Chapter 134 – You are wrong

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“What is the reason?”

The high ranked officials have made up their minds, so they are waiting Shui Ruoshan to experience what it means by ‘lifting a rock to hit his own feet’ as well!

“Since this is a drafting ceremony, shouldn’t the chosen one be the best and most extraordinary person?”

Shui Ruoshan does not care how everyone is scheming against him in their mind, because he doesn’t need their approval at all.

“Naturally!” Everyone answered with confidence.

Although this drafting ceremony is a power game between them, it does not mean that they will cut corners when selecting their candidates. After all, they do expect these male and female candidates to charm the Supreme King, and then get more benefits for them. So the people they choose will be either the most attractive, most talented, or most alluring…

“Looks like you lot are very confident about this?” Shui Ruoshan had a very surprised expression on his face, but was extremely disdainful in his heart. However, he still needs to say some perfunctory words.

“Of course we are confident.” In order to gain more benefits, they have been picking the candidates very carefully and selected one person from each type of beauties in the Capital.

“So you guys do know that the Supreme King deserved only the best person!”

This time Shui Ruoshan did not immediately refute them, but instead followed up to their words.

Shui Ruoshan usually calls Yin Suye’s name in front of others, but sometimes when he felt like it, he will call his nickname Xiao Yeye. However, when discussing serious business with other people, he will still tactfully address Yin Suye properly.

“Yes, the Supreme King definitely deserved the best!”

The crowd nodded and agreed with Shui Ruoshan’s words. The Supreme King is the leader of their race, and naturally should enjoy the best!

“So you really think that these candidates here are the best?” Shui Ruoshan pointed at the candidates and directed the topic to them.

“They all have their own areas of expertise, and they are also the best in every field!”

In this regard, those high ranked officials were also very confident. Among these candidates, some of them are the best in terms of appearance, some of them are the best in singing and dancing, some of them are the best in painting and calligraphy, and some are the best in terms of cultivation strength…

“Do you really understand what is ‘the best’?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that it‘s very hard to face a group of opponents whose IQ levels were not up to par to his IQ. Because when the opponent couldn’t even grasp the concept of their argument, he as the opposing party still has to help correcting them first. This is too tiring!

No wonder when he was writing [The Strongest King in History], readers would leave messages saying that many of the supporting roles in his novel were usually quite clever, but when they met the protagonist, their IQ suddenly fell more than one level, then the protagonist defeats and conquers his enemies very easily with the advantage of his higher IQ, which is unreasonable…
But he thinks it is really reasonable! It’s not that the supporting role’s IQ suddenly decreased, but they don’t have much to start with, so you can’t blame the protagonist for crushing everyone with his IQ! And now he seems to be facing a group of small supporting characters whose IQ is obviously below the normal level, so he felt no pressure at all when bullying them!

He remembers someone once said that because the characters in the story were created by the author, the author’s IQ would never be higher than the IQ of any character in the novel, because no one has the ability to create a character higher than his own IQ! So the author’s IQ is actually the biggest golden finger he gotten upon transmigrated into this continent?! Very obviously, Shui Ruoshan has completely forgotten that he was owned by Yin Suye[1].

1. Kinda hard to explain it clearly, it means YSY is very clever and has fooled SRS more than once

“If one excels a bit more than others, he or she can only be called excellent. As the best, one should stand out from all sides! It can be said that the best, to a certain extent is equal to perfection!”

Shui Ruoshan ranted in his heart but didn’t forget to explain to them the definition of ‘the best’.

“So do you think the so-called perfect person really exist?”

Although they kind of agreed with Shui Ruoshan, it does not mean that they will actually be tricked. It is precisely because there is no so-called perfection in the world that they need to use quantity to overcome quality. And if they really listened to Shui Ruoshan’s definition and only choose the best one, then won’t it be they indirectly admitted that it is meaningless to hold a drafting ceremony2? Fortunately, they were able to respond quickly, or else they would have fallen for the demon’s tricks!

“Of course there is, your King is the most perfect person in the world!”

Shui Ruoshan looked at the crowd breathing a sigh of relief, but still looked at him like an enemy, he felt a bit funny. He hasn’t done anything yet, alright? These people have already started panicking and treating him like an enemy, really now! However, when he said that Yin Suye is perfect, he was not simply saying a compliment to block their mouth, but when he wrote the novel, he set their characteristics in accordance to the principle where the protagonist is omnipotent and the villain is perfection. Therefore, Yin Suye is an absolutely perfect specimen of a male god!


If agreeing with Shui Ruoshan’s words doesn’t involve canceling the drafting ceremony, they will definitely follow his words and flattered the new Supreme King to increase their impression in front of the Supreme King. But at this moment, they really can’t ‘give up the immediate interests in order to achieve another kind of interest’. They can only remain silent.

“Do you agree or not?” Seeing that no one speaks, Shui Ruoshan was dissatisfied. With such obvious facts in front of them, they still couldn’t give the answer, are they blind or what?


Compared to the previous question whether to try cancelling the event or not, this current question is really not giving them any chance to retreat!

“Shui Ruoshan, you are wrong!”

Yin Suye didn’t expect that the little guy’s evaluation of him would be so high. Although he was very happy that the little guy was interested in him, it’s still necessary to correct his misunderstanding. So, Yin Suye held Shui Ruoshan tightly in his arms.

“En?” Although he has become accustomed to Yin Suye’s intimate moves, this time he was suddenly held in front of so many people so Shui Ruoshan still felt a little embarrassed. But after thinking about it, the reason why he came here is to tell those who want to make a move on Yin Suye that Yin Suye is his! Therefore, the more intimate they are in front of people, the more convincing it is. So, Shui Ruoshan happily let Yin Suye hold him, deliberately made himself looked very dependent on Yin Suye.

If he cannot overwhelm people with his momentum, he would want to at least make these people die from jealousy!

“Because the most perfect person is you!” Yin Suye said.


All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan don’t know how to take this. Is it really alright for them to praise each other back and forth? Especially when everyone around them were stunned speechless from their praises!


The high ranked officials stayed silent because they don’t know how to refute the part where Shui Ruoshan is the most perfect person without offending the Supreme King. Because if it was not done properly, they will be detained for scorning the Supreme King! When they first heard the Supreme King telling Shui Ruoshan that he(SRS) was wrong, they were full of hope. Thinking that although the Supreme King spoils Shui Ruoshan, he(YSY) still stood on their side, because otherwise the Supreme King would not correct Shui Ruoshan in front of them. But when they heard what the Supreme King said next, they realized they were wrong and it was a big mistake!

If they knew that Shui Ruoshan has such a high position in the Supreme King’s heart, they will definitely agree with Shui Ruoshan’s words that the Supreme King is the most perfect person, so that they can avoid hearing such despairing words from the Supreme King! At the very least, the drafting ceremony would still has the possibility of going on. After all, the drafting ceremony is organized to choose the best person for the Supreme King; they can’t let the Supreme King take care of himself instead.

But if they agreed that Shui Ruoshan is the most perfect person, then their drafting ceremony will be forced to end. Who told them to agree with Shui Ruoshan’s definition for the best people! They really regretted it! Especially through that short sentence from the Supreme King, they understand that nothing can match Shui Ruoshan’s perfection, not even the Supreme King himself! How can they refute? How can they argue with reason? There is no chance of winning at all!


Raw Word Count : 2802


Chapter 133 – Meaningless thing

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Say, would that be too much if I ask Yin Suye to cancel the drafting ceremony now?”

Shui Ruoshan casually asked. His relaxed tone was like a normal sentence, but his eyes shone with sharp light gave people a strong pressure.

“You dare!”

No one would treat Shui Ruoshan’s words as a joke. It’s because they understood the seriousness in Shui Ruoshan’s words that everyone became even more angry. They have invested so much manpower and material resources onto this drafting ceremony, how can they allow others to come and make trouble just when they are about to harvest the result!

“Why not?” Shui Ruoshan raised his head, his action was arrogant and rude.

“Since I can allow Yin Suye hold a drafting ceremony, I naturally dare to ask him to cancel it!”

Right now, he is doubting whether these people have gotten their head caught by the door. Otherwise, why did they think he would approve the drafting ceremony without any hidden agenda? Does he looked like someone so unselfish who would give Yin Suye up? Particularly when he is still being regarded as a big bad guy in the Imperial City. The humans must have been blinded by their rights and lived entirely in the self-righteous world they built themselves, that’s why they are so stupid! No wonder the original protagonist, Huang Beichen can control the the humans so easily, that is because their power is too weak!

“Shui Ruoshan, you are taking yourself too seriously! Do you think that just because the Supreme King indulged you once, he will do it again?”

Reminded by Shui Ruoshan, these people finally remembered that the Supreme King was originally opposing the drafting ceremony, but later in order to give face for Shui Ruoshan, he reluctantly agreed. If Shui Ruoshan suddenly opposes it, will the Supreme King change his mind? With this in mind, the high ranked officials became somewhat unstable in their heart, but on the surface they still looked very confident.

“Want to try?” Shui Ruoshan didn’t seem to put their bluff in his eyes, and there was a satirical curve on his mouth.

“…” These people were immediately stunned speechless by Shui Ruoshan’s question.

At this moment, whether they answered to try or not, it is still a very unfavorable choice for them! If they said yes, if the results are exactly the opposite of their expectations, they will never have a chance to repent! But if they said no, it will be obviously hitting their own faces. Like they argued so confidently earlier, but doesn’t dare to try them. Isn’t it just telling other people that they are completely untrustworthy before this?! They looked at each other and hoped that the others can come up with a countermeasure. At the same time, they also raised their vigilance against Shui Ruoshan. They felt that this demon is really as sinister and dangerous as rumored, so they had to guard against him!

“If you can’t make up your mind, I don’t mind helping you make a choice?”

Shui Ruoshan’s words seemed to be a friendly inquiry, but he can’t covered the thick taunting tone in his voice. He doesn’t want to leave any faces to these people, so when he talks, he definitely knows how to make it hurt.

“Try it then, who is afraid of who!” They clenched their teeth while informing Shui Ruoshan their decision.

Shui Ruoshan has already pushed them to such degree. If they don’t fight back, it is no longer a matter of shame, but their dignity. And they don’t believe that the Supreme King will really go along with Shui Ruoshan’s plan! One need to know that once they decided on the drafting ceremony, they have already told the entire world. So this is not something even the Supreme King can cancel as he wished! Rather than saying they are gambling on this matter, it’s more like they believed in their judgment and experience.

“Since you want to try, then I will fulfill your wish!” Shui Ruoshan replied, very happy that these people couldn’t wait to jump into the trap he has already prepared.

Then, Shui Ruoshan turned to Fox, “Go and call Yin Suye.”

Just that not waiting for Fox to do anything, Yin Suye’s cold voice can already be heard.

“No need.” Yin Suye walked right out of a dark corner towards Shui Ruoshan.

“I knew you would choose to follow me secretly!” Shui Ruoshan looked at Yin Suye and said with certainty.

In fact, when Yin Suye was given the choice to either stay back and wait for news or follow behind him secretly, Shui Ruoshan had an instinct that Yin Suye would definitely choice to follow. Turns out that he still knows Yin Suye very well.

“En.” When Yin Suye knew that the little guy is going to the drafting ceremony, he was afraid that he will not be the opponent of those wolf-like high ranked officials, so he got Fox to protect him with the personal guards.

Due to the strict requirement the little guy gave him, Yin Suye did not accompany him, but hid in the darkness to secretly accompany him. Until right now when the little guy needed him to cooperate, he took the chance to step out.

“Yin Suye, I suddenly felt that the drafting ceremony is meaningless, so how about we just cancel it?”

In front of everyone, Shui Ruoshan deliberately threw a charming wink at Yin Suye when he said that. At the same time, he humph-ed in his heart. Since everyone keeps saying that he seduced Yin Suye with his beauty, then he will show them now, and realized the rumor for them. If those who deliberately discredited him knew that not only he was not distressed by those rumor, but began to make it happen, what kind of interesting expressions will they reveal? Sometimes, he also liked to make evil joke!

“Then just cancel it!” Yin Suye didn’t hesitate and agreed to it.

Since the little guy wants to play, he naturally will play along. Not to mention that he has never refused his(SRS) request, even if he(YSY) originally wanted to disagree, he will still compromise without any principle under his(SRS) charming wink attack.

“Heard that? Your Supreme King has agreed to cancel the drafting ceremony!”

Once he has gotten the answer he wants, Shui Ruoshan stopped winking and put on an arrogant expression. He has successfully acted out how a villain should be, right to the V! Shui Ruoshan silently gave his acting skills 32 likes! He didn’t wasted his time watching all those soap dramas in his own world, letting him know the right thing to do at the right time in order to trigger people! Angering people couldn’t be any easier!

“Emperor, you mustn’t!”

When the high ranked officials knew that the Supreme King is standing on Shui Ruoshan’s side, they realized that the situation is not good, so they immediately began to advise Yin Suye while the matter is still salvageable.

“Emperor, you must not be charmed by the demon and make an irrational decision!”

At the same time, they also secretly regretted it in their heart. Why did they just have to go against the demon Shui Ruoshan? And they are suffering the consequences now!

“Emperor, you are the Supreme King of the humans. You should lead by example, and you can’t break your words!”

At this time, they did not have the opportunity to regret, and can only find ways to recover their current disadvantage.


They did not want the drafting ceremony to fall short at the last minute, so they went forward and hoped to change the Supreme King’s idea.

“Shut up!”

It was clear that Yin Suye has no patience for them and shut them up with an unquestionable tone. In order to make sure everyone keeps their mouth closed, Yin Suye also released his pressure when he gave the order.

“Yin Suye, although our decision is correct, we shouldn’t use a rough way to force others to compromise.”

Although it’s nice to see those people looking like they ate sh*t and immobile under Yin Suye’s pressure, but Shui Ruoshan felt that it’s necessary to go over the perfunctory gestures. He wanted to use the image of a broad minded white lotus to retaliate against everyone.


Yin Suye took back his pressure and didn’t look at their ugly face. Instead, he turned to look at the little guy, waiting for his plan.

“We are civilized people. At this moment, we should use facts to support the truth, so that everyone in this room can understand that it is really meaningless to hold a drafting ceremony!”

Shui Ruoshan was happy with Yin Suye’s cooperation and stated his plan.

“I’ll listen to your plan.” After Yin Suye finished speaking, he took a small step back and gave the limelight back to Shui Ruoshan.

“Do you want to know what is the reason I judged the drafting ceremony is a meaningless thing?”

If it wasn’t he afraid that he might instantly over-stimulated those people, Shui Ruoshan would like to add one more sentence; ‘beg me if you want to know’! But for the sake of his plan, he still held back.

“What is the reason?” They asked.

At the same time, they made up their minds in mind, that no matter what kind of reason the demon took out to convince them, they would not buy it!


Raw Word Count : 2859


Banana: Guys, if you ‘retranslated’ from my translation to put in Wattpad, which is still in English, we don’t call that ‘retranslation’. We call that an edit and it was uncalled for. If you want to show off your editing skill, please apply to be an editor in NUF. Your kind is pretty much most sought over species. Don’t fight over this novel’s meagre views with me. What’s the point?


Chapter 132 – Here to tear down the stage

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Drafting ceremony is such a lively event, why you didn’t ask me to participate?”

Shui Ruoshan took Fox and the personal guards with him, sashaying into the venue where the final round of the drafting ceremony was held. His scornful tone and arrogant behavior, is completely channelling the behavior of a second generation bastard who relies on force to bully others.

In the Imperial City, he waited several days for those people in charge to work their asses for the drafting ceremony, and waited until the finalists were determined. Then, not waiting for anyone to come to inform him, he took the initiative to visit. Before he set off, he specifically told Yin Suye not to come with him, even if he(YSY) wanted to follow, he must not be found by others. Because if Yin Suye already appeared at the beginning, he afraid that the good play behind will not be able to show. After all, no matter how those people get blinded by greed, they don’t have that big of a courage to do anything excessive in front of the current Supreme King, Yin Suye. So in order to make them reveal their hidden dirty side, Yin Suye is not allowed to appear in front of them. As for whether Yin Suye didn’t come or secretly hiding in the dark, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t care. Even without Yin Suye’s help, he can completely settle this himself with his current ability anyway. Moreover, he has suffered so much grief by the human during this period. If he does not release his anger on these culprit, how can he be worthy of himself?

“Who allowed you to come here?”

One of the people in charge immediately stood up and began to pick on Shui Ruoshan’s fault. In order to ensure a smooth progress of the drafting ceremony, not only no one is allowed to come in during this period, they are not allowed to go out either.

“Yin Suye.” Shui Ruoshan didn’t plan to finish this person right away so he naturally gave a good answer.

“Do you have any proof?”

That person was almost struck speechless by Shui Ruoshan’s answer, but soon thought of his next response. They think that since Shui Ruoshan dares to use the Supreme King’s name to pressure them, they also can doubt his words.

“Isn’t this person behind me the best proof?” Shui Ruoshan leaned sideways, allowing everyone to clearly see who was standing behind him.

Fox is now the captain of the Supreme King personal guard, which means that Fox kind of represents Yin Suye’s will to a certain extent. And for Shui Ruoshan to be able to move Yin Suye’s trusted aide, it also indirectly proved his status.

“Are you doubting Daren’s words?”

Understanding what Shui Ruoshan meant, Fox took a step forward; his body was full of force. Obviously, he did not believe that the other party would stop deliberately finding fault with just Shui Ruoshan’s words, so in order not to waste too much time on this insignificant topic, he had to stand up and speak for Shui Ruoshan. He does not dare to bully Shui Ruoshan anymore, but this does not mean that he can’t bully others, especially those who dare to give Shui Ruoshan troubles. He hoped that his master will see how motivated he was in helping Shui Ruoshan, and forgive his past rude behavior against Shui Ruoshan. He is properly calling Shui Ruoshan as Daren now!

“No.” The people in charge took a look at Fox and the personal guards, and wisely compromised, didn’t continue to hold onto the issue. They don’t have to offend Fox, this new Captain just to win an argument with Shui Ruoshan.

“Good then.” Seeing everyone has understood, Fox immediately returned to Shui Ruoshan and continued to play his role as a good subordinate.

“So, why are you here?” The first person failed to exert his influence, so the second one immediately stepped forward to continue harassing Shui Ruoshan.

“Naturally to check the situation on behalf of Yin Suye, and look at the people you have chosen, whether they are worthy of Yin Suye or not!”

Shui Ruoshan replied very naturally, as if it is really his main purpose. But he actually came to ‘tear down their stage’[1].

1. Not literally, SRS means to come and make trouble

“No need for you to bother, who knows whether a demon’s aesthetic is the same as our human’s!” The other party simply refused Shui Ruoshan’s seemingly friendly proposal without even considering it.

“You can rest assured that my aesthetic is definitely better than everyone else in here!”

The corner of Shui Ruoshan’s mouth curved into a satirical arc, and spat out a sharp remark.

“At the very least, I can’t bear to look at these’ pickled dates’[2] that you have chosen!”

2. ugly / repulsive

With this, Shui Ruoshan included everyone in the room in his scolding. Shui Ruoshan originally thought that those people would invest good money in this in order to get onto Yin Suye’s good side. But not sure if it’s because the drafting ceremony was held in such a short notice, or because those higher ups did not do their best, the result was those chosen male and female candidates were very plain that they cannot be brought out to the public[3] at all. All those immortal beauties, mesmerizing being that can topple a city, that he imagined…cannot be seen at all! This caused Shui Ruoshan, who thought he would encounter a strong love rival, to feel really disappointed! Don’t say that these male and female candidates can’t compare with Yin Suye, they can’t even with his(SRS) beauty. It’s totally incomparable!

3. This doesn’t mean that they are ugly, just that people usually display their best people and these people are not the best


“What qualifications do a demon like you have to make such arrogant remarks here?”

Instantly, everyone couldn’t contain themselves anymore, and they couldn’t cover the hatred in their tone.

“Don’t think that having the Supreme King’s love can let you intervene in our affairs!”

They thought since the Supreme King is not there anyway, they don’t have to give face to this demon who can’t see the reality clearly. Naturally, they vented all the dissatisfaction from their heart onto Shui Ruoshan.

“That’s right, a demon being so arrogant in front of us. If you are not careful, you won’t even how how you die!” Some people even used threats.


Those high ranked officials who usually plotted against each other became unified and harmonious when facing off Shui Ruoshan. One word here and there, they voiced out various dissatisfaction they had with Shui Ruoshan. In their eyes, the drafting ceremony is a battle for their benefits, so how can they allow others to intervene? Especially when this person is someone they guarded against, they became more vigilant. One need to know, in order to ensure smooth progress of the drafting ceremony, they have not informed the Supreme King to participate, just went ahead trying to pull a ‘act first, report later’. Now a little demon actually came at the last critical moment to create trouble, how can they endure this?!

“Don’t you think acting like a shrew quarrelling on a street is detrimental to your image as a high ranked official?” Shui Ruoshan unhurriedly asked.

Originally, he thought if Yin Suye really killed those officials, the human race will definitely be chaotic and the roots would be shaken. That’s why he tried to constrain Yin Suye’s behavior and endure so much inexplicable hatred from them. But at this moment, Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt that he has been enduring in vain. These people have no qualities and they could not help Yin Suye at all, they might even ‘drag Yin Suye’s hind legs’[4].

4. hold him back

‘Not afraid of Godlike opponents, but afraid of piglike teammates’! These short-sighted officials were not qualified to be Yin Suye’s teammates, so he don’t have to continue to be polite to them. He must have a brain cramp at the beginning, that’s why he would do something unthinkable like this! If God gives him another chance to return, he will loudly say to Yin Suye, ‘please feel free to deal with them!’ Unfortunately, there’s no ‘if I had known earlier’ in the world, thus he has to endure their yapping here!

At this moment, should he ‘lock the door now and release Yin Suye out’[5]?

5. The original sentence should be ‘lock the door, release the dog’ which means chasing away unwanted visitors

“You are too much!”

These officials who were usually highly sought-after obviously unable to stand being told over by Shui Ruoshan. Their new Supreme King doesn’t care for their flattering and good intentions. After all, Yin Suye has the strength to do so, that they have to behave themselves. But now a ‘bed-warmer’ demon dares to act big in front of them, how can they endure?! Particular when they suffered the Supreme King’s anger countless times because of this matter regarding demons, so they pushed all the faults onto Shui Ruoshan. This is why they became increasingly hostile towards Shui Ruoshan.

“Is this too much? In fact, I can still do even more!”

Shui Ruoshan blinked innocently at the accusations. So far, he seems to have only said a few words, and nothing has been done yet? So, where part did he do too much?

So Shui Ruoshan supported his chin with his hand, deliberately showing a look of deep thought, but actually he was thinking about what he had done. At the same time, he thought of what he should do later.

“Say, would that be too much if I ask Yin Suye to cancel the drafting ceremony now?”


Raw Word Count : 2787


Chapter 131 – Believe in myself

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Has the drafting ceremony started?” Shui Ruoshan turned to ask Fox.

“It has already begun.” Fox replied truthfully.

“They are really courageous. The drafting ceremony has already started, and yet they didn’t inform me and Yin Suye to participate?”

Rather than feeling angry with those who acted on their own, Shui Ruoshan is more to being confused. One need to know, those people originally used all kinds of means to convince Yin Suye to agree with this drafting ceremony that right after Yin Suye agreed, it only took them a short five days to transport all the pre-selected young girls and boys from all over the country to gather in the Capital, like they are afraid of Yin Suye regretting it afterwards. But now, the hard-earned drafting ceremony has started. If they just want to ignore him(SRS), Shui Ruoshan still can understand that. But those people didn’t even send people to inform Yin Suye to participate, it seems to be a bit confusing!

Could it be people from different worlds think very differently?

“They said that there are too many people participating in the drafting ceremony, and Master does not have so much time to see them one by one, so they decided to hold a preliminary round and eliminate some unqualified candidates. After a group of relatively good talents are left, they will come over to invite Master to do the final assessment.” Fox immediately replied with the news he heard.

Voluntarily helping to screen the drafting ceremony’s candidates, nicely said would be the subordinates want to share the responsibility with Master. But bluntly speaking, this is just a game between the people in the upper ranks, all the powerful people wanted to send their people to Master; looking forward to getting more benefits. So, before the drafting ceremony even begin, the powerful people in the Capital have already begun to act arrogantly. The current drafting ceremony is undoubtedly a way to speed up the battle between these people. They naturally wanted to leave as much as possible of their own people when Master need to made a choice at the final round, at the same time exclude as many people as possible from the other powers’ camp. This is why they suddenly decided to hold the preliminary round of the drafting ceremony.


Shui Ruoshan nodded to show that he understood. Since this is a drafting ceremony, shouldn’t only the best people attend? So how could they say that there are too many people? Why the need for preliminary round? Who will believe this lie ah? People from parallel world should just learn from beauty pageants on Earth. Simply make it a national event, where anyone can sign up as long as they wanted to participate, then filter them out, no need for preliminary test[1]. Perhaps this unique drafting ceremony might get popular in the continent like it did on Earth. This idea is really great, a’ight?!

1. At this point, Banana felt like the author is trying to bluff a paragraph out without any logic :v #IAmSoConfused

“Shui, daren.”

Originally, Fox wanted to call Shui Ruoshan by his name, but instantly felt a cold gaze from his Master from behind, and immediately changed his words. Has his master pampered Shui Ruoshan to the point of no principle? It was just a matter of address, and his master already acted like this. If he(YSY) knew all the disrespectful things he has done to Shui Ruoshan previously, will he still alive then? Should he sigh that it was fortunate that Shui Ruoshan is not someone who likes to complain about other’s action to Yin Suye? That’s why his current situation is still very safe!

Just by thinking about it, he felt so sad!

“Are we just going to let those people become more and more unscrupulous?”

No matter how nice those people phrased their actions, it cannot hide their filthy desire deep in the bottom of their heart. Fox knew that even if he complains about it to his Master, his master will not bother looking at this matter at all, so he can only seek help from an ally, Shui Ruoshan.

“Yes.” Shui Ruoshan nodded, clearly telling Fox that his intent to stay down for the time being.

“We will just endure those people’s provocative behavior in acting over Master’s authority?”

Although Fox knows that Shui Ruoshan should have a plan in his mind, he has no good feelings towards those who dare to scheme at his Master, if possible, he really wanted to give them a heavy beating. Unfortunately, without Master’s order, he doesn’t dare to act indiscriminately. He only could shift to next plan, that is to use Shui Ruoshan to take action. He knew that as long as Shui Ruoshan agrees, his Master will definitely support all decisions unconditionally.

“It’s too early to start, just let those people stay proud for a longer while!” Shui Ruoshan held a finger and waved at Fox.

“Don’t you think it’s interesting to watch those people fight for more powers?”

Although he didn’t have much interest in those ‘palace fights’, he doesn’t mind watching a live version that is free.


“And when those people finally managed to get rid of their opponents and felt that they can realize their dreams, we come out to give them a fatal blow. Don’t you feel that this has more impact?”

Shui Ruoshan never see himself to be a good person. To those who are hostile to him, he will not be soft when he retaliates. Apart from that, Yin Suye is now his people under him, those people so blatantly wanted to ‘steal his man’, isn’t it obvious that they are trying to go against him? Is he still a true man if he doesn’t know to counterattack?

The reason why he didn’t counterattack immediately was because he felt that the time has yet to come. If he takes action, it has to be a fatal blow! He wants to let those people think that when they have reached Heaven, he’ll let them return to Hell again. This big gap would be more exciting!

“Good idea!”

Actually, Fox wanted to bend his own waist and make a pointing gesture, while saying ‘You are so bad’ right now!

Unfortunately, because his master is here, he doesn’t dare to use those kind of teasing actions at Shui Ruoshan so he can only straighten his waist, and seriously praised him.
He is such a serious person!

“My ideas are naturally good ideas!” Shui Ruoshan unceremoniously accepted Fox’s praise.

“Don’t you afraid at that time, Master really took a liking to one of them and you fall out of favor?”

In his heart, Fox looked down at Shui Ruoshan’s narcissism and began to question Shui Ruoshan. However, he does worries for Shui Ruoshan. After all, his master’s concern towards Shui Ruoshan was really unbelievable to him.

“Not afraid!”

Shui Ruoshan firmly replied. He knows Yin Suye, that from [The Strongest King in History], Yin Suye only cares for Huo Ruyan and Huang Beichen before he was blackened. The Yin Suye after blackening has a heart harder than iron, no one can’t walk into it at all. So, the fact that Yin Suye will took a liking to another person is simply amazing! In fact, sometimes even Shui Ruoshan felt incredible, that Yin Suye, who was blackened to no return would actually like him.

“I am very glad that you believe in me that much.”

When Yin Suye heard Fox’s question overstepping his boundaries, he wanted to harshly rebuke him but upon hearing the little guy’s firm answer, his mood became better. He took a step forward and habitually hold the little guy in his arms.

“Not you, I believed in myself!” Shui Ruoshan believes in his own judgment and eyesight.

At the same time, he did not object to Yin Suye’s intimate actions. Although he has grown up now, and it is not very good to be held by Yin Suye like this, but he has already gotten used to it.

“I believe in you too.”

Yin Suye faintly whispered in Shui Ruoshan’s ear. He believed in the little guy’s choice to choose him, which also means in believing in himself.

“That’s better!”

Feeling the warm breath on his ear, Shui Ruoshan could feel his ears were slightly hot. However, towards Yin Suye’s declaration, he still felt it is nice to hear. In fact, after Yin Suye signed the co-death contract with him, he believed completely in everything Yin Suye says.


“Daren, when the time comes to punish those people, please tell me if there are anything you need. I am very good in getting revenge!”

Seeing his master and Shui Ruoshan flirting with each other again, single dog Fox felt like he is going to be blinded by the flash. However, no matter what, Fox still displayed a serious business expression on his face to show that he didn’t see anything.

“Alright, now I need you to pay attention to the situation of the drafting ceremony, and then report to me at any time.” Shui Ruoshan has gotten more and more used to instructing people to do errands.

“I have sent Rabbit 77 to check out the drafting ceremony.” Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to instruct this, Fox has already done the necessary.

“If that’s the case, you may retreat[2]!” Shui Ruoshan waved his hand, indicating that Fox could leave.

2. SRS is using the keyword that only the Emperor uses when letting his people to retreat/leave

Using people and making them leave afterwards, Shui Ruoshan has no psychological pressure at all. After all, being so intimately held by Yin Suye in front of outsiders, he still felt a little shy!

“Yes.” Fox answered while clenching his teeth.

If it wasn’t because Master is here, he will definitely fight with Shui Ruoshan for 300 rounds[3] to express his strong dissatisfaction towards Shui Ruoshan. Unfortunately, his master is watching him so he doesn’t dare to move! In the end, Fox can only helplessly choose to ‘retreat’.

3. must be a slang/meme that Banana didn’t catch, probably like Vegeta’s ‘over 5000’ meme :v



Seeing the little guy showing a satisfied expression after bullying his subordinates, Yin Suye felt that even his own mood has become a little better.

“Yes, but if you are willing to coax me a bit more, I believe I will be more happy.”

Sure enough, his happiness is built on the suffering of others. At this moment, Shui Ruoshan has a deep understanding of this sentence. Whenever he has a bad mood in the future, maybe he can consider bullying Yin Suye’s men, or Yin Suye? This is a very good idea, he has to give himself a thirty-two praises!

“How do you want me to coax you?” He knows how to kill people, but coaxing people? Yin Suye don’t think he can do it.

“You would do anything I said?” Shui Ruoshan’s eyes turned.

He is seriously thinking about any major event that might be vital to him. Perhaps he can use this chance to obtain more benefits?

“For example…?”

Yin Suye looked at the little guy who obviously looked like he has a mischievous idea, with a slight warning in his eyes.

“I was just joking, can you not be so serious?!”

Shui Ruoshan spineless-ly crumbled under Yin Suye’s pressure. He just wanted to do a mischief. Why is it so difficult? At the same time, he kept comforting himself in his heart, that it’s because his family Xiao Yeye doesn’t have any humor bone in his, and does not understand his cold humor!


It’s his coaxing skill is too horrible, that he(YSY) can’t make him happy!


Raw Word Count : 3398


Banana: 30+ more chapters and we gonna reach the end~! (0w0)/
Anyone likes to read about futuristic world and space battles?

Chapter 130 – My people

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Because those people were here to persuade Master to hold a ‘drafting’[1] ceremony!”

1. For those who has forgotten what is this, it’s a concubine selection ceremony

As soon as Fox finished telling the news, he wished he could immediately disappear from his master’s sight. However, his Master didn’t tell him to leave so he doesn’t dare. He could only stand there, suffering his Master’s icy gaze and Shui Ruoshan’s questioning eyes. Why is he still living so bitterly even after switching from being the leader of the secret guards to the captain of the Supreme King’s personal guard? Fox thinks that his master is too ignorant of his subordinate’s good intentions, that’s why he didn’t care of the reminder. One need to know, that whenever he report things to his Master, he would report everything even if Shui Ruoshan was there, because he knew that his Master would never hide anything from Shui Ruoshan.

This time, he did not say it out right away, but deliberately expressed his intention to avoid mentioning it in front of Shui Ruoshan. He hoped that his Master could understand the meaning from his abnormal behavior and privately summon him later, so that they can secretly solve the drafting issue without Shui Ruoshan’s knowledge. As a result, his master placed all of his attention on Shui Ruoshan, too lazy to even give him a glance. Instead, Shui Ruoshan was the first to notice that something is wrong, which can be said as a sad story.

To be honest, after Master was enthroned, things like persuading Master to leave Shui Ruoshan or hold a drafting ceremony have happened many times. He was able to intercept most of them with his authority. Even if some people managed to see Master, all of them have given up after being rejected by Master. It’s just that he didn’t expect that those people being quiet was not because they gave up but was preparing for a bigger conspiracy. That’s why they gathered more people this time and wanted to put a pressure on Master. Facing this big crowd, he couldn’t stop it alone, so he has to come over to inform his Master.

“Drafting ceremony?!”

Shui Ruoshan suddenly widened his eyes and revealed a disbelief expression. From retreating from Weiyi’s pressure, to spreading all kinds of bad rumors regarding him, and then to the current drafting ceremony, those people are really trying their best to get rid of him from Yin Suye’s side; their methods are really endless! Shui Ruoshan understood it very clearly the fact that his bad rumors could spread so quickly, other than his identity as a demon, the reason was because everyone felt that he has bad intentions for occupying Yin Suye’s time! Are those people being too naive now?

One must know that he and Yin Suye have signed a co-death contract in front of everyone, which means that there are no rooms for other people between them! So, even if a drafting ceremony is held, it is a hopeless activity for the candidates! This is why Shui Ruoshan can maintain his calm and only showing a mildly surprised expression. He was somewhat angry at the beginning that Yin Suye had tricked him into signing a co-death contract, but when something like this happened, he felt that it was fortunate that they signed such an extremely overbearing contract. Yin Suye has quite a good foresight!

“I think the others probably don’t know that the contract we signed was a co-death contract.”

Seeing the little guy’s confusion, Yin Suye explained what probably happened.
That day, he signed the contract with the little guy on the city gate. The crowd was standing quite some distance away from them. Then he didn’t speak louder when he talked to the little guy, so everyone only knew that they signed a contract but didn’t know what kind of contract. That’s why those people would dare to have ideas!

“So how are you going to deal with this?”

Shui Ruoshan looked up at Yin Suye with a faint mischief in his eyes. He understands the reason why everyone will try to hit on Yin Suye. That is Yin Suye is really perfect. He is young, strong, has power in his hands, cool and awesome…
However, in everyone’s eyes, such a diamond bachelor[2] was dominated by a demon, so any normal people will have ideas! He understands this but he is still somewhat unhappy, so naturally he will release his anger on Yin Suye. Who ask Yin Suye to attract so many butterflies! Especially after Yin Suye confessed to him and they started the relationship, adding to the fact that Yin Suye tricked him into a marriage, it’s impossible if he(SRS) doesn’t mind this!

2. highly eligible bachelor/desirable male partner

“Get them to give up completely!”

When Yin Suye said this, his entire body exuded a strong chill of killing intent. If it wasn’t for him afraid that killing indiscriminately will cause the little guy’s reputation to become even worse, he(YSY) will definitely smash those people who plotted to get the little guy away from him to pieces! His original plan was to settle the rumors first, then give the little guy a stable environment, before going back to clean up those people, but he did not expect those people to be so eager that they couldn’t wait. If those people are so stubborn, then he does not mind killing them. At most, the clean up work later on would be a bit more troublesome! But looking at how the little guy shows his emotions and how much he cared to him(YSY), Yin Suye will consider giving those people an easier death.

“Then I will go with you to see those people who wanted you to start a drafting ceremony!”

Shui Ruoshan said, indicated to Fox to lead the way. He has already been tied to Yin Suye, he naturally won’t allow Yin Suye to accept anything, whether Yin Suye is willing or forced!


Looking at the little guy being angry, Yin Suye’s mouth slightly turned up and made a pleasant arc. Little guy is feeling jealous? So cute!


“Your Highness, you are finally here?!”

The people in the hall saw Yin Suye’s arrival and immediately greeted him with respect. At the same time, not sure if they did it intentionally or not, they ignored the Shui Ruoshan who was standing beside Yin Suye.

Yin Suye didn’t pay any attention to their actions. He led Shui Ruoshan to sit together with him on the main seat in the main hall.

Sitting with Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan didn’t feel awkward at all, instead he looked at the people with great interest. If other people are rude to him, then he doesn’t have to be polite to them. He doesn’t know many people in the Imperial City, but all the ones he knew were basically here, such as Yin Ming, the Yin family, and the Huo family. It can be seen that the people with quite some power in the Capital are concentrated here. No wonder Fox can’t stop them.

“Your Highness, everyone here jointly requested you to hold a drafting ceremony.”

Everyone seemed to have gotten used to Yin Suye’s reticent personality. Seeing that he didn’t speak, a representative came forward and announced their request. Although they can’t bear seeing the demon acting so arrogantly in front of them due to being favored by the Supreme King, they don’t dare to show it out openly. Because previously, whenever someone tried persuading the Supreme King to leave the demon or send him away, none of them succeeded. And those who persuaded Supreme King, in the following days some will inexplicably disappeared, some will encounter disasters, and some will be convicted for various crimes…
In short, as long as one mentioned something bad about Shui Ruoshan the demon, then one will not have any good end. Although there weren’t any evidence to prove it was done by the Supreme King, it was too coincidental that people couldn’t help associating him(YSY) with it.
This let them know that the new Supreme King is not a fool. So after that, they stayed quiet for a while, then came up with this idea to attack by the side, and now collectively took action.

“Your Highness, here are the candidates for the drafting ceremony and the information of the young ladies in the city. Requesting Your Highness to look at them.”

The representative straightforwardly and respectfully delivered a book with his hands raised up and handed it over to Yin Suye. As long as anyone in this book can get the favor from the Supreme King, not only they can drive away Shui Ruoshan but also benefit from the favored person. This is why they keep targeting Shui Ruoshan everywhere, because Shui Ruoshan dominating Yin Suye has indirectly blocked their way to riches through the Supreme King’s harem.

It was known that with Wang Batian’s death, the group of people who were loyal to Wang Batian have been sentenced to death by Yin Suye under various crime charges. This means the top positions in the Imperial Capital has a lot of vacancies, and they were aiming for that. Especially after the new Supreme King promoted some of his people, and there were still a lot of vacancies, it caused other people who want to go further to become more active, and then there were all kinds of conspiracies.

“If I say no?” Yin Suye asked, he didn’t even look at the booklet.

“Your Highness, did you forget your duties from being mesmerized by the demon beside you?” When the representative heard the Supreme King’s refusal, he subconsciously rambled all of a sudden.

“You are seeking death!”

The majestic pressure of a Supreme King was released onto the crowd in the hall. Yin Suye’s eyes were filled with bloodthirsty killing intents. These people are really looking for death!

“Wait a minute!” Seeing Yin Suye’s tendency to burst out, Shui Ruoshan hurriedly pulled at Yin Suye.

Although he also disliked these people who keep going against him, he can’t let Yin Suye kill everyone here, or else the entire Capital will soon be paralyzed.

“Don’t worry.”

Yin Suye obviously knows what the little guy is afraid of, but he became the Supreme King just so that he could protect the little guy even better, not to let the little guy be wronged. He previously thought that those people will behave after his warning, but he did not expect them to keep going, truly seeking their own death! Anyway, he has done even crazier things in his past life, so he can still do the same in this life. This time, there won’t be any problems.

“I didn’t worry!”

It’s just that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want Yin Suye to go on being anti-human, anti-society, and anti-world like what he wrote in the story. This is why he still stays with Yin Suye and advised Yin Suye not to kill people indiscriminately, letting him endure even though he was being discriminated by the human race. He didn’t know if what he did was good or bad, but he hoped that these minor changes could change Yin Suye’s fate.

Previously, Yin Suye did followed what Shui Ruoshan wanted, so the efficiency when dealing with the rumors was slow. But now these people have obviously touched his bottom line, which was why Yin Suye does not want to restrain himself anymore.

“Don’t they just want you to hold a drafting ceremony? Then we will hold a drafting ceremony!” Shui Ruoshan comforted Yin Suye like it didn’t matter.

“No one can threaten us!” Yin Suye is clearly not a person who can easily compromise.

“Not because of their coercion, but because I want to take this opportunity to see who is trying to hit on my people?” Shui Ruoshan signaled to Yin Suye that he has his own plan.

It’s just a drafting ceremony. As long as Yin Suye doesn’t choose anyone, the drafting ceremony has no meaning at all, so there’s no need to be nervous. And he can also take the opportunity to let everyone know that Yin Suye belonged to him, no one can take him away, let them be jealous! Shui Ruoshan decided to go all out, his reputation among the human has been bad enough anyway so he doesn’t mind adding one more bad thing in his name! At that time, he will let the people know how stupid it is to hit on him and Yin Suye!


Yin Suye relaxed after seeing that the little guy obviously wanted to be mischievous; as long as the little guy doesn’t hate him because of this matter! Since the little guy wants to play, he will let him play to his heart’s content! He will support the little guy in every way, even if he(SRS) wants to collapse the sky, he still has the ability to hold the sky up. But just now, he thought he heard the little guy saying he(YSY) is his(SRS) people. This is the first time Shui Ruoshan admitted his existence! Yin Suye felt that he likes to hear the little guy saying “my people” to him.


Raw Word Count : 3653


Chapter 129 – Irresponsible

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Shui Ruoshan sat in the study room, bored and flipping through a book, while looking up from time to time to see Yin Suye who was seriously reviewing the memorials. Many people said that ‘a man looked the most handsome when working hard’. Shui Ruoshan kind of approved this sentence. However, he thinks that the most important thing is that Yin Suye simply good-looking, so no matter what he does, it will make people feel pleasing to see. Especially the Yin Suye who was enthroned as the Supreme King, he naturally brought out the domineering superiority of a King, making people feeling pleased and yet their sight cannot stay away from him. Although Shui Ruoshan doesn’t think that he himself is a beauty-con[1], it does not mean that he does not like to look at pretty things. As for the fact that his appearance is more enchanting than Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan decided to just forget about it.

1. lolicon, shotacon, bro-con, sis-con … get it?

“What are you looking at?”

Sensing Shui Ruoshan’s gaze, Yin Suye puts down the memorial in his hand and jokingly asked Shui Ruoshan. Very obvious, Shui Ruoshan’s peeking has been completely seen by Yin Suye.

“Looking at you…”

Seemed to be aware of the bad intention in Yin Suye’s tone, Shui Ruoshan immediately countered back without showing weakness. So he deliberately stopped his words halfway, trying to create a misunderstanding.

“En?” The moment he saw the little guy’s proud look, Yin Suye knew that he must be acting naughty again, so he(YSY) matched Shui Ruoshan’s words as he(SRS) wanted .

“… looking at you being irresponsible!”

Shui Ruoshan completed the sentence with a serious tone. However, he was not really talking nonsense, because he really felt that Yin Suye is currently acting quite incompetently as the Supreme King.

For example, at the recent enthronement ceremony. After they signed the co-death contract, Yin Suye omitted the grand finishing of the ceremony, leaving behind a sentence ‘The ceremony is now completed’ before flying away from the high platform on the city gate, and carried him directly into the Imperial City. The ceremonial officials and the guards were left behind, speechless in this tragic scene. Shui Ruoshan can totally imagine those people feeling depressed right there. They probably have yet to recover from the shock of their Supreme King signing a co-death contract with a demon, before being immediately caught off guard by Yin Suye’s sudden decision. So when they managed to react, Yin Suye has already taken him away, and if anyone wanted to oppose the decision, no one will be there to listen.

At that time, he was worried for Yin Suye because he felt that Yin Suye has just barely stepped into the throne. So while his position is still unstable, it was somewhat irrational for him to take such a willful action. Even if Yin Suye used the legend of ‘Double King Phenomena’ to add weight to himself, letting everyone think that he is destined to be the new Supreme King, this does not mean that everyone will agree with Yin Suye, a Supreme King who randomly appeared out of nowhere. As it turned out, his fear was completely unnecessary! Yin Suye didn’t receive any criticism at all, but he(SRS) was ‘hit while lying down’[2] instead.

2. gotten implicated when you did nothing to deserve it

Not only the folks didn’t circulate any rumors that were unfavorable to Yin Suye, they also blew up Yin Suye’s cool and arrogant image during when he ascended the throne. The rumors became more and more exaggerated until there are no greater hero than Yin Suye under the vast sky!
When he heard the contents of those rumors, Shui Ruoshan could not believe that the ‘righteous person who punishes evil’ that everyone was talking about would be Yin Suye, a villain who had been blackened to no cure.

The ‘evil’ here mainly refers to Wang Batian and his people who harmed innocent people. Those with great imagination even managed to justify Yin Suye’s behaviour towards the Yin and Huo family when he has just returned to the Imperial Capital. At that moment, Shui Ruoshan had to admit that Yin Suye had shaped his positive image very successfully. He felt very happy at this part but if the people could just stop labelling him as the demon who befuddled the Supreme King, he would feel even happier.

Because everyone was actually pushing Yin Suye’s fault onto him.

For example, the half-baked enthronement ceremony. Everyone thought that he(SRS) has achieved his goal[3] and didn’t want to stay back to continue (the ceremony), so he said to Yin Suye that he was tired and want Yin Suye to carry him back and whatnots…

3. to hug the golden thigh of the King, probably

For example, the rumor that he is very pampered and arrogant. That he will use only the best, eat only the best, live only the best… if there are even a tiny flaw, he will throw tantrums and whatnot…

For example, the rumor that because he was favoured by the Supreme King, he will always order people around, often blaming ‘this’, accusing ‘that’…

Anymore will just give him tears ah! Actually he really felt very ‘injusticed’, a’ight?! Even if he transmigrated into a demon, one should not be so racist! To think that he as a good young man, now became a little bewitching spirit in their mouth. It can’t be any more heart-breaking! Is there a limit in this parallel world?

If you want to spread a rumor, please create one a bit reliable. Don’t push all the bad things Yin Suye did onto his head. No one will be happy to bear ‘a black pot’[4] for no reason, just like him carrying the black pot on Yin Suye’s behalf. But the only comfort was that Yin Suye and the secret guards were on his side. Even when the rumor has just started, Yin Suye wanted to take a strong measure to ‘kill these rumors in the cradle’[5], but he stopped Yin Suye from doing so. His reputation is already not good. If Yin Suye disregard everything and issued a ban, he can imagine everyone will stop saying it but he(SRS) is not sure how these people will curse him in their heart! After all, things like rumors can’t be stopped, the more you try to stop it, the more powerful it will become!

4. shoulder the blame
5. nip trouble in the bud/preventing trouble from growing

Therefore, though Shui Ruoshan would feel uncomfortable for a while, he decided to stay away; ‘what remains unseen is deemed to be clean’[6]. So he did not go out, nor inquired anyone about the rumors, and quietly stayed in the Imperial City. But no matter where he goes, someone will look at him with various emotions like curiosity, scrutiny, condemnation, guarded defense, dissatisfaction…
In the end, Shui Ruoshan simply stopped strolling in the Imperial City, and followed Yin Suye around to let him(YSY) make up for his(SRS) emotional loss, because he found that as long as he is with Yin Suye, no one dared to talk about his right or wrong, no one dares to look at him with a meaningful look. Although knowing that this is just him deceiving himself, he does not want to go out and suffer from those gazes so he can only stay with Yin Suye for the time being. Hence whatever Yin Suye is doing, he followed the same. This is why he is now accompanying Yin Suye in the study.

6. Idiom, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over

“Bored?” Yin Suye patiently comforted.

Actually, he is very clear on how much humans rejected demons. That’s why he initiated the Fate Substitution for the little guy. But he did not expect that though the people doesn’t dare to do anything to the little guy, they set up various malicious rumors of the little guy. Due to Shui Ruoshan does not allow him to take strong measures, he(YSY) does not dare to make any big movement, and could only privately send some people to secretly arrest those who spread rumors and have them severely punished. Although this did controlled some of the rumors, it cannot be contained. Therefore, he can only inform his men to try not to let the little guy hear any bad rumors, and he(YSY) is prepared to solve this problem slowly in private.

On the other hand, Yin Suye didn’t expect this action would give him an unexpected result, that is the little guy took the initiative to be close to him, to the point that they were inseparable. Although he was very satisfied with the current moment of getting along, he will not let go those who dared to hurt the little guy.

“Still good.” As a stay-home nerd, Shui Ruoshan has a deep understanding of the stay-at-home culture, so staying in the Imperial City these few days was no problem at all.

“How about I take you out for a breather?”

Yin Suye felt a little overwhelmed by the little guy’s behavior but he didn’t know how to help with people’s boredom, he can only ask about it.

“That’s fine too.” Shui Ruoshan put down his book and stood up straight, ready to go out with Yin Suye.

Just before Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye walked out of the door, Fox came over and stopped them.

“Is there something wrong?” Yin Suye coldly looked at Fox, seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with him bothering his time with the little guy.

“Master, there are a lot of people who wanted to see you, but I have stopped them in the main hall.”

Fox has been following Yin Suye when he was a secret guard, so even though Yin Suye is now the Supreme King, he still habitually called Yin Suye as Master. Yin Suye somewhat acknowledged this to distinguish his secret guards from other people.

Now Fox has replaced Weiyi’s position and became the captain of the Supreme King’s personal guard. Actually, when Yin Suye became the King, not only Fox, the other secret guards who were loyal to Yin Suye were also switched from secret guard to personal guard, and began to hold important positions in the Imperial City.

“Why did you stop them?” Not waiting for Yin Suye to answer, Shui Ruoshan asked his question first.

Since there are people who wanted to see Yin Suye, it means those people should have something to report to Yin Suye, but Fox, who has always been very professional, decided to stop them from doing so. This is really unreasonable!

When he heard Shui Ruoshan’s question, Fox didn’t answer it right away. Instead, he hesitated and looked at his Master. He saw that his Master had no objections so Fox steeled himself and replied with a tone of fearless sacrifice.

“Because those people are here to persuade Master to hold a drafting ceremony!”

[Banana : Not sure what you call that in English, the raw is 选秀. It’s the ceremony where young ladies get into the Palace to be picked as royal concubines of various stages]

Raw Word Count : 2944

#TheKingWillMarry ?

Chapter 128 – Sharing life and death together

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Yin Suye held Shui Ruoshan’s hand tightly and led the person a step forward. He grabbed Shui Ruoshan with one hand and slowly raised his other hand. With a slight pressure, all the audience became silent.

“This is Shui Ruoshan, the person of my Fate Substitution.”

Yin Suye loudly announced his relationship with Shui Ruoshan just like that to the crowd..


As the other protagonist of this matter, Shui Ruoshan was not calm at all. One need to know, Yin Suye’s enthronement ceremony is not over yet ah! Now, Yin Suye ignored the incomplete rituals, and forcefully changed the arrangement of the ceremony. Then he(YSY) pushed him out to the limelight and began to talk about the matter regarding Fate Substitution. Isn’t this a bit too messy? Is it really fine to be so direct? He(SRS) is actually not in a hurry! Requesting to stay a bit longer in an inconspicuous place ah, can’t he? Under the eyes of so many people, he will be nervous, a’ight?!

But since Yin Suye has already introduced his existence to the world at this time, for himself and for Yin Suye, he can’t back out now.

“I am Shui Ruoshan, the person from your new Supreme King’s Fate Substitution.”

Shui Ruoshan’s cold voice was neither high or low. He felt that it was fortunate that he has an innate talent to hold the scene and has special facial control skills, so he can display his aloof image anytime anywhere, so easy! From now on, he no longer has to worry about ruining his image when in a crowd!


After Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan said what their part, the quiet crowd immediately exploded into a cacophony of voices under the gate. At this moment, the people who can come to the Imperial City to attend the new King’s enthronement ceremony are basically people from the Imperial Capital and those who lived closer to the Capital. That is to say, this group of people are all well-informed people. Therefore, they naturally know about Yin Suye initiating Fate Substitution just so that a demon can live along with the human race, which later on, was successful. It’s just that they didn’t think that Yin Suye would choose to announce this news to all of the people at such an important moment, the day of his enthronement, to name Shui Ruoshan! Such an unexpected development, instantly hit everyone in a surprise. At the same time, they came to understand one more thing, that is, the demon standing side by side with the new Supreme King has a position higher in Yin Suye’s heart than anyone else can imagine, which is even higher than the glory of a King! What right does a little demon have to make the Supreme King sacrifice like this?

Suddenly, their gaze when looking at Shui Ruoshan became complicated, envious, ambiguous, worried, dissatisfied…
Some at the extreme even complained in their heart, why the one being taken care by the Supreme King is not them? However, no matter how dissatisfied they are, they cannot expressed it out at this moment, especially after the Fate Substitution is a success. They have no position to blame the other for being a demon, because their new Supreme King has used his everything to clean up his(SRS) sins as a demon. Actually, though everyone disapproved of the fact that a demon is standing next to their new Supreme King, they had to admit that the two people on the stage who were equally amazing and dazzling seemed to be exceptionally fitting together, just by standing there. It was as if they should be standing together like this. This made the people who originally wanted to argue about this demon standing stand next to Supreme King very sad because they could not find a reason why they should not be together!



Yin Suye looked coldly at the clamor in the crowd, and there weren’t any changes in his expression. He was very clear that in his past life, after he became the Supreme King, he launched a series of attacks on the demons, which caused the conflict between the two races even more intense. However in this lifetime, he wants to change so that everyone will look at the little guy with a different view. He wants the little guy to stand tall before the people, and be respected by thousands of people. Therefore, though he has always disliked to stand in the limelight, he still agreed to hold such a grand ceremony to officially introduce the little guy at such a solemn moment. He wants everyone to know that this little guy is very important to him, and to be disrespectful to the little guy means to disrespect him.

After confirming that everyone has silent down, Yin Suye announced what he decided to do. His firm tone has a toughness that does not allow anyone to question him.

“I am here to announce that I have signed a soul contract with Shui Ruoshan, and will share both glory and bitterness with him!”

Yin Suye ignored their reactions after hearing this sentence, but turned around and faced Shui Ruoshan. He lets go of the hand he has been holding and gently pointed his finger at Shui Ruoshan’s forehead.

“Shui Ruoshan, I am willing to share my best with you, and die together with you, are you willing to sign a soul contract with me?”

Yin Suye seemed to be asking for Shui Ruoshan’s opinion, but his other hand was pulling his(SRS) hand, directing his(SRS) finger to point at his own forehead.


Looking at the serious and solemn Yin Suye with his back against the light, Shui Ruoshan subconsciously agreed. In the next second, Shui Ruoshan felt his head hurt, like something has been pulled away from his mind, and then transferred to Yin Suye through his fingers…
Next, he could feel something from Yin Suye being transferred to him from Yin Suye’s mind to his…
In an instant, a dazzling golden light burst out and surrounded the two completely…
When the light disappeared, Shui Ruoshan lost a part of his spiritual power, but in place of the missing part, there was a group of light representing Yin Suye’s spiritual power, which means the soul contract has been signed.

“This is for you.”

At the moment the contract was completed, Yin Suye put down his hand from Shui Ruoshan’s forehead and took his hand. Then, he took out a golden delicate token from his body and handed it to Shui Ruoshan.

“What is this?”

Shui Ruoshan took the golden token and inspected it in his hand. The token was engraved with a complex magical enchantment. The four corners of the token were written with the word Fate Substitution. The front side wrote Human Yin Suye, while the back wrote Demon Shui Ruoshan. Such obvious words, it caused Shui Ruoshan to immediately suspect that he might have wrongly thought of something before this?!

“Proof of a successful Fate Substitution.” Yin Suye succinctly stated.

“Then the soul contract we just signed, what with that?”

Yin Suye’s answer instantly let Shui Ruoshan to understand what he thought wrong now. He has been thinking that since Fate Substitution is such a big event, the proof would be very big as well. And now, reality is telling him that the problem has been solved with such a small token, he suddenly felt it was unacceptable. Such a huge difference between imagination and reality! No wonder the protagonist Huang Beichen could still walk freely in the midst of the humans when Yin Suye is still unconscious after he completed his Fate Substitution. Turns out that he has the token! In other words, as long as he has the token to prove his innocence, he can walk freely in the human race as well even if he is a demon. It can’t be more convenient!


If this token can be used as a proof of Fate Substitution, then why did they signed a soul contract just now?! In an instant, Shui Ruoshan had a very bad feeling in his heart.

“Just in case.” Yin Suye explained in all righteousness.


Shui Ruoshan need to explain that the reason why he didn’t think twice about it and stupidly agreed to sign the contract with Yin Suye is definitely not because the sun just now was too beautiful that it enhanced Yin Suye’s appearance even better, that he got tempted by his beauty, and his head became hot, that he agreed with Yin Suye’s proposal. As expected, beauty is a mistake ah!

“Which soul contract did you signed with me?”

Shui Ruoshan now remembers that soul contract is also divided into many types, and the effect is also very different. Due to the initiator of the contract was Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan as the passive recipient was not clear of what kind of contract they signed.

“The contract is Sharing Life and Death.”

Now that Yin Suye has successfully signed the contract with the little guy, he does not worry that the little guy will regret it later upon knowing the truth, so he didn’t hide anything with his answer. After knowing that the little guy is not from this world, he always has a strong sense of crisis, afraid that one day he won’t be able to find him. Because the body that the little guy is using now is not his own, only the soul contract can guarantee that the contract signed with him is with the little guy himself, not a shell. Therefore, he did not discuss with the little guy beforehand, and when he(SRS) was completely unprepared, he(YSY) asked for a soul contract. As it turned out, the little guy never have any precautions against him, and didn’t even know which kind of contract they signed. The co-death contract is the most overbearing contract among all the soul contracts. After the two parties signed it, they would be completely bound together, ‘you live, I’ll live; you die and I’ll die’. This is what it means to share life and death together. The most satisfying thing to Yin Suye was that this contract is the only contract among all contracts that cannot be reversed because of its special effects.


Shui Ruoshan has an urge to press Yin Suye down and beat the Hell out of him, what to do?
Being completely bonded together without reasons, he can’t be more depressed! One must know that in [The Strongest King in History], their contract has another name called the Partner contract. If two people signing the contract don’t trust the other party or have confidence in the other party, they will never sign the contract. After all, they have to share both honor and disgrace together. Especially when the contract is signed, it’s impossible to reverse it for a lifetime. He remembers that he specifically introduced this special domineering contract in the novel because the protagonist Huang Beichen was seriously injured in an adventure. Then, the heroine came forward and signed the Partner… no, the Sharing Life and Death contract with the protagonist without caring for her own life. The contract shares half of the protagonist’s injury with the heroine, which allowed the protagonist to successfully pass a life crisis. After that, the protagonist and the heroine began a great show of flirty love. However, when the person who signed the co-death contract became him and Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan felt that there won’t be any deeper pit than this!

Yin Suye’s action, if did on Earth, is called deceptive wedding act!

The most important thing is if the couple is not satisfied with the marriage on Earth, they can still get divorce. But on the continent [Mowu Dalu], so sorry, both sides have no chance to regret once they signed the contract. In other words, in this lifetime, he can only hang himself on a tree called Yin Suye! He felt very unresigned when he thinks about it ah! Not long ago, he has said yes to Yin Suye to try falling in love. And now, not only they didn’t start going out yet, they skipped the entire thing and became partners. This progress is really too damned fast! This kind of incomprehensible feeling of being cheated into marriage, who can understand? Perhaps, from now on during his time in the continent, other than guarding against theft and fire, he should also start to guard against Yin Suye?


Raw Word Count : 3532


Banana: I’m going to change Friday release to Saturday _(;3/ Not sure why I gets super busy at work during Friday. And July is a busy month at work, so probably will have delays or no release >.< I’ll try my best. Thanks for still reading this~!

Chapter 127 – The only belief

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Xiao Ruo, let’s go?” After Yin Suye is all dressed up, he turned and extended his hand to Shui Ruoshan behind him.

“Alright.” Shui Ruoshan cooperatively placed his hand in Yin Suye’s hand.

Today is the tenth day after Yin Suye woke up, and also the auspicious day he will be crowned as the Supreme King before the eyes of the world. Since he promised to accompany Yin Suye to attend the ceremony, he couldn’t break his promise. And so, he was woken up from bed early in the morning, got dressed up, and then went through all kinds of busy…

He only managed to be released from these when the enthronement ceremony is about to begin. Just that not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to take a breather at this moment, a loud voice sounded immediately outside the door.

“Congratulations to Supreme King!”

When he heard the sound, Yin Suye pulled Shui Ruoshan up, pushed the door and walked outside…

The moment they were out, Shui Ruoshan saw rows of people standing in the doorway. They immediately bowed to them and gave their greeting.

“Long live the Supreme King!”

With the loud voice from the crowd, the entourage that has already waiting by the side immediately stepped in. Walking in front are four girls dressed in white palace dresses with a ‘double flat bun’ hairstyle, walking by twos. The first two took their flower basket and sprinkled the petals while walking. The latter two carried an incense burner and paved a road with decoration flowers. Then soldiers wearing a silver armor and holding a long spear followed neatly behind. When the team was halfway through, Moqi and Ruixue, one black and one white beast ran out first, and then Yin Suye led Shui Ruoshan to follow. Next, neatly marching behind them were also a group soldiers just like the one at the beginning of the entourage.

Just like this, Shui Ruoshan followed Yin Suye and walked all the way from the secret base to the Imperial City under the escort of a large group of people…
Along the way, the dense crowds surrounding them keep looking at the person walking in the middle of the team, the one who is about to become their Supreme King! Just when they arrived at the gate of the Imperial City, Yin Suye took Shui Ruoshan with him and flew into the city…

The people at the scene could smell a fragrant breeze passing by them and saw their new King, who at a moment earlier was still standing in the middle of the team, suddenly carried someone. With just lightly tapping his toes on the petals flying in the air, their new Supreme King flew up to the top of the city gate. That understated and ethereal action let people feel that that move was something he can easily do, instead of needing good strength to make such an effect. Next, they saw the new Supreme King on the high platform at the highest point of the city gate. His long sleeves were slightly extended, his robes looked like water rippled when it fluttered with the wind, and then he slowly turned around…

His supple blond hair was gently tied up high on his head with a golden crown, and golden tassels hung from both sides of the crown. In the sun, that man’s handsome face looked so bright and beautiful that it looked surreal…
The golden royal attire was tightly covering his body, outlining a slender figure. And a golden silk of the same color tied snugly at his perfect waist…
At this moment, everyone could only think that they have seen a legendary god coming down to the world, and all they wanted to do was to lay by a God’s feet forever!

Shui Ruoshan did not expect that Yin Suye would bring him directly to the high platform of the city gate without asking him. However, the moment they reached the high platform, Shui Ruoshan consciously stayed a little distance away from Yin Suye. Today, Yin Suye is the protagonist, he(SRS) can’t grab his limelight, he just want to stand by and watch Yin Suye’s brilliance. He saw Yin Suye walking to the throne with a kingly aura and sat down, then looked down at the people under the gate. Those actions seems to possess a charm that can cause people to be fascinated, making them feel like this world should be placed within his hands! The crowd at this moment were suppressing the excitement in their hearts to prevent them from squealing out, because their King had not spoken yet.

Yin Suye knows very well that Shui Ruoshan might have something to say right now, and didn’t mind Shui Ruoshan standing some distance away from him. Shui Ruoshan can’t escape anyway, so he just put that matter aside now. He slowly got up and steadily walked to the front of the platform, looking down at the crowd below with expressionless eyes.

“I am Yin Suye, and from now on I am officially your new Supreme King!”

Being a King does not mean that he must rule over the entire race himself. The King can also get someone to help them manage the race[1], and let him be the master behind the scenes, and continue to be the pillar of the race. After all, every Supreme King has different personality and abilities. Not everyone is interested in power, and not everyone has management skills. Not everyone has the patience to handle government affairs as well…
However, it is clear that Yin Suye has chosen to announce his enthronement himself as the King and personally control everything in the human race. This is why he held such a grand ceremony to announce the news to the world.

1. like Prime Minister

When Yin Suye’s voice faded, red flags were raised, the drums rumbled, and tens of thousands of people began to scream.

“Supreme King! Supreme King! Supreme King! Supreme King…”

The people repeated the name Supreme King over and over again, because they don’t know what other words they can use apart from the title to express their infinite worship and admiration for the Supreme King. At this point, the sound was deafening, and it seems that the whole world can be shaken with the fierceness. Because in everyone’s heart, the Supreme King is the guide who can lead them to glory, their only belief!

Looking at the burning passion atmosphere in the scene, Shui Ruoshan who was standing on the high platform, his feelings were obviously more profound. He could feel the same honor from seeing everyone supporting Yin Suye. If it wasn’t for him wanting to keep his aloof image, he probably would get infected by the passion, and cheer together with the crowd. Just that when Shui Ruoshan turned to look at Yin Suye, he only see Yin Suye’s eyes were still indifferent, seemed like he was not affected by the passionate emotions from everyone.

His tightly pursed lips did not have a smile, and his eyes carried an icy glare, even his beautiful face was dyed with coldness. He just stood quietly on the high platform, overlooking everyone. In an instant, Shui Ruoshan understood why Yin Suye’s mood was not high at all. Because everyone’s unconditional support and deep emotion of trust was not for Yin Suye as a person, but for the specific position of a Supreme King. It was because the influence from generations of Supreme King has accumulated in everyone, that everyone had a firm belief in the Supreme King, and even transferred such feelings to Yin Suye. Therefore, those people were not cheering for Yin Suye, but at Yin Suye who is the Supreme King! At this point Shui Ruoshan can understand, and he believes that Yin Suye understands this even more, especially Yin Suye has already experienced being a Supreme King before this.

“No matter what other people think, I chose to stand by your side because of ‘Yin Suye’!”

Shui Ruoshan sensed a low mood from Yin Suye, so he took a few steps and stood next to Yin Suye. Then he reached out and held Yin Suye’s hand on both sides, comforting him by his own method. In his past life, Yin Suye fell to his end from rebellions and betrayals, but in this world, he stood next to Yin Suye, and he has the confidence to let Yin Suye avoid the tragedy from his past life. After all, his transmigration and Yin Suye’s reincarnation were unpredictable from the novel [The Strongest King in History]. One need to know, Yin Suye has became the Supreme King a full 10 years ahead of time!

What is the concept of 10 years? That is when the protagonist is still trying to upgrade himself and beating up monsters, Yin Suye the villain has already cultivated his own strength to the max level! Any people will know what kind of advantage this gap between the two represents! Therefore, he believes that Yin Suye could quickly expand his own strength with this advantage, and let everyone gradually regard Yin Suye as their only belief! Because Yin Suye is really a very attractive, very very attractive person! At the very least, this author has been completely charmed by Yin Suye to a certain extent!


Yin Suye tightly gripped Shui Ruoshan’s hand back and turned to look straight at Shui Ruoshan, as if he could look into his heart and engrave himself in it…

At this moment, looking at Yin Suye staring at him with his back against the light, Shui Ruoshan could only feel his mouth was a little thirsty, his tongue was a little dry, and his heartbeats were somewhat uncontrollable…

There is a kind of person in this world, that when he looks at you, it will make you feel like you are his world! Therefore, very bewitching!


Raw Word Count : 2796


Chapter 126 – Too easy

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Shui Ruoshan realized that his plan to make Yin Suye confess his wrongs that day was a failure! No, it was a failure that can’t fail any lower! Not only he did not get any compensation from Yin Suye, he also somewhat sold himself to Yin Suye?! It’s a pit no matter how you looked at it ah! In the end, Shui Ruoshan could only helplessly sigh. It was not that he didn’t give his best, but the enemy was too slippery. That’s why he would compromise to Yin Suye, stepping back further each time, until he made an unprofitable decision for himself! At this moment, should he learn from Ruixue and look sadly at the sky at a 45 degree angle? No, how can someone aloof like him learn from a silly cute Ruixue? It’s like lowering down his style!

Moreover, Ruixue probably has no time to pay attention to its master, because it is having fun with Moqi at the moment. As for can competing for positions between the two spiritual pets be really counted as playing, Shui Ruoshan expressed that it has nothing to do with him. He can’t even solve his own problems, how can he do anything between Ruixue and Moqi ah?

Although he got restrained by Yin Suye in every way, it does not mean that he is not doing well. In fact, Shui Ruoshan was living so well that that he couldn’t be any more comfortable! Just that he felt that material satisfaction doesn’t mean he was not depressed, especially the depression whenever he lost to Yin Suye. Actually, under Yin Suye’s care, Shui Ruoshan’s life is too good, there is nothing else to worry other than eating and drinking every day. So he became bored, and began to imagine nonsense! You can’t blame him for this, all he could say was ever since Yin Suye woke up, the level of respect from the people around him have improved n-th times from usual!

Fox, who usually don’t pay much respect to him didn’t dare to go against him now. At most, he only say a few words to him. As for the other secret guards, that cautious look when they saw him, it was as if they are regarding him as a peerless treasure, for fear that they might accidentally cause any accidents and harmed him; completely treating him like a fragile item.

As for Yin Suye, he(YSY) is even more meticulous when taking care of him now. His clothes, food and shelter, were all under Yin Suye’s arrangement, and were the best of quality. Or, it can be said if it’s not the best, Yin Suye will never give it to him. And if Yin Suye has the time, he will still prefer to personally do everything for him(SRS). As long as it’s something he(YSY) could do, he will definitely help him to do it, changing him from a good young man with functionable limbs to little young master who would only stretch out his hand to be put on his clothes! Therefore, under Yin Suye’s indulgence, together with the cooperation from everyone, Shui Ruoshan felt that he is increasingly developing into a ‘rice weevil’[1]. If there are computers around, he believed that he can enter his otaku mode in minutes and be completely turned into a rice weevil.

1. 米虫 – Meaning someone who don’t do anything, just eating and lazing around

Actually sometimes Shui Ruoshan felt unbelievable, that Yin Suye, a Supreme King, would do things to this extend for him. Also, Yin Suye said that he(YSY) likes him and said that he wants to pursue him, but Shui Ruoshan still thinks Yin Suye is too good for him! However, Shui Ruoshan decided not to continue thinking about such profound matter for the time being. He only needs to know that Yin Suye is good to him. When time comes, he will be good to Yin Suye as well. Then everything will be fine! And so Shui Ruoshan, who has lived as a rice weevil for a while, came to this conclusion.

It’s just that Shui Ruoshan seems to have forgotten that whenever he treats Yin Suye well, Yin Suye will step up and treats him better. When he thinks that Yin Suye is being too good for him, he will want to be better towards Yin Suye. Then Yin Suye will treats him even more better…
This is an infinite loop with no solution ah!


“Xiao Ruo, will you go with me tomorrow?” Yin Suye gently looked at Shui Ruoshan, who was sitting leisurely under a tree.

“You are inviting me to participate in your Supreme King’s enthronement ceremony?” Shui Ruoshan blinked and woke up from his own thoughts.

When he saw Yin Suye, he came to realize that this person is the soon-to-be Supreme King for the human race. He does not know how long it takes for others to take the place of the present Supreme King. How long does it take for others to dominate the control over a race? He also doesn’t know. But he knew that Yin Suye only took 9 days to completely control all the humans in his hands. Yes, you didn’t see this wrongly. Not 9998 days, not 998 days, not 98 days, but 9 days! It really took only 9 days! And this was counted from the day Yin Suye woke up.

On the first day, after Yin Suye killed Weiyi and his group of people in his secret base, he spent the rest of the time being interrogated by Shui Ruoshan. Other than discussing the matter of master-servant contract with Yin Suye, he also accused Yin Suye of all kinds of bad behaviors. Yin Suye showed a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, but unfortunately there is no substantive performance to prove that he really understood his wrongs. Not to mention, this has ruined his dream to have Yin Suye lower his head and confess in a submissive tone. That can’t be anymore depressing!

The next day, Yin Suye was still staying in the secret base. In addition to accompanying him to eat, drink and play, the rest of the time was spent on cultivation to stabilize his Supreme King stage. At the same time, everyone has received the news that Yin Suye has woken up.

On the third day, Yin Suye was still cultivating and taking care of him. However, Yin Ming immediately brought his people with him upon hearing that Yin Suye has woken up and expressed his wish to recognize Yin Suye back as his son. It is a pity that the Yin Suye in the past would not have bothered with Yin Ming, what more the Yin Suye right now and refused Yin Ming directly and mercilessly. At the same time, he spread out the news listing all kinds of bad thing Yin Ming did to him in the past and stated that they have already broken their father-son relationship, making Yin Ming and the Yin family instantly became the laughing stock in the Capital. When his son was a nobody, he as the father abandoned him. Now that his son has achieved glory, he wants to take Yin Suye back as his son. How can there be such a cheap[2] thing in the world?!

2. advantageous/beneficial

On the fourth day after Yin Ming got humiliated, the people who came to meet Yin Suye to make contact were obviously more fawning, but this time Yin Suye refuse to meet anyone at all.

On the fifth day, Yin Suye finally stabilized his cultivation at the Supreme King stage. Then, he finally went out of his secret base under everyone’s pleading to manage the overall situation in the Capital.

On the sixth day, Yin Suye announced the evil deeds that Wang Batian has done to the people of the world. At the same time, he boost the Double King Phenomenon to them to justify his advance as their Supreme King. In addition to that, Yin Suye also announced that Weiyi has offended him to the citizens, but compared to the previous two major events, Weiyi’s matter were not worth mentioning and were quickly ignored.

On the seventh day, Yin Suye took down Wang Batian’s remaining party in one fell swoop, and announced their crimes to the world, so that they no longer have the possibility to rise back up for revenge. However, Shui Ruoshan privately knew that Yin Suye is actually more likely to settling his personal grudges with those people. With Wang Batian’s ugly reputation, he can just use that as the reason to get back to those people who wronged him in the past.

On the eighth day, Yin Suye began to officially deal with the affairs in the Capital, and then executed a group of people with various crimes, and at the same time promoted some capable people to improve the Capital’s management. On the other side, this let the people of the Imperial Capital realize Yin Suye’s superior ability and begin to truly see Yin Suye as a young and extraordinary person.

On the ninth day, Yin Suye was still working diligently to deal with the affairs of the Imperial Capital in order to settle the internal and external troubles caused by Wang Batian’s death. Shui Ruoshan didn’t know if he summed up this nine-day of Yin Suye’s experience correctly. After all, these summaries were fragments of news he heard somewhere, and he summed pieced them up. In such a sensitive period, with his identity as a demon he naturally is not suitable to stay beside Yin Suye, and Yin Suye is particularly busy during these few days. He(YSY) has no time to take care of him, so he honestly stayed in the secret base, and didn’t participate in anything regarding to Yin Suye in the Imperial Capital.

Therefore, he did not know about Yin Suye’s sinister and bloody ways of handling things. He believed that even if he asks, Yin Suye will not let him know any possible danger[3]. Moreover, his brain has limited capacity and is not suitable to participate in inner court battle for power, it’s better to be a rice weevil instead. Anyway, he don’t think he can help Yin Suye with anything, he just hoped not to ‘drag his hind leg‘ instead. To say nicely, he is self-aware of his own ability. To say it brutally honest, he is just not ambitious.

3. that YSY might have encountered

The reason why he is so reassured[4] was because he knew that the Supreme Kings in [The Strongest King in History] are actually held by the Supreme King of various races[5]. No matter how much abilities other people have, the people will not approve of those people. So, Yin Suye’s position as the Supreme King for humans is very much secured, and he didn’t have to worry about it at all. He couldn’t be more assured!

4. of YSY’s position as the Supreme King
5. Banana : Honestly no idea what this means _(;3/ raw at the bottom for those who wanna check

Shui Ruoshan admits that his setting for the most powerful person is actually flawed and unreasonable. Who told him when he first started the novel, everything he wrote was to give the protagonist golden fingers, so that readers will refreshed from reading it. Plus his Capital has people with Duke rank, and including the Forbidden City in the novel as well. He did not feel anything wrong with this kind of merger between China and the Western. After all, it’s just a novel, not need to be too serious. But he is somewhat grateful now, that he was irresponsible with his novel setting. Because of this setting, Yin Suye can use only a short 9 days to easily conquer the human race, obtained the position of the Supreme King, without worrying for possible situations like rebellion, civil strife, and mind games. Too easy right?!


“Not ‘attending’, but ‘participating together’.” Yin Suye corrected.

What he wanted is to stand beside the little guy, instead of letting him hiding in the corner to watch him silently.

“If the others don’t mind my identity as a demon, I don’t mind accompanying you.”

Shui Ruoshan helplessly gestured. Yin Suye doesn’t mind his identity as a demon, but he can’t help thinking for Yin Suye. After all, there is some truth in what Weiyi said. At the same time, Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye, as the Supreme King, didn’t do a good job at all, because right now in the afternoon of the ninth day, Yin Suye is here in the secret base just to discuss this matter with him.

“Don’t worry about your identity as a demon. Tomorrow I will announce to the people that I have completed the Fate Substitution for you and complete the final enthronement ceremony at the same time.”

Yin Suye knows that although the people from the Imperial City know that he has initiated Fate Substitution for the little guy, not all of the human knows about this. It is just right that he will start his enthronement ceremony tomorrow, and he can take this opportunity to resolve the little guy’s identity. On the other hand, he wants to let everyone know that the little guy has been completely tied to him, and they won’t separate from each other.


Shui Ruoshan nodded and agreed to Yin Suye’s arrangement. He did wondered before why isn’t there any reactions after Yin Suye completed his Fate Substitution. How would other people know that Yin Suye has completed the trial? Turns out that a ceremony needs to be held to be truly completed! When he wrote the novel, Yin Suye completed the Fate Substitution for protagonist Huang Beichen, but he fainted right after he came out, so he(SRS) did not write anything about what happens after a Fate Substitution is completed. Hence he have no idea such ceremony existed.

Does that means this world will automatically fill in the parts that have not be written in the novel because of a BUG?!

Raw Word Count : 3567


Raw : 他之所以那么安心的原因,是因为他知道《史上最强皇者》中的皇者,其实就是由各种族的皇者来担任的,其他人就算再有才华再有能力,人民群众也是不会认同的。

Chapter 125 – Don’t interrupt

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Xiao Yeye, these tricks like delaying time and switching topics don’t work on me!”

Decided not to look at Ruixue, who was feeling depressed in the corner, Shui Ruoshan silently turned away and started questioning Yin Suye again. This time, he won’t let Yin Suye slip away so easily! One need to know, he has never gain any upper hand before with Yin Suye all these time they are together, so this time that he managed to catch Yin Suye’s mistake, he naturally need to make good use of it. The moment he imagined Yin Suye admitting his wrong with a sorry tone, he(SRS) became uncontrollably excited! In order to realize this scene, Shui Ruoshan quickly urged Yin Suye.

“So, Xiao Yeye, be honest and confess ba!”

Then be prepared to get heavier punishment. Of course, he cleverly didn’t say the second half of the sentence out. If he did, Xiao Yeye might become scared and refused to cooperate, then he(SRS) will cry!

“Especially regarding the master-servant contract oh ~ !” Shui Ruoshan deliberately extended the tone of the last word ‘oh’, to express that he minded this matter very much.

“Didn’t I already explained this matter to you?” Yin Suye looked at Shui Ruoshan in confusion.

At that time, at the Imperial City’s gate, he already explained about the contract honestly. Why is this little guy asking him to explain now?

“That can be counted as explanation?”

Shui Ruoshan immediately raised his voice, apparently very dissatisfied with Yin Suye’s current attitude. Up until now, he still don’t know what/who did he(SRS) signed the master-servant contract with, and Yin Suye thought he has already explained it clearly? Is he just being perfunctory, or is he pitting him?

“Could it be you want to leave me?” Yin Suye’s face instantly became ugly.

Why did little guy suddenly care about the contract? Particularly after Weiyi tried to persuade the little guy to leave him. Although he already wiped out Weiyi, it doesn’t mean that his influence has completely disappeared. At such a sensitive moment, Yin Suye naturally tend to overthink it.
Could it be little guy thought that since the contract was not signed with him, so he(SRS) felt nothing about it, and does not intend to fulfill what he promised?
This caused the Yin Suye who has already calmed down to once again feel the stormy waves.


Shui Ruoshan uttered a cold ‘Ah’. What is this ‘chicken talking to the duck’[1]? How did Yin Suye managed to get this completely unrelated conclusion from the master-servant contract that he is leaving him? Was it because Xiao Yeye just woke up and didn’t take his medicine[2]?

1. neither understand each other’s words
2. for his mental (sarcasm)

“You promised me that you will never leave me before the master-servant contract is dissolved!”

Seeing the little guy looking back at him with an ignorant/blurred expression, Yin Suye can only suppress his emotions and reminded him. Even if it was not him who signed the contract with the little guy, he will not let him have a chance to regret it!

“The premise of your promise was not to leave until the master-servant contract is dissolved, but it didn’t say that it has to be the master-servant contract between us, so you can not violate your promise!” Yin Suye looked straight at Shui Ruoshan, and explained one word at a time.

“…” So, his promise can even be interpreted this way?

Why did he felt like what Xiao Yeye said makes perfect sense, and he can’t think of anything to say?


The Hell is making perfect sense?!

He should actually pay more attention to the conversation as he has once again deceived by Yin Suye without knowing it! It’s really stressful to converse with someone like Yin Suye who likes to scheme! Even if you say one word, you still have to watch out for language trap, which is really hard to prevent! Shui Ruoshan has always thought he himself is very clever, but suddenly felt that maybe he should ‘add oil’[3] to his IQ?

3. start working on his IQ

That’s not right ah!

He obviously came to interrogate Yin Suye, not discussing what promises with him. How did he got misled by Yin Suye? They must return to the main topic.

“Don’t interrupt me! Listen until I finished what I want to say!”

Shui Ruoshan scolded loudly at Yin Suye with a strict temperament. He can’t be caught in Xiao Yeye’s influence. Since he holds a mistake by Xiao Yeye, he should be more confident than Xiao Yeye no matter how one look at it. Therefore, he must display his hands.

“I am asking you very seriously now, the other party that signed the master-servant contract with me, what…”

At the end, Shui Ruoshan did not know whether to use people, animals, or other things to describe his question, so he can only use ellipsis with infinite extension.

“You just want to ask me this?” Upon hearing what Shui Ruoshan asked, the nervous Yin Suye immediately became relaxed.

“That’s right!”

Shui Ruoshan decided to give unlimited contempt at Yin Suye for his petty fussiness. That question was very important to him, a’ight? Ever since he knew that he didn’t sign the contract with Yin Suye, he nearly scared to death by his own brain hole over what actually got signed with him, alright? And Xiao Yeye is still not being serious, this is not good!

“It was my spiritual pet that signed the contract with you.” The negative emotions in Yin Suye’s mind disappeared without a trace.

“Black Kirin?”

Because Yin Suye has never taken his spiritual pet out before, Shui Ruoshan didn’t think about that. Now that Yin Suye reminded him, he started to recall some relevant contents in his mind. [The Strongest King in History] being a Fantasy, YY[4] leveling, smooth sailing novel, spiritual pet is an essential element. Not only the protagonist will have high leveled spiritual pets, the villain need to have spiritual pet with considerable strength as well. The only difference was the protagonist Huang Beichen has a large number of spiritual pets, while the villain Yin Suye only has one Black Kirin with ancient bloodline, named Moqi. The Black Kirin was specially set by Shui Ruoshan exactly the opposite nature of normal Kirin.

4. meaning MC is overpowered(OP)

Kirin is white in color, while Black Kirin is black; Kirin stands for auspicious sign, while Black Kirin stands for ominous sign; Kirin is gentle in nature, while Black Kirin is cruel…

In his novel, Yin Suye got himself a black one and through a relatively simple way. When Yin Suye was still being pampered in his childhood, Yin Ming took Yin Suye to the biggest auction house in the Capital. Yin Suye felt it was fun and bought an abandoned spiritual beast’s egg. Later on, he somehow accidentally dripped his blood onto the egg, so in the confusion, he signed a contract with the Black Kirin. This can be said to be one of the few good lucks Yin Suye managed to get in the novel

“Yes.” Saying that, Yin Suye summoned his magical pet. “Moqi, come out.”

In an instant, a Black Kirin with lion head, deer antlers, tiger eyes, moose body, dragon scales and ox tail appeared in the yard.

This is the Black Kirin?”

Shui Ruoshan only felt helpless inside when he looked at the Black Kirin. The image of this Black Kirin is exactly the same as described, but who can tell him this one is only the size of a kitten, like mini size version of the Black Kirin? He really couldn’t link this mini Black Kirin, with its two watery eyes, and super meng appearance, to the villain’s powerful and huge killing beast. The image between the two is like the difference between Heaven and earth! Where is the so-called horrifying appearance? Powerful and domineering aura? Strong and elegant posture? Return the Black Kirin that he wrote in his novel back to him! He is already sick of this world ‘selling meng’, and felt a deep despair!


Ruixue had been silently wallowing in sorrow, but when it felt a powerful spiritual beast’s aura appearing on the other side, its hackles instantly raised up and Ruixue issued a sound of hostility.

“Moqi is your partner in the future, you have to get along well.” Yin Suye coldly looked at Ruixue and warned it.

Before Yin Suye was reborn, his situation caused him to unable to feed the Moqi with any high level spiritual stones. Later on[5], he was busy testing out the little guy, so he ignored Moqi. That’s why Moqi is still in its early childhood, and possessed not much strength.

5. after he was reborn


Ruixue reluctantly meow-ed to express compromisation, but its eyes looking at Moqi was not very friendly. With its animal intuition, Ruixue believed that this strange species that looked pitch black in color and not as pretty as a cat will greatly influence its(RX) status. Unfortunately, that big bad guy has spoken. It was oppressed by his pressure and does not dare to resist. The most important thing was his master is not reliable at all so this cat has to fend for itself! The more Ruixue think about it, the pitiful it is!

“Moqi, Xiao Ruo will be your master in the future.” After dealing with Ruixue, Yin Suye ordered Moqi while pointing at Shui Ruoshan.

“Moqi is your cute pet, not mine!” Shui Ruoshan felt that using the word ‘cute’ pet to describe Moqi is definitely better than the word ‘spiritual’ pet.

“It has signed a master-servant contract with you, so you are also his master.” Yin Suye realistically replied.

“That means I have the equal power over Moqi like yours?”

Shui Ruoshan felt weird coming to this conclusion, there was a very strange feeling. What having equal power together? Such an inexplicable embarrassment ah!

“You can take it like that.” Yin Suye nodded affirmatively.

Originally, a spiritual pet could not sign two contracts, but in his past life, he chanced upon a secret skill, which can suppress the power of a contract to a certain extent, producing an illusion that one has yet to tie to a contract yet, then forcibly sign another different contract. So now, Moqi is tied to a contract with him and the little guy at the same time.


Shui Ruoshan felt a touch of sadness. After he transmigrated to the continent [Mowu Dalu], he never thought to collect any pets, but the pets were delivered to his door one by one. Then he thought of a scene where following behind him was a pure white-colored Ruixue, a pure dark-colored Moqi, he looked like he dabbles in both world ah!.

“This way, we do not need to search ways to cancel the master-servant contract.”

This was Yin Suye’s ultimate goal. As long as the little guy does not cancel the master-servant contract, he will have to stay with him as per agreed. Therefore, he will never let the little guy have any opportunities to nullify contract, so that he will stay with him forever.


Shui Ruoshan thought about it and agreed with Yin Suye. He felt that they don’t need to cancel the contract and waste time searching for the precious materials needed for the cancellation process. But why did he felt like he has been schemed against by Yin Suye somehow?

“So according to the agreement, you have to stay by my side!” Yin Suye will not give Shui Ruoshan any chance to regret it.


Instantly, Shui Ruoshan understood what sinister intentions Yin Suye was thinking. But when he saw how nervous Yin Suye was at this moment, all of his dissatisfaction from being schemed has disappeared right away. He admits that he always feels soft-hearted when facing Yin Suye. In fact, he fully understands that because Yin Suye was betrayed by everyone, he does not believe in anyone, and has no sense of security. And because Yin Suye cares about him, he(YSY) will plot against him any time and tries to tie him(SRS) to him.

“If I don’t stay by your side, where else can I go?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye’s plotting was very successful. At the very least, he is willing to be plotted against even when knowing it, because Yin Suye treated him with his true feelings and heart, and he(SRS) only needs to know this.

“Xiao Ruo, so you promised?” Yin Suye had a faint surprise in his eyes, but even more was an intense possessiveness.

“Yes, I promised.”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he must have owed Yin Suye, that’s why he can’t do anything else when he faced with Yin Suye. However, he do seems to owe Yin Suye. After all, all the misfortunes Yin Suye has encountered were caused by him. That’s why he will transmigrate into the story he wrote, then met Yin Suye[6] the moment he opened his eyes. This may be Fate’s arrangement just to let him make up for Yin Suye?

6. the first person he met in the world

“If you dare to go against the agreement…” Yin Suye doesn’t seem like he will mention the word ‘leave’.

“If I don’t follow the agreement, you will take me back, then find a chain to lock me up so I can’t leave you.” Shui Ruoshan interrupted Yin Suye’s words and smiled while he said those possible consequences.

“Yes, and I will break all your limbs, then keep you in a place that no one can find you.” Then little guy will belongs only to him alone.


Fc*k, should he sigh that Yin Suye is indeed worthy of being a villain? This kind of skill where he could follow up with more hardcore options, ain’t that too strong? But little black house or whatnots, is it a bit too heavy for his taste? He felt like he seemed to have dug a pit and buried himself in?

“Afraid? If you are scared, then you just have to stop any intentions to leave. Because if you did tried to leave, then I don’t know what I will do.”

“I am not planning to leave, so I don’t need to be afraid!”

Shui Ruoshan replied very frankly. Towards this dark side of Yin Suye, he knows more than Yin Suye could imagine. So, right from the beginning when he bound himself with Yin Suye, he already know that he no longer has the chance to quit, and he did not intend to quit either!

Raw Word Count : 4087

#Cutie !