Chapter 022 – The special one

“You are a Seer?!”

In his heart, Yin Suye has tried to guess all kinds of answer and did all kinds of predictions before but when he finally heard Shui Ruoshan’s answer, he still felt quite incredible. The gap between Shui Ruoshan’s image and the profound mystery of a Seer was far too great.

Comparing to this hidden profession as an Incantation master which almost nobody knows, a Seer is a well-known and noble profession.

A Seer in the eyes of the people could be said almost synonymous with the word omnipotence. A Seer is well-versed in geography and astronomy, plus could look back into the past and gaze into the future. Other than that, a Seer could help people with life-threatening events to change their lives…

Unfortunately, people with prophetic gifts were like a handful in a million and people who could truly be a Seer were even lesser. Raising the level of a Seer is incomparable harsh, even one whole nation doesn’t have what it takes to cultivate a true Seer.

This is also the reason why a Seer would be worshipped and possesed high status.

“Correct, I am a Seer!”

Shui Ruoshan nodded with confirmation, not feeling guilty at all. His rank as an author is more advanced than a Seer no matter how you look at it!

“But as far as I know, Seers couldn’t see[1] and on top of that, they shouldn’t be able to use other power ba?”


Yin Suye looked up and down over Shui Ruoshan with obvious doubts on his face.

Sightless and powerless; these two characteristics were the most basic requirements to be a Seer. Obviously, Shui Ruoshan didn’t meet any of the requirements.


Shui Ruoshan instantly understand what it means by ‘lifting a rock and hitting own feet’.

When he first drafted the story, he deliberately set the role of a Seer as a delicate and lovable ‘sister’ in order diversify the protagonist’s harem. After that, Shui Ruoshan ‘lost his marbles’ and ended up setting the requirements for this profession just like that.

“Because I’m special!”

Shui Ruoshan produced a new explanation after a moment of silence. At the same time, he gave his wit countless praises[2] in his heart. He is a special case, naturally his existence would be different from the others.

2.Facebook likes? 😛

As an author, he could make do if his other life skills were not full points. However, the ability to ‘say nonsense’ and ‘make things up out of nowhere’ must be full points ah! Then, he won’t be feeling any pressures when it comes to fool other people.

When he heard the word ‘Special’, Yin Suye’s eyes slightly narrowed to mask the changing emotions inside. In his past life, if the 3 words he hated were Huang.Bei.Chen, then the 1 word he abhorred the most would be Special.

He obviously was not any weaker than Huang Beichen, but because his(HBC) existence was unique, he(YSY) often lose to this ‘specialness’ of that man. This was a very shitty feeling for him.

He didn’t expect that after he reborn again, he has yet to meet Huang Beichen for him(HBC) show his specialness, and got to meet another special person instead. Could it be because he was defeated by something called ‘Special’ in his past life that Heaven decided to compensate him with a ‘Special’ called Shui Ruoshan?

This realization caused Yin Suye’s unpleasant mood to turn a little bit better. He no longer think the word special to be annoying anymore.

Seeing that Yin Suye didn’t show any reaction to his words after some time, Shui Ruoshan became nervous. Does that means Yin Suye believed in his theory or not ah? He doesn’t have the ability that enables him to see emotions from a deadpan face, so he have no idea what Yin Suye’s silence meant.

Yin Suye, it’s wrong to look expressionless all the time!

This image is actually not cool, awesome, wild, whatever at all!

In his(SRS) eyes, he(YSY) actually looked like a seriously ill patient who didn’t receive treatment for facial paralysis ah!

Don’t give up on treatment ah!

Raw Word Count : 1064

#GuessWhereITookThisAboveQuoteFrom ?

Banana: There’s one more chapter released because the next chapter is an infodump chapter. Might as well la~

Chapter 021 – A big con

“You seemed to be very clear of the things related to me. Why?”

Yin Suye’s sharp heterochromia eyes stared straight into Shui Ruoshan’s eyes like they wanted to find out something from within. He clearly remembered that Shui Ruoshan said that he(SRS) doesn’t know him when they first met. But after he mentioned his name, he(SRS) could accurately state his(YSY) current situation; becoming very familiar all of a sudden.

This is a very contradictory thing.

“Don’t get agitated first, I can explain!”

Being right under Yin Suye’s pressure, Shui Ruoshan should be the one getting nervous instead. He(SRS) is really a ‘pit-digger’, and he specialize in digging a pit for himself(to jump in)!

Otherwise, why did he leaked the information out and get himself buried[1]! He is very clear on how paranoid and suspicious Yin Suye was. If he can’t produce a reasonable explanation, he definitely won’t rest this matter!

1. in the metaphorical pit?


Yin Suye’s eyes flashed a bit when he saw that Shui Ruoshan became so scared just by this one question from him, to the point of not able to speak properly. Could it be his tone just now was too fierce, that he scared that person? Shui Ruoshan has many doubtful points, but since he has already decided to believe in this person, he shouldn’t be too doubtful. He believed in his own judgement, and he also believed in the truth he sees in front of his eyes.

This person doesn’t even know how to hide his emotions and has carelessly revealed his real nature. If that point is not enough to let him believe, then probably there won’t be anyone he could trust in this world. The only thing that he is not satisfied was Shui Ruoshan definitely has something hiding from him. So he would like to take this opportunity to clarify things.

Just that he seemed to have used the wrong way to express himself, and cause Shui Ruoshan to misunderstood his meaning? Perhaps it would be better if he changed to a gentler tone to ask?

“Not only I know of your matter, I also know about all the things in this world.” Shui Ruoshan took a deep breath and raised his head, immediately putting a look of profound mystery on his face.

He(SRS) has decided to do a big con!

As the creator of this world, he knew too many things that other people don’t know. He couldn’t guarantee that he could be cautious all the time without revealing himself or make mistakes. So he must find a reasonable explanation for his behavior, and get this done once and for all. With this, he don’t have to be afraid even when he encounters the same situation in the future.


Yin Suye has yet to decide on how to continue talking with Shui Ruoshan when his attention got caught by Shui Ruoshan’s mysterious expression.

“Because I’m the omnipotent Seer!”

Shui Ruoshan tried his hardest to display a taut expression in order to project confidence. In his mind, he started going through his memories on how should a quack behave; trying to make himself more convincing. But who asked him to have such a weak appearance? He could only use aura to supplement!

When he first wrote the novel, he deliberately arranged for a Seer ‘sister’[2] to help the protagonist, in order to give the protagonist more chance to meet beautiful ladies and also to highlight the power of the protagonist’s harem.

2. In case you forgot, it means Young lady

But it’s a pity that the Seer sister has yet to appear in the story at this time, he will use this title for himself first.

“That’s why it is absolutely normal for me to know your situation. Nothing to fuss about!”

After some thought, Shui Ruoshan decided to give him(YSY) just the summary.

If not for his disappointing height and strength, Shui Ruoshan would put his hand on Yin Suye’s shoulder and start acting like bros[3] to bring the distance between them closer.

3. Like ‘Hey bro, I got your back bruh’

He won’t admit that his requirement of himself was very simple. He doesn’t hope to overcome Yin Suye in terms of aura, it’s fine as long as he is not too weak! Actually this is no longer called a simple requirement because it was too low that one couldn’t call it a requirement![4]

4. This whole paragraph sounds wrong. Raw at the bottom for anyone who want to know

Raw Word Count : 1141

#NotMyFaultItsShort :v
#CanYouGuessMyExpressionWhenIFinishedTranslatingThisChapter ?

Banana: Raw for people to check it themselves –

Chapter 020 – Knew it like the back of one’s hand

“Wait for me ah!”

Shui Ruoshan immediately became anxious when he saw the man walking away without a care, and stood up to follow. But at the next moment, he stayed rooted at the same spot. He haven’t put back those treasures he took out just now into the space ring!

He was a poor man, so he couldn’t act haughty like Yin Suye and treats the treasures like dirt. Naturally, he won’t really throw away the treasures and be wasteful. After putting back all the treasures into the space ring, Shui Ruoshan rushed forward to look for Yin Suye.

Yin Suye who was walking ahead felt the movement behind him. He unconsciously slowed down so that Shui Ruoshan could catch up to him.

“I can temporarily accept these treasures, but you must agree with one condition!”

Just as he caught up with the man, Shui Ruoshan immediately raised his request.

Shui Ruoshan realized that at this moment, Yin Suye has yet to be completely blackened so there would be many advantages by staying together. If he keep rejecting the other person’s good intention, he(SRS) would ended up feeling guilty.

“Say it.”

Yin Suye lightly turned his head to indicate Shui Ruoshan to continue.

“You must come to me to take these treasures when you have a need for them.”

Shui Ruoshan spoke carefully while watching Yin Suye’s expression.

Shui Ruoshan knew that for Yin Suye who has already decided to give him the treasures, he(YSY) definitely won’t agree if he(SRS) say those evasive words like ‘I’ll keep it for you’. So he(SRS) could only achieve his purpose by using a more tactful way.

“No need.”

Yin Suye rejected Shui Ruoshan’s good intention without even stopping to think. He didn’t put these treasures in his eyes, and he already gave it away so he won’t take it back in any other form.

“You will definitely need these treasures!”

When Shui Ruoshan saw that Yin Suye didn’t accept both his hard and soft approach, he became anxious and blurted out the thought in his heart. Wrong, his approach before this was not hard at all.


Yin Suye turned around to see that someone who was eager to explain, his gaze suddenly became sharp. For Shui Ruoshan to speak this sentence with certainty, was that a coincidence or does he really know something?

“These treasures are your capital when you return to your family. You can use it to buy people’s hearts, recruit troops, buy horses and cultivate power. These will pave the way for your future development…”

Shui Ruoshan was immersed in his thoughts on how to convince Yin Suye so he didn’t realize the abnormalities on his(YSY) face. Instead, he felt like Yin Suye doesn’t believe in his words and started to wave his hand while listing down the usefulness of the treasures. By doing this, he hoped he could change his(YSY) mind to take back the treasures.

He wrote all these information in his draft before, so using these as reasons were absolutely suitable.

“You seem to know these very well?”

Yin Suye stopped on his track and squatted down. He reached out and lifted Shui Ruoshan’s chin to meet his eyes. All these hypotheses uttered by Shui Ruoshan were coincidentally similar to what he did with the treasure in his past life?!

At this point, he couldn’t help doubting Shui Ruoshan.


Feeling that Yin Suye’s expression was not right, Shui Ruoshan started to realize something. Just now he was trying hard to convince Yin Suye and forgot that they had just met each other. It was impossible for him to know the other person’s situation so well!

Indeed, knowing too much sometimes is not a good thing!

Raw Word Count : 1027


Chapter 019 – Trade using coercion

Yin Suye saw that Shui Ruoshan was lost in thought and didn’t move at all, so he went ahead and walked into the stone room. His eyes swept the room with a glance as he walked one round in the perimeter of the room. He picked up a treasure chest from a pile of treasures and opened it. From the inside of the box, he took out a silver ring with delicate carved veined pattern.

In his past life, he used this unique space ring with the storage space of several thousands square meter to take all the treasures away from here. Using his spiritual power, Yin Suye packed all the treasures into the space ring. After he swept all the treasures into the ring, he went back to stand in front of Shui Ruoshan.

“Give you.”

Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to respond, Yin Suye grabbed ahold of the other person’s hand and gently sliced a bit on his(SRS) finger with his sword. A drop of blood fell exactly on top of the ring, and the process to recognize the ring’s owner was completed in an instant.

“Are you for real?!”

Shui Ruoshan has yet to recover from the sight of Yin Suye browsing through the treasures with much familiarity and all of a sudden, he has already been forced to accept the space ring. At the moment of recognizing the owner, the ring appeared on his index finger and it adjusted itself according to the size of the owner’s finger. At the same time, the attribute of the space ring appeared inside Shui Ruoshan’s mind, as well as the list of everything stored inside.

Yin Suye replied with an ‘En’ in a not light nor heavy tone, like nothing happened just now and maintained his usual look of icy cold expression.


In other words, Yin Suye is really going to give all these treasures to him?!

Although however one look at it, he was the beneficiary but that couldn’t conceal the fact that Yin Suye was ‘trading using coercion’[1] with him! One should know that if a space ring doesn’t have an owner, whoever possessed spiritual powers could use it but once it recognized one as its owner, only the owner would be able to use it.

1.强买强卖 – Here’s the chinese word in case someone want to know

“I really cannot accept these things.”

As he said that, Shui Ruoshan prepared to take out the items in the ring to return them to their original owner.
The space ring has already recognized him as the owner so he couldn’t return that. Plus Yin Suye has already possessed a space ring that could store living things so he could stop insist to return it alright!

“Don’t want? Then just throw it away!”

Yin Suye didn’t even bother to look at the treasures that Shui Ruoshan has taken out and started walking out from the room; obviously displaying his uncooperative attitudes. Yin Suye moved quickly like he was afraid that Shui Ruoshan would stuff all the treasures back at him, his actions seemed like he was running away from an extreme danger.


Yin Suye, who are you showing this cool move of ‘I won’t take back the things that I have given to other people’? He(SRS) is not the heroine from some romance novel, he definitely won’t buy this kind of tactics.

But on the other hand, why was it Shui Ruoshan somehow could detect a hint of anger from that cool ‘turning body around and swishing his sleeves’ actions? Especially the back of that hurrying figure, one could feel a sense of him fleeing a battlefield. This in turn make Shui Ruoshan felt like he(SRS) is a bad person who doesn’t understand other people’s good intention!

Actually, this idiot(YSY) who doesn’t know how to express goodwill and frequently say things differently from his heart[2], he is not the ultimate cruel villain from his novel who was blackened to the point of no return, right?


Raw Word Count : 1009



Chapter 018 – Joking

“You are very good!”

Upon confirming that Shui Ruoshan really meant what he said and that the treasures should all belong to him(YSY), a trace of gentleness appeared for the first time in Yin Suye’s eyes. Not because of the mountainous wealth that worth cities, but this sincerity from Shui Ruoshan.

That kind of feeling where someone would give him(YSY) all kinds of good things, and also would put him as someone important at heart, it was surprisingly comfortable and also unexpectedly nostalgic.

With his past experience, Yin Suye doesn’t dare to admit that he is good at appraising other people, but to tell apart the false from the truth, he still could distinguish properly. He has been paying attention to Shui Ruoshan’s expression and behavior.

It was that natural ‘of course’ attitude of his(SRS) make him(YSY) understood clearly that what Shui Ruoshan thought and said were the same. He knew that Shui Ruoshan was not using the tactic of ‘retreating first then advance’ to grab for more benefits for himself.

As expected, he decided to believe in his judgement once again, believe that he didn’t make the wrong decision!

“Of course I’m very good!”

Hearing that Yin Suye has approved him, Shui Ruoshan’s expression didn’t change much although in his heart, he was extremely happy to the point of cheering. His excitement could only be seen from his slightly raised eyebrows.

One need to know, this praise came from the mouth of that villain who never praise someone in a thousand years; absolutely belonged to the category of rare treasure. His sense of accomplishment naturally rose from this praise. Even though he looked calm on the outside, he couldn’t help feeling more and more excited.

If the Shui Ruoshan before transmigration displayed this attitude, combining with his ethereal temperament like a flower blooming in a high peak, then he would give off an absolute aura of a queen. Unfortunately, he transmigrated and has shrunk down. His appearance like a child couldn’t produce any coolness point, he simply couldn’t give off any strong aura. He could only show a cute little proud look in the most vivid expression.

This is a really sad reality!

“You choose first.” Yin Suye moved to one side to give way to Shui Ruoshan.

“No need.”

Shui Ruoshan waved his hand to indicate that he doesn’t need it nor did he wanted it.
He was aware of how important these wealth were for Yin Suye’s future. Not only these were his(YSY) first capital, these also helped him to stand firmly in his family; his betting chips to enter the circle of power.

One could say, these treasures were Yin Suye’s first step on the road to the peak of the world, and also the most critical step.


Yin Suye slightly squinted his eyes to hide the ruthless emotions inside, and only used a strict attitude to pull Shui Ruoshan to stand in front of the treasures; gesturing him to choose.

“…” Shui Ruoshan passively accepted Yin Suye’s arrangement.

Just that this bizarre feeling of someone forcing himself on him(SRS), where did it came from?

Although Yin Suye was putting on a tough stance and make one felt very unfriendly, Shui Ruoshan wasn’t afraid at all. Instead, he felt like the other person was actually bluffing. He could only say this person is really too incapable of expressing goodwill!

Such an uncomfortable character definitely won’t be able to obtain any liking from other people.
No wonder Yin Suye was still by himself right to the end!

“Letting me choose first, would you believe it if I said I want everything here and let you go empty-handed ah?”

Shui Ruoshan intentionally put a fierce expression on his face to express his determination. Who ask Yin Suye to be such an overbearing person. That cause him(SRS) to be unable to stop himself from wanting a revenge on someone’s impulsive decision!


Yin Suye threw a glance at that person who was still trying his best to change his expression. The little person whose expression looked abnormal but cute[1] wanted to intimidate him(YSY). Yin Suye could only lower down his gaze as he was afraid to be careless and destroy the solemn expression on his face.

1.萌 – Meng/Moe

Could it be Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have any self-awareness? He simply doesn’t possess any talent for acting at all. He shouldn’t force himself to make such high-level actions! Not only that expression failed to threaten anyone, it gave off a subtle feeling of someone throwing tantrum and wanted to be pampered.

Actually, Yin Suye doesn’t mind giving all the treasures in the cave to Shui Ruoshan since he has decided to believe this person with his everything, he definitely could do it. Just some mere worldly possessions, it’s nothing!

These treasures could help him keep a foothold in the family in the future, but even without those, he could still quickly return to the top of the world with his past memories. This is totally worth it, just by the fact that Shui Ruoshan didn’t let him down!

“…” Alright your head ah!

Shui Ruoshan’s expression turned a bit stiff when he heard Yin Suye answered with a deadpan tone. He was shocked speechless.

Just now, he wasn’t asking for Yin Suye’s opinion at all, alright?!

Yin Suye is really lacking humourous cells in his body! Any normal people would be able to tell that he was joking just now!

Yin Suye, it is wrong to misinterpret other people’s words!

Raw Word Count : 1414


Chapter 017 – Master of calmness

“Finally reached our destination!”

When Shui Ruoshan finally walked to the end of the path and stood in front of the entrance of the stone room, he somehow felt unrealistic. This small path was too easy for him! The path was obviously riddled with danger and yet, he managed to pass by safely as long as he stayed behind Yin Suye.

Watching him(YSY) defeating various traps with a strong posture; the scene of overcoming incoming dangers, they reached the other side just like that.

This actually doesn’t adhere to normal novel’s standard ups and downs ah!

One need to know, when he drafted his novel, Yin Suye was written to undergo deadly[1] test here. Then he will finally drag his dying body towards the cave where the treasures are located. Could it be due to him using Incantation to heal Yin Suye and restored his strength, that this hurdle became easy to cross and Yin Suye avoided the destined result of him being in a sorry state with a battered body?

1.九死一生 – Literally translated as 9 dead 1 live :v Meaning dangerous test which only 1 out of 10 lives

With this thought, Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt that his merit was really great. The moment he transmigrated, he already brought the best of luck to Yin Suye!

“Go in ba.” Yin Suye reached out his hand to push the door of the stone room.

Though comparing to his past life, his current life has an extra variable called Shui Ruoshan, nothing else has changed for him. Naturally, he was very clear that there are no more traps behind the door and they could directly enter without fear.

Shui Ruoshan has yet to express his opinion when Yin Suye pushed open the door.
At that moment, he(SRS) was instantly blinded by the golden light emitted from the stone room.

Can anyone tell him what is going on with those piles of gold, silver and treasures in the stone room? This was completely different from the stone room he woke up from!

Not only the gorgeous crystal coffin has disappeared, even the size and layout of the area was completely different! Could it be the small path he came down earlier was not the same with this one ba? But then, reality told him that this entire cave only has 1 path and no forked road.
There was simply no room for mistake at all!

So, where did the stone room that he stayed previously went to?

Fall down! (metaphorically)

Did he went to the wrong set[2]?

2.Filming studio usually have more than 1 set of backgrounds for filming so SRS was implying he went to the wrong one.

This kind of mystery was full of strange feeling. No matter how you looked at it, this should be a detective novel ah! Only God knows that he clearly wrote the most orthodox xuanhuan/fantasy novel!


Shui Ruoshan was the type of people which the more nervous they get, the less expression would appear on their face. So if one just judge him on the outside, he would definitely be the best performer as the master of calmness.

Back in those days, he(SRS) relied on this trait of his to scare away a lot of people who were not familiar with him. Letting one subconsciously felt like he is a floating cloud in the sky; a flower blooming on the highest point, like an existence which people could only look at him from afar and couldn’t get nearer.

So, even though Shui Ruoshan was feeling very nervous to the point of vomiting, his face still looked serious and unflustered; he could be said looking very calm to the extreme.

“Do you have any opinions regarding these treasures?”

Yin Suye turned around and asked in a very democratic way on how to divide the wealth. Looking at Shui Ruoshan with a serious look on his rigid small face, his(YSY) eyes couldn’t help but softened a bit. This person in front of him was just a small kid after all!

Shui Ruoshan looked very serious. But when this expression was made by a child who looked like he was 13 or 14 years old, it gave other people a lovely impression of a kid trying to act like an adult.

“Opinions? I don’t have any opinions. You can do whatever you like!” Shui Ruoshan firmly replied.

No one could be clearer than this author regarding whose the treasures belonged to.

“Is that really what you think?”

Yin Suye’s sharp and deep eyes looked straight into Shui Ruoshan’s eyes, not allowing him any chances to retreat.

“Of course!” Because he already knew that these treasures belonged to Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan answered back with a direct and natural tone.

“Even if I give nothing to you, you still have no opinion?”

That solid-like gaze seemed like it wanted to see something different from Shui Ruoshan’s eyes.

“These treasures belong to you right from the start!”

Shui Ruoshan silently rolled his eyes at Yin Suye. Yin Suye should be someone who speaks very few words, so what’s wrong this person in front of him who keep confirming the same question for the nth times ah? This big reversal from reticent to rambling, wouldn’t he break the character(OOC) really?

Yin Suye, are you really alright?

Raw Word Count : 1465

#OhYouDidntAskMe ?

Banana: Onwards to the next sponsored chapter! Many thanks to Helloandgoodbye , Dona & ryiryi ! (0w0)/

Chapter 016 – Puzzled and confused

“Awake?” Yin Suye asked, noticing movements from the person in his arms. Although his voice was still cold as usual, there was a hint of concern inside.


Shui Ruoshan slowly opened his eyes, then found that his entire body was very painful and his head was reeling that it was very uncomfortable. As expected, using Chinese characters with 6 strokes was still a bit too forceful for him right now! Fortunately, he has good luck and didn’t hurt his fundamentals. But he might not be that lucky next time; definitely shouldn’t be so hasty next time.

“Then let’s go ba.”

Yin Suye supported the person in his arms up with a calm face and didn’t check how Shui Ruoshan reacted; arranging their journey with a straight face.

“Go? Go where ah?”

Although Shui Ruoshan has yet to wake up from this extremely unscientific fact that he somehow woke up in the arms of this villain BOSS, he was clear enough that right now is not a good time to leave the cave. He secretly peeked at the situation outside the barrier and found that the pack of wolves has yet to leave the cave, stubbornly guarding the spot as if they were waiting for their preys to surrender themselves.

“Looking for treasures.”

Yin Suye knew that Shui Ruoshan has misunderstood his intention so he took out the treasure map and pointed at the marked point, indicating the location they are heading to.

“Looking for treasures?!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he must be looking very guilty right now. He naturally knows that their current location is the location of the treasures in the map. But he just came out from that place, was it possible that his butterfly[1] has fluttered away the original treasures?

1.Talking about Butterfly Effect, link below.

“En.” Yin Suye walked towards the cave according to the mark in the map. Seeing that Yin Suye has no intention to wait for him, Shui Ruoshan clenched his teeth and followed behind, stopped thinking of his emotions at the moment.

But then, the more they walked, the more Shui Ruoshan felt that it was not right. There was only 1 path, and it looked exactly the same with the path he originally took. Yet, the path seemed to be a lot more longer now. He remembered when he came out from there, he didn’t take that much time to walk. And most importantly, they have been walking for some time but the end of the path was still couldn’t be seen.

“Be careful.”

Halfway down the path, Yin Suye stopped and turned around to remind Shui Ruoshan. According to his past memories, there will be a variety of traps lying in the wait upon walking further.

“There is nothing to be worried about in here ah!”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t take Yin Suye’s reminder at heart and nonchalantly moved forward. He has just walked out from there safely after all, so he was very certain that there are no danger at all in this path. He was about to complain to Yin Suye for being too cautious when his foot stepped on something, and an arrow came zooming towards his face…

Just as the arrow reaches a few centimeters away from his face, Yin Suye caught it in his hand.
Shui Ruoshan patted his own chest a few times after that. The speed of the arrow was too fast that he didn’t even have the time to react; almost getting him shot.

“Thank you.” If not for Yin Suye’s quick reaction, he really would have lost his life here.

“Didn’t you came out from the other side?”

Yin Suye’s tone was like an ancient well without waves, as usual.

“There wasn’t any danger when I came out ah!”

Shui Ruoshan felt like he could see a trace of puzzled and confusion flashed through Yin Suye’s expressionless face. He(YSY) seemed like he was doubting him(SRS) to be able to came out from the other side safely, he(SRS) shouldn’t not know of the traps lying around and get himself attacked by the traps.

Fell down! (metaphorically)[2]

2.I can’t find any pictures but people who watched quite an amount of anime will understand this. It’s like a character slipped and fell down from hearing something incredibly amazing or stupid. Ah, I know! Like Doraemon when Nobita said something stupid :v

Actually, he is even more puzzled and confused than anyone else here ah alright?!

Raw Word Count : 1095


Banana: LINK for butterfly effect wiki

Chapter 015 – Believe once again

Afterwards, Yin Suye felt glad that he didn’t get destroyed right after he was reborn by this variable called Shui Ruoshan.

Because this person was really out of his expectation.

From the outside, Shui Ruoshan looked like a very naive and fragile child. Then it turned out that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t really have any caution towards other people. Otherwise, he(SRS) won’t so easily agreed to form a contract with him.

Unfortunately, his plan did not succeed, as Shui Ruoshan used Incantation instead; reversing the master-servant contract and instantly turned the ‘attack’ back to him.

However, he immediately reacted by testing Shui Ruoshan with the master-servant contract.

He believed that when the other person thought that he had full control of his(YSY) life, he(SRS) will definitely reveal his true motive. He(YSY) only needs to wait and see what will happen.

In the end, what happened was somewhat unexpected. Not only Shui Ruoshan didn’t request anything of him when given absolute control, he keep giving in (in their disagreements). When the pack of wolves appeared, Shui Ruoshan didn’t use the power of the contract to forcefully order him to obey. Instead, for his sake Shui Ruoshan rushed out from safety to save him regardless of the imminent danger.

Other than that, when faced with his(YSY) lack of cooperation, all Shui Ruoshan did was to ask him(YSY) to believe him!

There was one fact that cannot be denied. In the future, Yin Suye would keep suffering betrayals and no one will believe in him. So when he heard someone swearing an oath to him in such a firm tone, his long silenced heart still inevitably beats rapidly. Yin Suye admitted that his stubbornness has wavered at that moment; he wanted to try and trust once more. Even though he got betrayed countless times, he wouldn’t deny that he did yearned for one person who he could place an unconditional trust in.

Alas, his past life told him that even if he placed all his trust in other people, they don’t necessarily give the same trust to him. People always betrayed him for a variety of reasons, then left.

Even when he managed to stand at the highest point, had the whole world under him, and no one could let him trust or betray him, this solemn still life was too meaningless. This is probably the real reason why he lost so easily to Huang Beichen ba.

But since he reborn and came back, and encountered a variable like Shui Ruoshan, perhaps he could be greedy and hope for more. Worst come to worst, it would be another experience of being betrayed. He got used to it anyway.

Apart from that, in the face of many trials ahead, Shui Ruoshan could be said has met his requirements so he could temporarily trust him(SRS). Now that Yin Suye decided to trust others again, it doesn’t mean that he won’t continue testing Shui Ruoshan from time to time.
That was why when Shui Ruoshan suggested to seek refuge in the cave, Yin Suye didn’t immediately follow him.

When Shui Ruoshan didn’t pay attention to him, he purposely stopped escaping; acting like his strength couldn’t support himself and fainted to the ground. He really wanted to know this time if Shui Ruoshan would once again risk his own life to save him(YSY).

From what he could see, Shui Ruoshan was obviously afraid of the wolves to death but he(SRS) didn’t abandon him. When Shui Ruoshan insisted in saving him, Yin Suye’s mood became very good without a doubt.

On the other hand, he would never thought that Shui Ruoshan who possessed a self-defense skill would be scared stiff when facing the giant wolves. All of a sudden, Yin Suye felt nervous. Especially when a giant wolf was about to bite Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye couldn’t help ‘suddenly’ woke up. Revealing such a flaw would let other people to find out that he was pretending to be fainted just now. But he only know that he must first save people first, otherwise he(YSY) will absolutely regret it!

Yin Suye didn’t try to fight seriously with the giant wolf and directly took Shui Ruoshan with him to seek refuge in the cave. He never thought that Shui Ruoshan would noticed his injuries right away, so he purposely said that he doesn’t have any medicines on him just to see what would the other person do.

Unexpectedly, Shui Ruoshan actually offered to use Incantation on him. What more unexpected was the other person actually tried to use an Incantation that he(SRS) has insufficient ability to support just to heal his wounds.

At that moment, Yin Suye couldn’t tell what kind of feeling he(YSY) was feeling inside his heart.
Seeing the person fainting in front of him, he reacted without thinking and went to support him, to prevent him getting hurt from falling on the ground. He looked at the person who fainted in his arm due to exhaustion and felt grateful. Fortunately there were no lasting effect(backlash) on him.

Even though this person was full of suspicious points, he(YSY) shouldn’t be so unbelieving and used so many ways to test him in order to let himself be at ease.

This person, maybe he would really be different(from the rest)? If so, Shui Ruoshan, you must remember what you have said and the guarantee you made! As long as you keep believing in me, I will be willing to give my all to believe in you!

(Banana saw the note below and got despaired from the word count. Will somehow come back some time later to translate it :v )

Author note :



Raw Word Count : 1688

#IsTheMLFallingAlready XD

Chapter 014 – Rebirth

The moment Shui Ruoshan fainted, Yin Suye who was leaning motionless against the wall instantly moved and supported the man. Although his injuries were not completely healed, majority of them recovered; it was easier for him to move now.

Looking down at the fainted little guy, all kinds of emotions flickered in Yin Suye’s heterochromia eyes…

Reaching out his hands, he touched the neck of the man in his arms. Fortunately, this person only fell into deep sleep from exhausting his spiritual power, and didn’t suffer any backlash from the Incantation. He will recover after he rested a bit more.

But after Yin Suye confirmed Shui Ruoshan’s health, he didn’t take back his hand which was on the man’s neck. Instead, he gently stroke back and forth. Seemed like by doing so, he could clearly feel the warm blood flowing slowly inside the blood vessels hidden under the skin. A bloody fierce light instantly emerged from Yin Suye’s eyes, and his body also emitted a faint dark aura…

He liked this position (of his hand) because just by exerting a bit more strength, he would be able to easily take away someone’s life. This kind of feeling, that one could hold a complete control of someone’s life was very addictive. He doesn’t want to let go, and not willing to let go either!

After a moment though, Yin Suye regained control of his emotions. The blood red light faded from his eyes, so did the black aura from his body. However, his gaze looking at Shui Ruoshan didn’t calm down and became more and more complicated instead. The emotions contained in his eyes were so strong that it was scary.

What he need to do, the most important thing that he need to do was to contemplate properly.
Actually he was not the original Yin Suye, but still Yin Suye; contradictory yet correct. Because he was reborn from the future, the Hell that doesn’t have any bright light in it. The original him has perished in the future.

He doesn’t understand why he would suddenly returned to the past after death; reborn back to the changing point of his fate. To be specific, it was that point where a disagreement erupted between ‘him’ and Huang Beichen and they parted ways.

He reborn and came back from the future.

Although it was a pity that he didn’t manage to encounter the Huang Beichen who was relatively weak right now; strangling the danger in its cradle, but to be able to get one more chance to come back, he had the higher advantage already. This time, the him who has already mastered the skills of the next few decades, he won’t repeat the tragic mistakes from his past life.

Also because he was just reborn, he haven’t have the time to figure things out. That was why he didn’t instantly notice there was someone hiding inside a cave.

If Shui Ruoshan heard this name of Huang Beichen, he will surely tell you that Huang Beichen is the protagonist of this story and at the same time, the destined Son of this world.

Unfortunately, Yin Suye doesn’t know about this. He was still recalling his experiences from his past life. He remembered that he killed those people who framed him in the past. After angering Huang Beichen away, he met with the same pack of wolves which came out (from the forest) to feed. Only after a difficult battle, he managed to break open the barrier and found the treasures inside the cave.

There was absolutely no other people appearing in the middle of this scene.

As for this person Shui Ruoshan, no matter from his past life, current life or in the future, he has never heard of this name before.

This random person that he has never contacted before, who should not even appear in his life, why would he suddenly appear out of nowhere from the cave that he was about to get the treasures? Was it all a coincidence? Or conspiracy?

Because this person has too many mysteries and uncertainties, Yin Suye did not hesitate to release an unrelenting destruction upon Shui Ruoshan the first moment they met.

To him, Shui Ruoshan was a variable; he doesn’t know whether he’s a good one or bad one!

Raw Word Count : 1112

#ILoveToKnowWhatMLIsAlwaysThinking :3

Chapter 013 – A newbie

“Can I use Incantation to heal your injuries?” Shu Ruoshan said after some thought, when he felt both of them falling into a silence.

It was not that he wanted to be kind or anything, he offered because the man standing in front of him was covered in injuries. Some of the wounds was so deep that one could see the bone while some of the wounds were still bleeding. Shui Ruoshan could smell a thick stench of blood just by taking a step closer (to YSY), causing him to not able to handle the sight.

Even though the concerned party doesn’t seem to care about his injuries, Shui Ruoshan felt it on his behalf. Because when he thought of himself who would frown the whole day from just getting an injection, then he looked at the man whose body was covered in wounds; large and small, just a look at Yin Suye make him felt painful.

At that moment, he could imagine how much pain Yin Suye has suffered and how it hurts!


Yin Suye took a few second glances at Shui Ruoshan, he(YSY) seemed to be puzzled why the other person showed a painful expression despite not injured at all.

“A heads-up first, I’m not very proficient in using Incantation so I can’t guarantee the effect.”

What ‘not very proficient’[1]? He was simply nothing but a newbie ah!

1. SRS is laughing at his own words

Shui Ruoshan began to recall carefully of the introduction for Incantation in his novel.

As long as one possessed enough spiritual power and could understand Chinese characters, one could use Incantation without any restrictions and limit. You can defend, can attack, can heal, can assist…

Incantation could be said to be a very comprehensive ability.

However, judging from the fact that he became incredibly exhausted from just writing a four-stroke Chinese character (反) to reverse the master-servant contract, it means his spiritual powers were almost used up. On the other hand, that also means with his current spiritual powers, it is not a problem to write characters under 4 strokes.

But the same thing cannot be said to characters over 4 strokes. Even though Incantation was a powerful ‘golden finger’ he purposely created for the protagonist, there must be flaws as well.
Otherwise, which such a big golden finger, the protagonist would be invincible and he could conquer the world just like that. Then this story would be concluded directly, and this author will not be able to earn money to feed himself through writing novels!

All in all, there must be a restriction/limit in using Incantation.

If the casting failed, the backlash would bite back at the Incantation master and caused the caster’s spiritual power to suffer damage too. The consequences would be very serious if one overestimated their capabilities and used Incantation more than what their spiritual power could support. Light damage would be damaging or ruining their spiritual space[2], while the heavier damage would be becoming a vegetable or be dead straight away.

2. Probably the space that stores one spiritual power

That’s why when he faced the wolves earlier, it wasn’t that he doesn’t want to use Incantation to save himself, but at that critical moment he couldn’t find any Chinese characters that could help him yet contained simple strokes at the same time.

Facing a pack of wolves that doesn’t speak logic, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help but hesitated for a moment; that led him into a life crisis. In the end, he still relied on Yin Suye to save him.

The current clear-headed Shui Ruoshan will never admit that he actually forgot to react because he was frightened by the wolves. At most, he will only admit that he couldn’t find a suitable counterattack method. Later he must explain it properly to Yin Suye to clear his own good name.

Right now, he must brainstorm a bit to decide which Chinese character he could use to heal Yin Suye.

Cure, Treat , Therapy , Recover , Heal , Whole , Healthy , Restore , Return , Good …

[Banana : Can you guys guess which one SRS will choose? :D]

All these characters should have healing effect. There were a lot of words to choose from but even the simplest one required 6 strokes! He can’t find a synonym under the 4 strokes! This is the first time he realized that his literature level is so poor.

His knowledge is too narrow and his cultural knowledge is too low!

“Don’t be stubborn if you don’t have enough strength.”

Yin Suye understood very well of the restrictions of Incantation. Looking at Shui Ruoshan’s condition at the moment, he immediately understood the reason and spoke out to prevent the man from a self-torment brainstorming.

“I can try!”

Upon hearing Yin Suye saying he don’t need for his help, Shui Ruoshan felt embarrassed instead. No matter how one sees it, part of Yin Suye’s wounds came from saving him just now so he can’t justify standing by the side not doing anything and used ‘lack of ability’ as an excuse!

Actually he shouldn’t limit his choices to characters below 4 strokes, that would simply give him nothing to choose from. Though he felt exhausted after writing a character with 4 strokes, that doesn’t mean it was his limit. Perhaps he can take this opportunity to challenge characters with a bit more strokes.

Like Nike said, ‘Just do it’. Shui Ruoshan browsed for the most suitable word in his mind, finally picking one with the least amount of strokes and also the simplest one to write. Then using his finger, he started writing in the air with utmost concentration…

When he reached the 4th stroke, Shui Ruoshan could feel that his spiritual power dropping and doesn’t have much left but it was not really empty yet, so he pushed forward to continue to the 5th stroke.

As he was writing the 6th stroke, Shui Ruoshan’s hand began to tremble and fine sweat started to gather at his forehead. This was a sign that his spiritual power is about to finish.

However, Shui Ruoshan’s action doesn’t show any sign of stopping. Clenching his teeth, he stretched his nerves taut and mobilized the last of his spiritual power to complete the last stroke.

“Whole! (合)”

After confirming that the Incantation has been successfully written, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have any extra energy to see if it worked. With his last effort, he threw the Incantation towards Yin Suye. Then his eyes shut down, and fainted dead away….

Raw Word Count : 1564

#DidYouGuysManagedToGuessWhichCharacterSRSGonnaUse ?

Banana: Guys, please read this also. Translators totally appreciate comments but they don’t appreciate demanding comments like ‘Please update‘ or ‘Update soon‘ when they were really posting according to schedule and were not late at all.

These comments make us feel like we are lazy and that we only posted once every 3 months. Please don’t do that. I will delete it the next time I see someone posting similar comment in my translations.

On the other hand, please take note that I’ll be posting new chapter 2 times a week, every Tuesday and Friday.