Chapter 092 – Don’t know how to lie

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“What’s wrong?” The moment Shui Ruoshan found something is not right with Yin Suye, he raised his head and asked in concern.

“Someone’s coming.”

Yin Suye stopped looking at the Imperial City’s direction and explained patiently to the little guy. He knew from earlier on that the moment he decided to kill Huo Lingyun, the people from the Imperial City will come looking for him. Whether it is to sic a group of righteous people on him or it’s because of his (powerful) strength, it’s inevitable for him to come in contract the these people for a short period of time. Or one could say, he will be coming across the current Supreme King soon. Just that these people from Imperial City came earlier that he expected!


Why there’s another batch of people coming at them again? It was not easy for them to settle those people from Yin and Huo Family, now a new group of people appeared. What’s going on? So are they going to play the show again where someone came to seek trouble, then they settle them? Keep repeating this ‘different broth but the same old medicine’[1], even he felt visually tired, alright? Can they just let them take a break and catch their breath before continuing again, a’ight? As an author with much professionalism, Shui Ruoshan felt too tired to do this anymore! If he dared to repeat similar scenes 2-3 times in his own novel, his readers will absolutely complain at him ah! But the reality is really a pit! All of a sudden, he felt very unbalanced in his heart, what to do?

1. different name but same old matter

“What kind of people is coming this time?”

Actually what Shui Ruoshan really wanted to ask was how many enemies he(YSY) had in the Capital. But whenever he remembers that all these things happened because of what he set in the story, he will feel guilty and doesn’t dare to ask anymore. So he could only transfer all his dissatisfaction onto those incoming people.

“It should be the people from Imperial City.” Whenever the little guy has questions, he will answer without reservation.

“…” Hearing an unexpected answer, Shui Ruoshan exaggeratedly cursed ‘Fcuk!’ in his heart.

The Imperial City is the royal palace inside the Forbidden City[2], and the current Supreme King lives in the Imperial City. Now that the people from the Imperial City came looking for them, it means the current Supreme King has noticed them! He has yet to prepare himself to the fact that they will be going against the Supreme King so soon. According to [The Strongest King in History], it should 10 years later for Yin Suye to come across the Supreme King. But the current progress really cause people to be taken off guard ah! At this moment, can anyone understand what is ‘gradual progress’? One simply doesn’t go directly against the BOSS at first go ah! This is absolutely a foul ah!

2. 皇城就是紫荆城里的皇宫 – which is weird because dictionary said Forbidden City should be the inner one instead -> imperial city, inner part of beijing, with the forbidden city at its center

“They have arrived.[3]

3. Technically, YSY only said ‘Arrived’ but it doesn’t make sense in English and the raw didn’t mention the gender or how many people at this point so I used ‘they’.

Yin Suye’s eyes slightly squinted, there are no panic in it. With his current strength, he doesn’t have to be afraid of anyone else, even when going against the current Supreme King. Because there’s no fear, he naturally has nothing to care about! This is also the reason why he acted so high-profiled after he returned to the Capital.


Shui Ruoshan knew of Yin Suye’s strong senses and he has always been very truthful towards his judgement. So, as soon as he heard what Yin Suye said, he immediately raised his head. What he saw was a figure flying quickly in the sky from a distance, then slowly landed in front of them.

“I am the Captain of the Supreme King’s direct personal guards — Weiyi[4].”

4. 卫衣 – That naming sense though – weiyi means hoodie/sweater :v

Weiyi briefly introduced himself after he landed. The moment it was heard that this person came from the Imperial City, everyone reacted differently. The ones most excited were the people from the Huo Family. They must be thinking that Weiyi has come to capture this demon Yin Suye on behalf of the Supreme King, so they felt exuberant all of a sudden. Their gaze at Yin Suye became absolutely unrestrained once again.

“Daren, you must seek justice for our Huo Family ah!”

The people from the Huo Family felt that they have a backing now and became confident, so they immediately cried in grievance at Weiyi.

“You must avenge our Family head ah!”

“You must punish this madman Yin Suye mercilessly!”


The people from the Huo Family started talking one after another, and reported all sorts of evil things that Yin Suye has done.


Weiyi slightly frowned, it was clear that he doesn’t like people being noisy around him. After listening for a moment and figured everything out, he told the crowd to be quiet.


No one dares to defy Weiyi’s words. After all, the Supreme King’s direct personal guards represent the King himself. So, the guards are special and authoritative in the eyes of the people.

“The matters that you have reported, I will let someone handle it later. Right now I have other important things to do, I hope that all of you will not hinder my duty.”

Weiyi’s words were very straightforward. He came here under the Supreme King’s order and he has no extra time to deal with trivial matters. Obviously, Weiyi doesn’t care about Huo Lingyun’s death at all. His ‘up above’ status gave him the power not to care of other’s life and death.

“Daren, didn’t you come here because our Family Head was killed?”

The people from the Huo Family didn’t expect the saviour they thought he is didn’t actually come for them and pushed them aside instead. However, they indeed are not qualified to ask Weiyi to seek justice for them so they could only unrelentingly ask again.


Weiyi ignored the rest of them after he gave his reply. Then, he turned his attention to Yin Suye.

Seeing how obvious was Weiyi’s rejection, the people from the Huo Family doesn’t dare to say anymore. They could only silently retreat to one side, giving the space to Weiyi to do his duty better.

“Yin Suye, the pressure earlier was released by you?”

Weiyi entered the topic right away seeing that everyone is being tactful. This was because the Supreme King in the Imperial City felt a strong pressure all of a sudden. He then sent him(WY) to investigate the matter and also to bring that person back for questioning. Weiyi originally followed the trace of the pressure, and combining with situation reported by the people from Huo Family, Weiyi could easily identify the person.

“En.” Yin Suye lightly responded, generously admitting the matter.

“The Supreme King wants to see you.”

As a member of the Capital, he naturally knew about the rumors regarding Yin Suye. But when he experienced his(YSY) strength, his attitude was quite polite out of respect for the strong.

“Alright.” A light flashed through Yin Suye’s eyes, then he agreed.

Through Weiyi’s action and words just now, Yin Suye could clearly understand that the Supreme King wanted to see him not because he killed Huo Lingyun, but the Supreme stage pressure he released earlier has alarmed the Supreme King. This is to say the current Supreme King probably wanted to see him out of curiosity rather than harboring hostile intent towards him. So he doesn’t need to be suspicious at all and cause the relationship between the two of them to go bad because he didn’t went to see the Supreme King. Plus coming back this time, he will stay in the Capital for a long time so he should just take this opportunity to test the Supreme King’s attitude towards him; to plan and decide how he should take actions later on.

“Then let’s go.”

Seeing that Yin Suye agreed, Weiyi made a ‘please’ gesture, it was obvious that he hoped for them to go to the Imperial City immediately.


Yin Suye didn’t oppose the arrangement but didn’t immediately acted as well. He just bent down and placed the little guy on the ground. Then he started walking, ready to leave with Weiyi.

“What do you mean by putting me down all of a sudden?”

When Shui Ruoshan was placed on the ground, he immediately reached out to hold onto Yin Suye without thinking. One need to know, it’s a very long journey from the Yin Residence to the Imperial City. If Yin Suye don’t carry him, it would definitely be a very difficult task from him to walk there with his own feet. The most important thing is, Weiyi who wanted to complete his task as soon as possible, will not agree to let them proceed to the Imperial City in a slow pace!

So Yin Suye, are you trying to abandon me? No, are you looking down on me?! Then you are going to single-handedly accept the challenge?!

“Stay here.”

Yin Suye lowered down his head and patiently persuaded him. Although he doesn’t want to be separated with the little guy, but later on he will be facing the strongest person in the human realm, the Supreme King. No one can guarantee what would happen when they meet, so he couldn’t not be cautious about it. He doesn’t want the little guy receive any injuries from his dangerous decision. He couldn’t afford the price and he doesn’t want to pay it either! So even if he is unwilling, he still have to leave the little guy behind for his safety.

“I want to go with you!”

Shui Ruoshan obviously doesn’t buy it, his attitude was very determined. Yin Suye didn’t come in contact with the Supreme King in his past life, so he(YSY) doesn’t know the evil in his(SK) character. But he is the author of this story, he knew how sanctimonious is the Supreme King more than anyone in this world.

One need to know, the current Supreme King would soon die of old age, around 10 years later. In order to live longer, he did a lot of cruel and bloody things. And all these things would later be unintentionally revealed by the protagonist. Unfortunately, at that time the Supreme King has already died. So the smear and stain left behind was borne by Yin Suye, the next Supreme King. Therefore, if Yin Suye appears in front of the Supreme King right now, there won’t be any place able to hide his(YSY) abnormalities. If he cannot explain it with a reasonable reason, he(YSY) will definitely get targeted by the ruthless Supreme King who will do anything to stay alive.

He doesn’t even have to think about it to be sure that in any case that Yin Suye accidentally revealed a secret of his body, the Supreme King will definitely unable to resist taking action on Yin Suye! But if Yin Suye didn’t go to see him, it will totally be the scene of ‘300 silver taels not hidden here[5]‘ and probably will rouse suspicion from the Supreme God. It might even turned out like Yin Suye not giving face to him, then the Supreme King will disregard his own identity to take action on Yin Suye! It seems wrong no matter how one choose!

5. A story of someone blurting out the secret he is hiding

“It’s alright, I have made enough preparations.”

Looking at the little guy getting worried for him, Yin Suye reached out to ruffle his hair and lightly comforted.

“Since you have enough preparations and confirmed that there won’t be any problems, then bringing me along won’t affect you anything!”

Shui Ruoshan ruthlessly refuted his words. He raised his head and looked at Yin Suye with much determination, as if he will keep waiting for the answer right here until Yin Suye agrees with him. Did anyone told Yin Suye before that he(YSY) doesn’t know how to lie at all? Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have any time to care whether Yin Suye agrees or not, and how is his contrasting moe-gap[6]. All he knows right now is Yin Suye is not as confident as his words because he(YSY) didn’t dare to meet his(SRS) eyes all these time. Not only he(YSY) dodged his(SRS) eyes, the tip of his ears has begun to turn slightly red…
All these inconsistent actions told him that Yin Suye is feeling guilty!

6. Google it :v

Villain, you being so awkward and so stubborn, your words didn’t match your heart…

Are you trying to seek death?

One need to know, the gap between Imperial stage and the Supreme stage is a sky high distance that cannot be crossed. It couldn’t be compensated with other things. Even if Yin Suye was once a Supreme King, he isn’t one at the moment. Facing the current Supreme King, Yin Suye will definitely be at the weaker side! He understands this, Yin Suye understood as well. It’s not like he couldn’t see that it’s because it’s dangerous that Yin Suye doesn’t allow him to follow!

However, it’s precisely of this that he has to tag along with Yin Suye. Although his fighting power is not very strong, but he is the creator of this world no matter how one says it. What he has in his hands were far more that what Yin Suye thought. If they really encountered any danger, he definitely can help Yin Suye out with the storyline’s knowledge that he possessed! If they encountered something inevitable, he doesn’t mind changing the plot once again!

Raw Word Count : 3595


Chapter 091 – Realized it too late

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Yin Suye enveloped Shui Ruoshan completely in his arms. The thick killing intent in his heart could no longer be contained. Deep in the pair of icy eyes, bloody red gaze was revealed, just like a demon walking out from the Hell-like sea of blood! His eyes were sharp and cold, and killing intent were emitted from his body. Like a sharp blade of blood, it is as if everything could be cut down from where the edge is pointing at.

Huo Lingyun didn’t expect Yin Suye’s reaction to be that fast, so he need to reorder the sequence of his revenge. He need to finish Yin Suye first, then proceed to Shui Ruoshan next.

Facing Huo Lingyun’s merciless moves, the aura from Yin Suye’s body suddenly changed; the power pressure belonged to a Supreme King were instantly released towards Huo Lingyun!

Huo Lingyun’s moves have not even reach Yin Suye yet when he felt his strength been suppressed all of a sudden; he got restrained in an instant! Not only his strength were suppressed, his spiritual power were forced back as well! This enormous pressure was so strong that one would feel despair, prevented Huo Lingyun from moving even one step forward, like a pause button has been pressed!

Huo Lingyun quickly raised his head and looked at the man standing arrogantly over there. With just a glance, he could sense the danger that could cause people to tremble with fear! At this moment, he realized that no matter it’s the angle of his(YSY) standing posture, his hand placement or the movement of his body…
Is always at the best offensive and defensive state! What even more frightening was his movements were not stiff at all! This habit and instinct was as if it has already been carved into his bones! But this is also the part where Huo Lingyun couldn’t figure out. With just the age of 22, what kind of experience did he encountered to be able to show such flowing and smooth fighting skill?

It’s a pity that Yin Suye didn’t give any time for Huo Lingyun to be surprised. Those who threatens the little guys, he has always been merciless to them. That pair of bloody red eyes carried a supreme majesty, and the corner of his lips curved up to a slight arch. His empty hand simply stretched out, and flung an enormous force at Huo Lingyun…

Facing a life-threatening danger, Huo Lingyun broke out with a strong sense of survival. In a flash, he freed himself from the horrifying pressure suppressing him, then used his whole energy to go against Yin Suye’s seemingly casual but carried a hidden killing intent strong move. At the same time, due to the clashing forces from both of them, he was forced to retreat tens of meters away. A huge pit instantly appeared at the place he is standing. This kind of force caused Huo Lingyun to shudder from the depths of his soul. He couldn’t remain standing at all, his body was unstable causing him to fell on the ground inside the pit. At this moment, his gaze at Yin Suye were filled with disbelief. He watched as Yin Suye carried the little guy up and stood there while slightly looking up. With an aloof arrogance, he looked down at him(HLY) like he is looking at a small ant. Huo Lingyun felt like a mountain that can never be crossed standing right in front of him. This is not some power that human beings should have, it should be powers only god could possessed! Because even from the current Supreme King, he has never felt such a strong sense of pressure before. But such terrible powers, how did Yin Suye get it?

Unfortunately, Huo Lingyun simply don’t have any free time to think about it because Yin Suye’s attack immediately followed behind!


Yin Suye doesn’t care about exposing his real strength at all. The moment his words fell, a powerful force several times more powerful than before burst out from his body…
With him as the center, the surrounding air pressure rotated around him quickly. In an instant, everyone seemed to feel that a storm is brewing, thunder roared and lighting cackled, the sky became dark…
Yin Suye focused all the pressure at one point, the intensity is as strong as it is, like a giant hatchet covering the sky. It smashed towards the Huo Lingyun who is in the deep pit…

Right until he lose his consciousness, Huo Lingyun still couldn’t believe it; he actually couldn’t fight back even a bit in front of Yin Suye? In an instant, Huo Lingyun realized who has killed the level 9 Imperial stage ancestor from the Yin Family! Unfortunately, he realized it too late, there’s no second chance for everything anymore!

“Family Head!”

People from the Huo Family saw their family head battling with Yin Suye, who then suddenly fell to the ground. So, immediately someone went to check the situation. They helped Huo Lingyun up from the ground and tried to call him out a few times. Seeing that he has his eyes closed and not reacting, someone reached out to test his breath. The moment he found out that he(HLY) is not breathing, he was shocked out of his wits.

“Family head is dead?!”

The person who went to check the Family head nearly flung away the body in his hand. The people from the Huo Family disregarded everything and immediately surrounded Huo Lingyun to check his condition when they heard that.

“You actually killed Huo Lingyun?!”

Yin Ming’s reaction was slower than the Huo Family’s people. At first he didn’t intervene in the battle between the two because he knew Yin Suye’s strength so he is not worried that Yin Suye will die in Huo Lingyun’s hand. But he didn’t expect that Yin Suye managed to kill Huo Lingyun in such a short period?! He didn’t even have enough time to stop it! Bastard, it’s too unreasonable to act like this! At that moment, the shock in Yin Ming’s heart was impossible to describe in words!

It’s not like Yin Ming has a good relationship with Huo Lingyun, he wanted to save him because Huo Lingyun cannot die! Huo Lingyun possessed a certain degree of power in the Capital, and his position is equals to him(YM). Their identity represents the upper class of the Capital. If either one of them has an accident or something else, the entire Capital will be shaken as well. The most important thing is they are loyal to the current Supreme King. That means one blatantly kills without any valid reasons in the Capital, it equals to hitting the Supreme King’s face and going against him. It also means going against the whole Capital, and the whole human world! That’s why he tolerated it when he found out that Huo Lingyun was scheming against him, preparing to take this revenge in later days.

Yin Suye didn’t pay attention to Yin Ming’s internal turmoil at all, and acted as if he is transparent. Just that when he lowered down his head to look at Shui Ruoshan, the pair of cold eyes gradually warmed up. After he confirmed that Shui Ruoshan didn’t get hurt from the battle just now, he carried him and turned around, leaving this scene filled with bloody scents.

“Yin Suye, stop right there!”

Seeing Yin Suye ignoring him, Yin Ming almost couldn’t breathe. Here he is worried to death for this unfilial son, but he(YSY) acted like nothing is wrong and didn’t care about what is happening. This really angered him to death. Yin Suye murdered the Yin Family’s ancestor before this, he still could use his identity as the Family head to handle it, pressuring others to close the case. After all, ancestors are the guardians of the family and the matter belonged to a family’s internal affair so the Capital’s upper class won’t do anything. But Huo Lingyun is different, so Yin Suye killing him will absolutely alarms the Supreme King! If not for him(YSY) being his only son and also looked promising, he(YM) will definitely not worry for Yin Suye’s safety!

“You don’t have the right to order me!”

Yin Suye’s gaze at Yin Ming was cold and there was no trace of affection. This expressionless gaze was as if he(YSY) is looking at a stranger, so he don’t have any feelings for him. Because in this life, he has placed all his feeling into this treasure in his arms that belongs to him alone!


Being looked at by Yin Suye like this, Yin Ming stood rooted in place. No matter how many hundreds of reasons he has in his heart, he couldn’t say anything at all under that gaze. Like just now, Yin Ming finally realized that his only son Yin Suye doesn’t have any father-son feelings towards him at all!

“Not allowed to leave!”

Comparing to Yin Ming being speechless, the people from the Huo Family were looking at Yin Suye with red eyes like they are looking at their arch enemy. Especially when they saw the murderer Yin Suye casually leaving the scene after the murder, they subconsciously stood up and blocked his path. They want to avenge Huo Lingyun, and let Yin Suye pay with his life!

“All of you want to die?”

The red color in Yin Suye eyes has yet to fade completely. He only faintly glanced at them and that alone gave the people an absolute pressure.


Even masters couldn’t maintain their calm under Yin Suye’s pressure, these people from Huo Family were not that strong so it is even more impossible for them to seek death with him. At this moment, don’t even mention about going forward to stop Yin Suye, it’s already amazing if they didn’t get scared to the point of trembling and went soft on to the ground. They are very clear that Yin Suye’s words were definitely not empty threats. If they really dare to stop him, Yin Suye will absolutely take action. After all, he already killed Huo Lingyun, so he wouldn’t mind killing a few more people! In the end, they could only watch as Yin Suye walk past them…

Just that, after walking a short distance, Yin Suye stopped moving.
He raised his head to look at the direction of the Imperial City, and his gaze was deep and sharp…

Raw Word Count : 2799

#HappyNewYear (0w0)/

Chapter 090 – Unconditional trust

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“I want Shui Ruoshan!”

After Yin Wushuang said what he wanted the most, he became firmer with himself as he wanted to get Shui Ruoshan’s heart. Since Shui Ruoshan is an omnipotent incantation master in the legend, doesn’t that means as long as he could get him(SRS) in his hand, his injuries could be cured by incantation? Thinking of this, his obsessive gaze towards Shui Ruoshan instantly became more explicit. When he first saw Shui Ruoshan, he felt an unspeakable liking towards this child. Especially when he knew of his legendary identity, this feeling became even stronger. Yin Wushuang felt that only this extraordinary little person is worthy of him!


The corner of Shui Ruoshan’s mouth strongly twitched, he was very speechless towards Yin Wushuang. He could understand it if Yin Wushuang wanted to seek revenge on Yin Suye, but he(YWS) suddenly looked for trouble with him(SRS); he cannot understand this. Is this the so-called ‘only pinch soft-looking persimmon’[1]?

1. bully the weak and fear the strong

The Hell! Yin Wushuang is really too much, alright?!

Judging from this, it seems that Yin Wushuang has yet to realize his(YWS) awkward identity. Instead of ‘tucking his tail to act’[2] at this moment, he dared to seek trouble with him(SRS) without a shred of self-awareness, that’s just retarded!

2. behave

“What is it?” Shui Ruoshan didn’t notice and bumped against Yin Suye. When he raised his head, he saw Yin Suye stopping all of a sudden and questioned him(YSY) with a confused expression.


When he heard Yin Wushuang said he wanted Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye couldn’t restrain the bloodthirstiness in his heart at all. No one can snatch the little guy from his hands! The little guy belongs to him, no one can touch him! Whoever dares to pursue him, kill!

Yin Suye only managed to react when the little guy bumped into him. He couldn’t control his emotions just now and almost hurt the little guy. Seeing that the little guy feeling painful from bumping into him, Yin Suye immediately restrained all his negative emotions. Bending down, he gently rubbed the little guy’s slightly red forehead. His focused and serious expression was as if he is treating a treasure with care. Yin Wushuang’s desire for the little guy let Yin Suye realize one thing. That is his feelings for the little guy may not be as simple as he imagined!

“Not leaving?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye helping to rub his forehead is a little ‘making a big fuss over a minor issue’. He just accidentally bumped into him(YSY), not seriously injured. He doesn’t need to be treated so carefully at all, a’ight?


They can leave after he finished off those unsightly ants. If Yin Wushuang didn’t target the little guy, he(YSY) might let him go but now, he just couldn’t wait to torn him to shreds. Those who dare to look at such a wonderful little guy with their filthy eyes, all of them deserve to die!


Shui Ruoshan nodded gently to express that he will follow his(YSY) arrangement. Actually, he knew that the moment Yin Wushuang opened his mouth, both of them won’t be able to leave indiscriminately anymore. They could only stay back to settle the trouble first.


Seeing that the little guy didn’t object, Yin Suye instantly disappeared from where he stands, then immediately returned back to Shui Ruoshan’s side the next second. The only thing different was Yin Suye’s hand is currently gripping tightly at Yin Wushuang’s neck.

“Let, let go!”

Yin Wushuang didn’t expect that with so many people surrounding him(YWS), Yin Suye still dared to mess with him. The panic in his heart has reached an extreme level. Feeling the hand on his neck tightening, he wanted to struggle but failed to. He could only feel the shadow of death is getting closer and closer to him…
At this moment, he was really scared and also regretful, he shouldn’t provoke Yin Suye this madman who doesn’t care about anything!

“Let him go!”

Although Huo Lingyun was furious at Yin Wushuang of his rude yelling at him earlier, he(YWS) is the child born from him and his most loved woman after all. He couldn’t watch him die and do nothing. Even though his action will acknowledge that he is Yin Wushuang’s father, he won’t silently watch Yin Suye kill his son! Other than that, he really couldn’t feel any goodwill towards Yin Suye so it’s fine for him to take the opportunity and teach him(YSY) a good lesson! Then, Huo Lingyun attacked Yin Suye…

“Humph!” Facing Huo Lingyun’s fierce attack, Yin Suye slightly tightened his grip on Yin Wushuang’s neck then flung him towards Huo Lingyun.

Huo Lingyun didn’t expect Yin Suye would return the person to him so easily so he recalled his attack despite the threat of possible counterattack, then changed his stance to catch the person instead.

“Wushuang, are you alright?”

A bad feeling rose in his heart the moment he caught Yin Wushuang. Yin Wushuang’s bloodless face and his weak breathing, plus his gradually cooling body…
No need to tell him that Yin Wushuang might not make it!

“I, I…”

Yin Wushuang opened his mouth wanting to say something but he could only muttered a few unintelligible words. Raising his head, he looked at the little person he longed for and realized that he(SRS) is firmly held on by his enemy Yin Suye. In Yin Wushuang’s eyes, there were unwillingness, unresigned and indignant…
In the end, he cannot change anything and could only close his eyes with resentment!

“You actually killed Wushuang?!”

Sensing that Yin Wushuang is gone, Huo Lingyun could feel his rationality nerve snapped. Although he didn’t interact with Yin Wushuang long enough time, he did see him as his son. But now, Yin Suye actually killed him?! How could him as the father bear it?!

“Dead?” When Yin Ming heard that, he suddenly felt complicated.

“Correct, he was killed by Yin Suye!” Comparing to Yin Ming’s confusion, Huo Lingyun was full of hatred for Yin Suye!


One side was Yin Wushuang, the fake son who he really pampered before this while the other side was Yin Suye, the real son who he never put in his eyes before. This caused Yin Ming to be at loss all of a sudden, not knowing what to do.

“Yin Wushuang deserves to die!”

Yin Suye’s tone was filled with undisguised malice towards Yin Wushuang.


If not for the little guy is here with him and he(YSY) doesn’t want to let him see bloody scenes, he has so many cruel torture methods that could make the person wish for death. He won’t use such a simple way to kill Yin Wushuang at all. He never place Huo Lingyun in his eyes, nor put Yin Ming’s indifference in his heart. At his side is the little guy who has always been supporting him, this is enough!

“You deserve to die!”

Huo Lingyun didn’t think Yin Suye would be so arrogant to this point, this undoubtedly succeeded in provoking his anger! As he said it, Huo Lingyun mobilized all of his spiritual power and attacked towards Yin Suye…
Not only he wanted to avenge Yin Wushuang, he also wants to complete his(YWS) last wish before death! Comparing to this direct murderer Yin Suye, Huo Lingyun hated even more the indirect murderer, Shui Ruoshan who revealed the truth. It could be said that this plan he has been arranging for years has completely wasted just because of one sentence from this child. He couldn’t even protect this son of his, plus both the Yin Family and Huo Family might start a feud over this incident, Huo Lingyun naturally hated Shui Ruoshan. Moreover, Wushuang wanted this child so he as the father will want to fulfil his son’s wish. So, let this child accompany his son to underworld ba!

Even in furious state, Huo Lingyun is still sober. In order to deal with Shui Ruoshan, it’s necessary to avoid Yin Suye’s protection for him! So his attack looked like it’s for Yin Suye but at the last minute, he shifted the direction towards Shui Ruoshan…


Shui Ruoshan was not flustered when he is facing with Huo Lingyun’s attack, he didn’t use any counterattack skill either. Because as long as Yin Suye is at his side, his current location is the safest place! This is his unconditional trust in Yin Suye! Just that ‘getting shot while lying down’ again, Shui Ruoshan really felt : How come it’s like this again? Very unamusing hey! Could it be the word ‘Very’ is written on his left cheek, while ‘Weak’ written on his right? That’s why everyone thought he is very weak? Else, why would everyone keep aiming for him? It’s not good to push people into a pit like this hey!

“Seeking death!”

Yin Suye immediately pulled the dazing child into his arms. If Huo Lingyun chose to deal with him, he won’t feel anything. But when his target is Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye’s heterochromatic eyes immediately dyed in thick blood red, the madness in his heart could no longer be contained…

To those who harm the little guy, they must die!

Raw Word Count : 2704

#GoSeclusionAndCultivate ?

Banana: This is the last chapter this year, I’ll see you guys next year lol XDXD As for White Lotus, I’ll see if I can somehow get one chapter out by this year…. I’ll try, man Dec is really hectic ah _(;3/

Chapter 089 – Not allowed to leave

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“No, that’s not true! I’m not Huo Lingyun’s son!”

Yin Wushuang has been immersed in the cruel fact that he may become a waste so he didn’t notice what happened around him at all, until he felt a ray of light entered his body and lets him experience the blood-related connection with Huo Lingyun, he then suddenly realized that things were not right. Originally, he did not put it at heart that he is not Yin Ming’s son because he thought the child named Shui Ruoshan must be instructed by Yin Suye, that’s why he(SRS) deliberately slandered him! But then when he clearly felt that he may be Huo Lingyun’s son, Yin Wushuang really panicked and could only bluff with a fierce denial.

“Shut up!”

Yin Ming felt that he has never been this furious before! Not only he was played by Qian Youyan and Huo Lingyun for so many years, he even helped them to raise their son all these while! The force of this ‘green hat’ is too strong ah! These two goddamned adulterers! It’s not like he didn’t doubt it before that the whole thing was set up by Yin Suye, just so that Huo Lingyun and him would have irreconcilable end; letting them fight each other as his revenge for both families. But some things just can’t be fabricated.

Let’s not start on how Shui Ruoshan’s ability is exactly like what was recorded in ancient books. The fact that he could make two blood-related people resonate to each other, that’s not something a tool could achieve. If he couldn’t even judge if this is true or false, then he really wasted his time living! Confirming that Shui Ruoshan didn’t lie to him, he then completely changed his attitude towards Yin Wushuang!

“Father, you don’t believe me?!”

Yin Wushuang apparently didn’t expect Yin Ming to actually fall out with him in the blink of an eye; he opened his eyes widely all of a sudden. It was clear that he couldn’t believe that this person who is looking at him with extreme disgust is actually the father who pampered him a lot in the past! If he didn’t get wasted by Yin Suye just now, he will definitely step forward and keep asking questions. But now, he could only lie on the ground in a sorry appearance, weakly looking at the man he called ‘Father’ for 20 years; looking very lowly.

“Actually, if you still don’t believe it, I could continue providing some other evidence but I’ll need some time to prepare it!”

Seeing the dark-looking Yin Ming and the spiritless Yin Wushuang, Shui Ruoshan felt very good. He saw that Yin Wushuang hasn’t give up despite the conclusive evidence so he could only throw another heavyweight evidence out; striving to drop the enemy to the ground once and for all. There are many ways to do verification between blood. Previously, he only chose the most convenient and quickest incantation. As for Yin Ming, he as the head of the Yin Family must have a few common methods to test their blood relationship as long as he wanted to. But also because of this, Shui Ruoshan disliked Yin Ming even more. In the past, Yin Ming listened to Qian Youyan’s words instead of taking the time to verify the truth, directly determined that Yin Suye is not his son then gave him(YSY) all sorts of harsh treatments. So, Yin Suye’s miserable life in the past was all caused by Yin Ming’s arbitrary behaviour!

“No need!”

Yin Ming looked extremely exhausted when he said this. It’s because he used to believe in his own judgement too much and didn’t bother to check their blood relation that he got deceived by Qian Youyan. As the result, it caused the current irreversible situation.

“Since you have no more problem, then Yin Suye and I won’t bother you with your family matters, we will take our leave now!”

As Shui Ruoshan said that, he is prepared to pull Yin Suye away to leave. When is the best time to leave if not now ah?! One need to know, the commotion that Yin Suye caused just now was not small. So in order to leave safely, they have to slip away while the people are still immersed in the shock of the truth. Else, they won’t be able to leave anymore if they waited until the rest of them started to react!

“Wait!” Yin Ming subconsciously called out to stop them when he saw Yin Suye leaving with Shui Ruoshan.

“What else do you want ah?”

Shui Ruoshan’s tone was unkind. Did his plan to slip away in the confusion was seen through by Yin Ming? This is unscientific ah!


Yin Ming also doesn’t know why he called out to stop Yin Suye from leaving. Although the sensation of their blood relationship has long disappeared after the incantation’s effect has passed, it doesn’t change the fact that Yin Suye is his only son! But at the same time, he doesn’t know what kind of an expression he should use to face this son who he had neglected for 17 years. After all, he didn’t see Yin Suye as his own son at all so it was difficult for him to change his attitude towards Yin Suye. But then when he thought of the fact that Yin Suye might be the only son he could have in this life, he couldn’t help but softened his attitude. On the other hand, Yin Suye has mercilessly murdered their family’s ancestor and the relationship between both sides is already like water and fire. If he(YM) changes his attitude too fast, the rest of the family might feel betrayed. However, thinking of Yin Suye’s powerful strength, Yin Ming felt that he doesn’t have to worry about those matters at all. As long as Yin Suye is willing to serve the family, his(YSY) force would definitely be greater than their ancestor! In the end, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for the Yin Family if they take Yin Suye back! After mentally prepared himself, Yin Ming tried to put on a loving expression and embedding it with some feelings, ready to persuade Yin Suye…

“I have nothing to talk between you and me.”

Yin Suye didn’t give Yin Ming the chance to speak at all. He took the first move to block any possible persuasion from him(YM) and expressed his rejection very clearly.

“I admit that I’m being incompetent as your father. I have let you down with everything in the past, but I know my wrong now. Ye-er, give me a chance and let me compensate to you!”

As if he didn’t see Yin Suye’s rejecting expression towards him, Yin Ming said all the things he has prepared to say.

“Compensate? Humph, too late!” A flash of cold and sharp light flitted past Yin Suye’s eyes.

Does Yin Ming thinks that by staging this little father-son show, he(YSY) will disregard former enmity and pretend nothing has happened? Simply delusional! In his past life, when Yin Ming found out about Yin Wushuang being Huo Lingyun’s illegitimate child and he only left Yin Suye as his only son, Yin Ming did the same thing; begged for his forgiveness with much feelings and hoped that he would return to the family. He did return to the Yin Family later on, and did countless things for the family. But in the end, for the sake of other interest, Yin Ming abandoned him once again. At that time, he finally understood that in Yin Ming’s eyes, there’s no such thing as family relationship at all; just schemes for power struggle. Also at that time, he has completely lost hope for family love!

“Whether you admit me as your father or not, the fact that the same blood runs through our veins can’t be changed!”

Yin Ming didn’t expect that he still couldn’t move Yin Suye even though he has lowered himself as low as possible.

“It can!” The corner of Yin Suye’s mouth slightly curved up in a mocking arc.

As long as he becomes the Supreme King again, he will get a chance to baptize his body. At that time, his body, blood and bones would undergo an ultimate change under the witness of the laws of Heaven and earth…
In one sense, he really could be counted to have nothing to do with Yin Ming anymore when that time comes.

“…” For the first time, Yin Ming realized that Yin Suye is no longer the abandoned son who can be bullied in the past but a real powerhouse!

“Let’s go.” Looking at the little guy who is still leaning at him, Yin Suye’s expression couldn’t help but softened a bit.


Shui Ruoshan reached out and held onto Yin Suye’s big hand, as his silent support to him(YSY). At the same time, it’s to let Yin Suye know that even if the whole world abandoned him, he will still stand firmly by his(YSY) side!

Yin Suye held tightly onto Shui Ruoshan’s stretched out hand, his expression slightly relaxed.
That satisfied look was as if he already owned the whole world!

“You are not allowed to leave!”

Yin Wushuang didn’t expect that nothing would happen to Yin Suye after injuring him, so he instantly felt unwilling! Seeing that Yin Ming didn’t bother with his request, Yin Wushuang then remembered that he is no longer Yin Ming’s son. He has been abandoned by Yin Ming, so he turned his attention to Huo Lingyun.

“Huo Lingyun, since you are my biological father, then stop them for me!”

At this moment, Yin Wushuang has become somewhat hysterical, and no longer sensible. He only knows that he can’t let that person who hurts him to leave so easily. He wants Yin Suye to pay the price! If not for Yin Suye, he would still be the well-regarded Yin Family’s heir and not an illegitimate child who has been cast aside! Just that when he looked at the little person standing beside Yin Suye, his eyes revealed an obsessive emotion. Like ‘demons and gods at work’, he blurted out the thing he most desired in his heart.

“I want Shui Ruoshan!”

Raw Word Count : 2788


Chapter 088 – Self-introduction

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Let me introduce myself first, I’m Shui Ruoshan, an incantation master.”

Actually, Shui Ruoshan wanted to say he is a Seer but he already promised Yin Suye that he will keep that a secret so he won’t use that identity, although Yin Suye already knew that he is not an actual Seer. While this identity gives the person a lot of privileges, it also symbolized a very big problem at the same time. So, after much contemplation, Shui Ruoshan decided to use incantation master instead. Other people probably won’t know what is an incantation master, but Yin Ming as the head of the Yin Family should know what it means. After all, he(SRS) will need this identity later on to prove that Yin Wushuang is Huo Lingyun’s illegitimate child so he decided to introduce himself first.

“You are an incantation master?!”

Yin Ming was full of disbelief. The child that he didn’t put in his eyes is actually the legendary incantation master, there is nothing more shocking than this! It’s because incantation master was said to be very mysterious from all those rumors!

Incantation master was rumored to be very strong, could attack and defend at will…
However, there are very few people who have actually seen an incantation master since the ancient times. Only those from the upper class knew about this and understood the greatness of an incantation master through some ancient record books. The lack of information gave incantation master another veil of mystery! But now, when the ever invincible legendary incantation master really appeared in front of him, and that said person is a child following beside Yin Suye, Yin Ming felt that his existing occupational view has been fiercely challenged! Who could think that this child who has been protected by Yin Suye would possess such a mysterious identity?! This person who have been rumored so long actually appeared all of a sudden, it really makes people couldn’t contain their calm!

“I’m naturally a true incantation master!” Shui Ruoshan didn’t bother with Yin Ming’s shock and doubt, he arrogantly raised his head and simply admitted his identity.

When he first set the draft, in order to show the protagonist’s OP-ness[1], he deliberately set the incantation master to be as ‘high-end’ as possible. So that whenever the protagonist mention about him being an incantation master, it could cause a great sensation in an instant. Therefore, this kind of ‘passer-by enjoying the protagonist’s benefit’, this author could enjoy it as well.

1. OP – Overpowered

“Although you are an incantation master, what does this have to do with the fact that you want to prove that Yin Wushuang is Huo Lingyun illegitimate child?”

Yin Ming was a bit stunned by the appearance of an incantation master but he obviously cared more about whose child Yin Wushuang is.

“It naturally do.” Shui Ruoshan turned around to signal Yin Suye to put him down.

Yin Suye silently looked at Shui Ruoshan then gently put him down. Just that he didn’t leave his side, still putting Shui Ruoshan inside his bubble of protection.

“Since you know about incantation master, then you should know that what an incantation master can do are definitely beyond your imagination.” Shui Ruoshan said to Yin Ming with a profound mystery tone.

Although standing on the ground Shui Ruoshan is way shorter than Yin Ming, but if comparing their aura/momentum, he could strongly look down on the distracted Yin Ming! He is a model student of ‘Love what you do’ after all ah!

[Banana : Raw said 做一行,爱一行(Do one thing, love one thing), it seems to be a handbook for people who is working. The meaning is HERE]’

He is acting as an aloof, high-ranked person so naturally he need to act like a quack, religious cheater, whatever!

“You just stand there, and I will let you know that what I have said is true. I probably will let you understand the truth in a minute.”

Shui Ruoshan stood there but he didn’t look like he will go forward nor request Yin Ming to do anything. He(YM) only saw Shui Ruoshan reaching out and mobilizing his(SRS) spiritual power, writing slowly in the air…

Earlier on, Shui Ruoshan has already started to think in his mind on which method to use in order to achieve the effect he wanted in the fastest and most convenient way. Incantation, that is undoubtedly the best choice for him! As for the wording to check blood relation, 父(father), 母(mother), 子(child), the word for child is the simplest. The meaning is also simple and clear, so it is less stressful for Shui Ruoshan!

“Child(子)!” Very quickly, Shui Ruoshan finished writing the word and threw it at Yin Ming without hesitation.

Yin Ming stared at the ‘子’ word flying straight at him and subconsciously wanted to avoid, then counterattack…

As for Huo Lingyun who has been watching the scene by the side saw that Shui Ruoshan indeed has the way to produce the evidence, suddenly became anxious. Without thinking, he stepped forward to stop…

“No one is allowed to move!”

Shui Ruoshan frowned in unpleasantness towards Yin Ming’s uncooperative action plus Huo Lingyun’s attempt to interrupt. He then looked at Yin Suye with a gaze requesting for help. He is currently focusing on his incantation so he doesn’t spare energy to face the pincer attack, naturally needed Yin Suye to help out.

The moment Yin Suye saw Shui Ruoshan’s gaze, he didn’t wait for him(SRS) to say anything and immediately cooperated to release his pressure. Both Yin Ming and Huo Lingyun were suppressed on the spot. Under absolute power, Yin Ming and Huo Lingyun can only passively stopped moving. Yin Ming stared as the incantation went into his body…

Huo Lingyun saw the incantation quickly blended into Yin Ming’s body, then a golden glow emitted from his(YM) body and shot towards Yin Suye, instantly connected both of them in a line.

“Yin Ming, now you know who is your real son?”

Shui Ruoshan satisfactory think in his mind, as expected, he just have to throw the word at the father and the incantation would accurately identity the son who is related to him by blood. His tone was very malicious, contained inside was a deep disdain towards Yin Ming. Who ask Yin Ming to doubt Yin Suye for not being his biological son, and treated him badly afterwards, causing his Xiao Yeye to suffer bitterness since young!

He(SRS) won’t admit that this is all his(SRS) arrangement! It’s all Yin Ming’s fault! That’s right, it’s like that! It’s was very hard for him to find a chance to prove Yin Suye’s name, and let Yin Ming feel regret. He naturally won’t let go of that opportunity so easily, he wants Yin Ming to feel remorseful! Thinking about the bitterness that Yin Suye has suffered before, Shui Ruoshan felt that he is already being too kind for taking revenge only from spiritual aspect! If not for his martial skill not up to par, he would absolutely abuse both Yin Ming’s mind and body over and over again to return back the pain that Yin Suye has suffered from childhood!

“Old brother Yin, don’t get fooled by him! This is probably a trap specially made by this sinister child to instigate our relationship. He wants us to kill each other and get benefits from it ah!”

Huo Lingyun hurriedly said his thoughts before Yin Ming managed to give his own response. Although he was surprised by Shui Ruoshan’s identity as well, but the deep-scheming him hardly express any difference on his face. Instead, he thought of the countermeasures in his mind in the meantime. As the head of the Huo Family, he naturally knew about the legend regarding incantation master. But that is a far away matter where no one could determine what kind of a being is an incantation master! That means, no one can be sure whether this child called Shui Ruoshan is a real incantation master or not, this gave him an opportunity to take advantage of it. In fact, there are many different tools in the world that could achieve similar effect when properly used.

“How about you try it too if this spell is actually real or not?” Seeing Hui Lingyun still not giving up, Shui Ruoshan felt that it is necessary to teach him(HLY) some lessons.

Just now he was too focused on getting back to Yin Ming, forgetting that he is supposed to deal with Huo Lingyun. Would this let Yin Suye think that he(SRS) has problem with his priorities?


It shouldn’t be too late ba, to teach this ‘Huo Shaoyun’[2] a lesson. En! Let’s do it! In order to save his somewhat unreliable image, Shui Ruoshan reached out again and started to write in the air…

2. The name that SRS said is more suitable for HLY


Shui Ruoshan quickly completes the word and threw it at Yin Wushuang…
Since Huo Lingyun doubted his(SRS) identity, then he(SRS) should change another incantation to use. See how you still want to argue this time! Hmph hmph!

The incantation could be seen quickly integrated into Yin Wushuang’s body. Then, similar as the previous scene, a golden light emitted from his(YWS) body. Just that this time, the light shot directly at Huo Lingyun and instantly linked both people together. Under the effect from the incantation, Huo Lingyun could feel a profound and mysterious feeling of their blood relation to each other through that light. Inexplicably, he knew that Yin Wushuang is related to him, flesh and blood!

Instantly, Huo Lingyun realized that the situation is not good! If he could feel this way (with YWS), it means Yin Ming felt the same connection with Yin Suye just now. Would that also means that the words he has said just now are groundless and have already collapsed?!

Raw Word Count : 2793


Banana: Still no internet at room, more than one week liao _(;3/ My phone data also approaching danger line…
And that’s why I can’t translate much of Killed The White Lotus yet…

Chapter 087 – Where is the evidence?

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Old brother Yin, you must not listen to this ignorant child’s nonsense!”

Huo Lingyun suddenly became nervous when he saw that Yin Ming actually starting to believe in Shuo Ruoshan’s words. No matter what, he must find a way to dispel Yin Ming’s suspicion on this matter. He doesn’t understand, how did the other party knows that Yin Wushuang was his illegitimate child? One need to know, both he and Qian Youyan did this matter super secretively. In order not to leak this out, only a few people knows about this, even Yin Wushuang himself doesn’t know about his real identity.

That’s why he usually doesn’t pay any special attention to Yin Wushuang’s affairs, afraid that someone might find out something through some clues and discovered the unspeakable relationship between him and Yin Wushuang. For example, when he brought some people to the Yin residence just now. Although he saw Yin Wushuang was there, he didn’t dare to take even a second look at him due to guilty conscience. That’s why he didn’t immediately discover that Yin Wushuang was injured.


Yin Ming felt that his mind is very chaotic right now. He doesn’t know if he is asking for evidence from Huo Lingyun or Shui Ruoshan, to prove whether Yin Wushuang is Huo Lingyun’s illegitimate child or not…
Actually, he knew that he shouldn’t be so easily shaken by other people’s words or believe in such nonsense…
But he couldn’t not mind the fact that Yin Wushuang may not be his own child! The more he thought of it, the more he felt that Yin Wushuang doesn’t look any bit like him at all and Qian Youyan’s usual behavior seemed suspicious!


Huo Lingyun could only be silent when facing Yin Ming who demanded for evidence. He knew that no matter how he argues about this matter now, Yin Ming probably won’t listen to his words anymore now that suspicions have grown his heart. Sometimes the more you said, the guiltier you looked. But then if he doesn’t say anything, it will cause others to believe that he admitted in silence. At the moment, anything also seemed wrong…
His illegitimate child scandal was exposed too suddenly that he was caught unprepared. In the rush of time, it is naturally impossible for him to come up with a justification to this matter.

“I have evidence that proves Yin Wushuang is Huo Lingyun’s son!” Shui Ruoshan timely reminded of his existence.

Since he wanted to take revenge against Yin Ming and Huo Lingyun, also help Yin Suye with his grudge, he naturally won’t do things half-assed.

“Where is the evidence?”

The strong contrast between the two (HLY & SRS) let Yin Ming begin to believe in Shui Ruoshan’s words.

“Before I prove that Yin Wushuang is not your own child, I still have one thing to tell you!”

Comparing to Huo Lingyun’s ‘relying on force to bully others’, Shui Ruoshan has even lesser positive impression for Yin Ming. Thinking about it, he decided to give Yin Ming a bit more psychological pressure!

“What is it?”

Although Yin Ming wants to see the evidence as soon as possible, he still forced himself to be patient.

“Yin Ming, you have so many lovers but don’t you ever feel curious why none of them can get pregnant with your child?”

Shui Ruoshan asked with an unhurriedly tone. He didn’t ask the question to get the answer but to tell Yin Ming that he knew the reason for that.

“How did you know?”

Yin Ming didn’t expect that the other party would know not only Huo Lingyun’s matter but also his own private matter. Although letting others know about this kind of thing is really shameful for the Yin Family, but even then Yin Ming doesn’t want to give up this opportunity to know the truth. He could only be vigilant towards what could possible happen next.

“Because you have long lost the ability to impregnate other people!”

Shui Ruoshan slowly spat out the answer; that highly-raised eyebrow could be seen that he(SRS) is gloating (over YM’s misery).

“Or I should say, after you ‘got together’ with Qian Youyan, you are not able to cause others to conceive anymore!”

Thinking that Yin Ming is not agitated enough, Shui Ruoshan added a very suggestive sentence. He believed that with his so obvious clue, if Yin Ming still couldn’t guess what he(SRS) meant, then Yin Ming would really be unsaveable!

“What do you mean by this? Explain it to me clearly!”

Yin Ming’s face instantly darkened. No man could maintain his calm after being said as he can’t do it(impotent)! And what the other person means in his words was it was his wife Qian Youyan who caused him to lose that ability, so it really shocked him.

“I mean, in order to help her son Yin Wushuang to successfully inherit the Yin Family, Qian Youyan gave you sterilization medicine to prevent you to have other children in the future!”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t mind Yin Ming’s bad attitude to him because revealing the truth was his way to attack Yin Ming. He would get back to him(YM) from another way later anyway, so he won’t be petty with Yin Ming now!

“This is impossible!”

Yin Ming subconsciously rejected Shui Ruoshan’s words, because he could still ‘perform’ like usual up until now so he has never doubted that he couldn’t ‘do’ it.

“The function of the drug is sterilization, not abstinence, so don’t get it wrong.”

With just a glance, Shui Ruoshan could guess what Yin Ming was thinking about so he mercilessly pointed out the important point. At the same time, he disdained Yin Ming’s fuss and ignorance! This is the Magic and Sword Continent(Mowu Dalu)[1], naturally there would be people who could refine some medicines with special function; the absolute setting that you could refine whatever type of medicine you wanted!

1. Banana : Holy crap, I really hated my translation of this name _(;3/ but too lazy to fix anything :v

“Forgot to tell you, you were poisoned too deep and it already penetrated into your bone marrow, Cannot.Be.Treated.Anymore!”

He continued to agitate Yin Ming’s nerve. He remembered what he wrote in his main draft, in order to express how ruthless and determined Qian Youyan was, he let Qian Youyan constantly poisoned her fake love Yin Ming until it’s not possible to treat it anymore, for the sake of her true love Huo Lingyun. That means not only Qian Youyan gave him ‘a green hat’[2] to wear, she also schemed him to lost the ability to leave offspring.

2. committed adultery

“So, your only son is Yin.Su.Ye!”

Shui Ruoshan announced his conclusion word-by-word. Seriously, if one is to count the debts, Yin Ming is quite a tragedy. Yin Wushuang who he has been cherishing is not his real son, while Yin Suye who he has suspected and abused before is actually his true blood-related son! One couldn’t not say that this is a very big irony!


Yin Ming wants to rebut back loudly but when he opened his mouth, he didn’t know what to say. Although he felt very unbelievable, he knew what the other party said was exactly what he is experiencing. It’s not that he doesn’t want other children, just that no matter how hard he tried, he just can’t impregnate them. He did suspect something once but he couldn’t find any problems. The problem lies in Qian Youyan, the person he never doubted before so he didn’t notice anything wrong. Now that he think about it, the reason why he hated Yin Suye so much later on was because Qian Youyan keep whispering beside his ears about how his mother entangled herself with other people, and that Yin Suye might not be his real son.

The first time he heard of it, he probably don’t care but at the second time, he may start to have doubts. Then at the third time, he will unconsciously begin to believe…
Accumulating for years, even fake lies could be turned as the truth by Qian Youyan, that’s why his attitude towards Yin Suye became worse! In the end, because he couldn’t produce any other child and hated Yin Suye, Yin Wushuang became the only remaining choice! Qian Youyan, this slut! She really made a good scheme!

“I want evidence!”

Yin Ming’s heart has already been shaken, and also understood a lot of things. But he will not make any judgments so easily before he sees the evidence, because that’s all just guessworks.
Moreover, in Yin Ming’s eyes, Shui Ruoshan is Yin Suye’s helper so it’s very likely that he(SRS) would make up lies to deceive him(YM). He naturally cannot believe in his words so easily.

“Alright.” Shui Ruoshan agreed very straightforwardly.

He doesn’t expect Yin Ming to believe him with just a few sentences anyway. Him being a stranger, his words don’t have any persuasiveness in Yin Ming’s eyes. And he also stood at Yin Suye’s side, that makes his credibility even worse. After all, Yin Ming and Qian Youyan have more than 20 years of emotional foundation. It can’t be destroyed by just a few words! Plus Shui Ruoshan knew that Yin Ming still have doubts in his heart towards his words. The most important point is if Qian Youyan wanted Yin Wushuang to successfully inherit the Yin Family, why didn’t she just eliminate Yin Suye directly?

For this question, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know how to explain. Because he can’t really say that it’s not that Qian Youyan doesn’t want to eliminate while Yin Suye is young, just that every time she attempted it, it failed. Because Yin Suye is the novel’s big villain. In this world, there is also something like villain’s luck, so as long as he don’t bump into the protagonist, he can count on his villain’s luck to avert disaster. Of course he won’t die so easily!

It doesn’t matter if he can’t answer that question, because he will use facts to prove to Yin Ming that his words are correct! At the same time, he want Yin Ming to regret for listening to malicious people and mistreating Yin Suye!

Raw Word Count : 2755


Chapter 086 – Nonsense

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Huo Lingyun, rather than wasting your energy trying to take revenge for a dead person, how about spending it on your illegitimate child who is still alive?”

Since Shui Ruoshan has decided to ‘stop being friendly’, he naturally don’t have to hold back.

“What do you mean?”

Huo Lingyun stopped on his track to capture Yin Suye, then with a stunned look he turned to stare at Shui Ruoshan who uttered a reminder that sounded threatening. The expression on his face keep changing until it finally settled as malice. No matter if this child really knew some insider’s information or just casually saying it, he(SRS) couldn’t be left alive. He(HLY) will definitely not leave any of his secrets in anyone’s hand! Especially a secret that would cause his relationship with his family to become irreparable!

“I just want to discuss with you regarding your illegitimate child!”

Shui Ruoshan lightly squinted his eyes, revealing a malicious smile. He felt like he didn’t agitate Huo Lingyun enough so he deliberately emphasized the word ‘illegitimate child’ again.

“If you continue to talk nonsense like this, don’t blame me for not being polite to you!”

Huo Lingyun obviously showed a great reaction to that word but he tried to control the expression on his face so that other people can’t see what’s wrong with him. Actually, illegitimate child is not something unusual in the upper class circle. But this is the topic that he is most unwilling to talk about. Especially in front of Yin Ming, he felt more guilty.

“Have you ever been polite to me?” There was a light smile on Shui Ruoshan’s face, but it was all irony and despise in his eyes. “Moreover, I don’t need you to be polite to me!”

And if you continue down this flow, the next sentence should be ‘Be careful that I’ll sue you for defamation!’ instead. One have to say, it’s scary to have no culture!

“Seeking death!”

Huo Lingyun never thought that someone would ‘hit’[1] his face in public. Without even thinking, he attacked Shui Ruoshan. At that moment, he just wants to give this little child an unforgettable lesson for daring to provoke him in public.

1. not literally


Yin Suye naturally will not let Huo Lingyun harm Shui Ruoshan, and moved the little guy in his arms a little bit to the side. The long sword in his hand immediately struck out horizontally to block Huo Lingyun’s attack. Both power force clashed in the air and sparkles flew out from the friction…

Remembering that the little guy mentioned that he(SRS) will take care of Huo Lingyun, Yin Suye took back a portion of his force. He just waved the sword in his hand, and gently swept toward Huo Lingyun, easily forcing the other people back.

“Yin Suye, how could you become so powerful?!”

Huo Lingyun felt that no vocabulary now could describe his inner shock. He actually couldn’t withstand even one attack from Yin Suye?! If Yin Suye didn’t really use his real strength just now and only probing him, just that move alone could also cause him to be seriously injured if it doesn’t immediately kill him. At this moment, he(HLY) finally noticed the horrors in the eyes of the people from Yin family. And that complicated fearful look when they looked at Yin Suye! His heart gave a ‘thump’, he wouldn’t unknowingly stepped into a trap, right? Especially when he saw Yin Family’s ancestor lying stiffly on the cold ground, the feeling of uneasiness became stronger in his heart. If he didn’t come to the Yin residence today, he probably wouldn’t know that the level 9 Imperial stage strong powerhouse has silently passed away like this.

Judging from the current situation, the person who caused it is most likely Yin Suye! Thinking about this, Huo Lingyun could feel his forehead covered in cold sweats all of a sudden! Just that in the next second, he rejected this completely unrealistic speculation in his heart! Just by Yin Suye this young man of only 22 years old, he could finish off the level 9 Imperial stage ancestor from the Yin family? This is definitely the funniest joke in the world!

But Huo Lingyun couldn’t relax even a bit in his heart because if these were not caused by Yin Suye, then who is the main culprit who made such a horrible scene? Is this a conspiracy made specifically for the Huo Family? Soon, Huo Lingyun rejected his guess again. No one will be willing to sacrifice a level 9 Imperial stage powerhouse just to lay a trap. Because it is not worth the loss! Excluding this and that, Huo Lingyun couldn’t figure out anything possible (to explain the current situation).

“At this moment, I think you shouldn’t care about Yin Suye’s strength but your flickering safety instead!”

Shui Ruoshan raised his head from Yin Suye’s arms, then looked at the pale-looking Huo Lingyun and at Yin Wushuang who was still groaning in pain on the ground; a meaningful reminder.

“I only have a daughter, Huo Ruyan. I don’t have any illegitimate child at all!”

Huo Lingyun naturally saw what Shui Ruoshan indicated but he will never open his mouth regarding this matter.

“Is Yin Wushuang not your illegitimate child with Qian Youyan?”

Seeing that the man is still denying it, Shui Ruoshan decided to go straight to the point and revealed the truth. At the same time, he deliberately pretended to be innocent and naive, starting the ‘children’s words carry no harm’ mode and said what he knew in a natural way.

Qian Youyan is Yin Ming’s current wife, Yin Wushuang’s mother, and also Huo Lingyun’s childhood friend plus secret lover. Huo Lingyun is a very ambitious person, he wanted the hold the power of the Capital in his hand, so he naturally won’t tolerate having other forces that could go against the Huo Family to exist. Towards the Yin Family who has the similar senior dukedom, it is obvious that it is also one of his target. So from a long time ago, he has already begun laying out plans and arrangements.

And so, in order to help Huo Lingyun achieve his target, Qian Youyan took the initiative to seduce Yin Ming. Then took her child that should have been Huo Lingyun’s and hers to become Yin Ming’s son. Qian Youyan felt that as long as Yin Wushuang could occupy the seat of the head of family, to a certain extent it would mean that the Huo Family has a complete control of the Yin Family.

This plot is one of the most important foreshadow in [The Strongest King in History], and at the same time an important turning point for further development of the story at the later part. That time when he was creating the story, Shui Ruoshan felt that the reader may feel dissatisfied with his sudden turning point, so he placed enough tips and clues in the previous chapters. Just so that people won’t feel it’s too sudden when the truth is uncovered.

For example, the reason why the Huo Family linked with the Yin Family through marriage[2], other than wanting to become closer, was because he wanted to control Yin Suye through Huo Ruyan and achieve his wish to control the Yin Family.

2. Yin Suye + Huo Ruyan , in case someone is wondering

Another example is when the Huo Family realized that Yin Suye no longer has any value to be used, they didn’t request to change the marriage partner from Yin Suye to Yin Wushuang but chose to cancel all together. That is because the people from Huo Family knew about Yin Wushuang’s identity, naturally won’t let them brother and sister to get married.

There were other similar clues in the novel but unfortunately it couldn’t be used now because he has already disrupted the plot and many things won’t be happening now. Thinking of this, Shui Ruoshan suddenly recalled back the time when a lot of readers ranted about the background setting in his novel. They said that his Capital was written according to the Forbidden City and yet, the power management was set up in a western way. They asked him to change it because it was an unreasonable use of the merger between China and the West. Towards this, Shui Ruoshan very aloofly, coolly, and nobly replied : The novel’s background is fictional parallel world. Fictional means everything is possible, and parallel naturally means there would be things different from Earth. So if you saw anything strange, don’t make a fuss, that is reasonable!

“I don’t understand what you mean by this?”

Huo Lingyun never expect that this child that he didn’t put in his eyes would be able to reveal his(HLY) secret out so accurately. This really caused him to put his guard up! This is also why he didn’t immediately find out that Yin Wushuang was injured when he first arrived to the Yin Residence. Because he doesn’t dare to express too much concern towards Yin Wushuang, afraid that other people might be suspicious and expose both Qian Youyan and Yin Wushuang’s existence!

“I mean if you still don’t go and care for your illegitimate child, he might turn into a waste!”

Shui Ruoshan threw a glance at the sorry-looking Yin Wushuang while reminding him(HLY). He(SRS) is very clear of Yin Suye’s strength, so Yin Wushuang must already been wasted. But the others don’t know about this so he could use this chance to test Huo Lingyun and force him to reveal his secret. Actually, it’s alright even if Huo Lingyun didn’t reveal his secret, he(SRS) has other methods to use anyway!

“Who is Huo Lingyun’s illegitimate son?”

Yin Ming originally thought after he threw away the hot potato Yin Suye, he would be able to safely watch by the side the battle between Yin Suye and Huo Lingyun. At the same time, he did wonder if it’s possible wait until both side suffered losses and he could get a little benefit from it. But listening to the conversation between them, Yin Ming felt something is wrong the more he listened until he heard an information that shocked him to his core, he couldn’t help asking the question to confirm what he has heard.

“Yin Wushuang!”

The corner of Shui Ruoshan’s mouth curved up evilly, simply replied with a very confirmed answer. When he prepared to deal with Huo Lingyun, he didn’t forget about Yin Ming!

Raw Word Count : 2876


Chapter 085 – Seeking justice

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Yin Suye, do you know your wrong?”

Taking a group of people with him to go up to Yin Suye, Huo Lingyun didn’t even ask anything and has already decided that Yin Suye is in the wrong.

“Uncle, do you know the logic ‘food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words cannot be said randomly’?”

Not waiting for Yin Suye to say anything, Shui Ruoshan immediately cut in with his dissatisfaction. Huo Lingyun thought by bringing along a group of ferocious looking people and gained the upper hand by showing his strength, he could scare them? Too naive!

At the same time, at this moment, Shui Ruoshan finally realized how difficult it was for Yin Suye to live in the Capital. How long has it been since they arrived to the Capital ah? Things have already happened one after another, he don’t have time to breathe at all! It’s endless!

When he raised his head to look at Yin Suye and found out that his face is still the ever calm expressionless face, Shui Ruoshan felt a bit complicated. Yin Suye must already gotten used to people being full of malice towards him so no matter how bad they treated him, he won’t have much feeling. Because when there’s no expectation, there won’t be any disappointment! But Shui Ruoshan felt that he doesn’t have the same determination as Yin Suye. People already finding trouble at their doorstep, there’s no reason not to fight back.

“Yin Suye killed my daughter and I came to interrogate him, what did I do wrong?”

Huo Lingyun looked like he is answering Shui Ruoshan, but he turned his gaze towards Yin Suye. He actually took the advantage in answering Shui Ruoshan to tell Yin Ming the reason he(HLY) came to look for Yin Suye so that Yin Ming won’t cover up for the murderer, Yin Suye.

“Accusation need evidence to back it up!”

Shui Ruoshan knew Huo Lingyun didn’t seek the wrong person but other people don’t know about this ah! So not only they cannot admit that they murdered Huo Ruyan, they have to act like they don’t know of the fact that she’s dead. Then it will make them looked innocent.

“Although Ruyan died from ice magic, but this doesn’t mean it was not done by Yin Suye. He could totally go and hire an assassin!”

According to what the family could investigate, Huo Lingyun also knew that he is pushing it because he has no way to really pin the crime on Yin Suye. But his gut instinct told him that this matter won’t stray too far from Yin Suye. Because Yin Suye’s attitude to Huo Ruyan before and after[1] was too different, it caused people to feel doubtful.

1. before they separated, after they meet again

“Huo Ruyan’s strength is at Profound Mystery stage[2]. You think in such a small place like Lin Sen Town, Yin Suye could hire an ice magician so quickly and is willing to work for him?”

2. Please refer Chapter 23 for the list again :v

Word battle has always been Shui Ruoshan’s specialty. If he couldn’t think creatively, how could he managed to write a novel and becomes an author?

“Even if Yin Suye didn’t killed my daughter, he did bullied my daughter once. This is a fact that cannot be changed, so no matter what, I will seek justice for my daughter!”

Huo Lingyun clearly expressed his intention that he will not let go of Yin Suye. At the same time, he won’t let go of this kid who has been battling words with him! After all, this child also was one of the people who joined forces to bully his daughter, plus the young man called Bai Yu. Even if he couldn’t find the real killer at the moment, he could start with these people first, to pay homage to his dead daughter! Especially when he remembered seeing his daughter’s miserable and abused body, he swore to never let go of the murderer!

“If you want to condemn someone, don’t worry about the pretext ah!”

Facing Huo Lingyun’s forceful front, Shui Ruoshan felt that it would be useless no matter how good his talking skill is. Because the other party has already decided, doesn’t care if one is innocent or not! People with the surname Huo are indeed so annoying! The previous Huo Ruyan is annoying, the current Huo Lingyun is even more annoying! If he knew right from the start that Huo Lingyun would be so unreasonable, he won’t give him such an aloof-sounding name[3] when he first set the characters! Coincidentally, Huo Lingyun like to wear bright red clothing, it should be better for him to be called Huo Shaoyun[4] instead ah! Unfortunately, it’s too late to regret it now!

3. Rising Firecloud
4. Fire Burning Cloud

“I said that you guys are guilty, then you guys are guilty!”

Huo Lingyun felt that he already made his statement as clear as possible, and believed that Yin Ming will understand his stand so he became lazy to continue the argument.


At the moment, Shui Ruoshan felt like Huo Lingyun has acted out the idiom ‘unable to distinguish right and wrong’ to the best! Especially when that person gave him an arrogant look like he is saying ‘I was lying to you just now, so I don’t want to continue the lie anymore. Hurry and shut up for this master’[5], Shui Ruoshan was so furious that he wanted to flip a table!

5. Here it comes, one of SRS unfathomable words :v I guess he means HLY was lying about catching guilty people with evidence but he actually came with nothing and just wanted to accuse YSY

They already provoked the people from the Yin Family, so if they provoke the Huo Family as well, ain’t that a straight path to being surrounded by enemies from all directions?! Shui Ruoshan already endured humiliation by talking logic with the rough man Huo Lingyun for the sake of their situation. But in the end, he didn’t get to disdain his(HLY) tyrannic rudeness first and let the other party looked down on him. So unfair!

“Old brother Yin, are you willing to hand over Yin Suye to our Huo Family to receive punishment?”

Huo Lingyun turned directly to ask Yin Ming after he explained his stand. Although they are very clear that Yin Ming didn’t treat Yin Suye as his eldest son at all, but Yin Suye is still someone from the Yin Family in the name. If he want to take people away to seek justice, he naturally must ask the father, Yin Ming’s opinion. So he used a friendlier address to bring their relationship closer.

“Since old brother Huo has said the words, how can I not agree?!”

At the moment, Yin Ming has yet to recover from the shock of losing one ancestor. Even though Huo Lingyun made a huge racket here to take someone away, he doesn’t want to bother with it. The shock that Yin Suye gave him was too huge, to the point that he couldn’t think of anything! He doesn’t know if he should play a ‘father son filial piety’ show with a harmony relationship, or seek support from strong forces to go against Yin Suye to death. He has yet to come to a decision when Huo Lingyun arrived, who immediately asked for Yin Suye. In a way, Huo Lingyun could be said to have lend a great help to him so he threw this hot potato Yin Suye out without a moment of hesitation. Not only this will give Yin Ming some time to think, it also could shift Yin Suye’s attention away and protect the (remaining) strength of the Yin Family.

“Old brother Yin is really swift-minded!”

Huo Lingyun was very satisfied by the fact that Yin Ming would give up on Yin Suye. He doesn’t want to go against the family with the strength similar to his Huo Family just for the sake of a small little Yin Suye.

“Yin Suye, you want to follow us back, or let us tie you up and then bring you with us?”

Upon getting the reply he wanted, Huo Lingyun immediately aimed at Yin Suye. Very obvious, Huo Lingyun who has just arrived not very long ago has only thought of how to get Yin Suye in hand. So he never really check out what happened at the Yin Residence’s gate nor deduce anything from that scene. Else, he would never use a superior attitude towards Yin Suye like before.

“Deciding other people’s fate just like this without asking the concerned party’s opinion, isn’t that too self-important of you guys ah?”

Seeing that both Yin Ming and Huo Ruyan are discussing by themselves about Yin Suye’s ownership while pushing away him and Yin Suye to a side, Shui Ruoshan was very speechless. How shameless are these two to be able to casually discuss a ‘transaction’ like this ah?

“So what?” Huo Lingyun still displayed that arrogant look.


The corner of Shui Ruoshan’s mouth slightly twitched. Really an etiquette-less middle-aged uncle without any upbringing. To say that he’s even an upper class nobleman, but he’s not even comparable to an ordinary person, hmph!


Sensing the little guy’s unhappiness in his arms, Yin Suye’s eyes darkened and his right hand holding the sword slightly moved…


Shui Ruoshan immediately called out to stop Yin Suye when he saw him looking like he wanted to take action. If they are to follow Yin Suye’s flow and continue making a commotion, the whole thing will only gets bigger and more people would be alarmed…
In the end, the current Supreme Human King would be alerted as well. This ending is not what Shui Ruoshan wants to see. Even if Yin Suye was a Supreme Human King in his past life, he is not one currently! And the setting of a Supreme King[6] automatically means Yin Suye won’t be the current Supreme King’s opponent! So necessary retreat is needed.

6. that there will always be only one in the world

“En?” Yin Suye stopped his movement and lowered down his head.

“How about you let me deal with the matter now?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that since the majority of the Yin Family’s people was settled by Yin Suye, it should be his turn to deal with these people from the Huo Family.


Yin Suye nodded slightly when he saw how confident the little guy looked like. No matter what the little guy wants to do, he will be his most solid backing!

After getting the consent from Yin Suye, he immediately turned towards Huo Lingyun. His head was lightly raised, with his chin facing that person; as cool elegant and magnificent as he could get. He is a civilized person so he won’t use force to threaten others. Most importantly, his current small figure couldn’t act strong and mighty like how Yin Suye did. But he is the creator of this world, so as long as he wanted it, he could use the resources available to achieve the results he wants!

For example, he knows too much of both Yin Ming and Huo Lingyun’s hidden secrets. He could just say it out, and leave them with no hope of reprieve!

Actually Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want to be so ‘extreme’ with them if not for them repeatedly targeting Yin Suye like this. After all, doing this doesn’t do him(SRS) any good at all. But other people are not willing to give him face, so he won’t have to leave them any faces either! Since both sides are no long friendly, then don’t blame him for uncovering their radiant mask! He could use this opportunity to seek justice back for Yin Suye!

Raw Word Count : 2986


Chapter 084 – People from the Huo family came

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Why did it become so quiet suddenly?”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know why Yin Suye suddenly pressed his head into his arms again, he only knows that he can’t see what’s happening again so he could only guess from what he could perceive. He only remembered Yin Suye suddenly move with him once, then he moved again, later on he stopped moving and stood there. Then, there’s no more then…
Because the situation suddenly became deathly quiet!

The people the Yin Residence clearly has been screaming to kill earlier, how come it felt like a pause button was suddenly pressed, so there’s no reaction or movement could be heard? This doesn’t follow the rule of plot development ah? Shui Ruoshan was anxious to know what is happening so he keep struggling in Yin Suye’s arms.

“It’s nothing.” Feeling the restless movements of the little guy in his arms, Yin Suye looked around the scene and felt that it’s not quite bloody so he slowly let go of Shui Ruoshan.

“What did you do just now?”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect to see a surprising scene the moment he raised his head. The people from the residence including Yin Ming and the ancestors, their horrified expression was as if they just saw a ghost. Not daring to step forward, not daring to scream, not daring to attack, not daring…

Instantly, Shui Ruoshan felt really curious towards what ‘earth-shattering, sky shaking’ move Yin Suye did just now, to actually caused the whole crowd to stare at him(YSY) with a stupid look?

“Killed one person.” Yin Suye replied truthfully.

Just that his tone was too light and calm, like he didn’t killed someone just now but did something casual and irrelevant.

“Oh.” Shui Ruoshan nodded in understanding. So it turned out that he killed someone? He was mentally prepared for it.

Actually, from the moment he knew that Yin Suye is the villain, he has already prepared himself mentally for situation like this. So when Yin Suye killed Huo Ruyan, his ‘doubts’ were higher than ‘dismay’. Right now Yin Suye killed those who dared to provoke him, he somehow felt that it was normal instead. After all, the villain who doesn’t kill is not a good villain! Plus Yin Suye is reborn, that means he is actually the big devil from his novel who kills without even blinking. Moreover, up until now he only killed one person, that is already very restrained.


The people around them stared stupidly at the two person standing there and talking nonchalantly about killing people. Even when they were standing in the sun, they couldn’t feel any warmth all of a sudden. Instead, they felt their whole body became colder.

One need to know, the one that Yin Suye just killed was not any small fry but the person considered as the strongest practitioner in Imperial stage, a level 9 practitioner ah! People from the same level could fight against each other but could never manage to completely kill the other party, everyone knew about this. But now Yin Suye managed to kill someone from level 9 and with only 1 move nonetheless, it has broken their common knowledge for this matter. One could no longer use the word ‘scary’ to describe this, but use ‘horrifying’ instead!

It can be said that Yin Suye right now cannot be measured by common sense in their eyes, he is completely a monster!

“What to do with the rest of them?”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t understand why some people suddenly became more and more despair when he finished talking with Yin Suye earlier. But what he is more concerned with was how to settle this ruckus. Not only Yin Suye has crippled Yin Wushuang, he even killed a pivotal figure from the Yin Residence. This could be considered they will not have any possibility to make up with the family anymore. And so, it’s quite important how they settle the problem now.

“Kill them all?” Yin Suye’s tone carried a hint of uncertainty in it.

His original revenge plan was to kill the remaining ancestors. Their power was the foundation of the Yin Residence’s foothold in the Capital. Once the family lost their top-level forces which was acting as a deterrent, the Yin family that doesn’t has enough strength would soon fall under the crushing forces of the Capital. Sometimes, death is not the best way for revenge. Letting one lose everything he cares about is Yin Suye’s favorite way to take revenge. But he knew that the little guy doesn’t like him killing, although he(SRS) said nothing about it. No matter what, Yin Suye is willing to take a step back for the only person he trusted.


Other people don’t know about this, but could this author not know about it? In the eyes of this villain Yin Suye, the best solution for anything other than killing is still killing ah! However, asking him to discourage Yin Suye from killing other people, he couldn’t do it. After all, it’s not a very sensible choice to ‘let the tiger return to the mountain‘. Plus this continent is not Earth, in a world dominated by the strong, killing is legal. So he cannot use the standard from Earth to measure their actions.

“It’s alright.”

Seeing that the little guy is bowing down his head, silently overthinking by himself, Yin Suye patiently comforted him. No matter they kill these people or not, it has little effect on him. In the face of absolute strength, any tricks or schemes are ineffective.

Shui Ruoshan felt like although he knew what he knew, he still can’t calm down when two different ideas clashes together. He still yet to come out with a decision, when a loud voice sounded from afar, interrupting his thoughts.

“It seems that Yin Residence is very lively today ah!”

A middle-aged man in a flaming red robe brought a group of people with him, and majestically walked over from afar.

“Who is he ah?”

Shui Ruoshan was a bit unhappy from being interrupted, so he naturally felt the middle-aged man is not pleasing to his eyes. A big grownup and the age is not young to boot, he actually mimicked young ladies to wear bright red clothes, ain’t it too flashy now?! Is the person coming over to blind people with the flash? Isn’t that a bit despicable? Simply shameless!

“Huo Lingyun.” Yin Suye stated the name with much accuracy.

“What is he doing here?”

Although both Yin and Huo Family are friends, but this couldn’t be any coincidence. Something must be going on!

“Should be coming for me.” Yin Suye said it with a confirmed tone.


Isn’t this too ambiguous ah? What does he mean by ‘should be coming for him’ ah? He said it like there’s a hidden relationship between the two of them, there’s too much room for imagination!

“Huo Lingyun should have heard of Huo Ruyan’s death by now, and suspected that it was done by me!”

Yin Suye is very clear that no matter the people from the Huo Family has strong evidence or not whether that he murdered Huo Ruyan, just by the fact that he has a conflict with her in Lin Sen Town, they won’t let him go that easily. This is a result he has already expected before he even killed her. The main reason why he didn’t destroy the body to erase evidence, it was not to leave obvious evidence that she was not killed by him! But because the body being abandoned in the wild is absolutely more miserable than not having a complete corpse.

People who goes to Lin Sen Town are basically adventurers who would do anything for money. And Huo Ruyan looked very rich in a glance; a good target for robbery. And this target is a dead person that cannot resist back, so anyone could also go and loot her! Especially when Huo Ruyan is also a beautiful woman. Some derelicts who have never seen a woman before will not mind whether the body is dead or not. They probably carried a mindset that one would take advantages whenever possible, and will not let go of Huo Ruyan’s body.

For a girl, especially noble females who placed importance to their reputation, this is definitely a stain in their name that cannot be washed away. In short, even if Yin Suye didn’t ask for information, he could also guess that Huo Ruyan would eventually ended up at the point where her clothes couldn’t cover her body; unable to retain her good name even after death. This is his complete revenge to Huo Ruyan![1] His revenge has never be satisfied with just killing the person and letting him/her die!

1. Banana : YSY is sure black-hearted. But if anyone need a reminder, this is the reborn Boss, the very Boss where SRS wrote as the devil who likes to use crazy method to take his revenge :v


Shui Ruoshan was speechless, he has actually forgotten about Huo Lingyun, Huo Ruyan’s father and the fact that the Huo Family is also an upper class noble family like the Yin Family! So plainly speaking, Huo Lingyun came to seek trouble with Yin Suye!

Shui Ruoshan is not curious at all about how fast Huo Lingyun can get the news of her death, and that quickly to bring a group of people to the Yin Residence. Generally in big families, everyone has a life token that represents their life force. If something goes wrong, that person’s life token will break. So at that moment when Huo Ruyan died, the Huo Family should know that something has happened to her. They probably couldn’t find out the real murderer for some time because of Yin Suye’s confusing move to kill her with magic. But with the Huo Family’s power, it was easy to find who has conflicts with her before this, and they could find the suspect through it. So the Huo Family definitely already know about their(YSY+SRS) conflict with her.

Judging from the Huo Family’s habit to protect each other’s shortcomings, whether Yin Suye is the real murderer or not, they will still come up to the door. In addition to checking her cause of death, they probably would want to take revenge for the conflict they(YSY+SRS) had with Huo Ruyan before this. That’s why Huo Lingyun came with a bunch of people just not long after Yin Suye arrived to the Capital.

Shui Ruoshan looked at the Yin Family’s people blocking the front door, then he looked at the people from Huo Family coming over and blocking the road behind them(YSY+SRS), and suddenly felt helpless! Really ‘a wave crash over while one has yet to subside’[2] ah!

2. one thing comes after another

Yin Suye, you definitely has the constitution to seek trouble right? Right? RIGHT?

Raw Word Count : 2914

#NotComingOnHimThough ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chapter 083 – The despair in the radiant light

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.


Although it was asked in a question, Yin Suye said it with a confirmed tone. Using his spiritual power to probe the incoming people, he doesn’t have to move his eyes to know who is coming.

“There’s still time if you want to surrender now!”

Yin Ming felt heartache seeing those elite fighters of the family died under Yin Suye’s hands. These people were all trained by the family with countless financial resources and energy. And the result was they got easily broken by Yin Suye just like this, how could it not make him feel heartache?! He shouldn’t have be blinded by his thoughts and made an order that is unfavorable to the family just became Yin Wushuang was injured. Especially now when Yin Wushuang maybe thoroughly turned into a waste, Yin Ming couldn’t help but blamed Yin Wushuang a bit. For him(YM), he is first and foremost a family owner then a father, so everything should be done based on the interests of the family. The matters regarding the children of the family should be all pushed aside to prioritize the family.

When he finally calmed down, it was too late to stop anything. But at least, he found out something peculiar about Yin Suye. Actually, from what Yin Ming could see, there are too much abnormal points in Yin Suye. He was crippled that year, but he could practice martial cultivation instead. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people gathering at that time so he(YM) was unable find out about the secret, it was regrettable for him. But now Yin Suye only left the residence for a short time and his strength increased at an inhuman speed, it once again reminded Yin Ming of Yin Suye’s peculiarities. So even though he doesn’t like Yin Suye, he still doesn’t want to give up on such an important experimental material.

“It’s not night time yet, how come someone has already started dreaming?”

Shui Ruoshan who has been pressed tightly into Yin Suye’s arms managed to peek out with much difficulties, naturally vented his anger caused by Yin Suye on other people. And Yin Ming is obviously Shui Ruoshan’s target. Who told him to keep noisily buzzing about self-righteous words by his ears? To actually wanted Yin Suye to surrender, what big joke! Who is Yin Suye ah? He is the Human Supreme King who will stand on top of all human beings in the future! A peerless strong figure who would forever stand straight proudly against the world, someone who rather die than bending to other force! And now Yin Ming is trying to use some fancy words to shake Yin Suye, uncle, are you trying to crack a joke here? Simply indulging in own fantasy!

“Who are you?”

The Yin Ming who has calmed down was not someone who could be provoked with just one or two sentences. Through his observations just now, the position of this child is probably higher than what he imagined. That’s why Yin Suye rather hold the person and used his sword with just one hand.

“I am me, of course!”

Shui Ruoshan replied with a very ignorant but fancy answer. Towards himself to be able to say such philosophical words, Shui Ruoshan felt very satisfied. This way, he would be able to build an aloof image in front of the people.

Yin Ming originally wanted to say something but then he sensed someone behind him, and happily paid his greeting.

“Honorable Ancestor daren.[1]

1. Actually the raw said ‘供奉大人’ which kinda means Master Gong Feng. The thing is I have no idea what is Gong Feng. Google gave me different meaning _(;3/ so right now I’m going to improvise to the nearest meaning I think it should be until someone could enlighten me.

“You specifically summoned us out from our closed-door cultivation, what happened?”

There were 3 of them, and they are the representatives of the highest force in Yin Residence. One would never see them unless a critical moment that threatens the survival of the family appears. This time, they received Yin Ming’s signal for help and came rushing. Then with a glance, ain’t it just a junior causing trouble here, not even the shadow of a crisis could be seen. Naturally, they became somewhat dissatisfied with Yin Ming who was making a molehill out of a mountain.

Yin Ming immediately stepped forward and whispered to the three honorable ancestors about Yin Suye’s peculiarities. All of a sudden, the gaze that the ancestors directed towards Yin Suye became blazing hot.

“Come with us!” The ancestors ordered Yin Suye without any trace of politeness as if it’s already an honor to that person that he would speak to him.

In the past when Yin Suye was used as an experimental material to research how one could cultivate both magic and martial force, these men were also involved. But after so many years when they were about to give up, Yin Suye brought them a new surprise. How could they not be happy about this?!

“You are not qualified to order me!” The sarcasm in Yin Suye’s eyes was very obvious.

He actually heard it very clearly what Yin Ming told these 3 ancestors just now but he didn’t stop him. Because how the whole thing became the current situation was deliberately planned by him. He didn’t hide his strength when he came back and purposely caused a lot of trouble at the residence front gate, just so that those people would notice the unusual thing about him. He believed that after the theory for dual ability cultivation, the fact that he could abnormally increase his strength would certainly lure these greedy experimenters out. The people he wanted to retaliate against naturally includes those who used him for experiments before and didn’t see him as a human at all.

If not for these people having quite high cultivation, or they have went into seclusion or closed-door cultivation, which makes them hard to find, he would have already single-handedly marched to their doorstep and settled his revenge. He couldn’t think of any better way to lure them out other than using himself as a bait. And these 3 ancestors in front of him, although they have the same surname, they never go soft on him whenever they did their experiments. But later on, no matter what they did they still couldn’t get the result they wanted. So after torturing Yin Suye for some time, they reluctantly went for closed-door cultivation with a determination not to come out as long as they didn’t breakthrough. And now because of this peculiarity, they shifted their focus on him again. No need to mention about closed-door cultivation again, such ironic thing!

“Junior, you are seeking death!”

One of the ancestors with the worst temper couldn’t help it and begun to attack Yin Suye. In his opinion, if this junior is not obedient then he should be taught lessons until he becomes obedient. It doesn’t affect their experiment anyway as long as he(YSY) still has a breath left in his body.

“You are the ones seeking death!”

His eyes were still the usual indifference but a simple gaze from him carried an icy force like it could freeze people straight to death. His perfect face was dyed with coldness as well. He was just standing there but it could give people an impression that he is standing from up high above, looking down at the crowd below. At this moment, Yin Suye no longer suppressed the horrifying bloodthirstiness from his heart. The powerful pressure that belongs to a ruler was immediately released towards the 3 ancestors…

All 3 ancestors’ expression instantly changed dramatically. Responding quickly, they also released their own pressure to resist. However, their defensive pressure has just came into contact with Yin Suye’s crushing force, it immediately collapsed and completely shattered at the next moment! Is this the absolute suppression of the low level pressure by the higher level pressure?! If they were still skeptical towards Yin Ming words just now, at this moment they could only be shocked by Yin Suye’s strength! Yin Suye’s strength was way over their strength! At the very least, their pressure force is not at the same level with him at all!

One need to know, two of them were at level 8 of the Imperial stage while another one was at level 9 of the Imperial stage. But a simple contact with Yin Suye’s pressure caused them to suffer more or less some internal injuries, while Yin Suye looked like nothing has happened. His movement didn’t change as well, so how could this not scare them?

“What kind of strength you have actually?”

It was still that same ancestor with bad temper to first ask the question in loud voice. Because he was too much in shocked and disbelief, his voice inevitably shook a bit giving him a strong appearance strong but actually weak in reality; doesn’t has any threatening feel at all. The self-confidence and arrogance were lesser in his voice too. At this point, they can no longer show the attitude like they are above Yin Suye to him because Yin Suye is not the same guinea pig anymore. Realizing this, the 3 ancestors have a very bad feeling all of a sudden!

“Don’t know.”

Yin Suye’s thin lips slightly parted and gave answer that made the three people felt like vomiting blood. Don’t know the level of his own strength? Isn’t it obvious that he is playing with them? But Yin Suye didn’t feel that he said anything wrong because he indeed doesn’t know what exactly is his current strength level. His strength on the surface should be level 9 of Imperial stage, but he was reborn from Supreme King stage so naturally it’s not easy to calculate his strength.

However, Yin Suye has no patience to continue this nonsense with those three. With one hand to carry Shui Ruoshan and the other holding his sword, he focused all of his pressure onto the only ancestor with level 9 cultivation in Imperial stage…
It was obvious that Yin Suye has set this person as his main target. He disdained to start fighting from the weakest enemy, if he wanted to fight then he will start from the strongest one!

The level 9 ancestor slightly widened his eyes. He looked like he didn’t expect that Yin Suye would start attacking just like this. He wanted to break away from this enormous pressure but realized that he couldn’t move at all, not even a bit! He could only helplessly watch as Yin Suye appeared in a flash in front of him, accurately aimed his(YSY) sword at his heart, cleanly stabbed him and pulled out. Then he(YSY) left his side again in a flash. When he came to his realization, he found a big bleeding hole on his chest.

His eyes were full with disbelief and fear when he closed them, like he couldn’t believe Yin Suye would be so fearfully strong and also that he would die so easily just like that. Just that no matter what he is thinking, in the end he could only helplessly close his eyes and fell onto the ground…

Standing beside him were the two level 8 ancestors, but they still couldn’t get it in their mind what has happened in such a short time until after the person collapsed onto the ground…
For a short moment, they thought they were still dreaming because they really cannot imagine that the most powerful one of them died just like this in front of them?! This person who died was not any ordinary person, nor someone with weak strength but a strong peerless powerhouse with cultivation at level 9 of Imperial stage! They don’t dare to imagine how overpowered Yin Suye is actually in the end! Until that person fell to the ground with a ‘peng’ sound, then only those two suddenly woke up from their own thoughts. Their gaze towards Yin Suye became shocked and unfathomable all of a sudden.

What they saw was a slender tall man with eyebrows like flower, and fine facial features who was currently lowering his head to look at the child in his arms. The corner of his mouth was curved up slightly. The sunlight bathed him with a layer of light, gave him a feeling of holiness and innocence under the contrast with the frightened and miserable people around, making people feel that they have seen the glory of redemption. Just that, the long sword in Yin Suye’s right hand is still dripping with blood, forcefully pulling people back to reality.

Yin Suye is a bloodthirsty killer, and has cruelly murdered their companion with that sword in his hand! That let them to understand it clearly that what they saw was not the hope within the dark but the despair in the radiant light!

Raw Word Count : 3305


Banana : Ah man, I just realized that even though I replied to some of the comments via WordPress, it seems that disqus doesn’t register it so you guys won’t see my reply in disqus. Same goes to comments that I approved via wordpress. Much apologies if your comment goes missing or you thought I ignored your question _(;3/