Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Don’t take the bridge on a rainy day

When Teacher Yu heard about the report on cheating, his serious face became more solemn, “You and Gu Ye are not even in the same examination room, how do you know that he cheated?”

Seeing Teacher Yu showing this expression, Lin Zihao is slightly nervous as he said, “He used a special method. Not only do I know about this, but Liu Yiwen also knows it. Other than that, Xia Xiang and Zhao Pengyu, they all know about it.”

Teacher Yu frowned, “How did he cheat exactly? You have to show me the evidence to support your accusation.”

“He must have used abnormal means. Or, how about you ask him to do the questions again now, he will definitely not be able to do so.”

Teacher Yu raised his eyebrows, “That is to say, you have no evidence.”

“I have it, I…” Lin Zihao gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice, “Gu Ye can control ghosts. There must be something in his schoolbag to catch ghosts, you can find out after searching him. Those ‘things’ must have told him the answer.”

A serious old pedant like Teacher Yu can’t listen to nonsense like ghosts and whatnot, “Nonsense!” As soon as Lin Zihao finished speaking, Teacher Yu scolded him angrily, “What age is this now? Ghosts, monsters, and gods are people’s imaginations. They can be explained scientifically. Even if we can’t explain it now, it can be explained in the future. If there’s something that you don’t understand, you need to read more instead. You are already in the third year of high school, why do you still believe in feudal superstition?”

“No, Mr. Yu, please believe me. He really knows how to control ghosts. He always has a bottle in his pocket. There must be a female ghost in the bottle. He also helps the female ghost to kill people. If you don’t believe me, you can check his dormitory and schoolbag. There must be something in there.”

Hearing that, Teacher Yu’s face became gloomier. Seeing Lin Zihao as if he is getting blinded by his obsession, Teacher Yu took out the draft paper that Gu Ye had used before, “Look, these are all brought back by the invigilator. It can also be seen from the paper that Gu Ye really calculated it by himself. Everything is clear and transparent, so how can there be any ghosts?”

Lin Zihao looked at the calculation process on the draft in disbelief. There are several questions that he couldn’t solve, but Gu Ye actually did it. “This must be…he is possessed by a ghost!” The more Lin Zihao thinks about it, the more he felt that he is right, “Teacher Yu, Gu Ye is so different from before, he must be possessed by a ghost. He can’t do these questions previously! He is so stupid, how can he solve such difficult questions and got it right?”

Seeing that Lin Zihao is unrepentant, Teacher Yu angrily slammed his thermos on the table, “Lin Zihao!”

Lin Zihao got so frightened that he trembled all over as if he had been poured with a basin of cold water. Immediately, he calmed down and cold sweat dripped down his forehead. He doesn’t dare to speak out anymore.

Teacher Yu said with a disappointed tone: “I can see that you are usually motivated in your studies and perform well. I forgive you this time, but you are not allowed to talk nonsense in the future. Teacher knows that Gu Ye did better than you in the exam this time and you really can’t understand why, but you can’t spread rumors to slander others. If you have time to care about Gu Ye, you should care about your own grades. In just 3 months, you have fallen more than 300 ranks. If this continues, do you think you can get good results for your 1st choice of university? I think you might not even get into your 2nd choice![1]”

Lin Zihao turned pale with fright when he heard this, “I’m sorry for the teacher. I, I, I will study hard!”

Teacher Yu said helplessly, “You can go back now.”

Lin Zihao secretly regretted that he should not have been impulsive. He should have gone to Teacher Yu after he obtained evidence of Gu Ye’s cheating. Teacher Yu would not believe his one-sided statement about such things.

Returning to the classroom in a daze, Lin Zihao sat down in his seat. The students around him thought he was called for extra lessons by the homeroom teacher so they all comforted him, “Don’t think too much, just do it well next time. There is still a chance.”

Nodding absent-mindedly, Lin Zihao opened his drawer, wanting to take out the books for the next class. Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the drawer, his heart skipped a beat and his mind is dazed by the fright. The few sheets of paper he hid at the bottom of the drawer are now carelessly placed on the top, with a big word ‘Read’ scribbled on it letting him know that what he wanted to do had already been discovered.

This is what Lin Zihao wrote at home about the death of the song king, singer Li Rui and what Gu Ye did to him. He planned to sell it to the newspaper to earn some pocket money. But because he has to catch a bus on the way here and missed the submission time, Lin Zihao temporarily put the article in his school bag. Lin Zihao vaguely saw something behind the paper, and nervously turned the paper over. Behind it is a chibi drawing of a person, It seems to be talking about a student who is going to take the college entrance examination. But when he went to the toilet, he dropped his admission ticket into the toilet and thus was not able to enter the examination room. Lin Zihao stared at the comic in a daze, but the 3 words written at the bottom made his pupils shrink.

It said ‘By Gu Ye’!

Gu Ye knows what happened?

Lin Zihao suddenly remembered Gu Ye asking him earlier if he had ever done something wrong to him, and that he told him not to do it now if he hadn’t done anything yet. Could it be that not only Gu Ye can catch ghosts, but he also can predict the future?

Lin Zihao looked at Gu Ye in horror. At the same time, Gu Ye turned his head and smiled at him. The slightly curved corner of his mouth looked soft and gentle but it made Lin Zihao suddenly think of the scene where Gu Ye is beating up ghosts, which caused his scalp to turn numb.

Gu Ye raised his index finger and put it on his lips. He motioned a ‘shush’, then turned his head away and stopped looking at Lin Zihao. The more Lin Zihao thought about what happened, the more afraid Lin Zihao became. Gu Ye is telling him to keep the secret and not go out and talk nonsense – it means he knew everything. Wouldn’t this comic be Gu Ye’s curse on him? Will he really miss the college entrance examination? Thinking of the result, Lin Zihao wanted to go crazy. He hurriedly tore up the article into pieces and threw them into the trash can. His whole body is shuddering from the chill.

“Gu Ye, I… I’m sorry!” After class, Lin Zihao plucked up the courage to come to Gu Ye’s table and sincerely apologized, he is scared. He is afraid of missing the college entrance examination, afraid of Gu Ye’s punishment for him.

Gu Ye looked at Lin Zihao, and said a word with a smile, “Scram.”

At noon, Gu Ye had just finished his meal when he heard from a classmate that Mr. Yu is looking for him. Gu Ye inquired about the location and found Teacher Yu’s office. Teacher Yu is wearing his reading glasses and reading the paper. Seeing him coming, Teacher Yu looked up at him and said, “Gu Ye, sit down.”

Gu Ye sat down obediently, very well-behaved.

“I’m looking at your test paper for this exam. You have improved so much that the teachers find it unbelievable. Even your handwriting is written so beautifully.” Teacher Yu looked into Gu Ye’s eyes seriously, “Teacher is going to give you a few more questions, can you do it again?”

Gu Ye nodded obediently, “Yes.”

Teacher Yu took out the pre-made questions from the drawer and handed Gu Ye a pen. Gu Ye took it and started to write, finishing it in a few minutes. Looking at Gu Ye’s answer, Mr. Yu could not suppress his joy, and the smile on his serious face made a layer of wrinkle, “Good good good, good job. Continue to work hard in the future!”

Not long after, Teacher Yu went to the school management and got Gu Ye’s exam papers posted on the school bulletin board. Even Gu Ye’s draft paper and the questions that Gu Ye did right in front of him are all released, proving that Gu Ye got first place in the test by his own ability.

Now, everyone on the senior high school campus is bursting with commotion, and the people who said it was impossible before have been slapped in the face!

Many teachers told the students, “There are no stupid students, only students who don’t work hard! Gu Ye must have taken advantage of the winter vacation when you all went out to play and secretly studied at home! The forever-lowest has risen to become the number 1 at school, how inspirational! You all have to open your eyes and see how he did it!”

After that, there are really students who started peeking at Gu Ye, wanting to know how he studies, and how can he improve his grades so much in such a short period of time. Gu Ye suddenly felt that not only he became a strange species, but also a strange species with a panda head* on his head. Even when he went to the toilet, people would pay attention to him, so eye-catching. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to be stared at.

*Because panda is a rare animal in China :v

Finally, it is the day of the next holiday week. As soon as Gu Ye came home, before he could even take off his shoes, Mrs. Gu rushed over excitedly, “Old Third, you got first in the exam? First in the school?”

Gu Ye nodded tiredly, “You guys already know?”

At this moment, Gu Decheng came down from the second floor, and there is joy in his eyes, “Teacher Yu called me and said that you have made great progress.”

“That’s right, that’s right, the teacher keeps praising you!” Mrs. Gu said happily, “For this reason, your father didn’t go to the company, and just waiting for you to come back to reward you well for your hard work!”

Hearing that, Gu Ye raised his eyebrows. Next, his eyes lit up when he saw Gu Decheng holding several thick red packets in his hand.

“I will definitely study hard. I will keep working hard, and get better next time!” Gu Ye turned serious in a second, and bowed deeply to his parents, “I’m sorry for worrying my parents before this!”

Mrs. Gu got taken aback. Why Gu Ye became so emotional all of a sudden? It’s embarrassing.

Gu Decheng originally wanted to give Gu Ye a few pieces of advice like telling him not to be proud, but he didn’t expect his son to be so sensible. So, he swallowed the words and put a stack of red packets into Gu Ye’s hand, saying seriously, “This is the rule in our family. For every subject you placed first, I will reward you with 10,000 yuan. Seeing that this is the first time you got the 1st at school, you will be rewarded another 10,000 yuan. If you can still take the first place next time, I will double it for you.”

“Thank you, Dad!” Gu Ye put the red packets in his pocket and ran upstairs happily.

Seeing that his brother received several red packets, Gu Yang scratched his head and said, “Well, I also advanced 3 ranks in this monthly exam. Do I have any red packets?”

Mrs. Gu didn’t wait for Gu Decheng to speak, and said with a tone like ‘Why can’t you get better’, “I reward you with an extra chicken leg.”

“Hehe.” Hearing that, Gu Yang carried his schoolbag and ran away happily.

Mrs. Gu sighed silently and asked herself where did she raise him wrong. This silly boy, just a chicken leg is enough for him. Can’t he see how thick his 3rd brother’s red packets are? Those can buy a truckload of chicken legs!

When Gu Ye arrived in his room, he happily opened the red packets and counted in total 50,000 yuan. As expected from Gu Decheng, he is worthy of being called the national father.

Gu Yang quietly followed and asked curiously, “Brother, how much did Dad give you?”

Gu Ye hooked his fingers at the child to beckon him over. Watching the child leaning over like a big dog, Gu Ye took out a dozen of red notes (100 yuan) and stuffed them into his younger brother’s hand. Then he said in a low voice, “Take it and buy the game console you like. Don’t let Mom know.”

Because if Mrs. Gu finds out, it will definitely be confiscated, just like the money Gu Yang won from the lottery previously.

Gu Yang rushed over excitedly and hugged Gu Ye’s leg, rubbing against him, “Brother! When I grow up, I will definitely make good money! I will earn money for you to spend!”

Gu Ye patted his younger brother’s head. Inside, he really wanted to say, ‘Don’t be stupid, my silly boy. You won’t make any money in your life, so just wait for the dividends to feed you.’

At noon, Mrs. Gu cooked a lot of dishes together with the nanny. Gu Decheng is in a happy mood and even drank a small cup of wine. Gu Ye looked at his father’s eyebrows and said with concern, “You should rest at home this afternoon, don’t go to the company. There will be heavy rain in a while, it is dangerous.”

Gu Decheng glanced out the window. The sun is shining brightly now, where is the rain coming from?

However, due to Gu Decheng almost having a car accident last time, Mrs. Gu is startled by Gu Ye’s words. She hurriedly persuaded, “It doesn’t matter whether it will rains or not. It’s a happy occasion today and you also drank a bit. Since you don’t have anything important to do in the afternoon, don’t go to work today. It’s rare that you get to rest a day at home.”

After being persuaded by his wife, Gu Decheng hesitated, “All right, I won’t go in the afternoon.”

Unexpectedly, it really rained suddenly in the afternoon, fast and pouring. It rained all afternoon, and news broke out in the evening. Because of the sudden rain, water accumulated in a tunnel, causing more than a dozen vehicles to be trapped in the tunnel. Firefighters were dispatched urgently, but fortunately, there were no casualties.

Looking at the time and place mentioned in the news, Gu Decheng realized that it happened to be the tunnel he would be passing through when he got off work. On the other hand, Mrs. Gu is terrified. Watching the news, she said in shock, “It’s amazing, Old Third is really amazing!”

Gu Decheng had a stiff expression on his face, hiding the fear and surprise in his eyes. He said stiffly, “It was just a lucky guess, a lucky guess.”

Mrs. Gu didn’t listen to her husband’s nonsense at all, “No, I have to ask Old Third to calculate when will I get rich.” After saying that, she left in a hurry to find Gu Ye.

At this moment, Zhao Pengyu finally came out of the Internet cafe. The college entrance examination is about to begin so his mother didn’t let him play on the computer or the mobile phone. He couldn’t stay idle, so he sneaked to the Internet cafe in the morning but he didn’t expect it to rain in the afternoon. Finally, the rain stopped, so he is anxious to go home. Taking a shortcut on his mountain bike, he whizzed home like he is on Nezha’s fire wheels.

It is already dark at this moment, and there are not many pedestrians on the road. As he continues to cycle, Zhao Pengyu suddenly saw a flash of gold in front of him so he rode over to see. It turned out to be a red cloth bag embroidered with gold thread and Zhao Pengyu picked it up. The fabric is a bit old, and it is embroidered with pictures of dragons and phoenixes. It looked like something used by people who got married in the 1980s.

Zhao Pengyu opened it and got startled by the content, “My god! So much money? Won’t the person who lost the money be anxious to death?”

The earnest young man stood there and waited for half an hour but didn’t see anyone coming back to look for it. Seeing the day is getting late, if he doesn’t return home soon, his family will really worry. So, Zhao Pengyu simply stuffed the cloth bag in his pockets, planning to call the police after he got home.

What Zhao Pengyu didn’t see is, at the place he passed by earlier which is washed by the rain, a pillar made of cement is exposed. This is actually an abandoned old bridge that was deliberately buried.

Raw word count: 3892


[1] Not very familiar with China education system so I tried to guess it. If you know the meaning, feel free to inform me to correct it. The raw words are 这么下去,你还想考一本?你连二本都考不上!

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Saved a white-eyed wolf[1]

Gu Ye smiled, “Right now, you didn’t but let’s hope there’s none in the future as well.”

Lin Zihao smiled awkwardly, “How is it possible? You are overthinking.”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and glanced at Lin Zihao before curling his lips noncommittally. He flipped through the information Xia Xiang gave him, and turned away to Xia Xiang to assure him, “I’ll take a good look at these, you don’t have to keep staring at me. I will get a good result this time, I promise.”

A smile appeared on Xia Xiang’s face, “I believe in you!”

Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen got nothing but embarrassment and they also felt it, that Gu Ye didn’t like them. When Lin Zihao left, he cast a mocking glance at Gu Ye. Feeling ashamed and angry, he angrily wondered where Gu Ye’s self-confidence comes from, to dare say that he can achieve good results this time. This low-level scum of thousands of years, it couldn’t be he is depending on enslaved ghosts to know the answer?

Not only Lin Zihao, but the whole class thinks that Gu Ye is finished. Gu Ye has always been the bottom one in the whole grade. Even Qian Zhen, who sleeps in class, does better in the exam than him. Every time, Gu Ye caused the average score of their class to be lowered.

The two girls also came forward to persuade, “Gu Ye, why don’t you ask Xia Xiang to make up lessons for you? He is amazing and his grades have always been very good.”

“That’s right, Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen are not bad either. They both scored in the top ten in the year-end and final exams. Every single improvement of your results counts.”

Gu Ye saw that the students had good intentions, so he didn’t refute them. He just smiled and said nothing. The two girls are also helpless. Gu Ye has changed a lot since he came back. His appearance is more captivating now and he smiled more, becoming cheerful. Now, many girls are willing to talk to him, but for some reason, his person exudes a sense of alienation, so they just can’t get close.

After Lin Zihao returned to his seat, he thought of the way Gu Ye looked at him. Hesitating for a moment, he opened the drawer and guiltily hid the things he had prepared in advance at the bottom of the book. He is a little scared, afraid of Gu Ye.

Seeing that the mock exam is getting closer and closer, the senior 3rd-year students are all focused on reviewing studies, and they are too lazy to care whether Gu Ye is studying or not. Finally came the day of the exam, Teacher Yu came over during the evening self-study, and as usual, he gave everyone a pre-examination motivational talk like if they can pass the exam this time, they will be able to lay the foundation for their future life, which is very important.

Gu Ye looked at the motivated whole class with a numb face. He wished he could use his pen as a sword, and chop down this little test paper, let them kneel and sing ‘Conquer’. Gu Ye suddenly felt that it is fortunate that Mr.Yu had chosen the great profession as a teacher. If he went to engage in pyramid schemes, the world would be over.

After the motivational talk is over, the students started moving the tables according to the teacher’s request. There are 2000 students in the 3rd year grade, and students’ seating order had been disrupted. Gu Ye’s examination number is exactly No.2000, Xia Xiang’s is No.0009, and Zhao Pengyu’s is No.1338. Looking at the numbers, it’s obvious that their examination number is listed according to the results of the last exam.

Upon seeing Gu Ye’s examination number, Zhao Pengyu couldn’t help laughing, “Hahaha, you are in Class 30, you are even more behind than me! This time you are in a group of terrible students, but don’t worry. You should be the best-looking and obedient-looking person in this group of slackers!”

Gu Ye replied with a disdainful tone, “As someone who has a peach blossom calamity and dying soon, you still have the face to mock other people?”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu said, “Fck! Brother, can you not?!” His heart already feeling the chill, “Is it real? Don’t scare me! I don’t even have any peach blossom (love encounter) but getting a calamity version straight up? Won’t I be impotent in the future?”

“It’s still the same sentence from me, don’t walk across a bridge.” Gu Ye looked at Zhao Pengyu’s forehead again, and slapped him on the forehead worriedly, “This slap may save your darn life once if you are dying.”

“Then, you slap me a few more times!” Zhao Pengyu grimaced and felt afraid, “Father, please slap me again!”

Xia Xiang persuaded Zhao Pengyu to calm down, “You don’t have many love encounters at school, so what are you afraid of? Right now, you should read the key points I highlighted for you. You have an exam tomorrow.”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu is speechless. The world of top students is really scary. Life is not important, the exam is the most important!

The next day, Gu Ye came to the examination room of Class 30. The moment he stepped into the door, with a swoosh, all the candidates in the classroom are like chickens in a slaughterhouse, as quiet as chickens[2].

Gu Ye took a look and laughed, “Hey, we are all acquaintances.”

They are none other than Qian Zhen and his little brothers who got taught a lesson by him. There are also Si Hongxing and more than half of his little brothers who have been dealt with by him too. Recently, Qian Zhen got tortured too much and can’t take it anymore so he didn’t appear much. Si Hongxing on the other hand is doing well and has expanded, becoming Wu Zhong’s number one school bully gang. At this moment, the two gangs got together into two groups, discussing how to make a cheat sheet. But when they saw Gu Ye enter the door, their expression changed.

Si Hongxing quickly stood up, “Boss, I’ve wiped your seat clean, here it is!”

Not sure whose school uniform Si Hongxing grabbed, he used it to wipe the table with the number 2000 spotless, and pulled the stool away like an underling, “Boss, please sit down.”

Si Hongxing’s little brothers, after hearing their big brother’s description of Gu Ye, all looked at Gu Ye in admiration. They followed suit and called Gu Ye boss together, “Boss, I heard that you like drinking milk tea. I’ve been holding it in my arms for a long time so it is still hot.”

Holding the milk tea, Gu Ye squinted his eyes and sat in the last seat of the whole grade, surrounded by people like a star, watching Qian Zhen and his gang. But Qian Zhen and those people all turned away from Gu Ye with cold faces. After experiencing the efficiency of Gu Ye’s crow’s mouth, they are all afraid that they would become unlucky after meeting Gu Ye’s eyes.

Not long after, the bell rang, and 2 male teachers with fierce looks came to the classroom with papers and closed the door. Seeing the problematic students in this room, their faces became colder. As if as long as they dared to violate discipline, the teachers would grab their necks like picking up chickens and throwing them out, their aura has a deterrent effect.

Teacher Ma said seriously, “The first one is the math test, you are not allowed to whisper or engage in superfluous small movements. After the papers are sent out, you will bow your head and do the questions. Do the ones you know first, and cover the ones you don’t know for later. If later also don’t know how to answer, then draw a circle.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye suddenly remembered that he had seen many circles on the test paper of the original owner. So that was how it came about, this teacher is really talented!

After handing out the papers, Gu Ye started to answer the questions with his head down. The owner of this body enrolled in the same subjects as him, all science subjects. Gu Ye even answered many questions like this before his rebirth. Gu Ye didn’t raise his head and wrote half a sheet in a breath.

Teacher Ma found that Gu Ye is not in the same state as before, so he wandered to Gu Ye’s seat with his hands behind his back. When he took a closer look, he got stunned. Gu Ye got all the answers right!

Teacher Ma specially took a look at Gu Ye’s calculation paper for the multiple-choice questions. The answers turned out to be calculated step by step. The handwriting is neat and beautiful as if he has practiced calligraphy before. Recalling Gu Ye’s previous handwriting, Teacher Ma thought in shock, can a person change so much in a short period of time?

“This draft paper, can you give it to me when you are done with it?” When it is almost time to hand in the answers, Teacher Ma came to Gu Ye again and asked him in a low voice.

Gu Ye nodded, “It’s useless for me to keep it. If Teacher wants to see it, just take it.”

Teacher Ma smiled at Gu Ye and said, “Continue to work hard for the next paper!”

The draft paper is quickly delivered to Teacher Yu, Gu Ye’s homeroom teacher. The teacher said, “The Gu Ye from your class can really hide himself. Look at how well he wrote the answers. I think his set of papers may get full marks.”

“Really?” Teacher Yu excitedly put down his elderly-looking cup and put on his reading glasses. After carefully looking at Gu Ye’s draft paper, he said with relief, “This child, why didn’t he show such intelligence before? He is like a different person in this one month. He became a sensible child, and he works very hard. I hope this hard work will pay off, and he will take the college entrance examination soon, which is the first big challenge in life.”

Hearing that, the young female teacher in the same office also came over to have a look, and exclaimed, “I heard that Gu Ye is Gu Decheng’s son, is it true? He also has a stepmother, this child’s life is not easy.”

Having said that, all the teachers present ‘understood’ what it means. Children from rich families sure don’t have it easy. It is only after when the college entrance examination is coming that they are forced to show their trump card. Unknowingly, Mrs. Gu took the blame.

After the exam, there is no time for the 3rd year students to wait nervously for their results, because they still have countless sets of papers to do, and they can’t finish them at all. It wasn’t until the end of March, when the students have holidays again that the grades came out. Not only the homeroom teacher will have a copy of the report card, but the school will also display the full list of grades on the big wall of the school newspaper section. It is clear at a glance who got how many marks, it is simply a public execution.

When it was heard that the results came out, Xia Xiang couldn’t sit still. He rubbed his hands nervously, “Gu Ye, let’s go and have a look too!”

The nonchalant Gu Ye smiled, “The calculation told me that I did well in the exam.”

Xia Xiang: “…be more serious.”

“I’m very serious and you don’t have to look either. This time, you should be in the top five.”

Xia Xiang’s eyes lit up. Having said that, he wanted to confirm it even more. At this time, someone shouted from downstairs, “First in grade! It turned out to be Gu Ye! It’s Gu Ye! That idiot Gu Ye!!!”

The high school campus burst into commotion all of a sudden, and countless heads popped out of the windows like mushrooms after the rain, and they all looked down, “Really? Fcck! Impossible!”

“Impossible! If Gu Ye can pass the exam, even sows can cultivate immortality!”

“Impossible! If Gu Ye can take first place in the school, I will stream myself eating shiet!”

“I can frickin take a dump while doing a handstand (if it’s real)! For Gu Ye to get first place in the exam, the school must have made a mistake!”

No one believed that Gu Ye could be the first in the school. Even Xia Xiang stared in shock. But after a moment of stunned expression, he shouted happily, “Gu Ye! First! You are first! That’s great! You are not stupid at all, they are stupid!”

“Gu Ye got the first place in the test?” Zhao Pengyu heard this when he came back from playing ball. He ran 2 steps forward happily and plopped on Gu Ye’s table, “A treat, you must treat me when you come back from the holiday!”

Except for these 2 roommates, the other students didn’t look at Gu Ye so well, “I can accept whoever comes first in the exam, but only Gu Ye can’t.”

“Yes, Gu Ye was so stupid before, there must be something wrong with him taking the first place in the exam.”

“Why don’t we go to the teacher to ask? Strongly demanding for Gu Ye’s exam papers to be released for public view.”

Zhao Pengyu heard those ‘stupid Gu Ye’ around him and stopped smiling. He stood up furiously and scolded, “So it’s okay for Gu Ye to fail the exam, but if he passes the exam, there are definitely problems? Who sets that rule? You guys are not stupid either, so why didn’t you take the first place in the exam?”

Seeing how irritable Zhao Pengyu is, Gu Ye held him back with one hand and said flatly, “It’s okay, they will shut up soon.”

Zhao Pengyu is still annoyed, “Come, show off your arrogance from that night and fcck them!”

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched, and he said indifferently, “There are many ways to make them shut up, but there are many things in this world that cannot go as we wish. If we have to explain everything, wouldn’t it be tiring? How about putting away the time for the people we care about instead?”

“Fcck! Dude, are you a bit too Buddha-natured?” Zhao Pengyu thought of Gu Ye’s audacity in kicking ghosts and threatening the bunch of gangsters with an iron rod. No matter how one looks at Gu Ye, he doesn’t have a Buddha nature at all.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and said reverently, “Buddha is at ease in my heart.”

Zhao Pengyu’s mouth twitched, “Brother, you are a Taoist priest! Wouldn’t your sect master come into your dreams to scold you?!”

At the same time, standing in front of the results list, Lin Zihao felt uncomfortable when he saw that his ranking dropped by more than 300 places at once. Then he saw the name of Gu Ye, who is ranked first. The more he looked at it, the more it hurt his eyes. He didn’t believe that Gu Ye could score so many points on the test. If he could do well in the test, why was he always at the bottom of the list before?

Thinking of Gu Ye’s special ability, Lin Zihao is sure that Gu Ye definitely didn’t study properly. He could just get a little ghost to give him the answer, it’s just a matter of minutes. Even if Gu Ye saved him before, he has already paid the corresponding reward, 800 yuan, it was all given to Gu Ye! Lin Zihao looks down on Gu Ye from the bottom of his heart, and now even Xia Xiang is hanging out with Gu Ye so Lin Zihao looked down on Xia Xiang too. The rich second generation is such the rich second generation. If it is not because he is rich enough to hire a tutor, how can Xia Xiang study so well to get good results?

The more Lin Zihao thought about it, the angrier he gets. Clenched his fists, he left the crowd sullenly. A few minutes later, Lin Zihao went to Teacher Yu who is about to go to the classroom to announce the results, and said with a gloomy face, “Teacher Yu, I want to talk to you about Gu Ye. Gu Ye cheated, and he cheated with a special method.”

Raw word count: 3652


[1] I think y’all should have known the meaning of white-eyed wolf by now after reading so many novels XD But if you really don’t know, click here and check Item no.3 – https://www.echineselearning.com/blog/introduce-five-slang-words-related-to-animals
[2] some kind of pun, don’t mind it

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Good karma, good reincarnation, no one will be spared

“He saved a whole city before but he also ruthlessly stepped on the face of the entire metaphysic world.”

The middle-aged man’s expression looked ugly as if he just swallowed a plate of flies. One can see that the old man felt his balls hurt from just thinking of Gu Ye.

“You’re an outsider, so don’t ask further. It’s not him anyway so take your time to finding that person.”

After the middle-aged man said this, he stood up and left. In short, he didn’t want to talk more.

“Achoo!” Gu Ye sneezed loudly.

“Brother, someone must be praising your handsomeness behind your back.” Gu Yang raised his head, and gave his brother a thumbs up solemnly, without hesitation in his flattery. Currently, he is trying to finish his homework because he spent the whole holiday playing around and suddenly remembered that he didn’t write his homework at all.

Gu Ye smiled and rubbed the top of the child’s head, “Little flatterer! It’s useless to praise me, you do your homework yourself. By the way, you can help me cover mine too.”

Gu Yang: “…” Is this his real brother?!

That night, Wang Qianqian’s body is dug up overnight. There aren’t any students in the school at this time so there won’t be panic. The forensic doctor found Li Rui’s hair on the body. The child’s DNA test results also showed that Li Rui is the father of the child. When the photo of Wang Qianqian’s corpse is thrown on Li Rui’s face, Li Rui finally couldn’t take it anymore. He collapsed and pleaded guilty.

The truth soon came to light, and the reporter who paid attention to this incident wrote a post and posted it online. Then the fans suddenly realized, especially those braindead fans, who are dumbfounded, that they deeply loved a scumbag for 7 years! A murderer! And that child is already 9 months old, how can he have the heart to do it?

But there is something more exciting. During the 2 days in detention, Li Rui had dr-ug withdrawal syndromes. He took drugs! Since killing Wang Qianqian, Li Rui has had severe psychological stress. In order to relax, he touched dr-ugs.

Netizens are even less calm now, this hypocrite!

The hell is a national idol?! He killed someone! And he took dr-ug! What else is he not afraid to do?!

It is a certainty that Li Rui needs to pay for his crimes. In the face of the evidence, no one sympathized with him anymore. Regarding the part where he confessed his guilt in a trance at the concert, the netizens took it as withdrawal syndrome, making him accidentally let out the secret in his heart. Only those who have handled the case know, the reason why this case came to light so quickly is that there is another person who is secretly helping.

The night before the start of school, Gu Ye was busy packing his schoolbags when he sensed 3 ghostly auras approaching from afar. He stopped his movements, walked to the window, and looked out. Just outside the gate, 3 ghost figures are stopped by the golden light barrier. It turned out to be Wang Qianqian and her big-headed son. There is also a blurry ghost image behind them. The figure seems to be in the state of soul leaving the body. But the body should not be far from death, it is Li Rui. Seeing Gu Ye standing by the window, Wang Qianqian didn’t force her way in again. Bowing down deeply to Gu Ye, she made her son lower his head with the other hand. After kowtowing to Gu Ye, she tied Li Rui’s soul with a chain and they left. Looking at it from a distance, those who didn’t know would think that the mother and child is out for a walk with a dog.

Gu Ye looked at the backs of the family of 3 and nodded secretly: A family should be whole and together.

Early the next morning, a piece of news about Li Rui, the king of singers, once again blasted the entire Internet. In the past few days, the name Li Rui has filled the major websites like a massacre. No celebrity is as strong as him in grabbing headlines. Unfortunately, this is the last time he grabs the headlines because last night Li Rui committed suicide in fear of crime! There are also gossip reports that Li Rui’s death was extremely miserable. He bit an artery in his arm, wrote a confession letter on the wall with his blood, and then bled to death. We all know that arteries are not as shallow as veins, which can be seen with the naked eye on our skin. How much meat did he bite off to reach the arteries? This suicide technique is a bit high!

Many people took this statement as nonsense, but only Gu Ye thought it might be true. With Wang Qianqian’s 7 years of grievances, plus her big-headed son, making Li Rui crazy is not a problem. The law of Heaven and reincarnation, karma and retribution, for people like Li Rui who owed karma, the Xuanshu Association would not care if Wang Qianqian took him away.

This matter has come to an end and Master Gu is returning to school soon. Master Gu is about to take a mock exam, he has always been the bottom one in the school before. If he still gets such a small score on the test this time, Master Gu will definitely get spanked.

Gu Ye and Gu Yang’s breakfast is still the ‘100%* marks’ noodles made by the little stepmother herself. Looking at the happy little stepmother, Gu Ye raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, “Mom, are you planning to do business?”

*The noodles with 2 eggs

Mrs. Gu is surprised, “You can see it? Recently, your dad has been going against Li Shengkai and his family until they suffocate so Hu Yu wanted to sell her beauty shop. I thought if she sells it at a low price, I will buy it. That’ll piss her off. Aiya! I also don’t know why their family has been so unlucky recently, everything is not going well. Li Shengkai is still young but he is now almost bald. Have you guys seen the Mediterranean baldness before?”

Gu Ye is speechless, he is not interested in any uncle with Mediterranean baldness.

As if remembering something, Mrs. Gu’s complexion changed suddenly. She held Gu Ye’s face happily and kissed him on the forehead, “Old Third, quickly calculate for Mom. Will mom make money if I open a beauty shop?”

Gu Ye took out a tissue in embarrassment and wiped the lip marks on his forehead vigorously. Then he looked at Mrs. Gu with a slightly disgusted look.

Mrs. Gu raised her brows, and asked dissatisfiedly: “What are you wiping it for? You know, I was the one who put on the open-crotch pants for you. When you were a child, you shitted me all over…”

“Mom!” Gu Ye covered his face helplessly, “You can get rich! You can definitely get rich!”

Only then Mrs. Gu is satisfied, “That’s more like it. If I don’t make money, then you can go and draw me a money-making formation. Or give me a treasure bowl or something, so money will come tumbling in every day.”

Hearing that, Gu Ye is speechless. did he think he is the magic paintbrush? (another reference HERE)

Gu Yang looked at his brother sympathetically. It’s over, his mother is going to use 3rd brother as a cash cow.

Returning to the campus again, Gu Ye heads to the classroom first with his schoolbag on his back as usual, but unfortunately, he is stopped by someone just after entering the school gate. The students around all looked over subconsciously, sympathizing with Gu Ye. Gu Ye is too miserable. He offended Qian Zhen, the number one school bully gang before, and now he is stopped by the number two school bully gang. With his small body, standing in front of Si Hongxing of the basketball team, just like Titan King Kong and Little Barbie. He couldn’t even resist a slap from Si Hongxing.

However, the next scene surprised people. Si Hongxing bowed deeply to Gu Ye, gritted his teeth, and said forcefully, “Thank you for saving my parents’ lives! From now on, you will be my big brother. This life is yours! If Qian Zhen troubles you again, I will fight him with all I have!”

Hearing that, the students around gasped. What the hell?! Is Si Hongxing crazy, letting Gu Ye be the boss? Can Gu Ye do anything they do? Smoking, drinking, perming his hair? Or go disco, pick up girls, or participate in group fights?

Gu Ye looked at Si Hongxing for a few seconds, and said with a serious face, “I’m sorry, I don’t need a younger brother, and I don’t want to form a clique. There’s only studying in my heart.”

Si Hongxing: “…”

“Pfft!” Not sure who from the onlookers suddenly laughed out, they are amused by the words. Why does it sound so funny to hear the word ‘study’ from Gu Ye’s mouth?

At this moment, Qian Zhen brought along his bunch of little brothers who are not much left and swaggered into the school gate. The surrounding students collectively moved back a few steps, for fear that Qian Zhen would suddenly violently beat Gu Ye. Then, if Si Hongxing joins the fight, they will be accidentally injured.

To everyone’s surprise, when Qian Zhen saw Gu Ye, he just froze for a moment. Then he turned his head away, pretending not to see Gu Ye, and left. His footsteps are even a little faster than usual.

The students: ???

Not long after, the news that Gu Ye became Si Hongxing’s boss spread throughout the campus. Also, Qian Zhen also changed from his usual domineering appearance, hiding away when he saw Gu Ye. That is to say, the boss of Wu Zhong School became Gu Ye? That stupid Gu Ye?!

For a while, Gu Ye became a magical existence in the whole school. Gu Ye clearly felt that wherever he went, people would look at him twice, like he is a walking oddity.

After the self-study session in the morning, Zhao Pengyu happily asked Gu Ye and Xia Xiang to have breakfast. Since the 2 moved to Gu Ye’s dormitory, the three of them have become conjoined triplets.

“Gu Xiao Ye, I have formally introduced you to my grandfather. If he invites you during the summer vacation, you must go!”

Gu Ye casually replied, lacking interest, “Who is your grandfather?”

Zhao Pengyu whispered: “The old master of the Yu family.”

Gu Ye’s eyes widened in surprise, “Old master Yu?”

“Hush!” Zhao Pengyu threw tea eggs into Gu Ye’s mouth nervously, “Don’t say it out, I’m just an ordinary little rich second-generation!”

It’s no wonder that Zhao Pengyu is so defensive. The main reason is that the Yu family is too powerful. The Old Master Yu, not only he is a respected person from the business world, but he is also very famous in the world of calligraphy and painting. People from all walks of life and even the metaphysic circle respect him very much. Once it is known that Zhao Pengyu is the grandson of Old Master Yu, his life may not be so comfortable.

Besides, there is a saying called ‘nephew follows the uncle’s footsteps’, and his uncle Yu Ze is a legend in the business world at a young age who single-handedly built a business empire. As his nephew, Zhao Pengyu’s academic performance is like ‘a small fry with a battle power of 5 points’, it’s too embarrassing to say it.

Gu Ye thought for a while, then nodded solemnly, “Don’t worry. If the old master asks, I will definitely go.”

When Gu Ye’s master was alive, Old Master Yu did him a great favor. To the old master, it might be a trivial matter, but to Gu Ye’s master and him, it was a great favor. Old Master Yu doesn’t lack anything but his master will always remember this matter. If the old master needs it, Gu Ye is willing to lend a hand. To be a decent human being, you must know how to repay kindness and have no regrets in your heart.

Xia Xiang puffed his cheeks, “Before the summer vacation, you two have to make up lessons, and I will make a study plan for you. You should do at least 5 sets of papers every day, and I will keep an eye on you all the way.”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu is puzzled, “What’s wrong with you? What agitated you?”

Xia Xiang pursed his lips without explaining, and said sullenly, “Otherwise, everyone who sees you when you go out during the summer vacation will ask how you did in the exam. What will you say? Also, there will be a mock exam soon. According to the results this time, we also have to consider which university to go to, and the teacher will give corresponding recommendations at that time.”

Xia Xiang looked at Gu Ye and Zhao Pengyu seriously, and said earnestly like an old mother, “Do you two want Teacher Yu to recommend you to a technical school and make you learn how to drive an excavator?”

Gu Ye leaned back in his chair and said lazily, “I don’t care. I can drive that excavator to dig graves then.”

Xia Xiang puffed up his cheeks angrily, “You… you… you!”

Xia Xiang repeated the word ‘You’ angrily but didn’t do anything in the end. Like a little rabbit, he bared his teeth, took a big bite of a pastry, and chewed angrily.

Actually, when he returned home during the holiday, he told his parents that he had a very good classmate who gave him a spell, which is more effective than those given by those masters. However, when his parents knew that the classmate was Gu Ye, they strictly stopped him from mingling with Gu Ye. Their words were: “You must have been cheated. The Gu family’s Old Third is a joke in the circle of the wealthy. Getting together with him will definitely make your studies worse. He will definitely not be admitted to a good university, so he can only go home and live off his old man. Do you want to become a waste like him?”

Xia Xiang was so angry at the comment and got into a cold war with his parents for a long time. He felt that Gu Ye is not stupid, and he must have deliberately not studied hard in the past.

Gu Ye held his chin, looking at Xia Xiang. When he saw that the pastry in his hand was stuffed with red bean paste, he leaned over and asked with a concerned tone, “Is it delicious?”

Xia Xiang paused, “…not bad.”

Gu Ye stood up happily, “I’m going to buy one too.”

Xia Xiang: “…” He should just break off with this kind of friend!

Even though Xia Xiang is angry at Gu Ye’s unmotivated attitude, he still gave him the study materials after class, “Read it first. If there’s anything you don’t know, I will explain it to you.”

That got the whole class curious. Xia Xiang’s grades had never been out of the top 10 ranking of the whole grade. And now, he actually gave Gu Ye extra lessons? But with Gu Ye’s IQ, can he make up for it?

At this moment, Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen* also came over. They said, “If you want to make up lessons, we can also help.”

*In case you guys forgot who, they are the dudes who summoned Wang Qianqian.

Picking up the notes Xia Xiang gave him, Gu Ye tilted his head and looked at the two people who had just approached. Suddenly he smiled and asked, “Are you afraid of me?”

The two quickly shook their heads, “No.”

Gu Ye smiled. Li Rui died and they all knew that it was related to Wang Qianqian. As those who knew about the entire story, what are they thinking at this moment? Gu Ye’s gaze skipped over Liu Yiwen who didn’t dare to look at him, and landed on Lin Zihao, and asked meaningfully, “You, you didn’t do anything to be sorry for me, did you?”

Lin Zihao’s expression changed instantly, “No, no.”

Raw word count: 3674


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Justice Never Absent

After ‘God’s dear son’ left, Gu Ye took out his small bottle and released the ghostly soul of the young lady and her ferocious big-headed son.

“Tsk, it’s so cute.” Gu Ye couldn’t help but rub the kid’s head.

After staying by Gu Ye’s side for nearly a month, Wang Qianqian and her ghost son have lesser evil aura. They can stay sane now, especially the little one. He seemed to have gained a bit of human consciousness, and won’t bite anyone he sees. Being led by his mother, he seems to be quite obedient. Gu Ye put Wang Qianqian’s ghost in through the window and the kid grinned happily, revealing a row of small fangs. Gu Ye rubbed him on the head again, so cute! If you don’t eat people, you are a good boy!

In order to protect the mother and son from being harmed by living people’s yang energy, Gu Ye wanted to give both ghosts a talisman for free, but the young lady rejected Gu Ye’s kindness. Leading her big-headed son, they bowed deeply to Gu Ye and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Gu Ye sighed, “This sister is a ruthless person.”

Hearing that, Gu Yang became curious. After hearing about the tragedies that happened to the female ghost, he doesn’t dare to look at the female ghost again. So he is covering his eyes and squinting through the gaps. Gu Ye’s words caused him to curiously asked, “What do you mean?”

“It means that she wants to reunite with Li Rui as a family of 3, and she doesn’t want to be reincarnated.” Gu Ye smiled lightly and pulled Gu Yang up, “Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. You have to remember, ‘no zuo no die’. The heavens have never closed its eyes.”

Gu Yang listened obediently, at this moment he suddenly felt that his brother is exuding some aura of an immortal! Especially when his brother said something he didn’t understand, so awesome!

The concert has been going on for an hour now, Li Rui went to the bathroom during the time to change clothes. When he came out to wash his hands, he looked at his glamorous self in the mirror with heavy makeup. However, upon closer examination, the makeup still can’t cover the thick dark circles in his eyes. He couldn’t help pinching his forehead to let himself relax as soon as possible, adjusting his condition.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed past behind Li Rui. He frowned and looked back. In his heart, he thought to himself which paparazzi or obsessive fan is so unethical to take pictures even when he is in the toilet? Seeing no one, Li Rui cursed in his heart and turned his head with a sullen face. Seeing the scene in the mirror, his pupils shrank in fright, and he took two steps back in horror. On his own shoulder, there is a small black figure. It looked like a little person, and the figure is grinning at him. Li Rui looked at his shoulder in horror, but there is nothing there. However, when he looked in the mirror again, the little person is still there. Li Rui gasped and ran to the door in fright. There is a ghost!

It’s a pity that before he ran out, he tripped under his feet and fell to the ground so hard that Li Rui’s painful facial features are almost deformed. Man, that hurts! At this moment, Li Rui suddenly felt his ear bitten by something. He touched his ear, but there is nothing there. However, the pain became more and more painful, as if his ear is going to be ripped off. Li Rui is so in pain that his face turned pale. Thinking of that black ghostly figure sitting on his shoulder, he got so frightened that his body turned cold. Covering his ears in horror, Li Rui looked into the mirror again. Sure enough, the black shadow is gnawing at his ears.

Li Rui’s voice trembled, and his voice changed due to fright, “Little ancestor, we have no grievances in the past and no hatred in the present, why are you pestering me? Tell me whatever things that you want, and I’ll burn it to you!”

“No grievances in the past and no hatred in the present?” A long-haired ghost quietly appeared in the mirror, with a strong irony in the cold voice, “Li Rui, don’t you recognize us mother and child?”

Hearing the familiar voice, Li Rui stared stiffly at this corroded face whose facial features could not be distinguished. This face appeared in his dreams countless times and woke him up in the middle of the night.

“Qianqian, are you…Qianqian?” Li Rui came to his senses and rushed to the door screaming in fright, “There is a ghost! There is a ghost!!!”

A gust of sinister wind blows over and the toilet door slams shut. The agent and assistant who followed over worriedly are almost slapped on the face by the closed door.

“Brother Rui, does he have diarrhea? Why does he take so long to go to the toilet? The guest singer has finished singing a song.”

“Li Rui, open the door, why did you lock the door when you went to the bathroom?”

Li Rui heard voices outside and desperately banging on the door. However, the people outside seemed not to hear his cry at all. The more he slapped at the door, the colder his heart felt. When he turned around, he saw that the black figure has revealed himself. Baring his teeth at him, the little ghost giggled and leaned over to hug him, “Daddy, give me a hug.”

Li Rui looked at his big mouth and held his head in fright, “Don’t come here! Don’t come here! Qianqian! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to kill you! Forgive me!” Li Rui is so frightened that his mental state almost collapsed. He blabbered incoherently, “I also felt regret these years, please forgive me! It’s not easy for me to get to where I am today, it’s really not easy! I did burn paper offerings and a lot of things for you every year, you should have received it. You know that I love you, right? I love you! Since you love me so much, you will definitely let me go, right?”

Wang Qianqian looked at the man she loved so much when she was alive with disgust. The fact that he kept saying the word ‘love’ at this point, she couldn’t help but sneered, “What you love is just your fame. Don’t worry, us mother and child will always be with you, even after you lose your reputation and fall into the abyss of despair.”

Li Rui’s manager realized that it had been 10 minutes, but Li Rui still hadn’t come out of the toilet and didn’t respond to his calls either. Fearing that something might happen to him, the manager had no choice but to get the security to break open the door. At this moment, Li Rui is lying on the floor, motionless. The manager hurried over and checked for Li Rui’s breath. After that, he breathed a sigh of relief, “He only fainted.”

The assistant hurriedly carried Li Rui out and let the doctor treat him. The concert is barely halfway through and something like this happened. The manager is feeling a headache coming. Looking at the unconscious Li Rui, he is thinking about what to do next. At this moment, Li Rui suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight, startling everyone around him.

“Are you all right, are you too tired?” The agent asked in concern, “Can you still hold on? You just hold on for another 2 hours, and I will give you a day off tomorrow so you can rest well.”

Li Rui stared blankly at the manager, then nodded mechanically.

The manager frowned. Although he is still worried, there are too many fans outside and they couldn’t all hang out here. He patted Li Rui on the shoulder encouragingly and asked him to change his clothes and go on stage. “If you can’t bear it, just tell me. I’ll find a way.”

After Li Rui returned to the stage, everything seemed to return to normal. Li Rui sang another song, rousing the enthusiasm of the fans and the screams could blow off the roof of the stadium. The manager quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he sat down to take a breath, Li Rui suddenly knelt on the stage. The manager’s heart skipped a beat, and he stood up nervously. The audience fell silent, not understanding why Li Rui suddenly knelt down. Even if to thank the fans, he shouldn’t kneel like this.

“I’m guilty,” Li Rui said firmly in his magnetic voice, “I killed my fiancée and my son. I surrender myself.”

All the fans: “…”

The manager cursed sharply and directed the dumbfounded assistant to rush forward, “Drag him down! Has he gone crazy?!!”

The whole audience stayed silent. After the fans recovered from the shock, they cried and scream like crazy, “Impossible!” They wanted to rush to the stage, wishing they could hold Li Rui by the neck and make him stand up. Don’t make such jokes.

The situation was chaotic for a while, and the security guards couldn’t stop it. The reporter hiding among the fans also reacted and swiftly cut the video clip from just now, excitedly posting on the Internet: Big news! King of Songs Li Rui admitted that he is a murderer at the concert!!

All of a sudden, similar news spread all on the headlines online. Within a few minutes, the entire network burst into commotion, and the Weibo server crashed. One must know that Li Rui has done a lot of good things in the past few years. Every year, he will donate to welfare institutions, and he is kind and nice to his fans. He is an absolute gentleman and a warm-hearted man. How can such a person kill someone?

Many fans on the Internet don’t believe it. Even after seeing the video, they still don’t believe it’s true. Brainless fans even think that this is photoshopped by someone, or that it’s some kind of game. Even if Li Rui really killed someone, that person must have deserved to die. Brother Rui is such a good person, he absolutely did nothing wrong!

After Gu Ye and Gu Yang returned home, Mrs. Gu twisted their ears and scolded them. Then, the two brothers got ordered to sit at the small dining table, and to reflect on their mistakes while eating! The two brothers proceed to eat the 4 dishes and 1 soup left by their mother. After closing the door, they started browsing Weibo happily.

Gu Yang couldn’t understand the behavior of some fans, “Are these fans crazy? Saying that those who were killed deserved it and Li Rui is not at fault at all.”

Gu Ye sneered, “The more this happens, the angrier Wang Qianqian will be, and Li Rui will be the one who suffers. Moreover, he even admitted that he killed someone so the police will not ignore this.”

Sure enough, early the next morning, it was reported on Weibo that Li Rui had been arrested. Since he confessed to a murder in front of so many people, he had to be interrogated according to the law. However, things didn’t go as smoothly as expected.

Li Rui suddenly acted uncharacteristically and said that he was talking nonsense (during the concert), and he didn’t kill anyone at all. His manager is also helping him clean up, saying that Li Rui has been too tired recently, and he still suffers from severe depression. Other than that, Li Rui would often have delusions when under great pressure. He would be so in a trance that he doesn’t know what he has done. They even have certification of his depression. Coupled with his entertainment company manipulating speech online, the police who arrested Li Rui per the law became the target of attack and netizens are shouting for him to be released.

Gu Ye looked at these comments on the Internet and became angry. He took out the scissors from the drawer and a piece of talisman paper. Next, he cut out the shape of a small person with a few strokes.

That night, the police received an unusual call. Someone reported that there is a dead woman in Wu Zhong School. It was the wife and child that Li Rui killed 7 years ago. Even the process of the incident can be explained in detail. How could a stranger know so clearly? The police immediately found the phone booth where the report was made, but unfortunately only found a small paper man with a red dot on its forehead on the ground.

“Let me show you something.” Captain Li showed the little paper man to a friend who studies metaphysics, “Why do I feel like someone from your industry did it? Can you find out who this person is? He is crucial to this case.”

There are always some things that cannot be investigated by their manpower, so there is an underground department that the country does not recognize publicly——Xuanshu Association. There are strict regulations in this association, which they will help people to solve some supernatural events. Sometimes they will help to investigate cases and provide some evidence that cannot be found with high-tech means. Because they don’t do bad things, relevant departments also acquiesce in their existence. Captain Li’s friend is from the Xuanshu Association.

The friend took the paper man and studied it carefully, “This technique is very similar to a person’s style, and he is the only one who can manipulate the talisman paper to such an extent.”

“Who is it?”

The middle-aged man said regretfully, “A genius spell master. He became famous at a young age, but unfortunately, he was too capricious. As long as he thinks it is right, he dares to do anything, even using forbidden spells. He has become a taboo in the circle at a young age.”

Captain Li pointed to the little paper man, “So he did this?”

The middle-aged man shook his head, “It’s impossible. That man is already dead, and he died young[1].”

Hearing that, Captain Li is puzzled. “A taboo but died young? Is this praise or criticism? What did he do?”

Raw word count: 3408


[1] The raw is 英年早逝 which means ‘to be cut off in one’s prime’

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Meeting him for the first time

Gu Ye took Gu Yang to a pedestrian street that is not very busy. There is a shop selling wreaths and shrouds at the far end. The back door of this shop is obliquely facing the back door of the hospital but business is pretty good. When Gu Ye came to the door and saw that familiar shop, there is a somewhat complicated expression in his eyes.

“Brother, this kind of shop is unlucky. What do you want to buy that you have to come here?” Gu Yang hugged the taxi seat and didn’t want to get out.

Gu Ye pulled him down, “You wait for me for a while, and I will take you to eat delicious food later.”

“Oh.” Gu Yang obediently waited at the door.

Gu Ye entered the door and shouted, “Shopkeeper, can I have a box of cinnabar priced at 1,008 yuan per box?”

The shopkeeper is an old man. When he heard Gu Ye asking for the best products in his shop right away, he lazily raised his thick eyelids and took a look at Gu Ye. Then, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes. Standing up slowly, the shopkeeper slowly walked to the innermost counter. His old voice hoarsely said, “There used to be a young man who like to buy this type of cinnabar, but it’s pity……”

Gu Ye smiled, “You will still meet if there’s destiny.”

The old man shook his head and did not continue this topic. He handed Gu Ye the cinnabar and said, “Young man, you have clear eyes and know the goods, which school/sect are you from?”

“I don’t know. My master didn’t say anything.” Gu Ye pointed at a few things with a smile, “Have to bother you to pack it up, I’ll have one of these things each.”

“You have a good eye, and all the things you take are good quality stuff.” The old man couldn’t help laughing and wrapped up the things. Then he said, “It’s exactly 3,000 yuan.”

Gu Ye paid the money and put the things in his school bag. When he went out, he placed the bag on Gu Yang’s back. This kid eats a lot recently, and he’s growing really fast.

“Brother, what did you buy?” Gu Yang always felt that the things bought from this kind of store are scary.

Gu Ye said solemnly: “Things that ghosts like.”

Gu Yang immediately felt chills down his spine. Running around with that kind of thing on his back, won’t it summon ghosts to him?!

“I’m just kidding, it’s used to restrain ghosts.” Gu Ye took Gu Yang to get a tandem bicycle, and said with a smile, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to eat delicious food. Have to make sure you’re full so that you can help to do things in the afternoon.”

Gu Ye took Gu Yang to the other side of the hospital, where there are several small restaurants, and said, “The beef noodles here are very delicious.”

Gu Yang looked up and saw the 4 big characters ‘Beef King’ (牛肉大王) on the big sign. On top of the character Cow(牛), there’s a pair of horns and a big bowl is drawn on the far right of the sign, which made the shop look quite affordable and had a friendly atmosphere. Gu Yang wondered when did his 3rd brother, who usually doesn’t leave the house, knows to eat here?

It is time for lunch so there are quite a lot of people inside. The two brothers managed to find a seat in the innermost place. Gu Ye smiled and called out, “Boss! Two large bowls of beef noodles, plus an extra beef and an egg!”

“Okay!” The boss is chubby and has a joyful aura, and there’s always a hint of smile when he speaks.

Soon, 2 bowls of beef noodles, as big as a small pot, are served on the table. Gu Yang picked up his chopsticks and looked at the bowl in surprise, “So much meat! How much is such a big bowl?”

“A bowl only cost 25 yuan,” Gu Ye handed a pair of chopsticks to Gu Yang, “Eat it quickly.”

While marveling at how affordable it is, Gu Yang started eating the noodles. After taking a bite, he puffed up his cheeks and gave the boss and his wife a thumbs up, “It’s delicious!”

The lady boss saw that the two brothers are good-looking and polite, so she smiled and gave them a small plate of cold dish[1].

Gu Ye lowered his head with a smile and ate the noodles silently. The familiar taste stimulated his taste buds, and Gu Ye couldn’t help but felt his nose souring/tingling. He was an orphan, and he was in an orphanage for as long as he could remember. When he was 6 years old, his master came to adopt him. From then on, he got up early and went to bed late as his master every day. By the time he started going to school, he has to learn things in school, and still need to learn Taoist skills at home. When he got so tired that he really doesn’t want to learn anymore, Gu Ye will be scolded by his master.

There’s one time that he couldn’t take it anymore, he gets angry and run away from home. However, he didn’t expect to get lost the moment he left. Just as he is wandering around hungrily, his master came and kicked his butt hard. That was the only time his master ever beat him so Gu Ye has a strong impression on that. Then after his master passed away, Gu Ye will come here and eat a bowl of noodles whenever he thought of him.

Just as Gu Ye is feeling uncomfortable inside, there was a loud thump at the door. Followed by a sound of exclamation and a woman’s scream.

Gu Ye looked up and saw a flash of evil spirits outside the window, his eyes darkened. Something bad happened!

An old lady at the door shouted angrily, “Boss! Your signboard hit someone again!”

The boss and his wife ran out in a panic, and the entrance suddenly became lively.

“What’s going on with your store? There have been several accidents! Did you get tangled with something evil?”

“Stop talking, go to the hospital quickly! This big sister is bleeding from the head!”

“Everyone please help and gives a hand, take this big sister to the hospital first!”

The store owner’s face is pale. He ran back to the store and took some money, then ran out in a panic (to follow the group to the hospital). The lady boss looked dejectedly at the big sign that fell and quietly wiped away her tears. Their hard work to earn money past 2 months have been in vain.

Gu Ye shook his head. Behind this store is the hospital. Generally, shops facing hospitals, slaughterhouses, funeral parlors, prisons, garbage dumps, and ‘adult service’ establishments will make the owner lose money. Moreover, the shape of the canopy outside the window is wrong. In Feng Shui teaching, it is often said that ‘evil can exist in any form’. The shape of these two sides is pointed, and they are facing the shop. If it weren’t for the fact that the boss is usually kind and generous, they would be the ones to get hurt (instead of the passerby). It wasn’t like this before, and Gu Ye doesn’t know when it was changed.

Gu Ye ate until he is full and wiped his mouth. Then he took out 50 yuan from his wallet to pay the bill.

The lady boss forced a smile that is uglier than crying, “Young man, have you eaten your fill? Do come here often if it tastes good.”

Nodding, Gu Ye took out the last gourd bottle on his body and handed it to the lady boss, “The shape of your canopy should be changed to a flat one, pointed ones cannot be used. And this gourd, hang it on the window in your kitchen that is facing the hospital. Don’t cover the mouth and nothing bad will happen in the future again.”

The lady boss asked in doubt, “How do you know that there is a window facing the hospital?” The window was only for ventilation and they opened the hole themselves. The window is so small that it cannot be seen from the outside.

Gu Ye didn’t want to explain so he put the gourd on the lady boss’s table and pulled Gu Yang away. He has to buy a few gourds in the afternoon, otherwise, he has nothing to keep ghosts in the future.

In the afternoon, the two brothers bought all the things. When it is evening, they took a taxi to a stadium. As soon as they got out of the car, they can feel a human-shaped heat wave. There are crowds of people on both sides of the door and a group of young girls holding signs, howling like crazy. Even the cold weather can’t dampen their enthusiasm. Gu Ye and Gu Yang are instantly buried in the sea of people.

“Little brother, you are also fans of Brother Rui! It’s just the right time!” A very beautifully dressed girl enthusiastically handed the two brothers a big sign, “This one is a bit heavy, and it fits just right for you two to hold. Come on, shout with us! Brother Li Rui is the best in the world! Fighting, fighting, fighting! Brother Rui, take care of yourself!”

Gu Ye looked indifferent, wondering what Li Rui’s fans would think after learning what he had done before.

Gu Yang felt embarrassed from being squeezed, “Brother, did you find the wrong person?”

Gu Ye’s eyebrows turned cold, “Don’t believe your brother?”

“No, no, I believe it!” Gu Yang quickly closed his mouth.

At this moment, a commercial vehicle stopped slowly under the leadership of security guards, and Gu Ye felt that the screams around him are going to deafen his ears.

A young man wearing a low-key gray down jacket got out of the car and waved gently to the fans, “It’s so cold, my dearies. Be careful of catching a cold. If you don’t have a ticket, don’t wait anymore and go home quickly.”

Gu Ye saw that the girl who was talking to them just now immediately covered her mouth and cried, “Brother Rui is so warm, I am so touched!”

Gu Yang is a straightforward person, so he asked the girl directly, “Your mother reminds you to wear long johns every day, are you moved?”

The girl immediately rolled her eyes at Gu Yang, and asked angrily, “Are you really a fan of Brother Rui? You can’t be a fake fan, are you? You’re here to make trouble?”

As soon as the words fell, everyone around stared at the two brothers with an unfriendly expression, as if the moment Gu Yang said yes, they would jump up and bite him to death like zombies besieging a city.

Gu Ye held the sign in one hand, and pulled Gu Yang out of the crowd by his ear with the other hand, “My brother is not sensible, please don’t be angry. I’ll take care of him!”

After Gu Yang is pulled out, he suddenly had the illusion that he just survive a catastrophe, “People’s hearts are terrible, so many people have been deceived by Li Rui.”

Gu Ye sneered sarcastically, his black eyes seemed to see through the coldness of the world, “You need to know this. Knowing someone on the outside doesn’t mean the same inside. Ghosts and gods are unpredictable but people’s hearts are even more unpredictable. Ghosts are humans after they died, and death is caused by humans.”

Gu Yang squatted on the ground, looking up at Gu Ye’s side profile. He has a feeling that the familiar brother is far away from him at this moment.

At the same time, the fans who got the tickets had already entered the venue one after another. Gu Ye looked over and said, “I don’t want to wait until his concert is over before going in.”

“Then, how about you let that young lady go in by herself?”

“There are too many people here, and the yang energy is too strong. She can’t bear it.”

Gu Yang doesn’t have any more ideas and asked, “What should we do then?”

Gu Ye pointed to the fence with a serious face, “You squat down. I will step on you, and send her in through this window. After this, brother will buy you candied haws.”

Gu Yang: “…” He has a feeling that his brother called him out today just to carry bags and serve as a leverage brick.

Gu Yang resigned to his fate and squatted against the wall, “Then hurry up, it’s getting dark. Our mother already called multiple times like a soul-chasing call.”


Gu Ye stepped on Gu Yang’s back just about to climb up and suddenly sensed a powerful ghostly aura flying towards him not far away. It was overwhelmingly gloomy, and the cold chill caused Gu Ye to take a deep breath. Turning sharply, he looked over vigilantly and saw a luxury commercial vehicle driving over from far away on the road. The car is surrounded by a purple aura, with auspicious clouds covering the top. This is an extremely rare aura that can only be possessed by emperors. Even more shocking, however, is the Ghost General in armor sitting on the roof of the car. The Ghost General is tall and burly with a ghost mask on his face. He is holding a big knife taller than a man in his hand, his body shrouded with a killing spirit. Seeing how the dense ghost aura and the car owner’s purplish dragon aura perfectly blended together, Gu Ye’s eyes widened in shock. This kind of strange fate is something he has never seen before!

Gu Yang followed Gu Ye’s gaze, and said in shock, “Fck! An out-of-production Maybach! It cost more than 10 million yuan and our dad took a fancy to this car previously. It is said that its black body has smooth lines; luxurious and steady. Not only does it show the owner’s wealth, but it is also very tasteful. Unfortunately, it got discontinued! Our dad went and bought a Rolls Royce instead, but the regret caused him to eat poorly for several days.

Gu Ye is not in the mood to listen to Gu Yang talking about this. On his face is a rare serious expression as he said, “Old Fourth, this kind of person is the real son of God, the son of destiny, and ghosts and gods dare not provoke them. If you encounter them in the future, don’t offend them.”

Gu Yang smiled wryly, “Brother, can you get off my back before teaching me a lesson?”

Gu Ye smiled and apologized, “I’m sorry!”

Gu Yang is helpless. He just wanted to say, ‘Brother, your apology has no sincerity at all’.

If anyone from the business world passes by, they will definitely recognize the owner of this car. A well-known financial genius throughout China, the youngest rich businessman to make it to Forbes’s list of Billionaires, and also the leading business master in the country, it is Yu Ze, the heir of the Yu family. This young man is only 26 years old. When he returned to China 3 years ago, he created a miracle. In only half a year, he managed to push a crumbling Yehong Technology Group to its peak again. Now it has become the leader in the domestic electronics industry, entering the world market.

Yu Ze is wearing a snow-white shirt, and his hair is combed meticulously. From cuff buttons to collar pins, every detail showed that he is a perfectionist, exuding a sense of abstinence and indifference all over. Even the tear mole at the corner of his eye can’t make him more human. Anyway, everything about him screams ‘Strangers go away’.

When Gu Ye is calculating Yu Ze’s fate, Yu Ze felt something and looked outside, and saw Gu Ye climbing the wall and stepping on Gu Yang. The secretary sitting next to him followed his gaze and said regretfully, “Another high school student who doesn’t study well. A good-looking child but now chasing stars and climbing walls. Their parents just don’t care.”

Yu Ze turned his face back, and said indifferently in a tone that says it has nothing to do with him, “Idlers.”

The secretary smiled, “Mr. Yu’s words are incisive, but Mr. Yu, are we really going to take that road? I heard that there are many accidents on that road recently, and some people say that the road is haunted.”

Yu Ze scoffed at this statement, “How can there be ghosts in this world? Why haven’t I seen them?”

The author has something to say: The Gong you guys want is coming.

Yu Ze: “There are no ghosts in this world.”
Gu Ye looked at the roof of his car: “Yeah~”
Ghost General: “…”

Raw word count: 3725


[1] some kind of side dish that is eaten cold like Korean banchan, google it~

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Kneel down and sing ‘Conquer’[1]

Zhao Pengyu left the school gate with his schoolbag on his back. At a glance, he saw Gu Ye being taken away by a bunch of gangsters. He hesitated a bit but finally decided to follow them because he is worried.

Gu Ye is taken to a road construction site with a sign saying ‘Construction ahead. No entry for idlers’. It is said that because of the rain, there is a lot of water on the road and is affecting the traffic. Hence, taking advantage of the rainy season, they decided to bury some pipes underground. Due to the site being close to the school’s teaching building, the person in charge is afraid of affecting students’ study during the day, so the construction is done at night after the students go back to their dormitory farther away. It means during the daytime, no one would be there at the site. It happened to be convenient for these little rascals.

As soon as Gu Ye arrived, Qian Zhen sneered viciously, his gaze is terrifying. The moment he saw Gu Ye, he wished he could immediately peel off Gu Ye’s skin; he really hates Gu Ye very much. Some people are like this, they are used to bullying others, so the moment they got bullied, they will feel ashamed and humiliated, and they will not be able to live without getting back to that person. Qian Zhen has bullied Gu Ye for 2 1/2 years. After being punished by Gu Ye, he felt that everyone looked at him with ‘tinted glasses’ and that everyone is laughing at him. As a young man, Qian Zhen is hot-blooded. He didn’t care about the consequence and just wanted revenge.

Gu Ye glanced at Qian Zhen lightly before turning to look at the young gangsters with their hair dyed red and yellow. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he said with a smile, “Yo, this is a meeting of feather dusters.”

“Pfft!” Gu Yang couldn’t hold back his laughter. Immediately, Qian Zhen kicked Gu Yang and scolded, “The F you are laughing at?!”

Gu Ye’s expression turned cold.

Yang Jin, the boss of this group of hooligans, saw that Gu Ye is just a pale and clean-looking young man. He curled his lips in contempt, and spat at Si Hongxing, “You can’t even beat this kind of ‘bamboo pole’? Don’t fkin tell anyone that you are my cousin when you go out on the streets!”

Yang Jin is a tall and big person. He has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a fierce-looking face. His voice is relatively thick when he speaks, adding a local accent, he is quite scary when he glares and curses at someone.

Si Hongxing smiled flatteringly, “Cousin, he is really strong.”

Qian Zhen has already picked up the rope that Yang Jin and the others brought, “Don’t waste time. Strip him nekid and tie him up. Today I’m going to march him through the streets!”

“Okay, Young Master Qian. As long as you can give us the money, you can do whatever you want.” A dozen gangsters looked at Gu Ye like he is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. They never thought that Gu Ye had the ability to resist.

Gu Ye put his schoolbag on the ground. Next, he kicked out with the tip of his toe, and a 2-meter-long crowbar as thick as a fist flew up. Gu Ye grabbed it and smashed it on the ground without saying a word. With a BANG, a crack is split by Gu Ye on the road that hadn’t been dug.

The punks present are all dumbfounded, the hell?! If this hit someone, their bones would be broken to pieces! And that stick looked heavy, but this student is able to swing it up. Was he possessed by Li Yuanba?!

Gu Ye stabbed the iron rod on the ground in front of him, and said with a cold face, “Si Hongxing, if I were you, I would call your parents and ask them to come back a few days later. Otherwise, you will become an orphan tomorrow.”

Si Hongxing really wanted to scold out loud. That bastard Gu Ye cursed his parents to die early again!

Qian Zhen couldn’t stand it anymore, and reminded everyone, “I’ll add another 20,000 RMB. Catch him for me!”

Taking advantage of this moment, Gu Yang jumped up and kicked Qian Zhen hard. Gu Yang has heard the news that Qian Zhen molested/harassed another male. His 3rd brother’s appearance gets better the older he grows, so no matter how Gu Yang looked at it, he felt that Qian Zhen is planning to molest his 3rd brother. Otherwise, why would he insist to strip off his brother’s clothes? Fourth Young master is furious. Grabbing a stone on the ground, Gu Yang is prepared to fight to the death with Qian Zhen. Let him kill this bastard and old pervert.

Gu Ye angrily kicked at Gu Yang’s butt, “Stay aside!”

Gu Yang got kicked and immediately became timid the next second. He obediently stood aside holding his brother’s schoolbag, not daring to go forward.

Yang Jin smiled, “He’s a little thing, but quite protective.”

The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth curved and he asked, “If you can have a family, wouldn’t you cherish it too?”

Yang Jin’s expression turned cold, “What do you mean?”

Gu Ye held up that scary iron rod and pointed at Yang Jin. Then he said calmly, “You are the second child in the family. In the early years, your family can be considered a family with a small fortune. It’s a pity that your father lost money in the stock market. Because of that, your mother ran away with other people. She also took away your excellent elder sister and left you with your alcoholic father. When you were 16 years old, your drunkard father got hit by a car and died. You dropped out of school and started mixing with a gang of hooligans. Unfortunately, within a few days, your boss got arrested due to dr.u.g possession. You lead a group of younger brothers by yourselves but you don’t dare to do big things and just do petty kinds of stuff like sneaking around and fighting.”

After every word Gu Ye said, Yang Jin’s expression turned uglier because Gu Ye is right!

“You know fortune-telling?” Yang Jin’s face became paler and paler from hearing Gu Ye revealed one thing after another. He has been in society for 5 or 6 years and has heard rumors about many masters. It is said that one can offend anyone but not this kind of fortune-teller. Or they’ll put a curse on you and you won’t even know how you died. The narrow-minded kind will even harm your descendants.

Gu Ye said with disdain, “You have already figured it out in your heart whether I know or not. Now, I will give you 2 options. Either you turn over a new leaf and become a good person in 5 years, or you continue to seek death like this, and get stabbed to death in 5 years.”

Yang Jin took a deep breath. In this cold weather, his head is wet with cold sweat.

“And you,” Gu Ye pointed to a young man with hair dyed in yellow, “Your elder sister is having a premature delivery and is at death’s door. An elder sister is like a mother, so what are you doing wasting time here? Why don’t you hurry to the hospital?”

When the yellow-haired gangster heard this, his pupils shrank in fright, “What happened to my sister?”

Gu Ye is too lazy to look at him, and pointed at the other gangster, “There’s nothing shameful about raising geese with your father in the countryside. Is being a gangster the way you want to honor your ancestors?”

Hearing that, the other young man’s expression also changed. This young student actually knew what his family’s business is.

At this moment, the yellow-haired man hung up the phone with a pale face, “Boss, I, I, I’m asking for leave now. My sister fell down the stairs and is in the hospital.”

Everyone present knew that this person is raised by his elder sister. An elder sister is like a mother, so there is really nothing wrong with him being so anxious. Everyone looked at Gu Ye in shock, and their eyes became even more fearful. Could it be he is an immortal?!

Si Hongxing’s complexion is also ugly. If Gu Ye could really tell fortune, then his parents… Thinking of this, Si Hongxing picked up his schoolbag and ran to a public telephone booth like he has gone crazy. He can’t be bothered with these fighting and stuff anymore.

Qian Zhen saw that from just a few words from Gu Ye, the atmosphere suddenly changed. He became anxious, “He lied to you! He is a liar! So are you guys doing this or not? I will pay 50,000 RMB!”

“Shut up!” Yang Jin is not stupid, he also knows who can’t be offended. He raised his eyebrows and glared, frightening Qian Zhen, who is just a high school student.

Qian Zhen couldn’t understand. It was a situation where he is sure to win, how did it become like this?

At this moment, Gu Ye picked up the big iron rod and slammed it on the ground again, this time stronger than last time. With a BANG, the asphalt ground that had been dug up cracked into large pieces by Gu Ye.

“Are we still fighting or not? Wheel/Continuous fight or battle royal?” Gu Ye leaned on the iron rod and asked with a cold expression.

“No more fights, no more!” All the hooligans are frightened by Gu Ye’s ability to tell fortunes. Moreover, after seeing Gu Ye’s strength, they all backed away in fright. How the hell can they fight him? If Gu Ye touched them, then getting a comminuted fracture can be considered a mild injury. They will really die if he’s serious! Worst of all, after they died, Gu Ye might summon them and put them into an object. They must be crazy to try to beat him.

Yang Jin also became timid. He rubbed his hands flatteringly as he said, “Not fighting, no fight. Mr. Xiao, you have misunderstood. Right from the beginning, we only invited you over to play. We are a group of peace-loving people, how can we fight? Fighting is illegal!”

After Zhao Pengyu witnessed the whole process, he laughed dryly to himself. He really thought too much. How could someone who can kick an evil spirit away barefoot be bullied by a bunch of gangsters? Zhao Pengyu felt that he had nothing to do here, so he rode away on his bicycle with the corners of his mouth twitching.

Seemed to notice something, Gu Ye glanced at Zhao Pengyu’s direction, and raised the corner of his mouth, “If you don’t want to fight, then it’s fine. Since we have nothing to do here, I will take my brother away. Goodbye.”

A group of hooligans flatteringly said, “This Brother, walk slowly (a kind of greeting)!”

“Goodbye, that little brother!”

“If Mr. Xiao wants to join the society someday, come to us… aiyo!”

Yang Jin angrily punched his underling on the back, “TF you mean by joining the society? Starting from tomorrow, go to the construction site to move bricks with me, and make honest money!”

Gu Ye pinched Gu Yang’s ear, and only asked, “Are you stupid?”

Gu Yang bared his teeth in pain, covered his ears, and shouted flatteringly, “Bro, bro, brother I was wrong. I won’t listen to people fooling me in the future, please let go! My ears are falling off! My ears are really going to fall off!”

Gu Ye sneered, “If it falls off, then just season with vinegar. It’s useless on your head anyway!”

After watching Gu Ye leave, Yang Jin turned to look at Qian Zhen, and his gaze became unfriendly. Didn’t Qian Zhen say that this person (Gu Ye) is stupid, timid, and cowardly, and is someone who didn’t dare to speak out even when he got beaten up? The plan was to frighten Gu Ye together, and Qian Zhen will give him 20,000 RMB. However, looking at it now, the young mister is not at all the same as the person Qian Zhen described. Yang Jin really wished he could beat this liar up! But remembering what Gu Ye said, Yang Jin held back his impulse and did not make a move. He only said, “Scram! You even dared to offend this kind of master, be careful that you may die horribly!”

Qian Zhen is downright depressed. As a young man at 18-19 years old, this is the time of high spirits. But last time he got framed by Gu Ye and got a bad reputation, so he is aggrieved. This time, he wanted revenge but as a result, everyone regarded Gu Ye as an immortal. Even giving money doesn’t work. Qian Zhen felt desperate, Gu Ye is very poisonous! It’s no good getting involved with him!

After returning home, Gu Yang couldn’t hold back what he saw in the afternoon. So while eating, he talked about everything that happened today, emphatically bragging about how powerful his brother is. For example, Gu Ye knows how to wield a Shaolin-style stick, Baguazhang, South Fist, and North Kick, like describing a blockbuster fantasy movie.

When Mrs. Gu heard this, her willow-shaped eyebrows almost stood up. Slapping the table ferociously, she said, “This is kidnapping! They need to be legally responsible! Do you think I will let them go just because the college entrance examination is coming soon? Dream on! You two are not injured, are you?”

Gu Ye stuffed a fried spring roll into his mouth and shook his head obediently.

Mrs. Gu said with a sullen face, “It’s good that you two didn’t get hurt. How dare they bully my son? Hmph!”

Gu Yang quickly flattered, “Mom, you are getting more and more domineering.”

Gu Ye also laughed. The biggest good point of this little stepmother is she protects her cubs. She might play petty tricks, but others can’t do the same. Gu Ye sincerely praised, “Mom, you are a man of steel! Love you yo~”

Mrs. Gu: “…” TF is a man of steel, even food can’t stop your mouth!

Then Gu Ye said flatteringly, “Don’t worry about this matter, they won’t dare to trouble me after today’s show of power. I’m not a child anymore. I can’t ask you or Dad to back me up every time something happens. Won’t that be unsightly?”

Mrs. Gu said with a cold face, “That makes sense.”

Gu Ye spread his hands with a smile on his face, “Right? If I can’t solve it someday, I’ll have to trouble you to come out. You are mighty, vicious, and invincible. You will definitely be able to…hiss! Mom, Mom! My ear is going to fall off!”

Mrs. Gu laughed angrily, “Who is mighty and vicious? Are you talking nonsense again?”

“My dad! My dad is the most vicious in our family, and you are not vicious at all!” Gu Ye covered his ears. He suspected that his little stepmother did it on purpose because he pinched Old Fourth’s ear so as his mother, she helped to take revenge.

After lunch at noon, Gu Ye went back to his room to sleep. But Gu Yang sneaked into his room and pestered him, “Brother, don’t go to sleep yet. When did you learn how to fight this amazing? Teach me.”

Gu Ye sighed, “Child, what you should learn most is actually IQ.”

Gu Yang pouted, “I don’t like studying.”

Gu Ye told him solemnly, “Not study, it’s IQ.”

“What do you mean?” Gu Yang tilted his head, trying to get to the bottom of it. Then from the corner of his eyes, he saw a small bottle next to Gu Ye’s pillow. The child’s hands are fast and he swiftly picks it up. Gu Yang’s thought is hooked away in a second and he said, “Brother, your bottle is very unique.”

“En, the things inside are more unique, do you want to hear the story of this bottle?” Gu Ye raised the corner of his mouth, squinting his eyes to hide the smirk in his eyes.

“Yes, I want to hear it!” Gu Yang took the bait in a second. He pulled a wooden rocking horse chair by the wall, and straddled it, full of interest.

“Stories are not free to hear so you have to go out with brother tomorrow.”

“Okay!” Old Fourth gave face and applauded like a seal.

3 minutes later, Gu Yang threw down the bottle in horror, jumped up, and shook his hands in fright. The goosebumps on his arms stood up as he looked at the bottle, “Argghhhhh, Mom!!!”

Gu Ye smiled as he watched Gu Yang jump around in fright, and reminded him, “Bring this bottle tomorrow, brother will take you to do something exciting.”

Gu Yang is about to cry, “Can I not go?”

Gu Ye: “No, my cute red scarf, I know that you want to!”

There is a kind of ‘You want to’, it is the kind where your brother thinks ‘You want to’![2]

Gu Yang is so regretful that he wanted to kneel down.

Raw word count: 3791


[1] There’s a song name Conquer. But the meaning is just to admit you got conquered.
[2] Not sure what kind of reference is that :v

Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Come, kidnap me!

Zhao Pengyu and the others got so frightened by the little ghost pouncing over that they screamed out, and they all huddled behind Gu Ye. At this moment, Gu Ye raised his hand, like slapping a rubber ball, and slapped the ghost on the ground. Then he pressed on the little ghost’s head, and rubbed it in the terrified eyes of everyone, “Don’t make trouble, be good, alright?”

The baby ghost did everything by instinct and is terrified by that slap. He looked at Gu Ye timidly and saw that he had a smile on his face. Gu Ye didn’t look like he intend to hit him again, so the little ghost cautiously approached Gu Ye’s feet, rubbing against his trouser legs. It looked like he is being coquettish.

Gu Ye bent down to pick the ghost up and put him on his lap. He patted the ghost’s head, and praised him, “You are so good but it’s a pity that we don’t have a destiny. Otherwise, I will let you become my No.1 spirit follower.”

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu and the others almost want to kneel down to Gu Ye and stepped back 2 meters in an instant.

Wang Qianqian anxiously explained, “This kid doesn’t understand anything. It was just that he didn’t manage to be born, hence growing with a lot of resentment. He never hurt anyone, so this master, don’t take him away!”

Gu Ye smiled and rubbed the baby ghost’s head, “I can see it.”

Realizing that Gu Ye really didn’t mean to hurt them, Wang Qianqian asked incredulously, “Are you really going to help me?”

Gu Ye nodded, “I never lie to ghosts.”

Liu Yiwen asked in a low voice, “Is it really good to help ghosts?”

Zhao Pengyu however stood on Gu Ye’s side, “The scum needs to get retribution.”

Lin Zihao frowned, and disagreed with this point of view, “It’s wrong to help ghosts and harm living people. She’s already dead, so Gu Ye, hurry up and make her disappear. It’s too dangerous.”

Gu Ye squinted his eyes, and it could be seen from his attitude that he really dislike Lin Zihao. He said, “Actually, it’s not without reason that ghosts seek you first. Dark things instinctively look for the soil that breeds darkness.”

Zhao Pengyu heard it and understood the meaning. Gu Ye meant that Lin Zihao’s heart is not pure. He might not able to see if it’s true or not at the moment, but he really felt that this Lin Zihao is getting stupider, “That scum is innocent? There are 2 lives here, can’t you see it? ‘A death costing 2 lives’*. Why are you glaring at me with your 2 light bulbs (eyes)? Isn’t a ghost also a human previously?”

*Generally used to describe pregnant ladies since if they die, the baby in the womb will die along with them

Lin Zihao is so speechless by Zhao Pengyu’s scolding that he lowered his head and dared not speak.

Gu Ye stood up holding the little ghost and snapped his fingers, shattering the barrier set by the female ghost earlier. Then he took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket, and said to the female ghost, “Hide in here first. During the holiday at the end of the month, I will take you to him.”

The little ghost is also staring at the bottle, with his big head leaning forward. Gu Ye picked him up and stuffed him in first. It’s better for this baby ghost to be kept away. If he accidentally bites someone, he can’t help but beat the little ghost up.

The female ghost’s feelings towards the child are quite complicated. Seeing the child being stuffed into the porcelain bottle, the female ghost hesitated for a moment before turning into a wisp of black mist and slipping in. Before that, she took a glance at Lin Zihao with regret.

“From now on, you guys can sleep peacefully.” Gu Ye waved his hand, yawned, and left.

Looking at Gu Ye’s back, Zhao Pengyu really wanted to kneel down and call him Father. This buddy is too gerdamn awesome! He also wanted to change the dormitory and leave these idiots, then go find Xia Xiang and Gu Ye.

When Gu Ye returned to his dormitory, all the roommates are still fast asleep. Because the Evil Controlling spell worked, Xia Xiang slept soundly, probably not sleeping so well for a long time. Gu Ye put the bottle under his pillow, lay down, and fell asleep.

Around dinner time the next day, Gu Ye ate some pastries while calculating where the bones of Wang Qianqian’s mother and son were, and found the burial place amidst the mixed aura of the school.

On the west side of the school field near the wall, there is a hill. It is actually a small mound consisting of leftover soil, silt, and broken stones after the school finished its construction. It’s been a long time so weeds grew on the small mound, one can’t even see what it originally looked like. The students joked that this is the highest peak of the school, and they will climb up when they have nothing to do. Standing on the top, they can see the scenery outside the school. No one knew that there is a dead body buried at the bottom of the mound.

The small bottle in Gu Ye’s pocket sensed the burial ground and moved emotionally. Gu Ye pressed it gently with his fingers, and said lightly, “You have waited for 7 years, what more another month?”

The bottle in his pocket immediately fell silent. Gu Ye stuffed the last mouthful of pastry into his mouth, took out a tissue from his pocket, and wiped his hands. Just as he is about to go back, he suddenly felt an ominous wind at the back of his head. He tilted his head, and a basketball flew past his ear with a whoosh. The basketball hit the ground and bounced several meters high, which shows how powerfully it was thrown.

Gu Ye frowned and looked back in displeasure. A bigger boy bared his teeth with a rogueish smile and said without guilt, “I’m sorry, my hand slipped.”

Gu Ye sneered and gave that student a sympathetic look. He didn’t bother to argue with him and turned to leave.

“Didn’t people say that Gu Ye has a better brain now, why is he still so stupid?”

“Who knows, he is raised by the stepmother, who knows what he ate to grow up.”

“The stepmother’s milk is poisonous? Hahahahaha…”

Originally, Gu Ye had already walked away a few steps, but when he heard this, he stopped, turned his head, and coldly looked at the boys who badmouthed him. His eyes are dark like ink, so dark that no emotion could be seen.

The boys who are mocking Gu Ye immediately fell silent and choked back on what they wanted to say next. Realizing that he got intimidated by Gu Ye’s look, the young man who tried to hit Gu Ye’s head with a basketball is the first to come back to his sense. He became angry and said, “What the hell are you looking at? We are talking about you, so what?”

Gu Ye curved the corner of his mouth mockingly, “At least I have a stepmother. But you? You won’t even have a stepmother soon, orphan.”

Si Hongxing’s mind buzzed with anger from hearing the word ‘orphan’. He rushed forward to beat Gu Ye, “My parents are alive and well, who are you idiot cursing?!”

Gu Ye grabbed Si Hongxing’s wrist, and with a flip on his shoulders, did a neat shoulder throw under everyone’s surprised gaze. He flung Si Hongxing hard on the walkway, and then step on his chest with one foot. Laughing out of anger, he said, “Everyone also wanted to play school bullying with me, you really think I’m stupid?!”

Gu Ye is really puzzled. What kind of days did the original owner live before? As a rich young master, he got bullied by a group of bad students like this. Anyone also dares to ridicule him for being stupid. They even dare to hit him on the head with a ball. Even if he is not stupid, being hit like this will make him stupid sooner or later.

The few students who were with Si Hongxing are frightened by Gu Ye’s cold eyes and sharp movements. Si Hongxing is half a head taller than Gu Ye, but with Gu Ye’s thin body, where did his strength come from?

Gu Ye glanced at the young boys coldly, and asked coldly, “Who else is not convinced, come!”

“What are you all doing? Fighting?” At this moment, the security uncle who was patrolling happened to pass by the school field and saw them so he shouted at them.

Everyone immediately realized that the situation doesn’t look good. Like a herd of little sheep being chased by wolves, they quickly run away. Gu Ye curled his lips. He deliberately stepped on Si Hongxing before running away.

The security uncle ran over and only managed to grab the Si Hongxing who is lying on the ground and clutching his stomach from being stepped on. This student is usually a rascal. He often comes late and also likes to climb over the wall to slip out to play. The security uncle frowned and glared at Si Hongxing, “Si Hongxing, are you fighting again? I’ll tell your homeroom teacher!”

Si Hongxing got up aggrieved, and try to flatter the security uncle, “Don’t, don’t, we’re just kidding. Just playing around with the buddies.”

Si Hongxing could only swallow this grievance. He said a few flattering words and then ran away quickly when the security uncle eased his stern expression. In his heart, Si Hongxing has scolded Gu Ye a thousand times. You just wait, you little idiot. Si Hongxing thought to himself that he will kill Gu Ye if he finds a chance!

As soon as Si Hongxing turned to a corner, he got stopped by Qian Zhen*. Qian Zhen put his arms around Si Hongxing’s neck and asked sinisterly, “I heard that you have a cousin who is a gangster outside?”

*The dude who bullied Gu Ye before the winter holiday, and Gu Ye said he will suffer misfortune for a month

Si Hongxing asked defensively, “What does Brother Zhen mean?”

Qian Zhen said gloomily, “I want to punish Gu Ye severely but I can’t do anything in school. If your cousin can help, money is not a problem.”

Si Hongxing is hesitating when a small sparrow flew over his head. Then, a lump of shiet fell from the sky and landed on Qian Zhen’s nose with a splat.

With a cold face, Qian Zhen wiped the shiet off with his sleeve expressionlessly, and asked through gritted teeth, “What is your answer?”

Si Hongxing: “…Okay, let, let me ask for you.”

When Gu Ye returned to the dormitory at night, he found that his roommate had changed again. Xia Xiang is sitting on the upper bunk with his legs dangling from his bed. He is eating bread so when he saw that Gu Ye has returned, he handed him a loaf of bread and asked, “Do you want to eat something to refill your energy?”

Young boys at 18-19 years old are at a time when they can eat a lot, so Gu Ye is a little hungry at the moment. He accepted the bread and tore off the package. After that, he asked, “Who is this newcomer?”

Xia Xiang smiled and his eyes curved up, “Zhao Pengyu. He tricked Wang Kai and Ma Xiaojiang into my previous dormitory, saying that he felt safe living with you.”

Gu Ye looked disgusted, and Zhao Pengyu came back with a basketball in his arms at this moment. Everyone around is wearing sweaters, but Zhao Pengyu is wearing thin sportswear instead, his forehead is sweating from playing ball. When he opened the door and he shouted passionately, “Yo! ~ Gu Xiao-ye is back? Let me introduce myself, I am your new roommate, Zhao Pengyu!”

Gu Ye broke off a big piece of the bread from the part he hadn’t bitten and stuffed it into Zhao Pengyu’s mouth, “If you want to room with me, please keep quiet, thank you.”

Zhao Pengyu puffed his cheeks and smiled. He signaled with his eyes: Don’t worry! I will be quiet!

After the lights are turned off, Gu Ye has just laid down on his bed when he saw Zhao Pengyu jumping up from the opposite side, “I’m so hungry! Do you want to eat pork knuckles? I brought several.”

Gu Ye sighed, this is someone who cannot stay quiet. Looks like the days to come will be lively.

The days of 3rd-year students are filled with study, study, and study again. In the busy study routine, 3.5 weeks have passed in the blink of an eye, and it is now the end of the month. Teacher Yu came to the classroom after the students finished the 2 morning classes, and knocked on the table. He pulled back the excited students’ thoughts who simply wanted to go home with his speech, “Students, the two-week lessons are finished. It’s time to take back your heart that went crazy during the winter vacation. Starting next month, it’s our final sprint countdown, and I even made banners for all of you. I’ll hang it up when you guys returned to school. You have to study hard when you get home. The most important time in your life is coming soon! As the saying goes, ‘if you don’t steam buns, at least keep the steam going’*. Our Class 6 has always been at the bottom of the grades. I believe you all are not stupid, so if you work hard, you will definitely get good grades, fighto!”

*Idiom that can’t be translated into English. It means something like fighting for yourself, I think

“OHH!!” The students in Class 6 excitedly carried the bags they had brought to the classroom before self-study and rushed out of the classroom like the wind.

Parked at the gate of the school are buses for picking up students. Private cars are not allowed to stop at the gate of the school mainly because there are too many cars, which will affect the traffic. Hence, students who are going to be picked up by their parents need to walk to the parking lot more than 1,000 meters away from the school to find their parents.

Gu Ye stuffed the porcelain bottle containing the female ghost into his schoolbag, packed it up, and left the classroom. He is thinking as he walked that he had to buy a few more bottles tomorrow and some materials for daily use.

As soon as he left the classroom, Gu Ye felt his eyelids twitch uncontrollably. Gu Ye suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Usually, when his right eyelid twitched, nothing good happened. As the saying goes, doctors don’t heal themselves, and fortune-telling is the same. Calculating their own future is generally inaccurate.

‘Good things don’t come but bad things came tumbling down’, Gu Ye has just walked out of the school gate when he is stopped by a gangster, “Are you Gu Ye?”

Gu Ye shook his head innocently, “No.”

The little gangster subconsciously glanced at the photo on his phone, and felt amused, “Our boss invites you to eat hot pot, how about giving him face?”

Gu Ye still shook his head, “No.”

“Tsk, I’ll show you something.”

The gangster handed the phone to Gu Ye and played a video. The corners of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched immediately. His stupid, careless brother. Gu Ye didn’t know how he got tricked but in the video, he is squatting among a group of tattooed punks, holding his head in his hands, and looking at the camera pitifully. The person behind Gu Yang is someone Gu Ye very familiar with. One side is Qian Zhen, someone who got punished by him, and on the other side is Si Hongxing, someone who was beaten by him. Both of them looked at Gu Yang with sarcasm and unkindness in their eyes. Anyway, if Gu Ye doesn’t go, Gu Yang will suffer.

Gu Ye sighed helplessly, and said to the gangster, “Lead the way.”

Gu Ye: Selling a silly brother here. His characteristic is he can eat a lot. The good side is his obedience. Starting price is 2 steamed buns, auction starts! 2 buns at the moment, is there any higher bid?

Raw word count: 3604


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Give me money, else shut up

Frick! He’s a fierce guy!

Realizing that he is saved, Zhao Pengyu took a deep breath as he crawled away from the female ghost. When he saw who saved him, he almost dropped his jaw in shock, “…Gu Ye?”

Gu Ye first glanced at Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen who were lying on the ground with disdain. He didn’t sleep well for 2 nights so he is really in a bad mood. “How can a saved person have the courage to call his benefactor’s name? At this time, you have to kneel down and call me Father.”

Zhao Pengyu: “…Dude, are you sane? Or this is split personality syndrome?”

Gu Ye’s character is very different from when he met in school.

Gu Ye just took a look at Zhao Pengyu and said, “You are born into a rich family. Your ancestors were military officers, and your grandpa served in the army before. Only in your father’s generation that your family started to do business. Your mother’s family is richer and more powerful, hence she has relatively a strong personality. She has her own business; a typical career woman.

But because your mother didn’t have time to take care of you when you were young, the relationship between the two of you is mediocre. However, the problem is mainly on your side. You just want to go against her in everything. To put it bluntly, you deserve a beating.

You almost died when you were 4 years old. That time, your mother nearly her life trying to save you but you should have forgotten it now. At present, you still have a calamity in your life. If you managed to get over it, you will have a great road ahead in the future. If you can’t pass the calamity, you will die.”

Zhao Pengyu picked up the stool in front of him with a dazed expression and hugged tightly as if only the stool could give him a sense of security. What Gu Ye said about him is basically all correct.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “Pay me money, and I will show you a clear way to avoid disaster.”

Zhao Pengyu quickly paid for it. Just by the fact that Gu Ye saved his life just now, he believed everything Gu Ye said.

Seeing that Zhao Pengyu is quite generous, Gu Ye curved his mouth and felt better, “Don’t walk across a bridge these days.”

Zhao Pengyu asked nervously, “And then?”

“If you don’t walk across a bridge, there won’t be a ‘then’ (because ZPY escaped the calamity). If you walked across a bridge, there won’t be any ‘then’ for you either (because ZPY encountered the calamity). ” As Gu Ye said that, he stepped on the female ghost, and swiftly pasted a Soul Restraining Talisman on the female ghost’s head.

After the ghost is restrained, only then did Zhao Pengyu see clearly her horrifying appearance. Any words he wanted to say got scared back into his throat.

At this moment, Lin Zihao finally woke up. Realizing that Gu Ye is really capable and not a fake, he crawled over crying. He hugged Gu Ye’s leg and said, “Gu Ye, please help me! She is really going to kill me !” Lin Zihao touched his own face and could feel that the blood from the wound earlier is still wet. He became even more terrified, and grabbed Gu Ye firmly, like a drowning person grabbing the only floating board that can save his life.

Liu Yiwen is also so frightened that his mind nearly collapsed. Though survived from the female ghost, he is still trembling all over, “We really didn’t do it on purpose. We just played the pen fairy game out of curiosity. It’s really just curiosity.”

Gu Ye curled his lips in disgust, “Pay me, else shut up.”

Hearing that, the 3 young men looked confused, Zhao Pengyu asked curiously, “Don’t people like you treat money like dirt/shiet?”

Gu Ye sneered, “I’ve seen a lot of people kissing money, but I haven’t seen anyone kissing shiet before.”

“Pfft!” Zhao Pengyu couldn’t hold back, that was funny. Gu Ye rushed in to save them when he was dying. This dude is not bad at heart, it’s just that his mouth is too poisonous.

Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen could only tremblingly take out most of their living expenses.

“Not enough,” Gu Ye looked at the two of them with still indifferent eyes, “Hand over all the pocket money.”

Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen glanced at the immobilized female ghost, and continued to pay with a painful look, “But if give you all, our monthly expenses…”

Zhao Pengyu couldn’t stand it anymore and grabbed their wallets. After taking out all the money, he said angrily, “Your life is almost gone, and you still can’t bear to give the money? Didn’t the school provide a way to earn pocket money for poor students? You guys could take some cleaning tasks and earn 5 RMB a day. Then for meals, you eat steamed buns and pastries. Doing this for a month is enough. You can also take this as a lesson to remember!”

Gu Ye put all the money into his pocket, and asked with distaste, “Your year-end exam score is pretty good huh?”

The 2 young men’s originally pale faces turned embarrassingly red as if someone had lifted the layer that covers their shame, it is terribly mortifying.

Hearing that, Zhao Pengyu is speechless. It turned out that in order to know the exam questions in advance, they did such a thing as playing pen fairy and summoned this ghost. And here he was wondering how did they do so well in the final exam!

Gu Ye didn’t bother to argue with the young men, and took off the talisman on the female ghost, “Miss, let’s have a chat.”

The three of them couldn’t bear to even look at the bloody face of the female ghost. Starting today, they had a psychological shadow on the word ‘Miss’.

The female ghost got beaten by Gu Ye and hurt her soul, so she laid down on the corner of the wall sluggishly, glaring at Gu Ye angrily. At the same time, she is afraid of the talisman in Gu Ye’s hand, not daring to move.

Gu Ye sat on the stool Zhao Pengyu handed over and crossed his legs. He asked, “What’s your name? How old are you? How did you die? What unhappy things happened? Tell me.”

Hearing Gu Ye’s domineering tone, if it wasn’t for the inappropriate season*, Zhao Pengyu really wanted to fan him with a fan (like an underling).

*Spring season, it’s cold

After hearing the story, everyone present began to sympathize with this female ghost. What a tragedy!

The female ghost is Wang Qianqian, a local. 7 years ago, after graduating from the acting department of a prestigious university, she had a promising future ahead, but she suddenly found out that she was pregnant. Her boyfriend is a year older than her, studied vocal music, and had already entered the entertainment circle at that time. The boyfriend is a ‘little fresh meat’ (handsome young idol), good-looking, and can sing and dance. He also participated in a singing talent show. He is very popular and has a bright future.

Dazed by love, Wang Qianqian resolutely decided to give up acting to marry her boyfriend first. Then she will give birth to the child, and give the child to her boyfriend’s parents to take care of in the future. When she told her boyfriend this idea, she didn’t expect the man who kept saying he loved her like his life to turn his back on her. He even refused to get married and prohibited her from having the child. The reason is simple. He is in the rising period of his career, and his fans are the girlfriend-type fans’. If his fans find out that he is married and even has children, it will be a very big blow to his career.

Wang Qianqian naturally disagreed. Seeing her belly getting bigger and her boyfriend avoiding her more and more, she felt betrayed. She is an orphan so she longed for the warmth of her family too much. Moreover, she loved that man too much. Hence she didn’t hesitate to threaten her boyfriend with harsh words, saying that she will expose their relationship if they don’t get married, so that his fans will know what kind of a person he is. Unexpectedly, just this one angry sentence triggered the murderous intention of her boyfriend.

Wang Qianqian underestimated a man’s pursuit of fame and wealth and also miscalculated her position in the other party’s heart. That day at midnight, Wang Qianqian’s boyfriend called her to Wu Zhong School, which was in the middle of construction at the time, and brutally stoned her to death. Before Wang Qianqian died completely, her boyfriend poured a bucket of sulfuric acid on her, destroying the corpse and wiping out traces.

Wang Qianqian has no family, so no one reported her disappearance and Wu Zhong School continued to expand its construction works. No one knew that there is a nearly destroyed body buried in the ground and the construction workers continued to work. And so, this tragedy of inhumanity is hidden for 7 years.

Wang Qianqian is full of resentment and unable to reincarnate. She just wanted revenge, but unfortunately turned into an earth-bound spirit, staying in the place of her death forever. Until Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen seek death by playing the pen fairy game. They summoned Wang Qianqian, who could only hover 10 meters away from her corpse, to the boys’ dormitory.

If Wang Qianqian wanted to leave the school, she had to kill someone and let the other party’s soul replace her place. She actually locked onto Xia Xiang at first glance, and her plan is to eat him to increase her spiritual power. Then she will kill Lin Zihao to replace her, and then go to take her revenge. It’s a pity that Xia Xiang has always been protected by something, and later he went to share a dormitory with Gu Ye. She had no choice but to change her target to Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen.

After listening to Wang Qianqian’s full story, Gu Ye said sympathetically, “Then you are really miserable.”

There’s a master who sympathizes with ghosts?! Wang Qianqian stared into Gu Ye’s eyes defensively and found that he didn’t look like a fake, and also realized that Gu Ye is different from those rumored masters. So she became bolder, and said righteously, “I helped them and fulfilled their request. In exchange, I will take their lives.”

Gu Ye seriously praised the female ghost, “You only charge 1 life for 2 people’s wishes, you are really a conscientious businessman.”

Wang Qianqian nodded vigorously, “Yes.”

Unexpectedly, following her movements, the right eye socket doesn’t have many muscles left to block so the eyeball fell out to the ground. After bouncing twice, it rolled to a stop in front of Gu Ye and the others. Since her eyeball fell out, she has to pick it up, it’s not like she can just throw it away. So subconsciously, Wang Qianqian crawled over to pick up her eyeball.


The 3 boys behind Gu Ye screamed like crazy in fright. Liu Yiwen got so scared that he urinated on the spot. He hugged the leg of Gu Ye’s chair and burst into tears.

Wang Qianqian picked up her eyeball and crawled back to the corner of the wall. She pressed it back into the eye socket, and said apologetically, “I’m sorry.”

All humans present: “…”

Gu Ye touched his numb ears in annoyance. This bunch of trash, people just want to pick up the eye that fell off, so what?!

“Gu Ye, help! The point is what should we both do?” Lin Zihao cried and pulled Gu Ye’s pant legs. On the other hand, he reminded Gu Ye in a low voice to stop talking and kill her! Destroy her soul!

Gu Ye slapped the ‘claws’ off his legs, and said to Wang Qianqian with a smile, “Let them go, and I can help you to take revenge. That little brat also, come out. He has much more grievances than you.”

There is a more powerful kid here?!

The 3 young men subconsciously looked at Wang Qianqian’s stomach. That’s right, she was about to give birth when she died, and now her stomach is flat. The 3 moved closer to Gu Ye in horror, wishing they could hide in his arms. They had a feeling that it would only be safe if they are close to Gu Ye.

“Hee hee hee hee~”

A string of piercing ghostly laughter made one’s scalp tingle, Lin Zihao followed the sound and looked in horror. At his bed, he saw a small cloud of black mist slowly crawling out. Because the room is dark, he can’t see what the black mist looks like. He can only see that the limbs are twisted and the head is very large. The thing has a pair of blood-red vertical pupils, and also a big mouth that seems to be able to swallow everything.

Lin Zihao recalled that he had just slept in that quilt, and he doesn’t know if that kid is there. The thought of holding this thing in his arms is horrifying. Frightened, he slumped on the ground and clasped his legs tightly. A stream of heat flowed down, he also peed from the fright. How can he sleep in the future? There will be a psychological shadow whenever he sees the quilt!

Seeing his mother being knocked down, the baby didn’t intend to help. He didn’t understand human nature very much. However, sensing Gu Ye’s spiritual power, his mouth suddenly opened as big as a basketball size. The baby ghost instinctively rushed towards Gu Ye, the black evil aura billowing from his body carrying a strong smell of blood.

Gu Ye frowned seeing that bloodthirsty appearance, “Eating people? Is this alright?”

Zhao Pengyu: I never expected that you will really be in the same generation as my father in the future (referring to the part where Gu Ye told him to call him Father for saving him).

Raw word count: 3122


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Frcking tells you not to be too rampant!

Xia Xiang had obviously realized that he got targeted, and shrank himself into a ball. He is shaking like a sieve in motion, and the whole bunk bed trembled with him. Gu Ye is worried that Xia Xiang would piss himself in fear, and he who is in the lower bunk would be drenched. In desperation, Gu Ye got up, walked slowly to the window, and quietly opened the curtain slightly. Facing the ghost, he asked jokingly, “Miss, it’s so late. Don’t you need to go home and sleep?”

The ghostly figure backed away vigilantly. She instinctively felt that Gu Ye is difficult to deal with. She asked warily, “Who are you?”

Gu Ye seriously answered, “The successor of communism.”

The female ghost realized that she had been fooled, her hair moving without wind, revealing a bloodied face. Her scarlet eyes glared at Gu Ye viciously, “Boy, I advise you to mind your own business.”

Gu Ye lazily yawned. Looking at the miserable appearance of the female ghost lady, he said flatly, “You too, don’t be too rampant.”

But the female ghost couldn’t bear to leave Xia Xiang, this delicious big cake with a pure yin physique. She reluctantly stuck to the window and started thinking what are the chances she could kill, skin, and eat the soul under Gu Ye’s nose, without getting caught.

Gu Ye sneered and pinched his finger, one can vaguely see purple flames on it, “If you don’t leave, are you planning to stay and be my little spirit?”

The hand sign Gu Ye is pinching is exactly the technique of controlling ghosts that are forbidden by Taoism. The female ghost instinctively felt frightened by the flames. She hesitated for a moment, turned her head, and ran away. Gu Ye clicked his tongue, feeling a little regretful. He really wants to have a bunch of cute spirits, the more terrible the better. This one is not bad, it’s ugly enough.

At this time, Xia Xiang secretly lifted his quilt to a crack. He looked at Gu Ye quietly, and his gaze is so hot that sparks are about to burst out. Gu Ye ignored him, wrapped himself up the quilt tightly, and fell asleep. There is still the rustling wind outside, and the aura of evil spirit and resentment still lingers. The female ghost is obviously still wandering around.

This female ghost died unjustly. Otherwise, there would not be such strong resentment. For a ghost who died unjustly, if the other party does not come to provoke him, Gu Ye didn’t bother with them.

The next morning, Gu Ye took his books and planned to go back to the classroom for self-study. Seeing him planning to go out, Xia Xiang quickly followed him. But before Xia Xiang had time to strike up a conversation, he got stopped by 2 boys at the door. Their appearance looked very bad, their lips were pale, and their eyes were bloodshot. When they saw Xia Xiang come out, they pulled him away, looking nervous.

Far away, Gu Ye could only hear the timid Xia Xiang anxiously saying, “I can’t help you either. I told you not to play with that thing, and it will really kill you but you guys just don’t listen! I am the most innocent party here, you know!”

After the morning self-study, Gu Ye went to the cafeteria to eat alone. As soon as he entered the door, he is blocked by Xia Xiang and his 2 classmates. Xia Xiang handed 2 meat buns to him and a cup of Laba congee.

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, “What do you mean by this?”

“My treat to you,” Xia Xiang said quietly, like a timid bunny. It seems that the harsh way of talking to his friends in the morning was caused by the pressure, “Thank you for helping me last night.”

Gu Ye smiled, and walked around the other party to buy his food, “It has nothing to do with you.”

After Gu Ye bought a stuffed pastry and sat down, Xia Xiang sat beside Gu Ye with a red face. Eating a big bun each in both hands, he said in a low voice, “I know there are rules in your trade. Helping others will hurt your luck, and serious cases will even shorten your life. Hence, you will charge a certain fee, to use to help those in need to make up for your penalty. Since I want to ask you to help me, I will give you the money. “

Gu Ye bit the pastry and found that it taste good, so he felt better, “Boy, you know a lot. You even know the rules.”

“En, I often invited some masters over at home.”

Because of his physique problem, Xia Xiang will either get scared out of his soul or be haunted by ghosts since young. He has seen a lot of masters who can pinch fingers and calculate, but this is the first time he saw someone like Gu Ye who could scare away evil spirits with just a few words.

Gu Ye said with a smile, “You want me to take action? It depends on how much you pay.”

Hearing that, Xia Xiang’s eyes lit up. He stretched out 2 fingers and said, “I can only give you 2,000 RMB now. Depends on how much you want, I’ll ask my mom to put more on the card to you next month.”

Xia Xiang’s classmates didn’t expect Xia Xiang to give Gu Ye 2,000 RMB the moment he said he will help out and anxiously tugged his clothes to tell him not to be stupid. Xia Xiang might look soft-tempered, but he is also stubborn, so he is unmoved at all.

Gu Ye is amused and asked, “Okay, tell me. How did you form a relationship with that young lady?”

“It wasn’t me, it was they who played with the pen fairy and called her out. I didn’t expect that she would come to me as soon as she is summoned. She has been following me around since before the winter vacation, and still followed me after changing the dormitory.” Xia Xiang felt desperate. He didn’t provoke her at all, but she and all the ghosts liked him.

Gu Ye took a sip of the porridge, and persuaded him solemnly, “Isn’t she beautiful? To love you so deeply, young man you are so lucky.”

Xia Xiang really wanted to cry, “I don’t want this kind of luck!”

While sympathizing with Xia Xiang, Gu Ye couldn’t help thinking about it. He has a pure yin constitution and a pair of yin and yang eyes. If a ghost ate him, it will be like eating a big tonic pill. However, Xia Xiang doesn’t have the ability to protect himself. Gu Ye really doesn’t know how he managed to grow up safely.

After finishing eating, Gu Ye took Xia Xiang’s hand and drew a spell on the other’s arm, “If you see those things again, just say in your heart: In my resistance, which ghost dares to come? The Heaven moves, evil spirits get bound.

Xia Xiang read it silently in his heart, and asked curiously, “This is?”

“Evil Controlling spell, recite it when you encountered something. It keeps away from ghosts and spirits. Your 2,000 RMB is only enough to buy this talisman, and it will work just for 2 months.”

Xia Xiang looked at his arm excitedly. As long as he is in the same dormitory as Gu Ye, he believed that he would be safe. With this spell, he would dare to go to the toilet alone at night. He no longer has to be afraid of being woken up by the urge to urinate in the middle of the night and hold it until dawn!

“Well, can you help them solve too…”

Gu Ye had already stood up and is about to go back to the classroom. Without even looking at the other 2 classmates, he said, “Forget it, they seek death themselves, so they should accompany the ghost tonight. Otherwise, I am sorry for the young lady’s passionate enthusiasm.” Gu Ye paused, then added coldly, “It’s fine to seek death and face it yourself, don’t implicate others.”

The two cursed contemptuously in a low voice, and also a bit resentful of Xia Xiang. It was unnecessary!

Lin Zihao looked at Xia Xiang as if looking at an idiot, his tone is a little sour, “Aren’t you stupid? 2,000 RMB, how many mines does your family have? So much pocket money for you to waste!”

Liu Yiwen also said, “He obviously lied to you. What spell? Why can’t I see anything? Is this the emperor’s new cloth?”

“It must be a lie. It is impossible for him to know how to catch ghosts. He is just a kid from a rich family. He is the trash who scored last place in the whole grade. I don’t know how his mouth became so sharp after a holiday. If I had his family’s condition, I would have gotten recruited by a famous university in advance. Only you would trust him. Liu Yiwen, let’s go, we don’t have so much spare money to waste.”

Liu Yiwen also felt that what Lin Zihao said is reasonable, but what Lin Zihao said was a bit too much. He looked at Xia Xiang apologetically, left a sentence of “Take care of yourself”, and followed Lin Zihao.

Xia Xiang is sullen, holding the buns and eating with no expression on his face. His family is indeed rich, but he has never used the money to do anything wrong. The copper coins that was used to block the female ghost from entering the dormitory door before the winter vacation was bought by his father at a high price from a master. Otherwise, everyone in the dorm room would have died long ago. Spending his money to save their life, and yet maintaining a lofty hatred for the rich second-generation, why bother?

That night, in the dead of night, a dark shadow crawled to the dormitory where Xia Xiang stayed before. Right now, Xia Xiang is staying with Gu Ye, a person that she doesn’t know the depth of his skills, so she didn’t dare to act rashly. Hence, the female ghost can only settle for the next best thing. The 2 people who summoned her were Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen. She granted their wish, so the contract is done. Logically speaking, she should have taken their lives. She wants a human face and complete skin. She wants someone to replace her spot as the earthbound spirit so she could get out of school, and seek revenge on that scum!

The copper coin hanging at the door had lost much strength after blocking her attacks a few times. The female ghost stretched out her black nails and grabbed, crushing the faint white light. She rushed into the dormitory amidst the screams of the 3 people, and grabbed Lin Zihao’s hair, lifting him up.


Lin Zihao yelled in pain, covering his head in horror. He kicked his feet wildly, struggling desperately. He could feel the sharp nails piercing his scalp, and blood flowing down his cheeks. The strong smell of blood behind him made him unable to distinguish whether it was his own or the female ghost’s. This frightened him to no end and he cried while shouting, “Help! Help! Let me go! Yiwen, save me! Zhao Pengyu, save me!”

The female ghost leaned nearer to Lin Zihao, sniffed his scent, and narrowed her scarlet eyes comfortably. She has no skin, and her facial features can only distinguish her eyes from her mouth. Some of the wounds are deep and some are shallow. In some deeper wounds, there are white bones exposed, and in some bloody wounds, there is rotten black flesh hanging. At such a close distance, even if there is no light in the room, the cold moonlight and street lamps outside the window are enough for him to see this face clearly. The visual impact is not something ordinary people can bear. Lin Zihao is so scared that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Liu Yiwen held his head in horror, trembling all over with fright. He had lost the strength to struggle and didn’t even have the thought of running away. Also, he almost peed in fright, so how could he have the courage to rescue Lin Zihao?

On the other hand, another student in their dormitory saw that Lin Zihao is about to die. At that moment, he didn’t know where the courage came from but that student picked up a chair and threw it over. Then he jumped up and cursed fiercely, “Fcck you! Laozi will fight with you!”

A person’s aura of righteousness can suppress spirits and ghosts, which is why they don’t dare to provoke people with professions such as soldiers and police. This sudden explosion from Zhao Pengyu’s throw really made the ghost’s movements pause. But next, she got enraged completely. The female ghost let go of Lin Zihao in her hand and rushed towards Zhao Pengyu.

Zhao Pengyu is so frightened that he ran away and crawled to open the door of the dormitory, only to find that the door seemed to be welded. Not only could the door not be opened, but the students from their surroundings seemed to be deaf because they couldn’t hear such a big commotion here. Zhao Pengyu felt cold in his heart, thinking that he wouldn’t die here tonight, would he? He, Zhao Pengyu, 19 years old, died of a righteous act, bravely fighting evil spirits to save a mentally handicapped classmate. Why does this epitaph sound so stupid?!

The female ghost pounced over in the blink of an eye. She grabbed Zhao Pengyu’s neck, and said viciously, “Since you meddle in other people’s business, I will kill you first.”

Zhao Pengyu is 1.8 meters tall but when he got held up by the skinny female ghost, he had no room to struggle. He could only widen his eyes in pain, and his eyeballs are bloodshot. Looking at Liu Yiwen lying on the ground trembling who had no intention of helping him at all, Zhao Pengyu felt hopeless in his heart. The last thought in his mind is that he has made his parents worry since he was a child. He didn’t realize until he is dying that he did a lot of shitty things to make them angry, especially his mother, unfortunately…

Just when Zhao Pengyu is about to lose consciousness, he heard a BANG. The door of the dormitory is kicked open from the outside and a figure appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. With a miserable ghost cry, the female ghost got kicked and crashed into the wall hard. Black smoke rises from the place it is beaten, and the pain caused the female ghost’s grimace to deform.

The person who rushed in raised his foot expressionlessly. The cotton slippers with cow motive even have 2 horns on them, very cute. However, in the next second, the same slippers violently kicked the female ghost in the face, the person fiercely scolding, “Told you already not to be so fking rampant! Don’t I need sleep?! What time is it now, don’t you have any idea?!”

It is Gu Ye who hadn’t slept well for 2 nights.

Gu Ye: When this master is sleeping, don’t make any noise!

The Gong who hasn’t appear yet: When I see you, I don’t want to sleep anymore (gentle gaze.jpg)

Raw word count: 3558


Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Gu Ye seemed to be a little evil

In his lifetime, Gu Ye has never encountered the legendary school violence before so Gu Ye became so excited that he rolled up his sleeves, “You don’t need to worry about the second half of my semester year. Instead, you should worry about the second half of your life.”

3 minutes later, Gu Ye calmly returned to his seat under the shocked eyes of the whole class.

Not long after, the dean went to the toilet. As soon as he opened the toilet door, he found 2 nekid students hugging each other and falling asleep. That flash of pale white skin, it’s really stinging the eyes. The dean almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, “Indecent! How scandalous! Crazy! This is really crazy!!”

The dean immediately blocked the toilet (from anyone coming in) and called Teacher Yu, the homeroom teacher of Class 6, with his phone.

Teacher Yu is almost 50 years old and has been teaching for decades, but he has never seen such a student. Qian Zhen and Hu Mingming are well-known troublemakers in school. They often bully their classmates and talk back to the teacher. There is even a handful of new female teachers who got angered to tears by them before. Teacher Yu knew that they were difficult to manage, but he didn’t expect them to do such a crazy thing. After calling a few times but couldn’t wake them up, Teacher Yu took a glass of cold water angrily and poured it directly on their heads and faces, “Wake up this instant! It’s outrageous! It’s outrageous!”

Qian Zhen woke up and looked at the dean and homeroom teacher with a confused face. Then he looked at Hu Mingming who is still clinging to his body. The teacher didn’t scare him, but the latter caused him to jump up from the shock, “Fck it! What the hell! Hu Mingming, why didn’t you frick’in wear any clothes?!”

Next, Qian Zhen looked down at himself and got dumbfounded. What the hell happened? He just remembered pulling Gu Ye to the toilet, trying to avoid surveillance to beat him up. Then he couldn’t remember anything.

“You two, get dressed first.” Teacher Yu turned pale from the anger, and then said earnestly, “Teacher will not look down on 2 boys getting together, but you shouldn’t choose to do such things in this place at this age! This is a school! It’s a place for teaching and educating people! How dare you..”

Teacher Yu pressed his buzzing forehead, and couldn’t continue speaking. Oh no, he felt dizzy.

Only then did Qian Zhen understand what Teacher Yu meant, and he got immediately annoyed, “Old man Yu, what do you mean? Me and him? I…” Qian Zhen felt physically sick when he saw Hu Mingming’s pale and fat body. Immediately, he felt nausea coming, “urgh!”

The dean had a cold expression, and when he heard his attitude toward the homeroom teacher, he scolded angrily, “Qian Zhen! Call your parents over! We must have a good talk, what kind of students are you?!”

Hu Mingming also woke up in both shock and nausea. He explained while putting on his clothes, “Teacher, you really misunderstood us. It’s Gu Ye! That little bastard Gu Ye did it!”

Teacher Yu laughed out angrily, “Gu Ye is famous for his honesty in the whole school, and he dares not even speak loudly. How did he do such a thing? Do you think this teacher is a fool? You made a mistake and didn’t know how to repent. Call your parents over also!”

‘Evil news rides fast, while good news baits later’. The story of Qian Zhen and Hu Mingming from 3rd year Class 6, being nekid in the bathroom and embracing each other spread throughout the school in less than the duration of a lesson. The gang of school bullies all got shocked speechless. It turns out that Brother Zhen and Brother Ming have this kind of relationship!

At noon, the parents of Qian Zhen and Hu Mingming came. Under the sincere pleas of the parents, Teacher Yu said solemnly, “It stands to reason that both of them should be expelled immediately. But the school considered the future development of the two and they are going to take the college entrance examination soon. Hence, we decided to give them a chance to reform themselves. For this time, we’ll just say that they fought in the toilet, and the incident will be dealt with as a major demerit. Next time, they will be expelled directly.”

The parents from both families bowed gratefully to the teacher to thank them, and inside their hearts, they both wanted to beat their sons to death.

Qian Zhen felt really aggrieved, “Gu Ye obviously did this. Teacher, are you blind?”

As soon as the words fell, Qian Zhen’s father kicked him angrily, “Shut up!”

Qian Zhen clenched his fists resentfully, looking at his father with fire in his eyes.

Teacher Yu is dissatisfied with Qian Zhen’s attitude and said, “The school checked the surveillance in the corridor and only found the footage of you two violently dragging Gu Ye into the toilet. If you say Gu Ye did it, then tell me clearly how he did it.”

Qian Zhen opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say as he had no memory of this timeframe.

After the two got a terrible scolding, they went to the cafeteria to eat lunch. At this moment, they received countless gazes from their classmates secretly paying attention to them. Both Qian Zhen and Hu Mingming really wanted to tear Gu Ye apart.

Seeing Gu Ye who is eating in the corner, Qian Zhen’s eyes almost turned green with hatred, “It’s definitely the bastard Gu Ye who did it!”

Hu Mingming said in a low voice, “We can’t make mistakes again, otherwise we will be expelled.”

Qian Zhen glared at Gu Ye viciously and said, “When we are outside the school, I’ll give him a good lesson!”

For the first time, Qian Zhen didn’t sleep in class in the afternoon and just glared at Gu Ye’s back, thinking about how to deal with him. After the afternoon class is over, a shorty came to Qian Zhen and said secretly, “Brother Zhen, I found out that Gu Ye’s younger brother is also in our school. He is a freshman.”

At this moment, Gu Ye, who is about 7 or 8 tables away from them, suddenly turned his face around and lightly smiled at the two of them. Gu Ye’s appearance is already exquisite, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and eyes black as black jade. He used to look dazed in the past and no one can’t see anything on his face. Now that he smiled, he is indeed good-looking but his black eyes are scary. The two of them immediately felt a chill, from the soles of their feet to the top of their head. The hairs all over their body stood up.

Gu Ye said with a smile, “A month from now, you will be possessed by bad luck, so try to live on.”

“Frck you!”

Qian Zhen never felt this kind of anger before. He is usually the one who bullies others, but when Gu Ye provoked him, his brain just short-circuited. He didn’t want to care about the consequences, he just wanted to beat Gu Ye up. However, in the next second, Qian Zhen fell to the ground with a smack. His 1.8-meter body fell flat on the ground. Blood flowed down his chin from his nose. Everyone around got stunned, what the hell?! When did Gu Ye possess a crow’s mouth (jinx)?!

Qian Zhen’s little underlings swiftly rushed up and dragged their big brother to the infirmary to stop the bleeding. Just as they arrived at the door, a basketball flew toward Qian Zhen’s forehead at full speed. After hitting him, it bounced off like a cannonball for several meters away so one could guess how great was the force.

“F U K! Who?! Whose ball was it?!”

Hearing Qian Zhen’s furious scolding in the corridor, the whole class turned to look at Gu Ye and their gaze became strange. Gu Ye seemed to be a bit evil!

After a self-study session in the evening, Gu Ye returned to the dormitory and found that the vacant bed on his upper bunk had already been covered with bedding. The classmate standing by the bed smiled shyly. He has a baby face and is not very tall, so he looked even smaller with a smile.

“Xia Xiang, why did a top student like you come to our dormitory?”

One of the roommates, Wang Kai, frowned, looking at the newcomer with hostility and fear. The level of test scores in this dormitory is generally around the middle and lower threshold, but they are not bad people. Being able to put Gu Ye in this dormitory is also specially arranged by the teacher (so that he won’t get bullied again). Gu Ye looked at another roommate and found that he had the same look in his eyes, which is a bit strange. Is this the hostility of low-level students towards top students?

Xia Xiang lowered his head in embarrassment, and said falteringly, “It’s not convenient to live in the previous dormitory, so I moved.”

This reason is obviously an excuse, but Gu Ye is not in the mood to care about what’s up with these children, so he took his things to wash up. At this moment, Wang Kai also walked out behind him. After leaving the dormitory, Wang Kai said, “Gu Ye, remember to stay away from Xia Xiang.”


When Gu Ye asked this question, Wang Kai is a little surprised. In the past, Gu Ye would say “En” and accept whatever was told to him, but now he would ask why. Looking at Gu Ye’s eyes now, Wang Kai is even more surprised. Gu Ye seemed to be different. But boys don’t care about such details so Wang Kai didn’t take the change seriously. Looking around, and after making sure there is no one around, he told Gu Ye in a low voice, “His eyes are different from ours, he can see things we can’t see. Many people know about this.”

After that, Wang Kai clicked his tongue irritably, “I don’t know why he moved to our dormitory. Doesn’t that means we will live nervously from now on?”

Gu Ye asked solemnly, “The thing you mean is a ghost?”

“Shh!” Wang Kai is someone who is quite peculiar with taboos, “Don’t mention this word. Our school used to be a mass graveyard, so be careful what you say will come.”

Gu Ye saw that Wang Kai had a good physique. He is tall and big, and he is a strong young man. But Gu Ye didn’t expect him to be so timid, “What are there to be afraid of? If ghosts dare to come, you just take off your pants and pee on them. Virgin boy’s urine could ward off evil spirits.”

Wang Kai: “…”

Is this really Gu Ye? Has he gone crazy?

At the same time in a small courtyard, a middle-aged man with a mustache wearing a half-worn Taoist robe, holding a talisman, and kept making gestures while muttering words. Li Shengkai and his wife is standing by the wall watching intently. Their forehead is covered with sweat. After offending Gu Decheng, the Li family clearly has no chance of winning over him who publicly went against them. Hu Yu played a bad hand, and now the entire top society circle knows that the couple committed a suicidal offense to the Gu family. No one wants to be on their side. The couple can’t help it and can only take the risk, cursing the Gu family to be ruined. First of all, they start with Gu Decheng!

When the little paper figure with Gu Decheng’s name written on it is thrown into the brazier, the flames suddenly rose more than 1 meter high. There is a faint blue light inside the distorted flame, which seems weird no matter how you looked at it. A look of joy appeared in Li Shengkai’s eyes. As long as Gu Decheng died, half of the Gu family would collapse. He is sure that the two juniors, Gu Sen and Gu Lin, couldn’t beat him in business yet. As for Gu Ye and Gu Yang, these two useless sons are automatically ignored by him.

Just when the couple thought their wish had been fulfilled, the flame suddenly got pressed down slowly and seemed to be suppressed by something. The entire top of the flame is flattened, and the flame more than 1 meter high is pressed more and more like a blanket. With this change, the couple became anxious. That master’s expression is not good either. With a sullen face pinching his fingers, he chanted faster and faster and the suppressed flame struggled unwillingly. But the thing that is pressing down is too strong, there is no resistance at all.

At this moment, at the gate of the Gu family’s house, a small figure made of golden light emerged from the mouth of the stone lion. It caught the black shadow hovering at the entrance, grabbed one side with one hand, and brutally tore it in half.

At the same time, with a BANG, the brazier burst suddenly!

“Pfft!” The master immediately spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with a listless face.

“Ah! Fire, fire, fire!” Li Shengkai and his wife got so frightened by the flying sparks and ran out of the door regardless of the master. In the blink of an eye, the small courtyard is on fire. The master who had just vomited blood looked pale and is crawling out with both hands and feet. Before he could get to the door, a pillar fell from the beam and hit him on the head. A famous master rolled his eyes and passed out directly just like this. In the fire, only the little paper figure with Gu Decheng’s name on it is lying quietly on the ground. It is surrounded by an invisible layer, and it is completely unharmed. Gradually, the name on the figure disappeared, and the paper figure then turned into ashes.

Gu Ye noticed that the spell he had left at home had activated, so he pinched his fingers to calculate. Then, the corners of his mouth gradually curved up. Working in this line of work, they must not do harm to others, otherwise, they will be punished by the heavens.

In the middle of the night, all the students fell into a deep sleep. On the fake rockery in the backfield, a strong resentment gathered together to form a dark ghost figure. The ghostly figure quietly came to Gu Ye’s dormitory, sticking to the glass like a gecko. Not sure who pulled the curtains before going to bed, but that person didn’t draw them tightly. Hence, in the gap between the curtains, which is not wider than a finger’s width, a pair of blood-red eyes are revealed, looking greedily at the Xia Xiang who is on Gu Ye’s upper bunk.

Gu Ye quietly opened his eyes and glanced at the window. No wonder there are evil spirits and resentment hidden in the Yin aura. It turned out that there is such a big treasure hidden in the school.

Raw word count: 3597
