王爺你好賤 11 – Eldest Zhu


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Zhu WuXin apologized sadly in tears.

“I didn’t tell you this but the moment I woke up, I realized I have memory loss. Of course, I didn’t completely lost all my memories.”

“I still remember some things, but from when I came back, I al….already having fever, and I was hungry…”

“I……I…… Brother ah, I’m sorry ah……”

“I really don’t remember what has happened, when I woke up the floor was covered in blood, I almost died ah….”

In order to express fear, Zhu WuXin also covered her head with her arms, trying desperately to shrink at the corner of the wall, giving off an expression full of fear.

As expected, when HongSan saw her with such state, he didn’t force her anymore. Hastily sat down, he pulled her into his embrace and tried to soothe her with soft voice.

“All right, don’t say anymore. I understand, Brother believe you.”

Oh yeah, success.

WuXin gave an “En”, leaned at his shoulder and proudly smiled.

“You said you have memory loss, but yet you remembers me, I’m very happy.”

“Don’t think about other things anymore, have a good rest.”

HongSan put her back on the bed, stayed all the while until she fall asleep before leaving. But, she was destined to be unable to pass her days in peace. Right after she fall asleep, the master of Zhu House, who is also her father has come over. Of course, her brothers and sisters also came along.1

The first sentence came out of Zhu Hou’s mouth was, “WuXin, Father heard that you have changed?”

Not concerned about her life and death, nor any questions about her injuries, all he cared was the nonsense he heard from Zhu JiXiang and Zhu JiLan.

Zhu WuXin also don’t want to beat about the bushes with them, “En, yes. The shock received on that day was quite big.”

She decided to talk nonsense, “Father, actually, in the past I don’t understand a lot of things. But ever since I experienced that situation, I felt that I don’t have to keep tolerating anymore.”

“The feeling of coming back from death is really hard to describe clearly. I think I don’t have to live ‘bowing and bending the knee’.”[1]
“I also have my own temper, and dignity. In fact, I have not changed. It’s just that I now understood the reason and truth which I previously don’t.”

“What truth?”[2]

“We must live life for ourselves.”

Zhu WuXin’s word has rendered Zhu Hou speechless. Maybe he felt that he owed this daughter really too much, no matter what she is still his own daughter. Or perhaps he felt that he is the head of the family after all, the female of the family was injured, him being forceful is a little too unreasonable. In short, in the end he didn’t start scolding nor did he pursue the matter of her changing. Instead, he let the kitchen prepared a few delicious dishes to send to her. The two sisters saw that their plan has failed, glared angrily at Zhu WuXin.

Zhu WuXin returned the glare, “What, you want to loot my food?”

“Heng, who wants.” Zhu JiLan turned away to leave.

While Zhu JiXiang gave a deep look at Zhu WuXin, then a trace of ill-intentioned smile silently appeared at the corner of her mouth.

[1] : 卑躬屈膝 – Idiom, means fawning/bending and scraping to curry favor

[2] : 道理 – This word is a lil bit hard to translate as it doesn’t really have its own word in English so google it and pick whichever you like

Translator note : It really confused me a little when the author wrote that the father brought along WuXin’s brothers and sister. He only have 5 offspring what, the two young masters were not there …. where got brothers? :v
Unless you are telling me the information WuXin gotten from the maidservant was incomplete.

11 thoughts on “王爺你好賤 11 – Eldest Zhu”

  1. Soo I try highlight em n I really feel dissapointed… I mean if The Copycat is like me i would go n edit em except…. Why dont you add certain word like “I……I…… Brother ah, I’m sorry ah……” that even the copycat cant even fathom which is true sentense n I recommed humors that would fit ^w^
    N thank you for trans n please be more evil with the hidden word cauze we want some fun too while waiting for next chapter

  2. Thank you for translating. You’re doing a great job. I found a small error though. In chapter 5 you wrote that she had no parents but the dad popped up in this chapter. I got curious so I looked up the raws. 因為,這是一個沒娘沒爹疼的娃. It was because she was a child without any parental affection/love. Instead of she had no parents. 😝

    1. Thanks for the info (0w0)/ I knew something was wrong the moment I wrote it but was too lazy to change. Will go back and edit when I have time.
      [edit] There, done~

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