Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 47 Part 1

Chapter 47 Walking out on its own Part 1

Gu Ye put the 3 dolls on the table and said seriously, “I dreamed of a young lady last night. She said she was killed and made into a doll, and her bones are still in the basement. Today I went to the place the lady mentioned, and unexpectedly found the doll she mentioned.”

The new little policeman looked at Gu Ye with helpless eyes and even wanted to laugh. He is just a moment away from saying, ‘Sure, just keep teasing me.’

Seeing that the other party didn’t believe it, Gu Ye pulled apart the doll’s belly open again. He took out a human finger bone from inside, and handed it to the policeman with an expressionless face, “It must be human, right?”

The policeman at the reception counter changed his expression instantly and he stopped joking, “These are human bones.”

Gu Ye pointed at each doll with an innocent face and said, “The young lady said, these are her eyes, this is her bone, and this is her skin. Also, there are several of her dolls have been sold.”

The little policeman’s expression changed, and he hurried into the office with these things. After a while, two people followed him out. When they saw Gu Ye, their expressions were thoughtful, “It’s you again.”

Gu Ye smiled slightly and said obediently, “Yes, it’s me again.”

These two people were the captain and the female deputy in charge of the child abduction case, and the person speaking was the big sister policewoman that Gu Ye had been talking about. The little policeman had already explained the matter here clearly to the 2 people in charge.

Gu Ye pointed at the dolls and identified them one by one, “This doll was bought by a noodle shop owner. His house was haunted, so I went to collect the doll.” This kind of thing can be found out with just one search. Gu Ye didn’t hide it, but he didn’t go into details. “I had a dream after I took it back, it’s the victim who entrusted me with the dream.”

Gu Ye said it seriously, and his face was so well-behaved that there was no hint of lying. However, this reason was really unbelievable. The 2 captains looked at each other. The policewoman collected all 3 dolls and told the young policeman with a solemn face, “Take them now to check the material.”

Not long after, the forensic doctor sent over the examination results. The results surprised everyone. They were indeed organs from the same person.

Gu Ye pushed Wang Dadan forward, “When I was buying this doll, he recorded a video. The boss himself said that he made it himself. You can watch it.”

“Not bad, young man, you still know how to leave evidence.” The captain patted Gu Ye’s shoulder and said encouragingly, “You are very smart, as expected from the top student at Capital University, but you should not do such dangerous things in the future. As for this case, leave it to us and we will handle it.”

Gu Ye looked at the doll reluctantly, “I spent 180,000 yuan on this doll. This is the invoice. If it is kept as evidence, please urge the doll maker boss to refund my money. If the money cannot be refunded, can you return my ‘daughter’ to me? I want to raise her.”

Hearing the amount, the captain was shocked. Gu Ye bought a doll for 180,000 yuan. Are all the children these days crazy? However, he still has to tell Gu Ye, “I shouldn’t be able to return it to you. This will be stored as evidence.”

Gu Ye was heartbroken, “Then you must refund me back.”

The female policewoman interjected, “That’s not necessarily the case. There is the skin of the deceased on the doll, which is part of the body of the deceased. According to regulations, we have to return it to the family members.” The policewoman added sternly, “This girl has been missing for so long and no one has reported her. Maybe she has no relatives. I will fight for you and return this doll to you.” At this point, the policewoman smiled and advised, “But it’s human skin, you really shouldn’t take her back.”

“Okay, just try your best. Solving the case is important.” Gu Ye pinched the doll’s face with a smile. This child was so beautiful that he really wanted to take her back and raise her. Unfortunately, the most important thing at the moment is to give justice to the deceased.

After all the evidence are taken away, the policewoman personally sent Gu Ye and Wang Dadan out of the police station and asked tentatively, “Gu Ye, how do you know the victim is in the basement?”

Gu Ye smiled slightly, “The young lady gave me a dream. It’s in the basement of that store. That store was originally a hospital, and the basement was converted into a warehouse. You can go and investigate. You will definitely find criminal evidence.”

The policewoman stared at Gu Ye’s eyes with a pair of almond eyes, as if to find out if he was lying.

Gu Ye smiled helplessly, “Big sister, do you think I am related to the murderer?”

The policewoman shook her head.

“Then you can just go ahead and give justice to the deceased. As for the role I played in it, is it important?” Gu Ye said with a smile, “The reason why I took a taxi and drove through half of the imperial capital to come to you is because I believe that your justice is the same as my justice.”

The policewoman finally showed a smile, took out a notepad from her pocket, and wrote down a phone number, “My name is Mu Jingfei. You found those children and this poor girl. I think you will discover more darkness buried underground in the future. From now on, you can go look for those scumbags, and we will be responsible for bringing justice to the people. If you have any matters, you can call me directly.”

Gu Ye took the note and said with a smile, “Sister Mu is a smart person, please keep in contact in the future.”

Able to see through things and not say them out loud, Mu Jingfei is definitely a smart person. She doesn’t stick to trivial matters, knows how to adapt, is soft on the outside but strong on the inside, and can carry out justice to the end. Gu Ye has already seen from her facial features that this sister has an unlimited future. It is much more comfortable to cooperate with her than with the Xuanshu Association, those fools who claimed to be righteous. The most important thing is that the things he did are justified in the name of law.

“Also, if you find other dolls, please rub this lucky pouch on the doll’s body. This thing can make the soul rest in peace.” Gu Ye handed a red lucky pouch to Mu Jingfei and stopped a taxi. Once inside the car, he waved his hand and left.

Mu Jingfei took a look at the lucky pouch with complicated eyes and put it directly into her pocket without opening it.

After leaving the police station, Wang Dadan breathed a long sigh of relief, “It was so exhilarating! It scared me to death!”

Gu Ye looked at his fingers. He didn’t know when and where there was a hint of ghost energy left on them. He rubbed his fingers and gave up when he couldn’t remember. He closed his eyes and said lazily, “You will be famous soon.”

Wang Dadan was dubious but said, “Thank you for your kind words!” At an intersection, it was time for him to get off the car. He smiled and sent a friend request to Gu Ye which he accepted, “I hope we can cooperate again in the future. Just that hope it won’t be that stimulating though.”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and waved goodbye.

After Gu Ye returned to his home, Xie Cheng sent him a message: [I asked someone to check for the level of resentment in the area. 5 of us ran for a day following the address measured on the luopan (compass) and brought back all the dolls. The souls of the children who were still alive were returned to their bodies.]

Gu Ye: [Thank you for your hard work! Hand these dolls over to this police station. They are all evidences.]

Xie Cheng replied: [Don’t worry, everything is fine].

Then Xie Cheng sent a selfie to Gu Ye. Gu Ye was amused when he saw his face: [Were you attacked by a child?]

Xie Cheng sent a laughing and crying emoji: [A three-year-old chubby guy got a swipe at me. Even doing good deeds does not end well.]

Gu Ye sighed and replied: [People in our line of work just want to have a clear conscience.]

Xie Cheng sent a message with an expression of lying down and crying, already resigned to his fate.

Not long after Gu Ye returned home, a piece of news came out on the Internet: [The owner of a certain doll shop was arrested by the police on suspicion of murder. According to eyewitnesses, a skeleton without hands but covered with feathers was found in the basement. It is said that this artwork called ‘Angel’ was revealed on the Internet previously, and the estimated price at that time was 3.2 million yuan.]

Because Gu Ye and Wang Dadan had been to this store before the boss was arrested, and a resentful spirit was caught during the live broadcast the night before, many people speculated whether these things could be connected together. Is it related to Gu Ye? Even though there is no direct evidence, netizens still found clues.

The next morning, Gu Ye found a lot of private messages on Weibo. When he logged on and took a look, he was stunned. He had 220,000 followers. When did it happen?

Many strangers were asking if he was the one who found the deceased. Has he seen the ghosts of the deceased? Others make up hundreds of words about the interaction between Gu Ye and the innocent soul, asking Gu Ye if they got it correct.

Gu Ye is speechless and just wants to ask: [You guys are so good at thinking out of the box, why don’t you write a novel? And you’ve already written it, what else do you need from me?]

The same goes for Wang Dadan. His fans on Weibo have increased like crazy, and the questions he asked also left him speechless. Did Gu Ye accept him as his apprentice, asking him to catch ghosts and stuff together in the future or whatnot? Wang Dadan don’t know to laugh or cry and refuted the rumors. But looking at his fanbase spiking in popularity, Gu Ye’s words might be coming true: He is going to be popular.

Inside the police station.

The shop owner is also well-known in the doll circle. As soon as he was arrested, word spread in the circle. Soon, several of his works were also searched online by the police. For fear of causing panic, they did not directly say that they were made of human skin. They only said It was to serve as evidence and would be returned to everyone in the future. Only then do they manage to find the rest of the dolls.

No one saw that the faint resentment on the dolls that were put together as evidence was flowing into the doll that Gu Ye bought. The souls of the children inside have been released by Gu Ye, and the resentful spirits have been eliminated, but the aura of resentment on their bodies remains. The beautiful doll sucks all the resentment of the other dolls into itself like a bottomless pit. She sat there quietly, staring ahead with a pair of brown eyes, and the surroundings were so quiet that one could hear needles dropping. In this place where no one was paying attention, her neck suddenly moved. After a while, the doll’s long eyelashes fluttered, and it suddenly stood up on its own.

The beautiful imperial dress is long and flowy, down to the doll’s ankles. A pair of small red leather shoes stepped on the table, making a soft clicking sound. As she moved, the silver curly hair hanging down to her waist swayed gently, like an elf flapping its wings. After standing for a few seconds, she raised her feet, jumped off the table, and walked out of the evidence room step by step.

Mu Jingfei hesitated for a long time but decided to listen to Gu Ye’s words and rub the lucky pouch on several dolls. After rubbing it, she counted and found that one was missing. Mu Jingfei frowned and asked the police officer on duty, “Xiao Li, where is that doll? The one with silver hair, the most beautiful one.”

Xiao Li looked confused, “I don’t know.”

Mu Jingfei said angrily, “Look for it, who is so free to take the evidence away?”

Gu Ye knew nothing about his ‘daughter’ running away. He took a nap in the afternoon and got up at 4.00 pm to take a shower.

Yu Ze has already started sending Gu Ye a message: [I get off work at 5.00 pm, and I expect to be stuck in traffic for half an hour. I will arrive at 7.00 pm.]

Gu Ye wiped his hair and replied: [OK, pay attention to safety.]

After a while, Yu Ze asked again: [Don’t do dangerous things in the future.]

Gu Ye grinned: [Big brother, did you install a detector on me?]

Yu Ze: [No, it’s an inference.]

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched. When he comes into contact with people who are too smart, there are good sides and painful sides. He can’t hide anything from them.

After simply tidying up the house, Gu Ye left his apartment community early when it was almost 7.00 pm. After waiting for 2 minutes, he saw Yu Ze’s car driving past. Gu Ye waved in a complicated mood. Stopping slowly in front of him, the car window opened. Yu Ze actually drove here by himself.

Yu Ze raised the corner of his mouth and said slightly teasingly, “You really don’t have a tan.”

Gu Ye twitched his lips and opened the door. Sitting on the passenger seat, he asked while fastening his seat belt, “Are you looking at my Weibo again?”

Yu Ze nodded and said seriously, “I registered an account and only followed you.”

Gu Ye’s fingertips trembled, and he asked bravely, “You, do you have anyone you particularly care about recently?”

Yu Ze answered lightly, “You.”

Such a straightforward answer made Gu Ye think of the reading he got about ‘meeting his destined person’ again. Among the people he met that day, the one he managed to speak with was Yu Ze. Gu Ye couldn’t help but grab Yu Ze’s wrist, “Your palm, give me a look.”

Yu Ze replied, not knowing the reason, “Reading my palm?”

Gu Ye was embarrassed and didn’t speak. He looked at Yu Ze’s palm carefully and wanted to confirm something.

The corners of Yu Ze’s lips were raised, and he was in a good mood. “I asked Elder Tang for a reading. My fateful one is by my side and we can be together. It seems to be going pretty smooth too.”

Gu Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and secretly glanced at his own palm. Then he clenched his fists and put his hands into his pockets. It seemed… their lines were exactly the same[1], going a little smooth indeed. Gu Ye couldn’t bear it anymore. Could it be that he was such an unreserved person? Impossible, fate is wrong, he will not be confused by the other person’s face, absolutely not!

Yu Ze watched Gu Ye’s expression change for a moment, and asked doubtfully, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing,” Gu Ye quickly shook his head and pointed to the front, “I booked a private room in the Baixuan Building. It’s quiet there. Let’s go eat first.”

Yu Ze glanced at Gu Ye again but didn’t press on and started driving in the direction pointed by Gu Ye.

Raw word count: 6504 (whole chapter)


[1] People said that a fateful couple has the same lines on their palm :v

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 46 Part 2

Chapter 46 Cute Doll Part 2

In the gloomy basement, the girl who was tied to the operating table watched as the murderer gradually approached her with the scalpel, “Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt soon.”

Gentle words were whispered in her ears, but the cold scalpel was already placed on her neck. Panic, helplessness, and deep fear pulled the girl’s soul into the abyss. The scalpel pierced the artery, and the bright red blood was drained away bit by bit. The soul finally escaped from the shackles of the body, but she watched herself being skinned, muscles removed, her skeleton washed to white, and made into a handicraft. The girl’s soul collapsed. Too much torture made her no longer want to see everything in this world. Her soul dissipated on its own, but her resentment remained…

After Gu Ye finished using the empathy skill, his face turned pale, his lips trembled, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

“Are you okay?” Xie Cheng supported Gu Ye and put a spirit-gathering charm on him, “Take it easy first.”

Gu Ye calmed down for a while and then said, “A deranged boss killed a girl, and her remaining was made into a work of art called Angel. The pair of eyes and finger bones belong to that girl. In addition, he also used the girl’s skin to make 7 human skin dolls!”

Gu Ye took a breath and continued with a cold face, “There are also 7 ragdolls like the one we have here with Soul Transfer Array in their bellies. 3 children are already dead and their souls are sealed in dolls. This kind of doll will become more spiritual and beautiful as time passes, so it is very expensive to sell. The murderer is the doll maker.”

“Such an inhuman person!” Xie Cheng has already grasped the key point, “So there are other dolls with soul-turning spells in the hands of other children?”

“Yes!” Gu Ye picked up the water, took a sip, and sneered. He said in an icy voice, “I know you have many friends so I’ll leave it to you to save the remaining children. And I’ll go meet the doll maker.”

“No, it’s too dangerous. Let’s go together!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be in danger.” Gu Ye grabbed Wang Dadan who was squatting aside to gather ‘mushrooms’, “I said you would be useful following us today. Look, here’s your chance to show off!”

Wang Dadan wanted to cry, “Now it’s involved in a murder case. It’s too stimulating. I want to quit.”

Gu Ye said with a smile, “As long as you come with me for this trip, you will be famous when you return home. So, are you going?”

“For real?”

“For real.”

Wang Dadan hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth viciously, “I’ll go! As the saying goes, people die for wealth, and birds die for food!”

Gu Ye patted Wang Dadan on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, I didn’t see the reading of death on your face, you won’t die today.”

Hearing that, Wang Dadan felt relieved now. He followed Gu Ye and got into the taxi with his fists clenched.

Gu Ye followed the shop from his memory and found the doll-making shop on a commercial street. There were several girls looking at the products, hesitating about which doll to take home.

At the store door, Gu Ye’s eyes turned cold, and he snorted coldly.

Wang Dadan asked bravely, “Master Gu, do we want to go in?”

“Of course, your opportunity has come, let’s start the live broadcast.”

“Huh? Now?”

“Yes, live broadcast now.”

Wang Dadan thought about it, and it sounds right. In full view of the public, no matter how fierce the other party was, he would not dare to attack them both now. He immediately opened the live broadcast room. There were not many people during the day, but he didn’t care about it. He started the broadcast with “Let’s go, guys. Now I will take everyone to a very cute doll shop. Let’s go in and have a look!”

Someone in the comment ranted:
[So uncultured, you don’t even know this. This store is very famous in the doll circle! The boss’s craftsmanship is very good, and the products he sells are all high-quality products. If you want to buy something, you have to book it months in advance!

Have you seen the hair of this doll? In his store, they use real hair to dye it. The clothing is unique, there is only one set of clothes. The golden decorations are not copper-plated, but real gold-plated!

If you don’t have hundreds of thousands of pocket money in your hands, don’t go in and make a fool of yourself.]

There are not many dolls on display in the store, but all of them are indeed high-quality products. From the clothes to the makeup, everything is exquisite, and even the accessories on the body are flawless.

“You two can take a look first, and I can introduce you to which doll you like.” Sitting in front of the counter is a handsome young man, wearing glasses. His hair is a bit long and almost falls to his shoulders. The man has a gentle smile on his face and a very nice voice.

Gu Ye walked around the store and finally stopped in front of a counter and looked at a beautiful female doll.

Several girls stared at the doll, “This doll is so beautiful!”

“Yes, it looks good!”

“I really want to take it home!”

“Look at the price before you speak.”

“Sigh, forget it.”

Gu Ye squinted his eyes. Normal eyes could only see that the doll was beautiful and delicate, but could not see the desperate soul of a child trapped inside. “Boss!” Gu Ye shouted: “This treasure of your shop, I want it.”

“Wow!” Several girls looked at the doll with envy. The more they looked at it, the more they felt that their souls would be sucked into her. They wanted it so much.

The boss put down the book in his hand and walked slowly to Gu Ye. He was slightly startled when he saw Gu Ye’s face, and then calmly glanced at Gu Ye’s body. He adjusted his glasses, hiding the greed in his eyes, narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile, “You are so beautiful, especially your eyes, which are more spiritual than the dolls I made.”

Gu Ye curled his lips and swiftly did a reading from his facial features. After that, he warned the other person with a faint smile, “I am live broadcasting, please mind yourself from the se,x,ual harassment.”

The people in the live broadcast room got amused:

[Even good-looking boys are not safe now!]

[It felt like this boss is ghey, and the way he looked at ‘Gu the Third’ was not good.]

[Hahaha, that would be hilarious, Papa Gu will beat this boss to death, no explanation needed!]

The boss didn’t care that Wang Dadan was live broadcasting. He smiled and explained, “I don’t mean anything else. I’m just telling the truth. Your bones, your face, and your hands are all like works of art.”

Gu Ye rebutted disgustedly, “Artwork? I don’t want to be placed together with artwork. You should start introducing this doll to me.”

The boss smiled gently and introduced elegantly, “This doll is my proud creation. The 12 joints are connected with elastic bands. The special part is her eyes, which are hand-painted instead of the common glass eyeballs. I guarantee that after 10 years, her skin will still maintain its current pearly white luster and her face will still be rosy. Even if you don’t have time to take care of it, it won’t get yellowing or loose tendons. Even without makeup, she will remain as she is now, becoming more and more spiritual as time passes.”

Gu Ye pointed to the price, raised his eyebrows, and asked, “Fixed price?”

The boss smiled and said, “It took me 2 months to make her. For others, I’ll ask for 200,000 yuan, but for you… 180,000 yuan. Consider this a friendship price. I hope you will come and visit us often.”

Gu Ye nodded and took out the card from his wallet, “I want it then. Please wrap it up for me, I want to give it to my mother.”

Gu Ye’s action makes him look like a wealthy young man from a wealthy family, who won’t bat even an eyelid for a purchase of 180,000 yuan. The boss narrowed his eyes, and there was an unnatural trace of struggle in his eyes. He slowly wrapped the doll and handed the box to Gu Ye. Looking at Gu Ye’s stretched-out hand, his fingertips suddenly trembled. His hesitant eyes suddenly became firm at this moment.

“This is my business card. If it’s convenient, please leave your contact information. If you don’t know how to take care of or change clothes in the future, just bring it over. I can also provide house call visits, but only on Sundays.”

Gu Ye smiled and rolled his eyes, “What a coincidence, I only have time on Sunday.”

The boss said gentlemanly, “That’s really fate.”

“Then we’ll see again if there’s fate~” Gu Ye held the box in one hand and waved with his slender white hands. His fair skin was illuminated by the sun and turned white to almost transparent. The outline looked like a doll on the shelf.

The boss looked at Gu Ye’s back with burning eyes, his eyes full of obsession. He couldn’t help but cover his chest which was heaving violently, trying to contain his urge to rush out and drag the perfect work of art back. He secretly told himself that Gu Ye was a wealthy young man with a certain family background and a little child who could be hidden casually. Once exposed, he will be doomed so he must endure it!

The boss ran back to the checkout counter and took out a bottle of medicine from the drawer. Unscrewing the lid tremblingly, he poured out one pill and ate it. He closed his eyes for a long time before calming down.

At this moment, Gu Ye took a taxi to the police station with 3 dolls in his arms. Human skin, human eyes, human bones, plus the video of buying the doll during the live broadcast, the evidence is conclusive!

Gu Ye looked at the aura left on the business card and raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer. The boss has to thank the rule-abiding society, otherwise it would really be uncertain who would make whom into a doll.

Raw word count: 6346 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 46 Part 1

Chapter 46 Cute Doll Part 1

The doll actually dared to hurt someone under his nose? Gu Ye’s eyes turned cold, and he moved as fast as lightning, raising his hand and throwing out a talisman. At the same time, Xie Cheng, who was standing by the window, already had a whip in his hand. The two of them took action almost at the same time. The moment the talisman was attached to the doll, Xie Cheng’s whip wrapped around the doll’s neck, the same time as the red line drawn by the cinnabar pen in Gu Ye’s hand.

The two looked at each other, and Gu Ye let go, thinking inside that their cooperation was not tacit enough.

Xie Cheng raised his left hand and the doll landed firmly in his hand. He pinched its neck with his fingers and said with a smile, “Don’t move.” After that, Xie Cheng turned his head to look at the man who was attacked and the smile on his face faded.

At the corner where normal people can’t see, an old woman with gray hair stood in front of the middle-aged man, blocking the danger and looking at him with soft eyes. Even though the man was already middle-aged, but in the old woman’s eyes, the middle-aged man was still a child. What is distressing is that the old woman’s soul has become transparent and is obviously about to disintegrate.

Gu Ye said calmly, “You have to thank your old mother. She protected you even after her death. If it weren’t for her, you would have been killed by the doll.”

Shao Dayong raised his head in surprise and looked at Gu Ye doubtfully, not understanding what he meant.

Xie Cheng pinched the doll, “This is a resentful spirit formed by absorbing a lot of resentment. It can only survive by possessing an object or a person. Since you bought it, you will naturally be the target of its possession. In order to protect you, your mother’s soul has almost used up its power. So if you have final words to say to her, hurry up and say it.”

Shao Dayong asked in shock, “My mother?”

Gu Ye nodded, “Yes, when you were pushed down on the bed, it was she who was protecting you. When you hear strange noises, it is from her helping you to block the evil spirit. When you were pushed down the stairs, it was she who was protecting you. Otherwise, you would have died long ago.”

Sitting on the ground, Shao Dayong heard this and looked in front of him in a daze. After being stunned for a while, he suddenly cried loudly, “How useless am I for you to keep worrying for me even after you die?”

The old woman paused and looked at her son at a loss. Her raised hand froze only a few centimeters away from her son but she did not dare to touch him in the end.

Shao Dayong cried a few times and broke down, “Mom! I’m sorry! I understand now, I understand everything, I know how miserable and tired you are. I was young and ignorant at that time. In order to live a good life, I did something illegal and made you sad! I regret why I didn’t visit you more after I came out (of prison). Why didn’t I stay by your side to take care of you in your old age? In the end, you still have to worry about this unfilial son!”

Gu Ye heard it and shook his head helplessly. The son wanted to care for his parent but the parent is no longer there. It’s one of the tragedies in the world.

“Mom! I miss you…” After yelling, Shao Dayong seemed to have lost his strength and whispered, “I really… miss you.”

Following Shao Dayong’s last words, a happy smile appeared on the old woman’s face. After touching her son’s face, her figure began to disappear.

Xie Cheng wanted to say something else, but the old woman turned back. She looked at him pleadingly and shook her head. Xie Cheng nodded with a sullen face, watching the old woman disappear, and looked at each other with Gu Ye. They both saw regret in each other’s eyes. It was too late and she could not be saved. It is a miracle that her soul can persist until now.

Seeing Shao Dayong sitting on the ground crying like a child, the two of them still followed the old woman’s request and did not tell the truth that her soul had disintegrated and could not even reincarnate. A mother has been protecting her child up to this point and doesn’t want to make him feel even more guilty (from knowing the truth). What else can they say?

Xie Cheng took a deep breath and looked at the doll in his hand. Then he threw it towards Gu Ye, and said disgustedly, “You handle it!”

After Gu Ye caught it, the doll suddenly laughed loudly with a ‘hahaha’ again. When it locked eyes with Gu Ye, a wisp of black smoke came out of its eyes and pounced toward Gu Ye!

“Tsk!” Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and made a finger sign. He flicked his finger and threw the wisp of black smoke to the top of his head. Next, with a stroke of the cinnabar pen in his hand, a spiritual red thread was wrapped around it, tying the black smoke into a zongzi/dumpling.

Gu Ye flung the tied-up spirit to the ground with a cold face, trampling it firmly with the sole of his shoe, “The sight of you makes me very unhappy now so you’d better be more obedient.”

Everyone in the live broadcast room was blown away by the cool actions of Gu Ye and Xie Cheng, especially Gu Ye’s last words. Initially, some people were immersed in grief of Shao Dayong’s mother and felt a little sad, but now their attention has been completely taken away by Gu Ye. The spirit of everyone in the live broadcast room was ignited, and the comments were flooding like crazy.

[So handsome! My boyfriend is so handsome that I’m crying!]

[That really scared me! So it is really haunted?! It’s not a special effect, right? That doll, ahhh, I want to throw away all the dolls in my house!]

[This special effect is amazing! From the moment the doll flew up to their coordinated movements, that’s really exciting! Gu Ye’s hands were so fast that the actions only left shadows in the camera! So handsome! I’m in love with him!]

[The hell is a special effect?! Those are not special effects. Else, that man who is regretting his life and crying bitterly was a hired extra? Ain’t that already the acting skills of a king actor!]

[Gu Ye is so handsome! The Alpha aura simply exploded! Regardless of whether it’s a ghost or not, there’s no need to be afraid when he’s around.]

[I’m going to be scared to death. Even if I turn on all the lights in the house, I still feel freaked out. Stop talking, Gu Ye, hug me!]

[Eunuch Gou! Come and protect this Emperor!]

Gu Ye didn’t know that he had accidentally gained more fans. He looked at the doll seriously and said, “The eyes of this doll look like real people.”

Xie Cheng also came over to take a look and touched it, “You’re right. I’ve touched the eyeballs of dead people, and this is the same feeling.”

The live broadcast room fell silent for a second, and the people got frightened into silence.


Gu Ye’s face became solemn, “Then whose resentment was absorbed by this resentful spirit? I have an ominous premonition.”

Xie Cheng understood what Gu Ye meant, “You mean, this is just the beginning?”

Gu Ye nodded, “Shao Dayong, where did you buy this doll?”

Shao Dayong had not yet recovered from the blow of his mother protecting him but he wiped away his tears and wrote an address to Gu Ye. Gu Ye patted him on the shoulder, “My condolences! With your mother’s love in mind, live a good life in the future.”

Xie Cheng also patted Shao Dayong on the shoulder, “You have to look forward in life as the living. Your mother will rest assured if you are well. Also… although it is not appropriate to say this kind of thing at this time, this issue is more practical. Don’t forget to pay the remuneration fee.”

Gu Ye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and pulled Xie Cheng, “Let’s go!”

By now, Wang Dadan was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. His live broadcast was really popular this time. The number of people in the live broadcast room was five times higher than usual. The overwhelming number of messages can be roughly divided into three categories:

[Wang Dadan, don’t be cowardly. There are no monsters and monsters in the world, all you have to do is crack the mysteries (and reveal the truth)!]

[I want to go to Shao Dayong’s noodle shop to eat. Please give me the address!]

[Licking the screen for Gu Ye’s beauty! With a glare, he completely changed from his usual gentle demeanor as the little brother next door. Without saying much, I immediately became a fan of him!]

The gift rewards were several times higher than usual, Wang Dadan didn’t know where so many rich people came from. Of course, there are also a handful of self-declared detectives who try to use scientific means to explain everything that just happened. Even his followers on Weibo have increased a lot.

Gu Ye is leaving to go somewhere else, but the matter is not over yet. Wang Dadan looked at the benefits brought by this live broadcast, hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth, “I, can I go with you?”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “Sure, okay.”

“You’re still taking him?” Xie Cheng was puzzled and asked in a low voice, “You’re taking him to make money?”

Gu Ye turned around and whispered, “I feel that he will be of great use soon.”

Xie Cheng looked at Wang Dadan again and his eyes suddenly filled with sympathy for the man.

Gu Ye glanced at Wang Dadan’s screen. The live broadcast had ended. He reminded, “Today’s account needs to be settled today. Please pay us the money first, otherwise, I won’t take you to play tomorrow.”

Wang Dadan was confused. It was the first time he saw such an unpretentious rich second-generation generation who valued money so much. The reward for tonight was more than 40,000 yuan after the platform’s fee, and Gu Ye requested 24,000 yuan.

Gu Ye: We don’t want those 22 cents balance. I don’t know whether the platform gives a payout based on daily settlement or monthly settlement. But either way, the money will go into your account in the end. Hence, please transfer the money to us from your account now.”

Gu Ye said it like he was being generous that Wang Dadan wanted to scold him as he transferred money. You don’t even let go of a few dollars! Why do you have the nerve to say so generously? But seeing that he still had about 16,000 yuan in his account, which was much more than what he usually earned by running around, Wang Dadan felt more comfortable. Supernatural streamers like him are not mainstream to begin with, but being able to earn this kind of money is already very impressive. This strengthens his determination to continue following Gu Ye, “Where are you going tomorrow?”

After Gu Ye gave half of the money to Xie Cheng, he replied, “We are going to find a hotel nearby to stay. Then, we’ll go to this store early tomorrow morning. If you want to follow, just follow.”

Xie Cheng was shocked by the ‘huge amount of money’ in his own account. He reacted and pressed Wang Dadan’s shoulder, dragging him away enthusiastically, “Let’s go! Let’s play again tomorrow. It’s fate that we meet!”

Gu Ye turned his head and couldn’t bear to look directly at this darned poor guy who was captured by money.

Early the next morning, Gu Ye and Xie Cheng took Wang Dadan to the small store that specializes in selling second-hand toys. The store was not big, and most of the products were children’s toys that kids no longer wanted to play with. They were still 80% new. It was a pity to throw them away, so the parents took them and sold them at a low price here. Toys can be rented or sold here, and there are a lot of varieties.

Gu Ye first took stock of the aura of the shop and said, “It’s quite normal.”

Xie Cheng also nodded, “Nothing evil.”

Gu Ye found the boss behind the shelf and asked, “Sister, take a look at this doll. Do you have any impression of it?”

The female boss was almost 40 so when she heard Gu Ye call her Sister, she laughed sheepishly and said happily, “Aiya, you young man has such a sweet mouth. Let me take a look.”

The boss glanced at the doll and said firmly, “I’ve seen it before. I picked this doll up at the door of my shop. It was 80% new at the time. I guessed it must be some child didn’t want it anymore, so I cleaned it up and put it on the shelf. Later, it was bought by a man. At that time when the man bought it, he cried like a child while holding the doll so I have a deep impression of it.”

Gu Ye and Xie Cheng looked at each other and both smiled bitterly. It was obvious that someone threw it at the door of this store on purpose. How to investigate now?

“Oh, by the way, there was another doll that was thrown together with this doll, but it has never been sold.” The boss suddenly remembered, ran to the innermost shelf, and took a doll. Then she gave it to Gu Ye and Xie Cheng.

As soon as he got it in his hand, Gu Ye felt that this doll also had the same resentment as the roly-poly doll, but this doll had much lighter resentment. Gu Ye touched the belly of the doll and immediately felt something hard inside. He said nothing about it and asked, “Sister, how much does this doll cost?”

“You want it? You can just take it then,” the boss said with a smile, “I picked it up anyway, so this doll is not worth anything.”

Even though the boss said that, Gu Ye still paid 20 yuan for the doll. As soon as they left the shop and there was nobody else around, Gu Ye violently tore open the doll’s belly.

“Frick! Are you a destroyer or what?!” Xie Cheng came over curiously and found something in the doll’s stomach. He stretched out two fingers to pinch it out. After seeing what it was, he cursed and stuffed it back in, “Damn it, freakin pervert! Who stuffs this kind of thing into children’s toys?! When that person dies, I’ll curse him to go to hell and never be born again!”

A piece of human finger bone was stuffed inside, with Soul Transfer Array painted on it. A child’s soul is inherently pure. If they come into contact with this doll for a long time, their soul will be sucked away bit by bit by the Soul Transfer Array and transferred to other places.

Gu Ye’s expression turned cold, “The function of the eyes should be the same as this human bone. The maker should be a novice who knows some mystical arts but is not proficient in them. He doesn’t know that the eyes are the windows of the soul and can easily attract evil spirits. Hence, the doll that has the human eyes absorbed the resentment of the deceased, generated spiritual consciousness, and became a resentful spirit.”

“I know a senior called Master Zuo Yun. She has the ability to empathize with souls. Let’s go find her with these two things.”

“No need.” Gu Ye looked seriously into Xie Cheng’s eyes, “I can do the same.”

Xie Cheng asked with complicated eyes, “Did your master even teach you this?”

Gu Ye smiled and said, “He was afraid that I would suffer a loss, so he taught me everything he could.”

“Being able to learn it is also your talent.” There is another sentence that Xie Cheng is embarrassed to say, which is Gu Ye’s master is also a ruthless person. The reason for this is that when this empathy ability is used, it is tantamount to experiencing the death process of the deceased. Most people cannot bear the despair.

“Let’s go back to the hotel.”

“Do, do I still follow you guys?” When Wang Dadan heard that there are human bones and something like Soul Transfer Array, he felt that it was not easy to make money this time, a little regretful that he asked to follow.

Gu Ye put Wang Dadan into the taxi with a smile, “I can’t do anything if without you today. I have calculated that you will be of great use.”

Raw word count: 6346 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 45 Part 2

Chapter 45 President Yu can’t do it? Part 2

Military training means that the freshmen are looking forward to the rain, while the sophomores are also looking forward to the special day of rain due to different reasons. The freshmen feel that there is no need to continue training if it rains, and the sophomores are all looking forward to seeing them getting drenched (because the training won’t stop just because it rains).

However, after half a month of hard training, God is not merciful at all. Not a drop of rain fell, and the freshman was reduced to a pile of briquettes wrapped in camo attires.

Gu Ye is an exception in this pile of briquettes. Comparative photos of him before and after military training were posted on the Internet. The editor raised his voice and wailed: [He was not lazy for a minute from the beginning to the end of the training. But he didn’t get dark! Not dark at all!!]

Netizens shouted happily: [Ah ah ah, my boyfriend is so handsome!]

[My boyfriend is a man who rides on a white horse with sunshine and rainbow and conquers the universe anytime. The sun is nothing. It would be a weird thing instead if he got tanned! @Gu Ye]

[Aiya! During their military training, we held parasols and formed a group to eat popsicles and drink soda every day to watch them. In the end, he didn’t get tanned but I did. @Gu Ye, this senior sister’s future, decide what to do with the rest of my life!]

[Hahaha, the one next to him is his good friends, right? Their skin colors were not that different before, but now, hahaha, one became a boiled egg while the other became a braised egg! @Gu Ye]

Gu Ye found that many people were tagging him and took a look at it on Weibo. Speechless, he posted: [When did I leave singlehood? When did I reach 60,000 followers? How come I don’t know?]

Fan: [It’s not important. What’s important is why you can’t get tanned?]

Gu Ye was speechless, how did he know? He is not a medical student! At this moment, Gu Ye received a private message: [Master Gu, help me! Something is trying to kill me! Something is really trying to kill me!]

Gu Ye calmly replied: [Don’t worry, send a selfie, show your whole face, don’t use filters.]

The other party quickly sent him a photo. The photo showed a middle-aged man with a yellowish complexion and a tired look on his face.

Gu Ye frowned after looking at the photo: [Your Tiancang point is black, while a green aura covers the corner of your mouth. This is a face of someone destined to die. Fortunately, there is white in the green, you can still be saved. However, you are indeed in trouble.]

The other person broke down and wrote: [I have been very unlucky recently. There are people walking around in the house in the middle of the night, and there are often strange noises. There are bruised fingerprints on my neck from being strangled. When I was sleeping, someone pushed me out of bed, causing me to bump my head and I was bruised and bloody. Someone wants to kill me, really wants to kill me! I asked many people for help, but they didn’t believe it, and neither did the police. I had no choice!]

Gu Ye: [How much money do you make in a month?]

The man: [Up to 6,000 yuan.]

Gu Ye: [Give me a month’s salary and I’ll rescue you now. Leave your address and also reimburse me for the round trip fare.]

After writing down the address and logging out of Weibo, Gu Ye sent a message to Xie Cheng: [I have a deal of 3,000 yuan that I want to do with you. The location is on the Fifth Ring Road of the Imperial Capital. Are you coming?]

Xie Cheng replied instantly: [Coming! My good friend, please carry this teammate!!]

Gu Ye was amused and decided on the meeting place with Xie Cheng. He should set off now. If he is too late, the man will die.

When Gu Ye arrived at the agreed address, Xie Cheng had already arrived. He was standing under the streetlight with a backpack on his back. His yellow hair had been dyed back to black. He was wearing a black round-neck T-shirt, jeans, and white sneakers. Just like a rule-abiding baby, he suddenly looks several years younger.

When he saw Gu Ye getting out of the taxi, Xie Cheng waved cheerfully, “I say, taking a taxi is worse than taking the subway. Rich people are usually stuck in traffic jams.”

Gu Ye laughed and didn’t dwell too much on this issue. He asked Xie Cheng curiously, “Why are you dressed so… well-mannered?”

When Gu Ye mentioned this, Xie Cheng broke down and covered his face, saying with tearless eyes, “My master said that my yellow hair doesn’t look serious. If I don’t make myself look presentable, I will be shaved bald.”

“Hahaha~~” Gu Ye imagined Xie Cheng becoming bald and couldn’t help laughing. Xie Cheng was already too tired to speak.

This community apartment looks a bit old, and the distance between the buildings inside is not large. The doormen at the door are all uncles, and they all sit in the guard room drinking tea and chatting. Seeing Gu Ye and Xie Cheng, two young men who didn’t look like bad boys, they let them both in without asking.

Xie Cheng said as he walked, “This community apartment must be at least 20 years old. I just made inquiries and found out that they are usually migrant workers who live in rented houses. Not far from here is the Economic Development Zone, which has many factories, so there is a lot of traffic here. And it happens everywhere around, the aura airflow is very mixed.”

Gu Ye nodded, “This kind of place is easier to harbor dirty things and evil. Be careful today, it’s the first time we teamed up. Don’t die or I won’t be able to explain myself to your master.”

Xie Cheng chuckled coldly, “Don’t worry, my master said I can live up to 99.”

Gu Ye palmed his forehead. Darn it, I have to help this poor guy for more than 70 years!

The two went up to the second floor together and knocked on the door. Not long after, the middle-aged man in the photo opened the door. Seeing Gu Ye with a helper, the middle-aged man looked stunned.

“You are Shao Dayong right? I am Gu Ye.”

Shao Dayong quickly got out of the way, “Two masters, please come in quickly!”

Gu Ye went in first and saw at a glance that there was another young man sitting on the old sofa. He was about 1.8 meters tall, neither fat nor thin. He was not particularly good-looking, but his facial features were not evil and he was quite good-looking. In appearance, his temperament is a bit smooth.

Gu Ye frowned, “Are you a streamer?”

The man was shocked, “How do you know?”

Shao Dayong quickly explained, “I asked for help online, but no one believed me. He was the only one who believed what I said and came to my house to have a look. It was just a coincidence.”

Standing up, the young man looked at Gu Ye, and said in surprise, “I am a supernatural streamer. My real name is Wang Xueliang. My name in the live broadcast is Wang Dadan (Courageous Wang). I didn’t expect to meet you here. What a coincidence.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye’s expression softened and he asked seriously, “If you are going to live broadcast, will you film us later?”

Wang Dadan asked tentatively, “Do you mind?”

Gu Ye shook his head, “I don’t mind, but you have to give us a commission.”

Wang Dadan obviously did not expect Gu Ye to ask for money from him, and asked in shock, “Are you short of this kind of money?”

Gu Ye spread his hands and said, “Of course. My father’s money doesn’t belong to me.”

Xie Cheng nodded seriously, “Yes, I am also very poor.”

Wang Dadan estimated how much more money he could make if Gu Ye appears in his broadcast, and he excitedly agreed. Immediately, he posted on Weibo: [A netizen’s house is haunted and I came to check on the situation. I didn’t expect to meet Gu Ye. Oh my God! He looked really handsome in real life! I want to film him in my live broadcast room! Live now!]

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth curved up, “Young man, you are very good at stirring up things. Today’s commission will be split among us at 3:3:4. You’ll take 4, and we will take 3 each. Do you agree? Otherwise, we will drive you away from here.”

Wang Dadan smiled awkwardly. Sure enough, it is difficult to earn from the second generation of rich people.

Gu Ye then started to look at the furnishings in the room. They were all semi-old furniture. Judging from the aura, this big brother had lived here for a long time. All the furnishings showed that this was an ordinary family, and this brother here is unmarried, living alone.

After checking the surroundings, Gu Ye asked, “How many months has it been since your mother passed away?”

Shao Dayong was stunned, “3 months. You can even find that out from looking around my house?”

Gu Ye looked at the man’s face, “Your parents divorced early. You should have been rebellious and disobedient when you were young. After spending several years in prison, you changed your attitude after being released and opened a small noodle shop, which was a good business. Looking at your complexion, white Qi is hidden under your skin. If they scatter in spots but do not gather together, a parent must have died at home.”

Gu Ye looked out the window before turning to Xie Cheng. Xie Cheng understood and closed the window. Gu Ye said calmly, “And so, it’s your mother who passed away.”

Shao Dayong looked at Gu Ye excitedly, as if looking at a life-saving Bodhisattva, “Yes, you are right! Master Gu, you have to save me! I was a bit of a bastard when I was young, but I atone for my sins at that time (in prison). I’ve changed, I didn’t do anything evil.”

Gu Ye smiled, “I know, since I’m here, I will save you. If you are a bastard, I won’t come no matter how much you pay.”

Shao Dayong breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t know if it was an illusion or something. Since Xie Cheng closed the window, the temperature in the whole room seemed to have dropped, and there was a faint chill. It is now past 9.00 pm, and the street lights in the community have poor quality and are flickering, making the environment a bit eerie for some reason.

At this time, streamer Wang Dadan quietly moved behind Gu Ye.

Gu Ye looked back at Wang Dadab with disgust, “You are such a big man, but you are actually this timid?”

Wang Dadan smiled sheepishly, held up his mobile phone, and said while live broadcasting, “No, I just felt that the place where I was sitting just now was a little cold, as if something was looking at me.”

Gu Ye looked over and saw a blue doll with big black eyes, a round body, and a pointed hat on top of the TV cabinet. The light in the living room is yellow, and the doll sits there quietly, giving people an inexplicable weird feeling. Compared with other things in the room, it looks out of place.

“When did you buy that roly-poly toy?”

Shao Dayong explained in frustration, “After my mother passed away. My mother has taken care of me since I was a child. When I was young, we had a good relationship, but my family was poor and my mother and I had a hard time. The only doll my mother ever bought me was a similar one. Later, she remarried, and I always blamed her, and the relationship was never good. After she died, I regretted it very much. When I came back from the funeral, I happened to pass by a second-hand toy store. I saw that this doll looked very similar to the toy I had when I was a child, so I bought it back.”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “The strange happenings must have started from there.”

Shao Dayong thought about it and was suddenly shocked. “Yes! Is it my mother? That being said, strange things have happened since my mother passed away.”

Speaking of this, Shao Dayong’s eyes turned red. “She must have blamed me when she passed away. She blamed me for not being able to fulfill my filial piety properly.”

“What I saw was different from what you thought.” Gu Ye said as he looked at the roly-poly toy, his eyes turned cold. Just as he was about to walk over, the blue roly-poly turned around on its own in full view of everyone. A pair of eyes that were no different from those of normal people looked at Gu Ye and the others coldly.

“Oh my god!” Wang Dadan, who was standing behind Gu Ye, was so frightened that he took several steps back and squatted directly in the corner. He was a live broadcaster of supernatural beings. He often looked for ghosts, but he had never encountered strange things like this before. The audience used to enjoy watching the suddenly frightened expression of such a big man like him, and they took pleasure from it. This time, they were also frightened, and the live broadcast room was filled with screams (in texts).

The eyes of this doll are the same as those of a human being, no, it should be said that they are the same as those of a dead person. They are completely lifeless like a pair of dead people’s eyes. They are just terrifying no matter how you look at them.


Suddenly, the doll swayed on its own! Its weird and harsh laughter became clearer and clearer as it swayed forward and back, and its dead eyes just blinked in front of everyone.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was scared shitless: [This is really fricking evil! Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Gu Ye, hold me tight!!]

[Master Gu, quickly destroy it!! Hurry ah ah ah!!]

Wang Dadan has shrunk into the corner, wishing he could shrink into a 1.8-meter-sized mushroom.

Shao Dayong collapsed and held his head, “I heard this laughter in the middle of the night before. I looked for it, but I couldn’t find it. It turned out to be this thing.”

Gu Ye glanced at Wang Dadan who was hiding in the corner, “You, stay away from there.”

Wang Dadan couldn’t react, “Huh?”

Xie Cheng also said with an unkind tone, “You are stepping on that auntie’s foot, get out of the way!”

Wang Dadan’s face suddenly turned pale with fright, and he ran towards the door in a panic, intending to open the door and run away the moment something happens.

Gu Ye had a cold face and raised his eyebrows, “If you open the door and let this resentful spirit out, I will drag your soul out and stuff it into this doll.”

“I don’t dare!” Wang Dadan immediately regretted that he shouldn’t have stayed. It’s all because he wanted to earn more rewards from Gu Ye’s popularity, but he didn’t expect it to be so scary!

Gu Ye walked towards the doll without any fear and stretched out his hand to grab it. The doll’s eyes moved and it suddenly flew up. Laughing, it threw itself at Shao Dayong, who was sitting on the ground and collapsed from fear. The speed was so fast that it caught people off guard.

Raw word count: 6231 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 45 Part 1

Chapter 45 President Yu can’t do it? Part 1

Gu Ye finished the piece of watermelon in his hand, hesitated between the two people for a while, and replied: [I choose Yu Ze. Asking me to calculate for my dad? You must have never seen how powerful his golf clubs are!]

Netizens were so amused that they commented with a bunch of Hahahaha: [Same world, same father. It turns out that Papa Gu can also beat his son!]

[I also remembered that when I was a child, my dad chased me for two kilometers with a stick when I didn’t want to go to school. Dem psychological shadow.]

Netizens began to talk about their tragic past of being pitted by their father. Gu Ye wiped his hands with a wet tissue and started typing:

[Yu Ze was born into a scholarly family, received a strict education since childhood, and graduated from a world-class prestigious university. The youngest Ph.D. in finance, now a leader of the younger generation in the business world. In 3 years, he promoted the domestic electronics industry to the world and became the youngest and most promising entrepreneur on the Forbes Richest People list.

You all already know these things, so I won’t say more about them. What I’m calculating is his future.

Yu Ze was destined to have no heirs and would live a life of wealth and honor with few ups and downs. He could be said to be the son of destiny. If he were born in ancient times, he would definitely have the destiny of an emperor. Even in contemporary times, he would become the top person in that industry no matter what he does. Not only his destiny but also his ability. He is a born leader and will always be at the top throughout his life. Some people may not believe in fate, but I want to say that he is God’s own son. If anyone wants to plot against him due to his young age, you might want to reconsider or God will take your life back.]

After Gu Ye pressed send, netizens complained: [You are crazy to say that he has no descendant!]

[Yeah, do you know how many people want to marry Yu Ze? Which one can’t give birth?!]

[Even if his body is sick, the medical technology is so advanced nowadays. It’s easy to have a child, right? How is it possible to have no heirs?]

[Master Gu, aren’t you afraid that President Yu will come to you? No heir! How dare you say that!]

[The old saying goes, “There are 3 ways to be unfilial, and the worst is to have no heirs.” Master Gu, you are going to get into trouble with your mouth!]

[I wonder who Yu Ze’s wife is and why she can’t give birth. Nowadays, medical technology is so advanced that in vitro fertilization is also possible. Yu Ze is so rich that he can have as many children as he wants.]

[I feel that there is no one who is worthy of him. There are some good-looking celebrities, but I feel that they don’t match his temperament. I haven’t seen him have any scandals with any woman in such a long time.]

[No scandals? Could it be… he like men?]

[Impossible, he has never had any scandals with men!]

[He is the only male in the Yu family. If he gets together with a man, will his father be angered to death?]

[Could it be that he can’t ‘do it’?]

[Damn, bro, you are more daring than Master Gu!]

[Eyy! Lighting a stick of incense for this bruh, rest in peace~]

Gu Ye was speechless when he saw these comments. Nobody believes him when he tells the truth. Yu Ze really has no heir but the weird point is here. There is a marriage line, but he has no heir! Gu Ye also wondered, why? Could it be Yu Ze really like men? My god! Gu Ye slapped his thigh excitedly and immediately realized. That’s right, if Yu Ze likes men, it can perfectly explain that he has a marriage line but no offspring!

As soon as the thought came up, Gu Ye’s cell phone buzzed.

Yu Ze: [I heard that you told me a fortune?]

Gu Ye was shocked, this news came too fast! He replied cautiously: [Don’t be angry, I just told the truth.]

Yu Ze: [I don’t have an heir, and some people say I can’t ‘do it’?]

Gu Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and replied speechlessly: [Only one person said that, and no one believes it. Don’t get misled by him, those netizens just said it casually.]

The message was sent out for several minutes, but there was no reply from Yu Ze.

Gu Ye asked uncertainly: [Are you really angry? It’s not my fault! I’m not talking nonsense!]

Yu Ze still didn’t reply.

Gu Ye couldn’t hold back his anxiousness. Is Yu Ze really serious? He sent another message: [They are talking nonsense! I believe you, it’s not your problem! I can read face features, and I can tell whether someone is sick or not!]

Yu Ze replied instantly this time: [En.]

Gu Ye palmed his forehead. Why are we seriously talking about this issue? Isn’t it childish?!

Yu Ze: [Are you still adapting alright to school?]

The topic finally became normal, and Gu Ye replied: [Military training starts tomorrow and will take half a month.]

Yu Ze: [When are you free? I will come and see you.]

Gu Ye: [It’s an hour and a half drive, it’s too troublesome.]

Yu Ze: [No trouble. I can come over after get off work early and have a meal together.]

Gu Ye: [Okay, I’ll tell you when the time comes.]

Yu Ze: [Give me your address.]

Gu Ye sent the address without thinking. The two chatted for a while, and it was already 10.00 pm before they knew it. Gu Ye looked at his watch and replied: [I won’t chat anymore. I’m going to bed, and I have military training tomorrow.]

Yu Ze: [Pay attention to heatstroke prevention, good night.]

Gu Ye’s lips curved up. Thinking of Yu Ze’s cool and taciturn temperament, Yu Ze was able to chat with him for such a long time and even say good night to him. If he said it out, no one would believe him. But, it’s really heartwarming.

Freshmen on all major campuses have begun military training. Gu Ye wore a green camo attire and found Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang amongst a group of camouflage eggs*. The three of them laughed at each other and smiled mischievously, “It’s unfortunate that the instructor doesn’t allow us to bring our cell phones. It would be great if we could bring it along. We can take a photo and keep it. Then looking back at it half a month later, we are definitely not the same shade of skin color.”

*Probably a slang because Banana can’t find out why the author referred to everyone in camo attire as eggs

“Gu Ye! Look here!”

When Gu Ye heard someone shouting, he turned around subconsciously. Several senior sisters holding umbrellas and eating popsicles were pointing the camera at him. Gu Ye waved his hands helplessly and smiled at them, “Is it interesting to take pictures of me?”

“Yes!” Several girls were laughing when they heard someone shouting from a group of camouflage eggs next to them, “Gu Ye?! Which one is Gu Ye?”

Gu Ye raised his head and said, “Am I actually so famous? My mother will be so happy when she finds out.”

Zhao Pengyu laughed happily, and just as he was talking, Gu Ye felt that very depressing feeling of being watched again, and sensitively looked in that direction. When he saw a swath of camouflage eggs, he couldn’t tell who was who. Gu Ye’s shoulders slumped. Where were those eyes peeping at him?

“Queue up, queue up!” Zhao Pengyu pulled Gu Ye and pushed Xia Xiang to the front, causing Xia Xiang to roll his eyes. He has a feeling of a short person being discriminated against by a tall person.

After the first day of training, a series of hashtags such as [The most handsome little brother in military training], [Military training photos of the most tender ‘School Grass’ at Capital University], [Military training video of the third young master of the Gu family] were posted online. Not only the senior sisters took the photos, but also the seniors from the journalism department on campus. The scariest thing is that even reporters from the Xuezi website came to take pictures.

Gu Ye felt like collapsing inside, “I can’t even think about being lazy (during the training)! Are they sick? Why are they filming me?!”

Zhao Pengyu was not happy either, “I am standing with you and being photographed together. I can’t be lazy either!”

Zhao Pengyu looked around and secretly took out his mobile phone, “We don’t need them, we can take the pictures ourselves!”

The rules-abiding baby Xia Xiang was startled, “Are you seeking death? Your phone will be confiscated if the instructors find out!”

“Shh! Don’t talk!”

Zhao Pengyu took a photo of himself sitting on the grass and resting with Gu Ye and Xia Xiang. The whole screen was filled with his sunny and handsome face, and Xia Xiang’s helpless face, with Gu Ye’s very obvious disgusted face in the middle. Zhao Pengyu didn’t care and happily posted on WeChat Moments: [Handsome is one word that I will never explain.]

Not long after posting the photo, Zhao Pengyu discovered something that shocked him, “Goodness! The sun is setting in the north today. My uncle actually gave me a like! It’s terrifying!”

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth moved. It’s a bit embarrassing to say that Yu Ze’s hands were very fast. Yu Ze will immediately like everything he posted. What’s all the fuss about this?

Noticing that the instructor was looking over, Zhao Pengyu put his cell phone in his pocket with an expressionless expression and hid it secretly, acting as if nothing had happened. His actions were very smooth!

In the evening, as soon as Gu Ye arrived at the gate of the community, he saw a young man wearing a suit and holding a big box walking towards him, “Hello, Master Gu. President Yu asked me to deliver something to you.”

Gu Ye blinked in confusion, “Yu Ze? What is he giving me?”

The young man put the box on the ground and opened it. It was full of snacks. “President Yu came back from a meeting at noon and passed by the snack street and bought it himself.”

“Did he buy it himself?” Gu Ye felt warm in his heart. He couldn’t explain how he felt. He looked at the big box and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

The young man delivered the things to Gu Ye’s home and left quickly. Gu Ye pursed his lips and sent a message to Yu Ze in a complicated mood: [Thank you, I received the snacks. They are enough for me to eat for half a month. I looked through them and noticed that they were all my favorites. How do you know what snacks I like to eat?]

Yu Ze: [I asked your younger brother.]

Seeing the message, Gu Ye burst into laughter. That fool Old Fourth. People ask him anything and he’ll just say it. This silly boy! Yu Ze also went so far as to inquire about such a trivial matter.

Gu Ye asked tentatively: [Does Zhao Pengyu have the same?]

Yu Ze: [He has grown up and doesn’t need it.]

Gu Ye hesitated before replying: [I have grown up too.]

Yu Ze: [You are different.]

Receiving this answer as the reason, no matter how slow Gu Ye is in the matter of relationship, he still notices that Yu Ze treats him differently from others. Looking at the pile of snacks quietly, Gu Ye was stunned for a while and suddenly smiled, “Gods above, are you serious about this arrangement?”

Raw word count: 6231 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Who knows what will happen?

Gu Ye called his little mother, and the caller answered the phone after ringing for more than 10 seconds.

Gu Ye asked anxiously, “Mom! What are you doing? Why did I see on the Internet that you were thinking about committing suicide? I saw the news, don’t listen to those blind people (who can’t see the truth) spouting nonsense! What should we do if you die? What will happen to me and my brother? My dad is already so old, do you want him to be alone for the rest of his remaining life? Internet trolls are everywhere, after they force you to death, they will change to harm the next victim. Why are you angry with a group of cockroaches?”

Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang nodded. Indeed, the keyboard warriors had killed many people, and not a single one of them had repented. If they really drove someone to death, they’ll just pat their keyboards and say a few emotional words. After that, they’ll just go to find the next target to continue spreading malicious comments. Other people’s death does not affect them. Just that who knows how much karma these trolls have accumulated. Gu Ye should really do a calculation for them.

Mrs. Gu didn’t expect Gu Ye to call. When she heard Gu Ye calling her in an agitated tone, she couldn’t jump anymore. Her plan was to attempt suicide, thus confirming the fact that she could not bear the mental stress and would harm herself. Then, she’ll investigate who is the bastard who spread the rumors and make sure he gets a heavy sentence, that’ll teach him not to mess with her!

But now, Gu Ye is serious and anxious for her. This is the first time Mrs. Gu heard Gu Ye talking like this, and she couldn’t bear it.

Netizens who shouted for Mrs. Gu not to hesitate and to die quickly were all stunned. Those who made posthumous photos for Mrs. Gu, and those who bought funeral wreaths to place in front of Gu Decheng’s company were also dumbfounded. Why is Gu Ye acting different from what they expected?

They even photoshopped her posthumous photo. How could Gu Ye come out and stop her? Is Gu Ye stupid?

For those whose brains still functioning, they can see that Gu Ye really cares about his stepmother. If he didn’t have true feelings, would he be so scared (of the attempt)? This group of people wisely shut their mouths and began to wait and see how things would develop.

There are still some people who insist on their original ideas. The video showed clearly that Gu Ye was beaten by his stepmother. Now everyone is venting their anger on his behalf. Why doesn’t he stand on the same front with them? He actually helped his evil stepmother to speak out. Did his conscience get fed to the dogs?!

Therefore, that group of netizens even scolded Gu Ye: A stupid, mentally retarded masochist. How did he get into Capital University? Someone call the Capital University. Such an ungrateful fool will become a scum of society in the future and must be expelled!

The Capital University’s admissions hotline was suddenly bombarded with calls. It’s all to request Gu Ye, a white-eyed wolf (ungrateful bastard) to get out of Capital University.

At this time, sane netizens began to advise: [Normally we shouldn’t care about other people’s family affairs. For those of you who want to seek justice, what is your mentality? To whom do you want to seek justice? Is it for Gu Ye or yourself? If it is not handled according to your ideas, then they should die?]

[My god, what’s going on? Why are so many people asking her to die? Is this woman a murderer? Why is the comment section so violent?][1]

At this moment, Gu Ye urged anxiously, “Mom, I’m watching you online right now. Come down quickly! If you don’t come down, I’ll ask for leave and go back home this instant!”

“I’m just enjoying the wind and not jumping. You should just continue doing what you are doing!” Mrs. Gu said like she didn’t care but secretly wiped her tears away, giving the feeling that anyone who forced her to die was a bastard.

Gu Ye coaxed patiently, “Come down first, we can discuss anything you want. There is a lot of online violence, and whoever dies first loses. Don’t you want to see the person who spread the rumors get caught?”

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Gu Yang rushed in anxiously, “Mom! What are you doing? Come down quickly!”

Xia Xiang: “The live broadcast has been interrupted.”

Gu Ye heard his brother’s agitated voice on the other end of the phone and said helplessly, “Mom, you are really…” Gu Ye didn’t know what to say to her. “Those with weak hearts would really get scared to death by you! Why are you so angry with a group of lunatics? If you are free, you can go play mahjong, do beauty treatments, go shopping for clothes, and watch fashion shows. Do you think that my father could allow others to bully you like this?”

Mrs. Gu blinked awkwardly. Gu Ye’s dad doesn’t even go on the Internet. How could he care about such a trivial matter? She said awkwardly, “Okay, okay, you can go about your business. I also need to find a lawyer to sue those bastards!”

Within two minutes of hanging up the phone, someone restored the original version of the controversial video, and the picture was clearer this time. In the video, Mrs. Gu asked Gu Ye something with a smile, and Gu Ye smilingly answered a few words. Hearing that, Mrs. Gu happily patted Gu Ye on the shoulder and said a few more words. Judging from their expressions, Mrs. Gu was not beating Gu Ye at all but a joking gesture.

Those who cursed Mrs. Gu to death were dumbfounded, and the other netizen was excited: [The situation was reversed, reversed! I just like popcorn with plot twists! Slap in the face pa pa pa!]

Immediately afterward, another video was posted online. This video was found on the surveillance camera in front of the school. In addition to restoring the original version, the front and back were lengthened a lot. After Gu Ye’s college entrance examination, his mother was waiting for him at the school gate under the scorching sun like an ordinary parent. After Gu Ye came out, looking at their mouth movements, it was obvious that she asked Gu Ye how he did in the exam. The two made a few jokes and got into the car holding hands.

The one who photoshopped a posthumous photo of Mrs. Gu started to scold the people who spread the rumors. The person who bought the funeral wreath stood at the door of Gu’s property, holding the wreath and being watched by passers-by like an idiot. He was also angry and turned the focus on the person who spread the rumors. The person who called Capital University got stuck in the middle of the call. The situation was reversed so fast that it left people completely unprepared.

The online navy raised by Gu Lin’s company also came on board at this moment, and they scolded all the trolls each one one by one, and the scoldings were unpleasant!

[You dare to photoshop posthumous photos of other people, I dare too. I can also use fancy Photoshop to create mass graves for keyboard trolls. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!]

The most calm person was Gu Ye’s father. President Gu said calmly, “Don’t let go even a single one, let’s sue them all.”

The teachers at Gu Ye’s school were also speechless. “Why are today’s young people so short-tempered? When the facts were put in front of them, they were all dumbfounded.”

“By generalizing, they are just blind. They are passionate but have no brains. They are always being taken advantage of, probably because they are still young, and bad people take advantage of children of this age.”

“Because the law can’t control them for the time being. Rumormongers will definitely be caught, but no one cares about this group of angry young people who curse the same. So they will dare to do this again next time.”

After finishing speaking, several old professors looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. The current situation of society may change in the future, but it will take time.

Online violence that lasted for a day was reversed that night because the Gu family had money to hire people to find evidence, find people with skills to restore the video, and also find the original video from the school gate a few months ago. Many people online lamented that this was actually a misunderstanding and that it was so boring. The rest of the netizens scolded those who spread rumors saying that they are not human beings, they are scum and are harming society, so they might as well die. It’s the same routine of forcing people to death. As for the victim, Mrs. Gu, very few apologized to her for their actions.

The person who caused this farce is also scared. He originally shot this video and deliberately changed it to look controversial so that Mrs. Gu and Gu Ye are popular on the Internet. Then, he would use this chance to absorb some traffic and win the public’s attention, and then open an entertainment gossip studio to take pictures of celebrities’ private lives. It is said that after celebrities are photographed, they will pay high prices to buy the dirty information, which can make a lot of money. He never expected that his action would cause someone to almost die.

Thinking that the Gu family is so rich, what if someone is sent to investigate him and take revenge on him? In order not to leave any evidence, the person deleted the Weibo post out of fear and canceled his Weibo account. Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the police came to the door.

“What did I do? Why are you arresting me? I didn’t do anything! Why do you arrest people so casually? I want to expose you on the Internet for knowing and breaking the law!”

This person is also yelling very loudly, as if very sure that the police don’t have anything on him! The police didn’t even bother to talk nonsense to him, so they just put him in a police car and took him away. They really don’t know which idiot told this mentally retarded person that if the rumor-mongering video is deleted from the Internet, the police will not be able to find out who it belongs to.

Everyone originally thought that this matter would be over with the arrest of the rumor mongers. Unexpectedly, Gu Ye posted a short video on Weibo that night, pushing the matter to another climax.

The video was taken in dim light. It’s not a normal warm color in a common household, but a weird reddish color. There is a ferocious-looking statue of a god on a large table. There are incense burners and offerings in front of it, and there are many incomprehensible charms hanging next to it. It looks evil no matter how one looks at it.

Gu Ye stood in this weird environment with a smile on his face, faced the camera, and sneered: “Whoever tried forcing my mother to die today should quickly apologize to my mother. Otherwise, who the hell knows what will happen.”

As soon as this Weibo post came out, everyone was scared crazy, because not only was Gu Ye’s aura so scary, but they also saw a clear shadow in the corner behind Gu Ye, a woman in red clothes! That woman only has her upper body! No legs! No legs!!

Netizens who had been quiet just now suddenly exploded: [I’m sorry! I give in! I was wrong! I can’t afford to anger you!]

[I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll never curse someone without asking for the facts again! Take your formation back quickly! Take that female ghost back!]

[That woman, ah ah ah ah ah, is she a ghost, is she a ghost? Gu Ye can really attract ghosts!]

[It is indeed wrong to force people to die, but is it too much for you to scare people like this?]

[At first glance, I can see that this is photoshopped. What a scam! She (Mrs. Gu) is not dead anyway, so why should we apologize? Attention-seeker, is it only your mother’s life is precious?]

[^ You are saying like other people’s life is worthless. Fortunately, this suicide attempt was discovered just in time. What about those who were not discovered? Will it be just like the family of three who were driven to death by online violence a few days ago?]

[It’s just casual talk. Who doesn’t know how to say these three words, ‘go to hell’? She’s not dead anyway, so why should we apologize? This whole thing is absolutely false!]

[^ Did you apologize when someone really dies? There are already too many people driven to death by online violence. With just a few taps on the keyboard, writing ‘go to hell’ makes you feel happy. But have you ever thought about what one person would think if so many people’s vicious words were thrown at him?]

[Idiots, please apologize quickly. Didn’t Gu Ye say before that anyone who scolded his whole family to die would definitely bump into ghosts when they went out? Someone really bumped into ghosts!]

[Damn it! For real?! So evil?!]

[Can this be false? Someone already said it in the comments! He is the Gu Ye who can destroy a wealthy family with just a fortune-telling! Something happened to Dingnan Entertainment recently. Their celebrities were either taking drugs or cheating. He can really pinch and calculate, what more attracts ghosts? If you don’t want to bump into a ghost, apologize quickly!]

[Apologize! Apologize to the victims of online violence! If you don’t apologize, aren’t you afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night?]

After being intimidated by Gu Ye and pressured by people who couldn’t stand it online, people lined up to apologize regardless of whether they were sincere or not. Occasionally, a few people who wanted to quibble were scolded like dogs by righteous netizens, and they bowed their heads and apologized.

Gu Ye coldly looked at these keyboard trolls apologizing to him. Picking up a snow rice cake offered on the table, he tore open the package and took a bite. It was crunchy and crispy. Then he said to the portrait of the King of Hell, “While others worship gods, I worship ghosts. You have to open your eyes and look at the world. If anyone is being a bastard, you will take him away.”

After Gu Ye finished speaking, he left. Sister Hong Dou quickly took another piece of rice cake to top it up and bowed apologetically to the statue. Having an owner who doesn’t follow any rules is also very worrying.

Overnight, the screenshot of Gu Ye setting up an altar to force an apology from the keyboard warrior was spread all over the Internet. The Internet spread the rumors about Gu Ye’s abilities and it became more and more mysterious. Some people actually asked him to tell fortunes.

[Asking for help: Master, can you help me find a partner?]

[Master Gu! Can you read my fortune for me?]

[Master Gu! I think my house is haunted. There are breathing sounds under my bed! Help!]

Gu Ye took a look at it in the morning and replied casually: [Got money?]

Netizen: [Third Young Master Gu, are you short of money?!]

Gu Ye: [The rules in our industry are that if you don’t have money to pay, don’t talk.]

Netizen: [Here! I’ll give you money!]

Gu Ye: [Sorry, I have military training tomorrow, and I’m not in a good mood right now. Let’s talk about it when I get back tonight.]

Netizen: […]

As soon as Gu Ye arrived at the school, he noticed many people peeking at him. Zhao Pengyu, who was sitting in the third row, waved, “Gu Ye! Here!”

Gu Ye curved the corner of his mouth and walked over calmly. Zhao Pengyu asked with a smirk, “Brother, you did a great job last night!”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “It’s okay, but it’s a pity that those people got scared and apologized.”

When the students around Gu Ye heard that his tone sounded quite regretful, they couldn’t help but look at him twice. At this glance, they felt that they had thought too much. He looked unaffected and seemed to be in a good mood.

The boy in front of Gu Ye couldn’t help but turn around and ask in a low voice, “Gu Ye, can you really attract ghosts?”

Gu Ye smiled and said in a good-tempered way, “How can there be any ghosts in this world? Ghosts are all born in people’s hearts. If you don’t do bad things, there will never be ghosts.”

Everyone around thought what Gu Ye said was very reasonable. They were all highly educated academics, and they didn’t believe in ghosts and gods. “I understand now, you are taking advantage of their guilty conscience to scare them deliberately, right? That’s so refreshing!”

“That photoshopped picture is so scary! Did you PS-ed it yourself?”

“Gu Ye, how come you missed the college entrance examination full mark by just one point? You’re so awesome!”

At first glance, Gu Ye was not as aloof as expected. The classmates around him were talking to him quietly. Gu Ye held his chin and chatted with anyone, and they quickly became familiar with him.

“Gu Ye is not aloof at all. Who said he is not easy to talk to?”

“His eyes are curved when he smiles. He’s so beautiful!”

“He has a really good temper and speaks outright. He can also curse people, hahaha~ but the curses are not rude at all.”

“I asked him for an autograph, but he was confused and said that he was not a celebrity, so why did I want an autograph? His surprised expression was so cute!”

After class, a group of girls chatted and went to the cafeteria to eat. A girl dressed inconspicuously followed them quietly, holding a textbook and lowering her head. Hearing their praise about Gu Ye, she pursed her lips and chuckled.

Hearing that, the girl in front looked back in confusion, with a bit of disgust in her eyes, “Li Jiatong, you are scary like this, okay?”

“Yeah, it’s really shocking if you do this at night!”

“I’m sorry!” The girl apologized quickly, took two steps, and hid aside.

“Who is she? Do you know her?”

“Oh, we used to be from the same high school. She is timid and naive, believing whatever others say. She usually studies well and has good test scores. She often gets scholarships and can pay her own tuition, but she just doesn’t have the confidence.”

I heard,” the girl looked around, lowered her voice, and whispered, “She was adopted by her parents who had no children and had no other choice. Later, her parents gave birth to a girl. She was very outstanding and beautiful since she was a child. So, Li Jiatong has been treated as a servant by her whole family since she was a child. It may be that she has suffered too many blows, which is why she has become so unsure of herself.”

Several girls looked sympathetically at Li Jiatong, who was walking alone with her head down in the distance, “How pitiful.”

“Yes, her position in the family is too embarrassing.”

Li Jiatong took out her mobile phone again. She took another picture of Gu Ye’s back in the corner of the last row in the morning. Compared with the one she took last time, Gu Ye looked more mature and taller. It becomes increasingly difficult for one to take their eyes away.

Gu Ye, who had just left the classroom, felt cold all over and shivered for no reason. Zhao Pengyu joked, “What’s wrong? Sister Ghost misses you??”

Xia Xiang punched Zhao Pengyu on the waist, “Shut up! Don’t mention that word!”

Gu Ye frowned and couldn’t figure it out himself, “I feel like a pair of eyes are staring at me. That feeling… is very depressing.”

Xia Xiang said seriously: “I didn’t see anything. Besides, it’s daytime now.”

“Forget it, I can’t calculate what it is. I’ll deal with it when it comes.”

Gu Ye gave up without even thinking about it. The three of them went to the cafeteria to eat together. Xia Xiang checked on the school forum and found that the food in Cafeteria 2 was the most delicious. Gu Ye ordered 4 meat types and a bowl of rice. The portion was obviously larger than Zhao Pengyu’s.

Zhao Pengyu was dissatisfied, “Why is your plate full of meat?”

“It’s not like I can’t afford meat, so why should I eat vegetables? I’m not a rabbit.”

“No! They’re all braised pork ribs. You have 8 pieces, but I only have 5.”

Gu Ye tsk-ed and said, “Maybe it’s because you are ugly, and Auntie thinks you are annoying to the eyes.”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu angrily robbed Gu Ye of his meat. Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, took a video, and sent it to Yu Ze. While eating, he asked in a voice message, “President Yu, your nephew is robbing me of my food. Do you need me to beat your nephew on your behalf?”

Zhao Pengyu had just stuffed a piece of pork ribs into his mouth when he heard this. He raised his head in shock, “Frick! You are too small-minded, dare to snitch on me!”

At this time, Gu Ye’s phone vibrated, and Yu Ze replied: [Hit him.]

Gu Ye smiled and showed it to Zhao Pengyu, “Your uncle asked me to take care of the child for him. Quick, call me Father!”

Zhao Pengyu snatched the phone over. Gu Ye’s phone screen is turned off so he tapped on it. Unexpectedly, the screen lit up and Zhao Pengyu was stunned when he saw the person on the screen saver.

“What’s wrong?” Gu Ye took the phone back and saw Yu Ze’s handsome face. The corners of Gu Ye’s mouth subconsciously raised. He put the phone against his drink and looked at Yu Ze’s face. He felt that he could eat another bowl of rice with that photo.

“Gu Ye, what’s your relationship with my uncle?” Zhao Pengyu looked at Gu Ye with complicated eyes and asked tentatively.

“What kind of relationship? Just friends, what else can it be?” Gu Ye was eating, doesn’t understand that question.

“But why did you use his photo as a screen saver? This is his office, right? My uncle has never looked at me with such tender eyes. You two have such a good relationship in private?”

Gu Ye’s smile stilled and he subconsciously glanced at Yu Ze’s eyes, which seemed… indeed very soft. Yu Ze’s gaze at him, it changed from being a stranger and defensive at first, to admiring him later, and now, he can no longer understand Yu Ze as well.

“Maybe it’s because of our affinity. Also, he’s good-looking.” Gu Ye said carelessly, “I just like to see good-looking people. What’s wrong with using him as a screensaver?”

Zhao Pengyu frowned, “Celebrities are much better, why don’t you use them?”

Gu Ye rolled his eyes, “Are you stupid, because he is prettier than a celebrity!”

Zhao Pengyu was speechless. He couldn’t refute this reason.

Gu Ye clicked on the screen again, stared at Yu Ze for five seconds, and sighed in his heart: ‘If one day he couldn’t help but capture Yu Ze home to be his wife, it must be because he has fallen in love with his beauty. Unfortunately, there is a red line on Yu Ze’s hand. He wonders which little devil got the advantage.’

Gu Ye came home with his military training uniform in his arms at night and cut a slice of watermelon. While eating, he logged onto Weibo out of boredom to see what new and outrageous things Dingnan Entertainment had done. He also didn’t expect that the Weibo account he just registered at random would already have 20,000 fans, and many people would leave him messages: [How much does it cost to tell a fortune?]

Gu Ye eats and feels amused at the same time. Business can be done like this? He replied: [3 fortune-telling a day. Each cost 1,000 yuan. Payment must be done first.]

Netizens complained: [It’s too expensive! You are cheating money!]

Gu Ye spit out two watermelon seeds: [(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~ Nobody force you to pay!]

Netizens were hesitant. They wanted to get a fortune-telling because they were curious about this and were just joining in the fun. It would be better to have a good meal with that 1,000 yuan than throwing it away for a fortune-telling.

Just when everyone was retreating, a netizen named ‘Spicy Crayfish’ jumped out: [I want a fortune-telling! Can tell any fortune as long as I give the money? Do you dare to tell the fortune of public figures?]

Gu Ye: [If you dare to post it, I will count it.]

The man immediately posted 2 pictures to Gu Ye with a message: [I will send you money via PM. You pick one to tell the fortune! (Finger heart gesture.jpg)]

When Gu Ye saw the 2 people in the photo, the corners of his mouth twitched. He spat out a watermelon seed and replied: [You are ruthless!]

Of these two people, one is the young leader of the current business world and the heir to the Yu family, Yu Ze. Another is an entrepreneur who created an era, Gu Ye’s father, Gu Decheng.

These two are also familiar people to Gu Ye, who should he choose?

Gu Ye: If one day I fall in love with you, it must be because you are good-looking.
Yu Ze: …Shut up! Don’t say it out loud!

Raw word count: 5793


[1] Banana also don’t understand. Arguing online is quite normal, but why would you ask someone to go and die? Generally speaking, no one deserves to be called out to die (except rapist/murderer/heavy criminal). So, no matter how you want to express your argument, you should never ask someone to die or scold them to die.
I saw this quite frequently in kpop scene, mainly amongst the fans when they were cursing out other idols or people they don’t like. Banana is a fan of Twoset Violin so for those who knows, you know la. Banana saw these kpop fans asking Twoset to go and die, just because they don’t like how TSV do their stuff. These children don’t know how hurtful it is and it’s actually disturbing to see that many youngsters who think it’s okay to curse someone to die.
They might be thinking the same thing, ‘I told them to go and die, but it’s not like they will go and die anyway.’ But that negative energy and the malicious intent, it doesn’t go away like that. I can’t explain it properly in words but Banana believe in ‘Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto you’. So if you asked people to die, you deserved to be done the same. You deserved it. See how you react then. So, please be kind… at the very least, don’t ask someone to die.

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 43 Part 2

Chapter 43 Internet Violence Part 2

Gu Ye and his parents left school and happened to pass by a girl. The girl stopped on the spot and looked back at Gu Ye’s back in shock. Seeing his well-dressed and elegant parents, she suddenly thought of the background of Gu Ye’s family. Thinking about herself again, she opened her mouth to say something but in the end, felt too inferior to call out.

The girl opened her phone and found the photo she had treasured for a long time. It was a picture of Gu Ye’s back. The girl watched Gu Ye disappear from sight, hugged the phone tightly in her arms, and blushed quietly.

After a long time, she posted a message in Moments that was only visible to herself: I didn’t expect to meet him on the first day of school, but he didn’t seem to recognize me. It doesn’t matter, I’m so inconspicuous, it’s only normal that he doesn’t remember. However, I will try my best.

Mrs. Gu attended the freshman welcome meeting as scheduled. Sitting in the front row, the wealthy lady dressed elegantly and charmingly was the focus of the entire venue from her appearance to her temperament. Coupled with Gu Ye’s good looks, as soon as the mother and son pair was exposed, the Internet exploded: [The most beautiful mother suddenly appeared at Capital University’s opening ceremony!]

Mrs. Gu is captured very clearly in the photo, even the tears in her eyes are very clear. The child who was raised by herself is now so outstanding. As a mother, it is inevitable that she will feel a little proud. In addition, Gu Ye said at the end of his speech, “Thank you to my former teachers, thank you to my family, and especially thank you to my mother who can sit here for me today and raise me to adulthood. Thank you for your hard work.”

With this last sentence, Mrs. Gu couldn’t hold back and burst into tears on the spot.

The entire Internet is reposting, “How much effort does a mother need to give to raise a son so good?”

Those with children at home know that being a mother is not easy. Many netizens sighed at Mrs. Gu’s hard work and having sensible children. Some people also complained bitterly, In fact, she is not that good. The freshman representative is Gu Decheng’s third son, and this woman is his stepmother.

Many sensible netizens left messages: [It is difficult for a stepmother, and it is even more difficult for a stepmother from a wealthy family. With so many eyes watching, it seems that the relationship between mother and child is not bad.]

[Yes, yes, the child also said it very sincerely. So not all stepmothers are bad.]

Just when the online comments were in harmony, a piece of gossip news suddenly broke out: [Shocking! Rich stepmother beats her stepson in the street! He is actually the top scorer in the science stream this year!]

The topic of stepmothers beating children is too sensitive. As soon as it was posted, it attracted countless attention and was immediately shared across the Internet. Looking at the video of just a few seconds, the background is a high school, it should be the time of the college entrance examination. It was not known why but Mrs. Gu can be seen slapping Gu Ye’s shoulder hard. They were far away and the video couldn’t see the expressions of the mother and son clearly, but the viewers could still tell that the one who was beaten was really Gu Ye, this year’s top scorer in science, the most tender school grass at the Capital University, and the third son of Gu Decheng!

Netizens who had praised Mrs. Gu were stunned: [My god! Is it okay to hit a child in the street? If you can hit like this in public, how much worse you will hit at home?]

[The wealthy family is so scary, I feel sorry for my future little husband!]

[I heard that Gu Ye was not good at studying before. He was dull and clumsy, and always ranked last in the exams. It was not until the last half of the year that he suddenly showed his strength and ranked first in the school in the first monthly exam. That’s Wu Zhong High School, the Wu Zhong that is famous throughout the country for its enrollment rate!]

[Don’t you think it’s strange? Gu Ye was able to get into Wu Zhong, but why didn’t he study well in Wu Zhong? Does Gu Ye have a younger brother, born from his stepmother?]

[Photos of Gu Ye from before appeared immediately on the Internet. He looked like a pitiful little boy. Compared with now, his eyes look like he is completely different. Immediately afterward, someone took out a photo of Gu Yang and compared it with Gu Ye’s previous photos. It looked like a poor and abused young man and a carefree young master from a rich family.]

Comments online immediately exploded: [Oh my God, I smell a conspiracy!]

[It’s too scary, how terrible is the treatment that forces a child to act stupid from an early age?]

[Oh my God, this woman! I was so terrified that I had goosebumps all over my body!]

[How disgusting, so good at pretending! She also pretended to be very touched and even cried! vomits]

[Stepmother in human skin, Gu Ye might have been sarcastic when he said those words of gratitude, hah! Thanking her for the hard work and needing to raise him!]

[Why is this woman still alive?]

[Go to hell! Abusing of stepson, I just say that there is no good stepmother in the world. How could she be nice to him if he wasn’t her own child?]

The trend on the Internet changed instantly, from praising Mrs. Gu for her hard work to calling her an old witch in human skin, cursing her to die quickly, and even asking on Gu Lin’s company Weibo: [Do you know your brother is being abused?? Do you know that your stepmother is so good at pretending?]

Mrs. Gu is a person who often browses Weibo to read gossip. Before she could recover from the praise of ‘the most beautiful mother’, she was immediately scolded like a dog. Mrs. Gu was so angry that she even tore off her facial mask at home. She jumped up and down and cursed, “Nonsense! Fart! Quoting out of context! These people are simply writing without conscience!”

People like Mrs. Gu will never cry when they are wronged but must make others cry. She angrily opened Weibo, authenticated her account right away, and forwarded the Weibo where the video was released. In the caption, she wrote: [Fart your a.ss! Those who spread rumors that I abused my son will never have a son in this lifetime. If there’s one, after giving birth to a baby, you’ll take a DNA test and find out, haha, it’s not your biological son!]

This sentence was so vicious. Seeing that Mrs. Gu abused her stepson and still being so arrogant, the keyboard warriors raised their keyboards and scolded: [You vicious woman!]

[Vicious! Old witch! Too cheap! Covered in hypocrisy, pretending to… frick, I can’t even find the words to describe her!]

[Boorish! Is Gu Decheng blind? He found such a vicious woman!]

[It’s obvious that she’s not Gu Ye’s real mother (not acting like a real biological mother). Not only is she vicious, but she’s also rude! Crude! Go to hell! Why didn’t God take her now?!]

People on the Internet were so mad at Mrs. Gu that they couldn’t find the right words to retaliate. Other than telling her to die and scolding her for her lack of inner quality, they didn’t know how to criticize her for a while.

Mrs. Gu doesn’t do anything else either. She only searches for those retarded comments to retort. When she swore, there was really not much inner quality there.

Gu Ye’s Mother*: [It’s obvious to all whether Gu Decheng is blind or not. People who get fooled by a few words from the rumor-mongering bastard are mentally retarded. You guys are definitely some shiet-spraying machine that doesn’t have eyes and doesn’t know where your ancestral grave is. When Old Wang next door says I am your dad, you just chase after him and call him dad, blindly believing whatever he says!]

*It’s her ID nickname lol, in case someone don’t get it

Netizen who cursed Mrs. Gu: !!!

The whole internet is going crazy. They have never seen such a shameless, strong-willed, and boorish lady from a wealthy family!

When Mrs. Gu curses someone, she checks the number of reposts and comments on that Weibo post. Then, she saved screenshots from time to time. On the other hand, she called a lawyer, “I heard that as long as there are enough retweets, online slanders are punishable?”

The lawyer explained, “Yes, the Internet is no longer outside the law. According to the first paragraph of Article 246 of the Criminal Law, whoever openly insults others by violence or other methods or fabricates facts to slander others, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 3 years, criminal detention, public surveillance, or deprivation of political rights.”

“That post has been forwarded more than 8,000 times, with as many as 30,000 comments. Referring to the same article as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of Article 246 of the Criminal Law, if the post is actually clicked or viewed more than 5,000 times, or forwarded more than 500 times, the case will be deemed to be serious, and the person who spreads the rumor will be held legally responsible of. But I want to ask you, Mrs. Gu, is this video real? I know this was deliberately cut out and taken out of context. What I mean, has the video been maliciously manipulated?”

Mrs. Gu watched the video again and said firmly, “It’s just the speed has been sped up, making it look like the beating is fast and hard. I’m not sick! Why would I beat the child with so many people looking?!”

Mrs. Gu suddenly thought of what Gu Ye said about being photographed, “This crow’s mouth!” Now she really wanted to hit the child, but unfortunately, she couldn’t!

The lawyer smiled and said, “This is even better then because the action has constituted the crime of fabricating facts to slander others. If the victim is caused to become mentally disturbed or even commit suicide, the crime will be more serious.”

Mrs. Gu sneered, “Does it mean that the more forwards/reposting there are, the more serious the fker’s crime will be? If I can’t bear the pressure anymore, my mentality collapses, and want to commit suicide, will this become a bigger problem?”

The lawyer stopped talking. It was the first time he saw a woman who was so rational and cruel after being bullied online.

Gu Ye, Zhao Pengyu, and Xia Xiang walked around the campus together after dinner to get familiar with the campus environment. For some reason, the three of them found that people passing by gave Gu Ye sympathetic looks.

Gu Ye and Xia Xiang are both people with sensitive senses, and they immediately notice something is wrong, “What’s going on? Why do people look at me like a little cabbage in winter?”

Xia Xiang took out his mobile phone and said calmly, “Just check the school’s internal gossip website and you will know. This is the gathering place for school gossip. Whether it is gossip or small information, if you want to look for it, you can find it.”

Gu Ye went over to take a look and saw the news about his little mother committing suicide on the Internet. Gu Ye was immediately frightened, “Holy shit! Is my mother crazy?!” Gu Ye’s forehead was buzzing, and his heart was tightening in anxiety. Especially after he promised to provide for him in retirement, the other party has really treated him like his own son recently.

Gu Ye was so frightened that he wanted to quickly call his mother. He took out his cell phone and suddenly realized, “No, this is not in line with her temper! My father and brother are both at home at this time of the day. Who would let her commit suicide?”

Xia Xiang browses the discussion quickly, “Auntie was bullied online. I don’t know who uploaded a video saying that Auntie beats you, which triggered numerous attacks from netizens, saying that you were abused by Auntie since you were a child. Auntie couldn’t bear the agitation and declared to commit suicide live on Weibo. It’s a real video live broadcast, not a text-based live broadcast. Auntie scolded these keyboard trolls as her executioners and said she would not let them go even if she turned into a ghost. She even had a scolding match with them before that.”

Gu Ye was about to make a call, but suddenly lost his hurry after hearing this, “You mean my mother declared to commit suicide live after scolding someone?”

Xia Xiang nodded quickly, “Yes.”

Zhao Pengyu was also anxious, “Hurry up and call the police. Call your home. Why don’t we ask for leave and go back and have a look?!”

“Don’t worry yet,” Gu Ye looked at his mother’s Weibo, “Let me see if she cut her wrists or took vitamin tablets?”

Xia Xiang: “…jumping off the building.”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu’s mouth twitched, “The attic on the third floor of his house is the highest but with just a door and no windows. She has to go to the second floor if she wants to jump out of the window.”

Gu Ye frowned, he wouldn’t be worried if she planned to eat pills or cut her wrists. It’s hard to say if she wanted to jump from the building. It wouldn’t kill her if she fell from the second floor, but it would make those who scolded her even more guilty. With his little mother’s explosive temper, she might really have the guts to jump.

Gu Ye quickly called his mother, he has to stop it now!

Raw word count: 6441 (whole chapter)


[Banana – To be honest, I don’t get it when netizen call someone to go die. In my book, no one deserved to be pressured to die except for rap i st :v
The older I gets, the more I can’t get current netizen especially kpop netizen ^^;;]

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 43 Part 1

Chapter 43 Internet Violence Part 1

The day before the start of the semester at Capital University, the school issued a notice online asking students to report to the school in advance, check in to the dormitory, apply for meal cards, etc. In short, before the official start of class, everyone should take care of all the basic necessities and processes. You can delay eating, but you cannot delay class.

Gu Ye brought his luggage a day earlier and was sent to the house bought for him by his parents. There are many school district houses near the school. Many college students rent houses here. The surrounding transportation is convenient, the living facilities are comprehensive, and there is a large supermarket at the entrance of the community. The most important thing is that it only takes 5 minutes to walk to school.

Gu Decheng is very satisfied with the house bought by his assistant. “Good, safety is the most important thing. I think the security work is also very good. In the morning, you should just sleep less and walk to school (instead of taking the car). Your living habits are too lazy. How can you, young man, not have a little perseverance?”

Gu Ye nodded obediently, “Dad, you are right.”

Gu Decheng nodded with satisfaction, “From now on, you will live by yourself This is considered adapting to society in advance. Try to solve everything by yourself, don’t rely on others. If you want to solve a problem with money, no problem but you have to earn the money yourself.”

President Gu’s philosophy in raising his son is: If you can solve things with money, you don’t have to do it yourself, but you have to use your brain to make the money first.

“Okay Dad, you’re right.”

President Gu is very pleased with his son’s obedience. After walking around the house, he can see that there are 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms on the first floor. The side bed was used as a study room, and the assistant enthusiastically bought a whole study room of books, as well as a large desk where one could practice calligraphy. President Gu nodded with satisfaction, “Read often and cultivate your character.”

Gu Ye nodded mechanically, “Dad, everything you said is right.”

The third side bedroom is empty. The assistant’s idea is that whatever Gu Ye likes, he can help to buy it now and install it on the same day. It all depends on his personal preference. Gu Ye looked at his father’s face and said seriously, “Just buy me a few more bookshelves. No need to buy books. I’ll buy them myself.”

President Gu is very happy that his son likes to study more and more.

Mrs. Gu on the side thought of the banners and charms her son had secretly brought. She speechlessly went to the kitchen to have a look instead. For the sake of her husband’s blood pressure, it was better not to say anything.

“The kitchen supplies are all bought for you. If you don’t want to eat out, you can make them yourself.” After Mrs. Gu came out, she told Gu Ye, “I will send someone to fill your refrigerator every day and clean it for you… “

“It’s not like he doesn’t know how to find someone, so don’t worry about him.” Gu Decheng interrupted his wife, “He is an adult and can do his own thing. Don’t spoil him.”

Gu Ye smiled bitterly. So, why did his father send him to school personally when he had so many things to do? People say we are in the same world and have the same father. Gu Ye wonders if other people’s fathers are like this too. Like when the father is with the son, they will take the opportunity to teach their son about anything they see.

The second floor is still empty now and since Gu Ye lives by himself, it feels deserted. Mrs. Gu suggested, “How about you bring the dog to keep you company?”

President Gu rejected it seriously, “He comes here to attend school, what with raising dogs? Let’s talk about it after graduation.”

Gu Ye sighed, thinking that his thought was correct.

Mrs. Gu had no choice but to look at Gu Ye sympathetically and said, “Well, you live by yourself, pay attention to safety, and don’t bring bad children back. If you really like a girl, don’t mess around with her. If you don’t want to marry her, don’t let her stay overnight.”

Gu Ye almost collapsed, “Am I that kind of person?”

“I’m just telling you in advance. You have to find a normal girl to fall in love with, but you can’t hurt other people’s daughters. You are getting older and we can’t watch you anymore, but I will come to check on you from time to time. ” Mrs. Gu looked at Gu Ye’s face and added worriedly, “Be careful not to be deceived by the little vixens. Bad girls have better schemes now.”

Gu Ye simply wanted to kneel down to them, “Mom and Dad, let’s go to school quickly. It will take time to complete the procedures.”

“Okay, okay, we’ll stop talking.” Mrs. Gu sighed deeply, feeling extremely anxious.

Gu Ye walked to the door tiredly. At this moment, two people happened to come in carrying a big box. Gu Ye recognized it was his treasure and hurriedly said, “Move these things to the empty room. You don’t need to worry about the rest. I will clean it up when I come back.” After saying that, he turned around and put one arm around his father’s arm and the other around his little mother’s arm, dragging them out, “I’m late, I’m late! You two, hurry up!”

Capital University was founded in the early 19th century. It has experienced the most difficult years in modern China and has gone through ups and downs for more than a hundred years. It has developed into a world-class school covering an area of more than 6,000 acres and has cultivated countless outstanding talents for the country and the people. It can be said that those who can pass the exam have laid the foundation for their future lives. To be able to raise a child to be so outstanding, most families have a financial foundation.

In the parking lot near the school, you can see countless luxury cars. When Gu Decheng’s car was parked there, it still stood out from the crowd. As soon as the family of three got out of the car, they were stopped by reporters.

“It is said that your son is the top scorer in the science stream this year. Your son is so outstanding. Is there anything President Gu wants to say to his son?”

“I am a reporter from Huaxia Xuezi Network. Today, the two of us sent our children to school together. This is a rare opportunity. Let’s take a group photo in front of the school.”

“Does President Gu have any expectations for the future of his third son? Does he hope that he will set up his own company like his two brothers?”

“Which son will be President Gu’s successor? Will it be Old Third?”

Seeing several reporters gathered around him, Gu Decheng asked with a straight face, “Is it strange for a father to send his children to school? Where do so many questions come from?”

With just one sentence, the reporters could only laugh dryly at everything Gu Decheng said and didn’t dare to ask any more questions. However, they didn’t leave and followed behind Gu Decheng at a short distance, like a string of Calabash Brothers.

Gu Ye took out his admission notice and entered the school gate. He was immediately greeted by the reception desk to welcome the new students. Many seniors and senior students were explaining to the new students how to go, what to do first, and what to do next. For some students, their parents helped to take care of the process, but Gu Ye took the lead and did everything he had to do after asking some questions. He walked in front, followed by his parents, and then followed by reporters who sneaked in, attracting many students to look at them.

Considering his father’s age, Gu Ye found a resting place on the roadside of the school and said, “You guys sit here and wait for me. I will come back to you when I’m done. Let’s go out to eat at noon, so don’t run around.”

The couple doesn’t know if to laugh or cry. Gu Decheng waved his hand, “Do you think we are children? Go quickly!”

Gu Ye left with a smile.

Someone nearby secretly commented, “The long-awaited school grass is finally here! He is so handsome!”

“The smile is so beautiful, I feel the world is sweeter, my god! My heart is pounding!”

“That’s Gu Decheng! Papa Gu is very elegant. He’s 60 and has no gray hair yet! He looks like a charming uncle!”

“His mother is so beautiful and young!”

“Shhh! She is the stepmother and is nearly 20 years younger than Gu Ye’s father. How can she not be young?”

“Never mind whether she’s biological mother and stepmother, this is a living Gu Decheng that we’re talking about! Hurry and take a picture! Asking for Papa Gu’s blessing, please help me find a good job in the future!”

Papa Gu looked at the reporter sneaking over, and then at the students watching him secretly, and his expression immediately sank, “It’s so shameful for kids nowadays to casually call me dad! Are they all interested in Old Third? But he can only marry one! If he dares to mess with around, I will break his legs!”

Mrs. Gu took a sip of water and told her husband calmly, “You are thinking too much. They called other people their husbands, like the Yu family’s Yu Ze, the Dong family’s only son, and also our second son. As for Old Third, they called him little husband, and little boyfriend. Nowadays, young people are like this, you are too outdated.”

President Gu’s face turned dark, “That’s outrageous! Can they just casually call this? What a nonsense!”

Mrs. Gu was amused, hugged her husband’s arm, and praised, “Oh, you are so cute like this!”

President Gu’s face is darker, people are sick! Everyone is sick!*

[Banana: It doesn’t sound as harsh in Chinese, would it be better if I use the word mental instead?]

Soon, Gu Ye finished everything he had to do, and was in a hurry to go back when he heard someone shouting from behind, “Gu Ye? Are you Gu Ye?”

Gu Ye turned around and looked at the girl who was catching up with him with confusion. She had short hair and was dressed in a refreshing outfit. She didn’t look like a freshman so he asked, “Senior sister, are you looking for me?”

“You don’t recognize me?” The senior sister’s eyes widened and she pointed to herself sadly, “We met in the elevator. My name is Hang Siwen, and my mother’s surname is Wang. You helped to check the Feng Shui for my house and saved our family of four.”

Gu Ye suddenly said, “Oh, I remembered, you are Aunt Wang’s daughter, the one who called Zhao Pengyu a little bastard.”

Hang Siwen smiled sheepishly, “That’s because he was such an asshole when he was a child. Let’s not talk about him anymore. I would like to thank you first for saving my whole family. I am in the sophomore design department and I am also a member of the student union. You can come to me if you need anything in the future.” Hang Siwen took out a note from her pocket and wrote down her phone number, “My mobile phone number and WeChat number are the same, so don’t be shy to call.”

Gu Ye took it and said, “Thank you, senior sister.”

“By the way, since the incidents that happened to my family, I established a supernatural club. Do you want to join? I can give you the position of leader.”

Gu Ye smiled and said, “Thank you, senior sister, but I won’t participate.”

Hang Siwen looked disappointed and lost her energy to speak, “Well, then, just think about it again.”

While they were talking, Gu Ye found that he was being observed. Not only the freshmen but also the seniors were looking at him. Gu Ye suddenly felt that he made the right choice to live outside. Gu Ye hurriedly said goodbye to Hang Siwen and left. When he found his old father, Gu Ye found that his old father was also being looked at. Papa Gu’s face was very serious, and his little mother was trying to persuade him. As soon as they saw Gu Ye coming back, the couple stood up and asked, “Is it done?”

“It’s done.” Gu Ye said with a smile, “However, I may need to trouble you to make another trip. I was selected as the freshman representative and I have to speak at the freshman welcome meeting. The school invited my parents to attend. If you are not free, then just Mom can come too.”

Gu Decheng decided with a straight face, without thinking for a second, “Then let your Mom do it.”

Mrs. Gu was fine with the decision. Everyone who met her praised her for being young and good-looking. She didn’t mind making two extra trips. It was said that Capital University’s freshman welcome party and graduation ceremony had been very grand over the years, and the school would broadcast them live. Reporters from TV stations and major websites came to interview us, and even the national TV station paid great attention to it. At that time, major websites will also do live broadcasts of pictures and texts. Gu Ye will definitely be photographed in many close-ups, and as the mother of the representative of the new students, she will also be photographed. Mrs. Gu straightened her hair around her ears and said proudly, “Don’t worry, Mom won’t embarrass you.”

Gu Ye couldn’t help laughing and praised her, “Of course, my mother is the most beautiful in the world.”

“Oh! You kid, you are the only one who can talk!” Mrs. Gu squeezed Gu Ye’s face happily, her eyes narrowed with laughter.

Amused, Gu Ye looked at the time. It was already past 11.00 am. “Let’s go to eat. You guys can go back after the meal. I can do things by myself.”

Raw word count: 6441 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 42 Part 2

Chapter 42 This Master Gu is still your Master Gu (superior) Part 2

As he was talking, Gu Ye was pulled into the group. There were more than 900 people in the group. Before anyone in the group could say anything about new people joining, Gu Ye sent out a big red envelope.

The red envelopes were all snatched up in the blink of an eye, and everyone in the group jumped out: [Who is the new guy? I managed to grab a 10 yuan!]

[Wow, so generous, I grabbed 12 yuan! Is the new guy a wealthy person?]

[New joiner, taking pictures together screenshot screenshot!]

[Whoa, adding an administrator right away. Does the new guy have a strong backer?]

Administrator: [Restrain yourself. Old Bai said this is our Majesty’s younger brother.]

There was silence for a few seconds in the group. Then a group of silly people posted emoticons of kneeling down, thanking the little Wangye for the reward.

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched. The style of this group… is a bit hard to describe. However, ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ so he won’t pretend to be aloof either: [Hello, brother and sister, I have a long-term big deal that I want to do with you~]

Everyone in the group replied: [Aiyou~ Come on, hero, let’s first sign a contract worth 10 billion~~]

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and looked at Xie Cheng, “Do you know why your senior brother is acting however he likes?”

Xie Cheng shook his head, wondering what Gu Ye wanted to do.

“Because no one goes against him, he gets used to having the power.” Gu Ye sneered, “My senior brother didn’t want to sound him out at that time, not because he was afraid of him, but because he felt that there weren’t many people in the mystical world. If we continue to fight each other, we will only become more and more backward. Now it seems that he was wrong. The existence of Xuanshu Association is the executioner that kills the ideas of newcomers in the mystical world.”

Gu Ye secretly sent a message to the group: [Brothers and sisters! Let’s go to the official website of China Anti-Cult to report Xuanshu Association, this shameless organization with no brand! The rubbish president is an inhuman thing. He bullies his master, disgraces his ancestors, and beats his junior brother! Regardless of his junior brother’s well-being, he wanted to drag him out of the hospital bed! Also, check the official forum of the Xuanshu Association. Comments are scolding them. Come on warriors! Report them!]

[Red envelope!]

[Red envelope!]

[Red envelope!]

Gu Ye sent 3 more red envelopes in a row and wrote: [Report them once every day, and I will send you guys red envelopes every day. Brothers, rise up!]

This group is originally a group of navy who are not afraid of chaos in the world. They are the best at setting the rhythm of news and so on. After receiving the red envelope, everyone joyfully wrote:

[Isn’t it just filing a report? It’s easy to do, just have to move the mouse.]

[At times like this, there is still something called the Xuanshu Association. What do they do? It sounds very mysterious.]

[Brothers and sisters, go and report them!]

[You guys go report them first, and I will go to the forum to collect their information. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.]

[Okay, since you go to the forum to collect information, then I will go to the paparazzi to find out if there are any paparazzi who specialize in collecting news about this society. I need to get some information. Simply reporting it is of no use. To make the authorities believe it, there must be evidence.]

[That’s right! If they dare to quibble, confront them with evidence!]

This is a group of organized and disciplined navy. They will look for enough evidence and conduct investigations in advance before doing anything. Since Gu Ye said it was a cult, they went in that direction to search. Even if it’s just to showcase themselves in front of the boss’s brother, they have to work hard.

Not long after, they actually found some evidence. After taking screenshots of the forum, they compiled a long list of information and made it into a long Weibo post. Using a small account, they posted it on the Internet and then got someone to forward it.

All the facts prove that this is a feudal superstitious organization, with a boss, cadres, and a clear hierarchy.

Netizens who eat melon/popcorn at the side are not calm anymore: What age is this, and there is still such an organization? What are they doing? Why are there divisions of superiors and subordinates, just like a pyramid scheme?

After taking a closer look, people are flabbergasted. Many of the younger generation are orphans without parents. Isn’t this duping children to work? It really looks like a cult!

On that day, the Xuanshu Association’s forum was visited by a lot of passers-by. Coupled with the rhythm of the navy, everyone went to the China Anti-Cult official website to report it. Why does this kind of organization exist? Close it down, close it down!

The upper management of the Xuanshu Association was confused that day. They never thought that one day their association would step out of the circle and be scrutinized by countless netizens. Jing Lianzhong finally explained him clearly at the police station, but was dumbfounded by the report when he returned, “How did we attract the attention of so many netizens? Who did it?!”

The assistant was also very worried, “I don’t know, it looks like someone is setting the pace, maybe an organization. After all, individuals don’t have that much ability to push us out so quickly. Now I’m looking for someone to control the speech, but there was a group of people with very vicious mouths who kept making a comeback after every reply. It is uncontrollable.”

Jing Lianzhong grimaced, took off his glasses, and pinched his eyebrows, “We must suppress public opinion, otherwise things will be more troublesome later.”

Xie Cheng saw the trend on the Internet and admired Gu Ye, “Only rich people can think of this method. How much money do you have to have?”

Gu Ye smiled, “Poor people like you will never understand rich people. After I was admitted to college, my dad bought me a two-story villa directly next to the school. Are you envious?”

Xie Cheng palmed his forehead. He used to live in a dormitory, but now he lives at his Master’s house. He doesn’t even have the money to rent a room.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “I can go out and help people look at their Feng Shui. The rich people can give me 1 million yuan, what about you?”

Xie Cheng covered his face and fell into despair. He used to take tasks from the association and receive a monthly salary after completing the work. He had never seen so much money, and he had no idea how much money they made for the association.

Gu Ye commented disdainfully, “Ignorant people, aren’t you all fools? Garbage association, It should be put down as soon as possible!”

Xie Cheng was puzzled, “Aren’t they almost finished with what you did?”

“It won’t end that easily. The association has been established for so many years, how can it not have some backers? But with this commotion, they will definitely be called for interviews/interrogation and get their activities checked. So for some time from now on, they don’t dare to look for you, and they don’t dare to go out.”

Gu Ye smiled evilly, “I want to make Jing Lianzhong bald with anger and make him eat shiet every day.”

As expected, Jing Lianzhong was quickly interviewed by the relevant departments. Various departments investigated him in various ways, and Jing Lianzhong was really almost bald after the investigation. If something happened in the past, Elder Tang would help him deal with it. As Elder Tang’s friend for many years, Elder Yu would also help. But this time, no one helped him.

The people from relevant departments asked, “What’s going on with you guys? What unscrupulous things did you do that prompted so many people to report you? You are an organization without a brand to begin with. On the other hand, Buddhism and Taoism are still recognized by the state. To become a Taoist priest and study Taoism, one needs a bachelor’s degree. You guys just get together in private and don’t do bad things, so I turn a blind eye and let you form an organization. Now people report you every day, and why does it sound like you are forming a cult? If this continues, you will be forcibly disbanded.”

Now, the entire Xuanshu Association’s top management is keeping their tail between their legs, while the young people at the bottom have noticed that the association is not going in the right direction. Coupled with the dissatisfaction accumulated in the past, another group of young people gave notice and left.

The entire Xuanshu Association was troubled by internal and external troubles and had no time to take care of itself.

Gu Ye finished his lunch and was lying on the bed scrolling through Weibo. Suddenly a message was sent to WeChat. Gu Ye clicked on it and raised the corners of his mouth.

Yu Ze: [Do you feel good after doing bad things?]

Gu Ye turned over and lay on the bed typing with both hands: [You know about it too?]

Yu Ze: [I know all the bad things you do.]

Gu Ye smiled and replied: [So powerful? Are you clairvoyant?]

Yu Ze: [I’ve been following your news.]

Gu Ye: [I’m so touched that you care about me so much.jpg]

Yu Ze: [What then?]

Gu Ye: [Then, thank you~]

Yu Ze, who was standing by the office window, stopped moving his fingers and didn’t know what to reply to that. After a while, Gu Ye sent another message: [President Yu, please send me a selfie!]

Yu Ze hesitated and replied: [?]

Gu Ye: [I want to use it as a screensaver in my phone to ward off evil spirits! And to obtain luck!]

The corners of Yu Ze’s mouth twitched, and his shoulders slumped.

Gu Ye: [President Yu, why didn’t you reply? Are you looking for a good angle? Just take a random photo, you look cool in whatever angle you take anyway!]

Seeing that, Yu Ze’s mouth curved up. Looking at the fat panda emoticon that Gu Ye sent, rolling around and acting cute, Yu Ze was finally amused and called out, “Secretary Liu?”

Secretary Liu, who was sorting out the meeting minutes, quickly raised his head and asked seriously, “Is there something you need me for, President Yu?”

Yu Ze’s expression darkened, and after holding it in for more than 10 seconds, he finally handed his cell phone to Secretary Liu.

Secretary Liu looked confused and didn’t dare to take it.

Yu Ze glared at his secretary with disdain, “Take a picture of me.”

“Ah?” Secretary Liu took the phone and reacted with, “Oh, do you want a photo for your ID?”

Yu Ze ‘tsk-ed’ and looked at Secretary Liu with more disdain, “No, make it more natural. I want to take a look after you take it.”

Secretary Liu was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized that President Yu might have been chatting with Master Gu, and instantly understood what Yu Ze meant, “I understand now! Got it!”

It means he should take a photo with the effect of an artistic blockbuster. It should show as handsome as his boss can be, also to look handsome and elegant! As an all-around secretary, Secretary Liu has decided to sign up for a photography class online when he goes back in the evening.

After Gu Ye received the photo, he was in a trance for a moment. In the photo, there is a side view of Yu Ze. The man standing by the window is looking at the camera, with the blue sky behind him, and his slim-fitting white shirt is clean and spotless. Gu Ye thinks that Yu Ze is the best-looking person he has ever seen wearing a white shirt. He perfectly interprets the clean and cool temperament of the color white. Gu Ye suddenly felt his heart thump for a moment, feeling moved by Yu Ze’s temperament and appearance.

“Him looking like this is really tempting people to commit a crime.” Gu Ye looked at it, raised the corner of his mouth, and decisively set this photo as a screensaver. Sure enough, Yu Ze has a better temperament and looks better than those celebrities!

After Gu Ye admired his screensaver for a while, he got up from the bed. Standing on the bed, he held up the phone with both hands and moved up and down, making a praying gesture, “Oh spirited Heavens and earth, take the blessing from Brother Yu Ze and make everyone in Xuanshu Association bald!”

After saying that, Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze’s face again and laughed out loud. He knew that Yu Ze would never have thought that he would actually use his photo to worship God. He was so amused just from thinking about it, “Hahahahahaha ~~”

Mrs. Gu knocked on Gu Ye’s unlocked door, “Kid, have you gone crazy?! If you can’t sleep (nap), come with me to the mall now.”

“Oh.” Gu Ye lazily slipped out of the bed.

Looking at Gu Ye’s appearance, Mrs. Gu said with disdain, “Change your clothes first.”

“Why? What’s wrong with this outfit?” Gu Ye looked at his comfortable vest and didn’t understand what was wrong with it.

“It doesn’t look good, it’s a waste of your good body.” Mrs. Gu picked out a set of blue and white striped clothes from Gu Ye’s wardrobe, “Wear this, hurry up!”

Gu Ye put it on tiredly. Just as he was about to go out, his phone rang again.

Yu Ze: [Where’s yours?]

Gu Ye blinked and replied: [What?]

Yu Ze: [I also want to use your photo as screensavers to ward off evil spirits and disasters.]

Feeling amused and thinking that Yu Ze was joking with him, Gu Ye casually took a photo of him baring his teeth and making a face: [Take it, my nickname is Scary Ghost, I will scare others to death!]

What Gu Ye didn’t expect was that after Yu Ze received his photo, he stared at it for a while. After that, the corner of his lips curved up as he set it as a screensaver.

After changing their clothes, Gu Ye and Gu Yang followed his mother to the mall to buy things for Gu Ye to go to school. According to Mrs. Gu, since he is going to a new school, everything must be new, including clothes, shoes, bedding, backpacks, suitcases… including all daily necessities, all needs to buy new ones.

Gu Ye and Gu Yang are 2 bag carrier. Mrs. Gu is obviously a regular customer here. The salesperson greets her when she sees her. Whenever Mrs. Gu meet someone on the way, she will proudly say ‘They are my sons, which attracts a lot of admiration like, “Your sons are so handsome and you are so young, you don’t even look like you are the mother of two children.”

Mrs. Gu was so happy that her high heels clicked loudly as she walked. Gu Ye and Gu Yang were like two coolies, their bodies covered with bags. Mrs. Gu didn’t even look back and continued to be happy with herself.

Gu Ye and his brother looked at each other and sighed feebly. They just wanted to call the woman in front, ‘Madam, you lost your poor child. Please turn back to look for them!’

After shopping all afternoon, they bought everything. The two brothers were too tired to talk. After dinner, Mrs. Gu packed Gu Ye’s bag. As she packed it, she muttered, “You are sure my son. See, I have to pack your bags for you.” The implication is that you have remembered that I have been so kind to you.

Gu Ye nodded feebly while holding a bagua, and said perfunctorily, “I love you, Mom.”

Mrs. Gu moved her hands for a moment, then turned around and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you tired?”

Gu Ye gave a dull sigh, “Yeah, I’m tired. But on the other hand, I just tried to see the fortune telling for me 5 times now, and whatever I calculated wasn’t very good.”

Mrs. Gu asked with a scared tone, “What’s wrong? What is not good?”

Gu Ye frowned, “I can’t figure it out specifically. It’s just that when I go to school, there will be eyes peeping at me. I don’t feel good.”

Mrs. Gu thought for a while and comforted, “Don’t be afraid. Your father and I will send you to school together. See who dares to bully you? Maybe there is a little girl who has a crush on you. If not, just kidnap one back.”

Gu Ye held his forehead and just wanted to say, can you be more reliable?!

Raw word count: 7745 (whole chapter)


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 42 Part 1

Chapter 42 This Master Gu is still your Master Gu (superior) Part 1

In the hospital ward, a man in his forties, wearing glasses and with a very elegant temperament, sat beside Xie Cheng’s bed. He advised with a gentle face, “Junior brother, go back to Xuanshu Association. Master has left, and you left too. I don’t even have anyone close to me anymore.”

Xie Cheng was playing the game with an expressionless face. Because the screen of his mobile phone was cracked, it always lags when playing. He tapped his mobile phone angrily and said impatiently, “Aren’t the people who came with you all your confidants?”

“It’s still not as close as a senior and junior brothers. I watched you grow up.”

Xie Cheng didn’t even raise his head, “We all grew up under Master’s care. We are all orphans raised by Master. He is old and has to have someone around him to take care of him.”

Jing Lianzhong clicked his tongue and said dissatisfied, “What kind of words are you saying? I didn’t say I wouldn’t provide him with old-age care. I went to see him yesterday but he was angry and didn’t want to see me.” As he spoke, his expression became increasingly lonely.

Xie Cheng raised his eyes and sneered. It was the first time that he felt that his senior brother was so hypocritical. After knowing each other for so many years, seeing him become like this made Xie Cheng feel suffocated.

“Senior brother, if you really don’t want Master to worry about you, just disband this association. We all know what you have done in the past few years.

This association was originally created with the intention of bringing friends from the mystical arts world together. Everyone makes friends, learns mystical arts together, and has each other’s back when we go out to fight evil. But now, team formation is not up to us to choose, it is set by the higher management, and everything must be done according to your rules.

I can understand that there must be some rules to keep everything going in order. Like how a chat group needs group rules, but you can’t go too far. Now, even what skills we learn are dictated by you!

Heh! Each clan and each sect is different in terms of skills. If we keep things like this, how many Taoist techniques will be lost? Are you planning to unify the mystical world and become the boss?”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Jing Lianzhong’s expression changed after being told that. “If I don’t care, someone will use mystical skills to harm others. Were there not many people who used mystical arts to kill people in the past? We set rules for newcomers to not learn forbidden arts, but to learn orthodox methods, all to protect the normal citizens.”

Xie Cheng chuckled, completely chilled by this sanctimonious explanation, “You sure have good intentions.”

Jing Lianzhong’s face darkened and he lost his patience, “Stop losing your temper and come back with me. We have a doctor there who specializes in treating injuries like yours.”

“You want to take me back… oh, I know why,” Xie Cheng stopped what he was doing and asked with a straight face, “Those young people who get along well with me, many of them quit, right? It’s really not that I did anything behind your back, it’s that young people don’t want to do this with you anymore. Senior brother, you just continue to do your thing. Master’s heart has become cold. If some problems happen the next time, he won’t help to ‘wipe your butt’ (help to settle problem).”

Jing Lianzhong’s expression became increasingly ugly and he became angry, “Do you really not want to go back?”

Xie Cheng lay down on the bed, “My friend sent me to such a high-end private hospital and paid my medical bills. I stayed in a single ward, had patient meals 3 times a day, and had a beautiful nurse sister to take care of me. Why should I go back with you? I’m not stupid!”

“Okay! You don’t come back with me and want to continue hanging out with some shady people, huh? Old Li!”

The person waiting outside the door heard this and quickly opened the door, “Are you done talking?”

Jing Lianzhong said with a cold face, “Take this disobedient naughty kid back to me!”

The two people looked at each other at the door and had to come in to pull Xie Cheng, “Just listen to your senior brother, stop losing your temper, and come back with us.”

“Why should I go back with you? I have already quit the association!”

Xie Cheng is also a stubborn person and his anger rapidly rose. He is usually carefree, but when in a disagreement, even 9 cows can’t pull him back. He grabbed the bedboard and raised his foot to kick someone, “Either you kill me today and take my body back, or you all get out of here. If I say I won’t go back, I won’t go back! If Master doesn’t go back, I will never go back!”

“Aiya! Don’t touch him!” At this moment, the nurse who had been secretly observing the development of the matter ran in. She pushed away the man who tried to pull Xie Cheng and said angrily, “What are you doing? The patient’s illness has not recovered yet. He has fractured ribs. What if the fracture gets larger if you make such a big move?”

The man surnamed Li impatiently pushed the little nurse, “This is our personal matter, please get out of the way.”

The man’s hand was heavy, and the little nurse was really thin. She staggered after being pushed, and her leg hit the leg of the table next to her. Her eyes turned red from the pain. Seeing that, Xie Cheng immediately became anxious. He got up from the bed and took out the whip from under the pillow.

Jing Lianzhong slapped the table angrily, “You really wanted to fight with me? Such a rebellion!”

“So what if really start to fight with you? I’ll see who dares to take him away today.”

Suddenly such chilly words came from the door, and everyone turned to look in the direction of the door. Jing Lianzhong’s eyes darkened, “Gu Ye?”

“President Jing seems to have checked my information and knows who I am. Could it be that my senior brother appeared in the dream of a loser like you?” Gu Ye raised the corner of his mouth, saying what the other party didn’t like to hear.

Sure enough, when Jing Lianzhong heard ‘my senior brother’, his expression was extremely complicated.

After Gu Ye came in, he looked at the nurse and said softly, “Sister, please go out first. If not, later when the fight starts, you might get bitten by some beasts. Scumbags, they don’t know how to show mercy to women.”

The person behind Jing Lianzhong asked angrily, “Who are you calling a beast?”

“Whoever answers my word is the beast then.” Gu Ye supported Xie Cheng and asked him to lie back. “You dare to get up and jump around even though you are injured. Just lie down now. Staying for one more day in the hospital will cost a lot of money.”

Earlier during the scuffle, Xie Cheng’s ribs were bumped, and now his face turned pale in pain. But when he saw that Gu Ye had arrived, he finally had a smile on his face and lay down with a grin.

Jing Lianzhong’s expression turned even uglier, his junior brother actually made friends with Gu Ye’s junior brother!

Gu Ye raised his eyes, “What? You want to kidnap people in bright daylight?”

Jing Lianzhong narrowed his eyes and said politely, “Xie Cheng is my junior brother, how can you say kidnapping?”

Gu Ye looked at Jing Lianzhong mockingly, “I heard that he grew up under your nose. If you are really good to him, how can you ignore his life and death? What a scumbag!”

Everyone behind Jing Lianzhong turned their backs, “Why are you scolding people?”

“What’s wrong with scolding you? I’m going to call the police to arrest you even!” Gu Ye stood up and looked at the three people opposite him with burning eyes. “Do you know who owns this hospital? The chairman of this hospital is Old Master Yu’s eldest daughter. Do you think that if you want to kidnap a patient, the Yu family can forgive you? Ms. Yu’s father-in-law passed away just two years ago, and he was an honorable old soldier. You making trouble with the Zhao family, are you not afraid that the old man will lead his soldier brothers to annihilate you scumbags in the middle of the night?”


“You little brat know nothing!”

The 3 people’s faces turned red with anger at Gu Ye’s sharp words, and they couldn’t say a single word of quibble. They really didn’t dare to offend the Yu family and the Zhao family.

Xuanshu Association, after all, is a private establishment. There are only a few people in this industry, and most of them are homeless and unemployed. Wealthy families have complicated relationships and have deep economic strength. If they confront these wealthy families, they don’t know what the consequences will be.

At this moment, the little nurse opened the door and walked in with 2 policemen in plain clothes. The little nurse said excitedly, “It’s them! They are going to take the patient away!”

As soon as they saw the tense atmosphere in the room, a policewoman walked in first and asked with a cold face, “What’s going on?”

Gu Ye looked outside and raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, it is an acquaintance.

The policewoman also recognized Gu Ye and asked with complicated emotions, “It’s you again? What trouble did you encounter this time?”

Gu Ye stood up, ran over in a few steps, and pointed pitifully at the 3 old men opposite, “Sister policewoman, this is the person! He is going to take my friend away!”

The policewoman’s pretty eyes turned cold, “Seems like there are forceful actions here. Tell me clearly what happened.”

Gu Ye’s face-changing technique within a second stunned everyone in the room. Jing Lianzhong and the others couldn’t react and didn’t know how to explain themselves. Just now, Gu Ye was still being sarcastic and cursing people arrogantly. His mouth is as poisonous as arsenic, spitting out everything you don’t like to listen to. Now that the police are here, he has become a poor little kid being bullied? How the hell was this done?!

Xie Cheng’s eyes widened as well, and he was shocked to see his newly made wealthy friend turn into an actor in a second, and he was a little unable to react.

Gu Ye was filled with indignation and stamped his feet angrily, “My friend has gastroenteritis and can’t live without the toilet (keeps pooping). He will definitely poop his pants if forcibly taken out, and they don’t even think about it! These 3 scumbags! Does it look good for such a big kid to poop his pants?!”

Xie Cheng held his stomach and choked for breath, unable to speak a word.

“And here!” Gu Ye pointed to his ribs, “My friend has a fracture here! The bone may break if he moves it! It’s going to penetrate the heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and lungs, these inhuman scums! They want to kill him!”

Jing Lianzhong and the others opened their mouths, but the 3 old men didn’t say a word. Gu Ye seemed to have said everything right, but none of the darned words seemed reliable!

The policeman’s face became colder and colder, and he asked Xie Cheng rationally, “Do you know them?”

Xie Cheng responded, “I know them, but I don’t want to go with them.” When Xie Cheng saw Gu Ye smiling at him, he became excited. He hugged the bedboard and shouted, “I’m still sick! He insists on taking me back! I already said I don’t want to join his organization!”

“Organization? What’s going on?”

Gu Ye whispered, “Who knows what kind of weird organization it is, with a president and cadres? My friends already said he wouldn’t go but he sent people to catch him. Are they bullying him because he’s an orphan without a father? If they are that powerful, then they can catch me! I have a father, and my father is Gu Decheng!”

Jing Lianzhong and the others were lucky that they didn’t lash out in anger at Gu Ye’s words. In their hearts, they were thinking that if your father hadn’t been for Gu Decheng, they would have hit this trouble-making child! Gu Ye said between the lines that they were a cult or a pyramid scheme association. How the hell could they explain this?

“Comrade police, it’s not what you think,” Jing Lianzhong’s face turned red in anger and he explained through gritted teeth, “We are from the Xuanshu Association.”

“There is no need to explain here. You can come with us and explain carefully what kind of organization you are at the police station. Also, why do you dare to come to the hospital to grab people?”

“We really don’t know anything about a cult! This female comrade, Why don’t you listen to the explanation?”

The policewoman smiled, “Explanation? I only look at the evidence. Take them away!”

The policeman behind opened the door and said, “Stop talking nonsense and go. Let’s not talk about whether there are any problems in your organization, just for coming to the hospital to cause trouble, I have to take you back for re-education.”

Gu Ye watched as the men were being taken away. Standing by the door with his head sticking out, his eyes are smiling like beautiful crescent moons, “Sister policewoman is so handsome!”

The policewoman took two steps and paused when she heard Gu Ye’s words. She turned around and came back, “We have caught all those scum, and the criminal records have been sent to the court. They will all pay with blood. Thank you for discovering those children. If it weren’t for you, these children would have been buried in that yard for who knows how many years.”

The smile on Gu Ye’s face gradually faded, and he said seriously, “Thank you for your hard work. The children must have been reincarnated and will have a good life in the next life.”

“Yes.” The policewoman nodded vigorously as if to comfort herself.

After Gu Ye saw them off, he closed the door and curved his lips in relief. Looking at Xie Cheng who looked disappointed, Gu Ye shook his head and asked helplessly, “Friend, are you stupid? How can you still be bullied by them?”

Xie Cheng was stunned for a while, “Friend, you are really awesome!”

Xie Cheng no longer knows how to praise Gu Ye, he can only wordlessly give him a thumbs up.

Gu Ye sneered, “Do you think this is the end? You are too naive, how could I just let them go?”

Gu Ye took out his cell phone and called his second brother, “Second brother, lend me your company’s public relations department. Please give me their contact information.”

In less than half a minute, Gu Lin replied with a contact card of someone named Bai Zuo, manager of the public relations department. The management of Gu Lin Company is relatively young so the manager is about the same age as Gu Lin.

Gu Ye immediately added the other party as a friend with a sidenote: Gu Lin’s younger brother Gu Ye.

The other party didn’t dare to hesitate and quickly added Gu Ye. Next, he puzzledly sent a message: [Third Young Master?]

Gu Ye: [Manager Bai, are your navy all from an organization?]

[Banana – I think by now, a lot of you know what internet water army means ya so I’m not going to explain. Just that this keyword is a bit long and mouthful so Banana is going to use the word navy instead.]

Bai Zuo: [Third Young Master, what you mean is…]

Watching the other party carefully testing his intention, Gu Ye felt inexplicably that he was a naughty kid who loved to get into trouble. He replied to the other party: [You don’t have to worry about me doing anything bad, I just want to hire them to report a cult.]

Bai Zuo: [There is a WeChat group. They are all reliable and have been working with our company for several years.]

Gu Ye: [That’s great, please add me to the group, thank you.]

Bai Zuo: [Third Young Master, are you really not fooling around?]

Gu Ye: [Am I the kind of ignorant bastard?]

Bai Zuo then agreed: [Okay, little Master, please think twice before doing anything so that us little ones won’t be implicated!]

Gu Ye smiled and replied: [Okay~]

Xie Cheng asked seriously, “What did you do before to make him be so guarded against you?”

Gu Ye shook his head innocently, “I don’t know, maybe he thinks I’m still young and is afraid that I’m unreliable.”

Xie Cheng chuckled, his face saying ‘Yeah sure, like I believe you’.

Raw word count: 7745 (whole chapter)
