Chapter 082 – Killing to prevent killing

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Men, take down Yin Suye!”

The moment the high-leveled fighters of the residence arrived, Yin Ming immediately issued an order to catch Yin Suye. Through the fight with Yin Suye just now, Yin Ming clearly understood that his strength alone cannot go against Yin Suye. So even when he found that Yin Wushuang was crippled by him, Yin Ming didn’t attack right away but waited for his reinforcement to come.


Those people heard the family head’s order and instantly cast their hostile gaze at Yin Suye.
Then they started to surround Yin Suye…

Watching Yin Suye gets surrounded by the high-leveled fighters as if it’s impossible for him to escape, both Yin Ming and Yin Wushuang revealed a look of appeased anger like they could already see Yin Suye’s look of defeat.

Yin Suye seemed to be completely unaware of the danger, still standing there without saying anything.

“Should we be strategically retreating right now?”

Shui Ruoshan was still in Yin Suye’s arms so he could easily see what’s happening at their surrounding. Naturally, he understood what kind of a situation they are in now. Looks like Yin Ming has decided not to let Yin Suye leave today! Really a scum dad ah! But now is not the time to get disgusted at Yin Ming’s biasness, he(SRS) should properly consider what should they do right now instead. Although he has absolute confidence in Yin Suye’s strength, he doesn’t want to make a big fuss out of this matter.

Right now, the thing between Yin Suye and Yin Residence could still be considered as family matters but once the matter gets bigger and alarmed the entire Capital, Yin Suye would probably be pinned with offenses like damaging the Capital, inciting disturbance and intentional rebellion. At that time, it would be that easy to settle the matter.

So, in order not to let Yin Suye go down the road against the whole Capital, it’s necessary to concede a bit. This is called strategic distraction, not retreating! After finding an appropriate reason for his suggestion, Shui Ruoshan felt that his suggestion is very reliable the more he thinks about it. On the outside, he looked like he was asking Yin Suye what to do next but actually he already given his opinion. At the same time in his heart, Shui Ruoshan determined that if Yin Suye dared to disagree with his suggestion, he will start staging the ‘first – cry, second – throw tantrum, third – hang oneself‘!

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Yin Suye gently nodded when he saw the little guy looking like he would bite him(YSY) if he says no. His road for revenge has just begun so there’s no need to go too far. Since the little guy wanted him to avoid unnecessary danger, he would be willing to adjust his plan for him. After all, it was the most difficult thing for him to refuse the little guy’s cares for him, and he won’t refuse either.

“Want to leave? Not so easy!”

Yin Ming saw that Yin Suye actually wants to escape, and instantly decided not to continue his original plan. He viciously ordered his subordinates to quickly take action.

Yin Suye didn’t pay attention to those incoming men at all, but lowered his eyes seriously thinking about something instead. He remembered that the little guy seemed to dislike seeing blood. So right now, should he finish all these people who dared to look trouble with him in front of the little guy? For the first time, Yin Suye couldn’t decide whether to kill or not.

“If you surrender now, I will spare your life considering our past sentiment!”

Yin Ming naturally saw Yin Suye’s indecisiveness. He thought that Yin Suye must be feeling scared now so his tone was filled with confidence, and Yin Ming felt that he should capture Yin Suye first. As for how to deal with him(YSY), that would depends on his mood.


Yin Suye disdainfully hmph-ed towards this Yin Ming who was feeling good about himself. Just that, why doesn’t he know that he has any past sentiment with him?

“Still not hurry up and capture him?!”

What Yin Ming hated the most was Yin Suye’s arrogance that doesn’t put anything in his eyes. He is the master of the family, and everyone should respect him. But he didn’t expect that his official wife, which is Yin Suye’s mother would be having an affair with other people before gotten married to him. This is clearly provoking his prestige! After that, his wife’s lover actually came to their doorstep. Yin Ming couldn’t tolerate this even more when he found out of his wife’s affair! Even after his wife died in the hand of her lover due to some disagreements, this didn’t change anything in Yin Ming’s eyes. He only knew that his wife has betrayed him! No man can tolerate being forced to wear a ‘green hat’[1] by their wife! It could be said that how much love Yin Ming had for his wife in the past, how much hatred he had when he found out of his wife’s betrayal! At the same time, towards this son who looked nothing like him, Yin Ming hated him as well.

1.being cuckolded

Yin Ming even suspected once that Yin Suye is not his own biological son especially after he(YSY) was crippled and couldn’t be healed anymore. He then completely gave up on this son and publicly announced that he has no such son. After that, not only he didn’t treat Yin Suye as a son, he even hated him(YSY) like an enemy. So although Yin Suye managed to restore his strength later on and slowly made a name for himself, he(YM) still didn’t see him as his son. And everyone in the residence were influenced by Yin Ming’s attitude, naturally their attitude towards Yin Suye won’t be friendly. Furthermore, after Yin Ming had a new wife and son, their attitude towards Yin Suye became even worse.

Yin Suye’s eyes slightly darkened. He detected it right away when Yin Ming’s mood changed, just that his(YSY) expression didn’t change on his face. Since Yin Ming didn’t treat him as his son, he naturally won’t respect this person who is unable to distinguish right and wrong as his father. In any case, Yin Ming is still his father in blood, he won’t take his life. But he wants him(YM) to be heir-less from now on! This is the best revenge against Yin Ming. As for other people, he doesn’t have to be so polite!

He didn’t killed anyone earlier and deliberately restrained his attacks because the little guy was standing by his side. But the people from the Yin Residence didn’t seem to appreciate his kindness. The other party treated his concession as a compromise, repeatedly ‘taking a mile from given an inch’. This caused Yin Suye whose temper was not very good became darker. He should just ‘kill to prevent killing’[2]! As long as he doesn’t let the other party bleed when being killed or he simply covers the little guy’s eyes, he believes the little guy won’t feel that repulsive towards him killing other people. Having thought of that, Yin Suye pressed Shui Ruoshan’s head directly into his arms and prevented him from seeing anything around. Then he charged forward with his sword…

2. Banana : Very confused with this idiom, refer bottom note for more info.

Yin Suye casually walked into the circle of people, his swords stabbed; one kill at a step, quick, ruthless and accurate.

Yin Ming stared at the scene in disbelief, he didn’t expect it at all that the situation would turn out completely different from what he imagined. Although these reinforcement who came later were not the top powerhouses of the residence, but their overall strength was not bad. All of them were in Imperial stage, but they got finished off by Yin Suye in one-move kill?! He originally thought the reason he lost to Yin Suye earlier was because his foundation was unstable, due to him taking supplements to increase his strength. That’s why his combat power was so bad. But he never thought that Yin Suye would be so powerful! When facing a bunch of high-leveled fighters surrounding him, he(YSY) could even kill one person with each stroke. The direct and neat movements cause people to think that he is not killing people but cutting watermelons instead. Such domineering aura, such confidence, such power, such arrogance…
At this moment, Yin Ming suddenly felt that the Yin Suye in front of his eyes was very much a stranger to him, that he couldn’t help but felt fear!

“Father, what to do now?”

Yin Wushuang also saw how Yin Suye easily killed the fighters, and felt afraid all of a sudden. He doesn’t have the time to think why Yin Suye would suddenly become unscientifically strong. He only knows that Yin Suye is getting nearer and nearer to him. He might just die in Yin Suye’s hand at the next second so he panicked.

“Don’t panic!”

Yin Ming looked at Yin Suye who killed without any expressions, then at Yin Wushuang who looked anxious and was trembling, and felt uncomfortable in his heart. The moment he realized Yin Suye’s real terrifying strength, he has sent a help signal to the ancestor shrine. He believed that those who received the signal will soon arrive, then subdue Yin Suye. The reason Yin Ming request help from the ancestor shrine was not to seek revenge for Yin Wushuang but because he saw something from Yin Suye’s body that could further advance the family’s value.

As the head of the family, Yin Ming naturally is not an idiot, nor will get blindsided by hatred. In such a short period after Yin Suye left the Capital, his advancement was too fast that it’s unnatural! Yin Ming couldn’t help considering something when he thought of this horrifying speed of leveling. He felt that if he could figure out how Yin Suye improved his strength in a short time, he could do the same and double up the strength of the entire family; making the family stronger! Also because of this, Yin Ming became more determined to capture Yin Suye alive!

Raw Word Count : 2835


Banana : This idiom here is 以杀止杀. There’s a baidu link for this idiom but I just couldn’t understand it… or rather, I couldn’t see how the idiom fits at this situation with Yin Suye.
Here’s the raw for those who want to try :




Chapter 081 – Crippled

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Shui Ruoshan emptied his space ring, any items that can be used to attack, whether it’s good or bad and threw it at Yin Ming…
All of a sudden, multitude of lights shone in the air, explosion sound ‘KABOOM’ continuously rang out…

Shui Ruoshan didn’t hope these props would be able to defeat Yin Ming, his main purpose is to stop him from approaching anyway. He need to buy time to save himself, and also provide time for Yin Suye to return (to him). Actually, before they arrived to the Capital, Yin Suye has already prepared him with various situations that they would encounter and also gotten him well-prepared. For example, what to do to protect himself when being attacked. That’s right, it’s self-protection, not counterattacking.

Although Shui Ruoshan knew how to make incantation and also prepared himself on how to react when in danger, he felt helpless that he has no experience in this matter. Mainly because his speed in writing incantation is too slow, so there is the possibility of him being killed off by the enemy before he even finished writing his incantation. So, to prevent this kind of situation from happening, Yin Suye has long thought of the countermeasures for Shui Ruoshan.

That is regardless the cost, the amount, the result… just smash everything at the enemy! If he can’t smash the enemy to death, then at the very least, he should strive to make the enemy dizzy from it. This method is crudely simple and efficient! Not only did Yin Suye went to sort out the offensive weapons in Shui Ruoshan’s ring, he even gave away all the attacking items he wore on his body to Shui Ruoshan.

So when facing with Yin Ming’s sudden attack, he was not too flustered and reacted accordingly to what Yin Suye has told him earlier; smashing the props one by one at Yin Ming. Seeing how the unprepared Yin Ming getting confused and flustered by those props, Shui Ruoshan unkindly gloated at him. Who ask him to be the first victim that Yin Suye want to get back at? If he(SRS) doesn’t contribute a bit, then he would be too embarrassed to say he roamed on the streets before!

One need to know, with so many offensive props layering on each other, the result was not as simple as one plus one, so the momentum was quite spectacular. Shui Ruoshan felt that if he couldn’t ruin Yin Ming with these items, at the very least he could make him covered in dirt! Thinking about it this way, Shui Ruoshan felt his mood turn good and comfortable; really could use the word ‘Awesome’ to describe it! Feels good to be a local tyrant! And so, he became even more enthusiastic in smashing the items (on Yin Ming)!

At the other side, Yin Ming keep blocking the tools and weapons Shui Ruoshan threw at him while slowly moving forward. Don’t even mention how depressed he is feeling now. He originally thought that the child was ‘without the strength to truss a chicken’, and it would be easy to grab him. Who knew that the result would be exactly the opposite? Sensing that Yin Suye is rushing to his direction, Yin Ming set a determination in his heart. In favor of speed, he took the risk of getting injured and actually stopped blocking the incoming items. He directly resisted the attacks with his own body and flew towards Shui Ruoshan…


Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect Yin Ming would treat his own body that heartlessly, so he couldn’t help swearing out. But he didn’t stop throwing stuff at Yin Ming. One hand keep flinging items, while the other hand quickly wrote in the air…
When he started throwing things at Yin Ming, he has begin mobilizing his spiritual power, ready to start writing incantation in the air. After all, the stuff he threw out were things that don’t worth much. He was a bit reluctant to waste those expensive ones like this. One need to know, all those were also money. Such extravagance is wasteful, and his heart will feel hurt! Just that, not waiting for him to finish the incantation, he got wrapped into someone’s arms, thoroughly protected.

“Yin Suye?!”

Smelling the familiar fragrance, Shui Ruoshan’s originally tensed body relaxed in an instant.
Yin Suye came back faster than he thought. This caused shui Ruoshan to feel very complicated in his heart. Yin Suye chose to let go of Yin Wushuang to rush to his side right away. It was apparent that Yin Suye put his safety at the first place in his(YSY) heart!

Don’t look at how much he ranted, in reality only a second has passed. Else, Yin Ming will be attacking him already.

“You did very well!” Yin Suye tightly enclosed Shui Ruoshan in his embrace, like he could block all sorts of danger for the little guy.

“Of course.”

Shui Ruoshan who knew that he is safe now, immediately started acting smug. He even forgot about his weak behavior which is currently leaning tightly in Yin Suye’s arms. After all, the battle with Yin Ming could be said as his first ever battle after he transmigrated into the continent. Even with all the preparation done before the fight, but as an otaku/nerd he will still get nervous or scared when it comes to the real fight. So he kept using other stuff to distract his attention so not to make mistakes in confusion. Although he didn’t do particularly good before this, but he didn’t pull Yin Suye’s hind leg either. So Shui Ruoshan still felt that his performance just now was still acceptable.

After calming down the little guy, Yin Suye’s gaze at Yin Ming became colder. The originally emotionless pair of eyes turned even duller, carrying a trace of being dropped down an abyss. With just this pair of lifeless cold eyes, the chill and fearful feeling arose from it could cause people’s heart to shrink.

Facing with Yin Ming’s attack so close to him, Yin Suye only gently raised his palm and directly received it…
This time, Yin Suye didn’t choose to hide his strength like before and decided to attack with all his strength. Dare to harm the little guy, they will become his enemy!

Yin Ming saw that Yin Suye has returned (to SRS side) and decided to recall his attack. But then Yin Suye didn’t give him that opportunity to do so, so both of their attack collided with each other…

In an instant, Yin Ming couldn’t help but spat out a mouthful of blood and his whole body was pushed far away by a enormous force of power. However, Yin Ming didn’t proceed to attack again. Instead, relied on the force that was pushing him to quickly go to Yin Wushuang’s side and protected him. His main purpose right from the start was to save Yin Wushuang from Yin Suye’s hand, not to go for a face-off with Yin Suye. Although the rescue process was somewhat different from what Yin Ming has planned and he got himself injured as well, but at least he managed to save Yin Wushuang so it is not considered to be a waste of energy.

“Wushuang, are you alright?” Yin Ming immediately took all kinds of healing pills from his space ring, and shoved it into Yin Wushuang’s mouth without even looking at it.

“Father, you must seek justice for me ah!” Yin Wushuang who has just healed to a certain extent, immediately cried out to Yin Ming.


Yin Ming carefully supported the other person, and mobilized his spiritual power to check Yin Wushuang’s injuries.

“Wushuang, where is your martial power source/root?[1]

1. Banana : Ah yes, because this banana didn’t make any glossary, I have no idea which chapter mentioned about ‘power source’ again. But I’m pretty sure it’s the same meaning of root.

Yin Ming’s frown deepened as he checked further, and his face became darker because he found out that Yin Wushuang’s martial source/root has been destroyed! Healing pills could heal Yin Wushuang’s injury but couldn’t restore the power source/root. Martial source or magic source is the foundation for human’s cultivation. Without it, that person couldn’t cultivate at all.

“I was crippled by Yin Suye!”

Reminded by Yin Ming, Yin Wushuang seemed to thought of something and his face instantly became ferocious. He recalled when Yin Suye left him, the extreme pain of being crippled?![2]

2. Holy crapness for chinese punctuation… I checked the raw 3 times, not sure why it’s phrased like that. Raw at the bottom, feel free to check.

“Father, you must avenge me!” Yin Wushuang’s gaze at Yin Suye right now was full of hatred!

“En.” Yin Ming comforted Yin Wushuang. Yin Wushuang was the child he think highly of and also his heir. To get crippled by Yin Suye just like this, Yin Ming hated Yin Suye to the bones!


Shui Ruoshan was very speechless as he watched the two people playing the ‘father-son’ filial piety show over there. Were these two people too into their acting that they forgot that the current matter has not been settled? There are people watching the show at a side here. Just that, at the same time Shui Ruoshan felt bad for Yin Suye, he also felt deeply apologetic. After all, Yin Suye’s tragic fate was arranged by him. So when all these misfortunes played out directly before his eyes, this guilt became deeper. Randomly, Shui Ruoshan secretly made a decision in his heart that he should treat Yin Suye better. This will make up for all the unfairness he ever caused to Yin Suye. Hence, when he saw both Yin Ming and Yin Wushuang displayed unreserved hatred towards Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help worrying about Yin Suye. Just now, Yin Suye didn’t has enough time to kill Yin Wushuang because of him(SRS). He keep thinking that leaving such a scourge alive might be extremely unfavorable for Yin Suye’s future development ah!

“Killing him, hands will get dirty!”

Yin Suye lightly explained when he saw the question in Shui Ruoshan’s eyes. Although Yin Suye didn’t kill Yin Wushuang, he did crippled him. At the same time, he also crippled him ‘down there’ where he doesn’t deserve to possess. Who told him to have those feelings that he shouldn’t have towards the little guy. But about this point, he doesn’t have to let the little guy know.


Shui Ruoshan could clearly see how both Yin Ming and Yin Wushuang’s face turned black when they heard him(YSY) talking about getting hands dirty. He(SRS) couldn’t help sighing – villain, you really know how to pull in the hatred! At the same time, he wanted to praise – villain, the way you did a ‘group ridicule’ is really handsome and cool to the max! BOSS-daren, you are so domineering, did the author created it (for you)?

Raw Word Count : 2919

#DidYWSJustGotTurnedEunuch ?
#AndOhYMDidntDie :v

Banana: Raw :

Chapter 080 – No need to worry

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Wait!” Shui Ruoshan saw that Yin Suye really has the intention to kill, without thinking he called out to stop in a fluster.

The moment he heard Shui Ruoshan said stop, Yin Suye hesitated for a moment before taking back the sword that has already scratched Yin Wushuang’s neck. He then looked at Shui Ruoshan in confusion.

Yin Wushuang thought he would be dead for sure. So at that moment he escaped death, he has totally taken Shui Ruoshan as his savior, his gaze towards Shui Ruoshan became even more intense.

“Yin Wushuang cannot die now!”

Shui Ruoshan is very clear that if Yin Suye killed Yin Wushuang right out in the open, it would not only means being enemies with Yin Residence, Yin Suye would be considered as challenging the authority of the Capital as well! If this continues, they will go down the route of being enemies with the entire world right away ah! So just because of this small fry Yin Wushuang, everything that Yin Suye has will be destroyed; it’s really not cost-effective!

Other than that, no matter how powerful Yin Suye is, he is only one person. There will be times where ‘two fists cannot beat four hands’ in the future. For safety reason, Shui Ruoshan need to stop Yin Suye from making such unwise moves. As the saying goes, 10 years is not too late for a gentleman to avenge himself!

“No need to worry.”

With just a glance, Yin Suye understood that the reason the little guy stopped him from killing was not because he is feeling generous but he was worried of his(YSY) situation. This undoubtedly made him loosened a bit of his guard in his heart. And at the same time strengthened his killing intent towards Yin Wushuang.

What about being enemies with the entire world?

It’s not like he hasn’t done it in his past life. Returning to do the same thing again was just a small trouble for him! Thinking it that way, the sword in Yin Suye’s hand stabbed towards Yin Wushuang’s neck…


All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan felt helpless and speechless. He didn’t think not only his persuasion didn’t make Yin Suye change his mind, it deepened his killing intent instead. Villain, is it really alright for you to not listen to advice? At time like this, anyone please come and stop Yin Suye from doing stupid things, whoever it is!

Shui Ruoshan felt that there’s a limit on how much his heart can take, he is not ready to follow Yin Suye down the self-destruction path of anti human, anti-society, and anti-world ah! This time, God seemed to hear Shui Ruoshan’s request because a voice carrying a strong domineering pressure suddenly rang out, at the very moment Yin Suye’s sword broke the skin of Yin Wushuang’s neck.


Shui Ruoshan who has been looking at Yin Suye saw that his(YSY) action paused for a moment from that sudden pressure. It was just a short moment and the owner of the voice has arrived in front of Yin Suye, that person struck out a palm at Yin Suye with full force…

Yin Suye didn’t show any change of emotions in his eyes when he was facing that attack. He just gently lifted up his left hand to receive the attack…
The power clash between both people’s energy instantly formed a circle of energy wave, the shockwave brought the surrounding guards to their knees…
Yin Suye’s gaze sharpened, he pushed his palm forward and forced the incoming attacker out (from the circle of energy wave).

“Yin Suye, you are seeking death!”

The incoming person took a few steps back to stabilize himself, he looked at Yin Suye like his eyes would spit fire.

“Dearest Father, quickly save me! Yin Suye has gone crazy, he wanted to kill me!” Yin Wushuang was overjoyed when he saw who just came, he didn’t forget to complain about Yin Suye while asking for help.

When he heard what Yin Wushuang called that person, Shui Ruoshan immediately understood who is this middle-aged uncle. This person is current head of the family, at the same time he is Yin Suye’s cheap father – Yin Ming. But when he saw how Yin Ming is seeking justice for Yin Wushuang, Shui Ruoshan still felt a bit unfair on Yin Suye’s behalf. This kind of biased father doesn’t has a single relation to the word ‘Wise’, he completely unable to distinguish right and wrong ah!

[Banana : Yin Suye’s father name is Yin Ming/殷溟 which has the same pronunciation with the word ‘Wise’, Ying Ming/英明.]’

At the same time, he wanted to complain to himself. What kind of brain fart he had at that time of writing, to name Yin Suye’s cheap father as ‘Wise/Ying Ming’? As for the current situation, Shui Ruoshan was not worried at all. Else, he won’t have free time to rant to himself. Because Yin Ming’s current strength was only Imperial stage level 5, he is not Yin Suye’s opponent at all so Shui Ruoshan can continue to watch the development of things with peace of mind.

“Shut up!”

As he said that, Yin Suye forced his sword deeper into Yin Wushuang’s neck. Just that this time he doesn’t intend to take his(YWS) life right away. He wanted to see how this good father of his could save his good son from his(YSY) hands.

Instantly, Yin Wushuang screamed out in pain. Yin Suye was really ruthless, he let him retain his consciousness while feeling the bone-piercing pain.

“What are you doing?!” Seeing that Yin Suye dared to injure Yin Wushuang right in front of him, Yin Ming became even more furious.

“It’s as you can see.”

As he said that, Yin Suye made another wound at the other side of Yin Wushuang’s neck. He seemed to hate Yin Wushuang’s voice, so this time he made it so he couldn’t make a sound.

“How dare you?!”

Yin Ming saw Yin Wushuang convulsed with a pale face and felt heartache all of a sudden, but he doesn’t dare to act rashly as the hostage is still in Yin Suye’s hand. Moreover, judging from the face-off just now, Yin Ming clearly sensed that Yin Suye’s strength should be above him so he couldn’t take action at all.

“Why not?”

Yin Suye’s voice was very cold. There wasn’t any dissatisfaction inside, just calmly stating the matter. He used to hate and blame Yin Ming, and because he has emotions towards him(YM), it let him know that he actually cares for Yin Ming as his father. But now that he is reborn, Yin Ming no longer means anything to him because he has exhausted all his feelings towards his father. Not killing off Yin Wushuang right away but torturing him bit by bit in front of Yin Ming, Yin Suye wants him(YM) to personally experience the helpless pain he felt in the past. However, when he remembered that Shui Ruoshan was nearby him, he restrained the degree of his revenge and took a softer approach.

“Quickly release him, or else…” For Yin Wushuang’s sake, Yin Ming could only suppressed the anger in his heart and verbally threatened Yin Suye.

Yin Suye lost the interest to continue the conversation, his hands resumed the torturing action.

“Courting death!” Watching his beloved son being hurt, Yin Ming can no longer watch at a side, and directly struck out fiercely at Yin Suye.

Yin Suye lightly raised his gaze and coldly looked at Yin Ming, he didn’t plan to let go of Yin Wushuang.

“If you don’t let go, I could only force you myself!” As he says that, Yin Ming forcefully changed the direction of his attack and directed it towards Shui Ruoshan…

Actually, before Yin Ming arrived to the main gate, he already heard Shui Ruoshan yelling ‘Stop’ so he knew that this child has a certain influence on Yin Suye. Just that he didn’t put this small child in his eyes before this. What surprised him later on was Yin Suye’s strength actually exceeded his(YM) level so much in such a short time; he(YM) simply couldn’t do anything against Yin Suye.

Furthermore, Yin Wushuang is still in Yin Suye’s hands. Yin Ming doesn’t dare to act rashly even more, afraid that he will hurt Yin Wushuang in the process! He never thought that Yin Suye would be so uncaring (of their familial ties) so he(YM) could only shift his target to Shui Ruoshan.

Towards Yin Suye, he felt that since he couldn’t go against him by force, then he could only use suppression. It seems that Yin Suye cares for this child, so he will use this child to threaten him. Yin Suye definitely will not act rashly! However, Yin Ming didn’t immediately acted. Instead, he pretended to be irrationally furious to reduce Yin Suye’s alertness to him. Then at the most suitable time, he will pretend to attack Yin Suye to cover his real purpose to capture the child to threaten him. This is the only solution that Yin Ming could think of in such a short time, and it is the safest way to get Yin Wushuang out of Yin Suye’s grip.


Shui Ruoshan who was watching the show quietly by the side didn’t expect that Yin Ming would give up attacking Yin Suye and changed his target to him instead?! Towards this inexplicable plot twist, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t has much energy to rant, he could only say ‘Fuck!’ a few times in his heart! ‘A fire in the city gates is also a calamity for the fish in the moat'(bystander will also suffer), Shui Ruoshan is very confirmed that he got dragged into the mess by Yin Suye!

But then Shui Ruoshan knew that it was not the time to rant, as his primary concern should be on how to deal with Yin Ming’s fierce attack. He considered the fact that Yin Suye is quite a distance from him so he might not be able to save him in time. So Shui Ruoshan fished out a scroll with attacking skill from his space ring, threw it at Yin Ming without hesitation, and detonated it with his spiritual power…
After that, he took out attacking tools from his space ring, threw it at Yin Ming then started the tools with his spiritual power…
Next, he continued to pull attacking weapons from his space ring, threw it at Yin Ming and controlled it with his spiritual power…

Raw Word Count : 2736

#ThisBananaAintNoWang 😛

Chapter 079 – Dragon’s reverse scale

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Little child, don’t be shy. Big brother is a good person. If you follow big brother, this brother will make sure you ‘eat fragrant drink spicy’[1]!”

1. Meaning to live well.

The more Yin Wushuang looked at Shui Ruoshan, the more he felt pleasing to his eyes. He disregarded Shui Ruoshan’s indifferent attitude towards him and continued to promote himself.

“Excuse me, I don’t have a brother so don’t randomly recognize other people as relatives!”

Right now, Shui Ruoshan is very sure that Yin Wushuang is sick at the brain. He(SRS) already ignored him, but he still sticks to him. His(YWS) skin is very thick ah!

“Furthermore, I don’t like to eat fragrant food or drink spicy drinks!”

Shui Ruoshan won’t discriminate Yin Wushuang just because he is sick. So when it’s time to counterattack, he will still ruthlessly counterattack. At the same time, he reflected to himself in his heart. He remembered when he wrote about Yin Wushuang, he didn’t write about him being a dimwit. So where did he wrote wrong, to cause this person to become hopeless/cannot be helped?

“Don’t like it? Doesn’t matter. Big brother is the young master of Yin Residence. Whatever you want, this brother can give it to you!”

Yin Wushuang didn’t seem to feel the rejection from Shui Ruoshan at all. He only felt that the child pouting while speaking seriously with him is too cute beyond words! Hence, he introduced his identity and qualifications in one go, and his tone was filled with temptation.

“…” Shui Ruoshan felt that he couldn’t continue talking with such a one-of-a-kind wacko.

This person couldn’t understand human speech is it?
Or couldn’t understand human speech?
Or couldn’t understand human speech?

He already said he doesn’t has a brother, but he(YWS) still called himself big brother. One does not simply disgust people like this. Other than that, Yin Wushuang even used the tone used to deceive 3-years old kids to talk to him, is he(YWS) trying to look for trouble with him?

“Tell me whatever request you have, brother will definitely satisfy you!”

Yin Wushuang doesn’t mind Shui Ruoshan’s icy expression, his enthusiasm didn’t decrease and he felt that the child has quite a personality. One need to know, usually when other people heard of his identity, they would immediately throw themselves into his embrace. So, not only the child didn’t come forward to please him, he(SRS) raised his head slightly looking disdainful instead. That aloof manner caused Yin Wushuang to wish he could immediately press him(SRS) down under his body…

“Then please disappear right away from my sight!”

Shui Ruoshan requested word-by-word with his eyebrows slightly raised up. He hated the way Yin Wushuang looked at him, no, he should say he hated Yin Wushuang all together. Or should he say he doesn’t has good impression towards Yin Wushuang the first moment he saw him? That’s why he spoke so directly without pleasantries, not giving face to Yin Wushuang. Towards people who are destined to be their enemies, he naturally don’t need to give any faces.

“Alright.” Yin Wushuang felt like his bones are going to melt from that icy but cotton soft ‘meng’ voice, so he agreed without even thinking.

“Then quickly scram!” Shui Ruoshan’s tone became colder each turn, he didn’t even hide his dislike to Yin Wushuang this time.

“How dare you talk to me like this?!”

Even if Yin Wushuang likes Shui Ruoshan, it was impossible for him to tolerate him(SRS) embarrassing him again and again. Yin Wushuang was used to being fawned by others, it was rare for him to please other people and to let that person willingly follow him. But the result was not what he imagined, not only the other party didn’t take his offer, he even dared to scold him! He finally realized that the child was not playing hard to get with him but is playing with him. Yin Wushuang felt like the other party is ‘refusing a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit’[2]. As expected from someone who was brought by Yin Suye, he(SRS) just know to go against him(YWS). But it doesn’t matter, because he will get his hand on that person soon. And when he gets him(SRS), he will has his own way to let him(SRS) regret!

2. not doing something until being forced to


Shui Ruoshan felt that he has no way to communicate with the chunibyo patient, Yin Wushuang who has been spoilt by his family and thought that the world revolves around him. To think that previously he deliberately avoided writing Yin Wushuang as someone who only knows how to eat, drink and play in his novel, gave him a good talent and ability, finally making him(YWS) as one of the protagonist’s brother to add grudge level for Yin Suye. Now that he met Yin Wushuang for real, then it won’t be the case anymore! Could this be considered ‘no zuo no die’[3]?

3. if you don’t do it, you won’t die

Shui Ruoshan has always uphold the principle – If he(SRS) is not happy, then other people can’t hope to being happy as well. Since Yin Wushuang has started it, then he(SRS) must give his response. But it’s a pity that Shui Ruoshan’s eloquent talking skill couldn’t be used to Yin Wushuang whose brain is different from ordinary people. He is thinking that since words couldn’t get through to him(YWS), then can he(SRS) use other methods to teach him a lesson?


Sensing its owner’s emotions, Ruixue which has been silently following Shui Ruoshan disappeared with a whoosh. A white figure flitted past in the air…

Ruixue flew towards Yin Wushuang and stuck out its sharp claws, ruthlessly swiped at his face. After leaving a few distinct bloody marks, it returned back to Shui Ruoshan’s side in a flash of white light. Then it licked its paws, shook its whiskers, and looked at Shui Ruoshan with an expression asking to be praised. It wants to eat anchovies as a reward!

During these periods together, Ruixue has mastered the trick to please its master and the bad person[4]. In normal times, it shouldn’t make any noisy sound or get too close the its owner. It’s fine to just act like a transparent cat, following quietly beside its owner. Then when owner is in danger and needed its assistance, it will take the initiative to take action. If it didn’t do well, then bad guy Yin Suye will bully him badly. But if it did well, it will get a lot of delicious little dried fishes.

4. Yin Suye lol

I claw!

For the sake of its anchovies, Ruixue is determined to become a good cat that can solve problems for its master!


Although Shui Ruoshan’s words were criticizing Ruixue, he still took out a small dried fish right away from his space ring. Knowing that Ruixue likes to eat fish when they were staying in the inn, Yin Suye bought a lot of dried fishes and gave him(SRS) to keep. If Ruixue did well and deserves a reward, then he(SRS) will make a positive expression. If Ruixue didn’t do well, then Yin Suye will come out to make a black face.


Receiving its beloved small fish, Ruixue happily called out once then immediately retreated to a corner to continue being a transparent cat and eat its fish. At the same time, it wondered if it should go up and claw a few more times later at the person that its master hated, so that it could get a few more dried fishes?

Ai, as a noble cat, it still has to worry about its own food and drink! A cat’s life could be very helpless sometimes!


Yin Wushuang couldn’t react in time that he has been clawed. Ruixue’s speed was too fast, to the point that after he felt the pain on his face, then he realized he has been attacked?! Yin Wushuang touched his face and found blood on his hand. He was stunned, then instantly became furious the next second.

“All of you go and catch them, I want to take my revenge!”

The string inside Yin Wushuang called ‘rationality’ has snapped at the moment. He didn’t consider the fact that his helper has yet to arrive, and that he won’t has any advantages at all if he take action now. He only knows that he wants them to pay for hurting him!

“Seeking death!”

Yin Suye who originally stood quietly beside Shui Ruoshan no longer controls his emotions the moment Yin Wushuang took action. He want to kill people, and is ready to kill too! At the beginning, he disdained to act on these ants that were much weaker than him, but he didn’t expect Yin Wushuang would shift his focus onto Shui Ruoshan. He will absolutely not allow this.

Perhaps the little guy didn’t notice the filthy thoughts that Yin Wushuang had of him, but he(YSY) is too clear of what Yin Wushuang’s gaze means; to possess, to play, to profane. And because he was too clear of these that he couldn’t tolerate it even more. He remembered being targeted by everyone when he was young because of his own appearance. At that time, in order to protect himself, he didn’t hesitate to ruin his face. It was then he managed to survive that difficult period. Later on, he gradually became stronger and didn’t continue the self-harm action, so his injuries recovered to normal.

However, for those people who have bullied him before, he paid it back thousands of times in various ways after he obtained enough strength. At that time, he deliberately used unusual and cruel methods to take his revenge, taking the opportunity to deter everyone from coming near. People doesn’t dare to look down on him again, and didn’t dare to find him trouble that easily.

But he didn’t expect to see this vile gaze again after so long, and it’s even directed to the little guy. This made him even angrier than the times he encountered such a thing himself. Little guy belongs to him only! No one else can taint him! Dare to touch the little guy? Kill without mercy! Instant death to those who touch the dragon’s reverse scale!


Shui Ruoshan only wanted to give Yin Wushuang a lesson, he didn’t mean to worsen the situation. He was trying to gain the upper hand in their quarrel. If not for Yin Wushuang acting too excessively, he won’t let Ruixue teach him a lesson. He did prepare himself for Yin Wushuang’s anger but he never thought that the first person to explode would be the Yin Suye he thought could endure the most?!

He only saw a glimpse of Yin Suye and then he(YSY) has went past all the guards, stopping directly in front of Yin Wushuang. When everyone has yet to react, Yin Suye already swept a kick at Yin Wushuang, sending the man up to the sky…
Then, he(YSY) lightly jumped to the air. With a swipe of his hand, he slapped Yin Wushuang back to the ground…

With a ‘BAM’ sound, Yin Wushuang made a deep hole on the ground!

Meanwhile, Yin Suye didn’t give Yin Wushuang any chance to fight back. He lifted his foot and unhurriedly stepped on Yin Wushuang’s chest, causing the other party to continue lying in the pit without any resistance. Yin Suye at the moment has a gloomy expression, condescendingly looking down at the ant under his foot. A few red light of madness flashed through the bottom of his eyes, while his whole body exuded a bloodthirsty aura; causing the surrounding to feel horrifying. As if an evil spirit has crawled out from Hell.

Sunlight could be seen shining brightly, and yet everyone could feel an icy cold feeling from the bottom of their heart…

Yin Suye’s wrist turned up and a sword with cold glare appeared, accurately stabbing towards Yin Wushuang’s neck…

Raw Word Count : 3129


Chapter 078 – Yin Wushuang

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Yin Suye, you are getting more and more daring!”

Yin Wushuang has yet to reach the gate but his arrogant voice could already be heard. His voice was filled with maliciousness and hostile intent against Yin Suye. Actually, Yin Wushuang has already gotten the news from his subordinates the moment Yin Suye reached the Capital, and he has begun planning how to seek trouble for Yin Suye. At the same time, he hinted to the servants what they should do. After arranging everything, Yin Wushuang waited in his room for the good news. What surprised him was he gotten the news that the Yin Suye who has always been calm and self-sufficient actually disregarded everything and started to fight with other people at the gate.

In an instant, Yin Wushuang became excited. He felt that he finally caught Yin Suye’s mistake to push him down to the dust. He can’t wait to see Yin Suye’s hardship face when he has nowhere left to go. So he hurriedly rushed to the gate with a group of men. But his room was located in the middle of the residence and it was quite a distance from the gate so it’s already late when he finally arrived.

What he saw was a group of guards cowardly knelt and bowed to that proud tall figure. Yin Suye just crossed his arms and standing in the middle, accepting everyone’s worship like a god. At that time, the sunlight were quite bright, setting off that person to become even more magnificent, letting Yin Wushuang to remember Yin Suye’s famous reputation as ‘The Light of the Sun’. Yin Wushuang who originally wanted to see Yin Suye getting shamed, his expression became ugly all of a sudden, and his gaze towards Yin Suye became even more unfriendly.

“Young Master, you must seek justice for us ah!”

The guards who has been begging for mercy from Yin Suye, immediately cried out like they saw their savior when they heard Yin Wushuang’s voice. In their eyes, Yin Wushuang is the real young master of Yin Residence, and the master who they should obey.

“Where’s the steward?”

Yin Wushuang remembered that he sent someone in advance to deal with the matter. Now that he arrived, he only saw this group of useless guards but not that person he sent.

“Already killed by Yin Suye!”

The guard who replied shivered when he recalled the dying scene of the steward but he still promptly responded. They couldn’t even see how Yin Suye killed the steward at all, his death was unusually strange! Even though they were being pressured by Yin Suye just now, these servants still didn’t treat him as a young master of the family and directly addressed Yin Suye by his name. Their contemptuous attitude was very obvious.

“Yin Suye, do you have anything to say?”

The moment he heard that the steward has been killed by Yin Suye, Yin Wushuang became joyful. He hasn’t even start looking for trouble with Yin Suye and he made such a big trouble up by himself. He took a big step forward before asking Yin Suye with an arrogant look. This time there are so many eye-witnesses, Yin Suye won’t be able to escape.

Facing the question by the incoming person, Yin Suye just turned away like he has not seen him at all, and looked at Shui Ruoshan who has been standing beside him. He felt his sleeve being pulled by the little guy, who seemed to has something to say to him so he cooperatively bowed down his head.

“Who is he ah?” Shui Ruoshan asked.

This is a downside of novels in text form. He knows everyone from the story but not their appearance. That is to say if there’s no names, he won’t be able to connect the people in front of him with the characters in the story at all.

“Yin Wushuang.” Yin Suye’s introduction has always been short and simple.

“That’s him?!” Shui Ruoshan nodded to show that he knew who was that.

They spent quite some time just now with the small fry guards, and finally a heavyweight character has come out! It’s really not easy ah!

Yin Wushuang is the son of the mistress wife[1] that Yin Suye’s cheap father has picked up[2], he could be considered the quasi-heir of Yin Residence. At the same time, he(YWS) is the one who looked down at Yin Suye the most. One could say that he(YWS) is definitely the one who contributed the most for the times Yin Suye lived badly in Yin Residence, while his mistress mother is the second most contributor.


“Yin Suye, do you dare to ignore me?!”

Yin Wushuang originally thought Yin Suye would definitely feel guilty for causing a big mess this time, and that he(YWS) could take this opportunity to give Yin Suye a good round of bullying so he(YSY) would know the meaning of fear. But he didn’t expect that not only Yin Suye didn’t succumb to him, he(YSY) has completely ignored him and turned away to talk with a child. This caused Yin Wushuang who doesn’t has good temper to turn darker.

However, he didn’t immediately send his people to give Yin Suye a lesson because he was very clear that none of them were Yin Suye’s opponent at all so he is currently waiting for a more powerful helper to come. He was quite rushed when he came out just now so he doesn’t has time to call any high-leveled master with him. He could only send someone to call them out to support him. Wait until his reinforcements arrive, he would be able to show some colors to Yin Suye!

“What kind of ‘green onion’ are you?[3]

Upon knowing that Yin Wushuang and Yin Suye are in opposite team to each other, Shui Ruoshan immediately joined in the fight. He knew that Yin Suye doesn’t like to quarrel, but he himself doesn’t mind wasting his saliva at all.

“Moreover, your appearance is not nice at all. What right do you have to insist my family’s Suye to look at you ah?”

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan definitely won’t ‘break Yin Suye’s stage’[4]. Calling him by Xiao Yeye might not be good since it doesn’t sound imposing so he directly omitted the surname to call him(YSY); it sounded more intimate to call that way too.[5]


On the other hand, there are people who is better-looking than Yin Suye in the continent, just that it’s definitely not much. After all, he(SRS) was holding on to the mentality to let the protagonist defeat Mr.Tall, Handsome and Rich when he set the descriptions for villain Yin Suye. He felt that the more powerful the villain is, the better the sense of accomplishment when defeating the villain. So he wrote Yin Suye as perfect as he could! Even the protagonist Huang Beichen didn’t get that much favor in terms of appearance.

Yin Wushuang opened his mouth, wanting to teach this kid who interrupted his words a lesson. He might not able to deal with Yin Suye at the moment, but he could still manage a child. Just that the moment he opened his mouth, he was unable to speak. His attention has been focused on Yin Suye all the while so he didn’t notice there’s a child beside him until the child said something. With just a glance, Yin Wushuang suddenly felt his heartbeat became a step slower.

At this moment, Yin Wushuang has forgotten those provocation said by the child. When he recalled the child’s cotton soft and cute voice, he could feel his throat turning dry. As a tyrant in the Capital, he played with a lot of men and women before but his favorite plaything were young kids; teenagers that have not started puberty yet. But he has never met a child that gave him such strong feeling before like this child in front of him.

Shui Ruoshan’s current glaring expression looked completely different in Yin Wushuang’s eyes. The child’s watery eyes looked like it were covered with a layer of water mist, sparkling brightly. His curled eyelashes lightly trembled; cute too the max and sillily charming. The child’s skin is radiant white, looking almost transparent under the sunlight. It was like a flawless pearl, enticing him to swallow him(SRS) into his(YWS) stomach!

Yin Wushuang doesn’t think himself as someone with poor self-control but at this moment, he doesn’t feel like controlling himself at all. A voice keep urging in his heart, to take this child, to possess him completely, no matter what! Furthermore, Yin Suye is the one who brought the child here. That caused Yin Wushuang’s intention to get him(SRS) become even more intense. Just thinking of it, Yin Suye could only weakly watch as he play and ruin the child in front of him; the fiery heat in Yin Wushuang’s heart suddenly became stronger.

“Little child, what is your name ah?” Yin Wushuang immediately put on a smile that he thought was very gentle at Shui Ruoshan.


Shui Ruoshan who was prepared for a confrontation got stunned by Yin Wushuang’s attitude. He couldn’t guess what the other party was trying to do. The next moment, Shui Ruoshan slightly frowned. Because Yin Wushuang’s gaze towards him at the moment was very strange. Not hatred, not hostile, but an inexplicable eagerness that makes him feel very uncomfortable?

One need to know, he has just scolded the other person. But not only that person didn’t get angry, he even showed him(SRS) a smiling face. Don’t tell him that this person is an abnormal wacko ba?

Oh fcuk! Don’t tell him that he met someone with abusive tendency ba?

At this moment, should he go and persuade Yin Wushuang a bit? If you are sick, then you need to take medicines. Don’t give up on treatment, although you looked like you cannot be saved anymore.

Raw Word Count : 2674


Banana: Raw – 殷夙夜那个便宜父亲另取小三妻子的儿子

So about names in Chinese (as mentioned in footnote above), Chinese names usually are made out of 3 characters.

Example : Shui(Surname) Ruoshan(Given name) / Yin(Surname) Suye(Given name).

1. Calling one by full name is normal.
2. For more polite address, use honorific with just the surname or full name. Example : Mr.Shui / Mr.Yin
3. For people with intimate relationship (bff, lovers, families), they would call each other without surname. Example : Ruoshan / Suye .
4. Elder siblings normally call their younger siblings with ‘Ah’ and the last character of their name. Example : Ah Shan / Ah Ye.

Why I wanna talk about this? Because I have seen a lot of people commenting in various sites using only the surname and the middle character. Example : I think SR (Shui Ruo) shouldn’t do that / YS (Yin Su) looked so cool. This is wrong ya, it sounded like you choked on something in the middle of saying their name. It’s weird ah.

I think some of you guys didn’t realize the difference between Asian [surname + given name] with western [first name + last name] yo. At least I got confused with that when I was young _(;3/ I keep putting my given name as last name because of its placing :v

Anyway, I only mentioned the super basic info, and I said ‘usually’ so it doesn’t applies to ‘all’ names. There are more detailed explanation online so please don’t come with a thesis and starts a debate here ya _(;3/

Chapter 077 – Oh I’m very scared ah


Very obvious, Yin Suye’s ruckus at the gate has alerted the people in the residence. The steward brought a group of people with him and rushed to the gate. When he saw the scene outside, he immediately called for a stop.

“What happened here?”

As if he didn’t see Yin Suye at all, he asked the guards who were guarding the gate. Just that when he saw the guards kneeling to Yin Suye, the steward’s face instantly turned black. Yin Suye’s status in the residence doesn’t qualify him(YSY) to be fawned over at all. These guards are throwing away his face ah! The guards wanted to explain the situation but under the strong pressure by Yin Suye, don’t mention talking, they can’t even take a few more breath. They could only tremble while kneeling on the floor.

“What did you do?”

At this point, the steward found out that something is not right and directed the blame to Yin Suye. People in big families knew ‘to serve dishes according to plates’[1]. For an unloved young master like Yin Suye, he liked to go and step on him(YSY) whenever he felt like it; throwing stones when one is down. Though he can’t get benefits every time he did it, but his actions could let him curry favor with the masters who despised Yin Suye.

1. Acting according to situation/treat people according to status.

This is definitely a profitable transaction.

Unfortunately, Yin Suye left the residence for a while so he couldn’t continue using the bullying method to gain more merits. And now, Yin Suye finally returned. The little abacus in the steward’s mind immediately started calculating with ‘da da’ sound, like it is calculating what kind of things the steward should do in order to be rewarded by other masters later.

Yin Suye raised his head and coldly looked at the steward. There were no expressions on his delicate face nor emotions in his waveless eyes. Although his current strength has not been recovered to the Supreme King stage, but his spiritual strength is at the Supreme King stage. That is to say, the pressure he exuded is at the level of a Supreme King. If he wanted to, he could crush everyone at the scene to death with just his pressure. But towards these small fry, he don’t want to bother himself with them so he limited the scope and strength of his pressure to affect only the guards to teach them a lesson. Therefore, when the steward arrived afterwards, he was not affected by Yin Suye’s pressure. And Yin Suye was lazy to waste energy for such a person so the steward luckily escape all these unknowingly. Because the steward didn’t experience the horrifying pressure, he thought Yin Suye is someone weak where anyone could also bully him. That’s why he dared to give no face to Yin Suye.

At the moment, the steward met Yin Suye’s scary gaze and subconsciously took a few steps backwards from fear. He felt that that pair of heterochromatic eyes were scarily chilly, it cause people to feel a terrifying fear at the bottom of their hearts. But the moment he remembered that he has a group of people behind him as support, his courage suddenly grew bigger. Yin Suye didn’t get the recognition from the family and his(YSY) status in the residence is not even on par with the servants so he doesn’t need to be afraid at all!

Shui Ruoshan : “What do you mean by ‘what did you do’ ah? You should ask them instead right?”

Seeing that Yin Suye didn’t do anything despite being provoked, Shui Ruoshan instantly felt dissatisfied.

Shui Ruoshan : “If you don’t know how to talk then don’t talk, so that you don’t come out and throw your face away!”

Taking a big step forward, Shui Ruoshan had Yin Suye standing right behind him. He raised his head, and both of his hands were at his hips imposingly as he retorted the steward’s words. Although Shui Ruoshan knew Yin Suye’s life at Yin Residence in the past was very miserable but he doesn’t know how miserable was that! The more he think about it, the more he felt pitiful for Yin Suye…

Although he doesn’t dare to mention in front of Xiao Yeye of their master-servant agreement, but as his owner in name, what else can he do when he sees his subordinate being bullied like this ah? Of course he need to support Yin Suye strongly right to the end! He was not very good in fighting but if it’s about quarreling, then he is very good at it! Knowing that Yin Suye doesn’t like to talk and couldn’t quarrel like a shrew, Shui Ruoshan could only sacrifice his own image and step up to support Yin Suye. After all, he is just a petty normal person. He couldn’t do it like Yin Suye’s aloofness; disdain to bother himself with other people.

Yin Suye doesn’t like to fuss, then he(SRS) will be fussy (on his behalf)!
Yin Suye is lazy to bother with these crooks, then he(SRS) will take note (on his behalf)!
Yin Suye disdained taking action on ordinary people, then he(SRS) will teach these people a lesson (on his behalf)!

In other words, he just couldn’t stand these people bullying Yin Suye in front of him(SRS)! He want to let everyone know that the current Yin Suye is no longer the lonely Yin Suye who can be bullied by anyone in the past. At the very least, he(YSY) will has him(SRS) standing firmly at his side! People doesn’t value Yin Suye, that’s fine! At the very least, he(SRS) values Yin Suye a lot!


Though the steward’s position in the residence was not high, but no one has ever dared to talk to him like this. Instantly his face turned red from the anger.

“What ‘you’ ah? I am talking about people whose ‘eyes are higher than a peak’[2]  like you!”

2. English equivalent idiom would be ‘Nose in the air’

Shui Ruoshan didn’t give the steward a chance to rebut, immediately picked up from his pause.
He(SRS) doesn’t worry at all that he will cause unnecessary troubles by doing this. Let’s not say that these people are simply some insignificant crooks, he(SRS) won’t need to worry even if someone with more important status came out. One need to know, Yin Suye’s current strength is at Imperial stage level 9, plus abilities at Supreme King stage. It could be said that as long as their opponent is not the current Supreme King, then no one could go against Yin Suye[3].

3. HBC maybe ? :v

Meaning, they could completely walk sideways in the Capital (if they want) ah! Having such advantage at his side, Shui Ruoshan naturally has more confidence; it was completely stress-free for him to be ‘the fox exploits the tiger’s might’[4]!

4. Meaning – to use powerful connections to intimidate people

“A child who doesn’t know ‘how high is the sky’[5]!”

5. Meaning – Overestimating own abilities

As the steward said that, he waved at the person behind him, wanting to give this child who dares to throw his face a lesson.

“Oh, I’m very scared ah~”

Shui Ruoshan said that he was scared but he still standing there, doesn’t look like he wanted to retreat nor ask Yin Suye for help. Although his own ability is a bit bad, but he absolutely has no problem dealing with these crooks. However, he is a little unhappy with the steward’s attitude to ‘take actions at the slightest disagreement’. Does that means he is picking the soft persimmons to pinch?

People from parallel world are too uncivilized, not gentleman at all!
Do you understand what is ‘diplomacy before violence’ ah?
The steward just can’t let him(SRS) throw a few more taunts to relieve anger before taking actions?


Yin Suye originally stood behind the little guy, quietly watching him seeking justice on his(YSY) behalf and feeling very satisfied. But he didn’t expect the steward to be so bold to want to take actions on the little guy. This caused his(YSY) expression to become sharp in an instant. At this moment, he looked at the steward like he is looking at a dead person.

He originally doesn’t want to cause a big ruckus the moment he returned to the Capital so not to alert those high-ranked people. That’s why he only gave a small lesson to those ‘blind’ guards. But that doesn’t mean that he can’t take action. Since some people are eager to seek death, then he will fulfill their wish. At most, he will only has a bit more trouble after this!

The steward has just signaled the people behind him to teach Yin Suye and that child a lesson, before he felt a huge pressure descended on him. He couldn’t hold on and fell straight on to the ground. When he looked up, he meet Yin Suye’s eyes that were full of killing intent. All of a sudden, he was scared to the point of trembling. The steward is very regretful now. Just why did he provoke the Killing God like Yin Suye for the sake of small rewards? One need to know, once Yin Suye starts to get crazy, he could do anything.

“Young, young master Yin, this, this is, is, definitely a misunderstanding!”

The steward expressed his intention to reconcile in a stutter. Just that he has long been accustomed to walk all over Yin Suye so he couldn’t change his attitude in such short time. Though he called him Young Master Yin, but it was done with a slight arrogant attitude, letting people know that he clearly doesn’t put him(YSY) in his eyes.

Yin Suye doesn’t care of the steward’s attitude at all. Towards a dead person, he doesn’t have to be that petty. One didn’t see Yin Suye take any actions but the steward fell to the ground and started to twitch. The sound of his bones being crushed (inside) could almost be heard. He wanted to open his mouth and beg for mercy but he couldn’t make any sound…

“Don’t look!” Yin Suye stepped forward and covered Shui Ruoshan’s eyes to prevent him from continue watching that bloody scene.


Shui Ruoshan originally wants to refute, but then he thought of the bloody scenes when Yin Suye killed the giant wolves and Huo Ruyan. Instantly he lost the interest to sneak a peek and honestly closed his eyes. He didn’t seemed to be aware that the moment his eyelashes swept over Yin Suye’s palm, the owner of the hand slightly stiffened. All of his(SRS) focus was on how to settle this matter later on.

After covering the little guy, Yin Suye gave the slightest of his attention to the steward on the ground; slightly increasing the strength of his pressure bit by bit. The steward who was already in extreme pain at this moment suddenly burst out in bright red blood all over his body, causing him to be dyed red like a ‘blood man’. Not a moment later, he stopped breathing completely and died…

Considering that the little guy didn’t like bloody scene like this, Yin Suye thought for a while and then pointed at the steward’s body. Instantly, the body began to erode, dissipate…
Until none of the trace(of the steward) remains, Yin Suye then recalled back his pressure. After that, Yin Suye let go of hand from Shui Ruoshan’s eyes.

“Already settled?”

Shui Ruoshan glanced around with his eyes opened widely, trying to find out what happened through the traces left from the battle. Unfortunately, except for the missing steward, there were no trace of blood or remains left on the ground at all. Ain’t that person got eliminated too thoroughly? Definitely a professional in destroying bodies and evidences ah!

“En.” Yin Suye nodded.

“What to do with the rest of the people?”

Shui Ruoshan pointed at the group of guards who have been scared stiff by Yin Suye’s extreme methods just now. They have seen how Yin Suye killed people, is it alright to just let them go? To possess such a cruel thought, all of a sudden Shui Ruoshan felt his 3 views went wrong. As expected, ‘being near to cinnabar will make you red, being near to villain will make you black’?[6]

6. Banana : The correct term is 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 – being near to cinnabar will make you red, being near to ink will make you black

The moment they heard it, the guards who were afraid that Yin Suye might deal with them next, immediately scared witless and shouted ‘Have mercy ah!’. Because Yin Suye has recalled the pressure he placed on them, the guards could now move freely; keep kowtow-ing[7] to Yin Suye to beg for mercy.

7. Knocking head on the ground

Shui Ruoshan felt his feeling become better, seeing these guards who have been trying to pick at Yin Suye just now in current ugly state. Then he raised his head and looked at Yin Suye. He saw Yin Suye standing proudly in the middle and not saying anything. That pair of heterochromatic eyes were looking down on everyone in disdain, his indifferent gaze was like a god overlooking all beings.

A breeze passed by, gently fluttered the edges of his clothes. His long blond hair silently floated up behind him. A ray of sunshine shone from behind, setting him off to look even more sacred…
Using Shui Ruoshan’s words to describe it, Yin Suye is simply ‘too cool to the point of no friends’ ah! If he(SRS) is still in Earth now, he will definitely take a picture with his phone and upload it in Weibo ah! The number of forwards will exceed hundreds of thousands! This is how one become famous overnight ah!

Raw Word Count : 3634


Chapter 076 – Return to the Capital

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“We have arrived.”

Holding onto Shui Ruoshan’s small hand, they arrived to the gate of the Capital.

“Finally arrived to the Capital!”

Shui Ruoshan can’t help feeling a bit moved when he looked up at the towering walls and the vermilion city gate. One need to know, the Capital was set according to Earth’s Forbidden City. So when he saw the same scene as on Earth, he fell into deep thoughts. It was a wise decision to feel lazy and directly copied the entire Forbidden City into his novel. To be able to see something familiar in a strange parallel world, it is really something to be happy about!


Yin Suye rubbed Shui Ruoshan’s small head. He found that other than touching his(SRS) neck, the next thing he liked to do is rubbing Shui Ruoshan’s hair. The little guy’s hair is too soft and smooth that people are reluctant to let go.

“Let’s go in!”

Shui Ruoshan slapped Yin Suye’s big hand that always messed up his hair away in dissatisfaction. Then he turned his head away and ignored Yin Suye; walking straight towards the city gate. He told Yin Suye before not to treat him the same way he treated a child. But Yin Suye was unrepentant, really angering people to death! This time he must tell Yin Suye very clearly that this little master also has a temper, and not that easy to coax!

Humph humph!

But thinking back, the time they took to reach the Capital was much earlier than he imagined. Such a far distance and they only took a little more than half a day to reach, ain’t that amazing?! In the morning after he has eaten his breakfast, Yin Suye took him along and left Lin Sen Town, headed directly to the nearest city. Then he(YSY) used the transportation array in the city, in a blink of an eye, they have been sent to the Capital’s transportation array. Due to the Capital’s transportation array is set in the suburbs, both of them have to walk a bit before reaching the Capital’s city gate.

Parallel world really has all kinds of conveniences ah! Shui Ruoshan has even thought of the advertisement caption for this.

No matter how far is the distance,
As long as you use the transportation array,
With just a ‘whoosh’,
You will arrive to your destination,
Accurate, convenient and fast,
Your first choice for going out!

All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t himself from feeling sad to having a faceful of tears. Such a strong contrast, how can the he who used to go out using slow speed bus endure(the comparison) ah?!


Yin Suye only took two steps forward and he overtook Shui Ruoshan. As he passed by the soldiers guarding the gate, he fished out 2 coins from his space ring. He handed the toll money to the soldiers and went in leading Shui Ruoshan by his hand.

“Where are we going from here?”

Though Shui Ruoshan felt he is quite familiar with the Capital, he doesn’t understand (how everything works inside). As a newcomer to the Capital, he decided that it’s more reliable to follow Yin Suye’s arrangement. Especially when Yin Suye returned back to the Capital 3 months earlier than what was written in his novel. As for things happened within these 3 months, he didn’t write anything specific and just briefly mentioned that the power pressure between various families were very serious. So, now that the plot has been completely disrupted, the advantages that this author has is even worse than the Yin Suye who has reborn!

*sigh* This is really a sad story!

“Yin Residence.”

Yin Suye thought for a while and decided that he should return there first. He chose to return to the Yin Residence first not because it is where his family are but because there are people that he need to take revenge on there.

“That’s not a good choice.”

Shui Ruoshan frowned in disapproval. He thought Yin Suye would choose to go to some secret base sort of places. Though those kind of places might not be as comfortable as in the Yin Residence, but it’s a place truly belongs to Yin Suye. In that place, Yin Suye won’t have to live according to people’s mood, won’t have to compromise, won’t get bullied…
And Yin Residence is where his family resides. That place should been where Yin Suye’s beloved family lives but they never regard Yin Suye as one of their family. Instead, they took pleasure in oppressing him. That is why Yin Suye was so miserable in the past.

“It’ll be fine.”

Knowing that the little guy is worried about him, Yin Suye comforted with a whisper.

“I believe you!” Shui Ruoshan smiled. What is he worrying for? The current Yin Suye is not the pitiful bitter villain from his novel but a reborn Supreme King. Even if Yin Suye’s current strength didn’t return to its peak strength, he could completely take on those crooks with just his current strength. So he shouldn’t worry about Yin Suye, instead, he should light some candles for those people who bullied Yin Suye in the past!

“Which way should we go next?”

Thinking it this way, Shui Ruoshan’s previous sense of uneasiness from not able to grasp the direction of the plot lessened quite a lot. On the other hand, he started to look forward for Yin Suye to return to Yin Residence, wondering what kind of carnage would start. One need to know, Yin Residence has quite a lot of cannon fodders!

“That much in a hurry?”

Yin Suye didn’t expect the little guy who has just disagreed towards returning to the residence to change his mind so easily.

“Of course, I can’t wait to see the great scene where you flaunts your powers to teach them a lesson!”

He has always liked to watch ‘drama’! As an author with professional ethics, how could one write a good novel without a gossipy spirit!


Seeing how the little guy jumped around in joy from imagining those scenes, Yin Suye’s negative emotions that were caused by the disgust towards returning home became lighter.

“Use that tone to humor me one more time and be careful that I will really get even with you!”

As he says that, Shui Ruoshan threatened with his small fist. Unfortunately, it was not that convincing for his little figure to make that action. It looked like he was ‘selling meng’ instead.

“En.” Yin Suye quietly replied. Just that nobody knows if he really put what Shui Ruoshan said in his heart or not.


The two of them talked and laughed along the way and soon, they arrived to the front of Yin Residence. Although most of the ‘talking’ and ‘laughing’ were from Shui Ruoshan, but even with Yin Suye giving only a few words as responses, both people’s conversation was harmonious; outsiders simply couldn’t cut in. Just that Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye has yet to approach Yin Residence’s gate and the guarding soldiers took the first step, loudly shouting :

“Yin Residence is private property[1] , random people are not allowed to approach!”

1. Technically the soldier said 重地 which means important place but that term doesn’t make sense in English so I tweaked it.

Following the leading soldier’s voice, all the guards present cooperatively raised the spear in their hand; the meaning of their threat was very obvious.

“What to do now?”

Shui Ruoshan completely ignored that shouting soldier at the gate and turned around to Yin Suye for advice instead. Though he really felt bitter on Yin Suye’s behalf for being blocked at his own home, he doesn’t know what should he do this time. After all, he doesn’t know what Yin Suye is planning so if he talk carelessly, he might disrupt his careful planning. That would be a big sin to carry.


Yin Suye confidently pulled Shui Ruoshan with him as he stepped forward. With every step he took, the domineering pressure exuded from Yin Suye’s body became heavier. When they finally reached the gate, all of the guards standing there didn’t even dare to take a deep breath. There was a layer of sweat on their forehead and their legs have started to tremble…

“Didn’t recognize me?”

There was an indescribable irony in Yin Suye’s tone. These guards were not any new servants and he has seen them before. That means these guards actually do know him but still made the move to stop him at the gate. As expected, no one here really welcomes his appearance! But he also doesn’t need these people’s welcome. He just came here to make a resolution!


Being swept over by Yin Suye’s gaze, all of the guards present felt a unprecedented chill. They wanted to explain but suddenly found out that they don’t know what to say. They have been guarding the gate of Yin Residence for many years now, so naturally they know all about this Di[2]  son being unloved in the family. Just because they recognized him, they wanted to step on him even more and take this opportunity to increase their merit in front of the family master, in order to get some rewards. Many times in the past, they managed to get a lot of benefits from bullying him. But this time round, they didn’t expect the Yin Suye who went out for training will become someone they can no longer bully. Not only he became extremely powerful, he was not apprehensive as well. This kind of Yin Suye really took them by surprise!

2. Son from the main wife.


Yin Suye humph-ed and all of a sudden the pressure he exuded became thicker…
He doesn’t even need to look at them to know what are they thinking now. Though he doesn’t want to bother himself with them, but it is still necessary to give them a lesson. With a groan, these guards couldn’t stand the strong pressure anymore and fell down on their knees with a ‘putong’ sound…

Raw Word Count : 2672


Chapter 075 – Don’t be picky

“Yin Suye, when did you removed the bandages from your hand?”

Shui Ruoshan slowly crawled out from the quilt after he has slept enough. He opened his eyes and took a look at their surroundings. Then he saw that Yin Suye has already woke up, sitting elegantly on the chair and leisurely sipping tea. That kind of elegance forcefully raised the quality of this simple crude room up to several grades. Just that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t has the mood to notice that, all of his focus was on Yin Suye’s hand which was holding the teacup.

The slender and defined fingers was like a good jade. In the morning sun, they gave off a little bit of fluorescence; like a perfect work of art. But no matter how good his fingers looked, Shui Ruoshan won’t buy it this time, because the bandages he helped to tie up yesterday is gone! Can he say that the moment he woke up, he was hoping to see Yin Suye ‘selling meng’ with his two big bows and a serious expression? That’s why he endured his sleepiness to make sure to tie a cute butterfly knot on Yin Suye, despite he was unfamiliar with it! He wasted a lot of energy on this so he went directly to sleep right after that. His current body is rather delicate after all, he couldn’t afford any hardship and naturally need to rest.

Because he carried such a beautiful wish to sleep, he slept quite well and it seems that he could even see the funny scene of two big butterfly knot in his dream. Unfortunately, reality was exactly the opposite form his dream.

“Already healed.”

Raising a pair of hands, he turned them in front of Shui Ruoshan to prove that his hands were in good condition. Since they have already healed, he naturally won’t have to continue wrapping them in bandages. Actually even if the little guy didn’t give him any medicine pills, with his strong self-healing ability, this kind of little injuries should only use a night of rest to completely heal. Not to mention that the little guy stuffed 3 pills in his mouth, he couldn’t slow down his progress even if he wanted to.


Shui Ruoshan’s inner heart was filled with strips of tears. Such unscientific recovery speed, really angers the Earthlings to death alright! Indeed, it is not easy to see the funny scene at all!

Instantly, Shui Ruoshan felt extremely bitter because he worked hard for Yin Suye yesterday and he didn’t get any benefits(YSY funny scene) from that! Thinking back, he didn’t even know how he went to sleep last night because he only cared about dressing Yin Suye’s wounds and tired himself out from it. He even has no knowledge if Yin Suye went to bed with him or not, no sense of vigilance at all! Or Yin Suye didn’t sleep on the bed with him after all?

Forget it! Why should he think so much about things that didn’t happen? Is he ‘looking for things to do from eating too full’? No, that’s not right, he hasn’t eaten yet! En, he must be too hungry. That’s why he would has those kind of inexplicable thoughts!

“I’m hungry!”

And so, Shui Ruoshan decided to ‘turn indignation into strength’. No, it’s ‘turn indignation into appetite’.


Seeing the little guy staring at him with a pitiful look, Yin Suye put down the teacup and took out the snacks he bought before this from the space ring. He placed them down one by one on the table to express that the little guy could come and get them by himself.


The corner of Shui Ruoshan’s mouth vigorously twitched when he saw various kinds of snacks on the table. Who on earth would eat such sweet snacks so early in the morning? Do you have any common sense ah? Although he was not satisfied with the food, he still grudgingly got up from the bed. At the very least, he still need to brush his teeth and wash his face. Why not add another step – to change his clothes? Then Shui Ruoshan will proudly tell you that the clothes he is wearing is actually a godly tool.

Not only it is dustproof, waterproof and fireproof, it also has strong defense capabilities. The most important thing is this godly tool’s original form is clothing form so it is referred as ‘Godly Clothing’. As for this tool’s quality name, Shui Ruoshan specifically named it that way for convenience sake.

Long story short, this godly tool could transform into the clothing that one imagined in their mind and along with their body size. It is definitely a one-clothing covers all, saving even the time to change clothes. Changing into pajamas, formal clothing, casual clothing as he wished…
As if ‘having the godly tool in hand, the world is mine’! He don’t has to worry about clothing problem when churning out his works[1] !

1. The word is actually typing furiously on keyboard, like authors trying to get a chapter out

But Shui Ruoshan will never tell anymore about this. Although the Godly clothing was worn by him, it was Yin Suye who helped him to discover the function of this tool. At this moment, it never cross Shui Ruoshan’s mind at all, that someone who could wear a rare godly tool could still be a ‘soy sauce person’[2]  he originally thought?

2. The word is actually typing furiously on keyboard, like authors trying to get a chapter out.

“Don’t be picky with your food.”

Seeing the little guy just sitting there reluctantly after cleaning himself up, like he is saying ‘he just don’t want to eat it’, Yin Suye slightly frowned.


Goddamned, how come he looked like a picky eater to him(YSY) ah? He was just used to ‘eat youtiao and drink soybean’ for breakfast, and don’t really like to eat sweet snacks early in the morning. Other than that, the most important thing was he is a man and he doesn’t like sweets at all!

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“Xiao Yeye, be honest with me. What is the level of your current strength?”

Shui Ruoshan started to talk business while staring at the food on the table. He felt that since Yin Suye has been reborn, he(YSY) should has more or less a ‘golden finger’?

“Imperial stage, level 9.”[3]

3. Refer chapter 23 for the leveling tiers again.

Shui Ruoshan didn’t specifically ask for his strength level previously so he only told him in general.

“So you haven’t reach the Supreme King stage yet ah!”

There was a slight disappointment in Shui Ruoshan’s tone, also carrying a hint of as a matter of course. Shui Ruoshan is more direct with his words now that they have revealed their secrets. Although Yin Suye is only a step behind the Supreme King stage, but the gap between the two stage was not that easy to fill. Plus the current Supreme King is still alive, so even if Yin Suye is reborn, it was impossible for him to break the law[4]  and immediately level up. Supreme King is an unique existence after all, it is definitely impossible to have two at the same time.

4. That there’s only one Supreme King for each race in the world.

“Soon.” There was some unspeakable confidence in Yin Suye’s eyes.

“True, the current Supreme King doesn’t has much years to live.”

Shui Ruoshan nodded to express his understanding. He remembered writing in [The Strongest King in History] that the Supreme King will be at the end of his time 10 years later. After that, the position of the Supreme King will be empty. At that time, there were more than one person who has the chance to reach Supreme King level. All the people at Imperial stage level 9 had their sight on the position of the Supreme King.

At that time, Yin Suye has just reached level 9. He was placed bottom of everyone but he still joined this fierce battle of leveling. Though Yin Suye had a tragic victory, he was indeed the winner and became the Supreme King he well-deserved.

“But it’s a good thing that you haven’t reach the strength of a Supreme King yet.” Shui Ruoshan seemed to think of something and suddenly sighed.


Yin Suye was clearly not satisfied with his current strength so he doesn’t understand why the little guy would be happy with that.

“Because I will be able to help you with the hidden dangers of dual ability cultivation.”

He raised his head to look at Yin Suye seriously. Dual ability cultivation for Yin Suye is like a time bomb, it will explode in any given time. This is something he is not willing to see. Plus he doesn’t want this person to suffer bitter bone-piercing pain due to the dual ability cultivation as what he wrote in the plot. Even though Yin Suye is already a Supreme King at that time, the pain he suffered didn’t decrease even a bit.


Yin Suye lightly nodded. His gaze towards Shui Ruoshan became softer, not because the little guy said he could help eliminating the danger but because he(SRS) keeps thinking for his(YSY) sake all the time. In his past life, he could cultivate dual ability to the end so he would be able to do the same in this life; he has never been worried about this.

“Aren’t you curious about how I could help you with your cultivation?”

Yin Suye, ain’t your reaction a bit too flat? This is not the reaction he is anticipating at all!

“You will tell me when it’s time.” Yin Suye answered calmly.


Towards Yin Suye not being cooperative, Shui Ruoshan felt like they can’t be friends; there’s no way to have a pleasant conversation! Yin Suye, why didn’t you have any desire for knowledge? How could he(SRS) achieve his purpose to conquer people with his vast knowledge like this? But the most important thing was Yin Suye’s words were correct. He(SRS) will definitely say the method when the time comes.

“At the moment when you breakthrough to Supreme King stage, you will have one chance to reshape your constitution. At that time, you just have to change the way your magic force and martial force circulate, and let both forces fuse in your body according to the Tai Chi pattern.”

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Shui Ruoshan thought for a while and decided to tell Yin Suye about the method just in case.
There’s only one chance to reshape his constitution, once you missed it, it’s gone forever.

“Tai Chi?”

Yin Suye’s eyebrows slightly raised up, it was obvious that he doesn’t understand what Tai Chi means.

“It’s like this.”

Rather than explaining it in words, Shui Ruoshan felt that using drawing would be faster. So he took out paper and brush, sprawled on the table and drew the pattern seriously. After he finished drawing, he gave the paper to Yin Suye. In Shui Ruoshan’s opinion, for Huang Beichen to be able to smoothly cultivate dual ability, not only he is a descendant from the ‘Fiery Emperor and Yellow Emperor’ (Chinese Earthling), it was also because he merged his forces in a Tai Chi pattern right at the beginning. So he could utilize his powers however he wanted it.


Yin Suye solemnly accepted the picture from Shui Ruoshan and seriously studied it. After he confirmed that he has carved it in his mind, he folded the paper and carefully kept it into his space ring. This is the second time the little guy gave him a present. Very obvious, Yin Suye considered the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus as the first present from Shui Ruoshan. He was feeling pity in his heart previously because he ate the lotus and there’s no way to preserve it. So for this second gift, he will be sure to keep it well.


The corner of Shui Ruoshan’s lips strongly twitched when he saw Yin Suye carefully cared for that paper like a treasure, that ordinary paper that couldn’t be anymore ordinary. Even if he drew the pattern very well, one would be able to remember it with just a glance. Can you not use that attitude like you are handling a treasure towards a blank paper that has lost its effect?

So Yin Suye has never seen a white paper before? Or never seen a white paper before? Or never seen a white paper before?

“Eat breakfast ba.”

Seeing the little guy staring blankly at him like he couldn’t react, Yin Suye pushed the snacks towards Shui Ruoshan. Though he was very happy to see the little guy thinking for his sake, but he(SRS) mustn’t forget about food.


Shui Ruoshan was depressed. How come he is talking about such serious matter with Yin Suye and he(YSY) still remembers about his(SRS) breakfast? Yin Suye, how petty are you towards these small matters ah?

“After eating, I’ll bring you back to the Capital.”

Seeing the little guy still didn’t give any reaction, Yin Suye picked up one snack and stuffed it directly into his(SRS) mouth.


Shui Ruoshan passively chewed the snack. When he found out that it was not as sweet as he thought, he proceed to devour them all. As he chewed, he grumbled about the not-so-gentle way Yin Suye fed him.

But Shui Ruoshan fully agreed to return to the Capital. Previously he disagreed with Yin Suye’s decision to return directly to the Capital because he was afraid Yin Suye’s strength would be too low and would easily suffer bitterness. Now knowing Yin Suye’s true strength, he couldn’t wait to return to the Capital to watch the the soon-to-be-onstage ‘rising winds, scudding clouds’ drama.

Raw Word Count : 3751


Banana: *rolls*

Chapter 074 – I am very happy

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Blood has flowed out, how could that be nothing?!”

Shui Ruoshan was very dissatisfied with Yin Suye’s stubbornly enduring attitude. If it was not serious, how could Yin Suye vomit blood right in front of him? Heard of ‘Facts speak louder than words’[1]  ah?! This kind of lie where even a 3 years old won’t be deceived, really could give any assurance to other people?

1. Banana – I’m not going to lie. I misread it as ‘Farts’ speak louder than words.

So Yin Suye, could you please give a little more trustable reason? Else it would definitely be counterproductive!

“Then you tell me, when did you injured your hand?”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t bother with Yin Suye’s explanation at all, and didn’t gave him the opportunity to refute either. He took a step forward and started inspecting Yin Suye’s body from top to bottom. When he got to Yin Suye’s hands, he straightforwardly grabbed his big hand; discovering that not only there were scars, there were bloodstains over scabbed injuries…

That means Yin Suye has been hurt for some time now. Shui Ruoshan has enough evidence right now and Yin Suye should has nothing left to say. He felt that it was necessary for him to take this opportunity to educate him(YSY) to pay attention to his own body.

“Xiao Yeye, have you heard of an old saying called ‘the crying child gets to eat candy’[2]  ah?”

2. Click on the saying to get the English equivalent idiom.

It was rare for Shui Ruoshan to has so much confidence in front of Yin Suye, acting proud and arrogant is not stressful at all. Teaching and educating other people is definitely a good future! Especially now when he is educating that anti-human, anti-community, anti-world villain, and this villain still doesn’t dare to refute back. One couldn’t describe how awesome it felt! But he doesn’t dare to gloat for long because Shui Ruoshan hasn’t forget that Yin Suye is currently injured. So he immediately checked his space for healing items for Yin Suye.


Watching the little guy feeling anxious on his(YSY) behalf, Yin Suye’s emotions gradually calmed down. He liked how the little guy only has him(YSY) currently in his sight and mind. Only at this moment that Yin Suye could feel that the little guy really belonged solely to him(YSY) alone! If getting injured could let the little guy keep focusing with all his heart on him(YSY), even if the injury is 10 times more serious, 100 times, 1000 times… he felt that he would be willing either way! Actually, this kind of injury was really not worth mentioning for Yin Suye. There’s no need to fuss about it at all. One need to know, the injuries he suffered from his past life were way more serious than this one. And he managed to silently endure it by himself, what more his current situation?

“That is to say you are injured now, so don’t stubbornly endure it by yourself. You can totally find someone to tell about your pain. Occasionally showing your weaker side could let you receive more care and concern!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that the reason why Yin Suye fell from betrayal in the end is greatly related to his ‘stubbornly want to save face and rather suffer’ attitude. To put it bluntly, Yin Suye is that kind of person who won’t ask anyone for help no matter what kind of difficulties he encountered, and will silently solve/endure it. And when he did something good for other people, he won’t take the initiative to tell them about it so they are completely unaware that he has helped them. He put up a facial paralysis face and displayed a powerful and cruel side of him in front of other people. Over the time, the others will think that he is invincible. It have never cross their mind that he will also feel pain, feel sad, feel bad…

In a positive way, Shui Ruoshan would call it ‘strong-willed’. But negatively saying, then it should be ‘mensao’[3] ! Before this, even he himself was misled by Yin Suye’s strength and thought that nothing could ever stump him. But until that moment when Yin Suye vomited blood in front of him, he realized that Yin Suye is also a normal human!

3. Dictionary said – outwardly cold or retiring but deep and passionate inside

In order to avoid Yin Suye repeating the same mistake again, he must educate Yin Suye properly. Instantly, he felt a great (imaginary) pressure on his shoulders, alright?! If he managed to educate the villain properly, doesn’t that means he(SRS) has indirectly become the savior of the world?! En, only such high-level career is worthy of his transmigration.

“Are you worried about me?”

Watching the little guy keep ransacking stuffs from the space ring and busying around for his(YSY) sake, the red light at the bottom of his eyes has faded completely without a trace. Although the little guy’s tone at the moment was not nice, and he(SRS) keep spacing out, but he could clearly sense the feeling of concern and care from him(SRS). This caused his previously dark mood to suddenly become a few points brighter.

“That’s right!”

Shui Ruoshan replied straightforwardly as he didn’t think that there’s anything wrong with it; his hands searching non-stop. Finally, his hard work paid off when he found a bottle of medicinal pill called ‘Healing pills’ from the space ring. Seeing such a simple and easy-to-understand name, Shui Ruoshan felt the need to give his foresight 32 praises. Fortunately he didn’t has any brain-holes when he wrote this part of the novel, like giving some seemingly elegant names but actually complex names that can’t be remembered at all. Else, he will definitely be stunned speechless now (as in don’t know what medicine is what).

“I am very happy.”

Yin Suye’s eyes were slightly curved up, it was obvious that his current mood was very good. At the very least, he now knows that the little guy treated him differently from other people. He is now a step closer to his goal; the goal to get the little guy completely tied up to him!

“I have never seen someone injured but still could look so happy!”

Shui Ruoshan really don’t understand what Yin Suye is thinking right now. Already injured, it’s fine if he(YSY) could stop frowning. Now he even revealed a happy expression, where did such wonderful reaction came from? But Shui Ruoshan didn’t find out why his mood was so good, he just want Yin Suye’s injuries to heal as soon as possible.

He didn’t use incantation to heal Yin Suye this time. Other than his lack of ability, the reason why he didn’t use incantation was because he remembers seeing healing medicines in the stone room[4]  back in the Fog Forest so he could take those out to use. As he thought of that, Shui Ruoshan pour the pill out from the bottle for Yin Suye. But he tilted too much and dispensed 3 pills all at once. Shui Ruoshan looked at the small opening of the bottle and then at Yin Suye. Next, he stuffed all 3 pills towards Yin Suye’s mouth. Yin Suye cooperatively opened his mouth. After he ate all 3 pills, Shui Ruoshan nodded in satisfaction. At the same time, Shui Ruoshan gleefully thinks that the pills are used for healing purpose anyway. Eating more should be better than less, and he doesn’t have to force the pills back into the bottle plus it will speed up Yin Suye’s recovery. Killing two birds with one stone indeed!

4. Talking about the treasure room it seems.

It was impossible for Shui Ruoshan to see the effect of the medicines from Yin Suye’s paralysis face. So he decided to give up meaninglessly staring at his face after waiting for some time. He knew he can’t win against people with facial paralysis like Yin Suye! After a moment of thought, he gestured to Yin Suye to sit on the chair and not to move. Then he went to get a roll of bandages, some powdered medicines and a wet towel from the room. Next, he grabbed Yin Suye’s big hand and started to wipe away the bloodstains with a wet towel. Though he already given the Healing Pill to Yin Suye, he still sees some shallow marks on his(YSY) hand; it were not completely healed. After that, he sprinkled some of the powdered medicine on the wound before bandaging it. He believed that the wound will definitely heal faster with treatment on the outside as well as inside! After he is finished with the dressing, Shui Ruoshan had a feeling that something is missing.

Oh dang! Butterfly knot ah! A bandage without butterfly knot is like instant noodle without seasoning packet ah! Instantly, Shui Ruoshan started to tie a butterfly knot on Yin Suye’s big hand…

“Seems like the wound on your hand looked a bit strange?” He doesn’t dare to tell it to Yin Suye’s face that his wound looked like a bite mark.

“Got scratched.” Yin Suye truthfully answered when he saw the confusion in the little guy’s eyes.

“Are you born in the year of Dog?”

Hearing Yin Suye’s reply, Shui Ruoshan felt that the wound started to look like some animals have scratched him with its claw. This small wound really could make people associate it with various kind of things! And it’s the type that ‘the more you think about it, the more you will misunderstood’!


Yin Suye has already gotten used to Shui Ruoshan randomly spouting strange keywords. What he couldn’t get used to was the super striking butterfly knot on the bandage on both of his hands. Whenever he looked at the crooked butterfly knot, Yin Suye would wonder if the little guy did it on purpose.

Raw Word Count : 2722

#BananaJokes :v
#YouAreVeryHappy ?

Chapter 073 – I am very calm

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“The word ‘book’ is only a metaphor, not a real book, understand?”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect that Yin Suye would have such a big reaction although he has changed his words to a more understandable explanation. At times like this, he is even more scared to admit that the continent/world (Mowu Dalu) is actually the content of a book! Instantly, Shui Ruoshan felt that there are no other author more bitter than he is. Standing face to face with this big villain Yin Suye, not only he doesn’t dare to admit that he is the God who created this world, he couldn’t even say about the truth of the origin of this world. Really couldn’t be any more bitter!

“En?” Yin Suye remained unmoved. He just silently stared at Shui Ruoshan with his facial paralysis face.

“It means I could see some trajectories of this world and also the fate of some people through the content suddenly obtained in my mind!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he has already explained very clearly. If Yin Suye doesn’t understand, then he will be at his wit’s end. He can’t say about the dead and living, because at the very least he doesn’t know who he transmigrated into, and also doesn’t know that Yin Suye was actually reborn. This shows that this parallel world is not stationary; accidents happen everywhere. So he used the word ‘some’ in his explanation to show that he is not omnipotent. After all, there are so many people/existence in this continent, it was impossible to write about everything and everyone in his little story. That’s why he need to prepare a place to fall back in case he encountered people/events outside the novel he wrote.

“So you are using the mentality of playing a game to view everything in this world?”

No matter if Shui Ruoshan mentioned whether he regarded this world as a book or not, Yin Suye knew that Shui Ruoshan has never placed this world seriously in his eyes.

“…” He actually couldn’t refute Yin Suye’s words, what to do?

“See, every time you looked very unconcerned, like nothing in this world could enter your eyes!”

Yin Suye felt that he probably will not be able to grasp Shui Ruoshan this person in his hand. For the first time, he found out that the distance between him and Shui Ruoshan was that far away. The negative emotions that he suppressed earlier has resurfaced, a faint red light instantly dyed his pair of eyes bloody red…

“Yin Suye, you musn’t be agitated, you need to stay calm ah!”

Cold sweat suddenly fell down from Shui Ruoshan’s forehead when he saw that Yin Suye looked like he is going to have a Qi deviation. With his current small body, he doesn’t has the power to stop Yin Suye from being invaded by his inner demon ah! The Yin Suye who suffered from Qi deviation has strong destructive power. To describe in one word, it would be ‘Extraordinary’ ah!

“I am very calm!”

But whenever he think that the little guy might not put him(YSY) in the eye at all, his situation begun to go out of control. The red awn in his eyes keep flashing, but couldn’t completely fade away.


If just by looking at Yin Suye sitting there unmovingly with strong pressure, it was quite convincing (that he is very calm). But that is if his eyes were not red in color. Should he(SRS) be glad that it was fortunate that Yin Suye has not completely lost his mind? Else, the first unlucky person must be him(SRS)! However at times like this, he doesn’t know what to say to break the silence between them.

Oh right!

The reason why Yin Suye suddenly became abnormal and almost gotten Qi deviation was because he(YSY) said his(SRS) attitude was unconcerned and didn’t put anyone in his eyes. That means if he could explain that matter properly, he could stop Yin Suye from getting Qi deviation?

“Yin Suye, listen properly! If I don’t put you in my eyes, will I disrupt the trajectory of the world for you?”

After thinking for a moment, rather than using other people as an example, it would be better to use Yin Suye instead. At the very least, he could let Yin Suye know that he didn’t not put him too much in his eyes![1]  Plus ever since he transmigrated into this continent, he don’t know much people at all other than Yin Suye! He couldn’t not use Yin Suye as the example ah (because he don’t know anyone else to use as example)! Thinking it this way, Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye’s accusation just now was too heartless! He admits that he(SRS) is quite absent-minded and likes to zone out; plus his reactions were always a beat slower. But where on Earth did he ever acted high and mighty like that Yin Suye said and doesn’t put anything in his eyes ah? He never has any sense of superiority at all when facing Yin Suye; there were feelings of inferiority instead!

1. Raw at the bottom, not sure what the author meant _(;3/

This is definitely slander ah!

“What you mean is I’m different for you?”

Although Shui Ruoshan’s tone just now was not too good, Yin Suye’s mood miraculously calmed down. At the very least, he has some position in Shui Ruoshan’s heart.

“Of course!”

The first person he met when he transmigrated was Yin Suye. No matter what, the ‘first’ always has the deepest impression. Plus Yin Suye treated him well after that, so he was willing to help Yin Suye.

“I understand.”

Yin Suye quietly closed his eyes. Although he has a little bit of position in Shui Ruoshan’s heart, this was obviously far from what he really wants in his heart! But he can’t rush it, especially when facing with dense people like Shui Ruoshan. Anxious to seek success will most likely to be counterproductive. ‘Boiling frog with warm water’ is the best way. There was a deep gap between him and Shui Ruoshan. The distance between two worlds was too far that it’s depressing!

Thoughts, ideas, views…
So much difference like between the Sky and Earth. For example, in the continent one would start killing another upon disagreement, while Shui Ruoshan was just an ordinary boy who would be scared by the sight of giant wolves’ dead bodies. This shows that his world is definitely a peaceful one, and obviously had a completely different civilization. It was obviously not an easy task to eliminate the difference between worlds, and even more impossible to do so in such short time so he must be patient. He need to slowly change Shui Ruoshan’s views by accumulation of time and let himself become an irreplaceable existence in his(SRS) heart!

“It’s fine that you figured it out!”

Shui Ruoshan secretly sighed in relief when he could feel the temperature gradually getting warmer in the room. His ‘fur smoothing’[2] skill is getting more and more amazing! Practice makes perfect indeed! With Yin Suye cooperating with him, Shui Ruoshan is sure that his ‘fur smoothing’ skill will be fully leveled up soon.

2. Placating angry animals :v


Just as Yin Suye wanted to stand up, his body swayed a bit and he sat back down. The next second, a line of bright red blood trickled out from the corner of his mouth…

“What happened to you?”

Shui Ruoshan who has been paying attention to Yin Suye immediately found out that the situation was not right. He quickly stepped towards Yin Suye without thinking.

“It’s nothing.”

Yin Suye frowned in dissatisfaction towards his current state. He nonchalantly reached out to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth. Actually, the balance between the magic and sword force in his body has been unstable when he used magic to kill Huo Ruyan. Both forces have begun fighting in his body. After that, when he found out that the person who has been sneaking at the corner was Shui Ruoshan, he forcibly recalled his full force attack and suffered heavy backlash, causing his body’s condition to worsen. Just now, he was afraid of hurting Shui Ruoshan and forcibly pressed back his signs of getting Qi deviation. All these resulted in the injuries in his body to become worse.

Towards the pain, he has already gotten used to it in his past life. No matter how painful was it, he could endure without changing his expressions. Originally, he thought it would be the same as his past life right now; that the pain will pass after enduring it for a bit. That’s why he didn’t bother with his injuries. But he has forgotten that his current body is not the same body from his past life that has been tempered by various life experiences, and couldn’t bear such big damage at all. That’s why all these physical weaknesses showed up right away.

Even though he has consumed the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus to improve his strength, it didn’t change the fact that his starting point was too low in this lifetime. Plus in these past few years, his body was constantly being used as an experiment tester by those bigwigs and has long been riddled with injuries. Those hidden injuries couldn’t heal in such a short time. His body couldn’t stand his current emotion turbulence at all.

In short, he is still too weak now!

Raw Word Count : 2596


Banana: Raw : 最起码还能让殷夙夜知道他不要太将他放在眼里了啊!