Chapter 49 – Talk [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Su Ling’s response was fast, but he still couldn’t grab the thing before Gu Liheng could see it. When he rushed over, he could see Gu Liheng was stunned speechless. Su Ling managed to snatch the box from Gu Liheng’s hand, but because of too much momentum, he bumped into Gu Liheng. Gu Liheng caught him and took a step back, causing both to fell to the sofa. When they landed, Su Ling’s chin hit Gu Liheng’s chest. Rubbing the sore part, he saw the box in his hand and immediately stopped moving. Next, he quickly put his hand behind him.

Gu Liheng looked at Su Ling with a complicated expression. Lightly rubbing Su Ling’s chin with his thumb, he asked in a low tone after a while, “Why buy this?”

Su Ling blushed and stuttered, “Um, I was…”

Curious? Want to try? Bought the wrong thing? Several answers flashed through Su Ling’s mind, but all sounded terrible; they either sound like a lie or a shameful acknowledgement.

Su Ling’s skin is fair to start with, so when he revealed a blushing and speechless expression, he looked pitiful.

Gu Liheng brushed his hair to soothe him, “Don’t panic.” He glanced down at Su Ling’s neck, “Are your estrus coming soon?”

Hearing the calm tone in Gu Liheng’s voice, Su Ling calmed down a little and turned to look at his expression carefully. Seeing that he is not angry, didn’t have other negative emotions, he felt relieved. At the same time, Su Ling is also a little puzzled, shouldn’t male god get aggravated by this kind of thing? Nevertheless, he shook his head and answered, “No.”

Gu Liheng lowered his head to meet Su Ling’s eyes, his eyes darkened, and his voice was slightly hoarse as he continued to ask, “Then why buy it? You ‘want’ it?”

During their estrus, Omega will have a strong urge to be ‘conquered’. Though in other normal times, their reaction will not be so strong, there will still be physiological needs.

Su Ling’s eyes widened, “No!” He bit his lip. Now that he got found out, he decided to lay everything out. Although it is cruel to expose male god’s scars right now, that day will still come sooner or later. Before this, he couldn’t bear hurting him(GLH), that’s why he wanted to take it slowly in a gentle way. Now that he saw male god’s reaction, he felt that his(GLH) heart is quite strong in accepting things. To be honest, Su Ling prefers speaking out directly as well. The roundabout way is like his relationship with male god, he felt unsettled because he couldn’t be sure what is Gu Liheng’s illness.

With a serious expression, he looked at Gu Liheng and said, “I think we have to talk.”

Gu Liheng looked serious as well, Su Ling adjusted his posture, and the two sat side by side facing each other. Su Ling took a deep breath and placed the box between them, “I don’t mind you using these.”

Gu Liheng stopped breathing.

Su Ling spoke quickly, “I have checked online. This is one of the simplest models, and there are many other tools available. Even if your disease is not cured, it won’t impact our lives.” He stared at Gu Liheng, “I don’t mind your illness. What I like is your character and your way of doing things. You make me feel that our relationship can be very stable, and I feel at ease.”

He lowered his voice, “So don’t refuse to marry me because of your illness. This makes me very unsettled. I want a stable relationship.”

Su Ling knows that a relationship may not be stable even after marriage, but influenced by his mother since childhood, he always feels that marriage is a sign of a stable relationship.

Gu Liheng stared intently at Su Ling for a long time, but he couldn’t hold back and pulled Su Ling close to kiss him. He didn’t know why the young man would misunderstand his illness, but he was incredibly moved by his reaction. The young man thought he couldn’t ‘do’ it, but still liked him, and even wanted to solve his problem by secretly purchasing those things. Except for his young man, there is probably no other Omega who can accept their Alpha having s-e-x-ual dysfunction illness.

Su Ling obediently accepted the kiss, and eagerly responded back. Placing his hands on male god’s shoulders, he is showing by action that he didn’t mind at all.

After a while, Gu Liheng stopped. Su Ling has moved to sit on his lap at some point, panting against his shoulder. He held Su Ling with one hand, and caress his back with the other hand.

Soon, Su Ling’s breathing slowed down. Feeling uncomfortable sitting with his knees bent, he wanted to change his posture, but when he moved, he found that something is wrong. Something is poking against his thigh. As a man, he immediately understood what it was.

Su Ling looked up in surprise, “You already healed?”

Gu Liheng held his hand and explained, “I’m not sick. The illness I said is not in this regard.”

Su Ling blinked and smiled awkwardly, “Haha, I misunderstood. It’s fine if just a misunderstanding.”

“Why would you have such a misunderstanding?” Gu Liheng asked seriously.

Thinking that his misunderstanding might attack male god’s confidence, Su Ling quickly explained, “It has nothing to do with you, but… apart from this illness, I can’t think of anything that will make you feel that you can’t give me happiness.” Of course, it has something to do with the rumours he has heard. Hence when the idea comes up, adding with the rumours, Su Ling thinks it is extremely possible.

Gu Liheng’s palm was placed against the side of Su Ling’s neck, his thumb lightly touching the corner of his(SL) lips. His tone was very low when he said, “There is.”

Su Ling grabbed his hand and looked at him, “Tell me, you don’t want to reencounter this kind of misunderstanding, right? You will be very tired facing this alone, I want to share the pressure with you and want to understand your situation.”

Gu Liheng’s jaw stiffened slightly, and the mood in his eyes changed. After a while, he hugged Su Ling and put his chin on his shoulder. If Su Ling asks him before this, he might hesitate, unwilling to tell the young man about his weakness. However, knowing that the young man is willing to accept him even if he had problems in ‘that aspect’, he could not continue to hide it from the young man.

“Mental difficulties in showing facial expressions.”

Several scenes flashed quickly in Su Ling’s mind, which is male god’s abnormal reaction when he realized he was smiling. He put his hand on male god’s arm, feeling very distressed. There is definitely a reason for the psychological disorder. He asked, “You can’t smile naturally?”

“En,” Gu Liheng replied in a low voice, “When I smile, I will have hallucinations, subconsciously shaking and having panic attacks.”

“What kind of hallucinations?”

Gu Liheng was silent for a moment before saying, “Something from my childhood.”

Sensing that Gu Liheng didn’t want to go into details, Su Ling didn’t ask. He let him hold him for a while and patted his arm. After Gu Liheng let go of him, Su Ling smiled and said, “I probably can understand what you think. You think that since you can’t smile at me, I always live in a serious environment, and I will eventually feel depressed and can’t stand it?”

Gu Liheng’s lips were slightly pressed together, “Yes.”

Su Ling touched the corner of his mouth with a finger, “But, you have smiled at me several times.”

“My reaction…”

Su Ling: “Not the first few times, but the most recent. I have seen your previous reactions, so I didn’t tell you whenever you smiled recently.”

Gu Liheng opened his eyes slightly, showing a surprised look, “Really?”

Su Ling nodded and asked, “This means you are getting better, right?”

“Yes,” Gu Liheng nodded, “After I smiled in front of you, I consulted the doctor, and he suggested that to stay in contact with you more.”

Su Ling squinted his eyes, “But you didn’t follow the doctor’s advice and asked me to move out.”

“No, I adjusted my leave and went to Silver Mist Forest with you.”

Su Ling suddenly said, “So it was that time. No wonder you wanted to follow me. Then why did you stay away from me again?”

Gu Liheng confessed, “You confessed to me. I like you, but I can’t accept you, because it will be painful for you.”

Su Ling grabbed his hand with a flip and laughed, “It won’t be anymore. We are already together. From now on, you have to follow the doctor’s advice and stay with me more.”

Gu Liheng’s eyes were filled with smiles, “En.”

Su Ling pointed to his eyes, “Look, your eyes are smiling.” He gestured with his thumb and forefinger, leaving a little distance. “Although the arc is small, you still smiled.” He looked at male god’s expression, “Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

Gu Liheng was startled and blinked, “No.”

Su Ling smiled, “Then, I will tell you whenever I see you smiling. And you will tell me if you are uncomfortable.”

Gu Liheng: “Alright.”

After the conversation, Su Ling was in a good mood. He got off his male god and sat side by side. His foot touched the box that had fallen off the sofa, and his expression immediately became embarrassed.

Gu Liheng: “You don’t need to use this kind of thing anymore, throw it away.”

This sentence is really ambiguous, can easily make people’s thinking go wild.

Su Ling acknowledged with an En, then he picked up the box, looking embarrassed. If he throws it directly into the trash can, it would be embarrassing in case anyone saw it, but he would uncomfortable if he doesn’t get rid of it. With a flickering gaze, he squeezed the root that had been wrapping around his wrist and started to unravel it. Then he placed the box in front of the root.

The root immediately understood. It wrapped around the box lightly and start shaking it.

Su Ling: “…Don’t shake it! Can you dissolve it with your poison? The kind that would melt things completely.”

The root becomes arched and flung the box out. The parabola of the box falls directly on the black stamens, and it disappears in the blink of an eye.

Su Ling was very satisfied, “You are so awesome!”

Xian Mo Yu was pleased to be praised. Its red petals went up and down, and the roots twisted happily and then entangled in his hand.

Su Ling gave it a pinch, “From today, someone will do some research on you. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you. Just cooperate with the tests and don’t hurt other people.”

A root stood in front of him and moved up and down.

Su Ling: “So smart. I’ll tell you the details after I’ve discussed with the researchers.”

At noon, the two had lunch and walked around the dormitory area. The greenery on both sides of the dormitory is splendid. There are many low-level spiritual plants, and many ordinary plants were planted as well. Su Ling saw several vines with diamond-shaped leaves.

After a stroll, the two went back to their rooms for a nap.

After Su Ling woke up, he received a message from the leader of the research group. So he went to find Gu Liheng, and the two went to the room outside on the first floor of the spiritual plant building on the left.

The room is large in size and furnished like a classroom. The front is a podium with various instruments around it. There are eight stools underneath. On the first row, there are only people sitting on the right side of the podium, while the other three are empty.

As soon as they entered, 5 Alpha in camouflage uniforms and an Omega in the black shirt on the stage looked over at them.

The Omega in black shirt nodded and said, “Hello, I’m Ye Lei, the leader of the research team, please come in.”

The two greeted the group and walked to the front, Ye Lei: “Mr Su, you can sit in the middle.”

Gu Liheng glanced around and sat down on the second right of the podium, next to the only Alpha in the front row, while Su Ling sat down on the second left[1].

Ye Lei: “Let’s just talk about our main purpose.” The view of a room appeared on the holographic screen behind him. “This is room No.1 next door. We planned to let Xian Mo Yu stay here so we can test its indoor habits on the first day.” He looked at Su Ling: “Can it be done?”

Su Ling nodded, “Yes.”

“After 5.00 pm tomorrow, we will move Xian Mo Yu to a natural environment to test its habits in the wild.” Ye Lei said, the screen behind him turned to the forest.

He looked at the Alpha on the right, “Is 1 day is enough for you to arrange the move?”

The Alpha nodded and said, “Enough.”

“We will observe Xian Mo Yu in the wild for 3 consecutive days. As for the remaining 3 days, we will adjust according to the previous study. Is there a problem?”

Both Su Ling and the Alpha shook their head.

Ye Lei: “Let’s put Xian Mo Yu in the room next door first, and we will measure its various data.”

Everyone turned to the next door. When Xian Mo Yu appeared in the middle open space, someone in the test group couldn’t help but make a noise. Although they had seen the pictures during the assessment, seeing the real thing is entirely different.

A visual shock, and a scent of enjoyment to the nose.

Raw word count:  3321


[1] Checked the raw twice, no sure if the author got the direction wrong because he/she make it like Su Ling is being rude, but he isn’t.

Banana: The misunderstand is cleared, now we will get to the spiritual plant’s part :3 #ThisNovelIsARelaxingNovel #NoDogBloodShit #PleaseTakeNote

Random but if you ever leave any reviews in NU for any novels, please remember to put spoiler under spoiler tag. No matter how much you loved or hated a novel, other people doesn’t deserved to be spoiled without warning.

Chapter 48 – Staying in the association building [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.
Caution: Cliff ahead lol

Gu Liheng strode to Su Ling’s side and placed his right hand lightly on Su Ling’s left shoulder. Then looking at Mother Gu with a serious expression, he greeted, “Mother.”

Mother Gu was a little surprised by Gu Liheng’s sudden appearance. When the staff of the rental shop said that the suit had been paid in full, she knew that Gu Liheng had found out about her meeting with Su Ling. She just didn’t expect him to come over immediately, and that fast. The corner of her mouth curved down as she said, “Take a seat.”

Su Ling looked up at Gu Liheng. Male god’s expression was stiffer than usual. Was he(GLH) worried about him? He grabbed Gu Liheng’s hand on his shoulder, then shifted his body to the right, opening some space to sit on his left. Gu Liheng looked down and sat beside Su Ling. The side of their arms touched, and Su Ling immediately noticed that male god is quite muscular. Slightly stunned, he tilted his head and saw the side of male god’s icy face. Gu Liheng didn’t have any expression on his face; looking cold and serious. It’s completely different from how he(GLH) usually behaved in front of him.  As he was thinking, his hand was suddenly flipped down and held tightly.

Gu Liheng turned to look at the young man, his expression slightly nervous. Did he(SL) notice anything?

Su Ling smiled at Gu Liheng and asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

Gu Liheng’s complexion eased up slightly as he replied, “No need.”

Mother Gu watched how the two interacted, and her eyes were round with surprise. In her memories, her son was very monotonous; always wearing the same expression and doing things in the same way. Calm and serious, polite but indifferent. But when facing Su Ling, maybe he didn’t even notice it himself, his expression was soft and lively. Mother Gu rubbed her forehead, she knew too well that no one could break apart a pair of AO that is in love. Initially, she thought it’s not too late to separate them, but now it seems impossible. She won’t go against the impossible, so she placed her folded hands on the table and asked, “When are you going to get married?”

Su Ling’s eyes widened slightly. Mother Gu’s thinking took a giant leap from just now.

Gu Liheng shook Su Ling’s hand and unconsciously used a little force. He replied, “Ling Ling is still young, at least until he graduates from university.”

“4 years?” Mother Gu frowned. “It’s too long. If you are worried that pregnancy will affect your studies, I will take care of the baby after the baby is born.”

The corners of Su Ling’s mouth twitched. How did this topic end up so strange? Didn’t you want to break us up? How did it become helping to take care of our children? Wrong! The main point is children, it is impossible for male god to have children ah! Su Ling quickly glanced at male god. Seeing that his expression is still calm, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, “We are still young and want to enjoy life as a couple first.”

Mother Gu looked at Gu Liheng, “You think so too?”

Gu Liheng: “En.”

After staying silent for a long time, Mother Gu finally said, “As you wished.” She focused on Gu Liheng, “You are an adult now and have your own ideas. I cannot influence any of your decisions anymore.”

“I’ll stop caring about you,” she straightened her back, her voice slightly cold, “I want to take over the Snow Leopard.”

Gu Liheng was surprised, “Why?”

Mother Gu: “To find the truth about your father’s death.”

“The truth?” Gu Liheng’s cheeks and jaws tightened.

Mother Gu: “I don’t believe it is an accident. There are many doubtful points. Previously, I have spent all my energy in order for our family to survive and put you in charge of Gu company. Even if I found out that there is a problem, I have no time and energy to investigate it.”

“Later after the company’s situation improved, my rejection illness became more serious, causing my thoughts to be unstable, and I couldn’t think clearly.”

“In these past few days after I’m fully cured, I have sorted out what happened at the time. As for the specific details, I need the Snow Leopard Mercenary Corps to investigate.”

Gu Liheng said solemnly, “You can pick any team you want, and I want to follow up the whole process.”

Mother Gu: “Sure, but I have the final say on how to investigate.”

Mother Gu finished her coffee and said, “I will leave first. If you decide to have the wedding in advance, remember to tell me.”

Soon after Mother Gu left, Su Ling and Gu Liheng left the cafe as well. Su Ling looked around, but didn’t see the car he came with earlier, “Huh, where’s the driver?”

Gu Liheng: “I let him off work. We will take my car to go back.”

Su Ling: “But the suit is still in the car, I will contact him!”

Before he raised his hand, Su Ling’s hand was caught by Gu Liheng. Gu Liheng led him to a sleek black car and said, “I’ve bought it.”

Su Ling got into the car with him and turned his head helplessly at him, “…Didn’t I said you don’t need to buy it?”

Gu Liheng: “You wore it before, and it suits you well.”

Su Ling blinked, “Just because of these two reasons?”


Hearing that, Su Ling’s eyes curved up. He placed his hand on Gu Liheng’s shoulder and leaned over, “I found out that you are actually good at saying sweet things.”

Gu Liheng: “I didn’t.”

Su Ling smiled and stopped talking about random stuff. Poking his finger on the side of his(GLH) face, he asked, “You have a serious expression, thinking about your father?”

Gu Liheng looked down at him, “En, I always thought it was an accident.”

Su Ling grasped Gu Liheng’s right hand and shook it lightly, as a silent gesture of comfort.

20 minutes later, the car stopped, and Su Ling looked out, “Do you still want to stay in the association?”

Gu Liheng: “En, my mother won’t let me intervene in the investigation. I will know if there is progress.”

Hearing him mentioning Mother Gu, Su Ling thought of his reaction when facing her. He wanted to ask if there is a problem with their mother-child relationship, but after a moment of hesitation, he stopped himself from asking.

The two got out of the car and entered the association after confirming their identities. The big tree in the middle has not changed. The leaves are still lush and green. The diamond-shaped leaves of the vines on the tree are swaying with the wind, which is very beautiful.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

Gu Liheng: “The environment is excellent.”

The two went directly to Director Li’s office. Director Li got up from her seat with a smile on her face. When she saw Gu Liheng, she was taken aback, “President Gu?”

Gu Liheng: “Hello.”

A look of disbelief appeared on Director Li’s face. That cold-faced president has finally fallen in love?

It wasn’t until the two were taken to the dormitory behind the office building that Director Li’s expression eased up. The dormitory is n-shaped like the office building, but the floor is much lower, only 3 floors, but it occupies an extensive area, and the exterior walls were painted with green paint. Many green plants grow on both sides of the dormitory, and behind it is a tall courtyard wall, so one can’t see what’s behind it.

Director Li: “On the left is the spiritual plant area, where we placed all the spiritual plants,
and also where we observe the plants. On the right is the researcher’s residence, and the middle is the residence for spiritual plant’s owner. There are 2 rooms on each floor, all empty, sp you can pick whichever you want.”

“No one stays here?” Su Ling asked.

Director Li led them to the middle area and answered, “En, we have quite a comprehensive data regarding the currently registered spiritual plant, so they do not need to be studied.”

Su Ling nodded, then Director Li continued, “After you contacted me, the association held an assessment for researchers. After the results come out at noon, 6 researchers would move in, and the team leader would contact you. We will need your help during the research process.”

Su Ling nodded, “No problem, where are the samples of the spiritual plant’s fragrance that I mentioned before?”

Director Li pointed to the office building behind her, “In the storage room on the 6th floor. You can just swipe your bracelet at the entrance, as the necessary authority has been granted to you.”

“Thank you.”

Director Li: “Feel free to walk around. You can tell me if there is anything that you are dissatisfied with, and I will let people handle it.”

Su Ling nodded, “Okay.”

After Director Li left, Su Ling and Gu Liheng took a look at the rooms. The layout of all rooms is the same, very spacious and homely styled. Su Ling stood in the middle of the stairs on the 2nd floor and asked, “One room each or stay together?”

Gu Liheng’s expression slightly changed as he glanced at Su Ling. Then he pointed to the room near the spiritual plant area and said, “You sleep here, I sleep next door.”

“That is not next door, there’s a stair between us.” Although Su Ling said that, he went along with Gu Liheng’s decision.

If both of them stayed in the same room, and they remove their isolator at night, it’s very easy for things to go wrong under the influence of their pheromones.

Both went into Su Ling’s room first, and Su Ling took Gu Liheng to the sofa, “Stay here and don’t go out during the day. Only go to your room to sleep at night.”

Gu Liheng acknowledged with an En.

Satisfied, Su Ling smiled and got up. He took out Lopseed and Baby’s breath from the space storage and put them together in the corner of the living room. A sweet and refreshing scent quickly spread in the living room, and their mood relaxed unconsciously. Su Ling looked at the area of the living room and stood near the balcony, “I want to take out Xian Mo Yu. I need to inform it about the research and other things to prevent any problems. Can you move the sofa aside?”

Gu Liheng got up and moved the L-shaped sofa away very easily, leaving the middle of the living room empty.

Su Ling took out Xian Mo Yu, and his surrounding instantly darkened because Xian Mo Yu has blocked all the light in front of him. Xian Mo Yu’s emotions were transferred to him, letting Su Ling know that it is unhappy. As if to express its unhappiness, a lot of roots appeared, waving in the air. A picture appeared in Su Ling’s mind, Xian Mo Yu’s roots swaying happily in front of Lopseed and Baby’s breath, and the 2 plants suddenly disappeared – he took them out of his storage.

Before he had time to explain, Xian Mo Yu suddenly became happy again. A root was wrapped around his wrist, while 2 roots rushed to the corner, and continued to sway in front of 2 Grade A spiritual plants. The excess roots stopped waving in the air and quickly retracted into the flower bud.

Su Ling pinched the root on his wrist in amusement. What a childlike temper, changing so quickly.

In the surrounding light, Su Ling saw a black object fall from mid-air and fell in front of Gu Liheng. He became speechless. The roots always looked smooth and didn’t seem to be anything wrong. Is it possible that Xian Mo Yu could grow things like sweet potatoes on its roots? He looked over and saw Gu Liheng bending down to pick the item. It was a long black box, around 20cm.

Oh my God!

Su Ling flushed, and quickly rushed to Gu Liheng while shouting, “Don’t look!”

Raw word count: 2739


Chapter 47 – Solution [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Right after Su Ling’s message was sent, his bracelet immediately rang. It was a call from Nalu. Su Ling connected the call and smiled, “Uncle Nalu.”

Nalu quickly asked, “Did you drink?”

A random thought flashed through Su Ling’s mind, ‘How many bottles? Why are you so drunk?’

With a helpless tone, Su Ling said, “No, I’m very awake right now, and it’s not a dream. Uncle Nalu, your question really hurt me, you have no confidence in me?”

Nalu gave a light cough and said, “No, no, Xiao Ling is excellent. Getting together with President Gu is nothing, you can even get together with a marshal.”

Su Ling chuckled, “No need, I’m not interested. It’s just that I’m very happy so I want to share my joy with you.”

Nalu: “Congratulations,” he couldn’t help but ask, “How did President Gu agree to you? Did you make it clear to him? There is no wrong understanding, right?”

Su Ling: “…” He simply tugged Gu Liheng’s sleeve, “Mr Gu, tell him please.”

“What? Why did you suddenly say Mr Gu…” Before Nalu could finish asking, he heard a calm and magnetic voice.

“Hello, I’m Gu Liheng, Ling Ling’s boyfriend,” he paused, his tone was especially serious, “Don’t worry, I am serious, and I will treat him well.”

Nalu was dumbfounded by his solemn words, he had a weird feeling like he is marrying his son off. It took him a long time to return to his senses, “Oh oh oh, congratulations to you two. I believe you.”

Gu Liheng: “Thank you.”

Su Ling laughed and informed Nalu that he will be going to stay in the spiritual plant association for a few days.

Su Ling: “Please feel free to contact me if something is up.”

Nalu: “Alright.”

Hanging up the call, Gu Liheng took Su Ling for a walk in the garden.

Su Ling couldn’t help laughing, “When I first lived in, I invited you to take a walk, but you refused.”

Gu Liheng was surprised, “You already liked me at that time?”

Su Ling nodded and said, “En.”

Gu Liheng smiled, “I didn’t even notice.”

Su Ling snorted, “Of course you didn’t. You see me as a kid at that time, but now you are in love with a kid!”

There’s an inexplicable sense of him slapping his own face. Gu Liheng coughed slightly and emphasized with a serious look, “You are already an adult.”

Smiling, Su Ling hugged Gu Liheng and said, “Why are you so cute?!”

After taking a walk, Gu Liheng went to the gym room to exercise. Su Ling was worried that male god might have to restrict his own movement if he(SL) follow, plus he wanted to check some information, so he didn’t go with Gu Liheng. He returned to the guest room and saw that the guest room is as clean and tidy as ever, and the furnishings were the same as before. Eyes curving with a smile, Su Ling takes off his isolator. He sat on the sofa on the balcony and started searching for adult products online.

There were a lot of pop-up pages, and there are various products. There are some products that Su Ling can’t understand the purpose at first glance, and some are realistically made, which is very obvious what it is used for. There are also products with a capitalized, bold wording saying specially for Omega use only.

Su Ling couldn’t help but flushed, feeling very ashamed, and his heart was beating wildly. He took a deep breath, but thinking that these things will be used on him, he doesn’t feel very good anymore. Closing the page, Su Ling supported his chin on his hand with a melancholy face, he couldn’t even pass his own hurdle, how could he persuade male god to use the products?

Should he pretend to be s*xually indifferent? Or pretend to be a ‘match made in heaven’[1] with male god? That won’t work either. He sighed against the couch. His strange reactions (towards temporary marking with an Alpha) today verified what was mentioned in the physiology Book. This also means that Omega can really get into estrus, unable to control himself, and eager to be ‘conquered’. Although he has not experienced the estrus period before, he is already an adult, so the estrus period may come at any time. He can’t act like it’s nothing. If that time comes and he clings to male god, but male god can’t help him…

Just thinking of that scene breaks his heart, ain’t that a preview of a breakup scene?!

Therefore, they still have to resort to tools. After a moment of consideration, Su Ling searched for some ‘videos’ instead of opening the history tab. In his mind, he felt that maybe the demonstration of the item in actual usage might not be as impactful as imagined. It turns out that he is still too naive.

Halfway through the video, Su Ling couldn’t bear to watch it any longer and exited the window. He couldn’t imagine himself having the same reaction as the Omega in the video; miserable and le-wd, crying to be bullied, just like a ma-so-chist. He was quite confident at first, but now he finds it too difficult. Although he has only confirmed his relationship with male god and doesn’t need to worry about getting on bed for now, but he doesn’t have a solution in hand. That makes him feel insecure, and he keeps having the feeling that their relationship is precarious.

In the end, he went to the relationship forum, wanting to learn from other people, but he soon found that there is no Omega with the same experience. All of the threads were asking about what to do when their Alpha ‘wants it’ too hard/much? It seems that male god’s illness is a rare case in Planet Belle, no wonder he(GLH) keep rejecting him before this. And the pressure is so great that he can’t sleep well too. If male god is here now, he would definitely give him a hug to show comfort.

With no experience to learn from, Su Ling reluctantly exited the forum. After thinking about it, he clicked on the history tab for the previous shopping page. Then he set the filter to display the products in an ascending mode, from beginner to advanced level.

Baby steps here, he should be able to accept using the tools slowly.

Enduring his embarrassment, Su Ling read the manuals of the first three beginner tools carefully while blushing. Next, he paid attention to the videos attached that demonstrate the usage of each product. After understanding the functions, he bought the second type. When filling in the mailing address, he deleted the location address and fill in the address of his rented unit.

It will be embarrassing if he sent it to the villa and it gets found out by male god. Although male god will eventually know about it, he(SL) has to adapt to the tools first. Otherwise, if he reacted stiffly or looked repulsive, male god might feel that he(GLH) can’t satisfy him(SL), and ended up thinking that they can’t be together.

After placing the order, Su Ling’s discomfort eased up a lot. He patted his face and got up to take a bath. Before going to bed, he sent a good night message to male god, and soon received a reply: “Good night.”

The next morning, Su Ling and Gu Liheng had breakfast together, and then Su Ling went to Xiao’s villa alone to collect the liquid. As soon as he entered the living room, Lin Meng jumped up from the sofa.

“Ling Ling,” Lin Meng ran to Su Ling and wrinkled his nose, “God, are you really with President Gu now?” Then with a low voice, he asked ambiguously, “You have President Gu’s scent all over you. How did you do the marking? Did he bite your gland?”

For Su Ling, he easily recognized Xiào Rui’s scent on Lin Meng’s body as well. He replied, “No, and Xiào Rui bit yours?”

Lin Meng shrank his neck, his face flushed as he answered, “En.” At the birthday party last night, Xiào Rui was taken by Father Xiào to meet many elders. After drinking a few glasses, he couldn’t hold back his emotions.

Su Ling smiled, but didn’t plan to continue to gossip, “I’ll harvest the liquid first. We’ll talk later.”

Later, Lin Meng said, “We are going to the amusement park today, do you want to join us?”

Su Ling: “No, I have something to do.”

Lin Meng: “Then when do you have time? Let’s make an appointment to hang out together.”

Su Ling nodded, “Okay.”

Lin Meng sent Su Ling to the door and saw the car parked outside. He lightly bumped against Su Ling’s arm and asked, “That’s President Gu’s car, right? You stayed in the Gu villa yesterday?”

Su Ling uttered an En and said goodbye to Lin Meng. After getting in the car, he said to the driver, “Xinlu Community.” [Banana – Sorry for the interruption, this is the area of SL’s rented unit]

On the way to the unit, Su Ling received a message from the dress shop, reminding him that the rental period of his suit is expiring[2], and the extension requires additional fees. After reading the message, he tapped his head. Love makes one silly indeed. He had planned to return the suit yesterday morning but completely forgotten about it after male god confessed to him.

At the rented unit house, Su Ling took the things he bought last night and placed them in his space storage. Then he got on the car with the suit bag and informed the driver about the location of the dress shop.

Along the way, the driver’s bracelet rang, but Su Ling didn’t mind. The cars here are all basically fully automatic. The driver mainly adjusts the route, which acts as a double assurance.

The driver answered with an En, then ended the call. Then he turned to Su Ling and called out embarrassedly, “Mr Su.”

Su Ling turned from the window to the driver, “What’s the matter?”

“Madam said she would like to see you. She will meet you at the Star Shore Cafe.”

That news makes Su Ling raised his eyebrows. But after a little thought, he thinks he knows what happened. So he said, “Go then.”

Not long after, the car stopped in front of an exquisite building. Su Ling glanced at the sign and got off the car. As soon as he entered, the waiter greeted him, “Do you have any appointments?”

“Madam Gu.”

“Please follow me.” The waiter led Su Ling to the right side window deck.

Su Ling greeted Mother Gu and then sat down.

Waiter: “May I take your order?”

Su Ling glanced at the menu and said, “A glass of lemonade, please.” He is not used to drinking coffee in the morning.

Mother Gu checked Su Ling out with a gentle smile on her face, she said, ” I didn’t get to thank you properly at the banquet. Thanks to the Redthorn Ball liquid you provided for my illness.”

“You are too polite,” Su Ling smiled, “I said it before, President Gu helped me a lot, and I didn’t give it for free.”

Mother Gu took a sip of coffee before saying, “Since it’s not free, it means our Gu family doesn’t owe you anything?”

Su Ling’s face remained unchanged, “Yes.”

“How much do you know about the Gu company?” Mother Gu pinched the handle of the cup with her fingers, rubbing gently with her thumb as if lost in memory.

Su Ling honestly replied, “Not a lot.”

Mother Gu looked at him as she said, “Ah Heng’s father, he died when Ah Heng was only 8 years old. Ah Heng is the only grandson of the Gu family, and his grandfather was biased on his grandson, so his relatives in the Gu family stared hungrily at the main branch.”

“If my parents didn’t take action at that time, Ah Heng would not even be able to keep his life, let alone take charge of the Gu family. From the point of view of young Omegas like you, wealthy families looked grand on the outside. But you don’t know how they are like a battlefield without gunpowder inside. With one bad move, one might not even have any bones left.”

She said with tears in her eyes, but her face was icy, “Just like Ah Heng’s father.”

Su Ling was taken aback, that wasn’t an accident? However, he did not ask further. This inside information is absolutely confidential. Mother Gu may not tell him, and the information would be useless for him if he knows. After a moment of silence, he looked at Mother Gu without hesitation and said,  “I understand what are you going at. You want to remind me that my family background is useless to President Gu, and you want to use the dark side of the rich to make me step back.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t do as you want. I like President Gu so unless he likes other people, I won’t give up on him.”

Mother Gu smiled slightly, “You are very smart, so I’ll be frank. You are not suitable for Ah Heng, and I disagree with you two being together.”

Su Ling frowned and was about to refute when his bracelet rang. He glanced at it and saw that it’s a call from male god. He turned to Mother Gu and said, “Sorry, I will take the call first.”

Once connected, Gu Liheng’s magnetic voice could be heard saying, “Are you still in the Xiao villa?”

“No, I forgot to return the suit yesterday. I will go back later.”

Gu Liheng: “Have you return it yet? If you like the suit, I’ll just buy it for you. No need to return it. I have packed my things and am ready to head to the spiritual plant association.”

Su Ling smiled, “No need to buy it, I won’t wear this kind of suit a lot. Talk to you later.”

When he hung up the call, Mother Gu said, “It seems I have delayed your time to return your suit. As an apology, I will buy it for you.”

Su Ling: “No need.”

Mother Gu glanced at him and smiled. She tapped at her bracelet to contact the driver, but the call couldn’t connect as it is showing that the driver is in a call.

On the other side, the driver was sweating cold sweat. He didn’t have time to bother when a notification came to indicate another incoming call. He said, “The suit is in the car, Mr Su… and Madam is in a cafe.” He wiped his forehead and continued, “Star Shore Cafe, yes, I will do it right away.”

He hung up the call and sighed softly. Then he glanced at the missed call from Madam Gu. It is too difficult being sandwiched between a rock and a hard place. He hesitated but remembering what President Gu said, the driver decided to pretend he didn’t notice the missed call for the time being. He got out of the car and went to the back seat to check the rent number in the suit bag. Then he went to the dress shop and paid with his card.

Since Mother Gu’s call did not get through to the driver, she called the dress shop instead. She mentioned Su Ling’s name and offered to buy the rented suit.

“Madam, the full amount has been paid for the suit.”

Mother Gu hung up the call and looked at Su Ling with complicated eyes, “It seems that Ah Heng really likes you.”

Su Ling didn’t understand how she comes to the judgment, but the content of the words made him feel happy. With curved eyes, he said, “I’m honoured.”

However, Mother Gu has no smile on her face as she drank her coffee in silence.

Su Ling sipped at his lemonade and waited for her to speak. In his mind, he is guessing what’s in her mind and what kind of objection she would make. Will she give him a check to make him leave male god? Or will she argue in front of male god? Although Su Ling doesn’t mind this situation, he still felt a little helpless. Mother Gu is male god’s closest relative, and he doesn’t want male god to be embarrassed.

After a while, Mother Gu spoke again with a sharp glint in her eyes, “A marriage that is not blessed by the elders will not be happy. You can’t provide Ah Heng with any help, and you may even become his weakness.”

Su Ling’s eyes narrowed.

“I won’t be his weakness.”

“He is not a weakness.”

Almost at the same time, a familiar magnetic voice came from behind him.

Raw word count:  3676


Banana: Apologies if someone gets triggered by the random dash in certain words. Banana dunno which word might trigger the ad filter so gotta be vigilant 😛

[1] 天造地设 – It is an idiom, and Banana cannot see anything wrong with it. Not sure if there’s an online slang for it
[2] Not sure if this is plot hole, or author forgot to tell us because previous chapters suggested that LM bought the suit and rented it to SL

Chapter 46 – Temporary marking [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.
Sorry folks, the site went down yesterday due to server problem. Here’s the chapter yo~ And thanks Lauren for the kofi, I have put it in the pool :3

Su Ling ended the call with Director Li and said to Gu Liheng, “We will stay for a week, from the 9th to the 15th. You should go back to pack your stuff today and remember to bring some daily necessities.”

Gu Liheng felt that his young man is too sensible, “Okay.”

Su Ling: “Do you have anything else to do for today?”


Su Ling laughed and said, “Wait a minute for me then. I will mix the fragrance according to the formula you selected earlier. The earlier I can finish it, the earlier it can start the aging process. You should be able to try the effect tomorrow.” As he said that, he added one more point, “The rest of the tester will continue to age; maybe the effect will change over time.”

Gu Liheng: “You do your stuff, don’t worry about me.” Thinking that the young man has never taken the spiritual plant specialist class, he reminded, “You can quickly get the aged fragrance with the aging device. It is also convenient when you want to compare fragrances’ effects with different aging time. “

Other than the formula, fragrance products using spiritual plants also require a spiritual plant specialist. But the processes later on will be fully mechanical. The efficiency of natural aging is too low. Of course, the effect is better than using an aging device. Generally, high-end custom fragrances will choose natural aging. However, when studying a formula’s effect, it is quicker and more convenient to use the aging device, and it will not affect the comparison result.

Taking out the remaining Baby’s breath essential oil, Su Ling took out Baby’s breath he collected in the morning and the extractor. He replied, “I know, but the aging device is too expensive. I will buy it next month.”

By next month, he will get around 1.45 million star coins from auctioning Redthorn Ball’s liquid and the Baby breath’s nectar order. The money is enough to buy a medium-sized aging device, which can age many test items simultaneously. The next month after that, he should be able to buy a frozen filter, the equipment needed in the final step of removing impurities from fragrance products.

“Which model do you want? I’ll buy it for you.” Gu Liheng tapped at his bracelet.

From the extractor, Su Ling poured Baby’s breath essential oil into a bottle before opening another a new bottle. Hearing the words, he smiled and said, “I just mention it casually, and not trying to ask you to buy me something.”

“I want to buy it for you,” Gu Liheng frowned. “I don’t know what I can do for you. I don’t have any experience in this.”

Su Ling turned his head to look at Gu Liheng and saw a frustrated expression on his meticulous face. He chuckled and said, “Buy it then. I want a medium-sized device, and also help me buy a small frozen filter, by the way. I was planning to buy it when I have the money.”

Gu Liheng’s mood instantly became happy. He chose Tian Xiang (Divine Fragrance), the top brand for fragrance products and instruments. When he added the devices that Su Ling wanted, he paused at the checkout page and asked, “Send the devices here?”

Su Ling uttered an En, but he suddenly had a thought. In order to make male god let go of his heart trouble and believe that he(SL) doesn’t mind his(GLH) ‘illness’, he should stay with him. If he alternates between two places, it would be difficult for him(SL) to help. Hence, he shook his head and said, “No, send it to your place.”

The corner of Gu Liheng’s mouth curved up. It makes him feel good that he can always see the young man, “Okay.”

A brief glance over Gu Liheng’s mouth makes Su Ling smiled deeper. However, thinking of male god’s reaction every time he realized he smiled makes Su Ling wanted to ask about it, but he immediately stopped the thought. He didn’t want to ruin his(GLH) mood and decided to ask again when it is appropriate in the future.

Gu Liheng quickly placed the order. After receiving the pop-up message of a successful transaction, he moved his gaze from the holographic screen to Su Ling, “When are you going to move to my place?”

Su Ling mixed the essential oils in proportions, capped the bottle, and thought for a while, “After we returned from the association.”

“The devices you just bought will be delivered to the villa within two hours, you…” Gu Liheng glanced across the test bottles on the workbench, “Don’t you want to know the result sooner?”

Su Ling couldn’t help laughing and turned to look at him, “You want me to move in today?”

Hearing that, Gu Liheng gets worried that the young man would misunderstand that he has something indecent in mind, so his tone was much faster than usual, “I’m not planning to do anything to you, I just want to look at you.”

The protective and possessive desire of an Alpha for their Omega will make them feel uncomfortable and worried when the Omega is out of sight.

Su Ling’s eyes narrowed, “Then does that mean I’m too unattractive? Didn’t Alpha always want to do ‘something’ when they are with their Omega?” He tilted his head, “Or was it because you didn’t mark me?”

Gu Liheng’s eyes changed slightly.

Su Ling turned to take a step forward and stood in front of Gu Liheng. Their height difference made him dissatisfied. He pressed on male god’s shoulders and stood on tiptoe, and his eyes fell on his lips, “The welcome gift, it doesn’t count as a temporary marking?”

Gu Liheng’s throat moved as he replied, “It doesn’t count.”

Su Ling: “Why? Isn’t the temporary marking just a kiss?”

The young man’s light brown eyes seemed to have a transparent layer and looked very pure. Remembering that he(SL) has amnesia and might not understand many things, Gu Liheng patiently explained, “For normal contact, it takes a certain amount of time to achieve the effect of a temporary marking.”

Su Ling: “Do kisses considered as normal contact?”

Gu Liheng became silent. Su Ling raised his eyebrows and retracted his hand. He tapped at his bracelet and said, “I will know after I searched it.”

He read the physiology book before and remember glancing over the part for marking but only had a general impression. A kiss or a long hug is a temporary marking; a bite on the back of the neck is a temporary marking as well but will last a longer time. The knot during the sme-xy time will be a permanent marking. At first, he thought he just doesn’t understand what permanent marking meant, and now it seems that he even got the temporary marking wrong. That’s why it makes him wondered that time. Except for rapid heartbeats, he didn’t feel anything special. The book says that after being marked, the Omega will be affected by the Alpha’s pheromone. He would be blushing and feeling soft at his feet and instinctively be dependent on the Alpha. When he started reading the physiology book, he thought that the explanations were quite funny. After he was kissed, he even thought the book was just randomly made up facts, but it seemed that he had misunderstood the meaning.

Without waiting for him to start searching, Gu Liheng lightly grasped his wrist and said, “I’ll tell you.”

Su Ling looked up and waited for him to answer.

Gu Liheng bent over, and both of them could hear each other’s breath. His voice was slightly tensed as he asked, “Can I kiss you?”

Su Ling answered the question by shortening their distance.

Unlike the last time when the kiss was just a light touch, it was more intimate and deeper this time. Su Ling was held in the back of the head by Gu Liheng’s big palm and forced to raise his head. Gu Liheng didn’t release him until the moment he almost couldn’t breathe. His cheeks were hot, his feet were so soft that he was utterly unsteady, and he was leaning on Gu Liheng. His body was covered in male god’s scent. It was obviously a very light red wine fragrance, but quite domineering and fierce. It makes him submit willingly and sincerely, and doesn’t want to disobey any requests. Su Ling swallowed unconsciously. This unprecedented feeling made his brain blanked out for a moment, and he panted while resting his head on male god’s shoulder.

Gu Liheng’s eyes were dark, and he tried to control his breathing. Carrying Su Ling in a princess carry, he walked out of the spiritual plant room.

Finally regained his senses, Su Ling’s laughter was a little hoarse, “So that’s how it is.”

Temporary marking by kissing means a deep kiss and exchange of saliva. Come to think about it, it sounds reasonable. How can an Omega stand it if a light touch will get them marked? Whether one is studying or working, the chances of them accidentally brushed past an Alpha is very high.

Gu Liheng put Su Ling on the sofa, rubbing his black hair lightly so that he quickly eased from the feeling of temporary marking.

“I wanted to do this a long time ago,” his eyes were dark, ” I was just taking advantage of the explanation to do this.”

Su Ling was amused by his honesty, “You don’t need to wait for any opportunity. I like it when you do this. This is what a couple should do.” As he said that, he rested his head on the sofa and raised his hand to cover his eyes. “It’s just that my reaction makes me a little embarrassed. I was too uncalm.” His three views as a man have collapsed entirely.

Gu Liheng had a smile in his eyes. The young man’s expression made him very fond of him. He rubbed his fingers on the side of his(SL) face gently and praised, “This is instinct. You are doing great.”

Su Ling blinked and grabbed his hand. “You are doing great too.” Decided to take the opportunity to adjust his male god’s mentality of his ‘illness’, Su Ling added, “I like to be close to you; right now is good enough.”

Gu Liheng sat next to Su Ling and gave him a tight hug. The young man was full of his scent, which made him happy and relaxed. His possessiveness skyrocketed, and he wanted to keep him firmly within his range.

Why didn’t Gu Liheng say anything? Could it be he is thinking of his ‘sad issue’ again? Su Ling looked at male god’s expression. He looked relaxed and didn’t seem to be having an internal struggle, so he breathed a sigh of relief. It’s fine as long as his mind is not in a sensitive state.

The two stayed on the sofa for a long time. Su Ling felt nice with an overwhelming sense of security while Gu Liheng’s heart was contented; both felt very comfortable.

Sometime later, Su Ling glanced at the clock and straightened up from Gu Liheng’s arms. He asked, “Are you hungry? Let’s go out to eat a big meal, to celebrate us for leaving the ‘Single’ status together.”

Gu Liheng has smiles in his eyes, “Alright, what do you want to eat?”

“Boiled fish fillets, sweet and sour pork ribs, braised pork trotters, fried soy sauce chicken wings, braised prawns…” Su Ling was in a good mood. He jumped off the sofa and rattled off a list of names.

Gu Liheng got up and straightened Su Ling’s upturned hair with a natural movement, “Don’t be a picky eater, at least order a vegetable dish.”

That makes Su Ling felt a little embarrassed; he seemed to be treated as a child again.

“I just listed it casually. I definitely can’t eat so much for one meal. It’s enough if we just order 3 meat dishes, 1 vegetable dish, and 1 soup.” After Su Ling said that, he went to the spiritual plant room and put the spiritual plants in his space storage.

Gu Liheng followed behind him and said, “You can order it if you want.”

In the end, Su Ling only ordered what he said just now (3 meat, 1 vegetable, and 1 soup), all of which he and Gu Liheng loved to eat.

On the other hand, when it’s time for dinner, the Gu villa’s dining table was filled with the dishes Su Ling listed down but didn’t manage to eat during lunch. Su Ling was smiling the entire time during dinner. When he accidentally saw his expression from the iron spoon, he felt that he looked a little silly. Love makes one silly indeed. Even though he thought so, his smile did not decrease at all. After dinner, he kissed Gu Liheng on the cheek happily and asked, “May I share the joy with my friends?”

Gu Liheng was in a happy mode, so he smiled unconsciously as if being infected by the joy, “Sure.”

Su Ling immediately sent two messages out.

“Uncle Nalu, I have a boyfriend now. It’s President Gu.”

“Meng Meng, President Gu and I are together now.”

Raw word count:  2835


Chapter 45 – Lovers [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

When the young man opened the door, Gu Liheng’s focused gaze instantly fell on him. Then he handed the roses to him(SL), “This is for you.”

All Su Ling could see was brilliant red, and a faint rose fragrance surrounded him. He looked at Gu Liheng. Male god’s expression was tense and seemed a little nervous. Accepting the flowers with a bright smile, he said, “Thank you.” Then he turned sideways to let Gu Liheng in, “Come in.”

Gu Liheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief because the young man did not refuse the roses. He stepped into the living room and took a glance. The living room area is not big, but with beige blue as the primary colour, it looked very warm.

After Su Ling closed the door, he turned around and saw that male god is standing at the same place without moving, so he smiled and said, “Have a seat, and I’ll get you something to drink?”

“No need.” Seeing that Su Ling was smiling at him, Gu Liheng’s expression softened, and his mood was much more relaxed. Hence, he sat down on the nearest sofa.

Su Ling arranged the flowers in the vase carefully. He put some water in the vase and took it to his bedroom.

On the other hand, Gu Liheng’s eyes were always on his figure, so Su Ling immediately noticed his gaze when he came out of the bedroom. All of a sudden, Su Ling’s heartbeat speeded up. Male god’s stare was too powerful, giving him a feeling of being deeply loved. This feeling was really touching. His eyes narrowed, Su Ling went to the water dispenser to pour 2 glasses of water. Then he sat down next to Gu Liheng and put a glass of water in front of him.

“Thank you.” Gu Liheng turned his head to look at him.

Su Ling raised his eyebrows slightly, “Looking at me like this, are you testing my endurance? Or do you have something to tell me?”

Taken aback, Gu Liheng stared at him before asking, “Why didn’t you come anyone?”

“Huh?” Su Ling was puzzled, but quickly understood, “Do you mean sending flowers?”

Gu Liheng: “En,” his eyes focused, “No matter what your reason is, can I send you flowers from now on?”

Su Ling: “…”

So even a male god is unable to escape the good old trick ‘In order to capture, one must first let loose’[1]? Although Su Ling didn’t have such intention, his behaviour did seem to be going to that direction after a moment of thinking. As expected, one can’t simply rush to chase someone. He smiled and said, “I’m fine with it, but if you are going to send it every day, one flower a day will do. Otherwise, the room won’t fit.”

After that, Su Ling explained why he didn’t send flowers over a few days ago, “You were in bad condition before. I suspect that I put too much pressure on you, so I want you to relax first.”

“It has nothing to do with you,” Gu Liheng pursed his thin lips, “I just didn’t sleep well.”

Su Ling: “Yeah, I misunderstood. But it just happened that I have something to do in the morning these few days, so it’s also one of the reasons why I didn’t send the flowers.” After he finished speaking, the corner of his mouth slightly curved up, “Sending the flowers to me, does it have the same meaning as mine?”

“Yes.” Gu Liheng confirmed.

Su Ling leaned closer, and asked with a smile, “So you finally decided to marry me?”

Gu Liheng was silent for a moment and did not answer directly. Instead, he said, “You asked me before, why do I reject you even though I liked you.”

Su Ling: “Yes, I thought to ask this question later.”

Gu Liheng’s tone was low, and he stared at Su Ling, not missing any of his expressions as he said, “I have an illness, and I don’t know when exactly I would be healed. There are chances I may never be completely healed. Initially, I thought that if I can’t give you happiness, I will never accept you. And if I am cured, as long as you are unmarried, even if you like other people, I will pursue you.”

This is indeed his male god’s way of thinking. Su Ling asked, “So you have changed your mind now?”

Gu Liheng nodded, “I can’t bear imagining you like other people, and I don’t trust other people to care for you. But I can’t marry you, because my illness is not healed. If there is no cure, at least you still have a way out.”

Su Ling frowned, “So you mean to have a relationship without marriage?”

Did he see Gu Liheng wrongly? Is male god going to be the same as mom’s boyfriends?

Seeing him upset, Gu Liheng apologized, “Sorry, I am too selfish.”

He didn’t want to give up the young man, but he didn’t want him(SL) to take unnecessary risks either. Hence, he made a very unaccountable decision. After he finished speaking, Gu Liheng tapped at his bracelet, and Su Ling’s bracelet rang the next moment.

It was a message from male god.

Su Ling glanced at his male god strangely. The man is clearly right in front of him, so why did he sent him a message? He tapped it to check and became silent. There is only one attachment in the message; it was an agreement for property transfer. Su Ling doesn’t know how much specifically, but after seeing the transfer of 30% for each item, he knows it worth a lot. He paid attention to the Gu company’s Bo Yan. Though his understanding was not specific, he at least knew that the Gu company is very rich.

“What do you mean by this?”

Gu Liheng: “I can’t give you a guarantee in the form of marriage. But with this way, even if my illness cannot be cured, you can live well without me.”

Su Ling: “Isn’t this just the same as getting married?”

Thinking of his male god’s ‘illness’, Su Ling doesn’t know how to explain that he doesn’t mind. He(SL) is a man too back in his world, so he knows how badly this ‘illness’ hurts men.

“No matter what your illness is, I don’t mind. I think you are fine to me right now.”

Gu Liheng was very touched, but still hold on to his reason, “You are still young, and there are many things that …can’t stand the trial of time.”

This is true. Su Ling can’t refute age, let alone swear that he will never change. It’s hard to make male god believe him.

Clenching his fingers into a fist, Gu Liheng said lightly, “So, are you still willing to be with me?”

Su Ling: “Of course I do,” he emphasized again, “I really don’t care about your illness. I know you don’t believe it now, but I will make you believe it!” He looked serious, “Promise me this. When you are finally convinced that I don’t care about the illness and that we are happy together, you must marry me even if the illness cannot be completely cured.”

Gu Liheng: “Alright.”

The main reason why he didn’t want to marry the young man at the moment was that he is worried that he(SL) will feel depressed and unhappy after staying with him for a long time. If the young man is happy with him, he naturally is willing to marry him(SL).

Su Ling laughed and pointed at his bracelet, “Then this is not necessary.”

Gu Liheng frowned slightly, but Su Ling raised his hand and tapped his index finger between his forehead, “Don’t frown. I don’t need these things yet.”

The young man’s fingertip was soft, making Gu Liheng’s expression stiffened slightly. Then he loosened his frown.

Su Ling smiled, he moved his hand away and placed it on Gu Liheng’s shoulder. Next, he leaned close to give him a quick kiss.

“A welcome gift for my boyfriend.”

Slightly startled, a smile appeared in Gu Liheng’s eyes and his whole heart is filled all the joy that he had never had as if he had grown wings and flew away.

Su Ling laughed, “Aren’t you going to give your boyfriend a gift as well?”

Hearing that, Gu Liheng’s eyes darkened. He lowered his head slightly, and a restrained and gentlemanly kiss touched the corner of Su Ling’s lips. Then he said, “I like you. I’m sorry that I rejected you before this and made you uncomfortable.”

Su Ling wrapped his hands around Gu Liheng’s neck and said, “It’s okay, I didn’t feel uncomfortable. You have always been nice to me.” Then he smiled, “I know you like me.”

Gu Liheng felt a little bit embarrassed. As an Alpha, it is very unethical of him to be inconsistent in words and actions. But this embarrassment quickly dissipated, because the young man was too close to him; almost enclosed in his arms. Alpha has a natural possessive desire for Omega, not to mention Su Ling is the Omega he liked. With a slightly stiff body, Gu Liheng lightly grasped the young man’s wrist and pulled his hand away from the back of his neck.

Gu Liheng: “I’ll have some water.”

Su Ling blinked. Is male god afraid that he will find out that he(GLH) is unable to ‘react’? Realizing that, he took his hand away obediently, and took a sip from the glass. How can he make male god believe that he doesn’t mind about his(GLH) ‘ability’ in that respect? Their relationship will definitely not work without any 2-person activities – then he should let male god know that using tools can also be very harmonious! Su Ling wanted to shop online right away and watch some ‘videos’ to learn more, but he contained the impulse since his male god is still here. He put down the glass and waited for Gu Liheng to finish drinking, then he pulled Gu Liheng to his feet and said, “Just right, come with me to the spiritual plant room.”

His spiritual plant room is probably the most peculiar room among other specialists. The number of spiritual plants he has is too low; only 3 spiritual plants. Even if Redthorn Ball comes back, there are only 4, but their grade is very high.

As soon as he entered the room, Xian Mo Yu’s roots rose to wrap around his hands. Giving it a light squeeze, Su Ling said, “I have something to do, go play with the other plants.”

The roots rubbed against his wrist for a few times before loosened its hold. Then it went to Lopseed and Baby’s breath’s side. The 2 plants got used to its interruption and were very calm.

Su Ling pointed to the small bottles on the workbench, which was placed against the wall on the right, “This is what I prepared last night. I was about to check the effect of the finished product when you came.”

Picking up the bottle on the far left, Su Ling twisted the lid and said, “You came here on the right time. Take a whiff and feel the effect. Which one makes you feel most comfortable and relaxed?”

“You made these for me?” Gu Liheng glanced across the workbench. There were 8 small bottles in total.

Su Ling nodded, “En, hasn’t your sleep quality been bad recently? Fragrance products should help to improve your condition. This is the first time I made these. Though I’m not very familiar with the process, I mixed Baby’s breath essential oil with the ingredients so the effect should be good.”

Warmth rose in Gu Liheng’s heart, and his expression was incredibly soft, “Thank you.”

Su Ling raised the bottle to his nose, “Mr Gu, you are too polite. We are lovers now so I’ll be happy if I can help out.”

Gu Liheng’s eyes moved slightly as he carefully smells the fragrance. A refreshing and slightly sweet smell rushed into his nose. His spirit felt refreshed as if his mind was cleansed with water; refreshing and brisk.

“Very good.” Gu Liheng commented.

Su Ling retracted his hand and smelled it himself. Then he noted the sensation of the smell, then closed the bottle cap. After that, he fanned his hands around to diffuse the scent of the first test product. Next, he picked up the second bottle and asked, “Are you still on vacation?”

Gu Liheng nodded, and he asked again, “Have you… seen a doctor? What advice did the doctor give you to relieve your insomnia symptoms?”

“I did,” Gu Liheng looked at him. “He suggested that I relax and communicate more with others.”

Su Ling suddenly said, “So your holiday is related to your illness? And you went clubbing before this because you were following the doctor’s advice?”


After smelling the second bottle, Su Ling picked up the third bottle again, “Would you like a change of environment? Maybe it will make your mood better.”

Gu Liheng: “It will take some time for the Xiao family to finish harvesting the Redthorn Ball liquid. You can’t go anywhere so I won’t leave Belle City.”

Su Ling’s eyes curved up upon hearing that, “Then we’ll find a place nearby. Somewhere with dense vegetation and a good environment,” he said, and his eyes lit up, “I thought of a place.”

“Want to stay with me for a few days in the spiritual plant registration association?”

Gu Liheng was a little surprised with the suggestion, “The spiritual plant registration association?”

Su Ling nodded.

“En, I went there when I registered for Xian Mo Yu last time. The environment is excellent, and many spiritual plant samples are arriving every day. Director Li said I could come to stay for a few days when I’m free so that they can study the characteristics of Xian Mo Yu for their record.”

“We can stay there for a few days, and while they are studying Xian Mo Yu, you could just try smelling different spiritual plants, using the fragrance I made for you as reference.” No other place has more types of spiritual plant than the association.

The young man cared about him very much. Realizing this, Gu Liheng’s expression was soft as he agreed, “Alright.”

After they went through all the test products, Su Ling asked Gu Liheng to select the most effective one. Then he makes a mark, and record the ratio of raw materials. After that, he contacted Director Li to make sure that he could bring a companion along and make an appointment to stay for a few days.

Raw word count:  3275


[1] Not sure if it has the same meaning with ‘playing hard to get’.

PS : Bo Yan is somewhat like Weibo, if anyone forgot about it.

Chapter 44 – Dance 2 [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.
Sponsored chapter – Many thanks to Anana and Loni, it’s a long wait but finally I can thank you for the kofi :3 And last but not least, our Anonymous-D reader, your support very much appreciated~ XD

Su Ao’s expression changed, “Don’t talk nonsense, I…”

At this time, the dark-faced Father Su and Zhao Han came over. Zhao Han patted Su Ao on the shoulder, and said softly to Su Ling, “Xiao Ling, you can’t spout nonsense. We did invite a teacher for you. You don’t want to learn, what can I do?”

Su Ling: “Really now? Which teacher?”

That rebut caused Zhao Han to choke on her words, and Father Su scolded in a low voice, “Stop fooling around. Even if you have severed ties with the Su family, your surname is still Su. It is not a good thing to you either if you continue to discredit the Su family.”

Su Ling lightly raised his gaze, his eyes indifferent as he said, “Discredit? If it weren’t for your precious son to trouble me again and again, I wouldn’t want to exchange even a single word with your family, let alone mentioning it to other people. As for whether what I said is true, you know in your heart.”

This was the reason why the owner of this body was sensitive and timid. Apart from his own body factor, it has a lot to do with the environment he grew up in.

Staring at Su Ling for 2 seconds, Father Su turned to Su Ao and said, “Apologize to him.”

“Father!” Su Ao looked at him in shock, while Zhao Han looked incredulous.

Father Su’s tone was stern as he asked, “Did you take the initiative to provoke him?”

Su Ao bit his lip, not saying anything so Father Su raised his tone higher, “Did you?”

Su Ao: “Yes, but…”

“Apologize.” Father Su lowered his face.

Su Ao was used to being spoiled, and Father Su has never been so harsh on him. This time, he was so scared that his eyes were red. Feeling fearful, wronged and uncomfortable, he said to Su Ling, “I’m sorry.”

Su Ling was caught off guard as well, but after a second thought, he thinks he probably understood why. The him right now is not the same little pitiful who doesn’t have any backing. He is not interested being entangled with ‘children’, so it’s fine to just give him a scare or two, “It’s okay,” he smiled, “If we ever meet again in the future, pretend we don’t know each other, understood?”

Seeing Su Ling’s smile, Su Ao shrank his shoulders subconsciously and nodded aggrievedly. That little coward has become a terrifying person!

Feeling satisfied, Su Ling excused himself and headed to the right. Before he could take a step, he saw Gu Liheng standing not far away looking at him. So he smiled and walked towards Gu Liheng.

Lin Meng has been paying attention to Gu Liheng, worried that his friend’s sweetheart will be hijacked by someone else. When he saw the two is going to meet, he quickly motioned to Xiào Rui, and they moved to their side(SL+GLH) while dancing. He smiled and said, “President Gu, why don’t you invite Ling Ling to a dance?”

Due to Lin Meng was quite a distance away before this, he didn’t hear Su Ao saying that Su Ling could not dance. But Gu Liheng heard it, so he didn’t ask.

All of a sudden, a gorgeous-looking Omega crossed in front of Su Ling and stretched out his left hand to Gu Liheng, “Can I dance with you?”

Omega pays attention to their identity, and adding to the fact that they are naturally favoured, they rarely invite an Alpha actively. But if they ever did and the Alpha refuses, it will be very embarrassing to them. For the Alpha, they would be seen as incredibly rude to decline an Omega’s invitation.

Frowning slightly, Gu Liheng did not immediately agree. The Omega bit his lip lightly, and his confident smile faded.

“Sorry, this is my partner.” Su Ling said at this moment.

The Omega was surprised by the statement, didn’t someone said he doesn’t know how to dance? It’s because of this that he came to invite President Gu. But the Omega also noticed that President Gu would not agree to his invitation, so he took his hand back and said, “Sorry for the bother.”

After the Omega left, Su Ling looked at Gu Liheng. Thinking of Belle Planet’s gender restrictions, he restrained the urge to stretch out his right hand. Instead, he raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Not going to invite me?”

Gu Liheng glanced at Su Ling and stretched out his right hand. Then he bowed slightly, “Can I ask you for a dance?”

Su Ling smiled, “Yes.”

Taking a step back, Gu Liheng did a standard pose, and Su Ling skillfully took his hand. The distance between the two instantly narrowed.

Gu Liheng said softly, “Don’t be nervous, just follow my footsteps. And thank you for helping me out.”

“Relief? It’s not like you don’t know how to dance. Just accept that Omega’s invitation, it’s not a difficult situation.” Su Ling danced proficiently, shaking his body slightly.

Gu Liheng looked into his eyes and explained, “Although it would be rude of me, I don’t want to accept the invitation.”

Su Ling let go of his left hand, and Gu Liheng’s conditioned reflexes cooperatively matched the movement. His(SL) body swung around; flexibly and lightly. Then, Su Ling placed his hand on Gu Liheng’s shoulder, pulling both closer, “It just so happens that I don’t want you to accept as well.”

Hearing that, Gu Liheng’s heartbeat speeds up. The young man’s waist is soft, and just one movement from him fascinates him(GLH), not to mention the young man was very close to him when he said this.

On the other side, Lin Meng’s eyes lit up, “Wow, Ling Ling, you dance beautifully.”

Su Ling smiled, his eyes drooping slightly. As the son of a dancer, he has been exposed to various dances since he was a child. How could he not dance well? However, just thinking of these, it is inevitable to recall some memories, good or bad: the powdery air, the smell of perfume followed by a figure.

Gu Liheng’s appreciation sounded beside his ear, “You are great at dancing.”

Su Ling looked up at Gu Liheng and smiled, “I can be better.”

Upon saying that, his hands pressed slightly on Gu Liheng’s shoulders, and his body moved backwards. His dancing postures were both rigid and soft, dancing, spinning, and bending gently. Each movement was light, yet full of strength, and his figure seemed to glow. Gu Liheng cooperated and let him dance to the fullest. It has been a long time since Su Ling danced with anyone like this. At first, he felt light and free. Soon, some scenes overlapped with his memory.

“Ling Ling, do you think mother’s dances great?”

“Ling Ling danced really well, so amazing, my son.”

“Son, mom is in love again, you will have a father soon. Now watch my newly choreographed dance.” But there was no dance, ending in a comedy.

“Why? Everyone said they love me, they say so many sweet words. But in the end, they don’t even want to marry me.”

Su Ling’s eyes closed lightly. He had forgotten how many boyfriends his mother had made and looked forward to several weddings, but in the end, she was disappointed. But his male god will not let him down.

At the end of the song, Gu Liheng took him out of the dance zone smoothly, and his forehead was lightly resting on Gu Liheng’s shoulders. The strong scent of an Alpha made him feel safe and stable.

There was concern in Gu Liheng’s magnetic voice as he asked, “Do you feel uncomfortable?”

Su Ling stood up straight and shook his head, “No, but I want to go back first.”

Sometimes, once the closed box of memory is opened, it will spiral out of control. His mood is low at the moment, and it is not suitable for him to stay here. Moreover, he has danced with male god, it is enough to dispel many people’s advance.

Gu Liheng: “I will send you.”

“No,” Su Ling refused. “You have to be here for the cake cutting after the dance. It’s your mother’s birthday, so it is not appropriate for you to be absent.”

In the end, Gu Liheng insisted on sending Su Ling to the door. He(GLH) waited for him to get into the car and watched as the vehicle drives away; his expression was dim. The young man’s emotions were too obvious. Did he(SL) felt unhappy to dance with him? But didn’t he(SL) said he doesn’t want him to dance with other people? When he(GLH) was in a low mood a few days ago, he didn’t say anything either so the young man’s mood should be as uncomfortable as he is now. Clenching his fists tightly, Gu Liheng glanced at the direction where the car has left, and returned to the hall.

Su Ao looked shocked after watching Su Ling dance. It took a long time before he returned to his sense and he shook Zhao Han’s arm, “When did he learn how to dance? He shouldn’t know how?”

With a sullen face, Zhao Han replied, “I don’t know.”

Not only Su Ling knew how to dance, but he also danced very nicely. Many Alphas were attracted, but because of President Gu, no one dared to take action. Zhao Han took a deep breath and patted his shoulder, “Look around if there’s an Alpha you like and dance with him. Don’t talk nonsense, and be good. I will start greeting other people, and you will make more friends.”

After Zhao Han left, Su Ao pouted. He was so embarrassed tonight that he didn’t want to care about anyone.

“Su Ao,” Zhao Qi walked to him, his face pale, “didn’t you say that Su Ling can’t dance?”

Su Ao: “Yes, he didn’t learn it, and he was very clumsy,” then he added, “maybe he learned it after leaving the Su family.”

Hearing that, Zhao Qi’s face tensed up; this is impossible! He who started learning how to dance from elementary school knew best, from how Su Ling danced so well, it is impossible to learn it in a short time. A bold idea appeared in his mind, so Zhao Qi approached Su Ao and whispered, “Don’t you think Su Ling has changed a lot?”

Su Ao nodded wildly in agreement, “He was very timid before, and the him today scared me.”

“Say, is it possible that he is not Su Ling?” Zhao Qi pursed his lips and said softly.

A shiver ran through Su Ao’s body. When he was in junior high school, he read many ancient spiritual stories out of curiosity. Although it might not be true, the atmosphere it creates is still terrifying. He looked at Zhao Qi weirdly, “My mother said don’t read too much of those kinds of books, else you will suffer from illusions. Su Ling is Su Ling. Perhaps his suicide attempt stimulated a personality change, and he has also inherited his mother’s inheritance. Thus, he felt emboldened by it.”

“Other than that, how could 2 people be exactly the same? Even the stinky pheromones are the same. Not to mention, when he accepts the inheritance, he needs to verify his identity, and there can be no mistake.”

Zhao Qi only glanced at him and walked away.

Seeing his lack of energy figure, Su Ao suddenly felt a trace of sympathy for him. They were the same, both have suffered counterattack by Su Ling.

When Su Ling returned to his rented unit, he released the spiritual plants into the room. Then he took out the essential oils he extracted these days, preparing to make incense. Every time he thinks of his mother, he will think of dance, cosmetics, and perfume. Dancing was his mother’s life, and she ended her life on stage. Dancing has become something that Su Ling both love and fear; he doesn’t like much of cosmetics. In the end, perfume is his favourite. He listed perfumer as his career goal back in his previous life because he enjoyed doing something that has a connection with his mother.

Perfume made in Belle Planet is considered a kind of fragrance products, and his identity is suitable for making fragrance as well. During the day, he talked with Lin Meng for a long time, and he had an idea at the time. He wanted to make an effective soothing fragrance for male god. Male god’s sleep quality was too poor. It just so happens that he has Golden Baby’s breath in his hand. The stem is effective for soothing the nerves. It is the most precious and commonly used essential ingredient for soothing fragrance on the market. It is mainly used to soothe the mood before going to bed. Taking out the stems accumulated these days, Su Ling used an extractor to extract essential oils.

Surrounded by various fragrance, his depression due to old memories gradually calmed down. He tried to mix the essential oil extracted from the stem with other spiritual plant’s essential oils; unfortunately, there is no ageing machine here so he cannot mix them together immediately. It will take some time. When he tried to make the fragrance before, it was because there was not enough time to age, so the fragrance was not thoroughly mixed. He experimented with different proportions, each of which was only a small portion. He divided them into small bottles and covered with a lid, preparing to see the effect tomorrow.

When Su Ling started to make the fragrances, he had no concept of time at all. Hence, by the time he is done, he realized that it was almost 11.00 pm. He left the spiritual plant room, took a bath and slept.

The next morning, the only thing in his mind was how the incense products will come out today. So, after harvesting the liquid from Redthorn Ball, he returned straight home and went to the spiritual plant room. He was smelling the fragrances carefully one by one and comparing the differences when someone suddenly knocked on the unit’s door. The knock sounded 3 times rhythmically.

‘Knock knock knock’

Su Ling did not turn on the sound insulation system, plus the door of the spiritual plant room was not closed, and the room was closest to the door. Hence, the knock on the door was obvious. He put down the bottle in his hand and went to the door. Before that, he took a glance at the electronic display on the right side of the door.

His male god is wearing a sleek black suit and holding a handful of brilliant roses.

Su Ling: “…”

Unexpectedly, his male god has finally figured it out?

Raw word count:  6071


Chapter 44 – Dance 1 [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

When Su Ling walked out of the bathroom, he took a glance around and immediately saw Gu Liheng. Why is male god’s expression looked so deep? He patted Lin Meng’s arm and gestured at Gu Liheng’s direction, meaning that he wanted to go over there.

Lin Meng is not going to be an ‘electric light bulb’ so he said, “I’m going to see Ah Rui now. Contact me if something happened.”

Nodded, Su Ling headed straight towards Gu Liheng. Gu Liheng’s gaze fell on him; it was very focused and somewhat affectionate. Su Ling walked to Gu Liheng’s side and said, “You…”

He only said a word, but it makes his brows furrow. Not only was his voice muffled, and his tongue hurts, but the wound continued to bleed. There’s not much blood coming out, but the smell of blood made him very uncomfortable. Other things will have to wait; he better treats his wound first. Putting aside what he was about to ask, Su Ling tried to speak without agitating his tongue, “Can you take me to the lounge? I want to treat the wound.”

Su Ling collects the nectar every day and puts it in his space storage. He remembers the effect of the nectar and wants to use it on the wound. To be honest, he could do it in the restroom earlier, but he really doesn’t want to check the wound with his tongue sticking out in the restroom. Though the restroom’s environment is very good, it is disturbing as it’s still a toilet. He felt like he would retch if he really did that.

Understood what Su Ling means, Gu Liheng wrinkled his eyebrows and asked, “Your tongue hurt?”

Su Ling nodded. The smell of blood in his mouth became heavier, and the blood had accumulated, so he didn’t want to speak anymore.

Gu Liheng: “Come with me.”

Su Ling followed him through the corridor connecting the hall to the back building. On the second floor, they turned in to the room on the left-hand side. The room was huge, the color hues were mainly in black, white, and gray tones; clean and tidy.

Su Ling frowned and pointed to his mouth. He pursed his lips and bulged his cheeks.

Gu Liheng immediately understood what he meant and opened the door on the left-hand side, “This is the bathroom.”

Hurriedly walking in, Su Ling spat out the blood and saliva into the sink, then quickly rinsed his mouth with water.

His actions were fast, but since Gu Liheng is standing beside him, he saw everything clearly, and his complexion suddenly changed. After Su Ling spat everything out, he rinsed his mouth again twice. When he was about to continue, Gu Liheng handed him a tissue and said, “This is not good for the wound. I will go get the treatment device.”

Su Ling took the tissue and wiped his hands and mouth. On the other hand, Gu Liheng went out to get the treatment device. From his space storage, Su Ling took the nectar and placed it on the sink. He opened the bottle and poured some into the bottle cap. His preparations were done; he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue in the mirror. His tongue was red on the right side. The wound area was the darkest, and a little blood came out. He took a piece of tissue and lightly dabbed to absorb the blood.

This was what Gu Liheng saw when he walked in with the treatment device. His gaze changed slightly, and his footsteps halted for a moment.

Su Ling was a little embarrassed, thinking that he looked stupid at the moment. However, he just cleaned up, so he didn’t want to rinse his tongue again, so he turned to face Gu Liheng and pointed to the therapy device in his hand. Gu Liheng carefully treated the wound with the device. After the treatment, the surface of the wound appeared to be healed. But the color was darker, and the pain did not disappear.

“Treatment device can only repair the surface tissue quickly. As for the internal wound, it has not healed yet, so you still need medication.”

Hearing that, Su Ling pointed to the nectar on the sink. He turned around, dipped it with his finger, and applied it to the wound. The transparent nectar quickly disappeared on the surface of the wound, and the pain was much reduced. Su Ling’s eyes lit up; he dipped his finger again, ready to continue applying. If anyone knows such precious nectar is used to heal this kind of small skin trauma and even used so much, they would say ‘What a waste!’. However, the two didn’t feel anything. Su Ling collected it every day, so he didn’t think it would be very precious, and Gu Liheng only hoped that Su Ling could get better soon.

‘Knock knock’

After the knock, the Gu Mansion’s butler could be heard calling from outside the door, “Master, Madam wants you to go to the hall. The dance party is starting soon.”

Gu Liheng frowned. Su Ling stopped and started to clear the sink. However, Gu Liheng lightly grabbed his hand and said, “You can finish treating your wound before you go. I need to dance the opening dance with my mother, so I have to go first.”

Su Ling blinked: “This is your room, right?”

Gu Liheng: “En.”

Su Ling laughed, as expected, his male god has brought him to his private territory!

“Go, I’ll go out when I’m done, and I promise not to disturb your things.”

Gu Liheng let go of his hand, “Contact me if you need anything.”

After he left, Su Ling applied the nectar twice again, and the wound is almost healed. He tried to talk and found out that he would only feel a slight twinge if he tried to pronounce his words to standard pronunciation. Su Ling put away the nectar and cleaned the sink. Then he took a glance around the room before leaving. When he arrived in the main hall, the light was much darker than before, and there was a beautiful melody playing. Gu Liheng and Mother Gu were halfway through their opening dance.

Su Ling’s expression was in a daze for a moment, as if he had returned to his childhood, but he quickly recovered. Gu Liheng’s temperament is very different from that person who danced with his mother back then. Gu Liheng has a calm and unsmiling face, impeccable dancing posture, elegant, gentleman, and charming. Since his mother’s death[1], Su Ling has not seriously watched other people dancing for many years; he even instinctively rejected it. But at this time, his eyes followed Gu Liheng until the end of the dance.

After the opening dance, the music switched to another tune. Many guests began to invite their partners, and soon there were many dancers in the middle of the hall. Some older people and those who came here alone without a partner went to Mother Gu and Gu Liheng’s side to compliment their dancing. Mother Gu said a few humble words and glanced around. With a smile, she took Zhao Qi’s hand, who was standing in front of the guests and glanced at Gu Liheng.

Zhao Qi blushed and looked obedient.

Su Ling narrowed his eyes and strode over.

Mother Gu smiled and said, “Young people are better at dancing. I just showed my humble dance, but I will stop to appreciate other’s dance now.” Then, she smiled and asked Zhao Qi, “Do you have company tonight?”

Everyone nearby immediately understood that she is choosing a dance partner for President Gu!

Zhao Qi was about to speak, but Zhao Qing quickly stepped forward and took his shoulders. He smiled at Mother Gu and said, “I have been begging for a long time before my younger brother agreed to be my dance partner. Otherwise, it would be a shame if everyone is dancing, and I don’t even have a partner.”

Mother Gu’s expression changed slightly; what does the Zhao family mean? Zhao Qi was the one who proposed to dance with her son, and she was very satisfied with Zhao Qi. Their Gu family owed a favor to the Zhao family, and it seems that Zhao Qi wanted to marry her son. She thought it was good since Zhao Qi is interested. Hence she tried to match them together. Unexpectedly, a minor issue came out. Although she did not say clearly, the people present must understand her meaning. Zhao Qing’s move is simply saying that the Zhao family does not want to get involved with her son.

Zhao Qi was startled, and he glared at Zhao Qing.

Zhao Qing smiled innocently and rubbed Zhao Qi’s hair. However, the hand holding onto his shoulder secretly tightened, “You look forward to dancing with your brother too, right?”

On the other side, Mother Gu quickly recovered and let go of Zhao Qi. She smiled gently and said, “You have a good relationship, go and dance.”

Zhao Qing took Zhao Qi away and went to the middle of the dance floor to dance.

Zhao Qi lowered his voice and asked angrily, “Brother, why are you doing this?”

There was a smile on Zhao Qing’s lips, but his eyes were cold, “I told you before, don’t hit on President Gu. You know who he likes.”

Zhao Qi: “I don’t care, as long as I can marry him, it will be good for our family’s business, isn’t it?”

“No need,” Zhao Qing sighed, “Qi Qi, our family doesn’t need alliance by marriage. Your happiness is the most important thing. I don’t know what you are thinking. You obviously don’t like President Gu.”

Zhao Qi pursed his lips. Suddenly, he thought of the scene where he broke apart with Zhao Qing, and their family fell into ruins in his previous life, and his eyes were slightly red. He exhausted everything to pursue Xiào Rui, but the final result was tragic. His actions also harmed his parents and brother. Now that he is reborn, he has a chance to take revenge. How could he be willing to do nothing? But now, it is no longer possible for him to marry into the Gu family.

In his previous life, Su Ling died early, and Gu Liheng had no one he liked. His mother did not recover, so she made a dying wish to let Gu Liheng marry him, but now that won’t happen anymore.

Zhao Qing felt pained in his heart, looking at his brother’s current appearance. After all, he is the younger brother he has been spoiling since childhood. But thinking about his inexplicable behavior that always provokes Gu Liheng, he decided to teach him a lesson.

“Look, President Gu has someone in mind to be his dance partner. Even if Madam Gu asks you to be his dance partner, he will refuse. Have you ever thought about what you would do in such a scene?”

Zhao Qi followed his gaze and saw Gu Liheng approaching Su Ling. A brunette Alpha is standing in front of Su Ling, trying to invite him to dance.

Su Ling frowned and stepped back, “Sorry, I want to take a break.”

The brunette Alpha was about to say something, and there was a voice beside him, “Don’t waste your time. He can’t dance.”

Su Ling and the Alpha both turned their heads and looked over. Su Ao continued, “Except for his looks, he knows nothing, and his pheromone smells bad.”

The Alpha seemed a little surprised, “This…”

Su Ling didn’t care about the brunette Alpha’s opinion, but he couldn’t ignore the provocation. Raising his eyebrows, he asked, “You looked confident. Can you dance?”

“Of course.” Su Ao raised his chin, feeling proud.

Su Ling’s lips twitched, “I was in the Su family for 18 years and 2 years older than you, but the Su family has never invited a dance teacher for me.” He paused before saying, “You are 2 years younger than me, but everything for you is the best. You really should be confident.”

The guests nearby heard that, and many people started to talk in whispers. When they looked at Su Ling, their eyes were filled with sympathy.

“As usual, stepmother is unreliable ah.”

“No wonder he wants to sever their relationship.”

Raw word count: 6071 (whole chapter)


[1] Back in Su Ling’s real world, his mother is a dancer.

Banana : Part 2 has a small cliff at the end, but Banana thinks it’s safe to jump XD

Chapter 43 – Vomit blood 2 [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

The young man wore a white shirt and a short blue waistcoat. His clothing made him looked taller, his waist and legs looked slender too. The blue velvet bow tie around his neck added a touch of playfulness to him. The diamond cufflinks of the same colour shimmered with his movements. His black hair was neatly combed, and his delicate features were unobstructed. Overall, his style tonight was low-key yet luxurious. The young man’s light brown eyes seemed to be brighter under the light, and they look a little indifferent; simply will just arouse an Alpha’s desire to conquer.

Gu Liheng frowned slightly as he listened to the conversation, his expression becoming more serious. The young man came with Xiào Rui? But Xiào Rui and Lin Meng are acting intimate with each other at the moment, leaving the young man to be in an awkward situation. Gu Liheng’s expression became darker. Even if he knows that he(SL) has nothing to do with Xiào Rui and that Lin Meng and Xiào Rui are lovers, he(GLH) still cannot help but feel sorry for the young man. This time, he knows the inside story, but what about next time? Can he(GLH) be sure that the people that the young man will meet will definitely not cheat or betray him(SL)?

At this moment, Gu Liheng became deeply aware that, except for himself, he doesn’t trust anyone to be with the young man at all. Not only he couldn’t trust it, but he also didn’t want to, and can’t bear it.

Su Ling is no stranger to people looking at him, so their gaze doesn’t bother him. Lin Meng glanced at him worriedly, and he was relieved to see that Su Ling looked natural. He whispered, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know my plan would cause this kind of misunderstanding. I will explain this later.”

Su Ling smiled at him, “It’s okay, besides, it has nothing to do with you.”

Walking to Mother Gu, Xiào Rui greeted her politely and said his wishes. Then, it is Lin Meng’s turn. Elders were very fond of Lin Meng. Hence, after he finished his wishes, Mother Gu’s smile deepened.

As they were talking, Su Ling looked at Gu Liheng, and their eyes met. Su Ling’s brow furrowed when he saw him. At first glance, male god looked good, but he(SL) is very familiar with cosmetics. That’s why he can tell right away that male god’s face has been touched up with cosmetics. The makeup looked natural, just like his usual look. But who would put on makeup if his/her face looked natural to start with? It is only possible that his state has not improved in the past two days, or has gotten worse.

When Gu Liheng saw the young man furrowed his eyebrows, his heart suddenly sank. In the past, he(SL) always smiled brightly when he saw him. Did he(SL) really give up on him? His heart tightened, and the air around him seemed to freeze instantly.

Su Ling glanced back at Mother Gu and saw that Lin Meng has finished his words. So, he retracted his gaze and smiled at Mother Gu. He wished Mother Gu with a simple but safe sentence, “I wish you good health and all the best.”

Mother Gu smiled and said, “Thank you.” This young man looked good and has a good temperament. She recalled the data of unmarried Omega she collected these days, but she had no impression of him at all. She smiled apologetically, “I haven’t recovered very much, so there are many people that I can’t recognize. Can I know which family are you from?”

Lin Meng smiled and said, “He is my friend. I feel uncomfortable during the day, so I asked him to help me accompany Ah Rui. I would not be at ease if he went with other people.” He smiled playfully, “I feel much better after a rest in the afternoon. Then I heard that the banquet is very lively, so I came, and happened to run into them at the entrance.”

Many guests were surprised by the story, so that’s what really happened.

The corner of Su Ling’s mouth curved slightly. This is what Lin Meng told him at the door earlier. That he will find a reason to explain his appearance at the banquet tonight.

Upon hearing that, Mother Gu came to understand that this young boy’s family background must be average. Otherwise, Young master Lin would not have to explain the story this way, and the young man would have an invitation by himself.

Gu Liheng, who had been silent all the time, suddenly voiced out, “Redthorn Ball belongs to him.”

Mother Gu glanced at him in surprise, before quickly smiled and said to Su Ling, “Oh, so you are my benefactor. I was rude, I should have sent you the invitation personally.”

Su Ling glanced at Gu Liheng puzzledly, and said to Mother Gu, “You are welcome, President Gu helped me a lot too.”

Mother Gu: “Still, I have to thank you. There are many guests here, so it is not convenient to say more. You guys go and have fun.

The three of them took a lot of time with Mother Gu, and the guests at the back were inconvenient to approach. Since she said that, the three politely walked away.

Xiào Rui: “Meng Meng and I have to go to greet the elders.”

Su Ling gestured at the sofa on the right corner and said, “I’ll go and sit there for a while.”

The people present today are either rich or noble. It is an excellent opportunity for people to make friends and a good occasion for a blind date as well. Picking someone here will never go wrong, as all have a good family background. Therefore, most guests were quite active in the middle of the hall, leaving the corner of the hall feeling quiet.

Heading to the sofa while holding pastries, Su Ling finally sat down on the couch with pastries in one hand and drinks in the other. The makeup, hair styling and changing of clothes took a lot of time. He only ate a bowl of noodles at 6.00 pm during the time Lin Meng is styling his hair, and it was not really fulfilling. The pastries are very delicious; the sweet version was sweet but not greasy, while the original flavour is soft and crispy. Su Ling likes it very much. In order to ensure cleanliness, the plates provided are disposable. They looked exquisite and small, just like the pastries. That means one plate can’t actually hold much. Hence, after eating the last piece, Su Ling went to get some more. He only managed to eat one piece from the second round, when he sensed the lighting dimmed. Someone is standing behind him, blocking the light.

“Aren’t you embarrassed by yourself? Did you reincarnate from a hungry ghost?”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows and turned to see Su Ao with his hands folded on his chest, looking at him with contempt. Already feeling impatient with this childish cheap brother, Su Ling is too lazy to pay any more attention to him. He turned his head away and continued eating.

“You!” Being ignored, Su Ao’s expression became ugly. He grabbed Su Ling’s shoulder and shook it vigorously, “I’m talking to you!”

Su Ling didn’t expect Su Ao to make a sudden movement and got caught off guard. He was chewing on a piece of cake when he was shaken. The action caused him to bit hard on his tongue and his face wrinkled with pain. The pain stimulated his saliva gland and secreted a lot of saliva. Then, the bloody smell started to spread in his mouth, making Su Ling very uncomfortable. At that moment, Su Ling’s irritability to Su Ao has reached the top. Without thinking, Su Ling quickly grabbed the corner of a plate and threw it sideways behind him. Because his tongue hurts, and there was a mixture of saliva and blood in his mouth, he can only mumble vaguely, “Go awway.”

Su Ao subconsciously wanted to dodge, letting go of Su Ling’s shoulder and retreat, but the distance between the two was too close. And so, the dish hit him directly in the face. The weight of the plate is light, but Su Ling exerted a lot of force and was close enough, so the hit left a slight red mark on Su Ao’s forehead.

Among the pastries that Su Ling hadn’t had time to eat, there was one that was very fragile. At this moment, it has broken into small pieces and covered all over Su Ao’s face. As for the pastries that didn’t get damaged, they slid along Su Ao’s face down to his suit. The smooth fabric was slightly stained with oil, causing him to be in a sorry state.

Su Ao was utterly stunned. He didn’t think that Su Ling would dare to make a move on him. It took a while for him to come back to his senses. When he blinked, some pastry crumbs fell from his eyelashes. He wiped his face and looked down at his suit. Disbelief, fear, and grievance rushed to his heart, and he burst into tears.

On the other hand, Su Ling stood up, wanting to go to the washroom to spit the blood and gargle his mouth, but Su Ao’s reaction stopped him on the spot. Initially, the sound of the dinner plate falling on the ground didn’t make any sound and only people close by noticed their dispute. But Su Ao’s cry was earth-shaking, so everyone in the hall looked over to their direction.

Su Ling: “…”

He just lost his temper from looking at the young man who cried himself out of breath. He would rather they just fight it out. After graduating from kindergarten, Su Ling had never seen this kind of crying anymore. His tongue hurts, the smell of blood in his mouth makes him furrow his eyebrows, and the cry beside his ear makes his head throb.

“Xiao Ao!”

Though wearing high heels, Zhao Han managed to quickly run over without any trouble to embrace Su Ao’s shoulders. When she saw Su Ao’s miserable state, her face suddenly changed. Taking a step forward, she pushed at Su Ling, her voice sharp as she asked, “What did you do to him? How dare you hit him!”

Su Ling drew back quickly and moved away. The movement caused the blood mixture that he didn’t swallow to swirl in his mouth. Though he gritted his teeth hard and pressed his lips tightly, some blood still managed to trickle down from the corners of his lips.

“Ling Ling!” Lin Meng exclaimed, wanting to rush over to Su Ling. But someone was faster than him.

Gu Liheng quickly bypassed Zhao Han to support Su Ling’s shoulders, and his steady voice trembled as he asked, “Where do you feel uncomfortable?”

However, Su Ling’s endurance has reached the limit. He will vomit everything here if he doesn’t get to the washroom soon. Without caring for anything, Su Ling waved Gu Liheng’s hand away. In Gu Liheng’s slight shock, he ran past Gu Liheng and went straight to the washroom.

No one noticed where he went, as everyone’s attention was on Gu Liheng.

This is the indifferent and serious President Gu?

Someone actually refused President Gu’s concern!

Oh, that Omega actually pushed President Gu away!

Only Gu Liheng kept his sight on Su Ling. Seeing him rush to the washroom, Gu Liheng took two steps forward and stopped. Then he looked at Lin Meng, “Please take a look at him.”

Lin Meng recovered from the shock and nodded quickly, “Oh oh oh.”

Gu Liheng reminded, “Washroom.”

Lin Meng turned and ran to the washroom.

Next, Gu Liheng looked at Su Ao coldly and asked, “What did you do to him?”

Zhao Han asked the same question not long ago, but when Gu Liheng asked the question, the temperature around him dropped more than ten degrees.

Su Ao turned pale with fright. He didn’t understand why Su Ling would vomit blood, “I, I just grabbed his shoulder.” He hiccupped, “I only used a bit of strength, and I just shook his shoulders.”

Mother Gu tried to make peace and said, “It should be a misunderstanding. Su Ling’s movement was very nimble just now, he doesn’t seem to have any major problem,” she said to Zhao Han, “Take your child to tidy up first. I’ll get the doctor to check him.”

Zhao Han’s stiff face eased slightly, “I’m sorry to trouble you.”

Su Ao’s face flushed as he explained, “I am not injured.”

Zhao Han was so angry that she gritted her teeth and glared at him, “We will only know after the doctor take a look at you.” Then she took Su Ao away to tidy up.

Throwing a glance at Gu Liheng, Mother Gu went to greet the rest of the guests. The atmosphere soon warmed up again. The waiter cleaned up the pastries on the floor, and everything returned to normal.

But Gu Liheng still stood in place, his eyes falling to the direction where Su Ling’s figure disappeared.

As soon as Su Ling got to the washroom, he spat everything out at the basin. He ignored the pain and rinsed his mouth several times until his mouth is clean.

At this moment, Lin Meng walked in and looked at him worriedly, “Ling Ling, are you okay?”

Su Ling: “Am fwine.” The part where he bit his tongue has swollen up. Because of the pain, his tongue couldn’t function properly, causing him to slur.

That makes Lin Meng even more worried, and he took Su Ling’s arm, “How could you be okay like this? You just vomited blood. Tell me honestly, what’s wrong?” Then he lowered his voice, “President Gu is very worried about you as well. He told me that you are here and asked me to check you. Don’t be afraid, medical technology is very advanced now, so there is no need to worry about the cost.”

Su Ling was moved and wanted to laugh at the same time. Trying not to move too much of his tongue, he vaguely said, “Watch lesser movies, I am in good health alright. I vomited blood just now because I accidentally bit my tongue hard. No thanks to Su Ao, he grabbed my shoulders and shook me while I was chewing my food.”

The truth sounded quite funny when Su Ling said that but Lin Meng was immersed in the sadness of his friend suffering from a serious illness, so he didn’t get it at first. After he finished listening, he burst into laughter immediately, so much that even tears came out, “Hahaha, what a misunderstanding. You don’t know this, but when blood flows down from your mouth, everyone around you gasped at the same time.”

Su Ling couldn’t help but laugh as well.  When Lin Meng finished laughing, he said, “Let’s go, I need to see President Gu. Just now, I just couldn’t help and pushed him away. I hope he is not angry.”

Lin Meng blinked: “His expression was ugly, but he shouldn’t be angry with you since he asked me to check on you.”

Su Ling smiled, and the two went out together.

Seeing them come out, Gu Liheng’s complexion darkened, and his heart was full of worry and distress. He could see that Lin Meng’s eyes were slightly red, he clearly cried just now.

Is the young man’s illness serious?

Raw word count:  5596


Banana : Ah yes, we see Su Ao again. He’s the stupid youngest child from the Su Family in case anyone need a reminder. Also, Zhao Han is Mother Su, Su Ao’s mother.

Chapter 43 – Vomit blood 1 [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

After the decision is made, Su Ling got pulled into the car by Lin Meng. Initially, Su Ling was still thinking if he should continue sending the roses after stopping for a day. But for today, he doesn’t have to worry about that anymore.

Lin Meng likes to shop for clothes. He likes to choose his own outfit, but even more excited to pick for Su Ling. Su Ling never thought that buying clothes would be so tiring. It was almost noon, but Lin Meng is still checking out outfits and trying them enthusiastically. Su Ling slumped on the sofa and said that he would take his rest. He won’t try the clothes anymore, and will just give his opinion.

Looking in the mirror, Lin Meng sorted his bow tie and said, “When I was a kid, I liked to play dressing up the most, but unfortunately I didn’t have an Omega brother to play with.” He tilted his head to Su Ling and said, “My eyes for fashion is very good, so you can sit down and wait. I will definitely choose the most suitable set for you, so you can surprise everyone!”

The corner of Su Ling’s mouth twitched, “Don’t be so exaggerated, I’m relatively low-key. It’s fine as long as my attire looked proper.”

Lin Meng disagreed, “It’s not fine. Have you forgotten Madam Gu’s purpose for this party? You must choose a good-looking one.”

Su Ling didn’t want to discourage his enthusiasm, so he agreed, “Thank you, I will leave my attire to you. But let me say this first, I will only rent, not buy.” He can’t afford clothing that cost millions.

Lin Meng said smoothly, “I’ll buy it for you.” Right after he said that, Lin Meng stiffened and nervously looked at Su Ling.

Deeply felt the gap between the rich and the poor, Su Ling flatly refused, “No, it hurts feelings to talk about money.”

Seeing that Su Ling didn’t think much of his words earlier, Lin Meng heaved a sigh of relief, “Well, don’t worry. I will buy it, and you can rent from me, plus I can give discounts.”

“Awesome.” Su Ling’s eyes lit up, and he raised his hands to clap. One needs to know, even the rent is not cheap!

Lin Meng’s big eyes curved into crescent moons, he is delighted. Picking for their attire is even more exciting now.

Before Lin Meng transferred to another school, he originally lived in the suburbs with his grandfather and grandmother and had a few friends. Unfortunately, because of the big difference in family background, there were always conflicts appeared with his friends. If he shared beautiful clothes with his friends, he would be regarded as showing off. If he gave gifts that his friends liked but couldn’t afford, his friends would think that he looked down on them. That makes Lin Meng very sad for a while. Finally, he listened to his grandmother’s advice and no longer try to please his friends, or make new friends. Lin Meng likes Su Ling’s character very much. Su Ling will not misunderstand him because of money issue. So nice!

In the end, Lin Meng managed to choose their attire before lunch, and Su Ling praised his vision. Xiào Rui took the initiative to pick up their clothes, and the three went to lunch together.

After dinner, at Lin Meng’s invitation, Su Ling went to Lin villa and watched a movie with Lin Meng. Then Lin Meng brought him to visit his(LM) spiritual plant room. The Lin family’s spiritual plant room is built with special transparent glass, and the area is huge. There are more than a dozen of Grade B spiritual plants and even more low-grade spiritual plants. It is simply a paradise for spiritual plant specialists. In the middle of the room, there is a wooden desk. Basket-like hemispherical seats were placed on both sides of the desk, there were soft cushions on the seat.

Su Ling was taken to the seat by Lin Meng, and they sat opposite each other. The glass above the seat was blocked by vine type spiritual plants so only a little sunlight can come in through the leaves. The sun won’t shine at their eyes, but their body can bath in the sunlight; it makes one feel warm and fluffy. Su Ling pushed the floor with his toes, and his seat swayed slightly. He fell in love with the room instantly.

They rested for a while in the warm sunlight and fragrance from the spiritual plants. After they woke up, they chatted about spiritual plant-related topics. Lin Meng has been in contact with spiritual plants since he was a child and knows a lot of professional knowledge. Su Ling was very interested in learning more, and the two happily chatted away. They talked until 5.00 pm, and Mother Lin started calling them for the makeup session.

Su Ling’s brows twitched, “Can I not put any makeup?”

Lin Meng: “Of course not!”

At 8.00 pm, the lights in the Gu mansion were lit up as brightly as the day, and the road leading to Gu mansion was bright as well. Other than that, there were security guards at every interval. Arriving at the gate of the mansion, the visitors will get off, and their driver will park the car in Gu’s parking lot. The parking lot was full of luxury cars, like a large-scale car show.

Xiào Rui showed his invitation card at the gate. After the guard looked at it, he turned to look at Su Ling and asked, “You two come together?”

Xiào Rui: “Yes.”

“Please enter.”

There was a soft carpet spread between the door and the hall. The moment Su Ling walked into the door, he could feel his feet sink slightly into it.

A middle-aged man walking in front of them heard Xiào Rui’s voice, so he stood not far from the door. After Xiào Rui came in, he greeted Xiào Rui and tried to flatter him with a compliment, “You two looked good together.”

The compliment obviously fell on a wrong path causing Xiào Rui’s face to slightly stiffen and a little embarrassed. He looked behind him subconsciously, and then said to the middle-aged man, “Someone is calling for you.”

Not far ahead, a young man was waving at the middle-aged man, obviously dissatisfied with his father’s slow speed.

After the middle-aged man left, Su Ling took two steps to the side, pulling away from Xiào Rui. A few moments later, Lin Meng arrived too. He walked between Su Ling and Xiào Rui and took Xiào Rui’s arm. Then he asked Su Ling in a low voice, “Ling Ling, are you going to look for President Gu right now and give him a big hug? To declare ownership!”

Lin Meng’s eyes were very bright, and he seemed to look forward to the scene he was talking about.

Amused, Su Ling said as he walked, “First of all, President Gu is not mine yet, and by doing so, I might get kicked out by his mother.”

Lin Meng: “No, you are so good, Madam Gu will definitely like you.”

However, Su Ling has no confidence about that. He knows very well that wealthy parents are strict about both families having equal status. But he didn’t care. He just wants to be with his male god, and this has nothing to do with others. He would respect Mother Gu, but he would not shrink back because of her attitude to him.

Upon approaching the hall, Xiào Rui asked, “Are you going to wish the madam with us?”

Su Ling hesitated. He was not invited at the first place, so it doesn’t seem to be suitable for him to rashly follow and wish Mother Gu happy birthday. But on the other hand, it would be rude if he didn’t go. Considering the options for a while, Su Ling decided, “I am not going. When we enter the hall, I will find a place where there are fewer people and stay there.”

Lin Meng blinked, “What if you leave a bad impression?” Then he said with his eyes lit up, “I have an idea!”

The three of them walked into the hall together. As soon as they entered the hall, a refreshing fragrance wafted over their faces, and the guests could be seen chatting with each other, which was very lively. The Xiào and Gu family are both top wealthy families. Hence, Xiào Rui received much attention as soon as he entered. Moreover, he brought two beautiful Omegas with him, which attracted a lot of attention.

The people who came to the banquet were either rich or noble. Even if they were not familiar with each other, they knew each other at the very least. So, some people went up together to greet Xiào Rui politely. When their gaze swept across Su Ling and Lin Meng, they tactfully said nothing.

Many Alphas looked envious. The Xiào’s family does not have any Omega, so these two people are certainly not his brothers. Both Omegas are very beautiful; one is delicate, and the other is cute, and they were all taken by Young master Xiào!

On the other side, Mother Gu is dressed in a beige high-waisted dress with delicate makeup on her face, making her look young and temperamental. Gu Liheng was by her side, wearing a high-end black suit. It highlighted all the best part of his figure, and his calm and mature appearance made many young Omega blush. Mother Gu took him to meet the guests, but no matter who he met, his expression remained unchanged, and he only spoke a few words.

Suddenly, a small commotion sounded from the guests, so many people who heard the noise looked towards the door.

“Young master Xiào actually brought two Omegas with him, and both of them are so beautiful.”

“Whose Omega is on the far left? Why don’t I have any impression on him?”

“He seems to be the owner of Tian Ling Fragrance Bar, the one how has 3 Grade A spiritual plants!”

“Yes, it’s him. The Su family’s eldest son who severed ties with the Su family.”

“When I came in, I saw the Su eldest son and Young master Xiào come together. How come Young master Xiào is closer to Young Master Lin?”

“Hush, young people like to play, it’s normal.”

Various discussions rose, and Gu Liheng’s expression changed slightly. Gripping his fist, his gaze swept to the door, and he saw the young man at a glance.

Raw word count: 5596 (whole chapter)


Chapter 42 – Misunderstanding 2 [OW]

Please don’t retranslate from my English version and don’t repost in Wattpad for your ‘offline’ reading pleasure.

Lopseed and Baby’s breath are much calmer than before. Although they are in the same room with Xian Mo Yu, their petals and leaves are not shaking anymore. They only tried to bend away and distance themselves from Xian Mo Yu. Su Ling sighed silently because this scene is too familiar to him. All spiritual plants behaved like this back when his pheromone still smells bad. But Xian Mo Yu has it worse because the plants acted like this when it is fragrant right now. The two plants’ action to distance themselves was utterly useless because Xian Mo Yu’s roots are long and flexible, and it can reach any place in this room as it please.

Su Ling played a bit with the two plants and spent some time with Xian Mo Yu for a while. After reminding it not to hurt his friends, he left the spiritual plant room. He went back to the master bedroom, made the bed and put on all the covers. Then he wiped the closet again, looked around, and shifted the position of the full-length mirror and the lazy couch. Su Ling wanted to shift the closet as well, but he doesn’t have the strength to do so. By the time he finally managed to arrange the bedroom to suit his taste, he was tired and didn’t want to move. The physical stamina of an Omega is really terrible. Taking his pyjamas into the bathroom, Su Ling mentally included exercise in his daily schedule.

The ringtone of a call woke Su Ling up. He raised his hand and could feel that his arms are sore and mumbled, “Who?”

“This is Xiào Rui. I’m sorry to disturb you, but you are five minutes behind the usual agreed time, are you okay?”

“Ah? Hiss…” Su Ling got up in surprise, and all the muscles that happened to do some heavy work yesterday began to protest.

“What’s the matter?” Xiào Rui asked hurriedly.

Su Ling glanced at the time, it was 7.35 am, and he usually went to the Xiào villa at 7.30 am.

Su Ling: “It’s nothing. So sorry, I’ve overslept. I will come right away.”

Xiào Rui: “I will ask my driver to pick you up.”

Su Ling: “It’s fine. I wash up quickly, and getting a taxi is faster.”

Xiào Rui felt that it is reasonable and reminded him, “Pay attention to safety on the road.”

Su Ling acknowledged with an En before hanging up the call. He quickly changed his pants, casually put on a T-shirt then started brushing his teeth and washing his face. Before going out, he put the spiritual plants in his space storage. It was 8.00 am when he arrived. Su Ling apologized and went to get the Redthorn Ball liquid, which later given to the private doctor who had been waiting.

Upon coming out of the spiritual plant room, he saw Xiào Rui’s mother standing at the door.

“Thanks for your hard work, I have asked someone to prepare breakfast. I heard Ah Rui said that you came directly without eating.”

Su Ling was embarrassed as he explained, “I got up too late.”

Mother Xiào: “It’s not too late. Ah Rui used to get up at 8-9 am on holidays. Alright, come and see if my breakfast suits your taste.”

And so Su Ling ate breakfast in the villa, then thanked Mother Xiào before taking his leave. Mother Xiào asked the driver to see him off. It was the same driver who sent him back every day, and the driver has gotten used to the routine. When the car is approaching the flower shop, he slowed down the speed and asked, “Mr Su, are you still going to buy some flowers?”

Su Ling checked the time and realized that he would have already delivered the roses at this time normally. On the other hand, his arms felt sore, his body is tired; his heart is tired as well. Male god’s state is not good these days, and his complexion was terrible. Yesterday, he only looked slightly better because his susceptibility period has just ended. However, male god became more silent than before. Unlike before where he(GLH) would show obvious joy because of his(SL) concern, his recent emotions are quite restrained. This made Su Ling feel uncertain, and he couldn’t be completely sure about male god’s attitude towards him.

In his heart, Su Ling silently sighed that chasing after someone is quite tiring.

“No need to buy, please send me back directly.” Let’s take a rest for a few days, and also let male god relax.

Su Ling guessed that his marriage proposal that day has given male god a scare, and he probably chased him(GLH) too tightly, which made the male god very stressful. Thinking from Gu Liheng’s point of view, if he has a problem in ‘that’ aspect and the person he likes is chasing him, he would feel sweet and tormented at the same time.

The speed of the car immediately increased, and Su Ling’s bracelet rang. It was a call from the security company. Su Ling connected the call, and the other party explained that they want to confirm with him the specific location and whether he is home.

“No. 301, Building 2, Xinlu Community. I’ll reach home soon.”

Gu Liheng sat on the sofa, staring silently at the empty vase on the coffee table. The young man didn’t come today, was he delayed by some matters or he finally gave up? Lightly touching his bracelet, Gu Liheng’s fingertip paused for a while above the young man’s contact icon, but he retracted his hand.

Meeting with his mother these few days, although he managed to wake up from the nightmare faster than before, he still dreams every night. Gu Liheng knew very well that having his sleep affected for a few days in a row has caused him to be in a terrible state. Moreover, the time that the young man stayed over every day has become shorter and shorter. Could it be the reason he didn’t come today is because he couldn’t bear the boredom?

This outcome is what he hoped to happen initially, but now, Gu Liheng only felt as if his heart has been blocked by something. Raising his head, he massaged his forehead before walking out of the living room. He got in the car and glanced out of the window, “Drive slowly in the villa area.”

However, until the car leaves the villa area, he still didn’t see any people or vehicles passing by. As the car continued to drive forward into the city, Gu Liheng still looked out of the window. After a while, Xiào Rui and Lin Meng appeared in his field of vision. They were walking close together towards a mall. He retracted his gaze, and his stiff facial features were very serious. Since Xiào Rui is out shopping with Lin Meng, it means the liquid for today’s portion has been harvested. He has to speed up his recovery.

When Mother Gu saw Gu Liheng, her habitual gentle smile narrowed, “You should look in the mirror, your complexion is really ugly. I thought that at your age, you should already know how to take care of yourself.”

“Even if you are on holiday, you should pay attention to your image. If someone sees you like this, there might be bad news about the Gu company having troubles. You should go back to rest. I don’t want you to appear at the birthday party with this face tomorrow night.”

Gu Liheng’s jaw tightened, but he sat firmly on the sofa opposite his mother, “I’m fine.” He just needs to stay around her.

Mother Gu frowned, “I could use one hand to count the words you said in these past few days. What do you want to do actually?”

Gu Liheng: “Look at you.”

Mother Gu: “…If you change your expression, I might believe it.”

Gu Liheng’s fingers were clenched. His gaze fell on her face as the corners of his mouth were gently, stiffly, and slowly raised up to reveal a forced smile. All of a sudden, scolding sound exploded in his ears, panic and nervousness followed. His teeth clenched, his cheeks and jaws stiffened, and his eyes were calm and indifferent. Gu Liheng’s current appearance is no better than a blank expression.

Mother Gu’s brows tightened. Since the death of her partner, she has been affected by the pheromone rejection illness. At first, she was only emotional, but then it became serious as time passed. Her mind was always in a state of chaos. Fortunately, Ah Heng has already taken charge of the Gu family at that time, so there was no need for her to worry about everything. But now seeing Gu Liheng’s appearance, she noticed something wrong and her smile stiffened as well. Originally she thought Ah Heng was just serious by nature and didn’t like to laugh, but now, she couldn’t help being flustered. She said, “You… if you don’t want to smile, don’t force it.”

Her volume was natural, neither high nor agitated, and the voice in Gu Liheng’s ears suddenly disappeared. All of the negative emotions quickly disappeared too. The corner of Gu Liheng’s mouth fell, and he replied with a serious look, “No, I want to smile.” Then he added, “You just do your thing, don’t mind me.”

That night, Gu Liheng didn’t dream about his childhood, but he still didn’t sleep well. In his dream, he saw the young man running and pounced on an Alpha who he couldn’t see his face.

The next morning, the young still did not come. He stood by the windowsill and stared at the door for a long time.

Su Ling got up early that day and ran around the playground nearby twice. Then he ate breakfast and went to the Xiào villa. As soon as he entered, Lin Meng jumped up from the sofa and called out, “Ling Ling!” As he shouted, he wanted to pull Su Ling, but Xiào Rui stopped him.

Su Ling smiled, “I’ll go get the liquid first, and we will talk later.”

Lin Meng’s eyes were bright, “I’ll go with you, I want to see.”

Su Ling: “Come on then.”

After harvesting the ball fluid, Lin Meng pulled Su Ling onto the sofa and kept saying, “Ling Ling is really amazing,” and then curiously asked, “When did your pheromone return to normal?”

Su Ling: “Some time ago.”

Lin Meng smiled brightly, “That’s great. Your pheromone smells so good now, Zhao Qi should really smell it!”

Su Ling raised his eyebrows, “I am not interested in him.”

That makes Lin Meng laughed out. After he finished laughing, he asked, “Let’s go pick an outfit together later? I didn’t get any yesterday. We need to dress well in President Gu’s mother’s birthday party tonight.”

Su Ling puzzled, “Birthday party?”

Lin Meng: “Yeah, haven’t you received the invitation?” His big eyes were filled with confusion. President Gu likes Ling Ling, how could he not give Ling Ling an invitation?

Then Su Ling remembered that he had indeed heard about it. It was the time when Redthorn Ball was exposed, and it was related to this birthday party.

But male god never mentioned it before, he completely forgotten about it if Lin Meng didn’t mention it, “I didn’t get any invitation.”

Lin Meng: “President Gu didn’t give you an invitation? My mother said that many unmarried rich Omegas have been invited. Madam Gu actually wants to use this birthday party…”

Seeing Su Ling frown, Lin Meng didn’t continue.

But Su Ling already understood, “As blind dates?”

Lin Meng: “Don’t be angry. They are all invited by Madam Gu. Maybe it has nothing to do with President Gu.” Then his eyes turned with a thought and suggested, “Why don’t you come with me tonight?”

Xiào Rui pulled at Lin Meng’s shoulders and said amusedly, “How can Omega accompany each other? And you are my dancing partner.”

Lin Meng took Xiào Rui’s hand and was about to fling it away. But after thinking about it, he grabbed it and smiled, “I will go with my parents, you will take Ling Ling.”

Su Ling: “No.”

Lin Meng: “Why not? That’s a great idea!” He thought his idea was particularly good.

Xiào Rui rubbed his hair, “Won’t you get jealous?”

Lin Meng wrinkled his nose and said, “Ling Ling likes President Gu, so I’m not jealous,” he looked at Su Ling, “Do you think the same way, Ling Ling? It’s okay yo, I will meet Ah Rui again after we entered the banquet. It’s the same thing.”

“Think about it, there are so many single Omegas. Plus Zhao Qi will join as well, can you rest assured?”

Su Ling: “…” No, he can’t.

Male god has just passed his susceptibility period, so if someone set a trap, he may get caught in it. And If male god is found to have done unspeakable thing in the public… Su Ling doesn’t dare to imagine how male god would look. So he said to both men, “Have to trouble you.”

Lin Meng laughed, “No trouble,” he pulled Su Ling up, “Go, let’s go buy our outfit.”

Raw word count: 5579


Banana: Heads up, the next 2 chapters will be split as well because 43 has 5k word count while 44 has 6k [OAO||]