Chapter 173 – Ruixue confession: The Days When The Master Is Absent (1)

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Ruixue felt that it must be the most discerning cat, because it got itself a master who is the God of creation, and it can’t be more proud! Obviously, Ruixue had happily forgotten that it was forced to sign a contract with Shui Ruoshan in the first place. All it knew now was that its cat life is perfect. If it has any dissatisfaction, it will be that ugly big black dog circling around it all the time. It was hurting its eyes! Ruixue looked up, and Moqi seemed to know what it was thinking, it immediately bared its fangs. But Ruixue didn’t give Moqi any face and turned away, proudly expressing that it is a big-hearted cat, and won’t be petty with that big black dog.

Although Kirin is not a dog, in Ruixue’s eyes, Moqi’s body that is somewhat similar to a dog has been completely taken as a dog. So, as a cat that hated dogs the most, Ruixue decided to disdain Moqi’s appearance! If Moqi is dissatisfied, Ruixue doesn’t mind swiping a paw at it, really! Anyway, Ruixue has its owner supporting it from behind, its backing can’t be any stronger than this! Theoretically, as its owner’s first spiritual pet, its status should be unbreakable. Facts have also proved that it is better than Moqi, that half-assed spiritual pet. However, it has never occurred to Ruixue that it would eventually fall into the same situation as Moqi, which is completely ignored by its owner! Because its owner was completely dominated by Yin Suye, that big bad guy!

Don’t even say if it has the chance to be intimate with its owner, even if it wants to be closer to its owner right now, that bad guy will not allow it.

Ruixue can’t be sadder than this!

Although Shui Ruoshan always forgets about Ruixue, but in order to show its existence, Ruixue always takes the initiative to flash its presence in front of its owner. It’s not easy to be a good spiritual pet! Wanted to be an excellent pet that can defeat other spiritual pets and become an irreplaceable cat in its owner’s heart, Ruixue could be said has worked hard! So as soon as it is free, it will go to its owner to practice its acting cute skill, so that its owner will like it more and more. Then by chance, when the big bad guy didn’t notice, Ruixue will be able to obtain a little benefit from its owner. For example, kiss kiss, hug hug, rub rub…

Although there weren’t many opportunities to get benefits from its owner, it was better than none. But all this has changed. After its owner disappeared and appeared 8 years later, Ruixue can be said to be completely deprived of these benefits by Yin Suye, that big bad guy. Because since then, the big bad guy has never left its owner even one step. They will be together during the day and night, eating together, sleeping together… Even when going to the toilet, one can’t be more conjointed than this pair!

So, under the big bad guy’s 360-degree monitoring with no blind spot, Ruixue couldn’t find any space to go near its owner for benefits!

Actually, its owner has disappeared twice from the big bad guy. The first time couldn’t be regarded as disappearing, though. To be exact, its master was forced to leave the big bad guy’s side. And Ruixue happened to be at the scene at that time, just witnessing the whole process. But until now, it still doesn’t understand why its owner suddenly become a person named Huan Tian? Then its owner mercilessly attacked the big bad guy, and simply left? At that time, it actually wanted to go up and help, but unfortunately, even the ever-powerful bad guy(YSY) could not stop its owner, it will be even more impossible for this cat alone. It wouldn’t admit the truth that Huan Tian’s action was too fast, that this cat that was famous for its speed couldn’t react in time. From that day, the big bad guy changed and became scarier. During the time its owner left, not only the big bad guy emitted low pressure around him, his entire aura became dark like an evil spirit from Hell. Especially his heterochromic pupils that were always slightly bloodshot, which gave people a chilling feeling. So even though Ruixue felt that it is a brave cat, it doesn’t dare to touch his nerve at this time.

One needs to know that this big bad guy always disliked it. If it doesn’t stay witty, it will definitely be caught and probably gets grilled to be eaten! Because every time it sees the big bad guy, he would either be in a bad mood and then kills people; or gets dissatisfied with people and then kills people; or others oppose him and then he kills people; or someone displeasing him then he kills people…

Among those who were killed were the bad guy’s enemies, people who only pay lip service to the big bad guy, and people who did not really submit to the big bad guy…
This bad guy didn’t even let his own family go, so crazy! In other words, after its owner left them, there wasn’t a time when this bad guy didn’t vent himself by killing others! Sometimes, Ruixue gets worried for the big bad guy. If this goes on, won’t the entire human race gets annihilated by this bad guy? It was not because it felt that killing is wrong, or that it was worried about the big bad guy. After all, as a cat, the life and death of the human race has nothing to do with it. Plus, being strong is the way to survive in this world anyway. So, to place the blame, those who were killed by the big bad guy are simply too weak!

But as long as it thinks about after all the humans were killed, wouldn’t the bad guy becomes the only one left? Then at that time, no one will provide it with delicious small fish… no, what it means was who will provide a comfortable living environment to its owner?! Therefore, for the sake of its dried fish… wrong, for its owner’s sake, should it persuade the big bad guy and tell him that his killing hobby is not good, they should be peace-loving towards cats and humans?

Being a cat is so difficult!



Raw Word Count : 1741


Chapter 172 – Another possibility: Cannot return (3)

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“How did you come to Earth?”

After confirming that Yin Suye did not kill the doctors and nurses in the operating room, Shui Ruoshan started asking about Yin Suye’s situation. This time, he didn’t place his concern for his family Xiao Yeye at the first place, but you really can’t blame him on this. Who let Xiao Yeye appear when he was half dead? Even if he wanted to care, he was powerless. After that, his family Xiao Yeye suddenly turned overbearing and did not give him an opportunity to show his concern. Then, Xiao Yeye released his pressure on the doctors and nurses without giving him any chance to prepare himself, causing him to shift his attention to other matters. So, only until now that he is free to ask Xiao Yeye about his situation. Thinking of it this way, Shui Ruoshan didn’t seem to have it easy. He didn’t have any spare time for himself to think!

“I killed Huang Beichen!” Yin Suye stared intently at Shui Ruoshan without blinking.

After the little guy disappeared from the continent, Yin Suye began to look frantically for him, but no matter where he looked, he couldn’t find the little guy. Just to obtain more information on the little guy, he did not hesitate to make peace with his enemy Huan Tian. It turns out that Huan Tian did know a lot of news that he didn’t know, and Huan Tian was ‘kind’ enough to tell him about it and how to find the little guy. The method given by Huan Tian was very extreme, that is, to kill the fated son of the world, Huang Beichen. This will cause the continent to be destroyed, and then Yin Suye could use the force of the destruction to open a channel to the other world. If he is lucky, he can go to the little guy’s world so he can be with the little guy without any worries.

Yin Suye was really tempted at that time, and even wanted to use that method immediately, but he knew very well that Huan Tian would not be such a kind person. So, until he is 100% sure that the method will work, Yin Suye would not randomly try the method, because a little carelessness will push him down the road of destruction. He is afraid of death. He was just afraid that after he died, he would never see the little guy again. Just that, one year has passed, two years have passed, three years have passed…

In the end, he found nothing. At that time, he knew that he will not find the little guy in the continent. So, when he had completely lost his patience and was ready to make a desperate attempt, Huan Tian appeared again in front of him, using the little guy’s face in his adult version and saying he is willing to cooperate with him. Thus he agreed with Huan Tian’s suggestion and teamed up to kill Huang Beichen. He knew that Huan Tian is definitely not being ‘kind’ when he(HT) so actively looking for him to cooperate, but at that time, he(YSY) has no other choice. He is betting! If he wins, he can get to the world where the little guy lives. If he loses, at most, he will just die. He has no reason to live in a world where the little guy doesn’t exist anyway.

“Then what?” Shui Ruoshan was ready to listen to Yin Suye’s long story about how he came to Earth. In the end, Yin Suye said nothing, and it made him who want to hear the story felt very depressed, and he could only look at Yin Suye with curious eyes, expecting him to continue speaking.

“The continent was destroyed with Huang Beichen’s death. I took the opportunity to use the power of world destruction to cross the distance between space and time and came to your world.” Seeing the little guy’s interested expression, Yin Suye explained concisely.

Yin Suye summarised the whole thing with only one or two sentences, without saying a word about the difficulties and hardships he experienced along the way. He didn’t want the little guy to worry about such a meaningless thing. He has come to the little guy’s world in one piece, so there is no need to mention the dangers he has experienced before. His little guy just needs to know that he(YSY) has finally found him. Even though he was almost killed by Huang Beichen, even though he almost died with the destruction of the continent, even though he almost missed the right path and got lost in the vast universe…

On several occasions, Yin Suye thought he wouldn’t be able to last until the end. But in the midst of it, he heard a voice calling out strongly at him, so he persisted again and again because he knows that it was the little guy calling him from another world. He will not wrongly hear or remember the little guy’s voice! Perhaps this time when the continent was destroyed, the reason why he came to the little guy’s world so smoothly is because the little guy’s strong calling pointed out the right path for him. He thought, maybe because the little guy is the creator of the continent, his(SRS) will could affect him in the continent, or even summon him. It is probably the reason why he can appear directly in front of the little guy as soon as he crossed over.


Looking at Yin Suye calmly talking about world destruction, Shui Ruoshan felt only a bit cruel!

“You destroyed a world just to look for me?”

Just because he was looking for him, Yin Suye ruined a world!

This kind of domineering behaviour, destroying a world just for one person is much higher than any ‘It’s cold, let the Wang Group bankrupt’ setting! Shui Ruoshan would never expect that in this lifetime, he could experience the feeling of being a ‘beauty that toppled a world’, and his emotions were beyond words. Within a second, his eyes became uncontrollably red, and the emotions in his heart could not be contained. This feeling of being placed inside someone’s heart is really beautiful, and it is very touching! In fact, even if Yin Suye didn’t say it, Shui Ruoshan knew that in order to come to Earth to find him, Yin Suye must have experienced many difficulties and dangers, but he will not ask further. It’s fine as long as Yin Suye loves him whole-heartedly.

“Yes.” Yin Suye simply admitted it. It was a fact, and there was no need to deny it.

“Have you ever thought about what fate will you face if you failed to reach Earth after the destruction of the world?” Shui Ruoshan calmed the expression on his face, and seriously looked at Yin Suye.

Although he was really touched by everything that Yin Suye did for him, but after some deep thoughts, he couldn’t help but be afraid. In case Yin Suye did not cross to Earth as expected after the world was destroyed, does that mean Yin Suye would have silently died without him knowing? Thinking of it this way, Shui Ruoshan’s heart couldn’t help feeling a stabbing pain, it was obvious that he was afraid! He wasn’t afraid of being separated from Yin Suye because as long as he is living well, there is hope to meet again. But if Yin Suye dies, there won’t be any chance to meet again! Therefore, Yin Suye taking risks with his own life must not be tolerated, he must be made aware of the seriousness of this matter!

“Is there any reason left for me to live in a world without you?”

Yin Suye calmly looked at Shui Ruoshan and stated his conclusion word by word. In those charming heterochromic eyes, Shui Ruoshan could see the intense and burning feelings towards him.


Being watched by Yin Suye with such eager and affectionate gaze, Shui Ruoshan was speechless. His face became unnaturally red, and his head was shyly lowered involuntarily. Is this shy person really himself?

“But you can’t joke about your own life!” Finally managed to suppress the embarrassment caused by Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan took a deep breath in order to educate the other party with a very serious expression.

Facing Shui Ruoshan’s accusations, Yin Suye didn’t say anything to rebut and just staring at him without blinking.

“Yin Suye, I don’t care about what has happened, but after this, you must promise me that you will never do such a dangerous thing again!”

Yin Suye being silent caused Shui Ruoshan to be unable to hold back and reacted first. Obviously, Shui Ruoshan hasn’t come back to his senses from worrying about Yin Suye’s actions. Right now, they are living in a peaceful Earth. There won’t be anything that requires the powerful Yin Suye to take risks.

“Aren’t you also taking light of your life before this?” Yin Suye slowly asked after a moment of silence, but his voice has dropped a little for no reason.

Obviously, Yin Suye was also dissatisfied with Shui Ruoshan’s previous behaviour.

“Ah?” Shui Ruoshan blinked innocently, seemingly unable to respond to what Yin Suye was referring to.

“What angered me the most was that you disregarded your life for a stranger!” Yin Suye’s eyes were cold, but instead of showing his dissatisfaction to Shui Ruoshan, he turned his head and looked coldly at the other man lying on the operating table, his eyes were full of killing intents.

Although he had just crossed over and didn’t understand the whole story, it didn’t prevent Yin Suye from knowing that his little guy cared for the other person on the operating table. That’s why Yin Suye chose not to kill him at the beginning but this could not suppress the dark emotions in Yin Suye’s heart. Before this, he was worried about the little guy’s situation so he didn’t show it immediately. But now that his little guy talked about this, Yin Suye vented out the dissatisfaction in his heart. His little guy let himself be in danger for the sake of other people, how could he act like nothing has happened?

“Xiao Yeye, you have to listen to my explanation!”

Shui Ruoshan just realised that if his Xiao Yeye didn’t arrive in time, he might probably die on the operating table. All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan was afraid. If he dies, he will never see Xiao Yeye again! Actually, he had done similar operations many times, and he was fine. At most, he would be feeling weak for a long time afterwards, but who knew he would encounter an accident this time? Shui Ruoshan can’t blame Yin Suye anymore. Thinking of it that way, Shui Ruoshan’s momentum suddenly weakened, and he immediately ‘raised a white flag’[1] in front of Yin Suye.

1. surrender

“Alright.” Yin Suye’s domineering posture gave people a feeling of ‘you explain, I’ll listen’.


Shui Ruoshan looked at the Yin Suye who pretended not to care, and looked at his brother on the operating table. He thought that if Yin Suye came up to him with ‘Who is he?’, it will totally be a scene of ‘The main wife catching the third wheel’! He has a feeling that his family Xiao Yeye definitely misunderstood his relationship with his brother! But it doesn’t matter, he will explain it clearly. On the other hand, his Xiao Yeye gets jealous too easily, what to do?

“He is my brother, so I can’t not save him.”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he could not explain his complicated relationship with his adoptive parents in a few words, so he only told Yin Suye their brotherly relationship first. Other than having a family tie, there is absolutely no improper relationship. He is very loyal and will never betray Xiao Yeye! Anyway, both of them have a lot of time now, and he can explain everything slowly. This matter is not important, so let’s make it clear what happened now!

“By the way, you could also use magic on Earth?”

Talking about saving people, Shui Ruoshan suddenly remembered of Yin Suye’s domineering aura when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Then he remembered his Xiao Yeye used magic on him. Does that mean Xiao Yeye could use magic even on Earth? If Yin Suye can really use magic on Earth, he will be absolutely invincible among humans! What Spider-Man, Superman, Super soldier… when compared with Yin Suye, they are all weaklings!

“I can, but over time, the repression I receive on Earth will become more and more powerful. My power will become less and less until it can no longer be used.” Yin Suye replied, not hiding anything.

Yin Suye also has his own understanding of the Rules. Since he has come to a new world, he naturally has to obey the Rules of the new world. After all, he is not strong enough to compete with the Rules, so he naturally has to make some compromises. As long as he can be around the little guy, he doesn’t mind being suppressed by the Rules on Earth and becoming an ordinary person. But then again, the people in the little guy’s world is too weak. Even if he doesn’t use magic, he can still beat those people by using only his fighting skills, so he doesn’t have too much worry about this.

“The Rules on Earth are probably different from the continent’s Rules, so it is normal for you to be suppressed here on Earth.”

Shui Ruoshan wrote so many novels, so he naturally understands about the Rules. In fact, whether Yin Suye has the power or not, the person he believes is only Yin Suye himself, and not for any other reason.

“By the way, can you help me heal my brother’s illness while you can still use magic?”

Shui Ruoshan thinks he should make good use of that while Yin Suye can still use his power. He instantly felt very wise! Earth’s medical facilities cannot completely cure his brother’s illness, but this does not mean that magic cannot do it! One needs to know, his Xiao Yeye just completely healed his operation’s complication with a snap! But thinking of those countless panaceas that he had eaten, Shui Ruoshan was heartbroken again!

“I can.”

Facing the little guy’s hopeful gaze, Yin Suye nodded slightly. Although he didn’t have any good feelings for that so-called brother who almost killed the little guy, but since it was the little guy’s request, he wouldn’t refuse. Plus he doesn’t like his little guy taking risks for others, so for whatever reason, he will heal his little guy’s brother.

Raising his hand gently, he sent a ball of light magic to the unconscious person on the operating table.

“It’s done.” After confirming that his light magic has completely cured that person’s illness, Yin Suye turned to inform Shui Ruoshan.

“Xiao Yeye, thank you!” Although his brother still hasn’t woken but watching as his brother’s complexion instantly turned rosy, Shui Ruoshan knew that Yin Suye’s magic is really effective.

“En!” Yin Suye accepted Shui Ruoshan’s thanks without hesitation.

“Now that my brother is fine, I won’t have to worry about this anymore. I can be considered finished paying off the kindness of my adoptive parents! From now on, I can live for you wholeheartedly!” Shui Ruoshan summarised.

From now on, he can really live for himself! And Yin Suye is his one and only real family!

“Alright.” For a moment, Yin Suye’s gaze softened.

“At that time, the two of us will live together. Then we can stroll on the street together, buy ingredients from the supermarket together, cook together, and clean up together …”

Shui Ruoshan was relaxed from being released his brother’s matter. He raised his head and look at Yin Suye with unparalleled satisfaction in his eyes. Before the two even started their lives together, Shui Ruoshan had begun to count his fingers and planned their future life.

“Also sleeping together.” Yin Suye quietly listened to Shui Ruoshan’s beautiful fantasy, before adding an important content that he felt was missing.


Hearing the word ‘sleeping together’, Shui Ruoshan instantly blushed in tomato red. Right now, he is thinking seriously about their bright future. Why his family’s Xiao Yeye is full of ‘unharmonious’[2] content?

2. meaning N S FW

“We can’t?” Yin Suye seriously asked without changing his expression.


Shui Ruoshan felt like his face was about to burn; his embarrassment was really high! But he couldn’t reject Yin Suye’s proposal, because he really liked what Xiao Yeye, naturally, he doesn’t mind doing some ‘unharmonious’ things together. Just that it is a little bit embarrassing! En, that’s what it is!

“Yin Suye, did I tell you that I’m glad you came to find me?” Even though his face was still red, Shui Ruoshan said the most direct feeling in his heart.

“I knew.”

Although the little guy never say this before, but from his expression and emotion, Yin Suye can clearly see what the little guy is thinking, so even if he(SRS) didn’t say anything, he(YSY) could still know what the little guy wants to express. His little guy hadn’t changed, just like when they first met!

“Yin Suye, I feel very happy at this moment!” Right now, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want to care about other things around him, he only has Yin Suye in his eyes.

“I will keep you happy forever.”

“En, as long as you are always by my side, I believe I can be happy forever!”

A line from a song lyric suddenly crossed Shui Ruoshan, ‘the most romantic thing I can think of is to accompany you until old’.

“I will stay with you until the end of the world!” Yin Suye vowed as he took Shui Ruoshan’s hand and gently kissed it.

“……” The end of the world?!

Although this love declaration is quite sweet, Shui Ruoshan is not that greedy. It’s already good enough as long as the two of them can accompany each other to death! Because meeting Yin Suye is already the luckiest thing in his life! However, in addition to this lifetime, Shui Ruoshan wants to make a ‘booking’.

“Yin Suye, I don’t need you to accompany me to the end of the world, as long as you stay with me for every lifetime!” Because Yin Suye belongs completely to him!

“Alright!” Yin Suye’s eyes were soft, and his tone was as pampering as ever.

“Let’s go home!”



Raw Word Count : 5429


Chapter 171 – Another possibility: Cannot return (2)

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Xiao Ruo!” Yin Suye hugged Shui Ruoshan tightly.

Looking at the dying little guy in his arms, a deep self-blame and heartache flashed through Yin Suye’s eyes. If only he could come to the little guy sooner, if only he didn’t come so late, his little guy would not suffer like this! But before that, Yin Suye didn’t forget to heal Shui Ruoshan’s wound first. His palm slightly turned up, and light elements quickly gathered in Yin Suye’s hands, emitting a soft light …

Yin Suye lightly stroked the light element in his hand on Shui Ruoshan’s wound. Next, all of Shui Ruoshan’s injuries were immediately healed. In an instant, Shui Ruoshan’s pale face returned to its formal rosiness. If not for the remaining bloodstain on his body, no one could associate this seemingly healthy man with the previous dying patient. But, apparently Yin Suye couldn’t be reassured by just using magic, he immediately took out various healing elixirs and looked like he is going to stuff all of it into Shui Ruoshan’s mouth…

“I’m alright, I don’t need to eat those medicine anymore!”

One second before Yin Suye shoved the pill into his mouth, Shui Ruoshan hurried to stop it. He felt that if he really let that large amount of Yin Suye’s pills poured in his mouth, he would have died either by choking or overdose! As soon as he thought of such a scene, Shui Ruoshan instantly rejected it!

It can’t be more embarrassing than this!

On the other hand, he is already healed after Yin Suye’s light magic treatment, so eating more of those healing pills will be a waste! One needs to know that ‘wastage is shameful’! Therefore, it is best to use it where it is needed more, for example, to treat his brother’s illness or something…
Think about this, Shui Ruoshan felt that he made a good example of reasonable use!

Although Shui Ruoshan’s ideal is beautiful, the reality didn’t go with his will. Shui Ruoshan was zoning out when Yin Suye ignored Shui Ruoshan’s words, gently squeezed open his(SRS) mouth with his hands before quickly stuffing all pills into Shui Ruoshan’s mouth, and then quickly closed his mouth gently …
Until it was confirmed that Shui Ruoshan swallowed the pills, Yin Suye slowly released his hand holding Shui Ruoshan’s mouth.


Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect Yin Suye to be so overbearing, to act first without his consent? That was really quick! Too quick that he has no chance to refute! All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan’s heart felt stuffy! Actually, he has to be grateful that the medicines Yin Suye gave him are top-grade instant melt panaceas. At least he won’t choke himself to death. But because of this, he became even more upset a’ight?! Do you know that the pills he ate cost countless money?!

Yin Suye didn’t seem to see Shui Ruoshan’s depressed expression and acted as if nothing had happened. He kept staring unblinkingly at Shui Ruoshan, and he doesn’t look like he is repenting at all. After that, using the reason to check on his injury, Yin Suye keeps g r o p i n g Shui Ruoshan’s body with his big hands…

One can’t be more perverted than this!

Although Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan are completely oblivious to others, this does not mean that the rest of the people won’t notice them. That’s why the doctors and nurses in the operating room who were completely ignored by the two, immediately expressed their anger. Before this, the doctors and nurses were trying to rescue Shui Ruoshan, who was suddenly in danger due to unexpected heavy bleeding. Just when the treatment is at the most critical stage, they felt a force pushing them away from Shui Ruoshan. Not waiting for them to get back to Shui Ruoshan, a blond man in an ancient black robe suddenly appeared in front of Shui Ruoshan’s operating table, and then he held the person tightly in his arms. At this moment, everyone didn’t bother thinking about how this weird and extraordinary person appeared out of thin air, what’s the purpose of him appearing here, or what does it have to do with their patients…
They only know that if they don’t continue the surgery on Shui Ruoshan, Shui Ruoshan may really die from blood loss! So they must stop that stranger’s irrational behaviour as soon as possible!

But when everyone focused on the man in black who appeared out of thin air, they inexplicably held their breath. Their mind went blank for a moment, and the only thing left was the man’s handsome and peerless appearance. At this moment, everyone forgot to be angry at that person, their responsibilities, or even their own existence. In their eyes was only that simple black figure standing in the middle of the operating room. That visually beautiful impact makes people forget everything! However in the next second, everyone was awakened by Shui Ruoshan’s voice, and the obsessive eyes gradually returned to normal, but no one dared to look directly at the overly beautiful perfect face, because they were afraid they would be mesmerised again. In particular, they are now at a critical moment in saving people. They simply have no extra time to be dazed. They must immediately adjust their mental state and then save people.

But the other party has taken the first step before them. They only saw soft white light bursting out from the man’s hand and surrounded Shui Ruoshan. After the white light disappeared, the originally dying Shui Ruoshan returned to normal, and the wounds that were originally left by the surgery have unscientifically and completely disappeared?! Who can tell them how exactly this out of the world thing happened in front of them? How can they face the word ‘Science’ again? But the most unacceptable action for them was how the man who appeared out of thin air gave the patient random medications without even checking his conditions first. Not only that, but he also fed the patient various medicines, which was completely wrong for these medical authorities!

However, they just couldn’t blame the man because it turned out to be very good, at least it makes Shui Ruoshan’s face returned to a better rosy expression! They really want to disregard their image and give a cold ‘hehe’ laugh, what to do? On the other hand, in the presence of so many people, that man actually dared to be improper to the patient?! One can’t be more arrogant than this!

“Here is the operation room, random people cannot come in!” In the end, some people couldn’t help expressing their dissatisfaction against Yin Suye’s bold action.

“That’s right, what is your purpose suddenly appearing here?” After someone started saying something, the others chipped in and asked their questions.

“What kind of method did you use to enter the operating room?” Obviously, in their hearts, they still can’t believe something strange and disturbing like this, so they only see Yin Suye as someone who used some unscrupulous means to sneak into Shui Ruoshan’s operating room.

Just before everyone could finish throwing out blames and questions, they felt the sharp drop of temperature in the operating room, and it became so cold that they couldn’t help trembling all over, even breathing became difficult. After a few minutes, it seemed that they might suffocate in the next second.

“Yin Suye, you can’t kill people here!”

Shui Ruoshan was the first to react to the sudden drop in temperature. Or in other words, when Yin Suye began to release his pressure against the crowd, he immediately noticed that something was wrong, so he immediately stopped Yin Suye.


Upon hearing Shui Ruoshan’s voice, Yin Suye glanced at the crowd slightly, before calmly retracted his pressure. Only before withdrawing his pressure, Yin Suye was not ready to let go of these people who dared to be hostile at him. Since the little guy said that he cannot kill people, then he won’t kill any, but not killing them does not mean that he cannot punish everyone with other methods. It was very hard that he managed to reunite with the little guy, but all these people just have to come out to hinder them, this really upset him a little.

Everyone felt like they will suffocate when the pressure on their body suddenly disappeared without a trace, but just before they could breathe out in relief, their mind went blank and they completely lost consciousness. It was just that before they lost consciousness, the only thing that remained in their minds was the iciness in the man’s expressionless heterochromatic eyes.

Cold, ruthless, aloof, overbearing, absolute …

“What did you do to them?”

Shui Ruoshan is a super ordinary person in this world, so it is impossible for him to detect what Yin Suye has done. He only knew that everyone has fainted. Fortunately, his elder brother nearby is already unconscious, so he won’t be injured by Yin Suye. It’s really fortunate!

“Let them sleep, and erase their previous memories as well,” Yin Suye explained concisely.

When these people wake up again, they will not only forget about his arrival but also what happened in the operating room during this time. Plus their head will be hurting for a long time. This was done not because everyone disrespects him, but because they have put the little guy in danger before this so his current punishment is already very light to them. Anyway, he just came to this world where the little guy is, and he doesn’t know the survival rules of this world, so he needs to consider little guy’s situation, that’s why he will hold back.


Seeing that Yin Suye listened to his words, Shui Ruoshan didn’t bother asking further. Moreover, his family Xiao Yeye was so capable of erasing everyone’s memories, that saved him a lot of unnecessary trouble. At least he didn’t need to explain to others immediately how Yin Suye appeared out of nowhere. This will give him enough time to arrange Yin Suye. That can’t be more in line with his intention! However, when Shui Ruoshan turned his eyes to the doctors and nurses who were lying on the ground at this moment, he felt a little depressed. The sense of a murder scene is too strong in this one!

Raw Word Count : 3298


Chapter 170 – Another possibility: Cannot return (1)

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Shui Ruoshan stared intently at the computer screen, the rim of his eyes slightly reddened. Very obviously, he has been in this state for a long time. Actually, he knew very well that even if he stared a hole out from the computer, he could not change the fact that he did not transmigrate back to the continent! But in his heart, he couldn’t help holding onto a little hope, thinking that if he persisted, maybe he could return back there. Thinking back, half a month has passed since he was forced to transmigrate back to Earth from the continent. In the past 2 weeks, he has tried so many methods and ended up failing. Shui Ruoshan even started to suspect that everything he had experienced in the continent was actually because he was too immersed in his writing that he had an illusion? Otherwise, why is it when he has already changed the story [The Strongest King in History] for the n-th time according to his wishes, and almost wanted to rewrite it completely, he still couldn’t transmigrate back to the continent?

Suddenly, Shui Ruoshan slammed his fist on the keyboard to vent the depression in his heart. Only, at the next second, Shui Ruoshan immediately began to anxiously check the keyboard for damages, to confirm that the keyboard can still be used. Then he heaved a sigh of relief. He was not being frugal or reluctant to buy a new keyboard, but before he could figure out how he transmigrates in the first place, he had to keep things in his room as consistent as possible. He was afraid that he would accidentally destroy something that might help him to transmigrate, then he wouldn’t have a place to cry on.

However, considering that he is feeling quite impatient right now, Shui Ruoshan decided to take a good rest after placing back the keyboard that he didn’t damage. After all, his current situation is not conducive to thinking, only when he is well-rested that he can calmly find a way! Shui Ruoshan has been in a state of high tension for some time, so he fell asleep as soon as he lay on the bed. In the midst of vagueness, Shui Ruoshan has a feeling that someone is in his head, constantly calling him “Xiao Ruo, Xiao Ruo …” with an unusually familiar voice. But when he wanted to trace the sound, there was only darkness in front of his eyes and he couldn’t see any figure. Even if he couldn’t see anything, he knew very well that only one person would call him that, which is Yin Suye. It was because he often heard Yin Suye’s voice in his sleep that he was convinced that his previous transmigration is not a dream, and convinced that Yin Suye is real! This is also why he has yet to give up trying and still tirelessly searching for a way to return even though his various attempts have failed. Because in another world, there are people he cares for waiting for him!

Suddenly, a rush of ‘ring ring ring’ woke Shui Ruoshan up. Without opening his eyes, Shui Ruoshan reached out and picked up his mobile phone, and subconsciously answered, “Hello!”

No need to doubt it, the ‘ring ring ring’ sound is not from an alarm clock, but the ringtone for Shui Ruoshan’s mobile phone. It can be said that in today’s era where various popular songs come into play, Shui Ruoshan has always used the basic ringtone simply because he is lazy. He doesn’t want to bother finding songs, downloading them, setting up…
Simply too lazy to the extreme! Compared to Shui Ruoshan’s soft answer, the voice of the person from the other end of the phone sounded more urgent.

“Ruoshan, your brother’s condition has worsened, he is now in the emergency room!” A flustered middle-aged female voice, mixed with a slight sobbing voice could be heard from the mobile phone.

“Mother, don’t worry. I’ll go to the hospital right away!”

Hearing his adoptive mother said that his brother’s condition had worsened, Shui Ruoshan’s sleepiness instantly disappeared. He immediately got up from the bed and started gathering his stuff while holding the phone with his shoulder to comfort his adoptive mother. For his adoptive mother to call him for help, his elder brother’s situation must be really not optimistic. Shui Ruoshan was somewhat grateful that he randomly decided to take a nap earlier, as he didn’t have time to take off his clothes; otherwise he didn’t know how much time to waste!

“I’ve sent the driver to pick you up at your place.” Hearing that Shui Ruoshan would rush to the hospital immediately, her mood stabilised a little.


Shui Ruoshan saw the car sent by her from the window, so he went to wipe his face with a wet towel, then took only his keys, wallet and mobile phone before hurriedly rushed to the driver.

“Mother, I’m already in the car. Now you can get the hospital to prepare the operating room. I can start the operation directly when I arrive.”

Shui Ruoshan pulled the car door, and when he sat in the front passenger seat, he immediately signalled the driver to start driving. As for time-wasting gestures like asking about his brother’s medical condition, he didn’t need to ask at all. He just let his adoptive mother prepare everything first. Anyway, no matter what he needs to contribute, he just needs to cooperate accordingly to the doctor’s request. Therefore, knowing the specific situation does not mean anything to him.

“Alright!” With Shui Ruoshan’s cooperation, although her mood was still very serious, it has stabilised a bit.

Soon, Shui Ruoshan arrived at the hospital.

“Ruoshan, you are finally here!” When his adoptive mother knew that Shui Ruoshan is arriving at the hospital, she immediately stood at the entrance of the hospital to wait for him. When she saw him, she immediately greeted him.

“En, how is my brother’s condition at this moment?” As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Shui Ruoshan rushed directly towards his brother’s operating room with his adoptive mother.

“The doctor said that your brother experienced acute renal failure. As someone with a match with your brother’s HLA, you are the best candidate for transplantation.” (Author’s note – The medical stuff in this novel was borrowed from Baidu[1] and elsewhere. If there are any errors, it’s very normal.) His adoptive mother’s mood was a little down, but she was also a little thankful.

1. China’s Google

“I understand.”

After a while, Shui Ruoshan came to the operating room door. Standing in front of the operating room door, Shui Ruoshan nodded to his adoptive mother, signalling that he had no problem and would cooperate with the doctor’s instructions.

“Ruoshan, I believe in you!” There was a sudden flash of light in his mother’s eyes, and she was full of apologies. She could only hold Shui Ruoshan hard, like a drowning man holding onto the last piece of driftwood. “Also, I’m sorry!”

“I’m willing, so you don’t need to say sorry!”

Then, Shui Ruoshan gently left her embrace and walked into the operating room. Closing the operating room’s door, he quietly laid on the operating table under the direction of the doctor. He turned his head to the side to look at his brother, who was unconscious on another operating table. Shui Ruoshan’s gaze was peaceful, then he quietly closed his eyes, indicating that the operation could begin. After being anaesthetised, Shui Ruoshan did not feel much pain during the operation. He didn’t know how long the operation has been going on, he just felt that his consciousness was getting more and more blurry, and then, he seemed to hear the doctor and nurse panicking.

“Doctor, the patient is bleeding a lot, what to do?”

“Stop the bleeding!”

“It won’t stop!”

Shui Ruoshan’s consciousness became a bit sluggish, and it took him a long time to realise that the doctor and nurse were talking about him just now. In other words, his situation is not very optimistic because he could feel his vitality slowly draining away. In this regard, Shui Ruoshan smiled indifferently. As a matter of fact, when he was lying on the operating table, he knew that he might one day die on the operating table, but he did not expect that the day would come so fast?!! He always felt that even if he is to die one day, he shouldn’t have any regrets, because he doesn’t owe anyone anything. But at this moment, he knew he was wrong. In fact, he still has regrets. At least he couldn’t see Yin Suye for the last time, and he didn’t tell Yin Suye that he likes him too! How nice it would be if he could meet Yin Suye before he dies! In fact, he hoped that he could return to the continent again after his death!

He tried a lot of ways before but didn’t try dying. Not because he didn’t have the courage, but because he was afraid of his wrong judgment, that he won’t have the chance to meet Yin Suye again anymore!

“Xiao Ruo!”

Just when Shui Ruoshan felt that his consciousness was about to completely dissipate, a familiar voice came to his head again. But at this moment, there was endless panic and helplessness in the baritone voice.

“Xiao Ruo!”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know why, but when he heard Yin Suye calling him again, he felt like the sound seemed to change from afar to a close distance, giving him a momentary illusion that the owner of that voice was beside him. Though he knew it might just be an unrealistic fantasy in his imagination, but at this moment, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t restrain the expectations in his heart, and wanted to open his eyes to find the master of that voice.

“Xiao Ruo!”

Shui Ruoshan has just worked hard to open his eyes to a slit, but before he could see the surroundings clearly, he was tightly embraced by a gentle hug. Even if he couldn’t see that person clearly, he clearly knew who was holding him now.

“Yin Suye?!” There was an endless longing in his whisper.

Suddenly, a layer of mist appeared in his eyes, and then he exhausted all his strength to embrace the man who had been carved into his heart.

So nice!

Yin Suye is not a phantom that appeared when he was unconscious, but actually appeared beside him?!!


Raw Word Count : 2973


Chapter 169 (2) – Because the author has transmigrated [FIN]

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

When Shui Ruoshan opened his eyes, he was lying in the crystal coffin again. He didn’t feel any sense of success for transmigrating, he only felt his forehead covered with long black lines[1]. The way of transmigration is the same, even the place to wake up is the same, how much more do you want to be the same?

1. Like this (=_=lll)

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know what timeline he has transmigrated into right now. Don’t tell him that he went back to the first time he met Yin Suye, he will really cry! Before Shui Ruoshan could think of the worst, a figure quickly appeared in front of him. His sight was suddenly blocked by a black shadow. The next second, his body was hugged tightly. Feeling the familiar temperature from the other party, Shui Ruoshan reached out and hugged back.

“Xiao Yeye, I am back!” Shui Ruoshan narrowed his eyes, and his eyes filled with joy.

It was great that he met the Yin Suye who shared his memories, and not a complete stranger Yin Suye. He is not afraid to get to know Yin Suye again, but he is afraid that the new Yin Suye will not be the Yin Suye he once knew. It’s hard to describe this, but only Shui Ruoshan knows how much fear and uneasiness he felt once he found himself back at the place where he first transmigrated over. But now with the familiar atmosphere from the other person, he feels extremely peaceful.


Yin Suye didn’t intend to let go of Shui Ruoshan. Instead, he hugged him even tighter, seemingly afraid that Shui Ruoshan would disappear again at the next second.

“Xiao Ruo, you have disappeared for too long!”

There is a lot of dissatisfaction and complaints in Yin Suye’s tone. At the same time, there was also a hint of throwing tantrums in it.

“I have only disappeared for eight days, alright?”

Although Shui Ruoshan is very happy that Xiao Yeye cares for him so much, he has only disappeared for a few days, and yet Yin Suye makes it sound like he hadn’t seen him for a few years. However, this kind of ‘a day of absence equals to three seasons’ would still make people feel a little embarrassed!

In order to quickly transmigrate back to the continent, Shui Ruoshan only took eight days to complete the entire content of [The Strongest King in History]. He felt incredible just by thinking of it! That was his fastest speed ever, he is about to be moved to tears by his own speed, a’ight?

“It’s eight years.” Yin Suye seriously corrected Shui Ruoshan’s words.

“Eight years?!” Shui Ruoshan widened his eyes incredulously.

Is the saying ‘One day in Heaven is a year on the ground’ also popular in here?

“En.” Yin Suye stuffily made a sound of acknowledgment, apparently not very satisfied with Shui Ruoshan’s tone of disbelief.

“How did you endure in these eight years?”

Shui Ruoshan seriously looked up and down at Yin Suye. Should he be thankful now, that it was fortunate that one day on Earth is only equaled to one year here, and not ten years, or a hundred years…

No wonder the time had not changed much when he transmigrated back to Earth, because he only lived for a few months at continent [Mowu Dalu]. According to his calculation, he naturally won’t think about how much time passed.

“We will talk about this later, right now you have to compensate me!” Yin Suye righteously said.

He has been waiting too long for the little guy, and now he can’t wait anymore. Only when he has the little guy completely in his hands that he can be assured!

“Ah?” Shui Ruoshan stupidly uttered, that innocent expression looked very cute.

Experience and compensation, is there any inevitable connection between the two?

“Yin Suye, what are you doing?”

Before Shui Ruoshan could ask his question, he realized Yin Suye has pressed him back into the crystal coffin and began to take off his clothes. He wanted to stop Yin Suye’s inexplicable movements, but his hands were then pinned to the top of his head as his layers of clothes continued to decrease.

” ’Do’ you.” Yin Suye said.

He got up and pressed his body down, trapping the little guy under his body. Even at this moment, being pressed under his body, Shui Ruoshan still looked at him with a big pair of eyes. A silly cowlick hair was curled up slightly on top of his head, combining with the little guy’s expression, he looked naive and ignorant; the perfect ‘meng’[2] appearance. The little guy seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with his actions at this moment, so his small mouth unconsciously pouted, and his two cheeks were slightly bulging, which made the delicate little face glowed a little redder against his pale white skin. He was extremely attractive. In addition to that, the little guy’s originally neat clothing was half untied by him. That half-exposed appearance, coupled with his wet eyes look, it will only make people feel hot and also give them an impulse to bully the little guy until he cries.

2. moe/cute


Shui Ruoshan didn’t seem to realize what was wrong with his appearance right now, because he had been shocked by Yin Suye’s words. The Hell, since when did Yin Suye learned such rude words? ‘Doing’ people or whatnot, one simply shouldn’t be that straightforward!

That was not the point. The point is, what is this position he currently in with Yin Suye now?

Seeking explanations ah!

How come the moment he returned, Yin Suye’s style became so wrong? So, what actually happened to Yin Suye in the eight years he was absent?

“Yin Suye, if you have something to say, say it properly, stop moving your hands!”

Shui Ruoshan tried to put on a very serious expression, intending to use his honest expression to dispel Yin Suye’s bad thoughts. Unfortunately, he is now a fish on Yin Suye’s chopping board, so his words carry no power at all. Although he did consider having a ‘deeper’ relationship with Yin Suye before he returns back to the continent, it is definitely not at this moment. Let’s not talk about the fact that he is not ready yet, even if he wanted Yin Suye to do ‘this and that’ with him, it shouldn’t be at this current situation! Therefore, he must not let Yin Suye succeed! Besides, even if the crystal coffin he is lying on now is very large, and has no problem accommodating both him and Yin Suye, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a coffin and not a bed! It’s too heavy of a taste to do this in a coffin, he can’t accept it!

“Change back to your original state.” Yin Suye ignored Shui Ruoshan’s words and ordered him a slightly commanding tone.

“Change back?” Shui Ruoshan blinked in confusion.

He was still immersed in the joy of a successful transmigration and reunion with Yin Suye, so he did not find anything wrong with his current situation. Now that Yin Suye reminded him, he discovered that his current appearance is the very first zhengtai[3] appearance he had previously.

3. shota/kid

“I can’t change back.” Shui Ruoshan immediately checked his body condition and innocently told Yin Suye.

He doesn’t know if he should be depressed that his body has changed back to his zhengtai look again? Or to silently heave a sigh of relief from escaping from Yin Suye’s hands? In short, his mood is very complicated!

“What happened?” Yin Suye’s eyes darkened, but he didn’t stop pressing down on Shui Ruoshan, obviously not believing Shui Ruoshan’s words.

“Huan Tian has pitted me!”

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan had to sigh in admiration that Huan Tian’s level is really high. He can ‘pit’ Huan Tian because he has the convenience of being the author, but for Huan Tian to be able to ‘pit’ him, that is the real level! Especially when Huan Tian knows that he(SRS) pulled a fast one on him, he still proceeds according to his(SRS) arrangement. However, the moment Huan Tian found a suitable opportunity, he(HT) immediately counter-attacked. Seriously, one simply shouldn’t be so petty!

Currently, the body he is using belonged to Huan Tian, and the reason why he can use his body is because the last chapter he wrote for [The Strongest King in History] :

Compared to Huang Beichen, who can transmigrate back to Earth with his own body, Huan Tian could only be reborn back to the past with his soul because it is impossible to resurrect Ye Wuhua. Huan Tian can only return to the past to see him, but in order to maintain the stability of the world, two identical people cannot exist at the same time and space. Hence, Huan Tian used the passage of time and space to return to the past smoothly, but not with his current body. The timeline that Huan Tian can go back is only after he and Ye Wuhua ‘fought to death’ and was sealed because Huan Tian in the sealed state is equal to null state[4] to some extent.

4. something like when HT is sealed, he is considered dead to the world?

At this point, Shui Ruoshan admits that he was on a one-track mind not to let Huan Tian get any possible benefits. As it turned out, he managed to arrange this very successfully. Huan Tian had actually given up his body in order to return to the past to see Ye Wuhua, using only his soul to be reborn. However, Shui Ruoshan also knew that Huan Tian should have seen through his calculations, that’s why Huan Tian set a trap for him as well. Clearly understood that he was pitted, Huan Tian deliberately left him a message in his mind to explain the situation.

After Huan Tian has successfully returned to the past, he arrived at the location where he was sealed previously. At that time, he was only a soul, so he directly merged his reborn soul with his sealed soul. The merge enhanced his soul to be powerful, which made him the godly existence who can use the Rules[5] again. At this time, Huan Tian finally understood why he could still cultivate to become the only godly existence of the continent [Mowu Dalu] when he was in the state of being sealed. It was because he was reborn, so he obtained a powerful force from himself in the past[6].

5. of the world
6. Inception at work here, or Mobius strip so ignore if you are confused _(;3/

At the same time, Huan Tian also understood the development track of this world more clearly. In order to prevent this world from being destroyed by his rebirth and make amendments that do not conform to the historical trajectory, Huan Tian is absolutely unable to take any actions that are not in line with the main plot as even a small mistake could possibly cause him to disappear from the past. That’s why Huan Tian can not destroy the seal and wake up from the crystal coffin. And considering that in the future, the God of creation Shui Ruoshan is eyeing covetously for his body, Huan Tian used his newly-obtained great power to regenerate and recreate a new body out from his current body, to replace his place in the crystal coffin. This is equivalent to having a body separated from Huan Tian’s body. In fact, it is the body that Huan Tian prepared for the Shui Ruoshan, who would re-transmigrate back. After solving the problem regarding his body, Huan Tian did not go to find Ye Wuhua but waited for the day Ye Wuhua came to see him in this sealed stone room.

As for what happened to Huan Tian and Ye Wuhua next, Shui Ruoshan has no idea because Huan Tian did not explain it in the information he left for him. But later on, he found out that Huan Tian has been staying together with Ye Wuhua, just that there was never a third person who saw this. Ye Wuhua did the same actions as the first generation human Supreme King in the past and established the forbidden ground. After leaving the Sunlight and Moonlight swords, he disappeared from the world, and then the second generation Supreme King was born. At that time, everyone felt that since the second generation of Supreme King was born, Ye Wuhua, as the first generation Supreme King must have passed away. But from the information left by Huan Tian, Shui Ruoshan knows that Ye Wuhua did not die at that time, he just changed his identity and lived incognito with Huan Tian. As for why the second generation human Supreme King could be born while Ye Wuhua is not dead, this must be Huan Tian manipulating the Rules with his power. The information stops here, so Shui Ruoshan does not know whether Huan Tian and Ye Wuhua have lived from the past to the present? Unexpectedly, Huan Tian is still full of mysteries up until the end!



Yin Suye frowned slightly after listening to the little guy’s explanations. Obviously, he did not have a good impression of Huan Tian and was even full of hostility towards that person.

“So, I can only wait for my body to slowly grow up!” Shui Ruoshan said a tearful tone.

Because this body was created by Huan Tian as a child, not because his powers were sealed, so it is impossible to change from a child to an adult. Although he was very pleased that Yin Suye is unable to do anything to him due to his body of a child, but the moment he remembered that the growth cycle of a demon is very long, and now his body is undoubtedly a true-blood demon, which means he has to keep this zhengtai[7], appearance for a long time, he can’t help feeling very depressed. It was not easy for him to get rid of his zhengtai image at the beginning, but now he has returned to the state before liberation; this can’t be anymore more abusing to his feelings!

7. shota/kid

Moreover, from the information that Huan Tian finally left in his mind, this person even tried to claim a relationship with him! Huan Tian said that since the body he(SRS) used now came from his body, he can be regarded as his(HT) son, to a certain extent. Therefore, Huan Tian said he doesn’t mind calling Shui Ruoshan his son! He also said that having the God of creation as his son, he is very satisfied! Last but not least, Huan Tian tried shirking his responsibility to him. He said that since Shui Ruoshan is his son now, he(SRS) should take up the role of being a son, so the entire demon realm will be inherited by this ‘free’ son!

Suddenly, Shui Ruoshan wanted to grind his teeth in irritation by Huan Tian’s address.

The Hell with ‘son’?!

And one shouldn’t take advantage like it! What does Huan Tian mean by leaving the mess to him? He never knew that the demon Supreme King’s position is hereditary! He only used a body provided by Huan Tian, not living Huan Tian’s life. So, is it necessary for Huan Tian to push everything to him?
One shouldn’t pit people like this!

“It doesn’t matter, I will raise you up!” Yin Suye helplessly got up from Shui Ruoshan, then gently lifted Shui Ruoshan and reorganized his messy clothes.

“Xiao Yeye, you are so good!” Upon thinking that he could now be a ‘rice worm’[8]  safely under his family Xiao Yeye’s care, Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing to become a child.

8. freeloader who does nothing but eat and sleep all day

“However, we have to keep tabs.”

Looking at the little guy’s smug look, Yin Suye lowered his head and gently kissed the little guy’s eyes. Then his lips moved to the corner of Shui Ruoshan’s mouth and kissed a few times on it, before letting go of the red-faced little guy.


Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help but gasp. He never thought that he will hear such an unbelievable word from Yin Suye. But he couldn’t understand, since when did his family Xiao Yeye become so stingy? Even tried to do this ‘Financial matters should be settled clearly even between brothers’ with him.

“Since I couldn’t do you this time, I naturally have to write it down.” Looking at the little guy who obviously hasn’t reacted yet, Yin Suye reached out and rubbed the little guy’s head, and explained slowly what he meant.

“So that’s what you mean?!” Shui Ruoshan’s mouth twitched, he rather Yin Suye never explain this!

“What else could it be?” There was an obvious playfulness in his eyes.

“…” Shui Ruoshan was speechless for a moment, but after thinking about it, he felt that he could not be too weak-willed; otherwise he would be more pressured by Yin Suye in the future.

“How do you want to keep the tabs?”

“Naturally counting daily, starting from today.” Yin Suye paused here intentionally, before continuing his words in a heavier tone. “Which you will pay for everything in one go as soon as you grow up.”


In one go?! Shui Ruoshan opened his eyes in disbelief. Dear, don’t tease me, okay?

With how long a demon takes to grow into adulthood, Shui Ruoshan really didn’t know how long he would take until he grew up, and yet Yin Suye still trying to count it by days. Suddenly, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t dare to continue thinking about it. The number is too beautiful, he can’t bear to look straight at it!

Shui Ruoshan felt that rather than throwing away his face by being done to death in bed by Yin Suye, he rather trying dying first now!

“Xiao Yeye, I am wrong, please let me go!” Although he doesn’t know why Yin Suye wants to bully him like this, Shui Ruoshan knew that he must have just stepped on Yin Suye’s landmine, that’s why Xiao Yeye attacked him like this.

“It’s too late!” Looking at the little guy’s pitiful expression, Yin Suye squinted his eyebrows and lightly curved his lips.

“You are so cold and ruthless!” Shui Ruoshan reached out an ‘Er Kang hand‘ while blaming Yin Suye.

What did his family’s Xiao Yeye encounter to become so bad? He just wanted the loyal dog Xiao Yeye, but he became so black-bellied evil now! This gap is really too big! Don’t let him know who ruined his family’s honest Xiao Yeye. He’ll finish that person himself!

“Xiao Yeye, what are you doing?!” Just as Shui Ruoshan was immersed in the search for the someone who might have changed Yin Suye, he found that his body suddenly lifted up and exclaimed.

“Take you home.” Yin Suye held Shui Ruoshan in his arms and strode out of the stone room.

“En, go home!”

Shui Ruoshan shifted to a comfortable position in Yin Suye’s arms and leaned his head against Yin Suye’s shoulder. He likes the word ‘home’ and also ‘go home’. He likes Yin Suye. As long as Yin Suye is by his side, he is already home!


Raw Word Count : 10,912

#Home <3


Banana: Welp, this is the end~ Finally!! (T wT)/ Banana apologized for being super late with this chapter. I couldn’t maintain concentration with so much words. Now that I know, I will choose novels with lesser word count or chapters in the future to translate~ For the extra, I will try to translate it as fast as possible, hope you guys still be here then~

Chapter 169 (1) – Because the author has transmigrated [FIN]

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Right now, Shui Ruoshan is typing away furiously, continuing where the story has stopped, which is after Huan Tian bewitched Huang Beichen and successfully launched a sneak attack on Yin Suye, resulting Shui Ruoshan to be forcefully sent back to Earth. The reason why he wanted to write the following plot in detail is because through his experience, Shui Ruoshan clearly understands that the content of his outline is inaccurate in the continent [Mowu Dalu].

For example, when he wrote the novel, he didn’t really write it according to the outline. Sometimes, he will modify the outline accordingly. Plus, the content of the outline is too succinct, which is basically only a few words, so many things were not written, and there are many variables. So in order to prevent any unwanted accidents, he doesn’t mind spending more time writing the story in detail. After all, ‘a beard well lathered is half shaved’! However, for the following content, he won’t be writing from his own perspective. After all, he wants to write about the continent [Mowu Dalu], not some modern stories. Although he would like to write from Yin Suye’s perspective, Huang Beichen is the protagonist of [The Strongest King in History], so he can only continue to use Huang Beichen’s perspective to write.

For a better writing environment, Shui Ruoshan purposely went to the supermarket and bought a lot of instant noodles, snacks, drinks, as rations for his incoming seclusion. Because he has decided that as long as he hasn’t finished writing [The Strongest King in History], he will never leave his room! At the same time, he has published the finished chapters on the website. Because he has acquired more than 400,000 words for no reason, Shui Ruoshan boldly published the chapters, and tens of thousands of words were sent out together. The contents have already been written out for him anyway, so if he doesn’t publish it to ‘pit’ the readers, he would feel like he has let himself down. And so, Shui Ruoshan buried his head at work and started writing about the content he has planned.

The story that Shui Ruoshan arranged is actually very simple. It’s like this:

Although Huan Tian managed to bewitch Huang Beichen, Huang Beichen managed to retain some of his own consciousness. When he stabbed his sword towards Yin Suye, the resistance in his mind caused him to subconsciously avoided Yin Suye’s vital point, and that saved Yin Suye’s life. However, due to his injury was too heavy, Yin Suye fell into a state of suspended death/fake death.

After Huan Tian received a confirmation from Shui Ruoshan[1], he naturally had no reason to continue hurting Yin Suye; he even tried to save Yin Suye’s life.

1. that he will help him see Ye Wuhua

When Huang Beichen woke up after that, he originally wanted to seek Huan Tian to get his revenge, but because they all wanted to save Yin Suye, they could only temporarily put down their hatred and stop the war between humans and demons. Although it’s not possible for two warring races to reconcile right away, but under Huan Tian and the just healed Yin Suye’s directions, they decided to achieve a win-win situation. After solving that problem, Huan Tian, Yin Suye, and Huang Beichen began to consider how to settle their personal problems.

Huan Tian wants to see Ye Wuhua, Huang Beichen wants to go back to Earth, while Yin Suye wants to get Shui Ruoshan back to his side. Actually, in a sense, the purpose of these three people can be said to be exactly the same, as both needed to make use of space and time. In the end, it was Huan Tian who came up with a way that is not exactly a way; to get the other two to cooperate, then perhaps they could achieve their respective goals at the same time. Huan Tian and Ye Wuhua are connected through Sunlight and Moonlight sword. Huang Beichen’s body has a connection with Earth[2], and Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan have a contractual relationship with each other. Hence, the three of them could use the connection between them and their desire to reach the goal, they began to circulate their energy at the same time, maximizing their power and layering it by folds upwards. It instantly caused the time and space in the continent [Mowu Dalu] to change to a certain extent, thus forcibly opening a channel between [Mowu Dalu] and other spaces…

2. as an Earthling

Written the plot until here, Shui Ruoshan suddenly stopped mashing his keyboard. Because if he continues, his story will really come to an end. Though, even if he hasn’t finished writing the ending, any average people would be able to see the result at first glance. The ending must be that Huan Tian met Ye Wuhua, Huang Beichen managed to return to Earth as he wished, and Yin Suye also managed to tie Shui Ruoshan back to his side.

The reason why he stopped at this moment was because he is not sure if he would transmigrate back to the continent [Mowu Dalu] when the ending for [The Strongest King in History] is out. Even if he is the author, he can’t be sure that the continent will develop according to his intentions. However, he believes that if the continent really develops according to his wishes, then Huan Tian, as the only god-like existence who can see the Rules would be able to see where the plot is heading, thus would know what he wanted to convey through his writings. Moreover, he believes that as long as Huan Tian knows the method, he will definitely act accordingly to the arrangement in his writings, because Huan Tian has already gone all-out to be able to see Ye Wuhua in the past, and this time he will never let go of the opportunity.

It is because of this that he can calm down and concentrate on writing the novel at home. In fact, even if Huan Tian did not receive the information he tried to convey, it does not mean that he failed. Because if one method can’t work, he can always change to another method. In order to achieve his goal to transmigrate back, he really didn’t mind getting other random content into [The Strongest King in History]. For example, unscientific stuff like collecting seven Dragon Balls to summon the dragon to achieve his wishes whatnots? For example, writing himself as the God of creation directly into the world according to the reasonableness of the plot. For example, he can also write how Yin Suye’s strength has increased enough to break a void directly to Earth. Or, for example…

In short, there are many ways to do this, and he does not need to be stubborn in one method at all. The reason why the option where Huan Tian, Huang Beichen and Yin Suye get together to open the space-time channel was chosen, it was not only because it is the most suitable option for the development of his novel, but also because he agreed to Huan Tian’s request before he transmigrates back to Earth. Since he promised, he naturally has to fulfill it. This is a man’s principle. Other than that, his co-death contract has sensed Yin Suye’s existence previously, which shows that this method has the most successful possibility. However, he will not let Huan Tian go so easily. He will fulfill his part, but how to do it will depend on his mood. He did not forget about how Huan Tian has schemed against him, and that he hurts Yin Suye. How could he not take advantage of this good opportunity to retaliate back? Moreover, he did not expect to transmigrate back and continue using that awkward identity as sharing the same body with Huan Tian, so it’s necessary to resolve this physical problem in the last chapter of the novel. In an instant, Shui Ruoshan thought of a bad idea to ruthlessly pit Huan Tian.

At the same time, he specially arranged for Huang Beichen to transmigrate back to modern times. He has a plan for this. After all, Huang Beichen is the protagonist of [The Strongest King in History]. Even if the plot has long broke away from the original trajectory, it doesn’t change the fact that Huang Beichen represents the continent’s fate. Especially when Huang Beichen died, the continent would follow his footsteps into destruction as well. This point has always been a hidden danger to them, so he had to give Huang Beichen a reasonable reason to disappear from the continent [Mowu Dalu]. He believed that as long as the story arrangement he wrote is reasonable and in line with the development track of the continent, even if Huang Beichen is gone, the continent would not head towards destruction! Coincidentally the reborn Huang Beichen doesn’t hold any feelings for the continent anymore, Shui Ruoshan might as well give him a hand and let Huang Beichen return to his original world. Shui Ruoshan won’t admit that the real reason why he didn’t want Huang Beichen to stay in the continent was because he didn’t like how Huang Beichen sometimes looked at Yin Suye. Who asked Huang Beichen to look at Yin Suye with that kind of gaze that seemed to be mixed with emotions that make him feel uncomfortable. And most importantly, after he settled with Huan Tian and Huang Beichen, Shui Ruoshan believed that no one else can threaten Yin Suye’s existence in the continent anymore. Plus with Yin Suye’s ability, he can definitely dominate the world as the King!

Just thinking about it lets Shui Ruoshan feel that his transmigration back to the continent this time will definitely be wonderful!

Although Shui Ruoshan only took a short time to think about ending for [The Strongest King in History], he hasn’t officially written it yet. Because he didn’t dare to write the ending right away, not knowing if he would really transmigrate back at the moment the story was completed? Therefore, in order to prevent any unwanted accidents, he must be prepared. Not be prepared to transmigrate back to the continent [Mowu Dalu], but to prepare to leave Earth. Although he was forced to return to Earth, however, since he has returned, there are some things he might as well settle while he is still here. Only after tying up all these loose ends that he can really be at peace to stay with Yin Suye and live together in the continent [Mowu Dalu].

Thinking that he had everything planned, Shui Ruoshan immediately began to work on it. He took out a piece of paper and began to write his will. The reason to write a will is not because he has a lot of inheritance to give out, but to donate his body directly to his brother. Though he said his ‘brother’, but they don’t really have any blood relationship, as Shui Ruoshan was adopted by his adoptive parents. The reason why his adoptive parents will adopt an orphan when they already have a son of their own is entirely because his brother has congenital leukemia, and he happens to be the best match to his brother’s genes that his adoptive parents found through various channels. That is to say, his adoptive parents adopted him only to give their son a ‘spare parts’ container. As long as his brother has any needs, whether stem cells, bone marrow, or blood… he must provide unconditionally to his brother.

Not sure if his adoptive parents were embarrassed by their own intention towards him, or they just wanted to protect their son’s ‘reserve body’, they were very good to him. Shui Ruoshan has never been ill-treated in terms of materialistic needs. They let him live in a good house, gave him money to use, gave him nice clothing, good food…
Usually, when they are free, his adoptive parents will bring him and his brother to go out to play. And if he wants anything, his adoptive parents will meet his requirements unconditionally. As for his brother, perhaps it is because he felt sorry towards Shui Ruoshan, he took great care of him(SRS), almost to the point of being meticulous. Although this kind of pampering let him experience the feeling of home and he was pretty much addicted to it, he knows that everything was based on what he can provide to his brother. This kind of love and hate feelings have caused him to be unable to face his foster parents for many years. He believed that his foster family should have the same feeling. Therefore, the moment he was able to support himself, Shui Ruoshan chose to move out of that exquisite villa and choose to rent a house and live alone outside. Although his adoptive parents disagreed with his actions, he repeatedly promised that as long as his brother needed anything, he would cooperate and provide whatever needed. With that, his adoptive parents agreed with his request with a very complicated expression.

Only after that that he found out, his adoptive parents would often call to ask about his life, but the part where they would ask him to help his brother became less and less, which his brother’s body, on the other hand, has become worse. Sometimes Shui Ruoshan would offer to provide his brother with something from his body, but his adoptive parents and brother would refuse and comforted him that his brother’s illness is not as serious as expected and that he does not need his(SRS) help. They promised that when his brother needs it, they will definitely ask him for help. At that time, Shui Ruoshan realized that his adoptive parents also had feelings for him. Otherwise, his brother would not endure the suffering and pain and yet refused to ‘drag him down into the water’. His adoptive parents couldn’t bear to see their son suffer in the hospital bed, but they didn’t take any initiative to ask him for help. So, at that time, he had already made up his mind. If his brother really needed his help, even if one day he(SRS) would die on the operating table, he would be willing, just to return the feelings given to him from his adoptive parents. This is why he hesitated when he knew that he could return to Earth. Because if he does not return to Earth, and his brother fell ill, no one can help his brother. Then his brother can only wait for death.

Later on, he promised Yin Suye that he will stay with him. Not only because Yin Suye really has him(SRS) alone in his eyes, also because Shui Ruoshan was greedy over this ‘you are the only one’ kind of gentleness, wanting to selfishly hold it firmly in his hands. On the other hand, it was also due to the fact that his adoptive parents would call him every few days to ask him about his current life. If they could not contact him, they would surely come to check on him. Then they would find his body, thus could directly use his body to help his brother with his illness. Although a dead body couldn’t help much, but a whole body is better than just a few parts of organs. There might be some self-comforting meaning in it and sounded quite unscientific, Shui Ruoshan still felt that it is more or less useful to donate his whole body to his brother. On the positive part, his brother might be healed and becomes healthy. Maybe he can use this way to repay the care and upbringing of his adoptive parents. Even when he leaves Earth, he has no regrets!

Actually, Shui Ruoshan is not sure about the method to transmigrate back this time, but since he transmigrated with only his soul last time, the possibility of him transmigrating along with his own body for this second time is not quite possible, so it’s better for him to write down about donating his body in advance. At the same time, in order to prevent his adoptive parents from thinking too much, he will drop a vague hint to them that he will live well in another world. This is why he must finish updating [The Strongest King in History] online because his adoptive parents knew about his work. In the early days of his writing career, they used their influence to help publicize his novel, so if his adoptive parents could read this novel, he believed that they can understand that he didn’t die, but went to a different world to find his own happiness.

After writing his will, Shui Ruoshan began to rummage about in his home. He took out his bank passbook and put it on the table beside his will. Although his own savings don’t amount to much, however his adoptive parents will transfer a part of living expenses into his card every month. He didn’t use it and has been saving them up, so here’s a chance to return it to his adoptive parents, considered as a small token to them. After everything was done and he confirmed that nothing was left out, Shui Ruoshan clicked open the website for [The Strongest King in History] and published all the remaining chapters out at once. Then he clicked on the author’s dashboard. Before writing the last chapter, Shui Ruoshan opened the page of the latest chapter and saw a large number of comments below. The corner of his mouth curved up to reveal an evil smile.

Due to his recent updates were very powerful[3], the comments were also very ‘powerful’, but the reader’s comment was not quite gentle, most of the comments were related to the latest part of the novel.

3. meaning he published so many chapters in a short time

“Although I am very happy with author’s recent awesome updates, but do the contents really have no problem?”

“The Hell ah! Has author-sama[4] been greatly stimulated recently? What is this ‘godly’ development at the lower half of the plot?”

4. The word used here was 作者大大, something like author-sama but it’s hard to translate it as English doesn’t have the same word

“Why do I feel like ever since that author named Shui Ruoshan[5] transmigrated into the novel, the whole story became completely messed up? Tell me that this is not just my illusion!”

5. the readers don’t know SRS real name since authors usually don’t put their real name online

“The first part and the latter part of this novel is not written by the same author, right? Otherwise, why is the upper part of the plot looked godly, while the lower part looked like it was written by a crazy person?”

“Author-sama, you went to the wrong genre! Here is the fantasy genre, not danmei[6] ah!”

6. Chinese word for BL(Eng) and Yaoi(Jpn)

“I like to watch these affairs. Begging author to continue writing more about the love story between the villain and the author!”

“Danmei is very ‘meng’[7], although the CP pairing in the novel is not what this fujoshi[8] wanted; still I give it the same amount of love!”

7. moe/cute
8. us lol, and the word fujoshi was used because there isn’t an English equivalent word

“Author, why do you want to abuse feelings ah? Hurry and let Shui Shui return to comfort the injured Xiao Yeye ah!”


Some people complained that the story was not well written, but some people like it that way. In short, all kinds of opinions were there. In this regard, Shui Ruoshan calmly smiled and replied, saying that he likes to read the comments of the readers in his novel. After satisfying his own evil desire[9], Shui Ruoshan opened the author’s dashboard and started writing the final chapter of the story directly on the web page. He was afraid of transmigrating right at the moment he finished writing it, so it’s safer to write directly online. Even if he is really going to transmigrate, he must publish the ending. He is a very ‘pitted’ author, so he won’t pit readers[10]!

9. pitting the readers
10. by skipping the ending

Thus, Shui Ruoshan’s hand flew across the keyboard, and soon the content of the last chapter gradually emerged. But before he hit the last two characters, he thought for a moment and added a sentence at the end of the novel. He won’t have the chance to reply to the readers’ comment later on, so he wanted to give an answer to the readers here.

The reason why the writing style of [The Strongest King in History] changed so much was because the author has transmigrated!

After writing down the above sentence, Shui Ruoshan gloated for a bit, and guessed that no one would believe it even if he told the truth! Thinking about it this way, somehow, it felt like a mischievous prank is successful?

Next, Shui Ruoshan took out his mobile phone and dialed his foster mother’s number. If he really transmigrated as expected, then his foster mother will get his call with no sound coming out, and she would definitely know that he had an accident. This way, they would be able to know about his situation right away. If he didn’t transmigrate, then he could use a random reason to cover the call. At the same time, Shui Ruoshan published his last chapter…

Shui Ruoshan hadn’t had time to take his hand off the keyboard when he felt a strong current going through his fingertips from the keyboard. Then his sight turned pitch black, and he fainted. Before losing consciousness, Shui Ruoshan only has one thought in his mind, that is – Why is it the same way of transmigration again? Can’t you change to another way to transmigrate? One simply doesn’t get lazy to that extent!


Banana: Next page~

Chapter 168 – Follow-up content

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

After Shui Ruoshan pulled back his runaway thoughts, he began to seriously think about how to go back to the continent [Mowu Dalu]. He transmigrated into the continent because of Huan Tian, and came back because of Huan Tian as well, which means Huan Tian has an extraordinarily deep understanding of this aspect. At the same time, Huan Tian also told him something about the key points for his transmigration.

To summarize it, he transmigrated because Huan Tian killed Huang Beichen, which destroyed the progress flow of the continent, leading to the destruction of the whole world. Then he, as the God of creation was summoned to save the plot. The reason why he returned back to Earth is because the progress flow of the continent has somewhat gone back in line with the original trajectory, so this God of creation has completed the task and was kicked back.

Can he make a guess here that his transmigration is mainly determined by the cross of a path between the continent [Mowu Dalu] trajectory and his story [The Strongest King in History] plot?
Therefore, if he wants to transmigrate back to the continent, does it mean that he needs to create a different [The Strongest King in History] from the continent’s version? But right now, he is back on Earth, and he can’t contact the people from the continent. So how can he make it so that the continent is different from his story of [The Strongest King in History]? This is the hardest thing to do at the moment!

Looking up, I saw the word document for [The Strongest King in History] still displayed on the computer screen. Shui Ruoshan suddenly remembered Huan Tian’s reminder that only not in the continent that he could have the power of the God of creation. And in order to make Shui Ruoshan help him realize his desire to see Ye Wuhua, Huan Tian did not hesitate to make so many arrangements just to let him transmigrate back to Earth. That is to say, only when he’s back on Earth, he will have the power to create the world. Does this mean that he only needs to type out the words he wants and the continent [Mowu Dalu] will develop accordingly to his ideas? Thinking this way, Shui Ruoshan gently placed his hands on the keyboard, ready to continue writing the novel…

Just that at the next second, as if he suddenly thought of something, Shui Ruoshan took his hand off the keyboard like he received an electric shock. If his guess is true, then whatever he wrote will happen on the continent. How does he count the days from when he transmigrated into the continent? After all, the current content of [The Strongest King in History] is only up to where he wrote before he transmigrated. And now, should he write the story according to the original draft? Or write about what has happened after he transmigrated? Or should he write a story that is more in line with his wishes? The moment he made the wrong choice, the consequences will be unpredictable! He still understands the meaning of the idiom – ‘a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake’. In case he is careless and changed the trajectories of the continent, the butterfly effect will end up being a tornado instead. When that happened, he won’t have any place to cry! Too many concerns and worries caused Shui Ruoshan to stare at the computer with a worried frown.

“Xiao Ruo!”

Just when Shui Ruoshan was immersed in uncertainties, a very familiar voice suddenly sounded beside his ear. Shui Ruoshan’s spirit felt a shock, followed by a sense of urgency at the depth of his soul! Is that Yin Suye’s voice just now?! The voice seemed very far in the horizon, and yet it also seemed to be ringing beside his ear, he just can’t find the origin of the voice at all.

“Yin Suye, where are you?”

Shui Ruoshan stood up with a jerk and glanced around his still and empty room, his gaze inevitably became lost. He can not help feeling a bit self-deprecating, because he thought that Yin Suye has also transmigrated into his world. Indeed, it was only an unrealistic fantasy of his! However, he was very clear that the voice he just heard is definitely not an auditory hallucination, it is definitely Yin Suye’s voice! Unfortunately, Shui Ruoshan waited for a long time after that, but he could no longer hear any of Yin Suye’s response in his mind. Then he realized that making contact between 2 worlds is not an easy task.

The feeling that shook his soul just now should be from the contract bond between him and Yin Suye. Although the co-death contract is called the most overbearing contract in history, it can’t be that overbearing to be able to ignore the gap between two different worlds. It is already very good that he can sense Yin Suye’s existence, so he can’t ask for more! He should be grateful that fortunately, Yin Suye picked that particularly overbearing co-death contract to bond with him, otherwise with them in two different worlds, they wouldn’t be able to get a connection. The moment he knew that he is still connected with Yin Suye, his heartbeat becomes more stable. At the very least, he knows that his previous adventure is not just a dream but a real existence! As long as it exists, there is hope!

“Yin Suye, wait for me!”

Although he doesn’t know if this sentence can be conveyed to Yin Suye through their contract bond, but at this moment, Shui Ruoshan’s eyes became extremely firm, and he clenched his hands. Yin Suye has always stood in front to protect him in the past, so this time it’s his turn to work hard!

Just that while Shui Ruoshan is still sighing, the house suddenly shook and Shui Ruoshan fell back to his chair. As the lights in the room keep flashing, Shui Ruoshan incredulously stared at the computer. On the screen, he saw the computer suddenly turn dark, then as if something magical is happening, words suddenly appeared one by one on the original still document…

The keyboard on the table was still on the table, and there was any movement on it. This shows that the words on the document suddenly appear in the computer out of thin air! Towards such unscientific things, Shui Ruoshan did nothing and just stared straight at the new words on the document. Shui Ruoshan calmly expressed that he had encountered a transmigration, and even heard a familiar voice just now where the owner of the voice is in another world, hence situation like words appearing out of nowhere on a word document is nothing. He can’t feel anything from this at all!

As the word count increases in the word document, Shui Ruoshan’s look became more relaxed. Because what was written in the document is simply his personal experience in the continent [Mowu Dalu]! So Shui Ruoshan stared at the document closely, carefully reading the content word by word, not willing to blink his eyes…
At the same time, his expressions were also very vividly displayed along with the progress of the plot. Until new words stopped appearing in the word document, Shui Ruoshan then knows that nothing else will be inputted because what could be written down has already been written. The content had stopped just before he transmigrated back to Earth.

Shui Ruoshan reached out and rubbed his sore eyes. Then, looking at the time, he found out that he has been staring at the computer for nearly four hours?! And in those four hours, he counted the word counts, which is not including what he wrote before; more than 400,000 words of content have appeared for no reason! Although it is a happy thing to have content without needing to type it himself, Shui Ruoshan still felt somewhat dissatisfied. He and Yin Suye have experienced so many things, but it only amounted to a short 400,000 words. Shouldn’t it be at least 4 million words? But it doesn’t matter, when he returned to the continent, he will interact more with Yin Suye, so that the content that can be written about them will become much more! Now, he should focus on how to write the follow-up content, right?

Since everything he has done on the continent has already become a part of the text in his computer, it means that those things are already past tense and cannot be modified. Because once the things in the past have been modified, the history will be changed along with it. Hence, even if he really found a way to go back to the continent, the people and things he encountered before may not be the same anymore! There are many things that could become a parallel world with completely different historical processes just from a small change. All in all, if he wants to go back to the continent, he must find a way to solve all kinds of problems on the continent [Mowu Dalu]. Also, for the sake of his life with Yin Suye, he must reasonably handle Huan Tian and Huang Beichen’s problem as well.

Shui Ruoshan thought for a long time in his mind and finally came up with a way to do it. Anyway, as long as he can achieve his goal, he does not care whether the plot will become cliché or have dog blood[1] scene. So, Shui Ruoshan put his hands on the keyboard and swiftly typing rapidly…

1. ridiculous/exaggerated


Raw Word Count : 2700


Banana: Alright, as mentioned previously, the next chapter will have 10k word count so I will need some time to get it all out for y’all. Please wait for me (0w0)/

Chapter 167 – Eagerness to do something

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Shui Ruoshan opened his eyes and found himself sleeping on the computer desk?! And he seems to have done an extraordinary dream. Thinking of everything that he experienced in the dream, Shui Ruoshan has a feeling like it’s out of this world! Just that his brain has just woken, so he didn’t have much energy to think about what he encountered in his dreams.

Then he raised his head and rubbed his sore neck, and began to look around. Not sure why when he stared at the ever-familiar room, table, chair, plus the familiar arrangement in his room… he can’t help feeling inexplicably strange. When he saw that his computer on the desk was not powered off, Shui Ruoshan touched the mouse gently, and the display suddenly turned on. A word document filled with dense text was opened at the desktop…

It seemed that before he fell asleep, he had just finished typing a chapter and had not had time to publish it? So now he should hurry up and publish the update, right?

Wrong! It shouldn’t be like this!

Seeing the last paragraph of the document, Shui Ruoshan involuntarily read out the description he typed for the villain Yin Suye.

The tall figure holding a sword stood proudly on top of numerous corpses, arrogant and decisive as if he is the Asura drenched in blood! The blood on his body that stained his clothes almost connects with the blood on the ground and the whole world is rendered into a scary bloody red. His brilliant blonde hair was tied high on his head, his eyebrows were sharp and fine, overflowing with a bloodthirsty murderous intent, but at the same time suffused with arrogance and elegance, as if he is a God who can control the death of life. That perfect face as if it was carefully carved out by Heaven, is as cold as a sharp iceberg at the moment; like an icy blade, it gave people stabbing freezing pain all over their body. Against the backdrop of the blood-red, he was like a demon or a God!


It was just a very ordinary description, but Shui Ruoshan could clearly see the scene in his mind as if he had experienced it himself. No, what is ‘as if’ ah?!

*falls down*

That was what he personally experienced! Because that was the scene he saw when he first met Yin Suye!

Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt a little uncertain when he glanced around his room that looked exactly the same before and after he transmigrated. ‘Zhuang Zhou dreamed of the butterfly, or the butterfly dreamed Zhuang Zhou’[1], no one knows! [WIKI]

1. From Wiki – one is never certain whether what one sees is reality or illusion; changeable nature of human life

However, he does not believe that there will be such a real dream in the world. After all, he clearly remembers everything that happened to him in the continent [Mowu Dalu]! Although he couldn’t explain how he could stay so long in the continent, but only passed a handful of minutes on Earth, he believed in his judgment. After all, the profound question about time and space has always been unable to explain by scientists, so ordinary people like him are even more unworthy to discuss the principle!

Anyway, he would never believe that the Yin Suye he met in real blood and flesh would be just a fictional character in his novel! But no matter how convinced he was, he can’t find a bit of evidence to prove that his experience during his transmigration is real! This makes Shui Ruoshan feel extremely irritated. Particularly when he does not know how to transmigrate back to the continent!

Yes, compared to Earth, he wants to return to the continent even more. He has chosen the continent over Earth previously, and his choice would not change because of the change of circumstances. The most important thing is the continent has Yin Suye! He obviously has made up his mind and tried to forget everything on Earth, to live with Yin Suye in the continent. But reality has always been so unexpected! He was caught off guard!

He has only been sitting in his own home for a little while, but he has already begun to worry about how Yin Suye is doing now. However, he speculated that Yin Suye should still be alive now, because he did sign that most overbearing contract[2] in history with Yin Suye. Although he was forced to transmigrate back to Earth, but since he is still alive, Yin Suye, who was tied to him naturally should be fine! Plus Huan Tian is counting on him(SRS) to let him see Ye Wuhua, so he(HT) will not let Yin Suye die; he (SRS) should be assured!

2. Banana totally forgot about this contract lol. Like since SRS cannot die, YSY on the other hand cannot die as well ah… probably

Even though Shui Ruoshan knew that Yin Suye shouldn’t be in danger, he still can’t forget that image of Yin Suye with a big hole in his chest and his entire body stained with blood when he left the continent. For a moment, he really thought that Yin Suye has died. At that moment, his only thought was that he doesn’t have the reason to live anymore! It was then he knew that he was poisoned, and that poison is called Yin Suye!

In fact, he cares for Yin Suye more than he imagined! Or, he should say that he has already placed Yin Suye in the most important position in his heart! Shui Ruoshan felt that he could use the time now to tidy up his feelings for Yin Suye and then make further plans.

It seems he has become greedy after his transmigration, greedy for the tender and gentle love that Yin Suye has given him, that’s why he opened his heart over and over again to Yin Suye! Sure enough, he is a very selfish person. Because Yin Suye is good to him so that he couldn’t bear to let go, and he wanted to hold tightly onto Yin Suye! Yin Suye didn’t catch him, it was he who kept Yin Suye with him, isn’t it?

For example, he always thought that he is a straight man. Facing Yin Suye, who was unconditionally good to him, Shui Ruoshan keeps lowering down his limit bit by bit because he did not want to lose the warmth given by Yin Suye. So even when Yin Suye did embarrassing thing that makes him blush or said something ambiguous, he didn’t refuse and even silently accepted it. Because he didn’t want to break Yin Suye’s hopes, as that would cause him(SRS) to be heartbroken as well! He originally thought that this is not love, but he was wrong! Him always thinking of Yin Suye is actually a kind of love, just that he does not know it himself!

No wonder many people say that his emotional intelligence is worrying, and it seems to be the fact! He promised to be with Yin Suye when he was not even sure of his true feelings and allowed Yin Suye to make further moves on him. His nerves must be really thick to a godly level!

Actually, how everyone expresses their love is different, so he does not have to use other people’s way to measure the way he loves! Just like Yin Suye’s love for him, it was not purely love. It is mixed with various other complicated feelings, such as dominance/possession, redemption, help, care, pampered…
And his feelings for Yin Suye seem to be very complicated as well. It started from heartache to guilt, then wanting to compensate, to be good to Yin Suye, and lastly, complying to all Yin Suye’s needs…

Ain’t his attitude has softened too fast?!

In a way, he has already been bent by Yin Suye in a time he didn’t realize!

Just when did he start to really like Yin Suye? Was it when Yin Suye is willing to sign a co-death contract with him and share everything with him? Or the moment when Yin Suye didn’t hesitate to use his own life to initiate Fate Substitution for him? Or when Yin Suye unconditionally takes care of him?


No, maybe even earlier; he has fallen under the Yin Suye’s pomegranate pants[3]! He could clearly remember that moment when he has just transmigrated into the continent, and the kind of feeling concealed under fear where his heartbeat stuttered, at first glance he saw the lonely figure standing on top of a mountain of corpses and blood! At that moment, Shui Ruoshan was very clear that he will be inseparable from Yin Suye from there on! Yin Suye has left a lingering figure in his life in his unique way!

3. to surrender under Yin Suye’s charm

Therefore, he must return to the continent! He wants to go back to Yin Suye, then bravely confessed to Yin Suye, telling him that he has also fallen in love with him! Then, their relationship can be changed from sweethearts to lovers! Of course, after determining their relationship, he does not mind having a further relationship with Yin Suye.

Now that he has transmigrated back to Earth, he can just use the rich network of the 21st century to learn more about the ‘ways’ between 2 men. One needs to know, he didn’t even know the meaning of danmei before he transmigrates, but after he came back, he actually had a boyfriend. This kind of development can be said to be an extraordinary leap! When he slowly learned everything about the theoretical knowledge, he can do ‘this’ and ‘that’ to Yin Suye!

Hehe! He couldn’t help feeling a little bit excited about this!

Alright, he seems to have zoned out a little bit too far. He needs to quickly pull back his runaway thoughts! Right now, there is only one thing he has to do, and that is to seriously find a way to go back to the continent!


Raw Word Count : 2705


Banana: Once again, a reminder that the last chapter word count is 10k yo _(;3/ So Banana will take some time to finish it. Please wait for me! (> w <)/

Chapter 166 – You don’t have the chance

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Your lover is arriving soon, but why are you unhappy instead?” Huan Tian joked while looking at the seemingly restless Shui Ruoshan.

Just now, his men reported that Yin Suye has brought a small troop with him and is about to attack the palace main hall. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time, but he has to slow down in order to let the progress proceed closer to the original trajectory of the plot. Right now, whether Shui Ruoshan is willing or not to help him see Ye Wuhua, he has the means to make Shui Ruoshan fulfill his wishes. But before that, he doesn’t mind entertaining himself with Shui Ruoshan’s reaction! Who asks Shui Ruoshan’s mood to suddenly fluctuates the moment he(SRS) heard that Yin Suye is about to arrive!

“Never you mind!” Who the Hell still can feel happy at this moment!

Actually, ever since the day their talk about Huan Tian asking to see Ye Wuhua went awry, Shui Ruoshan and Huan Tian didn’t communicate much. Huan Tian didn’t care about the war, he only paid attention to Yin Suye and Huang Beichen’s group sneaking into the demon realm.

Shui Ruoshan is still trapped in Huan Tian’s body, but he also cares about Yin Suye’s situation. Every time he heard the news regarding Yin Suye, he will erect his ears and listen carefully. He prayed to meet Yin Suye but was afraid to meet Yin Suye at the same time. With a small team like Yin Suye’s group, the reason why they can infiltrate the palace is because Huan Tian wanted them to! In other words, there must be a trap here, waiting for Yin Suye to walk in themselves! So as the team led by Yin Suye gets closer and closer to the hall where he is now, the uneasiness in Shui Ruoshan’s heart becomes stronger and stronger.

Also because this palace main hall is where the villain Yin Suye in [The Strongest King in History] meets his death! Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know whether the current situation could once again coincide with the plot of the original novel, even after experiencing countless collapses1. He only knew that he could not let Yin Suye repeat the fate of his tragedy!

This story arranged in [The Strongest King in History] went like this. After the war between the humans and the demons broke out, the humans had won the first victory, but when the Huang Beichen integrated into the demons side and adapted to the rhythm of the battle, the war between the humans and the demons entered a stalemate. Then, Yin Suye led a team of elites to secretly sneak into the demon realm to assassinate Huang Beichen. Unfortunately, this plan was secretly revealed to Huang Beichen by Weiyi2, so Huang Beichen makes use of this mission and trapped them in the demon realm. In the end, Yin Suye could only propose a single match between them to decide final victory for this war between the two races. At that time, Huang Beichen did not want the war to continue, so he agreed to Yin Suye’s proposal.

Due to the battle between 2 Supreme King would cause great damage to the surrounding, they set the location of the duel in the palace main hall. The hall has strong barrier protection, so as to avoid unnecessary damage. In the end, the protagonist Huang Beichen defeated the villain Yin Suye and reached the pinnacle of life!

“They are finally here!”

Huan Tian didn’t expect any reactions from Shui Ruoshan, so he just raised his head towards the entrance. His gaze was as if he could see through the door of the palace main hall. Sensing Yin Suye’s aura slowly approaching, the corner of Huan Tian’s mouth slowly curved up to a charming arc. His intention to deliberately remove the guards outside the hall was not wasted; this is just to let Yin Suye reach them easily.

“They have arrived?!” So fast?

Shui Ruoshan’s eyes flashed, but the next second his gaze immediately became firm. Since this battle cannot be avoided, he(SRS) will be on guard to take action to change the situation!


Just after Huan Tian finished his words, the door of the palace main hall was kicked open with a ‘BANG’ …

Shui Ruoshan looked over, and he could only see the unusually tall figure standing in the middle; his emotions seemed to be a little excited. They have not seen each other for many days; Yin Suye is still looking dazzling as ever! At this moment, Yin Suye stood amid the crowd, but no one could cover up his glory; all of them were there for the sake of being Yin Suye’s background. Even the protagonist Huang Beichen cannot be compared to Yin Suye! His family Xiao Yeye is the best!


“Huan Tian!”

After Yin Suye kicked open the door, he walked straight to Huan Tian. With just a glance, he could tell that Huan Tian is still using the body, and his brows can not help wrinkling. Though he knew that it is not a wise decision to lead a team into the demons’ territory, he can’t stand going through the days where Shui Ruoshan is not around him. It seems that since he met the little guy, they have almost always stayed together. Even when they were separated, it will never be a long time. Not sure if the little guy could take care of himself without him(YSY) helping him? Therefore, in order to get the little guy back from Huan Tian as soon as possible, he can only dangerously venture into the demon realm. Even though by doing this will coincide with his previous experience that gave him bad memories, but for the little guy, he is willing to overcome his trauma. And this time, he has Huang Beichen with him, the past demon Supreme King, so it was much simpler to enter the demon realm. However, he did not expect that their journey into the demon realm is much simpler than the one in the past. Although they did encounter some difficulties along the way, but generally there isn’t any danger.

Yin Suye quickly guessed that it must be that Huan Tian who make it easy for them. Even when he knew that there are traps ahead, Yin Suye did not hesitate to march forward. In any case, he would take the little guy back with him. With Huan Tian’s assistance, they effortlessly head directly to the final destination – the palace main hall.

“I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Huan Tian slowly stood up from the throne, and leisurely smoothed his clothing. Then he unhurriedly raised his head and spared the people a few glances from him. His arrogant attitude clearly told others that he did not put all the people present in his eyes.

“Didn’t see you for a while, you have become stronger!”

Although Huan Tian’s mouth praised the progress of Yin Suye and Huang Beichen’s strength, there wasn’t any appreciation in his eyes, but was clearly full of malice instead.

“Just say it, what do I need to do to make you return Shui Ruoshan to me?”

Yin Suye looked at Huan Tian, who stood at the top of the palace main hall, without any weakness. He doesn’t have any expectation that Huan Tian will give his body to the little guy, so he only hopes that he could retrieve the little guy’s soul back from Huan Tian. As long as the little guy can be by his side, even his(SRS) soul alone is fine! As for the body for Shui Ruoshan, he will definitely find a way to help the little guy solve it no matter how much time and effort it takes. Apart from that, the little guy’s real identity sounded powerful. As the God of creation, Shui Ruoshan should know some methods that others don’t know, hence as long as the little guy is back, there will always be a way around this.

“Should I say that I want your life?”

Huan Tian’s mouth is slightly curved, and endless ridicule could be seen at the bottom of his eyes. From the beginning until now, the things he wanted have not changed at all.

“Since the negotiation failed, we can only fight for it!”

Huang Beichen stepped forward and stood next to Yin Suye, clearly indicating his position. At the same time, his whole body was on alert, and his hand gripped a long sword, so as to guard against the situation that may become complicated at any time.

“Let’s fight then!”

Yin Suye’s eyes deepened and he pointed his sword at Huan Tian, his whole body releasing a murderous aura….
Strong, overbearing, and rushing forward, this is Yin Suye’s style!

Huang Beichen did not expect Yin Suye to attack the Huan Tian without warning. Hence, he could follow suit and immediately attacked with his sword…

“Don’t overestimate yourself.”

Facing simultaneous attacks from Yin Suye and Huang Beichen, Huan Tian did not retreat but swung his sleeves at them. Relying on the force of the swing, he easily unravels the two people’s attack, then forcefully changed the direction of their attack. After that, Huan Tian flung his sleeves again and placed his hands to his side, returning to his usual gloomy and arrogant pose.

Shui Ruoshan did not think that not only Huan Tian did not move even a step, but he also managed to counter without a weapon in hand as well. Using his sleeve ‘to conquer strength with softness’, he managed to easily resolve their attacks?! Towards this absolute strength, Shui Ruoshan could not help but felt more worried about Yin Suye’s situation.

Compared with Shui Ruoshan’s concerns, Yin Suye and Huang Beichen have entered the battle state. They didn’t lose their will to fight because of the ineffective attacks, but burned with a stronger fighting spirit instead! Although the direction of their attacks was forcefully changed by Huan Tian, the two simply exerted power at the tip of their toes and shifted their direction again. They unanimously nodded at each other and struck at Huan Tian once more…

Yin Suye and Huang Beichen fought with each other all the time in the past, so one can say that they know each other best. The moment one move, the other will understand the meaning, expressing the meaning of the idiom ‘The one who knows you the most in the world is your enemy’ to the fullest. They didn’t attack Huan Tian together, but let Yin Suye attack first. When Huai Tian blocked the attack, Huang Beichen’s attack will instantly appear in front of Huan Tian. After that, Yin Suye will return to attack when Huan Tian went to defend against Huang Beichen…

Though the two had never discussed their attack strategy before, nor did they practice it together, their flow was quite tacit. There weren’t any gaps in their attack so that Huan Tian has to keep blocking attacks one after another and had no time to fight back. However, compared to Yin Suye subconsciously holding back his attack (due to SRS), Huang Beichen doesn’t have to care at all. So his(HBC) attacks could be perfectly described in three words – swift, accurate, and ruthless! At the same time, the cooperation between Yin Suye and Huang Beichen is becoming more and more tacit, faster and more accurate from their constant attack…

Taking advantage of one single moment of inattention from Huan Tian, Huang Beichen thrust his sword towards Huan Tian’s face. Although Huan Tian has moved a bit, a shallow blood line still managed to mark his face.

“Seeking death!”

Huan Tian reached out and gently wiped away the blood mark on his cheeks. His face suddenly darkened, and the golden color in his eyes became more dazzling. In the next second, his whole body burst out with a powerful momentum that could destroy the world…
The whole space trembled a few times because of the powerful momentum from Huan Tian, and the air seemed to have thickened. Instantly, the entire main hall was thrown into a pressured space.

Yin Suye and Huang Beichen were directly affected, and their power was suppressed.

“Say, for daring to hurt me, how should I reward you?”

Huan Tian slowly walked toward Yin Suye and Huang Beichen. Every step he took would increase the pressure a bit more.


Seeing Huan Tian is going to harm Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan suddenly shouted out. Although he didn’t believe Huan Tian when he said that his(HT) existence has somehow reached a godly level, but seeing the strength gap between Huan Tian and Yin Suye, he has to admit that it is the difference between God and man! If Huan Tian really wants to deal with Yin Suye, then he(SRS) does not mind dying together with Huan Tian, he has prepared himself anyway!

“Reassured, I won’t do it because…”

Seemed to sense objection in Shui Ruoshan’s eyes, Huan Tian stopped on his track, but he did not finish his words and left a lot of space for Shui Ruoshan to overthink. However at this moment, his golden eyes have started to become a bit strange, as his pupils were changing bit by bit to a vertical slit!

“Because what?” Shui Ruoshan has placed all his attention to prevent Huan Tian from attacking Yin Suye, so he did not the changes happening to Huan Tian.

When Huan Tian’s eyes met with Huang Beichen’s eyes, he then slowly continued the second half of the sentence, “Because to kill Yin Suye, I don’t need to take any action at all.”

“Be careful!” Shui Ruoshan watched as Huang Beichen’s eyes suddenly became glazed after looking at Huan Tian, and then immediately turned the sword in his hand to stab Yin Suye, who didn’t guard against him from the back…


Yin Suye didn’t expect that Huang Beichen would attack him behind his back, because there weren’t any killing intent, so his body didn’t have time to react. He was immediately stabbed from the back to the chest, and his entire person was strung up from the sword. Most importantly, that was the exact location of Yin Suye’s heart!

“NO!” Looking at Yin Suye’s body lying softly on the ground, Shui Ruoshan was stunned.

How could his Xiao Yeye be killed so easily?

This must not be true!

Thinking of Huang Beichen’s abnormal state just now, and the difference in Huan Tian’s eyes, Shui Ruoshan immediately thought of the innate talent of the demons, the charm technique. It is said that not only the charm technique be used to seduce the humans, at its highest level, it could also be used to control other beings, making them their obedient puppets. And because Huan Tian is the demon Supreme King, his charm technique will only be more powerful. However, Shui Ruoshan did not think that Huan Tian only needed a glance to make Huang Beichen fall and lose his mind, becoming an obedient piece that attacked Yin Suye without hesitation!

“Huan Tian, I am taking you down with me!”

Seeing Yin Suye not moving on the ground, plus that glaring red color, Shui Ruoshan only felt that the nerve called ‘Reason’ in his mind has snapped. In an instant, he just wants to die with Huan Tian to revenge for Yin Suye!

“You don’t have the chance.” Facing Shui Ruoshan, whose emotions were out of control, Huan Tian only looked calm as he stated the truth.

“What is going on?” All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan felt a sudden strong suction, and his soul is gradually leaving Huan Tian’s body?!


Is his soul slowly disappearing from this world?

Shui Ruoshan was sure that Huan Tian didn’t touch him, so what is this current situation?

“You are just returning back to the world you should be in.” Huan Tian told Shui Ruoshan his guess.

“Return?!” With a feeling that a lighting has struck, Shui Ruoshan instantly felt like the end of the world.

Who can tell him why just when he decides to stay, he was forcefully returned to Earth?


Huan Tian guessed that since Shui Ruoshan transmigrated over due to the mistrajectory of the world, Shui Ruoshan would return when the trajectory of the world has returned to its original route. Since Shui Ruoshan no longer has the reason to stay, he naturally will be returned back to the world where he originally came from. However, before Shui Ruoshan completely disappeared, Huan Tian didn’t forget to state his request.

“Shui Ruoshan, as long as you let me see Ye Wuhua, I will help you save Yin Suye, how about it?”


Shui Ruoshan heard Huan Tian’s condition before he lost consciousness. He agreed right away without any hesitation. As long as he could keep Yin Suye’s life, anything is fine!


Raw Word Count : 4704


Banana: I just noticed that the last chapter’s word count is 10k == But I don’t want to split it to days/weeks (though I’ll split it to 2 pages when I post it) since it’s already the last chapter. So give me some time yo! And thanks for staying to the end!

Chapter 165 – I don’t believe it

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Your Highness, Yin Suye and Huang Beichen took a small team of people and left the human’s main camp. They were secretly sneaking toward the demon realm.”

Yan Ruya was wearing silver armor and looking very heroic. Just when she saw the aloof Huan Tian sitting on the high seat, her originally stiff expression instantly became reverence, and then she reported the news she got in a concise and clear manner. However, when she said Yin Suye’s name, the current human Supreme King, there wasn’t any respect in the tone; she addressed him directly by his name. It was as if only Huan Tian is the only Supreme King in Yan Ruya’s mind.

“Pass the word out, I want to see Yin Suye and Huang Beichen, let them come.”

Huan Tian waved his hand without hesitation and did not put Yin Suye and Huang Beichen in his eyes. Huan Tian does not care about the progress of the war, he only needs to ensure that the current development follows the original trajectory.


Upon receiving the order from Huan Tian, Yan Ruya doesn’t have any doubts and dissent. She paid her respect and went straight away to carry out the task.


It was not the first time Shui Ruoshan saw Yan Ruya, but every time he saw her, Yan Ruya managed to refresh his impression of her. He does not know that Huan Tian’s influence on the demons will be so much. Even the heroine Yan Ruya can’t escape Huan Tian’s charm, let alone the others in the demon realm? For example, just now Yan Ruya seems to be completely unaware of how cumbersome and unreasonable Huan Tian’s order is and only single-mindedly accepted Huan Tian’s command as the highest order.

Shui Ruoshan has no doubt that if Huan Tian requested Yan Ruya to die, Yan Ruya would not even blink her eyes before committing suicide right away! He finally understands now why Yan Ruya, who loves Huang Beichen so much in the past, would still choose to accept Huan Tian’s order and killed Huang Beichen by dying together. Because in Yan Ruya’s heart, there is nothing comparable to Huan Tian’s existence, not even her own!

Huan Tian is obviously not a good demon Supreme King, but he can get the whole demon realm’s blind loyalty… whether right or wrong, reasonable or not, or what would be caused by the action. Really make one feel envious, jealous and hate!

“What’s wrong with you?”

Apparently, Huan Tian sensed Shui Ruoshan’s unusually active thinking. Upon seeing Shui Ruoshan’s distorted expression, he asked curiously.

“I am just sighing, that you are too irresponsible as a demon Supreme King!”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have any good attitude towards Huan Tian. So when he spoke to him, naturally there won’t be any positive tone in it. Or it could be said that since he last discussed with Huan Tian about the destruction of the world, and found out that all of his encounters were caused by Huan Tian, he became very displeased with Huan Tian. He naturally will seize any opportunity to scold Huan Tian whenever he could. However, when he said that Huan Tian is not a good demon Supreme King, he didn’t say it out of anger. It was from what he summarized of Huan Tian’s actions during his time with him.

Huan Tian was really unreliable, even an outsider like him can’t stand it anymore. He thinks that the demon realm must have 8 generations of bad luck to have a madman like Huan Tian as their Supreme King! One needs to know after Huan Tian provoked the war between the demons and humans, he(HT) folded his arms and acted like an idle shopkeeper, not doing anything else, letting the demons and humans getting on free fights by themselves. Even when there are 2 Supreme Kings at the human side, Yin Suye and Huang Beichen, which caused the demon side to suffer great losses in the war, the demon Supreme King Huan Tian still has no intention to help out, letting the demons continuously sacrifice in the war…

Although Shui Ruoshan was very happy that the human side can continue to win under the leadership of Yin Suye and Huang Beichen, but whenever he thought of those countless innocent humans and demons who died in this meaningless war, a wave of uncontrollable anger would bubble in his heart. Because all these sacrifices were only to serve Huan Tian’s completely unrealistic purpose! A war that can clearly be avoided, but Huan Tian pushed it for his own gain, how can one not feel scared by this?

Unfortunately, although he has a super high identity as the God of creation, he can’t do anything. That makes him felt very frustrated! In particular, Shui Ruoshan felt helpless when he thought of Huan Tian’s mad insistence to guide things back to the original trajectory of the world. Whenever he hears those demons coming over to Huan Tian to report the war and loss suffered in the war, he will feel very uncomfortable, but in order to keep track of Yin Suye’s safety, he has to force himself to listen to the tragic data. The only thing that gave him some comfort was Yin Suye has help from the protagonist Huang Beichen, so the damage of the human side is much less than the demons.

“I say, why did you send Yan Ruya to participate in this war?”

Shui Ruoshan suddenly remembered one thing. That is, Huan Tian suddenly sent people to find Yan Ruya. Then he gave her a lot of rights and power, letting her lead the war. Although there is also a plot in [The Strongest King in History] where Yan Ruya participates in the war, she was only there standing next to the protagonist, mainly responsible for strategizing for the protagonist! It was not like how Huan Tian make it now, giving Yan Ruya the reins to lead the demons against the humans!

When Shui Ruoshan thinks of how the story’s plot has completely collapsed, his heart wants to burst into tears! Under Huan Tian’s intervention and the rebirth of the male protagonist, it seems to be impossible for his original male and female protagonists to get together anymore. They even turned from lovers into enemies! No matter how he thinks of this matter, his balls1 still felt the pain!

“Yan Ruya is the only person on the demon side who can counter Huang Beichen’s existence.”

Huan Tian once again used a contemptful gaze that says ‘such an obvious answer, how can you not know’ at Shui Ruoshan.

“In order to achieve your goal, you really do everything huh!”

Shui Ruoshan has yet to despise Huan Tian for his shameless behavior, and Huan Tian dared to despise him, this is really stupid until the Heavens cry! However, he can’t help sighing that Huan Tian really knows to hit where it hurts! Although Yan Ruya’s halo as the daughter of Fate is not as strong as Huang Beichen’s halo as the son of Fate, he agreed that she can’t be underestimated! In particular, when he(SRS) first set the heroine as someone who can manage the hall2, who can manage the kitchen3, who could sell meng4, who can be obedient, who can be stylishly handsome, who could dress up as a maiden, who could hold a court like a queen, who could wield a weapon to kill monsters…

So such an all-round-powerful goddess-type character, being fully utilized by Huan Tian, one’s luck can not be any worse!

“A man of great ambition does not bother with trifles.”

Faced with the disapproval in Shui Ruoshan’s eyes on his behavior, Huan Tian just smiled coldly. He seems to be sneering at Shui Ruoshan for having unnecessary sympathy for someone who is high-ranked like the God of creation!

“Wanting to change the past, that is really a huge goal ah!”

Unfortunately, this is only a huge goal for Huan Tian, not for others! The irony of Shui Ruoshan’s eyes was very obvious.

“En.” Huan Tian didn’t seem to hear Shui Ruoshan’s counterattack in his words. Instead, he nodded in approval.

“Why do you want to change the past?”

Shui Ruoshan was instantly induced a mouthful of old blood by Huan Tian’s reaction, and it got uncomfortably stuck in his throat5. However, there are some things that he should ask clearly.

“Actually, it’s not like I really wanted to change the past!” Huan Tian said suddenly in a profound way to Shui Ruoshan.


Shui Ruoshan immediately and cooperatively made a listening gesture. If Huan Tian can change his mind, then maybe a lot of things can be avoided.

“As long as you can let me see Ye Wuhua, I don’t care what method you use.” Huan Tian finally said.

In fact, he also knows that it is too difficult to change the past. If one is not careful, it will cause the world to collapse. However, in order to better achieve his own goals, he does not mind to start the negotiation with Shui Ruoshan with the most difficult conditions, then slowly reducing the requirements, so it is easier to achieve his goal.

“I don’t have the ability to resurrect the dead!”

The corner of Shui Ruoshan’s mouth strongly twitched. If the conditions permit, he would like to slap his shoes at Huan Tian’s face, that face that says ‘I am doing this for you, hurry and fulfill my request’!

Want to see a character who has been dead for many years and in ashes, that is absolutely a pipe dream, okay?

“I don’t believe it!”

Huan Tian spoke out word by word to reflect his attitude towards this matter. He never believed that Shui Ruoshan would not be able to change the past. Since Shui Ruoshan, as the God of creation can create the world, what else he cannot do in this world?


At this moment, Shui Ruoshan wisely chose silence. Because he knows that no matter how he explained it, it is useless against the Huan Tian, who insists on his own opinion. And although he can be regarded as the God of creation for this world, it is only a venerated synonym for the word ‘author’! He is just an ordinary person!


Raw Word Count : 2721

#SRSProllyShouldWriteAnExtraAsWhatAReaderSuggested :0