Chapter 33 – Invitation 2 [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

When Su Ling returned to the lobby, the store is already open for business. He didn’t see Nalu, so he asked Xiao Bian. Pointing to the office, Xiao Bian informed him, “A bunch of people came to discuss business, and there are still two of them who haven’t left.” Then he moved nearer and whispered in a low voice, “Their background is not small; the young master of the Xiao family has come in person.”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows. When the Xiao family is mentioned, he immediately thought of the protagonist gong Xiào Rui, who has a good relationship with Lin Meng. As for his appearance, Su Ling has only seen him from afar in school. Although he is not sure if the person in the office is Xiào Rui, Su Ling decided to avoid him. He still remembered what Zhao Qi said (about him chasing after Xiào Rui). In any case, there must not be any misunderstanding that he has anything to do with Xiào Rui.

However, things don’t quite go his way. When he was about to go out through the other entrance, he saw Nalu coming out of the office from the right. Among the two people behind him, one of them was Xiào Rui, wearing a shirt and trousers. He has to say that the protagonist’s charm point is indeed solid. Only 18 years old but Xiào Rui is already very tall, sunny and handsome.

Xiào Rui was stunned when he saw Su Ling, hesitating to say hello.

Before he could speak, another man with a chestnut hair in a suit and leather shoes looked at Su Ling in surprise, “Why are you here?”

Staring at the man, Su Ling doesn’t have any impression about who is that person at all.

Nalu frowned and said to the man with chestnut hair, “Please get out, our shop does not welcome the people from the Su Family.”

Oh, no wonder that man knows him.

The man glanced back and forth between Su Ling and Nalu and said, “Xiao Ao (Su Ao) said that you were bought by a sugar daddy, it turned out to be true!”

Su Ling: “…”

Surprisingly, Nalu became furious, and grabbed the man’s arm, dragging him out, “Scram! Do you fking know how to speak? You standing here in the store simply pollutes the air.”

That person wanted to fight back, but a staff who had been watching the situation rushed forward and grabbed his other arm. Together with Nalu, they dragged the man to the exit.

“Let go of me, this is your way of hospitality? If you don’t let go, I will call the police!”

Reaching the exit, Nalu let go of the man and said, “Bah, we don’t have a customer like you in our store.”

Su Ling walked towards the door, and Xiào Rui suddenly said, “You…if you are in trouble, you can ask a friend for help. I heard Meng Meng mention you many times. He was very worried about you when he knew that you had severed the relationship with your family.”

Xiào Rui is being kind, so Su Ling couldn’t ignore him. He explained, “You have misunderstood. That man was talking nonsense, I’m not in any trouble at all.”

He walked to the door and caught the Nalu, who looked like he wants to hit the man. Then he coldly looked at the man with chestnut hair.

“You can eat random food, but you can’t speak random words. This is my shop. Stay away from me in the future, or suffer the consequences.”

“Your shop?” The man opened his eyes widely, “how is it possible?”

Su Ling: “How can it be impossible for my mother to leave her belongings to me?”

The man’s expression changed a few times, and he adjusted his tie, “Just about right then, sell the Redthorn Ball to the Su Family.”

Su Ling couldn’t help laughing, “The sky is not dark yet, it’s a little earlier to start dreaming.” After he finished speaking, he smiled, “Scram, you are not welcome here.”

“You!” The man was shocked. Is this the same weakling nephew? “Don’t forget, your last name is Su!”

Su Ling lifted his eyes and looked at him lightly, too lazy to say anything, “Scram.”

Had it not been his original name is Su Ling as well, he would have changed his last name a long time ago.

Nalu humph-ed at the man, “Xiao Ling has severed ties with the Su Family, do you want me to search the news online for you? Or invite the media over and let them report that your Su Family knows that Xiao Ling has a Grade A spiritual plant in his hands. Seeing that he is young, you want to take advantage of him?”

The man’s expression suddenly changed: “What nonsense… no, you mean the Grade A spiritual plant belongs to him? How could it be possible!” Quickly returning to his sense from being stunned, he looked at Nalu like he’s(N) a fool, “You gifted it to him? His pheromone is so stinky, it’s not worth…”

Nalu clenched his fist and raised it, waving towards the man’s face, “Is your brain fking broken?”

“Manager, don’t be impulsive.” The staff quickly grabbed Nalu, and Su Ling stepped forward to grab Nalu’s arm.

After Nalu calmed down, he snorted softly and watched the man avoiding his look embarrassedly.

Su Ling looked at the man and said, “This shop and spiritual plant are left to me by my mother.”

“How is it possible? I have never heard of it!”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows, “If you have heard of it, then this shop and the spiritual plants would probably not mine anymore, but the Su’s.” He pointed his finger on the right side, towards the end of the street, “If you still don’t leave, I will call the police.”

Man: “You dare?!”

Su Ling raised his hand and tapped on his bracelet.

“Wait,” The man’s expression looked ugly, “I’m leaving, who wants to be here!” He adjusted his expression, then smiled and nodded to Xiào Rui. After that, he glared at Nalu and Su Ling before striding away.

Nalu put on a standard smile and apologized to Xiào Rui, “Sorry, we let you see an embarrassing scene.”

Xiào Rui: “It’s okay.” He realized that he had misunderstood before, and said to Su Ling with an embarrassed expression, “The thing I said before, pretend you didn’t hear it.”

Su Ling smiled and turned to business mode, “You came for Redthorn Ball?”

Xiào Rui: “Yes, I want to buy, we can negotiate the price.”

Su Ling: “I won’t sell it for any money.”

Xiào Rui has been rejected by Nalu earlier, so he is not disappointed this time. “Tell me which auction house? I want to discuss with them to start the auction as soon as possible. I urgently need the ball liquid.”

When he said this, his brows furrowed unconsciously.

Su Ling turned to look at Nalu, but Nalu shook his head. He knew the matter best, although the official website said that the Redthorn Ball has been handed over to the auction house, in fact, things have not been discussed. So no matter who asked which auction house they have engaged, Nalu always answered the boss is handling it, and he didn’t know.

Su Ling understood after a second thought. He originally wanted to have a meal with his male god while discussing these things. Although his male god doesn’t need to show up in person to discuss the matter about auctioning the ball liquid, it is a legit reason to contact him. He just didn’t expect someone would come asking about it so soon.

After a moment of consideration, Su Ling replied, “Sorry, I won’t disclose it for the time being, but I promise that the auction details will be announced tomorrow.”

In Planet Belle, after the auction items are delivered to the auction house, the auction house will need to do data collection and some checking. They will also need to do promotional videos before the official auction in order to sell it at high prices. Disclosing information in advance will cause trouble for the auction house’s preparations.

Xiào Rui understands the process. Hence, hearing Su Ling explained that there will be news in the next day, he stopped asking more questions, and his expression was much more relaxed, “Thank you, knowing the details, I feel more at ease.”

Su Ling: “You’re welcome.”

After Xiào Rui left, he greeted Nalu and went out from the back door. Next, he called Gu Liheng number. The tone rang for a while before the call got connected. Su Ling smiled and said, “Good evening, have you eaten dinner?”

Gu Liheng: “No.”

His voice is the same as his expression, very stable, and there is no emotional change as always. But his voice is low and magnetic which Su Ling likes very much. His delicate eyebrows are raised happily, “Great, I’ll treat you to dinner. What do you want to eat?”

Gu Liheng became silent.

Su Ling didn’t know why he didn’t speak, but it’s fine as long as he didn’t refuse. So he continued, “I have something to discuss with you, and also one very important thing to tell you.” He heavily emphasized the word ‘very important’.

Gu Liheng remained silent for a moment before agreeing, “Okay, you decide what to eat.”

Su Ling immediately said, “Wait for my message.”

After hanging up the call, Su Ling immediately looked for a restaurant near the mountain villa. He chose a gourmet restaurant with private rooms and have a quiet environment. After booking a private room, he sent Gu Liheng the location of the restaurant and the number of the private room and then took a taxi.

The call ended, and Gu Liheng’s eyes fell on the holographic screen again. There were many treatment suggestions Mill gave him.

  • Relax yourself. You don’t need to think about smiling first. Let your emotions control your expression. You can be angry, nervous, or stifled.
  • Starting from appearance, change into clothes you don’t often wear, change your hairstyle, go to lively places, and watch how others express their emotions.
  • Ask people you know to go out, sing, drink, eat. Whatever you do, get along with the people.

Domi stands on the right side of the sofa, and beside it was a mobile hanger which is full of various types of clothing; youth, hip-hop, punk… none of it is Gu Liheng’s style.

Domi reminded for the third time, “Master, you should have dinner soon.”

Gu Liheng: “I will be going out to eat.”

He got up and stood still in front of the clothes hanger. At this moment, a message tone sounded. It was the address and room number sent by Su Ling. Gu Liheng turned back to the hanger and finally chose a conservative suit (常服). He is not mentally prepared for clothes that are too different from his usual style, especially to have dinner with the young man later. He went into the bedroom to change clothes, but just a simple act like this made his muscles tense. In his heart, Gu Liheng was very resistant and does not want to not change anything, just keep his style as usual. But no, he cannot stay in that restricted world any longer.

“Who let you wear this kind of clothes? Do you want them to treat you as a child?”

“Don’t smile! When you smile, they will think that you are easy to bully. Only when you are serious can you have the momentum/aura. Don’t let them underestimate you.”


The sound of a ruler hitting the palm of his hand seemed to explode in Gu Liheng’s ears, a trace of panic flashed across his face. He quickly returned to his expressionless face and stopped in the middle of pulling his clothes down his head. In the quiet room, his gasping sound was very obvious, and his body trembled uncontrollably. The sound of women’s scolding, screaming, crying, the sound of a ruler and a whip hitting on someone were echoing in his ears.

It’s fine to not change anything. Isn’t his current life going well right now?

His fingers slightly moved, he grabbed the hem of his clothes and lifted it up, trying to take off hoodie (卫衣)[1] from his head. A ringing tone sounded all of a sudden, and it woke him up. With his jaw tightened, Gu Liheng quickly pulled the clothing down onto his body, and promptly put on jeans of the same colour. After he calmed down a little, he tapped to connect the call.

The boy’s voice was brisk, “Did you receive the address? You already agreed so you can’t go back on your words. If you don’t come, I’ll go to the villa to find you.”

Looking at the full-length mirror, Gu Liheng tidied the hood of his top in a jerky manner and said, “I got the address already, will leave immediately.”

The boy smiled and said, “No hurry, I haven’t arrived yet.”

Raw word count:  6191


[1] Banana is not sure what clothing Gu Liheng is wearing because the Chinese keyword is different, between the one he picked (常服) and the one he is wearing (卫衣) == But most probably is a long-sleeved hoodie. That will at least match the conservative part from the clothing he picked earlier.

Chapter 33 – Invitation 1 [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Nalu stopped the crowd at the door and said, “Sorry, our shop has not opened yet, and non-staff are not allowed to enter.”

Xiao Bian and the waiters who just arrived rushed up and blocked the door with Nalu. A reporter saw that Nalu seemed to be the person in charge and quickly interviewed, “Is Redthorn Ball really in your store?”

Nalu: “Yes,” he said straightforwardly, “No need to ask more, we are not selling it.”

The reporter got choked by his directness, and a person next to him asked loudly, “Can we take a look?”

Nalu: “I can’t make a decision about this. I’m sorry, we have to prepare for the opening, please don’t affect our work.”

At this moment, the rest of the staff have arrived, so Nalu simply locks the main door altogether.

“Manager, is there really a Grade A spiritual plant in our store? Many people were asking me about it today.”

“Me too, the people who know that I work here also asked me about, but I have never seen it.”

The staff asked Nalu curiously.

Nalu: “Yes, but it’s the owner’s personal belonging, not the store’s property,” he waved, “Go and get ready, there must be a lot of guests tonight.”

Xiao Bian walked to the back of the bar. While arranging the glasses, he asked, “Where is our boss? Can we see the Grade A spiritual plant?”

The rest of the waiters chirped in, “Yeah, I haven’t seen Grade A spiritual plant in person before!”

Su Ling heard those words the moment he came in from the backyard. Earlier when Nalu opened the door, he saw from the surveillance that many people were waiting outside. Nalu afraid that he might get injured should a commotion break out, so he didn’t let Su Ling come out. Hence, Su Ling watched the surveillance in the backyard, only going to the front hall after the door was closed.

“Eh, boss!” A staff noticed him and exclaimed.

Su Ling stopped to said hello and smiled, “Want to see it? Wait for a moment, I’ll take it out.”


“Boss is so nice!” The staffs cheered and started ‘blowing rainbow farts’ (flatter).

Su Ling moved the Redthorn Ball from the greenhouse to the bar table. The weight of the Redthorn Ball was not light. His breathing became heavy after he put the Redthorn Ball down.

“Wow! Looks so special.” The staffs gathered around the plant.

Xiao Bian reached out to touch the bouncy-looking red ball, “This ball looks like it’s filled with water. Is it soft to touch?”

“Don’t!” Su Ling and Nalu shouted at the same time.

However, it was too late. Xiao Bian was standing inside the bar earlier, with his left hand supporting himself at the bar table. That’s why he can touch the red ball easily with just a stretch of his right hand. The soft filaments hanging on the red ball suddenly erected and pierced a small hole the size of a needle hole in his hand.

“Hiss…” Xiao Bian shrank back, holding his hand and gasping.

Nalu immediately checked him, “Let me see.”

Xiao Bian stretched out his hand, his ring finger and middle finger were pierced. When he retracted his hand just now, the movement caused the blood drops to scatter everywhere. Hence, his fingertips looked bloody at first glance, which was a bit miserable.

Nalu observed the wound for a while and then breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s not poisonous, just a skin injury.” He asked someone to take the treatment device, which he first washed Xiao Bian’s wound with alcohol. After using the treatment device, Xiao Bian’s injury soon recovered. The rest of the staffs only dared to look, and not to reach out.

“Grade A spiritual plant is so fierce ah!” Someone sighed.

Su Ling lightly squeezed the red ball upon hearing the words, and the branches and leaves of Redthorn Ball immediately stick nearer, rubbing against the back of his hand. He lightly gestured with his chin and said with a smile, “See, it is not fierce, but very vigilant.”

Nalu: “That’s because you are an Omega and also the owner it recognizes,” he reminded the rest of the staffs, “Don’t touch any high-level spiritual plant casually, you are not an Omega.”

“I am envious all of a sudden!” a young staff said.

The waiter next to him bumped his arm, “Would you like to become an Omega?”

“Forget it, although they smell delicious, I prefer not to be bound by pheromones.”

Nalu pointed at the bar and instructed, “Alright, all of you have seen Redthorn Ball so go back to work.”

Feeling satisfied, the staffs went to make preparations to open the shop. Nalu and Su Ling didn’t move from their seat at the bar. Nalu pointed to the Redthorn Ball sticking itself against Su Ling and said, “A lot of people will definitely come tonight. I’m afraid they won’t give up as long as they don’t see the Redthorn Ball.”

Su Ling nodded in agreement and glanced over the various fragrance products hanging in the hall.

“Why not put Redthorn Ball in the hall? Its scent is much better than ordinary fragrance products.”

But Nalu shook his head and said, “It will affect normal guests.”

Indeed, if the spiritual plant is really placed in the hall, a lot of people might come over just to see a Grade A spiritual plant. Thinking for a while, Su Ling smiled, “Take pictures of the plant, 360 degrees without blind spots, and post the photos on the fragrance bar official website. Then the reporters can use the photos when they need it.”

Nalu thought it is a good idea and tapped his bracelet, “I’ll take it.” He took a lot of photos around the bar, then passed them to Su Ling to let him choose the one with the best lighting from different angles.

While choosing, Su Ling said, “With these photos, there will probably be fewer reporters, but there will definitely be people who want to see the Grade A spiritual plant with their own eyes.”

A lightbulb flashed in Su Ling’s mind, he turned to Nalu, “Add this sentence as well when you posted the photo – Redthorn Ball is not for sale. The ball liquid will be auctioned and has already been placed in the auction house.”

Nalu nodded: “Okay, so no one will specially come to the store to look at Redthorn Ball. Which auction house do you want to work with?”

Su Ling: “En, the Gu Family’s auction house.”

This afternoon, Su Ling was reading a book while browsing Boyan periodically. Gu Liheng’s Boyan has very few posts, all of them were posts shared from the Gu Company’s account. He even suspects that the account is not Gu Liheng’s personal account at all. On the other hand, he learned from Gu Company’s Boyan that the Gu Family is involved in many industries; in addition to conventional sectors such as entertainment, real estate, and electronics, there are mercenary group and auction house.

Auction house often auctions rare treasures, which are mostly obtained by the mercenary group. At present, the high-end fragrance product Cold Moon Sachet on the market, which its main ingredient is the Golden Baby’s breath, was obtained by their mercenary group during exploration on other planets. He then found out that the Cold Moon Sachets belonged to the Gu Family, which are expensive and limited in quantity.

Nalu looked at him and sighed, “I shouldn’t have asked, since everything you do is related to President Gu.” He lowered his voice and said with worry, “I can’t persuade you to change your mind, but Xiao Ling, you have to know that first love always fails. If you don’t get a response, don’t be sad.”

Su Ling was touched because Nalu is really worried about him.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Nalu,” he transferred the selected photos to Nalu, “I know very well that there are many things that I can’t force.” He raised his head and laughed, “But before that, one has to do their best to know the result, or one will regret it.”

At first, he just wanted to save Gu Liheng from his unfortunate ending as per written in the novel because Gu Liheng is his 2D male god. But now, not only he(GLH) is his male god, Gu Liheng fits his taste too much. If he missed this man, he would regret it.

Then Nalu remembered Gu Liheng’s reaction when he learned that Su Ling had gone missing, and patted him on the shoulder, “Good luck, you still have a chance, but I don’t know if he will treat you as a kid, just like I did.”

Su Ling immediately replied, “No,” his eyes curled up as he continued, “Even if he used to think that, he won’t be from now.” He made a declaration to chase him(GLH) after all.

Thinking of this, he propped his chin to think, what method should he use to chase the man? Modern methods of chasing girls came to his mind. Then he palmed his forehead. If he really acted according to those advice, his male god will surely run away whenever he sees him!

Nalu glanced at him and shook his head after watching Su Ling zoning out to space. He posted the photos to the fragrance bar website and added the sentence Su Ling said just now. After a while, the site received many comments.

“Wow, Redthorn Ball looks so good!”

“It looks bouncy, I really want to poke it~ Will it break?”

“Want to raise one, what to do?!”

Nalu stared at it for a while, then let Su Ling look, “Do you want to reply?”

After a glance, Su Ling laughed and said, “When you have time, you can bring up the surveillance and post the part where Xiao Bian was pierced.”

As Su Ling was talking, his bracelet rang. He glanced at it, and got up to connect the call, “En, wait, please come in through the back door.” After hanging up the call, he told Nalu, “Doctor Ni An is here, I’m going to the back door.”

Nalu nodded, “Call me if you need something, and take Redthorn Ball back to the greenhouse.”

Su Ling nodded and moved the Redthorn Ball out of the hall.

When Doctor Ni An appeared at the back door, the reporter who was standing by the side of the road immediately snapped a photo. Then he stepped forward, wanting to interview Doctor Ni An, but was stopped by his driver. At that moment, Su Ling opened the back door. He looked at the driver and reporter and looked at Ni An questioningly.

Ni An smiled calmly, “Let’s go in, he will handle it.”

After entering the door, Ni An’s eyes swept across the courtyard wall and nodded, “The security is done well, being careful is necessary. By the way, have you registered the ownership of your spiritual plants?”

Su Ling led him to the fragrance-making room, “When I took the Grade A spiritual plants from the security company, I went through the ownership transfer procedures. But I haven’t done it for Xian Mo Yu.”

Ni An reminded: “Do it as soon as possible. Grade S spiritual plant can easily provoke bad thoughts from other people. I have an acquaintance with the spiritual plant association. I will forward his contact to you.”

Su Ling laughed, “Thank you, I will do it tomorrow. But in my opinion, if someone really has bad thoughts for Xian Mo Yu, their consequences will be miserable unless they can completely eliminate Xian Mo Yu.”

Ni An was about to ask why when the two reached the room, then all his attention was placed on Xian Mo Yu instead.

Xian Mo Yu wasn’t sleeping at the moment, and the petals on its flower were opened widely. Some of its roots were soaking in the nutrient solution, while the rest waving randomly in a circle. Xian Mo Yu can actually create a scene of wild dancing just by itself.

Su Ling: “…” You really know how to amuse yourself, are you pretending to be an aquatic plant?

As soon as Su Ling entered, two of the swaying roots rushed towards him, and he voiced out to remind Xian Moyu, “Don’t touch Doctor Ni An!”

Doctor Ni An is much older than Nalu. He is worried that Xian Mo Yu would act casual as it did with Nalu, using its roots to flick his forehead or something. One root skillfully wrapped itself around Su Ling’s wrist, while the one stood in front of Ni An and shook, then moved to Su Ling.

Ni An praised, “As expected from a Grade S spiritual plant with a high IQ.”

Immediately, Su Ling sensed Xian Mo Yu’s joyful emotions, and the roots in front of him swayed arrogantly. Su Ling stretched out his hand and squeezed amusedly, then walked to the raw material rack. He took out 2 bottles of liquid, one black and one red, and handed them to Ni An.

“This is the raw material it provides. The black liquid is highly corrosive. No matter what container is used, a layer of red liquid must be applied to the inner surface; otherwise, it will melt.”

He gestured to the container in his hand, “These have been coated; however, it is best to apply some red liquid on your hand first since it might be dangerous.”

Ni An carefully received the bottles and asked him about the harvesting process. After listening carefully, he approached Xian Mo Yu and observed the stamens and petals. Su Ling followed behind him all the time, worried that Xian Mo Yu would hurt him. Ni An watched for a while, then observed the roots with interest. Finally, after Su Ling and Xian Mo Yu discussed it, Doctor Ni An gets to squeeze the root with his hands.

Ni An let go of the roots and noted, “Very peculiar.” He told Su Ling, “No matter which part of it falls off naturally, you must keep it. It may be of great use.”

Su Ling nodded, “Okay.”

Ni An couldn’t wait to study the two liquids. He didn’t wait much and was about to leave, “After I study it, I will determine its value. Then I will transfer the money for the raw material at that price.”

“No need,” Su Ling sincerely refused. “Having the value determined is also good for me, and you have helped me a lot.”

Ni An didn’t insist, “Alright, I will give you the contact information of the director of the spiritual plant registration association later, and you can find him directly tomorrow.”

Su Ling thanked him, Ni An said goodbye, and he sent the person out.

Raw word count: 6191 (entire chapter)


Chapter 32 – Harvest [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling heard the reporter’s question earlier as well, but the scene was chaotic at that moment, so he didn’t hear the details clearly, but he heard the keyword Redthorn Ball. On the way to the parking lot, he turned his head back to ask, “Do you know what happened?”

Nalu: “En, I heard everything while they were chatting outside. Madam Gu, President Gu’s mother, wrote a post in Boyan this morning. To celebrate her recovery, she extended a banquet invitation to everyone she knows to attend her birthday party on the 7th.”

Boyan[1] is Planet Belle’s largest public interaction platform. The owner of this body also has an account in Boyan, but has zero fans, and only followed the protagonist gong Xiào Rui. After Su Ling familiarizes himself with the interface, he unfollowed Xiào Rui, and then followed Gu Liheng and the Gu family.

Thinking of the reporter’s question, Su Ling asked, “Is her illness difficult to treat?”

Nalu: “Pheromone rejection, a common illness for AO, especially O. Minor rejection is easier to cure, but it’s the first time for an illness like Madam Gu’s case to be completely healed.”

When they arrived at the parking lot, Nalu pressed the control button. The door at the driver and the passenger’s seat opened at the same time, and the two got into the car.

Confused, Su Ling asked, “Madam Gu was very ill before?”

Nalu started the car and said, “Yes, her Alpha passed away a long time ago. Losing her Alpha, the rejection can even take away the Omega’s life.

“A few years ago, she was in critical condition, and the news reported about her condition every day. As you know, some reporters have a thing for rich people’s affair.” Nalu shrugged and continued with emotion, “Fortunately, the treatment team managed to develop a new plan at that time. Using medicine and isolation treatment, her condition stabilized, and then there was no more news from her.”

Su Ling frowned, “President Gu’s father, did he pass away very early?”

Nalu nodded, “En, an accident happened when he was returning from an interstellar business meeting,” he recalled, “It’s been almost 20 years, I was only a teenager at the time, but I still remember the overwhelming news at that time.”

In other words, male god was only about 8 years old when that happened. Su Ling couldn’t help but felt distressed. He would be uncomfortable if he didn’t do anything. So he turned on his bracelet and sent a message: Good morning [smiley face]. A good day starts from thinking of you~

Before that, he edited the message back and forth several times. It felt like a little bit cheesy, but at the same time, he thought that his male god might not even change his expression upon reading it, so Su Ling decided to write it this way. The punctuation mark at the end was changed from a period (.) to an exclamation mark (!), then finally set to be a small wave (~). Staring at the notice saying that his message was successfully sent, Su Ling feels satisfied with the decision; the small wave fits his status as a suitor.

Nalu glanced at him and bitterly persuaded Su Ling, “You are an Omega, how can you rush to chase people? Being too active, you are more likely to be ignored. Things that people don’t get easier is the best.”

Su Ling: “President Gu is not such a person,” he turned his head, “Speaking of feelings, Uncle Nalu, are you married?”

Nalu coughed, “No.”

Su Ling: “Listening to what you said, I thought you were a love expert.”

Nalu emphasized, “I am not married because I enjoy being single!” The corner of his mouth curved up as he continued, “We Beta are not like you AO people. We won’t get marked, nor we get controlled by our instinct. Our fertility rate is low, and we don’t have many restriction and worries. If we found someone compatible, then we hook up. After that, we go our own ways peacefully; free and easy. It has to be at least 60 years old before we even consider marriage.”

After he finished speaking, he remembered that Su Ling has just reached adulthood, “You are an O, don’t mess around.”

Su Ling’s tone was straightforward as he replied, “I won’t; I’m not interested in anyone other than President Gu.” He is not from Planet Belle, so he is not as open-minded as the locals here, and he can’t bear the thought of frequently changing his bed partner. When a notification tone sounded, he immediately looked at it. It was from his male god – [Do you want to disclose the news about Redthorn Ball being in the fragrance bar?]

Although it was just a message about business matters, Su Ling was still pleased, after all, it is still a response from him. Seeing Gu Liheng’s question, he guessed that someone must have asked Gu Liheng about his mother’s treatment. He replied [No need to hide the information. We are fully secured, it will be fine if someone knows about it.] On the other hand, it’s impossible to keep it secret, since he still needs to sell Redthorn Ball’s liquid.

Gu Liheng: ”En.”

“Feeling better?” Mill looked at the pale-faced Gu Liheng and got worried.

He initially thought Gu Liheng would think about his suggestion for a few days; he didn’t expect Gu Liheng to come to him early in the morning. They have just finished the scenario simulation not long ago, and the result was not optimistic. It happened that Mother Gu has contacted Gu Liheng during that period as well, which made the situation worse. He saw that Gu Liheng’s face was pale and his body was trembling involuntarily, and he was about to give him medicine. Unexpectedly, after Gu Liheng received a message, his situation improved a little.

Gu Liheng nodded, his hard facial features still had no expression. He took a piece of tissue, wiped his palms, and threw it into the trashcan. Then he got up and said, “Go on.”

After Nalu sent Su Ling back to the fragrance bar, he did not get off the car and drove home directly to sleep. However, before he got home, the notification from various messages almost blown off his bracelet.

[I said, brother, aren’t you a bit too secretive? You have a Grade A spiritual plant in your store hidden and tucked away. Why don’t you let me check it out?]

[Nalu, we have been cooperating for so many years. For the Redthorn Ball, just give me a price!]


Nalu decisively set his bracelet to the do-not-disturb mode, and only set the numbers of the store staff and Su Ling in the whitelist. After that, he turned the car around and dialled Su Ling’s number.

Su Ling has just walked into the fragrance-making room, ready to see how much nutrient solution Xian Mo Yu drank all night so that he can get a general idea of the nutrient solution consumption. As soon as he entered, a root rushed encircle his wrist. In the blink of an eye, it was wrapped around his wrist several times. At first glance, it looked like he was wearing a chain of bracelets. Su Ling raised his hand and shook it, the strength around his wrist was not tight. The root felt cooling, and it did not affect his actions, so he let the root stay on his wrist. Approaching the nutrient solution barrel, he opened the volume meter on the barrel, and a series of data immediately popped up, which listed the change in the total amount of liquid in the previous 12 hours. He was looking at last night’s data when he received a call from Nalu.

Nalu: “The fact that Redthorn Ball is in our store is on the news. There will be reporters waiting near the store for some time. Don’t go out for the time being; I’ll come over right away.”

Su Ling: “Go back to sleep. As long as I don’t go out, they can’t affect me.”

Nalu was worried, “Forget it, I will probably get ambushed when I went home. My bracelet is blown up with messages. If I knew about this earlier, I wouldn’t put my number up in the fragrance bar’s official website.”

After a while, Nalu arrived at the back door but was stopped by the new security facility. Su Ling opened the master controller and granted him permission. After Nalu entered the store, he praised, “Not bad. The facility was installed just in time.”

Su Ling acknowledged with an En. After recording the data, he felt a little headache, “The nutrient solution has reduced by 5 litres in one night.”

Nalu looked at the changes in the data and calculated, “Assuming that it will consume 10 litres a day, plus the Grade A spiritual plants, the nutrient solution needed will cost 400,000 a month!” He turned to look at Xian Mo Yu, “If it doesn’t provide any raw materials, the store will go bankrupt from keeping it.”

Su Ling lightly squeezed the bouncy root wrapped on his wrist and asked, “What do you produce every day? Like liquid, stem, and nectar? Something that won’t affect your body.”

Nalu was surprised, “It can understand? Eh…” He had just voiced out his doubt when a root flicked his forehead. The hit was not heavy, but too fast to capture its movement. A black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him, so he was startled. Nalu touched his forehead, quite a temper it has there!

Su Ling was relieved to see that Nalu is all right.

After Xian Mo Yu taught this human who dared to question its IQ a lesson, its mood was instantly relieved. Its 5 raised petals lowered to the ground, to expose the stamen at the centre. Then its stamens were divided into 5, each approaching the nearest petals. Soon, black water droplets appeared on the top of the black stamen. The stamen shook gently, and the water droplets fell from the stamen tip to the petals. The petals were curved like a bowl, under the stamen. At this moment, the drops of water fall and slide on the petals. Soon, a pool of black liquid gathered at the arch of each petal.

At the same time, the scene of Xian Mo Yu hunting reappeared in Su Ling’s mind, but this time the shot was closer. The stamen pours out black liquid on its petal, which the prey that was entangled by its roots is lifted down on it, and the prey’s skin bubbles at the moment it touched the liquid. The prey turns into a pool of blood in the blink of an eye.

Su Ling had an impulse to vomit. He took a deep breath, tilted his head and patted his chest, pressing down the urge. After the prey was killed, the scene changed to another prey. Su Ling promptly said. “No need to show it!” He reluctantly smiled and said, “I know what they are for.”

A vaguely proud smile appeared in his mind.

Su Ling: “…You are really amazing.”

Nalu knelt down to look at the liquid curiously, “What can it do?”

Su Ling: “I haven’t thought about it yet. I just know that it’s very corrosive.”

Nalu retracted his hand and moved back, “How to keep it then?”

Su Ling spread his hands, “I don’t know, we’ll just have to try all kind of containers.”

The two tried several times on the containers in the store, but the moment the mouth of the bottle touches the liquid, it got dissolved. Xian Mo Yu’s roots stayed erected and ‘watched’ the two for a while. Then it couldn’t stand it anymore. Using its roots, it lightly slashed on the nearest petal, and red liquid immediately flowed from the petal.

Su Ling was dumbfounded when he saw Xian Mo Yu hurting itself, and realized what happened after reading the hints in his head. He scooped the red liquid and coated the surface of the container with a thin layer. After a while, the red liquid dried out and turned transparent. Then he filled the black liquid in the container, which didn’t get dissolved this time. Hence, he and Nalu coated their hands first with the red liquid before filling the remaining black liquid into the glass bottle.

The cut Xian Mo Yu inflicted on its petal has healed, and there was some excess red liquid left on the surface, which Su Ling collected as well. After they collected the black liquid, Xian Mo Yu raised its petals and wrapped itself into a spherical shape. Zzz symbol floated in Su Ling’s mind like this – ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz.

Su Ling watched with a complicated expression as Xian Mo Yu retracted his roots and soaked the roots in the nutrient solution. This is the real ‘sleeping while eating’. He actually felt a little envious!

Nalu shook the glass bottle containing the black liquid, “How can I sell this? There is no reference price at all.”

Su Ling thought for a while and said, “Keep it first. Doctor Ni An will come in the evening; we wait for him to take it back to study and determine its usage before setting the price.” Its efficacy has always determined the value of raw materials.

The two left the fragrance-making room, and Nalu went to the private room to take a rest.

As for Su Ling, he moved a bench to the greenhouse and read about communicating using pheromone with spiritual plants. He did not attach the isolator and tried to manipulate his pheromones while reading. After one afternoon, he can now control his pheromone to form horizontal lines.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the fragrance bar opens. Usually, this point is the time where the staff make preparations before opening the store, so there will be no guests. However, today, the door was full of people, all coming for Redthorn Ball.

Raw word count:  3128


[1] Boyan is like Weibo in China, or Facebook to the rest of us

Banana : The next 2 chapters have 6k word count so both will be split into 2 parts yo. Can’t handle 6k in one go _(;3/ zzzzzzzz

Chapter 31 – Examine [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

At the hospital, Su Ling wanted to take a number under Doctor Ni An but was told that today’s number is finished. After asking the staff, he found out that Doctor Ni An has reached retirement age long ago. He is a specialised doctor in the hospital; hence he will only see 10 patients every day. Only patients with intractable pheromone problem can ask for him as he does not check for general illnesses. Thinking that he is just getting a body checkup, Su Ling doesn’t mind so he started thinking which specialist’s number to take.

Nalu was not at ease and said, “Doctor Ni An is most familiar with your situation. Other doctors may not even know about Xian Mo Yu.”

Su Ling was about to say that it is okay when his bracelet rang. As soon as he connected the call, Darry’s voice came out asking, “Are you in the fragrance bar now? I’m at the front door right now. Since I’m free at the moment, I’m thinking to help you harvest the spiritual plant’s raw materials.”

Su Ling was stunned, but then his eyes curled up, “How do you know that the spiritual plants are in the fragrance bar?”

Darry: “President Gu told me. He also asked me to check with you when I could come over to help out, but I didn’t receive your call. I was afraid that you would be embarrassed to ask, so I took the initiative to contact you.”

Su Ling smiled even wider; his male god was thinking of him! It would be nicer if he(GLH) contacted him instead. Then he said, “I’m at the Central Hospital,” he glanced at the time, “Wait a moment, I’ll come back first since I didn’t manage to get Doctor Ni An’s number. I’ll return to get another doctor’s number later.”

“Are you sick?” Darry asked.

“No, just getting a body checkup to see how my pheromone issue is faring.”

Darry knew that Su Ling’s pheromone is abnormal, so hearing that he suddenly went to see the doctor, Darry thinks that maybe something is wrong with his(SL) pheromone. In his opinion, having unpleasant pheromone is a fatal blow to any Omega. Therefore, he did not ask too much, so as not to bring up the sadness.

Darry: “Don’t come back, I will help you to contact Doctor Ni An. He takes your situation very seriously.”

Su Ling: “This is too much trouble for you, and you came over for nothing, I’d better go back first.”

Darry laughed and said, “It’s no trouble, it was along the way anyway. I will return to the company now. I’ll just go to your store after I get off work to relax, and then help to harvest the raw materials.”

Su Ling: “Thank you.”

Darry: “You’re welcome. Boss already gave the order, and I’m glad to help you.”

Soon after the two hung up the call, Su Ling received an appointment card from Darry; the appointment time was 9.30 am. He showed the card to Nalu, “Feeling relieved now?”

Nalu smiled and nodded.

At 9:30 am, Su Ling went to Ni An’s office, while Nalu waited for him in the waiting area outside.

Doctor Ni An is still the same as before, with white hair and a gentle expression. If he is not wearing a white coat, he looks like an ordinary grandfather. Su Ling politely greeted Ni An, and he(NA) pointed to the seat in front of him, “Sit down first.” After Su Ling sat down, he asked with concern, “What’s wrong?”

Smiling, Su Ling told Doctor Ni An about how he meet Xian Mo Yu and his pheromone returning to normal. Then he stated the purpose for the body checkup, “I want to check my pheromone to see if it has completely returned to normal.”

Ni An got up from the chair and walked around his desk. The excitement was difficult to hide from his tone, “That’s amazing, come with me!”

Su Ling followed him to the right side of a detector, and Ni An turned on the device, “You can take off your isolator now.”

Su Ling removed the isolator, and the faint scent of citrus mint spread out in the air. Ni An praised, “It smells really nice. Congratulations, child.” Next, he pointed to the instrument and said, “Stand here.”

Su Ling placed his feet on the footprints indicator, and a blue light scanned him from top to bottom. Then, various data appeared on the display. Ni An looked at the data carefully, recorded it, then adjusted the instrument and continued testing. After a complete body test, Ni An gave him a particular gland test. A sensor patch was attached to the back of his neck, and his current condition was reflected on the display. After a series of inspections, Ni An took off the sensor and looked relaxed, “Very healthy. There are no more Xian Mo Yu’s particles remain in your gland.” Next, he pointed to a line of data and said, “Your pheromone threshold is much higher than the average. I speculate that this might be the effect of your body absorbing a part of the particles.”

Confused, Su Ling asked, “What does the threshold mean?”

Ni An: “The average value of your pheromone concentration is very high,” he cautioned, “Child, the pheromone you release during estrus will make Alpha crazy. Do not remove the isolator at normal times and always carry your inhibitors with you.”

Su Ling: “…”

Ni An smiled and said, “Don’t be too nervous. A high threshold is not a bad thing. It is easier for you to communicate with a spiritual plant, it’s an enviable talent for spiritual plant specialist.”

Su Ling nodded: “En, I am not nervous.” Just that being able to drive people crazy makes him a little ashamed.

Ni An: “Sit down for a while, I will print out your test result.”

While waiting for the printing to generate, Ni An compared Su Ling’s data with the data from his childhood in the database. The more he looked at it, the brighter his eyes became. After Ni An handed the test result to Su Ling, he looked at him cautiously and said, “I have a request, can I see Xian Mo Yu?”

Su Ling: “Do you want to get particles from it for research?”

Ni An nodded and said, “I have used up the particle we found previously in other research. I didn’t know its specific role at the time, so I didn’t use it in various test. Your changes have guided me to another direction of research. The particles are likely to be able to be made into a spiritual plant medicine that could expand one’s pheromone threshold.” He leaned forward slightly due to his excitement. He continued, “This means an Omega who could only become a junior spiritual plant specialist, may get boosted to intermediate or even advanced level with its help.”

“There are too few advanced level spiritual plant specialists. At present, the demand for spiritual plant-based medicine is huge, especially in the military force, where there is a large number of Alpha, and they need a lot of medicine. If the research is successful, the spiritual plant industry will lead to unprecedented progress.”

Doctor Ni An’s current mood is understandable, but Su Ling still voiced out an important point after a moment of hesitation, “To find its missing particles, Xian Mo Yu has travelled to many places.”

If its particles are something that can be mass-produced, Xian Mo Yu will not place so much importance in it.

Immediately understood what Su Ling meant, Ni An calmed down a little bit and said, “It must be important to Xian Mo Yu.” He smiled, “I got impatient.” Then he pondered for a moment, “Even if not for the particles, I still wanted to meet Xian Mo Yu. Grade S spiritual plant hasn’t appeared for many years, and we don’t have an accurate set of data in our record. But one thing is certain, the higher the spiritual plant level, the better the effectiveness of the raw materials provided. “

Su Ling didn’t mind him meeting Xian Mo Yu, “It’s in my shop,” he sent the address to Ni An, “If you have time to go, you can contact me.”

Ni An glanced at the address, smiled and nodded, “Okay, I get off work at 5.30 pm. I will come tonight.”

Su Ling smiled, it was apparent that Ni An attaches great importance to Xian Mo Yu. He got up to say goodbye. As soon as he opened the door, something bumped at it heavily causing Su Ling to stumble a few steps backwards. Two people fell into the room, accompanied by noisy and chaotic sounds.

“Get out, don’t make trouble here!”

“It is forbidden to take pictures here, turn off the video recording!”

The security guards and the video crew were pushing and pulling at each other.

Ni An frowned and dialled the hospital’s internal line, “What’s the matter with the commotion?”

The assistant in the line anxiously replied, “Sorry, a lot of reporters and unidentified people suddenly came to the hospital. The people from the security department will come right away.”

As they were talking, two teams of security personnel ran over to handle the crowd. The people were gathered together and detained, then pulled away. At that moment, someone shouted, “Doctor Ni An, has Madam Gu fully recovered from her pheromone rejection illness? Will the treatment plan be announced to the public?”

“It is said that the key to the treatment is Redthorn Ball. Has the hospital found Redthorn Ball?”

Ni An sat calmly in his chair, not answering anything, and these people were quickly taken away by the security team.

On the other side, Nalu was mistaken as a part of the troublemaker, and two security guards were pulling him away. Su Ling quickly called out, “He came with me.”

Ni An gestured to the security, and they released Nalu. Su Ling bid farewell to Ni An again and left the hospital with Nalu.

Nalu:  “The matter with Redthorn Ball may be exposed soon.”

Raw word count:  2320


Chapter 30 – Comfort [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

After Su Ling took all the plants out of the space storage, he sorted out the items and equipment inside properly. The 3 Grade A spiritual plants shivered; their branches bent towards him, and they stuck all of their leaves and flowers at Su Ling’s body. When Nalu saw that Su Ling acted like he doesn’t mind the actions, he reminded with a light tone, “You must remember not to remove your isolator in front of outsiders, especially Alpha, or you will become their prey.”

Prey? Su Ling’s mouth twitched, not wanting Nalu to worry, he nodded, “Don’t worry, I won’t casually take of my isolator.”

The function of an isolator is to block the pheromone smell, avoid mutual influence between Alpha and Omega, which will cause the affected parties to lost control, and other phenomena. Not attaching the isolator is simply publicly asking for it.

Nalu looked relieved, “Good.”

Su Ling glanced at him, then turned to squeeze the Pearl Lopseed’s leaves that were wrapped around his wrist, and said helplessly, “Don’t wrap around my wrist, it will affect my work.”

However, Pearl Lopseed is different from Xian Mo Yu. It couldn’t understand what Su Ling said, so when he rubbed the leaves, it pressed itself against him even tighter. Su Ling thought for a moment. He held the tip of the leaf and unrolled the vines of leaves around his wrist twice like a ball of thread. After he unrolled the leaf from his wrist, Su Ling pushed it to rest beside its flower. The leaves shook, and when he let go, they immediately pressed against his arm but did not try to entangle his hands anymore. Su Ling smiled, the plant didn’t understand his words but still could understand his gesture. Letting the leaves sticking close to his body, he took the nutrient solution out of the space storage and re-arranged the supplies and medicine.

Taking a glance over the model on the edge of the container, Nalu immediately approached and stated into the container, “My God, high-quality nutrient solution.” Then he asked Su Ling, “How much will the plants consume every day?”

Su Ling thought about it and replied, “Grade A spiritual plant will take about 1 litre every day. Is it expensive?”

“1 litre equals to 1000 star coins,” Nalu said with a pained expression, “continuous consumption will be a huge expense.”

Su Ling quickly figured the numbers out in his mind. The nutrient solution for 3 Grade A spiritual plants cost 3,000 star coins a day. He still hasn’t figured how much Xian Mo Yu needs daily, but it will definitely be more. In this case, the monthly expenditure on the nutrient solution will be more than 100,000 star coins. After a moment of consideration, he laughed, “It doesn’t matter, the raw materials they provide every day are worth 10,000. Adding the Redthorn Ball liquid to the account, they will earn at least 30,000 star coins every day.”

These aren’t spiritual plants, they are gold mines!

Nalu clapped his hands, and his eyes brightened, “You are right, they should use the best nutrient solution.” Then he happily stretched out his hand to touch the Redthorn Ball closest to him. But the thread on the Redthorn Ball suddenly stood stiff and pierced his hand like needles.

“Hiss…” Nalu immediately shrank back. Clutching his fingers, he saw a blood drop coming out of the middle finger.

Su Ling was taken aback and looked at him nervously.

Nalu held his hands and stared at the wound for a while. Then he smiled and shrugged his shoulders, “I’m okay, it just pierced my hand, but didn’t release any poison.”He wiped his hands with a paper towel and turned to look at Redthorn Ball. Under his breath, he muttered, “Why is it so fierce? It’s just a touch. Xiao Ling and I are on the same team!”

Feeling funny, Su Ling laughed, “It couldn’t understand you.” He looked at Redthorn Ball, “This is the first time I saw it hurting people.”

Nalu: “The spiritual plant is apprehensive to non-Omega. Of course, if an Omega forcefully tried to harvest the raw materials, the result will not be better than mine just now.”

Su Ling remembered the scene when he took out the spiritual plants from the security company, “Then you have to remind the people in the store.”

Nalu: “Only Xiao Bian and the temporary worker will come in the backyard. I will tell them.”

Then Nalu pointed at the 3 plants that kept sticking to Su Ling’s body and at Xian Mo Yu which was secretly soaking its roots in nutrient solution; drinking away happily.

“They seem to be afraid of Xian Mo Yu, can they be put together in the greenhouse?”

Su Ling was not sure as well. “Let’s try.”

With Nalu’s help, he placed the 3 plants in the corner of the greenhouse near the door. Then together they moved Xian Mo Yu to the innermost corner to keep them at the farthest distance. However, when Xian Mo Yu was moved to the position, the few remaining low-level spiritual plants that were placed in the innermost of the greenhouse were scared to death. 2 plants were so terrified that their flower head fell off on to the ground while another plant half-snapped its stem. The scene looked very miserable.

Su Ling: “…”

Fortunately, he has his isolator on; otherwise, he will be surrounded by panic attacks. He turned his head to look at the 3 Grade A spiritual plants. Although they seemed slightly fine, not losing their heads or snapping their stem, they were shaking like they are having convulsions.

Nalu tsked, “This level of suppression is too strong.” Approaching the rose plants, he picked up the roses on the ground and said, “It can’t be used anymore.”

Upon hearing that, Su Ling looked at the flower and saw that the petals were completely different from those still fine on its stem. The fallen ones have glinting black colour mixed the red colour. This petal is poisonous. Although the toxins of low-level spiritual plants are not very toxic, the toxins will destroy the original effect of the raw materials.

Su Ling: “Are there any other empty rooms?”

Nalu: “The fragrance making room is quite empty, but the environment is not as good as this large shed. There are only a few low-level spiritual plants left. I will just move them out of here.”

Compared with the low-level spiritual plants, Nalu naturally values Xian Mo Yu more and wants to provide Xian Mo Yu with a better environment. However, Su Ling stopped him from moving the spiritual plants and said, “Wait a minute, Redthorn Ball is also afraid of Xian Mo Yu. I will try to comfort it. If my method doesn’t work, I will shift Xian Mo Yu to a place by itself.”

Nalu nodded immediately.

Although Grade A spiritual plant is not as good as Grade S, the current 3 plants can provide certain raw materials every day.  On the other side, Su Ling is not certain what Xian Mo Yu can provide. Hence, Grade A spiritual plan is more precious in his heart. Su Ling stood in front of the Grade A plants. Instantly, the 3 plants reached out, and their branches and vines pressed against him and wrapped his arms. He gently stroke the flowers and comforted, “Don’t be afraid, Xian Mo Yu will not eat you.”

His words did nothing. Su Ling calmed down for a while, and finally determined that the plants couldn’t understand his words. He has yet to master the method of communicating with them using pheromones. After a moment of considerations, Su Ling figured that he could only use actions to express his intentions. He waved to Xian Mo Yu and called out at the same time. The next moment, one of Xian Mo Yu’s roots stretched out in front of him. Grabbing onto the root, Su Ling could feel a touch of cold and bouncy sensation from his palm. He couldn’t help squeezing it, and the root twisted happily.

The 3 Grade A spiritual plants trembled even more.

Su Ling touched them with his left hand, and put the root on Redthorn Ball with his right hand, “Look, Xian Mo Yu will not hurt you, even if it touches you, it will not eat…”

Before he could finish talking, Xian Mo Yu got attracted by the scent of its food and couldn’t help itself. The top of its root opened up like morning glory, and it started sucking from one of the red balls to absorb the liquid within. The red ball deflated in the blink of an eye.

Su Ling was taken aback and quickly removed the root, “Xian Mo Yu!”

The tip of the roots was dumbfounded, and it closed up weakly, with the lower end drooping down, like a lifeless thread. At the same time, Su Ling had a vague image of a stickman kneeling on the ground in his mind.

Su Ling: “…”

The stickman stood up and knelt down, then crawled on the ground.

As expected of a Grade S spiritual plant with the highest IQ, Su Ling sighed silently.

Nalu was stunned. Looking at the countless black roots that were still soaking in the nutrient solution in the distance, his scalp tingled, “No wonder they are afraid of it.”

Su Ling spread his hands, “I can’t comfort the plants, we’ll just have to move Xian Mo Yu alone.”

Even he himself couldn’t believe the comforting words he said just now. If he really put them together in a room, he is afraid that none of the Grade A spiritual plants would be left when he wakes up tomorrow morning. However, thinking of Xian Mo Yu’s technique of burrowing into the ground, Su Ling couldn’t be relieved if they are not in the same room. Regardless, he brought Xian Mo Yu to the fragrance-making room with Nalu. Then he repeatedly ordered Xian Mo Yu, telling him not to harm the other spiritual plants and to drink the nutrient solution if it wants to eat anything.

At first, only one of Xian Mo Yu’s roots stood up and kept moving up and down as if it is nodding. But after listening to him nagging for a long time, a circle of roots surrounded Su Ling, ‘nodding’ up and down continuously. Su Ling also felt that he was a bit long-winded, so he coughed slightly and squeezed the roots in front of him, “Get a good rest and don’t destroy the room.”

A circle of roots nodded again.

After Su Ling left the room, he went to see the Redthorn Ball. The frequency of the Redthorn Ball’s shaking was much smaller than before. A red ball was deflated, but it didn’t seem to feel much. He took off his isolator and calmed the plant with his pheromone, then he gave it some nutrient solution based on the emotion he felt.

It’s already over 10pm when this busy day ends.

Nalu: “You go to rest first. There are many people in the store right now, so remember to turn on soundproofing function.”

Su Ling was really tired, so he nodded and walked to the lounge.

Before that, Nalu patted him on the shoulder and said, “Go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. Even though your pheromone smells normal now, you still have to see if the rest of your body data is normal.”

Su Ling: “No need ba? I felt good, no discomfort anywhere.”

With a serious expression, Nalu insisted, “Of course you need to.” Then he coughed lightly, “You are already an adult, but you haven’t come in estrus even once. You have to check if Xian Mo Yu has any effect on you.”

Su Ling was speechless for a moment.

Waving his hand, Nalu seemed a little embarrassed to talk to him about this topic, which is usually done by the elders. He strode past Su Ling and decided, “I will send you there tomorrow.”

Su Ling understands him well, this topic is similar to the adult education in his previous world. Even if the topic is raised by biological parents, awkwardness is inevitable. He turned to call out at Nalu, “No need, I’ll go by myself. Have a good rest.”

The fragrance bar usually closes at three in the morning and can get even later when there are guests. The staffs rarely get up in the morning.

Su Ling returned to the lounge with a strong sense of strangeness. The lounge is totally incomparable with the guest room in Gu Liheng’s villa. Just the area itself is worse. Fortunately, it is fully equipped. He ordered a takeaway and took a shower after eating. Coming out of the bathroom in his pyjamas, Su Ling could hear faint voices from the store. He turned on the soundproofing function, and all kinds of noise disappeared instantly.

Initially, he felt tired, but he didn’t want to sleep after taking a shower. So he tapped open his bracelet and check the missed calls from today; all belonging to Gu Liheng and Nalu. A smile appeared on his face unconsciously, it felt good that someone cared. After reading it, he closed the missed call log, Su Ling discovered that there is an unread message. He opened it, and it was sent to him by the security company, which contained instructions on how to use the facility and input of the master control information. He inputted his fingerprint and pupil scan as instructed, and completed the registration for the master control. After that, the master control is turned on, and a holographic screen popped up above his bracelet, showing the various view of the store. Even the road outside the backyard can be monitored, and occasionally people or vehicles passing by will be displayed in red. If an outsider comes in, he can see it very clearly.

The main control console has a button for power and lock function. The power function can cause electric shock when someone breaks in, while the lock function prohibits entry and exit. Su Ling checked further and found that the time for the lock function was set to automatically turned on 3 am to 5 pm. The security company must have asked about the store’s closing time and confirmed that no one will be in the store during this time. Next, Su Ling checked online for the price of the security facility, it cost 600,000 star coins. After calculating silently, he breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the income from spiritual plants, it is not exactly expensive.

The next day, he didn’t get up until 8:30 am. After washing, he went to see the spiritual plants to make sure that they are all alive and well, and went out to buy breakfast. Just as he went out of the store, he received a call from Nalu, “Where are you now?”

Su Ling: “Back door.”

Nalu: “I’ll be there soon.”

After a while, Nalu’s car stopped in front of Su Ling, and he got in the car. He said helplessly, “Didn’t I say I will go by myself?”

Nalu: “Who knows if you were just giving me a perfunctory reply? You kids like to do that what.”

Su Ling emphasized, “I am not a child, and I have not eaten breakfast yet.”

Nalu smiled, and the two ate breakfast together before heading to the Central Hospital.

Raw word count:  3275

# Σ(・口・)

Chapter 29 – Condition [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Gu Liheng stood in front of the door for a while before turning around and went inside the villa. After sending a text message to someone, he went to the second floor. He took off the isolator to take a bath and changed into cotton pyjamas. The comfort of his body made his expression relaxed. Then Gu Liheng went into his study and dialled a number.

The call was quickly connected, and the psychiatrist Mill’s voice was gentle and calm, “Good evening.”

Gu Liheng greeted him, and Mill asked straightforwardly, “Is there any progress?” He rested his elbow on the armrest, his hand propped his forehead,  “No… I need your help.”

Mill: “I’m delighted to help, tell me about your current situation. Are you still in contact with the person who makes you smile?”

Gu Liheng: “Yes.”

Mill immediately asked, “How is the effect?”

Gu Liheng was silent for a moment. He did not answer the question but said, “He can’t help me. I contacted you to ask if there is any other way.”

Staying beside the young man felt effortless and joyful, but after everything changed after his confession. Before this, he liked to stay with the young man, and it felt natural to him to help and take care of him(SL). He didn’t think about the feelings between Alpha and Omega until the moment the young man confessed. His heartbeat was uncontrollable, and a joy that he had never had before surged in his heart. These reactions made him realize that his feelings for the young man were not friendship.

Although Gu Liheng has no experience in love, he is not a fool. No one would react this way to a friend’s confession. After realizing this feeling, the boy’s smile turned into a curse because it reminded him of all the blind dates he was forced to go a long time ago. The fearful expression and shifting gaze of those people keep flashing in his mind. Though this doesn’t always happen on the first meeting with the blind dates, the second and third meeting will always end up with the same result. The young man has a beautiful smile. If he(SL) get together with the expressionless him, that one day will come where he(SL) couldn’t stand it anymore, and his smile would be exhausted. Everyone has an expectation from the person they like; expecting their lover to show a smile instead of being serious and indifferent.

Mill was a little surprised and regretful, but he didn’t continue the topic. He pondered for a moment and asked, “Besides work, do you have any other activities that enable you to communicate with other people?”

Gu Liheng: “…No.”

Some things won’t sound wrong if not brought up, but when being explicitly mentioned, one can see the problem.

Not surprised, Mill explained, “Your symptoms are mainly psychological problems. I suggest you make more friends, participate in private gatherings, and relax yourself. Being at work for a long time, and not communicating with others will make your situation worse.” After a moment of silence, Mill gently said, “Your heart problems mainly stem from your mother’s teaching when you were young. You can try to smile in front of your mother.”

The sound of Gu Liheng’s breathing suddenly increased.

Mill slowed down his talk, “I know, this is a challenge, but if you can overcome it, it will be beneficial to your condition.” Then he said, “Of course, before that, I have to do a test for you to make sure the attempt does not backfire. If you have time, come to my studio.”

Gu Liheng: “Alright.”

Mill was very pleased to hear that he agreed to come, “I am happy for you.”

A few years ago, he persuaded Gu Liheng to do systemic treatment, but Gu Liheng refused. He still remembers what Gu Liheng said to him at that time, ‘It’s fine like this’. Right now, he is even more curious about the person who made Gu Liheng smile. Although Gu Liheng didn’t say anything much, it was not difficult for Mill to infer that Gu Liheng’s change was related to that person.

Su Ling glanced at the time and saw that it is almost 9.30pm, which is the busiest time in the fragrance bar. In order not to disrupt the business, he asked the driver to park the car at the side road in front of the back door. Then he sent another message to Nalu. The driver stopped the car, got out to open the door for Su Ling and reached out to support Su Ling.

Su Ling waved his hand and said, “It’s alright, I can just go by myself.”

“President Gu said you hurt your foot, so I’ll help you to get in.” The driver strictly said.

Su Ling gave him a surprised look, “When did he tell that to you?”

The driver honestly replied, “I received the information on the way to the fragrance bar.”

That reply put Su Ling in a very good mood. So as not to reveal anything, he took the driver’s hand to get out of the car slowly, “Thank you.”

Driver: “You’re welcome.” As he said, he helped Su Ling to walk towards the back door.

At this moment the back door opened and Nalu ran out while shooting questions at Su Ling, “What’s the matter? Where is the injury?”

Su Ling put his arm on Nalu’s hand and replied, “I just sprained my foot.” He turned to smile at the driver, “You can go back, thanks for your hard work.”

The driver replied saying that it is nothing, then said his goodbye and left.

Nalu helped Su Ling into the backyard. While he is closing the back door, he kept nagging, “You scared me to death this time. Never go alone to the mountains again in the future. Let me help you go to the lounge room first, and then I’ll call a doctor to come and see the wound. You……”

Letting go of Nalu’s hand, Su Ling placed his right foot on the ground and jumped a few times.

“Don’t worry, my foot is fine. And I won’t have to go to the mountains anymore.”

Nalu breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “What’s wrong with earlier then? And what do you mean by not going to the mountains anymore?”

Su Ling touched his nose in embarrassment, “I was just doing some thinking. About the other question, I will talk to you later.”

Nalu has seen many types of people before. Hence upon hearing Su Ling’s words, he immediately knew what Su Ling was talking about[1]. He was speechless for a moment and waved his hand. “All right, I already know that you like President Gu.”

Su Ling coughed slightly, and decisively shifted Nalu’s attention. He pointed to the metal mesh on the backyard wall, “What is this? It wasn’t there this afternoon.”

Nalu: “Isn’t this the security facilities that you asked to install?”

Immediately understood what was going on, Su Ling decided to check the model later to see the price. Seeing Nalu looking at him suspiciously, he vaguely said, “Oh, I almost forgot. Since I brought the 3 spiritual plants back, having complete security would be safer.” After that, he walked to the spiritual plant greenhouse. At this moment, the spiritual plant greenhouse is quite empty, and the spiritual plants they purchased mid-month has already been used up.

Nalu nodded in agreement, “You are very considerate, but isn’t the price of this set not cheap? Do you have enough money?”

Su Ling: “Yes, enough.”

Su Ling raised his hand to touch his stud earring. After a moment of thought, he gave a word of caution, “Uncle Nalu, there’s something that I’m going to show you now. Just don’t get too excited.”

Nalu smiled, “Did you forget? I was with you when you took the Grade A spiritual plants from the safe. Whatever is this, I won’t get excited.”

After a minute, the person who said he won’t get excited was flushing as he circled Xian Mo Yu and muttered ‘ooh’ and ‘my god’ nonstop…

Su Ling rubbed his ears, “Uncle Nalu, calm down.”

“Oh my God! How can I calm down? This is a Grade S spiritual plant!” He exclaimed with an affectionate tone, “It’s so beautiful!”

Xian Mo Yu stretched out a root and tapped Nalu’s forehead; praising him for having good eyes.

Su Ling laughed and shook his head. If Nalu had smelled Xian Mo Yu’s offensive scent, then he wouldn’t be so affectionate.

After Nalu finally calmed down, he said, “No wonder you said you don’t have to go to the mountains anymore!” He placed his hand on Su Ling’s shoulder excitedly, “The Doctor Ni An you mentioned last time, can you ask him to come and study the plant?”

Su Ling laughed, “No need to ask him, my pheromone has returned to normal.”


Nodding, Su Ling took off his isolator. Soon, the fragrance of citrus mint wafted into the air from him.

Nalu took a step back and distanced himself from Su Ling, “Even if I am Beta, I am fascinated by your pheromone.”

Su Ling: “…” He reattached the isolator and said, “Such an exaggeration.” His pheromones do smell good though, and he himself likes it very much.

Nalu sternly rebutted, “It’s not an exaggeration at all!”

Raw word count:  2171


[1] A bit hard to translate properly, but it means that SL was feeling a bit sad with something so he went to the mountain to do some thinking, which Nalu understood what makes him sad.

Chapter 28 – Return [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling took out the isolator and attached it to the back of his neck. There are at least 5 alphas in the ship, judging from the various voices in the call. If he doesn’t have the isolator, some trouble might come up. After all, he is very fragrant now! After sticking the isolator, he put the Golden Baby’s breath plant back into his space storage. Then he started walking around Xian Mo Yu, worrying. Xian Mo Yu is too big to fit in the space storage.

The space storage is three-dimensional, 20 m3, 3 x 3 in length and width, and more than 2 meters in height. Just the diameter of Xian Mo Yu’s stamen alone is close to 2 meters, and its petals of nearly 1 meter make it impossible to fit. He couldn’t ask Xian Mo Yu travel by itself, right? But if it shows up on their doorstep, it will definitely cause a commotion! As he is thinking, Gu Liheng’s voice came from the other side, “Su Ling, have you receive the coordinate?”

Su Ling was sharing his real-time location, and the map indicated that his position has not changed. He hurriedly adjusted the volume and replied, “I have received it. I’m just sorting my things, will set off immediately.”

He adjusted the volume to zero again and suggested to Xian Mo Yu, “My space storage can’t fit you. How about you move to the perimeter of the forest and find a place to hide? I will come over regularly to bring you the nutrient solution.”

Xian Mo Yu answered his proposal with action. Its red petals quickly close up together. The petals and stamens overlapped, reducing its size by a circle, which is now only the stamens are taking up space.

Su Ling’s eyes lit up, it can fit now! Quickly, he sorted out the storage and soaked Xian Mo Yu’s roots in the nutrient solution. Then he placed all of his equipment on top of Xian Mo Yu, barely fitting Xian Mo Yu in.  After some struggles for a while, Su Ling is quite exhausted and took a quick rest. He used the flashlight function from his bracelet to illuminate his surrounding. After enough observation, he followed the navigation guide to the coordinate given by Gu Liheng. He should be deep in the mountain at the moment, with dense vegetation and soft soil. There are many weeds on the ground, and it is easy to stumble when walking. He secretly rejoiced that it is fortunate he changed his equipment before he set off. The quality of the army boots male god bought was good; otherwise, the road would be too difficult to navigate.

After he walked for a while, suddenly, there was a snapping sound of a tree branch on the left side. He immediately turned his head and saw a pair of green eyes of a wild beast in the dimly lit forest. Su Ling’s heart jumped. The leaves above his head shook, two cries from some birds rang out, followed by the sound of fluttering wings, and the two birds flew away quickly. His expression became tight, he stared at the beast and slowly backed away. At this moment, Su Ling started to miss his smelly pheromone smell. Although it smells unpleasant, it provides safety, and he is not afraid to walk in the wild even with his eyes closed.

Seeing him retreating, the beast let out a dangerous low growl in its throat, and its upper body is lowered. At the next moment, the beast suddenly jumped up and pounced towards him. Su Ling quickly jumped behind the tree beside him, letting the tree to block in front of him. He touched his stud earring and took out a gun from the space storage. Just in case, he prepared himself to call for Xian Mo Yu.

At this moment, a dazzling light came from behind him, shining directly into the eyes of the beast. The beast was irritated and roared loudly. The roars reverberated everywhere, and it sounded extremely terrifying. With a ‘BANG!’, the roar stopped abruptly.

Su Ling breathed out softly, patted his chest and turned back. Gu Liheng was less than 5 meters away from him, and Hua Cheng was farther away, holding a black long barrel gun in his hand. He(SL) still has more than half to go before he reaches the destination, it seems that the two men came to pick him up directly from the landing point. Slowly relaxing, Su Ling put the gun back in his space storage and smiled at Gu Liheng. As Gu Liheng walked up to him, he looked at Gu Liheng’s expression, but couldn’t interpret his emotions. However, he remembered clearly that Gu Liheng’s current attire was the same as when he went out at noon. Except it is now a little messier, especially the trousers, which was stained with dirt and grass. The image was totally incompatible with his male god.

“Sorry for causing you trouble.” He said in a frustrated tone.

There is no need to ask, Su Ling could guess what happened based on the missed calls and his male god’s appearance at the moment. He has just confessed not long ago and was thinking about accumulating more good feelings in the future. He didn’t expect to make him worry immediately after.

Gu Liheng lowered his head. His gaze swept across Su Ling’s face, and quickly looked away, “As long as you are fine.”

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were also curved when Su Ling heard that. His male god did not blame him but still cared about him. He still has the chance!

After Hua Cheng reached the two, he looked around and said, “President Gu, we should leave as soon as possible. The smell of blood will invite a lot of trouble.”

Gu Liheng nodded and looked at Su Ling. Su Ling turned around and started walking, “I will try my best to keep up with you guys.”

Gu Liheng: “You should walk ahead.”

Hua Cheng laughed, “Omega can’t keep up with our speed. Just proceed at your speed.”

Su Ling couldn’t refute, he had already seen an Alpha’s abnormal physical ability in the gym.
Not saying anything to waste time, he moved forward according to the navigation. Gu Liheng was one step behind him while Hua Cheng covered the rear.

10 minutes later, there is a bright light ahead, and noises from the aircraft overhead could be heard. Su Ling glanced at the map, and his eyes lit up. They will arrive at the destination immediately. Excited, he quickened his steps subconsciously. However, after 2 steps, Su Ling’s feet was caught by the grass. He lightly yelped as his body fell forward. Instantly, someone grabbed his arms from the back and tightened the hold on his waist. Following the force, Su Ling’s body fell back and hit a muscular chest. For the first time, he deeply felt the difference between an Alpha and Omega’s body condition.

Su Ling turned around. A calm and robust breath filled his nose, his heartbeat quickened, and his head looked up to meet Gu Liheng’s eyes. He blinked and raised his hand to wrap around Gu Liheng’s neck. The other party was visibly startled, and his body was stretched taut. A smile flashed in Su Ling’s eyes. His male god is very innocent and sensitive ah. Raising his right foot, Su Ling shook it and said, “Sprained my foot, and it hurts. Can’t stand.”

Gu Liheng frowned and looked at his foot. Su Ling was wearing long-barreled military boots, and his calf was tightly wrapped in leather. His legs were slender and straight, simply gorgeous. Gu Liheng’s Adam’s apple moved slightly, and he suddenly has the urge to kneel on one foot and lightly kiss the boy’s ankle.

Su Ling lowered his head questioningly. Is there something wrong with his foot? Why is male god’s body stiffening up? After a moment of thought, he came out with a possibility – His male god was worried about his feet injury! Su Ling was overjoyed and at the same time felt guilty because there’s nothing wrong with his feet. Their current location is not far from the landing point. There won’t be any more dangerous situation, and when they reached the aircraft, he will soon be separated from his male god. Other than that, since he is not living in the villa anymore, It won’t be easy to meet him either. That’s why he thought of an excuse to take advantage of his feet injury. However, Su Ling couldn’t bear to worry his male god, he has enough worry for today.

Putting his feet down, Su Ling regretfully released his hold from male god’s neck and took a step back. In order not to slap himself in the face (that he’s lying) on the spot, he retreated very slowly and swayed slightly to indicate that his ankle is uncomfortable.

“Actually, it’s not a big problem, let’s go.” He smiled.

Gu Liheng frowned, “Forcibly walking will aggravate the injury,” then he paused before saying, “Pardon my rudeness.”

As he said that, Gu Liheng bending over and carried Su Ling in a princess carry, and then walked forward quickly. His actions were steady and fast that Su Ling was stunned, and absent-mindedly placed his hand on Gu Liheng’s arm. Soon, he realized that his(GLH) speed is faster than before. Su Ling couldn’t help asking, “Isn’t that tiring?”

Gu Liheng did not look at him, but looked straight ahead: “No, you are very light.”

Su Ling felt relieved.

The last short section of the journey only took 2 minutes. There was only 1 aircraft on the landing point as there is not enough space, so the other 3 aircraft circled slowly in the sky. When Gu Liheng appeared holding Su Ling in his arms, the smoothly rotating aircrafts suddenly flipped over and completed a thrilling 360-degree turn in the air.

“Asshole! Do you want to die?”

“Oh! President Gu actually carried an Omega in his arms!”

“I’m betting that Omega is definitely injured, and not that President Gu is finally enlightened.”

“I betting too! President Gu must be enlightened. Don’t you see our boss is there too? With President Gu’s character, if he is not enlightened, he will definitely take the gun to cover the rear and let our boss carry the Omega instead.”

“Hey, it makes sense, I can’t refute it!”

Hua Cheng gave a light cough with a smile and tapped twice on his bracelet. In an instant, the tapping sound sounded in all the aircraft at the same time.

A moment of silence.

Immediately after that tapping sound, the shared communication was cut off.

“It’s over, am I going to be unemployed today?”

“President Gu should not be able to recognise my voice, right?!”

“Is there still enough time if I apologize now?”


When these comments first came up, Su Ling clearly perceived that Gu Liheng’s footsteps paused for the slightest moment and his body muscles were tight. Looking up, he only saw the defined line of his side profile. After he stared for a moment, Su Ling finally pressed his head against male god’s shoulder, trying to force down his smile.

Don’t laugh, don’t laugh. It’s not good if male god becomes angry.

Hua Cheng jumped into the front passenger seat of the aircraft. Gu Liheng glanced at him and placed Su Ling in the back seat. Then he circled to the other side and sat side by side with Su Ling. When the aircraft took off, the noise was quite loud and not suitable for chatting, so no one spoke.

Su Ling leaned back and stole glances at Gu Liheng from the corner of his eyes. Gu Liheng sat upright as if he was in a meeting. Su Ling carefully thought it out. Although male god has straightforwardly rejected him, but from his actions, Gu Liheng should have good feelings towards him. After thinking about it again, Su Ling countered the thought. If he(GLH) really have good feelings to him, he(GLH) wouldn’t refuse to give him a chance and make him move out immediately after rejecting the confession. Perhaps being kind to him is because they are friends. These two thoughts fought in his head, and the more he thought about it, the messy it became. Su Ling reached out to rub his face. As expected, feelings are the most complicated matter in the world. Even he, who is usually quite direct and simple inevitably struggles with feelings. The more he like someone, the less confident he became. Su Ling decided not to think anymore, as long as male god is single, he will pursue him unswervingly!

The aircraft quickly landed in the back garden of the villa, and the other 3 jets flew away without stopping. Gu Liheng got off the aircraft to Su Ling’s side, carried him down from the ship and walked into the villa. Hua Cheng lowered the window of the front passenger seat and waved goodbye. The aircraft took off behind the two and disappeared from their sight in a blink of an eye.

As he walked across the corridor to the living room, Gu Liheng paused, “Shall I ask the doctor to check your foot?”

“No need,” Su Ling said immediately, “just get the driver take me back to the fragrance bar.”

His lies will be exposed if a doctor checks it.

Gu Liheng frowned, “It’s inappropriate for you to live in the fragrance bar.”

Su Ling smiled at him and raised his eyebrows, “Why is it inappropriate?”

Gu Liheng: “The fragrance bar is mixed with many kinds of people. As an Omega, it is not safe for you.”

Su Ling patted him on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. It’s my shop, and it’s full of my employees. No one can bully me.” He blinked, smiling brilliantly, “If you really worry, marry me, I will live with you every day.”

Gu Liheng stared at his smile for 2 seconds, before abruptly looking away, and quickly walked out of the living room. Placing Su Ling in the back seat of the car, Gu Liheng instructed, “Get a doctor to see your foot when you returned.” After saying that, he took a step back and closed the door.

Su Ling frowned slightly and looked at Gu Liheng through the window. He keeps staring until Gu Liheng’s figure couldn’t be seen anymore. He reached out and touched the corner of his mouth, recalling Gu Liheng’s reaction just now. Could it be not only male god can’t smile, but he also doesn’t like others to smile as well? That’s not right. When he smiled at him before, male god looked happy and even smiled together with him. Su Ling was confused, what is going on?

Raw word count: 3214


Chapter 27 – Communicate [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.
Thank you to Loni for the kofi and support (ノ∀`♥)

Su Ling knew Gu Liheng was worried about him from the missed calls in the record, and quickly responded, “It’s me, I’m fine.”

Gu Liheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he was not entirely relaxed. The young man’s voice sounded weak, was he injured? He quickly asked, “Where are you now?”

Su Ling looked around. On top of his head is a naturally jutted boulder while there is a steep cliff with many big green trees on his right. Below him is a rock wall with moss growing on it, and a small stream of water can be seen flowing from above. This kind of place is very common in the mountains. He described his position and said, “I don’t know the exact location.”

Gu Liheng: “Share your coordinate with me.”

Su Ling: “Alright.”

He was about to hang up the call when he heard Gu Liheng say, “Don’t hang up, keep it connected.”

Su Ling smiled and said, “Okay.” He sent the coordinate, and Gu Liheng’s voice came from the bracelet, “Head to the location.”

This was obviously being said to someone else, so Su Ling didn’t bother.

The roots that had been wrapped around Su Ling’s wrist loosened, and raised to tap on his lips. At the same time, a blurry scene flashed in his mind; it was him eating the stem? This mental image was different from the movie-like memories sharing previously. Similar to Xian Mo Yu’s smiling face, it was quite blurry. He guessed that this is the difference between personal experience and expression of ideas.

Su Ling looked at the roots and asked, “You mean I should eat it?”

The roots moved up and down.

Gu Liheng’s voice was slightly confused as he asked, “Who are you talking to?”

Immediately covering his mouth, Su Ling secretly reminded himself not to speak out loud next time. He replied, “It’s only me.”

Gu Liheng did not ask anymore. Su Ling’s eyes curved up slightly; his male god is really reliable.

On the other hand, he watched the animated picture of ‘him eating the stem’ that Xian Mo Yu kept looping in his mind. After a moment of consideration, he took Golden Baby’s breath out from his space storage. As soon as he took it out, he could sense the panic and fear from Baby’s breath, and its whole body was trembling. Its leaves and flowers tried to stick as near as possible to him; looking really pitiful. Such a significant change of treatment after he became ‘fragrant’! Before this, when he was still smelly and didn’t the isolator, they avoided him like h*ll!

Su Ling opened his mouth to say something, but thinking that he is still connected to the call, he closed his mouth in time. Stretching out his hand, Su Ling tried to stroke the leaves and flowers of Baby’s breath to comfort it. His pheromone and the scent of the plant were mixed together, even so, he still can easily recognize the scent of the plant. The scent of his, Xian Mo Yu, and Baby’s breath are like thread balls of different colours. Although they are mixed together, they are still different with their own unique colours.

Su Ling tried to use his pheromone to soothe the Golden Baby’s breath. The moment he tried, he found that his pheromone gradually changed, and the pheromone that was originally evenly scattered around in the air slowly gathered around the plant. These countless tiny particles of fragrance can be controlled! It was extremely novel for Su Ling, and he felt like he has discovered a new world. His pheromone envelops the spiritual plant, and it gradually calms down. The mixed fragrance of gold and silver gathered, gradually forming a tearful expression TwT.

Su Ling: “…”

Is this the real truth of how spiritual plant specialist communicate with the spiritual plant using pheromones?

He couldn’t help but glance at Xian Mo Yu. Why did Xian Mo Yu communicate directly with him in his head? Since he is still connected to a call, Su Ling didn’t speak. Xian Mo Yu could not understand his doubts, so it didn’t move to explain to him. He thought about it for a moment and guessed that it is probably related to the particles from Xian Mo Yu that had been in his body for a long time.

Turning back to the Baby’s breath, Su Ling wondered how he could communicate with it and harvest its stem. He tried to control his pheromones, but he doesn’t know how to direct it and could only guide the pheromone to gather or disperse; there is no way to make an expression. Finally, he thought of an idea, which he tried lightly tugging the stem while gathering his pheromones.

The Golden Baby’s breath rubbed its flower and leaves at the back of his hand, while the flower nearest to his hand moved forward. The branch of that flower bent over, and a part of the stem fell onto his palm. Su Ling saw that the other flowers are approaching as well, he quickly held the flower branch and slowly straighten it, making the branch stand straight. The flowers that were approaching stopped immediately.

So smart! Su Ling sighed in admiration. He glanced at the stem in his hand and ate it without hesitation. Previously, in order to test whether the 3 spiritual plants can treat his pheromone abnormalities, he has tried eating their raw materials, so he is not worried about it being poisonous. Putting the stem in his mouth, it gave off a pleasant aroma and a light cooling sensation. Though it has no taste, it was not unpalatable. The slight cooling sensation quickly swept across the body. His formerly weak limbs felt like they have been washed and renewed by a gush of water, and he regained quite a lot of strength.

Su Ling was a little surprised by the outcome because he felt the same cold sensation when he ate the stem before, but this time his spirit felt a lot better. Unlike the first time when he took the stem in a normal body condition, the changes weren’t as apparent as now. With the before and after comparison, the effect is particularly obvious.

“President Gu, the trees are too dense for the aircraft to land.”

“No landing point found.”

The voice of 2 men reporting the situation could be heard from the call. Next, voices are discussing what to do. Su Ling listened carefully for a while and spoke promptly when they made a decision to jump, and someone suggested that it might be dangerous.

“Don’t skydive, just tell me where is the nearest suitable place for the aircraft to land, and I’ll walk over.”

His voice sounded more energetic than before. Gu Liheng asked, “Can your body hold on?”

Su Ling smiled and said, “Yes, I am not injured, don’t worry.”

After discussing there for a while, everyone agreeing to Su Ling’s proposal. They quickly marked the nearest landing point on the map and sent it to Su Ling.

After turning on the navigation function, Su Ling did not embark immediately but looked at Xian Mo Yu. His lips moved, trying to speak, but his gaze swept across his bracelet, and he stopped himself. Suddenly, he had a lightbulb moment, and he adjusted the volume of his bracelet audio input to zero. That way, people on the other side won’t be able to hear when he is speaking, but he will still listen to them if they wanted to look for him.

Silently giving himself a compliment, Su Ling asked Xian Mo Yu, “Are you going to stay in the mountains?”

Xian Mo Yu stretched out two roots, one wrapped around Su Ling’s waist and the other wrapped around his wrist. At the same time, the scene of its roots absorbing the nutrient solution flashed in his mind.

Su Ling glanced at the roots around his waist with complicated eyes, “You want to follow me back to drink the nutrient solution?”

Another root emerged from the ground, nodding up and down.

Grade A spiritual plant is very scarce. Grade S spiritual plant is almost a legend. The raw materials that can be harvested are definitely powerful. He himself can verify that, although it comes with a long-term side effect. But thinking about it carefully, except for the unpleasant smell, the particle from Xian Mo Yu actually has no harmful impact on his body, and it even gave him safety in the wild.

Su Ling wanted to agree right away, but he managed to calm down a little bit, “You can follow me, but you have to promise me that you can’t casually eat anything except nutrient solution.”

He is very worried that a moment of carelessness would cause his Grade A spiritual plants to be eaten by Xian Mo Yu.

The erected roots stayed still for a while and then nodded up and down.

Su Ling laughed, stretched out his hand and rubbed the roots. After rubbing it, he looked at his fingers curiously and found no dirt on it. The spiritual plant’s self-cleaning ability is powerful. Su Ling is thrilled. Not to mention that he has solved the abnormalities of his pheromone, he also picked up a Grade S spiritual plant. Then, he thought of the bad smell Xian Mo Yu had emitted before, and asked curiously, “Can you control the smell at will?”

The roots swayed triumphantly, and a stinky smell came out instantly.

Su Ling: “Don’t! I’m just asking, no need to demonstrate!” He reminded, “If it is not necessary, keep emitting just fragrance in the future!”

Xian Mo Yu thinks that this proposal is not very good, and shared with Su Ling the scene where it caught its food with the bad smell. It can release a very corrosive liquid when it smells bad. A wild boar will turn into a liquid in less than a minute, and it will be able to suck it clean.

This scene was too bloody, causing Su Ling’s complexion changed a little. He reluctantly praised, “You are really amazing.” Then, he emphasized his tone and reminded, “Keep the fragrance, don’t release the corrosive liquid casually! You don’t need to prey for the nutrient solution!”

Xian Mo Yu was very happy to hear that there was no need to prey, and its petals swayed and fanned.

A gust of wind greeted Su Ling’s face, blowing away the discomfort caused by him watching the gory scene earlier.

Raw word count:  2311


Chapter 26 – Xian Mo Yu [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.
Take note that Chapter 25 have 2 pages yo, though not sure why part 1 won’t connect to part 2 link :v

Nalu’s voice rose sharply after hearing Gu Liheng’s words, “Why did he leave? Didn’t he go back to the villa to look for you?”

Gu Liheng was silent for a moment, “There is no need to borrow the spiritual plant anymore. So, he moved out of the villa today.”

Thinking of Su Ling’s words when he left the store, Nalu couldn’t help but worry, “You asked him to move out, right? He likes you, so he will definitely not leave by himself.”

“You know he…likes me?” Gu Liheng pursed his lips slightly.

“Of course I know! I wasn’t able to persuade him not to,” Nalu said in an anxious tone, muttering to himself, “Did he go into hiding somewhere because he was sad?”

Nalu: “Please check the surveillance camera around your villa. I will try my best to contact him.”

After Nalu finished speaking, he hung up and continued to call Su Ling.

Gu Liheng asked Domi to playback the surveillance after noon around the villa. He watched at four times the speed and pressed the pause button when Su Ling was looking at the ‘map of the hole’ in his bracelet. With Su Ling dressed in camouflage and checking a map, it is obvious what he wants to do. Gu Liheng went outside and dialled Su Ling’s number, but no one answers it. His jaw tightened, not willing to think about the possibility of something terrible happening to Su Ling. Without hesitation, he called the search team and said, “We need to search for someone in the back mountain.”

When the search team came to the villa, Gu Liheng roughly told them the story and shared the map. Next, he contacted Nalu to explain the situation. Soon, 2 aircrafts arrived on the sky over the villa. One of them landed in the back garden. After Gu Liheng went into it, it took off again. The 2 aircrafts activated its radar and thermal detectors and proceeded along the route of the red line.

Su Ling has been walking according to navigation. After going deep into the mountains, the vegetation is denser, and the road is getting harder and harder to walk. Fortunately, his pheromone is so powerful that there are no insects all the way, which is very safe and worry-free. Every hour he walks, he will rest for 15 minutes. Then, taking advantage of the rest, he would take out the 3 spiritual plants as bait to ‘fish’ for a certain spiritual plant. During this period, he reattached the isolator temporarily and smelling the fragrance of the 3 spiritual plants, his energy quickly recovered.

When it was almost 5 pm, Su Ling came upon a flowing stream. He looked back and forth and considered his route. Worried that he would lose sight of the stream if he continues, he decided to camp nearby. He took out the tent and assembled it swiftly. Then he leaned over and adjusted his sleeping bag. He was about to stand up when something caused him to stop. The airflow was disturbed when he wants to get up earlier, and at that moment, he smelled an extremely unpleasant and familiar smell.

It is the ‘black threadlike stem’ that sneaked into the spiritual plant room that day!

His heart starts to beat rapidly. Su Ling straightened up and turned around, then he saw two black stems waving towards him. He subconsciously raised his hand to block, but the black stems stopped in front of him. Instantly, a strong smell of rotten meat and bad eggs made him dizzy. He stepped back, but a black stem quickly circled his waist and bound him up. The bind was not strong, but at the moment of contact, countless images suddenly appeared in his head; rushing to get into his head. His mind overloads with the information, and he fainted to the ground.

The black stem loosened and then retracted, returning to the ground not far away. At first glance, it seemed that the 2 threadlike stems protruded from the ground all of a sudden. A gust of wind blew, the leaves swayed gently, but the young man was unconscious and wasn’t aware of what’s happening. After a while, more black stems came out from the ground not far away, and the colour of the ground became very dark in the blink of an eye, and it quickly collapsed and sunk to form a large hole.

The black stems that came out from the hole took root in the ground, then gradually straightened, and a flower rose from the hole. At the same time, the foul smell disappeared, replaced by an extremely attractive fragrance. The shape of the flower was similar to a sunflower, but it was much larger, with many black stamens in the middle and has 5 blood-red petals around it.

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The black stamens waved at Su Ling’s direction and then overlapped together to form a big net. Next, 4 roots stuck out from the ground and lifted Su Ling to the stamen net on the flower. The flower closed its petals to cover Su Ling and gradually disappear into the hole at the ground.

When Su Ling woke up, his surroundings were very dim. His body felt hot, and his mind was dizzy, but the back of his neck was cold. He moved his neck subconsciously, and soon realized that something is wrong; something is connected to the gland at the back of his neck. Feeling shocked, he wanted to push himself up from the ground. However, the touch under his hands got him stunned. It felt a bit too soft and bouncy. Su Ling was trying to guess where he was when countless images suddenly appeared in his mind, like a memory that was forcibly stuffed in. That caused his brows to furrow.

Out of nowhere, a soft and cool touch came to his forehead, as if trying to smooth his frown. The cooling sensation made his mind clearer. Su Ling was surprised to find that the smell of rotten eggs on his body has become much lighter, and at the same time, two different scents can be found in his body. An extremely fragrant scent that one would feel unreal after smelling it for a long time. While the other scent was a bit faint, like citrus mixed with mint, with a hint of coolness.

Su Ling sat up slowly, and the cold sensation on the back of his neck followed suit. He couldn’t help but raise his hand and touch his back. It seemed to be a long strip of jelly; soft and cold to touch. Then, he tilted his head and saw a black silhouette in the dim light.

Spiritual plant?

That thought has just flashed through his mind when a black stem suddenly rose from the side. The end that opened up like a morning glory nodded up and down. Su Ling looked at the black stem in surprise. Does that mean it is answering his question? Suddenly, an image appeared in his mind. In the mental image, he is sitting on a large flower with 5 red petals while a stem from the flower is connected to the back of his neck. Su Ling was stunned but soon realized that this image should be reflecting his current state, and his eyes instantly widened.

“You… are Xian Mo Yu?” He couldn’t help but ask.

The soft and elastic ‘floor’ under him shook slightly, and a very abstract, fuzzy smiling face appeared in his mind. The face was made up from 3 strokes of lines; 2 curved lines to make the eyes and 1 curved line for the mouth. ( ^ u ^ )

Su Ling was shocked. Did he just communicate with the spiritual plant? He tried to control his pheromones and shifted his attention to his gland. After a while, he realized something is different. He is very sensitive to scents and can easily distinguish various scents. Hence, he found that 2 scents were released from his body at this time. The smell of light rotten eggs and light citrus mint were both from him. Moreover, the smell of rotten eggs is getting lighter, while the citrus mint scent is getting stronger. Soon, the smell of rotten eggs disappeared, together with the cooling sensation at the back of his neck. At the same time, Su Ling sensed a happy and satisfied emotion.

A picture flashed in his mind. The 3 spiritual plants that are currently stored in his space storage are standing somewhere in the forest. They were surrounded by red petals, shivering. Suddenly, the red petals let go of them and disappeared into the sunken ground beside them.

Su Ling felt a cooling sensation at his wrist, and he saw a root lightly circling it. He glanced at it and asked, “Is this your memory?”

The roots that stood erected next to him nodded up and down again.

Su Ling touched the back of his neck with his other hand, “Did you absorb the thing that belonged to you from my gland?”

The roots swayed happily.

So happy? Su Ling blinked, “Is it important to you?”

The roots nodded up and down, and many images flashed in Su Ling’s mind; various scenery flashed quickly, wasteland, forest, mountain, swamp…

He exclaimed, “You went to these places to find what you dropped?” And received a positive answer.

Su Ling silently sighed, no wonder it brought such a strong influence to him, whether it is his affinity or sensitivity to odours. Even his pheromone scent has a strong impact. He looked around, but the lighting was too dim. So he turned on the light function of his bracelet, and his surrounding brightened up. Su Ling wanted to stand up, but his feet were powerless. His body shook, and the black stems quickly supported him. The moment his hand made contact, Su Ling realized that the stems that were connected to the back of his neck are also its roots.

He glanced around to look at Xian Mo Yu again, it looked exactly the same as the big red flower that had appeared in his mind before. Then he thought of the black stamens on the soles of his feet and suddenly felt like he is damaging the flower, so he slowly moved aside to the ‘floor’ of the flower. Su Ling only moved a bit to the side, and the height difference was only 1 meter, but there’s not enough space for him to stand up, so he had to sit cross-legged on the ‘floor’.

At this moment, Su Ling felt like his body has been hollowed out, especially empty. Then, the image of Golden Baby’s breath appeared in his mind, but the image was not showing a complete flower, but just the stem part of the flower. If he wasn’t already familiar to the plant, he might not recognize it at first glance.

Su Ling froze for a moment and asked, “You want to eat it?” He persuaded, “They are particularly afraid of you. Don’t eat them, I have nutrient solution here.”

As he was talking, his bracelet rang, and he glanced at it, only to realize that it already 8 pm. And there were hundreds of missed communications in the communication record. Su Ling quickly connected the call.

Gu Liheng’s voice was not as steady as usual, and his voice trembled slightly, “…Su Ling?”

Only then did Gu Liheng realize that he didn’t seem to have ever called the young man officially by his name.

Raw word count:  2574


Banana: Wahaha, finally XMY’s identity is out~ It’s a rafflesia yo (well, sort of)! Who guessed it correctly? Anyway, XMY is depicted to be quite large here. Don’t try to make sense of it, this is fiction after all, wahahaha …. ‘*shifty eyes*

Chapter 25 – Confession 1[OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling’s shoulders lowered as he sighed and spread his hands, “I, I guess you won’t agree,” he looked at Gu Liheng, “but I won’t give up.” Then he frowned and added reluctantly, “Unless you meet someone you like.” As he said, he couldn’t help but promoted himself, “Since you don’t have anyone you like at the moment, why don’t you like me, I’m quite fine.”

Such a boastful Omega is really rare. When Gu Liheng heard the words, his gaze fell on the young man’s face again. His eyes were slightly bent, and the corner of his long and narrow eyes was raised up; simply pure and charming. Su Ling indeed has the capital to be boastful, worthy of anyone’s love. This kind of smile should be cared meticulously for by other people, and not with people like him who can’t even laugh, which will cause the smile to gradually wear off.

Clenching his fists tighter, Gu Liheng stood up and looked at Su Ling condescendingly, “Don’t like me.”

Without waiting for Su Ling to say anything, he strode away and went back to the room on the second floor.

Su Ling stared at the stairs with a frown, then chuckled after a long while. ‘Like’ is not something you can cancel off just because you said so!

There was still some residual pheromone left in the living room. Su Ling smelled it and touched the back of his neck regretfully. If only his pheromone is normal, he can also try seducing Gu Liheng. Thinking about this, the image of his male god holding the inhibitor appeared in his mind. Su Ling shrugged his shoulders. The success rate is probably very low.

So, how to chase his male god?

Zhao Qi’s move was too obvious, he(ZQ) wanted to marry male god. Although Su Ling doesn’t know if it’s because he was reborn that he came to realize that male god is a good person, or there are other purposes, he can’t let Zhao Qi do what he wants. He(SL) must make his male god accept him as soon as possible. In any case, he has an advantage over Zhao Qi, after all, he and his male god are living under the same roof.

When Gu Liheng returned to his room, he unbuttoned his shirt collar and cuffs and rolled his sleeves to his elbows. He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and face and took off the isolator. Instantly, his expression became relaxed. He sat down on the sofa chair by the window and looked out the garden with a pensive expression. After a while, his bracelet rang, and he connected the call.

Darry said with excitement, “President Gu, Madam’s pheromone rejection illness is completely cured! She can be discharged at any time.”

Gu Liheng sat up straight, “How is my mother current condition?”

“Very good, she wants to see you.”

Gu Liheng looked down, “Is there no need for the Redthorn Ball fluid in the future?”

“Yes,” Darry said lightly.

Gu Liheng: “I will go to the hospital later.”

When he came downstairs, he ran into Su Ling who was passing by the corner of the stairs.

Su Ling smiled and said, “Domi said that lunch is ready and ready to eat.”

Su Ling smiled casually, and Gu Liheng glanced at it before shifting his eyes away, “I’m going to the hospital, you can eat first.”

Su Ling turned and went downstairs with him, “It’s urgent? You don’t want to eat lunch first?”

Gu Liheng stood still at the last step of the stairs and said, “En, thank you for your spiritual plant. My mother’s illness has been completely cured.”

Su Ling’s eyes brightened, and his tone was slightly raised in excitement, “That’s great! You are welcome, I am happy to be able to help.”

The boy’s voice was brisk, and Gu Liheng unconsciously relaxed. But the next moment, his heart sank slowly. His eyes fell on the young man’s face, and there was a long silence.

Su Ling had a not-so-good premonition, his smile gradually faded as he looked up at Gu Liheng, and asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

Gu Liheng: “I have borrowed the spiritual plant for a long time and will not need it in the future. I will arrange for someone to deliver the spiritual plant to your store later. You don’t have to worry about safety issues. I will order for a set of security facilities to be installed at your store as a thank you.

Then he paused and added, “Before you find a suitable spiritual plant specialist, Darry will go to your store to help harvest the raw materials every day. You can just discuss the time with Darry.”

After he finished speaking, his expression remained unchanged, and he looked at Su Ling quietly.

Su Ling bit his lower lip and barely squeeze out a smile, “What then?”

Gu Liheng looked at him without speaking.

Su Ling sighed, “I only lived in to help with the harvest process. Now that the spiritual plants are going to put back in the store, I don’t have a reason to continue staying here, right?”

Su Ling suddenly felt a little pain in his face, like he got slapped. Not long ago, he thought that he has an advantage over Zhao Qi but was kindly asked to leave in an instant. He thought for a while, there weren’t any problems with Gu Liheng’s actions at all, and he was very generous to offer the security facilities. But Su Ling still couldn’t help being angry, although he had no standpoint.

“You hated me that much?” He couldn’t help asking.

Gu Liheng: “No, you are a single Omega, it is not appropriate to live here.”

Su Ling: “I have lived for half a month! Why is it suddenly inappropriate?”

The words came out too quickly with a strong tone, and Su Ling regretted it after he finished speaking. This is just a temporary stay, after all. On the other hand, he changed his mindset and felt happy again. Before this when he started living with Gu Liheng, Gu Liheng never worries about him being an Omega, but now he has begun to think about their gender difference. The change was too obvious. He was treated as a child before, but now he is treated as an adult. This is also a good thing.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized neatly, bowing his head in annoyance, “I am just a little sad, not deliberately losing my temper.”

Gu Liheng stared at the top of Su Ling’s head and felt soft in his heart. His hand moved, but he didn’t do anything in the end, “It’s okay, I can help you if you can’t find a suitable place to live.”

Su Ling shook his head, “It’s alright, I’ll just live in the store.”

Gu Liheng frowned slightly, “The fragrance bar?”

Su Ling nodded. He rubbed his face and smiled when he looked up again, “Thank you, I am very happy during this time. You can go to the hospital now. I will take the spiritual plants by myself, and you don’t have to order the security facilities either.” His expression was solemn as he continued, “We were cooperating with each other before. Today, we are even. I don’t want to owe you favours or take advantage of you.” Then he paused, “Well, other than staying for free here.”

Gu Liheng: “…”

Su Ling saw his expression blanked out for a moment. With a smile in his eyes, Su Ling blinked playfully and announced, “I’ll have you know, I will officially chase you starting today.”

Su Ling stood on tiptoes and leaned closer, then he gave Gu Liheng a quick kiss on the chin. Gu Liheng’s tight expression collapsed, and he quickly took a step back. Su Ling smiled and said, “Finally, I don’t have to hold it in.” After that, he waved his hand, “Go to the hospital now, I promise you that I will be no longer in the villa when you returned.”

Gu Liheng’s heart was beating wildly, he stared until he couldn’t see Su Ling’s back, and lightly rubbed his chin. This is the first time he has been so close to an Omega. It has been quite a while, but the soft touch seems to remain. The feeling was delightful, so great that his heart shakes vividly. But no! Gu Liheng’s expression tightened more than usual. He glanced towards the guest room on the first floor and left quickly.

Su Ling went back to the guest room to pack his things. Next, he went to the spiritual plant room, put 3 spiritual plants in the space storage, and filled the remaining nutrient solution in a container. He went to the dining room for lunch and kept thinking about things during the meal. After eating, he did not leave immediately but went to the room where they kept the travel supplies. The equipment they used to go to the Silver Mist Forest were stored in it. He took the ones that Gu Liheng had prepared for him in his backpack, put on a camouflage suit, and opened the map around the villa in his bracelet. The long red line on the map where the ‘hole’ is located was very conspicuous. After he went out, he navigated along the red line.

The hillside villa area has rich greeneries, and there were not many villas around. Each house is separated by a distance, and the sense of privacy is perfect. As Su Ling ventured further, the road is getting harder and harder to walk, but because someone walked by not long ago, there are still some traces on the ground, and that makes his journey much more manageable. After he walked for an hour, he has reached a no man’s land. Su Ling released the spiritual plants and watched the surroundings vigilantly. He placed his hand on the isolator, prepared to take it off at any time if something is wrong.

Rustling sound could be heard from afar, and soon various animals appeared around him. With the experience he gained from the Silver Mist Forest, Su Ling felt calm, especially when the animals in the back mountain are small, such as squirrels and rabbits, and there are only a few larger animals, like wild boars. Hence, he didn’t rush to retrieve the spiritual plants. Instead, he gently rubbed the leaves and flowers of the 3 spiritual plants to encourage them to release a stronger fragrance. During this period, he has been paying attention to the state of the 3 plants and saw that they were thrilled to play with him; no abnormalities. This also means that the spiritual plant that scared them did not appear.

After a quarter of an hour, he took the 3 plants back into his space storage and removed his isolator. He has been walking for a long time and exercised a lot, so at this moment when the isolator was taken off, the back of his neck felt relaxed for a moment, and an unpleasant smell started to waft from his neck.

The animals attracted by the fragrance of the Grade A spiritual plants immediately ran away. There were 2 fat rabbits which bumped into each other and rolled forward. They got up with their ears erected and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Su Ling took the Cold Moon sachet and placed it in front of his nose. He continued to walk forward without attaching the isolator, and gradually entered the mountain. It is safer not to put the isolator on.

Gu Liheng got out of the living room and got into the car. After a glance at the villa, he said, “Go to the hospital.”

The car started, and Gu Liheng sent a message to someone. Right after that, he dialled a number, “I just gave you an address, go there and install the best security facilities in that place.”

“Okay, President Gu,” the other party paused and asked after a while, “Tian Ling Fragrance Bar?”

Gu Liheng: “That’s the one. The store opens at 7 pm, you can go there at that time… If the owner refuses, let him pay 90% discounted price, and I’ll pay the rest.”

The other party was stunned, “…alright.”

Soon, the car arrived at the hospital. Gu Liheng stood at the door of the ward for a while, then pushed the door in, pausing slightly. The room exudes a faint spiritual plant scent, which is very gentle. The person who stayed in this ward all-year-round was sitting on the sofa at this time, and their eyes met.

Mother Gu and Darry were sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and both looked over when the door opened.

Darry got up and greeted, “President Gu.”

Gu Liheng nodded.

Darry: “I’ll go through the discharge procedures.”

Darry closed the door when he left. Mother Gu looked at Gu Liheng, who was still standing by the door. She smiled and waved, her tone was slow and gentle, “Come and sit.”

From her appearance, Mother Gu doesn’t look a day after her thirties. Her hair was meticulously coiled up, and she was wearing a cheongsam; very elegant.

Gu Liheng sat opposite her and greeted, “Mother.”

Mother Gu looked at him with a neat smile, “How are you, Ah Heng? I heard you gave yourself three months holiday?”

Gu Liheng’s jaw slightly stiffened but was loosened quickly, “Yes.”

Mother Gu smiled and said, “Alright, you have been in charge of the Gu Family for many years. It is time to rest. Take advantage of this holiday and find an Omega to get married.”

Gu Liheng frowned slightly, “I don’t have this plan.”

Mother Gu continued to smile slightly, “Ah Heng, you are not young anymore, don’t be willful.”

Gu Liheng didn’t speak, and his mother’s smile disappeared. She put her hands on her knees and looked at him, “Your father’s bloodline must continue, and Gu Family can’t fall into the hands of others.”

Gu Liheng: “I am not the only one surnamed Gu.”

Mother Gu stared at him for a while, her voice revealed a helpless tone, “You, you are not young anymore but still being willful. I can’t educate you like I used to.”

Gu Liheng’s pupils shrunk slightly, and Mother Gu smiled faintly, “Forget it, let’s not talk about this right now. I will return to the Gu Mansion later.”

Gu Liheng nodded.

Mother Gu spoke again, “I have recovered at quite a right time, as my birthday is just one week away. I haven’t had a good time for so many years. Since you happened to be free this year, remember to organize my birthday party more lively.”

Gu Liheng: “I will order someone to arrange it.”

Mother Gu smiled and nodded, “I will take care of the invitation, you don’t need to worry.”

Gu Liheng glanced at her and acknowledged with an ‘En’. He knows his mother’s character too well. This so-called birthday party is nothing more than a blind date for him. All of a sudden, the young man’s smiling face suddenly appeared in his mind, and his face tightened slightly again.

The discharge procedures were quickly completed. Gu Liheng sent Mother Gu back to the Gu Mansion. When he returned to his villa, Su Ling was nowhere in sight. He stood in the living room for a while and suddenly felt too quiet and uncomfortable.

In the evening, Gu Liheng received a call from Nalu during dinner. As soon as the call got through, Nalu asked, “Is Xiao Ling with you? I can’t reach him.”

Gu Liheng frowned, “He didn’t go back?”

Nalu: “No, but someone is here to install some security facilities.”

Gu Liheng: “He left the villa this afternoon.”

Raw word count:  5252

#IsThisACliff ?

PS – Please don’t ‘help’ me to add this in NU yo. This second part is not meant to be listed in NU. A fellow translator complained about this to me before, that her readers keep putting her chapters up in NU before she is ready. So now she has to make dummy pages to prevent the readers from doing so. Tsk tsk tsk