Chapter 034 – One request

“You heard what those four said earlier?”

Until the group of four completely disappeared from his sight, Yin Suye slowly closed his eyes to calm down the killing intent caused by them in his heart. When he opened his eyes again, the dark emotions have calmed down. No one could detect the previously bloodthirsty craziness from his expressionless face anymore.


Shui Ruoshan casually rolled his eyes at Yin Suye. He is not deaf, how could he not hear what those four had said in loud voice? Because his attention has been drawn to other places, the matter regarding his unknown irregular heartbeats was thrown to the back of his head. He shifted his concentrate to answer Yin Suye’s questions instead.

“Do you have anything you want to ask?”

Yin Suye turned his head to him, looking very seriously at Shui Ruoshan. Instead of letting Shui Ruoshan take a wild guess at the matter, it would be better to directly show him(SRS) the truth.


Shui Ruoshan shook his head. Not because he already knew everything about Yin Suye, but because he didn’t want to open his(YSY) mental scars again.


Yin Suye could clearly see that Shui Ruoshan wasn’t really curious regarding this matter, but he couldn’t help feeling puzzled because of this.

“Because I know everything about you.” Not only he knew everything, he was the one who created all of it.

Since he already told Yin Suye that he(YSY) could trust him, he shouldn’t let Yin Suye down for his(YSY) trust in him. So Shui Ruoshan considered it for a while and decided to say the truth, but he only chose to say half of the truth. As for the later half, he will never tell anyone about it.

“You predicted it?”

A Seer could see the future, present and past. So for Shui Ruoshan to know about his past, this was the first thing that crossed his(YSY) mind.

“Yes.” Shui Ruoshan answered without any expression.

“Your ability as a Seer is very strong!” Stronger than any Seers he has seen before.

He has been paying close attention to shui Ruoshan during their conversation just now. He could clearly see that there were no changes, not even the slightest one when Shui Ruoshan said that he knew everything about him. In other words, Shui Ruoshan could easily predict other people’s fate without paying any price for it.

“It’s alright.[1]

1. 一般一般 : I don’t know the exact English expression for this. It means a humble way to accept someone’s praise by not being proud of it. :v In Japanese, it would be maa- maa- .

Shui Ruoshan replied modestly but his eyes were full of pride from the acknowledgment. His attitude in ‘saying something different from what he thought’, combining with his image as a zhengtai(shota), aren’t that an absolute intention to ‘sell meng’?!

“Shui Ruoshan!”

Although he couldn’t bear to break the moment of proudness for Shui Ruoshan, there were some matters that he must seriously caution him about.

“What is it?”

Seeing that Yin Suye called him in such rare serious tone, he became serious as well.

“If you don’t want to get into trouble and danger in the future, do not let others know of your strong prophetic power.”

The stronger one become, the more people will take notice and the more people will try to snatch away. Some extreme people might even try to destroy it if they couldn’t obtain it.


Shui Ruoshan said he was a Seer only because he wanted to give an appropriate identity for himself. But now that Yin Suye reminded him, he found out that he has committed a great mistake! When he first wrote about the setting of this world, for balance purpose, he would set a specific limitation for those with strong powers or special abilities so that they won’t become OP (overpowered). And Seer belonged in the group where they are restricted for their ability. Previously, he casually gave prophecies in the name of a Seer and forgotten such an important thing; displaying his ability with earth-shattering strength, he is really seeking death ah! Or should he say he should be glad that he only showed the abnormal side of him to Yin Suye alone?

“The best way is don’t help other people to predict anything. Don’t even mention your identity as a Seer as well.”

Seeing that Shui Ruoshan didn’t object, Yin Suye added a few more requests. This way, he would be the only one who knew about Shui Ruoshan’s specialness. Since God decided to send this variable who matched his wishes, Shui Ruoshan, to him who was reborn, then it means Shui Ruoshan belonged to him. Naturally, everything regarding Shui Ruoshan should be known only to himself! The moment he thought of this, Yin Suye felt an unknown satisfaction.

“Alright, I won’t tell other people about my identity as a Seer.”

If not for his slip of tongue, Shui Ruoshan won’t have to lie to Yin Suye and randomly assumed an identity as a Seer to overcome the crisis. Right now, he understood the potential crisis tied to the identity as a Seer so naturally he won’t continue to use this identity.

“Really obedient!”

As he said that, Yin Suye reached out to touch the back of Shui Ruoshan’s neck. He liked this spot. As long as he could touch this part, he would have the feeling that he has full control over this person in his palm; getting the feeling that this person completely belonged to him!

“Quickly let go, I’m ticklish!”

Upon seeing Yin Suye’s action, he wanted to evade it. But unfortunately, he doesn’t have much martial arts strength. He couldn’t even struggle before the other person touched him, causing him to laugh out loud. He is not a child, so he doesn’t need Yin Suye to coax him like a child. He is not an animal either, so he doesn’t need Yin Suye to smooth his hair like one do to animal. But the most important thing is he is ticklish, so he would laugh until tears come out!

Yin Suye, this small one requested to be spared!


Yin Suye helplessly took his hand back after he saw the little guy laughed until his body shook.
Because if he continued his action, Shui Ruoshan would probably laugh until he collapse onto the ground. It has been a while since he last feel this kind of ‘not up, not down’[2] feeling. Should he be happy that Shui Ruoshan didn’t reject his strongly suggestive actions, or should he feel unhappy that Shui Ruoshan is ticklish that he couldn’t proceed to the next step?

2. 不上不下 – Probably means not happy nor sad

“Shui Ruoshan, I can agree with what you said before.”

After some considerations, Yin Suye felt that it is necessary to find ways to restore his strength back to rank of Supreme King[3]. Although Shui Ruoshan promised that he will not tell anyone of his identity as a Seer, ‘paper couldn’t cover fire’[4]. Therefore he need to have enough power before Shui Ruoshan’s strength is exposed, to protect him forever.

3. Refer to chapter 23 for the list of ranking again yo.
4. 纸包不住火 – Was looking for a proper sentence for this saying, and Google Translate gave me the most ridiculous translation. Check the bottom for the picture XD

“What happened ah?”

Shui Ruoshan breathed a sigh of relief when Yin Suye stopped his action. Why is he ticklish? Really unbearable! But at the next second, he looked at Yin Suye in confusion. They were clearly talking about the problem of a Seer’s identity, how come the topic suddenly switched to a totally unrelated topic?

“When I need to use those treasures, I will get it from you.”

One word at a time, Yin Suye said it seriously; like a guarantee, also like an oath.


Although he doesn’t understand why Yin Suye suddenly changed his mind, Shui Ruoshan still displayed a big smile at him. Could it be Yin Suye is treating him as his own now? That’s why he don’t want to be unfamiliar with each other anymore, indicating that he(YSY) will take the initiative to approach him whenever he need something from him. But isn’t Yin Suye’s responding time taking a bit too long? He(YSY) only thought to give him his reply just as he(SRS) is about to forgot about this matter!

“But you need to promise me one thing.”

Yin Suye was very happy that Shui Ruoshan treated him with such a sincere attitude but there were some requirements that he needed to stress on.


In order to prevent himself from ‘being sold and helping the other to count the money’, Shui Ruoshan won’t vainly give his promise to Yin Suye right from the start.

“You need to stay by my side all the time!”

Since Shui Ruoshan belonged to him, he should always stay by his side. Although he has the ability to make Shui Ruoshan stay by his side, he wanted even more for the person to willingly choose to stay.

“Alright, before we dissolve this master-servant contract between us, I will definitely stay by your side.”

Considering that Yin Suye’s ‘reflect arc’[5] is quite large and like to jump from topics to topics, Shui Ruoshan gave a thought at everything that happened to them. In the end, he only managed to connect the current topic to the master-servant contract between them.

5. 反射弧 – Felt like it means train of thoughts from the context instead of the exact meaning

The master-servant contract is very demanding on the servants. One of it was, without the permission of the master, the servant must not be too far from his master. Otherwise he/she would be severely punished by the contract. So that’s why Yin Suye will worry that he would suddenly went away from him, and wanted him to promise to stay together?

However, Shui Ruoshan subconsciously felt that this is quite ambiguous, so for safety purpose he deliberately added some preconditions. In addition, he is not very familiar with this world that he created; he need someone to help him to integrate into this world. Shui Ruoshan who thought that he found the right answer for the question, simply agreed to Yin Suye’s condition.

“I have already agreed, so why didn’t you say anything?”

Shui Ruoshan saw Yin Suye pursed his lips with a dark face when he(SRS)said alright. He was a bit puzzled. He didn’t say anything wrong just now, right? Why did Yin Suye became unhappy instead?

“Hungry yet? Come and eat something ba.”

Yin Suye didn’t answer Shui Ruoshan’s question, and purposely changed the topic. Then, from the pile of foods left by the group of four, he picked out some delicious and delicate little snacks and placed it in front of Shui Ruoshan. Since he has already agreed to stay with him until the contract is dissolved, then before that happens, he will find a way to make Shui Ruoshan change this term into ‘Forever’.

“I rather not eat the food left by that group of four!”

Shui Ruoshan straightforwardly rejected it. The moment he thought of those disgusting people, he felt like the foods have become hateful as well. He called this ‘hate the house, hate the crows!’

Banana : A bit too long to explain in tap footnote, SRS actually modify the saying above from 爱屋及乌/ai wu ji wu which means love the house, love the crows. English equivalent would be ‘Love me, love my dog’.


When Yin Suye saw that Shui Ruoshan really dislike the food, he threw it away with hesitation again. His actions were very extreme. He felt that if Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want it, there’s no need for those food to continue existing.

“I want to grill fish.”

Shui Ruoshan felt that if they didn’t encounter that group of four, he would be eating some fragrant grilled fishes right now. Because he has yet to eat one, he keep having the urge to eat it.


Yin Suye lightly acknowledged it. Without asking further, he turned back to the stream and resumed the unfinished fish catching task…

Author note :

Daily request! Seeing how much word written in this chapter, you guys should give Shui Shui the branches(support) in your hand! Of course, recommendations, collections, reviews, rewards, all are acceptable!

Raw Word Count : 3281

#TotallyForgottenAboutTheContract :v

Banana: 纸包不住火 – The truth will come out sooner or later. And below is what Google Translate gave me _(;3/

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Chapter 033 – Wait a minute

“You dared to scold us?![1]

1. Banana – Google Translate actually said “You dare to marry us?!” :v Welp, that’s sure scary. I’m not sure if YSY will let SRS marry 4 male concubines 😛

The four-person group who was originally gloating at Yin Suye suddenly became furious after they heard those unfiltered harsh scolding from Shui Ruoshan.

“I didn’t name anyone nor said who was acting like a dog, it’s the bunch of you who were too self-conscious. If the shoe fits, lace that bitch up and wear it!”

Shui Ruoshan don’t think his tongue is poisonous enough, but he still think he is still skillful in twisting between black and white[2].

2. distort the truth

Shui Ruoshan : “Not wanting to admit it and now blaming me in turn, what a joke!”

Shui Ruoshan definitely won’t admit that he clearly used the word ‘your’ [3] before this. And yet he is using some loopholes in between to show his innocence while trying to anger the men along the way.

3. in ‘your parents’. The raw is 你们/ ni men, the word is in plural

Who ask these 4 to start sneering the moment they came over? Plus combining with fact Yin Suye doesn’t like to talk and defend himself, this is simply bullying! As for him, he is not any ‘white lotus’[4] or ‘Holy Mother’ who won’t retort back after being scolded! His principle has always been ‘return the attack if bullied’.

4. Who doesn’t understand what is white lotus, raise your hand please 😛

“You are seeking death!”

Four of them were flushed with anger from Shui Ruoshan’s words. They never expect anyone to use a righteous tone to say such twisted words to them. This counter-attack ability was more skillfully used than them ah!

“Who dares?”

Yin Suye directly stepped up and blocked in front of Shui Ruoshan, fully showcasing the act of protection. A long sword appeared out of nowhere and turned a beautiful arc in the air before falling stably into his hand. The tip of the sword was pointed at the direction of the 4 man.

“Yin Suye, if you dare to do something to us, our families will never let got of you!”

The status of these people’s families was not low in the capital and they were quite favored in their families too. Hence their arrogant attitudes.

“Even though you temporarily held the status as the son of the Duke, it doesn’t change the fact that you are a little bastard unloved by both of your parents!”

Although Yin Suye’s status was higher than anyone of them, he was a son abandoned by the Duke so naturally they don’t have to give any faces and just bully however they liked.

“Other than having martial skills a bit higher than us, you simply have nothing else!”

They put on the look of someone superior looking down at other people.

“What kind of qualifications do you have to go against us?”

As they say that, their attitude seemed to say ‘You can just stand there obediently and let us bully you. Who knows we might get in a good mood and let lowly people like you go’. Originally, the four of them could be considered as young talents. However, in the same generation, there was someone even more brilliant – Yin Suye. Their brilliance was not very bright to start with so this caused them to be overwhelmed; becoming more and more mediocre. People used to compare them with Yin Suye, and the more they were compared, the worse they became. Over the time, the four of them accumulated resentment and hostility towards Yin Suye.

As the result, when Yin Suye’s status plummeted, they seized every opportunity ‘to throw rocks’ at him. That could be considered a way for them to keep a balance in their heart.

“It’s you guys who doesn’t have the qualifications to go against Yin Suye!”

In Shui Ruoshan’s opinion, comparing those people with Yin Suye would simply degrade him(YSY). At the same time, he realized what was the identity of these hateful people.

‘Group of four’ (四人组 – si ren zu) has almost the same pronunciation with ‘Group of dead people’ (死人组 – si ren zu). In other words, these people were just some cannon fodders used to sharpen Yin Suye’s skills in his novel!

“One has an ugly black face, while the other has a pale sick face. One is a fatty with sexual disorders[5] and the other is shorty who cannot lift. This is really a four-man group with personality ah!”

5. 性障碍 – Probably means impotent

Shui Ruoshan revealed an evil smile, then described the men in detailed.

What is ‘hitting faces’? Shui Ruoshan’s act in revealing other party’s weaknesses and mental scars right in front of them, and without hesitation; that’s what you called ‘hitting face’ ah! Since the position of these four people was just cannon fodder in the story, Shui Ruoshan won’t consider much while writing about them. He went straight to the worst characteristics. Using worser people as comparison, it would bring out the perfection of the villain even better. This is what you call ‘Contrasting beauty’!

“You, you…”

The group of four stuttered on the word ‘You’ for a long time, but in the end they didn’t say anything else. They were not stuttering because their shortcomings were being pointed out, but they were too angered to the point they couldn’t articulate properly. Especially the one Shui Ruoshan described as shorty who cannot lift and the impotent fatty. They were so furious, they almost couldn’t wait to immediately pounce forward and kill Shui Ruoshan.

Actually, they just did that; attacking at the direction of Shui Ruoshan. The only thing in their mind was to eliminate anyone who knew their secret. That way they would be able to keep their secret and won’t become a laughing stock in the circle of aristocrat!

“Courting death!”

Yin Suye’s expression was originally dark, but now it became even worse. His freezing gaze locked on them, the deterrence contained in it could cause infinite fear in their mind. The long sword in his hand gently swayed, bringing a strong flow of air with it and instantly blocked the attacks from the men. One block and the four of them were pushed back from the force.

“Yin Suye, you became stronger again?!” The group of four exclaimed in shock.

The simpler the moves, the harder weakness could be found, and it also showed one’s strength. In the past, the four of them could win over Yin Suye when they joined hands but now, Yin Suye could defeat them in one move. That showed that Yin Suye’s strength has increased very rapidly.

One need to know, Yin Suye was just at level 1 of Profound stage when he left the capital. And the more advanced the level is, the more difficult it is to breakthrough. However, it has just been a few months and Yin Suye’s strength has increased tremendously. This talent of cultivation is so strong that it’s ridiculous!

“Scram or die, choose one!”

Yin Suye’s tone was cold without any trace of emotions, his expressionless face looked ruthless and cruel.

Shui Ruoshan’s eyes at this moment were brimming with stars as he gazed in worship towards the Yin Suye who stood proudly in front of him. That insufferable attitude, those icy ruthless words, that straightforward strength, and disdainful aura like looking down at the world…

Simply too cool to the point that it couldn’t be anymore cooler!

“Let’s go!”

The group of four gave a humph, and finally decided to withdraw. It was very clear that the Yin Suye right now totally has the strength to make them stay, they won’t be stupidly rushing to their death. A wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him. Wait until they returned to the capital, they will have ways to get their revenge from Yin Suye.

“Wait a minute!”

Just as the four prepared to turn around and leave, Yin Suye suddenly called out to stop them.

“Are you forcing us to stay?”

The men suddenly became nervous and they vigilantly faced Yin Suye like they are facing a powerful enemy. If Yin Suye really changed his mind and decided to kill them here, they would have to fight for their life. Because if they were really killed here, will anyone from their families know that it was done by Yin Suye? Even if someone managed to investigate the truth, those people won’t necessary will help them take revenge. Even if someone took revenge for them, they still won’t come back to life.

To be able to mix within the circle of nobility, the four of them still have some brains.

Even Shui Ruoshan raised his head too, and looked puzzledly at Yin Suye. He doesn’t understand why he(YSY) changed his mind.

“Leave your food behind.”

Yin Suye stated his request without batting an eye. Those heterochromic eyes coldly stared at the men; it could give people a feeling of limitless pressure, forcing them to do according to what he wanted.


Shui Ruoshan was stunned for a moment. But the next second, countless emotions emerged in his heart. He didn’t think that Yin Suye would still be thinking of taking care of him, and remembered to let him eat delicious food!

“Give you, we will give them all to you!”

The group of four looked visibly relieved the moment they heard Yin Suye’s request; it’s fine if they don’t have to die. Then, they started to take all the food out of from their space ring and placed it neatly in front of Yin Suye. Seeing that Yin Suye didn’t stop them from leaving after putting down the food, they immediately turned around to leave, wanting to escape from the place as soon as possible.


Unfortunately, when the men were about to leave, Shui Rushan called out to stop them from leaving again.

“What do you want actually?”

Even though they are weaker, the men were still somewhat angry from being played like this.

“The options were ‘scram’ or ‘die’. Since you don’t want to die, you should leave by rolling[6] away!”

6.滚 – The word means ‘roll’ but commonly used as ‘scram’. SRS was playing the pun with them 😛

Shui Ruoshan was very clear on how much they bullied Yin Suye in the past. Since there is a chance to teach those people a lesson, Shui Ruoshan naturally won’t let go of this opportunity to help Yin Suye vent his anger.

“Don’t push your luck!”

The color of the men’s face keep changing, and finally couldn’t tolerate it; they wanted to rush towards Shui Ruoshan to argue.

“Want to die? I will fulfil your request.”

With a swung of his sword, Yin Suye stopped the men’s advance towards Shui Ruoshan.


Being surprised by Yin Suye’s aura, the four who were being aggressive just now instantly swallowed back their resentment.

“Then, scram(roll) ba.”

Yin Suye coldly flung his sleeves, not looking at them at all; vividly displaying a look of despise.


After hesitating for a long time, the group of four finally get down on the floor and started rolling away. In their eyes, nothing compares to saving their own life! Clenching their teeth, they swore to carve this shame that Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan gave them into their heart. As long as they found the opportunity, they will let these two taste a life worse than death.

When Shui Ruoshan saw that the men chose to suffer in silence and rolled away, he didn’t feel happy but was filled with worries instead. He saw it very clearly, the resentment in their eyes. He believed that they will never let him and Yin Suye go if they have the chance in the future. Moreover, he also knew very well how these people would create numerous troubles and difficulties for Yin Suye in the future.

“Is it really alright to let them leave just like that?”

Although Shui Ruoshan was not very accustomed to the thought of killing people, he understood that ‘strangling the danger in the cradle’ is the most normal choice. It is definitely not a wise choice to let the four stay alive after they endured insults in order to safely leave the scene.

“Because you are not used to the thought of killing people.”

That was why Yin Suye didn’t went ahead to kill them in front of Shui Ruoshan.


Yin Suye actually held back because of him?!

Upon realizing this point, Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt his heart beating rapidly. An unknown indescribable feeling gradually filled his heart…

Raw Word Count : 3316

#WritingOnlyAboutTheTitle …..

Banana: *rolls*

Chapter 032 – Poor image

“Someone is coming!”

A moment later, Shui Ruoshan saw 4 young men dressed in gorgeous robes walking out from the forest.


Yin Suye’s tone was not light or heavy so one couldn’t hear the complex emotions contained in it.

The moment when Shui Ruoshan discovered the 4 young men, they were aware of him and Yin Suye as well. They looked obviously stunned but the next second, they became very happy and started to head straight towards them. When Shui Ruoshan saw their expressions, he believed that they were the same as him; excited to see other travellers. Should he take the initiative to say hello to express a friendly exchange?

Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to decide what he wanted to do, one of the four people opened his mouth first.

“Everyone, quickly come and see who we bumped into?”

One of the men immediately called out to urge the others to come forward.

“Isn’t this the eldest young master of the Duke’s family, who also known as the Light of Sun, Yin Suye?”

One of them put up an air of arrogance the moment he arrived. Then he exclaimed with a very exaggerated expression after looking at them up and down.

“I just didn’t think that our great genius would actually be in such sorry situation!”

That kind of ‘making mountain out of a molehill’ expression carried an unspoken disdain.

“Such an ugly image like a refugee, really throwing our face as a noble away!”

The men didn’t hide their malice at all.

Shui Ruoshan’s expression cooled down the moment he heard the words from the men. He really doesn’t have much eyes for people[1]. These 4 people weren’t feeling happy when they saw him and Yin Suye, but was delight to despise them ah!

1. As in doesn’t have much ability to discern between a good person from a bad one

Moreover, he couldn’t say anything at all. Really hateful to the extreme. Very obvious, these people knew Yin Suye and they were also those kind of people who harboured strong hostility towards him(YSY). At that moment, Shui Ruoshan placed those four into the ‘Enemy’ camp (in his mind). But one thing that he(SRS) couldn’t not admit, Yin Suye’s appearance right now really doesn’t look presentable compared to those men who were clad in bright and colorful attire.

Although Yin Suye has changed away his blood-soaked clothing during the time he(SRS) fainted, his new clothes were those common rough quality clothing. In the eyes of the nobles, it is equal to the attire of civilians. In addition to that, due to Yin Suye rushing directly from the water to protect him, he doesn’t have time to pull down his rolled up sleeves and trouser legs or wear his shoes. His hairs were blown messily by the wind while his whole body has water stains…

Indeed, his appearance really looked unfavorable!

However when he thought of the reason for his sorry look was from trying to catch fish for him(SRS), Shui Ruoshan felt slightly guilty. Because of him, Yin Suye was laughed at by these 4 people so he(SRS) must help this man get his honor back. He might not be able to do anything martial arts wise, but he still could utilise his ‘poisonous tongue’ skill.

“Really uneducated!”

Shui Ruoshan fixed his expression then slightly raised his head. Showing a contemptuous smile and his disdainful eyes to look down on his enemies, he lowered the tone of his voice to try to portray his cold and glamourous noble aura.

“Didn’t your parents educate you that it’s an indecent thing to randomly growl like dogs at other people?”

Raw Word Count : 1120

#WhatDoYouCallCharactersWithoutNames ?

Chapter 031 – Someone is coming

Soon, Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye arrived to their destination – beside a stream. Just that Shui Ruoshan didn’t bother to enjoy the environment, as all of his attention was drawn to the reflection in the river. Is this how he looked like now? A cute little shota[1] with red lips and white teeth? Although he knew right from the start that his body has shrunk and might have turned into a child, he didn’t know that he would transmigrate into a cute little doll-like child ah!

1. 小正太 – Cute little young boy

He almost get melted by his current moe/meng look, even though his original look was not that cute[2]! It’s a pity he doesn’t plan to go on a sell ‘meng’ route. What he wanted was his original image of glamorous aloofness with high noble aura.

2. The first and second part of the sentence doesn’t really make sense. Raw at the bottom for those who wanna know.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at Shui Ruoshan staring intently at the reflection in the water, Yin Suye felt kind of puzzled.

“Yin Suye, suddenly I want to eat grilled fish!”

Shui Ruoshan raised his head and angrily looked at Yin Suye. How could the fishes swim so happily in the water while he lamented on his non-existing noble aura? So, right now he is not happy, and started to get unreasonably mad.

“You can eat it?”

In order to avoid any unexpected situation, Yin Suye felt that it would better to confirm clearly first.


Shui Ruoshan replied with certainty but in his heart, he was somewhat uncertain. Because when he thought about it, he prefer to eat roasted meat instead back in his modern time. This time, the reason why he felt nauseous and had a rejection towards meat was entirely because he was unaccustomed to the gore.

In other words, it shouldn’t be a problem if he don’t eat any meat[3] now? He is really too clever, to be able to ‘deduce many things from one case’ alright? That means even if they couldn’t bump into anyone now and couldn’t exchange any food, he still could use the excuse ‘can eat other food’ to convince Yin Suye to give up the thought to immediately returning to the capital.

3. Banana – So fish doesn’t count as meat? Sometimes I get confused with food and nutrient stuff. Like tomato is a vegetable … right? :v

“Alright.” Yin Suye lightly agreed when he saw that Shui Ruoshan’s expression becoming better all of a sudden.

“Then let’s catch the fish together.”

Watching the fishes swimming so carefreely in the stream without any sense of crisis, Shui Ruoshan revealed an ill-intentioned smile.

“No need.”

As he said that, Yin Suye pulled Shui Ruoshan towards the grasses where the surrounding landscape looked quite beautiful. After that, he took a cushion out from his space ring and put it under one of the big trees, indicating that Shui Ruoshan should just sit there and rest.


Upon seeing Yin Suye’s ‘let me do it’ attitude and that he wanted to take a complete charge of the food, Shui Ruoshan reliantly accepted his kindness and lightly smiled. He understood that with his small physique, he couldn’t help anything even if he wanted to. Since Yin Suye has already considered on his behalf, then he(SRS) should just sit there and rest properly. Watching other people busying around is not a bad thing!

After getting Shui Ruoshan properly seated, Yin Suye lowered his body, rolled up his sleeves, took his shoes off, rolled up the leg of his pants, and walked straight into the stream barefooted. His hand stretched out in the water, then precisely flung a fish out to the riverbank….

Sitting at a side, Shui Ruoshan stared dazedly as he watched Yin Suye catch the fishes.

Yin Suye’s expression was focused and persevering, his golden hair swayed gently behind his back, making a beautiful arc. Numerous drops of water fell from his hand as he pulls out from the water, reflecting a soft glow in the air. It caused the man who was standing against the light to look even more dazzling and beautiful; simply a representative for ‘brilliance’.

“Be careful!”

Shui Ruoshan has yet to break away from his dazing when Yin Suye’s voice suddenly sounded. The next second, Yin Suye instantly flew up from the stream and sprinted towards him.

“What happened?”

Seeing Yin Suye standing in front of him and using his own body to protect him(SRS), he(SRS) tensed up as well.

“Someone is coming.”

Yin Suye’s low tone caused people to shiver with fear when he said that; revealing an unusually dangerous atmosphere.

“Finally come across some people, it wasn’t easy!”[4]

4.This was said by the incoming person

Being well protected behind Yin Suye, he couldn’t see the bloodthirsty and crazy expression from Yin Suye’s face…

Raw Word Count : 1467


Banana: Raw : 就算原本的他并不萌正太,也差点被自己现在的样子给萌翻了!

Chapter 030 – Talent to lead

“How come we didn’t encounter any travellers even though we have been walking inside this foggy forest for a long time?”

In Shui Ruoshan’s opinion, Yin Suye used him as an excuse to return to the capital, saying that he(SRS) couldn’t eat delicious food if they stayed. If so, he will take this as an opportunity to let him change his mind. As long as they could meet other travellers, Shui Ruoshan believed he could used the wealth he currently possessed to exchange some food and supplies from the other party. He also could inquire about some latest news from them; killing two birds with one stone.

“You want to meet other people?”

Yin Suye has been using his spiritual power to scan their surrounding as they walked, specifically to avoid crowds and dangers. This is also the reason why they didn’t encounter any humans, demons and creatures along the way.

“En. This way, we could exchange good food from the other party.”

One more thing was Shui Ruoshan felt no sense of accomplishment from transmigration because all he saw ever since he came to this world was Yin Suye alone.

“En.” Yin Suye gave a sound of acknowledgement upon seeing a hopeful expression from Shui Ruoshan’s face.

“Where should we go next?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye doesn’t really know how to lead the way, otherwise how come they didn’t meet anyone after so long? But he won’t say such disappointing words to him(YSY), seeing that Yin Suye didn’t give him ‘a bucket of cold water’[1] by reminding him that travellers normally bring only dry food and not delicious food.

1. Kinda means telling him the truth and destroying his hope

“Which direction do you want to go?”

Stopping on his track, Yin Suye asked Shui Ruoshan for advice with a serious expression, while retrieving back his spiritual power from their surrounding. It is very easy to search for people using spiritual power, but it would looked too deliberate if they found other travellers right after Shui Ruoshan said he wanted to meet someone. So he passed the decision making to Shui Ruoshan. This Fog Forest is a holy land for adventurers afterall, one doesn’t have to worry they won’t get to meet anyone. As for when, then this will depend on his luck.

“But I don’t know the road!”

Although Shui Ruoshan was very clear of the situation in the forest, it was limited only to the words in the novel. When it comes to the actual situation, he was totally helpless. Their surroundings looked just the same, who can tell which direction from which ah?!

“It’s alright.”

Shui Ruoshan’s worries were not a problem at all in Yin Suye’s eyes.

“Then, I’ll just casually lead the way. But if I accidentally walked to some paths that we are not supposed to, you must warn me ah!” Receiving the encouragement and support from Yin Suye, he felt relieved.


Yin Suye took a step backwards to show that he is ready to follow.

Upon getting Yin Suye’s guarantee, Shui Ruoshan was instantly filled with confidence. He raised his head and observed their surroundings, then picked the most pleasing direction before started walking.

With a pace not slow nor fast, Yin Suye followed closely behind Shui Ruoshan, making sure that the person in front of him is completely covered by his circle of protection.

The Shui Ruoshan who doesn’t know he has been given a complete protection led the way in high spirits, as he fantasized what kind of people they would meet. But as they walked further, Shui Ruoshan’s positive emotions started to sink bit by bit. Probably, he has even lesser talent to lead the way than Yin Suye, maybe[2]? If not, why didn’t they come across anyone? Not only human, they didn’t even encounter any small animals. What he saw was just trees, and trees!

2. Yes, the author put 2 adverbs to show how reluctant SRS to admit his incompetence.

This is a huge blow!

“There are sound of water over there.”

Just as Shui Ruoshan started to get discouraged and decided to give up, Yin Suye suddenly said and raised his finger towards one direction.


Shui Ruoshan instantly regained his spirit when he heard what Yin Suye said.


Even if he didn’t use his spiritual power to check the surrounding, Yin Suye still could clearly know what’s happening within a radius of 10 meters with his current strength.

“Let us quickly go there ba!”

Without thinking, Shui Ruoshan immediately grabbed Yin Suye’s hand to pull him towards that direction, eager to go to the location. Although they have yet to come across anyone, but at the very least he could get rid of the monotonous scenery of trees while slightly proving his talent for leading the way.

When he first saw Shui Ruoshan reaching out for him, Yin Suye used all his efforts to restrain the instinct to counterattack, then he take that small and warm hand in his hand.

“Let’s go.”

One step forward, it became Yin Suye leading Shui Ruoshan forward instead.


Shui Ruoshan was completely immersed with his thoughts and he couldn’t wait to check out how beautiful the landscape would be. He didn’t notice the momentous unnaturalness from Yin Suye. He was also not aware of the change of leading power between the two of them.


Author note : New characters will finally appear! It’s not easy alright? It seems that Shui Shui can’t stop writing the moment Shui Shui started to describe the interaction between MC and ML! Cannot afford to offend the MC camp ah!

Raw Word Count : 1564


Chapter 029 – Setting priorities straight

“Yin Suye, where are you going to go next?”

Shui Ruoshan asked while biting on a piece of fruit, his voice was unclear from all those chewing. The fruit he is eating was given by Yin Suye who specifically went out to look for after knowing that he(SRS) couldn’t stomach the roasted meat. As for those roasted wolf meat, Yin Suye ate a small portion of it and threw away the remaining meat.

Considering that he couldn’t eat meat items for the time being, Shui Ruoshan decided not to express disapproval towards Yin Suye’s wasteful behavior.

“Return to the Imperial capital.”

Yin Suye raised his head to the direction of the capital, his gaze was scarily dark.

Since he was reborn, he don’t have to waste time here. To those who owed him, harmed him, and betrayed him, he wanted to return the debt one by one! He wanted to let them know how horrifying it is to offend him.


Shui Ruoshan was slightly stunned; he immediately understood that Yin Suye is ready to leave the Fog Forest. Going back straight away?

The Imperial capital is the capital for mankind, at the same time it is also the place where Yin Suye was born. Other than that, it is also the stage for his future development. Somehow, Yin Suye’s choice right now is quite different from what he(SRS) set in his draft? According to his setting, Yin Suye spent 3 months inside this foggy forest. After experiencing various life-threatening events, he leveled-up from 1st level Profound stage to 9th level Profound stage; a short gap away from the Imperial stage.

Only then, Yin Suye will return to the Imperial capital. Only with enough strength that Yin Suye would be able to extract himself away from the severe complications happened in the capital, and obtaining the ultimate benefit.

If he let the Yin Suye who has yet to fully upgrade his strength back to the capital, he knows Yin Suye would not be able to beat the older generation. And the other party would eat up him without sparing the bones. Although he doesn’t know if it is due to the impact from his transmigration, he somehow caused Yin Suye to change his mind and the plot has deviated from the original route. But Shui Ruoshan knew one thing, he doesn’t want to let the current Yin Suye who has yet to prepare anything to go back to the capital right now.

“I think you should increase your strength in the Fog Forest first, before returning to the capital.”

At moments like this, Shui Ruoshan felt the need to bring out his attitude as a qualified ‘quack’, flaunt his ‘silver tongue’ to persuade Yin Suye to change his mind.


Very obvious, Yin Suye was very unconvinced by Shui Ruoshan’s words. Although his current strength was in 1st level of Profound stage, his spiritual power has already in Supreme King stage from his past life. In other words, even if he doesn’t cultivate himself, his strength will slowly increase as time goes by[1]. Even if he worked hard to cultivate, he would only have to do ‘half the work, and receive twice the effect’. If he could use heavenly treasures to increase his power during this period, the speed of his recovery would be a lot faster.

1. Banana – to catch up with the level of his spiritual power

That’s why cultivation right now is completely a waste of time for him.

“I am a Seer, I could see that you are going to be in a crisis and you might lose your life if you are not careful!”

Shui Ruoshan intentionally said it in a serious way, hoping that it will catch Yin Suye’s attention. Seemed to feel that he didn’t state it detailed enough, Shui Ruoshan further added, “As long as you can cultivate for 3 more months, or your cultivation level reaches the 9th level of Profound stage, you could return to the Imperial capital!”

“Are you worried about me?” Yin Suye’s eyes slightly flashed.

In his past life, he really spent 3 months in the Fog Forest to cultivate to the 9th level of Profound stage. But even so, he nearly died in the Imperial capital. However, he is confident that he won’t make the same mistake in this lifetime. He won’t explain these things to Shui Ruoshan though. Because having someone around to comfort you or worry of your safety felt very nice, he couldn’t help wanting to enjoy more of this good feeling; the feeling of being cared by someone else.

“Yes, I’m worried about you!”

Looking at Yin Suye who didn’t seem to have taken in any of his advice, Shui Ruoshan felt angry. Since he(YSY) knew that he(SRS) is worried, then he(YSY) should accept his(SRS) suggestion and let him(SRS) be assured.

“I am very happy.”

Receiving a confirmation, the corner of Yin Suye’s mouth slightly curved up. There was a faint smile in his eyes.


Shui Ruoshan could feel that Yin Suye is feeling very happy now so he immediately stare at him with hopes, hoping that he(YSY) will give him the answer he wanted to hear.

“Return to the capital, you could eat delicious food.”

Right now, it was very obvious that he couldn’t provide Shui Ruoshan with a good living condition. He couldn’t even let that person to eat well and full. At this point, it caused the Yin Suye who wanted to treat Shui Ruoshan nicely to feel bad. Only by returning to the capital that he could give everything good to Shui Ruoshan.


If he is to follow the normal flow of the current development, at this moment he should be deeply touched by such considerate behavior from Yin Suye?

‘Deeply touched’ your head[2] ah!

2. Technically, the author used the word 煤 which means coal. But he/she actually wanted to use the word of the same pronunciation – ‘your sister!’. This banana changed it to ‘head’ for easier understanding.

This is not even a dog blood romance novel, where did these ‘touched’ feeling came from?!

Right now he just wanted to ‘hehe'(laugh without saying anything) at Yin Suye!

At the same time, he wanted to roar at Yin Suye : “How can you compare between eating and your life?!” They are not even at the same category at all, alright?!

Yin Suye, I beg you. Please set your priorities straight when you consider things!

Raw Word Count : 1532


Chapter 028 – Doesn’t know how to take care of others

“Give you.”

Seeing that Shui Ruoshan stared unblinkingly at him, Yin Suye felt he must be feeling hungry, so he immediately placed the freshly roasted wolf meat on his(SRS) hand, indicating that he can start eating. After that, Yin Suye squatted down and continued roasting more wolf meat.


Even when he was being given a skewer of nicely done roasted wolf meat, Shui Ruoshan still has yet to react. He still stare dazely at Yin Suye, not even blinking his eyes. Or you could say, he started looking like that when Yin Suye brought him to this place with enchanting scenery. When they arrived here, Yin Suye led him to sit on some comfortable-looking grass to rest.

Just like this, Shui Ruoshan sat at a side and watched with a stunned expression as Yin Suye took out the wolf’s body from his space ring and some simple spices; skillfully cut the body up, cleaning, skewering, building fire…

From those skillful movement, it was very clear that this was not the first time Yin Suye did these. For the first time, Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye’s capability is beyond his imagination. Although he has been working very hard to set the villain’s setting to be perfect, he didn’t write that he(YSY) is perfect in everything ah!

Not only Yin Suye know some life skills, he seemed to be quite skillful in roasting meat as well! Perhaps he(SRS) is making a mountain out of a molehill because what he didn’t write in the novel doesn’t mean that Yin Suye doesn’t know it.

“It’s not hot.”

Seeing that Shui Ruoshan still haven’t eat the meat, Yin Suye gave his confirmation. He has blowed on the meat before giving it to Shui Ruoshan so one can confidently eat without getting burnt from the heat.


The roasted meat in his hand smelled fragrant and it looked tempting too but the moment Shui Ruoshan thought of the gory murder scene of the wolves, he doesn’t feel like eating anymore. The psychological shadow given by that blood-splattered horrible scene was a bit too much!

But then when he remembered the meat in his hand was specially roasted by Yin Suye to him, Shui Ruoshan felt he would let down his(YSY) good intention if he didn’t eat it. Especially when he recalled the anticipating look on Yin Suye when he(YSY) said he would let him(SRS) eat roasted meat, he simply couldn’t say anything to refuse. With this thought, Shui Ruoshan endured the feeling of nausea and opened his mouth, ready to bite with an utterly fearless spirit…

“If you don’t want to eat, then don’t force yourself!”

Before Shui Ruoshan could bite on it, Yin Suye has grabbed the skewer and flung it away without any hesitation. He looked rather displeased and angry. Just that he was not angry at Shui Ruoshan for not appreciating his good will, he was angered by his own incompetence instead. If he has yet to understand Shui Ruoshan’s rejection towards the wolf meat by now, then he must be stupid. Previously, he only saw that the other person was hungry and that he wanted to quickly get something for Shui Ruoshan to eat. That was why he picked the readily available wolf meat on the spot.

Plus, there were only some simple spices in his space ring. He couldn’t prepare any complex dishes so he chose the more convenient method – roasted meat. However, he forgot Shui Ruoshan was not like him who has already used to killing, but a small child who couldn’t tolerate bloody scenes.

He actually made such obvious mistakes?

This is really un-thoughtful!

He has already decided to give everything to this person who he decided to trust, but not only he couldn’t give the best to him(SRS), he caused him to go hungry instead. Making such a bad choice, he really doesn’t know how to take care of other people.

Looks like he need to properly learn how to care for other people!

Raw Word Count : 1032


Chapter 027 – Couldn’t adept

Yin Suye ignored Shui Ruoshan’s blind worries, and took a long sword glimmering with cold light out from his space ring. Because he was still holding onto Shui Ruoshan’s hand, he could easily cross through the barrier this time. The moment he went out from the barrier, Yin Suye let go of Shui Ruoshan’s hand and left that person inside the cave. He then walked towards the pack of wolves by himself.

That pair of boots embroidered with fine patterns stepped directly onto the bloodstains and those corpses which perished under his swords earlier; making a light sound on the floor. Feeling that the incoming person is not easy to handle, the wolves stopping biting on the corpses and formed an attacking stance against Yin Suye.

Facing those menacing wolves, Yin Suye’s expression didn’t change at all. He just raised the long sword in his hand, and a wolf’s life was gone between the time his sword was raised up and lowered down. There were no excessive motions, his attacks were scarily neat. Corpses littered behind him as he walked in a speed not fast nor slow.

Yin Suye’s relaxed and carefree style, caused the Shui Ruoshan who was staying inside the barrier to have an illusion. Yin Suye was not fighting a brave battle against the wolves, he looked like he was playing a ‘watermelon cutting game’ instead! Because of this association, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t feel that terrible anymore upon seeing the bloody hell-like scene caused by Yin Suye!

“Let’s go.”

After finishing the last giant wolf, Yin Suye returned to the barrier and extended his hand towards Shui Ruoshan.


Shui Ruoshan hesitated for one second but he still stretched his hand out of the barrier and placed his hand on Yin Suye’s hand. He obviously know that the hand he is holding right now took away numerous life but strangely, he doesn’t feel much sense of rejection.

Although Yin Suye just created a one-sided massacre, he didn’t let any part of his body to be stained by blood. He didn’t have any trace of injuries, as if he is telling other people that on the battle ground, he is the God who controls the whole world!


Yin Suye lightly frowned when he lowered his head and saw Shui Ruoshan’s pale white face who was striving to maintain his calm.

“Just couldn’t adapt for a bit.”

As a modern person, one’s heart would still instinctively produce fear and rejection when facing this kind of gory scene, no matter how much preparation was done. Even if he is the author of this world and is familiar with the law of the jungle in this world, plus has read and watched numerous horrible death scenes in novels and TV, it doesn’t change the fact that he is a stay-home nerd who never kill even a chicken in his life.

He probably should be grateful of himself for having the ability to maintain a calm face even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him. With this ability, he could prevent himself from showing any ugly expressions and maintain a normal expression as usual. He need to give himself countless praise for this unique skill of his ah!

“Then don’t look at it.”

As he said that, Yin Suye blocked Shui Ruoshan’s eyes with one hand and used the other hand to pull Shui Ruoshan[1]; avoiding countless bodies and bloodstains on the floor and walked towards the outside of the forest.

1. Sounds super romantic but… can you imagine the exact posture? :v Me think the other hand should be placed on SRS waist instead

“En.” Shui Ruoshan didn’t reject his(YSY) action.

In this kind of environment, it gave one a very relieved feeling to have one person that you could completely rely on. His eyes were covered by Yin Suye’s big palm, Shui Ruoshan uncomfortably blinked his eyes. It caused his long eyelashes to brush the palm of Yin Suye’s hand, and his(YSY) fingers unconsciously opened a little gap in between.

From the gap between Yin Suye’s fingers, Shui Ruoshan could take a glimpse of the situation outside. And the first thing Shui Ruoshan saw was Yin Suye specially turned back and put the body of a giant wolf into his space ring before they leave the place.

At that instant, the emotional feeling Shui Ruoshan had from seeing someone being killed, ah no, something being killed was gone. What left was a complete feeling of helplessness.

How persistent Yin Suye actually is regarding the matter of roasting wolf meat ah?

Raw Word Count : 1144


Chapter 026 – Roasted wolf meat

“How come the pack of wolves is still outside?”

Shui Ruoshan walked out with Yin Suye after he swept the treasures back into the space ring. He stopped immediately when he reached the entrance of the cave, because the wolves have yet to leave; keeping unwaveringly outside the barrier. He could clearly feel that the moment they appeared, the wolves whose eyes were flashing with green light stopped bothering with the numerous corpse around them and directed their attentions on them. If not for the barrier blocking them, Shui Ruoshan believes the pack of wolves would pounce over that instant.

“Want to eat roasted meat?”

Yin Suye seemed to not notice the sense of danger from the wolves, he turned his head around and started asking Shui Ruoshan seriously regarding the matter of food. Obviously, he still remembered being accused of stealing the steamed bun by Shui Ruoshan and this scene in front of him gave him a good suggestion; he understood that he could make up for his previous mistake using other approach.


What is this weird ‘Bull’s head doesn’t match horse’s mouth'(irrelevant) conversation?

For the first time, Shui Ruoshan started to doubt his own IQ. Why couldn’t he keep up with Yin Suye’s trains of thought? How come he couldn’t understand the meaning of his words very well?

Wait a minute!

The word roasted meat and the pack of wolves instantly gave him a very bad combination.

“Could it be you wanted to give me roasted wolf meat?”

This guess is really too ruthless alright?!


Yin Suye couldn’t understand what Shui Ruoshan was fussing about. Going out to the world for experience and for training own abilities, he never bring too much household goods with him.
Especially food, because you can always catch one on the spot. Plus they are now inside the forest where the fog were the densest. Right now, they don’t have to worry at all as the pack of wolves in front of them is a very good choice.


Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have any expectation at all for this roasted meat by Yin Suye. He was a nerd (staying inside the house all day) who doesn’t have much life skills. Roasting meat is a high level life skill, so he really doesn’t possess any knowledge of it.

He is really losing face on behalf of all those transmigrator seniors, because he couldn’t act like a normal protagonist who could rely on their superb cooking skills, conquering ‘sisters’, awe-ing ‘brothers’[1] and charming spiritual beast…

1. comrades

Sure enough, those tales about book transmigration are all lies!

As for Yin Suye, he never write about him in this matter[2] before he has no expectation! Even though Shui Ruoshan is used to being kicked into a pit by this parallel world, he still felt that the level of endurance in his heart was not high enough. At the very least, he couldn’t accept the fact that he will soon going to get downgraded from a civilized person to a primitive man who eats wild wolves.

2. Probably talking about he never wrote anything about YSY could cook

What with this pit ah?

“Can you really handle so many wolves with just you alone?”

Shui Ruoshan reacted a bit late. Rather than being concerned whether to eat wolves meat or not, he should be more worried on how to deal with the wolves and how to leave safely after that. One need to know, both of them almost died under the wolf’s jaw before.


Yin Suye coldly hmphed with disdain. The disdainful eyes clearly showed his proudness that he didn’t put the wolves in his eyes. He deliberately held back previously and showed a sorry look in order to test Shui Ruoshan’s attitude. Now that the wolves no longer have any use, it’s fine to just eliminate all of them.


As expected from Yin Suye, the perfect villain created by him(SRS). With just a cold hmph, he(YSY) vividly displayed the arrogance and cool aura of a professional; so handsome to the point he couldn’t be more handsome!

Not sure if the hole[3] in his brain is too, too big, he always had a feeling that Yin Suye’s slight tilted head looked unusual. His gestures felt like the arrogance of sentient beings, as if he was saying ‘You stupid mortals, kneel and lick this Queen’s feet!’.

3. implying his own stupidity

What with this obviously wrong scenery?

This villain, does the author know that you are being OOC?[4]

4.Online slang alert, this Banana don’t understand. Raw at the bottom for anyone who wanna know.

*fall down*

He felt like he is becoming like those godforsaken rotten authors!

Raw Word Count : 1171

#IfYouAreShuiRuoshan ?

Banana : Raw : 反派你怎么崩,作者造吗?

Chapter 025 – A steamed bun

“Since you are hungry, you should quickly get something to eat ah!”

The moment he heard that Yin Suye admitted that he was hungry, Shui Ruoshan who ‘gets to step down from the stage’[1] don’t feel so awkward anymore; immediately came back to life with full vigor. His eyes were staring unblinkingly at the space ring on Yin Suye’s finger, silently urging him to quickly take out the food.

1.Had an excuse to escape embarrassment


Yin Suye started to search for food from his space ring and finally pulled out a little mantou(steamed bun).

“Is there anymore food?”

Waiting for some time and not seeing Yin Suye taking out other food, Shui Ruoshan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

“No more.”

Yin Suye’s expression stiffened, but his face returned to its usual expression very quickly so no one realized something unnatural from him.

“No more?!”

Shu Ruoshan didn’t grab the steamed bun from Yin Suye’s hand right away. His mind that was filled with the thoughts of food had a hard time accepting the fact that there is only one steamed bun available. Although this steamed bun looked cutely plump and white, it didn’t change the fact that this is just a tasteless steamed bun!


Yin Suye replied with a very confirmed tone. Then he had a thought, and placed the one and only steamed bun on Shui Ruoshan’s hand, indicating that he should eat it.


Accepting the steamed bun, Shui Ruoshan felt the impulse to cry a river. How could one survive without delicious food? Moreover, what with this feeling of not wanting to accept in his heart when Yin Suye gave him the only food he(YSY) had?

Don’t think that this steamed bun looked normal from the outside, God knows how long has it been stored inside the space ring. Not sure if it has expired or not? Taking it in his hand, not only he couldn’t feel the soft ‘boing’ feeling from the bun, it was so hard it could cut his hand.

This is too risky!

But he is hungry now, he could only choose to eat this bun. Otherwise, he would have to continue starving. Comparing to that, he should fill his stomach first to gain upper hand of the situation. With an aggrieved feeling, Shui Ruoshan bit into the steamed bun…

The next second, the child spat out the bun with tears flowing from his eyes.

He actually couldn’t take a bite out of this bun from parallel world?

This strong bite from him only left two shallow teeth marks on the bun, he didn’t manage to eat anything from this bun! This is hurting his pride too much! With this one bite, his teeth felt like they are getting loose and it was very painful! This steamed bun was not the same type with the one from Earth at all, it definitely didn’t born from his pen!

One should know, the novel he wrote was a fantasy novel and not a foodie novel. He won’t stay up late to write about food innovation, so the food in his novel was simply directly copied from Earth’s culinary. Then, how come this steamed bun could be so different? Everything from the parallel world cannot be measured by common sense indeed. Even the most common steamed bun has undergone an unknown change?

“You gave me a stone instead of a steamed bun, right?!”

Shui Ruoshan raised the steamed bun at Yin Suye and began to complain.

It must been stored too long that it hardened enough to be comparable to stone. That’s why he couldn’t bite into it. He is definitely not acknowledging that his current body is too spoiled and couldn’t suffer bitterness, which was why he couldn’t adapt to this kind of shoddy food.

Yin Suye was shocked this unexpected spectacle.

Especially when he looked at Shui Ruoshan’s pitiful teary look, he even almost agree with his complain and thought that he(YSY) had taken out some unknown items instead of steamed bun. But Yin Suye is Yin Suye, he immediately recovered from shock and reached out to take the steamed bun from Shui Ruoshan’s hand.

“It is a steamed bun.”

Yin Suye gave his confirmation after a careful inspection of the bun.

Seemed to afraid that Shui Ruoshan won’t believe him, he put the bun straight into his own mouth and gently chewed. He managed to eat the bun very easily. It was not obvious to Yin Suye that in order to prove that the bun was eatable, the part he took a bite from was exactly where Shui Ruoshan left his two shallow teeth marks. Similarly, Shui Ruoshan also didn’t notice this detail either. What he saw was a steamed bun missing a big part of itself, and that Yin Suye has proven to him that it was indeed just a steamed bun.

Therefore, his malicious accusation that it is a stone was completely untrue.

Yin Suye, it’s not right for you to disassemble other people’s ‘stage’2 so directly!

“It’s a bit hard.”

Seemed to notice that Shui Ruoshan’s emotion was not right, Yin Suye thought for a moment and decided to comfort the other person a bit. Plus he didn’t say anything wrong. This steamed bun probably was stored a bit too long in his space ring so it was harder than a fresh one; can be considered a bit hard to bite into it.


Yin Suye, what with this coaxing tone normally used on children? Even if you wanted to comfort him, please be more professional! At the very least, your tone should be a bit more sincere. Your expressions should be a bit more in place, and your actions should coordinate a bit more!

You are not convincing at all, using that serious expression to say this conclusion! And what is ‘a bit hard?’?! Are you saying that it’s normal for this small and weak me to not able to bite into the bun?

The most annoying thing was Yin Suye gave this conclusion after eating the steamed bun, so it was even less convincing!

“You ate my steamed bun!”

This was purely Shui Ruoshan not feeling happy that he started looking for trouble with the other person; as if he wanted to balance back his mentality. Although Yin Suye was the one who gave the bun to him but since the thing has been given to him(SRS), it was considered his thing already. Yin Suye actually ate his steamed bun without his permission, this behaviour is not correct!

Moreover, the most hateful thing was he didn’t get to eat anything. Yin Suye has eaten a big part of the only ration. He(SRS) who was very hungry to the point ‘his chest stuck to his back’, how could he endure this ah?!

At this instant, Shui Ruoshan felt despaired towards this world that was full of malice!

This bullying is too much, alright?!

He want to return to Earth, strongly requesting to return to Earth!

Raw Word Count : 1803
