Chapter 144 – [Title not displayed because it’s a spoiler]

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Are you alright?”

After a moment of pause, Yin Suye immediately flashed to Shui Ruoshan’s side. With a sigh of relief, he hugged Shui Ruoshan strongly in his arms.

“You have come to save me, why won’t I be alright?”

Just like this in Yin Suye’s arms, Shui Ruoshan’s uneasy heart calmed down like never before. However, seeing Yin Suye’s troubled expression, he still feel doubtful and blinked his eyes. To be able to avoid getting injured from a full blow of Huang Beichen’s attack, it was obvious that Yin Suye did managed to arrive in time to save him. But why does Yin Suye looked so nervous at this moment?

“The person who just resolved Huang Beichen’s attack was not me, but you yourself.”

Yin Suye sounded a bit downcast when he said this. It was because he knew that he could not get there in time before Huang Beichen’s attack hits the little guy, so he was ready to activate the co-death contract. Just that not waiting for him to activate anything, the matter has ended in an unexpected way.


Shui Ruoshan could understand every single word that Yin Suye said, but he couldn’t understand what the entire sentence means. This was not because he does not believe in Yin Suye’s words, but rather that he cannot believe what he heard. He himself is very clear of his own strength. With his weak student’s strength who doesn’t have the strength to truss a chicken, can he really escape from under the hands of a Supreme King?

“Is there anything unusual when you were facing the attack?”

Yin Suye also knows the true level of Shui Ruoshan’s strength. He believes that the little guy can crush some weaklings with his strong power, but in the face of strong opponents, the little guy can only wait to be crushed. So, Yin Suye had a faint uneasiness in his heart from what he saw just now

“I don’t think so?”

Shui Ruoshan replied somewhat uncertainly, and he tried to recall what happened from the beginning to the end. If there is something unusual about it, that should be he couldn’t seem to remember the part where he blocked Huang Beichen’s attack! He remembered that when Huang Beichen’s attack was about to reach him, his brain turned blank for a moment and when he regained consciousness, he was already held in Yin Suye’s arms. Then the battle seems to have already ended in such a short period of time?!

“I don’t have any memories of what happened just now!”

At this moment, even Shui Ruoshan is aware that there might be something wrong with his situation. Even if he was scared stiff at that time, it was impossible for him to just forget what happened! Originally he thought it was because of tension, that’s why his mind turned blank, which is commonly known as in a daze. But from Yin Suye’s words, his current situation is definitely not that simple.

“What actually happened?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that it was necessary for him to figure out what happened during the time he had no memory, so to judge what he should do now. Although this author already has no advantage in the story where the plot has ran amok and became unrecognizable, he can still infer some things with his rich theoretical knowledge.

“You are also a Supreme King!”

Yin Suye stared tightly at Shui Ruoshan’s eyes when he said that. Only a Supreme King can block the attack from another Supreme King. There is no doubt that to be able to easily resolve Supreme King Huang Beichen’s attack, Shui Ruoshan can only be a Supreme King as well.

“Ah?” Shui Ruoshan reached out and rubbed his ears, seemingly suspecting that he might have heard it wrongly.

“Your eyes turned into golden color just now.”

Actually, Yin Suye did hoped that Shui Ruoshan would use some amazing skills to block Huang Beichen’s attack, but things won’t happen just because he wanted to. Not to mention that the energy burst out from Shui Ruoshan at that moment is the strength of a Supreme King, just his eye color makes it impossible to misread his identity. Golden eyes is the most obvious sign of a Supreme King, and the biggest difference between a Supreme King and other beings.


Shui Ruoshan just wants to ‘hehe’[1] twice in his heart, to express his unspeakable complex mood at the moment. Never mind that the story of [The Strongest King in History] has ran amok like a wild horse, he did contribute a bit to that after all. But who can tell him why and when the base of his story have started to become precarious? He created the setting for a race to have only one Supreme King, can this setting still be saved? One need to know that he wrote his novel in a way to make this idea happen. After making the villain Yin Suye becomes a Supreme King, he deliberately set the protagonist Huang Beichen to become the Supreme King for demon race, thus making both Supreme Kings of each ethnic group to go on a war.

1. cold laugh

Other than that, in order to coordinate with the protagonist’s identity as a demon, he deliberately wrote in reverse2, letting the demons to become an oppressed race, while the humans became the oppressor, so the protagonist will lead the demons to embark on the road of resistance. Then, little by little they opposed the humans led by the villain until both sides stood completely against each other. But now the situation has become increasingly confusing.

Because of Yin Suye’s rebirth, two Supreme Kings have appeared at the same time within the human race, but fortunately Yin Suye was able to fool them using the Double King phenomenon. And because of Huang Beichen suddenly reborn as well, he now possessed the strength of a Supreme King. But then Shui Ruoshan himself also possesses the strength of a Supreme King, wouldn’t that means two Supreme Kings have appeared for the demon race at the same time too?!

This conclusion doesn’t sound right!

Alright, if his setting for [The Strongest King in History] still exists, it seems that the current generation of Supreme King for the demons has never appeared in front of his people at all. It always has only been some representatives taking actions on behalf of the demon Supreme King. So, is he(SRS) actually the demon Supreme King of the current generation? That seems to be wrong also!

If he is really the demon Supreme King of the current generation, why didn’t he stayed in the demon realm, but waking up from a crystal coffin in the Fog Forest, and sealed to boot? The most important thing is why did he transmigrated to a person with such OP(overpowered) background?! According to general circumstances, people generally will only transmigrate into a dead person’s body.

Somehow, the more he thinks about it, the more confused he felt! He remembered that he originally wrote his story’s genre as a fantasy novel, not a suspense!

“But I didn’t feel that I have the strength of a Supreme King!” Shui Ruoshan helplessly opened his hands when he said this.

In fact, after Yin Suye said that he(SRS) is a Supreme King, he did try to explore the power inside him. But no matter how he investigates, he can’t feel the power of a Supreme King in his body, let alone having the strength of one.

“No mistake, you are a Supreme King,” Yin Suye said.


Shui Ruoshan felt that he should WTF this sentence. There are a total of three people in this box, and all three of them are a Supreme King. Isn’t this probability a bit too high? Since when Supreme Kings can seen everywhere like this? Don’t they sound a bit too worthless now?

“Never mind, I’ll be a Supreme King if that’s how it is. At least this proves that I am very powerful!”

Very quickly, Shui Ruoshan found a reason to comfort himself. Becoming a Supreme King is better than a passerby! This has no loss for him!

“At that moment when you became the Supreme King, I couldn’t sense the co-death contract between us.”

Speaking of this, a hint of worry flashed past Yin Suye’s eyes. He has prepared himself to activate the effect of the co-death contract, but right before he wanted to do so, the co-death contract suddenly could not be detected. That’s why he paused for the slightest moment just now.

He couldn’t imagine that there can be something that could affect the co-death contract, which was called the most overbearing contract in existence. That gave Yin Suye’s heart a faint uneasiness. Especially when he thought of the fact that the little guy is a transmigrator. Hence, he hugged him(SRS) tightly when he gets to his side. Other than trying to protect the little guy, he can only feel that everything is real when Shui Ruoshan is tightly held in his arms; that he is by his side, and not some other places that he can’t touch.

“What do you mean?” Shui Ruoshan’s heart suddenly thumps and he had a bad premonition.

“The person who has the power of a Supreme King may not be you.” Yin Suye came to this conclusion in light of what the little guy explained about his situation.

“…” Shui Ruoshan instantly took in a breath of cold air.

Although what Yin Suye said was kind of contradictory, Shui Ruoshan clearly understood what Yin Suye wants to express.

“You mean, you suspect that there is another soul in this body?” Or is the original soul of this body still inside?

Shui Ruoshan felt that if Yin Suye’s analysis is not wrong, then ‘2 souls, 1 body’ can be used to explain this abnormal situation.

“Yes.” When he said this, Yin Suye’s eyes coldly glinted.


Title : 这穿越方式绝逼不对!Chapter one four four – You are a Supreme King

Raw Word Count : 2801

#ImSorryWot ?!
#BtwAnyoneRealizedTheTwoIgnoredHBC ? ^^;;

Chapter 143 – Getting hit while lying down

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Before Yin Suye and Huang Beichen started to fight, Shui Ruoshan has quietly retreated to a relatively safe spot at a corner, and silently supported Yin Suye in spirit. That’s right, he is not watching a show now, he is cheering for Yin Suye!

In fact, for Huang Beichen to be reborn at such a critical moment, and instantly leveled up to a Supreme King so that he could fight Yi Suye closely in a match, Shui Ruoshan has his own guess. Based on the many years of his experience in writing and reading novels, plus his setting in [The Strongest King in History], he felt that it was because Yin Suye’s rebirth has broken the balance of the world. The gap of ten years has caused Huang Beichen, the son of the world, to have no advantages when facing Yin Suye, and has fallen into an absolutely unfavorable situation, even to the point of losing his life.

To a certain extent, the protagonist can be said to represent the world in [The Strongest King in History]! Even if he is the author of this story, Shui Ruoshan is equally clueless to what will happen if the protagonist in the novel suddenly dies. Will this world be destroyed along with the death of the protagonist? Probably because of this, the Laws of the parallel world felt the danger, so in order to preserve Huang Beichen’s life, the Laws can only make the future Huang Beichen reborn to match the huge gap between his current level and Yin Suye’s. That way, Huang Beichen will have the strength to compete with Yin Suye. Because of this, Shui Ruoshan did not want Yin Suye to kill Huang Beichen, hoping that they could resolve their grievances in peace.

It is a pity that ‘plans can never keep up with the change’, plus Shui Ruoshan did have a cunning thought in his heart. That’s why he didn’t stop Yin Suye from taking actions. The current Shui Ruoshan who came to understand the situation is now worried for Yin Suye’s safety. One need to know that Huang Beichen has the protagonist blessing from the parallel world, while Yin Suye has nothing. Even if he was reborn earlier than the protagonist, his advantage has disappeared at this moment.

However, with his current strength, Shui Ruoshan could not intervene in the battle between Supreme Kings. And as their battle escalates, he gradually felt some pressure just by standing nearby. So, he could only try to mobilize his spiritual power to resist the power shock from the battle. He could barely protect himself, what more to go forward and help Yin Suye? Particularly when he came to realize that they could not really kill the protagonist of the world, Huang Beichen, which made their situation even more unfavorable.

However, Shui Ruoshan share his guess to Yin Suye. He could not drag Yin Suye’s hind legs, and he could only stand on one side and watch the situation on the battlefield. He prayed that this is just a guess, nothing more. Just that after hearing Huang Beichen’s persuasion to Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan immediately threw the idea of possible world destruction to the back of his mind. He could only think of one thing now, that is, Huang Beichen actually knows him?! Or, he should say Huang Beichen knows this body?! The most important thing is Huang Beichen actually died under this body’s hands in his past life, this body that he transmigrated into?!

What kind of an international joke is this? The protagonist can actually die?! And it was under the hand of a character that doesn’t exist in his novel?! Ain’t this a bit too out of the world?

But Shui Ruoshan was inexplicably convinced of Huang Beichen’s words in his heart. Not to mention that this character he created is not good at lying and won’t lie, but the fact that Huang Beichen can be reborn, that means he did dead in his past life! The identity of this body he transmigrated into has changed from a minor character in the ‘soy sauce party’[1], to the big Boss behind the scenes, his character can’t be that fancy!

1. passerby/supporting characters

*falls down*

The plot is no longer a wild sprinting horse[2], but a tornado at the sea[3]! In fact, he should have thought of it. If he is really an unimportant little character, then it is impossible for him to have such an enchanting appearance, and his life background is so mysterious! It is important to know that according to the general laws of a novel, the more outstanding a character is, the more important it is! Such as the protagonist, the villain, and then this body…

2. out of control
3. really out of control, no idea what is happening

In fact, he has long realized that the continent [Mowu Dalu]] is not from his novel but a real world. That is to say, the character plots that he did not write in his novel doesn’t mean that they are non-existent, he just took everything too much for granted. He always likes to judge things using the storyline of his novel, that’s why he got shocked by Huang Beichen sudden breaking news.

Moreover, he wrote only a part of [The Strongest King in History]. Although he has drafted the outline of the entire novel, but the official ending was until Huang Beichen has unified various ethnic groups in the continent and became the highest ranked Supreme King of the whole continent. Thus, what happened after that, not even this author knows. After all, no author will be so ball-painfully free, that they will write about the protagonist’s trifling life after he has reached peak of life in the end! Unless the author wants to open the second season, then it is necessary to change the protagonist’s script!

But Shui Ruoshan can’t stand plots where protagonist still have to change his script[4] after becoming the strongest person in the world! Therefore, he didn’t intend to ​​write any second season for [The Strongest King in History] at all! But now, he is doubting whether his novel has a hidden follow-up story, which has an important relationship with this body he is using. After all, Yin Suye didn’t know about this body, but Huang Beichen do. It is very likely that he met this body after he killed Yin Suye and unified the continent. After all, the person who can kill the protagonist is absolutely a big big BOSS!

4. having to redo and strive to become stronger once again

Should he cheer now that he seemed to have transmigrated into a powerful figure? Hehe! He preferred to transmigrate into someone from the soy sauce party instead, a hidden big BOSS is too insecure! In fact, should he pats Yin Suye’s shoulder now, and sincerely apologize, ‘Xiao Yeye, so sorry. I have unconsciously robbed you of the identity of the villain!’ No no, his focus is a bit wrong. He should be more concerned about the protagonist’s past life. After this body indirectly killed the protagonist, did the world gets destroyed? He needs it as reference for the situation he is facing now! Wait a minute, at such a tense moment, why is he entertaining himself with random stuff? That’s not right, should he be so worried about the country and the people right now?

Shui Ruoshan’s thoughts have wandered to the middle of nowhere. When he discovered that Huang Beichen has given up fighting with Yin Suye and turned to target him, his eyes were full of disbelief. In an instant, Shui Ruoshan once again could feel the thick evilness from the parallel world. Even if this body was very powerful, it does not mean that the knockoff version can be as powerful as the original one! Fighting a Supreme King is still a very tall order for him! So, who can understand the feeling of ‘getting hit while lying down’?

“Die!” Huang Beichen used his own body to receive Yin Suye’s attack, rushing even quicker to attack Shui Ruoshan through the force from Yin Suye’s attack.

“…” Shui Ruoshan wondered if it’s too late to tell Huang Beichen that he is not the same person who killed him(HBC) in his past, but a transmigrator just like him.

Just that the speed of a Supreme King is definitely beyond what a normal person could imagine. Shui Ruoshan hasn’t finish thinking yet, and Huang Beichen’s attack has already arrived; only a few seconds have passed. In these few seconds, don’t mention saying anything, Shui Ruoshan didn’t even have enough time to rant! *falls*

In the end, Shui Ruoshan just looked up and glanced at Yin Suye, who was also flying straight toward him. It was clear that Huang Beichen’s attack would reach him(SRS) first before Yin Suye’s rescue. Shui Ruoshan didn’t ask to defeat the enemy now, nor does he ask for a retreat. He only asks for a few more seconds, so that Yin Suye has enough time to come and save him. That’s right, he is that spineless!

Then, as if he doesn’t want to think anymore, he reached into his space ring and activated all the self protection tools from it…


However, Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect to see all those protections to instantly turned into ashes under Huang Beichen’s attack. It couldn’t hold for one second, not even fragments were left!

Feeling a powerful attack close at hand, Shui Ruoshan could see that death is so close to him for the first time. Cold sweat appeared on his forehead and his brain instantly became blank…

Is it too late?

“Be careful!”

Yin Suye was very anxious upon seeing Huang Beichen’s attack seemed to reach the little guy at the next second. He knew that his speed is one point slower than Huang Beichen’s attack. For a Supreme King, even a second could cause different results. Yin Suye clearly knows that with the little guy’s current strength, it is impossible for him to resist a full frontal attack from a Supreme King. However, they have the guarantee from the co-death contract, that’s why he dared to let the little guy stay here to watch the battle.

Hence, while he rushed to save Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye is ready to activate the special effect of the co-death contract; he wants to receive Huang Beichen’s attack on behalf of the little guy. Just that at the next second, Yin Suye suddenly stopped moving and his gaze towards Shui Ruoshan became dark and unreadable…

Raw Word Count : 2913

#WhatHappened ?!

Chapter 142 – Long time no see

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Yin Suye, long time no see!”

After Huang Beichen easily dealt with Yin Suzhen’s attack, he beamed a bright smile at Yin Suye. His sunny expression really looked like he and Yin Suye were good friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time. But for the current Huang Beichen, he indeed didn’t see Yin Suye for a long time, or it can be said that ever since he killed Yin Suye from his past life, he can no longer see Yin Suye’s figure in his life. Therefore, he felt surprised to be able to see Yin Suye again this time. Or more like, he should be surprised that after he died, he had the opportunity to come back again, to be reborn and returned to his past.

“En, long time no see!”

Yin Suye’s mouth slowly bent into a slight curve. He did not know whether Huang Beichen has discovered that he was born again, but at this moment, he(YSY) was quite sure that the current Huang Beichen was born again.

“But you can die now!” Yin Suye said and attacked Huang Beichen again.

But this time Yin Suye didn’t hold back, and he couldn’t afford to hold back with Huang Beichen, who had the same level of strength level with him. If it was just now, he would feel like he is bullying the weak. Even if he managed to kill Huang Beichen, he won’t feel much satisfaction(for his revenge). And right now, facing the Huang Beichen who is also born again and has the strength of a Supreme King, he does not need to be soft because it is an outright battle for revenge.

“Yin Suye, why are you trying to kill me the moment we met?”

Huang Beichen has just reborn, and hasn’t come to understand the memory of his current life, so he doesn’t know much about the current situation. He doesn’t understand how Yin Suye’s attitude toward killing him come about. Or, it should be said that he is not aware of the difference between this world’s experience and his previous life experience at all.

“I am avenging myself.”

Yin Suye took his usual long sword out of the space ring, increasing the intensity of his attack. However, Yin Suye controlled the level of his Supreme King’s strength to a certain extent this time. Not because he was afraid that the tremendous fighting power generated by Supreme King’s battle will destroy the Imperial Capital, but because the little guy is still standing here. He does not want the aftermath from the battle to accidentally hurt the little one.

“Were you reborn as well?”

Huang Beichen tried his best to integrate the memories of this world while avoiding fierce attacks from Yin Suye. Soon, he found a lot of points that were completely different from the previous trajectory in his past. In light of what Yin Suye said before, Huang Beichen quickly came to the conclusion that Yin Suye was born again. Originally, he thought that the fact he could be born again after he had experienced a transmigration was quite amazing. Unexpectedly, the chance to rebirth was not exclusive just for him, that makes his advantage of rebirth disappear. And now having to face Yin Suye’s undisguised killing intent, he suddenly fell into a very unfavorable position. Actually, he should be glad that his strength has returned to the past along with him, or else he may just die under Yin Suye’s hands in the first round.

“Yin Suye, don’t rush to attack me. I think we can have a proper talk about this first!”

Huang Beichen also controlled his strength as a Supreme King, trying not to clash with Yin Suye. He does not want the aftermath of the battle to destroy the surrounding things. After all, the place they are fighting in now is one of his main industries; he is reluctant to destroy the place where he makes money. In any case, he has killed Yin Suye in the past and especially when knowing that there may be many things that he misunderstood Yin Suye, he has a guilty conscience and couldn’t really give his all to attack.

“There is nothing to talk about between us.”

Not only Yin Suye’s movements didn’t stop, it accelerated a bit more. He was very clear that he has to deal with Huang Beichen, the man with a lot of means in one go, otherwise the variables would be too big. For example, he had already made a killer move just now. As a result, at the very last moment, the Huang Beichen who had the strength of a Demon Supreme King from the future was born again; resolved the situation where he was supposed to die.

“Yin Suye, don’t rush to deal with me. Compared to me, the demon behind you is definitely more harmful to you!”

Huang Beichen, who has gradually integrated with his current memory has noticed Shui Ruoshan who should not appear at this moment at all. Seeing that Yin Suye was not willing to talk to him, Huang Beichen could only throw out everything he knew.

“You are courting death!”

Yin Suye’s brows slightly wrinkled and the pressure from his whole body became even lower. He was obviously dissatisfied with Huang Beichen’s words. This Huang Beichen actually felt that it was not enough to deal with him, and tried to involve the little guy as well. This is really unforgivable!

“Yin Suye, I am speaking the truth!”

Seeing that Yin Suye didn’t believe what he said, Huang Beichen was anxious.

“You died too early in your past life, so you don’t know what happened later, and you don’t know the terrible power of a demon!”

Huang Beichen keep persuading Yin Suye while avoiding the increasingly rampant attack from him, hoping that Yin Suye could temporarily give up the grudges between them.

“Later on through some clues, I found that the reason why we will eventually become arch enemies as not resting until one is dead, it was all this demon’s evil handiwork!”

This was why Huang Beichen felt guilty towards Yin Suye after rebirth. Because he found out that many times, he was misled by others, and then gradually piling higher and higher misunderstandings towards Yin Suye, which caused irreversible breakdown and miserable results between them.

“And in the past, I indirectly died under this demon’s hands!”

At this point, Huang Beichen’s eyes could not help but darken. Originally, he arrogantly thought that he is the protagonist of the world. So he always unconsciously had an aloof attitude whenever he faced other people and things, until he finally hit by reality. Fortunately, God gave him a chance to come back again.

At first, when he knew that he was born again, he was still very happy. He felt that God still treated him well and gave him the opportunity to revert the mistakes he made in the last time, so that he could avoid the unforgivable mistakes he had done to Yin Suye. This time, he will definitely not stand against Yin Suye like other people. But he did not expect that not only he was reborn, but even the person he wanted to make up the most was reborn as well. That is to say, Yin Suye has already experienced all the bad things he had done, which means Yin Suye will not forgive him so easily. That makes Huang Beichen who wants to be friends with Yin Suye feel frustrated. What he didn’t expect ever more was that main culprit who killed him in the past, not only has appeared in this world in advance, but also met Yin Suye and has first gotten Yin Suye‘s trust. That made Huang Beichen’s current situation even worse.

“You and I, and this whole world as well, are just this demon’s chess pieces to achieve his goal!”

Huang Beichen had a strong self-deprecation in his tone when he said this. This demon doesn’t no need to personally take any actions, and still have a way to make them die; this demon doesn’t need to personally come out, and still can play this world within his fingers.

“Given that we have a common enemy, I feel that we can temporarily put down the grievances from our past life and work together!” Huang Beichen looked hopefully to Yin Suye.

The reason why he is willing to tell him his failure from his past life was to let Yin Suye know the cunningness of the demon beside him, and hoped that he will not be fooled and used!

“Huang Beichen, I think you got the wrong idea.” Yin Suye’s eyes instantly became dark. “The person who killed me was you, not him.”

Combining with the information that the little guy confessed to him in the past, Yin Suye knew that the person from Huang Beichen’s words, the person who plays with the world in his fingers is not the simple and naive little guy he knows. Besides, whether the little guy is really the person Huang Beichen spoke of or not, it has nothing to do with him. Because after all, the person who hurts him in the past have always been Huang Beichen, not others. He(YSY) doesn’t have that kind of consciousness to do his best for the sake of the world, to sacrifice oneself for the greater good of the world.

At this moment, Yin Suye discovered that the time combined from two lifetime still couldn’t make Huang Beichen truly understand him. Or, it could be said that the person that Huang Beichen knows is just a wonderful fantasy from his own imagination, not the real him. That’s why Huang Beichen will feel disappointed and didn’t hesitate to part with him when the realistic image makes a huge difference from the perfect image in his imagination.


All the persuasive words Huang Beichen prepared to say was blocked by this one sentence from Yin Suye. That’s right, Yin Suye did not have any contact with this demon who killed him(HBC), because this demon only gradually appeared in the midst of people after Yin Suye’s death. However, the person who has been fighting against Yin Suye, and finally killed him(YSY) was him(HBC) himself[1]. Therefore, Yin Suye has no reason to help him at all, in order to avoid a danger that does not exist to him[2].

1. Him-ception :v
2. Meaning YSY has no reason to help his enemy to fight against a danger that doesn’t exist for YSY himself

It was clear that he could not seek any help from Yin Suye, so he could only rely on himself. Huang Beichen then focused on the Shui Ruoshan who has been watching the battle. Taking advantage of a gap in the fight, Huang Beichen took a big step back, far away from Yin Suye’s following attack, then immediately turned around and shot an energy ball[3] towards Shui Ruoshan…

3. Disclaimer: It was not mentioned what kind of energy was shot towards SRS. It’s feasible in Chinese syntax but not in English. So, Banana has to put in something to make the sentence flow. Apologies.

Raw Word Count : 2973


Banana: Anyone noticed that if you substitute the word ‘demon’ from Huang Beichen’s words to ‘author’, it will be like he is a character complaining about the author for making his friendship suffer? _(;3/

Chapter 141 – One life

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Yin Suye, I officially apologize to you for the things that happened in the past! I hope you can forgive my mistakes!” Understood what happened, Huang Beichen instantly bowed to Yin Suye and apologized.

Shui Ruoshan didn’t say anything, but turned to look at Huang Beichen, who was sincerely apologized, and then turned back to look at Yin Suye, who had no reaction towards Huang Beichen’s apology. He suddenly felt that the atmosphere inside the box was quite awkward. If he is Yin Suye at this moment, he would coolly and arrogantly looked at Huang Beichen, then said, “If apologies are useful, then what do we need the police for?” He believes that by using this well-known phrase on Earth to counterattack Huang Beichen, he would definitely be speechless.

Once the damage is done, no matter how one makes up for it afterwards, the crack has already there. Especially when Yin Suye is reborn. That is to say, for Huang Beichen, he and Yin Suye has only been separated for 3 months. But for Yin Suye, it was a lifetime. Therefore, new grudges overlapping old hatred, Yin Suye probably will never forgive Huang Beichen again. Actually, the fact that Yin Suye didn’t shout to kill Huang Beichen the moment he saw him but still could calmly talk to Huang Beichen is already very good.

“If I say no?”

Yin Suye’s eyes looked at Huang Beichen without any trace of affection. If to say he hated Huang Beichen, he doesn’t really hate him. But if to say he doesn’t hate Huang Beichen, he does hate him! Their views and personalities are different and they are bound to part ways. That is expected. In his past life, he did not understand this truth, neither did Huang Beichen. Therefore, even if they have any disagreement, both sides will still try to save their friendship through various methods because they are reluctant to give up this friendship. And so their ending was going against each other to the end.

In his past life, he did die under Huang Beichen’s hands, but Huang Beichen himself shouldn’t be any better than him. Even if nothing else happened after that battle, Huang Beichen should still be half-dead already.

“How can I get you to forgive me?”

Huang Beichen did not expect to see Yin Suye looking at him again like he is looking at strangers, seemed to have completely shut him out!

“As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!”

In fact, the reason why he previously so opposed to Yin Suye’s behavior to the point of attacking him, it was a another way to show his concern. Just because Yin Suye is his good friend, he couldn’t tolerate him(YSY) doing bad things, which angered him like he was betrayed. That’s why he(HBC) would make such a brainless action under impulse. But now he knows that everything is his misunderstanding, he felt sorry for Yin Suye, and he wants to save his friendship with Yin Suye.

“Even if I wanted your life?” A strong chill flashed in Yin Suye’s eyes.

“This joke is not funny at all!”

Huang Beichen wanted to smile, saying that he didn’t like cold jokes, but though he curved his mouth, he still couldn’t make himself smile. As soon as he saw Yin Suye’s eyes, he knew that Yin Suye wasn’t joking, it was just him wanted to deceive himself.

“I have wronged you and severely wounded you. It is my fault. I am willing to apologize!” Huang Beichen said bitterly.

He did not expect that Yin Suye would be so hostile to him now, not giving him the opportunity to make up at all. This caused the Huang Beichen who has always been eloquent to feel frustrated but he did not want to give up the friendship between him and Yin Suye.

“At that time, you also gave me a serious injury, so we are even!”

His strength was almost the same as Yin Suye, no one can get the upper hand. He has spent a lot of time to recover from his injuries. But now that he knew that he had done something wrong, he didn’t want to use an aggressive tone to talk to Yin Suye, but Yin Suye obviously does not intend to pay any attention to him, he can only use other method.

“I don’t think that all the mistakes is on me. If you were willing to explain a few words to me, I wouldn’t have listened to others so easily.”

Huang Beichen felt that both of them were wrong. He didn’t really do anything bad about Yin Suye. Why couldn’t Yin Suye forgive him?

“Want to know why?” When he asked this question, the pressure around Yin Suye was significantly lower.

“Yes, I want to know why you don’t want to see me now?” Huang Beichen looked up at Yin Suye without showing weakness in his eyes.

Even though Huang Beichen’s current strength is much weaker than Yin Suye, his aura at this moment is not losing to Yin Suye at all. He really wants to fix the friendship between him and Yin Suye, but it is impossible for him to keep ‘sticking a hot face to a cold butt’[1].

1. keep being enthusiastic to someone acting the opposite

“Because you killed me once!”

Yin Suye’s thin lips slightly opened and spat out that sentence. In fact, before coming to see Huang Beichen, Yin Suye has been thinking about how to deal with him but until now, he couldn’t think of a way. After all, Huang Beichen in this lifetime didn’t really do anything bad to him. If he acted out indiscriminately, he would have a feeling like he is bullying Huang Beichen. This is also the reason why he didn’t attack Huang Beichen right away before. But at this moment, when he saw Huang Beichen revealing his edge, Yin Suye seemed to glimpse the demon Supreme King who killed him in the past. This also let Yin Suye make up his mind that he should kill Huang Beichen before he managed to grow into a demon. Even if the current Huang Beichen is innocent, it does not change the fact that the person who killed him in his previous life was Huang Beichen. In this case, Huang Beichen owes him a life! He is going to claim it from Huang Beichen now, that’s fair! As for the time being early, just think of it as the interest Huang Beichen owed him!

“You can’t find a better reason?” Huang Beichen did not expect to hear such fantasy-like answer from a long wait. If he really did killed Yin Suye, then who is this person standing here and confronting him now?

“This is the reason.” The only difference is that Yin Suye has transferred the grievances from the past Huang Beichen to the current Huang Beichen.

It seems that Yin Suye didn’t want to continue their leisure chat, as he released his pressure at Huang Beichen to crush him without mercy.

“Yin Suye, you… really want to do this to me?!”

Huang Beichen apparently didn’t expect Yin Suye to attack him right away, his eyes were filled with disbelief. Not able to keep his guard up in time, he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood and suffered an internal injury! However, Huang Beichen’s reaction was undoubtedly fast, he immediately mobilized his power to resist Yin Suye’s attack. Unfortunately, Huang Beichen is only at 2nd level of Imperial stage, so even when he used all his strength to counterattack, he still couldn’t resist much under the pressure from Yin Suye as the Supreme King.


Since Yin Suye has decided to take down Huang Beichen, he won’t be polite. As someone who has spent most of his life battling Huang Beichen, Yin Suye felt that no one knows more about Huang Beichen’s scary points than he does. Huang Beichen always has the ability to stay alive, as long as Huang Beichen is not killed on the spot, then after Huang Beichen makes a comeback which he will becomes even stronger, that will be the nightmare of the other party! Hence, Yin Suye raised his hand and attacked Huang Beichen right away.

“Yin Suye, you really wanted to kill me?!”

Looking at the powerful attack at his way, Huang Beichen’s forehead instantly covered with a layer of dense cold sweat. He wants to save himself, but most of his tricks are useless under the absolute suppression of the strength from a Supreme King! The strength of a Supreme King is simply not what he can resist now! In fact, he has not yet figured out the reason why Yin Suye must kill him. He was unwilling!

What if……

Huang Beichen also doesn’t know what he wants to assume. He only knows that Yin Suye’s attack has already arrived right in front of him. His body was shuddering, his brain began to turn blank, and he felt like his soul is gradually not his own anymore…
At this moment, Huang Beichen’s eyes became unfocused but for the next second, his glazed eyes instantly turned bright and erupted with a brilliant glory…

“Yin Suye, don’t you think your moves are too ruthless?” said Huang Beichen. He has no way to resist earlier, but suddenly burst into a powerful energy that resisted Yin Suye’s powerful offensive energy.

Centering around where Huang Beichen stood, two energies instantly clashed and a fierce battle has started…
Until both energies completely dissipated in the air from constant friction…

Then, Huang Beichen’s figure reappeared…

It can be seen that Huang Beichen’s original black pupils were dyed with dazzling gold color at this moment…

“What is this situation now?”

Shui Ruoshan was stunned by a series of things that happened in front of him, some of which were unclear to him. He couldn’t understand why Yin Suye suddenly attacked Huang Beichen? He also couldn’t understand why Huang Beichen, who clearly had no way to resist to suddenly broke out of SEED and resisted Yin Suye’s attack.
The most important thing is why did Huang Beichen’s eyes turned into golden color? One need to know that gold is the mark of a Supreme King ah! In other words, Huang Beichen became one in such an instant?

*falls down*

Is this kind of ‘leaping level-up’ really in line with the development of the plot? Even if he once has opened a variety of gold finger[2] for the protagonist, he didn’t make them so exaggerating to such an unreal level!

2. protagonist benefits

“Huang Beichen is back!” Yin Suye coldly looked at Huang Beichen’s changes, and there was a layer of cold ice in his eyes, but he did not continue his attack this time. Because he was waiting, waiting for the real Huang Beichen to return!

“Ah?” Shui Ruoshan blinked in confusion.

One really can’t blame him for his poor comprehension, but Yin Suye’s words were too succinct, so he(SRS) can’t guess what he(YSY) wants to express! Please forgive him that he is not a worm in Yin Suye’s belly[3]!

3. as in I’m not living inside your body, I don’t know what are you thinking if you don’t say it out

“Huang Beichen should be like me now, reborn from the future.” Yin Suye gave the little guy a serious answer.

Though he said ‘should be’, but from the familiar pressure and soul aura emitted from Huang Beichen, he can be sure that this is the Huang Beichen from his past life, the one who has always been fighting with him.

“You mean Huang Beichen has just been reborn?” Shui Ruoshan’s voice was subconsciously raised a few decibels higher.

He really felt that this [The Strongest King in History] story cannot be saved anymore. Not only did the author has transmigrated into it, Yin Suye the villain was reborn. Now, even the protagonist Huang Beichen is reborn! This gave him, the author, a mountain of stress ah!


Raw Word Count : 3413


Chapter 140 – The truth

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“If you have nothing to say to us, then that’s it!”

Seeing that Huang Beichen did not want to talk to him, Shui Ruoshan was somewhat dissatisfied. So he took Yin Suye’s hand, wanting to leave. They came together, so Yin Suye naturally will leave with him. He would like to see if Huang Beichen can still be indifferent, now that Yin Suye is about to leave.

To think that he felt complicated previously because he took Yin Suye’s side, and helped him to rob the protagonist of the opportunistic encounters. He felt that he was somewhat sorry for Huang Beichen, and was thinking how to face Huang Beichen. He even thought about how to resolve the hatred between Yin Suye and Huang Beichen, trying to achieve a win-win situation. In the end, he was very upset by Huang Beichen’s attitude when he finally saw him. Particularly Huang Beichen’s eyes that have been staring at Yin Suye, completely neglecting his(SRS) existence. That differential treatment is too obvious alright?!

The most important thing was that Huang Beichen’s eager eyes at Yin Suye made him feel very uncomfortable! That’s why he decided that even though Huang Beichen is the perfect protagonist he created, he would hate him completely! Because of Huang Beichen’s bad attitude, he realized that his family’s Xiao Yeye is actually very good towards him(SRS)! Therefore, he thinks he should treat Xiao Yeye better in the future. And now, he should stand firm on Yin Suye’s side and then launch a series of battles of wits with Huang Beichen.

“Sorry, I was thinking about something just now!”

Huang Beichen hurriedly stopped them. He finally managed to see Yin Suye today, so he couldn’t be dissatisfied just because someone else is here, so he immediately corrected his attitude and sincerely apologized.

“Apology accepted this time, but no next time!”

Shui Ruoshan puts on a show of being generous with a high attitude, forgiving Huang Beichen who was being rude to him. Actually, bullying the protagonist feels great!

“Then please come in!” Huang Beichen once again invited Yin Suye into the box, and this time he didn’t forget to invite Shui Ruoshan as well.

“Go in then!” Shui Ruoshan said, not paying attention to Huang Beichen who was still standing by the side, pulling Yin Suye to the box. “There are some things between you and Huang Beichen that you should take this opportunity to make it clear.”

At first, he wanted to come to this appointment with Yin Suye to see if he could help resolve the grievance between Yin Suye and Huang Beichen. He felt that Yin Suye would be invincible with his progress in the continent, as long as the protagonist Huang Beichen didn’t go against him. After all, in [The Strongest King in History], Yin Suye is only second to Huang Beichen in terms of strength.

But right now, he doesn’t want to do this anymore. Because he is not happy, so he wants other people to be unhappy as well. This other person obviously refers to Huang Beichen because he provoked him. Of course, other than taking revenge for his private enmity, it’s still necessary for Yin Suye to clearly explain some matters with Huang Beichen. At the very least, he can’t let Yin Suye to continue shouldering ‘black pots’[1], nor can he let Huang Beichen to be unjust to Yin Suye for so long. He will let Huang Beichen regret his action for misunderstanding Yin Suye!

1. taking blames

No one is more aware of Huang Beichen’s character than him, the author. In order to be in line with the development of a harmonious society advocated by the country, he shaped the protagonist Huang Beichen into a good young man with proper three views. But it was precisely because he shaped Huang Beichen’s character too ‘lawfully good’, he(HBC) gradually drifted apart from the increasingly blackened Yin Suye until they became arch enemies…

What he needs to do now is to let Huang Beichen understand that Yin Suye is actually a good person, and many charges against him(YSY) were actually frames. As long as Huang Beichen has this idea in his mind, no matter what Huang Beichen saw or heard in the future, he would involuntarily stop to think and give Yin Suye the benefit of the doubt. So, he won’t be so easily charging Yin Suye with a crime, and won’t be so easily swayed by other people’s theory to choose to go against Yin Suye….

He wants to leave enough protection for Yin Suye!

“Alright!” Yin Suye firmly grasped Shui Ruoshan’s hand and walked into the box.


“Huang Beichen, just say it. Why are you looking for Yin Suye?”

Shui Ruoshan took Yin Suye to sit at the main seat of the box, asked Huang Beichen without beating about the bush.

“I want to know the truth, about what happened in the Fog Forest 3 months ago!”

Huang Beichen didn’t reject to answer the question just because Shui Ruoshan is the one who asked but when he answered the question, his eyes were looking straight at Yin Suye. From what he observed earlier on, Huang Beichen understood clearly that Yin Suye is not standing on his side now. So in order to solve the problem between him and Yin Suye, he promptly responded even though he does not like the fact that a third person is standing between him and Yin Suye, and he didn’t display those feelings on the surface.

“Why are you looking at my family’s Xiao Yeye?”

Shui Ruoshan immediately became alert from Huang Beichen’s attitude; being agreeable on the outside, but opposing on the inside. In order to show that he and Yin Suye are inseparable from each other, he went ahead and called the nickname Xiao Yeye with a saccharine tone. Although Shui Ruoshan could somewhat understand that Huang Beichen just wanted to built a good mood with Yin Suye, but isn’t him somewhat being over-excited to Yin Suye? At this moment, he did not know why he suddenly thought of the messages posted by many fujoshis under his novel’s chapters, especially those passionate messages asking for more interactions between the protagonist and the villain, which gave him a bad thought. God knows that when he wrote the novel, his thoughts were pure. He was writing about the friendship between the protagonist and the villain!

But now, he is not sure about Huang Beichen’s level of concern for Yin Suye. Because the continent [Mowu Dalu] is a real world, he can’t use the plots from his novel as a guide, especially when the plots have completely shifted from its route. In other words, the part that is not written in his book does not mean that it won’t happen in the real world.

In an instant, Shui Ruoshan’s gaze at Huang Beichen became a bit wrong. Could it be this big stallion Huang Beichen is actually a closet bisexual? Therefore, could the real story of [The Strongest King in History] be actually that Huang Beichen has bad intentions to his family’s Yin Suye while having beautiful women in his arms, but because Yin Suye didn’t obey him, Huang Beichen got into a love and hate relationship with Yin Suye? He wanted to use force to make Yin Suye succumb but unfortunately didn’t get his wish. In the end because he couldn’t get Yin Suye, he decided to destroy him?

Shui Ruoshan was shocked by his brain hole! It was too terrifying!

“Let me tell you, I know all the things about Xiao Yeye. If you have any questions, just ask me.”

Just in case, Shui Ruoshan made an immediate decision to completely eliminate any opportunities for Huang Beichen to progress anything with Yin Suye. At the same time, he made a solemn decision in his heart, that he will guard Xiao Yeye’s integrity! With such a thought, he felt that his life mission was heavy! Right now, he is on standby for a war, and he will prevent Huang Beichen from worming his way into Yin Suye’s heart.

Feeling like he is not very convincing by just his words, Shui Ruoshan thought about it and answered the question asked by Huang Beichen earlier.

“As for the truth regarding killing others to loot the treasures, Yin Suye saw through their conspiracy, the real ‘killing others (you two) to loot the treasures’, and was surrounded and framed. When Yin Suye finally defeated them, you stood up and indiscriminately defended those people who want to harm you!” Shui Ruoshan’s tone was full of accusations at Huang Beichen when he summed up the matter.

“Is that true?” Although Huang Beichen could faintly guess the truth, his heart still felt very uncomfortable when he heard the other party revealed it so mercilessly.

“What I said is naturally true!”

Seeing Huang Beichen expressed doubts to his words, Shui Ruoshan was instantly dissatisfied so he immediately turned to Yin Suye for help.

“Xiao Yeye, tell Huang Beichen. What I’ve said is the truth, right?”


Yin Suye didn’t even bother to spare a look at Huang Beichen. But since the little guy asked him, he cooperatively gave the answer.

He experienced this same thing in his past life. After Huang Beichen came to the Imperial Capital, he(HBC) immediately went to see him(YSY). It was also at this time, this place, this environment, and he asked the same question. But because Huang Beichen’s sincerity was very honest at that time, he forgave the other party and reconciled with him. This is one of the reasons why he was willing to start the Fate Substitution for Huang Beichen. But then due to various reasons, they gradually moved to the opposite path, until he finally died in Huang Beichen’s hands that their ill-fated relationship considered an end.

“Heard that?”

Shui Ruoshan expressed his satisfaction towards Yin Suye’s cooperation. However, his attitude was not so friendly towards Huang Beichen’s disrespectful question; proudly showing off at him.

Raw Word Count : 2850


Chapter 139 – Most important person

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Three days later, Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye arrived right on time in front of the Chaoyang box in Rujia Inn.

Actually, when Shui Ruoshan finally saw Rujia Inn, he can only feel countless thick black lines[1] on his face, and the corners of his mouth could not help twitching. If he knew that he will transmigrate into the story [The Strongest King in History], he will never borrow this hotel’s name just because he can’t think of a good name. One should know that the Rujia Inn in his novel is an all-purpose inn where one can eat, drink, play and enjoy, rather than a modern hotel chain. The Rujia Inn here and the one in Earth was an entirely different concept.

1. (= _= lll )

When he first wrote the outline of his novel at home, due to something annoying happened causing him to be irritated, and he just happened to write about an inn that needs a name in his chapter, he became too lazy to bother with the name. When he looked out of the window, he saw a ‘Home Inn’[2] not far from the opposite of his house, so the lazy him directly took that name, creating an out-of-place name within the novel[3].

2. The hotel existed in real life that SRS copied the name from. But let’s not use it here for SRS’s creation to prevent confusion. That means RL hotel will be written as Home Inn while SRS’s creation will be called Rujia Inn. Check bottom for google search link
3. Hard to explain this, but here’s an example. It’s like a transmigrator in ancient chinese setting, opening a restaurant and naming it ‘Mai Dang Lao’/McD lol

Come to think of it, he kind of did his best to promote and making advertising activities for Home Inn, and even help to promote it in the parallel world, letting it become the first multi-dimensional universe enterprise, so shouldn’t he get paid with a little advertising fee from Home Inn? Because even when he is looking at the completely different, world-class Rujia Inn in front of him, his mind is still reflecting the cheap hotel chain back on Earth. However, the thing that makes him sad is in this continent, he is probably the only one who thinks that Rujia Inn’s name is out of place. The people in the continent does not know anything about Home Inn, and the only person who knows about the hotel was Huang Beichen, who happens to be the behind-the-scenes boss of Rujia Inn. In other words, this modern name was given by Huang Beichen. That is probably why Huang Beichen can arrange to meet Yin Suye in the best box in Rujia Inn – there is no place more convenient than his own territory. As for how Huang Beichen started, grow and expand his business in this parallel world, it’s a long story, no need to mention it.

Right now, he needs to think about what kind of attitude should he use to face Huang Beichen, the protagonist?

“Yin Suye, will Huang Beichen really be here for you?”

Before they push the door into the Chaoyang box, Shui Ruoshan turned around and asked Yin Suye indecisively. One need to know, When Fox gotten this letter and handed it to him, Yin Suye didn’t investigate whether the content on the letter was true. He(YSY) just brought him(SRS) out together when the agreed time has arrived.

“Yes.” Yin Suye firmly answered.

In him past life, he spent almost half of his life battling with Huang Beichen, and he also had a very deep understanding of Huang Beichen. It was Huang Beichen’s handwriting in the letter, he don’t have to doubt it. Other than that, based on Huang Beichen’s character, he is someone who will do when he says. Since he already set the appointment, he will definitely come on time.

As he said that, Yin Suye reached out to push the door to show the little guy that he doesn’t have to worry about it.

“Wait a minute!”

Shui Ruoshan stopped Yin Suye right away when he saw that he(YSY) wants to open the door. He gave so many excuses just now, it was actually used to cover up his incomprehensible tension and strange awkwardness that he will be seeing the protagonist soon. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to delay the time to let himself better mentally prepared. Although he always knew that according to the plot, Huang Beichen would arrive to the Imperial Capital after three months under Huo Ruyan’s lead, but she was already killed by Yin Suye. Plus, under Yin Suye’s influence and his as well, whether deliberately or unintentionally, they have destroyed so many plots. He thought that the plot would be like a herd of ‘mud horses’[4] running amok. However, he didn’t expect Huang Beichen to come to the Imperial Capital after 3 months in accordance with the original route, when the routes were so broken. This makes his mood very complicated.

4. means f u c k

Just as he was feeling complicated and thinking how he should explain his feelings to Yin Suye, the door was opened from inside…

“Yin Suye, you’re here?”

Huang Beichen has been waiting in the box. He heard some voices outside the box so he got up and opened the door. Seeing the person standing outside the door was the person he wanted to meet, Huang Beichen looked surprised.

“Come in!” Huang Beichen said and gestured to Yin Suye to hurry into the box.

After their fallout regarding the treasures in the Fog Forest that day, Huang Beichen has been regretting his impulsive behavior at that time. Knowing that Yin Suye was not good at words, he even convicted Yin Suye under the influence of other people’s words and the situation at the time. He really shouldn’t have done that. Afterwards, when he thought of the things carefully, he gradually noticed that something was not right. How could the aloof Yin Suye do despicable thing as killing people in secret? Huang Beichen felt that he might have wronged Yin Suye and wanted to return to ask for the truth. But before they parted, they fought and neither of them held back. The result was he managed to leave, but he was heavily injured that when he persisted and reached a safe place, he fainted right away. After he woke up, he delayed same time to meditate for his injuries.

So when he finally returned to where he left Yin Suye, Yin Suye was no longer there. Afterwards, he headed directly to the Imperial Capital, the place where Yin Suye is most likely to go to; trying his luck (if he’s really there), or to wait for him (if he’s not there). Just that what Huang Beichen didn’t expect was the moment he has just arrived at the Imperial Capital, he immediately heard all kinds of news about Yin Suye. For a moment, he couldn’t connect that domineering Supreme King, to the silent Yin Suye he knew. After all, when he and Yin Suye first met, their strength was almost the same. And now they were only separated for 3 months, it is simply not enough to let someone change from a normal martial artist to a Supreme King!

However, Yin Suye was rumored to have done it, it lets Huang Beichen felt unbelievable. One must know, as a transmigrator with a golden finger, the speed of his advance was quite speedy compared to the standard speed in the continent. He has recently breakthrough several times because of various fruitful adventures. Right now, he has already broken through the 2nd level of the Imperial stage. But compared with Yin Suye’s unbelievable speed, he is nothing at all!

Huang Beichen’s mood felt strange. However, he quickly adjusted his mindset. After confirming that the rumored Supreme King is indeed the Yin Suye he knows, he began to find ways to meet Yin Suye. He needs to clarify the truth about what happened in the Fog Forest.

It is a pity that Supreme King is not easy to be seen.

Ever since Yin Suye moved into the Imperial City, except for the necessary activities, he basically did not go out of the Imperial City. That caused the Huang Beichen who was waiting outside, to realize that he must take the initiative if he wants to see Yin Suye. At that time, the Supreme King has agreed to organize the drafting ceremony, and caused a commotion everywhere. So he used his influence and power in the capital to find some candidates who were about to enter the Imperial City to participate in the drafting ceremony, and bought them over with a large sum of money to let them deliver his personally written letter to Yin Suye.

Just in case, Huang Beichen asked several people to send letters at the same time. As it turned out, his far-sightness were correct because the drafting ceremony was suddenly forced to terminate, which gave the candidates he bought no opportunity at all to hand the letter over to Yin Suye, and were driven out. One of the candidates was smart, he managed sneaked the letter in an unobtrusive place as they left the Imperial City. As for whether the letter could reach Yin Suye or not, that is not under his control.

Compared with Huang Beichen’s enthusiasm, Yin Suye’s attitude was cold and somewhat merciless. There were no emotions in his cold eyes, and he looked like he didn’t see Huang Beichen at all.

“Why are you looking for Yin Suye?” Shui Ruoshan saw Yin Suye’s expression was wrong when looking at Huang Beichen. So he immediately stepped forward and stood between Yin Suye and Huang Beichen without hesitation, blocking him from Huang Beichen; directing the communication between the two.

Huang Beichen naturally felt Yin Suye’s cold attitude towards him, but this did not affect his enthusiasm to speak with Yin Suye. The fact that Yin Suye is willing to come to see him shows that Yin Suye probably still cares about him as his friend. Just that he has wronged Yin Suye in the Fog Forest, so Yin Suye is ignoring him for the time being. However, he hasn’t even started talking to Yin Suye before someone cut in.

“What is your relationship with Yin Suye?” Why are you speaking on his behalf? In the end, Huang Beichen couldn’t help asking out the question in his heart.

“I am Yin Suye’s most important person!” Shui Ruoshan thought and gave such an answer.

Don’t ask him to say that he and Yin Suye is currently in love. *falls* Such cheesy words, he can’t say it at all! Therefore, he can only use similar wording to express their relationship! At the same time he thought in his mind, if Xiao Yeye dares to speak to Huang Beichen, he(SRS) will make Xiao Yeye regret it! Humph humph!


Before seeing Yin Suye, Huang Beichen actually imagined various scenes in meeting back with Yin Suye, but he never thought that there would be a third person present in the meeting. And this person has an unusual relationship with Yin Suye, which caused him to feel somewhat upset! One need to know, Yin Suye is not someone easy to get along with. He has spent countless methods to get a little closer to Yin Suye, and then became friends through constant interactions. But he didn’t expect that just because of one suspicion, Yin Suye shut him out right away. Not only he(YSY) did not explain, he also let him doubted him(YSY), which caused the split between them.

Originally, he thought he could calmly sit down with Yin Suye to make things clear. As long as he apologized sincerely, they could return to their past close relationship with each other. But what he didn’t think was that being separated from Yin Suye in just three months, Yin Suye has already gotten someone more important than him, Huang Beichen couldn’t get used to it at all. After all, the person who once seemed so close with Yin Suye was him!


Shui Ruoshan couldn’t understand why Huang Beichen suddenly turned silent. Why did he feel that Huang Beichen’s expression towards him was somewhat wrong after he said he was the most important person to Yin Suye?

What with this strange feeling?


Raw Word Count : 3510


Banana: Here’s the hotel in real life : 如家酒店 / Home Inn – Google search

Chapter 138 – Better mood

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Finally, it’s settled!”

Shui Ruoshan stretched out widely without caring for his image. Seeing those people and the candidates being sent out by him with just a few words, and they could only leave like that, Shui Ruoshan felt that his mood that had been irritated by the rumors suddenly became better. As expected, when you are in a bad mood, you can become happy when you abuse others.

Even when everyone knew that Yin Suye treated him specially, people would still find countless reasons to criticize him, and then decided that he is ‘not pleasing to the eye’. Who ask him to monopoly Yin Suye the moment he appeared! Actually, towards this issue Shui Ruoshan felt wronged. He obviously was bound to by Yin Suye but in their eyes, he was the one who tempted Yin Suye. However, he believed that from this drafting ceremony, everyone will definitely stop seeking trouble with him. Everyone will know that he and Yin Suye have signed a co-death contract. Probably no one will dare to have any ideas on Yin Suye anymore at this moment. At the same time, he felt that there should be no people who dare to face off with him in public and brazenly talk bad of him! After all, he is the man who signed with the co-death contract with their Supreme King!

*falls down*

What with this feeling of infinite pride? He was obviously just relying on the big tree to enjoy the cool breeze!


Seeing that the little guy has regained his spirit, Yin Suye had a little smile in his eyes. At the same time, he wondered in his heart if he should deliberately send a few people out for little guy to abuse when he is in a bad mood next time?

“I am so smart, right?”

Shui Ruoshan unceremoniously gave himself 320 praises, ten times his usual amount to express his own compliments. He only make use of a small drafting ceremony, not only he managed to stop those who have ulterior motives from having an idea on Yin Suye, but he also stopped those rumor-maker from continuing to blacken his name, thereby weakening the rumors. What a good ‘killing two birds with one stone’!

“My Xiao Ruo is the best!”

For the little guy, Yin Suye has always cooperatively follow his words. Therefore, he has already perfected his skill in saying exaggerated words very seriously and convincingly.

“That’s right.”

Shui Ruoshan received the compliment without any guilt. Looking up at Yin Suye, who stood behind him and supported him since the beginning, Shui Ruoshan’s eyes turned and then, when other people were not paying attention, he immediately pounced at Yin Suye. His action was like ‘a brave tiger going down the mountain’, like he won’t give up if he couldn’t pounced on Yin Suye.

Although Yin Suye couldn’t understand what the little guy wanted to do this time, he simply reached out and steadily caught this person who was throwing himself at him.

“Why didn’t you fall down?”

Shui Ruoshan couldn’t imagine that his sudden attack have any use on Yin Suye. Not only he cannot see the scene where Yin Suye fell down, but he can’t even move his(YSY) still figure.
It can’t be any more damaging than this! No, it is obvious that Xiao Yeye didn’t cooperate, that’s why this scene was so depressing. Can they still play happily now?

Actually, the reason why he actively pounced at Yin Suye was because of how everyone was shocked by the fact that he forcefully kissed Yin Suye. But in this current situation, Shui Ruoshan who originally think nothing intriguing of it begins to think more, now that he is idle. It seems that he has decided that his forceful kiss must have caused everyone to misunderstand something? Then he ran through the entire thing in his mind. He feels that as a good young man who pursuits ideal, he should begin to prepare for his future life[1]. Although he and Yin Suye are still in the so-called process in getting in love, and there is still a long way to go before the last step, this does not prevent him from thinking about it and starting to prepare for it. But can anyone tell him why, he can’t push Yin Suye down at all? Why is the physical strength between him and Yin Suye is so big? Does he really have a chance to push him down in the future? In an instant, he felt that his future is dim, what to do[2]?

1. No shit, Banana has no idea what SRS is talking about
2. If Banana is not mistaken here, SRS thought he is the gong/top/seme lol

“Oh!” Seeing the little guy pouted in dissatisfaction and complained at him, although he knew it was a little late, Yin Suye immediately fell over like what the little guy wanted.

Shui Ruoshan, who was still on Yin Suye, didn’t expect Yin Suye to fall down all of a sudden, and now his entire body is completely flat on top of Yin Suye?!

“Why didn’t you say anything before you fell to the ground?”

Shui Ruoshan glared at Yin Suye, the human mat under him. Did you forget to take medicine today, or did you took the wrong medicine? When it’s time to fall, you didn’t fall, when you don’t to anymore, you fell right way. Is he trying to disrupt his rhythm?

“You want me to fall.” So he fell[3].

3. Felt like this sentence can be used differently, like a naughty devil asking an archangel to fall, and he did~


Facing the straightforward Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt like he cannot look at him. Does he know that it’s very fake if he didn’t fall at the right timing?

He could only use this method to support the little guy. Yin Suye’s method was actually very simple. What does the little guy wants, he will satisfy it; what the little guy wants to do, he will do it…
Now the little guy wants him to fall down, even if this action will damage his prestige as the human Supreme King, he will still do it without hesitation.


Listening to the Xiao Yeye’s words, he fell down just to please him? Although he doesn’t think Xiao Yeye would know of such advanced skill as pleasing others, he had to say that this kind of pleasing is still very much likeable. But now Shui Ruoshan has started to doubt if Yin Suye did it on purpose, to not fall at the first moment but later on so as to give him a strong contrast effect, in order to make him happy. Can’t blame Shui Ruoshan for thinking like this, it was because he has fallen for Yin Suye’s traps too much before so he has to guard against him ah!

Just as Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye fell down and staring at each other, Fox suddenly return from sending away the high ranked officials.

“Master!” Fox has just stepped into the room before immediately stepping back. “Please continue, I didn’t see anything!”

After he said that, Fox turned away and wanted to run. He saw a strange scene which his master was pressed under Shui Ruoshan. So this time, will he be in real danger where he gets killed to keep a secret? Sure enough, doing tasks beside Master is a high-risk career! Especially from time to time, he will inadvertently stepped into some intimate moments between Master and Shui Ruoshan.

“Is there something you want to report?”

Yin Suye asked before Fox escapes from the scene. Then he got up while carrying Shui Ruoshan, then placed him down.


Only at this moment that Shui Ruoshan realized that they have fallen on to the ground just now! No wonder Fox showed an embarrassed look like he has interrupted someone’s good time. But doesn’t this indirectly looked like he actually topped Yin Suye? Thinking about it this way, he still felt a little excited!

“Master, I found a letter addressed to you in the Imperial City, probably secretly left over here by someone when those officials and candidates left.” Fox explained and handed the letter to his master.

Shui Ruoshan was standing next to Yin Suye, so he just have to turn his head and he would be able to see the contents of the letter clearly. He saw the ‘For Yin Suye’s eyes only’ on the envelope. The content written in the letter was also very concise, there was only a short sentence – ‘3 days later at noon, waiting for you in the Rujia Inn, Chaoyang box[4] .’ That is to say, someone wanted to see Yin Suye but because he/she can’t enter the Imperial City, he/she can only use a roundabout way to bring the letter to the Imperial City and give it to Yin Suye.

4 .a reserved room

There was nothing specific that Shui Ruoshan cares about in the letter. All his attention is now on the signature, Huang Beichen. One need to know, Huang Beichen is the name of the protagonist in [The Strongest King in History] ah!

Raw Word Count : 2768


Chapter 137 – A lifetime commitment

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

这穿越方式绝逼不对!Chapter one three seven – A lifetime commitment

“Yin Suye, I have just placed my mark[1] on you, so you are mine now!”

1. kiss

Shui Ruoshan pecked a few times on Yin Suye’s lips and ended their short but pure kiss, then strongly announced his possession. He was very clear that the reason why he could ‘attack’ Yin Suye successfully was because he caught him off guard. If they continued this kiss, Yin Suye will definitely take over and overwhelm him. So, in order to maintain the aloof image he worked on to create, he must end the things that may destroy his image. Therefore, kiss or whatnots, just a little bit is enough! Anyway, this is just to make his words more convincing and to make other people see!

Humph humph! Otherwise, he won’t go against his image!

But then again, kissing Yin Suye felt pretty good. That soft and tender touch, it really makes people keep coming for more. No wonder so many people likes to be do intimate things! Especially at this moment, looking at Yin Suye’s delicate face against the light, he seemed to be showing a look of dissatisfaction. Shui Ruoshan unexpectedly thought of some unreasonable illusion. En, cannot take these illusion for real! He should concentrate on settling those unsightly people instead!

“Alright, but you are also mine!” Yin Suye looked helplessly at the little guy who started a ‘fire’ but didn’t know about it at all. There was a hint of indulgence in his eyes.

“We belong to each other!” Shui Ruoshan stated ambiguously.

After he finished ‘flirting’ with Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan unhurriedly turned back to the crowd.

“Now, do you know who Yin Suye belongs to?”

Shui Ruoshan snickered at the people who were hit hard by the information. It was very obvious that he was showing off.


At this moment, everyone rather they saw nothing. If they only saw the Supreme King who usually didn’t like being close to people, getting intimate with Shui Ruoshan, they might not feel too shocked. After all, the Supreme King treated Shui Ruoshan with special treatment, and they can see that quite clearly. However, the Supreme King, who always has a cold face that say ‘Do Not Approach’, actually was forcefully kissed by a demon?! Yes, it was not the Supreme King taking the initiative to kiss others, but was kissed by others! This totally overwrote everyone’s impression of the Supreme King! Could it be their Supreme King is not the top, but the one being topped? Think about it this way, everyone was shocked beyond words! This caused these subordinates to not dare to look directly at Shui Ruoshan. The scene was too beautiful, they couldn’t bear to watch it!

“In order not to let you people get worthlessly busy again, how about I do a good deed and tell you one important news for free?”

Shui Ruoshan apparently did not know what kind of horrible effect he caused in their heart with his kiss. He just thinks that he has enough of it, and doesn’t want to continue attacking their fragile heart.

“Please say it?”

The people tried to calm the horror in their heart, making efforts so as not to reveal the slightest change of emotion on their face. They firmly refused to admit that they have a feeling of great harmony when they saw one tall and one short figure standing together in such a simple way. In fact, in the current situation, they want to remain silent, but as soon as they thought of the failed drafting ceremony, the Supreme King’s disapproval, and Shui Ruoshan’s troubles for them, plus other factors, they have mentally prepared for the worst outcome. So, they were not afraid to continue to hear worse news from Shui Ruoshan. Most importantly, Shui Ruoshan’s reminder let them recognize the reality that their Supreme King has been completely enchanted by the demon. The drafting ceremony they tried so hard to make it happen is likely to end up in vain!

“I seem to have forgotten to tell you that I and Yin Suye have signed a co-death contract!”

This time Shui Ruoshan didn’t beat about the bush’, and gave them the final present, a strike to their heart. He just wants everyone to clearly understand that Yin Suye has been firmly bound to him, so other people should not hold any unrealistic fantasies, because they have no chance!

“The contract that the Supreme King signed with you was a co-death contract?!”

All the people present sucked in a breath of cold air, they couldn’t conceal the emotions in their eyes. It was not ‘surprised’, not ‘shocked’, but ‘panicked’! The co-death contract was not any small contracts but an absolute contract that completely ties two people together. It was dubbed as the terrifying contract that “even death is impossible to separate the two”! There were people who have personal experience to prove the terrible nature of the co-death contract.

Rumors said that there was once a strong person who was schemed by evil people and was pressured to the ground. When he was at the bottom of his life and nowhere to escape, he was rescued by a woman. And this woman voluntarily signed the co-death contract with that strong person, when he was only left with a breath of life. Signing of the ‘Sharing life and death’ contract helped that strong person to share half of his injuries with the woman, which allowed him to survive. Then, their feelings bloomed from staying together, and became husband and wife. They also made an oath swearing eternal love to each other, and enjoyed a very sweet life together for some time. However, for the woman who was not strong to start with, and has taken half of the injuries from the strong man, not only her strength suffered damages, it was not showing any progress at all. As time goes by, without the support from her inner strength, the woman’s body gradually becomes weak and old…

On the other hand, because the strong man has great inner strength and his injuries were shared by the woman, his body began to gradually improve. When his strength has fully recovered, he exacts his revenge and took back everything that belonged to him.

In the continent, as long as one has strong inner strength, their appearance will remain at their peak state and has an infinitely long life…
Thus, a huge difference can be seen from the couple’s situation. In the end, the man who was strong, wealthy and powerful got tired of the old woman, and secretly raised a lover outside. However, the woman could guess that the strong man has a new love through the clues left behind. At first, she stayed quiet about it. It was until when the strong man confirmed that he is going to abandon her, the woman who has no means to keep the strong man to her, decided to commit suicide. At that same time, the co-death contract was activated, taking the man with her.

Even though the strong man’s strength was very close to the Supreme stage, by under the effect of the co-death contract, the strong man can only follow her footsteps after her death. At that time, this incident caused a great sensation in that era. After all, the dead person was not any small-time person who is not famous, but was a legendary person who has been hailed as the most powerful person and the next generation of Supreme King. However, such a strong man who has a promising future died in the hands of a weak woman. How can this not shock everyone!

It was from that time that people suddenly realized that while the co-death contract has its huge benefits, but the disadvantages it brought were equally powerful. The moment two people signed the co-death contract, their life will no longer belong to themselves but to each other. This is also the reason why lesser and lesser people dared to sign a co-death contract with others.

The high ranked officials were there to witness when the Supreme King and Shui Ruoshan signed the contract. At the time they only thought it was just a contract with equally mutual benefit. No one would think that the Supreme King, who is already standing above ten thousands of people, would take the initiative to sign this overbearing contract.

A lifetime commitment, not everyone can afford it! After all, the outside world is too exciting, and a lifetime is too long!

But now, no matter how frightened and dissatisfied these people were at the moment, they cannot change the facts. And just because they understood this point, they felt a little scared. They tried to forced Shui Ruoshan away from the Supreme King and dared to offend Shui Ruoshan. Now that they know it is impossible to make him leave, they would be seeking death if they still try. At this point, they simply don’t have the right to feel dissatisfied with Shui Ruoshan for hiding this information from them. They only felt fortunate that Shui Ruoshan as a demon, is not harmful to the Supreme King, or detrimental to the human race. Else, with his co-death contract with the Supreme King, the things he could do are too much!

“Since you all understood the matter, then end this farce. And let these candidates return to wherever they came from!”

Shui Ruoshan flipped his sleeves at them, meaning that everyone can leave now. He already told them the things he wanted to say, and his goals have been achieved, so naturally these people do not need to continue to stay here to pollute his eyes.


At this moment, those people can only answer a ‘Yes’ bitterly, unwillingly, and wronged…

Raw Word Count : 2871


Chapter 136 – Pretending to be a pig to eat tiger

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Since the candidates you choose cannot be compared to me, you have no choice but to use them to try to replace my position in Yin Suye’s heart. It’s a failure that cannot fail even lower!”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t care for their extremely ugly expression, directly telling them his conclusion. He is confirming his sense of existence through bullying others!

“Don’t you think your judgment is too arbitrary?”

Though the people present were shocked by Shui Ruoshan’s sudden explosion of power, but once things concerned involved their interests, they would argue back. They admits that Shui Ruoshan is promising in terms of appearance and strength, but it does not mean that Shui Ruoshan will be stronger than others in other categories. They believed that as long as they could find his weakness, they can reverse this unfavorable situation.

“I know what you want to say, and I can tell you this honestly, although I can’t guarantee that I could do everything outstandingly, but it will still be a little more than your people.”

Shui Ruoshan seems to say this quite modestly, but only he knows that he is very fluent in this. If this was on Earth, he could be considered almost clueless in these scholarly skills like playing qin and chess, knowledgeable and could draw drawings. But if the place switched to a parallel world, the knowledge that he possesses from Earth is enough to let him dominate the world. One need to know, in the basic rules he set for the novel, the protagonist just have to sing a few popular songs from Earth, and he could be seen as a celestial being; as long as he recites a few well-known verses from Earth, he could be called a Master of the masters; as long as he could draw a few ink paintings or sketches, he could be regarded as a pioneer of ideas…

Therefore, as a transmigrator, he naturally has a great advantage in this respect. Because he set it up like this for the customs in the continent [Mowu Dalu], using a setting similar to Earth, but not including all these modern things, just to make it easier for the protagonist to rely on his earthly knowledge, to take full advantage of them. He remembers that he had a plot in [The Strongest King in History], where the protagonist was invited to attend a poetry meeting, and was laughed at and ridiculed at the meeting. Then, the protagonist couldn’t bear it anymore and exploded[1]. In front of everyone, he exaggeratedly held a bottle of wine with one hand, coolly drinking it, while holding a brush on the other hand, he quickly wrote down Earth’s ancient poems on the paper; suddenly stunning everyone out of their eyes. And at the same time, because of the resounding face slaps he gave those people who undermined him earlier, he gained good feelings and the hearts of many beautiful women.

1. Not literally

Because he likes to see scenes where people ‘pretended to be a pig to eat the tiger’[2], he has this ‘first restrict, then reveal’ kind of plot in his novel. After all, not only it can increase the ups and downs of the plot, it also resonates with the readers. This type of scene is definitely one of the best parts to write in a novel.

2. 扮猪吃老虎 – Hiding own strength while pretending to be weak/fool which one later on reveals own real strength

“Since you are so confident, how about you prove it to us? Or you can compete with the candidates.”

Unfortunately, these people do not know Shui Ruoshan’s inner thoughts,and were thinking to snatch this opportunity to increase their candidate’s performance opportunities. As long as they perform well, they can arouse the Supreme King’s interest and attention. Even if the drafting ceremony fails, in some respects this could be considered a victory. Therefore, this time they actively trying to stir up Shui Ruoshan’s competitive behaviour.

“They cannot even compete with me in terms of appearance as the most basic competition. They have no qualifications to discuss other conditions with me, and have no qualifications to compete with me either!”

Shui Ruoshan raised his head and pointed his chin at them, fully acting out a proud attitude and looking down at the people. Actually, it’s not that he doesn’t want to play out the ‘pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger’ scene, but his opponents were obviously incompetent in all aspects, he no longer have the mood to do it. They were so weak that they can’t even be considered a fake tiger. At most, they can only be regarded as a group of pigs. So what will this be? ‘Pretending to be a pig to eat pigs?’

Even if he is really idle, he will not do this kind of stuff which takes too much time and effort. Anyway, if he really wanted to see these people getting shocked and changing their expressions, he has other ways to do it, no need to do this sham gestures of politeness at all[3]. Because this is below his worth! How can someone aloof and elegant like him do something unstylish like that! Very obviously, ‘someone’ who thinks himself as higher grade has selectively forgotten he has acted petty with the high ranked officials earlier in the hall.

3. to agree to compete

“These candidates cannot beat me at all. How can they replace my position in Yin Suye’s heart?”

Shui Ruoshan asked a direct question seeing the people still not giving up. Any normal person will know who to choose between him and these candidates who are obviously inferior to him! Probably only these group of officials who have been blinded by power cannot answer Shui Ruoshan’s question.

They finally know what is called ‘ruthless’ today! It was not easy for them to see hope, but in the next second, someone came and merciless smashed it down. They’ll probably turn mad if this happens a few more times!

“In short, holding this drafting ceremony event is just funny!”

Shui Ruoshan did not forget to make fun of their stupidity. The word ‘hilarious’ is better than ‘meaningless’ to express his disdain for the drafting ceremony and at the same time let everyone know how he is seeing this as a joke from beginning to end.


Being degraded by Shui Ruoshan with such a ridiculous tone, everyone felt like they are going to get mad from the irritation! But then, the Supreme King was there looking at them coldly, so they didn’t dare to act. Their inner feeling is going to explode but they can’t express it out, it really makes their teeth itch!

“Do you know why I agreed to organize the drafting ceremony even though it will be unfavorable to me?” Suddenly thought of something, Shui Ruoshan abruptly asked. Just that the evil curve couldn’t be hidden from the corner of his mouth, and revealed his true emotions at this moment.


Although they were really curious about why Shui Ruoshan did this, they could sense that the answer will not be anything they wanted to hear, so they kept silent.

“The reason why I agreed to hold this drafting ceremony is to tell you that Yin Suye is already mine!”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t care if his words sounded ambiguous, he came to declare his sovereignty. In fact, at the same time, he also paid attention to see who have made their minds on Yin Suye, who him need to be vigilant against, to prevent his OTP ship from overturning. He originally planned to warn the candidates not to hit on Yin Suye but none of them were up to par so he omitted his warning, leaving only the part to abuse the officials.

These officials probably were afraid that they can’t control very talented candidates, and also hoping that their opponent’s strong candidates won’t be selected, so they keep fighting against each other. All of the strong candidates were eliminated, hence when the candidates were finally selected, only some good looking vases were left. However, Shui Ruoshan still need to make something clear. He does not want similar problems to find him again in the future. This time the people he met were all weak, but it does not mean that the people he met in the future would be the same.

Although he believed that Yin Suye will not be tempted, he doesn’t like to deal with Yin Suye’s ‘peach blossom debt’[4] from time to time, so he wants to use this drafting ceremony to eliminate any possibilities in the future. This is why he agreed to organize the drafting ceremony!

4. suitors/admirers

“Yin Suye, tell them, are you mine?” Shui Ruoshan ignored the people’s shocked expression and turned his head, asking Yin Suye very seriously.

“Yes.” Yin Suye confirmed, and did not forget to declare his ownership of the little guy, “But you are mine as well.”

Looking at the little guy’s triumphal attitude in front of everyone, Yin Suye only felt he is super cute, so cute that he couldn’t help but want to lower down his head and kiss him right away…

“Good!” Shui Ruoshan lightly approved.

Just that when he saw the strong emotions in Yin Suye’s eyes, the cogs in his mind started turning. Since he has just said that Yin Suye is his in front of everyone, if there isn’t any actual display, wouldn’t it seems like there’s no sense of persuasiveness? And so, before Yin Suye takes any action, he stood on tiptoe and raised his head, then kissed Yin Suye’s lips.

Raw Word Count : 2827

#AnotherKiss ~!

Chapter 135 – You think too much

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“We should stop talking about who’s perfect or not. Let’s get back to the issue of the drafting ceremony!”

Shui Ruoshan waved his little hand and skipped the problem. Because Yin Suye’s words were very, very, very hard to continue!!!

Agree with Yin Suye’s point of view and thought himself to be perfect? His face is not hat thick!

But disagree with Yin Suye’s point of view and say himself to be imperfect? He doesn’t have the habit to attack himself, especially in front of so many outsiders. He can’t throw away his prestige even more!

So they better stop talking of such a difficult topic. Therefore, even if Yin Suye’s golden thigh came to give him a great advantage in his battle with the high ranked officials, he felt no sense of accomplishment all at, so he decided to continue using his own methods to attack them. He came to give troubles anyway, hence he doesn’t care about offending anyone or not!

As for those people who were being arrogant earlier on, each and everyone of them has their head lowered down and showing a frustrated look. This makes the evil Shui Ruoshan wanted to mess with them several more times. Not sure if heart attacks exist in the continent. Because he was afraid that letting these people experiencing emotional ups and downs several times, if they could not stand the stimuli and suffered a heart attack, then it will be a sin. Being so kind to the enemy, he is really kind!

Yin Suye returned to stand behind Shui Ruoshan and silently supported Shui Ruoshan’s decisions with his own action.

“Yes, we should discuss about the drafting ceremony!”

This time the officials were very quick to respond and for the first time, they agreed with Shui Ruoshan’s words. Originally, they thought that after the Supreme King has spoken, they don’t have the chance of winning anymore and had to be forced to terminate the drafting ceremony. However, they did not expect Shui Ruoshan to not take such a good advantage and instead, would continue to discuss the drafting ceremony with them. They naturally have no reason to reject it. As long as the Supreme King does not intervene, they must make every effort to refute Shui Ruoshan!

“In this case, let us first talk about the purpose of this drafting ceremony. What is it?”

Seeing that the high ranking officials are finally opened to his words this time, Shui Ruoshan is impolitely took over, and started questioning them.

“Naturally is to let someone ready to serve around the Supreme King!”

They answered the question smoothly. They are very skilled at handling official answer like this, but considering that the Supreme King is here, they doesn’t dared to say anything too exaggerated.

“Actually, to be blunt, you people just want to send your people to Yin Suye, so that they can charm Yin Suye, and then help you lot obtain your benefits!”

Shui Ruoshan was obviously not a fool, so he rudely uncovered their sinister intentions. And he is the biggest stumbling block in front of their chance for benefits, so they will try to get him away from Yin Suye. That’s why so many bad rumors about him appeared amongst the humans in such a short time. However, because he has always been together with Yin Suye, these people have no chance to take action on him, so they used the rumors to create pressure on him, and forcing him to leave by himself. Unfortunately, not only this strategy has failed, it also caused him to stay longer and more frequent beside Yin Suye. This is why he keep staying beside Yin Suye some time ago. Since they want to make him stay away from Yin Suye, he deliberately did the opposite and became more intimate with Yin Suye, trying to suffocate them with anger! He has never been a generous person who don’t pay back his grievances!

“At the same time, I believe that if there is an opportunity, you will seize the chance to get me away from Yin Suye, so that the people you arranged can have the opportunity to dominate Yin Suye?”

Shui Ruoshan casually asked but his affirmative tone let people know that he is definitely not joking. In fact, things that he didn’t say doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know. It also doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care. Now that there is an opportunity to let those high ranked officials suffer losses, he naturally has to take the chance to release anger for himself.

“You think too much!”

Facing Shui Ruoshan’s accusation, they can only ‘hehe-ed’ twice and weakly denied. They have to think how to correct Shui Ruoshan’s words and at the same time, stop the Supreme King from staring coldly at them.

“Whether I think too much or not, you guys know best!” Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want to waste time on this issue but he wanted to ask, “But I am very curious. Why do you think that the candidates you lot have chosen could replace my position in Yin Suye’s heart?”

Shui Ruoshan slightly raised his head, and pointed at the numerous candidates who have no sense of existence up until now; his attitude disdainful. Now, he directly referred to Yin Suye by name, in order to highlight his position in Yin Suye’s heart.

“At the very least, the Supreme King and the candidates are humans!”

This is the point where they were most uncomfortable with Shui Ruoshan. Why can a demon can stay beside the Supreme King and swaggered in front of them?

“You never heard of ‘height is not a distance’, ‘age is not a problem’, ‘the area[1] is not a difference’, ‘weight is not a pressure’, ‘gender is not related’[2]? If both sides are in love with each other, everything else is just winds?”

1. referring long distance relationship
2. and ‘size doesn’t matter’ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Shui Ruoshan used a ‘You are so superficial’ gaze and looked at those people in disgust.


The person who first opened his mouth just now almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. All he said just now was about a race problem, and he didn’t think of anything else. As a result, Shui Ruoshan listed down a series of reasons without hesitation, not only answering the questions he raised, but also some possible ones he might ask later. Is there anything more depressing than this? Now what else they should say? That Shui Ruoshan is a man, that he can’t have children, that he can’t serve or take care of the Supreme King…? Even though Shui Ruoshan didn’t mention the answers for these questions just now, but they believed that as long as they could come up with anything, Shui Ruoshan could easily refute them by changing a few words in his sentences just now! Especially when his answers seemed to be very reasonable, but if one thinks about it carefully, they will realize that there are no practical meanings in it. He is really looking down at them with this empty and omnipotent answer!

On the other hand, they have so many people on their side but none of them could go against Shui Ruoshan! Things couldn’t be anymore wrong!

“What, you guys don’t agree with me?” Seeing their face keep changing colors, Shui Ruoshan was in a good mood so he is ready to continue bickering with them.

“We don’t dare!”

They seemed to be answering Shui Ruoshan’s question, but actually it was for the Supreme King. There were a lot of rough methods they wanted to use on Shui Ruoshan but couldn’t because the Supreme King was present, so they could only use their mouth and bickered with Shui Ruoshan.

“Since you don’t like what I said, then let me be practical!” Shui Ruoshan’s mood looked very good.

Seeing the rest of the people didn’t echo what he had just said, his face showed an unwilling expression, so he changed to another direction to stun them speechless!

“Then let me ask you, these so-called excellent candidates you have chosen, who is more handsome than me?”

Shui Ruoshan lightly flipped his hair, displaying his exceptional beauty that completely surpassed the world. Although he didn’t want to say anything about his overly beautiful appearance, but this appearance is the only capital that he is most proud of now. When necessary, he does not mind using it a little.


Everyone only felt that the suffocating anger in their heart became bigger. What is ‘handsome’? Do you mean ‘alluring’?!! Amongst the humans, there are only a few people who can be equal to him in terms of appearance. Yes, only equal, not more! And it’s impossible for those people to appear in the drafting ceremony, so other than the Supreme King whose appearance was excellent as well, there is no other person who can compare with Shui Ruoshan’s glamorous look.

“Then let me ask you again, who can be stronger than me?” Shui Ruoshan said and he released his pressure on everyone present.


All of them could only feel suffocated, and the cold sweats appeared on their forehead.
Shui Ruoshan only used his pressure, and everyone were firmly suppressed, which shows that Shui Ruoshan’s strength has far exceeded everyone except the Supreme King. And among them, there were no lack of many strong people in Imperial stage. That is to say, Shui Ruoshan’s strength is at least at the Imperial stage as well. How can this not scare them?

Before this, they have never seen Shui Ruoshan took any actions before, so they only thought that he used his beauty and other means to charm the Supreme King, that because of the protection by the Supreme King, Shui Ruoshan acted without care. But it wasn’t until this moment that they realized this demon had the strength to be arrogant!
Is there any more subversive truth than this?


Raw Word Count : 2882
