Chapter 183 – Continuation 8: Identifying oneself

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Do you have proof of entry?”

Since the demon soldiers are just doing his job, Shui Ruoshan certainly won’t blame them for no reason. And he is now the demon Supreme King, so he should stand on the demon’s perspective to maintain the rules and order of the demon realm. Hence, after preparing himself in his heart, Shui Ruoshan turned around and mischievously looked at Yin Suye. Although he knows that gloating at other’s misfortune is wrong, he will never tell Yin Suye that he kind of hoped that Yin Suye does not have whatever proof of entry, so that he can see him(YSY) being awkward. After that, he shall rescue the Yin Suye in distress like a hero. Ain’t that cool!

“No.” Yin Suye lightly replied, with a touch of pampering and tolerance.

The little guy’s gloating was too obvious that he can’t ignore it even if he wanted to. Since the little guy wants to play, he will accompany him. Anyway, his only task right now is to stay with the little guy and make sure he will always be happy forever!

“Do you need my help?”

Upon hearing that Xiao Yeye really did not have the so-called proof of entry as expected, Shui Ruoshan’s eyes instantly flashed. That expression was only a step away from having the words ‘Come and beg me’ written on his face. If Xiao Yeye doesn’t beg him properly this time, he definitely won’t help out easily!

En, he has a firm stand!

“How can Xiao Ruo help me?” Yin Suye smiled slightly, not paying attention to his little act of ‘throw stones while one is down’.

“Of course, I’ll announce my identity, then introduce you as my guest!” Shui Ruoshan revealed his method right away.

Now that the entire demon realm belongs to him getting someone into his territory is a piece of cake. Since he decided to be the second-generation demon Supreme King, he will naturally follow the principle of ‘loving whatever job one takes up’. That means he won’t miss out on using his identity as the Supreme King!

Yup, he is that professional.

After saying that, he gave Yin Suye a look that says, ‘Such a simple answer, you don’t even know? So stupid’.

“I know your identity, but how can you convince them of your identity?”

Yin Suye raised his eyebrows slightly and pointed out the flaws in the little guy’s method. Even if he wants to cooperate with the little guy and satisfy his self-glorification, that method won’t work. Although the little guy looked almost exactly as Huan Tian, Huan Tian didn’t show himself in the demon realm that much. That is to say, unless it’s those demons who answer directly to Huan Tian, most of the demons only heard about how powerful, great, and perfect of their Supreme King, but they never know how he actually looked like.

Other than that, Huan Tian used his normal adult appearance when he was in the demon realm, so there are even lesser demons who have seen Huan Tian as a child. Yin Suye felt that in the 8 years that the little guy had disappeared, he(YSY) appeared in the demon realm more often than Huan Tian himself. Since this guard in front of him doesn’t even know him(YSY), the Supreme King who often goes in and out of the demon realm, it means that this guard is a newcomer, so naturally, it is impossible for the soldier to know about the little guy, the upcoming demon Supreme King. And those who can recognize the identity of the little guy, generally have a decisive position in the demon realm, that means they generally do not appear at the gate of the Capital. In other words, although the little guy is now the second-generation demon Supreme King, no one at the gate knows about him for now; naturally, he has no privileges here.

“Isn’t my golden pupil the best proof?” Shui Ruoshan blinked innocently.

The golden pupil is the mark of a Supreme King, as long as he could show that, wouldn’t that be fine already?

“You have just returned and may not be able to control your body as you wish.”

Yin Suye’s eyes can’t help but darken; obviously, he still minds the incident when the little guy left him. Even if he knew that his leaving was not voluntary at that time, Yin Suye still could not be completely assured. He never wanted to experience the despair of losing his beloved again, so when he said those words, he didn’t even mention the word ‘leaving’, but his expression was different than usual.

“…” Although Yin Suye was trying to be euphemistic, Shui Ruoshan still understands the true meaning of his words.

This means that he has just transmigrated into this new body, and the degree of integration might not reach 100% yet. Hence, there is a chance that he(SRS) cannot fully grasp the body, and something may go wrong. In other words, he can’t turn his eyes golden whenever he wanted! As it is very likely that something will go wrong in a critical moment! Thinking about that possibility, Shui Ruoshan felt that the mental image is too beautiful, he doesn’t dare to continue thinking about it.

“Then what should you do now?”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t want to be stubborn to try to reveal his identity right now, in case he couldn’t do the ‘golden pupil’ thing. Then not only he will lose his face, but he will also be seen as a liar, so he naturally didn’t dare to act rashly.

“Although you can’t identify yourself for the time being, it doesn’t mean that I can’t identify myself.”

A Supreme King’s identity is a kind of universal pass. This is why Yin Suye didn’t mind the so-called proof of entry at first. His identity will let everyone know that he is the most distinguished guest, no matter where he goes.

“….” Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt that Yin Suye was right! He was speechless!

But the method he figured out was used by others instead, who can understand his feeling right now?


And here he imagined himself as a hero saving the beauty, Yin Suye. All of a sudden, he felt that the scene is so far away, out of reach ah! He already thought to make a significant move this time, why is it so hard to execute?

Raw Word Count : 1758


Chapter 182 – Continuation 7: Proof of entry

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

As Shui Ruoshan looked at the buildings that are entirely different in style from the humans in the Capital, he could not help turning to Yin Suye to ask.

“This is the Capital city of the demon race?”

Initially, they didn’t plan to come to the Capital city of the demons this soon. They were prepared to proceed slowly while enjoying themselves along the trip, but sometimes expectation just couldn’t reach up to reality.

Who knew that the moment they planned to come to the demon realm, Yin Suye found out about the secret he has been keeping? Hence, Yin Suye made use of a loophole of his words, and then he let Xiao Yeye seize the opportunity to ‘toss’ him around, in the name of making up for the compensation! Thinking of his experience later that day, Shui Ruoshan could only say ‘he shouldn’t look back at the past’ anymore.

The whole thing is just full of tears!

After his honest confession, Yin Suye picked him up on his shoulder without saying a word and went to the nearest inn. He booked a room without hesitation, and then ‘bullied’ him on the bed for 3 full days and nights!!! Yes, you read it right. It was not 1 night, nor 1 day and 1 night, but 3 days and 3 nights! During these 3 days, the things that Yin Suye did on him are really endless!

In one sentence, it’s incredibly insane!

If not for his body is really too immature and unsuitable for the activity, which is the eighth English alphabet[1], Shui Ruoshan believes that he will be killed right away, eaten cleanly by Yin Suye! Regarding this matter, he is super convinced of it!

1. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you get it?

In fact, during the 3 days he was ‘tossed’ to death, he was quite worried that Yin Suye would not be able to restrain himself, that he would disregard everything and starts eating him. Fortunately, his Xiao Yeye’s dignity has not completely gone, so he(SRS) managed to keep the last point of his innocence. That wasn’t easy! But then again, except for the last step, both of them has done everything that can and cannot be done, countless times! Countless times! Countless times! Important thing must be said three times! *falls* What kind of important thing is this?!!

Who can tell him what exactly happened to his Xiao Yeye during the 8 years he left the [Mowu Dalu] Continent? Why did his character suddenly collapse? What’s with this brazen Yin Suye in front of him right now? Where is the original cool and aloof Yin Suye, had gone? Unfortunately, Shui Ruoshan’s question is destined to go unanswered, and he can only find out the answer in silence. After he experienced 3 nights of torment, Shui Ruoshan really had no energy left to enjoy his travel.

Yin Suye realized later on that he might have done a little too much, so he thoughtfully prepared a comfortable carriage for Shui Ruoshan, so that he could stay in the carriage and get proper rest.

Although Shui Ruoshan’s body is fine again a few days later that he could jump around, but as a person with a neet-ing characteristic, Shui Ruoshan felt that even if he is no longer on Earth, he will continue to carry forward the spirit of neet-ing. Hence, he didn’t come out from the carriage along the journey. The carriage that Yin Suye specially prepared for him was too comfortable. Not only the space is large, but also the food and recreational stuff were readily available. Staying inside would not be boring at all. The most important thing is that his family Xiao Yeye will personally serve him in the carriage every day. He has no reason to let go of such good treatment.

And so, he stayed in the carriage all the way to the Capital city of the demon race. After arriving at the demon realm, he walked out of the carriage with his family Xiao Yeye. He must inspect the situation of the demon realm carefully. Although the realm was forcefully given to him by Huan Tian, but now that he has accepted it, he naturally needs to do a lot of work, fulfilling his job as the demon Supreme King!

From what he observed along the way, the living conditions of the demons are no different from the humans. People from all walks of life still have to work hard for their lives. Shui Ruoshan felt that as an upcoming demon Supreme King, he could not understand the living conditions of the demons from the get-go, so he should first obtain the insight from a professional person, then only can he arrange the guidelines for the demons reasonably.

Anyway, he and Yin Suye teleported to the vicinity of the Capital through the demon’s teleportation array, which sent them directly to the entrance of the Capital gate. It was only when they arrived at the gate that they were stopped by the demon soldiers guarding the gates.

“In order to get in and out of the demon Capital, you need to show your proof of entry.” The gatekeepers stopped Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye.

“Why don’t others need it then?” Shui Ruoshan pointed at the demons who could go in and out of the city unobstructed, and then pointed to his own side. It was apparent that he was accusing the soldier of being unfair. Why can others enter the Capital freely, while they need the so-called proof of entry? Differential treatment is bad, do you understand?

“You can go in, but he can’t.” The soldier’s attitude towards Shui Ruoshan was still very good, expressed to Shui Ruoshan that he could go in. However, when facing Yin Suye, his attitude immediately turned different, to show that he won’t let Yin Suye enter the city.

“Why?” Shui Ruoshan blinked.

So it wasn’t him who got treated differently, but Yin Suye! Didn’t expect that the perfect Yin Suye would ever get rejected by other people, that’s rare! It’s just that he couldn’t understand where did the demon soldier’s apparently different attitude come from?

“Because he’s a human.” The soldier pointed at Yin Suye, in a ‘I’m just doing my job’ tone.

Although the demons and humans have now signed a peace treaty, and they no longer hated humans, but this does not mean that the demon realm will have any preferential treatment to humans. If any human beings want to go in and out of the demon Capital, they must first go to the management office to apply for a proof of entry. Only after passing a series of rigorous examinations and obtaining approvals that the demons will grant the proof of entry.

“….” This reason is so logical that Shui Ruoshan cannot refute it at all.

Only now that he came to realise. His current appearance is the same as normal demons, not the human appearance when he first transmigrated, so the demons did not reject him. Should he be grateful that he looked like a normal demon right now? Otherwise, as the demon Supreme King, to be blocked by the soldiers of his own race outside the city gates would be a disaster. If this news goes out, his face will be thrown away to the whole world!

Raw Word Count : 1905


Chapter 181 – Continuation 6: It’s good if you understand

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

After Yin Suye said his thoughts, he lowered his head and stared unblinkingly at Shui Ruoshan. The deep passion that has always been hidden in his eyes were released onto Shui Ruoshan at this moment without reservation.

Even when not meeting Yin Suye’s eyes, Shui Ruoshan can clearly feel Yin Suye’s passion for him. But at this moment, not only he did not look at Yin Suye, but he also slightly turned away his head, clenched his lips, and remained silent. He knew that Yin Suye had been right with his comforting words. However, even if he understood, he couldn’t cross the barrier in his heart right away. Especially in front of the Yin Suye who did not blame him, and has always been nice to him, not only did Shui Ruoshan not feel a slight reduction in guilt, but he felt even more sorry for Yin Suye!

If there’s anyone in the world who knows Shui Ruoshan the most, that person will absolutely be Yin Suye. So after seeing the little guy’s subconscious avoidance behaviour, Yin Suye knew that his previous comforting words were not able to remove the psychological shadow in the little guy’s heart, and he made it even worse as the little guy doesn’t dare to face him even more.

This is not a good sign!

Instantly, Yin Suye’s eyes darkened. It seems that what he said before maybe a little serious, which caused the little guy to not able to catch up with his meaning. Therefore, Yin Suye decided to change to a slower approach and eased his expression.

“Shui Ruoshan, look at me, don’t run away!” Yin Suye turned Shui Ruoshan’s head to face him.

Since persuasion didn’t work, he will switch to a new way to enlighten him. He will have a way to make the little guy change his mindset.


Shui Ruoshan didn’t struggle. Although he obediently followed Yin Suye’s words, his attitude was obviously not very positive.

“Since you can’t figure out some things, listen to me here.”

Yin Suye also knows that it is impossible for the little guy to be more cooperative with him right now, so he doesn’t mind spending more energy working on it. He knows everything about the little guy, and naturally understands why the little guy felt guilty towards him, and also understands what his conflict is. Because of this, solving the problem will be easier for him.

“You think just because you are the God of creation of the [Mowu Dalu] continent, all the misfortunes I suffered are because of you, right?”

Yin Suye didn’t expect the little guy to answer him and continued to talk about this topic.

“That’s right, the people around me were not good to me, but that is their personal feeling and attitude. It is not like you are the one who makes those people maltreat me!”

“But …” Shui Ruoshan frowned, apparently disagreeing with Yin Suye’s theory.

Those people mistreated Yin Suye because of the storyline he written for [The Strongest King in History]! If he didn’t set Yin Suye as the villain, then Yin Suye will not end up getting betrayed! In the end, all the reasons lay with him.

“No ‘but’.”

When Yin Suye looked at the little guy’s expression, he knew that the little guy wasn’t convinced, so he interrupted him by asking, “You think that this world was created by you, so you are responsible for it?”

“I don’t know.” Shui Ruoshan shook his head.

He thinks the reason why he is so conflicted was because he is facing Yin Suye. That’s why he keeps suffering in the thoughts. As for everything else in this world, sorry, he didn’t feel the same. Otherwise, he would not stand on the villain Yin Suye’s side, then ‘pitted’ the protagonist Huang Beichen without any psychological pressure.

“I can tell you right now that your thoughts are wrong.”

Yin Suye did not care what Shui Ruoshan is thinking, but he followed up with much certainty. Then without waiting for Shui Ruoshan to say anything further, he went straight to his point.

“You are the God of creation, so do you have the power as the God of creation?”

“…” Shui Ruoshan’s mouth violently twitched.

What kind of skill does he have? Yin Suye maybe even clearer than him, but asking him right now using roundabout way, isn’t this obviously a mockery towards him? One needs to know, the only advantage he has over the people in this world is just knowing the overall development of the world! In other words, he does not have the absolute strength of the God of creation, like in a novel that could summon rain with a wave of a hand!

“Can you control the thinking and actions of others and make them act in accordance with your will?”

Yin Suye slowly pointed out key points, the fact that Shui Ruoshan is the so-called God of creation is simply not true.

“…” Shui Ruoshan silently rolled his eyes.

Why does Yin Suye always ask questions that he already knew the answer? And he always asks like he is uncertain at first glance? If he(SRS) can control people’s thinking and action, he is really the God of this world! Unfortunately, there is no ‘if’. He has been living a miserable life that he even got schemed by Huan Tian from the beginning, and finally forced to act according to Huan Tian’s wishes. Think of it this way, it seems that his so-called status as the God of creation can’t be anymore failure than this!

“Since you can’t control people’s behaviour, why do you take it upon yourself all the bad responsibilities of others to me?” Yin Suye laid so many points in front of him, and then gradually expressed what he really wanted to say.


At this moment, Shui Ruoshan didn’t know exactly what kind of feeling was in his heart, but he felt very touched. He knows what Yin Suye wants to express to him. Since he can’t control anyone, it is impossible for him to make people do bad things to Yin Suye, so those people’s actions against Yin Suye are their own responsibility, and their behaviour has nothing to do with him. He does not need to be responsible for their actions because that is not his responsibility at all.

“Even if you are the God of creation, and you know the trajectory of the continent, you were not completely clear of it, right? Otherwise, why don’t you know about my rebirth?” Yin Suye saw that the little guy’s resolve is wavering, so he pressed on.

“…” For a moment, Shui Ruoshan felt speechless.

Yin Suye, do you have to talk so sharply? He knew that Yin Suye is persuading him, but it is definitely a provocation in the ears of clueless people! Such straightforward questioning just made people angry!

“Actually you are not the God of creation of this [Mowu Dalu] continent at all. It’s just that the fantasy story you wrote has predicted a part of the continent’s trajectory to some extent, so the coincidence of all this gave you an illusion that you are the creator of this world.”

Yin Suye also seems to know that he has said a bit too much, so he closed his conclusion with a summary to show his views.

“Alright, I admit that you are right!” Shui Ruoshan pondered for a moment, spreading open his hands to show his compromise.

Don’t see that Yin Suye’s words seem right, Shui Ruoshan just know that there are things that don’t make sense with Yin Suye’s theory, but he accepts it because he received Yin Suye’s good intention. On the other hand, Shui Ruoshan has to admit that Yin Suye is indeed the high IQ villain he set in his novel, as he could even make such a profound conclusion. One needs to know, he also realized after reading countless novels that worlds like this current world is real, and it wasn’t born from novels. From various novels on Earth, it was said that authors have unintentionally peeked into the face of another world to be able to start writing about a world in their novel.

“It’s good if you understand.” Seeing that the little guy has temporarily compromised, Yin Suye stopped his aggressive pace and slowed his tone.


Yin Suye didn’t intend to keep talking about this topic, and Shui Ruoshan was relieved. So many unnerving matters, he is also very stressed, a’ight!

“Then let’s discuss what to do about you hiding something so important from me?”

Although the topic has gone a long way, Yin Suye will never forget that the little guy has something to hide from him. Right now should be the time to settle accounts with the little guy.

“I only said it because you promised me that you won’t get angry!”

This time Shui Ruoshan managed to react quickly. It’s about his personal safety, he can’t not respond quickly! But he remembers that before he comes clean, he had Yin Suye to promise him. Hence, he won’t give Yin Suye a chance to break his promise! Don’t think that he will forget about this after talking so much, he is a far-sighted person!

“I’m not angry. I just think that you should compensate me for the wrong things you have done to me?” Yin Suye casually changed his words. He is also very skilled in paraphrasing.

“…” For a moment, Shui Ruoshan felt that he got deeply pitted by Yin Suye!

Yin Suye dare to change the concept so righteously! The most important thing is he can’t refute it at all!! Must you be so unreasonable ah?!

Is it too late to change his lover now?

Raw Word Count : 2850


Banana: Okay, the OCR using Google Translate worked alright, just that it can’t keep up with the spacings and the raw that came out looked super jumbled. _(;3/ Probably use the other method again to compare.

Chapter 180 – Continuation 5: I was afraid that you will blame me

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“I was afraid that you will blame me!” Shui Ruoshan finally shouted out what he feared in his heart.

“Is this why you keep worrying and evading me?”

Seeing the little guy finally opened up, a gleam of light flashed in Yin Suye’s emotionless eyes, and the corner of his mouth slowly curved up to a pleasant arc. It turned out that his little guy was afraid of how he would feel, that’s why he(SRS) never dared to be honest! This shows that he has quite an important position in the little guy’s heart than he imagined, and this discovery makes Yin Suye felt very satisfied.


Now that he come clean with everything, Shui Ruoshan could answer the questions without any pressures.

“I do not blame you!”

Seeing that the little guy is still anxiously waiting to be sentenced, Yin Suye quickly gave his verdict first. Although he wanted to slightly punish the little guy for hiding something from him, to make him keep this lesson in mind, but he couldn’t bear to see him(SRS) uncomfortable, so he had to compromise first. They will have a long time ahead anyway, he can always find an opportunity later on to settle accounts. But right now, the most important thing is to calm down the pessimistic little guy first.

“Actually, I …” I blame myself!

Just that Shui Ruoshan didn’t know how to say out the lower half of the sentence. In fact, the moment he knew that the [Mowu Dalu] continent was created by him, and realized that Yin Suye is a living person, he had asked himself this question countless times. If not for his personal preference that he made Yin Suye the villain and deliberately arranged such a tragic fate for him, won’t Yin Suye be able to prevent from going against his family? Because with Yin Suye’s ability that won’t lose the protagonist Huang Beichen, Yin Suye is totally capable of becoming another ‘winner in life’[1]! Unfortunately, all these assumptions were destroyed with just one decision from him(SRS)! It is precisely because of this that he always has deep guilt towards Yin Suye!

1. meaning, those people who sail smoothly down their life

“That’s not your fault!”

Even if Shui Ruoshan didn’t continue his words, Yin Suye still knew what the little guy wanted to express, so he instantly countered back. In fact, he has always felt that the little guy is particularly easy to compromise and give in to him in their interactions. Originally, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with this, because at least this shows that the little guy cares for him and will subconsciously treat him well. But as their feelings gradually deepen, the little guy’s subconscious politeness became a hindrance to further their feelings. Because their feelings were not equal, they cannot achieve equality/balance.

“But …” Shui Ruoshan frowned slightly. He disagreed with Yin Suye’s statement but didn’t know how to accurately express the conflict in his heart.

“Do you think that my misfortune was caused by your own hands, so you feel ashamed to face me?” Yin Suye really knows those habits of Shui Ruoshan.

The moment Shui Ruoshan’s facial expression changes, he will know what he wants to express before Shui Ruoshan himself. Their feelings are not equal, not because he is stronger than the little guy, but because the little guy felt guilty towards him.

“Yes.” Shui Ruoshan nodded slightly.

“Then I can tell you this now, I don’t need your guilt!” Yin Suye’s tone became extremely powerful all of a sudden. “I just need you to love me. I don’t need any other feelings than love!”

Yin Suye knows very well that it is precisely because the little guy always feels guilty toward him that the relationship between the two of them cannot be pure[2] and progress further! Right from the start, he only needs the little guy to love him. Other useless feelings are not necessary at all. The little guy belongs to him! So all the feelings from the little guy must belong to him as well! And his unknown feeling of guilt towards him, although Yin Suye didn’t need it, he has no effective way to eliminate it for the moment. That’s why he took this opportunity when the little guy confessed his wrongs to eliminate all obstacles in one fell swoop! Even though he knew that his indulgence would make the little guy uneasy at first, he held back the urge to appease the little guy.

2. just love and nothing else

“Sorry!” Shui Ruoshan pursed his lips and weakly apologized. He knew that he was wrong, but he also didn’t know what was wrong?

“Don‘t say sorry, it’s fine as long as you throw away the unnecessary burden in your heart!” Obviously, Yin Suye regarded Shui Ruoshan’s guilt to him as a burden. “I don’t want other relationships between us besides love!”

Yin Suye knows that he has always been a very overbearing person, especially towards the things he cares about, that strong possessiveness would become even stronger. Therefore, his desire to control the little guy is getting more and more serious to the point of being extreme, that even his(SRS) emotions are not allowed to be impure. As long as Yin Suye feel even a little dissatisfaction with anything, he will have the urge to destroy it. He is just this dark, to the point that he cannot be saved anymore!

“If you keep on feeling guilty, that would be the greatest regret towards our feelings!”

Yin Suye seemed to feel that he can’t express his meaning clear enough, so he thought for a while and emphasized his feelings again. The feeling of guilt will not only hurts him but will also hinder their feelings!

Raw Word Count : 1756


Banana: It seems that the method kinda works? But I’m not too sure, need to do another one with this Google’s OCR method to double confirm. Thanks for reading~!

Chapter 179 – Continuation 4: I was afraid that you will blame me

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Actually, the thing is quite simple.” Shui Ruoshan considered the words to use, then slowly explained himself.

“Before I transmigrated, I was a web novel writer, and I wrote a novel named [The Strongest King in History]. I was writing about the part where you parted ways with Huang Beichen when I transmigrated. Then I met you…”

Before he started talking about this, Shui Ruoshan thought it would be very hard to say it. That’s why he keeps delaying and haggling with Yin Suye. But after he opened his mouth, it was not as hard as he thought would be to explain the situation. And so, he slowly revealed the secret he has been keeping with him.

Perhaps he has already decided to come clean to Yin Suye earlier, but he keeps having apprehensions here and there, that’s why he still couldn’t say after so long. This time, it was due to Yin Suye’s strong coercion that he has the courage to say it. Since he is coming clean, he can’t skip any parts so he doesn’t mind spending more time telling the details. That included telling Yin Suye what kind of world they are currently living in, what it means by web novel, and even what kind of a story of [The Strongest King in History].

“After transmigrating into this world, I seem to be spending all of my time together with you so there isn’t anything left to explain.”

After explaining everything, Shui Ruoshan glanced at Yin Suye, seemed to be waiting for his(YSY) judgement. Just that the restlessness in his(SRS) eyes let others know that his current mood is not peaceful.

“I have finished explaining the situation, what else do you want to know?”

After letting everything out, Shui Ruoshan waited for some time but didn’t receive any reaction from Yin Suye, so he reluctantly broke the silence and voiced out his question. No matter what is Yin Suye’s final judgement, Shui Ruoshan felt that he(YSY) has to at least give him some reaction so that he would know what kind of a crime he will be sentenced under. But Yin Suye gave him a silent treatment. That caused him to be restless because he can’t tell anything from Yin Suye’s emotionless face.

Not saying anything is the scariest thing!

“Nothing at the moment.” Yin Suye lightly squinted and unhurriedly answered.

“You don’t have any more question to ask me?”

Hearing that reply from Yin Suye caused Shui Ruoshan to be slightly relieved. At the very least, Yin Suye didn’t choose to treat him coldly, which is already better than the situation he originally expected. Hence, the current thing to do is to develop their situation in a better direction. And so, he started brainstorming for more things to talk about.

“No.” Yin Suye stopped to think for a moment before replying.


Shui Ruoshan felt like going crazy with such an expressionless reply. How does he continue from here ah? Though he has explained a lot, but there are still many problems between them. Why won’t Yin Suye ask about it? Was it because he doesn’t feel the need to ask? Or he felt disdainful to ask? Or he was not interested in knowing?

For a moment, too many questions flashed through his mind that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know how to open his mouth. In the end, he decided to let everything out. After all, he has already initiated this talk, he can’t stop in the middle. Problems need to be solved, running will not help anything. Everything needs to be explained sooner or later, why not now?

“Yin Suye, you have nothing to ask me, but there are things that I need to tell you!”

Although Shui Ruoshan has decided to say it, he can’t help gripping his fist tightly when the time comes. Since Yin Suye won’t ask about it, he will say it himself.

“I want to tell you that I am the person who caused you to encounter all the misfortune you experienced before!”

He is the culprit for all of Yin Suye’s suffering!

After confessing the truth, as if he has used up all his strength, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t utter a single word for a long time.

“En.” Yin Suye simply gave an ‘En’ to acknowledge that he heard it.


Shui Ruoshan really going to get crazy from Yin Suye’s calm reply. He has to take a few deep breaths before settling down.

“Yin Suye, do you really understand what I said just now?” What does he mean by just an ‘En’?

“Tell me, what are you afraid of?” Yin Suye lightly asked.

He doesn’t seem to understand why the little guy is so concerned about this matter. He understood what the little guy means by his words, but so what? Nothing could get between him and the little guy. If the little guy is worried about something, then he will help him to dispel his worry; if the little guy is uneasy, then he will help him to calm down.

“I am afraid that you will blame me!”

Shui Ruoshan closed his eyes tightly. After some time, he opened his eyes and quickly reveal what he was most worried about. His tone was as if he has given up hope. After that, not waiting for Yin Suye to react, Shui Ruoshan turned his face away, as if doing this could help him lie to himself a bit longer.

Raw Word Count : 1823


Banana: Heya, this was done with my eye-balling method (+some assistance tool). Then I saw a reader Hh saying I should try Google Translate’s OCR. And I did. It seems to be working but for some reason, GT couldn’t recognize some wayward lines of words and ended up stuffing them in the middle of another sentence _(;3/

I’m going to try it next chapter and see which method use lesser time _(;3/ Thanks for the suggestion~

Chapter 178 – Continuation 3: Haggling

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Don’t want to say?” Seeing that the little guy didn’t say anything for some time, Yin Suye slightly frowned. His gaze deepened, and his voice became deeper.


At the sight of Yin Suye’s abnormal changes, Shui Ruoshan felt a bit of danger in an instant and rejected Yin Suye’s guess without thinking. Although he knew that his little secret could not be concealed anymore, he still wanted to fight for more time to prepare for himself. Who told him to hide something quite serious like this? He could not predict how Yin Suye would react to him after telling the truth! So in the end, he will become timid, afraid, and hesitated…

He still remembers a saying that goes like this – being frank lands you in prison while resisting can get you back home just in time for Chinese New Year! What to do if the result he gets after telling Yin Suye everything is the one he was afraid of?

“You can’t say?” Yin Suye didn’t let the little guy off so easily this time and continued to press him.

Even if the little guy’s guilty and nervous expression made him a little soft-hearted, but the moment he thought about the little guy hiding something so big about him, Yin Suye could only suppress the soft emotion in his heart. The little guy is his, so he must know everything about the little guy clearly. He will not allow the little guy to have anything he does not know of! So if he can’t take this opportunity to ask about all of his secrets, with the little guy’s ostrich mentality[1], he doesn’t know how long he has to wait next time!

1. likes to hide from facing the truth/reality

“Neither!” Facing an aggressive Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan had no possibility to escape, and could only follow the flow of the conversation and answer the questions bit by bit.

“Then, why?” Yin Suye pressed hard.

“… I just didn’t know how to tell you.” Shui Ruoshan thought for a while, and reluctantly confessed when he felt that he couldn’t avoid it.

“You can tell me slowly.”

Yin Suye’s gaze slightly sank, then he moved a few steps away from Shui Ruoshan, dissipating the oppressive aura he cast on the little guy. Sometimes blind accusation is not a good way. One has to give your opponent a proper buffer time to achieve better results.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t say clearly, you just need to tell me what you know.”

Seeing the little guy didn’t answer immediately, Yin Suye took a step back again. It could be clearly seen that Yin Suye is very familiar in using these little interrogation tricks. In fact, he doesn’t necessarily have to ask everything from the little guy. With just a few words, he can infer most of the situation already.

“But I’m afraid that after I told you everything, you won’t want me anymore!” Shui Ruoshan could only grit his teeth and express his greatest concern in frustration.

“Why would you think so?” Yin Suye’s eyes darkened, and countless thoughts flashed at the bottom of his eyes.

“That’s how I felt!” Shui Ruoshan has completely fallen in despair. No matter what Yin Suye thinks, he is ready to come clean.

“I don’t know why I gave you such an illusion.”

With that being said, Yin Suye paused, then raised Shui Ruoshan’s head with his hands; making them look at each other face to face. This posture also left Shui Ruoshan with no opportunity to escape. Then he solemnly warned, “Shui Ruoshan, you have to remember this. You are the one I caught with much difficulty, and I will never let go of you!”

Yin Suye rarely calls the little guy by name, but every time he calls him like that, it shows that he is more serious than ever, and at the same time a bit unhappy.

“You said it, so you can’t regret it later!”

Shui Ruoshan apparently has ignored the fact that he might have upset Yin Suye and showed a happy expression from Yin Suye’s words. As long as Yin Suye doesn’t reject him, he doesn’t need to worry too much about confessing his mistakes.

“I will never regret it!” Looking at Shui Ruoshan, who looked forward to his reaffirmation, Yin Suye gave his assurance again.

“Then we have a deal. No matter what is the truth you heard later, you can’t be mad at me!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that trying hard to get a guarantee from Yin Suye before telling the truth is really a wise thing!

“Not getting angry and not wanting you is not the same meaning, right?” Yin Suye lightly asked.

He won’t let go of the little guy, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be angry with him. Not to mention that the little guy has concealed such an important thing from him, just by not being honest with him right now and haggling with him is already another stroke in the record.

“…” Shui Ruoshan blinked innocently.

He just had a lightbulb moment, trying to fool Yin Suye, and aiming for a lighter punishment, why did Yin Suye have to hold on to the loophole in his words and not let him go? Now he deeply understood that sometimes having a much smarter lover it is not a good thing! Especially when the said lover used this shrewdness on him, it is even less pleasant!

“I don’t care. If you don’t agree, I will not explain myself!” In the end, Shui Ruoshan decided to be stubborn.

He wouldn’t believe that Yin Suye could really do anything to him if he didn’t say anything. En, this is about how to be a true man, that’s why I insist! Such braveness! Such firm stand! In fact, he wasn’t really afraid that Yin Suye would give up on him after he knew the truth. After all, they had experienced so much together. Yin Suye’s feelings for him, he knows whether it’s real or fake, deep or shallow. He could feel it, so he was very sure that Yin Suye really loved him. But this does not mean that Yin Suye will not be estranged from him after knowing the truth, which is what he really fears.

Looking forward, even if Yin Suye is being big-hearted and doesn’t care about everything, but the fact that he has kept such important things from Yin Suye, Yin Suye surely will be angry, right? When Yin Suye gets angry, the unlucky person would be him, so it is necessary for him to plan ahead for his own safety. He really needs to give himself 32 likes for his wit!

“How could you be so sure that I won’t do anything to you?” Yin Suye’s eyes narrowed dangerously, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

“That’s right. I’m betting on it that you won’t do anything to me! What can you do about that?” Shui Ruoshan has given his all in this.

Anyway, more mistakes or fewer mistakes are still mistakes. For him, there is no difference at all, so he would rather seek more benefits for himself before the verdict. So, Shui Ruoshan fearlessly stared at Yin Suye without showing any weakness as if saying, if you don’t agree, I will resist to the end.

“Alright, I promise you!”

Yin Suye looked back and forth at Shui Ruoshan several times until Shui Ruoshan’s hackles stood up before unhurriedly agreed. Not being angry doesn’t mean he can’t do anything else, isn’t it?

“You promised, so you must keep your word!”

Even after getting the promise he wanted from Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan still felt a little uneasy, so he emphasised again.

“If you delay this any longer, the promises I made earlier will be voided.” Seeing the little guy still wanted to bargain with him, Yin Suye cut off his words and countered back.

“Alright, I’ll explain right away!” Shui Ruoshan could only brace himself and agreed.

In this confrontation, he clearly has achieved the victory, but why didn’t his mood improve even a little? Also, what is this illusion of ‘dying before one wins’[2]? It can only be said that Xiao Yeye is too evil and always likes to threaten him! But why is it whenever Xiao Yeye threatens him a little, he would compromise right away?

2. seems to be a saying that one sacrificed himself and couldn’t see the victory after that, Banana is not very sure

How irritating!

Raw Word Count : 2511


Banana: For those who are still reading this translation, please take note that the next chapter and so forth will be shorter than usual. This is because Banana cannot find any copy-able raws online and the only raw I could find is copy-protected ones _(;3/

So Banana can only eyeball it but since Banana can’t read chinese, I will make use of some assistance tool to get the gist of the meaning and translate it. Thank you~ m(_ _)m

Chapter 177 – Continuation 2: The Owner of the continent

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Naturally, my Xiao Ruo is more powerful than a Supreme King!”

Yin Suye does not seem to understand why the little guy doubts his own strength, but this does not prevent him from saying his opinion. Obviously, his family’s little guy is the best in Yin Suye’s, no matter which factor.

“That sounds pleasant to hear!”

Everyone loves to listen to praises, and Shui Ruoshan is no exception. Especially the one boasted about him is the villain BOSS, which is also his family, so he naturally felt even deeper emotions.

“But my current strength is really not good now!”

Shui Ruoshan was proud for a moment, but he still had to admit that with his weak strength, his shortcomings will be exposed the moment he fights another person, so it is impossible for him to compete in such an important position as the Supreme King!

“You are the God of creation, the owner of the [Mowu Dalu] continent.” Yin Suye seriously corrected the little guy’s skewed train of thoughts.

In his eyes, even if the little guy’s strength is not good, but as the God of creation, he can instantly kill anyone in the continent. Because the entire continent belongs to the little guy, and the demon race is no exception. Instead, he felt that Huan Tian has totally wronged his little guy by letting him be something little like the demon Supreme King.


Shui Ruoshan immediately felt that Yin Suye is right when he said that. Although his strength is not good, but he created this world, that is to say, the continent revolves around him, so his existence is very important and high above! Thinking of it this way, the position as the demon Supreme King totally cannot compare! Moreover, as the God of creation, if there isn’t any fanfare that matches his identity, doesn’t he looked weak? So, shouldn’t he be bold and take over the position of the 2nd generation demon Supreme King? No one knows that his strength is not good anyway, so as long as he does not actively expose his shortcomings, no one will dare to question him. In addition to that, his current appearance is exactly the same as when Huan Tian was sealed before. With Huan Tian’s prestige, he believed no one will doubt his identity at all. Therefore, his succession to become the demon Supreme King is completely stress-free!

One needs to know that Huan Tian has disappeared for so long, but the demon race still stable and developing well. Hence, after he became the 2nd generation demon Supreme King, he would only need to distribute the task like how Huan Tian did before and there will naturally be many demons fighting to solve his problems. It seems that being a demon Supreme King is still a relatively easy task?!

Suddenly, Shui Ruoshan accepted with peace of mind that he is now the 2nd generation demon Supreme King. Although he has some slight remarks about being the second[1], but at the very least, he was given a race for nothing, better than nothing!

1. because 2 or 2nd means stupid

“By the way, Xiao Yeye, which generation of Supreme King are you?”

After this issue of being the demon Supreme King, Shui Ruoshan shifted his attention elsewhere. For example, the problem of being a ‘second’. Now that he has become the 2nd generation demon Supreme King, he naturally hopes that there would be others who will be just as unlucky as him! This is called ‘everyone being unlucky together is better than getting unlucky alone’.

“I am the Supreme King of the 897th generation.” Yin Suye immediately gave an accurate number.

“Oh.” Shui Ruoshan didn’t know if he should be glad or disappointed that Yin Suye didn’t share the number 2 with him.

“Fortunately, it’s not the 222nd Supreme King or something like that.”

Towards the unknown Supreme King who unfortunately rose to the 222nd generation, Shui Ruoshan observed a few minutes of silence for him! Because there are so many twos in his generation, that person’s whole life just looked very stupid, a’ight?!

“Xiao Ruo, is there anything else you want to ask?” Seeing that the little guy’s thinking ran away somewhere again, Yin Suye could only actively ask.

“None at the moment.” Shui Ruoshan thought about it for a while and found that there seemed to be nothing else to know for a while, so he shook his head.

“Alright then, I want to ask you a question.” Yin Suye lowered his head, and solemnly looked at Shui Ruoshan.

“En?” Shui Ruoshan blinked puzzledly.

Obviously, he was surprised that the omnipotent Yin Suye in his(SRS) eyes will have questions and needed to ask him. This was a rare sight, once in a blue moon!

“What is this identity of yours as the God of creation?” Looking at the ignorant little guy, Yin Suye went straight to the point.


Shui Ruoshan was stunned speechless, and there were countless ‘Fcuk’ flashing in his mind! He has never informed Yin Suye about the fact that he is a God of creation, right?! No wonder Yin Suye would take the initiative to mention about this just now, it turned out that he(YSY) was waiting for this moment to arrive! How thick can his nerve be[2], to not sense this what was hidden in Yin Suye’s words?

2. saying that SRS is dense

Actually, one can’t blame him for acting like this. The moment he knew that the [Mowu Dalu] continent was from his novel [The Strongest King in History] and that he met Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan had already decided to hide this fact forever. Especially when he can’t let Yin Suye know that the culprit for all the unfortunate he encountered was him!

However, he did not expect that Huan Tian would later reveal his identity as the God of creation in front of Yin Suye, but at that time he was trapped in Huan Tian’s body and did not have the opportunity to explain all of this to Yin Suye. Later, he transmigrated back to Earth, no thanks to Huan Tian, and didn’t have the time to bid farewell, let alone the time to explain himself. And now, he finally returned with much difficulties, but because he was so excited to see Yin Suye earlier, he totally forgot about the mess he had left behind about his identity. In other words, up until now, he has never explained to Yin Suye the fact that the continent is just from a novel he wrote?! But how should he tell such a terrible fact to Yin Suye now?

Is it too late for him to shout ‘This concubine can’t do it’[3]?

3. Refer to drama Empresses in the Palace (後宮甄嬛傳)
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Raw Word Count : 1821


Banana: Although not many people are reading this novel anymore, Banana still determined to finish translating all the extras. Many thanks to those who are still reading this. Stay healthy!

Chapter 176 – Continuation 1: Second Generation Demon Supreme King

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Xiao Yeye, are we going to return to the Imperial Capital now?”

When Shui Ruoshan woke up, he found himself being carried by Yin Suye as he walked out of the Fog Forest. Shui Ruoshan enjoyed himself in Yin Suye’s arms, treating Yin Suye as a free transportation. It’s just that compared to Yin Suye who just focused on walking, Shui Ruoshan has more thoughts in his mind.

When Yin Suye said to go home, Shui Ruoshan didn’t think so much at first, but then he remembered that he is now an outsider in the continent and had no assets at all. So, he could only follow Yin Suye to his home now[1]. And that ‘home’ is obviously the Imperial Capital. However, he started thinking about how the humans and demons were warring at each other when he left, so even if they have ceased fighting now, Shui Ruoshan felt that their relationship right now is definitely not good. Hence, a demon like him following Yin Suye back to the human realm, isn’t it a bit unsafe?

1. as in SRS himself has no home in the continent

Even if Yin Suye has previously initiated Fate Substitution for him, Shui Ruoshan can’t be sure that after he has changed back to the appearance of a small child, and after so many years have passed, there would be still anyone who can remember that he is the same person from Yin Suye’s Fate Substitution. When that time comes, explaining would be hell! It makes him sad just by thinking about it!

“No, we need to go to the demon realm before we go home.” Yin Suye gently rubbed the little guy’s head, expressing that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have to worry as everything has been properly arranged.

“Going to the demon realm?”

Shui Ruoshan’s eyes widened, as he repeated in disbelief. Although he is a demon right now, he doesn’t know anyone in the demon realm!

“Have you forgotten that Huan Tian has given you the entire demon race?”

Upon seeing the little guy’s doubtful expression, Yin Suye knew that he obviously did not take Huan Tian’s words seriously. Knowing this made Yin Suye feel better a bit after his depression that the little guy couldn’t grow up back to his adult form right now. His little guy only had him in mind.

“I’ve totally forgotten about it!”

Shui Ruoshan rolled his eyes and felt a bit depressed. He was feeling depressed earlier about the pits left by Huan Tian to him. How can he still have the mood to think about other things!

“It’s alright.” Yin Suye reached out and rubbed Shui Ruoshan’s small head. His little guy is still so naive!

“How did Huan Tian want to handle this thing?”

Although Huan Tian left a message in his mind, but he has only mentioned all the matter about the demons in one sentence, Shui Ruoshan can’t understand the situation at all! And because he has disappeared from the continent for 8 years, his news and information were not updated. Therefore, Shui Ruoshan felt that he need to re-examine the situation in detail before making specific arrangements. As expected, he is a good young man with a good plan in his head!

“Huan Tian had already told the demons before leaving, saying that after he left, his son would become the 2nd generation demon Supreme King and will take on the responsibility of reviving the demon race.”

Yin Suye slightly frowned, apparently he doesn’t want to mention this former enemy, Huan Tian, at all. But he can’t help answering the little guy’s question, so he could only repeat what he could recall of Huan Tian’s words, how Huan Tian openly talked about his departure in front of the entire demon race, before making a simple summary in a sentence.


Upon hearing Yin Suye’s answer, Shui Ruoshan’s mind went blank for a moment, he could only coldly ‘hehe’ to express his heartfelt emotion. Huan Tian has already left this world, but even before he(SRS) could transmigrate back here, Huan Tian still wants to take advantage of him. Is this just trying to cause trouble for him? And is the status of a demon Supreme King hereditary? Huan Tian could simply mention a name, and that person would inherit the status just like this? Apart from that, 2nd generation sounds stupid[2], a’right?!

2. the number 2 or 2nd is an online slang for stupid

“I’m the 2nd generation demon Supreme King?”

Shui Ruoshan inexplicably pointed at himself, with confusion in his eyes. He was very sure that the ‘son’ Huan Tian mentioned is him. After all, he is the only one who has the most direct relationship with Huan Tian in the continent. What he couldn’t understand was why Huan Tian could be so sure that he(SRS) could be the 2nd generation Supreme King? One needs to know, at that time, even he himself couldn’t be sure whether he could transmigrate back successfully, or if he could come back at the right timeline or meet the right person[3]. One thing he was very uncertain about was whether he could transmigrate back into Huan Tian’s body again…

3. the right YSY who has memories of him

Because there were too many unknown variables, it means that the results will be very different from expectation. Then, how exactly did Huan Tian conclude that he(SRS) could be the 2nd generation demon Supreme King? Huan Tian is actually just talking nonsense, right? After all, these variables were too big for anyone to guarantee the results, and no one knows whether Huan Tian still alive at this moment after he went back to the past. As long as Huan Tian is alive, there will never be a 2nd generation demon Supreme King in this world. After all, the rule about one living Supreme King in each race is absolute!


There was confusion in Yin Suye’s eyes as if he didn’t understand why the little guy is so shocked by the news.

“Do you think I have the strength of a Supreme King?”

Shui Ruoshan was quite dissatisfied that Yin Suye has yet to reach the level of reading what was on his mind, but he still patiently explain to Yin Suye. Although he still has a lot of cheats, the fact that his strength is his obvious weakness cannot be changed. The first time he transmigrated into this world, he actually worked very hard to cultivate but could only practice up o the Imperial stage. The second he transmigrated, which is now, well, he has just come back. This body can be said to be brand new and has not cultivated before. So, is it really possible for him to become the 2nd generation demon Supreme King?

Raw Word Count : 1709


Chapter 175 – Ruixue confession: The Days When The Master Is Absent (3)

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Ruixue basked in the warm sun while continuing to recall its experiences.

The big bad guy and Huang Beichen returned to the Imperial city immediately after the treasure hunt. Using the precious treasures to enhance their strength, they began to plan how to go to the demon realm to save its master. But what they didn’t expect was that before they could even set things up, the demons went ahead of them to war against the human race. Hence, the big bad guy and Huang Beichen immediately led the humans to counterattack. And so the war between the humans and demons started very suddenly like this.

However, Ruixue was dissatisfied that the big bad guy did not allow it to participate in this battle, reason being it was too weak. Even if Ruixue participated in the battle, it wouldn’t be any help, and it might even ‘drag their hind legs’[1]! Towards this unfounded judgment from the big bad guy, Ruixue also expressed its strong dissatisfaction. No matter what, Ruixue is also a beast, which is much more powerful than most people, alright?! This big bad guy couldn’t just discriminate it like this! As its master first cute pet, it can both fight and act cute and go for treasure hunting…

1. hold them back

How could it be weak? It can’t be any more useful! It’s a pity that all its objections were invalid for the big bad guy, it can’t be helped that this cat has too small talking rights!


A cat can’t be sadder than this!

Therefore, under the bad guy’s various threats, Ruixue can only stay honestly in the Imperial city, always paying attention to the latest war update, and always looking forward that the big bad guy can save its owner immediately so that it could live a happy life with a backer behind! So Ruixue began to count the days, waiting for its owner to return! Then, it waited until the truce between the human race and the demons. The big bad guy returned, but its beloved master didn’t! Obviously, Ruixue felt somewhat unacceptable for a result that was significantly beyond its expectations. But the big bad guy who just returned is really terrifying! Too scary for this cat! The terrible aura emanated from his whole body could freeze this cat if it gets even a little closer, so for the sake of its cat life, Ruixue dare not directly ask what happened to the big bad guy in the demon realm, it can only reluctantly go to Huang Beichen in private to understand the situation. From Huang Beichen’s side, it’s easy to get the answer, but that answer is not an answer at all! At least when there is no answer, Ruixue could still look forward to it, hoping that its owner may come back immediately. Because no one knows if its master who has left the continent and returned to his original world could still come back to the continent again?

*sigh* They are in a different world, can they still continue the master-servant relationship?

At the same time, Ruixue also understands why the big bad guy became so abnormal after returning from the demon realm, because its master is no longer beside the big bad guy, so no one can restrain him from going crazy anymore. In fact, the humans should be grateful that the big bad guy has killed everyone who went against him before attacking the demons. This way, when the big bad guy loses its master, he only killed a batch of humans. After that, he irresponsibly threw all the mess to Huang Beichen before locking himself inside master’s room and not seeing anyone else. At that time, Ruixue was really afraid that the big bad guy would fell into despair and do stupid things[2]. Turns out that it worried for nothing because how can a bad guy like Yin Suye do such an unwise thing! But it’s been a few months since the big bad guy went into master’s room.

2. like suicide

The reason Ruixue didn’t have an accurate number was because it felt that the calculation method used by the human was very cumbersome. It didn’t take as much time to count the days, so it just casually used a quantifier. A cat’s narrative style must always be different from humans! So, some things don’t need to be so clear!

En, let ’s continue with the above.

In fact, at that time, Ruixue almost couldn’t believe what it saw. The big bad guy looked crumbled and fragile. That was too far away from his perfect image before, which made this cat somewhat unable to see the two is actually the same person. Although Ruixue could feel a big blow from its owner’s departure as well, but at least it has a long time to tone it down. It doesn’t have the appetite even when it saw its favorite dried fish, but compared with the big bad guy’s appearance, Ruixue suddenly felt that it cannot be compared with him at all!

It seems that the departure of its owner has dealt a great great deal to the bad guy…

At that moment, even Ruixue had to admit that the big bad guy was really sincere to its master and couldn’t be more sincere! This cat is almost touched! But it is a cat with principles, so it will not have a good impression for the big bad guy that it doesn’t like! Immediately after the big bad guy came out, Huang Beichen re-assigned the ruling power back to him. Then the big bad guy was immediately put into work, but instead of dealing with the human race, he used the power of the entire human race and began to study how to get its master back from another world.

For this matter, Ruixue raised its two claws in agreement.

In the process of finding a method, it was clear to the bad guy and Huang Beichen that they would have to go to Huan Tian, the Huan Tian who robbed its master his body, to discuss the method together. That’s right, in Ruixue’s mind, Huan Tian is the one who robbed its master’s body, and it doesn’t care about the fact that the body was originally Huan Tian’s! It only recognizes what it feels right!

Although Ruixue and the big bad guy both hated Huan Tian, they also understand that no one understands the rules of the world better than Huan Tian. After all, its master’s transmigration was caused by Huan Tian. Although they hated Huan Tian, they have to cooperate with Huan Tian. The reality is so helpless!

Towards existence like Huan Tian, Ruixue can’t do anything, but for something it can completely handle, it must necessarily do its best. For example, those who want to seduce the bad guy while its master is away, Ruixue must do its best. One needs to know that its goal is to be its master’s first pet that can attack monsters and act cute; naturally it must take the initiative to eliminate those factors that may harm its owner’s status in advance. Therefore, it does not care about the identity of those who came to seduce the big bad guy. It just stepped forward and swipe at the person’s face, ensuring that they are disfigured before mercifully hold back.

Humph! In this way, those disfigured people will no longer have the ability to stick to the bad guy. Moreover, the big bad guy seems to agree with this violent handling method. For the first time, he expressed his appreciation with his gaze and even agrees that if anyone dares to approach him in the future, Ruixue can just do whatever. No matter what happens, the big bad guy will back it up. The big bad guy’s clear guarantee makes Ruixue’s motivation even greater and also makes those who were scheming to get in even more miserable.

Ruixue was very proud of its performance during that time. This cat alone can shake the human race and turned it into a proud history inside the human’s history. Its heroic behavior cannot be finished retelling even if they spend three days and nights, so it’s better not to show off at this moment, this cat just wants to be a silent beauty cat! But since then, the big bad guy seems to be much better towards Ruixue; even the gaze he cast at it has softened. Sometimes he will not only feed Ruixue with delicious dried fish, he will even hold it in his arms and smooth its fur on his own initiative!

Ruixue also did not know if it was because it actively helped to protect its owner status, or is it something more esoteric? Ruixue thinks that as a magnanimous cat, it should look after the big bad guy after its owner has left, and won’t abandon him! So it made a big and fearless decision to reluctantly accompany the big bad guy while its master is away! But no one thought that this accompaniment would be 8 years.

Ruixue watched how the big bad guy fell when he lost its owner, to renewing his resolve, to trying to find a way to get its owner back, then cultivate, fail, cultivate, fail, and then cultivate again…
This is absolutely a long and persistent process! Outsiders couldn’t imagine the hardship and sadness in it at all! Until the end, it was Huan Tian who came to give the information on how to get its owner return to the continent. The big bad guy gave up on blindly cultivating and began to concentrate on cooperating with Huan Tian.

After that, Ruixue did not participate in it. It knew that those people were particularly busy during that time. They were either preparing this, looking for that, or tinkering with something…
Finally, when they were fully prepared, the space-time tunnel opened as expected, and its owner returned to them as expected. Originally, this should be regarded as The End, but Ruixue thinks that this is The End for the big bad guy, but a tragedy for it! Because Ruixue never thought that the big bad guy would immediately abandon it for its owner after it so selflessly accompanied him for 8 years! This big bad guy is too cold, ruthless, and unreasonable!

To make matters worse, in order to monopolize its master, the big bad guy wouldn’t allow Ruixue to approach its own master. He has reached a completely new level of shamelessness! In this regard, Ruixue has to protest strongly, as a cat also has the right to its owner! It is a pity that no matter how noisy it is, no one stood by its side under the evil power of the big bad guy, Ruixue can be sadder than this!

Because the big bad guy monitored its owner tightly, Ruixue has no chance to approach him at all and it can’t even complain to its master; it makes it sad just by thinking about it!

What made Ruixue angry the most was Moqi, that big black dog that was completely ignored by both its owner and the big bad guy, because Moqi didn’t stand by its side, and even cooperatively disappeared with the big bad guy’s instruction. So this cat is the only left trying to announce its presence, one can’t be more miserable than this! However, Ruixue will not compromise with the evil force for these reasons!

With such a big ideal dream, Ruixue launched a series of wit and bravery battle with the big bad guy. Although it has yet to win even once, even if it has been defeated repeatedly, Ruixue still tried every day! It’s a pity that this big bad guy doesn’t seem to put his opponent in his eyes at all. He always turns a blind eye to this cat and stayed close to its owner instead, to aggravate it, which is extremely vicious! So, as a cat who will fight the big bad guy to the end, Ruixue feels that it is necessary right now to have a good meal of dried fish. After it is full, it can take a good rest. Only after eating and drinking, and keeping up its spirit, will it have the strength to continue fighting with the big bad guy!

Sure enough, it is a cat that has always been clever and unparalleled. Even under the bad guy’s pressure, Ruixue still can grab the key point at once. It must give itself 32 praises for its wit! In summary, it’s time to eat delicious dried fish!


Sure enough, this cat is still very hopeful to the future!

Raw Word Count : 3551


Chapter 174 – Ruixue confession: The Days When The Master Is Absent (2)

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

Therefore, Ruixue conveniently ‘forgot’ about this problem and shoved it to a corner. It’s better to think about what flavor of dried fish it should eat later! However, the big bad guy has disgustingly killed all the humans who went against him. It can’t be any more violent than this method. But the effect also unexpectedly worked pretty good. At least after that, the human race completely surrendered under the big bad guy’s violence. They were scared of him, so how could they dare to provoke him again? After all, everyone only has one life, and human beings were not that fearless enough to use their own lives to oppose the big bad guy. Thus, the bad guy acted out what hegemonism really means! Then, the bad guy began to train the humans in order to prepare for the war that would break out with the demons at any time. But after the big bad guy gave his orders, he and the man named Huang Beichen brought it together and left the Imperial city.

On the outside, they said they were going out to enhance their strength. In fact, they indeed went to enhance strength, but the way they used was more evil and crooked. They actually wanted to use various hidden treasures to enhance their strength. Because of this, the big bad guy brought it along, whose talent is a powerful treasure hunter! Its presence is an indispensable existence for treasure hunting!

Sure enough, Ruixue is still important to the bad guy!

Although various treasures can indeed increase a lot of one’s strength in a short time, it will cause instability, but the big bad guy and Huang Beichen don’t seem to worry about this. Since the parties involved were not worried, then this cat won’t worry about these two. Ruixue only needs to worry for its owner.

Towards that person called Huang Beichen, Ruixue doesn’t have much rejection, it could even be said quite like this person because Huang Beichen often brings all kinds of delicious foods that it likes. Plus he will also help this cat to smooth its fur. This person really knows how to please a cat! However, Huang Beichen does look at it strangely from time to time, which made Ruixue a little bit confused. Does Huang Beichen have any thoughts that he should not have towards this cat? Sure enough, sometimes this cat is too charming, which is not a good thing! However, as a cat with principles, it will never betray its owner because of this and throw itself into Huang Beichen’s embrace, who has bad thoughts towards itself! Such loyalness to its owner, Ruixue is worthy of being rewarded with a table full of delicious dried fish. It’s a pity that its owner is not here, no one will remember to feed it, so it can only take Huang Beichen’s contribution as a reward. It was not feeling the slightest guilt at all when eating it! One will only have the strength to work when they are full! For example, with a full stomach, it can work hard to help the big bad guy to find the treasures, help him to level up quickly, and then he can go to its owner as soon as possible! En, that’s how it works, so it has to work very hard to eat!

Just that when Ruixue was full and fully prepared to display its talent, it turned out that the bad guy and Huang Beichen rarely needs it to find the treasures! Not sure why, Huang Beichen seems to know a lot, and often doesn’t have to wait for Ruixue to notice anything. Huang Beichen can always find the treasures first like he can predict the future. And each one is more precious and rarer than the other one…

It gave Ruixue a feeling that Huang Beichen’s skill in treasure hunting seems like he has done exactly the same thing before!

That’s very unscientific!

In the end, Ruixue was doubtful that the person with a treasure hunting talent is Huang Beichen instead! And its only role was to occasionally find less precious treasures that both men won’t bother with!

Wuwu! What a blow!

But then again, both men’s strength did improve a lot, so Ruixue can at least be comforted by that fact. After all, the end result is the same. As for the process, it doesn’t matter at all!

Raw Word Count : 1575
