Those Years When We Killed the White Lotus 那些年我们弄死的白莲花

CN Title: 那些年我们弄死的白莲花[快穿]

Author: 墨狩晟归

Chapter: 149

Being ruined by a white lotus, Lin Zisheng found out that there’s a system in his mind when he woke up.

[Hello Host, I am Bulingbuling, the glowing-in-brilliance System 001, a White Lotus Rescue System for ‘Leaving a Good name for White Lotus forever’. You will go down a journey with me to various worlds to save endangered White Lotuses. Let’s move forward for our great cause!]

Lin Zisheng : … hehe!

And so…

System : Cho… chotto matte! Host-daren, that is the white lotus we are going to save. You, you can’t push her off to the road of no return!

Lin Zisheng : Early death early reincarnate. I’m trying to free her from the abyss of suffering.

System : … [Host-daren’s words make sense, I’m unable to respond back, what to do QAQ]

This novel is also known as :
#Every Morning Also Can See Host-daren Push Male Lead Down The Pit
#Host Keep Trying To Squash Target To Death, What To Do, Waiting Online, Urgent!
#Please Spare The Little White Lotus, She Is Still A child
#Male Lead-sama, Your Female Lead Is Over There, Please Let Go Of My Host QAQ
#Why Male Lead Getting Bent Unprovoked

#Every Morning Also See The System Being Silly (Seeking Death)