Chapter 044 – You are lying

“Yin Suye, this Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus should be given to you!”

Shui Ruoshan earnestly said while looking at the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus which looked like it is going to get deformed anytime soon. Because he can’t guarantee that the lotus would be safe under his clumsy and rough handling. What if he accidentally destroyed it? So, it would be better to hand it over to Yin Suye and let him absorb it as soon as possible, that would be more reassuring. As for Ruixue’s burning gaze at the lotus, he(SRS) chose to ignore it. He turned around and handed the lotus to Yin Suye.

“The Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus belongs to you.”

Yin Suye didn’t reach out to take the lotus. He just stood there looking seriously at Shui Ruoshan, and discussing the ownership of the lotus in deadly earnest.

“This is what I specifically searched for you to increase your strength.”

In some matters, Shui Ruoshan found out that his brainwave and Yin Suye’s brainwave doesn’t seem to be in the same wavelength. He(SRS) simply couldn’t communicate with Yin Suye at all! Are they really discussing this insignificant little problem such as Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus’s ownership?

“You could use the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus to increase your strength as well.”

Through their previous engagements, Yin Suye could clearly see that Shui Ruoshan’s strength is not that strong. He(SRS) needed to increase his strength even more than him.

“My body has limitations in terms of physical conditions, I can’t use the spiritual treasures like the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus.”

At this point, Shui Ruoshan is just spouting nonsense. It’s not that he doesn’t dare to use it, he just doesn’t dare to use it for the time being. Before figuring the true strength and spiritual power of his current body, it would definitely be a dangerous thing if he rushed to improve his own strength. If he is not careful, he might ‘cultivate to the wrong side and cause chaos in his body’ [1] or even suffer internal explosion and die. The most important thing is he holds in his hand the information of the resources in the world. As long as he wanted something, he could always go and look for it.

1.走火入魔 – I’m not sure if any translator has found the right word to describe this action

So, something like Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus is not that important for him.

“You are lying.”

Facing a solemn Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye’s eyes started to turn cold instead. The reborn Yin Suye could be said to be quite an expert towards people’s emotional change. If not for this ability, he would dead countless times in his past life from all those betrayal and being framed. He has been working very hard but he still couldn’t escape death in the end…


The corner of Shui Ruoshan’s mouth strongly twitched.

Yin Suye, are you trying to go against the Heaven’s will?

To be able to pinpoint whether he(SRS) is lying or not just by one sentence, don’t be so OP ah! But to expose the lie right in front of the concerned party, revealing the truth without any shred of mercy, can anyone really do that?

Yes, he lied. But who was it for? All for the sake of that person with facial paralysis, who don’t know how to accept other people’s goodwill, who insisted to divide everything so clearly. That’s why he made this decision (to lie) ah!

“I hate lies!”

As he said that, Yin Suye’s eyes slightly dimmed and negative emotions surged from his body. For people like Shui Ruoshan who doesn’t know how to hide his own emotions, Yin Suye doesn’t have to analyze anything at all. With just a glance, he could clearly see the real thoughts in his(SRS) heart. That was the reason why he could accept Shui Ruoshan so easily at the beginning. But hate is hate, he couldn’t not feel dislike just because the person in question is different. After all, he lived through too many lies and falsehoods in his past life. The deep hatred towards lies has already been engraved in the bones, it won’t change with the passage of time.

If not for him already knew the reason Shui Ruoshan lied was for his(YSY) good, he really don’t know what kind of irreparable things he would do! Being deceived by the person he trusted is an extremely terrible feeling!

“Are you alright?”

Feeling that someone is standing there producing cold air, Shui Ruoshan was puzzled and raised his head to look at Yin Suye. Then he found out that the other person’s mood was somewhat wrong. The current Yin Suye with a dark face caused him(SRS) to see an illusion. Shui Ruoshan felt like he looking at the first time he met Yin Suye, who stood proudly on top of a mountain of bloody corpse; that desolate figure like a god or demon.

Instantly, his heart jumped a few beats quicker.

“Do not lie to me!” Even if it’s for his own sake, it is not allowed! He is willing to give Shui Ruoshan another chance, because he is reluctant to give up the warmth that has already in his hand.


Shui Ruoshan came to realize that it is a mistake to convince Yin Suye with white lies! As the biggest villain BOSS, he must be constantly surrounded by lies; lies is the base for betrayal and frame. Furthermore, Yin Suye had just experienced being framed by bad guys and was misunderstood by the protagonist. It’s currently the time where he won’t place his trust in anyone else, and he(SRS) actually went and stepped onto that ‘landmine’. Isn’t that seeking death? Could it be because he just accepted Ruixue this silly cat and ended up having his own IQ being pulled down as well? That’s why he would do something completely unthinkable like this? Actually he should be glad now that the current Yin Suye is not that blackened, super-pessimistic Yin Suye in the later part of his novel, so he still has the opportunity to make up for his mistakes.

“I won’t lie to you anymore in the future!”

No matter white lies or not, he would choose to tell Yin Suye the most truthful words.

Shui Ruoshan went up to stand in front of Yin Suye. He raised his head and looked at the other party’s eyes with much seriousness. He is using this way to let Yin Suye know of his guarantee and promise.


Yin Suye reached out and held the other person tightly in his arms. His strength was so strong that it doesn’t allow any refusal, like he wanted to completely lock the person inside his arms. At the direction no one could see, a hint of red lights flashed through that pair of heterochromia eyes; enchanting and dangerous at the same time.

Shui Ruoshan, you promised it yourself so you don’t have the chance to regret it anymore!
Because I won’t let you have any chance to regret it!

Raw Word Count : 1712


Banana: Sorry for the short chapter, I can’t combine it with the next chapter because that one is almost 3k ah _(;3/

Chapter 043 – Giving name

Turns out for Yin Suye, his contract making skill is not any ordinary skillful. When he did it, it was done at ease with extraordinary skills. As one of the main character in the contract’s process, Shui Ruoshan felt like he doesn’t even has the time to object. His hand has already been taken by Yin Suye and with just a gentle slice, a drop of blood was squeezed out; flying toward the Persian cat’s forehead…

The Persian cat didn’t resist and let the blood integrate into its body. Instantly, a dazzling light glowed between one cat and one human. After the light disappeared, the master-pet contract between them has completed. All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan could perceive that something has appeared in his mind that enables him to control the life and death of his pet.


As soon as the contract was signed, the Persian cat knew that everything about itself would be under its master’s control so it couldn’t wait to start pleasing its master.

“Come here.”

Shui Ruoshan stretched out his hands to indicate that it could come into his arms. Although he doesn’t think himself as a member of the Moe Pet camp[1], but anyone who sees a super cute cat selling ‘meng’ wouldn’t be able to resist wanting to hold the animal in their arms and give it a good rub.

1. People who are crazy about cute animals and have no resistance against them :v
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Seeing that its owner summoned it, the Persian cat immediately struggled to get away from Yin Suye’s arms. It wanted to seek comfort from its owner’s arms, don’t want to stay by the bad person’s side and get threatened!

“Not allowed.”

Yin Suye glanced down with a threatening look at the increasingly restless Persian cat in his hold.


This time, the Persian cat was not as scared as it was before. It strongly looked back at Yin Suye with its big watery eyes. That little smug look seemed to be saying, ‘I’m now a cat with a master to protect me, I’m not afraid a bad person like you who specializes in bullying cats!’.


Looking at that one human and one cat staring intently at each other without any regards for other people, Shui Ruoshan felt like he saw an illusion. Actually, Yin Suye should be the real owner of the Persian cat ba? Especially when this cat has one blue and one green eye, the feeling became even stronger.

Then, Yin Suye noticed that Shui Ruoshan was watching him with a burning gaze. He found out that his own behavior seemed a bit wrong just now, then he turned and flung the Persian cat away towards the furthest place in sight.

The Persian cat doesn’t care about being flung away by Yin Suye. The moment it gotten its freedom, it just took a light flip in mid-air. Locking down at Shui Ruoshan’s location, it sped back to him right away.

A pity, because Yin Suye was standing right in front of Shui Ruoshan. So when he(YSY) saw that the cat wanted to fly into Shui Ruoshan’s arms, he raised his hand and smacked that incoming Persian cat away again.

“What are you doing?”

Looking at the pitiful cat being smacked away, and it rolled a few times on the ground before coming to a stop, Shui Ruoshan suddenly became dissatisfied with Yin Suye’s behaviour in bullying the weak. At the time, he is confused as well. Just now both cat and human were close to each other. So how did everything completely changed from a blink of an eye? Is this ‘the more you love, the more you kill(each other)’?

“The cat is very dirty.”

Yin Suye saw that the Persian cat has not given up yet, still trying to pounce into Shui Ruoshan’s arms. He went to smack the cat away without any mercy once again. Then, acting like he didn’t do anything, he turned to Shui Ruoshan to explain in all seriousness. Yin Suye has made up his mind not to let this extremely dirty and stupid cat to have any chance to get in touch with Shui Ruoshan.


When Shui Ruoshan first decided to set the Persian cat as a cute pet in his novel, he has written that in order to maintain the cat’s super ‘moe’ appearance, no matter how dirty the Persian cat gotten, it would just have to shake its body a few times and it would return to its original state. Hence, even if the Persian cat has rolled a few times on the ground, the dust on its hairs would disappear right away the moment it stood up and shook itself a few times. The white fluffy hair would be looking white as usual without a trace of filth; as clean as ever!

That’s why, if Yin Suye doesn’t want to see him interacting with the Persian cat, he(YSY) should find a more convincing reason! Telling lies with eyes opened wide is not right!


Being smacked away a few times, the Persian cat has finally learned its lesson. It didn’t take the initiative to go forward this time. Instead, it stood on the ground afar and protested against Yin Suye’s violence.

“Shut up!”

Originally, Yin Suye’s mood was not very good because of Shui Ruoshan’s untrusting gaze. Now the Persian cat came to add more chaos to the matter, he naturally directs his fury to the cat.

Being looked down by Yin Suye like he is looking at a dead body, the Persian didn’t dare to call out anymore and immediately admitted its defeat; displaying a perfect performance of ‘bullying the weak, fearing the strong’. Just like what it did previously, it thought it has a backer so it became very arrogant. The moment it knew the upper hand is not at its side, it immediately compromised. Seeing that no one paid attention to itself, the Persian cat could only lay down on the ground with grief. It lowered down its head and comforted itself.

Why is its cat life so bitter? Came out to get the heavenly treasure but failed, then get caught by bad people. There are no cats in this world more pitiful than itself! Wu wu, the human world is so horrible, wanna go home to mama!

“It is wrong to bully a cat!”

Shui Ruoshan naturally could understand his family pet’s despair, so he voiced out his opinion regarding Yin Suye’s bullying behavior.

“Didn’t bully.”

Yin Suye did not feel that there is anything wrong with his behavior. He was just educating this stupid cat about what can be done and what can’t be done.


Yin Suye replied with such righteousness tone that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know how to refute back.

“All I did was letting this stupid cat understand its status as a pet only.” Also won’t let it be pampered, arrogant or do any imprudent things.

In his past life, he(YSY) has seen the cat climbing over Huang Beichen’s head and being tyrannical; insufferably arrogant. In this life, since this stupid cat has fallen into his hand, naturally it would have to act according to his rules. He believed that in the face of absolute violence, any resistance is useless! With that, he absolutely would be able to educate this stupid cat to perfection.


Facing Yin Suye who has presented reasonable arguments, Shui Ruoshan felt quite helpless. He clearly understood that Yin Suye’s words were ‘twisting words and forcing logic’[2], but he could not find a room for rebuttal. Unable to argue back on his pet’s behalf, Shui Ruoshan could only throw a look of apology to the Persian cat that has shrunk itself at a corner, which started to draw circles on the ground with its paw. Not that he doesn’t want to help, but the enemy is too strong!

2. 强词夺理 – Idiom

Perhaps he should be glad now. Although the Persian cat in the novel looked the same as the one in earth, and even cuter, the physical level between the two was not the same at all. As a spiritual beast, the Persian cat here is a strong being that is absolutely hit-resistant, smack-resistant, flung-resistant and also wreck-resistant ah. And so, Shui Ruoshan felt that even under the hands of Yin Suye, the Persian cat still would be able to preserve its life. Plus this one cat and one human did has a good relationship earlier, although he(SRS) has no idea why the relationship suddenly deteriorated. But then, that probably could also change back all of a sudden right?

If Yin Suye and Persian cat knew how Shui Ruoshan see their mutual aggression as friendship, both of them would definitely sigh and lament, ‘How bad can this person’s eyesight be, to get disillusioned and see thing completely opposite from the truth ah?!’.

“Should we give the Persian cat a name?”

Since Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help the Persian cat from the actual situation, then he could do it from other aspect. Other than that, it’s too casual to keep calling it as ‘Persian cat’.


Yin Suye quite agrees with Shui Ruoshan’s suggestion.

Shui Ruoshan : “What name do you think is good?”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want to use the name that the protagonist gave the Persian cat.

Yin Suye : “You want me to help you choose?”

Different emotions quickly flitted through Yin Suye’s heterochromia eyes. He never thought that the first thing Shui Ruoshan did was to ask for his(YSY) opinions first. Does that means he(SRS) really did placed him(YSY) in the most important place in his heart?

“En.” Shui Ruoshan nodded in confirmation. He is really not good with naming pets. Otherwise, he won’t casually let the protagonist call the Persian cat with a stupid name like ‘Xiao Mao'(Little Cat) just because he couldn’t think of a good name in the beginning.

“Ruixue.[3]” Yin Suye didn’t refuse to help. Not only because Shui Ruoshan placed importance in his(YSY) words, but also to prevent Shui Ruoshan from giving bad quality names like Huang Beichen’s ‘Little Cat’. Yin Suye thought for a moment and gave his suggestion.

3. Lucky Snow

“Alright, Ruixue then!”

Shui Ruoshan felt like he indeed didn’t ask the wrong person. No wonder Yin suye is Yin Suye. He could suggest such an auspicious and meaningful name within a short time.


The Persian cat, no, should be called Ruixue, called out in joy as well as if it is telling everyone that it is very satisfied with this new name.


In an instant, Yin Suye’s gaze became softer. Shui Ruoshan is willing to use the name he(YSY) suggested for his pet, does this mean that he(SRS) is willing to share his everything together with him? As expected, Shui Ruoshan is indeed the gift Heaven gave him as compensation, a gift that belonged to him alone! Otherwise, why would everything Shui Ruoshan did were all according to his(YSY) will?

Author note :






Raw Word Count : 3100

#MisunderstandingBetweenNamingKidsAndNamingPets :v

Banana: Can anyone still remember the protag’s name if not for YSY randomly mentioning him? :v And also, many thanks to Ryiryi, Alicia, Sardothiens-assassin & K for ze ko-fi. I appreciate that (=w=)b

Chapter 042 – Accepted

“So useless!”

At this moment, Yin Suye looked at the Persian cat in his hands. His eyes were filled with killing intent. Since Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want this Persian cat, then it would be useless to keep the cat and should be directly destroyed.


Sensing danger, the cat which was pretending to be dead was frightened senseless. It doesn’t dare to continue pretending and started pleading for mercy.

“Please have mercy for the cat ah!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that if he doesn’t say anything to express his stand, Yin Suye would likely proceed to destroy the cat! So, he must, absolutely rescue the cat!


Yin Suye shook the cat in his hands with disgust, and quietly waited for Shui Ruoshan’s decision.

“Actually, the Persian cat is quite useful. At the very least, it could help you treasure hunt.”

In Shui Ruoshan’s opinion, to communicate with people like Yin Suye who doesn’t like to talk much, he must not engage from the subjective point such as feelings. He must base his talk with objectives and practical interests.


The Persian cat called out happily and joyfully wagged its originally droopy tail. That energetic and spirited look seemed to give out the message that it is actually really capable, so don’t give up on it ah!


In this regard, Shui Ruoshan could only silently turn his head away. Although the Persian cat is very cute, and whatever it did will let people think that it’s very ‘meng’, but how come he still felt that the cat is stupidly incurable? Wagging tail is a dog’s stunt! So, dear Persian cat, you used the wrong trick to please people, do you know that?

“You want it?”

It was very obvious that Yin Suye, who was originated from this parallel world doesn’t understand Shui Ruoshan’s dissatisfaction[1]. He thought Shui Ruoshan was just trying to plan how to deal with this Persian cat.

1. Probably there are no dogs in this world? :v


Although Yin Suye’s words were asking if he(SRS) wanted the cat, but combining with his(YSY) tough-looking expression, it makes people think that it was not a question at all. It became an affirmative sentence of an order instead! Don’t be so strong in hard-selling ah!

Recalling back, Shui Ruoshan thought of the time when Yin Suye used the same hard-sell to stuff all the treasures in the cave to him. Using the same method to him right now, Yin Suye must have a different intention in doing this. Could it be he(YSY) wanted to use the Persian cat to please him, just that he(YSY) doesn’t know how to express it?

With this conclusion in his heart, Shui Ruoshan felt like Yin Suye’s upright figure looked like a false bravado the more he looked at it. Shui Ruoshan instantly realized the truth. Turns out Yin Suye was embarrassed ah!

“En, I will accept this silly cat.”

Shui Ruoshan nodded in confirmation. Since the Persian cat is a token of kindness to him(YSY), he would reluctantly accept it.

Just after he accepted the cat, Shui Ruoshan then only came to his senses. Did he just unconsciously robbed the protagonist of one of his golden fingers?! But if he didn’t express that he wanted the cat, the cat would definitely perish in Yin Suye’s hand judging from the fact that the villain is not in line with the protagonist. So by accepting the cat, he indirectly saved the cat’s life? On the other hand, the protagonist has a lot of golden fingers so it shouldn’t affect much if he has one cat lesser! With this thought, Shui Ruoshan don’t feel the psychological pressure anymore.

Hence, with a spirit of ‘saving a cat(life) is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda’, Shui Ruoshan reached out to the Persian cat, indicating to Yin Suye to hand the cat over to him.

“Form a contract first.”

This time, Yin Suye didn’t immediately hand the Persian cat to Shui Ruoshan and stated his requests first. Although the cat doesn’t has much offensive power, but before he could thoroughly confirmed that the cat is not dangerous, he won’t let even a slight threat to come close to Shui Ruoshan.


Contract? Again?

Yin Suye, how much do you love this contract-forming career?

Raw Word Count : 1200


Chapter 041 – Gifted Talent

“Say, why do you think this Persian cat want to attack me?”

Although the beast has been identified, Shui Ruoshan still couldn’t fathom why it would appear at the lake in advance and also sneak-attacked him. The Persian cat is also known as Persian cat in this world. Mainly because he was too lazy to make up some names for the spiritual beasts in the novel, he went ahead and reused the name Persian cat from earth.

“Because of the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus?”

Yin Suye was quite uncertain with his guess as well.


Lowering down his head, Shui Ruoshan saw the lotus almost getting deformed from his grip and immediately loosened his hand. He was busy looking at the fight scene earlier and forgot about the lotus in his hand. The lotus was almost destroyed in his hand.

It seemed that he has just gotten ahold of the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus when the Persian cat attacked him. Now that he carefully observed the cat’s line of sight, he realized that it was looking at lotus all the while and not at him. Furthermore, the Persian cat in his novel was not specialized in pretending to be obedient or selling ‘meng'(moe) but treasure-seeking. In other words, the Persian cat is actually a treasure radar.

Shui Ruoshan has already thought of the advertisement’s caption.

Have a Persian cat? Where there are treasures, it would be where one go. One would no longer need to worry they couldn’t find any treasures and lag behind other people!

So, no matter how the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus looked exactly like a normal lotus, the Persian cat still could rely on its powerful talent to search for Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus, just from detecting the slight difference in scent after being plucked out?

“Give you.”

With a look of disgust, Yin Suye handed this Persian cat which only knows how to sell ‘meng’ directly to Shui Ruoshan.


Shui Ruoshan was stunned speechless from Yin Suye’s action. His heart was full of helplessness and it caused to him to forget to react for a moment. The Persian cat was one of the important golden fingers that he specially arranged for the protagonist. Not only it helped the protagonist to accumulate wealth, it also helped the protagonist to please the beauties.

But now, he disrupted the setting of his novel in order to help Yin Suye. Due to the fact that they plucked the lotus 5 years ahead of schedule, the Persian cat followed suit and appeared in advance as well. Whenever he thought about the Persian cat now falling into the hands of the villain Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan somehow felt the development was very strange ah!

“Don’t like it?”

Yin Suye originally thought that both children and female like soft furry creatures, that’s why he gave the cat to Shui Ruoshan. But he don’t see any reaction from the other parry after a long while. Thinking that he has guessed wrongly, Yin Suye looked down at the cat in his hand and a touch of cruelty unconsciously flashed through his eyes.

At first, he thought if this pet that belonged to Huang Beichen from his past life could be used to please Shui Ruoshan, he doesn’t mind sparing its life. After all, its treasure hunting ability was not bad. It was also the reason why Yin Suye didn’t ruthlessly attacked it at the beginning.

“Don’t know!”

Shui Ruoshan shook his head. This sad feeling of having all kinds of jumbled thoughts but no one could understand, he couldn’t talk to anyone at all! Just that his emotions were not directed to the Persian cat but the plotlines.

“Or do you prefer to eat roasted cat meat?”

Very obvious, Yin Suye has misunderstood the expression on Shui Ruoshan’s face. If Shui Ruoshan doesn’t like this Persian cat, then there is no need for the cat to continue existing.

“It is said that cat’s meat is sour!”

Shui Ruoshan refuted Yin Suye’s words with a very serious tone. For the first time, he felt that Yin Suye is not so omnipotent anymore. At the very least, he doesn’t know the common sense that cat’s meat is not good to eat! Instantly, he felt immensely proud of himself, what to do? But at the same time, he was reminded of Yin Suye’s ruthlessness again. To actually wanted to put his hand on this Persian cat which has the exact heterochromia eyes like his(YSY) eyes, how cruel can this man be ah?

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Seemed to feel a thick feeling of malice from its surroundings, the Persian cat which was held by Yin Suye in midair trembled. It curled up its body, wanted to seek a little sense of security from its action. After a while, it seemed to realize that its action didn’t help to reduce the cold pressure but became colder instead. The Persian cat knew that if it doesn’t take any actions to save itself, this scary human would really roast it. So, the cat immediately closed its eyes and became motionless, pretending to be dead.


Shui Ruoshan watched as the cat tries its best to stiffen in the air to indicate that it is dead.
That moe silly look, one just couldn’t bear to look straight at it.

Let’s not talk about how this kind of act couldn’t fool anyone at all, just the method of pretending itself is already wrong. Could it be the Persian cat doesn’t know, that only by being dead that it would meet the first requirement to be roasted? If it didn’t pretend to be dead, then it won’t die ah!

Shui Ruoshan really wanted to roar at the Persian cat : “You come out here to sell ‘meng'(moe), not sell ‘stupidness’!”

Raw Word Count : 1463


Banana: Many thanks to the people who donated via ko-fi. The sponsored chapter should come out together with the next chapter on Friday. (0w0)/
Apologies for that, I didn’t manage to stockpile anything. Month’s end is a busy week for me in RL.

Chapter 040 – Persian cat

“So weak!”

Yin Suye’s heterochromatic eyes condescendingly looked down with slight pressure at the white beast which was hiding within the bushes. That disdainful expression looked like he was looking at a worthless ant.

The white beast also found out that the incoming person is not someone easy to handle so it immediately leaped and aimed to run as far as possible. Very clearly, it is escaping for real this time. Unfortunately, however fast it could be, it still couldn’t be quicker than the Yin Suye who has been waiting to take action.

Yin Suye who has suffered some loss from the beast’s speed earlier has long taken prevention method for counterattack. Seeing that the beast wanted to run, he lightly hit the empty space with his palm and accurately sent the beast which has jumped up crashing back on to the ground. With a loud ‘PENG!’, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have to see the scene to know that this crash is definitely not light. The beast might even make a deep hole in the ground.

Watching the whole process by the side, Shui Ruoshan was instantly stunned speechless. Since when did Yin Suye became so ruthless? But how come he felt that Yin Suye is very handsome looking like this?

“The matter is solved just like this?” But Shui Ruoshan has to ask what was on his mind.

The beast was obviously full of momentum[1] when it first appeared. How did it got overwhelmed so quickly by Yin Suye? The ‘before’ and ‘after’ has a very large gap ah! The next second, Shui Ruoshan hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands. In his heart, he keep telling himself that he absolutely shouldn’t complain about things going too smoothly or plots doesn’t adhere to standard novel setting this time! It would be very depressing if something unexpected happened again because of his ‘crow’s beak’!

1. As a plot twist

“Actually, it is only very agile and doesn’t has much attack power.”

This was the reason why Yin Suye didn’t completely dodge the attack earlier, and has only gotten a slight injury. Bending down, he picked up that fainted white beast which is currently seeing stars in its eyes from the ground. Yin Suye’s originally overbearing face when facing the beast became a few points gentler the moment he turned towards Shui Ruoshan.

“I see.” Shui Ruoshan expressed his understanding.

Actually, Yin Suye’s words mean other than speed, this beast is just a trash with combat power of 5.

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So he was able to beat it down so easily. A moment later, Shui Ruoshan became more courageous and walked a bit nearer towards Yin Suye’s direction so that it would be easier for him to take a look at the beast.

“A Persian cat?!”

Shui Ruoshan could recognize this beast’s breed with just a glance, plus its properties and other status. Still, he couldn’t connect this bullied Persian cat which doesn’t even dare to squeak to the fierce figure sneak-attacking him just now ah!


This Persian cat seemed to understand that this person who has just acknowledged it is someone easier to talk than the person who caught itself. And so, it started to meow for mercy towards Shui Ruoshan. Both of its ears were folded down and trembling. Its tail drooped down powerlessly and its watery eyes were filled with grievance.


Using the appearance of a cat to make such a pitiful expression is definitely a foul! Shui Ruoshan immediately sentenced this Persian cat’s behaviour in his heart. On the other hand, he keep telling himself in his heart that he is an upright adult so he won’t be so easily bought over by ‘moe’ stuff!

Wait a minute!

Shui Ruoshan suddenly discovered that his direction of thinking seemed to be wrong.

Following the outline of his novel, this Persian cat should only appear 5 years later when the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus matured. It would be attracted to the lake by the spiritual scent and then meet the protagonist. After that, it would become the protagonist’s first big cute pet. Why did this Persian cat suddenly appeared 5 years earlier? What is going on with this event going totally inconsistent with his draft’s outline ah?

Raw Word Count : 1154


Chapter 039 – Crow’s beak

Shui Ruoshan was still standing at the same place, silently ranting in his mind on how easy Yin Suye got his hand on the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus. He didn’t seem to realize that danger is getting nearer, until he is being embraced by Yin Suye in his arms. As they leaped away from the spot, Shui Ruoshan then only starts to react to what was happening. Was he attacked by something unknown just now?! He only caught a glimpse of the white figure that sneak-attacked him.

Unable to land a hit, that nimble figure quickly changed the direction and speedily escaped. The other party’s speed was very fast, so fast that Shui Ruoshan couldn’t see the figure properly and it disappeared without a trace right after.

Shui Ruoshan patted his own chest from the lingering fears. If not for Yin Suye’s quick reaction, his unguarded self would definitely be attacked by the other party. He probably would suffer serious injuries if not dead!

Parallel world is indeed very dangerous!

He shouldn’t have complained about how easy Yin Suye got the lotus. He has yet to finish his ranting and the plot twist immediately arrived! Never knew that he actually has a talent for crow’s beak? [1]

1. Jinx :3

“It’s alright.” Seeing that Shui Ruoshan has been in a daze since a while ago, he comforted with a worried tone.

“I’m fine. The one who is not fine is you ah!”

Just as Shui Ruoshan finally recovered to normal, he noticed a long wound on the right side of Yin Suye’s arm and instantly became worried. Although Yin Suye’s reaction when facing danger was very fast, but in order to protect him(SRS), his action to dodge was a step slower and inevitably gotten hurt. Towards this point, Shui Ruoshan felt deeply remorsed.

“It’s alright.”

Yin Suye was very glad that Shui Ruoshan cares about him, but the injury on his arm was too minor. For him(YSY), it was almost like he didn’t suffer any injuries at all.

“It’s better to get it treated.”

As he said that, Shui Ruoshan expressed his intention to use incantation to heal the injury.

“No need.”

Yin Suye immediately raised his hand to prevent Shui Ruoshan from evoking an incantation to heal him again. He hasn’t forget the incident before when Shui Ruoshan fainted right away after healing him with an incantation. Naturally, he won’t let him(SRS) take such a big risk right now since it’s only a minor injury.


For Shui Ruoshan who lived in modern times and has not seen blood before, the wound on Yin Suye’s arm looked very serious in his(SRS) eyes.

“You should concentrate to prevent the danger in front instead.” Rather than wasting time and energy on this super minor injury.

Yin Suye interrupted Shui Ruoshan’s attempt to persuade him and directly diverted his(SRS) attention from his(YSY) injury.

“The beast that sneak-attacked me has not left the area yet?”

Although all he saw was a small white figure, he could first rule out human because no human’s figure could be that small. Furthermore, to have the ability to attack and not a human, that could only be spiritual beasts.

“En, that beast is still hidden somewhere around, and is waiting for the opportunity to take action.”

Yin Suye’s gaze slightly swept at their surrounding and got a good control over the situation around them. Naturally, he already found the location of that beast.

“What should we do?”

Hearing a caution from the man, Shui Ruoshan found out that he himself really has no sense of crisis. He actually thought that it was safe because the beast has escaped, didn’t even consider the fact that the other party has not give up yet!

“Easy, I will grab it and give you extra food for dinner.”

The corner of Yin Suye’s lips curved up to a evil arc. His body shook and reappeared in front of the beast’s hiding place……


Author note :





Banana : Sorry, I got lazy to translate the author’s pleas for support _(;3/
Maybe some time…

Raw Word Count : 1259


Chapter 038 – The law of the novel

“Give you.”

Yin Suye placed the entire stalk of Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus into Shui Ruoshan’s hand.


Shui Ruoshan passively received the lotus. Should he be grateful that Yin Suye didn’t kneel down and handed the lotus to him with both hands just now[1]? Otherwise he would definitely have a very strange mental association.

1. Couldn’t find the correct picture but got something similar. The link is at the bottom.

Sometimes when one has a hole too big in the brain, one just couldn’t control(being stupid) it ah!

“Is there a problem with this lotus flower?”

Yin Suye asked with some uncertainties when he saw that shui Ruoshan has been staring intently at the flower without saying or doing anything.

“No problem, this is Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus.”

Shui Ruoshan has carefully inspected the lotus up and down, left and right several times and finally confirmed that the legendary Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus has no difference at all with any other normal lotus. But with just a glance, without any basis or any judgement, he could automatically know that the lotus in his hand is Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus. Could it be this is the golden finger of the author? As long as it is something created by him, he could recognise it?

“I was just surprised that we managed to get the lotus so easily in our hands.”

This time, Shui Ruoshan honestly acknowledged the real reason why he dazed off just now.
Because Yin Suye simply plucked the lotus off just like that, without any difficulties at all ah!
At that time, he only saw Yin Suye quickly stood up, flew over to hover over the lotuses, set his target then reached out and plucked the whole thing out. Just like this, the lotus is obtained. After that, he turned around with one step on the lake water and flew back to his side; putting the lotus directly into his(SRS) hands.

This whole series of actions were completed by Yin Suye in a flash of time. It was incredibly fast! And was incredibly cool as well! Shui Ruoshan still felt kind of unreal even though he personally witnessed the whole process and he had the lotus in his hands.

Probably because he has written too many novels and unconsciously gotten some occupational diseases. He felt like some twist and turns should happen during events like this (getting important treasures) to be considered a normal occurrence. Furthermore, Shui Ruoshan’s favorite thing to do when he wrote his novels was creating troubles for protagonists, then wrote on how they solve the problems; a constant cycle.

So, Shui Ruoshan was very unaccustomed towards their progress moving smoothly in obtaining the lotus. He keep getting a feeling that this development doesn’t really adhere to the standard plotline of a novel. According to a general novel’s plot, shouldn’t it be a situation where a powerful guardian beast appearing from the water just when Yin Suye is prepared to pluck the lotus? Then after this one man and one beast battled for like 300 rounds, Yin Suye eventually succeed in getting the lotus?


Before the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus matures, it is just like any ordinary lotus. So there won’t be any beast who could recognise the existence of the lotus and stand guard at the lake.

Hence, this plot that doesn’t meet the novel’s setting – scrapped!

Actually, the story could progress in another way too. Like the moment Yin Suye has just gotten the lotus, a few adventurers suddenly appeared. Then when they saw the lotus in Yin Suye’s hand, they immediately get ready to kill for the loot. After that, Yin Suye had a little power outburst, defeated the group of people and managed to safeguard the lotus in the end.


First, let’s not mention that hardly any adventurers would ever come to the Bewitching Misfortune Lake. Even if some did come over, no one would get any thoughts to murder and looting with just a look at a normal-looking lotus. At that moment, Shui Ruoshan felt like crying a river. How come Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus’s growth is so low-key? Something, just something please happen!

Come and prove that this author’s law of fiction is also applicable in parallel world!


To be exact, he should say ‘so that he could still play a role in this world inside his novel!’


What’s there to be amazed?[2]

2. These few sentences don’t seem to make sense, it felt like SRS is rambling. Banana is confused.

Yin Suye hasn’t gotten a chance to ask questions when he noticed a white figure shooting out from the bushes, quickly attacking towards the direction of Shui Ruoshan….

“Be careful!”


Raw Word Count : 1170


Banana: Link for kneeling –

Chapter 037 – Not a child

“We have arrived.”

Yin Suye softly called out when he looked at the drowsy little guy in his arms.


The moment he heard that they have arrived, Shui Ruoshan immediately woke up from his drowsy state. He opened his eyes widely to look at this place where he placed a high importance in the later stages of his novel.

The clear lake water, large blooming lotuses swayed along the wind; there would be small animals and birds occasionally resting near the lake or stopping for a drink. So quiet and beautiful. Light fog permeated the space around the lake, making the originally beautiful scenery even more dreamlike; like fairyland on earth.

Shui Ruoshan would never admit that the reason he wrote the scenery to be so breathtaking was because he wanted to make the place as a holy dating location for the protagonist and the heroines. At the same time, he also set up various convenient conditions. For example, level of danger.

Unfortunately, the protagonist has yet to come to this Bewitching Misfortune Lake at the moment so he won’t know anything about how beautiful the scenery was. On top of that, it would be even more impossible for him to bring a beauty for a date here. Instead, this transmigrated him and the villain Yin Suye arrived here first. Thinking about it, how come he felt like something weird is going on ah?


Yin Suye stood outside the perimeter of the lake while hugging Shui Ruoshan. He didn’t enter right away but started to detect for possible dangers first.

Seeing that Yin Suye has stopped walking, Shui Ruoshan started to think back of the novel’s plot regarding the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus. As far as he could remember, when he first drafted the story he placed the lotus at the most protected and central location in order to highlight the lotus’s noble status as the king of the other Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotuses.

Actually, the real reason was Shui Ruoshan is too lazy and don’t want to waste much brain cells for a mere lotus flower. That’s why he made it so simple. Using simpler words to describe this, all the other Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotuses except the King wilted due to ‘this reason, that reason’[1]. In the end, only the lotus king which was situated at the best position survived until now.

1. 这样那样不可抗拒的原因 – Banana : I want to die _(;3/

[Banana : In case someone get confused, apparently there are a lot of the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotuses mingled with the normal lotuses in the lake. Due to lazy-to-describe reason, all the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotuses died except the lotus king.]

“That little flower right in the center is the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus.”

Shui Ruoshan pointed the direction for Yin Suye. After he got his feet firmly planted on the ground, he slowly smoothened a non-existing wrinkle from his clothing; displaying a cool and strong aura. Slightly lifting his hand up, he slowly pointed to the direction of the lotus using the tone of a professional quack. He constantly reminded himself in his heart, that he would definitely showcase his aura; the more noble and awesome it is, the better he felt.This is to redeem himself back from the shame of almost falling asleep in the man’s arms.

He is very convinced that this body he transmigrated into is too spoiled, that must be the reason why he still felt exhausted even though he didn’t participate in walking at all.


Such a shameful thing would absolutely has no relationship whatsoever with himself!

“Got it.”

Facing this prideful little look from Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye didn’t show any expression on his face but inside he was feeling a gushing adoration in his heart. He can’t help but reached out and rubbed the little guy’s head. Originally he wanted to touch behind his(SRS) neck but considering that the little guy was ticklish, he could only settle for second best thing.

“Do not treat me like a child!”

Shui Ruoshan pouted with his eyes opened widely, then reached out and slapped away that big hand making trouble on his head. Yin Suye is getting more and more intolerable. Not only he(YSY) treated him like a child, his actions were also handling him like a child. This is definitely A.Personal.Attack! He must let Yin Suye understand it clearly what a mistake it is to see him as a child! A moment later, Shui Ruoshan felt that his little universe has completely combusted.

“En, you are not a child!” Yin Suye curved the corner of his lips. Looks like Shui Ruoshan didn’t notice that he is throwing tantrums like what a child would do.


The other party obviously went along with his(SRS) words and agreed, but what did it clearly felt like a tone of someone feeling helpless from indulging a child? And so, the raging demeanor he mustered up earlier has been forcely extinguished. There is no way to communicate at all with this Yin Suye who stubbornly stuck with his own opinions ah!


Shui Ruoshan arrogantly turned away his head. He absolutely don’t want to be petty with ‘someone’, he should concentrate on serious business.

“Quickly go and pluck the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus. Remember to pluck the whole stalk, including the roots.”


Although Yin Suye felt that Shui Ruoshan is very cute when throwing small tantrums, he also knew that the current most important thing is to pluck the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus. His feet strongly pushed off from the ground and his whole body shot towards the lotus in the lake like a sharp arrow from a bow. His goal, the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus…

Raw Word Count : 1397


Chapter 036 – Let’s go for treasure hunt ba

“Yin Suye, let’s go for treasure hunt in the Fog Forest?” Shui Ruoshan looked at Yin Suye with a face full of hope.

Although he doesn’t understand why he felt so sleepy last night that he fell asleep directly without a sign, it didn’t prevent him from saying out what he wanted to say right away the moment he woke up.


Yin Suye quietly looked at the person. He was quite curious to know what kind of new excuses that Shui Ruoshan came out with this time to change his mind?

“One of the ingredients needed to dissolve the master-servant contract is located deep in the Fog Forest.”

Shui Ruoshan raised his hand and stated one of the reasons without hesitation. The existence of the contract placed a strong restriction on Yin Suye so it would be better to dissolve it as soon as possible.

“No hurries.”

Actually, Yin Suye also knows the method to dissolve the contract, just that he never mention it to him(SRS).

There are several precious materials needed to dissolve the master-servant contract. It was not something that can be found in a short period of time. As for as he knows, Huang Beichen from his past life wanted to help a beautiful woman to break away from her master’s control and used a whole year to collect the materials. In the end, he(HBC) managed to help the woman dissolve the contract from that harsh master. On the other hand, before he(YSY) could be sure that he could keep the person(SRS) with him, Yin Suye absolutely won’t allow Shui Ruoshan to dissolve the contract.

“Since we are already inside this forest, naturally we have to take advantage of this opportunity and collect the materials available here.”

Who knows when they will come back to the Fog Forest again?


Yin Suye suddenly had a thought. If he could get a hold of the materials first and destroys it, causing Shui Ruoshan to be unable to gather all the materials in a short time or never ever, does that mean the master-servant contract between them would never be dissolved? Does that mean Shui Ruoshan would have to do as he promised him and stay with him forever? At the same time, he could also indirectly prevent Huang Beichen from gathering the materials as well in the future; preventing him from helping the beautiful slave and obtaining her afterward.

“I also know that there is a heavenly treasure in the Fog Forest that could increase your strength.”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know why Yin Suye was not so enthusiastic towards the dissolving the master-servant contract, it doesn’t prevent him from telling him(YSY) the true reason he wanted to stay in the forest. In [The Strongest King in History], the Fog Forest is a very important place. The protagonist has repeatedly found treasures and fortuitous encounters here. This showed that there are many treasures in the Fog Forest. In the Fog Forest, he knew very clearly where there would be treasures, encounters and also safe areas…
The identity as the author is really a cheat ah! And now, he is ready to use everything he knows to help Yin Suye increase his strength.

Although doing so would destroy some of the protagonist’s opportunities, he has provided enough opportunities and golden finger to the protagonist. Even if he used a part of it now, it wouldn’t affect the protagonist’s chances in getting beauties, recruiting younger brothers, gaining wealth, proclaiming rights and climbing up to the peak of life. The most important matter is, he couldn’t stand the fact that any random little bastard also could easily bully Yin Suye now.

For example, the group of 4 cannon fodders previously that he is too lazy to even describe. Enough is enough ah! This definitely cannot be tolerated![1] In the end, it just brings us to the fact that Yin Suye currently is too weak! To the point where anyone also could step on him!

1. Thanks to losttalez for the explanation. Raw at the bottom for those who wanna know.

So, in order to prevent similar things from happening again, Shui Ruoshan felt that it is necessary to open a golden finger for Yin Suye, to make him stronger as soon as possible. As long as Yin Suye could be stronger, to the point where everyone fears him or in awe with him, we’ll see at that time who still dares to bully him!

“You predicted it?”

Yin Suye’s eyes slightly flashed. Although he was reborn, he also knew that there are a lot of heavenly treasures that could increase his strength in the forest. But because he didn’t personally experience the treasure hunting sessions, and only heard it from someone else afterward, he didn’t know what was the exact situation and ways to get the treasures. It is also impossible for him to be a step earlier than other people.


Shui Ruoshan felt the need to give thanks to his identity as an omnipotent Seer. He could always push whatever happened to his identity as a Seer. So useful and convenient!


The corner of Yin Suye’s mouth slowly rose to a gentle curve. The reason for him agreeing with Shui Ruoshan’s proposal to go for a treasure hunt in the Fog Forest was not because of those heavenly treasures that could quickly improve his strength, but because he could feel the good intentions that Shui Ruoshan was thinking on his behalf.

“Then let’s go!”

As he said that, Shui Ruoshan raised his chest and took the lead to walk forward. But he has yet to walk a few more steps when he suddenly stopped. With a face full of frustration towards the Yin Suye behind him, he reluctantly stated his own shortcoming.

“Although I know where is the place, I don’t know the way!”

Wu wu[2], this is too shameful. It was not easy to get a chance to show his ability, and now he ended throwing his face away. Is there any more screwed up matter than this? When will he ever establish his image as someone domineering and powerful? This parallel world whatever is really hateful!

2. Chinese’s word for sobbing sound

“No worries.”

Facing a depressed someone, Yin Suye felt like he should say something at this moment. So, he thought of what to say for a moment then slowly comforted, “I know the way but not the place.”


Should he sigh in relief at this moment? This is great! Fortunately, they just complemented each other (with their information). This way they won’t have to worry about getting lost! But why, not only he didn’t feel comforted, he felt sadder instead?

“Which way?”

Although Yin Suye doesn’t understand why the more he comforted him the sadder that person became, right now he kind of agreed with a saying he heard before. That is ‘Don’t guess a child’s mind’! Thinking for a while, he decided to put Shui Ruoshan’s opinions into action. This might help that person to be happy again.

“Bewitching Misfortune Lake, our target is Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus.”

Shui Ruoshan felt extremely flattered by Yin Suye’s obedience while waiting for his orders. So he stopped despairing over the matter earlier and immediately placed all his enthusiasm into the next adventure.

In the center of the Fog Forest, there is a big lake called Bewitching Misfortune Lake where magic beasts get their drinking water and also their resting place. As long as they pick a good time to go there, they would be able to avoid encountering any major danger. In addition to that, Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus grows in the middle of the lake.

“Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus is in the Bewitching Misfortune Lake?”

According to legend, the lotus only blooms once every 900 years. Not only it is the best material for refining pills, one could also increase their strength to 900 years just by consuming it directly. Yin Suye remembered that that lake has nothing but water and no other valuable thing. That’s why normal adventurer wouldn’t go there for their expedition. It was some days after 5 years that a sudden strong magical wave burst out from the lake. Afterwards, it became the focus of many adventurers.

Unfortunately, everyone went there too late and found nothing. From the traces left at that time, the only thing one could find out was a Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus had appeared in the lake but no one knows who has gotten it.

“Right ah!”

Shui Ruoshan mistook Yin Suye’s insipid recount of the matter as a stunned expression, like it was inevitable. In his heart, he added a thought of despise to the man for fussing over such small matter. Don’t just look at the lotus’s extravagant name and usage, Shui Ruoshan wrote it according to the appearance of a normal lotus.

The Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus looked exactly like an ordinary lotus flower. The only difference between the two is the moment that Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus matured, it will become crystal clear jade-like. Only with this setting that he(SRS) could ensure such a precious and rare treasure will not be discovered by any big parties and large forces who might take the lotus and raise it secretly until maturity. With this, he could make sure that the protagonist could easily reap the benefits.

“The Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus shouldn’t be mature yet, right?”

Even if they go to the lake now, they won’t be able to find the real Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus.
They couldn’t just grab all the lotus there and wait 5 years.

“Don’t worry.”

No one could recognize the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus before it matures. As an author, actually he couldn’t recognise it as well. But he knew where the lotus grew, naturally it would be a piece of cake to find it.

“The lotus is not mature yet. Although it couldn’t be used to refine pills right now, it could still be consumed directly.”

Shui Ruoshan thought for a while before explaining to Yin Suye in detail.

Consuming it directly would reduce the medicinal properties of the lotus and one would have lesser increase of strength worth 100 years, but it was not something unacceptable. Especially for Yin Suye who was in urgent need for strength increase. The lotus might not be the best but it is definitely the most suitable option at the moment. Moreover, he doesn’t want Yin Suye to bump into the protagonist that early because every time he come in contact with the protagonist, Yin Suye would always be the unlucky party. Hence, he brought Yin Suye to search for the lotus in advance so that he won’t encounter the protagonist. According to the draft of his novel, the protagonist went into the Fog Forest 5 years later. And due to his good luck, he managed to come across the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus right in time when it matures and took the treasure.

Towards himself who were able to create such a move, like taking opportunity in one fell swoop, Shui Ruoshan felt like he is very smart. He need to give himself 32[3] praises for his wittiness ah!

3. Welp, I mentioned this before but I still doesn’t understand what the number stands for


Seeing Shui Ruoshan’s little gloating face, Yin Suye’s mood also became brighter. The next second, he bent down and reached out his hand, pulling the other person into his embrace.

“What are you doing?”

Shui Ruoshan who has yet to wake up from his beautiful fantasy where Yin Suye would worship him for his scholarly skills and strong abilities, when he got the shock of his life.

He is being hugged by Yin Suye?!

“It’s easier for our journey.”[4]

4. At this point, the raw didn’t mention any carrying action, just hugging. I have no idea how hugging would be more convenient for a journey :v

Yin Suye calmly explained after he got a firm hold of Shui Ruoshan. Even he(YSY) felt strange himself. He actually went from hating human contact to restraining his instinct (to kill) to get along with Shui Ruoshan, to get used to touching Shui Ruoshan, and finally like to be close to Shui Ruoshan. This series of changes is unbelievably fast!

For him, Shui Ruoshan is indeed not the same!

“Still, you don’t have to hold me while walking ah.”

He is a great youth from the 21st century, it’s enough already that he transmigrated into a book. Being treated as a child, fine. He could forgive that. But did he just degraded to a semi-disabled person who has no ability to take care of himself? To the point that he would let other people feel like he needs to be taken care of, just by walking?

“The destination is very far.”

Yin Suye ignored the small struggles from Shui Ruoshan and firmly held him in his embrace.
After that, he glanced at the small arms and legs of the person in his arms before truthfully said.


What kind of gaze was that? Is he(YSY) looking down at his small physique and his tiny strength?

But the most goddamned thing was Shui Ruoshan couldn’t not admit that small people indeed walked slower and gets tired easier. He is indeed someone who would ‘drag hind legs’! His body couldn’t help it, this really hurts(his ego) ah!


Raw Word Count : 3316

#HuggingOrCarryingNow ?


Raw :

Chapter 035 – Revenge

“Your skill in grilling fish is good. However, there is room for improvement.”

Shui Ruoshan ate several grilled fish in succession until his stomach is full and can’t eat anymore. In order to prevent Yin Suye from getting proud after this praise and stopped improving, his words were quite vague and even carried hints of expectation.


Yin Suye only lightly sounded his agreement after he saw Shui Ruoshan rubbing his own stomach with a satisfied expression. Since Shui Ruoshan hoped that he will improve his skill, then he would do so to satisfy him(SRS).


Suddenly, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t express what kind of complex emotions in his heart. Isn’t Yin Suye a bit too accommodating towards him? Even towards this obviously tsundere request from him, he(SYS) simply agreed just like that. This cause him to feel very moved, but at the same time uneasy.

“Yin Suye, why are you being so good to me ah?”

After a moment of hesitation, Shui Ruoshan still went ahead and asked that burning question from his heart. All those care and good things that Yin Suye has done for him along the way, he will remember each and every one of them. Because he understood (YSY’s personality), he was aware of how good Yin Suye treated him and was even more puzzled from that.

Yin Suye : “You’re worth it.” Worthy for him to use his everything to pamper him(SRS).

He let the question sink for a moment before slowly replying with this 4 words.

Shui Ruoshan : “Thank you!”

Getting a powerful response from Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan’s good-looking eyebrows curved in a pleasant arc and the smile on his face was especially bright. Actually, he owed Yin Suye countless thanks.

He owed his thanks for his(YSY) whole-hearted care towards him, his thanks for his(YSY) time and energy without asking for any repayment from him, and also his thanks for his(YSY) selfless dedication to him…

Yin Suye : “You should rest now.” And not wasting time talking about these inexplicable words.

Actually, this was his first being sincerely thanked to so he was not used to it. Yin Suye turned around with a bit unease, bluntly changing the topic.


Is Yin Suye embarrassed, embarrassed or embarrassed?[1] Even though Yin Suye is currently ignoring him and shifted his sight away from him, he(SRS) could still understand that there is a big gap between his current unnaturally stiff body and his usual arrogant cool attitude! Couldn’t fool anyone at all. Looking closely, Shui Ruoshan even found out that the tip of his(YSY) ears has started to turn red?! One can’t help but wondered if Yin Suye ever-deadpanned face would be stained with a faint blush as well.

1. In case anyone forget about this, China Chinese people like to repeat a point 3 times to stress the importance.

The image that Shui Ruoshan imagined in his mind caused an irresistible itchiness in his heart. He worried that he would trigger Yin Suye and provoke his anger if he went straight up (to see YSY’s expression). This kind of contradictory feeling of wanting to go forward but couldn’t do it; who can understand?

“Where do you want to rest?”

In order to prevent himself going over from his burning curiosity to see Yin Suye’s embarrassed face, Shui Ruoshan decided to resume their previous topic. He deliberately ask questions in hope that Yin Suye himself would turn around to answer him, that way Shui Ruoshan wouldn’t have to do anything at all. The sky is getting dark anyway, so it is not impossible to rest early.

“This way.”

Yin Suye didn’t look at Shui Ruoshan. He walked directly to a big tree and picked a flat area under it.

After that, he pulled out a tent from his space ring and started to set it up.

“You actually brought a tent with you? Really amazing!”

This person who doesn’t have any food on him, actually brought such a high-level survival tool – a tent with him! This is illogical! But then, taking a chance to speak, Shui Ruoshan managed a quick trod to the front of Yin Suye. He couldn’t give up as long as he haven’t take a look at Yin Suye’s face.


Yin Suye doesn’t know what Shui Ruoshan was planning to do, he was minding his own business with the tent.

If he(SRS) remembered it correctly, this tent was obtained during the time Yin Suye travelled with Huang Beichen. The other party insisted in buying two sets of tent and insisted in giving him one set. Fortunately, they can make use of the tent now.

“You can come in and rest now.”

After Yin Suye finished setting up the tent, he placed a few simple traps and also enchantment barrier outside. Then, he called Shui Ruoshan to come in.


Seeing that Yin Suye has completely returned to normal, Shui Ruoshan was disappointed.
However, he still followed the man to enter the tent.

“Sleep ba.”

Yin Suye sat down at one side of the tent and indicated Shui Ruoshan to sleep beside him.


Shui Ruoshan laid down at the place where Yin Suye specially left for him. Only then he realized that the quilts layered at that area were particularly thick so it was very soft to sleep on. He turned over to Yin Suye, who looked like he didn’t do anything special and decided to silently remember the man’s good point in his heart. Actually, he(SRS) shouldn’t hesitate! For such a good Yin Suye, he(SRS) should do something good for him!

“Yin Suye, I have something to tell you!”

After some consideration, Shui Ruoshan felt that there are some matters that needed to be discussed first so that they have better plans for their next step.

“What you need right now is rest!” Other things can be said later.

He has something to do later so he cannot waste too much time here with Shui Ruoshan. Yin Suye’s voice seemed to be laced with magic, that people couldn’t help but wanted to follow his instructions. His eyes stared at Shui Ruoshan, a faint red light flitted through along with some ominous dark qi…

Being looked so closely by the heterochromia eyes, Shui Ruoshan felt unusually sleepy and his eyelids became heavier…

Upon confirming that Shui Ruoshan has completely fallen asleep, Yin Suye instantly opened his eyes. That pair of eyes with different colors became particularly dangerous under the night light. He used a bit of magic on Shui Ruoshan just now. The only use for that spell is it can let the affected person sleep more deeply and won’t wake up in a short period of time.

The reason why Shui Ruoshan fell for it so easily was because he didn’t have the slightest guard against him(YSY); as he placed a complete trust on him(YSY). Knowing this, Yin Suye’s dark face became better. But he won’t let go of what he intended to do just because his mood turned better. Getting up, he placed a bunch[2] of protective barriers around Shui Ruoshan, and those layers were super strong too. After confirming that nothing would go wrong, Yin Suye went out from the tent and quickly headed to one direction.

2. a crapload of it :v

Yes, he is looking for those four. During their confrontation earlier, he left a special mark at the men. Now he just have to follow the direction of the mark and he would be able to find them quickly. Earlier, he didn’t immediately teach those people a lesson not only because he didn’t want to take action in front of Shui Ruoshan but also because he have no need to be petty with them. In his eyes, the four of them were already dead right from the beginning.


On the other side, after escaping from Yin Suye, the group of four thought that they are safe now.
So while they walked, they started to make plans to return and how to take revenge at Yin Suye; letting Yin Suye regret for everything he did to them tonight. Those four who didn’t realize the incoming danger became more and more excited in their discussions. Their expression looked like they couldn’t wait for it, they seemed to have fantasized how the infamous Yin Suye got beaten up to a pulp by them, and could only humbly beg for mercy under their feet.

“Very happy?”

Suddenly, a voice gloomy to the extreme sounded behind them and instantly broke the beautiful illusion in their minds.

“Yin, Yin Suye?!”

“How could you be here?”

Four of them stared as a slender figure walked towards them from a distance. Those rippling blond hairs and an aura as cold as ice, they couldn’t help but shivered in their heart. That strong killing intent Yin Suye had towards them was very clear, he didn’t even bother to hide it.

“To kill all of you!”

Inside that heterochromia eyes, blood red color started to fill in like a devil has crawled out from Hell.

“Are you not afraid…”

A pity that before the man finished his threatening words, an incoming dagger shredded his throat. In that wide opened eyes, it was filled with disbelief and also the fear of death.


The rest of the men were shocked by Yin Suye’s merciless action, and couldn’t stop trembling.
The look of horror, the thick smell of blood, and also a despaired atmosphere instantly left the remaining three filled with fear. At this moment, they finally could feel how close were they to death, and understood that Yin Suye really wanted their lives. On top of that, they also understood that they have no way at all to resist Yin Suye’s power! For the first time, they regretted provoking this demon Yin Suye!


Yin Suye slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and showed a cruel smile filled with ill intention. On that exquisite face that usually caused other people to sigh in admiration was filled with a demonic expression right now. It was a look of madness like he wanted to drag the whole world down to Hell! One step at a time, he slowly walked to the remaining men. With a proud attitude, he raised his hand and instantly took away the lives of 3 people.

Even when he killed someone, he doesn’t have a single trace of blood on him.
It was clean and beautiful! Using such a godlike and dazzling image to do such a cruel and demonic action, these contradictory elements coming together in one person seemed to be out of place, but it doesn’t make one feel bad!

Yin Suye chose to end this quickly and didn’t slowly torture the four, not because he suddenly discovered his conscience. It was because he must go back before Shui Ruoshan wake up, so he can’t waste too much time here. He immediately rushed back after destroying the bodies. When he saw that Shui Ruoshan was still sleeping deeply, Yin Suye retrieved the cruel expression from his face caused by the killing just now.

He quietly laid beside Shui Ruoshan. Feeling the warm temperature from the person beside him, soft to the touch, Yin Suye’s heart gradually calmed down. He turned his head slightly to the side and reached out to touch Shui Ruoshan’s delicate neck, and feeling the movement of hot blood under the pale white skin. This gave him limitless satisfaction in his heart.

This person belonged only to him!

Raw Word Count : 3103


Banana: In case you guys didn’t notice my tiny announcement at the landing page, there will be no release for next Tuesday due to holiday yo~ Wahahahaah 😛