Chapter 154 – The Forbidden Ground of Imperial City

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Right in front is the Forbidden Ground of Imperial City, we shouldn’t go!”

Fox spent the whole day running around in the Imperial City with Shui Ruoshan to hunt for treasure, but he did reap a good harvest. Such beneficial activities like treasure hunt, has a lot of benefits, can make one happy, and even let one feel like they can always find treasures! However, Fox has to persuade Shui Ruoshan when he realised Ruixue was pointing to the forbidden ground of Imperial City. The Imperial City’s forbidden ground will refuse entry to anyone other than the Supreme King. Even the Supreme King can’t go in easily and only be allowed to enter during certain days.

In the past, some fearless adventurers ventured into the forbidden ground but no one ever come out except the Supreme King. In other words, those arrogantly trespassers must have died in it. Therefore, Fox feels that it is unwise to enter the forbidden ground with just their team of two humans and two pets.

“The forbidden ground is right in front?!”

Unfortunately, when Shui Ruoshan heard the words forbidden ground, his eyes revealed excitement instead of fear. Throughout the ages, the word forbidden ground always means treasures!

“If you really want to go in, why not wait for Master to come back and ask Master to take you in?”

When Fox saw Shui Ruoshan’s gleaming eyes, he knew that things will be bad, so he could only continue to persuade Shui Ruoshan, hoping to change his mind. Fox knows very well that Master won’t mind Shui Ruoshan going into the forbidden ground meant for Supreme King, but Fox is afraid that the forbidden ground would be too dangerous, and his strength alone may not be able to protect Shui Ruoshan! If the little ancestor Shui Ruoshan encountered any problem, Fox would have no time to ask for mercy before getting chopped to pieces by his Master.

So they should really wait for Master to come back and personally accompany Shui Ruoshan for such challenging and dangerous adventure! In fact, this is also his fault. He should have known and be alert when Ruixue started to direct them to more and more remote places, when passerby became lesser, to realise that they are heading to a place they shouldn’t go.

“No, I want to go in now!”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t seem to see Fox’s persuasion at all and stated his decision very determinedly. He has already made up his mind to scrape all the treasures of the Imperial City and make Yin Suye jealous. How can he stop halfway when he knows that there are huge treasures and big opportunities ahead?

Plus he is still angry with Yin Suye, so if he waits for Yin Suye to come back to enter the forbidden ground, not to say ‘seeing the entrance, he won’t be able to see even the windows’. In fact, if Ruixue didn’t bring him to the forbidden ground today, Shui Ruoshan would have forgotten about the plot regarding the forbidden ground in [The Strongest King in History]. The reason why the forbidden ground only allowed the Supreme King to enter was because it contained the inheritance of the Supreme King, and also the place where the treasures of the human race are hidden. However, this opportunity that should have belonged to the villain did not fall onto Yin Suye’s hands but fell to the protagonist Huang Beichen instead.

The reason is actually very simple. In the original story, Wang Batian died too suddenly, and the next generation of Supreme King was not immediately elected, so the secret about the forbidden ground disappeared along with Wang Batian’s death. So even after Yin Suye eventually became the Supreme King, he didn’t know about the importance the forbidden ground. Usually, he would be busy cultivating or going against Huang Beichen, so he never enters the forbidden ground until he died.

During the time when Huang Beichen fought against Yin Suye, he inadvertently discovered the base used by Wang Batian for secret experimental research. From there, he found a lot of precious treasures of the human race hidden in the forbidden ground. At the time, Huang Beichen has already become the demon Supreme King, and don’t really covet the human’s treasure, but he won’t inform the Supreme King Yin Suye either so not to increase the enemy’s strength.

Just that when Huo Ruyan knew about the matter, she was blinded by greed for the treasures. So under Huo Ruyan’s persuasion, Huang Beichen finally decided to go to the Imperial City’s forbidden ground. However, the forbidden ground is not a place where anyone could enter whenever they wanted. In order to enter the forbidden ground smoothly, Huo Ruyan came up with the idea of using Yin Suye’s blood to camouflage his aura. So Huo Ruyan took the initiative to approach Yin Suye. Although Huo Ruyan has already stood at Huang Beichen’s side at that time, she didn’t really openly go against Yin Suye, hence by relying on her status in the Imperial City, and her relationship with Yin Suye, she managed to easily sneak up on Yin Suye.

Actually, Huo Ruyan originally intended to kill Yin Suye, but his strength was too strong and managed to avoid being hit at vital points at the last minute. Huo Ruyan knew that she won’t be able to attack Yin Suye anymore now that he has his guard up. So she gathered a lot of blood from Yin Suye and fled under the cover of the crowd, meeting up with Huang Beichen right away. At the time, Yin Suye was almost fatally wounded because he did not fight back against Huo Ruyan, and Huo Ruyan also applied a very powerful poison on her sword. After the incident, Yin Suye could not personally chase after Huo Ruyan and could only order his subordinates, but they were obviously not Huang Beichen’s opponents so they could only return in failure.

Huo Ruyan and Huang Beichen waited for this moment when Yin Suye is distracted and painted his blood on themselves before hiding their own aura. Then disguising as the Supreme King, both of them managed to enter the forbidden ground quite easily. They looted everything, even taking away the inheritance of the Supreme King, leaving only an empty forbidden ground.

With this in mind, Shui Ruoshan instantly felt that he felt sorry for Yin Suye! What to do with this sudden deep sense of guilt? Sure enough, he shouldn’t have recalled the background story of the forbidden ground! So in order to calm down his mood, Shui Ruoshan decided to shift his target on Fox.

“Fox, if you are afraid, no need to go to the forbidden ground with me, just wait here for me!”

Shui Ruoshan indifferently threatened Fox. In fact, it is still beneficial to recall the plot, at the very least, he knows that the forbidden ground don’t really forbid entry and exit and that he can enter the ground if he wanted. Because he and Yin Suye are bound with the co-death contract, so he can use the effect of the contract to simulate Yin Suye’s aura. In other words, to a certain extent, he equals to Yin Suye. He did not write in detail about the co-death contract in his main draft, he only started to learn more about it after he signed a co-death contract with Yin Suye. Now he can say that he has a rich theoretical knowledge of the co-death contract. As for practice, he still needs to slowly experiment. At this moment, such a good practice opportunity presented itself in front of him, he naturally has to cherish it.

“Of course I want to go with you!” Fox tragically replied.

However, for the sake of his little life, he secretly sent a message to Master just now when he realised he could not stop Shui Ruoshan’s decision. He hoped that his Master would come back quickly enough to help him collect his corpse. At the same time, Fox began to calculate silently in his heart. If he can survive this trip to the forbidden ground, he will boldly march to his Master to ask for a raise! He is taking care of Shui Ruoshan using his life after all!

“If that’s the case, then keep up!”

Shui Ruoshan flipped his hair at Fox and headed the forbidden ground. Don’t think that Shui Ruoshan is acting very casual, he has already opened up his spiritual power, carefully observing the surrounding environment to prevent walking into stuff like traps. After all, he has only briefly written about this in [The Strongest King in History] and don’t know much. He only knows that there are treasures in the forbidden ground, but not sure what would it be. Therefore, he can’t really guarantee that using Yin Suye’s aura will protect him from encountering any danger in the forbidden ground. As it turns out, Shui Ruoshan’s fears are uncalled for. Maybe the forbidden ground really did mistake him for the Supreme King. That’s why not only he did not encounter any danger along the way, there weren’t any other movement either. It is quiet to the extreme.


Until the end of the path in the forbidden ground, Ruixue finally made a sound, indicating that they had arrived.

“That pair of swords in the air looked like the most valuable treasure here?!”

Shui Ruoshan has completely ignored all kinds of treasures scattered around him, only noticed the big white platform in the center of the area. In the middle of the altar, there is a gold and silver sword held suspended in the air, exuding faint brilliance; an exquisite double sword of the same style.

Shui Ruoshan took a step forward. At first, his body was slightly blocked at the periphery of the platform. Then the thin film blocking him seemed to disappear completely at the next second, so he went straight to the altar.

“Sunlight (Riyao)? Moonlight (Yueyao)?”

Shui Ruoshan looked at the words etched on the sword and read it gently. Just the moment when he reached out and touched the sword, a strong ray emitted from the sword enveloped his whole person…

Shui Ruoshan has no time to react to the changes when his entire body felt excruciating pain.


Raw Word Count : 2764


Chapter 153 – Work hard

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Fox, remove the obstacles here.”

Shui Ruoshan saw some obstacles at the location Ruixue pointed, so he gave orders to Fox without hesitation. A coolie is a coolie. So whenever something that needs physical strength, dirty work, tiring work… he will call for Fox right away, while he(SRS) just need to stand by the side and give his commands. It can’t get any more convenient than this. Of course, whenever he found items suitable for Fox, he will give it to him as a reward for his efforts. He(SRS) is a good employer, a’ight?!


When Fox heard Shui Ruoshan’s order, he didn’t ask anything and immediately moved forward. In this treasure hunting journey following behind Shui Ruoshan and the Persian cat called Ruixue, Fox felt that his heart can now withstand strong stimulations. Ruixue is really talented in hunting for treasures, an absolute full point. Wherever its small claws pointed to, they will find treasures in there, no miss at all!

Ruixue’s vision is also very good, as the treasures found were ‘cream of the crop’, treasures that not anyone has seen before. As of now, Fox has gotten three pieces of treasures that are suitable for him. Although the levels of the treasures were not at Imperial level, they were only a little bit lower than Imperial level, so Fox is willing to be used as a coolie by Shui Ruoshan.

He hoped to get more chances to be a coolie if possible.

After Fox removed all the obstacles, Shui Ruoshan squatted and randomly knocked on the ground. Upon finding a hollow space underneath the floor, he immediately removed the ground covering and easily picked up the treasure hidden inside.

“This is refined black iron?! But things like black iron doesn’t seem to be worth any money!”

Shui Ruoshan disdainfully said while looking at the iron piece he had just found. However, he did spend a certain amount of time and effort to find it, so Shui Ruoshan reluctantly placed the black iron into his space ring. Better than nothing!


Seeing how Shui Ruoshan looked at the refined black iron, Fox felt like going crazy. One needs to know, black iron is a must-have material in creating all kinds of Imperial level artifacts. It is definitely priceless, not to mention refined black iron is a level higher than normal black iron, it is definitely a good treasure! And now this piece of refined black iron that could cause countless people fight senseless for it, only worth no more than a scrap iron in Shui Ruoshan’s eyes. He(SRS) looked so reluctant when he stored it in his ring. If other people know about this, they will definitely disdain Shui Ruoshan to death. Fox guaranteed that, because even he himself wants to stand up and shout at Shui Ruoshan, ‘Stop, put it down, let me take it!’ However, considering that he has already gotten three treasures that other people may never get in their life, Fox stopped himself from commenting on Shui Ruoshan’s behaviour. So, he can only silently mourn for the refined black iron for not meeting a wise master in his heart!

“Ruixue, see if there are other valuable things here?”

Shui Ruoshan lightly scratched Ruixue’s chin as a reward for helping to find the treasures. However, he did not immediately leave the area and asked Ruixue to continue searching around instead. Since they are already here, they naturally have to search for more valuable things here. Obviously, Shui Ruoshan still remembered his idea to find out all the treasures, make Yin Suye jealous, and then buy Yin Suye to raise him.


Ruixue opened its watery eyes widely, a pair amber-like heterochromic eyes, and carefully scanned their surroundings, not wanting to miss the slightest clue. Soon, Ruixue found another treasure located nearby, so it immediately pointed out the place with its small claws. Shui Ruoshan praised Ruixue, then followed the direction to the new treasure…

Fox loyally followed behind Shui Ruoshan, he will immediately step forward when Shui Ruoshan needs him. However, this time he was not needed as Shui Ruoshan bent down to pick up a bead from a corner.

“This is the sandalwood pearl that enhances concentration?!” Fox recognised the bead at a glance.

“En, it’s not something extremely precious either.”

Shui Ruoshan said in a casual tone and indifferently threw the bead into his space ring. The value of this sandalwood bead is actually similar to the refined black iron, so for Shui Ruoshan who has long possessed countless treasures, the bead was not anything special.


Once again hearing Shui Ruoshan’s ever so light evaluation, Fox felt like going crazy, a’ight?! He felt that after this treasure hunt with Shui Ruoshan, he could go back and write a book. The title would be “How poor people stay calm in front of a nouveau riche”, he might even be able to make a name from it!

Actually, Fox doesn’t understand this sometimes. There were things Shui Ruoshan obviously doesn’t need, but he still refuses to let go of it. Whether it’s useful or not, Shui Ruoshan swept them clean anyway; showing what is the meaning of ‘clean’. In the end, Fox can only come to the conclusion that poor people like him won’t understand the world of the rich! In fact, Fox really felt that Shui Ruoshan didn’t need to do this at all, because as long as he says the word, his Master would put whatever Shui Ruoshan wanted in front of him. After all, his master has once ordered them very strictly that regardless their Master is present or not, they must treat Shui Ruoshan as their Master as well and placed Shui Ruoshan’s words as the highest command. Even if Shui Ruoshan wants to demolish the Imperial City, they can’t have any objections and should just help to demolish the Imperial City together! This is a way how his family’s Master showing his unconditional favour to Shui Ruoshan. Therefore, even if Shui Ruoshan’s identity as a demon is a bit awkward in the Imperial City, no one dares to show the slightest contempt towards Shui Ruoshan under his Master’s warning.

This is why even after Shui Ruoshan made such a big movement with his treasure hunt in the Imperial City, no one stepped forward to scold Shui Ruoshan. Under threat of being severely punished by his Master, Fox believes that no one would be blind enough to dare to attack Shui Ruoshan. What he is worried about now is that after the Imperial City being ransacked by Shui Ruoshan, will it become an empty shell? Should he worry about his Master’s financial situation in the future?

“Stop dazing around, work hard!”

Shui Ruoshan has long noticed the questioning gaze in Fox’s eyes, but he won’t explain anything to Fox. Because it’s impossible for silly mortals like Fox to understand his lofty ambition to buy and raise Yin Suye!

“Alright.” Fox doesn’t understand but still honestly followed behind Shui Ruoshan and put on a standby mode.

Shui Ruoshan picked up Ruixue to continue his treasure hunt.

“Ruixue, where should we go next?”

Shui Ruoshan bowed his head and asked Ruixue for directions. He is still a person with self-awareness. He knows that the Imperial City is very large and with his own strength, don’t say finding a treasure in such a short time, he probably cannot even locate the road correctly. But now he has Ruixue, the treasure radar, treasure hunting has become ‘so easy’[1]!

1. Author wrote it in English

Ruixue stayed in Shui Ruoshan’s arms and is responsible for pointing out the routes. Fox followed behind Shui Ruoshan and helped with the physical work while keeping his opinions on Shui Ruoshan’s behaviour in his heart. Moqi silently followed Shui Ruoshan and admired Ruixue, to be able to stay in Shui Ruoshan’s arms, while wrongfully stared at its owner who has ignored it.

“Come here!”

In the end, Shui Ruoshan compromised when facing Moqi’s innocent grievances, and held Moqi in his arms as well.

Selling ‘meng’ is shameful! But to compromise is even more shameful!

As soon as Moqi gotten in Shui Ruoshan’s arms, it made a comfortable sound. Then Ruixue who felt like its Master’s love has been stolen, swiped a paw at Moqi. Moqi then obediently stayed silent. It also knows that it has annoyed its owner[2] earlier, so it doesn’t dare to do anything to Ruixue. It could only send a wronged look at Shui Ruoshan.

2. by covering its face and pretending not to know where YSY is

“You two are comrades, you have to get along with each other!”

Seeing Moqi being bullied and looked pitiful, Shui Ruoshan reached out and gently pat Ruixue’s head to express that Ruixue shouldn’t be so overbearing.


Ruixue knows that an obedient spiritual pet is more likeable to its owner, so after it arrogantly warned Moqi, it turned away with a lofty expression. Ruixue will not be with an ugly creature like Moqi! Very obvious, only cat beings are beautiful in Ruixue’s mind, and it is the most beautiful one among all the cat beings!


Raw Word Count : 2764


Banana: Thought of skipping release for Tuesday because Banana has gotten sick from the haze but since we are ending soon, let’s rush the end :v #PraiseMeh

Chapter 152 – Going for treasure hunt

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.


At this moment, Shui Ruoshan is sitting in a yard in the Imperial City, bored and sighing with his head hanging low. He now understands deeply what is called ‘no zuo no die’[1]! He really shouldn’t have run his mouth that he provoked Yin Suye, that he could only guarantee that he would not take the initiative to leave his side. And now, Yin Suye’s comeback was very fast and powerful. Yin Suye actually edited the enchantment effect of the Imperial City’s barrier in the next second, that the moment he takes even one step out of the Imperial City, the enchantment will be activated and trap him inside the Imperial City. Oh yes, it was worded nicely by Yin Suye as well, this was done so that he can protect him(SRS) even better and can make sure that Shui Ruoshan could not leave when he doesn’t want to[2]!

1. You won’t die if you don’t actively seek death
2. as in if something happens that forced SRS to leave the world, the barrier will make sure to keep him inside

One can say that after Yin Suye became the Supreme King, the city’s barrier has levelled up from the original intention to keep intruders away, to accept the demon him’s entry, lastly to trap him inside the city; three-stage changes just to trap him.

Should he sigh because Yin Suye is so talented that he developed the barrier of the Imperial City to use so many different functions? Amazing ah! Amazing his head ah! If one is to say this bluntly, this is simply illegal imprisonment!

“You have been sighing all day, you can’t keep doing it!”

Fox looked at the Shui Ruoshan beside him and noticed that his mood seems to be somewhat low, so Fox could not help comforting him. As the self-proclaimed important person around his Master, Fox thinks that he is quite clear about the contradiction between Master and Shui Ruoshan.

“You don’t understand my sorrow!”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t even look up at Fox. He just waved his hand in frustration at Fox, indicating that he didn’t want Fox to bother him as Fox doesn’t understand his complex mood.

Other than being angered by Yin Suye’s overbearing temperament, Shui Ruoshan also deeply regretted his actions. Why did he provoke Yin Suye?! Now he ended up in such a disadvantage situation. Most importantly, he didn’t benefit from this matter at all. Who told him to make Yin Suye feel angry and anxious, so he immediately became the unlucky person. However, the moment he tried to be a little bit tough, Yin Suye would immediately reveal an anxious expression, making him feel guilty, and he won’t be able to refuse Yin Suye’s request. So he took a step back and back again until he lost his principles.

Yin Suye really is too skilful in alternating between soft and hard means!

For example, right now, he actually felt that there is nothing wrong with just staying inside the Imperial City. Who told him to be a standard NEET! Sure enough, Yin Suye is his biggest nemesis!

“Actually, I think you just have to please Master. I believe after that Master will not only lift the ban for you but even promise you anything!”

Towards Shui Ruoshan not giving any faces to him, Fox calmly told himself that as an adult, he will not be petty with the little guy.


Shui Ruoshan’s mouth simply twitched. He was the one suffering and Fox wants him to go and seek peace with Yin Suye. Is there any justice out there?

“Fox, do you think Yin Suye is going to Huang Beichen now?”

Shui Ruoshan decided not to discuss anymore about this deep question regarding his mood and turned his attention to question where Yin Suye went. Actually, when he got up early this morning and didn’t see Yin Suye around, he already had a bad guess. Next, he saw Fox appeared beside him. Then he knew that Yin Suye is definitely no longer inside the Imperial City.

The moment he thought of the fact that Yin Suye sneaked away when they were still in disagreement, Shui Ruoshan became angrier. At the same time, he became even more certain that Yin Suye is using his provocation as a pretext to trap him in the Imperial City. He believes that even if he did not provoke Yin Suye, Yin Suye probably would find another reason to leave him inside the Imperial City, before secretly working on something. The only thing that could make Yin Suye do it behind his back, Shui Ruoshan feels that it should be related to him returning to Earth. So, without even need to think about it, he can guess Yin Suye must be going to see Huang Beichen behind his back. After all, when Yin Suye forcefully ended their conversation with Huang Beichen, Yin Suye clearly stated that he would continue the talk next time. It was because he was there that Yin Suye didn’t want to continue the topic.

The feeling of being left in the dark by his trusted person makes Shui Ruoshan feel very unhappy. He has already chosen Yin Suye between him and going back to Earth, he naturally will not renege on his words. Why can’t Yin Suye feel assured and relieved?

“I don’t know.”

Fox can only glance sideways and try to lie. In this case, whether he really knows or not, he must act innocently, so as not to become the cannon fodder between Master and Shui Ruoshan’s disagreement. He who originally was the Head of the secret guards is now the captain of the Imperial guards, but still have to worry about the feelings between Master and Shui Ruoshan, being him is not easy!

“Then what else do I need you for?”

Can’t blame Shui Ruoshan for his bad attitude toward Fox. Every time Yin Suye is absent, Fox will appear next to him, so it really frustrated him ah! In fact, he also knows that it is wrong to be angry at others, but Fox is Yin Suye’s diehard fans. So he can naturally ‘hate the house and its crow’![3] Especially Yin Suye is now meeting alone with Huang Beichen, and he feels uncomfortable in his heart.

3. Modified from original saying ‘love the house and its crow’

One needs to know, Yin Suye secretly went to see Huang Beichen behind his back, is strongly similar to a husband meeting little mistress behind the wife’s back! Pei! It is obviously the wife meeting her lover behind her husband’s back! En, that’s right! His(SRS) position in the world’s list of Gong[4] is unshakable! If Yin Suye really dares to do anything to wrong him, then he will definitely press Yin Suye on the bed, then do this do that, after that do this do that…

4. the Top, as in SRS insisted he is listed under Gong/Top, not Shou/Bottom

Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help but laugh at the beautiful mental picture.

“I don’t want to praise myself, but I can do more than that. I can serve you tea, listen to your troubles, alleviate boredom and worry, plan schemes and have fun…”

Fox became unhappy right away when Shui Ruoshan despised him, so he started talking about his usefulness.

“Stop!” Seeing that Fox still wants to continue, Shui Ruoshan immediately stopped him.

Then he looked at Fox with a look of contempt, which seemed to say, do you still have any dignity left?

“Oh yeah, if you really want to know where Master went, you can actually ask Moqi!”

Seeing Shui Ruoshan indifferent attitude, Fox obviously knew that his performance was too fake, so he rushed to rescue his image. He doesn’t dare to offend Shui Ruoshan right now, because he was afraid that Shui Ruoshan might complain about him beside Yin Suye’s ears. Then his good days will come to an end. Staying alive is better than dignity, so Fox immediately pushed Moqi out.


Shui Ruoshan suspiciously asked, before looking at Moqi that was playing with Ruixue in the grass of the yard. He has long known that Yin Suye didn’t take Moqi back the last time he released Moqi from his space ring, keeping it beside Shui Ruoshan.

“Moqi is Master’s spiritual beast. There is a special connection between Master and the contracted beast. Naturally, it will know where Master is.”

Fox is definitely someone who sells his teammates without blinking, as he explained everything about Moqi. However, he still retained a bit of ethics because he did not say that Shui Ruoshan actually could also learn about Master’s whereabouts due to his co-death contract with Master.


Shui Ruoshan nodded. He originally thought that Moqi is now the common demon between him and Yin Suye so Moqi might no longer have the positioning function, but Fox said he can try it. There won’t be any loss for him anyway.

“Moqi, tell me. Where is Yin Suye going now?”

Shui Ruoshan directed his attention to Moqi that was running in circles with Ruixue. Even though he was very clear that Yin Suye has nothing to do with Huang Beichen, but whenever he recalls the comments left under [The Strongest King in History] chapters asking for male love between the protagonist and the villain, he became unsure. Because in the eyes of those readers, the ship for the protagonist and the villain is almost canon! As for him, his body is the first-gen demon Supreme King who appeared only once in the background introduction. For the readers, he is absolutely the soy sauce of the Soy Sauce party[5]. No one will remember that such a character has appeared in the novel, let alone shipping him with Yin Suye.

5. passerby

When he thinks about it, he can feel the abuse element!


Moqi was running cheerfully in the yard when its whole body froze in an instant the moment it heard Shui Ruoshan’s words. So Ruixue that was chasing behind it slammed into it and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Moqi really wanted to growl at Fox to express its dissatisfaction of being sold out. Instead, it looked up and glanced at its second owner. Then it lifted its paws to cover its own eyes, which seems to say ‘you can’t see me, can’t see me’! Then, it maintained the pose on the ground and stopped moving, pretending to be dead!

“…” Watching Moqi trying to act stupid, Shui Ruoshan speechless looked at the sky. Is acting stupid contagious?

Actually, he did not have any expectations at all to get info on Yin Suye from Moqi. After all, even if he knew it, he would not be able to go out from the Imperial City for the time being, so it makes no difference at all whether he knew or not. The reason why he asked was he got bored staying in the Imperial City and wanted to find some fun things to do. Torturing his own spiritual pets is obviously a good way to relieve stress.


Seeing that Moqi dared to ignore its owner’s order, Ruixue was instantly angered. It lifted its cat paw and swiped at Moqi’s head. Then before Moqi could react, it took off with an elegant catwalk and strolled to Shui Ruoshan. Ruixue gently pushed against Shui Ruoshan’s foot; seeking praise.

“Ruixue is still the best one!”

Shui Ruoshan was very happy to see his spiritual pet suppressing Yin Suye’s pet, so he placed Ruixue in his arms and showered it in praises.

“Meow!” Ruixue took the opportunity to show off at Moqi, that was still playing dead.

Looking at Ruixue in its owner’s arms, Moqi admired it in its heart while it could only bow its head feeling wronged. Wuwu, it has two masters and can’t offend either one. It’s really hard to be a spiritual pet!

“Get up!”

Seeing such a soft Moqi, Shui Ruoshan also couldn’t bear to bully it anymore. Because when he saw Ruixue, he suddenly thought of another good way to pass the time. Ruixue as a spiritual pet, its most important function is not to assist in battles, nor sell meng[6], but to find treasures! To sum it up, as long as he has Ruixue in hand, he will obtain all treasures in the world! And he has been with Ruixue for a long time, but he didn’t even use Ruixue to find any treasures, that’s not good. He has nothing to do now anyway, so it’s good to take this chance to hunt for good things in the Imperial City while Yin Suye is not there. He will then grab all of the treasures for himself, so when Yin Suye suddenly finds himself became very poor, Yin Suye will cry and hold his(SRS) thigh; asking to be raised!

6. pretending to be cute

Shui Ruoshan felt a little excited when he thinks about it that way! So, in order to realize this beautiful fantasy in his mind, Shui Ruoshan waved his hand and directed Ruixue, “Ruixue, we are going to look for treasure! Target is all the treasures in the Imperial City!”

“Meow!” Ruixue called out in agreement, treasure is what it likes most!

“Count me in!”

Treasure Hunt is a welfare-rich activity, Fox felt that he must join in even if he has to thicken his skin and stick to them, then he will grab on any opportunities passed by! So Fox didn’t wait for Shui Ruoshan to agree and followed them. At the same time, he righteously claimed, “Treasure hunt is very dangerous. This subordinates will definitely protect you!”


Shui Ruoshan looked at Fox with a deep gaze. He really wanted to ask him, can you be more shameless? They are inside the Imperial City, what danger can he encounter in Yin Suye’s territory? However, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t bother with that anymore. He just nodded and agreed to let Fox join them.

Because he does lack a lackey to carry stuff for him.


Raw Word Count : 3801


Chapter 151 – Don’t leave me

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Don’t be so pessimistic, you just have to feel it with your heart. Then you will find that you have a lot of other things besides me!”

Shui Ruoshan thought for a while, and somewhat unnaturally refuted him. Yin Suye’s words made him feel like he is the whole world in the other person’s eyes. This feeling of having everything pinned on him alone, although profound, gave him a feeling of extreme despair. He does not want Yin Suye to keep rejecting the world outside of himself; living alone in his own belief. This will make his(SRS) heart aching.

“What do those things have anything to do with me?”

Yin Suye raised his hand and interrupted any further persuasive words from Shui Ruoshan. The irony in his tone revealed his disdain and scorn on ‘the other things’ from Shui Ruoshan’s words.

“Do you think that after experiencing those betrayals from my past life, I will be still open to accepting other things?”

Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to refute, Yin Suye asked his question first. When he first met the little guy, didn’t he tested him(SRS) again and again, before finally decided to let go? So, although there are some things he doesn’t care about, he has to let the little guy know his intentions clearly. Because if he didn’t say it as clear as possible, the little guy will probably never find out with that thick insensitive nerves he has. So, under the stimuli that the little guy might return to Earth, Yin Suye has decided to tell him the true thoughts of his heart. He would never let go of the little guy.

“Shui Ruoshan, do you know?” This time Yin Suye didn’t use his nickname for Shui Ruoshan so that he can clearly sense his seriousness at this time.

“If I didn’t meet you when I was reborn, I believe I will still follow the same path as my previous life!”

Yin Suye’s eyes suddenly became distant, seemed to recall his life experience. At the same time, his thin lips slightly opened, and he revealed a very concise summary of what he had done in the past.

“The path to destroy the world while destroying myself at the same time!”

A faint sarcasm, towards himself and the world, flashed in his eyes. It was only because of Shui Ruoshan that he changed his goal this time.

“Actually, I have always hated this world for being so cruel and ruthless to me, and because it brought me nothing except pain.”

Actually, Yin Suye has once fantasised for friendship, family and love…
Moreover, he tried to work hard to obtain these dreams, but unfortunately, he ended up injured and bruised every time.

He had once regarded Huang Beichen as a friend but unfortunately was greeted with Huang Beichen’s distrust and doubts…

He had once cared for Huo Ruyan as a sister but unfortunately was greeted with Huo Ruyan’s betrayal and her changing side…

He had once regarded his subordinates as brothers but unfortunately was greeted with their betrayal and rebellion…

Such examples were some of the countless misfortunes Yin Suye has experienced. Over time, he has no longer expecting anything from anyone, because without expectation, there will be no disappointment. But because he can’t get what he wants, the dark emotions in Yin Suye’s heart started to grow. He feels that since those people can betray him without hesitation, he does not need to be merciful, so his means also become more and more extreme. And the darker Yin Suye gets, the more the people around him wanted to leave him…

This is a vicious circle.

Therefore, Yin Suye began to blacken gradually under the constant stimulation, until he became the big villain who rejected human, society and the world!

“Sometimes, living is a burden for me!”

Because there is nothing in the world that is worthy of his nostalgia. Power, status, money…
These things were never what he wants. What he really wants is a pure and sincere feeling. However, this small wish was not realised even on the day he died. But fortunately, God gave him a chance to be born again, and let him meet the little guy who belongs to him. He thought that the reason why he was so miserable in his past life is to accumulate all his luck so that he could meet the little guy in this world! Therefore, no matter what, he will not give up this warmth he has in his grip.

“It’s alright, you still have me!”

Seemed to be affected by Yin Suye’s desperate mood, Shui Ruoshan stopped being angry with Yin Suye and stood up from the bed. Stretching his hands out, he pulled Yin Suye over and hugged him into his arms…

He gently patted the depressed Yin Suye to calm him down. Actually, he always knew that Yin Suye is a very tragic villain in his pen. When he wrote the novel, he thought of giving the villain a reason to be blackened. So he arranged Yin Suye with a high enough identity, but have it destroyed in an instant, making him(YSY) constantly shift between Heaven and Hell. It was because of his whimsical thoughts at that time that he wanted to write a novel quite different from other novels, causing Yin Suye who should have an infinitely bright future to be set as the villain.

However, when he transmigrated into the continent and met his villain, his mood could not be described in words. Because in the main outline of [The Strongest King in History], he has only written about this in passing, that is to say, he only knows that Yin Suye has painful experiences in the past, but never knew about the suffering in depth. But Yin Suye’s tragic experiences were really there, and he did experience the loneliness of being abandoned by the whole world.

But now when Yin Suye slowly revealed his feelings, Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt heartbroken. Whenever he thinks of this person who regarded him as his everything in front of him, how he died in his past life, how he didn’t have even a person standing by his side, and how no one was sad for his death, Shui Ruoshan’s mood became complicated.

“Shui Ruoshan, you are my only redemption!”

Yin Suye cooperatively let himself held in Shui Ruoshan’s arms. In order to let Shui Ruoshan hug him more comfortably, he also bent down slightly. Feeling the gentle pat from behind, the dark emotions in Yin Suye’s eyes eased a bit.

“If you dare to leave me, I don’t mind destroying the world!”

The world that doesn’t have the little guy in it doesn’t have any reason to exist.


Shui Ruoshan deeply felt that Yin Suye was not asking him to stay but was threatening him instead! Even though Yin Suye is now in a rare and fragile moment, he is still the Supreme King, the only one person high up in the sky. This doesn’t change the dominance trait in his bones at all. But at this moment, not only Shui Ruoshan did not feel the slightest dissatisfaction, he also feels like agreeing with Yin Suye. Yin Suye expressed his own emotions so well that Shui Ruoshan can’t help empathising with him, so that when he faces the current Yin Suye. Not only Yin Suye caused him feel very guilty, but he(YSY) also caused him to unconsciously feel like treating Yin Suye well. Who lets the source of all the miserable to Yin Suye is this author!

“Don’t leave me!”

Sensing Shui Ruoshan’s attitude softening, Yin Suye immediately took the opportunity to state his request, and also craftily used a low tone mixed with despair in his voice. Yin Suye’s understanding of Shui Ruoshan can be said to have reached a godly level. He is too clear about what attitude to use when facing the little guy, in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort. For example, just now he first told his own experience of the past, caused the little guy to resonate with his misery. Then when the little guy felt hurt for him, he strongly requested him to stay, before repeating his request with the slightest weakening in the end. This method can definitely produce an obvious effect. However, only the little guy alone can make him plan like this, but he is willing.


Under the continuous attacks from Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan suddenly lost his stand and abandoned it. Yin Suye, acting weak to gain sympathy is a foul! But unfortunately, Shui Ruoshan is really partial to this kind of attack! Sure enough, he cannot be saved anymore! Actually, choosing between Yin Suye and returning to Earth is not as difficult as he imagined! Maybe Yin Suye’s position in his heart is more important than he imagined! However, in order to avenge himself from Yin Suye’s attack on him, Shui Ruoshan thought about it and fearlessly added a sentence without any considerations for his death.

“But I can only guarantee that I won’t take the initiative to leave you!”

As for other unexpected situations or irresistible external force, it is not within his guarantee!

“You can’t!”

Yin Suye’s expression had already returned to normal turned black again when he heard that. He is very clear that the little guy is trying to anger him. But for him, as long as the little guy is willing to stay with him, he will eliminate all other external factors that might cause the little guy leave him, so the little guy doesn’t need to add this one sentence.


Shui Ruoshan arrogantly turned and ignored Yin Suye’s dissatisfaction. Anyway, he is telling the truth, Yin Suye can’t refute it. And he is not afraid of him!

Humph Humph!


Raw Word Count : 2920


Chapter 150 – Apart from you

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version

Location: Imperial City.
Character: Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan.
Props: Bed.

Yin Suye brought Shui Ruoshan out from Rujia Inn straight to his chamber room, and when he arrived, he threw Shui Ruoshan on the big bed in the room. But Yin Suye made sure that his movements are very gentle so Shui Ruoshan won’t feel the slightest pain.

“What are you doing?”

Unfortunately, Shui Ruoshan did not notice Yin Suye’s good intentions. He only knows that Yin Suye is bullying him for no reason. So, Shui Ruoshan nimbly sat up on the bed the moment he was thrown down, staring at Yin Suye with a look of dissatisfaction, trying to use his eyes to express his strong feelings

“I think we need to talk about it.” Seeing that the little guy is obediently staying on the bed, Yin Suye didn’t move any further. He stood by the bed and looked at the little guy who was glaring at him.

“I don’t want to talk to you right now!”

Shui Ruoshan’s tone was not good. Yin Suye brought him back without saying anything, he had every reason to be angry. Therefore, Shui Ruoshan revealed a prideful expression; he also has his own temper, so he won’t forgive Yin Suye so easily! Yin Suye dared to bully him, he can also bully Yin Suye back!

Humph humph!

See who is afraid of who!

On the other hand, they are trying to make a discussion on Yin Suye’s bed, which is so easy for other people to think the other way! So one just can’t feel any interest to talk or whatnot!

“Do you want to go back?”

Yin Suye didn’t expect the angry little guy to cooperate with him, so he took the initiative to ask what he wanted to know.


Shui Ruoshan was still inside his own world, planning how to make Yin Suye admit his loss, so he couldn’t understand this random question that came out of nowhere from Yin Suye.

If don’t understand, then ask. That’s good manners.[1]

1. Referring to the Ah? above

“If there is a way to go back to Earth, would you choose to go back?”

Although right now the little guy has a little silly look that is very cute, Yin Suye has no spare attention to appreciate it this time. Because all he wanted to know right away is what the little guy thinks in his heart.


Being asked abruptly, Shui Ruoshan really doesn’t know how to answer it. In the end, he could only honestly say what he felt in his heart.

“I don’t know.”

In fact, his heart has long become chaotic the moment he heard Huang Beichen said that he might be able to return to Earth. And because he can’t make a decision, it frustrated him. He was not like Huang Beichen who don’t care much for the continent anymore due to his experience from his previous life that his(HBC) heart was dead set on going back. Here, Shui Ruoshan has Yin Suye, someone he couldn’t bear to let go.

However, there are also people and things that he cares about on Earth. In the past, he did not mention the things on Earth because he knew that he could not go back, so he never entertains the thoughts. But now, right when he decided to live well in the continent with Yin Suye, when he has prepared to fall in love, Huang Beichen suddenly told him that he might be able to go back. How can he not hesitate? At that moment, Shui Ruoshan felt that he hated Huang Beichen very very much. If Huang Beichen didn’t mention anything about this, he could do nothing and get together with Yin Suye.

It was also because he didn’t know how to choose it at the time, so when Yin Suye forcefully brought him back to the Imperial City, Shui Ruoshan didn’t have much resistance and even heaved a sigh of relief. At the very least, he could temporarily stop thinking about the matter of going back to Earth. Only he didn’t expect that after Yin Suye brought him back to the Imperial City, he still harped on this matter!

“Not allowed!”

Seeing the little guy with his head down, like he wanted to escape his question, Yin Suye held Shui Ruoshan’s head with his hand so that he can’t evade him; strongly requesting him to give his answer. Yin Suye didn’t know if he should be glad that the little guy didn’t state it right away that he wanted to go back, or he should be frustrated that he is not important enough in the little guy’s heart to not hesitate to choose to stay back. But one thing for sure that Yin Suye knows very well, he definitely won’t allow the little guy to have any chance to escape from him! Maybe he should talk to Huang Beichen as soon as possible, let the little guy completely give up on going back!


Shui Ruoshan can only remain silent at this time, because his heart is very chaotic, and he doesn’t know how to refute Yin Suye’s words.

“You promised me that you won’t leave me as long as you haven’t dissolved the contract!”

Yin Suye took a step forward and completely shrouded Shui Ruoshan under his figure. Since the little guy belongs to him, he will naturally hold him tightly in his hands and will never let go!


If it weren’t for Yin Suye taking the initiative to mention this, he would have forgotten the part where he got pitted by Yin Suye. Is it really alright to change concepts randomly like that, Yin Suye? At that time after he signed a master-servant contract with Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan was worried that Yin Suye would be affected by the contract’s effect, so he promised that he would not leave Yin Suye before dissolving the master-servant contract. As a result, it was not Yin Suye, but a magical beast signed the master-servant contract with him. Shui Ruoshan naturally will not put that contract in the eyes anymore. But obviously, Yin Suye doesn’t think so. He unilaterally felt that Shui Ruoshan mustn’t leave his side as long as the master-servant contract is not dissolved.

He has to say, Yin Suye really used all kinds of methods, cheating, swindling, manipulating, in order to prevent him from leaving; he made use of his entire life to do that! In this regard, Shui Ruoshan can only say that the man Yin Suye is really stubbornly scary and arbitrary! But strangely, Shui Ruoshan didn’t feel the slightly rejection or dissatisfaction from this!

“Actually, you don’t have to worry so much. Huang Beichen only said that there might be a way to go back.”

But considering Yin Suye’s current feeling of uneasiness, Shui Ruoshan also knows now is not the time to settle accounts with him. They can only discuss this next time.

“And even if there is a way back, we don’t know if that method is feasible or workable right?”

Shui Ruoshan himself understand most of the gap between theory and practice. So Shui Ruoshan feels that they shouldn’t harp on the matter whether to go back or not, it can be discussed slowly. In a way, Shui Ruoshan has instantly decided to be a patient of procrastination!

“But it might be true.”

Towards Shui Ruoshan’s reasoning, Yin Suye obviously doesn’t buy it. The news that Huang Beichen said is very credible to a great extent, so there is still a risk that the little guy will leave him!

“It’s not too late to discuss this issue again when the time comes!”

Shui Ruoshan has decided to delay the time because he felt that he needs time to think.

“I don’t trust that, so you must give me an assurance now!” Yin Suye refused to take a step back in this matter.

“Don’t be so unreasonable!” Shui Ruoshan rolled his eyes at Yin Suye.

Even execution for death penalty has buffer time! Why does he only have seconds to answer a question?

*falls down*

Must give bad reviews ah!

“I will never allow you to leave me!” Yin Suye once again emphasised his stand.

“Are you afraid of me leaving?”

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan finally understood why Yin Suye forced him to make a choice and keep stressing that he was not allowed to leave. In fact, the person most affected by Huang Beichen’s news was not him, but Yin Suye! Yin Suye was deeply scared compared to his inability to choose a side. Just because he is very important in Yin Suye’s heart, Yin Suye was afraid that he will leave when he(YSY) is not paying attention. That’s why he was so eager to make him provide a clear answer for his peace of mind! This understanding caused Shui Ruoshan’s heart to feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

“Yes, I am afraid that you will leave me!” Yin Suye confessed.

Then he lowered his head and looked straight at Shui Ruoshan’s eyes, trying to convey his feelings clearly into the other’s eyes.

“Apart from you, I don’t have anything else!”

As if what he said earlier was not enough to express his emotions that it has to be the little guy, Yin Suye thought about it and expressed the true feelings from his heart.


After hearing this sentence, Shui Ruoshan didn’t know why he suddenly felt that his heartbeat was a little faster, his face unconsciously turned red, and his thoughts drifted into the distant sky. Actually, can he think this sentence as Yin Suye’s love talk to him? However, probably only Yin Suye in this world would use such a serious tone to say things that can make people blush; a confession that doesn’t sound like a confession at all!


Raw Word Count : 2745


Chapter 149 – Talk about it later

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Why would Huan Tian want to kill you?”

Yin Suye did not realise that Shui Ruoshan was very entangled by Huang Beichen’s answer, and continued to ask his questions.

“In fact, I am also puzzled by this.”

This time, Huang Beichen answered with some helplessness in his voice. He doesn’t think he offended Huan Tian before, and he did not do anything that harmed Huan Tian’s interest. However, the moment Huan Tian appeared, it was like he(HT) zeroed on him which gave Huang Beichen a feeling like he(HT) will not stop as long as he(HBC) is not dead. This caused Huang Beichen to feel quite wronged. But one thing he can be sure is Huan Tian definitely killed him with a purpose. Otherwise, he will not do so many things that Huang Beichen cannot understand and doesn’t benefit Huan Tian himself. Huan Tian’s real intention was the only thing that he cannot understand even at the moment of his death.

“Why are you dealing with Huan Tian now?”

Yin Suye quickly asked another question, which is also a question he is quite concerned about now. As far as he knows, Huang Beichen is not an impulsive person, but even when Huang Beichen knows that he can’t win over Huan Tian now, he still chooses to take action now. Plus he also actively seeks help from his arch-enemy. The reason why he did that is worth pondering.

“First, I want to avenge my own death!”

Huang Beichen did not want to hide his intentions and slowly explained his reasons. While talking, he gestured with his finger to make it more convincing.

“Second, even if I don’t take the initiative to deal with Huan Tian, Huan Tian will deal with me in the days to come!”

After all, he was inexplicably killed by Huan Tian in the past, even when he did nothing. So Huan Tian most probably will do the same this time in order to achieve his purpose. Since it is useless to sit still, he naturally has to take the initiative in his own hands.

“Third, and most importantly, Huan Tian may have a way of getting me back to Earth.”

That’s why if he wants to go back to his modern era, he can only start from Huan Tian. Although he used the word ‘may’, his tone was very positive because this was what Huan Tian specifically told him before he died. He didn’t know why Huan Tian didn’t explain the reason for killing him before he died. Instead, Huan Tian only contemptuously threw out this piece of shocking news to him. Unfortunately, he died immediately, so there was no chance to ask more from Huan Tian, and he could only die with regret.

But since God gave him a chance to be born again, this time, he naturally has to grasp the opportunity. Although the continent [Mowu Dalu] did bring him endless glory, it also brought him endless pain, while on Earth he has his loved ones and friends, but also all kinds of things that he couldn’t let go…
This is one of the reasons why Huang Beichen still challenged Huan Tian without fear when knowing that success is very far. The highest strength one could achieve in the continent is Supreme King, so however powerful Huan Tian can be, he can only still be a Supreme King.

In his past life, although he died indirectly in Huan Tian’s hands, it does not mean that his strength is really strong. After all, he did not really fight with Huan Tian, he died in Yan Ruya’s hands. Now, with Yin Suye who is also a Supreme King, and he might cooperate with him for Shui Ruoshan’s sake, Huang Beichen’s chances of winning is undoubtedly higher. Anyway, if his plan fails, he will only end up with the same fate and die again. But he is successful, maybe he can return to his original world. So in order to be able to return to his hometown, Huang Beichen is willing to let go of all inhibitions!

“What did you just say?”

Shui Ruoshan suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief and doubted whether he had just heard it wrongly. Otherwise, why did he hear something unbelievable from Huang Beichen like Huan Tian knew the way to return to Earth?!

“I said…” Huang Beichen just wanted to repeat what he had just said but was interrupted by Yin Suye the moment he opened his mouth.

“Today’s conversation is over.” Yin Suye waved, announcing his decision with an unquestionable attitude.

“Wait a minute! I still have a lot of things I haven’t asked.”

Shui Ruoshan looked the Yin Suye who took the lead to end the conversation in dissatisfaction. What with this ending important topic in half? Especially when this topic is closely related to him, it can’t be terminated midway!

“There is nothing more to ask.” Yin Suye, who has always been responsive to Shui Ruoshan’s request, has a rare moment of being tough this time.

“You can’t be so overbearing!” No, this can’t be called overbearing anymore, but domineering a’ight?!

“I can be even more aggressive.” Yin Suye’s words gave no room for retreat.

The next moment, the little guy who was about to express his strong dissatisfaction was tightly confined in Yin Suye’s arms. His strength was strong as if he wanted to meld the little guy into himself and never separate. It was not until he confirmed that the little guy had no more room for struggle in his arms, Yin Suye turned his head and looked coldly at Huang Beichen.

“You can leave.”

Yin Suye ordered Huang Beichen, and he did not hide his killing intent. Whether it’s his past life or this current life, Yin Suye will not encounter good things whenever Huang Beichen appears in front of him. Just like now, he finally managed to hold the little guy firmly in his hands. As a result, Huang Beichen actually said that Huan Tian knows how to return to Earth when he knew that the little guy is a transmigrator as well. Isn’t this indirectly telling the little guy that there’s an opportunity to return to his hometown; making the little guy leave him?!

At the very least, the little guy reacted to this news. It means the information is also very attractive to the little guy, which gave Yin Suye a sense of crisis. He doesn’t dare to take a risk when it comes to the little guy! Therefore, no matter Huang Beichen is clear about the way back to Earth or not, he can’t let Huang Beichen continue to speak in front of the little guy. Because once they get into this topic, the little guy and Huang Beichen as transmigrators will certainly have many common languages. Once they talked more, it is easy for them to feel the impulse to return to Earth. In the unlikely event that the little guy felt like returning to Earth like Huang Beichen, it would be a disaster for him(YSY). Anyone who could make the little guy leave his side, he cannot ignore.

Therefore, towards the Huang Beichen who raised this topic, one can imagine how deep is the negative emotions in Yin Suye’s heart.


Huang Beichen didn’t know what he did to offend Yin Suye, causing Yin Suye to turn 180 degrees in an instant. But this time he mainly wanted to talk about his cooperation with Yin Suye. He didn’t want to leave so easily, not until he achieved his goal. However, Huang Beichen did not know how to continue with a hostile Yin Suye and suddenly fell into a dilemma.

“Talk about it later.”

Although Yin Suye hated Huang Beichen, he held back his emotions and did not immediately attack Huang Beichen. After all, they have a strong common enemy called Huan Tian. Huang Beichen wants to use his power to deal with Huan Tian. And he(YSY) also needs Huang Beichen’s power to restrain Huan Tian. Therefore, before removing away this hidden danger called Huan Tian, he would not start going against Huang Beichen or reject his proposal. Because in this world, nothing compares to the existence of the little guy, including himself! But now he doesn’t want to discuss this with Huang Beichen in front of Shui Ruoshan, he does not want to let anything that Huang Beichen said that will affect the little guy’s mood. It seems that he needs to find the time in private to talk about their cooperation with Huang Beichen, plus he needs to return the ‘thanks’ for Huang Beichen’s selfless message.

“Well, I will be staying at Rujia Inn, you can come to me at any time.”

Although Huang Beichen didn’t know why Yin Suye suddenly didn’t want to continue talking, but as long as Yin Suye doesn’t reject his proposal for cooperation, he is very satisfied. For this reason, he does not mind waiting for a while. Therefore, after accepting Yin Suye’s eye signal to go away, Huang Beichen left the box without hesitation, leaving the space to Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan. Huang Beichen feels that since Huan Tian’s body is now occupied by a transmigrator named Shui Ruoshan, Huan Tian should still be sealed away in a slumber as long as nothing unexpected happens. In a short time, there will be no harm so he can rest assured for the time being.

Actually, Huang Beichen was quite surprised that Shui Ruoshan was able to occupy Huan Tian’s body. It was unbelievable. How can someone be powerful enough to occupy a godlike body like that? No, he should say how can the strong and almost invincible Huan Tian allows other people to occupy his body? However, from what he heard from Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye’s conversation, Huang Beichen felt that it was because Huan Tian was still sealed away, and his soul did not really wake up. This gave Shui Ruoshan a space to take up Huan Tian’s body. After all, a soul in the state of being sealed is undetectable, as if the body had no soul.


Shui Ruoshan felt helpless when he saw Huang Beichen left so easily under Yin Suye’s order. Huang Beichen just left like this. Is he really a dignified man? He hasn’t even finished asking his question. And doesn’t this place they are sitting in belongs to Huang Beichen? So what with this guest-acting-like-the-owner?

“Let’s leave too!” Yin Suye picked Shui Ruoshan up and leapt down from the window of the box. Then he flew back to the Imperial City (with martial skills).

“…” Shui Ruoshan originally thought that Yin Suye drove Huang Beichen out to occupy the place, but the result was he just wanted to jump from the window.

What with this godly logic?

Shui Ruoshan is starting to doubt that Yin Suye is actually playing with Huang Beichen?

Raw Word Count : 3177


Chapter 148 – Too naive

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Both of you have quite a good relationship!”

Huang Beichen watched as Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan flirted like no one else is there, and his expression became very complicated. Because even he himself does not know whether he is envious of the good atmosphere between Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan, or he is jealous of Shui Ruoshan for obtaining Yin Suye’s full trust?

“Of course!”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t care what Huang Beichen is thinking, and accepted that compliment. Anyway, he knows that Yin Suye is already his, and no one can snatch him(YSY) from him! Even if Huang Beichen regrets it now, he has no more chance!

Facing Shui Ruoshan’s provocative attitude, Huang Beichen only lightly smiled and turned to look at Yin Suye.

“Yin Suye, Huan Tian can now be regarded as our common enemy. Let us temporarily give up the grievances from our past life and work together?”

If Huang Beichen doesn’t have much confidence to persuade Yin Suye to cooperate with him earlier, now that he found out that Yin Suye cares for Shui Ruoshan, he knew Yin Suye would not reject his proposal. After all, Huan Tian’s existence has threatened the safety of Shui Ruoshan’s life.

Yin Suye didn’t immediately give his answer; apparently he still weighing the authenticity of what Huang Beichen said before.

“Yin Suye, I admit that I have wronged you first in the past, so I am willing to make up for my own mistakes!”

Huang Beichen sincerely looked at Yin Suye who was silently contemplating. Although Yin Suye did a lot of bad things as well afterwards, adding to the fact that he(YSY) didn’t intend to be merciful whenever they fought, but the chief culprit who initiated the enmity between them was him, so he is willing to bow to Yin Suye.

In other words, the experience he had gotten from being killed by Yan Ruya without hesitation in his past life made him understand the pain from being betrayed. He also came to understand why Yin Suye was reluctant to explain himself when he was misunderstood in the Fog Forest. Especially after that, he chose to go against Yin Suye due to their different stand. In Yin Suye’s eyes, that is a kind of betrayal. Therefore, he can’t blame Yin Suye for always went for the kill in their fights afterwards. After all, in Yin Suye’s eyes, he was the first one to betray him. Even if everything he did had sufficient justifications, but it was only justifiable from his position, and that is not a reason to betray him(YSY).

“Whether you believe it or not, I have never thought of taking your life in the past!”

Here, Huang Beichen has a deep regret in his eyes. Even though their relationship was already like water and fire, Huang Beichen has never forgotten the days he went for adventures with Yin Suye, and because of this, he never really wanted to kill Yin Suye. It was only at his final battle with Yin Suye that he finally took Yin Suye’s life because he could not retrieve his strength for some reason. Or it can be said that he has never thought that he could so easily hurt the Yin Suye whose power and strength is the same as him.

“I know.”

Seeing that Huang Beichen would be explaining endlessly, Yin Suye coldly interrupted Huang Beichen. Actually, in his last battle with Huang Beichen, Huang Beichen could win so easily because he(YSY) has lost the intention to live on. Moreover, he clearly remembers Huang Beichen’s disbelief and remorseful expression the moment he(HBC) stabbed his sword into his heart(YSY), which showed that Huang Beichen did not really want to kill him. Right now, it was because Huang Beichen still cares for their past feelings, and he(YSY) is also quite concerned of the little guy’s situation, that Yin Suye managed to suppress his emotions and tried his best to talk to this arch-enemy from his past life.

“So are you ready to forgive me?”

Upon receiving a response from Yin Suye, Huang Beichen’s eyes lit up in an instant. He looked at Yin Suye in surprise and asked with some excitement.

Yin Suye’s response to this was the pressure around him started to become lower.

“Do you think it is realistic?”

Sensing that his family’s Xiao Yeye is feeling obviously unhappy, Shui Ruoshan sarcastically retorted on his behalf. On the other hand, Shui Ruoshan felt somewhat unhappy when he looked at proud-looking Huang Beichen. Does Huang Beichen really think that after all the damage he has done to Yin Suye, they can return to being good friends like they did in the past? Too naive! Did Huang Beichen forgotten the part where Yin Suye wanted to kill him right away when they met earlier?! If it wasn’t for his(SRS) current situation is not good, and that Huang Beichen can help them understand this problem, Yin Suye wouldn’t have temporarily ceased fire with Huang Beichen. Therefore, what Yin Suye did was because of him(SRS), and not that the main protagonist Huang Beichen has any special place in Yin Suye’s heart!

En, the truth is like that!

And so, Shui Ruoshan’s mood became a little bit better.


Huang Beichen also knew that his thinking has taken it for granted, so his eyes could not help but darken.

“Huang Beichen, I have a few questions to ask.”

Yin Suye didn’t care how Huang Beichen felt. Since Huang Beichen knows a lot about things he doesn’t know, and Huang Beichen took the initiative to send himself to the door, he(YSY) naturally has to take this opportunity to figure out the things he is unclear of.

“Ask anything!”

Huang Beichen was very cooperative. He has explained so much about himself, that means that he won’t hide anything he knew. And only by explaining the matter clearly, Yin Suye would likely to help him deal with Huan Tian. In fact, Huang Beichen has not experienced the feeling of being so attentive and cautious to someone for a long time, it gave him the feeling that he has returned to the first time he saw the Yin Suye with a cold attitude.

Unfortunately, when he saw Yin Suye’s expressionless eyes, Huang Beichen knew that he and Yin Suye were not likely to return to their close relationship in the past. Yin Suye has displayed his most indifferent attitude, and Huang Beichen could not continue to deceive himself.

“You said that Huan Tian is the demon race’s Supreme King, then what happened to your status as a Supreme King?”

Yin Suye asked the most straightforward question of their problem, compared to Shui Ruoshan, who couldn’t get to the main point with his questions.

There is only one Supreme King (for each race), and this is an unbreakable truth. Even if Huang Beichen is powerful, it is impossible to break into the Supreme King stage when Huan Tian is still the current demon Supreme King. Just like when Wang Batian was still alive, even if he(YSY) is reborn and possessed the spiritual power of a Supreme King, his strength could not break through to the Supreme King stage. Therefore, he used forbidden medicines to forcefully raise his strength. When Wang Batian was gone, his strength finally broke through to the Supreme King stage.

“I transmigrated into the continent [Mowu Dalu] with my own body. My existence is different from any race in this world, so I think I should be someone representing a new race.”

After Huang Beichen knows about Huan Tian’s status as the demon race’s Supreme King, he considered this problem as well. Huang Beichen originally was sure that he is human, but when he thought back of the time he was rejected by the Imperial City’s barrier, he could only accept the fact that he is not a human in the continent. However, Huang Beichen is very clear that he is also not a demon because his true form is actually human. He is nothing like the demons except for his black hair and eyes. As for other races, it is even more impossible. In the end, he can only conclude that because he transmigrated in his own body, and the blood of Han Chinese people flowing in him, he may be judged by the world as a new race. That’s why he could break through to Supreme King stage without any obstacles.


Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt that Huang Beichen’s reason is very good, and he was speechless! In other words, he never expected that his setting for Supreme King in [The Strongest King in History] would have such an obvious BUG. Although he would like to refute Huang Beichen’s words, there is a voice in his heart telling him that Huang Beichen’s speculation is correct!

Someone who transmigrated in his own body is considered an outsider to the continent, and naturally it does not belong to any Supreme King’s race in this world. Therefore, Huang Beichen can become a Supreme King, but never the demon race because he is not a demon! The reason why he(SRS) first set the Imperial City’s barrier to reject Huang Beichen was to make Huang Beichen’s identity as a demon so to strengthen the reason to fight with human Yin Suye. He didn’t think that far so he was caught off guard by Huang Beichen.

If this is just in the novel, this BUG may not be anything. But when the world in the novel becomes a real world, a slight change will affect everything. In order to keep the world in balance, the laws of the world will certainly rationalise every single irrational point. So please don’t tell him that the reason why Huan Tian, the first generation of the emperor, has always been existing was because the world created him to make up for Shui Ruoshan mistakes in the setting. Then he will be depressed to death!

It feels like a moment of unfocused caused him to make a big trouble for himself!

Now, Shui Ruoshan can once again confirm one thing, that is, he and this world are absolutely incompatible! Because this world has been running tirelessly on the road of pitting the author!

Raw Word Count : 2858


Banana: Bonus chapter for still staying with me ~! (0w0)/

Chapter 147 – Good mindset

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“You mean as Huan Tian’s underling, Yan Ruya killed you just because Huan Tian wants you dead?”

Shui Ruoshan still in disbelief that the heroine killed the protagonist. So, he repeated his question just to make sure that he didn’t hear it mistakenly, or Huang Beichen misspoke.

“En.” Huang Beichen nodded, it was apparent that it was not a good memory for him.


Getting an affirmative answer from Huang Beichen, Shui Ruoshan took a deep breath. In his heart, he Hehe-ed[1] twice. This means the plot is being naughty again!

1. cold laugh/sarcastic laugh

“Something’s wrong! You, a Supreme King, actually died in Yan Ruya’s hand, who is only at level 9 Imperial stage?”

But in the next second, Shui Ruoshan immediately noticed that something was wrong. Even if Huang Beichen didn’t guard against Yan Ruya, they still have a gap in strength between them. It’s impossible for an Imperial stage practitioner to kill a Supreme King even if it is a sneak attack! That’s the only reason why Supreme King is unique[2]. Because his absolute strength is beyond the mass; besides another Supreme King, time is the only thing that can kill a Supreme King[3]! So things like sneak attacks, sieges, traps… these tricks can’t do shit to a Supreme King!

2. in their race
3. meaning dying in old age

“I died from the effect of the co-death contract between Yan Ruya and me.”

Since he decided to open up, Huang Beichen did not conceal the true cause of his death. The ‘mutual life and death contract’ is exactly like its name, it let everyone know that not only this contract can be a good method to save someone, it is also a deadly poison for murder.

That time, Huan Tian wanted Huang Beichen dead, so Yan Ruya didn’t even hesitate to initiate the co-death contract between them and committed suicide. Because of the contract’s effectiveness, Huang Beichen followed Yan Ruya’s footsteps without the slightest struggle. This method can be described as simple, straightforward and effective to the extreme!


Only one sentence appeared in Shui Ruoshan’s mind right now. Huang Beichen, doesn’t it looked like the co-death contract is the reason for both of your success and defeat? He remembered that to highlight the unparalleled sincerity between the protagonist and the heroine, he deliberately arranged a scene where the protagonist is in danger. Then when the protagonist is dying, the heroine upon knowing the situation resolutely decided to sign the ‘mutual life and death’ contract with the protagonist. Moreover in order to exaggerate this atmosphere, Shui Ruoshan used several chapters to describe the male and female lead’s thoughts and feelings, and successfully moved countless readers; making the readers ‘envy the couples, not immortals’.

But now Huang Beichen tells him that he died from that co-death contract. As the author, Shui Ruoshan can only innocently say that the plot’s breakdown is completely out of this author’s control.

“Actually, if Yan Ruya didn’t save me with a co-death contract at that time, I might have already died. To be able to continue living for so many years, I have nothing to complain about.”

Huang Beichen didn’t know why he suddenly has the urge to explain this when he saw Shui Ruoshan’s look of disbelief.

“Good mindset!”

For Huang Beichen to still maintain such a Holy Mother mindset until now, Shui Ruoshan had to give him a thumbs up. Should he sigh that Huang Beichen is indeed worthy of being the protagonist he created with normal 3 views of the world, for such ideological consciousness? It is a pity that although he admires this kind of unselfishness, he does not appreciate them.

“I don’t have such a high level of mindset. Although I have been using that reason to convince myself, it is clear that I have not done it very well!” Huang Beichen faintly laughed at himself.

He wasn’t as indifferent as he showed to the public. In fact, he still had some unwillingness in his heart. Otherwise, he won’t attack right away the moment he saw Shui Ruoshan in Huan Tian’s appearance. Because not only he wanted to avenge his own death, he also hoped that by killing Huan Tian off in advance, perhaps Yan Ruya will not kill him for Huan Tian. Huang Beichen did not doubt Yan Ruya’s feelings for him, but the experience of his previous life told him that Huan Tian’s existence is a completely insurmountable mountain for him! Huan Tian wanted him to die, and he didn’t need to do it himself. One command from him and there would be countless demons who fought to give him everything he wanted! And Yan Ruya is one of those demons! Because there is no other existence comparable to Huan Tian in the demon’s heart! It can be said that Huan Tian is the demon’s only belief and he’s like a god figure to them! Even though he(HBC) has become the demon Supreme King, the entire demon left and turned to Huan Tian the moment he appeared. That’s why he would lose so quickly and so sorrily!

“I have finished my story, don’t you think you should tell yours as well?” Huang Beichen suppressed his low mood and asked.

Even though he understood that this person standing in front of him is not Huan Tian, but Huang Beichen still couldn’t feel any good feelings looking at a young version of Huan Tian.

“I am very curious, how do you know so much about my affairs?”

Huang Beichen’s eyes suddenly turned sharp when he asked this. One needs to know, even the reborn Yin Suye is not aware of Yan Ruya’s cultivation level when she ‘killed’ him. So, it was quite suspicious that Shui Ruoshan can accurately tell Yan Ruya’s strength level at that time. Just now, Shui Ruoshan revealed too many flaws in his conversations, and he seemed to know a bit too much about some things and people. The most important thing is, if Shui Ruoshan really has no special ability, how could he occupy Huan Tian’s body, who is almost a godlike existence?

“It’s not that I know a lot of ‘your’ business, but I know a lot of ‘everything’!”

Shui Ruoshan rolled his eyes at Huang Beichen. He knows the entire story of [The Strongest King in History], not just Huang Beichen, so please don’t be narcissistic!

“Who are you?” Huang Beichen squinted, his eyes looking at Shui Ruoshan was a bit dangerous.

“Just like Yin Suye is reborn, you are not the only one who can transmigrate!”

Shui Ruoshan uttered such a sacred sentence with the tone of a quack.

“Are you a transmigrator?”

Huang Beichen’s language was obviously not taught by a PE teacher[4], so he immediately grasped the key points expressed in Shui Ruoshan’s words. The next second, Huang Beichen’s gaze at Shui Ruoshan became a little deep.

4. a roundabout way to say that HBC got it correct

He is a transmigrator, but he never told anyone. In his past life, he only mentioned it a few times to his closest people, and he didn’t get into details. So even if Shui Ruoshan is the same as him, but it still can’t explain why Shui Ruoshan knows that he is a transmigrator.

“Even if you are a transmigrator like me, it couldn’t explain how you would know so many things?”

Huang Beichen is not a fool. Being a transmigrator himself, he knows what’s the advantage of being one.

“What if I said I’m the God of creation?” Shui Ruoshan blinked and spoke half the truth.

Actually, for a world where the plot has completely collapsed, he does not know whether this so-called God of creation is legit, but he just suddenly wants to say that. Because he is not explaining this to Huang Beichen, he wanted to use this chance to reveal something he dare not disclose to Yin Suye. For example, this world is actually a book, or that he is the author of this story.

“There is a limit to joking!”

It is clear that Huang Beichen didn’t believe Shui Ruoshan’s rhetoric words. He didn’t struggle in the continent to become a Supreme King for nothing. He knows quite well of the composition of this continent. In this world, the Supreme King is already the highest power in existence. Don’t say that there is a God of creation, this world didn’t even have a God. Shui Ruoshan’s answer sounded obviously perfunctory, so Huang Beichen’s attitude is naturally not good.

“If you don’t believe it, then forget it!”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t care how Huang Beichen reacts. He just turned around to look at Yin Suye and found out that his family’s Xiao Yeye has been watching him with a thoughtful expression. Shui Ruoshan suddenly wanted to turn his head away in guilt.

However, Yin Suye obviously doesn’t want to give Shui Ruoshan the opportunity to escape. He reached out and gently lifted Shui Ruoshan’s chin, easily forcing Shui Ruoshan to look at him again.

“Xiao Ruo, don’t you think you have been talking to Huang Beichen a bit too long?”

Not sure if he saw Shui Ruoshan’s guilty conscience or due to other reasons, Yin Suye did not hold onto the topic just now but admonished him about other matter instead.

“I just wanted to figure out the problem so that we can take preventive measures in the future!”

Shui Ruoshan said it with a righteous tone, but in his heart he felt guiltier than before. He ignored his family Xiao Yeye just now while talking to Huang Beichen. Will this make Xiao Yeye mark it down in his book? But he really didn’t mean it. Is it too late to change it now?

“It’s enough that you have me already!”

Yin Suye looked straight at Shui Ruoshan, wanting to convey his seriousness deeply to the other person’s heart. Even if the little guy didn’t ask, he would still investigate everything in detail. After all, he pays more attention to the little guy than Shui Ruoshan himself, and he will never allow things that might harm the little guy to exist!


Shui Ruoshan felt that the current Yin Suye seems to become more and more overbearing. However, he likes this overbearing Xiao Yeye! Sure enough, when facing his family’s Xiao Yeye, Shui Ruoshan cannot be saved anymore! At the same time, he also refused to be saved[5]!

5. as in he is willing to be entangled with Yin Suye

Raw Word Count : 3069


Banana: I’m back!! (0w0)/ Finally finished moving ah ah ah ah ah ah….

Chapter 146 – Yan Ruya

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“The Huan Tian I met in my past life is somewhat different from you right now.”

Huang Beichen thought for a while and finally decided to start with Huan Tian’s appearance.


Seeing Huang Beichen is comparing his current appearance with Huan Tian, Shui Ruoshan showed some curiosity. After all, to a certain extent, Huan Tian is him.

“Huan Tian is more mature and perfect than you are right now.”

Huang Beichen searched his mind for better words and ended up with those two words. Although he actually wanted to use the word ‘enchanting’ instead to describe Huan Tian but taking into consideration that a soul called Shui Ruoshan is now in Huan Tian’s body, he changed the adjectives.

“You mean to say that I do not look like the real Huan Tian?”

Shui Ruoshan asked incredulously and reached out to touch his face. His current appearance actually looked quite amazing enough so how perfect would Huan Tian looked?

“Should be.”

Huang Beichen nodded. After a while, he continued to list down the difference between Shui Ruoshan and Huan Tian.

“In addition to appearance, your strength is also different.”

Huang Beichen is now a Supreme King. It is easy for him to see Shui Ruoshan’s ability because his(SRS) strength is obviously lower, but he didn’t clearly point out how wide is the gap between Shui Ruoshan and Huan Tian, for Shui Ruoshan’s sake. As for the character temperament, Huang Beichen did not even mention it. After all, they are two different people and cannot be compared.

“Is there still a seal on this body?”

Being reminded by Huang Beichen, Shui Ruoshan immediately thought of that day at the Imperial City’s gate, which he thought he had released whatever sealed in his body. When he has just transmigrated, this body is a small zhengtai(shota). After unlocking the seal in him, he became a young man, and his strength also grew by leaps and bounds. If it is true like what Huang Beichen said, that there is still a big gap between him and Huan Tian, he suspected that there is not only one seal on his body.


Yin Suye’s train of thought is in line with Shui Ruoshan this time. At the same time, Yin Suye had a faint guess in his heart, that it was because of the seal that the little guy could not sense Huan Tian’s existence. On the other hand, Yin Suye was very concerned about the little guy’s body. The moment Shui Ruoshan mentioned about that, he has already begun to examine his(SRS) physical condition carefully. However, no matter how he checked him(SRS), he cannot detect what is actually wrong with the little guy. Just like the previous incident at the Imperial city’s gate where he did not sense any seal on the little guy, and he didn’t find the problem until the seal was automatically released by the city’s barrier. It seems that this person called Huan Tian is a rather difficult character!


Shui Ruoshan is speechless now. Why is it every time he thought that he has somewhat understood Huan Tian’s identity, some other mysteries will appear? It caused him to be unable to grasp a clear understanding of Huan Tian, this person, no, this demon! Right now, even if someone tells him in the next second that Huan Tian is not the first generation Supreme King, but the god of creation of this world, he would believe it!

Huh? It seems that something is wrong!

He(SRS) is the author of [The Strongest King in History], that is to say, HE is the god of creation of this world! In this case, his Shui Ruoshan should be the noblest presence in the continent. So, what first-generation demon Supreme King, he does not have to look at it! Shui Ruoshan comforted himself with the spirit of Ah Q.[1]

1. In short, self-deceiving

“Tell me more about the relationship between you and Huan Tian?” After self-ranting, Shui Ruoshan started to ask more questions.

He did not forget about the restraining fear Huang Beichen showed when talking about Huan Tian before, and also the fact that he died indirectly under Huan Tian’s hand. To be able to kill the protagonist, it can only be said that Huan Tian is the biggest villain in the protagonist’s path to success! However, why he suddenly think that his family Xiao Yeye who died under the protagonist’s hand is a little weak?! This must be his illusion!

“Huan Tian is the only demon Supreme King right from the beginning!”

When he said this, Huang Beichen had deep bitterness and self-deprecation. He has body-transmigrated into the continent [Mowu Dalu], but the moment he arrived, he realized he was in the demon realm and was rescued by the demons. The demons also mistook him as a demon because of his black hair. After encountering various rejections and despise from the humans, he gradually became a part of those who are friendly to him.

Later on, he continued to work hard in order to help the demons to live a better life. Moreover, he did not hesitate to even go against Yin Suye and embarked on the road of being enemies. It can be said that for the benefit of the demons, he has given up his human identity and helped the demons to deal with the human race who had been suppressing the demons. After that, he became the demon Supreme King under the expectation of thousands of demons, to lead them to a bright future. However, he will never forget how all the glory he possessed instantly turned into ashes when that demon called Huan Tian appeared. Because everything he did for the demon race means nothing next to an intention from Huan Tian, in the eyes of the demon.

Even when he has become the Supreme King, he still cannot help the impulse of wanting to surrender in front of Huan Tian, not to mention those who have already accepted Huan Tian as their belief! Huang Beichen would never forget the surprise and admiration he has towards Huan Tian the first time he saw him on that sunny day. Huan Tian dressed in black stood against the sun like this, and the surrounding light instantly darkened. It seems that all the light were concentrated on this person; no one can beat that kind of radiance that glows from the inside out. That pair of cold and unparalleled phoenix eyes only have to curve slightly, and it would give out a dazzling magical charm, overwhelming the world… powerful and peerless to the gods! No, not gods, Huan Tian himself is already a god-like existence[2]!

2. Banana: All these nonsense, Banana cannot understand _(;3/

He has never believed this before, that someone could be so perfect just by standing there and not doing anything. But the moment he saw Huan Tian, he really understood what is peerless!

“I did not ask you about Huan Tian’s identity but how Huan Tian indirectly killed you, a’ight?”

Shui Ruoshan asked again because Huang Beichen didn’t answer the main point. Although it is a bit weird to ask other people how they died, but there isn’t any other way, he’s too curious!

“I died in Yan Ruya’s hand, and Yan Ruya is Huan Tian’s people!” When it came to his death, Huang Beichen’s mood became obviously low. “Or I should say, the entire demon race is under Huan Tian’s hands.”

He has done so much for the demon race, but it is not as good as one word from Huan Tian. The pain in Huang Beichen’s heart can’t be described in words.

“How is this possible?”

Shui Ruoshan subconsciously refuted Huang Beichen’s words when he heard Yan Ruya’s name. Huang Beichen can say that he was killed by a cannon fodder and Shui Ruoshan would not bat an eyelid, but Yan Ruya’s name makes him feel disbelief and unacceptable. One needs to know, Yan Ruya is the female lead in [The Strongest King in History]! In times, Huang Beichen might have many female confidants, but no one can compare with the heroine Yan Ruya. Because Yan Ruya is a perfect goddess who loves the protagonist wholeheartedly, who would take the initiative to stand behind the protagonist and silently do many things for the protagonist!

In the beginning, Yan Ruya saved Huang Beichen, who had just transmigrated into the demon realm and was seriously injured. Later, she carefully took care of Huang Beichen, explained to Huang Beichen the common sense of the continent, and also taught Huang Beichen self-protection skills, magic, and martial arts. Later, when Huang Beichen suffered fatal injuries, she did not hesitate to sign a co-death contract with Huang Beichen, taking the initiative to absorb half of the damage for Huang Beichen, which helped Huang Beichen to survive the mortal danger.

Yan Ruya’s status is not low in the demon realm. She was a great help to Huang Beichen in the early days. Even in the later period, when Huang Beichen’s strength is still growing, Yan Ruya used her powerful strength and means to help the protagonist to solve big hurdles. In other words, without Yan Ruya’s help, Huang Beichen could not stand so firm in the demon and develop so fast.

Of course, a large part of the reason why Huang Beichen will finally choose to stand on the demon’s side was because Yan Ruya is a demon. It can be said that Huang Beichen and Yan Ruya complement each other. After that because of the development between the two’s feelings, they become an inseparable couple. However, now the protagonist Huang Beichen tells him that he died under the heroine Yan Ruya’s hands. Is this a joke? Or is this a joke? Or is this a joke?


Raw Word Count : 2870


Banana: Banana is late, I know _(;3/ But the move is going to end next week, finally (0w0)/

Chapter 145 – [Not putting here since it’s a bit spoiler-ish]

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Huang Beichen, we should talk.”

After confirming that Shui Ruoshan is really fine, Yin Suye finally spared a glance at Huang Beichen. At the same time, in order to express his sincerity for the peace talk, Yin Suye retrieved his pressure.


Huang Beichen softly replied and agreed to the ceasefire. Although he really wanted to immediately eliminate the demon in Yin Suye’s arms, it is now very clear that he has lost the best time to attack. Since his sneak attack didn’t succeed, it’s unlikely for him to kill him(SRS) this time, not when he’s protected by Yin Suye. Moreover, he did not dare to rush out for another attack, because the strange situation that happened to the demon just now also alerted him. In particular, the information revealed in the dialogue between them makes him very thoughtful. Therefore, he can’t rush to get things done before he can figure it out, so to not shoot himself in the foot. That’s why he stopped and watched Yin Suye and the demon talked to themselves.

His original purpose in coming to the Imperial Capital was to resolve the contradiction between him and Yin Suye. Even when he was reborn and there’s a demon between them, his original purpose did not change. In his past life, he came to understand a lot of things by the time he died. He also knew that he was being used many times. The conflict between him and Yin Suye was actually deliberately designed to frame Yin Suye by some people in the dark in order to achieve their goals, letting him misunderstand Yin Suye and causing their relationship to drift farther and farther away. Because of this, Huang Beichen’s aura would weaken a notch whenever he faced Yin Suye. So, Yin Suye asking to talk to him at this moment, he naturally has no reason to disagree.


Shui Ruoshan felt that he really couldn’t understand Yin Suye and Huang Beichen’s abnormal way of thinking. Not to mention that Yin Suye has just wasted time talking nonsense with him(SRS) in Huang Beichen’s presence, a strong enemy, even Huang Beichen didn’t try to do anything while they were distracted in their discussion. Is this really scientific? Particularly, when both men have just fought with the intention to kill. In a blink of an eye, they immediately shook hands to get down for a talk. Is this change of attitude a bit too fast? There ain’t even any buffer time in the middle. What is wrong with this? One simply doesn’t fool other people like this!

Obviously, the two will not understand Shui Ruoshan’s inexplicable distress.

“Why did you attacked Shui Ruoshan just now?”

Yin Suye didn’t let Huang Beichen to start talking first and immediately questioned him. If it weren’t for his desire to know more about the little guy’s current body, he would never let Huang Beichen go so easily. But after he figured out the little guy’s situation, he doesn’t mind returning to settle the account with Huang Beichen.

“Shui Ruoshan, that’s him?”

Although Huang Beichen heard it from the dialogue between Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan, he discovered something wrong, and he also had his own guess. This guess was the reason why he gave up so easily to eliminate this demon who killed him in the past. However, no matter what kind of conjecture he has in his mind, he still can’t believe it if the person himself didn’t personally admit it.

“There are only three people here. Your name is not Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye’s name is not Shui Ruoshan. Then as the only person left, I’m naturally Shui Ruoshan!”

After that, Shui Ruoshan looked at Huang Beichen like he is looking at an idiot, like he is looking down at him for not knowing such simple logic.

“As far as I know, his name should be called Huan Tian.”

Huang Beichen’s eyes stared straight at Shui Ruoshan, seemingly judging whether what he(SRS) said it was worthy of believing.

“I just mentioned that there might be another soul in this body. Haven’t you heard it?”

Shui Ruoshan is now deeply suspicious whether this person with negative IQ is really the witty protagonist, Huang Beichen in his novel. They didn’t hide their conversation from Huang Beichen, so Huang Beichen should know clearly that he(SRS) has nothing to do with that person called Huan Tian. Shui Ruoshan felt that he has only transmigrated into a body that may have another soul in it. This couldn’t be compared with Huang Beichen’s experience at all, who experienced transmigration then a rebirth later on[1]. Hence, Shui Ruoshan instantly developed a deep contempt for Huang Beichen. Obviously, he still remembers how bad Huang Beichen’s attitude towards him before this, and he(HBC) also tried to kill him too. He naturally spares no effort to start smearing Huang Beichen’s name when the opportunity comes.

1. As in HBC experienced much more bizarre stuff so he shouldn’t be surprised by SRS’s situation

“Can you sense Huan Tian’s existence?”

Huang Beichen felt that comparing with this harmless youth called Shui Ruoshan, Huan Tian is the one he needs to be vigilant against!


Shui Ruoshan shook his head in frustration. The moment he knew that the original soul of the body might still exist, he tried to detect it in various ways but no matter how hard he tried, he could not contact that soul named Huan Tian. From the moment he transmigrated over, he never felt anything wrong with this body. If it wasn’t for Huang Beichen’s sudden attack that caught him off guard, which caused the other soul to feel the danger, and took the initiative to help him block the attack, he might never know that the original soul of this body still exists! The feeling of having another person hidden in this body really makes him insecure! Though that soul is most likely to be the rightful owner of the body, and he(SRS) is just a passerby but…

Shui Ruoshan bit his lips tightly, he didn’t know how to describe his current mood. He doesn’t even feel like ranting like he usually did.

“Don’t worry, I will always be by your side!”

Yin Suye comforted when he see how nervous is the little guy. Little guy is already his own people, he won’t allow anything to happen that might separate them, so he must figure out more about Huan Tian from Huang Beichen now. This is why he can still tolerate Huang Beichen’s existence after he tried to hurt the little guy. Yin Suye has an instinct that Huan Tian is the biggest obstacle between him and the little guy. For this reason, he can temporarily put down the grudges between him and Huang Beichen first.


Shui Ruoshan buried his head harder into Yin Suye’s chest, only then he could feel a sense of security.

“Huang Beichen, tell me more about Huan Tian.”

Yin Suye asked after he comforted Shui Ruoshan. Only Huang Beichen knows about Huan Tian, he naturally wants to inquire deeper to understand Huan Tian, so that he can prepare for the worst in advance.

“Huan Tian…”

Huang Beichen’s gaze became a bit sorrowful, he seemed to be recalling his memory of Huan Tian, or thinking about how to describe him.

“Huan Tian?!”

Looking at Huang Beichen trying to recall, Shui Ruoshan mumbled the name in a low voice. From the first time he heard the name, he had a nagging feeling that the name is unusually familiar and felt like he heard it somewhere before. He is quite sure that he did not hear it after he transmigrated, that means he may have written this name somewhere in the novel or in the outline. Unfortunately, the amount of important and unimportant character’s names in his novel is at least several hundreds, if not thousands, so he can’t find out who is Huan Tian. However, Huan Tian is definitely related to 2 keywords, the demon race and also Supreme King.

In an instant, Shui Ruoshan remembers who Huan Tian is! The Hell! Huan Tian is the name of the first generation demon Supreme King!!! The reason why he wrote about Huan Tian was just to explain the simple background of the story. Therefore, Huan Tian’s name is just an inconspicuous name that has only appeared once in the novel. It is totally justifiable that he can’t remember him right away.

But he didn’t expect that such a background character would be this OP[2]. In the story, his name just flashed by, cannot even be considered as a member of the ‘Soy sauce gang’[3] but he(SRS) ended up transmigrated into his body?!

2. overpowered
3. passerby

Shui Ruoshan wondered if he should feel lucky or sad at this moment. But then again, if Huan Tian is the first generation demon Supreme King, it means his lifespan is likely to be the same as the continent [Mowu Dalu]?!
One needs to know that both Supreme King and the continent is an indispensable part of the world. Such an ancient character like the first gen Supreme King still alive right now, will it really fine?


这穿越方式绝逼不对!Chapter one four five – First gen demon Supreme King

Raw Word Count : 2801


Banana: No release on Tuesday because I was busy moving house. Still haven’t finish yet _(;3/ Did I mention that I am a hoarder? :v