrive at the hospital in 20 minutes. It takes another hour if I make the detour.”

Aunt Wang is so anxious that she is about to cry, “My daughter, listen to your mother. Take the detour! You have to take the East Outer Ring road!”

Hang Siwen felt tired, “Did you invite another fortune teller again? What age is this? How many times have I told you that those masters are all liars? We have to believe in science.”

“Listen to your mother, take a detour!” Aunt Wang started to get angry, “This little master really knows how to calculate. Even the things about your father and ancestors can be counted clearly. Don’t talk nonsense with me, take a detour! Your mother won’t hurt you!”

Hearing her mother hang up the phone in the taxi, Hang Siwen is so angry that she threw her phone into her bag. “It’s already late, why need to detour?! She is just like ‘turning to any doctor one can find when critically ill’.”

The taxi driver is amused by the conversation, “How many people can really tell fortunes in this day and age? Those so-called masters will come to your house to take a look, and then they can deduce from the details what is happening in your home. These tricks are specially designed to deceive old men, old ladies, and housewives.”

“I know right?” Hang Siwen said angrily, “This kind of liar should be arrested and educated!”

While speaking, they reached the road turning to the East Outer Ring road. The driver asked for confirmation, “So you still want to take the detour?”

Seeing that they are about to arrive at the hospital, Hang Siwen hesitated for a moment. But then, she looked discouraged and said, “Forget it, I’ll listen to her and take a detour. Else, she might find out and it make her angry again.”

The driver happily took a detour, he can earn another 200 yuan.

As soon as the taxi turned around, he heard a harsh crash behind him. The driver looked in the rearview mirror and his face turned pale with fright, “My god!”

Hang Siwen also looked back to see what happened behind them. Her eyes widened in horror, and her whole body turned cold. On the road they were supposed to go, a fuel tanker crashed into the fence at the side of the road, and the front of the truck is already on fire. The two drivers jumped out of the truck and frantically sprayed the fire extinguishing agent.

Just imagine, if they took that road, they will inevitably be hit by that truck. At that time, don’t talk about their condition after being hit, in case their car caught fire as well, it will quickly burn its way to the oil tank. There won’t be much time for people to put out the fire.

Neither of them spoke for a full 5 minutes.

The taxi driver finally broke the silence and said, “Well, miss, can you scan my code and add me as a friend? Then later tell me where your mother found the master.”

Hang Siwen swallowed in shock, “En.”

Aunt Wang called her son next because Gu Ye told her not to let her son head east within this month. Due to a problem with the family’s business, Aunt Wang’s son left the house a few days ago in order to raise funds. After hanging up the phone, Aunt Wang felt uneasy, fearing that something would happen if one of her children didn’t listen to her.

Gu Ye waited for Aunt Wang to breathe a sigh of relief before asking, “Who did you give your family’s birthdate characters to?”

“Birthdate characters?” Aunt Wang thought for a while and said, “A friend asked me for it. A friend I grew up with, but it’s impossible to have anything to do with her. Because before she asked for it, my family was already unlucky.”

“A person’s aura will constantly change with the outside world, it’s normal to be unlucky once in a while. Don’t always complain, the more you complain, the weaker your aura will be.”

“I did complain a few times to that friend. She said she will go to pray and request for a peace talisman together so I gave her the birthdate characters.”

Aunt Wang firmly believed in her friend and said, “It must have nothing to do with her, she won’t harm me. We are childhood friends. Her family is poor, and I often help her. Even the flower shop she is running now, I was the one who got someone to help her started it.”

Gu Ye smiled and didn’t persuade Aunt Wang. He pointed to a lot of random things in the house and said, “Throw them all away. More decorations don’t mean the effect will be better.”

“Okay, I’ll throw it all away in a while. I will change it as you say.” Aunt Wang already regarded Gu Ye as a real god.

“Can I go upstairs and see around?”

“Yes, no problem. Upstairs is my bedroom with my husband, as well as my husband’s study room and a tea room. Come with me.”

The moment they reached upstairs, the strong evil qi made Gu Ye rub his eyes.

Zhao Pengyu didn’t have spiritual eyes so he couldn’t see anything. Concerned, he asked Gu Ye, “Did you sleep well?”

Gu Ye shook his head, his eyes are irritated and a little uncomfortable. He looked around upstairs, and his eyes are fixed on the potted fortune tree standing in the corner. This tree is already as tall as a person, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the dark green leaves are crowded together. It seemed to be well maintained. Only after Gu Ye squatted down that he can see the flower pot covered by leaves.

Seeing Gu Ye stopping at the plant, Aunt Wang thought of what Gu Ye said about birthdate characters before. Feeling uneasy, she asked, “This potted tree is given by that friend who took away my family’s birthdate characters. Is there a problem?”

Gu Ye smiled. Rolling up his sleeves, he carried the potted flower up from the ground. Just when Aunt Wang is amazed at how strong he was, Gu Ye threw the flower pot on the ground. With a ‘crash’, the sound of the flowerpot breaking, a strong, nauseating bloody smell filled the entire living room.

Aunt Wang covered her mouth as she watched Gu Ye swiped the dirt twice, and pulled out an oil-paper bag from the soil. He opened it and revealed a blood-red talisman, which is not very auspicious at first glance. There is also a piece of paper inside, which listed the hand-written birthdate characters of her family of four. Seeing this, Aunt Wang froze in a daze. Her eyes widened, and she shivered in disbelief. The handwriting is so familiar.

Gu Ye tapped the talisman paper and glanced at Aunt Wang who couldn’t believe her eyes. He said, “It has the same effect as the ‘Evil Beckoning Household Talisman’, but it is more poisonous than that. Not only can this thing kill your whole family, but there is also a function that can suck the good luck of your whole family and transfer it to the caster themselves.”

Aunt Wang’s face turned pale, and her eyes are faintly red. She felt very cold and shivered all over. At this moment, she could only say, “Why? Why is this happening?”

“The matter between your friends is beyond my control. I just want to do something else.” Gu Ye held the talisman paper and sneered, “Foul stuff, but quite poisonous.”

Zhao Pengyu supported the weak Aunt Wang, feeling that people’s hearts are unpredictable and chilling. He lowered his head and asked Gu Ye who is still squatting, “Do you want to destroy it?”

“Of course, we also have to mess with the bastard who draws such harmful spells.” Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, and his voice became colder, “He probably doesn’t know that there is still a psycho like me in this world. Using evil to fight evil, the cowards will die, while the tough ones will live. Their life and death all depend on their own ability.”

Zhao Pengyu got startled by these words and broke into a cold sweat. Isn’t this just trying to use their life to fight? Why not use skills ah?!

Raw word count: 3259


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Someone wants their whole family to die

Mrs. Zhao’s friend’s surname is Wang, and Zhao Pengyu always calls her Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang’s family background is average and is very different from Mrs. Zhao’s background. But when the two were in college, they miraculously be friends together and have maintained a close friendship for so many years. The main reason is this aunt has a good personality! She is kind-hearted, and she treated her friends sincerely. She is just an honest-to-God tomboy, a tomboy who can do anything for her friends.

Later, Aunt Wang married well. Both husband and wife are very capable, and the family managed to accumulate a small amount of assets/property. Their family has been living smoothly, but recently not sure what happened, they encountered all kinds of bad luck.

Once Mrs. Zhao reminded her, Aunt Wang knew who she was talking about. She asked, “That little master? Can he help? It’s really the third young master of the Gu family who calculated the problem? Gu Decheng’s son?”

“Yes, it’s amazing. So many masters failed to save my son’s life but Gu Ye rescued Pengyu as soon as he came. This child is not like the rumors at all. His eyes are so bright, his smile is so beautiful, and he also speaks politely.” In short, in Mrs. Zhao’s view, Gu Ye is full of positive points and perfection.

However, Aunt Wang is still a little doubtful, “But before this, so many people talked about the rumor that he was not smart enough, how could he suddenly just know how to calculate and do fortune telling now?”

“Before this? It’s probably to get his father’s attention. After all, his father was too busy to take care of him.”

After all, there are a lot of twists and turns in the wealthy family. Having a child who has been pretending to be a fool for more than 20 years doesn’t sound impossible. The richer you are, the more people you have in the family. Hence, the more complicated your family is, the more troubles you have at home.

Mrs. Zhao is not a person who likes to inquire about gossip. She only believes in her own eyes when looking at people, and she has never misjudged people over the years.

“In short, this kid is trustworthy. If you believe me, you can find him for help. If you don’t believe me, you can just forget about it. Also, even if you want to invite him over, you have to ask in advance if he is free.”

Once Mrs. Zhao said that her friend had nothing to worry about, “Okay, I believe you. Can you help me to ask him if he can come? Money is not a problem.”

At this moment, Gu Ye is lying at the door of the study, looking pitifully at Mrs. Gu who is studying business. Recently Mrs. Gu started to learn how to do business and her beauty shop really made money. This made her even more energetic and focused on her business. Gu Ye had had enough sleep in the afternoon, so he came to interrupt her study; annoying her to the max.

“Mom, I have something to say but I don’t know if I should tell you.” Gu Ye lay at the door, hesitating to speak.

When Mrs. Gu heard how Gu Ye sounded hesitant, she had no choice but to stop what she was doing, “What’s wrong? Are you short of money?”

Gu Ye dawdled into the study, then closed the door with an aggrieved expression on his face.

Mrs. Gu couldn’t help standing up, “You didn’t do anything bad, did you? Did you make your father angry?”

Gu Ye pursed his lips, “I recently looked at my father’s face and calculated that he will have ‘peach blossom’ luck within this year.”

*Peach blossom luck means good luck with love and relationship

Hearing that, Mrs. Gu’s heart skipped a beat, “Impossible, your dad is already 60!”

“But he doesn’t look that old, and he is rich!” Gu Ye took Mrs. Gu’s hand, with an uneasy expression on his face, “Mom, you can’t relax your vigilance. Society doesn’t lack wealthy old men in their sixties who still marry new young wives. I know that my dad is not that kind of person. He is very devoted to you, but we can’t against a vixen coming to snatch him away! I don’t want another little mom. I’m already 19, so if there is a stepmother who is not a few years older than me, neither my brother nor I can hold our heads up at school.”

Mrs. Gu’s breath stilled for a moment. When she thought of the possibility of being c u c k ed, the flame of her fury rose 2.8 meters in an instant, “Who dares?!”

Gu Ye lowered his face, filled with righteous indignation, “Nowadays many girls don’t want to find a job after graduating from college so they went and become mistresses for old men. These girls have endless means to achieve their purpose and use everything to the extreme. Examples, coincidental meetings, pretending to fall down, pretending to be dizzy, faking pregnancy, and even saying that they had memory loss when they are desperate. Don’t you agree that these are scary?”

Thinking about it, Mrs. Gu’s complexion gradually became ugly. Indeed, she has heard many such rumors. Some old men are shameless, not only adopting a young girl as their mistress, but several at the same time. But their family’s old man, Mr. Gu, even though he is 60 years old, he has no gray hair yet so he looks like a handsome old man. Also, he has the demeanor of a mature man and most importantly is rich, which is exactly the goal of a girl who doesn’t study well at school.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and continued, “If something like this really happens, who can care about you? My eldest brother probably goes home like twice a year, and for my second brother, can he do anything about this? He was not under your care when he was young. It’s only my brother and I who were raised by you from young. We will take care of you when you are old, and we will hit back at whoever dares to bully you!”

Mrs. Gu got taken aback by Gu Ye’s sudden confession of filial piety. This sentence really touched her heart, and she was so moved that she wanted to hug this son.

“If you put it that way, then Mom won’t worry anymore when I get old.”

Mrs. Gu had actually thought about this issue a long time ago. When they are old, Gu Decheng will pass away earlier than her. But her son is just a silly child who can’t stands up by himself, and only knows how to play. The eldest and the second child must be the most successful ones, but unfortunately, they don’t have much affection for her. On the surface, their etiquette and behavior might be perfect, but in fact, they were quite distant from her. If Gu Ye treats her well, the eldest and second child will not abandon her mother and her son alone for the sake of their younger brother.

On this point, Gu Ye really didn’t lie to Mrs. Gu. After all, he was raised by her. Even if there is no blood relationship between them, Gu Ye will not be a bastard to abandon Mrs. Gu. As long as Mrs. Gu doesn’t harm him, it’s his duty as the adopted son to provide for the elderly.

Now, Mrs. Gu is moved by what Gu Ye said. Squinting her eyes, Mrs. Gu secretly thought about how to guard against the vixen, “Did you really calculate out your dad’s peach blossom luck in relationship within this year?”

Gu Ye nodded, “Fortune tellers can’t lie.” He added in his heart: But as a son, I can!

Mrs. Gu lowered her face, and said solemnly, “Okay, Mother knows what to do. You are indeed Mother’s good son.”

Gu Ye felt guilty for being praised. In his heart, he knelt down and kowtowed to his stepmother, silently promising that when she is old, he will give her countless little money that she likes most.

At this moment, Gu Ye saw Mrs. Gu’s face and suddenly discovered something unusual. After seeing what it is actually, the corners of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched. Is this for real?! Such a dog blood plot twist?

“What’s on my face?” Mrs. Gu covered her face, a little frightened by Gu Ye’s expression. Since she knew that Gu Ye could do fortune-telling, she only wanted to hear the good, not the bad.

Gu Ye said seriously, “Mom, you will get rich this year.”

Mrs. Gu twitched the corner of her mouth in disbelief. Aiya, she suddenly couldn’t control her happiness.

But Gu Ye continued, “Unfortunately, you have a peach blossom misfortune.”

Hearing that, Mrs. Gu’s heart skipped a beat. She asked exasperatedly, “Can’t I just enjoy my day normally?” Her husband has peach blossom luck, while she has peach blossom misfortune. She just wants to live a good life.

Gu Ye told Mrs. Gu with a distressed face, “Don’t talk to strange men. The guy doesn’t really like you, he was arranged to set you up.”

Mrs. Gu understood what Gu Ye means instantly. She raised her eyebrows with a domineering look and said, “Humph, want to steal my money? They should throw away that thought!”

Gu Ye couldn’t help laughing because his little stepmother is too cooperative. He was thinking about how to persuade her into listening to him, but he didn’t expect her to think about money matters which caused her to become anxious.

“Just pay attention to your surrounding.” Gu Ye quietly opened the door, “I’m leaving now. If you meet the guy, remember to tell me and I’ll get him.”

Mrs. Gu sneered proudly, “Don’t worry. Your father won’t have a chance to find you another young stepmother, and no one can cheat me of my money. Your mother will always be your mother.”

After Gu Ye went out the door, he turned his head back blankly, and proceed to rummage through his pocket. Just when Mrs. Gu thought Gu Ye is going to take out something to give her, Gu Ye pulled out his hand and pinched his two fingers together. With a serious face, he made a ‘heart’ gesture and said, “Mom, good luck. I love you yo.”

Mrs. Gu: “…”

This brat!

Gu Ye almost couldn’t hold back when he turned around. Then he burst out laughing, his mom is so easy to persuade. After tonight, in order to keep her position as Mrs. Gu, his mother will not let him, an ally, go abroad. During pillow talk at night, his father will hesitate, because his father’s only weakness is that ‘his ears are soft’ in front of his wife.

As for the peach blossom misfortune, it’s actually a rotten peach blossom. Since opening the beauty shop, Mrs. Gu has been taking great care of her appearance. She is good-looking to start with and now she’s also rich, so she will inevitably cause dubious people to lure her away. But it’s all great now, because whoever gets close to her will make her think that they just want to cheat her of money, so his little stepmother will tear those people apart.

Thinking of the stability of the family and his happy life in the future, Gu Ye went back to his room in a good mood. Jumping onto his bed, he hugged a pillow and laughed: Perfect!

At this moment, the phone buzzed under the pillow. Gu Ye took it out and took a look. It’s from Zhao Pengyu, and there were 4 missed calls. Gu Ye quickly answered, “I’m sorry, I didn’t bring my phone with me just now.”

“Frick! I thought you were captured by a female ghost!”

Hearing that, Gu Ye is speechless before saying, “I’m not you.”

“Stop, let’s not quarrel. I have something serious to say, are you free tomorrow? I have an aunt, and I would like to invite you to see her family’s feng shui. There have been a lot of troubles in her family recently.”

Gu Ye casually picked up ‘Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Answering Questions Like A Dog’ on the bedside, and said with a deep expression, “Whether I’m free or not, it depends on when you pay me. How much time I’m available depends on how much you pay.”

Zhao Pengyu told his mother directly, “Mom, you have to let Aunt Wang know in advance that Gu Ye is doing charity recently. He needs money, a lot of money.”

When Mrs. Zhao heard this, she immediately took out her mobile phone to send a message to her friend. She couldn’t help but say something to her son, “Look at Gu Ye, and then look at you, sigh.”

Zhao Pengyu felt exasperated by the remark. Like, what’s wrong with him? Say it out!

Zhao Pengyu made an appointment with Gu Ye to pick him up at his home at 9.00 am tomorrow and accompany him to Aunt Wang’s house to see the feng shui. However, no one expected that something would happen to Aunt Wang’s house just this night.

In the past 3 months, Aunt Wang’s family has been really unlucky, and blood is spilled. First, her husband’s business suffered damages one after another, and then her son got hit on the head by a flower pot and has to stay in the hospital bed for half a month. Next, her daughter went climbing a mountain with a friend and encountered a landslide, almost leaving her life there.

The fatal misfortune just kept coming one after another, not to mention the trivial ones.

They asked a lot of masters to check their feng shui and spent a lot of money on remodeling the house. It worked in the first few days, but something happened again after a few days. On the night Zhao Pengyu set the appointment with Gu Ye, Aunt Wang’s husband was on the way home and his car brakes suddenly failed to work, causing the car to fly directly off the bridge. If it weren’t for the crowds around and the firefighters arriving in time, he would have died.

At dawn the next day, Aunt Wang couldn’t help but call Mrs. Zhao, urging her in a broken voice, “When will the little master come? Hurry up and invite him over. I really don’t know which Bodhisattva I offended. Why do I feel like I got possessed by bad luck?!”

Gu Ye received Zhao Pengyu’s urging call and knew that human life was at stake. Hence, he quickly gets up in a daze and found that he is the last one in the family to get up. The whole family has the habit of getting up early and exercising except him. Gu Ye suddenly felt that he is just like a *salted fish.

[Banana: The word salted/咸 has the same pronunciation as idle/闲. It’s just a play of words]

Gu Decheng looked at Gu Ye with a complicated gaze for a while. Recalling what his wife said last night, he sighed. The eldest son is far away abroad, while the second son does not go home often. There are only 2 children left, and if one is driven out, he may not see him again in the future. Gu Decheng also wants to have a full house of children and grandchildren years later, and he doesn’t want to be a lonely old man.

But Gu Decheng couldn’t bear not saying anything, so he called Gu Ye who wanted to run away to his side.

“I heard from your elder brother that you don’t want to study abroad with him?”

Gu Ye nodded obediently.

“Why? Tell me the truth.”

Gu Ye hesitated for a moment, then smiled, “I don’t have the ambitions of my elder brother and my second brother, nor do I have their business talent. So, it’s fine to just leave the future of the Gu family to them. I just want to go home and see you two often. After all, you are over 60 and approaching retirement age.”

Gu Decheng didn’t expect Gu Ye to say such a thing. He almost got emotional and say ‘Do whatever you want’. But after calming down, he still kept a cold face, and said to Gu Ye like a strict father, “You will continue to engage in those feudal superstitions if you stay in China. It’s better to go abroad with your elder brother to study. I’m still young, and I don’t need you to be filial by my side now.”

Gu Ye suppressed a smile, “But, your eyes are telling me this: Don’t go ~ stay back~ don’t leave old father behind!”

Gu Ye’s naughty tone is like how Er Kang is trying to keep Zi Wei at his side[1], which is extremely exaggerated.

Gu Decheng blushed and choked out a sentence: “…Farts!”

Gu Ye jumped back exaggeratedly, and said in horror, “You actually swore?! That’s terrifying!”

At this moment, President Gu wanted to beat his son again, but Gu Ye saw that things are not looking good, so he ran away. Gu Decheng was so angry, but this outburst simply make him lose all his temper. The corners of his mouth curved up as he shook his head helplessly, and he scolded with a smile, “This brat!”

Before breakfast is finished, Zhao Pengyu arrived at the door. Due to his wearing like an unreliable second-rich generation last time, it caused him to be scrutinized by the elder brother of the Gu family. This time Zhao Pengyu learned his lesson. He wore a British-style T-shirt and flat glasses, pretending to be a school top scorer.

Gu Decheng saw that the young man looked familiar and subconsciously gave him another look. Hence, Zhao Pengyu immediately revealed his identity. Gu Decheng has met his parents, and both of them are cultivated people. According to the Zhao family’s etiquette, Zhao Pengyu should also be a good boy.

When Zhao Pengyu seriously asked Gu Ye out to study together, Papa Gu didn’t think much and just let Gu Ye go.

After both of them left the house, Zhao Pengyu took off his glasses, and asked anxiously, “How is it? My disguise is not bad, right?”

Gu Ye pondered for a moment how likely his father would not beat him up if he knew he had been cheated someday. The answer is zero.

Gu Ye felt despair and didn’t want to praise Zhao Pengyu.

Two hours later, they finally arrived at the community where Aunt Wang’s home is located. This is a high-end community with a quiet environment. The entire community is made out of 6-story buildings where 1 household occupies 2 floors (Bi-level apartment). Generally, there are 3 households in each building. Although the Wang family is not as good as the Gu family and the Zhao family to stay in a big villa, it can be seen from the residence that Aunt Wang’s family is also considered rich.

Zhao Pengyu whispered in the elevator: “Aunt Wang’s husband was in a car accident last night and almost died. It caused Aunt Wang to have a breakdown last night. They have a good marriage relationship and a good temper.”

Gu Ye’s expression turned cold from the moment he got into the elevator, “Does Aunt Wang live on the 3rd floor?”

Zhao Pengyu looked at Gu Ye as if he is looking at a god, “This kind of thing also can be calculated? Dude, you are amazing!”

“It’s not from calculation, it’s what I saw.” Gu Ye’s tone became colder and colder, and he said in a deep voice: “This black-colored evil spirit… It’s not a matter of feng shui problem, it’s a curse. Someone wants their whole family to die.”

Raw word count: 4216 (Aww yiss, 4k word count is really hard to finish translation in one go)


Banana: Random but I have something to say about the raw for this novel. You guys might not know but Banana do purchase the whole raw from jj official website for all my project novels.
On the other hand, due to jj’s anti-theft function, it’s not possible to copy the entire text from the chapter itself because some characters are actually pictures a.k.a fake characters. We used to have a method to copy it via tampermonkey but unfortunately, the script is outdated and no longer usable to copy purchased VIP chapters in jj.
Banana still can continue the translation by using raw from ehem site (and then compare with the official raw from time to time) but if the author updated anything in her chapters, Banana’s copy of the raw won’t have it. There shouldn’t be much difference to be honest, but Banana thought to let y’all know just in case :v
[1] A scene from the drama [My Fair Princess] that made it to the list of memes.

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 20

Chapter 20 If you force me too much, I will start summoning soul

When Zhao Pengyu saw Gu Sen’s expression, he stopped pretending to be cool. He took off his sunglasses and got out of the car. Seeing that Gu Sen and Gu Ye had somewhat similar eyebrows and eyes, Zhao Pengyu instantly acted obediently and asked, “You are Gu Ye’s brother, right? I am Gu Ye’s classmate, who came to play with him. Big brother, is Gu Ye at home?”

Hearing his self-introduction, Gu Sen sized him up, and Zhao Pengyu’s skin tensed up from the scrutinization. He somehow felt that he is a bad boy who induced people’s younger brothers to be bad as well.

Gu Sen didn’t bother to argue with the child and said, “This is Gu Ye’s home indeed, but there are no masters here.”

“Hehe, I’m kidding. That’s my nickname for Gu Ye, Master Gu.” Zhao Pengyu smiled awkwardly. Inside, he is thinking that when he invites Gu Ye out in the future, he had to find an excuse because his family didn’t seem to like him doing this kind of thing (feng shui).

Gu Sen took another look at Zhao Pengyu. Seeing that he really didn’t look like a bad boy, he then asked the security guard to inform Gu Ye.

After successfully calling Gu Ye out, Zhao Pengyu complained with fear on his face, “Your elder brother is really scary. In his eyes, I seem to be some kind of irresponsible rich second-generation.”

Gu Ye looked at the sports car Zhao Pengyu is driving. Then he supported his chin on his palm and said deeply, “You don’t look like a rich second generation, but like a little boy who is taken care of by a rich woman (sugar mama).”

“There you go again! It’s like you will feel uncomfortable if you stopped teasing me for a day!” Zhao Pengyu opened the car door and pushed Gu Ye into it, “See if I will kidnap you to sell someday!”

Gu Ye lazily leaned back in his chair and started to mutter. His slow tone is like reading a block of text, without any emotion at all, but it sounded extremely annoying, “Ah, help. There’s a kidnapping, I’m being abducted. This thug beat me until my whole body is fractured…”

Zhao Pengyu’s mouth twitched, “Father, shut up!”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “Okay~ My big son!”

Zhao Pengyu just wanted to beat Gu Ye up. What is actually maintaining the friendship between them? He really want to strangle him when he could!

Seeing that there’s no driver and Zhao Pengyu is driving the car, Gu Ye asked worriedly, “Do you have a driver’s license?”

Zhao Pengyu said proudly, “Of course, I took the exam the moment I turned eighteen.”

Gu Ye is still counting with his fingers. After calculating that nothing would happen to them today, he then said, “Okay, you can drive.”

Zhao Pengyu felt hopeless. What kind of experience is it to have a friend who can pinch and count?

After arriving at Zhao’s residence, Zhao Pengyu’s parents entertained Gu Ye very warmly. They arranged several plates of fruit and snacks and so on. It didn’t look like Gu Ye was invited to see feng shui, but more like they were just looking for an excuse to invite him over to be a guest.

Gu Ye said embarrassedly, “Let’s look at Feng Shui first.”

“Sure sure,” Father Zhao stood up, “Uncle will take you to see. I’ll let your aunt prepare lunch at noon today. Pengyu, go together with us and entertain your friends well.”

Zhao Pengyu has an inexplicable feeling like Gu Ye is their biological son instead of him. And him, he is like a freebie given to his parents during a telco company’s event when they reloaded money in their account.

Gu Ye walked around Zhao’s residence briefly, and said with a smile, “This villa must have been checked by a capable Feng shui master when it was under construction. I have nothing to change, but only one point for Mr. Zhao’s reference. In Feng shui, it is believed that a tree in the northwest of the villa is auspicious. Tree represents the beginning of all things, but the tree cannot be higher than the villa. If the tree is higher than the villa, the young males in the family will be prone to accidents. The tree should be very short when it was planted but now, it is already taller than the villa.”

As soon as Zhao Zhifeng thinks back to their residence’s arrangement, it was indeed the case. When the villa was built, his father-in-law asked someone to check the feng shui. The master also said that the tree should not be too tall. But it has been so many years ago and he didn’t really believe it before that, so he has totally forgotten about this advice. Now that Gu Ye mentioned it, Zhao Zhifeng thought about it and immediately thought of Zhao Pengyu’s accident. He also became suspicious, wondering if his child’s accident is caused by this tree.

As a concerned father, Zhao Zhifeng firmly made the decision and told the housekeeper, “Get someone to dig up this tree now and plant a small one.”

Gu Ye chuckled, “Don’t worry, just change it when you have time. Also, there is nothing else wrong with your feng shui. You and your wife often do good deeds and are both blessed people. Sometimes it’s better to believe in yourself than to believe in fate. People who often do good deeds will never have a bad fate.”

“Okay, okay, uncle has written it down.” Zhao Zhifeng happily took out a bank card that he had prepared in advance from his pocket, “This 1 million is money for checking our feng shui. After you checked it, I feel at ease. On the other hand, I inquired around and heard that there are rules in your business regarding payment. It is said that only when the family is ruined or dying, then the master will not collect money. I don’t know too much about this, but anyway, I won’t give you too much money, just the market price.”

Gu Ye squinted his eyes. This 1 million fee is the market price that only first-class masters can get, but there are indeed these sayings about payments. There 3 basic rules of a fortune teller’s fee: Charge more if the party is rich, charge less if the party is poor, and lastly, never do it for free.

For special circumstances, there are also 3 rules where they won’t accept the payment:
– Don’t charge dying people, which is to say they don’t accept dead people’s money.
– Don’t charge those who cannot avoid the imminent disaster, because even if you tell the other party, the other party will not be able to avoid death anyway.
– Don’t charge those who have no more luck in this lifetime, because the person’s life is about to decline, and accepting it will damage one’s own virtue.

However, Gu Ye doesn’t follow the rules very much. Whether he accepts the payment or not still depends on his mood. If he wants to accept it, he accepts it. If not, he won’t take it. After earning the money, he’ll just donate millions to charities. Then, the debt owed to God by divulging the secrets of heaven will be immediately repaid with merit. Speaking of this, Gu Ye didn’t refuse the payment, and took it with a smile, “Then, thank you, Uncle Zhao.”

Gu Ye had no choice but to stay at Zhao Pengyu’s house for lunch. It can be seen that the Zhao couple is unwilling to owe favors to others. Since he didn’t ask for money after saving Zhao Pengyu, it made them feel uneasy. So, if he didn’t eat this meal, Gu Ye doesn’t know how the couple would find a way to pay him back in the future.

Hence, Gu Ye got fed too much in this lunch.

On the side, Zhao Pengyu is jealous, “I’m doubting that you are my mother’s real son instead of me.”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you make up your lessons later. After your grades improve, Auntie will treat me even better.”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu is at a loss for words. He thought that Gu Ye would say his mother would like him for getting better grades, but he didn’t expect to hear that his mother will like Gu Ye even more. This unreasonable plot made him want to shout: Who can take this rascal away from me now?

After sending Gu Ye home, just as Zhao Pengyu is about to leave, Gu Ye opened his car door again and pressed on Zhao Pengyu’s shoulder with a serious face, “Brother, don’t go yet. My elder brother and second brother are back, and they gave me a lot of presents. I can’t use it all, so I’ll give you a set.”

Hearing about the gifts made Zhao Pengyu feel embarrassed. It seems Gu Ye found his conscience and thought to give him a gift. Not long after, 2 servants came out carrying a box and put it in Zhao Pengyu’s car, “Master Zhao, my third young master told you to open it after you go home.”

Seeing that the box is so big and heavy, Zhao Pengyu hummed a little tune happily and went back, thinking to himself that there must be a lot of good things inside. After returning home, Zhao Pengyu couldn’t wait to take it apart and saw “Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Answering Questions Like A Dog”, and then read “Five-Year College Entrance Exam and Three-Year Simulation Set”… There is no need to read the following, it’s all this kind of books. Zhao Pengyu’s face turned green with anger, “If I got tricked by Gu Ye again, I’m going to kill myself by swallowing shiet!”

Mother Zhao is about to head out to her company when she heard her son shouting. She stood at the door in shock, and asked in disgust, “Don’t you feel disgusting about that?! What a way to die!”

Zhao Pengyu collapsed and covered his face, feeling hopeless.

Gu Ye went home and took a nap in the afternoon. When he got up in the evening, he saw Gu Sen sitting in the bar area, looking at the college entrance application form he brought back. Gu Ye went over and poured himself a glass of ice water. Just as he is drinking, Gu Sen suddenly asked, “I heard you’ve been doing fortune-telling recently.”

When Gu Ye heard that the tone is not right, he swallowed the mouthful of water and responded obediently, “En, was just casually doing it, it’s just for fun. My duty is to study hard.”

Looking at Gu Ye’s appearance, he didn’t seem to be fooling around in the second term so Gu Sen’s expression softened slightly, “What do you think about the university you are going to apply for?”

Gu Ye found a stool and sat down, his current behavior couldn’t be more obedient, “Just want to get on the capital university.”

Gu Sen frowned, “There are better educational resources abroad.”

Gu Ye took a bite of the ice, chewing it crunchily, “Not going.”


“I can’t get used to the food there.”

Seeing Gu Ye’s serious expression, Gu Sen almost laughed in anger. What kind of reason was that?! And he actually said it like it’s the most logical thing.

“I can buy you a house, hire a Chinese housekeeper, and if you want, you can bring a nanny with you from home.” Gu Sen felt that Gu Ye is still too young to plan for his future, and tried to reason with him.

Gu Ye shook his head, and said with a serious face, “Brother, it’s pretty good in the capital university. I can go home 4 times a month, and when there are 5 Sundays in a month, I can come back 5 times!”

Gu Ye seriously stretched out 5 fingers, told the facts, and presented supporting information, “I can come back to see my old father, eat the beef noodles made by my mother, check out our mentally handicapped brother, and also there’s someone can help me wash my clothes. When I leave home for university, I can take a lot of snacks with me and save money.”

Gu Sen’s head is buzzing, listening to Gu Ye’s babbling. It sounded reasonable at first, but in fact it is all weird and unreasonable words so he just felt a headache. Brother Gu took a deep breath and calmed himself down, “Go to study abroad with me, and I will try my best to satisfy you with all these demands. If it doesn’t work, you can live with me.”

Gu Ye is not anxious and slowly said his biggest reason for not going, “Brother, I will miss home and miss my parents.”

Gu Sen is at a loss for words and couldn’t coax Gu Ye anymore!

“How old are you? Still sticking to your parents?”

Gu Ye put down the water glass and saw his big brother’s angry expression of wanting to beat him up. So he quietly moved out of the area of the bar and said, “I can’t help it, I’m still young.” After speaking, he raised his long legs, whoosh! He is gone.

Gu Sen palmed his forehead, understood why their old man didn’t want to talk about future planning with Old Third himself, and sent him to talk instead. Right now, he only feels a headache.

Gu Lin was standing on the handrail of the second floor, supporting his chin to watch the excitement earlier. He couldn’t help teasing, “Dad is afraid that Gu Ye would be punished by the gods for too much fortune-telling, so he wanted you to take him abroad. But now Old Third is obviously unwilling. It’s not like you guys could kidnap him and send him out, right?”

Gu Sen thought about the old man’s temper, it is really possible.

Gu Lin said with a smile, “If you guys force him too much, aren’t you afraid that he will start summoning our mother’s soul?”

Gu Sen: “…”

After Gu Ye returned to his room, he took out the extra application form that Teacher Yu gave as a spare, and quickly fill in the blanks: Capital First University! Capital First University! Capital First University! After finishing writing, Gu Ye still felt unsafe. A powerful person like his father might tamper with his application form, or tie him up and stuff him on the plane. Now, his elder brother has banded up with his father. As for his second brother, Gu Ye still can’t tell which camp he is in. In this family, he can only count on… Gu Ye’s eyes moved, there is a way!

Gu Ye hid the application form and went downstairs silently. There are only 3 words in his mind: He he he.

At this moment, at Zhao Pengyu’s home, Mother Zhao asked her friend, “That little master is back from school. Isn’t there always something going on in your house recently? You also said that it is very evil, why don’t you ask him to take a look?”

Mrs. Zhao didn’t expect that her recommendation would once again dig out the dark side of human nature and save her friend’s family of four.

Raw word count: 3215


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 19

Chapter 19 This younger brother provides door-to-door service!

On the third day after Gu Ye returned to school, Zhao Pengyu returned to school alive and well, and babbled to Gu Ye about everything his uncle had done, “My uncle said thank you for providing the clues, and he owes you a favor.”

Gu Ye smiled slightly, “It is his merit to be able to find out the truth and give your wife justice. I have done nothing to help. Moreover, he believed my one-sided words and saved an innocent child. I should thank him instead.”

As soon as Zhao Pengyu heard the word ‘wife’, he felt his head is hurting, “I don’t want to marry a wife anymore, please forgive me!”

Gu Ye encouraged Zhao Pengyu earnestly, “Then you find a good family and marry (as the female), or you will grow old alone.”

Zhao Pengyu had the urge to knock Gu Ye down and beat him up, “I’ll marry to you, do you want it?”

Gu Ye stood up, made a cross with both hands and looked disgusted, “Too ugly, no thanks.”

On the contrary, Zhao Pengyu got amused and he chased after Gu Ye cheerfully, “Gu Ye, do you know Feng Shui? Can you help to take a look at my family?”

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, “Your parents said that?”


“I want money this time.”

“You got it!”

“Alright then, this brother provides door-to-door services, such as ancestral fortune-telling, feng shui, 5 elements, and 8 trigrams… human hair braids, professional treatment of infertility, phone screen protectors, and more. ” Gu Ye is talking nonsense in such a serious manner that Zhao Pengyu felt like collapsing and covered his face, “Be more serious!”

Gu Ye looked at Zhao Pengyu like he is an ungrateful person, “How can you say that your savior is not serious?”

Zhao Pengyu broke down, “Father, I beg you to please shut up, thank you!”

“Okay, my big boy!”

Zhao Pengyu gritted his teeth angrily, and kept reminding himself that if he beat up his savior, he would be punished by God!

After accepting another business deal, Gu Ye returned to the classroom in a good mood. As soon as he sat down, several classmates gathered around, “Gu Ye, how do you do this question? Can you explain it to me? Please, please!”

Since Gu Ye got first place in the exam, the teachers and classmates paid special attention to him. Gradually, everyone believed that Gu Ye is really good at studying and that Gu Ye is not arrogant or acted aloof. Generally, he would explain the answers when asked. The most important thing is that he is good-looking, and girls are willing to talk to him. Gradually, Gu Ye’s popularity became better and better, and some boys are secretly jealous of him. But when they saw his smiling face, they couldn’t feel jealous anymore.

On the other hand, Lin Zihao, who was always popular and good at studying before, after being ‘cursed’ by Gu Ye, his grades kept declining. Also, his personality became weirder so his popularity became worse. Quoting from the girls in the class, ‘Who is not a little princess in their heart’? So who are you showing your displeased face to? This sister is not your mom!

The good thing is that Lin Zihao will run away when he saw Gu Ye, and he didn’t have the courage to cause trouble again so Gu Ye didn’t bother to talk to him.

Like other high school seniors, Gu Ye is faced with reviewing materials every day. The college entrance examination is getting closer and Gu Ye watched his classmates running back and forth to eat and to study, holding a small note to recite the question in their hands. Gu Ye also felt the pressure. Hence, he resolutely picked up a small notebook and ran to the cafeteria with his classmates, perfectly blending into the tense learning atmosphere.

Seeing Gu Ye like this, Si Hongxing and the others also worked hard to improve themselves; ‘sharpening their guns before the battle’. Their boss is this hardworking so as the younger brothers/subordinates, they can’t drag him back. If they can’t get into 1st choice*, there’s always 2nd choice. At worse, they’ll get into 3rd choice. If it doesn’t work, they can still learn a crafting skill and open a shop. Then, they can develop into a company in the future and hire those who have learned well to be their employees!

Banana: I didn’t read too much into some explanations on this but it is somewhat similar to the choices I mentioned earlier. 1st choice is gov uni, 2nd choice is general uni, while 3rd choice is private uni (which is more expensive). Well, if I got it wrong, just let it go XD joking, do tell me what is it… in simple English lol

The whole school is filled with a studious air, even the school bully gang has started to learn. Seeing this, Teacher Yu is very relieved. This is the last batch of students he taught before retirement, so he wishes them all good grades and no regrets.

It wasn’t until the day of the holiday that the students breathed a sigh of relief. Teacher Yu came and sent each of them a few sheets of paper, “After you go back home, discuss your choices with your family. You will have to apply for the college when you come back.”

Gu Ye stuffed the papers into his schoolbag, he already had an idea in his mind about his future plans.

When leaving the school gate, Zhao Pengyu reminded, “I will pick you up tomorrow morning to come to my house to see Feng Shui.”

Gu Ye waved his hand with a smile, indicating that he would never forget. After walking more than a thousand meters, he finally got into the car that came to pick him up. Just as Gu Ye sat down, a figure rushed over from behind and put his arms around Gu Ye’s neck, “Wahaha! Tai Ling Nine Palaces, Tai Yi Defence stance, Hundred Gods vessel! Evil spirits, do not approach! As per Taishang Laojun, listen to me! Catch!*”

*A string of nonsense from Gu Yang which Banana doesn’t want to waste time to translate XD Apologies m(_ _)m

Gu Ye rolled his eyes, and slapped Gu Yang’s forehead with his backhand, only saying, “Are you stupid?!”

Gu Yang leaned over with a hehehe and asked, “Brother, do I look like a real master from these that I just learned?”

Gu Ye nodded perfunctorily, “Yeah real, a real fool.”

Aggrieved, Gu Yang put his head on Gu Ye’s shoulder and remained motionless. The child has suffered a severe blow mentally and needs comfort. Gu Ye is amused, and rubbed his younger brother’s head helplessly, “You have grown so big, but why are you still acting like a baby?”

Hearing that, Gu Yang’s eyes widened. With a look of coldness on his face, he argued, “Where did I act like a spoiled child? How can a man act like a spoiled child?!”

Gu Ye nodded perfunctorily, “Alright, alright. My younger brother is a true man, he will never act like a baby. Later when we pass by the figure shop in a while, I will buy you a mecha figure.”

Gu Yang jumped up and down in the car excitedly, “Okay! My pocket money has already been used up! Bro, I can’t believe that you still have yours!”

Gu Ye doesn’t know if he should laugh or cry, Gu Yang is a typical example of ‘a dog who can’t keep a stash in its dog hole’*. He would spend all the money given to him.

*Not sure what this reference means

At this moment, the uncle driver said, “Young masters, the eldest and second young master returned home yesterday and they bought a lot of gifts for you two. I saw a life-size Transformer inside.”

“Wow!” Gu Yang happily said, “It’s for me! I called my elder brother about it, and he promised to buy it for me!” Gu Yang thought for a while, his face suddenly became serious, “Aiya, I forgot to ask for a gift from my second brother. I wanted a new laptop.”

Gu Ye couldn’t help laughing. This is why Gu Yang didn’t need to study at all. As long as he kept this purity, his brothers could feed him for the rest of his life.

Upon returning home, Gu Yang rushed out of the car like a wild horse, shouting happily, “Big Brother! Second Brother! We’re back!”

Compared to Gu Yang’s excitement, Gu Ye, the biological younger brother, is walking slowly with a calm expression instead.

On the lawn of the back garden, there is a rockery carved out of marble. Next to the rockery, there is a set of tables and chairs made of marble. Two young men with similar features and eyes are playing chess. Hearing Gu Yang’s voice, they both looked over at the same time and laughed.

“Old Fourth has grown a lot taller.” Gu Sen[1], the eldest brother, is 26 years old this year, and he is a little more mature. He looks more like his father, Gu Decheng, who is a little stern. Gu Sen looked calm and unruffled and already has the temperament of a mature elite.

The second eldest, Gu Lin, is 23 years old and has just graduated. His appearance is more similar to Gu Ye. Gu Lin looks like his mother, adding his handsome eyebrows, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes which makes him look dreamy when he smiles. When the corners of his mouth are raised slightly, he looked like a good-tempered handsome man. But Gu Lin acted with the elegance of a nobleman so he didn’t look like a promiscuous person. Those who know him know that this noble son dared to start an entertainment company when he was still in college. At such young age, he has occupied half of the entertainment industry so he is definitely a ruthless person.

“It would be great if the Old Third is half as active as the Old Fourth.” Gu Lin looked at Gu Ye who is approaching slowly, and said softly, “This year, let’s give him a birthday celebration.”

Gu Sen hesitated for a moment, then frowned, “I’m afraid he won’t be able to accept it.”

Gu Ye’s birthday coincides with his mother’s memorial day. His mother died because of dystocia while giving birth to him. A few years ago, the family was busy sweeping the grave during that time, so they couldn’t think of celebrating his birthday. Later, when the family wanted to celebrate it for him, Gu Ye refused it. The whole family felt that Gu Ye’s gloomy temperament was also due to their lack of concern, which caused him to be unable to have a normal childhood. Now that they wanted to make up for it, Gu Ye has grown up so it is too late.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Yang has already reached them. The elder brother and the second brother treated Gu Yang like a child, each reached out a hand to ruffle his hair, making a mess of it. But Gu Yang felt pleased instead, and then asked with concern, “Brother, brother, where is my gift?”

Gu Sen winked at the assistant who is standing not far away. The assistant understood and quickly found someone to push the gift over in a cart. A two-meter-tall Bumblebee made Gu Yang jump up happily on the spot.

Gu Lin smiled and said, “All the gifts I bought for you are in your room, including the laptop you want.”

When Gu Yang heard this, he got happy that he ran all over the lawn. The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched when he saw it. He felt like he wanted to tie a rope around that brat and let his mother pull him back into the house to make him quiet! Don’t act like a monkey!

When the two brothers looked at Gu Ye again, the smiles on their faces became more restrained, and their eyes showed a little cautiousness.

“Old Third, I heard that you have been ranked first in the school twice, and you are doing very well.”

“Is there anything you want? Tell your brothers. Also, I bought you a mobile phone, a computer, and several game consoles, and put them in your room. Go back and see if you like it.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye chuckled; it’s not easy being an older brother. “Thank you, big brother and second brother, I have caused you two to spend money.”

When Gu Ye smiled, Gu Sen and Gu Lin are stunned because they had never seen Gu Ye smile like this since they were young. Gu Sen and Gu Lin immediately felt a lot relieved. Gu Ye can finally act like a normal person, and become happy when accepting gifts!

Early the next morning, two security guards carried two big bags upstairs and knocked on the door of Gu Ye’s room.

“Third Young Master, this is a gift that Eldest Young Master bought for you, and this one is from Second Young Master.”

Gu Ye’s eyes lit up, he pursed his lips and led the men into his room with restraint. After the guards left, Gu Ye closed the door. He took the scissors and started opening the bags with a smile. However, the smile on his face turned cold the next second.

“Five-Year College Entrance Exam and Three-Year Simulation Set”, “College Entrance Examination Must-Do Questions”, “Fifty Sets Test of College Entrance Last Sprint”, “College Entrance Examination Help”, “College Entrance Examination Review Key Points”, “College Entrance Exam Top Scholar Key Points”, “Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Answering Questions Like A Dog”… There are more than 50 books in one set and it’s multiplied by two!

Gu Ye put down the scissors with a cold face, and the corners of his mouth twitched. His elder brother and the second brother must have bought it at the bookstore closest to home. Also, they must have said the same thing like a domineering president, “Give me a set of all the review materials for the college entrance examination, all of them!”

As a domineering president, shouldn’t they buy him some high-end things instead? Or just give him a big red envelope. Who the hell would want this kind of information/books?

When Gu Ye came downstairs to have breakfast, he saw Gu Yang wearing the latest jersey sitting on the sofa. There’s the latest mobile phone beside him, the latest laptop computer in his arms, and the latest backpack with the zipper open. Inside the backpack, there are several of the latest game consoles. Gu Yang is like a local tyrant showing off his wealth. He happily crossed his legs and had a feeling that his life has reached its peak. Thinking about the study materials in his room again, Gu Ye suddenly felt that he had received a fatal blow, and his heart ached.

Mrs. Gu looked at her silly son with complicated eyes, who is feeling blissful there. Seeing Gu Ye coming downstairs made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Gu Sen and Gu Lin are really good to Gu Yang. Since childhood, they have given Gu Yang whatever he wanted, but they never gave him study materials. There is a sentence called ‘killing with love’, and she sometimes wonders if the two elder brothers did this on purpose. Like are they trying to raise Gu Yang into a waste? But thinking about the attitudes of the two brothers in the house normally, it seems that they are not doing that. In short, Mrs. Gu’s mood is very complicated.

After breakfast, Gu Yang is still playing in the living room. While no one is around, Mrs. Gu sneaked up behind her son. She pinched him by the back of his neck, and whispered with a disappointed tone, “Why didn’t you go to find your eldest and second brothers to nurture feelings with them? Why are you playing here?”

Gu Yang bared his teeth in pain, and said reluctantly, “I don’t want to go. If to play, I better find my third brother instead. Because they always scold me while playing, and asked me to study hard. Oh yeah, when my eldest brother is angry, he looks like Father, like a Tyrannosaurus rex. When my second brother is angry, he squints his eyes and looks good, but his aura scares me to death. My second brother is like Godzilla in a beauty’s skin, ahhhh~~ ouch ouch ouch! “

Mrs. Gu is so angry that she just wants to hit her son, you idiot! Stop yowling! Could it be that Gu Yang is counting on Old Third’s fortune-telling money to support him in the future? If Gu Yang really lost his father, wouldn’t he have to rely on the eldest and second child?

Gu Yang didn’t understand Mrs. Gu’s mood about being a mother at all. He suddenly changed his expression while clutching the back of his neck, “Actually, my third brother is also scary when he scolds others with a cold face. But it’s not like Tyrannosaurus Rex or Godzilla. More like a cat that might bite? Or a fox? Forget it, it doesn’t matter anyway, he loves me.”

Mrs. Gu rolled her eyes angrily, “How can you compare your brother with a fox and a cat?”

Gu Yang thought for a while before answering, “Why not? They both look good. Foxes and cats are also the same species, and they both have fur.”

Mrs. Gu couldn’t bear it anymore, and slapped his son on the back, “The hell is the same species, you stupid boy. One is canine while one is feline. If you don’t study, you can’t even tell the species apart. My god, you are so stupid, I’m so furious!”

Gu Yang didn’t coax his mother but just returned to play his game happily. In half a minute, Mrs. Gu angrily stormed away. There is no way to talk with such a silly son!

At this moment, a luxury car stopped in front of Gu’s Residence. A cool-looking handsome man with sunglasses poked his head out of the window, asking Big Brother Gu who got called to visit Dad’s company, “Excuse me, is this the home of Master Gu Ye?”

Gu Sen’s expression turned cold. Master? What master? When did Old Third get such a title?

Raw word count: 4015 (No wonder the translation process felt laborious this time, turns out that the word count is over 4k huh)


[1] Random but I find it kinda cute how the sons’ names have nature in it. Gu Sen and Gu Lin forms the word ‘Sen Lin/森林’ which means forest. The ‘Ye/叶’ from Gu Ye means leaf, while the ‘Yang/阳’ in Gu Yang is part of ‘Tai Yang/太阳’ which means the Sun.

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Why must girls be considered a profitless thing?

[Banana: Again, my apologies for the late chapter. June is a busy month for Banana _(;3/ ]

30 years ago, the people in the capital wanted to build a water conservancy system and a bridge. When driving in the last bridge pile, it couldn’t stand stably. The people in the construction team tried everything, but it didn’t work. There is only the last section of the bridge left so how can they hand over the incomplete work? Back then, the people’s thinking is still relatively backward, so the contractor went and asked a feng shui master to have a look. It is said that moving the ground at that location has disturbed the land god and the river spirit. The feng shui master said that it is necessary to drive a live pile, and the sacrifice must be a living person. To drive a live pile is to drive the pile into the ground while the sacrifice is alive. Such a cruel way, where to find someone willing to do that? If they are not careful with the matter, they will get involved in a lawsuit for murder.

At this moment, someone suggested why not buy a person from a remote mountainous area. Hearing that, the person in charge of this project was immediately moved. If he bought someone back in the mountains to the capital which is so far away, no one knew about the live pile. Then, no one would notice that the sold person is missing. And so, they found a poor family with 5 children in the mountains.

The family was so poor that they couldn’t have 3 meals a day. When they heard that the money given was enough for the family to eat and drink for several years, and also allowed their 3 sons to go to school, the couple discussed it and decided to sell their unpopular second daughter. The eldest daughter will be able to get married 2 years later. After raising her for so many years and spending their money, the couple thinks that at least they could earn back from her dowry. The remaining 3 children are all sons. They are important to continue the family’s name and the couple’s treasures, so they cannot be sold. Hence, only the second child is left, who was 18 years old at the time. She has a mole on her forehead, has a dark complexion, and doesn’t like to talk. This kind of dull child is really not likable, and she doesn’t even have anyone asking for her hand in marriage. Looking at it like this, even if the second child managed to get married, they won’t get much dowry money. It’s better to sell this kind of profitless goods for some money now.

The contractor told the couple that he bought her as a wife for a fool. The couple didn’t even hesitate and agreed. After receiving the money, the daughter was sent out of the house. In this way, the 18-year-old girl got drowned in the concrete pillar alive by the unscrupulous contractor. The amazing thing is that this bridge pillar really stood stably this time.

However, it was at this time that strange things began to happen. First, some workers died one after another, and then people who walked on the bridge often had accidents. The contractor realized something was wrong, and went to find that feng shui master again only to find out that he was a liar! It was unsure where the fake master heard the rumors about live sacrifice, so he made up such a way. Unexpectedly, his advice really killed someone, and he was so scared that he ran away long ago. Within a few days, the contractor also died tragically at home. The few people who participated in the live burial died terribly as well.

Gradually, the topic of the evil nature of this bridge spread, and not many people dared to walk on it. Later, when the local area was rebuilt, the bridge, which had never been used by anyone, was filled in because it lost its value, and there has been no accident since then. As time passed, except for the local old people, the younger generation did not know that there used to be a bridge there.

The poor family used the money to support their 3 sons to go to school. They started a business and gradually became rich. Later, the 3 sons did well and even bought a house in the capital. Perhaps it was God’s will, because their new home was right next to the bridge. While the family is living happily, strange things suddenly started to happen at home.

First, the little grandson got pushed down the stairs, causing his head to bleed a lot. Not long after recovering from injury, he got locked inside a cabinet. That incident almost frightened the little grandson to becoming stupid. When asked, the child said it was done by an older sister. Judging from the description of her face, the whole family is shocked. Isn’t this the second child who was sold in the early years? Immediately afterward, more and more strange things happened. Flower pots fell from the sky, and someone laughing in the middle of the night. Then the gas stove started to fire by itself, and the chopping board is frequently covered with blood. The grandchildren all[1] insisted that they saw the girl described previously.

Now, the old man and the old lady are scared and suspected that something happened to the second daughter after she was sold. She might have died long ago and now came back for revenge. Terrified, they asked a master to come to their house to see. At last, the master told them that in order to appease the anger of the second daughter, they must give her a ghost marriage and let her live a good life in another world. Of course, the husband cannot be dead, he must be a living person, preferably a good-looking guy of the same age. And so, this is the reason why Zhao Pengyu picked up the bag at the roadside. In fact, at that time, someone was watching the whole process of him picking up the bag.

For a person like Yu Ze, knowing that someone almost killed his nephew, how could he sit idly by? Immediately he got someone to deal with this matter. The road is closed that day and the small bridge got swiftly dug up. Next, there is indeed a skeleton inside, and after inspection, it is a woman who was 18 years old when she died. The police quickly joined the investigation and uncovered a tragedy that had been buried for 30 years.

The contractors and workers who worked on this matter all died in the same year. It is said that the feng shui master died a few years after the bridge was built, so there is no way to let the criminals plead guilty. However, the master who gave the bad idea to find a living person for ghost marriage could not escape from this responsibility, and the girl’s parents are still alive. After all, it is illegal to sell their own daughter so the old man and the old lady are immediately invited to the police station for investigation.

The old man and the old lady have been making trouble for several days by relying on the fact they are elderly people. They pretended to be dizzy and got sent to the hospital, but got picked up back to the police station after they become better in the hospital. After doing this a few times, the couple couldn’t do it anymore. Lying in the ward, they are exhausted and out of breath.

The police came to the ward and handed over the investigation results of the incident that year to the old couple.

“Do you read about your daughter Liu Qiao’s death, or should I read it out to you?”

The old man and the old lady showed reluctance. The old lady stopped pretending to be dizzy and began to reason, “We gave birth to our daughter and raised her. How could we want her to die? But if we don’t sell her, my 3 sons will starve to death. Mr. Police, please judge this. Shouldn’t she contribute to the family? Now that we are all living a good life, that unfilial daughter came back to torment my little grandson. That is our old Liu family’s only grandson. Our single hope for the next generation.”

Hearing this nonsense, the policeman suppressed his anger and said, “Then you should identify the corpse first. Then, let your family members bring it back so that the deceased can be buried as soon as possible.”

“That won’t work,” the old man unhappy rebutted, “Our hometown has a rule that a dead daughter[2] can’t enter the ancestral grave. It’s unlucky. Just find her a husband for a ghost marriage. Since she has been dead for so many years, we don’t ask too much. The bride price of about 20,000 yuan should be enough.”

The policeman in charge of the case got so annoyed that he temporarily stopped the interrogation. After leaving the ward, he downed a bottle of cold water. No one saw that after the police went out, a pitch-black figure stuck expressionless in a dark corner of the wall, staring at the old couple quietly with a pair of grayish dead eyes. Gradually, 2 lines of bloody tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

In the middle of class at school, Gu Ye’s heart suddenly skipped a beat. He nervously pinched his fingers to calculate something, and his expression instantly changed. After the class, Gu Ye stood up and rushed to the school phone booth, “Zhao Pengyu, give me your uncle’s phone number. Something bad is going to happen.”

Zhao Pengyu has already been discharged from the hospital and he has recovered completely after resting for several days. At that moment, he was about to pack his things and go to school so hearing Gu Ye’s tone, he ran to the window and shouted downstairs, “Uncle, Gu Ye is looking for you!”

Yu Ze had already taken a step into the car. Hearing this, he paused and actually turned back. Zhao Pengyu got taken aback, when did his uncle become so easy to talk with?

“I’m Yu Ze.”

As soon as Gu Ye heard Yu Ze’s voice, he quickly said, “Mr. Yu, the female ghost must have gotten stimulated by something. I noticed that she lost control of her emotions. She might want to kill innocent people. You have the purple aura on your body so she is afraid of you. Can you go to her house to see what happened?”

Yu Ze had a sullen face when he heard this. As Gu Ye is waiting expectantly, he answered lightly, “Okay.”

Gu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you! You’ve worked hard! Ah! I’m going to class, see you later, Mr. Yu!”

Hearing the anxious voice hanging up, Yu Ze shook his head helplessly, and immediately made a call, “Find out where Liu Qiao’s parents are and what they did just now.”

At this moment, the only ones who can stimulate Liu Qiao are her unscrupulous parents. After his subordinates reported what Liu Qiao’s parents did, Yu Ze called his men again, “Find the little grandson of the Liu family, and bring his parents along to see me.”

Yu Ze’s actions were fast and accurate, and he understood Liu Qiao’s thoughts in no time. Hurt by her parents’ words, Liu Qiao couldn’t control her temperament and wanted to kill the little grandson her parents cared about most. But when she wanted to take action, she found that the child had already been picked up. She is afraid of Yu Ze’s purple aura, so she didn’t dare to go to Yu Ze. In resentment, she returned to the hospital. Staring resentfully at the parents lying on the hospital bed pretending to be sick, her pupils are bloodshot.

Why did her parents treat her like this? Because she’s a girl, born to waste the family’s money/profitless[3]? Why didn’t they even spare a glance at her since she was a child? Why can’t she get any good words from them no matter what she does? Why should she be sold in exchange for the happiness of the whole family? Do they know that it was terribly cold to be sealed in cement? That suffocating feeling was so uncomfortable. Do they know that she makes such a fuss just to make them regret it, to make them look at her distressedly? But why is it that she never gets what she wants?

Liu Qiao walked towards her parents step by step, and stood between their two beds. Stretched out her hands, she covered their mouths and noses, watching as their eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and their limbs thrashed around but couldn’t move away. That painful facial features are distorted, very much like her expression before death. The corner of Liu Qiao’s mouth gradually curled up into a strange arc. At this moment, she is very happy.

The next day, when the nurse made a ward round, they found the elderly couple dead on the hospital bed. After forensic examination, it was determined that they died of suffocation. Strangely, after checking the surveillance, it was found that no one had entered this ward. The good thing is that since the old couple died, Gu Ye has never sensed Liu Qiao’s ghostly aura again, and the master who came up with the bad idea of finding a living person to marry has also been sentenced. The following days are uneventful, and Gu Ye’s daily life began to sprint on the road to the college entrance examination with peace of mind.

When Yu Ze got involved in Zhao Pengyu’s case, the news quickly spread among wealthy people. This problem that many famous masters could not solve is actually solved by Gu Ye, a boy of 18-19 years old. The Old Third of the Gu family just went back to his hometown and healed his brain when he returned. Not only did he get first place in the exam, but he can also tell fortunes now.

Everyone in the wealthy circle felt that this news is too surreal; it’s impossible! It wasn’t until they heard rumors that Zhao Pengyu’s parents came to visit Gu Decheng in person that they believed the rumors and they were all shocked. Could it be that the Old Third of the Gu family had been hiding his real ability for 18 years? But he is just a child, how can he have such a deep scheming? What the hell did Mrs. Gu do to him to make him live like this? Unknowingly, the little stepmother took on the blame in full force.

On the other hand, Gu Decheng is worried about another thing. Many people say that Feng shui masters or fortune tellers have some shortcomings in their fortunes[4]. But Gu Ye has been doing this kind of thing for some time now, and the more he calculated, the more accurate he is. Will it have any impact on Gu Ye’s life in the future? No matter how Gu Decheng thinks about it, he feels uneasy.

“In the future, I can’t let him do this kind of thing anymore,” Gu Decheng worriedly said. “Choose a major for him, and it must not have anything to do with this aspect.”

As the stepmother, it is not good for Mrs. Gu to make decisions for Gu Ye, so she asked tentatively, “Why don’t you discuss it with the eldest and second child? Didn’t they say that they would come back and stay for 2 days when Old Third and Old Fourth is on vacation?”

Gu Decheng pondered for a while, “Alright. If it doesn’t work, let the eldest child take him to study abroad. Out there, no one will believe Gu Ye’s words.”

Thinking of Gu Ye’s difficult temper, Mrs. Gu secretly hid all the valuable ornaments at home. Gu Ye will definitely not listen to his father’s arrangement, and when the time comes, the eldest and second child will also come back. With Gu Ye’s dog temper, he dares to confront the three of them, and the family will definitely be in chaos again. Mrs. Gu pondered for a while and fearfully hid the things that could be used to hit people.

Raw word count: 3473

#EvenABlockOfTofuCanBeUsed XD

[1] Not sure if the author confused herself/himself with the number of grandchildren because the story stated that they only has 1 grandchild. The raw was ‘孙子辈的都一口咬定…’
[2] Not sure how this logic goes because one HAS to be dead to be buried in the ancestral grave anyway. So, I think the unspoken words in this sentence is ‘Any daughters who died before getting married…’  (which doesn’t make sense as well because married daughter should be buried in the husband side’s burial ground, logically speaking) #BananaDontGetThis
[3] It’s kind hard to translate this to English but girls are considered a waste of money because after the parents spent so much money in raising her up, she will leave the family when she gets married. There, she will spend the rest of her life taking care of her husband’s parent instead of her own parents. Unlike the son, who is supposed to take care of them until they die.
[4] In Banana’s understanding about this, it means people who tells fortune are leaking the secret of Heavens so other people can change their fate. Hence, they will pay the price for reading the fortunes.

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Mr. Yu, whose three views have been shattered

Zhao Zhifeng hugged his son excitedly, before giving the bag to Gu Ye, “This is what Peng Yu picked up. We threw it away twice but it still came back by itself, so we didn’t dare to burn it. The master said that if we burned it, his soul would also be sent there.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye laughed. This master also has some abilities. Because if it wasn’t for the protection amulet he drew for Zhao Pengyu, his soul would really be sent over there.

Gu Ye threw the hell money to the ground. Then he picked up a fork from the table and stabbed it hard.

*crackle crackle

Suddenly a few wisps of black smoke rose around the fork, trying to block the fork from going further. A sneer appears on the corner of Gu Ye’s mouth. He made a finger sign, and a thunderbolt struck from nowhere. Then, a sharp bloody smell wafted out from the hell money.

Mrs. Zhao reminded nervously, “Master Wang Minghai also wants to destroy it but this thing will fight back, be careful!”

Gu Ye curled his lips and said earnestly, “Why bother? ‘Forcefully plucked melons are not sweet’. I’ll send you an identical one in a while. You just make do with that one.” After he said that, Gu Ye pushed hard, and the fork went straight in. Next, a pool of black blood suddenly flowed out on the ground. At that moment, Zhao Pengyu instantly felt his whole body relax, and his breathing became easier.

A gust of ominous wind suddenly blew up the bloody hell money, and the whole ward is covered in gusts of wind. However, when the gust got close to Yu Ze, it hurriedly detoured. Seeing this scene, Gu Ye thought in his heart, ‘As expected from someone like Yu Ze. No matter how fierce the ghost is, they dare not touch this big shot.’

Gu Ye made another finger sign and purple flames appeared, wrapping around the hell money. No matter how they struggle, the paper still burns quickly. Gu Ye said indifferently, “Either you get out, or I smash your soul to smithereens. I don’t follow the bullshit rules of the metaphysic world.”

At the moment, the sky outside is getting dark, and the chilly wind is blowing around in the ward, but it didn’t dare to approach Gu Ye. After struggling for a few rounds, the black smoke turned into a ghostly figure. It looked withered, black, and thin, with a pair of gray eyes staring at Gu Ye sullenly. The thick ghostly aura made the temperature in the ward drop several degrees and everyone present screamed in fright. Zhao Pengyu recovered some strength, and he jumped up from the bed to block in front of his mother. But his legs are trembling, and he didn’t dare to look at the ghost. This was the first time in his life that he had emotional entanglements with a woman (but it was a ghost), it will leave a psychological shadow in his mind!

Yu Ze looked at the female ghost indifferently. He looked up and down and then looked at the figure’s feet… there is no shadow. Yu Ze glanced at the wall resolutely, but the surface is unblemished without any small holes (so there’s no place for a mini projector) to display images. Looking at the expressions of his family members who are about to faint with fright, Yu Ze kept his face sullen and stood at the front, blocking his elder sister and nephew behind him. After that, he stared at the female ghost coldly, with anger in his eyes.

Gu Ye smiled and pointed at Zhao Pengyu, “Since you don’t want to leave, it means you like this type?”

In the dead gray eyes of the female ghost, there is a little light.

“Let him go, I’ll send you another one that is exactly the same. As for your grievances, someone will help you solve them. But if you keep pestering him, then… hehe.” Gu Ye’s expression turned cold, and his killing intent is showing. If a ghost harmed the people who caused their death, Gu Ye won’t care. But harming many innocent people and causing them to be injured, has touched the bottom line of his tolerance.

The female ghost looked at Gu Ye apprehensively, and then at Yu Ze, who is covered in purple (imperial) aura and had a very unfriendly expression. After struggling for a while, she took 2 steps back. With a sweep of a chilly wind, she disappeared, leaving hell money all over the place.

Everyone at the scene stared wide-eyed in horror. They couldn’t react from the shock just now, and Mrs. Zhao’s face turned pale. Only Yu Ze stared blankly at the unscientifically explainable phenomenon in front of him, with a complicated expression on his face.

Gu Ye said disgustedly, “Alright, just take these hell money out and burn it. She won’t come back again.”

Zhao Pengyu pinched his nose, “Why is it so smelly?”

“Your wife gave you a dowry to let you marry into the family but you rejected the marriage. It’s logical that she vomited blood in anger, right?”

Zhao Pengyu wanted to cry. Please don’t ever mention the word ‘wife’ again, he is about to pee (from fright)!

Gu Ye looked at the ghostly atmosphere in the room and said, “Open the windows to let the air in. Also, quickly buy the things that I listed.”

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye who is standing next to him expressionlessly, “You…”


“Is that a ghost?”


The corner of Yu Ze’s mouth twitched.

Gu Ye is amused, this person’s expression is saying that his three views just exploded. “You looked so calm when you saw the female ghost just now. Are you studying it to explain the whole thing scientifically?”

Yu Ze nodded coldly, “But I haven’t found out anything.”

“Pfft!” Gu Ye had never seen such an interesting person, and couldn’t help laughing out loud.

Yu Ze frowned but looking at Gu Ye’s innocent smiling face, he shook his head helplessly. There is really no scientific basis regarding what had just happened.

Not long after, the materials Gu Ye requested arrived. Taking the things to the small table on the balcony, he sat there and started folding some papers. Everyone in the ward didn’t dare to disturb him so they watched him quietly with his head down. Gu Ye’s expression is calm and serene. He is doing his own things in an orderly manner, and the people in the ward gradually felt that the atmosphere has become quieter. From the moment they got frightened to death to looking at Gu Ye now, it seems like that scary scene happened a long time ago (instead of just now). There is a certain kind of person who has this kind of strange aura. When they are quiet, the air around them will calm down with time. Hence, Zhao Pengyu lay down on the bed again, feeling drowsy.

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye’s bag, walked over, and asked in a deep voice, “Do you need help?” His voice is very magnetic but slightly cold, which is in line with his temperament. The gentlemanly voice is perfect and people are unable to find fault with it, but the same voice also makes people feel a sense of distance.

Gu Ye looked up, smiled, and pushed the folded paper over, “Mr. Yu, you can touch each of the papers. Once you did that, they will become invincible.”

Yu Ze: “…”

Gu Ye smiled, “I’m not joking, Mr. Yu’s fate is very good and it’s extremely rare. Other than that, you often do good deeds so you are blessed by God. Ghosts and evil spirits won’t dare to provoke you. Which is why if you touch the papers, these things will carry a wisp of your aura and evil spirits will avoid them.”

Yu Ze raised his eyebrows slightly, “Can it save Pengyu?”

Gu Ye nodded, “Yes.”

Yu Ze didn’t say anything anymore and touched the folded papers of Gu Ye one by one. His movements are slow and elegant, and his expressions are serious as if he is performing some kind of ritual.

Gu Ye pursed his lips, wanting to chuckle again. This rare imperial fate and a temperament that prevents strangers from getting close, but he cares about his family very much. Judging by the faint golden aura on his body, he is a philanthropist as well. No wonder although there are so many people in the Yu family, Mr. Yu chose Yu Ze instead, the youngest son, as his successor.

At this moment, Yu Ze’s secretary quietly sent a message to Yu Ze: ‘President Yu, I heard that the reason why Li Rui’s case was solved so quickly was because someone secretly helped. That day the little Taoist climbed the wall, was he really chasing stars?’

After Yu Ze finished reading the message, he raised his eyes to look at Gu Ye before replied coldly: ‘Are you a paparazzi?’

The secretary felt helpless. He was reminding Yu Ze that this little mister seems to be superstitious so it’s better not to get close to this kind of person.

Half an hour later, Gu Ye glued the folded paper together and made a half-meter-tall figure who looked like Zhao Pengyu. Then he turned and said, “Mr. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, I need blood from the fingertips of your ring fingers, just 2 drops is enough.”

As soon as Zhao Pengyu heard that Gu Ye wanted to take his parents’ blood, he couldn’t take it and demanded, “Why take my parents’ blood? It’s my fault, so you can use mine.”

Gu Ye gave Zhao Pengyu a disdainful look and said, “Because your blood is given to you by your parents, so this is the only way to replace your place. Using your blood is like giving you a lift (to the ghost bride). Remember, don’t let people in my profession take your blood away. If not, when you really encounter someone with a wicked heart, you will die without knowing why.”

Zhao Pengyu is left speechless by the remark and fell down on the bed like a defeated penguin.

After taking the blood from Zhao Pengyu’s parents, Gu Ye evenly applied it to the area between the paper figure’s eyebrows. Next, he took out a cinnabar pen from his pocket and closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, his face became serious when he opened his eyes again. As soon as the tip of the pen touched the paper, Gu Ye swiftly drew a talisman in a stroke, and a stand-in talisman is formed.

“Draw the curtains and turn off the lights.”

After the room fell into darkness, Gu Ye drew a circle beside the bed. Throwing the paper figure in, he drew a talisman in the air and touched the figure’s forehead with his fingertips. A hazy golden light flashed, and a group of green flames sprang up from the paper figure’s body. This weird scene makes one’s scalp tingle and the onlookers backed away subconsciously. No matter how they looked at it, they only felt that it was evil.

The paper figure quickly disappeared into the green flames, and Zhao Pengyu’s complexion became much better visible to the naked eye, “I feel that my body is not so heavy anymore. Does this mean that I’m getting better?”

When Gu Ye nodded, Zhao Pengyu grabbed his clothes and said emotionally, “From now on, my life is yours.”

Gu Ye patted Zhao Pengyu’s paw off the corner of his clothes and said, “Then you have to study hard. I need you to advance at least 500 ranks in the next monthly exam, as you will accompany me to university.”

“What?” Zhao Pengyu laughed dryly a few times, not believing his ears, “What the hell?”

Gu Ye smiled nicely, “If you can’t advance to 500 ranks, I’ll send you to marry the young lady.”

Zhao Pengyu thought about his grades, and asked desperately, “Can I change…”

“No,” Gu Ye refused without waiting for him to finish. He looked at Zhao Pengyu’s parents and said with a smile, “His yang energy is affected but he’ll be fine after 2 days of sleep. The curtains should be opened to let him get more sun exposure.”

Mother Zhao asked worriedly, “It won’t look for him again, right?”

Gu Ye shook his head, “No, it won’t. Now, I have to go back to school as Xia Xiang is still waiting for me to cancel my vacation.” Gu Ye looked at his watch and waved to Zhao Pengyu. He turned around to leave but Father Zhao hurriedly stopped him, “Little Mister, please wait!”

As soon as Gu Ye turned his head, a check is stuffed in his hand. He looked down and smiled. The Zhao family is really generous because they gave him 5 million yuan right away. However, Gu Ye stuffed the check back with a smile, “Zhao Pengyu is my friend.”

Father Zhao still wanted to say something, but he felt his wife tugging at him. After understanding what his wife meant, Father Zhao smiled knowingly. There is a change when he looked at Gu Ye’s eyes again, and he said appreciatively, “You’re right. Pengyu’s life really shouldn’t be measured by money, I’m too old-minded.”

They are all smart people so no need for more words. Father Zhao can see that Gu Ye is not someone who can be swayed by money. He made this trip specially for his friend but refused 5 million yuan without blinking his eyes. With such righteousness and kindness, it is his son’s blessing to have such a friend.

“In this case, do come over to play when you are free in the future. Aunty’s soup-making skills are very good. You can try it.”

Gu Ye thanked the other party with a smile and went out but someone followed behind him, “I’ll see you off, I still have something to ask you.”

It is Yu Ze.

To be able to say the word ‘ask for advice’ so formally to a high school student, one can see how is his character from it. The corners of Gu Ye’s mouth curved up slightly, “Then, I’ll trouble Mr. Yu.”

After getting in the car, Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze’s face again and still found it unbelievable. This is the person with the most amazing fate he has ever seen.

“Mr. Yu is really blessed.” Gu Ye couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

Yu Ze said disapprovingly, “In your line of work, everyone says that my family line is cut off as I won’t have my own children and grandchildren and that my life is incomplete. Where is the blessing?”

Gu Ye laughed, “Do you believe in fate?”

“I don’t.”

“That’s right. Don’t believe in fate, just believe in yourself.”

It is the first time Yu Ze heard a so-called master saying that it’s okay to not believe in fate and believe in himself instead. Yu Ze subconsciously took another look at Gu Ye but only saw him squinting his eyes, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. Gu Ye’s pupils are as black as obsidian; deep, unfathomable, and somewhat mysterious. But it’s hard to hide the purity and straightforwardness in his eyes.

This is a person who doesn’t like to beat around the bush.

Yu Ze’s constant cold expression finally eased slightly. The corner of the mouth curved up, and a slight smile rose as he said, “Can I ask you about that woman?”

Gu Ye looked out the window and said, “There is something wrong with that bridge. A poor soul died tragically, buried under the bridge piles. Mr. Yu wants to investigate?”

Yu Ze nodded, “Pengyu almost died, naturally I want to find out.”

“I don’t know the specifics, I just exchanged Zhao Pengyu’s soul with a substitute technique. I’m about to take the college entrance examination, so I don’t have time to fight with her. Though I promised to give her justice, that also has to wait until my summer vacation. But if Mr. Yu wanted to investigate, it helped me a lot.”

Yu Ze shook his head, “It was Pengyu who caused trouble, so I shouldn’t have left everything to you.”

Gu Ye looked more appreciatively at the other party, “My suggestion is to start from that corpse.”

“Are you sure there’s a body there?”

“Very sure.”


Looking at Yu Ze seriously thanking him after confirmation, Gu Ye almost laughed out loud. This person is so interesting.

The car soon stopped at the entrance of a tucked-away restaurant. Gu Ye tilted his head questioningly, “En?”

Yu Ze opened the car door and explained, “The school is not selling any food at a time like this so  I will send you back after eating.”

Gu Ye touched his stomach which seemed to be rumbling all the way, and smiled awkwardly, “Then, thank you.”

After this incident, Yu Ze’s long-standing atheism has been shaken. But he never expected that when he followed the direction Gu Ye gave to investigate and see the result in front of him, it completely overturned his previous belief. When this result is presented in front of Zhao’s family, everyone fell silent. It can only be said that human nature is really complicated.

There are 3 evils among the people: shackles on dragons, life stakes, and human sacrifices[1]. The story of this bridge is about the protagonist who got sold for money by her biological parents to be buried alive under a bridge pile.


The author has something to say: It’s Qixi Festival, Yu Ze invites my Gu Ye to dinner, I…I suspect he is up to no good! spits That is my ‘shou/bottom/uke’!

Raw word count: 3918


[1] The Chinese wording is this – 民间有三恶:龙上枷、打生桩、活人祭。Banana doesn’t understand the meaning too much but from a glance at a baidu explanation, it seems to be like this:
Shackles on dragons – Bridges are viewed as a kind of shackles while rivers are viewed as dragons. Building a bridge across a body of water is considered shackling a dragon
Live stakes – It means human sacrifices are buried alive under stakes/piles (to enable a bridge to be built successfully)
Human sacrifice – Human sacrifice :v

[Banana] Apologies for late chapter this week. June is a busy month at RL work. Will try to publish more on July (if things work well in June).

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Kill whoever comes, gods or ghosts

In a private hospital with a quiet environment and tight security, Zhao Pengyu lay quietly on the hospital bed, as if asleep. But the people from the Zhao family are going crazy soon. This hospital is their own property and their doctor’s medical skills can be said to be second to none in the country. However, they couldn’t find out what ailment Zhao Pengyu had.

Mother Zhao, a strong career woman, is also panicking at the moment. She asked her husband with a pale face, “Is there something wrong with the thing he picked up last night? I want to get a master to take a look.”

Zhao Zhifeng frowned, “Even the doctor can’t help, so what’s the use of a master? Better not delve into this kind of supernatural thing, don’t delay the child’s treatment.”

Mother Zhao pursed her lips and struggled a little. It is indeed the truth, but her intuition as a mother told her that the bag her son picked up last night is a bit evil.

At this moment, a little nurse walked out of the ward with a bundle in her arms, and the couple quickly took two steps forward. Mother Zhao asked anxiously, “Nurse, did the doctor’s discussion produce any result?”

The little nurse said respectfully, “The doctors are still in a meeting to discuss, I believe the results will come out soon, and,” the little nurse hesitated to continue. She handed the white pillowcase and the things wrapped inside to Mrs. Zhao, saying, “We know you two are anxious, but this kind of thing is really useless. We have to believe in medicine.”

Mrs. Zhao opened the bundle suspiciously, and her expression turned cold all of a sudden. She turned to look at her husband and he had the same expression as hers. This is a bundle of thick stacks of hell money! This hell money has obviously been thrown away by the housekeeper previously!

When Zhao Pengyu picked it up last night, Mrs. Zhao just felt it was ominous, so she told the housekeeper, ‘Get someone to take it out and throw it away, it’s too unlucky’. She figured that the bag must have been from someone who bought it for grave sweeping, but accidentally dropped it because of the unexpected heavy rain. It’s just that the hell money people made nowadays are too similar to the real RMB. Then, due to the gloomy weather, her son didn’t see the content clearly. But now, the real question is how did the thrown hell money come back to her son?

Zhao Zhifeng’s expression turned cold, “Nurse, where did you find this thing?”

Seeing the couple’s expressions, the little nurse also realized that it is unusual and her expression changed, “Under, under Master Zhao’s pillow.”

Zhao Zhifeng looked at the bodyguard at the door again, “Who has been in this ward?”

The bodyguard shook his head seriously, “No one is allowed in except the doctors and nurses.”

But Zhao Zhifeng said angrily, “Go and check the surveillance to see who has sneaked in!”

The result was no one did!

The couple looked at each other, and they both saw disbelief and seriousness in each other’s eyes. After throwing this away last night, Zhao Pengyu developed a high fever and was sent to the hospital in the middle of the night. The doctor hasn’t found out what the disease is until now, and now the bag of hell money thrown away by the housekeeper unexpectedly appeared under Zhao Pengyu’s pillow.

Mother Zhao’s face darkened, and her entangled heart suddenly became firm, ” I’ll get a master to look at it.”

Although Zhao Zhifeng’s expression is ugly, he still didn’t quite believe it. “I think someone deliberately played tricks. Let’s check first.”

“We can make preparation on both sides. Inviting the master to take a look won’t delay the treatment.” Mother Zhao returned to her strong career-woman demeanor and said, “You should keep an eye on this side and ask the doctor to investigate quickly. I will invite the master at my side.”

In this way, Mrs. Zhao invited more than a dozen masters back in a row through her father’s contacts. However, after seeing Zhao Pengyu’s current situation, the masters all shook their heads and said regretfully, “He is linked to an engagement, so snatching his soul by force would injure his soul.”

“Yes, it’s not easy to save. Even if we saved his life, his soul will not be complete. That means he will either become stupid or fell into a vegetative state.”

Hearing that, Mrs. Zhao’s body became unstable for a moment. She took a deep breath, and her voice trembled uncontrollably, “Even if it is a vegetative state, we still must save him.”

Several masters looked at each other. They could only bite the bullet and give it a try. Wang Minghai is a well-known master who is highly respected in the circle of metaphysics. He said, “To form this kind of contract, there must be a medium. Did the young master pick up something?”

Mother Zhao pointed tiredly at the hell money on the table, “He picked up a bag of these things.”

Wang Minghai said with an ugly expression, “That’s the medium, what a strong resentment!”

Hearing the remark, the other masters opened their spiritual eyes and they are all shocked when they saw it.

“The resentment from the evil spirit is so heavy!”

A psychic female master suddenly sensed something. She trembled all over and her face started turning blue. Her facial features are twisted in pain and the female master fell to the ground. She used her fingernails to scratch the floor, and it tore her nails apart, blood flowed out from the wound. All the masters around her changed their expressions. The master nearest to her swiftly knocked her unconscious with a chop at the back of her neck.

Because of all the masters’ expressions, Madam Zhao also became nervous, “This is?”

“From the ghost’s aura, Zuo Yun can sense how they died,” Wang Minghai said with an ugly face, “This ghost died in too much pain, and with a lot of resentment so Zuo Yun is affected by it.”

Wang Minghai took out a dagger made of copper coins. He bit his finger, smeared the blood evenly on the dagger, and pierced at the bag with all his strength. The stacks of hell money shook a few times, and a black light flew out, fiercely pouncing at him. Master Wang shook his hand, and the dagger flew out to the light. Next, the copper coin dagger broke and scattered all over the ground.

Wang Minghai’s face turned as pale as paper.

The expressions of the other masters became solemn. The skills they practiced are not meant to save people to start with (but to exorcist ghosts). And now, the ghost aura is so heavy even in broad daylight so they dare not act rashly. After sending the masters off, Mrs. Zhao invited a few more masters to come and see. However, upon hearing what happened to Wang Minghai and Zuo Yun, no one dared to take action easily.

For several days in a row, Zhao Pengyu is transferred to another hospital 3 times, and a doctor is also invited from abroad, but Zhao Pengyu still did not wake up. His parents are desperate. Until noon on the 3rd day, the doctor said that if he still couldn’t wake up, the best outcome would be Zhao Pengyu turning into a vegetable. On the other hand, the worst outcome is… they have to be mentally prepared (for his death).

Mother Zhao finally couldn’t bear it any longer. She covered her face and burst into tears, her lips are bitten until they bled. If she could, she would exchange her life for her son’s, but she tried everything, and nothing works!

At that moment, Gu Ye asked Xia Xiang with a smile, “My lovely red scarf*, have you ever lied?”

*it’s like a Boy scout

Xia Xiang shook his head in confusion.

“My lovely red scarf, do you want to be an envoy of justice with me and save a lamb who is lost on the road to the underworld?”

Xia Xiang is so frightened by Gu Ye’s gentle tone that his goosebumps stood up. His instinct told him that Gu Ye is up to nothing good but he said, “…what do you want to do, just say it.”

Gu Ye turned serious the next second, “Go to Teacher Yu and tell him that I have a high fever of 40 degrees and you need to take me to a doctor outside the school. When you come back by yourself in a while, tell the teacher that you left me with the doctor for an infusion.”

Xia Xiang: “…”

Ten minutes later, Xia Xiang sent Gu Ye to the taxi to the hospital, crying without tears. Xia Xiang has been a good boy for 18 years and has never lied. Teacher Yu didn’t suspect that he would lie, so he approved it directly. Xia Xiang frowned guiltily, and asked in a low voice, “Is Zhao Pengyu seriously ill? We should have come out earlier.”

Gu Ye helplessly replied, “Getting out early doesn’t necessarily mean we can see him.” With his face, who would believe that he is really capable? If something went bad, they will be treated as a kid making trouble and getting kicked out.

Gu Ye is right. After hearing the staff’s report, Mrs. Zhao really didn’t believe that Gu Ye could save Zhao Pengyu because he is too young after all. But now, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Mrs. Zhao will try her best to try. After sending someone to invite Gu Ye in, Mrs. Zhao saw Gu Ye’s face with his red lips and pearly teeth. His peach blossom eyes curved when he smiled, no matter how she sees him, Gu Ye doesn’t look anything like a master at all. Mrs. Zhao sat down on the edge of the bed, holding her son’s hand, and said weakly, “Little master, please see if my son can be saved. The doctor said he won’t survive tonight.”

Zhao Pengyu’s face is pale and his lips are blue. There is a wisp of black qi between the eyebrows, and in the midst of it is a faint red line, exuding evil qi. Gu Ye didn’t speak, and expressionlessly took out half a stick of incense from the small bag in his pocket. He lit the incense and held it between two fingers. Next, without anything to support it, the incense simply stood firmly between Zhao Pengyu’s eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Zhao widened her eyes in surprise, “This is?”

“Soul-guiding incense.” Gu Ye smiled, “Before this, I have already calculated that he will have a calamity and protected his soul with a talisman. Right now, I’ll use the soul-guiding incense to guide him back.”

The incense can be seen burning visibly but there isn’t any ash falling down. A wisp of blue smoke strangely flowed into Zhao Pengyu’s nose as he breathes. A few seconds later, Zhao Pengyu’s breathing is obviously much easier, and his lips returned to a red shade.

Mrs. Zhao is so shocked that she didn’t know what to say. A huge surprise hit her head suddenly when she is already in despair so she didn’t know how to react. She wanted to be happy, but is afraid of being disappointed again, “This, this is … does this means my son can be saved? Can he still be saved?”

Gu Ye smiled, “Of course I can save him. I will kill any beings that come, be it Gods or ghosts. As long as I want to save someone, anyone who comes to snatch my target will die under my hand.”

Mrs. Zhao stood up excitedly, and asked in disbelief, “He won’t become a fool or a vegetable?”

Gu Ye is amused by the question and replied, “Of course not, those who told you this are noobs.”

Mrs. Zhao covered her mouth and looked at Gu Ye’s young face excitedly. Those so-called ‘noobs’ are all famous masters. Is this young man really capable, or is he just bragging? She couldn’t bear to be disappointed again.

At this moment, Gu Ye stretched out his hand and slapped Zhao Pengyu on the forehead, “Don’t sleep! Teacher Yu is calling you to get up and eat!”

Under Mrs. Zhao’s expectant gaze, Zhao Pengyu slowly opened his eyes. But before he fully awakened, Mother Zhao rushed over, hugged him, and cried loudly. The fear and despair she experienced in the past few days are all expressed in the cry. Zhao Pengyu is stunned, he had never seen his mother cry like this before. After coming to his senses, he quickly comforted his mother. Then he looked at Gu Ye and said with emotion, “You saved my life again.”

Gu Ye smiled, “There are still many things to do later, waking up doesn’t mean it’s over.”

Mrs. Zhao had just finished calling her husband who was busy looking for a doctor to let him know that their son has woken up. But upon hearing Gu Ye’s words, she stood there in a daze and asked, “Is there something bad going to happen again?”

Gu Ye felt helpless, he really pities all the parents in the world. He knew that the moment he said something is not good, Mrs. Zhao as the mother would collapse.

“Don’t worry, take it step by step.” Gu Ye asked, “Did he pick up something? Take it out and have a look.”

Mrs. Zhao hurriedly sent someone to fetch the bag. Zhao Pengyu tugged at Gu Ye in a despaired look, “I keep dreaming of marrying a wife and she keeps chasing behind me. I have almost run to the end of the earth, you have to save me. I’m still a child!”

Gu Ye replied with a disgusted tone, “Then you are a giant child.”

Zhao Pengyu is about to cry at Gu Ye’s light words, “I’m serious, don’t joke!”

Gu Ye pulled up a chair and sat upright, “So, did you complete the ceremony?”

Zhao Pengyu quickly explained, “No, I’ve been running away. If it wasn’t for the stamina I built from playing basketball, I would never be able to run away from her!”

Gu Ye asked seriously, “Is the new wife beautiful?”

Zhao Pengyu answered solemnly, “I didn’t see clearly, I just ran for my life.”

Gu Ye couldn’t hold back anymore, and laughed, “That’s a pity then. Why didn’t you check out what your wife looks like?”

Only then did Zhao Pengyu realize that Gu Ye is teasing him. He really wanted to jump up from the bed from the anger, “Brother Ye, Father! Please help me! I’ll really die if you don’t stop joking around!”

Mrs. Zhao on the side finally showed a smile. She helplessly went to turn on the light in the room, the day is getting darker now.

Gu Ye replied with disdain, “People are recruiting a son-in-law, and left a ‘recruitment request’ which you picked it up. You looked fair and clean, and your family is rich. Other than that, you are of the right age and also can be considered an educated person. People have taken a fancy to you, and you willingly accepted the betrothal gift, so what can I do?”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu anxiously replied, “I don’t agree! This is a fraudulent marriage! I barely pass every fcckiing exam, so how can I be considered educated?!”

Gu Ye suddenly approached, looked at Zhao Pengyu’s neck, and saw that there is a light pink mark. Gu Ye lowered his face and asked, “Could it be that you went into the bridal chamber with her? Your wife gave you that kiss mark? I can’t help you.”

“No! I’m still a virgin, I swear!”

Gu Ye had a lot of meaning, “You… are sure useless.”

Zhao Pengyu: “…” What is the best answer? Give me a hint!

Gu Ye finished teasing and said, “Okay, I’ll write down some materials that I needed so you guys prepare it. The thing you have provoked this time didn’t die from any ordinary injustice, its evil qi is extremely thick. It will a bit troublesome to solve it.”

As soon as Gu Ye finished writing the list, the door of the ward is pushed open from the outside, and a few people entered. The one holding the bag of hell money, from the looks of it should be Zhao Pengyu’s father. The other one is wearing a suit and is tall and sturdy. The person has handsome features, and the tear mole under the corner of his left eye, plus the anxious look in his eyes slightly eased his cold temperament. But the person still gave people a strong sense of distance, which made people feel uncomfortable getting close to him.

As soon as that person showed up, Gu Ye is stunned. Because that person has the aura that gods and ghosts would not dare to mess with, the ‘God’s dear son’ he saw that evening. Seeing him, Gu Ye’s eyes lit up. It seems that saving Zhao Pengyu would not be any trouble at all.

Raw word count: 3847


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 15

Banana: Minor cliff at the end yo :v

Chapter 15 Life hangs by a thread

It rained sporadically all night again. The next morning, before dawn, the two brothers who lived on the 3rd floor opened the door almost at the same time. Gu Yang is carrying a big plus-size bag. He quietly followed Gu Ye downstairs, arriving at the garage.

Just as Gu Yang is about to open the door, Gu Ye grabbed him by the collar of his back and pulled him back, “Don’t get on yet. Let me draw a spell first.”

“Oh.” Gu Yang stood aside obediently, looking at Gu Ye drawing symbols in the air with admiration.

Driver: “…”

After the boys got in the car, the uncle driver is about to start the engine when Gu Ye opened his mouth, “Not yet. Wait until it’s exactly 6.00 am to go out. We cannot miss the time, even a minute earlier. I want to make a fortune today.”

Hearing that, the uncle driver is speechless. Inside, he is thinking that it is no wonder President Gu wanted to beat his son up. If this was his own son, he would want to beat him too. Last night, 3rd young master asked him to come to the garage at this time and to drive him to a place. The driver thought it is urgent, but it turned out the 3rd young master just wanted to play a superstition game. The college entrance examination is about to happen, but the young master doesn’t seem anxious.

2 minutes later, the car started and the driver asked, “Third Young Master, Fourth Young Master, where are you two going?”

Gu Ye pinched his fingers and calculated, “Go all the way east, then just stop under the first overpass.”

Gu Yang hugged his backpack excitedly. He unzipped it and showed the content to Gu Ye, “Brother, look at how well I have prepared!”

Gu Ye leaned over to take a look, and got amused, “You changed your robe again?”

“I called a purchasing agent last night and bought it from them.”

Gu Ye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he suppressed a smile and praised, “You’re so smart.”

“Hehe.” Gu Yang put on the Taoist robe happily. Next, he took out a pair of sunglasses from his backpack and put it on, “Brother, am I going to pretend to be blind for a while? Do I need to touch the bones or something (fortune-telling by touching bones)?”

Gu Ye replied with a disdainful tone, “No, it’s only liars who have so many gimmicks. We don’t need to do that.”

Hearing the conversation, the driver’s face is stiff. He is worried that the two brothers would get beaten up when they returned home.

All the way to the east, after half an hour, they finally saw the overpass. The driver watched the two brothers get out of the car, and asked worriedly, “Both young masters, how about you two just go back with me now?”

Gu Ye waved his hand and said calmly, “No, I’ll do it here.”

The uncle driver took 2 steps before turning to look at the two brothers worriedly. The usual useless rich second generation from other people’s families would race cars, pick up girls, fight, and make trouble. But the rich second generation of the Gu family became a fortune teller and set up a fortune-telling stall. This is really different amongst the rich second generation.

At the current time, it is just dawn. There are no pedestrians except for a few cars passing by here and there. The brothers set up the booth, and Gu Yang wondered, “Brother, is there really someone who will come to get their fortunes told? Isn’t this place not very good/strategic?”

Gu Ye looked at an incoming luxury car about 200 meters away and smiled, “Isn’t it time now? The time is just right.”

Gu Yang looked over suspiciously, thinking that the driver might not stop the car.

In the blink of an eye, the car arrived in front of them. Without any intention of stopping, the car drove past them. Gu Yang is just about to say ‘Brother, you made a mistake’ but unexpectedly, the car suddenly slowed down after passing more than 10 meters. After that, it gradually stopped at the side of the road before slowly backing up. Gu Yang widened his eyes and opened his mouth in shock. The car came back! His brother is a heavenly being!

He Yunyi is the owner of a leather shoe processing factory. His business has been good and his annual income is about several million yuan. He even received a large order last year and his career is on the upswing. It all changed when a sudden fire broke out in the warehouse a few days ago and all his goods are burnt down. If the delivery cannot be made by the due date, even if he sold the entire factory, it won’t be enough to pay the penalty fee.

Being forced to a corner, in desperation, He Yunyi visited the factories of several agents around him. He wanted to ask the people in the same field to help him replenish the stock. However, begging for a week now, he still couldn’t find a manufacturer willing to help him. On the way return in despair, he saw two teenagers sitting under the bridge.

He Yunyi got out of the car and looked at the things the two children were holding. Even though he currently felt bitter like he swallowed a goldthread herb, he still couldn’t help laughing, “You two came out to set up a stall on such a cold day? You are so dedicated.”

Gu Ye smiled, “I’m waiting for someone who is predestined. Brother, do you want to get your fortune told?”

He Yunyi smiled wryly, “If fortune telling is useful, I don’t need to bother coming out.” He took out 300 yuan from his wallet and stuffed it into Gu Ye’s hand, who is obviously older, “I see that you two are well dressed, you should be from a good background. Did something happen at home too? This 300 yuan is enough for the two of you to eat for 2 days. Go and ask your relatives and friends for help. Don’t come out and start an illegal business at a young age.”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “Your financial situation should be tighter than the two of us.”

Hearing that, He Yunyi is taken aback for a moment. When Gu Ye’s pupils that are darker than normal looked at him with a slight smile, He Yunyi suddenly felt that he had been seen through, and couldn’t help but tremble in his heart. Right now, he is driving a luxury car and is dressed decently. How does this young man who he has never met know that he is short of money? Could it be that he really come across an expert? He Yunyi’s expression turned serious. Inside, he decided to take this gamble, and he asked in a deep voice, “Little brother, how much for a fortune-telling?”

Gu Ye looked into the other person’s eyes and said, “Seeing that your situation is down now, I will ask you for 3,000 yuan first. After half a year, you will get rich, and then I will take the remaining 30,000 yuan.”

He Yunyi’s face is sullen, but he still didn’t give up and asked, “Where do you see that my situation is not good?”

Gu Ye still looked calm and relaxed as he said, “It’s up to you whether you want to continue this fortune-telling.”

He Yunyi didn’t know why but he gritted his teeth in determination and took out all the cash in his wallet, the amount is exactly 3,000 yuan.

Taking the money, Gu Ye put it in his pocket, and said, “Looking at your face, your luck is contained within, your forehead has light but it is not bright. Your good luck only lasted for 3 years. Give me your hand, I want to read your palm.”

He Yunyi is secretly startled. He is really lucky in the past few years and counting the days, it is indeed almost 3 years!

Gu Ye looked at He Yunyi’s palm and said, “Your house had a fire incident.”

This statement caused He Yunyi to be dumbfounded, the calculation is too accurate!

Gu Ye chuckled lightly, “A point of luck assists a point of fortune. Sometimes, it’s a blessing in disguise. If you believe me, go east. Head all the way to the east, and you will be able to make a comeback.

“If this calculation is correct, remember to send me the remaining money after 3 months. I still set up a stall under this overpass during the summer vacation.”

He Yunyi gritted his teeth, and nodded in response, “Thank you, young mister, for your guidance!”

Since there are no more options left to use, He Yunyi steeled his heart and turned the car around, go east! All the way east!

Gu Yang pulled at Gu Ye’s pocket, his eyes shining brightly, “Brother! Just a calculation is worth so much money?”

Gu Ye patted Gu Yang on the head with a smile, “Silly boy, towards rich people we naturally request more from them.”

“But, didn’t you say that he is poorer than both of us?”

“He will have money in the future, a lot of money.”

After making a small fortune, Gu Ye and Gu Yang found a place to have breakfast. As soon as they finished the last bite, they got caught by Mrs. Gu. Getting stuffed into the car, they are dragged to her newly opened beauty shop.

“Help mom to change the feng shui for fortune. Change it into a treasure bowl or a money tree, the kind that drops money every day.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye became speechless. He looked at the placements of this store, “Mom, the Feng Shui should have been pretty good before, why did you change it?

Mrs. Gu said with disdain, “The feng shui arrangement was what the little bitch Hu Yu asked someone to do. I felt disgusted when I saw it, so I redecorated it.”

Gu Ye smiled, “Okay, I’ll set up another wealth-gathering feng shui for you. Remove this shelf, and move it to the wall. Then, put a fish tank here, and it needs to have running water. Next, spread a layer of fine sand and aquatic plants underneath. Sand can gather and store luck, while water can carry luck. Then, the customers in the store will be endless.”

The store manager who was following Mrs. Gu is stunned. She didn’t expect the Feng Shui master called by the new boss to be so young and her son to boot. After receiving Mrs. Gu’s gaze, she quickly wrote it down, not daring to underestimate Gu Ye.

Gu Ye pointed to a compartment in the southeast direction, “The southeast symbolizes the abundance of wealth. If there is a problem here, no matter how good the other places are, it is useless. Hence, the screen at that location is not good. Replace it with a strong one.”

Mrs. Gu said seriously: “I’ll ask someone to build a wall instead.”

Gu Ye turned speechless before saying, “As long as you are happy.”

Mrs. Gu is happy and she added, “Look around quickly if there is still something to be changed. We have to go to the next store after this.”

Gu Yang is surprised, “Mom, how many stores did you buy?”

“Ten or so,” Mrs. Gu raised her chin, and said proudly, “Hu Yu sells them at a low price, so I bought all to piss her off. I have plenty of pocket money.”

Gu Yang wondered out loud, “Didn’t you ask for it from Dad?”

“No!” Mrs. Gu slapped his son on the back angrily, “I have money myself!”

Gu Ye felt tired from the conversation. This silly boy, what nonsense he is talking about, isn’t he looking for a beating?

After running around with his little stepmother for a day, Gu Ye finished changing the feng shui of all the stores. It is already dark by then, and Mrs. Gu checked the time to see that it was dinnertime. So she booked a private room at the hotel, and called Gu Decheng, “I’m taking our two sons out to eat, so you settle dinner by yourself.”

Gu Ye and Gu Yang had a great time eating but it was different for their father. After a busy day, President Gu came home and found that his wife and son are not there. He looked at the table of dishes brought by the nanny and sighed for a long time. He took a sip of the soup but it felt tasteless.

How can one be Mrs. Gu without any brains? Mrs. Gu is occasionally willful, just enough to let Gu Decheng know that this family can’t do without her. Mrs. Gu didn’t want to go back early, so she kept adding food to Gu Ye, “Eat some more, your younger brother will be taller than you in no time. It’s because you eat less that you can’t grow taller.”

Gu Ye is holding the bowl, and calmly said, “I suspect that my younger brother ate my share of nutrition when I was young…”

“Nonsense!” Mrs. Gu blushed and slapped a shrimp into Gu Ye’s mouth, “You were born prematurely. At that time, your mother had a difficult labor when she gave birth to you, and you almost suffocated to death. Innately, you are not as healthy as your brother, I have worked very hard to bring you up like this.”

“I know.” Gu Ye smiled, “Just kidding around.”

Mrs. Gu: “…”

Even eating can’t block your mouth!

On the first day of the school day, Gu Ye returned to school early, and somehow felt a lot quieter around him. He glanced at Zhao Pengyu’s seat as if aware of something. The person who usually came early unexpectedly didn’t show up today.

At this moment, Xia Xiang hurried over and said, “Gu Ye, Zhao Pengyu seems to be sick, very sick.”

Gu Ye thought of the calamity he once calculated for Zhao Pengyu. Pinching his fingers to calculate, Gu Ye’s expression suddenly changed, “Not good! This guy is going to die soon!”

At the moment, Zhao Pengyu’s life is hanging by a thread.

Raw word count: 3081


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