Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 41 Part 2

Chapter 41 What is a Ghost Festival without a fight with ghosts? Part 2

On the grass in the suburbs, a young man with yellow hair was holding a long whip and fighting with 3 evil spirits. A hanged ghost with a droopy tongue, a black-faced ghost more than 2 meters tall, and a purple-faced ghost shrouded in evil aura. These 3 ghosts have all eaten souls before and are extremely evil. After being wounded by the whip, the Hanged Ghost rushed to the roadside, grabbed an innocent ghost, and started gnawing on it.

The young man cursed and jumped up from the ground. Quickly rushing over, the young man jumped up and flicked his whip. A cracking sound broke through the air, and the whip slashed at the hand of the Hanged Ghost. The ghost screamed and let go of the poor passerby ghost. Then, the young man felt the evil energy coming from the back of his head and ducked in a hurry. At the next moment, a black ghost hand struck at his neck again.

The young man cursed and hurriedly dodged, throwing a piece of talisman paper over, “Do you think Laozi can’t fight in close combat? Instant Noodle Superman is omnipotent!”

The tall ghost who had been hiding aside to watch the fight flew over and kicked the young man while he was dodging other attacks. This kick was a solid kick to the stomach. The young man rolled several times on the spot in agony and lay on the ground with his face flushed in pain. At this moment, the Hanged Ghost lay on top of him and grabbed his head, greedily trying to pull out his soul. The souls of people in the mythical world are much more delicious than ordinary people, and eating them can increase soul power. In their eyes, this young man is a delicious piece of cake.

The young man sneered and bit the tip of his tongue. After that, he turned to spit at the ghost, “spits You 3 turtle weaklings!”

As soon as blood was sprayed from the tip of his tongue, a cloud of black smoke immediately appeared from the Hanged Ghost’s body, and he was seriously injured. The young man got up and rushed forward again with a whip, “Is Laozi someone you can eat whenever you want?!”

“Stop the car!” As soon as Gu Ye saw this scene, he left a few charms for the people in the car and said hurriedly, “Just watch from the car, don’t get out of the car! Whoever approaches just slap them with the talismans!”

“Gu Ye!” Zhao Pengyu held up the talisman and wanted to go down to help. He pushed the car door, but it didn’t push.

“Uncle, open the door!”

The driver looked innocent, “I didn’t lock it!”

Xia Xiang looked at the situation outside and said, “What can you do if you go down there? You can’t see them anyway.”

Zhao Pengyu gave Xia Xiang the talisman, “You can see it, so you go!”

Xia Xiang explained calmly, “Gu Ye locked the door because he didn’t want us to get in the way. One is not afraid of godlike opponents, but afraid of idiot teammates. We can’t ‘pit’ our teammates.”

Only then did Zhao Pengyu calm down, lying next to the window and watching in fear.

Gu Ye rushed over, flicked the talisman prepared in his hand, and it flew towards the Hanged Ghost on top of the young man. The Hanged Ghost hurriedly blocked it with his fist. The thin piece of paper made a BANG upon touching the ghost’s hand, and sparks flew everywhere. At this moment’s pause, the young man swung the whip over and wrapped it around the ghost’s head.

Gu Ye pinched his fingers and chanted, “Big Dipper stars, the God of Thunder descends! Break!”

A flash of purple lightning struck directly on the evil ghost’s head, and the ghost’s head exploded right away. The remaining body twitched twice in response and turned into a wisp of smoke.

“Aiya! I’m sorry!” Gu Ye quickly apologized, “That’s a bit harsh! Dude, you are from the Xuanshu Association, right? Are you planning to capture him back?”

The other party probably didn’t expect that Gu Ye would have such strong spiritual power at such a young age. With just a finger sign, he could summon a powerful thunder, which directly destroyed the evil ghost’s soul to pieces. After he came back to his senses, the young man said happily, “I’m not from the association. Today is the Ghost Ghost Festival, these evil ghosts took advantage of the door opening and rushed out to eat ghosts and harm people. They deserve to be destroyed, so don’t worry about it.”

Oh, our opinions matched!

Gu Ye’s eyes lit up, “You take the one who was poisoned, and give me the tall one!”

“Okay!” The guy stretched out his hand neatly and swung a long whip in a simple and rough manner. Wrapping up that eye-provoking ugly ghost, he dragged him 2 meters away. The distance between him and Gu Ye is just enough to take care of each other without affecting each other’s actions.

Gu Ye glanced back, slightly twitching the corner of his mouth but his movements were not sloppy either. With a jump, he kicked the ghost in the face and the evil spirit flew away more than 2 meters. He made a finger gesture with one hand, held a cinnabar pen in the other, and drew a red line in the air. With a swish, the evil ghost was struck by lightning and then pulled to his feet. Gu Ye’s face remained unchanged as he stomped him in the head, and another evil spirit was gone.

The same goes for the young man, who tied the ghost’s head with his whip and stomped it to death. After destroying these 3 evil spirits, the young man plopped down on the ground. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, grabbed a handful of his dyed golden hair, and said cheerfully, “Sure enough, after leaving the association, the world became wider. I haven’t seen a compatible fellow master like you for a long time.”

Gu Ye was about to speak when he felt a powerful and complex ghostly energy suddenly coming out not far away. The young man obviously felt it as well, and his expression changed, “Frick! Have all the ghost officials in the underworld gone for a ‘massage’? Evil ghosts also can escape, tonight there will be a night parade of a hundred ghosts!”

Feeling this ghostly energy, the little ghosts hiding in the dark shivered in fear and ran away without knowing where to go. At this moment, a black shadow that was lying against the ground pounced, grabbing one of the ghosts and stuffing it into its mouth.

Gu Ye threw a talisman and saved the innocent ghost, his expression turned cold. Another talisman was thrown over, and lightning danced on his fingertips. With one flick, the lightning pierced through the evil ghost’s forehead, and he watched as the evil ghost turned into a plume of smoke.

The young man took a look at Gu Ye with admiration. Then he took out something like a bagua and did a calculation. After that, he said with an ugly expression, “There is actually a Hell’s Gate here. Are all the people in the Xuanshu Association dead and no one is guarding it?”

Gu Ye answered seriously: “They probably went for a ‘massage’.”

“Pfft! That makes sense!” The young man held his stomach, “Can we hold on? These are evil spirits who can kill people.”

Gu Ye smiled, “We can hold it, but I have a request.”

The young man smiled bitterly, “Say it.”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “I excelled in 10 subjects this year and ranked first in the country in the college entrance examination. My hands are not weak when playing games, and I can carry with Mage character. There are 4 brothers in the family, except for the youngest, all of them are excellent. My family had nothing but money, and the Rolls-Royce on the roadside belonged to my father.”

Hearing that, the young man was stunned. When he saw the car, he exclaimed in shock, “Frick! A rich man made of pure gold!”

Gu Ye continued seriously, “My buddy thinks I am too autistic and have no friends in the mythical art circle. So I would like to ask, after we finish fighting together, can you be friends with me?”

“Ah?” The young man didn’t expect Gu Ye to introduce himself in such a long way just to make friends with him. He accepted happily, “Okay, my name is Xie Cheng, what’s your name?”

“Gu Ye.”

“You are that Gu Ye?” Xie Cheng doesn’t know if to laugh or cry, “This world is so small. Alright, we will be friends from now on. I will call you when we go out fighting!”

Gu Ye nodded, “Okay.”

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, like two crazy people. They were like with a fight, we will be friends.

Another strong aura of resentment appeared. Xie Cheng looked in the direction pointed by the bagua and said, “There’s the gate of hell!”

Gu Ye followed behind Xie Cheng. Pinching the bell on his left wrist while running, he pulled out the piece of paper that was acting like a stopper. As Gu Ye moves, the bells jingle and make a tinkling sound. To ordinary people, the tinkling sounded normal but those in the mythical art world, they can hear the sound that shakes their souls. Even the lonely ghosts on the roadside looked at Gu Ye.

Xie Cheng held the whip and asked in surprise, “You raise ghosts?” This is the art of controlling ghosts?”

In Hell’s Gate, a strong evil aura floated out. Xie Cheng didn’t have time to question Gu Ye further and just grabbed his whip and said vigilantly, “Be careful, this one is not a small fry. Xuanshu Association probably really doesn’t have enough manpower so no one has come yet.”

Gu Ye chuckled and pulled Xie Cheng back a few steps. Xie Cheng was startled, “Stop making trouble, that powerful one just came out!”

At this moment, a ghostly aura heavily weighed down at the back of their heads. The heavy murderous aura suffocated the two of them, making them stand stiffly on the spot, unable to move. Xie Cheng’s pupils shrank, and his mind went blank. He only had one thought in his mind, how many people had this ghost killed while he was alive to have such murderous intent?

The ghostly energy flew past the two of them and struck hard on the door. An evil ghost who just appeared got KO-ed by this ghostly energy!

In the blink of an eye, a tall and slender man wearing black clothes and holding a big knife stood in front of the gate. He raised the knife horizontally and said in a hoarse voice, “Stand behind me.”

Hearing this, the corner of Gu Ye’s mouth raised, “This is not the ghost I raised, but the golden thigh I held.”

Ghost General visibly turned still but didn’t say anything. He stood in front of the gate and struck down any ghost that came out. He was ruthless and didn’t talk much, so he was very reliable. The ghosts inside probably saw that the gatekeeper was too fierce, and gradually no ghosts dared to come out.

When Xie Cheng saw that he had such a strong helper, he relaxed and sat down on the ground again, shouting bitterly, “Gu Ye!”


“I think I might have internal bleeding.”

Gu Ye was shocked, this was a serious injury! He quickly helped the person up, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?! Brother Ghost, can I leave this place to you?”

Ghost General nodded slightly, “Don’t worry.”

“Okay! I’ll give you one billion hell’s notes when I go back!” After Gu Ye finished speaking, he helped Xie Cheng run toward the car. Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang saw it, “Hurry, hurry, pick him up!”

Gu Ye put Xie Cheng, who was pale and sweating in pain, into the car and introduced with a smile, “Look, my new friend.”

Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang were speechless. Making friends is not that easy alright?!

They hurriedly sent Xie Cheng to the hospital run by Zhao Pengyu’s family. After the examination, it was already past midnight. There was nothing broken in Xie Cheng’s stomach, and there was no internal bleeding. It’s just that his daily life habits are too rubbish and he often makes do with instant noodles, which leads to gastroenteritis. Moreover, two of his ribs were slightly fractured, so he would have to stay in the hospital for a few days.

Gu Ye helped his new friend pay for his medical expenses with a blank expression.

With an IV drip by his side, Xie Cheng asked sheepishly, “Boss, we are really friends, right? Not ghey friends, right?”

Gu Ye took a photo of the receipt and saved it. He then placed the bill on Xie Cheng’s bed and reminded him seriously, “When you get better, remember to return the money to me. So add me on WeChat.”

Xie Cheng smiled dryly and took out an old mobile phone with a broken screen, “I will definitely pay you back, hehehe.”

Gu Ye palmed his forehead in despair. That strange ‘thing’ that he couldn’t calculate yesterday might be just talking about him making a friend and gaining friendship. However, he really had the urge to return this friendship for a refund!

Xie Cheng’s character is faultless, open-minded, and cheerful. He looks carefree on the outside, but he has justice in his heart. Moreover, he also values feelings and loyalty, so he will never suffer a loss by being friends with him. But! Xie Cheng is poor, extremely poor!

Yesterday he couldn’t see clearly due to the darkness. He could only see that Xie Cheng had good features and good character, but he didn’t see that Xie Cheng had no aura of wealth at the top of his head. People who don’t have even a shred of wealth on their heads, how poor can they be?!

Gu Ye had a premonition that he would have to help this poor guy for the rest of his life.

The next morning, Mrs. Gu asked in a gossipy tone, “How was your outing last night?”

Gu Ye looked numb and said, “Very good.”

“Are there pretty little girls?”

“There is a dude who spends my money instead.”

At the side, Gu Decheng said seriously, “Don’t hang out with shady people!”

“Mhm.” Gu Ye didn’t sleep well last night and didn’t have the strength to object.

Seeing Gu Ye like this, Mrs. Gu said, “After breakfast, take a nap and pack your things in the afternoon. School is about to start. If you need anything else, I’ll take you to buy it.”

Gu Ye nodded obediently, “En.”

As soon as Gu Ye lay down on his bed, the hospital called him. The nurse said anxiously, “A few people came just now and wanted to take your friend away. Your friend doesn’t want to go with them and is making a commotion.”

Gu Ye frowned, “Who are they?”

“I heard Xie Cheng call that person Senior Brother and also said he was the president of some kind of metaphysical society. It looks like an organization. Should we call the police?”

Gu Ye sat up, frowned, and thought for a while. The current president of the Xuanshu Association is Jing Lianzhong, Old Master Tang’s great disciple. So, is Xie Cheng the disciple of Old Master Tang?

“Do it, call the police now. To try to take people away in the hospital, they are thinking they are so powerful.” Gu Ye got up and put on his shoes with a cold face, “I’ll be there in a minute.”

Xie Cheng: It’s not that I don’t make money, or that Master doesn’t give me pocket money. I don’t know why, it’s just that I don’t have any money in hand. ​
Meow (Author): What a coincidence. It’s not that I don’t make money, or that my husband doesn’t give me pocket money. I don’t know why, it’s just that I don’t have any money in hand.

Raw word count: 7037 (whole chapter)


[Banana: Apologies for the slow updates. I’m not stopping, that’s for sure but it’s a bit hard for me to concentrate when every chapter has 6k–7k word count orz
My attention span can’t handle that much and I keep zoning out (I have to read them at least 3 times, if anyone remember my translation process).]

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 41 Part 1

Chapter 41 What is a Ghost Festival without a fight with ghosts? Part 1

At the Class 6 dinner party, several girls gathered together and whispered, “I heard that Gu Ye will come too.”

“Alas! We will see each other less often. From now on, he will be someone else’s school grass (idol). Why didn’t we realize that Gu Ye was so good-looking?”

A young man at the table next to them curled his lips disdainfully, “Our gathering of normal civilians, will that young master be so generous as to give face and show up?”

When the young man said this, another young man expressed his interest, “Is Gu Ye really Gu Decheng’s son? Can he give us a discount when we buy a house from him?”

“Isn’t he just a rich second generation, what’s so great about him? Can you guys be more realistic?” The young man continued sarcastically, “He was pretending before, just like a little fool. Who knows what he has been through at home.”

These young people have yet to enter the society and have not experienced the suffering of the world. Boys of this age are always a little aloof and arrogant. They think that money is nothing, and being rich is not a great thing. To them, the term rich second generation is associated with garbage.

Several girls rolled their eyes with disdain, “Are you sick?! Jealous faces are so ugly.”

“Jealousy will turn one’s face beyond recognition!”

The boy retorted harshly, “You gold-worshipping girls are so shameless!”

“What did you say?!” Several girls were angry and wanted to start an argument, but the people next to them persuaded them to stop. Let’s cherish this last gathering. Don’t end it ugly and leave regrets.

Originally Xia Xiang was sitting quietly looking at his mobile phone. When he heard the conversation, he raised his head and asked the person directly, “Then, Gu Ye ranked first in the country and set a record. Cao Ziming, can you do the same?”

Cao Ziming was choked by the rebut. Thinking about his score, he became a little timid and said, “I won’t tell you, you rich second-generation are all the same.”

Xia Xiang sneered and picked up a cup of Coke, “Any more nonsense from you again and I’ll empty this on you. Then you’ll learn what it means by ‘bullying others with power’.”


“Stop the quarrel, stop the quarrel! Everyone, talk lesser. We don’t know if we can get together again like this in the future.”

The classmates around helped break up the fight, but they didn’t dare to reprimand Xiang Xiang. Right now, Xiang Xiang’s temperament has really changed. He used to be timid, dared not speak, and his voice was like whispers as if there was danger everywhere in the world. Now he just gets angry at disagreement and even dares to throw a drink at people when he gets upset. His temper is really affected by whoever he hangs with, which is really similar to Gu Ye.

The monitor whispered to Cao Ziming to comfort him, “Don’t keep harping about the topic of the rich second generation. In the past 3 years, Gu Ye has eaten in the same cafeteria as you, slept in the same dormitory room without air conditioning, and has not bullied you. Right now, it’s just Xia Xiang has heard this and he just said a few words to you. If Si Hongxing’s group of boys heard this and punched you twice, you would have to bear it whether you like it or not. Why bother?”

Cao Ziming’s face turned red with anger, “How about that thing about Lin Zihao?!”

Hearing that, the class monitor was also a little unhappy. He felt that this person who doesn’t listen to advice is not very smart. To still want to cause trouble in this situation, means this person doesn’t want to give him face. “Liu Yiwen is with Lin Zihao every day, and he never speaks out for Lin Zihao. There must be something going on inside, what do you know?”

When the boy looked at the silent Liu Yiwen, he picked up a glass of Coke and downed it in frustration, his expression was not good.

In front of the store, Gu Ye was stopped by several girls as soon as he got out of the car. He has good looks, good study, good character, and no airs. Not all rich second generation are bastards so outgoing girls don’t care so much about this. They pulled Gu Ye to their table and there were also a few girls at the side tapping on their bowls and saying, “Come to big sister’s bowl!”

Gu Ye felt inexplicably that he was being teased by a group of little girls. In his mind, he was already 25 years old!

“Gu Ye, can you really tell fortunes?”

“Calculate for me!”

“I want to know, can playing the game ‘Die Xian’ (Chinese Ouija Board) really summon the spirit?”

Gu Ye only heard chirpings in his ears, as if there was a group of birds surrounding him. He looked at Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang for help: Brothers, help!

The two of them had no choice but to drag Gu Ye back and sandwich him in the middle. In the chaotic crowd, Gu Ye didn’t know who was it but someone touched his waist and exclaimed, “Dayum! Thinner than my waist!”

Gu Ye looked back in a state of collapse, but couldn’t find which girl it was. He thought to himself, oh my god, who knows how scary little girls are these days? How dare they tease men! Who dares to bring them home (to meet their parents)?

Xia Xiang was speechless by Gu Ye’s action, “You’re not afraid of ghosts but you afraid of girls?”

Gu Ye sighed and gave in timidly.

The class monitor sat beside Cao Ziming. Seeing that the other person’s expression still looked ugly, the class monitor was afraid that he would say something shocking again and make everyone unhappy. He persuaded, “Stop looking for trouble. See that logo on Gu Ye’s clothes? It is a world-famous luxury custom-made brand. Just the short-sleeved shirt he is wearing alone costs at least 50,000 yuan. Are you still going to mess with him?”

Cao Ziming immediately didn’t dare to say anything. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford to offend Gu Ye, he couldn’t afford to pay for it.

Some students saw that Cao Ziming had a problem with Gu Ye because of Lin Zihao’s affairs, so they asked Liu Yiwen in a low voice, “Lin Zihao has already applied for review, right? He won’t come today either?”

“Yes,” Liu Yiwen glanced at Gu Ye quietly and whispered, “He went to another school. It is said that his score is too low and our school does not accept such reviewers.”

“That’s so miserable. What was he thinking? Why didn’t he enter the examination room that afternoon?”

“It’s all about saving face, and he’ll have to suffer the consequences.” Liu Yiwen glanced at Gu Ye again. Unexpectedly, Gu Ye turned and smiled at him this time. At this moment, Liu Yiwen was startled and inexplicably did not dare to look at Gu Ye. Then, Gu Ye found him from the chatgroup and sent a friend request to him with a smile. Liu Yiwen was stunned for a moment by the request and added Gu Ye with fear.

Gu Ye: [It’s okay for people to be selfish. Everyone is selfish. As long as you don’t harm others for your own selfishness, you won’t suffer retribution.]

Liu Yiwen immediately understood the meaning of Gu Ye’s words and saw that Gu Ye didn’t hold a grudge against him. He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied: [It’s Lin Zihao’s fault. He’s crazy and he didn’t listen to advice. And so he failed his exam. It has nothing to do with you either. Thank you for saving us. He shouldn’t repay kindness with hatred. I also want to say, I’m sorry, I was jealous too, but I really didn’t do anything.]

Gu Ye smiled and deleted Liu Yiwen from his friendlist. After this talk, there is no need to contact each other again in the future.

The dishes they ordered were served quickly. Gu Ye watched the group of teenagers eating and playing with everything written on their faces. Their excitement was so high that it seemed to overturn the ceiling. He couldn’t join in the excitement, so he ate slowly and leisurely. When he was almost done eating, he went to the bathroom.

Xia Xiang followed Gu Ye out and said, “They will go singing after this. I don’t want to go. Are you still going?”

Gu Ye shook his head, “I won’t go either.”

“They might have more fun if we don’t go.”

“Your thoughts are much more delicate than Zhao Pengyu’s.”

“Nonsense!” Zhao Pengyu stuck at the door of the toilet and said, “I knew you two were talking bad about me behind my back!”

Xia Xiang smiled and had no intention of arguing with Zhao Pengyu, “After 3 years, they may not be such pure friends.”[1]

Gu Ye pointed to his eyes, “I’m never wrong about people. Anyway, you two won’t change.”

Both of them were amused by Gu Ye, and Zhao Pengyu thought of other things, “Gu Ye, besides us, you also need to make a few more friends. Find those with the same profession as you. Then they can help you when something happens.”

Gu Ye washed his face and said calmly, “Okay.”

“A look at your face and I can tell that you don’t put that in mind. You just wait for people to open their hearts to you first before you accept them. How can you make friends like this? Go hang out ah, make friends.”

Gu Ye doesn’t know if to laugh or cry, “I’ll call you Father, alright? Don’t worry about me.”

As soon as Gu Ye said this, Zhao Pengyu became angry, “No, I’ll call you Father. I’ll call you Uncle (paternal), I’ll call you Uncle (maternal)!”

“Hahaha! Good son!” Gu Ye happily dug into his pocket, “Where’s my red envelope? Why didn’t I bring any?”

Xia Xiang laughed on the sidelines. How this kind of friendship has been maintained until now is also a mystery!

After everyone paid the bill, other students were about to go to the KTV. Gu Ye said with a smile, “I’m sorry, my family sent someone to pick me up, so I won’t go.”

Zhao Pengyu put his arm around Gu Ye’s shoulders and said, “Give me a ride!”

Xia Xiang raised his hand, “I’ll hitch a ride too.”

The others understood at a glance what the three of them had agreed upon so they didn’t persuade them to stay. The group of people walked out the door together and saw a Rolls-Royce worth tens of millions parked at the door. The driver got out of the car and walked to Gu Ye. He said with a smile, “Third Young Master, I have sent your personal car for maintenance.”

Gu Ye’s mouth twitched. The hell is sending a car for maintenance in the middle of the night? This may have been arranged by his little mother again, to show the female humans how rich their family is, and to ask him to quickly grab a human home.

Amid the envious, jealous, and even disdainful looks of their classmates, the three of them got into the car and waved goodbye. Who knows what year or month it was when they met again? Maybe then everyone will be leading a different life at that time.

It’s past 9.00 pm now so the Ghost Festival has started, and the gates are wide open. Normal people can’t see strange things, but in the eyes of Gu Ye and Xia Xiang, the streets are full of weirdly shaped people.

Xia Xiang covered his face and looked shaken, “There is a person with a backward head who keeps looking at me.”

Gu Ye glanced out the window, “He must have died in a car accident and hit his head until it got twisted to the back.”

The driver uncle’s face turned pale, “Third Young Master, what did you say? What died in a car accident?”

“Oh, we were just kidding. Have you heard of a joke?” Gu Ye pretended to change the subject casually and said with a smile, “There was a retarded person who went racing on his motorcycle on the highway in the middle of the night. Because it was too cold, he wore his jacket inside out. Unexpectedly he got into a car accident and fell into a ditch. The person who came to save him took a look at him in the dark and said he couldn’t be saved. It’s because the man’s head is twisted to the back so he is pretty dead. The person said to let the biker die a dignified appearance so he kindly twisted with all his strength. With a kacha, the dead’s face is finally facing forward, hahaha.”

The people in the car felt cold all over. This joke was so scary!

“Isn’t it funny?” Gu Ye saw that none of them were laughing and said seriously, “Then let me tell you another story. There was a hanged man. His tongue was too long and he always stumbled when he walked. His friend said, why don’t you wrap your tongue around the waistband of your pants…mhmmmmm!”

Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang covered Gu Ye’s mouth each from a side and said, “Stop talking! Where did you learn this kind of joke? It’s too hardcore!”

Gu Ye was grinning evilly when he suddenly felt a vibration of spiritual energy, followed by 3 ghostly evil auras laced with blood. Gu Ye looked in that direction vigilantly. In the dark night, it still can be seen a purple aura that only a mythical art master can have.

When Gu Ye thought of the calculation he got about encountering evil spirits, he excitedly pulled away the paws covering his mouth. Pointed in that direction, he said happily, “Uncle Feng, turn the car around, I want to go there!”

Zhao Pengyu immediately had a bad feeling when he saw Gu Ye’s expression, “Did you see something?”

Gu Ye excitedly replied, “Such a heavy ghost auras!”

Xia Xiang held his head and wailed, “I don’t want to go! I don’t want to see them!”

Zhao Pengyu is also going crazy, “I say, why are you so happy? Stop looking for this kind of excitement!”

Gu Ye’s fighting spirit couldn’t be suppressed at all, “What is a Ghost Festival without a fight with ghosts? Uncle Feng, listen to me, go!”

The driver uncle really wanted to kneel down to Gu Ye, “Third Young Master, this… is not safe.”

Gu Ye stuck himself by the window, “You can put me down here and I’ll walk there. I think someone needs my help.”

The driver had no choice but to turn the car around and send him there.

Zhao Pengyu already wanted to climb out of the car window, “I think singing is good. I’ll go back to the KTV and protect my classmates!”

“No need!” Gu Ye grabbed Zhap Pengyu by the collar and pushed him back into the car. “A group of children who have never done any evil and have strong yang energy. There are more than 50 of them gathered together. No one ghost dares to mess with them!”

Zhao Pengyu was desperate, lying in the car with despair.

Raw word count: 7037 (whole chapter)


[1] Yes, the statement sounds weird and seems to come out from nowhere. Banana double-checked the raw in jj too, it’s just like that. Probably the author didn’t notice this discrepancy.

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 40 Part 2

Chapter 40 So what if I have to wait for him for 4 more years? Part 2

After returning home from the birthday party, Gu Yang pestered Gu Ye, “Brother! I heard that you guys are going to Happy World theme park tomorrow? Take me there!”

Gu Ye was lying on the bed reading a book and said nonchalantly, “Okay, what do you want to play?”

“I can play whatever is exciting, like a pirate ship, devil’s elevator, bungee jumping, rapids… I can play anything, and I also want to go to the haunted house!”

Gu Ye turned over a page of the book and said calmly, “Don’t go to the haunted house, you will get scared.”

Gu Yang looked arrogant and confident as he replied, “Whoever is afraid of is a dog!”

Gu Ye sighed, “Okay, I hope you mean what you say.”

Early the next morning, Gu Ye took Gu Yang out and played adventurous and exciting games. Gu Yang rushed forward without any care, like a wild child who was let out of his cage, crazy and unable to be held back. However, when they finally entered the haunted house, Gu Yang broke down. He hung on Gu Ye’s back in fear and had to be dragged out by Gu Ye. He closed his eyes and did not dare to look, “Brother! This is all fake, right?!”

Gu Ye said tiredly, “Didn’t you say you are very brave and are not afraid of ghosts? So you still want me to take you with me when I go out? Didn’t you say whoever gets afraid is a dog? You said it yourself.”

Gu Yang: “Brother…”

Gu Ye: “En?”

Gu Yang: “Woof!”

Gu Ye: “…”

Gu Yang: “Brother!”

Gu Ye: “What?!”

Gu Yang: “Woof woof.”

Gu Ye raised his hand angrily and pinched Gu Yang’s cheek, “If you say anything again, I’ll beat you to death!”

Seeing Gu Yang’s aggrieved expression, Gu Ye pinched the other side of his face, and his mood suddenly improved.

On the 14th day of the seventh lunar month, Yu Ze came to pick up Gu Ye as promised. When Gu Yang saw his brother going out, he wanted to follow him.

Gu Ye raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, “If you follow me out again, I will sell you for buns!”

Gu Yang squatted on the lawn while holding the now-larger dog. He pulled out two handfuls of grass, stuffed it into the dog’s mouth, and muttered, “You can’t bully me just because second brother bullied you. Who stated that the little ones should be bullied?”

Gu Ye rubbed his hands as if to say ‘If you kept talking nonsense, I’ll pinch you’!

Gu Yang became obedient in a second. After Gu Ye went out, he pinched the dog’s face resentfully. “If cannot follow, then I won’t follow. So this is how it goes, the eldest son bullies the second eldest, the second eldest bullies the third, the third bullies the fourth. As the fourth, I can only bully you.”

After getting in the car, Yu Ze saw something wrong with Gu Ye’s expression and looked at him with concern.

“It’s okay, I just gave that naughty kid a few words.” Gu Ye lowered his head and was startled when he saw Yu Ze’s hand on his side. Probably because it was light in color before and was blocked by the purple aura, he didn’t even notice that there was a red line on Yu Ze’s ring finger. This means Yu Ze’s destined person has appeared? As for where the other end is, Gu Ye can’t see it.

Yu Ze looked at his hand in confusion, “What’s wrong?”

Gu Ye smiled and said, “Your destined person has appeared.”

“Really?” Yu Ze looked at his hand and then at Gu Ye’s, “Where’s yours?”

Gu Ye shook his head in embarrassment, “In our line of business, we are unable to calculate our own fortunes, let alone see ourselves clearly (telling fortune by facial features). Even if my destined person is standing in front of me, I can’t tell, even if I’m looking at his aura.”

Yu Ze looked at his hand regretfully and said meaningfully, “What a pity.”

Gu Ye nodded, “Yes.”

When they arrived, many masters were already drinking tea and chatting in the courtyard. Because there were so many people, Old Master Yu directed his people to place mahogany tables and chairs in the yard. There are snacks and tea served on the table. The glass cover that had been open over the yard was closed, and the air conditioner was turned on, which made it cool. As soon as they arrived, many masters looked over. Then, the lively atmosphere suddenly cooled down, and their expressions became weird.

Gu Ye stood at the door, a bit of helplessness flashed in his eyes. It was like this before when he was ‘Gu Ye’. Unpopular, but he didn’t expect that he was still unpopular after changing his body.

Yu Ze’s expression darkened and he pulled Gu Ye through everyone, “After you meet my father, your mission is considered done. Don’t worry about their opinions.”

“I think so too. Why waste my feelings on someone I don’t know?” Gu Ye swaggered into Old Master Yu’s study and saw the old man writing alone. He asked with a smile, “Old master, how is your health?”

“Good, I’m feeling good!” Mr. Yu stopped writing and asked kindly, “How is your father’s health?”

“He’s good too. Since he received your calligraphy and painting, he got someone to frame it and hang it in his study. Then he will worship them many times every day. After that, he becomes strong and can work for another 20 years.”

Gu Ye made Old Master Yu happy with just a few sentences, “Then please let him visit me someday. I’ll let him take whichever one he likes.”

“I’ll give my thanks first to you on behalf of my dad!” Gu Ye walked over with a smile. Admiring Old Master Yu’s calligraphy, he asked, “I haven’t seen Old Master Tang, why didn’t he come to such an occasion?”

Old Master Yu finished writing the rest of the words and said with a smile, “Old Tang has quit the association. Most of these people today are from the Xuanshu Association. He didn’t want to see them, so he didn’t come.”

Gu Ye frowned, “Quit? Isn’t Old Master Tang one of the founders of the Xuanshu Association? He has already retreated behind the scenes*, so why is there such a thing as quitting?”

*As in no longer handling stuff, just giving advice at most

“For you and your senior brother, he fell out with his disciple.” Old Master Yu said nonchalantly, “It’s okay to quit. This society has deviated from the original intention of its establishment. Jing Lianzhong was greedy for power and wanted to control everything. Old Tang even wanted to expel him from his school.”

Gu Ye felt a moment of shock in his heart, “For me?”

“Don’t think too much, he will fall out sooner or later anyway,” Old Master Yu put down his pen and said, “I told him a long time ago. If the garbage society continues to play like this, sooner or later it will be over.”

“Pfft!” Gu Ye couldn’t help but look at Yu Ze with a smile. Your old man is this fashionable? He knows to say this kind of word.

Yu Ze shook his head speechlessly, having nothing to say.

Old Master Yu tugged at the corner of Gu Ye’s clothes. He squinted his eyes which were exactly the same as Yu Ze’s, and whispered, “Work hard and defeat Jing Lianzhong. You can become the president. Old Tang and I will support you.”

Gu Ye doesn’t know if to laugh or cry, “Old Master Yu, please stop teasing me. I’m used to freedom. How can I do that?”

“Just because you don’t want to do it now doesn’t mean you can’t do it in the future. When the time comes, Old Tang and I will go canvass for you, come on!”

Gu Ye smiled dryly, “Okay, as long as you are happy.”

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more side-tracked, Yu Ze noticed that Gu Ye felt troubled. He pulled Gu Ye to his side and said, “You have already met him so I will take him away now.”

Old Master Yu was dissatisfied, “Where are you taking him? We haven’t finished talking yet.”

Yu Ze pulled Gu Ye away unmoved, “Take her to me and change my life. You can entertain the masters outside.”

“Huh? This kid!” Mr. Yu stamped his feet angrily, “I really haven’t finished what I said!”

Gu Ye looked back, waved his hand, and comforted, “Let’s talk about it next time.”

Old Master Yu sighed, but he hadn’t asked this little master yet whether Yu Ze’s fate could be changed.

Old Master Yu did not expect that Gu Ye being taken away was just the beginning. Soon someone came to say goodbye to him. The master only said 1 sentence, “Destiny has been decided and cannot be changed.”

Old Master Yu bid farewell to this master in disappointment. Soon, two more came, again with the same words, “Destiny has been decided, forgive us for our inability to do anything.”

Old Master Yu stopped them and asked, “You guys would try to do some calculations in previous years, but this year you don’t need to calculate anything?”

The two masters shook their heads apologetically, “Destiny has been determined. We have seen it.”

Not long after, a few more people came and said the same thing to bid farewell to Old Master Yu. This time, he didn’t stop the masters. He replied with a despairing heart, “Destiny has been determined, right? I understand. Thank you all for making a trip today.”

A young man wanted to speak, but his master glared at him and stopped him. After leaving the Yu family, the young apprentice asked in confusion, “Master, why didn’t you let me tell him?”

The master is quite old, so he explained to his apprentice in a serious and thoughtful manner, “What do you want to say? Your son’s destiny red line has appeared and it’s bound to a boy? Old Master Yu is so old and looks forward to his daughter-in-law and grandson. Can he bear this blow?”

“That Gu Ye is pretty good at telling fortune, but he can’t even see it himself?”

“The more you know how to calculate, the less likely you are to calculate your own fate. Otherwise, how could his senior brother die so early?”

Gu Ye only went to have some snacks and when he came back, he found that a third of the people had left. Old Master Yu’s face didn’t look good either. Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze and asked, “What to do? Do you want to go and coax him?”

Yu Ze answered nonchalantly, “He has this expression every year, and it will be fine in 2 days.”

Gu Ye: “…Okay.”

“Don’t worry about it, let’s go out to eat.” Yu Ze took the car keys. He has already seen that all the masters who were said to be capable in the past years have left. The rest were all strangers, and they all looked at him as if he is a precious animal. Yu Ze couldn’t bear it anymore and took Gu Ye with him to hide away without telling his family.

Late afternoon, Yu Ze went to his company, and Gu Ye went home for a nap. He didn’t take Old Master Yu’s words to heart. This sentence really fits him – Live without care, then living is not tiring.

The Hungry Ghost Festival soon arrived. On this day, the whole class was hanging out in groups and agreed to meet at Mama’s Restaurant near the school at 6.00 pm. After dinner, they will go to the KTV across the road to sing. No one is allowed to go home until midnight. They must enjoy this final good time before the university starts!

The class monitor chose this store after considering it in advance. Everyone is going Dutch/paying for themselves. This store is relatively affordable, tastes good, and is suitable for student’s budget. None of the classmates had any objections, and the chat messages reached 99+ in minutes.

Mrs. Gu took two sets of clothes and knocked on Gu Ye’s door. “I ordered 2 sets of clothes for you. Which one will you wear for the class reunion?”

Gu Ye put down his phone. There were so many messages in the group that he couldn’t even read them. “Either one is fine. It’s just a meal with my classmates.”

“Wear this, the style is fresh and natural. You’re fair so wear this to show off your skin.” Mrs. Gu has already chosen a set, a light blue short-sleeved shirt and white jeans. Although the style is not much different from the clothing sold in general stores, it is custom-fitted and well-dressed. “Wear a sleeveless vest underneath. You don’t have to button it up. Just in case you come back late and it’s cold, then you can button it up for warmth.”

Gu Ye curled his lips and felt tired just looking at it, “Why do you dress me up so beautifully?”

Little mom has a lot on her mind, “You’re so handsome. If you like any girl, bring her back.”

Gu Ye lay on the bed tiredly and didn’t want to move, “I’m only 19.”

Ever since Mrs. Gu heard Gu Ye say that he didn’t know what species he liked, she as the mother had been frightened. Mrs. Gu pulled Gu Ye up from the bed, “Age is not important, now we need to gain experience.”

Gu Ye doesn’t know to laugh or cry, “What if I bring a ghost back?”

“Pei pei pei spits! Bring a female back.”

“Female ghost?”

Mrs. Gu yelled at Gu Ye angrily, “Bring a human back! Human!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll bring a human back in the future. Don’t get agitated, I’ll put the clothes on right now. “

Only after getting the confirmation that Mrs. Gu went out.

After Gu Ye changed his clothes, before going out, he took out his compass to calculate whether there would be a ghost tonight. Unexpectedly, the result showed that he would not only bump into ghosts tonight, but it would be evil ghosts. In the end, he also formed an indissoluble bond with a ‘thing’.

Because this fortune-telling is for himself, Gu Ye can’t get an accurate reading and can’t be sure what that ‘thing’ is, but it’s certain that he will bump into ghosts. When Gu Ye thought it was an evil ghost, his spirit was shaken. He excitedly grabbed a handful of charms, and 2 cinnabar pens before rushing out!

Master Gu was suddenly excited!

Raw word count: 7053 (whole chapter)

#BringAHumanBack ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)b

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 40 Part 1

Chapter 40 So what if I have to wait for him for 4 more years? Part 1

On the day of Gu Decheng’s birthday, he reserved a high-end business club to entertain many guests.

A 60th birthday is neither big nor small. The older generation of the Gu family passed away more than 10 years ago so Gu Decheng is already the oldest member of the Gu family. Hence, the big venue is not an exaggeration to celebrate his birthday. Gu Decheng also has 2 cousins but they didn’t have a good relationship when they were young, and they didn’t keep in touch with each other very much. However, after hearing the news about Gu Decheng’s birthday party, they sent their sons over as a show of face.

Considering Gu Decheng’s age and seeing his younger brothers unwilling to help out no matter what, Gu Sen as the eldest brother can only shoulder the responsibility; preparing to move his company back to China to help his old father in his company. Hearing that, Gu Decheng was happy, as if he could already see his good life of retiring and playing golf every day. And so, he joyfully led Gu Sen around to meet his friends in the business world.

“I won’t take over Dad’s company ever. All these people are just old men, so boring.” Gu Lin held up his chin and said with a teasing smile on his lips. Squinting his beautiful eyes, he watched the crowd at the side.

Gu Ye also made a similar posture as Gu Lin. The two brothers got together, watching their eldest brother busying around, and snickered, “Big brother can do it. When he is being serious, he can find something to chat with them.”

Gu Sen passed by with a glass of wine and could hear clearly the conversation between the two brothers. The eldest brother glared helplessly at the two younger brothers, especially Gu Lin.
With his eyes, he is scolding Gu Lin to come down and help, not to hide away like a child.

Gu Lin held the juice and clinked glasses with Gu Ye, pretending not to understand, and caused his elder brother to walk away angrily.

This birthday party gathered famous people from all walks of life. Not only the daughters of major wealthy families but also celebrities attended. Gu Ye watched the young women glancing at his two brothers intentionally or unintentionally, and asked Gu Lin in a low voice, “Brother, those young ladies keep looking at you two. Coming here today is definitely not just for a birthday party. Will Dad arrange a business marriage for you?”

Gu Lin said disgustedly, “Why don’t we arrange a business marriage for you?”

Gu Ye laughed and said, “Because I don’t listen, I am the most disobedient one.”

Gu Lin raised his eyebrows, “Then you think we will listen?”

After saying that, the two brothers looked at Old Fourth together, then looked at each other, and laughed. Even if they don’t say it out, they understand the meaning. If things don’t work, they will sell Old Fourth. Although they couldn’t really sell him for real, the two brothers still feel it’s funny. Considering the child’s IQ, he will help to count the money for them if they sell him.

At this time, the noisy hall suddenly became quiet for a moment. Gu Lin looked up and his tone suddenly became cold and indifferent, “Yu Ze is here.”

Gu Ye’s eyes lit up, “Where, where?”

Standing at the door, Yu Ze is alone. He is wearing a well-tailored black suit, which makes his already tall figure even more upright. His handsome face is the same as usual. Even if he is surrounded by others, he remains unsmiling and politely lowers his head, neither rude nor warm. As soon as he arrived, he stood out among the many rich people. He suddenly attracted all the attention and became the focus of the audience.

Gu Ye held his chin and squinted his eyes. Admiring Yu Ze the humanoid piece of art, he sighed, “So eye-catching!”

Gu Lin looked at Gu Ye’s expression calmly, “You admire him that much?”

Gu Ye nodded vigorously, “Yu Ze is full of good points. He is tall, handsome, capable, well-educated, and has a good personality. He often does charity without seeking fame. He’s great no matter how I look at him.”

The corners of Gu Lin’s lips curled up, and his voice deepened. Pointing at a girl wearing a pink dress, he asked, “Isn’t that girl pretty? She’s about the same age as you, and she’s the right match for you in terms of status.”

Gu Ye looked at the girl carefully and shook his head, “Brother, don’t you think that Yu Ze’s delicate facial features are more beautiful than hers?”

Gu Lin put down his drink and changed to another glass, “You just think Yu Ze is good-looking?”

Afraid that Gu Lin would misunderstand that he is superficial, Gu Ye quickly explained, “Yu Ze is excellent in all aspects. Good-looking is just one aspect. You see, when talking to our dad, he immediately becomes less cold, very polite.”

Not sure why, but when Gu Ye explained like this, Gu Lin’s expression turned uglier, “You… just stay here and don’t run around.” After that, he went downstairs with the wine glass in hand.

Gu Ye looked confused. What did he say wrong? Gu Lin can’t just bully him because he(GL) is a few years older.

Gu Decheng is naturally very happy to see Yu Ze. In addition to that, Gu Sen and Yu Ze were classmates and had a good relationship when they were studying abroad. He also hoped that the two of them would communicate more and help each other in the future, so Gu Decheng pulled Yu Ze with him and talked a lot. After finally waiting for Gu Decheng to leave, Yu Ze was surrounded by people again. Many wealthy people brought their daughters to say hello. It was obvious what the purpose was. Yu Ze couldn’t see Gu Ye anywhere, and he couldn’t get away from the crowd surrounding him. Yu Ze’s face became colder and colder, and there was no warmth in his eyes.

Gu Lin held the wine glass and came to Yu Ze. Then he said with a smile, “President Yu’s expression will scare away a lot of girls.”

Yu Ze looked at the ‘smiling tiger’ expressionlessly and said calmly, “En.”

Gu Lin’s hand holding the wine glass shook. Unexpectedly, of all the replies that he anticipated, Yu Ze only replied with “En”, which felt like hitting cotton and he couldn’t exert any force. Gu Lin clinked glasses with Yu Ze and asked with a smile, “Is President Yu looking for someone?”

Yu Ze’s eyes darkened slightly, and he said openly, “I’m looking for Gu Ye.”

Gu Lin curled his lips and his eyes were a little cold, “You really don’t hide it, huh?”

Yu Ze said calmly, “Is it necessary to hide it?”

“Aren’t you afraid that he will find out? Then keeping a wide berth from you?”

Yu Ze had already seen Gu Ye coming downstairs, and finally, there was warmth in his eyes. He did not lower his voice deliberately, and said unhurriedly, “He doesn’t care what other people say. I’ll even thank you for telling him in advance so that he doesn’t stay clueless.”

“Ha ha.” Gu Lin’s face remained calm, but in his heart, he wanted to splash wine at Yu Ze in the face. Having seen too many chaotic relationships between men and women in the entertainment industry, Gu Lin saw the clues in the way Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye. He didn’t expect Yu Ze to be so straightforward and admit his thoughts directly, “He is only 19 years old. Is President Yu serious?”

The corners of Yu Ze’s lips raised, “So what if I have to wait for him for 4 more years? He will judge for himself whether I’m sincere or not.”

Gu Lin couldn’t help but change his expression, “By the time he reaches the age where he can judge, he will have already been ‘kidnapped’ by you. How wise do you think he is at his current young age? He has his own life and he would want to marry a wife and have children. I don’t need to explain to President Yu to understand this. Can you bear to see him being criticized(by society)?”

Yu Ze chuckled and said slowly, “I can’t stop gossip and criticism, but I can guarantee that things he doesn’t like to hear will not reach his ears. Rather than letting him spend his whole life protecting other women, it would be better for him to be happy and protected by me for the rest of his life.”

Gu Lin laughed angrily at Yu Ze’s overbearing words, “Has he seen this attitude of yours before?”

Yu Ze clinked Gu Lin’s wine glass with a smile. His movements were graceful, and there was even a smile on his face that was difficult for others to see. He said word by word, “He doesn’t need it.”

Gu Lin was choked with anger and looked at Yu Ze as if he were looking at a kidnapper who abducted his home-grown ‘cabbage’! What kind of confidence does Yu Ze have to dare to have a domineering showdown at this moment with him, the elder brother?! This is a daylight robbery!

By now, Gu Ye has come to this side. Looking at Yu Ze’s smiling eyes, he came over happily and asked, “What are you two talking about? You seemed to be chatting so happily?”

“Ha ha!” Gu Lin sneered, “Children are too naive. Sometimes the smiles on adults’ faces are not real smiles. You have to know how to tell the difference.”

Gu Ye subtly felt that the aura between the two was not right, so he wisely closed his mouth and observed in confusion.

At this moment, someone came over and told Gu Lin, “Second Young Master, the cake has arrived. There are some details that I need you to help confirm.”

Gu Lin pinched Gu Ye’s face angrily, “You should be more careful!”

“Hiss!” Gu Ye innocently covered his face, hurt by the pinch. He looked speechless as his brother walked away angrily, “He took the wrong medicine or what?!”

Yu Ze frowned and lowered his head slightly. Looking at Gu Ye’s pinched red face, he raised his hand in the air for a moment but then put it down again.

Gu Ye covered his face in confusion, feeling aggrieved, and said, “Human beings are sure moody and unpredictable.”

In the end, Yu Ze still couldn’t hold the urge back. Moving a bit, he blocked other people’s sight with his body before placing his thumb on Gu Ye’s cheek. He rubbed it twice gently and opened his mouth. However, his words of comfort only turned into one word in the end, “En.”

“Pfft!” Gu Ye was amused. Seeing that someone wanted to approach and surround them again, he pulled Yu Ze and left, “Let’s go, let’s go. There are too many people here, and it’s inconvenient to talk. I know a quiet corner where there is no one will come to disturb us.”

Gu Lin came back from his work and found that Gu Ye and Yu Ze were no longer there. So he pulled over Gu Yang, who was looking for food in the entire venue, “Where is your third brother?”

Gu Yang looked confused, “I didn’t see him.”

Gu Lin’s mouth twitched, feeling that he wanted to hit the child, “Go find him!”

“Oh.” Gu Yang scratched his head. He didn’t know why his second brother was angry, and he didn’t dare to ask, so he went to find Gu Ye. Then he met a friend he knew on the way and got led away as soon as he turned around.

In a corner where no one was disturbing, Yu Ze asked Gu Ye beside him, “Are you still going to the tea party?”

“Tea party?” Gu Ye asked in confusion, “Old Master Yu holds such a party every year, but what exactly does he want to do?”

Yu Ze answered tiredly, “Change my fate.”

Gu Ye shook his head and said firmly, “It’s impossible to change, Old Master Yu should just stop it.”


“You have so much purple aura around you so whoever touches your fate will be unlucky. What more changing your fate? It is just asking for death. And even if they die, they are still unable to change so their death will be in vain.”

Yu Ze said seriously, “This year should be the last. He won’t get anyone to do this next year.”

Gu Ye tilted his head, a little confused. The old man was not someone who gave up easily.

Yu Ze looked into Gu Ye’s eyes and explained, “I’ll let him know that it’s useless to continue the search.”

Gu Ye nodded and patted Yu Ze on the shoulder, “All the best. Then I’d better go to the tea party. I have already promised Old Master Yu before, so I don’t let the old man have any regrets.”

“I’ll pick you up that day.”

“I go by my own.”

“I’ll take you.”

Gu Ye smiled, “Okay.”

For the first time, Gu Ye felt that his relationship with Yu Ze was very subtly different and not like friends. After all, physically speaking, Yu Ze was 7 years older than him. He had just become a college student but Yu Ze was already a successful entrepreneur. The strange thing is that their every chat is extremely harmonious.

The two of them chatted for a long time until Gu Sen accidentally discovered them. He came over with a glass of wine, and asked in confusion, “You two can actually hold a conversation with each other?”

Yu Ze raised his glass with a smile and clinked it with Gu Sen but didn’t explain anything.

“After graduation, we didn’t have time to drink and chat together like this,” Gu Sen said with a smile, “When I return to China again later, we should get together often.”

Yu Ze looked gentle and said, “As long as you are free.”

“Ei, the old man is looking for me again,” Gu Sen patted Gu Ye on the back, coaxing him like a child, “I’ll go and take a look. Old Third, continue chatting with your big brother Yu Ze, and don’t drink.”

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched. Yu Ze and his big brother Gu Sen were classmates, so it didn’t matter if he called Yu Ze big brother. But he and Zhao Pengyu are classmates, and Zhao Pengyu is Yu Ze’s nephew. The generational hierarchy is so chaotic that there is no way to sort it out.

Gu Ye asked Zhao Pengyu in a message: [If I call you uncle ‘Big brother’, will you hit me?]

Zhao Pengyu: [YES!!!!]

Reading the message, Gu Ye nodded and placed his finger on the ‘Press and Talk’ button. Then he looked at Yu Ze with a smile, “Brother Yu Ze, can you pass me the glass of juice?”

Startled, Yu Ze looked stiffly at Gu Ye’s evil eyes, then asked with a complicated expression, “This?”

Gu Ye took it and said, “En, thank you, big brother.”

Yu Ze said stiffly, “You’re welcome.”

Gu Ye drank the juice and raised his finger to send the voice message. The next moment, Zhao Pengyu was so angry that he sent an emoticon that he wanted to beat him to death. Gu Ye happily put the phone in his pocket and was in a good mood.

During lunch, Gu Ye wanted to sit with Yu Ze, but Gu Lin took him away halfway and sandwiched him between himself and Gu Yang. Others can’t see anything wrong with the seating. After all, there is nothing wrong with the order of the second eldest son sitting next to the third son, followed by the youngest son.

Yu Ze raised his lips slightly. He was a distinguished guest, so he was naturally invited to sit at the same table as Gu Decheng, so he sat next to Gu Yang. Gu Decheng looked at this seating order and pointed to his youngest son, “Old Fourth, you and your third brother change seats. It will be easier for them to talk.”

Gu Lin’s expression immediately dropped. Is he the only one in the family who understands what’s wrong?!

After lunch, Gu Ye saw Yu Ze off. After getting in the car, Yu Ze tilted his head and said to Gu Ye by the window, “Contact me on WeChat.”

Gu Ye smiled and nodded, “Okay.”

After returning, Gu Ye looked at Gu Lin who looked like he had something to say but couldn’t. He subconsciously touched his face and slipped away.

Gu Lin: “…”

Raw word count: 7053 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 39 Part 2

Chapter 39 Yu Ze: What does your dad like? Part 2

In the next few days, Gu Ye waited for his father to leave for work before going out. Then he came back early before his father returned. 2 days later, he felt it was too much trouble, so he simply left a note for his father and went out to roam.

Gu Decheng was too busy with work and had no time to care about Gu Ye until Mrs. Gu came back from her parent’s home and found that Gu Ye had not been home for several days. After checking Gu Ye’s location, she found out that he almost left the imperial capital. Mrs. Gu was furious and called Gu Ye, “Child, why are you not home yet? Come back home quickly!”

Wearing a straw hat and fishing by the river, Gu Ye advised his stepmother sincerely, “Mom, I’m grown up. You must learn to let go and let me spread my wings and fly high.”

Mrs. Gu said with a cold face, “Why fly? It’s so hot outside! Even a moth wouldn’t want to go out and fly.”

Gu Ye suppressed his laughter and coaxed, “I have nothing to do even if I go back. I am determined to be a walking Taoist priest. I will go and help whoever needs it.”

Hearing that, Mrs. Gu was extremely angry, “Who said there’s nothing to do? Come back and give your brother extra lessons!”

Gu Ye’s smile suddenly became wider, “Mom, do you think making up the lessons is useful for him?”

“I… think,” Mrs. Gu glanced at her son who was walking the dog. Then holding her forehead with a headache, she said, “If you don’t come back, I will cry!”

Gu Ye: “You win! I’ll go back tomorrow!”

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Gu gave the driver directions and said, “Pick him back tomorrow. Don’t let him run away. Does he think of leaving his home?”

Someone shouted outside the door, “Madam! The third young master’s admission notice is here!”

Mrs. Gu ran out in surprise and received the notice from Capital University. She was so moved that she wanted to cry, “It is indeed a famous university. The notice looked three-dimensional, which is different from ordinary universities. My adopted son… who said I can’t raise a son?!”

As soon as Mrs. Gu finished speaking, Gu Yang ran over and said excitedly, “My brother’s admission notice has arrived? This looks so cool!”

The corners of Mrs. Gu’s mouth twitched, and tears were about to fall. It wasn’t that she couldn’t raise a son, but she couldn’t give birth to (a good) one!

Not only Gu Ye but also many classmates have received admission notices one after another. Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang chatted in a small group of just the three of them every day about which school they went to. Not long after Gu Ye received the admission notice at home, Xia Xiang happily shared the photo of his admission notice in the group: [I received the admission notice, how about you?]

Zhao Pengyu: [I didn’t. I was only 0.5 points higher than the score line. Will there be any unfortunate accident?]

Gu Ye: [Do you want to know in advance whether you will fail it? Send a selfie and also 1,000 yuan fortune-telling fee.]

Xia Xiang:……

Zhao Pengyu: [Is it for real? Have you received the selfie?]

Gu Ye: [I don’t need to look at it, it’s fine.]

Zhao Pengyu: [Transferred 1,000 yuan]

Xia Xiang: [Are you stupid?! You have passed the exam so you will definitely receive a notice!]

Gu Ye had already collected the money and replied: [You passed the exam.]

Zhao Pengyu: […]

Xia Xiang: [Fool!]

Zhao Pengyu posted a bunch of flipped tables and threw stools emoticons in the group, but unfortunately, no one paid him any attention. Seeing that his one-man show was useless, Zhao Pengyu stopped making trouble and asked Gu Ye: [Where are you? Not at home?]

Gu Ye: [I am looking for my destined person by the river.]

Zhao Pengyu: Do you think you are Lady Bai?

Gu Ye smiled and replied: [I still haven’t met my Xu Xian so please don’t disturb me.]

The two people in the group rolled their eyes together, and Gu Ye replied with a smile: [Let’s spend the money, it’s rare for Zhao Pengyu to treat.]

The three of them discussed for a while. Then they decided to go back and find a place to spend the day and relax.

Mrs. Gu also sent a photo to Gu Ye: [Son, the admission notice has arrived. I showed it to your dad. Your dad said that he would have a big birthday this year.]

Seeing the message, Gu Ye felt embarrassed. Isn’t it a bit too exaggerated? It looked like he had won the first place in the exam.

Early the next morning, Gu Ye received a message from Yu Ze. It’s just two words: [恭喜。 (Congratulations.)] If he hadn’t known Yu Ze’s cold nature, he would have thought Yu Ze was being perfunctory. But Gu Ye understood that it was very rare for the other party to remember to congratulate him even though he was busy. He replied: [Thank you.]

Yu Ze: [What does your father like?]

Gu Ye: [???]

Yu Ze: [I received an invitation from your father and will be there as promised.]

Gu Ye facepalmed. Could it be that his father had sent invitation letters to all the relatives and friends he knew? But this is important, especially for those in his business circle. If he didn’t give the invitation to someone, they would think Gu Decheng looked down on them. But if giving the invite to everyone, Gu Ye will feel embarrassed. He doesn’t know anyone, so what’s the point of showing off?

Gu Ye replied helplessly: [He likes Old Master Yu’s calligraphy and paintings, but he is not very interested in the things that can be bought with money.]

Yu Ze: [Okay, I understand.]

After returning home, Gu Ye didn’t have time to make up lessons for Gu Yang because he received a notice from the school. As soon as the admission notice was issued, Teacher Yu called them all back to hold the last class meeting for them and handed out high school diplomas to them. The group photos taken with the whole class previously had been developed so he gave them to everyone as a souvenir.

This time when they returned to school, the teachers no longer cared whether they were wearing school uniforms or carrying mobile phones. Everyone returned to campus casually and took photos with their mobile phones. Gu Ye stood at the school gate and took a photo with his mobile phone.

Now everyone knows how many points Gu Ye scored and also knows that he is the son of Gu Decheng. They all knew before that he was a second-generation rich man with a young and beautiful stepmother. Other than that, they knew that his family was very rich, but they didn’t expect that his family was so rich. The students who bullied him before saw Gu Ye and walked around him, fearing that Gu Ye would cause trouble for them.

Since other people ignored(didn’t provoke) him, Gu Ye is too lazy as well to talk to them. After taking the photo, he went to the classroom. When he stood at the door, he heard someone say, “Have you heard that Lin Zihao didn’t get into any university? He didn’t attend the examination the next day that day. He didn’t come today either.”

“I heard that Lin Zihao got unlucky because he offended Gu Ye.”

“Didn’t he forget his admission ticket at home? What does it have to do with Gu Ye?”

“Is it Gu Ye’s curse?”

“Stop saying funny things, why would Gu Ye curse him? Isn’t it the person who Gu Ye should curse the most who bullied him before? As long we don’t have a close relationship and don’t offend Gu Ye, it’s fine since we weren’t familiar with each other before.”

Gu Ye raised the corner of his mouth. Standing behind those classmates, he patted their shoulders, “Yo~”

Several classmates were startled by him. When they saw it was him, they immediately closed their mouths in embarrassment and did not dare to say anymore. With a smile, they swiftly dispersed.

Gu Ye touched his face speechlessly. Is he so scary?

Xia Xiang said with a smile, “You are now a celebrity. With your identity exposed, people who have offended you before will respect and fear you.”

Gu Ye shrugged, having nothing to say.

However, many people still greeted Gu Ye, “Gu Ye! Congratulations! The top scorer in science stream!”

“Gu Ye! You have given our class face! Awesome!”

“Gu Ye! Let’s take a photo together!”

“Yes! Take a photo!”

Before Gu Ye could refuse, a group of girls rushed over and dragged Gu Ye into the crowd to take pictures! Gu Ye, who was a little green grass among all the red flowers, was so embarrassed that he didn’t know where to put his hands and feet, which attracted the envy and jealousy of a group of boys. After taking a few pictures, Zhao Pengyu rushed into the crowd to rescue Gu Ye and smiled evilly, “Big star, I heard that after the class meeting, there are reporters who want to interview you and ask how you learned so well. Have you thought of what to say yet?”

Gu Ye spread his hands. Still a bit dazed, he said, “Study hard and make progress every day. When you are confused, just sing ‘We Are the Successors of Socialism’ to the national flag and your grades will go up in minutes.”

Zhao Pengyu raised his thumb and said, “That makes sense!”

After everyone got together to chat for a while, Teacher Yu came. When the serious and old-fashioned Teacher Yu saw this group of students, before he could say anything, his eyes turned red with tears. Choked up, he said, “Teacher is very proud! You are all Teacher’s pride. Teacher believes that you will all have a wonderful future!”

Originally, the students already felt a bit sad to leave school, but they didn’t feel so uncomfortable yet. As soon as they saw Teacher Yu crying, they all wiped away their tears especially the sentimental girls who covered their faces and cried. The last class meeting in high school was spent with teachers and students wiping away their tears.

Gu Ye raised the corner of his mouth. High school will bring an end to the purest and simplest life. When they get to college and start to contact society, and then go through the baptism of society after graduation, how many people can be as pure as they are now? The purity now is so beautiful.

Before parting, the class leader suggested to everyone, “How about we have a party before the university starts? It’s in the capital and it’s close to home!”

The classmates all agreed and asked enthusiastically with red eyes, “When?”

The class monitor looked at the calendar and said, “How about August 16th? 16 sounds like 66 (slang for amazing). School starts on August 22nd. This is a suitable day.”

Gu Ye turned over the calendar and frowned. These children were really fearless. That day was the Hungry Ghost Festival, the 15th day of the 7th lunar month. A Ghost Festival ah!

Yu Ze: Tomorrow is my first official visit to my father-in-law, so I have to behave well! Gifts are ready! (Looking in the mirror) En, very handsome!
Eldest Brother, Second Brother, Fourth Brother of the Gu Family: Waiting for you! ▼_▼

Raw word count: 7141 (Total count)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 39 Part 1

Chapter 39 Yu Ze: What does your dad like? Part 1

After seeing his father leave in the morning, Gu Ye went out with a small folding stool. Although he calculated that he would meet his destined person today and what species his destined person was, Gu Ye didn’t know and could only try to meet him by chance.

Gu Ye has a face that attracts attention wherever he goes. He found an empty spot on the busy pedestrian street and put down his folding stool to sit there. Many young people shopping there turned to look at him. A few people did come around, but they were just watching for fun, and no one asked him for fortune-telling.

Gu Ye looked at one person, and then another. Among the bustling crowd, no one seemed to be destined for him. The simplest reason: not good-looking enough!

An aunt saw him from a distance, took out her mobile phone, and looked at the photo inside. After confirming that it was Gu Ye, she ran over in surprise, “Master, are you the same person who set up a stall on Ji Tong Street 2 days ago?”

Gu Ye nodded, this aunt is definitely not a destined person, she is older than his little stepmother.

It seems that the aunt has been looking for Gu Ye for several days, “I heard that your calculations are accurate. Master, can you help me calculate where I can find the thing I lost?”

Gu Ye looked at the aunt’s hand, smiled, and asked, “Auntie, did you lose your wedding ring?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” The aunt saw that Gu Ye could calculate all these accurately and revealed everything, “A few days ago, I took off the ring and washed it. But when I turned around, I couldn’t find it. The ring was with me for 30 years, and I can’t find it all of a sudden. I feel like I’ve lost my soul. Please help me find it. Is 500 yuan enough?”

The bystanders looked at the aunt as if she were a fool. This young man had a pretty face, how could he look like a master? At what age is this now, do people still believe in fortune-telling?

“Auntie, you’d better go home and look for it again. Don’t believe this kind of superstition.” A young man next to the auntie couldn’t stand it and reminded her.

The aunt waved her hand, “You guys don’t understand. This little master has set up a stall in another place before, and his calculations are quite accurate.”

The onlookers were speechless but did not leave, watching how Gu Ye, a liar, cheating money.

Gu Ye was not annoyed and handed a bagua plate to the aunt, “Just casually dial it.”

The aunt did as she was told and looked at Gu Ye nervously.

Gu Ye saw where the pointer was pointing and explained, “The result is overlapping of different hexagrams. The upper hexagram means dui/兑, and dui means joy/悦. The lower hexagram means shock/震, and shock means movement/动.” Gu Ye smiled, “Auntie, not only did you not lose this ring, it has been following you. Touch your own pocket to see if it happened to be inside.”

The aunt hurriedly touched her pocket, and when she touched something, she paused. An expression of surprise immediately appeared on her face. She took out a gold ring. The style was a bit old and it looked like it had been around for some time. “I really found it! It’s amazing. Thank you, little master! This is the outfit I wore the day I lost my ring!”

Gu Ye put the money given by the aunt into his wallet with a smile. The eyes of the onlookers changed immediately. They looked at the aunt and thought: This is a shill!

Gu Ye looked at the people around him again and thought to himself, aren’t there any young and beautiful girls looking for him to tell fortunes?

At this moment, 4 or 5 young ladies in their early twenties gathered around. A short-haired lady asked cheerfully, “Young handsome guy, please calculate for me. Can my boyfriend and I get engaged this year?”

Gu Ye sighed, “Girl, you don’t have a boyfriend, who are you engaged to?”

Hearing that, the girls were stunned. They originally thought that Gu Ye was good-looking and came to tease him, but they didn’t expect to be found out. The other girl blinked, took out her phone, and showed Gu Ye the man on her screen, “Help me calculate this, when will he and I get married?”

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched, “This man is your uncle, how could you two be getting married? Sisters, please stop teasing me, okay?”

At this moment, the expressions of everyone around him changed. Is this young gentleman really good at calculating? For some time, many girls gathered around Gu Ye and asked him to calculate their love fate. Gu Ye looked around and found no girl who made his heart beat. He was already convinced that the destined person was not here.

After working hard for a while, Gu Ye’s wallet was already bulging. In his mind, he thought that if there was no suitable woman for him, a man would be fine. Gu Ye took a sip of water and was looking around when a man actually came over and said, “Little brother, please help me calculate this, which number should I buy to win the lottery?”

Gu Ye shook his head, this dude was not his destined one because he was too ugly.

“Brother, please stop getting involved (in lottery). You will never win any in this lifetime. You might as well work hard.”

Hearing that, the man becomes unhappy, “What nonsense are you talking, you little huckster? Don’t you believe that I will get the police to arrest you?”

Gu Ye sighed, why are there people who are not willing to listen to the (terrible) truth every time? He said calmly, “You are possessed by bad luck. Something unlucky will happen within 3 steps you take from now on.”

The man was so angry that he said, “What are you talking about?” He took 2 steps forward and wanted to argue with Gu Ye. Unexpectedly, a little girl next to him stumbled for some reason. The milk tea in her hand spilled all over the man.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” The little girl was so anxious that she almost cried, and hurriedly handed the man a tissue, “Uncle, I will give you money, you can go and wash the clothes!”

The other party was a teenage girl while this man was already in his twenties. His angry words got stuck in his throat and he couldn’t express his temper. With a furious red face, he scolded while wiping himself, “Scram scram scram!”

As soon as this happened, the man didn’t dare to argue with Gu Ye anymore. Turning to look at him defensively, the man felt like Gu Ye’s dark black eyes were weird, and left quickly.

Gu Ye sighed. He had already given 9 fortune-telling. If the destined person didn’t show up soon, he would go home.

At this time, a gentle and magnetic voice asked with a smile, “Sir, can you tell me whether I can meet my destined person today?”

Gu Ye stopped drinking water and turned his head with interest but his eyes immediately dimmed. This person has a nice voice, looks pretty good, and is not much older than him, but his handsomeness is not amazing enough. Also, his legs… are a bit short. He is less than 1.85 meters tall and his legs are not long enough. This person is not eye-catching enough to look at so he is definitely not the one he’s destined for.

“Maybe fate is just by your side.” Gu Ye said calmly. It’s such a hot day so he already wants to stop for today. He doesn’t even want the money.

The young man came to Gu Ye with a smile, and asked politely, “Little master, what do you mean by just by my side?”

“Wouldn’t you know if you try to look at the people around you?”

Because of the man’s short legs, Gu Ye has determined that the other person is not the one he is destined for. But the other party still wanted to get close to him, so Gu Ye stood up impatiently with his folding stool. He raised his hand to shade his eyes from the sun and looked at the sky, “Aiya, I forgot to calculate the weather before going out, and I didn’t check the weather forecast either. How unlucky. What bad luck.”

Before the young man could say anything else, Gu Ye strolled towards the street carrying his folding stool, completely ignoring him.

The young man gave Gu Ye a regretful look but didn’t follow him.

Gu Ye felt disappointed. If a person can’t be his destined one, a ghost will do too! Well, there are no ghosts during the day, so a ‘Yao’ will do just fine! His requirements are really very low. As long as that being has arms and legs, can take care of themselves, and looks good. Is it demanding? The requirements are really not high! Why isn’t there anyone eye-catching?

Before Gu Ye reached the street, a gust of wind blew over and he could already smell the rain. A black cloud in the distance drifted closer and closer with the wind, and it looked like it was going to rain. A day in June is like a child’s temperament, it changes at will.

This is a pedestrian street so even taxis can’t get in. Gu Ye stopped in his tracks, pursed his lips, and looked at the sky. He doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. God is playing tricks on him, he didn’t bring an umbrella ah!

The raindrops fell without notice, and by the time Gu Ye walked to the end of the street, it was already raining heavily. In desperation, Gu Ye threw his folding stool at the door and entered the ice cream shop on the street. He ordered a vanilla chocolate double ice cream and sat by the window, watching the heavy rain pouring outside. While eating, he sighed. His destined person couldn’t be Shui Wa/Water Baby, right?

“Sir, what would you like to order?”

“I’m looking for someone.”

A familiar voice suddenly came from the door. Gu Ye raised his head and his eyes lit up. The person standing at the door is shrouded in a purple aura to protect his body. He was 1.9 meters tall, had long legs, had a good temperament, and had a handsome face with no flaws at all. That person is a man, and Gu Ye knows him. Does that count as a destined person? Gu Ye is a little unsure, but Yu Ze is really eye-catching and meets the standards of his destined person.

Watching the other person put down his umbrella and walk towards him, Yu Ze seemed to be looking for him so Gu Ye waved happily, “Mr. Yu, what a coincidence!”

Yu Ze sat across from Gu Ye. Looking at the smile on Gu Ye’s face, Yu Ze raised the corners of his lips and said, “I saw someone who looks like you, so I’ll come over and take a look.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye glanced at where Yu Ze’s car stopped. This street is exactly 90 degrees perpendicular to the road Yu Ze is taking. So while Yu Ze passed by at the intersection, he was able to find him sitting by the window eating ice cream in the sight of the heavy rain. Is this considered fate?

Gu Ye laughed dryly twice and said in a complicated mood, “Mr. Yu’s eyes are really sharp.”

Yu Ze smiled slightly, “I felt that it should be you, so I came over and took a look.”

Gu Ye is even more uncertain. In his line of work, fate is destiny. For Yu Ze recognized him by feeling, is this destiny? But the seniority is different ah. He and Zhao Pengyu are buddies, and Yu Ze is Zhao Pengyu’s uncle. This link is a bit unreliable no matter how you think about it.

Gu Ye quickly took 2 mouthfuls of ice to calm down, and asked with a complicated mood, “Mr. Yu didn’t go to the company today?”

“I attended a charity party last night and just came back this morning.” Yu Ze looked at the heavy rain outside and said helplessly, “I didn’t expect it to rain so heavily when I got here.”

“It’s not safe to drive on rainy days so it’s better to stop at the side.” After Gu Ye finished his last bite, he looked at Yu Ze. He didn’t know if it was his psychological reasons or something else, he felt a little embarrassed when he saw Yu Ze’s face.

Yu Ze himself didn’t talk much and Gu Ye didn’t speak, so Yu Ze just watched Gu Ye eat without any intention of communicating. Gu Ye didn’t think it was a big deal before, but now that he calculated that he is going to meet his ‘destined person’ today, he keep wondering who is his future partner when looking at anyone nearby. Being stared at by Yu Ze’s focused eyes, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Yu Ze also noticed something was wrong with Gu Ye and asked doubtfully, “What’s wrong?”

Gu Ye stiffened his face and said, “Feeling a bit uncomfortable.”

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye eating such a big bowl of ice cream and said, “Did you eat too much? Are you having diarrhea?”

Gu Ye just wants to say: If you can’t speak nicely, please shut your mouth!

“I have an iron stomach. I can eat two more if I want.” After saying this, Gu Ye felt much more relaxed. “Which charity party did Mr. Yu attend? If it is a charity for children, I would also like to contribute.”

Yu Ze raised the corner of his mouth and said, “A donation event for making prosthetic limbs for disabled children. If you want to participate, there will be similar events in the future. I will take you along.”

Gu Ye pursed his lips, and suddenly felt that this sentence was a bit… he doesn’t know how to put it, but it felt like something different. “It’s not a good idea to take me there. Just give me the account number and I can donate anonymously. I can’t donate much anyway.”

Yu Ze took out a tissue and stretched out his hand to Gu Ye’s mouth with a smile in his eyes.

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to take it instead, Yu Ze said calmly, “Don’t move, you can’t see the spot.”

Gu Ye’s hand stopped at his mouth and the corner of his mouth was lightly rubbed with a tissue. Looking down at the chocolate stain on the tissue, Gu Ye felt his heart tighten inexplicably. The feeling was quick and disappeared in an instant. Gu Ye just felt a little embarrassed and didn’t think deeply about it. He turned to look at the rain outside the window, “Well, the rain has become lighter.”

Yu Ze glanced out the window, “Are you leaving?”

Gu Ye quickly picked up his cell phone, “I’ll just call a taxi.”

Yu Ze has stood up, “I’ll send you back.”

“You’re so busy, I really don’t want to waste your time. I’ll take a taxi and I’ll be home in a minute.”

But as soon as Gu Ye opened the taxi-hailing app, his wrist was grabbed. Yu Ze pulled him up from his seat and led him away without any explanation, “I’ll take you there. It’s not safe to take a taxi.”

Gu Ye couldn’t laugh or cry. How could it be unsafe in broad daylight? It’s not like he was carrying hundreds of thousands in cash.

When they got to the door, Yu Ze took an umbrella. After opening it, he looked at Gu Ye. Gu Ye looked confused. Yu Ze clicked his tongue and said helplessly, “Come here.”

Gu Ye leaned over speechlessly. If his feeling was correct, the other party thought he was silly just now.

When both of them stood under the same umbrella, the height difference was clearly visible. Gu Ye looked up at Yu Ze and thought of something. Doing the comparison mentally, Gu Ye estimated whether he could grow so tall when he reached Yu Ze’s age, and the answer was no. Gu Ye felt a serious imbalance mentally. Some people are really God’s sons. Good-looking, rich, capable, and good-looking. How can ordinary people live (beside these people)?

Gu Ye asked with special concern, “Mr. Yu, can I ask a personal question? How tall were you when you were 19 years old?”

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye’s height reaching up to his shoulders, suppressed a smile, and answered, “Taller than you.”

Gu Ye immediately felt like an arrow had been shot in his heart. It’s confirmed, this person will be crossed out from the list of his destined people because this person really can’t speak (nicely)!

After sending Gu Ye back to the door of his house, Yu Ze handed him the umbrella, “Don’t get wet.”

Gu Ye looked at the other party’s shoulders that were wet, and felt warm in his heart, “Would you like to come in and sit down to dry the clothes?”

Yu Ze said seriously: “No, it’s inconvenient when you are home alone. I will come to visit again when your father is home.”

Gu Ye opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. To be honest, he didn’t feel any inconvenience at all.

Gu Ye held an umbrella and stood at the gate, watching Yu Ze’s car drive away in the drizzle, before entering the house. The nanny aunt quickly ran out with an umbrella, “Third Young Master, are you wet?”

“No.” Gu Ye clenched the umbrella in his hand and shook his head with a smile.

What’s the point of confirming whether Yu Ze is his destined person now? What’s the difference between actively looking for it or not looking for it? After all, it is destined by God. When fate comes, they will see each other. If fate does not come, they will not know each other even if they meet. He’ll just leave everything to time and feel it with his heart. There will always be results in the end.

After thinking about it, Gu Ye took a shower, changed his clothes, and went to the kitchen to take a look. The nanny was cooking. There were four dishes and one soup for lunch. Gu Ye washed his hands and asked, “Do you want my help?”

The aunt asked in surprise, “Can you cook?”

“Yes,” Gu Ye smiled and rolled his eyes, “I know a lot of dishes so it’s not a problem to even raise a picky old man.”

“No, no, no,” the aunt said quickly, “You go out and watch TV for a while and play games. I’ll be ready in a minute.”

Gu Ye smiled, picked up the cooking wine, and marinated the ribs, “Let’s cook it together. I have nothing to do. My dad won’t be back at noon. Just make two and it will be enough for me.”

The nanny originally thought that Gu Ye had nothing to do and just wanted to play around a bit. She didn’t expect him to really know how to cook, and he did it well. The nanny auntie was smiling from ear to ear, “From now on, when Third Young Master looks for a partner, you will definitely find someone who can’t cook.”

Gu Ye wondered, “Why?”

“When there is one at home who knows how to cook, the other one must be just waiting for food. I have experience.”

Gu Ye smiled and broke the eggs, “Then I will see who can’t cook in the future. Maybe she will be my future wife.”

Raw word count: 7141 (Total count)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 38 Part 2

Chapter 38 In order to marry into a wealthy family Part 2

The public opinion on the Internet suddenly reversed, and Ling Ruyue was also dumbfounded. This is completely different from what she planned! Shouldn’t Gu Lin be busy clearing his name right now? Then Dingnan Entertainment will get what it wants and fulfill her request, taking the opportunity to poach her away. After that, they will pay her contract termination penalty and give her that role she dreamed of. What does Gu Lin mean to terminate the contract directly?

When Ling Ruyue was still a newcomer, she was picked and trained by Yuming Media and Entertainment Company. Hence when she signed the contract, her contract termination penalty was as high as tens of millions, but the company only compensated her 100,000 yuan now! What value does she still have after her contract is terminated? What scares her most is that once this video is exposed, her dream of marrying into a wealthy family with this child will be shattered. Who will marry her?

Ling Ruyue held her head in her hands, her mind went blank. She was so frightened that she didn’t know what to do and how to restore her reputation. At this moment, her phone rang.

Ling Ruyue picked up the phone nervously, without looking at who it was, and pressed the answer tremblingly. The person from the other side yelled at her, “Are you a fool? I told you to pester him! Get him tangled with scandals and have no intention of taking care of the company’s affairs! So what you did do? You fckng threatened to suicide! Make it known to the whole internet! Why are you so anxious?!”

Ling Ruyue subconsciously touched her belly. She was anxious because she was afraid that the child would not be saved and she was afraid of losing her bargaining chips. If the child is gone and she becomes infertile in the future, which wealthy family will want her? She had to use this method to force one of the men to come out to marry her. She wanted to use Gu Lin’s downfall to let the men know that if they didn’t marry her, they would be ruined like him.

Now, all the dreams were shattered. Ling Ruyue cried and asked, “Mr. Xu, you promised me that as long as I entangled Gu Lin, you would poach me away. Now, this matter…”

“Your name/reputation has become so black, why should I still sign you?” The other person added angrily, “It’s best not to be photographed when you call me. If you implicate me, just wait to die!”

“Hello? Mr. Xu? Hello?” Ling Ruyue listened to the ending tone on the phone and cried out in despair, “What should I do?”

At this time, another call came in, “Whose child is this in your belly? How many men do you have?!”

“I’m not… I didn’t…,” Ling Ruyue’s eyes flashed, and she dug her nails into her flesh to calm down, “You have to believe me. The video is fake and the voice is synthesized. Someone is trying to frame me! You have to help me ah!”

“Help you? Heh, do you think I am an imbecile? You are too vicious. You know, I was planning to divorce my wife for you. You are such a terrible woman. Don’t contact me again in the future.”

“Hello? Hello!” Ling Ruyue was trembling. Then she dialed Wan Zirui’s phone number. Upon connecting, the other person said, “Fk you! Bitch! You treat me like a grandson(fool)!”

Ling Ruyue sat on the ground with a cold body, holding her mobile phone, and her mind went blank. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Ling Ruyue looked over with blank eyes, “Who is it?”

The person outside the door said angrily, “Your agent!”

Normally, Ling Ruyue would have definitely noticed that this voice was unfamiliar. However, she was now in a daze from the shock. She got up from the ground and walked tremblingly to the door. There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes again. Yes, There is still an agent who can save her, maybe she can still be saved.

After opening the door, the person knocking on the door was a slightly fat middle-aged woman. The other party has a square face, drooping eyes, dressed in jewelry, and heavy makeup on her face. At first glance, it’s clear that she is not someone easy to talk to. A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she grabbed Ling Ruyue’s hair, “Are you the vixen who is broadcasting suicide to force my husband to divorce me? You look like a succubus, why don’t you act a scene for me to see?!”

Ling Ruyue is just a normal actress. In order to maintain the cute and pitiful persona, she pays attention to her weight and usually takes a diet meal. Hence, she is as thin as a paper figure, how can she be this fat woman’s opponent? Being grabbed by the hair, she got pushed against the wall and got scolded, but she had no power to resist.

The two of them tore at each other a few times. Ling Ruyue was nervous and frightened. In addition, after suffering such a big shock, she felt a huge pain in her stomach. She covered her stomach and screamed, “Stomach, my stomach.”

When the woman saw her pretending, she slapped her fiercely, “I didn’t touch your belly, don’t even think about framing me!”

The woman was accompanied by an older sister who was about the same age as her. She seemed to be her friend. When the friend saw the blood flowing out of Ling Ruyue’s legs, she quickly reminded the married woman, “She is not pretending, she really had a miscarriage!”

That woman is also a fierce person so she said, “That easy to have an abortion? This slutty fox probably have too many abortions before! Don’t even think about placing this blame on me! Call an ambulance, and we’ll follow her to the hospital. I will pay for the hospital’s fee, give her treatment!”

Even before the ambulance arrived, the entrance to Ling Ruyue’s community was bustling. Reporters have been eyeing her for a long time, waiting to capture this big news. Now that the rich lady is making trouble, they have found an opportunity. As soon as the ambulance arrived, they brightened up and followed the ambulance to the hospital. They started live-streaming and filmed all the way, and everything was exposed.

The doctor seized the time to rescue Ling Ruyue and sent a list of examination processes to the rich lady who sent her here to pay the hospital fee. Soon, the big sister announced the test results to reporters as soon as she got them.

“See, I didn’t touch her belly. When the police come, you will have to testify for me. She has a habitual miscarriage! The wall of the uterus is as thin as a fish bubble. Even if I don’t touch her, she will still miscarry!”

As soon as this video was released online, Ling Ruyue’s fans collapsed and their faces were swollen (from getting slapped by the truth). Thinking of what they had said before, they felt sick like they swallowed a plate of flies.

Gu Ye looked at this online farce and said sarcastically, “This circle is so lively. I really want to give people a fortune-telling.”

Gu Lin didn’t stop Gu Ye. He simply said while approving his business report, “That’s the way this industry is. Anyone who doesn’t have some scheming will not be able to survive.”

“Second brother, I want to use your company’s official Weibo for a moment.”

“What for?”

“Cursing people.” Gu Ye’s eyes are wide with anger, “They scolded us so fiercely, wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable if we didn’t scold them back?”

Gu Lin laughed and shook his head, “Okay, you can go find the PR department to play.”

“Okay!” Gu Ye jumped up from his seat and wandered to the public relations department. Not long after, the staff of the public relations department posted this on Weibo with trembling fingers.

The official Weibo of Yuming Media and Entertainment Company: [Today your father will give you 3 fortune-telling. First, Ling Ruyue will be miserable for the rest of her life. She will have no one to rely on and can only make a living by picking up rags.

Second, Dingnan Entertainment Company will go bankrupt within half a year.

Third, those of you who cursed my whole family to die, I have noted down your names. You will definitely encounter ghosts when you go out at night in the future so take care ba. Not accepting apology nor rebuttal! ——Gu Ye.]

The page of the official account was silent for 3 minutes, and then exploded (with comments):

[Who is Gu Ye? He is crazy!]

[The record holder of the highest score in the college entrance examination, the third young master of the Gu family, is the same third young master who can bring down a wealthy family with just one divination!]

[Frick! Is this a prophecy? What does this have to do with Dingnan Entertainment? I smell gossip!]

[This curse is too cruel! WTF? It was just a misunderstanding before! Who knew Gu Lin was wronged?]

[That’s right, just clean his name, why are you scolding people? The rich second generation is so amazing huh? Nauseating!]

[The comment upstairs, stop being so ugly. Don’t you feel disgusted at yourself when you scold someone’s entire household to die? Let’s not talk about Gu Lin being wronged. Even if it’s true that he is a bad person, what it gotta do with his whole family?]

[Damn, this little brother is so cool, I like his temperament! Cursing people to bump into ghosts while outside at night ah!]

[Let’s see half a year later, will Dingnan Entertainment be doing well?]

[My little husband said: The weather is cold, let Dingnan Entertainment go bankrupt!]

The entire public relations department’s hands were shaking. Seeing Gu Ye happily eating melon seeds (popcorn) at the side, they all wanted to kneel down in front of Gu Lin and beg His Majesty to please take this young prince away! Too daring! No one dares to be so aggressive online!

Not surprisingly, this Weibo post made headlines in minutes without having to find anyone to post it. Some people scold Gu Ye for being ignorant, for terrible actions as a rich second generation, and for cursing the citizens. Some were attracted by Gu Ye’s temperament and applauded him. They supported him and agreed that retaliation like this was just right. To curse people’s family, they deserve it. It serves as a lesson in case the next time something happens, they start cursing other people!

After Gu Lin received complaints from the public relations department, he reluctantly pulled his brother back, “Kid, are you so childish?”

Gu Ye nodded, “I’m still young.”

“You are a talent.”

“Many of the old men I worked with say I’m a terrible genius!”

Gu Lin couldn’t laugh or cry because Gu Ye was quite proud of his own infamous name.

Gu Ye pulled up a stool and sat down, “Is it a conflict of interest that Dingnan Entertainment is doing this to you?”

Gu Lin smiled and said, “Xu Shun is not much older than me. Seeing that my company is developing well, he can’t help but be angry/jealous. Unfortunately, he is too young.” Gu Lin narrowed his eyes and added, “I’ll save the other proof for later use.”

Gu Ye said in a small voice, “Give me a list of his artists, including photos.”

The secretary quickly got it for him.

Gu Ye put the photos of the two companies together and stared at the photos, not the names. “Among these newcomers, only this one is spiritual (talented). The others all seem to be made according to the same mold. Can’t even see how their faces originally looked like.”

Gu Lin immediately said, “Then let them hang out at the bottom first.”

“This, this, and this, find a way to sell them to Dingnan Entertainment.”

The secretary voiced out, “This has great potential. He’s very popular recently.”

“Doesn’t matter. If he is not sold out, trouble will happen soon. This, this, and this, if you poach them, they can all become talents. This one, send away, trouble will happen within two months.”

Gu Lin nodded, “I’ll listen to you. I want to see if you are really so accurate.”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “You only need to wait half a year to find out. If my calculation is accurate, do you want to ask me to be a consultant? Ten million a year is enough.”

Gu Lin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Gu Ye is still obsessed with money. “If you continue to calculate like this, will your life span be shortened?”

Gu Ye said firmly, “No. I’m doing good things, it will not be detrimental to myself. Now, let’s drain Dingnan Entertainment’s talents and let them have trouble-making artists in their hands. We’ll see how he handles the mess.”

The secretary couldn’t help but shudder when he looked at the similar faces of the two brothers with similar expressions, both narrowed their beautiful peach blossom eyes and secretly schemed other people. He met the eldest young master of the Gu family before, and he is also a scheming person. When he comes back again, who dares to mess with these three brothers together?

The two brothers secretly plotted all afternoon. That night, Gu Ye took his second brother home. After dinner, he went back to his room to sleep early, leaving his second brother to be dragged by their father to talk about life. Early the next morning, when Gu Ye went downstairs, he heard his father angrily scolding his son, “Nonsense! Can such a joke be made casually? Hurry up and find a reporter to clarify, it’s nonsense!”

Gu Ye wondered what happened after he fell asleep last night. Why did the second brother offend such an old-fashioned father?

“Hahaha…” Gu Lin looked at the phone screen and couldn’t help laughing, which made Gu Decheng so angry that he wanted to hit his son.

Gu Ye ran over curiously, “What’s wrong? Are there any fun things happening again?”

Looking at the screen of his second brother’s mobile phone, Gu Ye’s mouth twitched, “These paparazzi are so idle!”

Not sure how it was spread on the Internet, but someone said that Gu Lin likes men and brought his lover into the company. They had lunch together at noon and even took him home to meet his parents in the evening. They spent the night together and never went out. The person who reported this said it like he was just reporting the truth, and even took pictures of their backs.

The most speechless thing is that Gu Lin replied on the official Weibo, admitted: [Yes, the little lover I have raised for 19 years is growing nicely. No matter how I looked at him, he looked so good. Warning everyone, don’t be tempted to do anything with bad intentions to him.]

The melon-eating audience believed it and were extremely shocked. Damn it, this is a confession! It’s official! Gu Lin is coming out!

Gu Ye was also amused, “Brother, don’t do this, you will really get beaten!”

The public relations department went crazy and asked Gu Lin’s secretary what happened. What is this all about? The boss and the young prince must not be allowed to access Weibo in the future! These two guys are so scary!

The secretary was also tired, “Who knows who exactly our boss is directing these words to? Anyway, hurry up and refute the rumor!”

The public relations department was busy all morning before suppressing the matter. Frontal photos of the two brothers were exposed, and they looked quite similar. No one expected that this photo would give Gu Ye countless fans, and many little girls would leave messages: [He will graduate from college in 4 years and will be ready to get married. I will wait until my husband grows up!]

It was very lively here, and Ling Ruyue’s matter also came to an end. Without the protection of her company and agent, in one night, entertainment reporters completely exposed Ling Ruyue’s background. Ling Ruyue, whose real name is Zhang Chunhua, is 27 years old this year. She fell in love early in junior high school and had a love triangle in high school. She started living with her boyfriend in college. She had a child who is now 5 years old and is in an orphanage. It is rumored that she has had ambiguous relationships with many directors and producers in the industry.

Nowadays, the name Ling Ruyue is avoided by people, afraid of getting involved with her and being dragged into the water. In the industry, those who don’t like to cause trouble simply pretend not to know and avoid the limelight. Those who are not afraid of trouble will step on Ling Ruyue to show that they are not familiar with her. The former leader of the pure girl turned into the leader of the lustful girl overnight.

As a secretary who likes to read gossip, Secretary Liu especially likes to share it with his boss. “President Yu, Master Gu actually gained a lot of fans with just his looks. 19 years old ah, he is officially in his prime, and all the girls waiting for him to grow up. The little girls nowadays are really not reserved, they have started calling him their husband now.”

Yu Ze said nothing with a cold face, no one knew what he was thinking.

Secretary Liu is used to it. Usually, his boss is too lazy to pay attention to him.

“Second Young Master Gu is quite interesting as well. He says that Gu Ye is his little lover and tells those with evil intentions to stay away, hahaha.”

At this moment, Yu Ze raised his eyebrows and said unhappily, “Too unrestrained!”

Secretary Liu was shocked, hearing his boss respond to his gossip for the first time. But after a moment of thought, he realized what happened. His boss’s little scheming can be seen clearly as long as someone pays attention. But the Gu brothers were just joking. Just this, his boss scolded them for not being serious. His jar of jealousy can’t suppress is barely contained, alright?

Gu Ye was really a little agitated when he saw that gossip, and wondered, will he really have a partner in the future? After all, his master had always been worried about his future partner when he was alive. He said that for someone like Gu Ye who has such a high-mindedness, it would be difficult for him to like others except himself, and his fateful love would never come.

On a whim, Gu Ye took out the divination plate and wanted to make a fortune-telling for himself, “The heavenly spirit commands the earthly spirit, can you give me a wifey? Please tell me, Yue Lao, if I can find a wife after 4 years of college?”

As everyone knows, fortune tellers generally cannot tell their own fortunes clearly. Gu Ye shook it 3 times, but the pointer of the divination plate did not move at all. Gu Ye sighed, already used to it, “Forget it, there is no such thing as Yue Lao.”

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said these words, the pointer on the divination plate started to rotate crazily. Gu Ye’s eyes widened and he got up from the bed in shock, “Oh my god!”

The second the pointer stopped, Gu Ye was stunned. It says he will meet his fateful person tomorrow.

So is it a male, female, male(animal), female(animal), human, ghost??? My God! He’s not even sure about the species!

Bystander: All the Gu brothers are scheming people! So scary!
Gu Yang: Hehehe (‘▽’)
The three brothers stared Old Fourth: Emmmm… sigh!

Raw word count: 8108 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 38 Part 1

Chapter 38 In order to marry into a wealthy family Part 1

Hearing that the ‘fire’ is about to burn up to his head, Gu Lin is still not in a hurry and asks calmly, “She didn’t say who abandoned her?”

The director of the public relations department quickly said, “She didn’t say it directly.”

Gu Lin narrowed his eyes, “Then don’t worry about it for now. The person she wants to force may not be just 1 person.”

The public relations department was already gearing up, ready to fight a tough battle. Upon hearing Gu Lin’s tone, his nervous heart suddenly relaxed. Feeling like being supported by a backbone, he replied, “Okay President Gu, I will closely monitor the network trend and keep you informed.”

Gu Ye gives a thumbs up, his second brother is smart! This woman is in many different boats (many relationships). Her goal is to marry into a wealthy family, no matter which wealthy family she is.

At this moment, a somewhat familiar young man came over and gave Gu Lin a USB flash drive, “President Gu, after she went out, she first called a person named President Xu. I found out that he was the boss of Dingnan Entertainment Company, Xu Shun. Here is a video call here.”

Gu Lin was not surprised. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled coldly, “I knew she wouldn’t dare to raise such trouble with just by herself.”

The young man added, “Then she called a wealthy businessman who was engaged in real estate.” The young man’s expression was a little strange as he continued, “To force a marriage.”

“Pfft!” Gu Ye almost spat out a mouthful of soup. This ‘demon’ is sure unrestrained, forcing 2 people to marry her on the same day. Was she in such a hurry?

Immediately afterward, the young man added, “Finally, she called a rich second-generation man and said that she was pregnant and to force him to marry her as well. The video of the call is in the USB.”

Gu Ye looked at this young man with admiration. This method is amazing. Only then did he recognize the other person. This young man turned out to be the security guard. He had changed his clothes now and looked much more reliable. Gu Ye was shocked, “Is your entertainment industry so exciting? Even the security guards are so good at acting?”

The security guy said sheepishly, “Thank you for the praise, Third Young Master. I worked as a mercenary abroad, doing detective work.”

Gu Lin narrowed his beautiful peach blossom eyes, “You’re so naive, kid. Do you think your brother can achieve this level of success if he doesn’t have many capable people to use? Silly boy, no matter what happens in the future, you must give yourself a backup plan. Also, don’t tell even the people you trust the most about it, get it?”

Gu Ye nodded vigorously and said that he would take note. But he doesn’t know if the advice will be used. After all, he doesn’t like to play tricks/schemes.

Gu Lin filled a bowl of soup, took a sip, and said slowly, “Let she continue to make troubles. Not only our PR department will not stop her, but will also help her make it to the headlines so that everyone knows about it. If she doesn’t put my name out, we’ll just wait and see who will jump out to clean the mess. However, if she dares to involve me, upload the video of her calls. Everyone should take a dip in the hot mess and enjoy together.”

“Alright, I understand.”

Gu Ye only has one sentence in his heart. His second brother is indeed a sly fox. How many people he is planning to drag into the mess? He is cunning and ruthless. However, he(GY) likes it!

Ling Ruyue has too many fans, and she has paid for exposure before. Hence, she would drag someone to be her rumored boyfriend and create a CP. On the other hand, she will also get someone to wash herself out as if the rumors were not done by her. And so, while trying to promote the CP, the paid commenters would say don’t drag our goddess for hype. Our pure and beautiful lady won’t take it. This kind of action has brainwashed many young people, especially young people who are just starting to fall in love. They were all led around to believe everything about her and treated Ling Ruyue as their dream lover. Even when looking for a partner, they will try to get someone like her.

And now, Ling Ruyue suddenly posted a video on Weibo, tearfully talking about her experience. She is unmarried and pregnant, and the other party expressed that they would not marry her. She was so traumatized that she couldn’t survive. So, she just wants to say goodbye to the fans who love her before leaving this world. Her cries were like rain on a pear blossom, so pitiful.

The Internet exploded instantly, and many people felt like chopping up that scumbag with a knife. Some fans even called the police, while some consoled her:

[Goddess, don’t cry, it’s hard to find a two-legged donkey but there are plenty of good people with two legs! You don’t have to risk your life for a scumbag! You are so beautiful and young, there will be many opportunities to meet a man who loves you in the future!]

[If he doesn’t marry you, I will marry you! That scumbag, tell me who is he? I’ll kill him!]

[I want to know who that irresponsible scumbag is, ahhhhhhh it makes me so angry! Tell me who he is and expose him!!!]

When fans went crazy with anger, Ling Ruyue posted another Weibo post: [Stop talking, I don’t want to disturb his life anymore, just let me and my child leave this world quietly.]

Fans cried anxiously: [Goddess, don’t be so stupid! Who is that man? Come out and say something!]

[If you dare to do something, you must dare to be responsible. If you are a man, you must be responsible!]

[I heard that the goddess has become very close to the boss of her company recently. Could it be the goddess got taken advantage of by the ‘unspoken rule’?]

[You mean that Gu Decheng’s son, Gu Lin, who is known as the nation’s husband? Sure enough, the second generation of rich people don’t have any good things! Die, scum! The entire household should die!]

[It turned out to be Gu Lin?! Is there any evidence?]

[I have a sister who is an employee of Yuming Media Company. She saw the goddess looking for Gu Lin many times, but Gu Lin never agreed to see her.]

[Damn it! This stupid scumbag! Goddess, don’t worry about this scumbag! He will definitely receive retribution, and his whole family will not die peacefully!]

The commotion on the Internet got bigger and bigger, and with some people helping to promote her tragedy, it soon became the headlines. Ling Ruyue was scrolling through Weibo, watching her fans crying for her and going crazy for her. She had already led the flames of war to Gu Lin and sneered as she sent a message to someone: [Mr. Xu, Gu Lin must be trying to suppress public opinion and clear himself now. I have given you the opportunity so don’t forget the conditions you agreed to me.]

Immediately afterward, Ling Ruyue sent the same message to 2 people, which was completely copied and pasted: [I didn’t expect them to be so crazy and misunderstood Gu Lin. I’m so angry. The child is not Gu Lin’s, but yours! No one can insult my love for you. You can abandon me, but I can’t die without a reputation(who she belongs to and the family name).]

After the message was sent, she received 2 replies within a few seconds: [Don’t tell others! I still have to divorce my wife so I will transfer to you 5 million for living expenses first. Baby, believe me, you are my true love. How can I live if you die? Wait for me, wait a few more days!]

[I’m discussing this with my parents. Isn’t it just marriage? Do you have to make such a fuss? If you want to get married, then we’ll just get married. Let’s register tomorrow so stop making trouble! If you tell the truth now, where will my parents put their face in front of other people?]

After reading the replies, Ling Ruyue replied the same thing to both numbers: [I can’t wait any longer. My belly is getting bigger day by day, and I can’t continue in my acting career anymore. I can no longer bear this kind of underground love.]

[Baby, I’ve already transferred the living expenses to you. Give me 2 more days and I promise to divorce my wife and marry you!]

[We’ll get married! My parents have agreed. I surrender, you are sure ruthless!

Ling Ruyue looked at these two pieces of information and pondered secretly. She has given up on Gu Lin due to his heartless attitude, refusing to accept soft or hard advances. But she really has no physical relationship with Gu Lin so the child is definitely not his. This route is not going to work, so she can only give up, unfortunately.

Ye Hongwei really loves her, but he has a wife and his wife is as fierce as a tigress. It will take several months for him and his wife to divorce.

On the other hand, Wan Zirui is a second generation with loose relationships. It’s not like he couldn’t live without her. But he is still young now, and she can completely handle him. After he inherits his family business, she can also gain a firm foothold in the Wan family. Moreover, this man is younger and more easily fooled, and he is available to get married soon.

Ling Ruyue touched her belly and couldn’t help but call her attending doctor, “Dr. Sun, can this child be born naturally?”

The other person replied, “Your uterine wall is too thin. To be honest, it no longer has the ability to protect the child. What I’m afraid of is that when the baby grows older, your uterus will rupture with a little stimulation, and you will also be in danger by then. My suggestion is to induce labor as early as possible. If you want to have a baby in the future, you can do in vitro fertilization.”

Ling Ruyue’s eyes darkened, “Then, for the first 3 months, this child is still safe, right?”

“There is no guarantee.” The doctor said apologetically, “You’d better be mentally prepared, miscarriage may occur at any time.”

“I understand.”

Ling Ruyue gritted her teeth. After hanging up the phone, she sent a message directly to Wan Zirui: [I’ll wait for you to come to me and get the marriage certificate tomorrow. For the sake of my child, I don’t want to wait any longer.]

Wan Zirui replied: [Just wait, I will go find you now, please just calm down!]


Gu Ye was also watching the commotion on the Internet. Seeing this group of deceived fans going crazy for Ling Ruyue, he sneered speechlessly, “Ling Ruyue broadcast live in this way, but she didn’t dare to reveal the details to the public. This explains the problem very much. What are these people thinking to straight up curse our entire family to death? Acting like this also can increase fans? A group of keyboard warriors who knew nothing also came out to curse people. Who told them you were the one who dumped Ling Ruyue?”

Gu Lin held a cup of coffee and said in a leisurely manner while reading his documents, “Do these keyboard trolls have any brains?”

Gu Ye thought for a moment and raised his hands to admit his mistake, “I’m sorry, they didn’t!”

At this moment, the secretary hung up the phone and said, “President Gu, someone is attacking our company’s network.”

Gu Ye clapped his hands and angrily laughed, “It’s so awesome, so exciting!”

Gu Lin also laughed, “They really think that they are so capable. Just call the police directly. They can’t blame anyone that they have no brains.”

Seeing that the people on the Internet were going overboard, Gu Lin felt that the time was almost up and said, “Upload the video of her forcing other people to marry her. It would be more fun if everyone comes to play together.”

Gu Ye secretly laughed at the side, “3 people getting forced to get married at the same time in one day. Now, it’s very lively.”

Ling Ruyue has been silent, and the fans are almost losing their minds. They scolded Gu Lin and his family to not having a peaceful death. They scolded God for being unfair and giving the goddess a bad life. After that, they scolded the police for their stupid inaction, wishing they could transform into a messenger of justice and destroy the world.

At this moment, the official blog of Yuming Media and Entertainment Company released news: [Our company’s contracted artist Ling Ruyue’s misconduct has seriously affected the company’s public image, and our company hereby terminates her labor contract.] Attached is a video at the end.

“Will you marry me or not?”

“What should I do with the baby in my belly?”

“When will you divorce your wife?”

“When will you clarify our relationship with your parents?”

“Wan Zirui, the child in my belly is yours!”

“Ye Hongwei, the child in my belly is yours!”

Fans who had been scrolling hard on the official blog, wishing that it would be jammed, the company to shut down, and the Gu family’s household to die, are confused. What’s going on?

Every word of the woman in the video shows that this innocent national goddess is a scheming bitch who is a mistress, who has 2 relationships at the same time and has nothing to do with Gu Lin.

Fans were dumbfounded, what on earth is going on?!

Technological synthesis? Is the video fake? Or did someone deliberately dirty my goddess’s name?

Before this group of fans could react, the ‘navy*’ hired by the company, who had already been unable to restrain themselves, came onboard: [She slapped you guys on the face so hard. She already acted out several scenes today, and now she is leading you guys around like her servants!]

*people who are hired to comment online, to direct the online discussion to their favor

[What a joke, what a joke, have ya’ll turned stupid yet?]

Fans reacted and cried: [Impossible! How could my goddess be this kind of person? impossible! The person in the video is definitely not her, so how could the bitch be my goddess?]

[Dumbfounded yet? It has nothing to do with Gu Lin. To those who scolded someone’s entire household to die horribly, are your cheeks hurting from the slaps?]

[Isn’t Ye Hongwei the one who is engaged in real estate? He was already married!]

[Damn it! A mistress! The world’s best bitch! Ling Ruyue!]

[Stop talking, my goddess must have been deceived! She is so simple and naive!]

[Yes, so naive and so bitchy, who else but her?]

[Come on, keyboard warrior. Gather up the spirit you used when you scolded Gu Lin’s whole family! Why aren’t you moving now? Are you wiping your face? So you got slapped and bleeding now?]

While the navy was busy setting the pace and the original fans were speechless, someone broke the news: [Ling Ruyue really went to see Gu Lin in the morning, but she didn’t get any benefits because the Gu family’s 3rd Young Master was also there. It’s that Gu family’s young master who can destroy a wealthy family with just one sentence and is also this year’s top scorer in the science stream. He gave Ling Ruyue a fortune telling saying that she had abandoned a daughter before. At that time, Ling Ruyue was stunned when she heard it.]

[Damn it! 3 forced marriages in one day, why is she so anxious?]

[The 3rd Young Master said that she could not give birth to this child. Maybe she was afraid of losing her leverage?]

[You know, if your private life is so messy and you have too many abortions, you are afraid of habitual abortions.]

[WTF? Can this be calculated?]

[What is this inner joke of predicting the downfall of a wealthy family with just one fortune-telling? Requesting a summary from the class representative.]

Raw word count: 8108 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 37 Part 2

Chapter 37 The entertainment industry is so exciting Part 2

Ling Ruyue didn’t know how to refute Gu Ye other than saying it was nonsense. She clenched her fists tightly in panic, even forgetting to squeeze out the pretentious tears. Looking at Gu Ye’s dark eyes, she seemed to be staring into the abyss. Her ears seemed to be hearing again that night, with the helpless and feeble cry of the child, making her tremble all over.

Hearing this, several staff members who originally wanted to hear gossip looked at each other and ran away quickly. Sometimes, small melons can be eaten, but eating big melons will suffer from indigestion.

Gu Ye sneered, “You know in your mind whether I’m lying or not. Your only fate with descendants is that one daughter who was abandoned by you. The child in your belly won’t be able to be born.”

Ling Ruyue held her stomach nervously, her face turned pale. Now she can’t even say it’s nonsense. She had too many miscarriages before. The doctor has told her that it is difficult to get pregnant. It is a miracle that she can get pregnant this time. She must rely on this child to marry into a wealthy family. If this child cannot be kept, her dream of becoming a wealthy family will come to nothing.

Gu Ye pointed to the top of his head, “Look up to the sky, who will the Heavens spare? Your luck ran out and you will be punished soon.”

“No, I won’t.” Ling Ruyue took a deep breath. After being forced into this situation, she calmed down instead. She looked at Gu Ye sarcastically, “Even if you don’t like me as your sister-in-law, you can’t look down on the child in my belly. I can’t believe that at your age, you actually have such vicious thoughts, let’s just wait and see.”

Gu Ye shrugged, “Okay, mark my word. You will not only be unable to marry into my family, but your future stardom will be like a fly lying on the glass. The future is bright, but there is no way out for you.”

Ling Ruyue gritted her teeth tightly and turned around to leave. At this moment, Gu Lin happened to come back. Ling Ruyue looked at Gu Lin with a desperate look on her face, and the tears she was holding back in her eyes fell quickly, “Gu Lin…”

This hesitant call was better than all the words that could be said. It was like seeing the only people who could support her, and the tone was as if she had gone through many things. Such a woman can easily arouse a man’s desire to protect the weak, making him want to rush over to hold her in his arms and protect her.

It’s a pity that Gu Lin is not an ordinary domineering president, nor is he an ordinary man. He doesn’t take that kind of trick at all. He looked at this woman expressionlessly and only said one word, “Scram.”

Ling Ruyue collapsed and covered her face, tears overflowing from her fingers, “Gu Lin, you are so cruel.”

Gu Lin smiled instead, “Cruel? You know who the child in your belly belongs to. I have never touched you.”

“No, no, no,” Gu Ye made an ‘Erkang pose’ and said, “She doesn’t even know whose child this child belongs to because there are too many men.”

That made Ling Ruyue choked on her breath. Wiping her tears, she glared angrily at the two brothers and left with a look of despair.

Still acting before she left, Gu Ye was almost impressed by her acting skills. He had the urge to search for the dramas she had acted on the Internet and worship them.

Gu Lin glanced at the security guard and said, “Go down and get your resignation pay. You can’t stop even a woman. What use do I have you for?”

The security guard said anxiously, “It’s not that I didn’t stop her, it’s that this woman pretends to be the president’s wife. She also said that she was pregnant, so I didn’t dare to stop her.”

The secretary standing behind Gu Lin signaled with his eyes at the security guard. If you go and get your resignation pay now, you can get one more month’s salary as compensation. But say one more word and you won’t get a penny.

The security guard could only endure the grievance and left in a hurry. When rounding the corner, the security guard looked back at Gu Lin and Gu Lin happened to look over. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and signaled something with his eyes. The security guard understood, and nodded lightly before chasing after Ling Ruyue downstairs. This secretive move was not even noticed by the secretary who was following Gu Lin.

Gu Ye returned to the office, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and said disgustedly, “Brother, you are so weak to have been schemed by a woman.”

Gu Lin replied helplessly, “This is where it got strange. I happened to meet her at the business banquet. I didn’t drink too much at all but I fell asleep for some reason. When I woke up, I was beside her. So now she keeps saying that the child in her belly is mine.”

Gu Ye smiled evilly, “She can see that you are rich and handsome, so you are the best receiver for the unknown child.”

After being glared at by Gu Lin, Gu Ye quickly changed his mind and ate melon seeds with a serious look on his face, “No wonder dad asked me to come to you. Ginger gets spicier as it ages.”

Gu Lin shook his head, “He sure got the news quite quickly. In fact, he doesn’t have to worry about it, I will investigate the matter. To dare to set a trap for me, humph, maybe they think I’m too young.”

Gu Lin narrowed his beautiful peach blossom eyes, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became colder and colder. “I keep her here just to find out the person who instigated her. She must have lost her composure after you made such a fuss today. It’s considered a great contribution from you. I’ll treat you to something delicious at noon.”

Gu Ye moved the stool back, “You look like a fox when you smile, it’s scary.”

“Tsk,” Gu Lin laughed angrily, “Among us 4 brothers, we look the most alike. When you talk bad about me, remember to look in the mirror, kid.”

Gu Ye subconsciously touched his face, does he look like Gu Lin?

The secretary who was sorting out the meeting minutes smiled and said, “Third Young Master, don’t doubt it. Your eyes and noses are the most similar.”

Gu Ye desperately held the juice and drank it, looking like he was trying to suppress his shock.

Seeing Gu Ye like this made Gu Lin so angry that he didn’t know if to laugh or cry, so he could only continue to read his documents.

Gu Ye finished the soda and asked with interest, “You want to do a variety show?”

“Yes, domestic programs are too boring. I want to do something exciting that requires mental and physical strength and teamwork.”

Gu Ye picked up a pile of information, opened it, and looked at it, “The list is quite comprehensive.” There are those good at acting, and popular idols. There are also popular actresses and last year’s best actor.

“Yes,” Gu Lin pointed at the actor, “I’m considering choosing him as the group leader. Among these, I will choose five more.”

Gu Ye pointed to the picture of the actor and said seriously, “I don’t recommend using him. Look at his face, his Tiancang point is pink and his Xuanwu line is split. He is a playboy. Right now, he might be prosperous but he won’t be famous for another year.”

“It’s up to you, I’ll change it.”

Gu Ye pointed to a few more, “These can attract money. These two newcomers can be poached and they will become famous in the future.”

“I’ll listen to you.” Gu Lin was just trying to make his younger brother happy, but no one expected Gu Ye to really hit the spot. Half a year later, the actor’s character was destroyed because of his marital infidelity. Since then, he has been in decline and has never been popular again. On the other hand, the two newcomers who were poached became famous all the way, entered the front line in one fell swoop, and became the company’s cash cow.

At noon, Gu Ye went to have lunch with Gu Lin. Gu Lin invited him, “Dad usually won’t come home at noon. If you are lonely, just come to me.”

Gu Ye nodded, “Thank you, brother.”

“I heard that Old Fourth went back to Grandma’s house. If I knew earlier, I would have bought some things for them to take back.”

Gu Ye smiled and said, “There will be another chance next time.”

When the brothers talk together, one can still hear that there is a gap between the second brother and the little mother. Doing the math, when the little mother comes into the family, his eldest brother and second brother are already at the age to understand what is happening. The human heart is made of flesh, and it wasn’t long after their biological mother died at that time, so they must have felt awkward. They have lived on campus since elementary school, so they really don’t have much affection with the little mother. However, the two elder brothers did a good job. They might not be close but they didn’t stay away either, and they were treating Gu Yang well.

Gu Lin saw that Gu Ye was still holding the spoon and asked him, “What are you thinking about?”

Gu Ye smiled until his eyes were curved, “I am very happy to be born into such a family.”

Gu Lin didn’t expect that Gu Ye would suddenly say such a sentence. After being stunned, he said with a smile, “Silly boy, what are you thinking about? After eating, you come back to the company with me. I also want to invest in movies and TV series so calculate the fortune for me.”

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, “Will you give me money?”

“Even though we are brothers, you also want money?”

“Yes, even brothers must also settle the accounts clearly.”

“I’ll give you.”

“Then I’ll go.”

The two brothers had just decided on their afternoon tasks when Gu Lin received a call from the public relations department.

“President Gu, Ling Ruyue is trying to commit suicide on live broadcast, saying that she was abandoned by a scumbag. Now, the internet has exploded and everyone is guessing who the scumbag is. At the moment, someone is trying to lead the mess to you, and I think this direction is not right.”

Gu Ye: The entertainment industry is getting more and more exciting! (Sudden excitement.jpg)

Raw word count: 5565 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 37 Part 1

Chapter 37 The entertainment industry is so exciting Part 1

Gu Ye took a taxi to Yuming Media and Entertainment Company. The security guard got the news in advance that President Gu’s brother was coming. Upon confirming Gu Ye’s identity, he let him in directly. He gave Gu Ye the directions, he just needed to walk straight to the lobby and there would be someone to receive him.

Gu Ye nodded inside and felt that his second brother was very considerate in his work. Unexpectedly, as soon as Gu Ye came to the lobby, he was stopped by the lady at the front desk, “Hello, are you an artist who signed a contract recently? However, this side of the building is President Gu’s office building, you can’t go in.”

Gu Ye shook his head, “I’m not an artist, I’m looking for your boss.”

The receptionist said apologetically, “I’m sorry but President Gu is very busy and you can’t see him randomly. If you want to be an artist, I have some business cards of agents here. You can take a look and then submit a resume to them.”

Gu Ye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Miss, you are new here, right?”

The girl’s expression stilled, and all her thoughts were clearly written on her face. How did you know?

At this moment, a woman in her early thirties, dressed in professional attire, ran over anxiously and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, Third Young Master, she is new and ignorant. I am the person in charge of reception at the front desk. I will take you up.” After that, she glared at the girl blocking Gu Ye angrily, as if to say she would deal with her later.

The girl who stopped Gu Ye looked at this scene at a loss. Then she came to her senses and said nervously, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I don’t know your identity.”

Gu Ye smiled, “You still don’t know who I am now, right?”

The girl shook her head nervously, her face flushed, “This is my first job, so I don’t have a keen eye for this, I’m sorry!”

Gu Ye clicked his tongue and said to her calmly, “Miss, your colleague is dishonest.”

The girl subconsciously glanced at the intern standing behind the counter who was answering the phone. Pursing her lips, she understood what was going on immediately. The security guard at the gate was able to let in this person who looked very similar to President Gu. It is impossible that the front desk had not been notified in advance. The intern didn’t even notify her and told her not to let anyone go up, which made her offend the young master. Previously, there was news saying that only one of them could be retained for this job. Once this case with Gu Ye is filed under her record, can she, a recent graduate with no backing, keep this job?

Gu Ye shook his head speechlessly. Inside, he is thinking this is indeed the entertainment industry, the scheming starts even from the front desk. How muddy and dirty is the water in the industry? It’s exciting just thinking about it!

Following the supervisor into the special elevator, Gu Ye looked at this person’s face. Then, recalling the face of the girl sitting at the front desk answering the phone, Gu Ye understood. The girl who stopped him will definitely be cannon fodder because these two are related. Gu Ye didn’t have the kindness to remind the girl because people with simple minds are not suitable to be in this industry. It’s better to leave as soon as possible, otherwise they will suffer big losses.

When he arrived at the president’s office, Gu Ye saw Gu Lin looking at him with a smile as soon as he opened the door. That expression looks like a big sly fox. Gu Ye suddenly had the urge to run away. He walked over and handed the folder to Gu Lin. “I was wondering what was so important that my father sent me on such a trip. I did some fortune-telling on the way, guess what I figured out? So exciting!”

Gu Lin picked up the document and looked at it. Then he asked while reading, “Tell me, then. What did you see?” Looking at his expression, this document didn’t seem to be very important.

Gu Ye pinched his fingers and said seriously, “Dad learned that you, the monk Tang Sanzang, are going to be snared by demons, and hereby send me to help you subdue them.”

Hearing that, Gu Lin got stunned for a moment, and then laughed, “What big words. Subdue demons and eliminate evil? The demon who can ensnare your brother has yet to be born.”

The secretary brought a glass of soda and a few snacks and placed them on the table in front of Gu Ye. Then he reminded Gu Lin, “President Gu, there are still 5 minutes left. The meeting is about to start.”

Gu Lin: “Okay, I’ll go to the meeting first. Little brother, don’t go back at noon. I’ll take you to lunch.”

Gu Lin stood up, and his secretary immediately helped him pick up his notebook. When he was about to pass by Gu Ye, he stopped. He pinched Gu Ye’s face and said with emotion, “Kid, you have really grown up.”

Picking up a peanut, Gu Ye saw that it was coated with crab roe. At first glance, it looks like a children’s snack, but more to strange-flavored beans. He threw one into his mouth and said with a smile, “I know right? I have grown up, which means you have grown old.”

Amused, Gu Lin poked the back of Gu Ye’s head as if admonishing him, and quickly left the office.

Gu Ye stood by the window, eating snacks and thinking about the chances of catching the ‘demon’. It wasn’t until half an hour later, when Gu Ye was almost finishing his snacks, that he heard a rush of footsteps coming from the corridor.

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows. The ‘demon’ must have heard that someone from the Gu family came to the office so they came knocking at the door. Sure enough, the ajar door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

“Where’s Gu Lin? Don’t try to avoid me!”

The person who rushed in was wearing a pink dress, with black hair hanging straight down her waist. She has a pure face and exquisite facial features. Her fair and tender skin was so delicate that it might get bruised with a single touch. She is one of the most popular celebrities nowadays. Because of her pure temperament, she is honored as the leader of the new generation of beauties, and she is the goddess in the eyes of countless men.

Gu Ye also knows about this woman, Ling Ruyue, which should be her stage name.

“Sister Ling, President Gu really went to the meeting. Please stop making trouble and don’t make things difficult for us, okay?” The security guard who was chasing after her looked troubled but didn’t dare to stop her. Whenever he is about to touch Ling Ruyue (from trying to block her), he would dodge away in panic and becomes more cautious.

“Who are you?” Ling Ruyue looked at Gu Ye standing by the window. Her almond-shaped eyes widened as if she didn’t know there was an outsider in the office and was startled.

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and leaned against the window, eating peanuts. He squinted his eyes in interest, this ‘demon’ looked like she is very good at acting. He smiled and asked, “What do you think?”

Gu Ye’s face is not inferior to that of an idol young man. Moreover, he is young and his facial features are still a little immature. His temperament is also cleaner and purer than those in the industry. Coupled with the fact that he has an indifferent temperament, he looks like he doesn’t care much about anything, which gives him a vague and mysterious feeling. This kind of temperament is the most attractive. At this moment, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, half-smiling. Leaning lazily by the window, every expression on his face can overtake all the young popular idols.

Ling Ruyue looked at Gu Ye carefully and then thought of the news about the top student on the Internet. She narrowed her eyes and immediately knew that Gu Ye is someone difficult to deal with. Her expression immediately changed, “You are Gu Lin’s younger brother, right? Sorry, I have been feeling so emotional lately.”

Gu Ye looked at her flat belly and said nothing.

Ling Ruyue smiled and said shyly, “I am Ling Ruyue, your brother’s… fiancée.”

Gu Ye stuffed a peanut into his mouth. It was chicken-flavored. He chewed crunchily but remained expressionless.

Ling Ruyue looked at Gu Ye at a loss, but a bit of anger flashed in her eyes. It is easy for children of this age to become fans of her, and it is also the best time to deceive. However, not only this brat didn’t look at her with admiration, but his eyes seemed to be saying he was looking at a joke, which made Ling Ruyue feel like she couldn’t hold her expression much longer. But after all, she is an actor, so she still can put up the innocent act with no problem. She said sheepishly, “Since Gu Lin is not here, I will come back later.”

Hearing that, the security guy looked obviously relieved. Unexpectedly, Gu Ye, who had been silent all this time, suddenly waved at her and said, “Don’t go, you are already here so let’s talk together.”

Ling Ruyue raised a sneer at the corner of her mouth. She turned around and subconsciously touched her belly, and said with a gentle face, “No, there will be a chance another day.”

Gu Ye inserted the straw into the soda cup and took a sip. Pulling a stool from the side, he sat down and crossed his legs. After that, he said with a smile, “We can just chat with you standing at the door anyway since this chat will be a quick one. Are you pregnant?”

Ling Ruyue’s face suddenly blushed a hint of pink. She nodded slightly and said shyly, “Yes, Gu Lin’s child.”

Several employees passing by outside gasped in shock upon hearing that. Ling Ruyue came to see Gu Lin many times and was rejected every time. Many people in the company knew that she liked Gu Lin, and they always thought that she had an unrequited love. They didn’t expect today’s news to be so explosive, and she’s pregnant? Is the popular little actress going to marry into a wealthy family?

“You said you were pregnant with my brother’s child, hahaha…” Gu Ye seemed to have heard a big joke. He laughed and slapped the table, making the melon seeds jump. “The 3 Yang points on my second brother’s head are still burning brightly which means he is obviously still a virgin. You said that the child in your belly is his, do you think everyone in the Gu family is stupid? You think you marry into the Gu family just by casually having a child?”

The people passing by didn’t want to leave at all and quietly stopped to listen to the gossip. That’s too dog-blood (ridiculous), today’s melon(popcorn) is so big!

Ling Ruyue’s body turned stiff all over, and the finger pointing at Gu Ye trembled, “You… you are talking nonsense!”

Gu Ye took another sip of soda and patted his chest to stop laughing. Every time people heard something they didn’t like, they would say that he was spouting nonsense. Can’t these people use other words than ‘nonsense’?

“With your level, you still dare to play a trick like this? How about I tell you your fortune? My fortune-telling is quite accurate.”

“You’re talking nonsense! I won’t allow you to insult me like this or insult my child!” Ling Ruyue’s eyes suddenly turned red, and a line of clear tears gently slid down her pretty cheeks. Her cry was beautiful and unpretentious, pure and pitiful. This made everyone watching feel distressed. She is already pregnant, and yet she still got treated like this. What kind of playboy is inside the room? The goddess is so pitiful.

Gu Ye stood up and slowly walked to the door, saying as he walked, “Ling Ruyue, stage name, because the surname should not be Ling. Double eyelids were cut through surgery(not natural) and the chin bone was shaved(to be smaller). To the outside world, you portrayed your image as a pure and lovely girl, but you have had 8 boyfriends before. Also at one point, you have maintained a bed relationship with 4 men at the same time.”

Ling Ruyue stood at the door as if struck by lightning, looking at Gu Ye in shock. For a moment, she didn’t know how to respond. It wasn’t until she stood there silently for more than 10 seconds that Ling Ruyue recovered from the shock. Realizing that there were people looking at her, she made a stubborn and unyielding look on her innocent face, and the humiliated look in her eyes made people feel pitiful for her.

“You…you! It’s nonsense! Even if you don’t like me, you can’t insult me like this. Though I come from a poor background, I still have a backbone!”

Gu Ye sneered, “How many boyfriends you have had is indeed your freedom. How many abortions you have had is also your freedom. What kind of persona you have set for yourself to deceive ignorant fans is also your freedom.”

Gu Ye walked up to Ling Ruyue step by step. Looking at her pitiful appearance, his expression turned cold, and said with disgust, “But throwing away your newlyborn daughter, it’s not your freedom anymore. You are breaking the law.”

“You’re talking nonsense!”

Raw word count: 5565 (whole chapter)
