Chapter 114 – Earthquake

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

After Shui Ruoshan gave out his instructions, he counted away the time in the secret base while waiting for news. He waited from morning until noon, noon until evening, then from evening until the night… Until the early morning of the next day when Yin Suye’s Fate Substitution is finished, Shui Ruoshan finally couldn’t sit still to wait anymore.

“Fox, we should be able to go to look for Yin Suye now.” Not able to get any news by sitting in the base, Shui Ruoshan looked up and suggested to Fox.

Before this, considering that they only have one day of preparation time and the time is quite pressing, he has already told the secret guards who he sent out to carry out some task, to not return to the base upon completing their task but head directly to Yin Suye’s location. So that after Yin Suye completed his Fate Substitution, they can take orders from Yin Suye. He knew that Yin Suye has decided to start a fight with Wang Batian immediately after his trial. That’s why he became worried from not getting any updates from outside.

“But Master doesn’t want you to take any risks.”

Fox remembered that time when they left the dungeon, that Yin Suye specifically ordered him to protect Shui Ruoshan. So he shook his head, not agreeing with Shui Ruoshan’s suggestion.

“I will take good care of myself.”

Obviously, Shui Ruoshan also just remembered that he gave his promise to Yin Suye. But in this tense moment when the war is about to begin, he can’t just not help Yin Suye because of a few vague guarantees he made.

“Not only you can’t help Master in anything, you will also drag Master’s hind leg if you insisted to go out!” Fox realistically said.

Fox has learned a lot through the recent series of things and is very clear of how much does his Master care for Shui Ruoshan. As long as he can protect Shui Ruoshan well, he could help his Master solve his worries to a certain extent.

“The battle between Master and the Supreme King is a fight between humans. If you as a demon randomly rushed into the fight, you will only cause Master’s position to become very awkward!”

Seeing that Shui Ruoshan didn’t listen to his words, Fox continued to persuade him. No matter how intense is the fighting between the human race, it can only be regarded as infighting. But if an outsider suddenly joined one party, then it is possible to become a fight between races instead. The worst outcome might be the party with an outsider will become the public enemy of all mankind.


Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect Fox would be so strict and determined this time. Although he doesn’t want to say it, he has to admit that Fox’s analysis is right. He was worried of Yin Suye, that’s why he wanted to go to the scene to see the situation, but he forgot that he is no longer a human being, but a demon who is not in good terms with human beings.There might be some ill-intentioned people holding onto Yin Suye’s weakness which is covering a demon, and then smear Yin Suye’s name by saying he colluded with the demons to go against humanity. Not only this will ruin Yin Suye’s reputation, it will also make Yin Suye a public enemy of all mankind. Fox’s words were the reason why he didn’t take any action despite clearly having a way to bypass Fox to go straight to Yin Suye.

At the same time, Shui Ruoshan also understood why Yin Suye waited until he completed Fate Substitution before dealing with Wang Batian. As long as he(SRS) didn’t actively ‘looking for death’ and get himself involved in the war between humans, no one can coerce Yin Suye using his(SRS) identity as a demon. Understood the reason for his(YSY) decision, he could only wait in the secret base for the news.

“How about I get you the mirror that can display the situation of the Capital? So that you can see what is Master’s current situation.”

Seeing that Shui Ruoshan finally understood what was going on and no longer insisted to help Yin Suye, Fox became a little bit relieved. But upon seeing Shui Ruoshan’s mood became very low, Fox immediately thought of the mirror. Actually, he is afraid for his master to come back and find that he has not taken care good care of him(SRS) and felt that his master will never let him go just like that. So even if that mirror is the treasure here in the base, and generally cannot be moved about anywhere, he must treat Shui Ruoshan like an ancestor for the sake of his future happy life!


Towards Fox’s suggestion, Shui Ruoshan only responded in low spirit. It’s better than nothing! In fact, he has done what he can do, even if he goes to the scene to help Yin Suye, he can’t play any important role. After all, he is not very good at fighting.

“Wait for a moment!” As soon as he got Shu Ruoshan’s affirmation, Fox turned to get the mirror.

Just that the moment Fox turned around, a burst of rumbling sounds can be heard; so loud that even the deaf can hear! Next, the whole ground shook. At this point, Fox couldn’t bother with the mirror anymore. He stepped back, immediately stood in front of Shui Ruoshan and entered a high alert mode.

“Was that an earthquake?” Shui Ruoshan covered his ear and asked Fox after he managed to stabilize himself.

“No.” Fox’s sensitivity to danger was significantly more powerful than Shui Ruoshan’s crisis-free sense.

“This shock should be the aftermath from a battle between strong fighters.” Fox gave his inference about this vibration.

“It won’t be Yin Suye, right?!” At this moment, Yin Suye is the first person Shui Ruoshan could think of as soon as he heard the words strong fighters.

“It seems to be an aftershock from Master’s power, and it’s over there!” Fox closed his eyes and quietly traced it before pointing out the specific direction of the battle.

Shui Ruoshan applied his spiritual power onto his eyes, and perked his ears, looking at the direction pointed by Fox…

He saw that the direction being point was where Yin Suye was previously locked, the light was blinding and the dust was scattering in the air…
The smoke and the fire rendered a few brilliant colors in the sky…

The two sources of dazzling energy are clashing against each other fiercely. Every time they collided, they took down many buildings and created countless dusty clouds…

Shui Ruoshan increased his spiritual power on his eyes. Then he could see it clearly, in the middle of the energy source was two grappling people! Is that Yin Suye and Wang Batian?!

He didn’t expect the two of them would start fighting so soon. They didn’t even test/probe each other out, just fighting right away! That was what caused the shaking just now.

Seeing Yin Suye, who is temporarily tied with Wang Batian, Shui Ruoshan knows that the Fate Substitution shouldn’t inflict too much damage to Yin Suye. Or, he secretly treated his injuries before coming out. Although Yin Suye is still wearing his ragged cloth, it couldn’t hide Yin Suye’s peerless style.

His slender body, his flying blond hair, his temperament as cold as ice, and his pair of deep eyes that carried a madness like he wanted to drag the whole world down the abyss. That delicate face that makes people sigh now revealed an expression like a demon, and his eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty aura. The contrast is even more obvious especially when an old-fashioned old man like Wang Batian is Yin Suye’s opponent. This is absolutely perfect to display Yin Suye’s cool and handsome image! It can’t be any better!

As the battle between Yin Suye and Wang Batian grew bigger, the sleeping citizens in the Capital gradually woke up. After a while, the Capital which was originally shrouded in the night has started to become brighter…
Very obvious, the people in the Capital have been woken up by this huge battle.

Some people choose to nervously pay attention to the situation at home.
Some people wore their outdoor clothes and moved towards the battle scene.
Some people huddled up and comforted each other…

Just that when those who originally wanted to go to the scene to watch the battle at close range gets nearer to the periphery, they were thrown out by a huge energy afterglow erected around the area…
In other words, the area within Yin Suye and Wang Batian’s fighting ground has become a restricted area forbidding others to step into it.

Shui Ruoshan was somewhat glad that Fox stopped him from coming out earlier. Else, with his current strength, he probably will end up the same ending with those people. The power of Supreme Kings can’t be measured by common sense indeed! At the same time, Shui Ruoshan also saw the secret guards with animal masks hiding away from the crowd and suddenly felt relieved. The secret guards he sent out should have completed their task, and successfully meet up with Yin Suye. With this, Yin Suye’s odds are a bit higher now. He has considered that Yin Suye’s current strength may not be Wang Batian’s opponent. In order to make up for the power gap, he used the plot he knew to open a backdoor for Yin Suye.

This kind of BUG-like cheating style, shouldn’t really get too used to it!

This was one of the reasons why he could stay quietly in the base and not feeling extremely worried for Yin Suye.

After scrutinizing the surrounding situation, Shui Ruoshan decided he didn’t miss out any necessary details and felt a little bit of relief. So, he put all of his attention onto Yin Suye who is fighting with Wang Batian…

Raw Word Count : 2727


Chapter 113 – Thanks for the compliment

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Are you ready?”

In the middle of the yard, Shui Ruoshan asked the secret guards around him. Even though he was mentally prepared for it, he still felt the impulse to rant in his heart when he actually saw the secret guards wearing a variety of animal masks.

Does Yin Suye’s secret guards have mask fetish? Don’t they know that a black suit pairing with a colourful mask doesn’t match the secret guards’ rule in being low-key? Fine, so the secret guards wear a mask, but why isn’t the mask’s pattern displaying the image of tall and mighty animals, but soft fluffy little animals like the chicks, ducklings and small fishes?

This kind of style is obviously wrong for secret guards! It doesn’t feel domineering at all, a’ight?

This also gave him the illusion that he is not in Yin Suye’s secret base at all, but went to the wrong movie set instead; a farmhouse to experience the fun of raising chickens and ducks!


Farmhouse image whatnot is too weak, it should be at least a zoo! Wait a minute, his focus seems to be a bit wrong?! Right now, he should be more worried of these seemingly unreliable secret guards. Are they really not deliberately trying to discredit Yin Suye’s perfect image? As soon as he thought of the scene where Yin Suye happily raising chickens and ducks at a farmhouse, Shui Ruoshan immediately gave up his brain!

[Banana – Sorry if it’s not funny 😛 ]

Although there is a contrasting moe-gap, it will still destroys his image!

“Yes.” Fox thought of Shui Ruoshan’s previous arrangements and determined that there aren’t any problem before standing up to answer.

“Fox, come over first!”

Shui Ruoshan waved at Fox and motioned him to come for further discussion. Although he knows that sudden interruption is not very good during a serious business, but having to keep facing such a row of animals will impact his efficiency when doing things because he can’t stop his brain hole. The reason why he wanted to speak with Fox was because Fox is the only person he knows in the group of secret guards. And Fox is the leader of the secret guards, so the things he knows is definitely more detailed.

“What is it?”

Obviously, Fox already has a certain immunity to Shui Ruoshan, who always doesn’t follow the norm. Knowing that Shui Ruoshan wanted to secretly talk to him, he cooperatively lowered down his voice.

“I just want to ask, whose idea was it for the secret guards to wear the mask?”

If Fox told him that the idea for the secret guards to wear a mask came from Yin Suye, he need to have a good chat with Yin Suye to discuss about aesthetics and practicality later. He absolutely will not allow his family’s perfect villain to have such a big flaw in terms of aesthetic!

“This perfect idea naturally came from me! Doesn’t this idea feels very innovative and bold, very different, very impressive?”

When he heard Shui Ruoshan asking about the mask, Fox who was originally very serious and business-like stern, immediately became proud. He couldn’t help starting to whisper to Shui Ruoshan the moment he got excited.

When his Master first started to train secret guards, he once said that as long as someone wins the first place and becomes the leader of the secret guards, he can promise the new leader one reasonable request. And so, Fox gave all his efforts to fight for the first place just for this request. The request he made was also very simple one, that is for the secret guards to wear animal masks and named after animals.

Fox felt that as a good secret guard with ideals and ambitions, it is absolutely impossible for them to tolerate generic names like No.1 and No.2… they must use some special names to highlight their existence. But considering that there are a lot of them, it would be impossible for everyone to pick different names, so he chose to use animal as their code name. As long as everyone wear the animal mask same to their code name, there won’t be a case where one cannot remember their name.

“Alright, your aesthetic sense is really not like any average person!”

Shui Ruoshan felt Fox’s aesthetic sense has reached a godly level! Sure enough, his villain(YSY) is still the most perfect person, and will not do non-standard things like wearing masks!

“Of course!” Now that someone affirmed his idea, Fox felt that it is worthwhile for him to think so hard for a long time.


Shui Ruoshan became speechless when he looked at Fox, who is completely immersed in his own self-praising.

How did he got misunderstood as praising him(F)? He is clearly talking in reverse! How much human speech can this person understand to only selectively listen to what he wants to hear?

“I have asked my question, you can go back.”

Shui Ruoshan felt that if he talked about the mask with Fox again, it will be either he gets depressed by Fox, or Fox gets agitated by him. So for the sake of peace between the two of them, just let this topic slide ba!

Seeing that Fox has returned to his original position, Shui Ruoshan pretended to cough a few times and gestured to get everyone’s attention.

“Do you understand your mission?” Shui Ruoshan asked loudly.

After he returned from the dungeon, he immediately summoned all the secret guards and gathered them in the secret base. This was the scene where he first saw a variety of animal masks. Although he was worried of Yin Suye’s situation, he had to go back to the base and get the various plans he had discussed Yin Suye going. However, before leaving him(YSY), he left enough supplies for Yin Suye as backups. It was fortunate that he asked Fox to prepare enough things before he went to see Yin Suye. At that time, he had already considered the possibility of them encountering Wang Batian in the middle, so some of the things he prepared were for Wang Batian. Since Yin Suye said he wanted to ‘eliminate’ the King this time, he left everything to Yin Suye and let him secretly hide it. After all, one is not allowed to carry anything with them while enduring punishment, so they can only act in secret.

As for his magic clothing, he still wears it on himself. This was not because he is embarrassed to take it off, but Yin Suye didn’t wanted it. He didn’t wanted the magic clothing, he just wanted to take advantage of him(SRS). As expected, once one turned bad, there will be no lower limit! Not even the Yin Suye who was called the ‘Light of the Sun’!

“Understand!” Knowing that to a certain extent the demon in front of them represents their Master, the secret guards answered him respectfully.

“Then let’s get started!”

Shui Ruoshan lightly waved his hand at the crowd and watched as the secret guards disappear quickly in front of his eyes; he somehow had a heroic feeling like he is ordering the martial world. His actions must have been done in a noble and glamorous manner, that these secret guards was shocked by his momentum, that’s why they left straight away without a word! As expected, his image is still so aloof no matter when!

“Fox, I can also go to save those people who were secretly held by Wang Batian for experiment.”

When only the last batch of secret guards were left in the yard, Shui Ruoshan came up to Fox. The earlier batches of secret guards have begun on their tasks. The remaining task, and the most important one of all tasks, is to rescue those experiment subjects being secretly held by Wang Batian and also expose the ugly side of him. In order to extend his life, Wang Batian has been secretly experimenting. His methods were extremely bloody, cruel and dark. For his goal, he has ruined countless innocent people.

It was a pity that when Wang Batian was in power, no one knew about it until the protagonist Huang Beichen accidentally stumbled across it in the Capital, who then saved those trapped innocent people. Not only he exposed Wang Batian’s evil deeds, he also made Yin Suye, who had become the Supreme King at that time, to ‘carry a big black pot’ (carry the blame) as well.

Right now, Yin Suye has decided to expose this matter in advance. Not only this gave him a very reasonable excuse for his next action which is to eliminate the King, it also cut off the possibility of him ‘carrying the black pot’ (carrying the blame) for Wang Batian. This definitely can be called calculating everything in one fell swoop.

“Have you forgotten your promise to Master?” Fox immediately stopped Shui Ruoshan who wanted take part in the action.

Before they left the dungeon, his Master has ordered him to look after Shui Ruoshan properly and not let him to get involved in dangerous missions. So, in order to protect Shui Ruoshan, Fox will not participate in the today’s mission.


Shui Ruoshan apparently just remembered that he promised Yin Suye that he would honestly stay in the secret base, waiting for news, and reasonably mobilize the secret guards etc etc. Although he has a title as the coordinator/strategist, it was just an excuse Yin Suye used to keep him from taking action.

“Rabbit, this task will be handed over to you!” Fox didn’t have the mood to comfort the depressed Shui Ruoshan, and turned around to hand the task to other people.

“Please call me either No.7 or Qiqi(77), thank you!”
A young man with a white rabbit mask stood up from the team, but the first thing he did was not to accept the task but to correct his address.

Their secret guards’ mask were all randomly selected, except Fox who used his privilege as the leader to pick his own mask. Qiqi’s luck was obviously not very good, he was unlucky enough to draw a cute rabbit mask which is completely incompatible with his image.

“Understood, Lil #7 Rabbit!” Fox waved his hand and uncaringly adjusted his fox mask with a completely unrepentant face.

Qiqi was obviously not satisfied with Fox’s attitude. Facing the uncaring Fox, he raised his hand towards the remaining secret guards and turned away, leaving only back of his cold figure to Fox. This sharp and neat style formed a strong contrast with the white fat rabbit mask on his face.

Fox indifferently shrugged towards Qiqi’s reaction. His task was to protect Shui Ruoshan, so other things can be handled later.


Shui Ruoshan looked at Qiqi who coolly left the yard and turned to look at Fox, who had an image inconsistency around him. Some people do have large gaps comparing to other people indeed. Finally a cool secret guard like Qiqi gave him a feeling of those cool legendary secret guards!

Shui Ruoshan immediately understood that it was not that secret guards are unreliable, he just didn’t encounter reliable secret guards!

Raw Word Count : 3212


Banana: Hey guys, I hope that you are still here yo. I apologize for missing another release again. I got sick in the weekend and headache is not the best thing to have during translation. _(;3/ Things should get back to normal next month so you guys can just wait until next month to come back yo~~

Chapter 112 – Do not heal

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Great, you are finally mine!”

Yin Suye held Shui Ruoshan with no intention of letting go and became even more intimate.


Shui Ruoshan could only speechlessly roll his eyes. He seemed to have just promised that they could try to get familiar with each other first, and not promising a life together with Yin Suye forever. So, where did Yin Suye learn to be sneakily happy from[1]? However, the tactful Shui Ruoshan didn’t ask anything. It was definitely not because he saw Yin Suye’s miserable appearance that he couldn’t bear to rain on his parade, that he(SRS) generously prepared to sacrifice himself a bit to Yin Suye, to make him little happy for a while!

1. When the author beats about the bush instead of a straight up sentence, this Banana is confused. Scroll down for the raw

“Why did you suddenly liked me?”

Although he agreed to be nearer with Yin Suye for various reasons, he still couldn’t figure out when Yin Suye’s feelings for him started to change.

“Right in the beginning, you are already different!”

Yin Suye is not sure when he started to fall for the little guy, but he always knows that he will never let go of the little guy. His feelings for the little guy are definitely not sudden, but accumulated bit by bit. When the little guy said ‘You could trust me’ when they first met, he(SRS) has forcefully opened a hole in his heart. At that time, he really cared for the little guy like a child. But when he knew that the little guy was a transmigrator and not a real child, he began to see the little guy as an equal. Until that time when they returned to the Capital, and he saw Yin Wushuang looking at the little guy with filthy gaze. He couldn’t tolerate that someone dared to desire his little guy but on the other hand, he couldn’t help thinking if he too looked at the little guy with passionate eyes? He didn’t know if his strong possessiveness to the little guy can be considered love, but he was very clear that he would never let go of the little guy. Since he can’t do without the little guy, and he also wanted to proceed further with him(SRS), it’s natural to hold that person firmly in the palm of his hand.

It’s just this is first time he clearly expressed his love for one person. That is to say, there are many things that he doesn’t know how to do, so he easily agreed when the little guy proposed to try to get familiar first. He(YSY) also needs time to learn about love after all.

“In the beginning, you are not as friendly to me as you are now!”

Shui Ruoshan is obviously not a big-minded person. He still remembered Yin Suye being cold and arrogant when they first met. At that time, in order to survive better in the parallel world, he treated Yin Suye like a grandfather/ancestor! It was only after the two became familiar and he figured out Yin Suye’s character that he gradually loosened his attitude towards Yin Suye.

“You can retaliate back at me now.”

Apparently, Yin Suye remembered very clearly what he had done in the past as well. Knowing that his attitude toward the little guy was not very good at that time, he immediately admitted his mistake.


Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye must have calculated that he(SRS) can’t bear to hurt the seriously injured him, so he deliberately revealed a sorry appearance and told him(SRS) to retaliate back. So, Shui Ruoshan arrogantly raised his head and decided not to be petty with Yin Suye in this matter. He is very clear of his own weight, he is certain that he can’t beat this wily old fox Yin Suye, and wisely decided not to continue on this topic; quickly changing the subject.

“I think you should treat your injuries now!”

Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt guilty as soon as he thought of Yin Suye’s scarred appearance. He(SRS) shouldn’t have focus on other stuff instead of paying attention to Yin Suye’s physical condition first!

“Do not heal.”

Although he was glad that the little guy cares about him, Yin Suye can’t let the little guy heal his injury now.

“Why?” Shui Ruoshan who originally prepared to get a pill out (from the space ring), instantly stopped and looked at Yin Suye in confusion.

“The Fate Substitution is not over yet.”

Although he used Fate Substitution to scheme against the little guy, his initial purpose for starting the Fate Substitution was to enable the little guy openly live in the midst of the human race. Therefore, before the Fate Substitution is over, he will never let his wounds which are the proof of his punishment to disappear. This is also the real reason why he obediently accepted the punishments.

“So the reason why you didn’t kill the guard right away was because the Fate Substitution has not been completed yet, that you still need the guard to continue the punishment?”

Right now, Shui Ruoshan thinks that he should say ‘As expected of Yin Suye’? Before starting a little Fate Substitution, he has already calculated everything and the people in it.


Because he almost died under Fate Substitution’s punishment in his past life, he specifically looked through the Fate Substitution in detailed to find out the loopholes after he became the Supreme King. Hence, when he started Fate Substitution this time round, he used the loophole to completely suppressed his power in order to protect himself better. Therefore, although he appeared to be seriously hurt on the surface, he actually suffered only a skin injury; not serious at all. This is also the reason why he can break free from the restraint and save Shui Ruoshan when the guard attacked him.

“Do you know that the last day of Fate Substitution is the most dangerous trial ah?” Obviously, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t agree with Yin Suye’s decision to continue the Fate Substitution.

“Do you want me to waste my 48 days of suffering?” Yin Suye faintly asked .

He will not do a loss-making business, and since his plan has begun, there is no reason to stop.

“I have already made arrangements, nothing will go wrong.” But considering that the little guy doesn’t understand his plan, Yin Suye can only whisper some comforting words.

“How about Wang Batian?”

Shui Ruoshan did not forget that Yin Suye has deliberately provoked Wang Batian and also Wang Batian’s evil intention towards Yin Suye. However, the actual situation is better than he imagined, so Shui Ruoshan, who has already prepared for the worst, which is to directly face Wang Batian quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

“He should appear tomorrow.”

Yin Suye said very confidently. Actually, what he didn’t say was Wang Batian would come to interrogate him every now and then. Until he gets the method to extend his life, he will not do anything to harm his(YSY) life. At most, he(WBT) would let him suffer more. But, Yin Suye won’t inform Shui Ruoshan about these.

“Then you are still going to stay here?”

If it was just a Fate Substitution, Shui Ruoshan would only 50% worried about Yin Suye. But with a Wang Batian added in the mix, his worries immediately became 100%..

“I want to take this opportunity to settle a danger called Wang Batian.”

A hint of sharpness flashed through Yin Suye’s eyes. Wang Batian is waiting until the last day to pry open his mouth, but he(YSY) is also the same; waiting for the last day to scheme back against Wang Batian!

“What are you planning to do?” Looking at the ever calm Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan felt like he would go mad from the anxiousness. Yin Suye did not look anxious at all towards the danger that might come tomorrow. This is really an example of ‘the emperor is not worried, but his eunuch is worried to death’ ah[2]!

2. Meaning, the observers are more anxious than the person involved

“I want to eradicate the Supreme King!” Yin Suye casually said that but his tone has a kind of fierce and murderousness intent in it, pressing onto people with a kind of imposing manner.


At this moment, Shui Ruoshan seemed to see a bloodied sword aura from Yin Suye, like a sword that will be unsheathed and gets blood-stained anytime; revealing a peerless edge at any time! But right now, Shui Ruoshan only wanted to rant at Yin Suye, that one shouldn’t act handsome at a moment like this!

“Eradicating the Supreme King is too dangerous!”

It was not that Shui Ruoshan wants to praise other people and destroy his(YSY) prestige, it was just that Yin Suye’s current strength is slightly lower than Wang Batian.

There are two ways for one to become a Supreme King. One is to kill the original Supreme King and replace him. The second is to wait for until the Supreme King dies his natural death, then advance to that stage. Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye could totally wait patiently for 10 years. Then after Wang Batian died naturally, Yin Suye could directly become the Supreme King without wasting his power.

“Right now, Wang Batian is the one who wanted to deal with us, not that we wanted to target him.”

And he didn’t have much time to wait for Wang Batian’s death. Yin Suye remembers very clearly that after he became the human Supreme King in his past life, Huang Beichen also became the demon Supreme King, which has always gave him a sense of crisis.


What do you mean by ‘Wang Batian wanted to deal with them’? It was obvious that Yin Suye is the one who provoked Wang Batian first! No, it seems to be because he accidentally exposed his identity as a demon and met Wang Batian, then matter gradually developed to this unbelievable point! In a way, he is actually the culprit of this series of incidents?!

“I have grasped some of Wang Batian’s weaknesses, I won’t lose.”

In order to make the little guy feel at ease, Yin Suye thought for a while and stated his reasons. Although he didn’t cross roads with Wang Batian in his past life, he has heard a lot of rumors about Wang Batian afterwards, so he knows a little of his weaknesses.

“If you really decided to deal with Wang Batian now, you must count me in!”

Shui Ruoshan also knows Wang Batian’s weaknesses. He felt that he should brief Yin Suye with a summary later. With this, their winning chance should be very big, that’s why he agreed to do this. However, before he agreed (to let YSY continue FS), he didn’t forget to state his request too.

“Alright, but you have to follow my orders!” Yin Suye knows that if he doesn’t agree with the little guy’s request, he(SRS) will not be willing to give up.

“Good.” Shui Ruoshan promised very quickly for fear that Yin Suye would regret and take his words back if he(SRS) spokes too slowly.

“Fox, come in with the guard.” Yin Suye ordered Fox who was outside the prison door.

“Yes.” Hearing the order, Fox immediately walked back in the unconscious guard.

“Wait a minute, I will make the guard forget about what happened just now. You will tie me back to the restraint and leave.”

Although Yin Suye was ordering Fox, his eyes were looking at Shui Ruoshan.

“What should I do?” Shui Ruoshan also knows that it’s not a good choice for him to stay longer. At the very least, he couldn’t watch as Yin Suye suffers so it’s better to not see it.

“Tomorrow, you take the secret guards to free the experiment’s staff who are secretly held by Wang Batian.”

Thinking of this, Yin Suye paused and seemed to be recalling the place when the staffs are being held.

This story was created by him after all, so Shui Ruoshan knew it very clearly and understood Yin Suye’s purpose for doing so, so he(SRS) agreed right away.

“Protect Ruo-er’s safety properly.” Upon seeing the little guy didn’t object, Yin Suye began to order Fox.

“Yes.” Fox nodded solemnly.

“…” Shui Ruoshan who was at the side has long been stunned speechless by this ‘Ruo-er’ way of address.

Ruo-er? Such a feminine name is actually for him? He remembered that he and Yin Suye have come out with some nicknames before. His nickname was obviously Xiao Ruo, so where did Ruo-er came from? Did he(SRS) gave his consent to change the nickname so casually? Shui Ruoshan ranted in his heart but he knew that it was not the time to worry about this minor problem with Yin Suye, so he will wait until everything is resolved before discussing it with Yin Suye.

“Yin Suye, your situation is very dangerous here, isn’t it better for me to leave you with my magic clothing?”

Shui Ruoshan thought about it, but still worried of Yin Suye’s safety. The only tool in his hand with the most defense power is the magic clothing he is wearing. And the most important thing is that the magic clothing could change itself according to the wearer’s will. In other words, Yin Suye just have to imagine the magic clothing as a rag, just like the clothes he(YSY) is wearing now. No one will ever think that he is wearing a defensive clothing instead of a normal rag.

“Take it off to give me?” Yin Suye began to look up and down at Shui Ruoshan’s clothes on his body.


Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye’s question is definitely an useless question. If he don’t take it off, how would he give the magic clothing to Yin Suye? Just that at the next second, Shui Ruoshan immediately realized that something is wrong! ‘Taking off’ sounds too ambiguous! It’s too easy for other people to think strangely! Especially when Yin Suye looked at his body with a hot gaze, as if Yin Suye could see directly through his clothes at his naked body!

All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan’s face turned red!

Is Yin Suye taking advantage of him? Or taking advantage of him? Or really taking advantage of him?!

Raw Word Count : 3990


Banana: Raw – 于是,Yin Suye 这种偷换概念的技能到底是从哪里学来的?

And yeah, I’m not dead yet so please don’t worry. Work was extremely hectic this month so please hang on tight _(;3/

Chapter 111 – Not dislike

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“You don’t hate me for kissing you.”

Yin Suye pinched Shui Ruoshan’s chin and prevented him from having any chance to escape, so that he(SRS) could only look directly at him. Yin Suye dared ‘to cut off his means of retreat’ and went all out to confess to Shui Ruoshan because he knew that the little guy didn’t dislike his closeness. Previously, he chose to feed the pill to the little guy with his mouth, this move was his way of testing the water. Kissing is definitely a good way to test a breakthrough as a person’s subconscious reaction is the most real reaction. At that time, though the little guy was shocked by his actions, there was no disgust and rejection in his eyes. This let Yin Suye know that the little guy did not reject his closeness. That’s why he kissed him again.

“But I don’t like you kissing me!”

Shui Ruoshan’s reaction was very quick this time. He stated his feelings right away, as if he is afraid that Yin Suye would come up with some ridiculous conclusions if he is a step slower. He is not an ignorant child who doesn’t know anything that would be deceived by Yin Suye with just a few words. This kind of scene happened too much in normal novels, so he will not be so easily deceived!

“You will like it.” Then, Yin Suye leaned over again and kissed Shui Ruoshan’s lips.

“What…” are you doing?

The later half of his words were blocked by Yin Suye and turned into ‘mhmm mhmm’ instead.

“You like it?” After kissing this person in his arms until he turned red again, Yin Suye generously released the person.

“No…ot dislike!” (不讨厌 / bu tǎo yàn)[1]

1. Please refer to my bottom note for this

Shui Ruoshan gasped and raised his head, glaring at Yin Suye to express his strong dissatisfaction with Yin Suye’s behavior. Just that when he saw Yin Suye’s pair of heterochromatic eyes with a glint of strong possessiveness in it, Shui Ruoshan could clearly felt the threat. So, he subconsciously changed the word ‘dislike’ (不喜欢 / bu xǐ huan) into a not dislike (不讨厌 / bu tǎo yàn). But he didn’t lie, he indeed didn’t hate Yin Suye’s kiss. Else, he couldn’t possibly stay calm after being strongly/forcefully kissed by Yin Suye. As for whether he ‘likes’ it or not, it is not something that Shui Ruoshan can decide now.
No one can expect a stay-home nerd, who has never dated anyone nor any intimate exchange with anyone, to know what it is ‘like’ (喜欢 / xǐ huan). This is a very tall order. Obviously, Shui Ruoshan also knows his lacking in this area. But Shui Ruoshan felt that this does not prevent him from making correct judgments about things. With no practical experience as a reference, he has a wealth of theoretical knowledge to back himself instead! So, he began to think hard of what he read about things like falling in love. The book said that being kissed by someone you like will give people rapid heartbeats, feelings like they can not help but be addicted, feelings like they cannot extricate themselves from this…

And obviously, he(SRS) didn’t seem to feel these feelings. Even if there is, it’s probably a very weak one. He has no such strong feelings as what was written in the book, that’s why he ignored it. So this matter whether to like or not, it is still a long distance away from him! Shui Ruoshan who came to his own conclusion has completely forgotten how he only felt shocked when he was first kissed by Yin Suye. But where he has the time to pay attention to other emotions?! When he finally reacted, no matter how strong is the feeling, it has probably disappeared long time ago.

“That means you don’t like it?” Yin Suye’s eyes slightly squinted, covering the sharp lights in his eyes.

“…” Shui Ruoshan felt complicated all of a sudden..

It seems that no matter he answers yes or no, it doesn’t feel right! He believes that he doesn’t have any ‘like’ towards Yin Suye, but he didn’t dislike it either. So, how to answer this?

Seeing that ‘someone’ did not answer, Yin Suye went at his(SRS) lips again, not caring whether Shui Ruoshan is in the state[2] or not, as if he won’t stop until someone suffocated.

2. of consciousness


Shui Ruoshan who was suddenly attacked again, only has one big word ‘FCUK’ in his mind! He didn’t think that Yin Suye would be so persistent in doing this kind of thing. And the saddest thing is as a man, he can’t shout ‘Sexual harassment’[3]! But he don’t understand, he didn’t seem to do anything just now? How did Yin Suye’s sensitive nerve gets struck? Can they still play together(get along) happily?

3. SRS/Author still has the mindset where guys don’t have the right to scream for help from sexual harassment :v

“I will kiss you until you like it.”

Looking at the dazed cute little thing, Yin Suye raised his eyebrow slightly and announced his decision. Communicating with such a dull person like this little guy, you can’t talk in riddles. Some words must be clearly stated so that the little guy can fully understand the reality. He(YSY) had so many tests before, and none of those were as effective as this straight up confession.


Shui Ruoshan has yet to express his opinion towards Yin Suye’s behavior, was shocked speechless by Yin Suye’s words!

What is ‘kiss him until he likes it’?

The Hell is that fcukery fcuk ah!

Has this decision been approved by him?

Yin Suye’s behavior is too tyrannic and extreme. Is this a robbery? Doesn’t the world need to pay attention to human rights and government law?

“Your answer?” Yin Suye is like a hunter waiting for the prey to be trapped, looking very patient.


Shui Ruoshan acted like he had not heard anything. He is now trying to play dead, please don’t bother him!


Seeing the little guy wanted to escape, Yin Suye uttered an ‘En’, not too light nor heavy. At the same time, he started planning in his heart; where should he kiss this time? Although little guy’s lips were delicious, he wanted to taste other places on the little guy.


Seeing Yin Suye had the intention to continue his actions, Shui Ruoshan smartly learned from his mistake and told Yin Suye what he wanted to hear. Because he knows very well that if he remained silent or gave other answers, Yin Suye will really kiss him.

It was just that he felt himself really has no standpoint/stance. Because he compromised right away just because he was threatened. Is it really what an upright man should do? So weak, do your mom knows about this?


Does Yin Suye think that people will like this kind of action if he did it a few more times?

Facing the Yin Suye who intended to do this until the end, Shui Ruoshan can’t say it even if he still have a lot of explanation in his heart! Because Yin Suye will not give him the opportunity to explain it! So, he shamefully compromised!

This kind of helpless forced plot, can’t you not put so much abuse!

“Are you sure you like me?” Yin Suye’s eyes flashed and he asked again.

Just by changing the way of asking, the meaning of the question has become entirely different from the previous question.

“En!” Shui Ruoshan rolled his eyes at Yin Suye.

This person really should not be too insatiable! Already he said ‘liked’ earlier, but he(YSY) still wanted him repeat it. Is Yin Suye trying to show off to him?

“Since you liked me and I liked you, we should be together forever!” Yin Suye quite naturally arrived to the conclusion he wanted.

Little guy’s compromise came faster than he imagined. This means that his position in his(SRS) heart is higher than he imagined. Otherwise, it is not possible for him(SRS) to change his stand so easily, just because of a few words of coercion. He experienced it before, the little guy’s stubbornness. Maybe little guy himself didn’t notice it, when the little guy faced him, he(SRS) always compromised very quickly. His compromise was not those kind of weak helplessness but an indulgent consent. At this moment, Yin Suye finally experienced the real feeling that he has grasped this person that he wanted, firmly in his hands!

“Be together? Is this development a bit too fast?”

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan won’t be that naive to think that ‘be together’ from Yin Suye’s words means two people simply staying together. And just because he understood, he felt that this development is a bit unbelievable!

“En?” It was clear that Yin Suye’s mood is still good, so he doesn’t care how the little guy struggled for the last time.

“I mean, for the process of a normal love, shouldn’t it be two people took liking of each other first? Then they will try to date, and when they felt like they are ready to be together, they then finally will talk about marriage?”

Shui Ruoshan thinks that the general process of love could be summarized as such, probably. Yin Suye and him at most should be still at the first stage where two people starting to like each other. How could they skip the dating period and the ‘getting familiar with each other’ period, right to getting together? This obviously does not conform to the law of development ah!


Yin Suye apparently knew that they shouldn’t rush it. He nodded and could be considered agreed to Shui Ruoshan’s theory. As long as the little guy admits the change in their relationship, he doesn’t mind spending more time on him, for him(SRS) to accept him. Whether it is by deceiving or force, as long as he can tie this person firmly around him, he does not mind the means used in the process, he only needs the final result. Silently looking down at the little guy who still felt complicated in his arms, Yin Suye’s eyes were hot with passion and madness.


Shui Ruoshan only felt that Yin Suye’s eyes were exceptionally scary. His(YSY) eyes were filled of him, which gave him an illusion that he(SRS) could have the whole world just by being watched with such eyes![4]

4. Meaning, as long as YSY looks at SRS like that, SRS felt like he could have the world just by asking for it

Suddenly, Shui Ruoshan awkwardly bowed his head. But at the next second, he immediately woke up from this state of shyness, and repeatedly warned himself in his heart that he must not be deceived by Yin Suye’s appearance again!

Yin Suye usually looked harmless, but his nature is a hungry wolf who eats people without leaving any bones! Otherwise, he won’t get fooled just by one word from Yin Suye and completely sold away himself!

Don’t look at the world ‘friend’ and ‘boyfriend’ only has one word of difference, a friend will only need you to be there when he needed help, but a boyfriend will have to accompany him to eat, play, and sleep ah! This gap of difference is not any normal ‘large’ gap! Felt like crying to say more!

Raw Word Count : 3032


Banana: Note for the word ‘like’.

喜欢 / xi huan = Like
不喜欢 / bu xi huan = Dislike

讨厌 / tao yan = Dislike/ Hate
不讨厌 / bu tao yan = Don’t dislike/Not dislike

It’s kinda hard for me to make it relatable in English because it doesn’t convert very well to English _(;3/

Chapter 110 – Take responsibility until the end

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

这穿越方式绝逼不对!Chapter one one zero – Take responsibility until the end

“The fact that I was unconscious for 48 days, was it also calculated by you?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that it is necessary for him view Yin Suye using a conspiracy-tinted glasses. After all, he figured out one thing through his(YSY) words just now, that is he has been unconsciously schemed many times by Yin Suye! The most helpless thing was that he knows nothing about it!

“Yes.” Yin Suye confirmed.

He is not those hero who won’t leave their name after doing a good deed. Since he did it, he should let the little guy know very clearly how good he was to him(SRS).

“If I didn’t come over at this moment, won’t your trick in ‘injuring oneself to gain the enemy’s confidence’ fail?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that if he didn’t choose to look for Yin Suye after waking up, Yin Suye’s 48 days of suffering will be completely wasted!

“No ‘if’ because you are already here.”

Yin Suye looked down, stared directly into Shui Ruoshan’s eyes. Little guy never let him down, so he believes that this time, the little guy will not let him down as well. He admitted that he was being quite despicable to take advantage of the little guy’s kindness for him, that he used it to scheme against the little guy.

“Alright, you won!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that being ruthless towards others is was not really ruthless. It’s when you are ruthless to yourself. that is the real ruthlessness! And very obviously, Yin Suye is such a person! But he(SRS) has to admit that by doing this, Yin Suye has completely caught his weakness[1].

1. Because SRS has vowed to make it up to YSY before, and won’t let the villain continue to suffer

He was schemed by Yin Suye, and he should be very angry. But as soon as he saw Yin Suye’s bloody misery, he couldn’t raise his anger against Yin Suye.

“Ruo-er, you can be angry with me, hit me, reprimand me…”

Yin Suye buried his head in Shui Ruoshan’s neck and whispered in a low voice. He knew that by showing his dark side, and let the little guy see that he(YSY) has been scheming against him all the time, may cause Shui Ruoshan to repel him, but he can’t tolerate the little guy to always see only his fake self. He wants the little guy to put the real him in his heart.

“But I will definitely not allow you to hate me, reject me, leave me…” This is Yin Suye’s bottom line for Shui Ruoshan. “Because other than you, I don’t know what else I still have left!”

The little guy is his only redemption. He won’t let go, and it’s absolutely impossible for him to let go!


At the beginning when he encountered Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan already knew exactly what kind of person Yin Suye was. Yin Suye is an extreme person, paranoid, cruel, crazy, dark and incurable… Because he knows about this, he has always been mentally prepared to face the blackened Yin Suye. Especially after he learned that Yin Suye was born again, he has already mentally prepared for Yin Suye’s dark side. If Yin Suye does not take the initiative to break the stable relationship between them, he will not ask for trouble to change the relationship between them. When Yin Suye finally revealed everything, Shui Ruoshan was not surprised or angry, but was relieved. This Yin Suye is the Yin Suye he knows.

It’s just that he didn’t think that Yin Suye would be afraid of him being angry. Using such a fragile tone to saying something, it made Shui Ruoshan’s heart hurt. Such a fragile and humble Yin Suye is something he has never seen before! At this moment, Shui Ruoshan opened his mouth and found that he couldn’t say any words of comfort. He couldn’t help but recalled back, the moment when he had just transmigrated over and saw Yin Suye’s body bloody red, standing alone on top of a bloody sea of countless corpses, seemed to be lonely and decisive.

Like a lone wolf, filled with a faint sorrow, it seems like if one is not being careful, then one will keep falling into the boundless darkness! In order to make the story more conflicting when he wrote [The Strongest King in History], although he arranged a good family background for Yin Suye, he did not arrange a happy life for him.

In order to make Yin Suye blacken even better, he make Yin Suye lose everything little by little until nothing is left…
If he didn’t transmigrated into the continent [Mowu Dalu], then Shui Ruoshan wouldn’t think that his previous setting has any problem at all. After all, in his mind, villains were created to be abused! But when the characters in his novel appeared in front of his eyes, he clearly felt how much endless pain he has brought unto some people from the mere typing of his words. As soon as he thought of Yin Suye finding himself utterly isolated and lost everything in the end, Shui Ruoshan’s guilt in mind became even stronger.

All this was caused by his ill-considered action!

If it weren’t for him insisting to set Yin Suye as a villain, with Yin Suye’s family background and talents, he(YSY) would have an endless bright future. In the end, he would be the true “Light of the Sun” instead of a ruined evil person!

At this time, Shui Ruoshan finally realized that as an author, he was actually being very unfair. He actually arranged all the good things to the protagonist Huang Beichen, and gave nothing to Yin Suye the villain! In fact, if one is to calculate carefully, he owed too much to Yin Suye! So, the reason why he will transmigrate into the continent [Mowu Dalu] and met Yin Suye at the beginning, was to let him see his unfairness, so that he will make up for what he owed Yin Suye?

This should be the meaning for his transmigration!

“Rest assured, I will give you everything you want!”

Shui Ruoshan who figured it out, reached out and hugged Yin Suye. Since he let Yin Suye lose his everything, then he should figure out how to let Yin Suye get everything back!

“I just want you!”

It seems that sometimes showing some weakness is also a good way. Yin Suye didn’t think that his occasional weakness would actually have such an unexpected result, and let his little guy say such a near-love words to him. Although he don’t understand why the little guy’s emotions changed so fast at this moment, and finally showed a face full of guilt, but this did not prevent Yin Suye from asking him again. Right from the beginning, his purpose was only this one!

“Well, I am here, by your side!” Shui Ruoshan comforted.

Shui Ruoshan believed that no matter what Yin Suye wanted to say at this moment, he will promise without hesitation.

“I am very happy, that I can meet you in this lifetime!”

At this moment, Yin Suye knew that he had firmly grasped this person who he wanted the most. Little guy probably never know how important he is to him! When everyone were questioning and condemning him, when he was disdained and abandoned by the world, when he was badly wounded, when he destroyed the Heaven and land in despair, if at that time, there is a person reaching out to him, even if that person only looks at him gently, he will surely grasp that hand tightly. There were no such person in his past life, so he seek his own death! But in this lifetime, he thanked God for letting him meet such a person, so that he would not return to the path of seeking death forever.

“Me too!”

Shui Ruoshan thanked God for giving him a chance to transmigrate and gave him the opportunity to make up for Yin Suye.

“Shui Ruoshan, since you have provoked me in this lifetime, you will have to take responsible until the end!”

Seeing only his figure reflected in Shui Ruoshan’s eyes, Yin Suye has an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.


Shui Ruoshan was stunned, not knowing how the topic suddenly became more complicated than just now. And he doesn’t seem to have taken advantage of Yin Suye at all. So, why do he need to be responsible until the end? This is too ambiguous, alright?! And how did this incomprehensible and completely illogical conclusion came about?

Was it the cultural difference between the Earth and [Mowu Dalu] that caused him think strangely? That actually, the ‘responsibility’ Yin Suye was saying is not the same ‘responsibility’ in his mind? Shui Ruoshan, who was immersed in his thinking, did not find out the ‘determination to obtain’ in Yin Suye’s tone. Before Shui Ruoshan could react, Yin Suye lifted Shui Ruoshan’s chin with his hand, forcing Shui Ruoshan to raise his head slightly. He gently stroke Shui Ruoshan’s lips, before leaning over and powerfully covered his lips….
Yin Suye’s kiss seems to have poured out all of his(YSY) feelings, madness and trembles, carrying the aura to press forward, exerting all of his strength as if he is not leaving any routes for Shui Ruoshan to back away.

Shui Ruoshan stared blankly at Yin Suye’s enlarged face in front of him, and his brain immediately crashed; his entire person was completely stunned! He did not respond, and could only be forced to open his mouth, letting Yin Suye’s tongue pry open his lips then do whatever he wants in his mouth…
After a while, Shui Ruoshan’s face was covered with a blush, and his breathing gradually became a little unstable.

Sensing the little guy unnaturalness in his arms, Yin Suye reluctantly let go of the person. He is afraid that if he continued to kiss Shui Ruoshan, the little guy will suffocate due to him unable to breathe.

So stupidly cute.

“You belonged to me!”

After that, Yin Suye did not forget to declare his ownership over Shui Ruoshan. At the same time, he stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his own mouth, seemed to be saying that he haven’t have enough.

“You, you…”

Shui Ruoshan speechlessly looked at Yin Suye, apparently has yet to adjust his mood properly. His mind right now is full of the scene when Yin Suye had just kissed him! Who can tell him what kind of a script is being played right now? This development is totally wrong, a’ight?

“I said this before, I want you!”

Yin Suye at this time felt like he has discarded all of his gentle camouflage, revealing a ferocious beast with lethal fangs. His eyes were filled with strong possessive eyes, as if he wants to tear people into pieces and swallow them into his stomach; as if at the next second, he could eat people completely without any bones left!

“…” In an instant, Shui Ruoshan could feel the sinister malice from the world!

‘I want you’, the meaning of these three words is exactly the meaning that he knew? If it was before this when Yin Suye has kissed him (for the first time), Shui Ruoshan could still say that Yin Suye did that in order to feed him the medicine (to knock him out). But this time, Shui Ruoshan could no longer deceive himself that it was just an accident that Yin Suye has kissed him!

Yin Suye is really kissing him, what more a french kiss! In other words, Yin Suye really ‘wanted’ him! Shui Ruoshan was instantly scared by this realization! Fc*k! Who caused Yin Suye to turn bad?


It is impossible for his family villain to be bent! He definitely didn’t get forcefully confessed by the villain! He wrote a fantasy, YY leveling, smooth novel, it is impossible for it to become a BL!


So, the conclusion of this is not that he has not woken up yet, but he has gotten up the wrong way this morning! He felt that he needs to find a place so that he can make up for his sleep! After he wakes up, everything will surely return to normal!

En, let’s do that!

Raw Word Count : 3256

#ButYassThatTongue <3

Chapter 109 – I want you

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“I just want to know when I initiated the Fate Substitution, did you get worried or nervous for me…”

Yin Suye’s eyes became so deep at that moment, and the corner of his mouth was slightly curved; finally saying out his real thoughts that were hidden at the bottom of his heart.

“Then, are you satisfied with this result?”

Towards Yin Suye whose line of thought was strange and unusual, Shui Ruoshan had only a deep sense of powerlessness. Yin Suye doesn’t trust him and wanted to test him, Shui Ruoshan thinks he can understand this. But what he really couldn’t understand was why Yin Suye had to choose a way that is cruel to himself to test him? In the end, how ruthless can he be to do such cruelty to himself?

At the same time, Shui Ruoshan also did some self-reflection. Was it because his usual concern to Yin Suye is too subtle that Yin Suye didn’t feel it? Or was it because during the time he set a profile up for the villain, he did not write a love background for the villain, so he forgot to include a sentiment receiver for Yin Suye?


Yin Suye subconsciously clenched his fist, and his eyes gradually showed a bright red blood color…not enough, not enough! Originally he thought all he needed was someone for him to trust, but then Shui Ruoshan appeared. He thought that this would make up for the regret from his past life. The result is he was wrong. The more he get in contact with Shui Ruoshan, the more he became attached to the kind of warmth from being placed in someone’s heart, and then he became more and more unsatisfied. Now, he wants even more! Even when Shui Ruoshan has always been thinking for him and gave him a lot of guarantees, but it was far from satisfying what he really wants!

“What do you want actually?”

In an instant, Shui Ruoshan could only feel Yin Suye’s grip on him tightened and he seemed to hear his bones protesting. Just that he doesn’t dare to act rashly right now. At this moment, Yin Suye gave him a very uneasy feeling, as if that a terrible monster would be released with a single touch.

“I want you!”

At this moment, Yin Suye finally tore away his disguise in front of Shui Ruoshan, revealing his true side. Inside those deep, heterochromatic eyes, there were complex emotions that one cannot see through. But that kind of oppressive possessiveness in his eyes can no longer be disguised!

Just like that, he looked at Shui Ruoshan as if he only has this person in his eyes, and he can only put this one person in his eyes! In the stark contrast to the dark and bloody surroundings, it is the warm body temperature in his arms, the soft touch under his palm, that never-endingly stimulated Yin Suye’s sensitive nerves. Slightly tilting his head, and looking at Shui Ruoshan’s slender white neck, he had an impulse to bite down right away. However, it is not the time yet!

Now, he must first let Shui Ruoshan truly take note of his(YSY) presence first!


Shui Ruoshan widened his eyes in disbelief, stupidly looking up at Yin Suye. Yin Suye’s sentence ‘I want you’ has too much ranting point that he don’t know where to start ranting. If he didn’t misunderstood, this sentence should belong to the confession category, right? According to the plot of the novel, this sentence ‘I want your’ should be generally used by the stronger side to announce possession over the weaker side, right?


Although he(SRS) knows that he is the weaker party compared to Yin Suye, but is it necessary to emphasize it with such words? Is one really a honorable man to expose people’s shortcomings? No, he seems to be going out of topic again. In fact, he should rant that why Yin Suye could say such ambiguous words like ‘I want you’ with the killing aura of a well-equipped cavalry! Sure enough, only the villain who don’t understand love can have this kind of powerful talent – destroying the atmosphere!

To be honest, Yin Suye’s tone really deserved a beating! Otherwise, hearing something so easy for one to think weirdly, why is it not only he didn’t feel any embarrassment, he also felt a terrible sense of danger? Actually, Yin Suye is treating him as an enemy right?

“I want to be closer to you, so I have been trying my best to be good to you before this.”

Looking at the little guy in the arms smirking at his own brain hole, Yin Suye’s eyes became deeper. His little guy is really dull, he(YSY) is already so obvious, but the little guy has yet to understand! So slow that he had the illusion of going crazy!


Shui Ruoshan still would agree with Yin Suye that he(YSY) is indeed very good to him. All the time he was with Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan could clearly see that Yin Suye did really took good care of him.

“But no matter how hard I try, I never manage to really walk into your heart.”

He doesn’t know if it was because he didn’t know how take care of people, or because he didn’t get to the level of Shui Ruoshan’s heart, so he never manage to open Shui Ruoshan’s heart. Here, Yin Suye did not use a questioning tone at all but used an affirmative tone. He didn’t know if Shui Ruoshan had such a feeling, but he clearly felt that there is always an uncrossable gap between him and Shui Ruoshan.

This is not only because Shui Ruoshan came from another world, but also because of Shui Ruoshan’s own mentality. Therefore, he could only exhaust all his strategies and took Shui Ruoshan down from his aloof mentality[1], just to narrow the distance between them.

1. Like none of the things happening in this world matters to me


Shui Ruoshan would like to say that he absolutely have some feelings for Yin Suye. If he doesn’t care, he won’t help Yin Suye that much. But at the same time he also understood that what Yin Suye said was right. He subconsciously didn’t acknowledge this world, so he has an indifferent attitude towards everything in this world. He won’t deny that in fact he still subconsciously regarded Yin Suye as the villain of the story only. So, his feelings are true, but not sincere!

“Sometimes I thought, if I can’t make you to have deep feelings for me, then maybe I can change to another way, so that you can deeply engrave me in your heart? En?”

Yin Suye’s voice was very light and soft, but the meaning revealed in the words involuntarily gave people a feeling of wanting to escape.


At this moment, Shui Ruoshan truly realized that this person in front of him holding him tightly was not the good young man who was hailed as the “Light of the Sun”, but the villain blackened the extreme in the later half of the novel. It was due to Yin Suye has always been nice and harmless in front of him, that he unconsciously disregard someone’s nature. In the face of such perfect Yin Suye, he always felt something odd. This sense of oddness became more and more intense when he knew that Yin Suye was reborn. Because it’s impossible for his family’s villain to be as perfect as what he showed in the public! At this moment, Yin Suye who had his perfect camouflage removed, let Shui Ruoshan once again realized that his family’s villain had always been a villain who has been blackened to madness!

“Even so, I still can’t bear to hurt you, so I can only choose to hurt myself.”

When Yin Suye said this, there was a faint self-deprecation, helplessness, and indulgences in his eyes. Obviously, he did thought of a way to test the little guy but he can’t take any action because he can’t bear to hurt him!

For the little guy who has been placed in his heart, don’t say about hurting him(SRS), he(YSY) is reluctant even to let him feel aggrieved even a bit. Even if he might be able to scheme seamlessly and make sure that the little guy never know he(YSY) was the one hurting people behind him, but as long as he thinks the little guy may feel hurt, he just can’t calm down. He could constantly test the little guy’s feeling, but he won’t allow anyone to hurt his little guy! Even if that person is himself, he still won’t let it! This is his only bottom line!

Therefore, instead of letting the little guy get hurt, Yin Suye will change his way of trying; he is willing to take all the damages!

“So you don’t want your life, and initiated the Fate Substitution?”

Although Shui Ruoshan was very angry in the last second that Yin Suye wanted to hurt him, but in the next second, he didn’t even have the strength to get angry. In the end, how hard Yin Suye took things in to use self-abuse to increase his position in his(SRS) heart ah?

Facing such Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan only felt his own heart was uncomfortable. It was not painful, but a dull discomfort. How did Yin Suye came out with this kind of extreme theory like ‘I can’t hurt you then I’ll hurt myself’? There seems to be no necessary connection between the two logic at all. Yin Suye, if you can’t learn your logic well, don’t randomly make a conclusion! Your logic teacher absolutely will cry ah!


Yin Suye just looked at Shui Ruoshan quietly. Since the little guy knows a lot of things and has seen his means of dealing with people, he must have a certain understanding of his nature. This is why he risked exposing his dark side to the little guy. He doesn’t want to face the little guy with a false personality forever. He hopes that the little guy can accept the real him, whether it’s light or dark, good or cruel, no matter whether sane or insane…


Shui Ruoshan finally understood at this point why Yin Suye would insist on initiating the Fate Substitution. It was not that the situation forced them down a dead end, just that Yin Suye took things too hard and just want to suffer? Dear villain, you acting so mad, did the author created that? He is absolutely didn’t create that ah!


Raw Word Count : 2901

#ThatBananaGotLostInTheMeaning _(;3/

Chapter 108 – The Furthest Distance

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Because I sometimes can’t feel your heart, I feel that the distance between us is very far away.”

Yin Suye pointed to his heart then pointed to Shui Ruoshan’s heart, saying that although they are standing close to each other, their heart is far away.


Shui Ruoshan had to admit that Yin Suye was right. After all, he and Yin Suye were not from the same world; they are separated by the distance of two worlds. Their ideas, way of thinking and perspective will naturally be different. Indeed, it’s really easy to make people feel a sense of distance. Just that ain’t their current conversation quite wrong with the current situation? They were talking about something very serious just now, how did it suddenly became a literary genre?

Isn’t the speed of changing genre a bit too fast? And the literary Yin Suye gave him(SRS) an illusion that this person has also transmigrated from Earth, alright? If not, why would he suddenly use words like distance and far? It involuntarily made him think of Tagore’s The Furthest Distance In the World.

The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
Yet you don’t know that I love you

The furthest distance in the world
Is not when I stand in front of you
Yet you can’t see my love
But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
Yet cannot be together

The furthest distance in the world
Is not being apart while being in love
But when plainly cannot resist the yearning
Yet pretending you have never been in my heart

Shui Ruoshan didn’t know why when he saw these verses, he immediately took liking of it and kept it in his mind. In such an unsuitable time, these words came out in his mind. Sure enough, one simply cannot give up on treatment for an author’s occupational disease, he still should be saveable right?!

“Do you know that you are always looking absent-minded and gave off a sense of superiority when facing other people?”

Seeing the little guy began to habitually zone out, Yin Suye’s eyes slightly darkened.

“Just like right now!”

Reaching out his hand and tilting the little guy’s chin up until his eyes are just reflecting him(YSY) only, Yin Suye’s emotions then stabilized.

“I admit that I am sometimes quite absent-minded, but I have never face other people with a sense of superiority!”

Although Shui Ruoshan was somewhat uncomfortable that Yin Suye suddenly became more vocal, he still had to clarify some problems. For him who like to occasionally ‘open a hole’ in his brain, he really can’t control it, one can’t blame him for this. But what about this sense of superiority? It is absolutely a personal attack!

*falls down*

God knows when he faced Yin Suye, not only he doesn’t feel any sense of superiority, it’s already great that he didn’t feel the mixture of envy and hatred!

“You didn’t understand what I meant.”

Originally, Yin Suye thought that with him saying so much, the little guy should be able to understand what he meant, but he knew the little guy didn’t get it when he saw him looking accusingly at him. Little guy doesn’t understand it at all.


Shui Ruoshan widened his eyes and glared at Yin Suye. What with Yin Suye’s indulgent and helpless tone? He is not laughing at his(SRS) IQ, right?

“You may have obtained some of the Laws of this continent [Mowu Dalu], that you have a certain control over the world. Because of that, you subconsciously will reveal a sense of superiority.”

Yin Suye thought about it, and explained in a more concise wording. Obviously, he saw Shui Ruoshan’s situation as him having the good luck to be able to obtain some of the world’s Law, that he can peep into some people’s fate and the development of the world.


Being told by Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan suddenly realized that perhaps he really did looked at the world with a superior attitude. Because the world was created by him, he seems cold and indifferent to the people or things here. Therefore, when facing a killing or some extreme scenes, he can accept it without any psychological pressure! That was because he did not think the world in the novel as a real world before, naturally he would not feel too much about what happened, and he could always maintain a calm attitude.

“Actually, I don’t necessarily know everything. At the very least, I don’t know about you being reborn again!”

But just a moment ago, Shui Ruoshan finally realized that the world is real, and not the fictitious world he wrote; he is well and alive in here! Therefore, even if he is the author of [The Strongest King in History], he is not the master of the this continent [Mowu Dalu]!

And because this is not the world he created, there are too many things in it that he doesn’t know, there are many things around him that is not the same with what he wrote. This is the difference between reality and fiction! Therefore, he is not qualified to use the calm attitude of a bystander to look at this world!

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan was pulled down from the altar he created for himself by Yin Suye. He cannot not break the illusion that he had been unwilling to face reality and deceiving himself, that he had transmigrated.

“But you mastered some of the Laws of this world.” Yin Suye was somewhat puzzled by the little guy’s sudden low mood, but still patiently comforted.

Obtaining some of the Laws does not mean that the little guy can see through everything. It seems that it is very necessary for him to add some basic common sense to him(SRS) after this whole matter is done.

“What do you mean?” Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye was overestimating him.

Tall order like mastering the law or whatnot, he really don’t know ah! He is very clear about his own weight (ability), he only had this cheap cheat of knowing the outline progress of this world! Once some things changed, the outline he knew might just be completely useless! That will definitely be a sad story! Should stop thinking it!

“You didn’t realize? As long as it is what your wished, the world will realize for you to a certain extent.”

Yin Suye explained faintly when he saw the little guy’s blurred expression. Maybe the little guy didn’t notice it, but not him(YSY). For example, when they were in the Fog forest, little guy said that he wanted to meet some other people. It didn’t take long before they met the four-person group. Another example was when they were eating at the inn in Linsen Town, little guy said he wanted to watch some happening things, then they met Huo Ruyan and Bai Yu[1].

1. SRS’s self-proclaimed subordinate


There were also some trivial little things happened, which was also similar. If once was a coincidence, then happening twice will not necessarily be a coincidence! There is no such thing as coincidence in the world, only the inevitable! Therefore, Yin Suye felt that this world is, to a certain extent, as if it revolves around the little guy.


Shui Ruoshan blinked innocently, although he don’t know where Yin Suye’s logic came from, it is still considered a comfort! At the very least, he seemed to have become a high level being in an instant! But at the same time, it let him know that his ‘crow mouth’[2] is also a kind of a golden finger! Realization makes Shui Ruoshan want to shout aloud, “Boss, give me bowl of tears![3]

2. jinx
3. Wordplay lost in translation. Refer bottom for more

“You have too many things that I can’t touch, it makes me feel insecure.”

Yin Suye showed his unconfident expression for the first time in front of Shui Ruoshan. Because he cares, he will feel the loss and gain, and he will continue to use various strategies to test Shui Ruoshan’s intentions for him; wanting to gain a peace of mind from this. But the more he tested, the more the little guy expose things that he can’t grasp, which makes him more and more uneasy.

“You said so much, but I still don’t understand. How does these things connects to you initiating Fate Substitution for self-abuse purpose?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he had been stunned speechless by Yin Suye, and suddenly reacted that they seem to be going off the subject! At first, he was obviously preparing to scold Yin Suye for his wrongdoings. But why as their conversation moves on, the direction of the conversation would turn to God knows where?! This can only be said that Yin Suye is too sly, that he could talk him(SRS) to dizziness in just a short while. Fortunately, he was more witty and didn’t fall for Yin Suye’s trap, he immediately turned the topic back to the topic. He must give himself 32 praises for this! This time he will never let Yin Suye have a chance to lead the conversation astray!

“There is.”

Yin Suye didn’t think that the little guy won’t understand the deep meaning in his words at all. He(SRS) ignored the facts in front of him and ignored the whole problem. Instead, he(SRS) took upon the initial problem and fixated on it. Yin Suye suddenly felt like wanting to laugh and cry. He thought that what he had just expressed was very clear. As the result, the little guy did not understand any of it. This reaction was too slow! Maybe he should say it directly, throw a straight ball to the little guy? If he don’t do this, with his (SRS) dull character, he(YSY) will never get Shui Ruoshan to understand what he means…

Raw Word Count : 2722


Raw : 内牛满面/nèi niú mǎn miàn – Directly (pinyin wise) translates to ‘Inner Cow Full Noodle’. It has similar pronunciation with lèi liú mǎn miàn/a faceful of tears.

Banana: Guys, I get it. I know that some of you people don’t like how long SRS rambles. But it’s not my fault ah ah ah ah… If I delete all those nonsense, you will only get a short paragraph, like a summary _(;3/

Chapter 107 – Testing

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Yin Suye!”

Shui Ruoshan subconsciously opened his mouth and whispered in a low voice.
Lifting up his foot, he obviously looked like he wanted to fly over to that someone’s side, but Shui Ruoshan stopped on his track at the next moment.

He actually became timid to face the heavily-injured Yin Suye?! Because he is afraid of the fact that Yin Suye has become a cold body[1]!

1. dead/corpse

Logically speaking, he clearly knows that Yin Suye will never die here, but emotionally, he can’t help but worry.

It’s really contradictory and frustrating ah!

Seemed to have heard Shui Ruoshan’s voice. Yin Suye slightly lifted his head, and the eyes that were closed just now slowly opened….
Their gaze seemed to have connected in the air.

“Who is there?”

The cell guard in-charge of carrying out the trials in the cell has already aware that something is wrong when he saw the iron door was opened; immediately became alert. The cell guard’s skills could be considered quite good, so his reaction is naturally faster. Opening the prison door just a little bit, the cell guard disregarded whether there is anyone behind him, and took out a whip; snapping it behind the door…

“Be careful!”

After Fox subconsciously dodged backwards, he suddenly remembered that Shui Ruoshan might stand at the iron door of the prison, and hurriedly reminded him. Mainly because Shui Ruoshan has used an incantation to hid himself, Fox doesn’t know where is him, so he has no way to help right away. Even so, Fox immediately rushed to the front, ready to block the cell guard’s attack…

However, someone’s action is much faster than Fox’s reaction!

He only saw Yin Suye, who had been firmly tied to the iron frame, grabbed the chain binding him. Then, with a bit of force, he pulled the entire chain off the iron frame. After that, using the chain as a whip, Yin Suye whipped it towards the cell guard…

The chain made a beautiful arc in the air, and instantly tied the cell guard’s hand that is holding the whip! Yin Suye pulled the chain with the force. He flung the cell guard out of the cell then slammed him heavily on the ground, making a loud BANG. The cell guard fell to the ground, unconscious. This rescue mission could be said have ended neatly under Yin Suye’s few moves.

“Fox, take him away.”

Now that he has ripped off the chain from his right hand, Yin Suye pulled out the rest of the chains binding his body. Next, he came down from the iron frame and walked over to Shui Ruoshan.


To be able to become the head of the secret guards, it was not because his strength is the highest, but because he has the best ‘eyesight’[2]. As soon as he heard the order, Fox knew that the cell guard is still useful. That’s why his Master didn’t kill the cell guard. Hence, he is instructed to look after this heavily injured and unconscious cell guard.

2. Tact/the ability to make discerning judgments

“Yin Suye, are you alright?”

From earlier on, Shui Ruoshan seemed to have put all his attention on Yin Suye’s body, and felt nothing to everything that happened around him; he just stood there looking at Yin Suye. Until Yin Suye came over and stood in front of him, Shui Ruoshan then came back to his senses. He immediately removed the incantation from his body and revealed himself.

Although the thing happened just now seemed dangerous, Shui Ruoshan really didn’t put it in his eyes. Not to mention that the cell guard can’t see him at all, but just blindly attacking him and not necessarily will hit him, he is no longer the noob in the past who has no self-protection ability. Right now, he has a lot of defensive and offensive tools, so there is no need for him to fear a small cell guard. The reason why Shui Ruoshan forgot to react was because of how Yin Suye reacted at that moment.

Who could think that the Yin Suye who looked half-dead would suddenly have such a big outbreak? Not only he finished off the cell guard, he also managed to shock him(SRS) speechless! Only, at the next second after he confirmed that Yin Suye is really alright, Shui Ruoshan inevitably felt a little angry. All of a sudden he realised that he has been worrying for Yin Suye for nothing?! In other words, he wasted his sadness this whole while?!

“En, right now I have something to talk with you alone.” Yin Suye’s words sounded like a reply to Shui Ruoshan’s question, but actually should be an order for Fox.

As soon as he heard the word ‘alone’, Fox immediately knew that his presence right there is absolutely hindering his Master’s exchange of feelings with Shui Ruoshan, so he took the unconscious cell guard with him and walked out of the cell. Upon leaving the cell, Fox even turned around and kindly helped them to close the door.

“What do you want to say to me?”

As soon as he thought of the fact that Yin Suye deliberately sent the other person away and left him in this jail room with various instruments of torture, Shui Ruoshan subconsciously shivered; sensing a somewhat bad premonition. This kind of place in the dungeon is easy to make people have bad thoughts!

“Why are you here?” Yin Suye stepped forward and asked very seriously.

“I naturally come because I’m worried about you.” Shui Ruoshan, who was originally prepared to angrily interrogate someone, suddenly became timid after being questioned by Yin Suye. He could only choose to answer his(YSY) question first.

Shui Ruoshan felt very despaired now. Towards this matter of Fate Substitution, he should be the one to get angry! But as soon as he sees Yin Suye’s bloody state, he gets so much heartache that he had no time to get angry! It was not easy for him to wait until he confirmed that Yin Suye’s situation is not as bad as he imagined. He should have enough leverage to blame the other person for not cherishing his own body. As a result, he didn’t manage to ask anything as Yin Suye took the first step to question him. So frustrating! The most helpless thing was that he has gotten very accustomed to this situation between them two; the habit has became natural.

Understanding this makes him want to buy a piece of tofu then kill himself with it[3]! In summary, Yin Suye is the nemesis of his life, no one else but him!

3. By smashing it against his forehead like one do with a brick :v

“And I also brought a lot of good things, it is very helpful to your situation now!” At the same time, Shui Ruoshan didn’t forget to brag to Yin Suye.

“Actually, I am very glad that you came to me!”

As he said, Yin Suye did not care about his injuries, he reached out and held the person tightly in his arms. When he embraced this familiar warm body again, a hint of nostalgia and satisfaction flashed in Yin Suye’s eyes. The most difficult thing to endure during these 48 days was not the physical torture, but the fact that he cannot see his little guy!

“Don’t think just by coaxing me a bit, I will forget what you have done to me!”

Considering Yin Suye’s injury, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t mind that his clothes will be stained by the other person’s blood, and tolerantly let himself to be hugged. However, this does not mean that he will not settle the accounts after this.

“Not only you seek death by initiating the Fate Substitution, you even dared to knock me unconscious. If you can’t give me a satisfactory answer, be careful I’ll…”

Shui Ruoshan mumbled ‘I’ll…’ for a long time, but couldn’t think of anything that can be used to threaten Yin Suye. In the end, Shui Ruoshan hmph-ed twice to express his dissatisfaction, thereby leaving a space for infinite guessing.

“I did that on purpose.”

Looking at the little guy trying to make a fierce expression with no real anger in it, but in his eyes were worries about him, Yin Suye thinks he might take this chance to explain everything to the little guy. All of this was within his plan.

“What do you mean?” Shui Ruoshan blinked in confusion.

He was interrogating him(YSY) just now, how did the topic suddenly turned to another twist by Yin Suye?

“I am using myself to test you.” In order to achieve his ultimate goal, Yin Suye planned the calculations without hesitation, taking advantage of all the resources he can use!

“You were testing me?” Shui Ruoshan’s brow wrinkled slightly.

He did not feel dissatisfied because Yin Suye said he was testing him, but didn’t understand what kind of testing would worthy of Yin Suye using his own life to take the risk.

“Yes, I want to really feel your presence here!”

As he said that, Yin Suye tightened his hold on Shui Ruoshan, making him feel like this person in his arms is real and solid. He knew that Shui Ruoshan transmigrated over to this world, and it was precisely this reason that he always felt a sense of gap between Shui Ruoshan and this world. Or he could say, Shui Ruoshan this person, has never really integrated into the continent (Mowu Dalu)!

“I have always been by your side!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye is being totally unreasonable. As soon as he transmigrated over, he met Yin Suye right away. Then the two had been living together, and haven’t separated from each other that much. They are already as close to each other as possible! If Yin Suye still say that he could not feel his(SRS) existence, then he really don’t know what he meant to exist.

“Your heart is not here.”

Looking at Shui Ruoshan’s expression, Yin Suye knew that the little guy thought it wrongly. But this time he will not give the little guy any chance to escape. Since the little guy has already transmigrated into this continent, he(SRS) should forget about everything in his previous world and live in this world with a new identity! In order for this little guy to understand this reality, he schemed so much; just for this moment.


Shui Ruoshan opened his mouth, wanting to refute it but he couldn’t say anything. Although he didn’t want to admit it, there was a voice in his heart that kept telling him that Yin Suye was right. He had nothing to say!

Raw Word Count : 2973

#WTFIsShuiRuoxi ?!
#WTFIsDuanSuye ?!

Chapter 106 – The brutal reality

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Yin Suye is really being held here?”

Shui Ruoshan followed behind Fox, carefully avoiding the dungeon guards while using his spiritual power to voice questions to Fox. It was really because they have been turning round and round in the dungeon for a long time, and he don’t see Fox having the intention to stop walking. Coupled with the unreliable impression that Fox had left on him before, he can’t help to ask out worriedly. He was afraid in the case that they get busy here for half the day, only to find that they have gone the wrong direction, then it would be really funny!

Shui Ruoshan was able to keep talking random stuff in the midst of a heavily guarded dungeon absolutely because he depended on the fact that other people couldn’t find out of his existence; that’s why he dared to be so unscrupulous. Because he used the word ‘隐'(Hide) on himself, so if he doesn’t cancel the power of the incantation, others will never see him. Actually when he was writing the word ‘Hide’, he found out that his writing skill is higher than he thought. He could totally write Chinese characters below 20 strokes, which means that his scope no longer be restricted to 1 word but can write a phrase instead. This way, when he becomes more powerful in the future, he can use idioms or even sentences to achieve a more powerful effect.


Although Fox was very dissatisfied with other people’s doubts, but he doesn’t dare to make too many actions in the dungeon, so he could just nodded lightly. Unlike Shui Ruoshan who is using incantation to cheat, Fox can only rely on his professional secret guard’s skills to avoid the guards in the dungeon. Although he can’t see Shui Ruoshan right now, but through the words that keep entering his mind, he knows that Shui Ruoshan is following behind him.

He thought back of the time when they departed, Shui Ruoshan suddenly strongly ordered him to look for a variety of things. There were a variety of medicines, and a wide variety of small items. There were also valuable treasures, and weapons with huge destructive power…

He remember that Shui Ruoshan only gave him a sentence, ‘These things can help Yin Suye’. Fox then dispatched the secret guards to prepare these things in a very short time, though he cannot see how these items are any helpful.

The reason why the things they prepared were not completed was because some special items are not so easy to obtain, and they do not have that much time to prepare, so they can only set off first. One need to know, if the first 48 days are still within the limits that humans can bear, then the punishment of the last day is the most testing one on human, and the deadliest of all the punishments. This is one of the reasons why Fox agreed so easily to Shui Ruoshan’s request to break into the dungeon to visit his Master. Even if they can’t directly ‘jailbreak’ him out, at least they can secretly help his Master a bit, increasing his survival rate in the final trial of Fate Substitution.

“We have reached.”

Fox took Shui Ruoshan and went passed by one cell after another, then after multiple turns, he walked through a very narrow dark passage, then finally stopped in front of a cell in the innermost position of the dungeon. According to what the other secret guards told him, his Master should be accepting punishment here in the dungeon at this time.


Shui Ruoshan stopped as soon as he heard it. Looking at this big iron gate firmly locked in front of him, he didn’t know why he suddenly felt very nervous. He seemed to be afraid to see Yin Suye in his miserable state, and yet very worried about Yin Suye’s current situation. In short, his mood is very complicated!

“Can you open the door?” Shui Ruoshan took a deep breath and asked Fox.

Because not only the big iron gate has no windows, even the gaps were tightly closed. So Shui Ruoshan can’t see the inside of the cell from outside the door, nor hear any sounds. This made Shui Ruoshan’s originally uneasy heart become more anxious.

“Yes, just that…”

Even though the lock on the door is complicated, Fox has confidence that he could open it but he is more worried about what might happen after opening the lock. They couldn’t find out what is the situation in the dungeon, as he only knew that his Master was locked up here. That’s why he didn’t know that they won’t be able to see the inside of the cell from outside. If he knew about this earlier, he would never bring Shui Ruoshan along to take risks here. If there is someone else in the cell, and he opens the door in such a way, they will be discovered by other people very soon. To him and Shui Ruoshan, or his Master, it’s a very unfavorable thing! So he can’t act rashly!

“Open it!” Shui Ruoshan knew what Fox’s concerns were but since he has already arrived here, they have no reason to give up. And even if they are discovered, it doesn’t matter because he has a way to deal with it. As an author, he knows that the last day of Fate Substitution is the hardest. The reason why Yin Suye in the novel will have such serious consequences after enduring the Fate Substitution, basically came from both physical and mental abuse during the last day’s trial. Now that he has the opportunity to stop it, he naturally cannot watch Yin Suye suffer abuse! Even if he can’t convince Yin Suye to stop Fate Substitution, then at the very least he should tell Yin Suye how to counter it so that he can suffer lesser!


Seeing Shui Ruoshan’s determined gaze, Fox finally compromised because he was worried of his Master as well. As he replies, Fox took a professional tool bag out and started working on the iron door of the dungeon…

“It’s opened.” After a while, Fox unlocked the iron door. He turned around to Shui Ruoshan to ask what he should do next.

“Open it right away!”

Shui Ruoshan took a deep breath to calm his nerves a bit, then walked a few steps forward, reaching out and pushed the iron door…

Just as the door was slightly pushed open, Shui Ruoshan stood stupidly on the same spot like he was cursed. In his heart and his eyes, there were only the Yin Suye who was firmly bounded by a strong chain to the iron frame, who has his eyes closed; life or death unknown! At this moment, all of Shui Ruoshan’s psychological preparations have completely collapsed! He can’t believe his eyes!

Right now, Yin Suye doesn’t have any unmarred spot on his body. He was dyed into a ‘humanoid blood figure’ by his own blood, and his flesh were lacerated so horribly! His body was full of all kinds of injuries caused by various penal tools. The new wounds were still flowing with bright red blood. The old wounds have already scabbed, his bones can be seen from deep serious wounds, and the long wounds could be seen running through his whole body… …

Shui Ruoshan couldn’t described anymore of this, and he doesn’t know how to describe it too!
Right now, he hated Yin Suye. He hated Yin Suye for stubbornly initiating Fate Substitution even when knowing he(YSY) will face such a thing! He originally thought because Yin Suye was reborn, he should have s trump card. For him to insist on starting the Fate Substitution, he must be prepared not to get injured or something like that. As the result, ain’t Yin Suye not prepared for anything?! Is he(YSY) trying to pit himself to death?!

Actually, Shui Ruoshan felt that he hated himself even more. Why did he have to arrange such a cruel content to blacken the villain? The scene he saw in front of him right now was exactly the same scene he set in his novel! This makes it clear that this story didn’t change anything just because he transmigrated! And here he thought as the creator of this world, everything in this world should be within his hands. But reality after all, is not a story! It won’t change just because he wanted to change something!

At the beginning, he didn’t panic from being transmigrated due to the fact he was the one who wrote [The Strongest King in History]. He felt that this world is created by him so there is nothing to be afraid of! After that, even after he met Yin Suye and changed the trajectory of his(YSY) fate to a certain extent, him had the illusion that everything in the world is still in his hand, the author. As long as he wills it, he can change everything with his knowledge of this world and let the world work according to his intention.

But now, reality has given him a heavy blow! It completely woke him up from his previous delusions! From the moment he transmigrated, this world is no longer the same [The Strongest King in History] written by him, but a world that really exists! He is not a creator at all, but a ‘soy sauce’ buying person[1] in a parallel world without a chance to play a part.

1. passerby , ask me in the comment area if you don’t understand what is this

Therefore, no matter how hard he wanted to change, he could only change some minor details in the story! The general plot of story continues unswervingly according to the original route! It was as if he can’t stop Yin Suye from starting the Fate Substitution either way! At this moment, Shui Ruoshan can’t escape from facing this cruel reality!

Raw Word Count : 2753


Chapter 105 – You managed to persuade me

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“48 days.” Fox patiently repeated the answer again.


At this moment, Shui Ruoshan could no longer continue to deceive himself the fact that he woke up on the 48th day. As soon as he thought of it, his previous highest sleeping record was 20 hours. Comparing with this powerful experience of sleeping for 48 days, he has instantly completed the ultimate evolution from a human to a God; the level of a sleeping God!

Is it really okay for him to ‘to find joy in sorrows’ right now? Shouldn’t he sigh at this moment that Yin Suye is indeed Yin Suye, that he planned too well no matter what he does? Even the days for him to stay unconscious was calculated so accurately! When he wakes up, what has happened has already happened, and it is too late for him to stop it!

Wait until he sees Yin Suye, he must educate him well. Since he(YSY) has already ‘fainted’ him, why not just add a bit more medicine and let him sleep for one more day, which is just after forty-nine days? Ain’t it better for him to wake up at the moment when the Fate Substitution is completed? The more he thinks about it, the more he felt angry ah!

“Take me to see Yin Suye.”

Shui Ruoshan commanded Fox who is still blocking the door without any pleasantries. He has now a bellyful of anger with no place to vent, naturally he has to go to the culprit to interrogate him! Although he was very dissatisfied with Yin Suye making decisions all by himself, but in his heart he is still very worried of Yin Suye’s situation. The only thing that makes him glad is that Yin Suye will never die even if he initiated the Fate Substitution, but he(SRS) doesn’t know how much injuries he(YSY) will suffer this time.

Furthermore, Shui Ruoshan did not forget that Wang Batian was eyeing Yin Suye(for the method). With this thought, he gets even more worried about Yin Suye’s safety.

“It’s no use going right now,” Fox said realistically, “and the Fate Substitution will end in one more day. You just have to wait here for Master to return.” After a moment of thought, Fox couldn’t help but added a few more words.

When he was performing his duties in the dark, he knew how much Shui Ruoshan opposed to his Master regarding Fate Substitution. If he lets Shui Ruoshan runs out to stop him(YSY), then wouldn’t his Master’s 48 days of suffering become wasted? Therefore, in order to prevent his master’s efforts from being destroyed by Shui Ruoshan, it is necessary for him to prevent someone from going to add more chaos. They just need to stay in the shadows and wait for his Master’s good news..

“You seem to have made a mistake. I was ordering you, not discussing with you!”

Obviously, facing other people, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have the same patience he has towards Yin Suye. And he is not in a good mood now, so he diverted all his anger to Fox.

His eyes were slightly squinted, as if there were endless frost, and his whole body exudes an otherworldly unreachable aloofness, so cold that people want to kneel and lick him[1]. This was the first time Shui Ruoshan managed to show his true coldness in the parallel world. It can be said that the reason why Shui Ruoshan can always maintain the appearance of his cold male god image on the Earth, was because of his natural cold temperament. And his perfect appearance right now enhanced this temperament even further.

1. Raw – 高冷到让人想要跪舔 . Banana – Wut? 0.0

“My mission is just to protect you!” Fox subconsciously shifted his eyes and loudly scolded Shui Ruoshan for being ‘devilish’ in his heart.

Actually he always knew that Shui Ruoshan is very good-looking, but he never felt as much pressure as he did now. The other party seems to have the deepest eyes in this world, his phoenix eyes were lightly raised up. Like limpid autumn waters reflecting cold starlight, like the clouds flowing in the sky. Like an ice peak that would not melt, or the unmelting snow at the bottom of the cliff all year round…

The words ‘ice’ and ‘snow’ seem to be specially made for this man in front of him; snow as the skin and ice as bone. His stray hair flew (from being blew by the wind), and he was clothed in white. This added two more points to his cold aloofness. There were no other extra ornaments on his body, other than a piece of ruby dangling from his forehead; distant and dazzling.

Fox felt that if he had not taken care of him for 48 days before, and had already built up some resistance to someone’s peerless appearance, he might need to flee in a sorry state right now. Such an appearance, he(SRS) would be invincible if he uses honey trap. It is a pity that with his Master’s concern towards Shui Ruoshan, he(YSY) will not agree with his suggestion. What a pity!

“So you just have follow behind me!” Shui Ruoshan waved at Fox, indicating that he(F) could move away from the door; he wants to go out.


For a moment, Fox couldn’t put together this person in front of him who emitted a faint elegant aura like a celestial being, and the child who ‘sells meng’ that he had seen before beside his Master! The gap was too big! If Fox could live in the 21st century, then he will know a one word called ‘zhuang-bi'(show-off), and another word called ‘jingfen'(schizophrenia)[2]!

2. Banana – Holy crap, what with these online slang _(;3/ *crying in Spanish* Raw at the bottom

It is used to describe Shui Ruoshan, whose ‘outside appearance and inner reality differ’, someone who likes to pretend. Although the shock Shui Ruoshan gave him was quite a lot, almost overwriting Fox’s previous impressions of him, but Fox didn’t move even a bit, still stubbornly guarding the door.

“Don’t tell me Yin Suye asked you to protect me with imprisonment?”

Shui Ruoshan is now feeling indecisive whether he should talk reasonably with Fox, or straightforwardly make a move against Fox? It’s hard to decide ah!

“No,” Fox honestly replied. It’s just that he felt that it is safest to leave Shui Ruoshan in the shadows.

“Then just do what I said!”

Seeing Fox not moving as he wished, Shui Ruoshan changed his spiritual power into a pressure, and released it onto Fox…
Since they couldn’t come to an agreement, then let’s talk with strength! Let Fox know clearly that if he(SRS) really wants to leave, he(F) can’t stop him. Just that don’t see how Shui Ruoshan say those words with full confidence, he actually doesn’t have not much confidence in his heart. Because he used to watch Yin Suye in the battle, and saw that he(YSY) liked to release spiritual pressure to suppress other people. So Shui Ruoshan also had a certain understanding towards pressure release.

To put it bluntly, releasing pressure is a way to make use of spiritual power. Although Shui Ruoshan’s actual combat ability is very weak, his mental strength happened to be the aspect he is good at. And as his body grown bigger, his spiritual power instantly increased by multiple folds.
If he can only write words in six strokes previously, then the him right now can at least write words with twelve strokes, which means the type of spells he can use has become a lot more. It could be said that to some extent, he no longer can be limited by the number of strokes.

However, it is undeniable that in terms of releasing pressures, he is still a newbie. He can’t guarantee that nothing will go wrong when releasing the pressure, so he can only keep doing it through practicing and improving. Fortunately, his face can hold his expressions well and his cold aloof image is kind of deceptive, so people can’t see his shortcomings.

In an instant, Fox only felt an endless pressure pushing against him…

Fox did not counterattack, but took a passive defense. Not only because of his Master’s command but he also wanted to see how is the strength of this demon who his Master placed in his heart! At first, Fox could still be able to move freely under the pressure, but with the subsequent wave of fierce pressure, he gradually felt a certain pressure…
Until the moment he became completely suppressed by the pressure, he seemed to be able to see his Master standing in front of him, unfolding his ruthless crushing pressure!

“Alright then, you managed to persuade me!” Fox raised his hands and tactfully expressed that he is willing to give in.

At this moment, Fox doesn’t know that Shui Ruoshan’s pressure actually came from mimicking Yin Suye. That’s why he(SRS) give him a familiar feeling, instead of his(SRS) strength reaching the same level with Yin Suye.

“But let me say it first, I can bring you to see Master. But if Master wants to put down the blame, you must bear all the responsibilities!”

For the sake of his happy life in the future, Fox felt that it is necessary for him to lay down the terms first with Shui Ruoshan.

“Alright.” Shui Ruoshan agreed without hesitation towards Fox’s request.

Not only he is not afraid of Yin Suye at all, he is also prepared to look for ‘someone’ to settle the debt right now! So, in order for Fox to assist his ‘work’ even better, it’s a piece of cake for him to take responsibility for Fox!

“Let’s go!”

With that satisfactory answer, Fox immediately opened the door and couldn’t wait to take Shui Ruoshan to find his Master. He won’t tell Shui Ruoshan that he was actually worried of his master’s safety as well. It was due to his Master’s orders that he had to stay in the shadow to protect Shui Ruoshan. But now that Shui Ruoshan offered to take him to see his Master, he naturally won’t disagree. Hence, after confirming that Shui Ruoshan has a certain degree of ability to protect himself, he quickly agreed to Shui Ruoshan’s proposal.


Shui Ruoshan glanced at Fox, who looked more anxious than he was. That makes him wondered if this person has forgotten to take his medicine in the morning, that’s why he acted unhinged? Sure enough, he really don’t understand all those weird things in this parallel world!

Raw Word Count : 2786


Banana: Raw – 如果Fox在二十一世纪生活过的话,那一定知道一个词叫装13,还有一个词叫精分!