Chapter 121 – Too lawless

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Shui Ruoshan, you are a demon. You are not qualified to stay beside Supreme King Yin, even more not qualified to take advantage of Supreme King Yin’s love for you, to act fearless!”

Weiyi stopped with the pleasantries and stated his thinking out loud to Shui Ruoshan. The hostility between the humans and demons has been around for a long time. Therefore, Weiyi disliked the demon Shui Ruoshan, especially when he acted so arrogantly that his attitude towards Shui Ruoshan became even worse.

“Do you have any qualifications to say this to me?”

At this point, Shui Ruoshan understood it. Weiyi being so hyped up and brought so many people with him, he(WY) was actually seeking trouble with him! With the opportunity to enter the inner compound of the secret base today, Weiyi was not in a hurry to do other things but instead, he chose to attack[1] him the moment he saw him(SRS)! It seems that Weiyi isn’t very happy with his identity as a demon!

1. verbally

“I am the captain of the Supreme King’s personal guard team, naturally will have to think for the Supreme King’s welfare.”

Weiyi said it very righteously and apparently took pride in his own identity. Whether he is the captain of the personal guards or a member of the human race, he is qualified to doubt this demon, Shui Ruoshan.

“Wang Batian has been killed by Yin Suye 8 days ago. If you have to think about the ex-Supreme King Wang Batian, then please use the sword in your hand and swipe it against your neck. Then you can continue your allegiance to that Supreme King!”

Shui Ruoshan really doesn’t think he will lose to others in terms of bickering. If it wasn’t for the cold and aloof image he want to maintain in front of the outsiders, Shui Ruoshan follow his words with gestures and make a very exaggerated swipe at his own neck to encourage Weiyi to commit suicide.

“Don’t interpret the concept wrongly. I am loyal to the Supreme King, not Wang Batian!”

Weiyi didn’t seem to hear Shui Ruoshan’s deliberate taunt. Instead, he seriously corrected Shui Ruoshan’s sentence. “On the contrary, you are a demon. What is your real intention for sticking to Supreme King Yin?”

Obviously, demons are not any good people in Weiyi’s eyes. Now looking at Shui Ruoshan who fought for (Yin Suye’s) attention with him, he felt that this demon’s scheme is very deep. Because even before Supreme King Yin becomes the new Supreme King, he(SRS) has first obtained his trust, so Shui Ruoshan must have some unspeakable secrets. Weiyi viewed all of Shui Ruoshan’s behaviors like each of them were laced with conspiracy.

“You said that much, but why do I feel like this is just a nice excuse you used to cover up the fact that you are reluctant to die[2]?!”

2. together with Wang Batian

Shui Ruoshan’s comeback was not only quick but also sharper. Since Weiyi thinks that he had a conspiracy, he could suspect Weiyi as well.

“When Wang Batian was still in-charge, you were loyal to him. After Wang Batian is dead, you will immediately turn to Yin Suye for allegiance.”

Although he knows that Weiyi has a proper 3 views and that his heart may be really thinking as he said, but they stood in different sides so he can only ‘reverse black and white’[3].

3. twist the facts

“In order to gain Yin Suye’s trust, you cannot even tolerate me who can influence Yin Suye?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he(SRS) is not a young man with proper 3 views to start with, so he didn’t feel any pressure in verbally attacking Weiyi. People is bullying him over his head, he has no reason to swallow it down!

“Weiyi, you being such an opportunist who goes whichever way the wind blows, does your father and mother knows that[4]?”

4. Online slang – Like do your mom/dad knows that you are doing [something]?

Finally, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help using an online slang to conclude his offense. He has to admit that it’s a part of his habit when he ranted. If he don’t use such words, he will be uncomfortable.

“Don’t accuse people without evidence!”

Weiyi was angered by Shui Ruoshan’s accusation but he couldn’t explain it clearly, so he decided to disregard it. He believed that time will prove one’s innocence. Just that the last part Shui Ruoshan’s sentence, Weiyi clearly couldn’t comprehend his modern words. He felt that he could understand each individual words but he can’t really understand it when combined. All he knew was it is not any good words. Weiyi couldn’t help but wondered if Shui Ruoshan accidentally made a mistake from over-excitement? He really can’t understand the demon’s language!


Fox originally worried that Shui Ruoshan would be at a disadvantage, but seeing Weiyi with a stupid look and still unable to react, he couldn’t control himself and laughed out. It was a bit immoral of Shui Ruoshan for brazenly bullying Weiyi with these novel languages that he couldn’t understand! When people shifted their eyes on him, Fox immediately hid behind Shui Ruoshan, and generously he waved his hand, “You can continue, just pretend I don’t exist!” Then, Fox immediately acted like he is transparent.

“Shui Ruoshan, if you still have self-consciousness, you should leave Supreme King Yin to save his name from being tainted!”

Weiyi knows that Fox is Supreme King Yin’s secret guard so he can’t say anything to him, he just followed Fox’s words and pretended like he(F) doesn’t exist and continued to criticize Shui Ruoshan.

“I dare you to say that again.”

Shui Ruoshan who was originally nonchalant; his expression sank and his aura changed when he heard what Weiyi said. Who did Weiyi think himself was? Even dare to control his(SRS) business?! Dare to ask him to leave Suye?!

“If a demon keep staying beside Supreme King Yin, it will damage his prestige as the Supreme King, so I hope you can take the initiative to leave so to maintain Supreme King Yin’s image in the human race!”

Weiyi clearly knows that Yin Suye liked this demon, that he bet his everything to initiate the Fate Substitution. Hence, he(WY) doesn’t dare to be too tough on Shui Ruoshan, and decided to use the truth to convince him. After all, Yin Suye is now the King of the humans, and he(SRS) is the demon following the Supreme King around, who is not in harmony with the humans. If this fact is used by any ill-intentioned people, the light consequence would be Yin Suye’s authority in the humans being affected. The heavy consequence would shake the roots of the humans. Therefore, the best way to do this is to take advantage of Yin Suye’s coma, make Shui Ruoshan understand the cause and effect and get him to choose to leave.

“What do you mean by asking me to leave for Yin Suye’s sake?”

Shui Ruoshan raised his eyes in disbelief. He thought that his brain hole was already very powerful(big), he never expect Weiyi’s to be more powerful(bigger). But one thing he didn’t understand was how did Weiyi managed to imagine this ‘leaving for the sake of someone else’ plot? Could it be Weiyi watched too much third-rate dog blood romance? He can’t remember since when his xuanhuan/fantasy novel [The Strongest King in History] suddenly became a romance story?

“Yes.” Weiyi nodded.

“Fc*k that! Who the Hell you are? You dared to control this Master’s business[5]?!”

5. SRS addressed himself 爷/ye to emphasize his authority

Shui Ruoshan, who thinks himself as a cultivated person, can’t help breaking his facade at this moment and started scolding. He never really like Weiyi, and instantly felt that Weiyi is too annoying! Yin Suye never ask him to leave, but Weiyi wanted him to let go just like this?! In your dreams! So this Weiyi really thinks too high of himself? Or did he(SRS) looked like someone who is easily deceived ah?

Firstly, let’s not talk about how Weiyi doesn’t have the qualification to manage Yin Suye’s matter, he(WY) couldn’t even manage him(SRS), and he(SRS) is not someone who will obediently listen to others! In the end, which eyes did Weiyi used to see him(SRS) as some kind of random good people, someone who will compromise and make a perfect decision for the sake of justice ah?


“If you don’t want to leave, I don’t mind using force to do it!”

Seeing Shui Ruoshan is not listening to his words, Weiyi lost his patience. He deliberately brought the personal guards here today so that he could use force should he unable to achieve his goal smoothly.

“You dared to attack me here?!”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t think that Weiyi would be so bold, daring to start fighting in Yin Suye’s territory and posing a threat like ‘if he don’t cooperate, then he will be using force’. This is really too lawless!

“If you don’t cooperate, I can only make the best decision!”

Although Weiyi didn’t want to see the situation developing to this but looking at the current development, they probably can’t reach a consensus peacefully.

“Weiyi, are you not afraid that Master will blame you when he wakes up?”

Fox has been watching Shui Ruoshan engaging in the verbal battle with Weiyi and saw Weiyi getting more and more unruly. So he went forward and stood in front of Shui Ruoshan, showing a protective stance, keeping Shui Ruoshan tightly inside his guard behind him. Don’t look at how casual was Fox’s attitude towards Shui Ruoshan usually, when Shui Ruoshan is in danger, he will be the first to stand up. Not only this was his Master’s order, part of the reason was because he regarded Shui Ruoshan as his own. This can only be said that the way Fox expresses his friendship is extraordinary.

“When the time comes, I will personally admit my wrongs to Supreme King Yin regarding this matter!”

Weiyi reached out and waved at the personal guards, gesturing to them to execute his order to force ‘that person’ away. Very obvious, Weiyi’s decision is to separate Shui Ruoshan from Yin Suye.

“Protect Shui Ruoshan!”

Seeing Weiyi has hardened his heart to take Shui Ruoshan away, Fox wasted no time instructing the secret guards to protect Shui Ruoshan. In an instant, the guards from both sides confronted each other in the secret base.

The war is going to start any moment now!


Raw Word Count : 2901

#SRSCanFightByHimself ?

Chapter 120 – I am arrogant

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Yiyi, Weiyi came again!”

When Qiqi entered the bedroom, he reported the situation to Fox in a concise manner. The reason why he used the word ‘again’ was because during this whole time their Master was unconscious, Weiyi brought people over to investigate almost every day.

“How many times have I said it, don’t call me Yiyi, call me Fox daren!” Fox leaned against the door and corrected the name Qiqi called him with a serious expression.

“Also, one more thing. Now you should report to Shui Ruoshan for everything, don’t come to me.”

Fox remembered very clearly that his Master told him to treat Shui Ruoshan like a Master, so he naturally did not dare to be sloppy. Moreover, Weiyi’s matter is more difficult. In case he(F) couldn’t handle the matter well and caused unnecessary war, he can’t afford the responsibility, so it’s better give it to Shui Ruoshan to figure it out! With Master being so good to Shui Ruoshan, even if Shui Ruoshan didn’t do anything well, he believed that after Master wakes up, he will definitely not mind helping Shui Ruoshan to clean up the mess.

“I am number seven, called Qiqi(77), you are the number one, naturally it is called Yiyi(11).”

Qiqi was also very persistent regarding this ranking matter, he didn’t look like he intends to compromise any time soon. However, he still heeded to the second half of Fox’s words and turned around. He looked at Shui Ruoshan seriously and asked: “Daren, what do you think should be done now?”

“The one I want you to call daren is me, not Shui Ruoshan!”

Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to say anything yet, Fox immediately voiced his dissatisfaction towards Qiqi. He has been asking Qiqi to call him Fox daren for a long time but he never see Qiqi doing it. And now, Shui Ruoshan did not say anything but received that title straight away which triggered Fox in an instant.

“You are being rude to Daren!” Qiqi looked at Fox in confusion.

Fox clearly asked the secret guards to see Shui Ruoshan as their Master, naturally it is necessary to treat Shui Ruoshan respectfully like their Master. Fox is the abnormal one to be so rude like that!

“Qiqi is right. Fox, you are being rude, remember to call me Daren later!”

Although Shui Ruoshan felt that it’s more meaningful to call him(Q) Rabbit, but considering that Qiqi has just helped him to refute Fox, he called his(Q) name according to his wish instead. He thought back of how Fox had always deliberately mentioning his black history to aggravate him. Now, he finally have the chance to get back at Fox, he naturally has to ‘kick him while he’s down’ to ease his anger! Sure enough, only by building happiness on other people’s suffering can one truly maintain a happy mood!

“Rather than wasting the time to discuss the title here, isn’t it better to spend more time thinking how to send Weiyi away?”

Fox disdainfully tsk-ed, although he felt depressed in his heart, he displayed an aloof attitude on the surface like he don’t have time to be petty with lower ranking people. No other way, who ask Shui Ruoshan’s backer is his Master!

“Isn’t it fine to just drive him away?”

Obviously, Shui Ruoshan didn’t have much affection for Weiyi who would betray Yin Suye in the future. However, whenever he thought of the great turmoil and commotion caused by Wang Batian’s death in this 8 days Yin Suye was unconscious, and how Weiyi took his people to solve the problem, letting the chaos in the Capital to settle down, he(SRS) can’t muster up too much anger towards Weiyi.

“Weiyi said he won’t leave if he can’t see Master!” Qiqi faithfully conveyed Weiyi’s words.

“Then, let him wait in the living room!” Shui Ruoshan carelessly said.

Since Weiyi is not willing to go, then they’ll just let him wait. But he can’t guarantee how long he(WY) will have to wait.

“This method was used a few days ago. Weiyi probably won’t accept it.” Qiqi said with some distress.

Actually, if they can send those people away, they would have already done it. They will not need to specifically come over and ask what should be done.

“Actually, we have almost used all the reasons we can use in these past few days.”

This is why Fox thought the matter was difficult to handle and pushed it onto Shui Ruoshan. Because their Master is still unconscious, they can’t simply use any too harsh method on Weiyi who has a lot of power in hand. They can only use some excuses to stall Weiyi and prevent him from coming in to see Master. Weiyi most probably knows of Master being unconscious, but because he(WY) also afraid of any possible dissatisfaction Master may have after waking up, he doesn’t dare to be unruly[1]. It was precisely because they all have scruples that this has allowed both sides to reach a delicate balance. But as time went by, this balance gradually breaks down bit by bit. Because the reasons they can use have almost used up, and when they can no longer stop Weiyi from seeing Master, then it will be the time Weiyi gets the upper hand[2]. The current situation has undoubtedly put them in a very unfavorable position.

1. Meaning, Weiyi need to keep coming to check on YSY because YSY has become their Master as well.
2. Banana do not understand the reasoning _(;3/

“Because you have no choice left, so you want me to make a plan?” Shui Ruoshan first looked at Fox in contempt.He knew that Fox was deliberately pushing things onto him, it certainly doesn’t bode well!

“Do you have a way?” Fox nodded, acknowledging Shui Ruoshan’s assumption.

“I’m thinking!” Compare to Fox’s eagerness, Shui Ruoshan is much calmer.

In any case, Weiyi is also a character that he created, so he still knows a little bit about Weiyi’s character. Actually if one is to see from a fair point of view, Weiyi is a very good young man who is very capable and doesn’t has too much ambitions, at the same time has a normal 3 views too. Therefore, he is not worried of Weiyi doing something unfavorable to Yin Suye when he is still unconscious. But then again, it is because Weiyi is too straightforward that he can’t become someone in Yin Suye’s camp, and he bound to betray Yin Suye later on for other reason. That is to say, Weiyi’s views and thoughts in this lifetime are absolutely impossible to be in line with the already blackened Yin Suye, so their views are bound to be divided; the split between them two is quite predictable. Since they are not going to be in the same camp, then naturally there is no need to deepen any relationship with Weiyi.

A pity though, before Shui Ruoshan could display his ingenuity cleverness, the noise of a commotion outside the bedroom interrupted his thinking.

“Who?” Shui Ruoshan remembers telling everyone to be quiet around here. Who is the guy who didn’t get the message?

“It’s me, Weiyi.” The person outside the room apparently heard Shui Ruoshan’s question.

“Who allowed you to come here?”

Turns out it was the Weiyi who they were discussing about, and Shui Ruoshan’s mood became not very good all of a sudden. Opening the door of the room, he saw Weiyi with a group of people in the yard outside the room, and they were staring face to face with the secret guards.


The secret guards outside the room saw Shui Ruoshan coming out and wanted to kneel to plead guilty for not able stop Weiyi and his group of people.

“It’s not your fault!”

Shui Ruoshan waved his hand before those guards could kneel down, indicating that it was not their responsibility. Not to mention starting a battle here will destroy Yin Suye’s secret base camp, just by the fact that Yin Suye is still sleeping in the bedroom, the secret guards doesn’t dare to fight so easily. They were not afraid that the commotion from the battle will wake up Yin Suye, but fear that any attacks will accidentally hurt the Yin Suye who couldn’t resist anything at the moment.

“Weiyi, ‘coming over without being asked’, this is a thief’s behavior!”

Shui Ruoshan did not expect that Weiyi would directly bring his people in when he didn’t receive any updates! Weiyi’s courage is really not small!

“This matter, I will plead the Supreme King Yin for forgiveness. Right now, I just want to see Supreme King Yin!”

In order to distinguish the difference between Wang Batian and Yin Suye, Weiyi added Yin Suye’s surname in the address as an honor.

“Yin Suye is still in a coma and can’t come to see you!” Shui Ruoshan replied realistically. There is no need to hide this point, because he can’t hide it even if he wanted to.

“You should be very clear about this matter, or you will not dare to be so arrogant here now!” Shui Ruoshan’s voice suddenly cooled down. Even if Yin Suye can’t back him now, he is not someone who people can randomly bully!

“I brought the priest[3] with me!” Weiyi did not seem to hear Shui Ruoshan’s warning, and gestured to the priest behind him to come forward.

3. Someone who assist in presenting offerings and sacrifices to the God. right now Banana can’t think of a word for this, please do suggest the correct keyword to me if you know

“No need! I don’t think Yin Suye is so poor that he can’t even afford to invite the priest himself!”

Before Weiyi’s priest can come forward, Shui Ruoshan has shot Weiyi’s request down without mercy.

“Shui Ruoshan, you are a demon, aren’t you being too arrogant in meddling with the human affairs?” Being ridiculed twice by Shui Ruoshan, Weiyi was obviously angered.

“I am arrogant, so what?”

Shui Ruoshan gently raised his eyebrow, and his attitude seemed even more difficult to handle. Seeing Weiyi’s face changing colors because of his words, Shui Ruoshan felt very pleased all of a sudden. Even if Weiyi is a good young man, but daring to find trouble with him and discriminate his identity as a demon, he will make him pay one by one! ‘Zhuang 13’ or whatnot, it’s what he do best!

[Banana note: 13 is actually B[4], so Zhuang B is an online slang one used to mock other people, looking down on them, etc. I can’t translate it straight away or the entire slang will disappear :v ]

4. because it looked like one

Raw Word Count : 2827


Chapter 119 – Sleeping handsome

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

这穿越方式绝逼不对!Chapter one one nine – Sleeping Handsome

“Say Fox, when will Yin Suye wake up?”

Sitting by the bed, Shui Ruoshan asked with concern while looking at Yin Suye, who was lying in bed with his eyes closed.

Who ask Yin Suye to act mighty cool so happily! Now, he happily went to faint himself when things are over! Really makes people worry!

Previously, it was precisely that he afraid Yin Suye might not be Wang Batian’s opponent, so he tried his best to recall the plot and find a way to deal with Wang Batian, just so Yin Suye will have a few more chances to win. He clearly prepared a lot of things for Yin Suye, and carefully wrote down the instructions. As long as Yin Suye did according to his plan, he could just stall a little longer and wait for Wang Batian to die from the poison, easily and relaxingly obtains the victory.

Yin Suye did used his things, but it was totally different from what he imagined. Who would expect Yin Suye to consume the restricted pill right away and forcibly upgraded his strength to the Supreme stage, fighting seriously right from the start! The scene of the battle is more impressive than the 3D movies he watched before. It is a pity that Yin Suye’s strength was forcefully raised by pills so it is impossible for him to maintain peak strength.

The only thing that makes Shui Ruoshan feel relieved was that Yin Suye doesn’t have the habit like those villains who like to talk all sorts of nonsense in the novel. He(YSY) followed closely to the policy of ‘taking advantages when one is down’ so he finished Wang Batian straight off without even waiting for the poison to be fully activated, gaining the victory of this royal war.

In the past when he watched TV and read novels, he did not understand why, that not only the villain did not press on to win while he had the upper hand, he also answered every questions and doubts from the protagonist. Just like this, they wasted all the time and let the rescue team arrive, directly reversing the situation like a [Return of the Jedi]. How stupid are those villains anyway? Don’t they know that by giving enemies time, it means going against themselves ah? Fortunately, his family’s Big Villain Yin, still very reliable and make any mistakes at the critical moment! This is worthy of praise!

Although Yin Suye finally won, but the sequelae of consuming restricted pill is also huge. The serious injuries caused by the battle, as well as the sequelae from the pill caused Yin Suye to faint right after he returned to the secret base. He didn’t have time to explain, and left a huge mess behind. Once he fainted, he stayed unconscious for eight days! That’s right, from the end of the battle until now, it has been eight days already. During this period, they[1] looked in various records to treat Yin Suye. After treating both his internal and external injuries, they only manage to conclude that Yin Suye would wake up after his own body finished regulating itself. However, no one can guarantee when he would wake up specifically.

1. SRS and Fox

Looking at Yin Suye sleeping so peacefully in bed, Shui Ruoshan’s mentality felt very unbalanced. He is worrying here and there but the concerned party is sleeping without any negative feeling, it is unfair!

“I don’t know.”

Fox weakly answered Shui Ruoshan’s question. It wasn’t that he is not nervous of his master’s physical condition. Just that Shui Ruoshan has asked him this exact question countless times during these past eight days. As soon as he thinks about it that he has been answering this question all the time for eight days, all of a sudden Fox felt so sad. Sometimes, he admired himself very much because he managed to persist so firmly and didn’t flip under Shui Ruoshan’s tireless questioning! However, can Shui Ruoshan understand the mood of this subordinates and ask other questions instead?

“Ai!” Shui Ruoshan gave a long sigh.

Actually, he didn’t expect to hear any answers from Fox’s mouth because he knew better than anyone regarding Yin Suye’s condition. As for why he keep asking questions, it is better to say that he was just bored and was talking to himself.

“If Yin Suye sleep anymore longer, he will become the Sleeping Handsome[2]!” Shui Ruoshan could not help saying when he looked at Yin Suye’s handsome and unparalleled face.

2. Male version of Sleeping Beauty. Banana tried her best to make this quirky and relatable

“Or, you can kiss Master and see if you can wake up him up with the power of love?” Fox answered quickly.

Finally, Shui Ruoshan did not continue to ask the same question. He naturally cannot let Shui Ruoshan have the opportunity to think of that question anymore.

“How do you know about the story of Sleeping Beauty? Are you also…” a transmigrator?

“Too much brain hole is a disease, needs treatment!”

Without waiting for Shui Ruoshan to finish his sentence, Fox quickly cut off Shui Ruoshan’s speculation. Through this period of time, Fox understood that Shui Ruoshan has a lot of secrets, but he has no intention to delve in. No matter what secrets Shui Ruoshan has, he should just share it with Master and don’t share it with him. He is just a little secret guard. It is not good to know too much. It would be unfortunate for him if he accidentally gets eliminated by Master from this.

“A few days ago, when you told Master about bedtime fairy tale story, I was listening beside you.”

Although Fox was worried about staying near to Shui Ruoshan, he still could get some benefits. At the very least, he managed to learn a lot of new words from Shui Ruoshan. For example, just Sleeping Beauty and brain hole. The moment he thought of how he can take the knowledge he learned from Shui Ruoshan to fool people, and let others direct a little admiring gaze at him, he felt a bit excited.


Being reminded by Fox, Shui Ruoshan immediately remembered what he had done. That day, he didn’t know which nerve went wrong[3]. Seeing that Yin Suye in a coma, he thought of the action sleeping. Then he thought of a little story before going to bed, so he told a fairy tale story to Yin Suye.

3. as in don’t know what going into him to

Alright, he honestly confesses. Actually that day, he suddenly thought of a scene. What if Yin Suye suddenly opened his eyes, just in time to hear him(SRS) telling a fairy tale by his(YSY) ear with a low voice? Then he probably will be confused and dazed, then will start to listen attentively. Next, the more he(YSY) listened, the more he(YSY) gets charmed…

Anyway, the moment he thinks of Yin Suye’s face who may like to listen to fairy tales, especially when he(YSY) shows various dissatisfied expression from not getting enough stories, he(SRS) shamefully felt moe[4]! So he immediately told a fairy tale to the unconscious Yin Suye.

4. Meaning, SRS imagined YSY pouting because SRS didn’t tell him more stories lol

Turns out that telling a story to a comatose person is quite unreliable. Even if he finished telling all the fairy tales he knew, nothing came up like what he imagined and Yin Suye didn’t even look like he is waking up. Shui Ruoshan was hit by the reality again and could only helplessly give up his unrealistic fantasy. Other than that, he suddenly remembered that bedtime stories are for people to sleep better. Telling that to the unconscious Yin Suye is not suitable! Perhaps the real reason why Yin Suye has been unconscious was that he was lured by the bedtime stories? Then, he would never dare to tell any bedtime story anymore!

“Actually, you can really try to wake Master up!”

The more Fox thinks of this option, the more he felt it’s right. This method is absolutely non-poisonous, harmless, non-toxic, and has no side effects…
The reason why Fox suggested this was mainly because he will never forget that day when his Master kissed Shui Ruoshan at the Imperial City’s gate.
No one will knows how shocking and unbelievable for him that time!

As Yin Suye’s secret guard, he knows how much his Master hated touching other people, but such a Master suddenly changed his indifference attitude one day. Not only he became closer to other people, he also took the initiative to get close to other people[5]. This made Fox realize that Shui Ruoshan is absolutely important to his Master! This is why all of them secret guards will listen to Shui Ruoshan’s orders so easily. Therefore, as a good subordinate, not only he must know how to carry out tasks, he must also know how to seek benefits for his Master!

5. Just SRS though


If his eyes can kill, Shui Ruoshan must have killed Fox 10,000 times, 10,000 times ah!
Isn’t Fox deliberately mentioning ‘the pot that doesn’t boil’[6]? What fairy tale, that is absolutely a black history! Can’t you not ask about it?

6. sore spot

“If you are shy, I can go out first!” Fox was completely immune to Shui Ruoshan’s eye attack and continued to persuade relentlessly.


Suddenly, Shui Ruoshan understood very well why people who don’t have mountains(backers) were grasses(lowlife)!

Xiao Yeye, wake up soon! Your family’s secret guard is bullying me!

Just before Shui Ruoshan could brew his emotions and prepared to fight with Fox 300 rounds, Rabbit Qiqi(77) came in from outside.

“Yiyi(11)[7], Weiyi is coming again!”

7. Probably talking about Fox, because Fox’s number is no.1

Raw Word Count : 2693


Chapter 118 – Welcome back

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

The power of the Supreme King is strong, and the battle between the two Supreme Kings are absolutely shocking. Yin Suye and Wang Batian fought from the ground to the sky, from heaven to the ground, from underground to mid-air…

During the battle, lots of buildings were destroyed, causing various holes on the ground, awakening everyone, and accidentally injuring countless people…
Just when everyone thinks that the two will continue to fight like this, they burst into a stronger force in the air, clashing against each other until their power were exhausted and dispersed in the air…

The whole world suddenly became weirdly quiet. This extreme contrast let those who were fortunate enough to watch this worldly duel, to involuntarily hold their breath. They could only quietly looking up and paying attention to the two men standing in mid-air.

“Wang Batian, you tried to go against fate, you deserved to die!”

Yin Suye’s breathing was slightly unstable, but he still firmly stood in mid-air, not even being shaky. Then he raised his hand and casually wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth. Even though he had suffered a serious internal injury this time, and the energy in his body was almost exhausted, Yin Suye did not show the slightly panic on the surface; acting terribly calm. However, he believes that Wang Batian’s situation at this moment will definitely not any better than him. Otherwise, Wang Batian’s move right now definitely will not be stopping his attacks like him, but proceed to kill the opponent while he’s weak. This shows that Wang Batian also has no more strength to continue their fight.

At the same time, Yin Suye has to admit that although the Wang Batian’s character is not very good, his strength was not fake at all, worthy to be called the old-timer type of Supreme King. Even if he(YSY) is in his peak form, he cannot guarantee that he would openly win against Wang Batian in a one-on-one battle. Right now, the reason why he can fight evenly with Wang Batian, was because he used a lot of petty tricks prepared by the little guy. Example, chili powder, itch powder, flash bomb, stink ball, tear gas bomb…

Whenever he is in a weak position, he would use those items as long as it can interfere with Wang Batian’s actions. Although those things don’t have much effects and they can’t play a decisive role, but they could cause a lot of trouble for Wang Batian and give him(YSY) a certain amount of buffer time.
Although Supreme King is very powerful, but in the end he is still human and human generally have no immunity against these things. He don’t know how the little guy came up with so many tactics in such a short period of time and helped him prepare so many weird things. However, Yin Suye knew that the current moment is not the best time to be curious about those things, his most important mission is to finish off Wang Batian.

“Wang Batian, your time is here!”

Looking at Wang Batian who stood in a distance away from him, the corner of Yin Suye’s mouth curved up sinisterly and his eyes were shining with excitement and madness. If the little guy only prepared mischievous gadgets for him, he won’t be able to raise his chances of winning over Wang Batian from 50% to 70% – 80%. It was because the little guy also prepared a very powerful killer move for him, and it has already been set up right at the beginning.

The moment Yin Suye finished his sentence, Wang Batian’s expression suddenly twisted in pain and the cold sweat flowed down from his forehead. Wang Batian reached over his chest and spat out a big mouthful of blood.

“You…” You used poison?!

Wang Batian pointed at Yin Suye for a long while but he couldn’t finish the sentence. At the same time, he realized that his current situation is very bad, but he never knows how he got set up.

“Everything ends here!”

Apparently, Yin Suye doesn’t intend to answer Wang Batian. His wrist turned, and the long sword he usually used instantly appeared in his hands. With a flash, he came to stand in front of Wang Batian, and while Wang Batian struggled to fight the toxins in his body, Yin Suye penetrated the sword directly into Wang Batian’s heart…


It’s not that Wang Batian didn’t want to fight back, but he couldn’t move at all. The poison in him was very special. Not only it aggravated his internal injuries, it also caused the hidden injuries in his body to worsen, which made a mess of his body’s state. His energy became uncontrollable so he can’t mobilize any strength, and he almost couldn’t maintain staying in the air. Coupled with the intense pain from his body, his reaction has become exceptionally slow. Due to all sorts of reasons, he could only watch as Yin Suye easily pierced his sword into his heart. His heart was mushed up by Yin Suye in the blink of an eye.

Wang Batian only felt his blood rushing out from his chest like a fountain, instantly dyeing his clothes red. In an instant, Wang Batian’s nose was filled with the scent of his own blood, and he could clearly detect his life force flowing away.

At this moment, a huge unspeakable fear filled his heart. Is he going to die? Dying in the hands of a young man who he never put in his eyes?!

After confirming that Wang Batian’s life force has completely disappeared, Yin Suye pulled out his sword and let Wang Batian’s body fall directly from the sky…

Wang Batian’s death was unable to cause any changes in Yin Suye’s mood. His cold, arrogant eyes were bottomless deep, and a blood-red light was reflected in his pupil, adding a hint of bloody madness to him. Yin Suye was completely unscrupulous when facing his enemies, he did use poison to win the battle. This poison was made by the little guy, specially configured for Wang Batian.

When Wang Batian has yet to become the Supreme King, he was inflicted with a very powerful and overbearing poison. Although he has forcefully suppressed it, he didn’t really detoxified his body, which left a big hidden danger in his body. But when Wang Batian later advanced to become the Supreme King, he had the opportunity to reshape his body. However, he had no experience and did not know how to effectively use that opportunity to cure the hidden dangers and old injuries in his body. But then at that time, the poison has penetrated into his bone marrow, so even if his body is remodeled, it can’t completely remove the toxins from his body, unless Wang Batian change a new body. This is also why Wang Batian is particularly short-lived compared with other Supreme King despite being a Supreme King.

The poison that the little guy gave him was actually the same kind of poison that Wang Batian had before. He slowly dropped the poison onto Wang Batian when he was fighting him earlier. The reason why the result only showing now is because the Supreme King’s resistance is relatively strong. But also because the Supreme King’s resistance is strong, general poison was ineffective to him, which is why Wang Batian wasn’t particularly guarded, and became so easy to get trapped. One can say that this poisoning has reactivated the original toxins in Wang Batian’s body. The same poison became layered in his body, and the effect of the poison exploding in him is definitely greater than 1+1=2[1]. This is the main reason why Yin Suye can remove Wang Batian in one fell swoop.

1. Yes, the author wrote that… I have no idea what it means exactly


Everyone who was watching the battle between Wang Batian and Yin Suye was completely stunned when they saw Wang Batian falling from the sky. If the Double King Phenomenon caused them to be shocked and disbelief, then Wang Batian’s death right now simply shocked everyone senseless. In their eyes, the Supreme King is not only the strongest person amongst them, he is also a living god. They never thought that the capricious Supreme King could be killed. However, Wang Batian really did died in front of them, and this impact on them is no less than feeling the world getting destroyed.

At this moment, everyone looked at the tall and slender figure standing still mid-air. There were deep fear and submission in their eyes, almost wanted to kneel down and pledge their loyalty.

Yin Suye can be seen raising his head slightly and looking into the distance. He looked outstanding, and his golden hair floated into a beautiful arc in the air. With a perfect face like a god, and a golden glow around his body, it was as if the true God has descended to the world.


Shui Ruoshan stood in the yard of the secret base. When he saw Yin Suye managed to kill Wang Batian, he finally could put his worries down. Seeing Yin Suye looking down at him, Shui Ruoshan curved his eyes slightly at Yin Suye.

So nice!

Yin Suye won the battle!

Then, Shui Ruoshan watched as Yin Suye walked straightly in the air, crossing countless landscapes, stepped on countless stars, step by step like a dazzling god[2], and walked towards him…

2. Banana : At this point, I simply gave up editing that sentence.

Shui Ruoshan don’t know why but he felt his heartbeat is somewhat uncontrollable at this moment…

“I’m back.”

The person himself has yet to arrive, but his voice has already reached Shui Ruoshan’s ear.
At the next second, Yin Suye’s figure appeared directly above the secret base. He descended from the sky and went straight to Shui Ruoshan.

“Welcome back!”

Shui Ruoshan expressed his gratitude that Yin Suye could come back alive. But just before Shui Ruoshan could open his hands to give Yin Suye a big hug to celebrate his victory, Yin Suye closed his eyes and fainted on Shui Ruoshan……

Raw Word Count : 2980


Chapter 117 – Double king phenomenon

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Wang Batian, you harmed innocent people for your own selfish cause, it is a sin.” Yin Suye’s low voice rang directly over Capital’s space.

Not only the people who just arrived at the scene heard it, even the people in Capital who were awakened by their battle could clearly hear what Yin Suye said about Wang Batian’s crime.

“How did you find out about this matter?”

When Wang Batian knew the limits of his lifespan, he tried many methods in order to survive longer, including an extremely cruel and bloody way like experimenting with people. However, doing a living experiment is not a glorious thing. Therefore, in order to prevent the matter from being exposed and affect his prestige in the human race, he concealed the whole thing very tightly. Those experiment specimen couldn’t run away, and those who helped him with the experiment were controlled by him, so Wang Batian has always been reassured. But he did not expect that not only Yin Suye knew about it, he also rescued those guinea pigs out.
In front of evidence and witnesses, even if Wang Batian is the Supreme King, he won’t have any way to completely suppress this matter in a short time.

The betting chip in Yin Suye’s hand was too ruthless, choosing to expose all his evil deeds to the people of the world, leaving him with no time to prepare himself. And now, unless he has the ability to kill all the people who have heard about this matter, it will not be long before the good reputation he has accumulated disappear from this matter.

“Wang Batian, you refused the nature of life, and tried to change your fate/lifespan, this is a sin.” Yin Suye continued his words as if he did not hear Wang Batian’s question, talking by himself.

“My life is controlled by me, not the Heaven!”

Although Wang Batian don’t really care for the answer to his previous question, he scoffed at Yin Suye’s second accusation. Cultivation is originally a thing that goes against the Heaven. He has been continually winning in the struggle against Heaven[1] before he managed to cultivate until the last stage. This is why, when he knows the limits of his life, he didn’t accept his fate but desperately sought the way to crack the law.

1. Meaning that cultivation is going against the Heaven because humans are not meant to be celestial being. And every time he managed to level up, he is considered a winner in his struggle against the Heaven

“Your third sin was that you want to kill me.” Yin Suye unhurriedly spat out, thinking that this the biggest crime among the crimes that Wang Batian has committed.

“As a Supreme King, I don’t have to be petty with a minor person.”

Wang Batian is not a fool. He felt that Yin Suye somehow had an insight that he(WBT) would kill him, that’s why he(YSY) keep going against him. This caused Wang Batian to hate Yin Suye in his heart, and at the same time he was annoyed with his own carelessness. However, he hated Yin Suye more at his way of doing thing like not leaving room for leeway. He(YSY) got into a fight with him and deliberately made such a big move, just so he could lure the people from Capital to come and completely exposed him to everyone. Facing everyone, Wang Batian had to defend himself first in order to save his image.

“Because you don’t want me to reveal your evil personality, and even more afraid that I will replace your position as the Supreme King. So when I just finished my Fate Substitution and was still very weak, you want to kill me, just to prevent the Double King Phenomenon.”

Yin Suye’s voice was very low and the calm on his face was a kind of indifference, but one don’t know why it makes people feel cold in the back, and they can’t help feeling a chill in their heart. This time, Yin Suye changed his usual style of talking very less and started to explain the ups and down of the matter in detailed. Although his words have a lot of ‘quality’, his purpose was just to let everyone believe his hypothesis and make them believe that he is on the same side with the Heavens! Because with this, he is already morally invincible!

“You are talking nonsense!”

Although Wang Batian said he didn’t believe it, but a storm has already brewing in his heart.
The Double King Phenomenon?! Really Double King Phenomenon?! No wonder that Yin Suye can exude the pressure of a Supreme King before this and can compete with him; all of the answers are here!

Double King Phenomenon, this phenomenon is actually a situation that can never happen but only in the legend. Because there can only be one Supreme King. Once a race has two Supreme Kings at the same time, it means that one of the Supreme Kings must have done something not allowed by Heaven, so God chose a new one to replace the former Supreme King. Therefore, when Yin Suye mention about the Double King Phenomenon, Wang Batian knew that he is doomed.

At this point, he finally understood that he was thoroughly played by Yin Suye’s tricks. When Yin Suye first met him, he(YSY) deliberately showed his weakness to lower his(WBT) vigilance, and then threw out a bait – knowing how to extend his life, luring him to hook. At the same time, in order not to let anyone use the crime of colluding with the demon against him(YSY), Yin Suye first exposed the identity of his companion as a demon and initiated the Fate Substitution to change their fate. When he finally confirmed his success in Fate Substitution, Yin Suye no longer concealed his strength, burst out with the strength of a Supreme King, and took him by surprise. Later, when he was still stunned by the development, he(YSY) deliberately brought those people who had been used by him to experiment, exposing what he did and letting him lose the heart of his citizen. Lastly, he mentioned about the story of the Double King Phenomenon, everyone would naturally mistake him(WBT) as the Supreme King who was not approved by the Heaven due to his previous evil deeds, so that the world would not continue to stand at his side. Because helping him means going against the God.

In this way, Yin Suye effortlessly justified his name as the new Supreme King and took the opportunity to transfer the human race’s support to his hands. In an instant, their position was completely reversed! This scheme from Yin Suye’s is extremely deep ah!

Wang Batian has never felt so regretful before. If he knew that Yin Suye might be a Supreme King earlier, he would definitely choose to kill him right away even if Yin Suye knew how to extend his life. At the very least, he is still the Supreme King with infinitely beautiful future, and won’t be in such a completely passive situation.

“Damn you!” Wang Batian, who thought he had figured everything out, lost all of his reasoning in an instant.

The only thought in his mind was as long as Yin Suye is killed, he will still be the Supreme King above millions of people! Even if the group of fools refuse to accept him at that time, they could only surrender to his pressure as a Supreme King. Without thinking anymore further, Wang Batian mobilized all his power as the Supreme King. His whole body exuded a golden light, attacking towards Yin Suye…

Facing Wang Batian’s full-scale attack, Yin Suye’s expression was light and in his eyes were pure chilly. His calm expression looked like he has completely predicted the situation where Wang Batian will go out of control. His palm turned over, and a medicinal pill with a faint luster appeared in his hand. Without hesitation, he threw it directly into his mouth…

In an instant, Yin Suye’s body also burst out into a strong golden light…
He raised his hand and received Wang Batian’s attack. The collision of the two forces, exploded with more beautiful fireworks…

The pill that Yin Suye has just eaten was prepared by himself long time ago, it was used to forcefully increase his strength. Although there will be serious aftereffects on his body, but the pill can improve ones’ strength by one stage, letting his power breakthrough directly from Imperial stage level 9 to Supreme King stage, which is why his strength can now be equal with Wang Batian.

When he first returned to Capital, Yin Suye already had the idea to deal with Wang Batian and replace his position. Double King Phenomenon will undoubtedly be his best excuse.

No matter how Yin Suye and Wang Batian fights, everyone around them could only feel the pressure like Mount Taishan weighing down on them. Those who dared to come here to watch the battle at close quarters were all stronger people, but under the strong pressure everyone only felt that breathing was difficult, became red in the face. When they saw that Yin Suye broke out with a golden light as well, a storm started raging in their heart.

Who can imagine that Yin Suye, who the higher society in the Capital never put in their eye, has such terrifying strength?! Golden light was a light unique to the Supreme King. In other words, Yin Suye really has the strength of a Supreme King?!

Although everyone started to listen to Yin Suye talking about Double King Phenomenon, but they always felt surreal. After all, Double King Phenomenon is only a thing in the legend. But when this phenomenon really happened, they simply couldn’t believe it. For a moment, everyone was completely convinced of Yin Suye’s hypothesis. They felt that Wang Batian must have done something wrong that God decided to make Yin Suye the new Supreme King.

After all, the power of the law is the root of the continent [Mowu Dalu]! It is an existence that no one can go against at!

One have to say that Yin Suye’s plan is very successful. He turned all the humans from Wang Batian’s side to his side without wasting any effort. In an instant, the way everyone looked at Yin Suye has completely changed! They could only think that Yin Suye’s gorgeous face is the most beautiful face they have seen. Under the golden light, yin Suye looked like a holy phoenix of 9 skies[2]. Flashy yet sharp, arrogant and overbearing, aloof and decisive…

2. 九天神凤 – not sure what is this ah _(;3/

It’s really too dazzling!

Raw Word Count : 2849


Chapter 116 – Impossible

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“I want your throne!”

Yin Suye said it very casually, but the powerful pressure revealed in his chilly eyes made it clear that he was not joking, but really wanted Wang Batian’s life and his throne.

“Or you can give me your life!”

The corner of his mouth slowly unfolded in an arc like he is looking down the world, together with an aura that cause one to shudder. At this moment, he is Yin Suye, the Supreme King who used to rule in his past life.

“You were playing me all these while?!”

Hearing the two options that Yin Suye proposed, even if Wang Batian has slow reflex, right now he also can understand that he has been tricked by Yin Suye!


Since both of them have torn away their pleasantry side, Yin Suye naturally won’t have to give Wang Batian any face anymore.

“Seeking death!”

Seeing that Yin Suye actually admitted that to him at his face, Wang Batian felt like he couldn’t spit out the negative feelings from his heart.

“If you want to destroy the Capital, you can start fighting here.”

Yin Suye didn’t seem to feel any danger at all, he just looked indifferently at Wang Batian. There were no additional expressions on his exquisite face, and no shocked emotion in his pair of eyes. No disgust, no anger, no resentment, he just said it quite plainly.


Wang Batian, who has already gathered his strength and prepared to teach Yin Suye a lesson, could only recall back his power reluctantly. Although the dungeon is very strong, it cannot withstand the energy wave of the Supreme King, and the dungeon is built underground of the Capital. Should the dungeon gets destroyed, the entire Capital will be in danger of collapsing. Wang Batian is the Capital’s Supreme King, he naturally will not make any move that will self-destruct the Capital.

“Let’s go out to fight?”

Yin Suye slightly opened his lips, and the curve of his lips gave off a strong confidence like he could control everything within his hands. He didn’t want to destroy the Capital as well, but with Wang Batian who is stronger than him, Yin Suye can only go all out. Afraid that he(YSY) can’t control his power in the battle later, he reminded Wang Batian that their current location is not suitable for battle.

“Hmph!” Yin Suye’s abrupt proposal cause Wang Batian to be slightly stunned.

He looked at Yin Suye acting so calm and natural, and felt very uncomfortable. He keep feeling like something is gradually getting out of his control. Years of experience made him feel a little vigilant, but he pressed this thought down at the next second. He is the Supreme King, the supremacy of the human race, he don’t have to be so vigilant against a small Imperial stage cultivator.

No matter what kind of heaven-defying ability that Yin Suye has, he can’t play any tricks under his eyes. Wait and see later how he will make Yin Suye realize how wrong it is to scheme against him! So, Wang Batian flung his sleeve at Yin Suye and walked out of the dungeon. There is only one exit in the dungeon. As long as he waits at the exit, he is not afraid that Yin Suye will run away.

Towards Wang Batian’s contemptuous attitude, Yin Suye’s gaze was indifferent and in it was a chill that could instantly freezes people to death. His perfect face was dyed with coldness as well. He also disdained to talk to Wang Batian, but he needs time to get his body back to the best condition, so he did whatever he had to do.

He opened his palm to reveal a space ring that Shui Ruoshan secretly left for him before he left. As soon as he thought of it, a large amount of medicinal herbs used to treat the wounds appeared in his hands. Yin Suye did not look at it and stuffed all the remedies into his mouth without hesitation. These were prepared by the little guy so he is very reassured to consume it.

The reason why he wanted to change their battlefield, besides the reason not wanting to destroy the Capital, it was because the little guy specifically told him before leaving, that he will put everything he prepared near the exit of the dungeon, so he must leave the dungeon first.

Wang Batian who was walking in front, noticed Yin Suye’s small movement to eat medicinal herbs, but he didn’t stop him(YSY). He don’t think that Yin Suye could make up for the huge gap between them just by eating a few pills and herbs. Even at a time like this, Wang Batian has not given up the intention to get the method to extend lifespan from Yin Suye’s mouth, so he didn’t plan to kill Yin Suye yet. Which is why he thinks it’s good to let Yin Suye heal first, in case he can’t hold back when time comes and accidentally killed him(YSY).

“Right here ba!”

Wang Batian couldn’t wait to give Yin Suye a lesson the moment he arrived back to the ground. The dungeon’s exit was originally built in a relatively remote place, so the area has large enough space for people to fight.


Yin Suye had yet to reach the exit when he sensed a familiar aura from a gap between the stones by the exit. Although it was quite faint, Yin Suye could clearly sense that the aura belonged to the little guy. Yin Suye hooked his finger outward and his spiritual power sucked out another space ring from the gap. Feeling around the contents inside the space ring, Yin Suye’s expression slightly changed and he subconsciously gripped the space ring tightly.

He didn’t think that the little guy could do this much for him, which moved him quite a bit.
The things Shui Ruoshan prepared in the space ring are really helpful for him right now. The little guy seems to afraid that he(YSY) doesn’t know how to use the items so he wrote a small note to explain the usage, so considerate. Although the little guy’s ugly handwriting were a bit unattractive, but they still feel very cute, just as cute as the little guy himself in Yin Suye’s eyes.

Yin Suye originally only had 50% confidence against Wang Batian. Now that he has something prepared by the little guy, his confidence has raised to 80% – 90%.

“What is in your hand?”

Wang Batian may not care about Yin Suye secretly consuming medicines, but he can’t not care of Yin Suye’s behavior at this moment. Although he(WBT) is arrogant, it does not mean that he has no brain. Something appearing at the exit of the dungeon is obviously not normal. There must be something wrong with this. If one don’t stop it even when knowing something is wrong, that is not self-confidence, but an idiotic action.

The pressure from Wang Batian’s body rapidly rose, as if he wanted to crush him(YSY) directly with his pressure.

“You don’t have the qualification to know.”

After Yin Suye got the things he wanted, he stepped out of the dungeon and no longer suppressed the madness in his eyes. At the next second, Yin Suye erupted with a majestic pressure containing the power to destroy everything and rushed toward Wang Batian…

Instantly, the two pressures collided fiercely in the air, and the huge aura impact with two people as the center, exploded with a strong energy fluctuation in the air. The area 10 metre around the two instantly turned bared without any vegetation, immediately forming a huge deep pit.

At this moment, Wang Batian who always thought he has the upperhand, finally changed his expression. Because his Supreme King’s pressure can not suppress Yin Suye?! Doesn’t that means Yin Suye may have the strength equals to him?!

“How… you, how can you…” Have the strength of a Supreme King?!

Wang Batian looked up at the man standing opposite him, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

“You should be very familiar with the aura of a Supreme King, right?”

Yin Suye raised his eyebrow slightly and did not give Wang Batian any chance feel shocked, directly blocking his question with his own question. Within his heterochromatic eyes, they at this moment has been completely dyed blood red with an endless madness, and the haze revealed inside caused one to feel timid.

“No! This is impossible!”

Supreme King is a unique existence. This is what everyone knows and the truth that Wang Batian has always recognized.

“As long as I am still the Supreme King, you can’t have the same power!”

But now someone tells him that there’s not only one Supreme King existed! This completely reversed Wang Batian’s belief, catching him unprepared. Wang Batian was so stunned that he didn’t notice that only Yin Suye’s aura belonged to a Supreme King while his real strength has yet to reach the same level . Because right now he is in a state completely shocked by Yin Suye.

“There is nothing absolute in this world!”

Yin Suye’s heterochromatic eyes suddenly turned cold. He gave people a feeling that he is domineeringly looking down at the crowd from the clouds, causing them to not dare to look at his face from the force. Even though both of them are on the ground, but with just his aura itself, Yin Suye has the power to make people feel like he is an aloof being, overlook the world from a high altitude.

“Wang Batian, you went against Heaven[1], your sin must be punished!”

1. trying to evade death/aging

Noticing that his secret guards had already rescued out the innocent people secretly held by Wang Batian for experiment purpose, Yin Suye don’t have the mood continued to testing out Wang Batian anymore. His thin lips slightly opened, and his low-pitched voice echoed with an infinite chilling force in this silent night sky…
Especially when he said the word ‘punished’, it felt like the voice came directly from Hell, extraordinarily majestic!

Raw Word Count : 2671


Chapter 115 – The price to pay

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

After Shui Ruoshan was persuaded to return to the secret base, Yin Suye let Fox wipe out the their traces before leaving, and restored all the things in the dungeon back to their original position. Then he turned his attention to the unconscious jail guard. The reason why he spared his life was so that he can successfully complete the Fate Substitution, so he must erase the jail guard’s memory of the scene just now. In an instant, Yin Suye’s heterochromatic eyes were completely filled with black light. In order to make sure his plan is foolproof, Yin Suye used his powerful spiritual power to forcibly erase the memory.

Yin Suye seems to be exceptionally skilled with this action, as if he had done it many times before. However, his current simple and rude manner, is different from the time when he tried to do it on Shui Ruoshan, that was without any side effects and carried slight hint of hypnosis. If not for him afraid of being found out and gets suspected if he did it excessively, Yin Suye will never take such a mild revenge on the jail guard who has hurt him. He just injured the guard’s soul and caused his mind to be chaotic.

After Yin Suye handled the jail guard, he used his power to make the guard stand on the place where he stood before, and then stimulated his nerves with his spiritual power. Seeing the signs that the guard is going to wake up soon, Yin Suye returned to his original posture and tied himself back onto the iron fixture, then closed his eyes. He closed all of his senses, and ignored the jail guard. Right now, he must conserve his power and be prepared for the battle against Wang Batian.

Thinking of the various piece of information revealed to him by the little guy, the corner of Yin Suye’s mouth slightly twitched. Originally, he thought that he had mastered enough information after he was reborn, but he did not expect that the little guy will know more than he knew. This gave him even more confidence towards dealing with Wang Batian.


The jail guard opened his eyes and was confused for a while. Why did he forget what he wanted to do in a blink of an eye? And the jail guard didn’t know if it was his illusion or not, but he keep having a dizzy feeling and it was painful everywhere on his body, but he couldn’t find any wounds. Did he got possessed?! It seems that after he was sent to carry out Yin Suye’s punishment, he encountered this kind of ominous feeling very frequently. He would forget what he wanted to do from time to time, and also feel his body getting weak sometimes. Moreover, he also heard that other guards who carried out Yin Suye’s punishment also had the similar situation. So, the guard didn’t think too much. He only thought maybe the sentence of Fate Substitution was too heavy and they were too stressed, resulting everyone to experienced such exhaustion. Sure enough, torturing someone is a very laborious thing!

The jail guard vigorously shook his head and perked up, decided to wait until the end of the Fate Substitution to go home and reward himself. However, why can’t he remember what he wanted to do for Yin Suye’s punishment? Before the jail guard could figure out anything, someone pushed open the iron gate of the dungeon.

“Supreme, Supreme King?!”

The jail guard has assumed an offensive stance but immediately stopped when he saw the person behind the door. Even if this is not the first time he saw the Supreme King in the dungeon, he still felt nervous. Standing in front of him is the strongest person in the human world, and also the only Human Supreme King!

“You go out first, I have something to talk to Yin Suye.”

Wang Batian waved at the jail guard, naturally commanded him to leave.


Although he don’t know why the Supreme King came over to find Yin Suye privately, it does not prevent the jail guard from giving respect and having blind obedience for the Supreme King. Upon hearing his command, the jail guard gave his respect and walked out of the cell without saying anything. He even closed the door carefully before going out. This was a subconscious habit that he formed after doing it many times.

“How are you going to ‘threaten and bribe’ me this time?”

The moment when Wang Batian came in, Yin Suye has already opened his eyes. He didn’t have any unexpected emotions towards Wang Batian’s arrival.

“Are you ready to tell me the method now?”

Wang Batian didn’t expect Yin Suye who usually keep his mouth shut to take initiative to ask this time, so a hint of happiness suddenly appeared on his face. He thought the lessons he ‘taught’ Yin Suye have shown its effect, that Yin Suye changed his tight-lipped attitude after tasted the pain. He seeked out Yin Suye many times before, but every time he only gave more ‘lessons’ to Yin Suye and get nothing in return.

“Can you afford to pay for the price?”

Yin Suye looked up and the corner of his mouth curved into a irony arc to Wang Batian, who couldn’t see the reality at all. Before this when Wang Batian came to him, in order to gain enough time for his Fate Substitution, he told Wang Batian that he will not tell him(WBT) the method before the trial is finished, out of fear that Wang Batian will kill him right after he gotten the method.

With such generic reason, he succeeded in calming down Wang Batian, so that Wang Batian would not let him die immediately. That’s why Wang Batian didn’t eagerly forced him in those 48 days of his Fate Substitution, because Wang Batian intended put all out at the last moment. Because according to the normal situation, the moment a person is immediately released after suffer great tortures, the heart is the most relaxed and at the time where it is most easily conquered.

This is why Yin Suye can guess that Wang Batian would come on the last day. Wang Batian is waiting for the last moment, but Yin Suye is waiting for the last moment as well. As long as he let everyone know that he has completed Fate Substitution and completely solved the problem of Shui Ruoshan’s identity, he will not need to continue enduring all kinds of harassment by Wang Batian. At that time, he will definitely come to collect his debt when it’s due.


Wang Batian was very confident when he said this. In his eyes, it doesn’t matter whether Yin Suye asks for wealth, beauty, or power…
With his identity as the Supreme King, there’s nothing he can’t complete easily so he could give his promise so naturally and easily. At this moment, Wang Batian obviously has forgotten that he has used such conditions to buy Yin Suye before this to get the method to extend lifespan from Yin Suye’s mouth but all failed.

Can you succeed with the same conditions, just by changing the time and place?

But then, even if Wang Batian has thought of this, the arrogant him won’t give too much thoughts on it. He will only thinks that he must have forced Yin Suye with his power, to let him know how to be afraid, and understand the ‘to quit while one is ahead’ logic.

“When the Fate Substitution is completed, I will tell you the price I want.”

The sarcasm of Yin Suye’s eyes became a bit thicker. He is very clear that the current Wang Batian did not put him in his eyes. That’s why Wang Batian didn’t realized all the loopholes and flaws in his(YSY) plan, and would easily accepted his delaying tactics. This can only say that living too long has caused Wang Batian to lose his sense of crisis, and thought Supreme King is already invincible; became negligent.
Yin Suye boldly schemed against Wang Batian because he understood that Wang Batian does not put anything else in his eyes.


Wang Batian agreed without hesitation to Yin Suye’s request. Since he has already waited for 48 days anyway, he don’t mind waiting for a while more. At the same time, he began to laugh to himself towards Yin Suye’s naivety. Does Yin Suye really thinks that he can be completely safe if he lived through Fate Substitution? That is a big mistake!

He is the Supreme Human King. When he wants someone to die then that person must die in time! Before he gets the lifespan extension method from Yin Suye’s mouth, he will let Yin Suye live for a while longer. After he gets the method and confirms its genuinity, he has no reason to let the person who knows his secrets, Yin Suye to continue living! Particularly when Yin Suye also greatly disrespected him before, which caused Wang Batian, who has a small heart, to hate Yin Suye in his heart.

Upon getting Wang Batian’s reply, Yin Suye closed his eyes again. That look of disgust seemed to be saying that looking at Wang Batian is a painful thing to do.

Time passed bit by bit silently between the two…

“Time is up.” When the last minute of the 49th day passed by, Wang Batian immediately reminded him.

“Firstly, announce my success in surviving Fate Substitution to all the citizens!”

Yin Suye endured 49 days of torture just for this moment, naturally will not act rashly before the outcome of the matter is publicised.


Wang Batian took out the communicator that he carried with him and informed the other side of the news that Yin Suye has successfully passed Fate Substitution.

“Can you tell me what is the price you want now?” Saying that, Wang Batian let Yin Suye see the information that he passed out to all people.


Confirming that Wang Batian has officially published his message regarding the result of his Fate Substitution and no longer be able to change it, Yin Suye casually yanked out the chains that were tied around him.

“Your conditions?”

Wang Batian didn’t seem to notice Yin Suye’s behavior at the moment. Right now, he only cares about when he can get the method.

“I want your throne!” Yin Suye’s thin lips opened, and bluntly stated his request.

Since his purpose has been achieved, there is no need for him to continue wasting time with Wang Batian. Therefore, he straightforwardly chose a crude showdown and ‘lay his cards on the table’.

Raw Word Count : 3070

#BackstoryWhyTheyStartedFighting 😛

Chapter 114 – Earthquake

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

After Shui Ruoshan gave out his instructions, he counted away the time in the secret base while waiting for news. He waited from morning until noon, noon until evening, then from evening until the night… Until the early morning of the next day when Yin Suye’s Fate Substitution is finished, Shui Ruoshan finally couldn’t sit still to wait anymore.

“Fox, we should be able to go to look for Yin Suye now.” Not able to get any news by sitting in the base, Shui Ruoshan looked up and suggested to Fox.

Before this, considering that they only have one day of preparation time and the time is quite pressing, he has already told the secret guards who he sent out to carry out some task, to not return to the base upon completing their task but head directly to Yin Suye’s location. So that after Yin Suye completed his Fate Substitution, they can take orders from Yin Suye. He knew that Yin Suye has decided to start a fight with Wang Batian immediately after his trial. That’s why he became worried from not getting any updates from outside.

“But Master doesn’t want you to take any risks.”

Fox remembered that time when they left the dungeon, that Yin Suye specifically ordered him to protect Shui Ruoshan. So he shook his head, not agreeing with Shui Ruoshan’s suggestion.

“I will take good care of myself.”

Obviously, Shui Ruoshan also just remembered that he gave his promise to Yin Suye. But in this tense moment when the war is about to begin, he can’t just not help Yin Suye because of a few vague guarantees he made.

“Not only you can’t help Master in anything, you will also drag Master’s hind leg if you insisted to go out!” Fox realistically said.

Fox has learned a lot through the recent series of things and is very clear of how much does his Master care for Shui Ruoshan. As long as he can protect Shui Ruoshan well, he could help his Master solve his worries to a certain extent.

“The battle between Master and the Supreme King is a fight between humans. If you as a demon randomly rushed into the fight, you will only cause Master’s position to become very awkward!”

Seeing that Shui Ruoshan didn’t listen to his words, Fox continued to persuade him. No matter how intense is the fighting between the human race, it can only be regarded as infighting. But if an outsider suddenly joined one party, then it is possible to become a fight between races instead. The worst outcome might be the party with an outsider will become the public enemy of all mankind.


Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect Fox would be so strict and determined this time. Although he doesn’t want to say it, he has to admit that Fox’s analysis is right. He was worried of Yin Suye, that’s why he wanted to go to the scene to see the situation, but he forgot that he is no longer a human being, but a demon who is not in good terms with human beings.There might be some ill-intentioned people holding onto Yin Suye’s weakness which is covering a demon, and then smear Yin Suye’s name by saying he colluded with the demons to go against humanity. Not only this will ruin Yin Suye’s reputation, it will also make Yin Suye a public enemy of all mankind. Fox’s words were the reason why he didn’t take any action despite clearly having a way to bypass Fox to go straight to Yin Suye.

At the same time, Shui Ruoshan also understood why Yin Suye waited until he completed Fate Substitution before dealing with Wang Batian. As long as he(SRS) didn’t actively ‘looking for death’ and get himself involved in the war between humans, no one can coerce Yin Suye using his(SRS) identity as a demon. Understood the reason for his(YSY) decision, he could only wait in the secret base for the news.

“How about I get you the mirror that can display the situation of the Capital? So that you can see what is Master’s current situation.”

Seeing that Shui Ruoshan finally understood what was going on and no longer insisted to help Yin Suye, Fox became a little bit relieved. But upon seeing Shui Ruoshan’s mood became very low, Fox immediately thought of the mirror. Actually, he is afraid for his master to come back and find that he has not taken care good care of him(SRS) and felt that his master will never let him go just like that. So even if that mirror is the treasure here in the base, and generally cannot be moved about anywhere, he must treat Shui Ruoshan like an ancestor for the sake of his future happy life!


Towards Fox’s suggestion, Shui Ruoshan only responded in low spirit. It’s better than nothing! In fact, he has done what he can do, even if he goes to the scene to help Yin Suye, he can’t play any important role. After all, he is not very good at fighting.

“Wait for a moment!” As soon as he got Shu Ruoshan’s affirmation, Fox turned to get the mirror.

Just that the moment Fox turned around, a burst of rumbling sounds can be heard; so loud that even the deaf can hear! Next, the whole ground shook. At this point, Fox couldn’t bother with the mirror anymore. He stepped back, immediately stood in front of Shui Ruoshan and entered a high alert mode.

“Was that an earthquake?” Shui Ruoshan covered his ear and asked Fox after he managed to stabilize himself.

“No.” Fox’s sensitivity to danger was significantly more powerful than Shui Ruoshan’s crisis-free sense.

“This shock should be the aftermath from a battle between strong fighters.” Fox gave his inference about this vibration.

“It won’t be Yin Suye, right?!” At this moment, Yin Suye is the first person Shui Ruoshan could think of as soon as he heard the words strong fighters.

“It seems to be an aftershock from Master’s power, and it’s over there!” Fox closed his eyes and quietly traced it before pointing out the specific direction of the battle.

Shui Ruoshan applied his spiritual power onto his eyes, and perked his ears, looking at the direction pointed by Fox…

He saw that the direction being point was where Yin Suye was previously locked, the light was blinding and the dust was scattering in the air…
The smoke and the fire rendered a few brilliant colors in the sky…

The two sources of dazzling energy are clashing against each other fiercely. Every time they collided, they took down many buildings and created countless dusty clouds…

Shui Ruoshan increased his spiritual power on his eyes. Then he could see it clearly, in the middle of the energy source was two grappling people! Is that Yin Suye and Wang Batian?!

He didn’t expect the two of them would start fighting so soon. They didn’t even test/probe each other out, just fighting right away! That was what caused the shaking just now.

Seeing Yin Suye, who is temporarily tied with Wang Batian, Shui Ruoshan knows that the Fate Substitution shouldn’t inflict too much damage to Yin Suye. Or, he secretly treated his injuries before coming out. Although Yin Suye is still wearing his ragged cloth, it couldn’t hide Yin Suye’s peerless style.

His slender body, his flying blond hair, his temperament as cold as ice, and his pair of deep eyes that carried a madness like he wanted to drag the whole world down the abyss. That delicate face that makes people sigh now revealed an expression like a demon, and his eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty aura. The contrast is even more obvious especially when an old-fashioned old man like Wang Batian is Yin Suye’s opponent. This is absolutely perfect to display Yin Suye’s cool and handsome image! It can’t be any better!

As the battle between Yin Suye and Wang Batian grew bigger, the sleeping citizens in the Capital gradually woke up. After a while, the Capital which was originally shrouded in the night has started to become brighter…
Very obvious, the people in the Capital have been woken up by this huge battle.

Some people choose to nervously pay attention to the situation at home.
Some people wore their outdoor clothes and moved towards the battle scene.
Some people huddled up and comforted each other…

Just that when those who originally wanted to go to the scene to watch the battle at close range gets nearer to the periphery, they were thrown out by a huge energy afterglow erected around the area…
In other words, the area within Yin Suye and Wang Batian’s fighting ground has become a restricted area forbidding others to step into it.

Shui Ruoshan was somewhat glad that Fox stopped him from coming out earlier. Else, with his current strength, he probably will end up the same ending with those people. The power of Supreme Kings can’t be measured by common sense indeed! At the same time, Shui Ruoshan also saw the secret guards with animal masks hiding away from the crowd and suddenly felt relieved. The secret guards he sent out should have completed their task, and successfully meet up with Yin Suye. With this, Yin Suye’s odds are a bit higher now. He has considered that Yin Suye’s current strength may not be Wang Batian’s opponent. In order to make up for the power gap, he used the plot he knew to open a backdoor for Yin Suye.

This kind of BUG-like cheating style, shouldn’t really get too used to it!

This was one of the reasons why he could stay quietly in the base and not feeling extremely worried for Yin Suye.

After scrutinizing the surrounding situation, Shui Ruoshan decided he didn’t miss out any necessary details and felt a little bit of relief. So, he put all of his attention onto Yin Suye who is fighting with Wang Batian…

Raw Word Count : 2727


Chapter 113 – Thanks for the compliment

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Are you ready?”

In the middle of the yard, Shui Ruoshan asked the secret guards around him. Even though he was mentally prepared for it, he still felt the impulse to rant in his heart when he actually saw the secret guards wearing a variety of animal masks.

Does Yin Suye’s secret guards have mask fetish? Don’t they know that a black suit pairing with a colourful mask doesn’t match the secret guards’ rule in being low-key? Fine, so the secret guards wear a mask, but why isn’t the mask’s pattern displaying the image of tall and mighty animals, but soft fluffy little animals like the chicks, ducklings and small fishes?

This kind of style is obviously wrong for secret guards! It doesn’t feel domineering at all, a’ight?

This also gave him the illusion that he is not in Yin Suye’s secret base at all, but went to the wrong movie set instead; a farmhouse to experience the fun of raising chickens and ducks!


Farmhouse image whatnot is too weak, it should be at least a zoo! Wait a minute, his focus seems to be a bit wrong?! Right now, he should be more worried of these seemingly unreliable secret guards. Are they really not deliberately trying to discredit Yin Suye’s perfect image? As soon as he thought of the scene where Yin Suye happily raising chickens and ducks at a farmhouse, Shui Ruoshan immediately gave up his brain!

[Banana – Sorry if it’s not funny 😛 ]

Although there is a contrasting moe-gap, it will still destroys his image!

“Yes.” Fox thought of Shui Ruoshan’s previous arrangements and determined that there aren’t any problem before standing up to answer.

“Fox, come over first!”

Shui Ruoshan waved at Fox and motioned him to come for further discussion. Although he knows that sudden interruption is not very good during a serious business, but having to keep facing such a row of animals will impact his efficiency when doing things because he can’t stop his brain hole. The reason why he wanted to speak with Fox was because Fox is the only person he knows in the group of secret guards. And Fox is the leader of the secret guards, so the things he knows is definitely more detailed.

“What is it?”

Obviously, Fox already has a certain immunity to Shui Ruoshan, who always doesn’t follow the norm. Knowing that Shui Ruoshan wanted to secretly talk to him, he cooperatively lowered down his voice.

“I just want to ask, whose idea was it for the secret guards to wear the mask?”

If Fox told him that the idea for the secret guards to wear a mask came from Yin Suye, he need to have a good chat with Yin Suye to discuss about aesthetics and practicality later. He absolutely will not allow his family’s perfect villain to have such a big flaw in terms of aesthetic!

“This perfect idea naturally came from me! Doesn’t this idea feels very innovative and bold, very different, very impressive?”

When he heard Shui Ruoshan asking about the mask, Fox who was originally very serious and business-like stern, immediately became proud. He couldn’t help starting to whisper to Shui Ruoshan the moment he got excited.

When his Master first started to train secret guards, he once said that as long as someone wins the first place and becomes the leader of the secret guards, he can promise the new leader one reasonable request. And so, Fox gave all his efforts to fight for the first place just for this request. The request he made was also very simple one, that is for the secret guards to wear animal masks and named after animals.

Fox felt that as a good secret guard with ideals and ambitions, it is absolutely impossible for them to tolerate generic names like No.1 and No.2… they must use some special names to highlight their existence. But considering that there are a lot of them, it would be impossible for everyone to pick different names, so he chose to use animal as their code name. As long as everyone wear the animal mask same to their code name, there won’t be a case where one cannot remember their name.

“Alright, your aesthetic sense is really not like any average person!”

Shui Ruoshan felt Fox’s aesthetic sense has reached a godly level! Sure enough, his villain(YSY) is still the most perfect person, and will not do non-standard things like wearing masks!

“Of course!” Now that someone affirmed his idea, Fox felt that it is worthwhile for him to think so hard for a long time.


Shui Ruoshan became speechless when he looked at Fox, who is completely immersed in his own self-praising.

How did he got misunderstood as praising him(F)? He is clearly talking in reverse! How much human speech can this person understand to only selectively listen to what he wants to hear?

“I have asked my question, you can go back.”

Shui Ruoshan felt that if he talked about the mask with Fox again, it will be either he gets depressed by Fox, or Fox gets agitated by him. So for the sake of peace between the two of them, just let this topic slide ba!

Seeing that Fox has returned to his original position, Shui Ruoshan pretended to cough a few times and gestured to get everyone’s attention.

“Do you understand your mission?” Shui Ruoshan asked loudly.

After he returned from the dungeon, he immediately summoned all the secret guards and gathered them in the secret base. This was the scene where he first saw a variety of animal masks. Although he was worried of Yin Suye’s situation, he had to go back to the base and get the various plans he had discussed Yin Suye going. However, before leaving him(YSY), he left enough supplies for Yin Suye as backups. It was fortunate that he asked Fox to prepare enough things before he went to see Yin Suye. At that time, he had already considered the possibility of them encountering Wang Batian in the middle, so some of the things he prepared were for Wang Batian. Since Yin Suye said he wanted to ‘eliminate’ the King this time, he left everything to Yin Suye and let him secretly hide it. After all, one is not allowed to carry anything with them while enduring punishment, so they can only act in secret.

As for his magic clothing, he still wears it on himself. This was not because he is embarrassed to take it off, but Yin Suye didn’t wanted it. He didn’t wanted the magic clothing, he just wanted to take advantage of him(SRS). As expected, once one turned bad, there will be no lower limit! Not even the Yin Suye who was called the ‘Light of the Sun’!

“Understand!” Knowing that to a certain extent the demon in front of them represents their Master, the secret guards answered him respectfully.

“Then let’s get started!”

Shui Ruoshan lightly waved his hand at the crowd and watched as the secret guards disappear quickly in front of his eyes; he somehow had a heroic feeling like he is ordering the martial world. His actions must have been done in a noble and glamorous manner, that these secret guards was shocked by his momentum, that’s why they left straight away without a word! As expected, his image is still so aloof no matter when!

“Fox, I can also go to save those people who were secretly held by Wang Batian for experiment.”

When only the last batch of secret guards were left in the yard, Shui Ruoshan came up to Fox. The earlier batches of secret guards have begun on their tasks. The remaining task, and the most important one of all tasks, is to rescue those experiment subjects being secretly held by Wang Batian and also expose the ugly side of him. In order to extend his life, Wang Batian has been secretly experimenting. His methods were extremely bloody, cruel and dark. For his goal, he has ruined countless innocent people.

It was a pity that when Wang Batian was in power, no one knew about it until the protagonist Huang Beichen accidentally stumbled across it in the Capital, who then saved those trapped innocent people. Not only he exposed Wang Batian’s evil deeds, he also made Yin Suye, who had become the Supreme King at that time, to ‘carry a big black pot’ (carry the blame) as well.

Right now, Yin Suye has decided to expose this matter in advance. Not only this gave him a very reasonable excuse for his next action which is to eliminate the King, it also cut off the possibility of him ‘carrying the black pot’ (carrying the blame) for Wang Batian. This definitely can be called calculating everything in one fell swoop.

“Have you forgotten your promise to Master?” Fox immediately stopped Shui Ruoshan who wanted take part in the action.

Before they left the dungeon, his Master has ordered him to look after Shui Ruoshan properly and not let him to get involved in dangerous missions. So, in order to protect Shui Ruoshan, Fox will not participate in the today’s mission.


Shui Ruoshan apparently just remembered that he promised Yin Suye that he would honestly stay in the secret base, waiting for news, and reasonably mobilize the secret guards etc etc. Although he has a title as the coordinator/strategist, it was just an excuse Yin Suye used to keep him from taking action.

“Rabbit, this task will be handed over to you!” Fox didn’t have the mood to comfort the depressed Shui Ruoshan, and turned around to hand the task to other people.

“Please call me either No.7 or Qiqi(77), thank you!”
A young man with a white rabbit mask stood up from the team, but the first thing he did was not to accept the task but to correct his address.

Their secret guards’ mask were all randomly selected, except Fox who used his privilege as the leader to pick his own mask. Qiqi’s luck was obviously not very good, he was unlucky enough to draw a cute rabbit mask which is completely incompatible with his image.

“Understood, Lil #7 Rabbit!” Fox waved his hand and uncaringly adjusted his fox mask with a completely unrepentant face.

Qiqi was obviously not satisfied with Fox’s attitude. Facing the uncaring Fox, he raised his hand towards the remaining secret guards and turned away, leaving only back of his cold figure to Fox. This sharp and neat style formed a strong contrast with the white fat rabbit mask on his face.

Fox indifferently shrugged towards Qiqi’s reaction. His task was to protect Shui Ruoshan, so other things can be handled later.


Shui Ruoshan looked at Qiqi who coolly left the yard and turned to look at Fox, who had an image inconsistency around him. Some people do have large gaps comparing to other people indeed. Finally a cool secret guard like Qiqi gave him a feeling of those cool legendary secret guards!

Shui Ruoshan immediately understood that it was not that secret guards are unreliable, he just didn’t encounter reliable secret guards!

Raw Word Count : 3212


Banana: Hey guys, I hope that you are still here yo. I apologize for missing another release again. I got sick in the weekend and headache is not the best thing to have during translation. _(;3/ Things should get back to normal next month so you guys can just wait until next month to come back yo~~