Chapter 014 – Rebirth

The moment Shui Ruoshan fainted, Yin Suye who was leaning motionless against the wall instantly moved and supported the man. Although his injuries were not completely healed, majority of them recovered; it was easier for him to move now.

Looking down at the fainted little guy, all kinds of emotions flickered in Yin Suye’s heterochromia eyes…

Reaching out his hands, he touched the neck of the man in his arms. Fortunately, this person only fell into deep sleep from exhausting his spiritual power, and didn’t suffer any backlash from the Incantation. He will recover after he rested a bit more.

But after Yin Suye confirmed Shui Ruoshan’s health, he didn’t take back his hand which was on the man’s neck. Instead, he gently stroke back and forth. Seemed like by doing so, he could clearly feel the warm blood flowing slowly inside the blood vessels hidden under the skin. A bloody fierce light instantly emerged from Yin Suye’s eyes, and his body also emitted a faint dark aura…

He liked this position (of his hand) because just by exerting a bit more strength, he would be able to easily take away someone’s life. This kind of feeling, that one could hold a complete control of someone’s life was very addictive. He doesn’t want to let go, and not willing to let go either!

After a moment though, Yin Suye regained control of his emotions. The blood red light faded from his eyes, so did the black aura from his body. However, his gaze looking at Shui Ruoshan didn’t calm down and became more and more complicated instead. The emotions contained in his eyes were so strong that it was scary.

What he need to do, the most important thing that he need to do was to contemplate properly.
Actually he was not the original Yin Suye, but still Yin Suye; contradictory yet correct. Because he was reborn from the future, the Hell that doesn’t have any bright light in it. The original him has perished in the future.

He doesn’t understand why he would suddenly returned to the past after death; reborn back to the changing point of his fate. To be specific, it was that point where a disagreement erupted between ‘him’ and Huang Beichen and they parted ways.

He reborn and came back from the future.

Although it was a pity that he didn’t manage to encounter the Huang Beichen who was relatively weak right now; strangling the danger in its cradle, but to be able to get one more chance to come back, he had the higher advantage already. This time, the him who has already mastered the skills of the next few decades, he won’t repeat the tragic mistakes from his past life.

Also because he was just reborn, he haven’t have the time to figure things out. That was why he didn’t instantly notice there was someone hiding inside a cave.

If Shui Ruoshan heard this name of Huang Beichen, he will surely tell you that Huang Beichen is the protagonist of this story and at the same time, the destined Son of this world.

Unfortunately, Yin Suye doesn’t know about this. He was still recalling his experiences from his past life. He remembered that he killed those people who framed him in the past. After angering Huang Beichen away, he met with the same pack of wolves which came out (from the forest) to feed. Only after a difficult battle, he managed to break open the barrier and found the treasures inside the cave.

There was absolutely no other people appearing in the middle of this scene.

As for this person Shui Ruoshan, no matter from his past life, current life or in the future, he has never heard of this name before.

This random person that he has never contacted before, who should not even appear in his life, why would he suddenly appear out of nowhere from the cave that he was about to get the treasures? Was it all a coincidence? Or conspiracy?

Because this person has too many mysteries and uncertainties, Yin Suye did not hesitate to release an unrelenting destruction upon Shui Ruoshan the first moment they met.

To him, Shui Ruoshan was a variable; he doesn’t know whether he’s a good one or bad one!

Raw Word Count : 1112

#ILoveToKnowWhatMLIsAlwaysThinking :3

Chapter 013 – A newbie

“Can I use Incantation to heal your injuries?” Shu Ruoshan said after some thought, when he felt both of them falling into a silence.

It was not that he wanted to be kind or anything, he offered because the man standing in front of him was covered in injuries. Some of the wounds was so deep that one could see the bone while some of the wounds were still bleeding. Shui Ruoshan could smell a thick stench of blood just by taking a step closer (to YSY), causing him to not able to handle the sight.

Even though the concerned party doesn’t seem to care about his injuries, Shui Ruoshan felt it on his behalf. Because when he thought of himself who would frown the whole day from just getting an injection, then he looked at the man whose body was covered in wounds; large and small, just a look at Yin Suye make him felt painful.

At that moment, he could imagine how much pain Yin Suye has suffered and how it hurts!


Yin Suye took a few second glances at Shui Ruoshan, he(YSY) seemed to be puzzled why the other person showed a painful expression despite not injured at all.

“A heads-up first, I’m not very proficient in using Incantation so I can’t guarantee the effect.”

What ‘not very proficient’[1]? He was simply nothing but a newbie ah!

1. SRS is laughing at his own words

Shui Ruoshan began to recall carefully of the introduction for Incantation in his novel.

As long as one possessed enough spiritual power and could understand Chinese characters, one could use Incantation without any restrictions and limit. You can defend, can attack, can heal, can assist…

Incantation could be said to be a very comprehensive ability.

However, judging from the fact that he became incredibly exhausted from just writing a four-stroke Chinese character (反) to reverse the master-servant contract, it means his spiritual powers were almost used up. On the other hand, that also means with his current spiritual powers, it is not a problem to write characters under 4 strokes.

But the same thing cannot be said to characters over 4 strokes. Even though Incantation was a powerful ‘golden finger’ he purposely created for the protagonist, there must be flaws as well.
Otherwise, which such a big golden finger, the protagonist would be invincible and he could conquer the world just like that. Then this story would be concluded directly, and this author will not be able to earn money to feed himself through writing novels!

All in all, there must be a restriction/limit in using Incantation.

If the casting failed, the backlash would bite back at the Incantation master and caused the caster’s spiritual power to suffer damage too. The consequences would be very serious if one overestimated their capabilities and used Incantation more than what their spiritual power could support. Light damage would be damaging or ruining their spiritual space[2], while the heavier damage would be becoming a vegetable or be dead straight away.

2. Probably the space that stores one spiritual power

That’s why when he faced the wolves earlier, it wasn’t that he doesn’t want to use Incantation to save himself, but at that critical moment he couldn’t find any Chinese characters that could help him yet contained simple strokes at the same time.

Facing a pack of wolves that doesn’t speak logic, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help but hesitated for a moment; that led him into a life crisis. In the end, he still relied on Yin Suye to save him.

The current clear-headed Shui Ruoshan will never admit that he actually forgot to react because he was frightened by the wolves. At most, he will only admit that he couldn’t find a suitable counterattack method. Later he must explain it properly to Yin Suye to clear his own good name.

Right now, he must brainstorm a bit to decide which Chinese character he could use to heal Yin Suye.

Cure, Treat , Therapy , Recover , Heal , Whole , Healthy , Restore , Return , Good …

[Banana : Can you guys guess which one SRS will choose? :D]

All these characters should have healing effect. There were a lot of words to choose from but even the simplest one required 6 strokes! He can’t find a synonym under the 4 strokes! This is the first time he realized that his literature level is so poor.

His knowledge is too narrow and his cultural knowledge is too low!

“Don’t be stubborn if you don’t have enough strength.”

Yin Suye understood very well of the restrictions of Incantation. Looking at Shui Ruoshan’s condition at the moment, he immediately understood the reason and spoke out to prevent the man from a self-torment brainstorming.

“I can try!”

Upon hearing Yin Suye saying he don’t need for his help, Shui Ruoshan felt embarrassed instead. No matter how one sees it, part of Yin Suye’s wounds came from saving him just now so he can’t justify standing by the side not doing anything and used ‘lack of ability’ as an excuse!

Actually he shouldn’t limit his choices to characters below 4 strokes, that would simply give him nothing to choose from. Though he felt exhausted after writing a character with 4 strokes, that doesn’t mean it was his limit. Perhaps he can take this opportunity to challenge characters with a bit more strokes.

Like Nike said, ‘Just do it’. Shui Ruoshan browsed for the most suitable word in his mind, finally picking one with the least amount of strokes and also the simplest one to write. Then using his finger, he started writing in the air with utmost concentration…

When he reached the 4th stroke, Shui Ruoshan could feel that his spiritual power dropping and doesn’t have much left but it was not really empty yet, so he pushed forward to continue to the 5th stroke.

As he was writing the 6th stroke, Shui Ruoshan’s hand began to tremble and fine sweat started to gather at his forehead. This was a sign that his spiritual power is about to finish.

However, Shui Ruoshan’s action doesn’t show any sign of stopping. Clenching his teeth, he stretched his nerves taut and mobilized the last of his spiritual power to complete the last stroke.

“Whole! (合)”

After confirming that the Incantation has been successfully written, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have any extra energy to see if it worked. With his last effort, he threw the Incantation towards Yin Suye. Then his eyes shut down, and fainted dead away….

Raw Word Count : 1564

#DidYouGuysManagedToGuessWhichCharacterSRSGonnaUse ?

Banana: Guys, please read this also. Translators totally appreciate comments but they don’t appreciate demanding comments like ‘Please update‘ or ‘Update soon‘ when they were really posting according to schedule and were not late at all.

These comments make us feel like we are lazy and that we only posted once every 3 months. Please don’t do that. I will delete it the next time I see someone posting similar comment in my translations.

On the other hand, please take note that I’ll be posting new chapter 2 times a week, every Tuesday and Friday.

Chapter 012 – Not the same

“Why don’t I see you forgetting to confront[1] me too?”

1.referring to SRS reversing the contract role

Yin Suye’s tone was cold as usual but his slightly squinted eyes made it clear that his current mood was not very pleasant.

“You are not the same!”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know how to explain the complex in his heart, in the end he could only use that one sentence to summarize.

Before he faced this big villain Yin Suye, he could keep his cool. It was not because he has big guts but because Yin Suye was created by him. Although he could only be considered as Yin Suye’s stepmother, no, stepfather, he didn’t treat Yin Suye well at all.

This doesn’t change the fact that Yin Suye is his advantageous son.

Where is such logic in the world that a father would be afraid of his son?

Even if this cheap(advantageous) son’s martial level was over the meter, character was gloomy and behaviour was cruel and emotionless, this doesn’t change Yin Suye’s origin at all. Well, the pack of wolves was also created by him but they were just a group of animals without any thoughts. They cannot be communicated nor reasoned with, cannot be bribed, cannot be intimidated…

No matter who they are, in the eyes of the wolves one would be just food, death is the only ending. So, the wolves’ existence was just a background prop to make more ups and downs in the story.

“Not the same ma?”

Yin Suye ruminated over that sentence, revealing a look of contemplation.

“Right, you are extraordinary!” Shui Ruoshan gave an absolute confirmation.

Although their dialogue sounded quite coherent, the topic has already diverted 18,000 li[2] far away from what Yin Suye has first asked. It was a completely different channel in the end.

2. 18,000 x 500 meter = So damm far

Of course, Shui Ruoshan was very much delighted that he managed to divert the topic to somewhere else. Don’t think that Yin Suye is just a villain set in the story, because his popularity wouldn’t be any weaker than the protagonist. Due to his overall perfection plus his ups and downs, those could arouse more sympathetic responses from the readers. One just couldn’t really hate him no matter how much he offended the Heaven and reason[3], how cruel or how he destroyed humanity.

3. could mean ‘goes against moral’

Yin Suye is definitely the most complex character in [The Strongest King in History], he is also an unique existence that people both loved and hated!

“But I think the thing we should be most concerned with is your injury right now!”

Shui Ruoshan has a feeling that he had forgotten something important, he didn’t thought of it before this because he was busy brainstorming how to answer Yin Suye’s question. Now he just realized that he has forgotten to tell Yin Suye to quickly treat his wounds. He(YSY) has already been injured to the point of fainting, and had forced himself to wake up due to impending danger; dealing with the wolves in spite of his weakened body. All these movements have caused his injury to be more serious.

That perfect and impeccable face was full of fatigue, and the slightly curved phoenix eyes were weakly closed. The pale thin lips tightly pursed and fine sweat slowly slid down from his forehead. The originally dazzling blond hairs were dangling lifelessly right now….

The blood-stained clothes reflected every wounds that Yin Suye received on his body. Not only it didn’t cause the weak Yin Suye to look sorry, it added a decadent feeling instead; bringing a touch of tempting beauty.


There were no changes in Yin Suye’s expression, he just responded with a tone not heavy nor light. No one know if he really listened to Shui Ruoshan’s words.

“Did you bring any healing medicines?”

Shui Ruoshan was very sure that he(SRS) is blameless in this[4], and could only throw hopeful glances at Yin Suye.

4. Not sure what SRS is feeling blameless for, probably denying the fact that he wrote to plot to injure YSY. 水若善很确定自己是真的很一清二白,只能将希望的目光投向了殷夙夜

Space storing equipment is a must-have item in parallel worlds.

As the second most important figure in the novel, it would definitely not match with his identity if Yin Suye doesn’t have any advanced space ring in his possession.

As for what would be inside the space ring, Shui Ruoshan was not so sure. He was the author but he won’t deliberately spend time writing these minor stuff.

“Finished.” Yin Suye simply threw out this answer.


Yin Suye, how much injuries did you suffered earlier here? How could you managed to finish all the necessary healing medicines?

This record of getting wounded is too damm high ba!

Raw Word Count : 1208


Chapter 011 – Forgotten

“Open the barrier.”

Pushing back the wolves with his sword, Yin Suye directly pulled Shui Ruoshan from behind him to rush towards the cave together; disregarding the attacks from the surrounding wolves. Just as they reached the barrier, Yin Suye stopped and once again lifted his sword to deal with the incoming wolves. At this moment, he was buying time for Shui Ruoshan.

“No need.” Shui Ruoshan said as he walked into the barrier, while Yin Suye still have the wolves’ attention.

Shui Ruoshan : “Just give your hand to me!”

He really doesn’t dare to open the barrier right now. What if some of the giant wolves followed and gotten inside with them? Then it would be a big problem.

Since he could ignore the barrier’s power and pass through freely, then he should be able to bring other people inside by using himself as the medium.


Yin Suye gave a cold glance at Shui Ruoshan’s hand stretching outside the barrier. After some contemplation, with a speed not fast nor slow, he handed his free hand to Shui Ruoshan.

Shui Ruoshan grasped at Yin Suye’s hand and began pulling the man into the barrier.

With Shui Ruoshan’s existence as the medium, not only the barrier didn’t reject Yin suye, he was quickly accepted inside.

“Finally, we are safe!”

After confirming that Yin Suye has completely entered the barrier, Shui Ruoshan’s taut nerves instantly loosened. Not bothering with his image, he(SRS) sat on the ground and started taking deep breaths. Then, he inadvertently caught sight of the wolves outside the barrier. They didn’t leave but keep trying to pounce at them instead. They seemed to be dissatisfied that their preys have escaped right under their nose so they began hitting the barrier with their body.

Shui Ruoshan’s heart started to jump again.

Although Shui Ruoshan think that the barrier should be quite sturdy and he should be confident with it, but when he watched the wolves keep hitting the barrier and getting bounced off, he felt like the cave was shaking from the impact.
He couldn’t help but subconsciously leaned his body towards Yin Suye. No matter how was it, Yin Suye is still the big BOSS of the story. As long as he(YSY) doesn’t encounter the protagonist, one could still feel a sense of security from (staying nearby) him.

“Why didn’t you fight back?”

Yin Suye seemed not to notice Shui Ruoshan’s careful action to get nearer to him, he(YSY) just quietly leaned against the cave wall to save his strength.

Such a simple action, but when was done by Yin Suye, there was a different kind of elegance and was aesthetically pleasant. It was as if Yin Suye was not sitting inside a shabby cave at all but a gorgeous and luxurious banquet. That kind of elegance has been carved bone-deep so it won’t disappear regardless time, location and identity.

“I forgot.”

Shui Ruoshan honestly replied and looked at Yin Suye with an innocent face. He knew that Yin Suye was asking why didn’t he use his power to protect himself when facing danger from the wolves. Right now Shui Ruoshan was asking himself why did he set Yin Suye’s personality as a wild and ruthless tyrant.

And so, facing a reticent Yin Suye who was also concise and comprehensive, he(SRS) must have an excellent translation ability[1]. Just that when he saw Yin Suye’s eyes showing a light contempt upon hearing his answer, as if he was looking down at Shui Ruoshan for forgetting how to save his own life when facing danger, Shui Ruoshan had a face-full-of-tears (QwQ) feeling. decipher what YSY actually mean

God knows that it was not that he doesn’t want to use his ability, just that at that moment of life and death, he really couldn’t think of using it! He was not a villain like Yin Suye who could kill without batting an eye. He was also not a domineering hot-blooded youth either nor he was a transmigrator with superb adaptability skills. He is just a normal person who lived in peaceful time!

When facing a dangerous situation, it was already amazing enough that he only forgot to respond rather than get frightened until farting and peed in own’s pants, alright! Was he(YSY) expecting him to have a big ability explosion then proceed to do a wonderful massacre show?!

This is absolutely impossible.

Such powerful non-human characteristic only exist in novel.

Even though he has transmigrated over, it doesn’t change the fact that he was previously just an ordinary boy who had zero fighting power.

When he saw Yin Suye staring at him using a look as if he(YSY) is looking at a monster and that his reaction was something not normal, Shui Ruoshan felt a deep despair towards this parallel world filled with malice!
He was obviously the most normal person in this abnormal world, so being thought as the most abnormal one by someone else; who could understand such goddamned feeling of his?!

But then when he remembered that this abnormal world was created by him, Shui Ruoshan had a undescribable goddamned feeling. Now he finally understand something, this parallel world is absolutely plotting to dig a hole then pushing this author inside!

Raw Word Count : 1609


Banana: Special thanks to ryiryi , AsamiKuroba & Tsukushi for this sponsored chapter.

Chapter 010 – Sense of security

Looking at the motionless Yin Suye who had collapsed on the ground and the approaching pack of wolves, Shui Ruoshan suddenly could feel how evil this world was! It was not easy for him to convince Yin Suye, and when he finally did after so much efforts, Yin Suye unexpectedly fainted at the time of action.

That was too unexpected!

But if he leave the barrier to save the man, he would incur danger to himself at the off chance he didn’t act right. Due to his reckless action of running back into the cave earlier, the wolves have been stimulated. In order to prevent their prey from running away again, they reacted in advance and immediately shifted their attention towards the fainted Yin Suye.

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t even have the time to weigh the pros and cons, whether to save or not. He only knows that if he doesn’t make his decision immediately, Yin Suye will have his life torn away by the wolves’ mouth the next second. His body reacted faster than his thoughts, and he had immediately ran out from the barrier.

While he ran, he actually have the spare time to praise his selfless Holy Mother-like action in his heart; silently gave himself 32[1] praises.

1.Not sure why 32 … probably like facebook likes? :v

Did he watched too much [Touching China][2] that he learned the good character of saving other people, then wanted to experience how he moved to tears from seeing how much of a good character he is? At such an intense atmosphere, is there really no problem to have a hole opened that large in his brain (to be so stupid)?

2.China TV program

Fortunately, the distance between both of the men was not far and Shui Ruoshan reached Yin Suye’s side in a few steps. Else, who knows where Shui Ruoshan’s thoughts could fly to!

As soon as he reached Yin Suye’s side, Shui Ruoshan squatted down right away. Lifting Yin Suye’s right hand, Shui Ruoshan used his own body weight to propel the man up.

So heavy!

But Shui Ruoshan have no time to complain that he had transmigrated into a small and weak body. The him right now not only was shorter, his strength has become weaker as well. Next, he tragically found out that from just a simple task of lifting Yin Suye up, he has used all of his strength. No one knows if he would use up all strength in a short while, then both of them will collapse onto the ground together.

With his physique looking like an adult shrunken in size, he was only half of Yin Suye’s height.
Rather than saying he is carrying Yin Suye right now, it would be more accurate to say he is currently being pressed down by Yin Suye!

His current body with weak physical power simply have no ability to help carry other people back to the cave for refuge. Especially when he raised his eyes and saw the leader wolf which was standing in the midst of the pack; its eyes brightened when it looked at him(SRS). Then the wolf leapt, pouncing at his direction.

The speed of the giant wolf was very fast, it landed in front of Shui Ruoshan in a blink of an eye..
It opened its bloody jaw widely, wanting to bite down…

When he faced a real life-threatening situation, Shui Ruoshan’s mind turned blank. He stood there stunned while watching the giant wolf biting towards him.

Will he die like this?

Being eaten by giant wolf as food?

This kind of death is not glorious at all!

He felt that he might be the most short-lived transmigrator in the history of transmigration.

Closing his eyes in resignation, his only wish right now is that the giant wolf would bite accurately and end him in one move. He really doesn’t have the guts to see the horrible scene where he is all bloodied and in pieces after the wolves mauled him. Also, he doesn’t want to experience being eaten bit by bit by the giant wolf either.

Perhaps he could look forward to return to Earth after death but in case he doesn’t, then wouldn’t that means he would be completely dead? In the face of death, he still would feel fear. What to do ah?

“Step aside!”

Just as Shui Ruoshan could feel the almost-within-reach stench from the wolf’s mouth, he was suddenly pushed far away by a strong force.

Upon opening his eyes, he saw Yin Suye standing in front of him with his(YSY) back facing him.
The sword in his(YSY) hand was resisting the attack from the giant wolf.

Escaping from the jaw of death, Shui Ruoshan felt that although Yin Suye’s tone was not good (rude) at first, but that icy ‘Step aside!’ gave him an illusion of the sound of Heaven.

What Shui Ruoshan could see at the moment was just Yin Suye’s back as he stood firmly in front of him, helping him to block danger. His originally flustered heart calmed down this instantly. This slightly shaking figure clearly doesn’t look big but it appeared to be infinitely strong at the moment.

A sense of security that doesn’t exist previously, started to fill Shui Ruoshan’s heart. As long as Yin Suye is here, he(SRS) won’t be in any danger anymore!

As long as this person could stand in front of him, he(SRS) would feel boundless confidence!

These thoughts appeared naturally just like that inside Shui Ruoshan’s mind.

Raw Word Count : 1350


Chapter 009 – You can trust me

“I can dissolve the master-servant contract between us!”

Facing the crisis of life and death, Shui Ruoshan’s brain worked at an unprecedented speed and immediately came up with the third option; thus making a tentative attempt to change Yin Suye’s suicidal behavior.

Although he would like to order Yin Suye directly with their master-servant bond, but by doing so would be him slapping his own face. Super embarrassing!

Other than that, though that forceful method would get them to safety, it would mean there will be absolutely no possibility of reconciliation between him and Yin Suye. With Yin Suye’s ‘rather be a shattered vessel of jade than an unbroken piece of pottery’[1] personality, they may even become arch enemies.

1. Saying – better to die in glory than live in dishonour

Numerous facts told Shui Ruoshan that other than the protagonist, anyone who have been hated by the villain will not have any good ending. Death would be nothing, the scariest thing was a life worse than death!

That’s why he hesitated when faced with choices because he felt that no matter what he choose, it will still be wrong. Since he couldn’t seem to avoid the fate of death, he might as well let go, maybe then he could get a slight chance to live.


Yin Suye’s expression didn’t change a bit, showing that he still doesn’t believe Shui Ruoshan.

“But I can’t immediately release the contract between us right now. I need some necessary ingredients first.”

It’s not that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want to dissolve it right away, it was that he has no way to do that now. Moreover, he couldn’t guarantee if the method he mentioned would succeed in the end. But in order to get rid of the immediate crisis, he could only throw out whatever possible methods.

“I swear that everything I said is the truth. When we found the necessary materials, I will dissolve the master-servant contract!”

If he wasn’t being bound by Yin Suye right now, he would definitely raise his hands and make that shameful oath swearing hand gesture.

The method to release the contract does exist, just that one needs to pay a great price to do so.
Those were not the points worth noticing, the most important past was from the serialization of [The Strongest King in History] until the moment he transmigrated; don’t say to write it down, he haven’t even mention it before. At most, he has just explained a bit in the drafts of his novel.

That was because he planned one part of the plot for the protagonist to overcome various difficulties, then helped freeing a ‘sister’[2] who has been forced to sign a master-servant contract.

2. Banana : The sister mentioned here doesn’t means that they have brother-sister relationship. Chinese used 妹子/little girl to address young ladies.

Following that was the protagonist successfully conquered the sister.

Because the scene has yet to happen, the method was not tested by anyone so Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have much confident with it.

“You think I will believe it?”

Yin Suye didn’t move at all. Looking at the advancing wolves, he reminded with a taunt, “Instead of wasting time to convince me here, it’s better to make a choice as soon as possible. Then maybe you will get a chance of survival.”

“How come you are so unwilling to believe in people?!”

Being so skeptically responded to from the beginning until now, anyone will be angered.

“There are no one else in this world who deserve my trust anymore!”

Seemed to remember something bad, Yin Suye’s eyes were filled with various dark and complex negative emotions.


Not sure why, from this person in front of him whose body was full of freezing aura that could cause other people to stay away, Shui Ruoshan could feel a sense of loneliness as if he(YSY) was abandoned by the world. At that moment, Shui Ruoshan felt constricted; a swelling feeling of discomfort. The fact that Yin Suye was so distrustful was entirely caused by this author.

He was the one who built the story with ups and downs, so that it would be more unexpected, more brilliant…

He arranged Yin Suye to constantly be hurt, framed, and betrayed. Then he let the misunderstanding between protagonist and him deepened more and more. Finally, he caused Yin Suye to walk up the path of anti-human, anti-society, and anti-world big BOSS.

When he wrote the story before this, Shui Ruoshan did not feel anything wrong with the story’s arrangement. The story was a fiction anyway, so it doesn’t matter however YY it is. There was no pressure from this 2D element at all.

But after he transmigrated into his own novel, he should be clear that everything he saw in the world is no longer the unreal world made up of words. It is a world with real sense of existence.
Thus when he faced with the real life Yin Suye, he no longer could use his usual ‘don’t care, never mind’ attitude like when he was writing the story.

He don’t know what to do next, but he do know that he is just an ordinary otaku living in peaceful modern time. Even if he is the author of this story, he has no capacity and also couldn’t afford to bear the heavy pressure of this world’s fate.

Then he should forget about the fact that he is the author and act like a transmigrator, who has just arrived into the world and doesn’t know anything. This way, he don’t have to take the plot’s direction into consideration, or who is the protagonist and villain; just do whatever he wanted to do!

“You can trust me!”

Upon making a decision in his heart, Shui Ruoshan raised his head and looked at Yin Suye solemnly and seriously; his eyes were filled with resolution.

“Believe you?”

Yin Suye seemed to feel Shui Ruoshan’s sincerity, and looked squarely at his face for the first time.

“Yes, believe me! I will prove to you that there are still people in the world that you can trust!” Shui Ruoshan said with confidence.

But at the next second, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t feel so confident anymore. He tried to give his life another extra layer of protection by stressing a point, “As long as you do not abandon me first, I will not betray you!”

“Alright, but if you dare to betray me, I will make you regret for deceiving me today!”

Although Yin Suye threatened out with a fierce tone, his hold on Shui Ruoshan gradually loosened.

“There won’t be such day!”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have spare time to care on anything else, he raised his feet wanting to rush toward the cave.

“Before that, we must hurry into the barrier to seek refuge!”

Shui Ruoshan haven’t forget that there were still countless wolves around them ready-to-action.
He should be glad that his location was quite close to the cave entrance so they definitely could go in safely before the wolves attack.


Yin Suye supported his body with his sword then took small steps forward. His brows wrinkled painfully while his body started to tremble uncontrollably.


Why you still haven’t hurry over ah?

Shui Ruoshan has just reached inside the barrier, then he turned over and found that Yin Suye did not keep up with him so he immediately urge the man in anxious.

Just that not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to finish saying what he wanted to say, Yin Suye fell onto the ground right in front of his eyes….

Author note :
Is it because Shui Shui(author) is not advancing with the times, not learning the invincible skill of selling moe that you guys decided to abandon Shui Shui?

Otherwise why after reading the chapter, you guys don’t remember to bookmark, comment, recommend, or give reward whatnots? Come and support Shui Shui and tell me that you guys still remember me?

Raw Word Count : 2126


Chapter 008 – Mutual destruction

Yin Suye stayed motionless at the same spot, just that his pair of different color eyes stared deadly at Shui Ruoshan. There were deathly stillness in his waveless[1] eyes like ancient wells; really causing other people to tremble!

1. emotion without up and down

It seemed like nothing outside his(YSY) world would be able to affect him(YSY).

Being stared intently like this, Shui Ruoshan felt very pressured, especially when that person is the big villain BOSS in the future. Although he is the author, he still felt weak against this iceberg who could freeze people to death.


Shui Ruoshan was preparing to say something to break the stare-off between the two of them when he became speechless from the fear upon raising his gaze.

Seemed to have smelled the thick scent of blood wafting from their location, giant wolves almost the height of 2 meters walked out one by one from the surrounding forest. Their green tinted eyes stared deadly at both Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye. Sharp canines emerged from their mouth; showing a fierce ruthless expression as if they wanted to pounce forward and swallow both of them alive into their stomach.

shifting his glance to the side, Shui Ruoshan saw that Yin Suye was still standing on the same spot, not showing any intention to move at all. At this moment, Shui Ruoshan started to feel nervous.

“Stop dazing around, hurry up and get inside the barrier!” Shui Ruoshan said as he stretched his hand outside the barrier, expressing that Yin Suye should come quickly and he will pull him(YSY) inside. He was very clear that with Yin Suye currently suffering serious injuries, it is absolutely impossible for him to deal with this pack of wolves.

Yin Suye just glanced at the hand Shui Ruoshan stretched towards him, then at his surroundings; not taking any other actions.

“You are seeking death!” Shui Ruoshan stamped his feet inside the barrier, expressing anger towards this uncooperative behavior of Yin Suye.

One must know, the pack of wolves won’t be so kind to wait for them to resolve their internal conflict before taking actions.

Looking at the wolves slowly approaching Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan knew that the longer he waited, the more Yin Suye would be in danger.

“Anything would be better than being enslaved!” Yin Suye coldly retorted, the firmness emitted from his whole body has clearly demonstrated his unbending choice.

“Really doesn’t know how to appreciate other’s goodwill!”

He(SRS) thought that Yin Suye’s silence meant a temporary agreement when he said he won’t use the master-servant bond to order him(YSY), and that he(YSY) would believe in his words. But it turns out that the man actually did not believe any of his words right from beginning, he was only too lazy to bother refuting him.

Shui Ruoshan gathered full courage in his heart, only then he dared to take a step from the barrier to face the dangerous situation outside. Even though he was angered to the point of jumping up by Yin suye, he still couldn’t standing by the side and watching the man getting torn apart by the wolves.

At this moment Yin Suye is not wiling to come over, then he(SRS) just have to go out himself and pull the man in!

“Quickly come inside with me!” Shui Ruoshan said as he reached Yin Suye in quick steps, and stretched out his hand to pull the man.

But right before Shui Ruoshan managed to touch Yin Suye’s hand, Yin Suye reached out first and grabbed Shui Ruoshan’s hand. He(YSY) gently pulled, binding both of Shui Ruoshan’s hands and restraining him(SRS) inside his arms

“What are you doing?”

With his hands caught, he cannot use Incantation. And his body was being restricted so he cannot counterattack. Shui Ruoshan immediately realized that the situation was wrong and wanted to struggle, but Yin Suye’s hold became tighter; making it extremely difficult for him to move even a bit more.

“Mutual destruction, how about that?”

Yin Suye’s voice was cold, containing disdain for life; towards other people and also himself.

“Life is beautiful, don’t think negatively ah!”

Shui Ruoshan knew how serious Yin Suye’s words were, and started to ramble incoherently from the nerves.

“Don’t want to die? You can order me with the master and servant contract.”

Yin Suye stared intently at the person who has been completely restricted in his arms. His eyes were full of irony and disdain.


Should he thank Yin Suye right now, for being kind enough to give him an idea in such a life-threatening situation? But he was not happy at all, and had the urge to beat someone up instead!

Right now, Yin Suye clearly told him that he(YSY) doesn’t believe him at all, he doesn’t believe that Shui Ruoshan would really not make use the master-servant contract to control him! That’s why he used his own life as a gamble, testing him(SRS) with such an extreme method.

At this moment, he could just give a small order and force Yin Suye to submit; letting both of them to retreat to safety. But then it would cause his previous assurance to Yin Suye to become a big joke. On the other hand, if he insisted to not use the master-servant bond, they would be surrounded by the pack of wolves soon and get attacked; a complete dead-end.

Can he ask for a little bit more ordinary, a little bit general, a little bit simpler and also a little bit more normal kind of multiple choice question? He was just a normal person, he doesn’t have such a high brain mental capacity to deal with unsolvable dilemmas ah!

Raw Word Count : 1406


Banana: Many many thanks to AsamiKuroba for your support (QwQ)/

Chapter 007 – Winner takes all

[Banana : This is a sponsored chapter from AsamiKuroba. I’m trying to set a sponsored chapter equals to 3K words so if one chapter doesn’t have 3K words, I’ll release one more chapter :D]

The moment when the contract scroll in his hand dissipated, Yin Suye could no longer suppress the sweetness in his throat. A thread of blood spilled out from the corner of his mouth. His seriously injured body seemed to be unable to take one more hit and his straightened body suddenly softened.
If he didn’t have his sword to support himself, he would be sprawled on the ground looking very sad at this moment.

“You are an Incantation Master?!”

Yin Suye’s expression didn’t change a bit even when he was in a weakened state. His originally cold and warmth-less heterochromia[1] eyes turned darker when he looked at Shui Ruoshan. But no one noticed that he had a weird puzzled look in his eyes.

1.The color of both eyes is different


The contract scroll disappeared, which means the contract between the two of them was a success.

Right now, Shui Ruoshan wasn’t very scared of Yin Suye anymore, but then he was not happy either. He could only feel his whole body turning extremely weak. Shui Ruoshan directly sat down on the ground without any concern of his image and started gasping.

The aftermath of using Incantation was really big. Right now if he tried to use his brain (to think), he will get a terrible headache. He clearly had just used his spiritual power to write a-ever-so simple character, and yet his spiritual power felt like he had just finished a grand battle. That just showed that his spiritual power was not strong.

Fortunately, his reflects were quick. Just before the contract started binding, he used Incantation to reverse the position of his and Yin Suye’s blood drop; making himself the master while Yin Suye became the servant in this contract. Writing Chinese characters was too easy for modern (Chinese) people after all. So he was able to make his plan successful by catching Yin Suye by surprise.

“This is self-defense!”

Although he now has a huge advantage and absolute control over Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want the matter of the contract to stifle the relationship between the two of them. That was why he went ahead and explained his action.

Yin Suye : “Well, winner takes all.”

Yin Suye lowered down his gaze, no one could see what kind of look in his eyes now.

Shui Ruoshan : “I really have no malice against you!”

Shui Ruoshan really felt helpless when he saw Yin Suye’s increasing hostility towards him.

Yin Suye had just suffered a betrayal, so it was normal for him to be hostile to him(SRS) when he suddenly appeared. Moreover, Yin Suye suddenly became a servant, the feeling of rejection in his heart will certainly become more serious; Shui Ruoshan could understand all these. But you couldn’t blame him(SRS) for how the things have developed so far. Obviously Yin Suye was seeking for death himself, and wanted to scheme against him(SRS). Shui Ruoshan only passively defended himself, he was an absolutely an innocent existence!


The cold humph sounded like sarcasm and ridicule, showing that Yin Suye doesn’t believe anything that Shui Ruoshan had said.

Looking at the Yin Suye who had his head lowered down and ignoring him, Shui Ruoshan helplessly conceded.

“Although we have signed the master-servant contract, but I can promise you this; I will not bind you with the power of the contract nor command you to do anything for me, alright now?”

There were only two of them here and they might need to spend a long time together in this cave too; they don’t have to make their relationship even worst.

As for how much this person could hold a grudge, be petty or ‘must revenge all injustice towards himself’, he as the author was the clearest. Therefore, even if he now has an absolute advantage, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t dare to offend Yin Suye that easily.

One should know, apart from the protagonist, the BOSS Yin Suye has the most invincible existence in [The Strongest King in History]. In other words, except the protagonist, no one in this world could actually harm him.

Apart from that, Shui Ruoshan admits that he is a young man who advocates peace and the ‘5G’[2].

2.The ideal 5 moral values as a citizen. Link below.

Even if Yin Suye mistreated him, he himself was not ready to mistreat others. And so, he followed the principle of ‘Forgive and forget’[3] and concisely took a step back (from the disagreement).

3. 退一步海阔天空 – Idiom

Raw Word Count : 1143


Banana: Here is the LINK for 5G for those who understands Chinese.

Chapter 006 – Incantation master

Shui Ruoshan was caught off guard by this master-servant contract.
Or he should say that he didn’t expect Yin Suye would want to form a master-servant contract with him at all. Shui Ruoshan thought Yin Suye would ask him to form a mutual harmless contract; a friendly contract with equal rights.

While there are many types of contracts available in this world, one thing for sure was the content of the contract is strictly un-amendable. And the most popular contract was the contract with equal rights.

Taken that knowledge for granted, it put Shui Ruoshan in a situation where he have no room to advance or to retreat. His blood has begun to integrate into the scroll, even if he wanted to take back his spiritual power, he could no longer change the direction of the blood. But on the other hand, to just stare by a side while he soon would become someone’s servant, this was absolutely not acceptable for Shui Ruoshan.

In this world that he created, there were no unsolvable problem. As long as one could find the right solution, there won’t be any situation that couldn’t be resolved. This was a setting he specially made for the protagonist in order to enable him(protag) to overturn a situation when in trouble, like a Jedi with a super counterattack in an exciting climax.

Therefore, as long as he finds the right way, the master-servant contract can be broken.

Got it!

Incantation (咒符), the only most effective, most convenient and the quickest method right now.
He could even use spiritual power, so there is no reason why Incantation won’t work. Or one could say, as long as one is a transmigrator, one could get a high leveled and awesome hidden occupation – Incantation Master.

The most important requirement to become a Incantation Master was to be able understand Chinese characters, accurately read the pronunciation of words and also could use spiritual power.

Incantation Master, they could use their spiritual power to write the Chinese character which carries various usage in the air, then let the meaning of the word takes effect. In layman’s terms, Incantation Master writing out character is just the same as wizard chanting spells. Just that one used writing while the other used chanting to achieve result.

[Banana : For those read the dark manga called Aphorism, it is somehow similar in terms of using Chinese wording and the meaning.]

The reason why he created this hidden occupation which obviously have nothing to do with swords or magic, was because this author wanted to provide another ‘gold finger’ (cheat) for the protagonist…

Shui Ruoshan remembered last time (when he introduced this plot), the readers left comments under the chapter. This parallel world used mandarin as the common language and the words used were also similar to Chinese characters, so why can’t other people become Incatation Master too?

As for why such wonderful thing would happen, Shui Ruoshan could only explain that all of it was just to make the protagonist unique.

However, in order to make up for his mistakes in previous plot, Shui Ruoshan added a special condition in his later chapters. If one wanted to become this special occupation that is different from swords and magic, then one must possess characteristics which is different from this world’s power.

Due to the protagonist transmigrated into the parallel world, his soul doesn’t belong to that world so naturally, he is special. Thus unsurprisingly became the only person in the world who could use Incantation.

In this regard, Shui Ruoshan really felt that he was very lucky. Because of his bias towards the protagonist, he(SRS) became one of the only two person who could use Incantation. Now, he could use this golden finger ‘Incantation’ to deal with his current predicament.

‘Let’s do it then’, Shui Ruoshan concentrated all of his spiritual powers and raised his right hand.
Mobilizing his spiritual powers, he started to write in the air…

His finger as the pen, the air as the paper; a pale golden pattern appeared where the ‘pen’ passed by.

Although Shui Ruoshan has full points in terms of theoretical knowledge, he doesn’t dare to guarantee his level of practical knowledge. So he didn’t choose any complicated Chinese characters with more strokes but chosen a simple one with the least amount of strokes and could achieve almost similar effect at the same time.

The more strokes the character has, the more spiritual power is needed to execute it.

If the Incantation Master doesn’t have enough spiritual power to finish writing the character, not only will he/she wasted their effort, they will also suffer the backlash.

Shui Ruoshan had just transmigrated over so he was not very clear how much spiritual power that he actually has. He doesn’t dare to take the risk and could only choose the most secure and safe way.


As Shui Ruoshan completed the last stroke, the originally pale golden word shoned with an intense light. Like it was alive, the scattered strokes instantly became a complete character and floated quietly in the air.

Without even stopping to think, Shui Ruoshan directly threw this word 反 towards the contract scroll…

Raw Word Count : 1468


Banana : For those who wanna understand more about the chinese character SRS used – LINK – And oh, this is a bonus chapter for ryiryi for being the first to support me when I am not even sure where to post the translation _(;3/

Chapter 005 – Forming a contract

“You don’t believe what I say?”

Upon seeing Yin Suye’s expression becoming colder when he answered ‘Innocent passer-by’, Shui Ruoshan instantly understood that his words doesn’t have any credibility for this person in front of him.

“Don’t believe.”

Yin Suye narrowed his eyes, coldly staring at Shui Ruoshan who was standing inside the barrier.

“….” Could you please not say it so mercilessly ah?!

Shui Ruoshan also knew that for Yin Suye who had just suffered a betrayal, he won’t easily believe in other people but he(SRS) was really innocent ah! As an author, he don’t even know whose body did he transmigrated into. This only showed that this character is like someone from ‘Soy Sauce Society’[1] in the novel [The Strongest King in History] and doesn’t have any ‘screen time’ at all ah!

1. For people who understands Chinese, please refer bottom for the LINK. For those who don’t understand, apparently it’s a famous keyword online back in 2008 for people who don’t comment about politics or sensitive issues; acting like everything is not related to themselves; really a random passerby online.

Such an insignificant and worthless nameless character; in his eyes, it’s existence was definitely be equal to ‘Passerby A’, ‘Passerby B’ or ABC.

And so, he who obviously should be very confident (of his answer as a ‘Passerby’) with himself but not sure why, Shui Ruoshan wanted to shift his sight away as if he was having a guilty conscience when his eyes met with Yin Suye’s lightless dim eyes.

“Whether you believe it or not, I really have no malice towards you. You don’t have to be hostile to me at all, really!”

Shui Ruoshan opened his eyes widely and stare straight into Yin Suye’s eyes to express his sincerity.

“Form a contract.”

There were no changes on Yin Suye’s grim face when he finally stated his condition slowly.

“You mean, as long as I agree to form a contract with you, you will believe me?”

For the first time, Shui Ruoshan felt that setting Yin Suye’s ways of talking to be ‘concise and comprehensive’ was somewhat inconvenient. He has to guess every single word, so troublesome and tiresome![2]

2. Banana : Probably because he was wondering whether there are other meaning in his(YSY) short and precise words.


Yin Suye raised his right hand. His ring flashed with a silver light, and a scroll appeared directly in his hand.

“Space ring?!”

Although equipment-hoarding item like space ring was one of the necessary props in the parallel world setting, this was the first time Shui Ruoshan actually saw the real thing. He might looked shameful (for being excited), it doesn’t change his little excitement rush at all since he managed to see the legendary ring that always had been mentioned in the novels! The next second, his attention was quickly drawn towards the scroll in Yin Suye’s hand.

“This is a contract scroll?”

He never expect that he could immediately see another legendary item right away!


Seemed to be somewhat impatient with Shui Ruoshan’s annoying behavior of asking questions about everything, Yin Suye opened the contract scroll without much delay.
He slid his finger on his sword and dropped a drop of blood onto the scroll.

Instantly, the scroll emitted a light magical light which proved that the scroll was taking effect. Yin Suye then raised his head and signaled Shui Ruoshan to begin (to drop his blood onto the scroll as well).

Under Yin Suye’s fixated gaze, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t dare to dally. He clenched his teeth and steadied his body, then with a I-am-not-afraid feeling, he fiercely bit his own finger.

Why is he so pitiful? He had just transmigrated and have to bleed and get hurt!

Only when Shui Ruoshan finally managed to squeeze out some blood from his finger, he realized he doesn’t know what to do with it! He was still standing inside the barrier so he have no way to drop his blood onto the contract scroll which was on the outside of the barrier.

Go out?

He don’t have such courage!

Shui Ruoshan still haven’t forget that the moment they met, Yin Suye already wanted to kill him. So before forming the contract, he doesn’t dare to risk his own life.

Fortunately, he is the creator of this story. He knew how to overcome the current situation. Just that, the only thing he couldn’t be sure was he doesn’t know if the current him could utilize ‘that’.

The easiest way to drop his blood onto that contract scroll is to use spiritual power.

The Tianyuan Mainland set in his novel was actually a mix-up world. Although it was based on swords and magic as the main element, there were also other side elements in this world. And spiritual power is one of the higher leveled skill in the system of strength.

Using Shui Ruoshan’s way to describe spiritual power is it was the ultimate expression of idealism. As long as your spiritual power is strong enough, you can achieve whatever you want to do in your mind using mental power.

‘Let’s do it then’[3], Shui Ruoshan immediately stared intently at the blood on his finger, repeatedly issued the same order in his mind to fly over there, fly over there, fly over there….

3. 想到就做 – Technically, it means do it when you thought of it. For me, I think the modern equivalent term would be Like Nike said, ‘Just do it’

Upon seeing his drop of blood really flew over to the contract scroll outside the barrier, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t even have enough time to rejoice and felt like this world is trying to push him into a pit. At the lower left corner of the contract in Yin Suye’s hand was a chain symbol, that means the one who signed the contract would be bounded to the owner of the contract for a lifetime!

Can anyone tell him, how come the contract he would be signing is a master and servant contract?!

Raw Word Count : 1558


Banana : Here is the LINK.