Chapter 102 – That’s an order

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Chapter one zero two – That’s an order[1]

我命令你 – The exact word should be ‘I order you’ but doesn’t sound quite right in English but then, I like how the ‘I’ sounded very commanding ah

“Yin Suye, that’s an order, stop right there immediately!”

Shui Ruoshan threw the piece of cloth in his hand on the floor and shouted fiercely at Yin Suye.

“You are giving me an order?” Yin Suye stopped and turned back to face Shui Ruoshan again.

“Yes!” Shui Ruoshan stiffened.

He clenched his teeth then admitted it. At this moment, he broke his guarantee to Yin Suye that he will never make use of the master-servant contract. He is ordering Yin Suye right now, as the master, and forcing Yin Suye to listen to his orders. But Shui Ruoshan felt that he(YSY) cannot blame him on how things have developed to this point. Who asked Yin Suye to be so extreme? He had to make the best decision for Yin Suye’s safety.

“You want to violate your oath to me?” Yin Suye’s expression was calm, so calm that not a trace of emotional waves could be seen.

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt!” Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help but softened his voice.

What ‘violate oath’? That’s too serious, a’ight?! Even when knowing that Yin Suye hated people who don’t keep their word, and not only doing this will not give him(SRS) the slightest benefit, but may even destroy the relationship between him and Yin Suye, he will still do this; he have a clear conscience! In fact, if it was the him(SRS) in the past who was not familiar with Yin Suye, he would not dare to step on Yin Suye’s bottom line. Because he was afraid that in case he caused that person to be annoyed, the villain would simply wave his hand and kill him right away. This was also the real reason why he refused to use the master-servant contract during the time when he first encountered Yin Suye, and even in the face of the danger of the wolves.

But now, he already knows that Yin Suye is not the real cold-blooded villain in his novel. Yin Suye was so good to him that he dared to do whatever he wanted in front of Yin Suye, so good to him that he started to see Yin Suye as a good friend. So he couldn’t continue to watch coldly by the side as Yin Suye went down further and further on the wrong road…

“You…” Yin Suye subconsciously gripped his fist.

Actually, he should be angry at this time. After all, his most trusted person has blatantly violated the oath. But why is it not only he was unable to say a word of blame when he heard the little guy said ‘he didn’t want to see him hurt’ in a totally trusting tone, he even wanted to hold the person tightly in his arms, never letting go! This little guy who is wholeheartedly thinking about him, how can he be willing to blame him?! How can he be willing to let go?! Actually, what he really pursued in his two lifetimes was not a puppet who will only listens to his will, but a person who has his own will but will put him in heart!

“I know that you may be angry with my action now, but I felt very angry about your attitude that won’t listen to other people as well. So we are even now, okay?”

Shui Ruoshan did not think that Yin Suye was so mad at him that he(YSY) didn’t want to talk to him anymore, and became a little anxious. However, towards Yin Suye and his own decision-making behavior, he(SRS) has been feeling dissatisfied for a long time, so neither of them was better than anyone else.

“This time I am wrong, I will definitely apologize afterwards. I just ask you to listen to me right now for once!”

Obviously, Shui Ruoshan also knows that his calculative method is wrong, so he thought about it and thought it’s better to show weakness.

“We can be even.” Yin Suye quietly watched Shui Ruoshan anxiously blabbering for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth.

“What are your conditions?” In an instant, Shui Ruoshan raised his vigilance.

“You broke the oath, and I have deceived you before this, so we are even.” Yin Suye summed up the matter briefly.

At this moment, Yin Suye decided not to continue testing Shui Ruoshan anymore, so he uncovered the cards he had been hiding. Testing, not only it would be disrespectful to the little guy, but also a manifestation of his lack of confidence in himself.

“What do you mean?”

Shui Ruoshan had always felt that his IQ was high, but after being with Yin Suye, he had a sense of depression and anxiousness for his IQ. Why did he understand that Yin Suye’s every word, but he could not understand what it meant when they were connected?

“The one who signed the master-servant contract with you was not me.”

The experience of the last life made Yin Suye always habitually keep a few hands when doing things. If not, he would never live the last. When he was born again, he met Shui Ruoshan, a completely stranger, and he naturally is suspicious to him. Before he could figure out the other party, he naturally would not act rashly. He always liked to plan his moves well before taking actions. Especially when the other party offered to sign a contract, this caused Yin Suye to have a higher vigilance.

When signing the contract, he deliberately signed the contract with the other party in the form of a contract scroll, just to let the other party shift his attention onto the scroll so that he doesn’t notice where he(YSY) get his blood from. That is to say, he didn’t use his own blood when he signed the contract with Shui Ruoshan but used the blood from a beast pet from his space ring. No matter whether the other party will use the master-servant contract or not, the initiative is still in his hands.

If the master-servant contract is successfully signed, it means that the other party will become the servant of his beast pet, which indirectly equals to his servant. If the master-servant contract failed, at worst he will just lose a beast pet. This was why he agreed so quickly to sign the contract; with the master-servant contract he will have the method to test the other party. So, he used a variety of different ways to continually test Shui Ruoshan, just to see if this person is as harmless as he appears on the surface, or just pretending to approach him to achieve his ulterior goal.

It turned out that Shui Ruoshan is really worthy of his trust!

“Do you mean that I don’t have the qualifications to order you at all?!”

Shui Ruoshan felt like the nerve called ‘reasoning’ was snapped. I evened your sister ah! He really wanted to swear out now! Anyone who thinks that he is holding a winning chip suddenly gets informed that what you have is just an illusion and is useless, you won’t be able to keep your calm. If it wasn’t for Shui Ruoshan’s clear understanding that his martial skill would not be Yin Suye’s opponent at all, he would definitely beat the man into a pig’s head to relieve his anger.

No wonder when he ordered Yin Suye to stop just now, Yin Suye had thought for a moment before stopping. If Yin Suye is really his servant, then the moment he(YSY) heard the order, he should stop without any hesitation. He(SRS) was just too careless. And here he was thinking could it be that it was his first time using the master-servant contract and didn’t use it correctly, that it caused his(YSY) reaction to be slow. Turns out he was overthinking it!

So who actually signed the master-servant contract with him? Don’t tell him that the blood drop is from one of the many wolves killed by Yin Suye at that time, he will definitely cry until he faints in the toilet! Wait a minute, his thoughts seemed to be a bit out of topic. He clearly should be immersed in the anger of being deceived by Yin Suye, instead of worrying about random stuff!

“Yes.” Yin Suye nodded seriously and affirmed Shui Ruoshan’s words.

If it wasn’t for the little guy who suddenly wanted to use the power of the master servant contract to order him, he might be able to continue hiding the secret forever. But since the little guy mentioned it, he won’t continue to conceal it. He will use this opportunity to make things clear.

“That’s very good of you!” Shui Ruoshan felt that he got so angered by Yin suye that his temper is gone!

Yin Suye, don’t think that being a villain and he can bully him with without care! Be careful that he(SRS) might just rage quit!

“Be good, don’t be angry. Wait for me to come back.” Yin Suye appeased Shui Ruoshan.

Although he knows that the little guy may be unhappy now, but he doesn’t have time to comfort him at the moment. So he can only deeply looked at Shui Ruoshan, then turned around and signalled that the soldiers can take him away.

“Even if the master-servant contract is useless, I won’t let you initiate that damn Fate Substitution!” Shui Ruoshan slammed the foot in the place, then ran and chased after him…

As soon as he caught up with Yin Suye, having learned the painful lesson from the last time he pulled Yin Suye’s clothes, he reached out directly and hugged Yin Suye tightly from behind.

“If you must start the Fate Substitution, then I rather endure it with you!”

It was too late for Shui Ruoshan to get angry. The thing he wants to do most now is to stop Yin Suye from seeking death. If he really can’t stop Yin Suye, then he will just endure it together, consider it as ‘To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together’! In an instant, Shui Ruoshan felt like he is going to be moved by his own Holy Father’s compassion! He obviously is afraid of the Fate Substitution’s punishment to death, but his hands still could hold Yin Suye firmly.

Ain’t that amazing?! How can he be so selfless? He obviously afraid of pain the most, but he can’t watch Yin Suye suffer, so he could only suffer himself? It felt so tyrannical[2] just by thinking about it!

2. 虐 – Not sure if the meaning is correct. I keep feeling it should be ‘torture’ instead

“Little guy…” Yin Suye thinks that his feelings are very complicated at this moment. There are helplessness, pampering, gratified, and moved…

Just that there are no negative emotions at all.

The person holding onto him was obviously trembling, but still hugging him tightly. He could not refuse such gentleness, and don’t want to refuse either. But he will never allow the little guy to take risks!

“Be obedient!” Yin Suye turned around, and took the person into his arms.

“I just won’t, what can you do to me?” Shui Ruoshan looked up and stared arrogantly at Yin Suye.

He wanted Yin Suye to know that he is still angry right now. Want him to cooperate? Don’t talk about the ‘door’, not even the windows are there![3]

3. Banana : Yup, not sure what it means. I suspect it’s a slang or commonly know figurative saying. Probably like English equivalent like the capital letter A from Angry?

Looking at the little guy’s tempting thin lips opening and closing in front of him, revealing the words of arrogance, Yin Suye’s eyes became slightly dark. He reached up and lifted Shui Ruoshan’s chin so that they could see each other; eyes to eyes, nose to nose, mouth to mouth…
In the next second, Yin Suye suddenly lowered his head and fiercely kissed onto Shui Ruoshan’s thin lips…

Raw Word Count : 3167


Banana: I have waited decades for that kiss to come _(;3/

Chapter 101 – It has to be him

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Wait a minute!”

Yin Ming was a little later than the rest because he had to deal with the mess left by Yin Suye at home. But he didn’t expect that the person who dared to make trouble in the Imperial City turned out to be his ‘good son’ Yin Suye? Especially after he arrived, the people around him couldn’t wait to tell him about their guesses about this matter; Yin Ming’s face became ugly right away. He did not expect Yin Suye would protect a demon, moreover going against the Supreme King at the gate of the Imperial City?!

At that moment, he really believed people’s guess that Yin Suye was charmed by a demon to the point of throwing his life away. He really wanted to go up and ruthlessly teach Yin Suye a lesson, but because Supreme King was present, he didn’t dare to go up. So he could just watch the development of the situation silently in the crowd. It was only when he saw Yin Suye was that ‘not afraid of death’ that he(YSY) wanted to start the Fate Substitution, he(YM) has to come out to stop him. No matter how much he disliked Yin Suye, he can’t really watch Yin Suye seeking his own death. After all, Yin Suye is his only son in his life now.

“Yin Suye, don’t be stubborn! Quickly apologize to the Supreme King and say that you are not going to initiate Fate Substitution!”

Yin Ming saw that the soldiers who came to catch Yin Suye didn’t listen to him at all, so he could only turn around and persuade Yin Suye instead. Just that after waiting for some time, Yin Ming don’t see Yin Suye listening to his persuasion, he became a little anxious.

“Yin Suye, although this demon in your arms is very charming, but it doesn’t worth it if you ruined yourself for a little demon!”

In Yin Ming’s eyes, other than looking pretty, this demon in Yin Suye’s arms doesn’t have any other good points. Especially when this demon used his appearance to deceive his Yin family’s heir, letting Yin Suye take risks on his behalf. This is an unforgivable sin!

“If you like men, no matter what kind of plaything you want, I can find one for you. As long as you don’t continue to get entangled with this demon!” Yin Ming seemed to be used to Yin Suye not answering his words, continuing his own talk. In order to appease Yin Suye and not let him do stupid things, Yin Ming made a big concession and pushed all the faults onto Shui Ruoshan.

“It has to be him!”

Yin Suye originally didn’t plan to pay attention to Yin Ming’s nonsense, but when he felt the little guy not well-behaving[1] in his arms, he suddenly changed his mind. Even though Shui Ruoshan grew up in an instant but in his eyes, no matter how much Shui Ruoshan has changed, he(SRS) is still the simple, innocent and warm little guy that he first met! This five words were not to answer Yin Ming’s words, but to tell Shui Ruoshan that there is nothing in his heart that is more important than him(SRS)!

1. Banana : Is that a word? All of a sudden, Banana got a brain-fart and couldn’t brain _(;3/


Feeling Yin Suye’s hot breath inadvertently blowing by his cheek when he(YSY) was talking, Shui Ruoshan didn’t know why he suddenly felt his face became hot. He don’t know if this body he transmigrated into is someone easy to blush or not. If this body is very easy to blush, then the aloof image that he has been trying to maintain will be destroyed. But all this must blame Yin Suye, why he has to say such ambiguous words in front of so many people ah? This can easily make people think it the other way alright?! If not for Shui Ruoshan knowing that his relationship with Yin Suye is pure, he will also get the impression that he is being confessed to. Both of them were obviously guys, so why did he have such a strange impression? Could it be the parallel world’s culture is different from Earth, so such corny words like ‘it has to be him’ doesn’t really mean love talk between lovers?


“Yin Suye, do you know what the meaning of your words?”

Yin Ming valued the family’s bloodline. And because Yin Ming was too concerned about the continuation of the family’s blood, the moment he suspected that Yin Suye might not be his own son, he ignored him(YSY) for so many years. In his eyes, he felt that as long as Yin Suye can get married and give him a grandson, he can close his eyes and see nothing even if Yin Suye wants to play with a man. However, he didn’t expect Yin Suye to be serious this time, which made Yin Ming angry and also panicked. He only has this son, Yin Suye in this lifetime and Yin Suye liked the demon in his arms. That is to say he(YSY) will not marry a woman and pass on the bloodline. It also means that the Yin family will be ended in his generation.

“Yin Suye, you are now the only heir of the Yin Family. It is unwise to give up the Yin Family’s power for a small male pet!” Yin Ming decided to persuade Yin Suye from the point of interest.

“…” Shui Ruoshan turned his head and glared at Yin Ming who keep devaluing him.

Goddamned it! How can someone so noble and glamorous like him be a male pet? This can only be said that Yin Ming’s eyesight is not the normal kind of bad, it was so bad that he can be compared with a blind man! No wonder Yin Ming will make foolish action like abandoning his true son to support and pamper other people’s children!

“Shui Ruoshan is my most important person. If you dare to insult him with the word ‘male pet’ again, I don’t mind ruining the Yin Family right now!”

Yin Suye’s original good feeling from seeing the little guy being shy and embarrassed from his words was instantly destroyed by one sentence from Yin Ming. Sensing the dissatisfaction from the little guy, Yin Suye no longer has the slightest good attitude towards Yin Ming. The reason why he didn’t immediately destroy the Yin Family was to let Yin Ming witness the family slowly disappearing and let Yin Ming regret it more painfully. However, he did not think that Yin Ming would dared to say such a thing to the little guy. He suddenly felt that his original plan was too long, it is better to directly eliminate the Yin Family right now.


Shui Ruoshan felt that his habit of ‘thinking random stuff’ at anytime and anywhere is not good, but he can’t help an author’s occupational illness ah! From Yin Suye’s words just now, it really reminded him of the classic phrases that often appear in some president/CEO romance novel : It’s cold, just let the XX group directly go bankrupt ba!

Isn’t it very similar between the two? Just that Yin Suye, what happened to you today? Why do you keep talking about stuff that could cause misunderstandings? He(SRS) understood what Yin Suye really wanted to express, but what he afraid was that others will not understand the true meaning. What Yin Suye said was really too ambiguous. If he didn’t understand Yin Suye’s character, he would definitely be misled as well. Shouldn’t he at least ‘find joy in sorrow’ because from Yin Suye’s words just now, his(SRS) identity in other people’s eyes has been upgraded from a male pet to a lover, isn’t this a qualitative leap?

Shui Ruoshan had an intuition in an instant, that even though he and Yin Suye were originally innocent, but after today, the relationship between them probably won’t be so innocent anymore. But he can’t explain it, this thing is really heartbreaking!


“Are you taking revenge against me?”

Sensing intense killing intent from Yin Suye, Yin Ming was forced to take a small step back. At the same time, he also understood that Yin Suye didn’t see him as his father, just like how he never see Yin Suye as his son. Because of his past behavior, he has completely lost Yin Suye as his son. He is not likely to have any grandson or granddaughter either. The Yin Family is destined to end in his generation!

So ironic, the only bloodline of his life hated him and hated the Yin Family, to the point of being hostile and wanted to destroy them! This is retribution ah! Yin Ming who just realized the reality seemed to have aged ten years older, and his body became trembling weak.

“Yes.” Yin Suye frankly replied.

Not wanting to marry a wife and have children, it was not to take revenge against Yin Ming because one little Yin Ming is not worthy of such sacrifice[2]. But due to him experiencing countless betrayal from his past life, he can no longer trust anyone. It is impossible to have feelings anymore, moreover the feeling of love! Because in his current life, all of his emotions have been given to Shui Ruoshan alone! Only the little guy alone in this world is qualified to get all his feelings!

2. meaning if he was a normal man, he won’t use ‘not marrying and have kids’ as a revenge because YM doesn’t worth that sacrifice


“Reminiscence is over, go to accept the Fate Substitution ba!”

In order to maintain his usual image in front of the crowd, Wang Batian patiently waited for some time when he saw Yin Ming have something to say to Yin Suye. When the two finally ended their talk, he reminded them about the Fate Substitution.

The first 7 days of the Fate Substitution is an open session so he can’t do anything. But for the next 42 days, the things he could do are too much. As long as he could get the method to extend his life right before the moment that Yin Suye would die, it’s fine.


Yin Ming opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say anything. So he just stood there quietly, watching the situation develops.


Yin Suye was just about to turn around to follow the soldiers to leave, he found his clothes were being gripped tightly.

“Yin Suye, did I agreed to let you go to initiate Fate Substitution?”

The moment Shui Ruoshan was released by Yin Suye, he seized Yin Suye’s clothes tightly and not letting him to have any chance to leave.

“Be good, don’t throw tantrum!”

Yin Suye didn’t plan to pull his clothes from Shui Ruoshan. He simply reached out and gently grazed the cloth. That piece of clothing caught by Shui Ruoshan was accurately cut out…

Shui Ruoshan didn’t think that Yin Suye was so resolute. After leaving him with a cut piece of cloth, he simply turned around and prepared to leave with the soldiers…

But the next moment, Shui Ruoshan’s gaze became firm. If soft approach doesn’t work, then he doesn’t mind being hard on Yin Suye!

Raw Word Count : 2955


Banana: Hey hey guys, thank you so much for the ‘welcome back’ comments (;w;)/ This Banana kinda touched that there are still people here _(;3/ I’ll try my best~ And also, I’m trying to finish translating a short funny novel (Evil sect) and quickly post the entire thing up. Starting to collect pits ah ah ah ah …

Chapter 100 – Strategic retreat

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Those who just rushed over to the Imperial City, although they have yet to figure out what has happened, but when they heard someone requesting to activate the special decree to substitute fate, they were all stunned. Everyone looked towards the Imperial City’s gate and started to discuss loudly about the one human and one demon who are facing the Supreme King.

“Who dares to be so bold to make trouble at the Imperial City’s gate?” Very obvious, the one who said this does not know Yin Suye.

“And to be so unafraid of death to initiate Fate Substitution? Are you hating your life for being too long?” This person knows a bit more clearly than others towards the cruelty of Fate Substitution, and he was not very optimistic about the final result.

“That young man seems to be the ‘Di’[1] son of the Yin Family?”

1. son from the official wife

Among the people who came, someone soon recognized Yin Suye’s identity.

“It really is Yin Suye ah!”

People who has seen Yin Suye before immediately affirmed.

“Why don’t I see Yin Ming around? His son is seeking death, and he as the father is not here to stop it?”

Someone asked in confusion when they couldn’t see Yin Ming’s figure.

“It’s no news that Yin Ming doesn’t admit Yin Suye as his son, he probably secretly hoped for him(YSY) to die early!”

Everyone in the Capital seemed to know Yin Ming’s dirty points very well.

“Everyone’s focus seemed to be a bit wrong, shouldn’t we pay more attention at the demon standing beside Yin Suye?”

Very quickly, someone noticed Shui Ruoshan and diverted the attention to him.

“Do you think Yin Suye activated the Fate Substitution because he wanted to cover this demon?”

Someone started to guess the current situation.

“Quite possible!”

Everyone nodded in agreement. One need to know, Fate Substitution is a special decree that no one would ever initiate unless it is absolutely necessary. And the demon who barged into the Imperial City obviously won’t have any good ending. From the way Yin Suye keep protecting the demon, everyone could see that this demon has a very important position in Yin Suye’s heart. People couldn’t help guessing it this way, especially when they can see this demon has a refined face, and snowy white skin. His eyes shimmering like the stars, moving people’s heart with its brilliance. Long black hair like a cloud of smoke scattering by his ear. Against the red diamond earring glowing red, people can’t help but secretly marvelled that there are actually such enchanting people in the world making them feel like they wanted to swallow the person directly into their stomach.

When the crowd finally woke up from the shock Shui Ruoshan gave them, they are even more convinced of their guess. Even these old foxes[2] who are used to seeing handsome men and women can’t stand the charm of this demon, what more Yin Suye, a young man who has never experienced much! At the same time, they felt a slight sympathy for Yin Suye. They felt that this young man may have been cheated by this enchanting demon, that he irresponsibly did such a stupid thing like initiating Fate Substitution.

2. not to be taken literally in this context, the word means old experienced people


Shui Ruoshan felt that ever since he suddenly grown up, his hearing and sight sense has increased to a higher level. Now, even if he don’t pay special attention to his surrounding, he still could easily sense everyone’s movements and action. Naturally, he also heard their discussions about him and Yin Suye. Just that when he heard the crowd’s disdain, mocking, and gossipy attitude towards Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan’s originally bad mood became worse.

“Yin Suye, I will never agree to initiatie Fate Substitution!”

Shui Ruoshan once again emphasized his stand to show his determination.
His heart would inexplicably feel hurt whenever he imagined how tragic Yin Suye looked like after accepting Fate Substitution. So no matter what, he must make Yin Suye avoid this plot!

“As long as I pass the trials, you will be able to live safely in the Capital.”

Very obviously, Yin Suye is also very persistent in this matter. In order to successfully convince Shui Ruoshan, he had to state the very reason why he did this. This is also why he used this mutually-damaging way to solve the problem. In their current situation, human race will never let go of Shui Ruoshan, the demon who accidentally barged into the Imperial City. He also does not want Shui Ruoshan to be unable to stay in the Capital because of his identity as a demon so Fate Substitution is undoubtedly the most appropriate method.

“If my peace is obtained at the expense of your injury, I rather leave!” Shui Ruoshan said very seriously.

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan understood why Yin Suye paved so much road in front of them. Everything was so that he as a demon can live openly in the midst of human race, just because someone has endured his sin on his behalf with Fate Substitution. This way, no one can do anything to hurt him in the future by using his identity as a demon as the excuse.

Previously, he wrote so much about this special decree in [The Strongest King in History] because he wanted to use this scene to let Yin Suye use his life to give Huang Beichen a guarantee. Then no one could use his identity as a demon to make it difficult for him, and he would be able to live in the Capital without restraint. After that, he would be able to ‘talk about love/flirt’ with all sorts of ‘sisters’[3]. Next, he will conquer countless ‘young brothers’ with his supreme charm. All this will pave his road to his future unification of all races.

3. young ladies

But Shui Ruoshan thinks he himself is not the protagonist, and he doesn’t have the ambition to unify the continent. So, he doesn’t need to nurture/develop power in Capital at all. Which also means, he doesn’t necessarily need to stay with the humans at all.

Because Huang Beichen is a demon[4], the thing he wrote the most was about the demons. So comparing the human side, he obviously has better understanding of the plot at the demon side. So as the last resort, he doesn’t mind abandoning the human world to roam within the demons.

4. allegedly

Who told him to transmigrated badly, to arrive in a body of a demon instead! The more he thinks about it, the more Shui Ruoshan thinks that Yin Suye’s approach is too extreme. One need to know, with his and Yin Suye’s strength, although it is impossible to defeat everyone here,
they still can leave if they wanted to. They absolutely don’t need to fight to the end with this Supreme King who is representing the human race ah!

As long as he leaves the human territory, Yin Suye wouldn’t have to make such a sacrifice for him. Just wait for things to calm down, then two of them can communicate using secret code whatever, to secretly meet in a safe place. With this, it won’t be a problem. So he really doesn’t understand, why a person as smart as Yin Suye not choose this insured and safe method, but chose the desperate method like Fate Substitution instead?

“You forgot you promised me that you will stay with me all the time?”

As soon as Shui Ruoshan said he would leave, Yin Suye’s face becomes gloomy in an instant and his tone has also become malicious. Reaching out, he grabbed the exceptionally innocent-looking little guy and held him tightly in his arms.

“I’m not leaving, this is just a strategic retreat!”

Seeing the villain looking like he is turning evil, Shui Ruoshan immediately comforted him. Recently his ‘smoothing fur’[5] skill has been practiced to the max already! He will never tell other people that what he really wanted to say to Yin Suye right now is ‘Please lightened your hold ah!’. He has a feeling that if Yin Suye is to use a little bit more force, his waist wouldn’t just issue a protesting sound but directly break into two! Suddenly, Shui Ruoshan was shocked by his own imagination and became distressed!

5. comfort/calming skill, imagine you smooth the fur of an agitated cat :v

Villain, is it really alright to be so possessive?

He didn’t notice it previously but now with things happening, Shui Ruoshan found that Yin Suye’s behavior was really unreasonable. They are not conjoined twins that needs to stay together all the time! Plus he was casually mentioning it just now and not really intending to leave, but Yin Suye’s reaction was already that big. If one day he suddenly wanted to leave, he couldn’t imagine how much more extreme thing Yin Suye would do!

“It’s alright.”

Yin Suye felt that suffering a little bit is nothing comparing to letting the little guy leave his side! He managed to survive the trials from his past life without any experiences, not to mention repeating it again in this life! One need to know, in his past life when he said he wanted to initiate Fate Substitution, he remembered seeing Huo Ruyan breathing a sigh of relief at the time. As for Huang Beichen, he had an blank expression like he doesn’t understand what’s happening at all.
As for other people, they were either there to watch the commotion or sneered at him, some even tried to add salt to the wound…

No one really thought about him at all!

Now that Yin Suye think of it, he couldn’t help wanting to laugh at his past ignorance and stupidity for initiating Fate Substitution, for Huo Ruyan the woman who in the end betrayed him, for Huang Beichen the enemy who keep going against him later on, just because he couldn’t bear to see them in trouble. He cared for Huo Ruyan like a sister in the past and never let her suffer even a bit of grievances because he hoped one day, Huo Ruyan would treated and believed in him like a brother with all her heart. But what he received in the end was a betrayal. He has journeyed with Huang Beichen before, and gotten along very well. He then treated this friend with absolute trust, hoping to get a good friend who he can talk to. But what he received in the end was an enemy.
Because the him in his past life has expectations for others, that’s why he was betrayed again and again.

Fortunately, God gave him another chance. This time, he was lucky enough to meet the little guy. Comparing the experience from two lifetime let him know that the little guy really meant good for him. Only the little guy will worry about him after he knows that he(YSY) wants to initiate Fate Substitution, only he(SRS) would fear for him, care for him…
This feeling of being cared for is the reason why Yin Suye couldn’t really let Shui Ruoshan go. No matter what method is used, he has to tie the little guy firmly to him and not let him have a chance to even take a step away! He will arrange everything and solve all troubles, so that the little guy could stay with him without hesitation! He is willing to use everything he has to protect the little guy, just to keep him around!


“Are you sure you want to initiate Fate Substitution?”

Wang Batian impatiently asked after he watched Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan not stopping their argument. Although he couldn’t wait to tie Yin Suye up and take him back to ask about the methods to extend lifespan, but there are too many people around so he could only follow along Yin Suye’s request for the sake of his own image.


Before Yin Suye replied, he has reached out to cover Shui Ruoshan’s mouth.

“Mhmm mhmm!”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t think that Yin Suye would make a sudden attack. By the time he reacted, he couldn’t make any sound. So he could only struggle in Yin Suye’s arms and strongly expressed his opposition.

“Guards, take Yin Suye to initiate Fate Substitution.”

Due to the special decree’s regulation, as long as someone voluntarily activated it, even Wang Batian as the Supreme King cannot openly oppose Yin Suye’s request. So he ordered the officials responsible for punishment to take Yin Suye away. At the same time, he started planning in his heart. He could secretly use the punishment of this Fate Substitution to teach Yin Suye a good lesson, and then use the hard means to force him(YSY) to reveal everything he knew.


Upon hearing Wang Batian’s command, a new team of soldiers immediately came out of the Imperial City, ready to grab Yin Suye…

Raw Word Count : 3617

#Wry _(;3/

Banana: I’m back, people (0w0)/ I hope you guys are still here _(;3/ Though I understand if you don’t… _(;3/

Chapter 099 – Fate substitution

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Young man, tell me your request. It’s not good to be too greedy!”

Wang Batian became impatient from being ignored by Yin Suye, so he started to threaten him. He subconsciously categorized Yin Suye as those people who would become insatiable just by possessing little ability. Although he didn’t want to use force because he cannot guarantee that the method he gets will be correct, but if Yin Suye still doesn’t act tactful, he doesn’t mind capturing him(YSY) to be tortured. Or he could let a Necromancer to search his soul directly…

“No request!”

Yin Suye coldly reject Wang Batian’s offer. He doesn’t need Wang Batian to continue wasting time here because he could sense that a large number of people have arrived to the Imperial City. Before this, he let Wang Batian waste time here with nonsense because he want to give enough time for the people from the Capital to rush over. Since he has decided to make it big, his intention won’t be complete without the audiences. That’s why he purposely included spiritual power in his shout previously. It was not for Wang Batian to come out to see him, but to let people from the entire Capital know that someone is making trouble in the Imperial City. Combining with the fact that the Imperial City suddenly activated their barrier, the people from the Capital naturally know that something big is happening in the Imperial City and would come to investigate.

Actually, the moment Shui Ruoshan’s identity as a demon was exposed, Yin Suye knew that the whole thing cannot be hidden anymore. Since it cannot be hidden, it’s better to put everything out in the open. Only by solving this hidden danger(for SRS) under everyone’s eyes, that he could prevent enemies from trying to deal with them secretly in the dark. This is the real reason why Yin Suye delayed the time with Wang Batian, to wait for people to come to witness.

“I, Yin Suye, proposed to initiate a special decree with the Supreme King – Fate substitution, the subject is Shui Ruoshan!” Making sure that everyone could hear his voice, Yin Suye then stated the real reason for him doing this.

This special decree was enacted by the first gen Supreme King. As long as someone is willing to activate this decree, then no matter what happened, regardless right or wrong, regardless the reason… it must be activated. And by confessing it out to everyone, even with Wang Batian as the Supreme King, he also has no way to suppress it secretly nor not activating the decree. It is impossible for him(WBT) to reject the proposal at this moment.

“I disagree!”

Not waiting for other people to react from the sudden request from Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan immediately stood up and expressed his objection. At the same time, his gaze towards Yin Suye was complicated. He never expect that when Yin Suye finally gotten the upper hand in the battle with Wang Batian, he(YSY) decided to give up everything and let himself fall into a more dangerous situation. How could Shui Ruoshan agree to this? Especially when he knows how much Yin Suye paved the road in front and how much schemes he calculated. Planning so much schemes… it’s actually all for his(SRS) sake, he couldn’t accept Yin Suye’s good intentions even more.

The special decree for Fate substitution, don’t look at the name and thinks that it sounded mysterious or whatnots, the content is actually very bloody and cruel. The emphasis is on the word ‘substitution’. Roughly saying, when someone commits a crime and another sinless person is willing to replace the sinner to accept a punishment where only 1 out of 10 would survive, and that person survived, then the sinner can be washed clean of his crime.

On the other hand, if the substitute couldn’t survive, then no matter if the sinner committed a crime guilty of death or not, he would have to accompany the substitute to meet death. To put it bluntly, this is not a charitable punishment but a harsh and almost ruthless punishment. And because of that, there are very few people in the world who would use his own fate to substitute other’s fate; betting with their life. Therefore, ever since the existence of this special decree , only desperate people with similar fate would choose this kind of gambling method. But because there are very few people who can succeed, the world gradually forgotten that the Capital has this special decree.

“Nothing bad will happen.”

Yin Suye habitually reached out and comforted Shui Ruoshan by rubbing his head.

“But you will get hurt!”

Shui Ruoshan tightly pursed his lips, expressing his absolute disapproval.

In [The Strongest King in History], he wrote that in order to save the protagonist Huang Beichen’s life, Yin Suye activated the special decree. Because in the story, Huang Beichen has transmigrated into demon’s territory in the Continent of Magic and Sword(Mowu Dalu)[1]. Although he has always thought himself as a human, but because his eyes and hair are black, he naturally got categorized as a demon. In the end, he became the Supreme King for the demon race… Supreme Demon King.

1. Banana forgot what translation she put for the continent’s name

According to the plot’s progress, originally when Yin Suye and Huang Beichen parted ways in the Fog Forest, it didn’t take long for Huang Beichen to encounter the Huo Ruyan who fled to the forest. With this, the protagonist successfully get acquainted with the supporting female character. After both of them nursed their body back to health, they have nurtured mutual feelings with each other. Then, Huo Ruyan invited Huang Beichen to her home and brought him back to the Capital. After that, Huo Ruyan received a banquet invitation from the Imperial City, which she invited Huang Beichen to go as her partner. But the moment they stepped into the Imperial City’s gate, due to blood flowing inside Huang Beichen are from the descendants of the Yellow Emperor2 and is different from the human in the continent, he was barred outside the Imperial City by the barrier as an outsider. Then, someone recognized Huang Beichen’s identity as a demon, and started to doubt the purpose for him to approach the human race and wanted to capture him for questioning.

At this moment, Huo Ruyan bravely stood up and pleaded everyone to let go of Huang Beichen. She also gave her guarantee that he is definitely not a spy from the demon race. At that time, Yin Suye happened to be at the gate of the Imperial City. Seeing how the sister he cared deeply and also his former friend seemed to be in a bad situation, he felt somewhat unbearable. Hence, he took the initiative to step forward and expressed that he is willing to activate the special decree for Huang Beichen – fate substitution.

Fate substitution needs to go on for 7 x 7 = 49 days, every 7 days needs to change the location and another type of torture, the substitute also is not allowed to eat or drink during the period. At the same time, in order to prevent the substitute from fighting back, the process will also seal the substitute’s power; letting one experience the ultimate suffer with their body and flesh. That means the substitute could only rely on his own strength to support himself. Survived through the suffering, you live. Fail and you die, very real and cruel. If the substitute doesn’t have strong physical strength to support himself, that person probably don’t have to be punished at all as hunger and thirst alone could already kill him!

According to the rules of the fate substitution, for the first 7 days, Yin Suye will be tied in the square. He will be whipped for 7 days regardless sun and rain. Because the first 7 days is a public execution, the punishment won’t be particularly bloody. But the 40 days afterwards, due to the punishment being carried out in various dark cells, and different types of torture being carried out non-stop, the level of bloodiness was just like being in Hell.

However, Yin Suye persevered through with his strong will, though he was half-dead by then. His strength has fallen by half, and there were no perfect skin on his body at all, visible bones can also be seen from some of the wounds…

While Yin Suye was undergoing various torture, due to Huo Ruyan having a good daddy, they managed to persuade everyone to let Huang Beichen be ‘imprisoned’ in the Huo Residence; waiting for the final result of the fate substitution. But because of Huo Ruyan, not only Huang Beichen didn’t get any mistreatment in the Huo Residence, he was even treated like a guest. During that period, Huang Beichen and Huo Ruyan’s feelings progressed rapidly and they have completely forgotten about the Yin Suye who is enduring punishments on their behalf.

When Yin Suye finally passed the punishments, and dragged his weak body back to the Yin Residence, what he received was not a warm welcome but the news that Huo Ruyan has gotten together with Huang Beichen. With that strong contrast, Yin Suye felt betrayed. Not only this worsened his relationship between Huang Beichen, his heart blackened even more.


After that, the relationship between the Yin Suye who has recovered and Huang Beichen further deteriorated, from going against each other in the dark to open hostility. As for Huo Ruyan, the plot where she keep helping out Huang Beichen and despised Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan felt that he shouldn’t think about it anymore. The more he thinks about it, the more he felt sorry for Yin Suye. This plot in the Capital is the beginning of the unfortunate history of the villain ah! No need to mention it anymore!


But Shui Ruoshan would never expect that after he so thoroughly disrupted the plot, the plot would return to the original outline after turning a big corner! The only difference was the person who Yin Suye is substituting his fate for has changed from the protagonist Huang Beichen to him(SRS)!

Should he sigh right now about this goddamned fate ah? Sigh your head ah! He has no leisure time to rant at all! Whenever he remember how tragic Yin Suye looked like after the punishment, he felt very flustered!

Raw Word Count : 2763


Banana: See you guys on March~ (0w0)/

Chapter 098 – Curved road

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“All of you deserved to die!”

When Wang Batian finally realized that he accidentally revealed his biggest secret under Yin Suye’s manipulation, he only has one thought in his heart; that is to kill everyone here who knows of his secret! A pressure of a Supreme King containing killing intent instantly spread all over the entire area…
Those soldiers with weak power exploded one after another all of a sudden!


Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect Wang Batian to disregard his own image and starts a massacre right away. Plus the ones he killed are people from his side? Wang Batian, you became crazy just from one sentence from Yin Suye? Because other than Weiyi who is quite high leveled, the soldiers could only rely on their own brute force to support themselves; the rest of the surrounding people has almost got played to death by Wang Batian’s kingly pressure! No, they are already dead! Seems like the word used here is not right, it should be crushed to death! Just that why after the word is changed, it feels even stranger[1]? In the end, Shui Ruoshan felt that all responsibilities should go to Wang Batian.

1. Author is trying to put subtle innuendos but it can’t translate properly to English. The word 压 is translated as crushed here but depending on the meaning, it can be translated to ‘top’ like 我压你/I ‘top’ you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Wang Batian, you being so cruel, are you really a true man?

“You can’t kill us.”

Yin Suye’s calm expression when looking at people with half-lidded eyes, let them clearly know that he doesn’t care whether saying the truth so straightforwardly would agitate Wang Batian’s emotions even more; causing more troubles for himself. In this world, no one has the ability to easily take his life.

“Actually, killing cannot solve any problems at all!”

As if he felt that Yin Suye’s words are not stimulating enough, Shui Ruoshan cooperatively agreed with Yin Suye and persuaded Wang Batian with a seemingly serious look. When facing the enemies, he must give his family’s Xiao Yeye absolute support! Example, Yin Suye set the fire and he add the oil or whatnots…
And so, doing things like adding oil to the fire, he can’t be more skillful than that!

“I know a lot about you.”

This time, Yin Suye changed his style of talking. He immediately say what he wanted to say without waiting for Wang Batian to attack him again. Just that the unhurried attitude gave people the feeling as if he is not facing a strong enemy who wanted his life.

“Yes, not only we know that you only have a lifespan of 10 years, we also know a lot of important things related to you!”

Shui Ruoshan supported Yin Suye from behind, like he is Yin Suye’s echo machine[2]. He expanded Yin Suye’s words to become more provocative. He do know a lot of stuff anyway, so he totally can help out whenever Yin Suye needs it.

2. 回声筒 – Not sure what the raw means _(;3/

“What else do you know?”

Wang Batian who originally was hostile towards Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan instantly restrained himself; not attacking but locking his gaze firmly on the two. After he gotten the information he wants from them, he will definitely dispose these two as soon as possible.

It was because Yin Suye displayed strength that could go against him caused Wang Batian to feel threatened. After a few more years, when his strength deteriorated, he won’t be able to fight the ever-growing strong Yin Suye. He needs to eliminate him(YSY) when he has yet to grow up.

One need to know, the position of the Supreme King is not absolute, they can be replaced. As for other people who knew his secret, Wang Batian doesn’t really care because everyone other than Weiyi has perished under his pressure. Comparing to Yin Suye, the danger that Weiyi posed is totally insignificant so he is not in a hurry to take action on Weiyi.

“Your life and death.”

Yin Suye’s eyes suddenly deepened, there were bottomless darkness in his eyes; extremely sharp and dangerous. The killing intent from Wang Batian was too obvious, it was hard for other people to not sense it, especially the Yin Suye who is very sensitive towards killing intent. At that moment, Yin Suye lost the mood to continue talking with Wang Batian. Anyway, he just casted the bait, and waiting for the prey to get hooked.

“What do you mean by this?”

When Wang Batian heard the word life and death, he slightly shrunk back. There are too many explanations for these three words, he doesn’t know if Yin Suye’s words are the answer he expected.

“You mean, you know how to prolong my life?”

In the end, Wang Batian couldn’t hold back and asked the question he wanted the know the most. Actually, he rarely manages the human race’s affair in recent years. When he found out that his life will be reaching the end soon, he has been looking for ways to extend his life. He also experimented with a lot of methods but so far none of it is successful. He even visited other races to inquire, and consulted various famous doctors. Anyone who examined him couldn’t see what’s wrong with him, nor know the way to extend lifespan. But this young man called Yin Suye, not only he can see the remaining years of his(WBT) lifespan at a glance, he also vaguely revealed that he might know of new method(to extend lifespan). How could Wang Batian not get excited?!

“I didn’t say that.”

Yin Suye denied it straightforwardly and his attitude was as cold as before.

“As long as you can tell me the way to extend my life, I can spare your life!”

Not only Wang Batian didn’t show any disappointment when he heard Yin Suye’s denial, he became even more convinced instead that Yin Suye indeed has some methods in his hand. The Wang Batian now totally forgotten about how he was opposing each other with equal harshness just now. He can’t wait to bring that person back and thoroughly question him.

Actually, if Yin Suye immediately admits that he know something just now, Wang Batian would keep a skeptical attitude even though he still tries it. But now Yin Suye said it in an ambiguous way and said he know nothing. This makes Wang Batian felt like Yin Suye is deliberately saying this just to increase the betting chips in his hand, in order to discuss the terms and conditions.


Right now, Shui Ruoshan really wanted to ‘hehe’[3] at Wang Batian’s face to express his disdain. He dared to shamelessly said he will spare them their life? Don’t be so blind ah! Plus Xiao Yeye also said he didn’t say that. Why Wang Batian still wishfully rely on his unreasonable judgement? Is this the ‘cannot understand human words’ or what?

3. coldly laugh

“As long as you can tell me the method, beauties, wealth, power… you can choose whatever you want!”

Seeing that Yin Suye didn’t give any response, Wang Batian felt that the conditions he had opened before this were too low. The other party was unwilling to accept, so he immediately changed to a more tempting condition. Just that Yin Suye was still unresponsive after a long while, causing Wang Batian to be furious. He became even more determined to eradicate Yin Suye after he gotten his hand on the method, no one has ever dared to ignore him before!

“No matter what is your wish, I can help to fulfill it under the name of the Supreme King!”

But Wang Batian didn’t show his negative emotions on his face, as he constantly increased his betting chips.


All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan really wanted to sarcastically ask Wang Batian if he(YSY) said he wanted his(WBT) life, will Wang Batian give that as well? Please don’t think Supreme King to be so amazing and randomly throw out conditions, it’s very embarrassing if you can’t do it when the time comes! But seeing how Wang Batian is so concerned with his lifespan, and still could maintain his enthusiasm even when facing with Yin Suye’s icy attitude, Shui Ruoshan finally understood why Yin Suye would say so much ambiguous words with him(WBT) previously. Clearly, Yin Suye is using a language trap at Wang Batian. Because Wang Batian’s life is soon coming to an end, he will not let go of any possible chance that could let him continue living. Like a drowning man (grasping at straws), he obviously knew that the driftwood(straw) cannot save him, and yet he will still reach out and held on it firmly, not letting go. Therefore, Yin Suye deliberately misled Wang Batian, letting him think that Yin Suye might have ways to extend his life; making him feel apprehensive. Sometimes, it’s very useful when the enemy don’t use their brain well!

With this way, Wang Batian won’t really try to kill Yin Suye even if their talk went wrong. Because Wang Batian wanted to live longer and couldn’t let go of the fact that Yin Suye might know how to live longer. At most, he will only have him(YSY) captured alive. As long as it’s not dangerous to Yin Suye’s life, Yin Suye could already be considered as invincible; although, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know if Yin Suye really know the method or he is just trying to deceive him(WBT).

On the other hand, he is the author of the novel, so he really knows the way to extend one’s lifespan. And this is one of the backup plan which Shui Ruoshan is planning to use to Wang Batian, in case Yin Suye couldn’t win against Wang Batian. He then could use his information to negotiate with Wang Batian to save their life. Just that this backup plan of his seemed to be not needed, because Yin Suye’s open conspiracy is being played out too beautifully! He himself is so witty, also need to brainstorm for a long time to understand the curves and bends in it. He believed that with Wang Batian’s low IQ, he(WBT) absolutely won’t be able to see through Yin Suye’s plan!

As expected, Yin Suye is really deserving of his title as the big villain, really too treacherous!

But… he(SRS) likes it!

Raw Word Count : 2792


Banana: For those who bookmarked my new WP address, please change it again to this ( ya, sorry for that _(;3/

Chapter 097 – Don’t force it

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“People who make trouble in the Imperial City, die!”

The moment the old man walked out from the barrier, the pressure belonged to a Supreme King was instantly released. At the moment, surrounding air congealed around the old man, giving people a stormy feeling and gave an impression that the old man is taller and bigger.


Looking at the old man acting crazy, Shui Ruoshan really wanted to cut short of his glory and say that the pressure is completely useless against him and Yin Suye.

Pressure of the same level is void, and Yin Suye who was reborn happened to have the spiritual power of a Supreme King so it has no effect on him(YSY) at all. As for himself(SRS), he seemed to be immune to all kinds of pressure so naturally it has no effect on him as well. And so, the old man got the wrong opponent to act crazy! This completely means that they cannot play together nicely ah!

“Seeking death!”

The old man seemed to have found out that not only the two people didn’t shiver under his pressure, they still looked back at him in arrogance. This caused the old man who have always love to preserve his face to instantly darkened. The old man thinks that those two must be carrying something that could let them resist his pressure. But he will soon let them realize how big is their mistake to provoke the Supreme King! Thinking of this, the old man stopped probing with his pressure and directly mobilized his power as a Supreme King instead; attacking towards the two people…
He felt that only with death that these two could wash away their sins!

“Protect yourself.”

At that moment when the old man launched his attack, Yin Suye put Shui Ruoshan down from his arms and placed him(SRS) behind him. After that, Yin Suye mobilized all of his power as well and met the old man’s attack right at the front. Yin Suye didn’t have any fear from facing a surging fierce attack, but instead slightly raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a cruel smile full of malice. Only in battle, in a fight, in the midst of blood and killing that he could really feel alive and full of life! Instantly, a sense-numbing sound vibrated in the air, as the powerful forces of the two people collided together…

All of a sudden, the dust around them flew up and bright flame is everywhere. The surrounding soldiers started to collapse the moment the forces collided, keep groaning and howling…

Because Shui Ruoshan was well-protected behind Yin Suye, he was not affected by the energy clash. His line of sight however, has been tightly following the battle between Yin Suye and the old man. This is not the first time Shui Ruoshan watched Yin Suye’s fighting scene, but it was the first time he saw such a huge battle scene. He only see this small area where he stood, gradually pressed down with Yin Suye as the center. Cracks were rapidly forming from all directions…

When the energy from the collision gradually dissipated and the smokes are gone, Shui Ruoshan found out that the place he and Yin Suye has been standing has become a deep pit. As for Yin Suye who was standing the in middle of the pit, his body exuded killing intents. His blonde hairs and clothing fluttered in the air, and his figure was cold like ice. A pair of deep eyes were like a deep abyss, like a demon god arriving to the world!

Shui Ruoshan has yet to praise Yin Suye for being so cool-handsome-tyrannic, when he realized a drop of bright red blood appeared in the corner of Yin Suye’s lips, slowly trickling down…

Even so, the extreme charm brought by Yin Suye’s perfect silhouette was not affected. His body was shrouded with bloodthirsty madness, a sharp light were gleaming in the pair of heterochromic eyes. It was so sharp that people don’t dare to approach closer. Just that all these didn’t change the fact that Yin Suye has been injured!

Looking back at the old man, he seemed to be slightly out of breath but didn’t suffer any injuries.

Shui Ruoshan’s gaze instantly darkened. As expected, the current Yin Suye is not the opponent of the Supreme King. Especially in a fight purely rely on energy like this, there was no room for any tricks at all. This is even more a disadvantage to Yin Suye.

“Supreme King, Wang Batian, 495 years old. Became the Supreme King by chance, but because he suffered serious injuries in his early years and his body is too weak, he still couldn’t break the limit of life despite being strong as he is now…”

Thinking about this, Shui Ruoshan felt that he should help Yin Suye somehow. At the very least, he cannot let Yin Suye to be at such disadvantage situation. Just that not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to explain the Supreme King’s information, Yin Suye’s voice rang out first.

“The Supreme King only left 10 years to live.”

Yin Suye said it without any hesitation. He knew that Shui Ruoshan wanted to tell him about the Supreme King’s weakness so he could defeat the enemy. But that was not what he wanted so he interrupted Shui Ruoshan. This is his battlefield, he will fight in his own way! Moreover, he can’t let Shui Ruoshan leak too much confidential information. That would cause other people to suspect something bad with the little guy. Other than that, it might expose the little guy’s special nature and make it more dangerous for him(SRS). He doesn’t want the little guy to be in any danger at all!


Shui Ruoshan was quite confused with Yin Suye’s action in cutting his words. He was not curious towards how Yin Suye knew this information because he was reborn, it’s normal to know something that will happen in the future. What he was curious of is why the Yin Suye who usually don’t say much suddenly interjected at this moment? This is not a quiz, so he won’t get any prizes even if he got it correct! Plus, what he wanted to say is not this at all! God knows that he doesn’t want to talk about Wang Batian’s lifespan at all, because it don’t have any benefits to their current situation ah!

According to the settings of his novel, for each level-up of one’s cultivation level, the life expectancy of that person will increase exponentially. It can be said that the more one cultivated, the longer he/she will live. But that doesn’t mean that the Supreme King will be immortal, they will also have their moment of death. As for how long they can live, it depends on their race and personal physique.

Undoubtedly, Wang Batian is the relatively short-lived one among all the Supreme King because he(SRS) didn’t set a long lifespan for this cannon fodder. Other than that, if Wang Batian don’t die, Yin Suye won’t have any ways to become the Supreme King. That’s why the current Supreme King is destined to die early! Also another reason was he took the lazy route and gave the Supreme King an aggressive-sounding but actually very cheesy name. This way, it will show Wang Batian’s status as a cannon fodder!

[Note: 王霸天/Wang Batian – Reading separately would be King Tyrant Sky]

But at the current stage of progress, other than Wang Batian himself, no one else knows that he only has 10 more years to live. So is Yin Suye trying to completely anger the enemy and let the enemy kill them to cover his secrets? No one can guarantee that the Supreme King won’t become mad from desperation when his lifespan has not much left!

Now Shui Ruoshan is feeling a bit regretful. He didn’t pay much attention when drafting Wang Batian’s setting because he considered him as a small transitional role. He only set Wang Batian as someone who on the surface looked like a good and fair King but secretly a wicked person who has done all sorts of evil things! That means he didn’t elaborate on Wang Batian’s characters, so he couldn’t deduce what Wang Batian would possibly react. Really ‘hate to have less knowledge when needed'(too late to regret) ah!

“Yin Suye, can you not be so strong-headed in every matter?”

After some thoughts, Shui Roshan felt that it’s still necessary for him to persuade Yin Suye. He(SRS) actually could just expose the Supreme King’s weakness so to let Yin Suye gain the benefit in the battle. This will give them a bigger chance in victory! But taking advantage of this time of idleness, Shui Ruoshan immediately took a healing pill out from his space ring. Tiptoeing, he stuffed the pill directly into Yin Suye’s mouth.

“Trust me!” Yin Suye cooperatively opened his mouth, and swallowed the pill that Shui Ruoshan gave him; a flash of satisfaction flitted past his eyes. He has a plan in his heart, and doesn’t need the little guy to worry for him at all.

In this regard, Shui Ruoshan could only maintain his silence which also means he silently acknowledged Yin Suye’s action. Although he was very dissatisfied with Yin Suye’s arbitrary actions, Shui Ruoshan knew that now is not the time to argue. He can only choose to believe in Yin Suye; believe in Yin Suye just like usual!

At the same time, Shui Ruoshan reached out and used his sleeve to carefully wipe away the blood from Yin Suye’s lips. He disliked the red color and doesn’t want that color to appear on Yin Suye even more, so he must wipe away this unsightly color!

“Supreme King, did I said it correctly?”

Although Yin Suye really wanted to continue these warm-hearted gestures with the little guy, he need to first settle the trouble in front of them. Yin Suye didn’t look at the little guy but raised his head to face Wang Batian.

“How did you know?”

Just now, Wang Batian was obviously immersed in the shock that Yin Suye revealed the biggest secret in his heart. So he only managed to react when he heard Yin Suye’s question. But when he uttered those words, not only he acknowledged that Yin Suye’s words were correct, he also revealed the secret that he has always been hiding.

Towards Wang Batian’s unintentionally reply, Yin Suye slightly raised the corner of his mouth; emitting a strong confidence that is sure to win.


Raw Word Count : 2807


Banana: Just now Banana nearly cannot open ze computer ah _(;3/ My IT friend told me that my graphic card might have died but he couldn’t be sure… _(;3/
Walao, never-ending problems with my stupid computer. This Banana is so going to buy a laptop next time, me think desktop is only for those who understand computer parts _(;3/

Chapter 096 – Fight when need to

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Who is making trouble in the Imperial City?”

The person himself has yet to arrive, but his majestic voice rang out first from inside the Imperial City.

“Is that the Supreme King?”

Shui Ruoshan raised his head, then asked Yin Suye in uncertainty. Although he felt that only the Supreme King will speak out at times like these, but nothing is certain. So he better ask clearly who is the incoming person so that proper countermeasures can be planned.


Yin Suye slightly nodded, and the corner of his mouth raised up to the slightest arc as he stared out in the space. The Supreme King showing up was inside of his expectation. After all, the Imperial City’s barrier suddenly activating is no trivial matter. As the ruler over the human race, he naturally need to come out to understand the situation and also solve any problems. Other than that, when he said to let the Supreme King meet him, he inserted his spiritual power as well. Not only the Supreme King in the Imperial City could hear it, everyone in the same piece of land could hear what he said. He don’t believe that the Supreme King would be able to maintain his cool after being provoked by him(YSY).

“Do you have any plans?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that it is necessary for him to discuss countermeasures with Yin Suye while the Supreme King has yet to arrive. Else, if they waited the Supreme King to arrive, they probably won’t have any time for discussion. With his words, Shui Ruoshan has completely ignored Weiyi and also the surrounding guards.

“Fight!” Yin Suye’s slightly squinted, revealing a strong fighting intent.

The race conflict between human and demon has been around for a long time. The moment Shui Ruoshan’s identity as a demon was exposed, it’s already impossible to settle the matter peacefully. Since things cannot be settled in a low key way, then they should just make it big. Directly putting everything in the open so no one would be able to pull any small tricks against Shui Ruoshan in the dark. So, since conflict is unavoidable, then they will fight to the end! At this moment, Yin Suye is like a fearless war god on the battlefield; powerful and decisive!


Shui Ruoshan felt that comparing to Yin Suye’s not-a-plan plan, he rather he didn’t hear anything instead! Even if he can’t say anything constructive, he shouldn’t just said ‘Fight’, such an unreliable suggestion ah! Fight? How could this be a plan? In such a critical moment, Yin Suye, are you sure you are not doing this in purpose?

*falls down*

Yin Suye, don’t think that you are very strong that you could be enemies with the entire Imperial City!

“…alright, just fight then!”

Although Shui Ruoshan was very frustrated in his heart to the point smokes are coming out from his head, he couldn’t not compromise. Under these circumstances, he couldn’t think of any other methods at all! Run, it’s too late already; delay, it is definitely useless; surrender, that is walking right into the trap…

“No matter what, I will always stand by your side!”

Shui Ruoshan raised his head and seriously looked at Yin Suye before giving his guarantee. The reason why the situation has developed into a state of mutual hostility was entirely because Yin Suye wants to protect him, a demon. So he cannot let Yin Suye bear all the dangers, plus he himself also has combative power. He couldn’t let Yin Suye face the fight alone.


Yin Suye’s hand holding Shui Ruoshan suddenly tightened, a hint of smile could be seen in his eyes. How come every time the little guy says something, it would please him that much?

“I won’t let anything happen to you, with my name Shui Ruoshan as promise!”

Shui Ruoshan looked straight into Yin Suye’s eyes as he said it one word at a time. He gave Yin Suye a lot of guarantees before this. But this is the first time he has been so solemn, using his own name as guarantee. Probably to Yin Suye, his name is just a name but for [The Strongest King in History], his name is equivalent to the God who created this world. Comparing the strengths, his identity as the creator God is Shui Ruishan’s real ‘golden finger’[1]. As long as it is a character he created, he would know their experiences, personality, strengths, weaknesses…
Then with the knowledge he possessed, he could use different approach to attack/overcome different people; taking them down one by one. Because there are no one who has no weaknesses at all, so as long as he could grasp one’s weaknesses, he would have the upper hand. Even when facing the current Supreme King, he would still have a chance to retreat successfully! This is his strong self-confidence as the author of “The Strongest King in History”!

1. cheat

“This promise of yours, I have accepted it!”

This was a rare moment where Yin Suye didn’t reply with a one-word response[2], but replied back with equally serious answer. He believed that Shui Ruoshan has the ability to fulfill what he promised, and also willing to accept Shui Ruoshan’s goodwill for him.

2. En


Seeing that Yin Suye didn’t reject his help from high self-esteem, his(SRS) eyes were slightly bent (from the smile). He does have the confidence to go against the characters in the novel. Even with the protagonist, he still could maintain this sense of superiority. But the premise of all this is that he don’t include this big villain Yin Suye inside the list. Because he shaped the villain too perfectly, so perfect that there are no flaws for him start attacking ah! Especially when facing the reborn Yin Suye, the big villain who has become so jaded that he don’t even care about his own life. People who has no desire nor wishes is the most difficult type of people to grasp! Else, he won’t be still so restrained by Yin Suye ever since he transmigrated over until now; no room to gain the upper hand at all. It makes him sad just by thinking of it ah!


Seeing Shui Ruoshan[3] with a strained expression but still acted casual, Yin Suye whispered a reminder. After all, there might be danger when the fight starts. Yin Suye’s words have just ended and Shui Ruoshan saw an old man wearing golden yellow robe appearing beside Weiyi.

3. Author wrote Yin Suye, I think it’s a typo _(;3/

“Are you the one making troubles here?”

The old man swept his sleeves with flair then put both of his hands behind him before asking them with a prideful expression.


Shui Ruoshan can’t help but wanted to vomit from seeing such a pretentious act. Making troubles your sister ah! What with this not even checking who’s right or wrong but went straight to judgemental attitude? They obviously did nothing at all but things just inexplicably turned into this, they are very innocent, a’ight?

“Weiyi, what’s going on here?”

Not sure if it’s because Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan didn’t answer his question, or he never expect them to answer at all, he immediately turned towards Weiyi at the next second.

“King, they are being disrespectful to you!”

Weiyi respectfully knelt to the old man and paid his respect. Then he informed him what happened from the part where he invited Yin Suye to the part Shui Ruoshan suddenly changed to a demon. Finally, he ended it with a summary that they are being disrespectful. Very obvious, Weiyi is still keeping a grudge over Yin Suye’s being disrespectful to the Supreme King earlier and also for not giving him face. At a moment like this, he still didn’t forget to point them out to the Supreme King.

“En.” After the old man patiently listened to what has happened, he turned to look at Yin Suye again. “Do you admit your crime?”

“What crime do we have?” Knowing that Yin Suye is lazy to entertain such question, Shui Ruoshan’s phoenix eyes slightly raised up then he answered with a question.

It was just a simple eyebrow raising movement, but with the pair of slender eyebrows, his high nose, slightly closed thin lips, and pale white skin, it was like a heavenly person with charm but not demonic; a mind-blowing beauty that is soft but not weak.

“Insolent demon!”

The old man was slightly stunned for a moment, then became furious when he woke up from it. The old man felt that ever since he became King, no one could make him lose self-control. But not only this demon in front of him has talked back to him, he(SRS) even tried to seduce him; this is a heavy crime! This caused the old man to look at Shui Ruoshan with eyes filled with hostility.


Shui Ruoshan realized for the first time that his skill in garnerning hatred is quite high. He only used one sentence and managed to provoke the other party’s hatred. That’s amazing ah!

“Open the barrier!”

The old man’s voice rang through the skies above the Imperial City, and he reached out to make a gesture at the sky to order his men to open the barrier. The old man thinks that he must have been out for too long, that’s why some people are so bold to act over his head. So this time, he will personally teach this demon who doesn’t know the difference between the sky and earth a lesson.


Upon receiving the old man’s order, the people who are responsible to operate the barrier switch immediately took action. Then, the barrier of the Imperial City began to fade little by little…
And the old man just stood there, calmly watching the barrier being lifted with his hands at his back…
The moment the barrier has completely disappeared, the old man slowly walked forward, step by step towards Shui Ruoshan…

Raw Word Count : 2592

#YSYSayStopLookingAtMyWife !

Chapter 095 – Seeking own death

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.
Banana : Was translating the previous chapter in semi-drowsy state so didn’t manage to react properly. I’ll do it now. EHMERGERD SRS TURNED INTO AN ADULT, A BEAUTY TO BOOT! CAN THEY DO THE PAPAPA NOW?! Ehem, alright. Actually some readers already told me that we will be disappointed if we are expecting papapa. So it seems this novel is only shounen-ai … le banana ish sad deyh _(;3/ (anyway, if it’s possible, this Banana will do it… for the sake of PAPAPA! :v )

“Who dares?”

Yin Suye took a step forward and got out of the barrier. With a flash, he bypassed the group of guards and appeared in front of Shui Ruoshan. Looking at Shui Ruoshan who is still out of it, Yin Suye didn’t hesitate and reached out as usual, holding that person tightly in his arms and completely protecting him. As expected, he could only be at ease when he can really feel the little guy’s existence! Very obvious, Yin Suye actually minded it very much the fact that he lost the little guy just now.

Before this, in order to be able to rush to the little guy’s side as quickly as possible, he ignored Weiyi’s shouts and focused only on finding the barrier’s weak point. He was able to get out of the barrier so easily because he just found the weak point. That prevented him from breaking the barrier apart and he only have to pay the smallest price to make a small gap in the barrier for him to pass through it.

“What should we do now?”

Shui Ruoshan knew that Yin Suye must have paid quite a price to be able to come out so quickly so he decided not to do anything towards the sudden intimate action from him(YSY). He was used to being hold by Yin Suye anyway so he doesn’t care much to being hugged by him a few more times. At the moment, Shui Ruoshan didn’t realize at all what are the differences between his adult version and zhengtai(shota) version. Naturally, he didn’t find out what’s wrong with the way Yin Suye held him!

“It’s alright.” Yin Suye’s hand stroke Shui Ruoshan’s long hair to comfort him. That extremely soft sensation caused him to not want to let go.

Before they went to the Imperial City, he has predicted all sorts of situation that might happen and also planned counter-measures for each situation. However, it seems like some unforeseen things would always happen with little guy beside him, making all his counter-measures to be useless. But no matter what, he will always protect the little guy!


Shui Ruoshan gently nodded, and showed a light smile at Yin Suye. Not sure when this started, he has developed the habit of relying on Yin Suye. Towards Yin Suye, he would have absolute trust and confidence.

Yin Suye who has been watching Shui Ruoshan immediately took that smile into his eyes. His gaze instantly deepened and his hold on that person became tighter. When the little guy slightly smiled, the corner of his mouth and eyes was gentle like a light breeze, just like the first glow of the moonlight! Yin Suye always knows that the little guy’s appearance is very good but he didn’t think that the grown up little guy would be so stunning to the extreme! Before this, he was so focused on the barrier that he didn’t look properly at the little guy’s grown up appearance. And now, he only have to lower down his head and he would be able to clearly observe every single detail of the little guy.

A pair of phoenix eyes carrying a slight mist giving his black pupils some moisture. His eyelashes curled up added a few points of charm to that pair of beautiful eyes. When his eyes turned, it was as if the stars were shining. And when this pair of eyes which seems to be carrying the sky stared intently at you, you would feel like you could see the whole world! Under the sunlight, the little guy’s skin could be seen extraordinarily delicate. Even the finest white jade would fell short from him; extremely enchanting as if he’s not real.

“Yin Suye, do you know why I suddenly grew up?”

Though Shui Ruoshan was very happy that he grew up in an instant, he felt quite concerned towards the unknown factor.

“You have been sealed before this.[1]

1. It’s kinda hard for me to translate this without knowing what exactly was sealed _(;3/ I would prefer translating it as – Something of yours has been sealed inside you

Yin Suye recounted some scenes and gave his confirmation. According to his observation, the Imperial City’s barrier must have inadvertently touched the seal in his body. That released Shui Ruoshan from his seal and at the same time, exposing his identity as someone from the demon race.

“I was actually sealed?”

Being reminded by Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan has a feeling of sudden realization. No wonder he felt something breaking down inside his body earlier, that was the seal! In other words, he is not a little zhengtai(shota) at all but a young man ah! But at the next second, Shui Ruoshan’s yet-to-rise-up happy mood instantly fell down again. He originally thought he has transmigrated into a ‘soy sauce character’[2] so he didn’t care much of the original body’s identity. But everything that has happened told him that his current body’s identity may not be simple. Otherwise, why would he wake up inside a crystal coffin? Why did he wore a spiritual item on his body? Why would he be sealed…

2. passerby

From the secrets hidden in this body, it doesn’t seem to be a random unknown person without any reputation ah! But then this author doesn’t know anything about this character. One need to know, as long as one character has even the slightest importance in the novel, he has written more or less something about him/her. And yet, he was unable to find a character similar to his current body from so many characters in his novel.

This is definitely a very unusual thing!

This feeling of not able to grasp things in hand gave Shui Ruoshan some uneasiness in his heart.


Obviously, Yin Suye’s thoughts were far profound and darker than Shui Ruoshan’s. It was a pity that the current clues they have are too little, so even Yin Suye couldn’t deduce any useful information in a short period of time.

“Yin Suye, you want to shield this demon?”

Weiyi didn’t expect Yin Suye to manage to appear right in front of Shui Ruoshan the moment he didn’t pay attention. His heart tightened all of a sudden, and his expression became very serious. He as a part of the Supreme King’s personal guards is the clearest regarding how indestructible is the Imperial City’s barrier. He would never expect to see this so-called eternal unbreakable barrier to be so easily cracked open by Yin Suye right in front of him today! If you say Shui Ruoshan’s transformation just now gave him a surprise, then the strength shown by Yin Suye now gave him a big shock! Weiyi instantly considered the possibility of being enemies with this Yin Suye who possessed unfathomable power, and felt that it is a very unwise action. So, he wanted to try persuading Yin Suye through words to change his stand. And most importantly, the others and him are still unable to leave the barrier for time being. As for the guards outside the barrier, they are obviously not his opponent. Hence, there’s no better way to delay time for reinforcement than trying to verbally persuade Yin Suye. That’s why he has signaled to the guards outside to not act rashly and let both Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan do their discussion there. Until they fell silent, then Weiyi started his persuasion.


Yin Suye didn’t plan to pay attention to Weiyi at all. He has already started planning how to investigate little guy’s identity. Little guy said it before, that he transmigrated to this world so he doesn’t know much of his current body’s situation.

“Yin Suye, don’t tell me that you want to betray all humankind for the sake of this demon?”

Because of his identity as the leader of the Supreme King’s personal guards, Weiyi was sought after no matter where he went. No one ever dared to not give him any faces like what Yin Suye did. This made him very angry, and his tone has also become sharp.

“What does it matter if yes? What does it matter if no?”

Yin Suye say it in an absent-minded tone, and yet it gave people a feeling of a sharp killing intent. That contemptuous look, combining with his unwillingness to comply expressed his intention very clearly.

“You are seeking your death!”

Weiyi didn’t expect Yin Suye would be so uncaring of things, his face instantly darkened. Although he admits that Yin Suye is far stronger than him, but this is not a place where he(YSY) can afford to be arrogant. This is Imperial City, it’s not a place where anyone could act arrogant! One need to know, inside the Imperial City lives the strongest person of the human race – the Supreme King!

“All of you are not my opponent.” Yin Suye is too lazy to even give Weiyi a gaze, and gave him(WY) his analysis.

“The one seeking death is obviously you and the rest of the guards!” Shui Ruoshan stated the obvious, involuntarily added a sentence behind Yin Suye’s honest words.

With Yin Suye’s current strength, as long as he doesn’t go against the Supreme King, he(YSY) is matchless ah! But no matter what, killing is not a glorious thing to do so he(SRS) still kindly reminded these people who couldn’t see the truth. It’s better not to be rash and seek death in front of Yin Suye! He really shouldn’t be that kind when facing the enemy!

“Let the Supreme King to come out and meet me.”

Yin Suye’s low voice was as if it is ringing beside his ears but also seemed like it’s coming from far away. That voice clearly contained no emotions in it but anyone who heard it can’t help beating fast in their heart.


Hey hey, Yin Suye, did you used a wrong placement in your words? Especially that extremely arrogant expression, that ‘you are not my opponent, ask the strongest one to come out’ arrogance. Ordering the Supreme King to come out and meet you, is this really alright? That natural tone was as if he is the real Supreme King above the 10,000 of people, while the Supreme King he wanted to meet is just an unknown ant. Lord villain, you are so cool-awesome-wild-tyrant, did the author create it? Is this that domineering route, so tyrannic that you don’t have friends?

Raw Word Count : 2861


Banana: Random announcement for February 2019, Banana will be away for Chinese New Year holiday and also a week of overseas holiday after CNY so I might not have time to translate for the whole month yo. Then I’ll see y’all on March~ XD

Chapter 094 – Not human

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Xiao Ruo?”

The moment Yin Suye stepped into the Imperial City, the little guy instantly disappeared from within his arms?! Then the next second, the Imperial City’s barrier is immediately activated…
Yin Suye didn’t even have the time to react and he got trapped inside the barrier. He was unable to go out at the moment and could only helplessly watch as the guards outside pointed their weapon at the defenseless little guy. Subconsciously gripping his fists tightly together, Yin Suye was not even aware that he caused his palms to bleed. His eyes only unblinkingly stared at the helpless little guy outside the barrier.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine!”

Although Shui Ruoshan was caught off guard by sudden changes, but seeing how Yin Suye is worried about him, he felt very relieved. Plus he has Ruixue[1] with him so he at least could get some comfort from it. However in such a critical moment, Shui Ruoshan didn’t think of his own safety first but was worried for Yin Suye if he would be unable to control his emotions and proceed to destroy the Imperial City’s barrier.

1. Banana : Raise your hand if you have forgotten about this cat again…. like me :v

He as the author is very clear of this barrier protecting the Imperial City. The Imperial City is the Holy land for human race and also their last line of defense, so the barrier is the strongest barrier humankind could ever erect. Not only this barrier has super high defense ability, it also has a strong rejection force. When they first created the barrier, in order to better protect the safety of the human race and prevent foreign invasion, they set the barrier to accept only human to enter. If any foreign being intended to enter, the barrier will be activated and directly throw the foreign being out of the barrier.

Now that he got rejected by the barrier, doesn’t that mean his current identity is not human at all[2]?! Shui Ruoshan instantly ‘gets kneeled[3] by this guess!’ Anyone who lived as a human for twenty years suddenly found out that their own species has change after transmigration would be shocked as well, alright?! One cannot simply get pitted[4] like this!

2. Banana : That caught me off guard :0 Raise your hand if you forgot about SRS identity problem …. like me :v
3. stunned speechless
4. gets tricked

Shui Ruoshan hasn’t finish ranting when he suddenly felt something emitting a slight cracking sound in his mind. Then, his body felt like it has been broken by something…
After that, an intense pain swept all over his body in an instant. The blood from his face has completely faded away. All he could feel was like his bones are being broken by a blunt device little by little, then it started to heal back little by little…
But he can’t do anything about it and could only clench his teeth tightly. He was afraid that he will cry out and alarmed Yin Suye, causing him do something unwise! Just that when he lowered down his head to endure, Shui Ruoshan found out that his originally chubby hands have started to gradually turn slender…

He is growing?!

“Xiao Ruo!”

While searching for weak points from inside the barrier, Yin Suye paid close attention to the little guy’s situation. The moment Shui Ruoshan looked strange, he found out that there’s something wrong with his(SRS) body. This caused Yin Suye to be unable to maintain his calm, the power in his body has started to circulate…
It was very obvious that he will chose to directly destroy the barrier the moment the situation is not right.

In his past life, he also stayed in the Imperial City after he succeeded the throne so naturally he knows about the barrier’s characteristics. It was due to the weak points randomly change over time that even him couldn’t break the barrier in such a short time. That’s why he got trapped inside. But with the sudden changes happening in front of his eyes, Yin Suye no longer have the patience to wait anymore; he is prepared to break the barrier by force. With his current strength, he won’t be able to break it open in one try, but a few times of attack will definitely destroy it! At the moment, Yin Suye doesn’t really care how serious are the consequences in doing so. The only thing in his mind was to rush to the little guy’s side and hold him tightly in his arms to give him a good comfort. But at the next second, the strong aura suddenly stopped. For the first time ever, something similar to surprise appeared in that pair of heterochromatic eyes…

The little guy’s body is slowly growing, even the clothes on his body started to change along with his body transformation…
His round face is gradually becoming sharper, his facial features started to mature and those deep black hairs instantly flow behind his back…
This unusual scene let Yin Suye know that his little guy is in the middle of growing up?!


Feeling that the pain on his body has finally passed, Shui Ruoshan slightly breathed a sigh of relief. It’s too painful alright?! Fortunately, the pain only lasted for a short while. Else, he doesn’t know if he can keep enduring it. At the same time, he should be happy that he got used to wearing his clothing artifact/treasure[5] so even though he has grown bigger, he doesn’t have a naked issue. His clothing sometimes even changes his corresponding accessories and pendant accordingly to the situation; very convenient and easy to use. Such foresight! Though he doesn’t understand why he suddenly grew up, his only comfort is that he is finally not a child anymore! This is definitely a happy thing for him! If not for so many people around looking at him, he would definitely raise his head and laugh out loud 3 times, to celebrate him finally getting rid of his embarrassing identity as a child!

5. Banana remember somewhere in past chapters saying the clothing he is wearing the day he transmigrated is an amazing clothing but couldn’t search back which chapter _(;3/

When he finally focused back to his current situation, he found the crowd’s gaze at him was very surprised. Even Yin Suye’s gaze was quite strange, causing him to feel confused. Although suddenly growing up is very unscientific, but this world is a fictitious world ah! No need to talk about being scientific alright?! So why are these people getting so surprised by his transformation ah?

When Shui Ruoshan raised his head, the crowd finally get to see that his face has changed from a child to a young man. All of a sudden, everyone’s breath became stilled. Their eyes and mind were filled with this young man with surreal beauty. That was an indescribable enchanting feeling! There was a sense of ethereality as if he is not mortal, and also a sense of capturing charm that couldn’t be described.

The young man’s narrow phoenix eyes pairing with his obsidian pupil was like the clouds flowing in the sky, like the unmelting snow at the bottom of a cliff. It is also like the ink meticulously drawn by a painter…

When his(SRS) eyes turned, there is a charm that caused the people to be unable to shift away their gaze. That exquisite appearance emitting a white brilliant light, was like a masterpiece carefully carved by God; perfectly immaculate. His pointed ears were decorated with red gems, together with the polished dark ruby on his forehead, it formed a glowing entity under the sun. Long hair as black as ink flowed down loosely all over the ground, as if a slight breeze gently blowing will bring along a charming fragrance[6]. A white robe fits perfectly to his body, outlining the young man’s long slender curves. The collar embroidered with delicate fine patterns has completely hidden the young man’s neck, not revealing even a little bit of skin. Not only this didn’t cover up the young man’s peerless glory, it also gives off a hint of abstinence. Under the sunlight, the young man was like a god who has entered the mortal world. Each angle of his silhouette gives a feeling of real yet dreamy illusion, causing people to feel no one in this world would be able to match his charm.

6. Banana : All these description makes me think of a dark elf _(;3/ idk why


“You are actually a demon?!”

Although Weiyi too was shocked by Shui Ruoshan’s perfect and impeccable charm, his determination strength is the best (among the men) so he is the first one to wake up from Shui Ruoshan’s charm. Black hairs, black eyes, and sharp pointed ears, this is a standard appearance of a demon.


The moment Shui Ruoshan opened his mouth, he became completely attracted by the sound he made. The sound was like aged fine wine, pure and fragrant. Or like a clear spring from the mountain, clean and clear. These were obviously 2 different characteristics, but they managed to blend together perfectly. Especially the slightly raised tone at the end of his word, it was just like a feather across one’s heart, enticing them. This is completely different from his previous ‘meng’ shota voice!

“What is your purpose, trying to mix amongst the human?”

At this moment, Weiyi’s gaze at Shui Ruoshan was extremely serious, because he actually did not find out the other party’s identity before this. If not for him being thrown out by the barrier, he(WY) will not be able to find out that this person is a demon! This caused Weiyi to think of some bad associations and conspiracy theories.


Shui Ruoshan rolled his eyes. He didn’t even know that he has transmigrated into a demon alright? If you want to stain his name, then please find something with evidence and more convincing, a’ight?

“Guards, capture this demon!”

Weiyi clearly saw his silence as resistance and noncooperation, so he immediately ordered the surrounding soldiers to arrest him.


The soldiers woke up from the shock they got from Shui Ruoshan’s appearance upon hearing Weiyi’s order. Holding their weapon tightly in their hand, they slowly approached Shui Ruoshan…

“Who dares?”


Raw Word Count : 2724


Banana: A reader recently informed me that a moron posted my translation of this novel in Wattpad under the infamous reason ‘For offline reading’. That’s so moronic that I need two palms to cover my face. Please don’t be stupid. I don’t know how Wattpad works for offline reading or whether it still can be read after you published-unpublished it but if you reposted my translation ONLINE under that stupid reason (or whatever reasons actually), you deserved to be DMCA-ed. So if anyone saw my translation in wattpad that is not posted by myself, please inform me (0w0)/ Thank you~

Chapter 093 – Will not let go

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“If you don’t take me with you, I will secretly follow behind you!”

Seeing Yin Suye still maintains an indifferent expression under his(SRS) various attacks, Shui Ruoshan suddenly snapped. Soft approach don’t work? He’ll try the hard one! Threats or whatnot, he also know how to use!


Looking at the little guy fuming mad but still thinking of him(YSY), Yin Suye felt like his heart has been hit by a strong force. This feeling came too fast, too furious! Perhaps his feeling for the little guy has long changed from simple feeling! Else, why can’t he stop the killing intent in his heart when he knew Huo Lingyun wants to finish off the little guy?! Not to mention when Yin Wushuang used that kind of filthy eyes to look at the little guy, he was so furious! No, probably even earlier when the little guy keeps planning the path for him and cared for him, he(YSY) has already felt differently for the little guy! Or maybe when the little guy said, “You can believe me” to him, his heart has already been shaken!


“The Supreme King didn’t say he(YSY) cannot bring someone else along.”

When Weiyi saw the two getting in a stalemate over the matter whether to go to the Imperial City together, he thought of it and made a concession in order not to let the Supreme King wait any longer. Very obvious, he(WY) saw Yin Suye’s argument with Shui Ruoshan as the other party is deliberately doing so to delay the time, and unwilling to see the Supreme King. So in order to finish his task better, Weiyi can’t object and could only agree accordingly.

“Weiyi didn’t object me going with you, what other reason do you have to say?”

Being supported by others, Shui Ruoshan became more confident. He put his hands on his waist and put on a fierce front towards Yin Suye.

Although Weiyi’s words did help him to a certain extent, but Shui Ruoshan disliked Weiyi. He doesn’t have mental strength like Yin Suye, who could maintain a calm attitude when facing people who betrayed him in his past life. To put it bluntly, he is just feeling unfair for Yin Suye!

Actually, in [The Strongest King in History], Weiyi considered holding a ‘not big but not small’ supporting role. His role should be mentioned after 10 years when the current Supreme King dies and the Capital is in chaos, Weiyi was the one who brought the whole troop of personal guards to maintain control of the society order and preserved the strength of the Imperial City. Even after Yin Suye became the Supreme King, he(WY) directly bowed to serve Yin Suye as his master. Only afterwards, Weiyi couldn’t stand Yin Suye’s cold blooded actions and bloodhitrtines anymore that he got persuaded by the protagonist Huang Beichen and ruthlessly stabbed(not literally) Yin Suye from the back.

So to say, the Capital and the Imperial City is not a place with good memories for Yin Suye. He(SRS) couldn’t make himself to let Yin Suye face that dark place that was full of betrayal and framing alone.

“Alright, let’s go together!”

Yin Suye compromised and felt helpless, with a faint relief and even touched! When he faced a situation that might be dangerous, one person stood firmly without hesitation beside him. This is also a kind of luck.

He was too powerful in his past life that it caused everyone to think he is invincible. No one ever thought that he is an ordinary human as well. When he is tired, he also wished to have someone beside him. He has experienced that loneliness of staying on top alone so many times in the past. This time with little guy beside him, he doesn’t want to experience it anymore.

Actually, he subconsciously did hoped that the little guy could face the danger together with him, enjoying the glory together, going through joy and sorrow together…
That feeling of living and dying together caused his heart to become uncontrollable and beats rapidly whenever he thinks about it…
At that moment, he finally has a feeling of being alive! Combining both of his lifetime, only the little guy could give him all these feelings! The little guy could only belong to him, regardless his heart or body! That’s why he left plenty of options for them when he decided to make the little guy stay back[1]. Otherwise with his usual actions, there are many ways for him to keep the little guy in a safe place. But he didn’t do anything other than a simple verbal command.

1. Not sure what this sentence means because it doesn’t connect with the previous sentence at all. Raw at the bottom

He just doesn’t have the guts to ask the little guy to face danger together with him. Afraid the little guy will resent him for acting on his own initiative, also… he is not willing for the little guy to be in danger because of him…
But… he is the least qualified person to ask the little guy to do something for him…
Ever since they met each other, he keep owing the little guy favors instead of him(SRS) relying on him…
With this unequal relationship, he doesn’t really dare ask the little guy to risk danger with him. No matter how unwilling he is, he could only choose the most secure way to arrange him(SRS). Actually, in front of the little guy, he doesn’t have much confidence…
He is afraid that the little guy would do the same like those people who betrayed him in his past life, choosing to leave without hesitation…
This price, he… cannot afford it…
Otherwise, he won’t keep testing the little guy’s intention towards him whenever he can just to get a little peace of mind. In front of him(SRS), he should be inferior ba…
As expected, he(YSY) has never been a good person. In order to achieve his own goals, he would do anything regardless the methods used, be ruthless, be unscrupulous…
He could even scheme against the little guy who has been thinking for him…
People like him simply cannot be cured anymore…
Just that unless he dies, he will never let go of the little guy in this life! This person who he finally met after using up the luck from both his life is the only light in his dark life, the only salvation. If it disappeared, he thinks he would become crazy!

At this moment, Yin Suye was slightly overwhelmed by these thoughts flashing in his mind. It lets him figure out something, but gave him other concerns as well.


“About time!”

Shui Ruoshan couldn’t tell the internal turmoil that has happened from Yin Suye’s expressionless face. He only knows that he got an absolute victory from his dispute with Yin Suye so he proudly raised his head showing that he is very satisfied with the results.


Yin Suye’s expression softened when he looked at the elated little guy. The result was within his expectation so there’s no reason why he should feel dissatisfied now. Bending down, he gathered the little guy back to his arms again. His careful actions were as if he is embracing his whole world. Just that when no one is paying attention, he moved his left hand a few times behind him. Then, he placed his hand back to its original place like nothing has happened.

The moment when he returned to the Capital, he has already sent out secret messages to those secret forces belonged to him to stand by in the dark. Previously when he is not sure of what would the little guy choose, he already ordered his secret guards to protect him(SRS) when he is not around. Now that the little guy is back under his care, he naturally has to cancel his previous order.

“Let’s go!” Seeing that the two finally settled their dispute, Weiyi ignored everyone else and directly ask Yin Suye to hurry up and leave with him.

“En.” Yin Suye carried Shui Ruoshan and followed behind Weiyi, heading towards the Imperial City…

“We have arrived.”

Weiyi stopped in front the the Imperial City’s royal red gate. After confirming his identity token and reported his purpose, he stepped past the gates first. Then, he gestured Yin Suye to follow behind him.

“En.” Yin Suye was expressionless when he looked at this familiar Imperial City. He just tightly held onto Shui Ruoshan’s hand then went inside…

Comparing to Yin Suye’s indifferent attitude, Shui Ruoshan looked more lively. His head keep turning left and right, seems to be comparing the difference between the scene in the novel and the current reality. Just that the moment Yin Suye took him inside the Imperial City, his(SRS) expression suddenly changed! He felt something blocking him from entering the Imperial City? Raising his head to look at Yin Suye, he didn’t see any changes in his(YSY) expression like he didn’t feel anything. Feeling the strong force of rejection, Shui Ruoshan subconsciously wanted to reach out and hold onto Yin Suye…

However just as he reached out, Yin Suye disappeared from his sight?! That’s not right! Yin Suye is still standing there, just that his(SRS) position has returned to the place where they stood outside the gate earlier?! That means he got transported away from Yin Suye’s arms to the gate of the Imperial City?!

Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to figure out what happened, the soldiers who were originally guarding the gates have surrounded him and the weapon in their hand was pointed at him…

Raw Word Count : 2658


Banana: Raw – 所以,当做出让小家伙留下来的决定时,才会给他和小家伙预留了足够多的选择。