Chapter 054 – The novel’s outline

“Yin Suye!”

Suddenly thought of something, Shui Ruoshan immediately raised his head and called out for Yin Suye. But the moment Yin Suye looked at him, Shui Ruoshan only managed to open and close his mouth; no sound came out from his throat. Because he doesn’t know if he should continue his words.

Although Yin Suye is very familiar with Huo Ruyan, the relationship between them was complicated. And the words he was about to say would definitely touch upon the unavoidable black history between the two of them.

Opening other people’s wounds seemed a little immoral ah!

Hence, Shui Ruoshan hesitated.

“What is it?”

Yin Suye’s attention has always been placed on Shui Ruoshan so he instantly found out the little guy’s complicated look, like he has something to say but couldn’t say it. After a moment of thought, he could almost guess about 80% of what happened. This little guy seemed to know a lot of things, but because he knew too much he like to overthink most of the time. This time, he must clarify the matters first before this little guy starts to link him to a bunch of mess with Huo Ruyan.

“I don’t have anything to do with Huo Ruyan.”

This sentence was given by Yin Suye with no hesitation at all. Just that when Shui Ruoshan didn’t notice, the icy look in his(YSY) eyes when he stared at Huo Ruyan was completely the opposite from his clarification. In his past life, Huo Ruyan resolutely betrayed him for the sake of her true love, Huang Beichen. Henceforth, they no longer have any possibility of reconciliation between the two of them.

They could only be enemies!

“I already know that you have nothing to do with her!”

Shui Ruoshan nodded to express his understanding but at the same time, he couldn’t help rolling his eyes at Yin Suye. He used this way to express his contempt towards Yin Suye who always say something different from the real meaning!

Could it be Yin Suye thinks that as long as he put up a strong expressionless face, he could get away with it? From his(SRS) professional point of view, Yin Suye definitely is very concerned with Huo Ruyan’s presence. Else, he won’t keep looking at her from time to time!

Very obvious, some of Shui Ruoshan’s thoughts were on the same wavelength with Yin Suye’s thoughts. But some other thoughts were hundred thousands miles apart.

Shui Ruoshan didn’t expose Yin Suye and went along with his(YSY) words to show that he actually knows everything, no need for further explanation. That’s why when he repeated his words, he used a word extra from Yin Suye’s sentence – ‘already’. This is to clarify that the Yin Suye right now indeed has nothing to do with Huo Ruyan. But in the past, the two of them have an inseparable marriage relationship.

That’s right, a marriage engagement!

The Yin family and Huo family used to have a good relationship, and the two of them got engaged when they were babies. Should there be no unexpected incidents, Huo Ruyan will be Yin Suye’s wife in the future. Unfortunately, Yin Suye had an accident when he was 8 years old, causing him to fall from Heaven to Hell. That was also the time, not only the Huo family didn’t lend a helping hand to Yin Suye, they ‘kicked him when he was down’, bringing a bunch of people to the Yin family right away to request for the cancellation of his engagement.

And the time when they cancelled the engagement, Huo Ruyan was just a 5 years old child who doesn’t know anything. She doesn’t understand at all the darkness of the adult’s world. So she continue being naive and sentimental, her attitude towards Yin Suye didn’t change much. She still followed Yin Suye around, calling him ‘Gege’.[1]

1. Older brother. Can be used to call any males older than oneself

At that time, Yin Suye who felt that he couldn’t match up with Huo Ruyan’s status didn’t has any grudge against her even though he was very resentful towards the Huo family’s ‘kicking while you are down’ action. Afterall, Huo Ruyan is just a child who doesn’t has the ability to control her own fate. Therefore, he has been taking care of her like his own sister. But as they grew older, Huo Ruyan gradually came out from her naivety and slowly alienated Yin Suye. Yin Suye who still held on that goodwill given to him when she was young, took good care of Huo Ruyan.

According to the progress of the plot, Yin Suye right now should be in the stage of taking care of Huo Ruyan like a sister? So, although Yin Suye is being cold towards Huo Ruyan, it doesn’t mean he is not paying attention to her. Considering Yin Suye’s clumsy attitude that doesn’t know how to express goodwill, Shui Ruoshan was skeptical that Yin Suye is deliberately saying words of the opposite meaning with a cold expression, to misled people to misunderstand.

Instantly, Shui Ruoshan felt like he has uncovered the truth! He is too smart alright?

With his fiery discerning eyes, not only he was not fooled by Yin Suye’s outer appearance, he managed to see through his(YSY) disguise at a glance. He is too quick-witted alright?

He couldn’t help giving himself 32 praises in his heart! No, should be countless praises (instead of just 32)! This would reflect better on his smart, ingenuity and wiseness!

But at the next second, Shui Ruoshan immediately lowered down his head. He was very clear of the incoming part of the plot, which would take a sharp turn downwards. In the later stage, Huo Ruyan will fall in love with the protagonist. She will betray and hurt Yin Suye for the protagonist. However, he(SRS) couldn’t explain these clearly to Yin Suye.

Moreover, if Yin Suye is still in a good relationship with Huo Ruyan and he went to spout bad things about the other person, it felt like he is trying to sow discord ah! So what should he do now?

The Shui Ruoshan who couldn’t think of a good solution at the moment, he looked up out of habit to the ‘exceptionally reliable and tall figure’ standing beside him. But then what he saw was Yin Suye’s expression has not changed since the first moment until now. Shui Ruoshan felt like his concern for Yin Suye just now is wasted! He was so worried for Yin Suye and yet, he(YSY) looked like everything has nothing to do with him! This realization instantly caused Shui Ruoshan to feel unbalanced in his heart. He really wasted his concern for someone just now!


Shui Ruoshan who was unhappy, coldly hmph-ed at Yin Suye then turned his head away with style. In his heart, Shui Ruoshan felt that even if he is throwing small tantrums, his actions just now must have looked glamorous and noble to the max! No matter when it is, he must maintain a ‘big and tall’ image!


Yin Suye who was glared by Shui Ruoshan out of nowhere felt a bit helpless. He didn’t do anything just now right? How come Shui Ruoshan’s emotion suddenly turned bad? Old sayings are right, children and women are the most difficult existence to understand.

“Yin Suye, hurry and stop the fight between Huo Ruyan and the youth in white!”

The moment Shui Ruoshan came back to his senses, he found out that the situation downstairs has started to spiral down. Not sure what happened, the two of them who originally were just verbally arguing have now taken out their weapons. They seemed to be ready to start a serious battle at the next disagreement. Recalling back what would happen next, Shui Ruoshan toughened his heart and decided to request a favor from Yin Suye.

The next scene supposed should be like this – Huo Ruyan couldn’t fight against the youth in white and gotten injured. She then fled into the Fog Forest. In the Fog Forest, she met the protagonist and was saved by him. As they get along, the two of them mutually developed feelings and gradually developed into a lover relationship; even privately make a pledge of marriage to each other (without parent’s approval). After that, Huo Ruyan left the forest with the protagonist after she recovered from her injuries and they found the youth in white to seek revenge. Following that, she brought the protagonist back to the Capital, wanted to get her family to agree with their relationship. In the capital, Huo Ruyan as the female supporting character, and the protagonist Huang Beichen plus the villain Yin Suye; another new story will be opened.

Wait a minute!

Thinking so much today, Shui Ruoshan realized all of a sudden that he was just reciting his novel’s outline?!

The Hell?![2]

2. 喵了个咪的呀! – Online slang, used to express astonishment. Guess what Google translated? See at the bottom note XD

He(SRS) who maintained a ‘big and tall’ image, actually make such dull and tedious mistake like reciting novel outline?! It’s too inconsistent with his noble and cold temperament alright?!


Yin Suye who has been listening well to Shui Ruoshan’s words straightforwardly refused the request this time. That proud figure stood still at the same place, vividly displayed his temperament which could not be moved by any outer element.[3]

3. Banana – Sometimes I understand that the authors write in long winded ways to earn money but I really don’t understand what they actually wrote. It doesn’t seem to make sense _(;3/

“You cannot let Huo Ruyan enter the Fog Forest.”

After a moment of hesitation, Shui Ruoshan’s gaze became firmer. In a split second, he made the big decision to help Yin Suye change his fate! Even if he would completely disrupt the plot by doing this, he will not hesitate! Since he wanted to help, then he should help Yin Suye right from the starting point! As long as they don’t let Huo Ruyan enter the forest, she won’t bump into the protagonist. Naturally, there won’t be any scenes like falling in love with the protagonist, betraying and hurting Yin Suye!

“There are some things that I can’t explain clearly to you right now. Wait until the fight between Huo Ruyan and the youth in white is stopped, I’ll explain to you slowly!”

Since Shui Ruoshan has decided to help Yin Suye change his fate, it means he would have to tell a portion of the plot to him(YSY), so that he(YSY) could prepare his responses in advance. Plus, if he don’t explain everything clearly, Yin Suye won’t be able to understand his(SRS) good intentions for his(YSY) sake at all!

He(SRS) is not those good people who don’t seek anything in return after doing something good! So he definitely must let Yin Suye know how much risk that he(SRS) has taken in order to help him(YSY) change his life! He will see if Yin Suye still dares to give him ‘black faces’ to see in the future!

Hmph hmph!


Author’s note :
Actually it’s not Shui Ruoshan reciting the story’s outline. It’s Shui Shui(author) who is reciting the outline alright?

Shui Shui will definitely not tell you guys that he/she wrote it too swiftly that he/she nearly exposed the bottom half of the story’s outline! Fortunately, Shui Shui’s reaction was quite timely and managed to immediately stopped the action. Otherwise, you guys would be reading the entire outline now ah!

Hei hei!

Raw Word Count : 2920


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Banana : Welp, I’m astonished :v

Chapter 053 – Huo Ruyan

“Yin Suye, that girl in red, is her name Huo Ruyan?”

Shui Ruoshan turned his head and asked Yin Suye with some uncertainties. As a member of the [Outline only] family, Shui Ruoshan only managed to finish the paragraph he was working on before he got transmigrated. In other words, the rest of the plot only has an outline and no full text. For the outline of the novel, he wrote it in a concise manner. Basically, he only wrote about the main direction of the novel, many of the details were not really described.

So, even though Huo Ruyan is one of the protagonist’s harem, he didn’t spend much ink on the outline to shape her(personality/appearance). He only used one sentence to generally describe the scene of her appearance.

Coming forward to face those who provoked her, Huo Ruyan clothed in red, slightly raised her head, holding a long whip in her hand. She stood proudly in the midst of the people, that heroic figure was like a queen![1]

1. The author used only 1 sentence but there’s a crapload of commas in it so I broke it into 2 sentences.

Because his outline was rather vague, Shui Ruoshan didn’t thought to associate this girl in red with the Huo Ruyan from his novel from the beginning. Especially when the girl he saw didn’t possess any heroic queen’s aura at all, unlike what was described in his novel. He probably need to consider that a certain difference would always exist between text and reality.

In order to avoid the ‘misunderstanding’ where the current scene is just a coincidence with his novel’s plot, Shui Ruoshan decided to use the inquiry method.

“You know her?” Yin Suye’s eyes slightly dimmed.

Even though he has tried his best to restrain his emotions, his intense hatred couldn’t help leaking from his gaze when he heard the name ‘Huo Ruyan’.

“She is really Huo Ruyan?!”

The reason why Shui Ruoshan was not very sure of Huo Ruyan’s identity; in addition of the reasons mentioned previously, there was also Yin Suye’s indifference towards her (when she first appears). One need to know, Yin Suye knew Huo Ruyan! Moreover, there is a story to be told between the two of them!

“She is Huo Ruyan.”

Yin Suye nodded in confirmation, just that his deep gaze became so dark that one couldn’t see the bottom of it.

“So, how come you…” …acted like you don’t know her?

Shui Ruoshan didn’t manage to finish his question as he found out that Yin Suye’s expression was a bit wrong. That dark and lonely expression was like he has been abandoned by the whole world. Instantly, Shui Ruoshan was scared by his own thoughts! The Yin Suye right now is not the villain from the later plot who has been blackened to the point of no return. How could there be such a desperate expression from him(YSY)? The hole in his brain must be expanded too rapidly, that’s why it produced such an unreliable illusion?!

En, should definitely be the reason!

“Are you misusing the power of a Seer again?”

Realizing that he(YSY) had accidentally revealed a dark expression, and might have scared Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye immediately pressed down all those negative emotions at the bottom of his heart and cleverly changed the topic.

This little guy could tell Huo Ruyan’s identity with just a glance. Such a Heaven-defying ability; is this really a power that a Seer could possess? Lowering down his eyelids, Yin Suye covered the contemplation in his eyes. He thought for a while, and reached out to rub his(SRS) little head. Not sure if his action was to comfort Shui Ruoshan or to stabilize his own heart.

“Didn’t misuse it!” Shui Ruoshan weakly rebutted.

As the author, if he couldn’t recognize the characters he created, that would be the real ‘pit’[2], alright?!

2. Probably means screw-up

“Alright, you didn’t misuse it.”

Seeing Shui Ruoshan looked like his hackles is rising, Yin Suye swiftly changed the topic.

“That’s right.”

Shui Ruoshan raised his head high, arrogant to the extreme!

Then he remembered something. It seems that he is still supporting Yin Suye’s hand on his head. That means his noble and glamorous peerless aura just now has completely destroyed by Yin Suye?!

Return his noble aura back to him ah!!!

Raw Word Count : 1117


Chapter 052 – Watching the commotion

Though Shui Ruoshan believed in Yin Suye’s judgement, he would still feel a bit of dissatisfaction if he is to admit the conclusion for the commotion right away. Because he knew by agreeing with Yin Suye’s judgement, he is indirectly admitting that he himself has no judgement. However, he learned to be smart this time. He didn’t say anything, and just stood outside their booth on the corridor of the second floor, concentrating on the development of the commotion downstairs. At the same time, he carried a tiny bit of expectation in his heart. He hoped that Yin Suye’s inference is wrong; that way he won’t have to admit that his ‘eyesight’[1] is poor.

1. It doesn’t mean the real ‘eyesight’ but how well can you see through a person.

Unfortunately, what happened next clearly told Shui Ruoshan what it means by ‘Hope is wonderful but reality is cruel’!

Due to the location they stood was quite far away, Shui Ruoshan was unable to hear the dialogue between the girl and the group of men. He only saw both sides seemed to be arguing, and then started fighting right after that. Shui Ruoshan watched the girl in red who was surrounded in a corner flipped her ponytail hair and stepped forward. A fiery red whip then appeared in her jade-like hand.

Even if Shui Ruoshan couldn’t hear anything from the second floor, just by looking at the girl’s movement, he seemed to be able to hear the crisp sound of her high-heeled shoes clicking on the ground, plus the sound of the whip snapping in the air. Compared to the girl’s crisp and straightforward attack style, the group of men became inferior. Although each and everyone of them were armed with weapon, no one dared to go forward to take the initiative to attack the girl. They just stood still and passively defended themselves.

The girl doesn’t have any intention to yield to them at all. She just aimed at one of the men and ruthless strike out with her whip…

The brawny man raised his weapon to defend himself, but due to the gap between their strength and weapon, that man has no way to fight back under the full offensive force from the girl. Not only did the weapon in his hand broke, he was blown away from the force of the whip. Finishing one man, the girl didn’t intend to stop right there. She continued to wave her whip towards the group of brawny men…

Upon finished taking out all the men, the girl gently flipped her hair and started to slowly pack her whip.

A strong and sharp contrast could be seen between the girl’s casual and relaxed behavior and the miserable image of the group of men whose life and death was unknown; lying down on the floor and spitting blood.
Facing such a scene, Shui Ruoshan only has one thought in his mind. That is ‘girls from parallel world are too ferocious!’.

“…” The Hell?!

To think that he was fretting just now over the fact that the protagonist is not here and no one could save the girl from being bullied, Shui Ruoshan felt like he(SRS) is really stupid to the point that he can’t be any more stupider. Such a girl with strength off the charts, she don’t need anyone to come forward and play ‘Hero saving beauty’ ah! It’s already super if she doesn’t go and bully other people instead! That group of brawny men is the best example of what not to do ah!

Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to finish sighing upstairs, the situation downstairs has a new development. The girl in red seemed to be ready to leave after she settled that group of men, turning her body and walking towards the exit. Just that she has yet to reach the door when a young man in white stopped her. The girl in red didn’t choose to attack straight away this time but started arguing with the young man at the door.

Standing there at the second floor, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t hear anything, and could only see both of them opening and closing their mouth. He guessed it must be related to the group of men being KO-ed by the girl in red. Because he(SRS) saw it just now, the young man went to check that first man who was blown away. Then he seemed to be dissatisfied with what the girl in red did, and went to block the girl.

A pity that Shui Ruoshan couldn’t hear what they are talking about, he couldn’t guess what is the status of the matter right now. It makes him anxious just by thinking it ah! Should he take the risk of being entangled in the problem, and go downstairs to watch the fun?

Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to finish weighing his options, Yin Suye noticed what he was thinking about and took the initiative to open his(YSY) mouth.

“Want to listen?”

Actually, as long as one possessed a certain level of strength, one could listen and detect whatever happened within a certain range around themselves. Although he(YSY) doesn’t understand why Shui Ruoshan who possessed (spiritual) powers suddenly acted like an ordinary person who don’t know how to use his powers, Yin Suye doesn’t mind providing his assistance.


Shui Ruoshan nodded in confirmation, then raised his head to look at Yin Suye with expectation. That pair of big eyes seemed to be saying in a pampered tone, ‘Hurry up and let me hear the conversation downstairs! Pretty please!’.

Very obviously, the Shui Ruoshan who thought he has found the right person to seek help has long forgotten that as long as he could use spiritual power, he could also hear the conversation downstairs even by himself.


Yin Suye has no intention to remind Shui Ruoshan of that (to use own spiritual power) at all. Instead, the moment Shui Ruoshan said yes, he reached out and gently pinched his(SRS) ears. He covered his fingers with spiritual power and transferred his power through the intimate contact between them.

“Don’t reject my spiritual power.”

Yin Suye who just remembered that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t understand much of these (stuff about spiritual powers) couldn’t help sounded a reminder.


Shui Ruoshan slow-wittedly agreed. All his attentions were focused on his ears, he has no time for other things at all. Plus he don’t know such advanced skills like ‘Reject’ ah!


Yin Suye was very satisfied that this little guy didn’t put up the slightest guard against him, he couldn’t help but caressed those delicate ears. Only by having absolute trust towards the other party that their spiritual power could enter into the spiritual space without any hindrance.

“That’s enough, quickly let go!”

Shui Ruoshan felt his ears were feeling itchy from being caressed back and forth, the temperature on his face has somewhat risen. So, the moment he could hear the conversation downstairs, he immediately reached out and slapped away those big mischievous hands from his ears. Such an action in ‘throwing away things after using it’, Shui Ruoshan don’t be too skilled in doing it![2]

2. Banana : I have no idea if this is SRS talking to himself or author chastising his character. Raw at the bottom for those who wanna check it.

Looking at those completely red ears, Yin Suye doesn’t mind the other person’s ungrateful action.

When Yin Suye obediently let go of his ears, Shui Ruoshan was slightly relieved. He never knew that his ears would be so sensitive?! He almost couldn’t hold it in, alright?! On the other hand, Yin Suye has just clasped his(SRS) ears for a bit and he could already hear the voices downstairs, this process is too simple! If this is the case, the Hell he tried his best to ‘sell meng’ to Yin Suye for? Plus he gotten his ears rubbed (molested) from the process, for what he did all this ah? Yin Suye could just give him so tips and he would be able to do it himself ah!

The Shui Ruoshan who finally realized what happened after the whole thing has ended instantly had a face full of tears.

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How come he is always so slow in reacting every time?

He is definitely not the problem. It must be this parallel world not compatible with him, causing him to keep getting ‘thrown into a pit’. Before he transmigrated, he was an ordinary little nerd who is so ordinary that one couldn’t be anymore ordinary. So, as an ordinary person, he didn’t has the thought to use any powers from parallel world nor do he know how to use it. Especially when he is facing the blackened villain from his novel, it’s normal that he couldn’t go against him(YSY)!

Then, does that means it’s not strange to be thrown into a pit[3]?!

3. get screwed by reality

*falling down action*

His self-destructive mentality is definitely getting wrong ah?! He would not admit that he has gotten used to be ‘thrown into a pit’ after transmigration and being repeatedly ‘pitted’ in this parallel world!

Shui Ruoshan silently rant about his own behavior in his heart while focusing his ears and listening to the dialogue between the girl in red and the youth in white.

“This young lady, don’t you think your actions just now were too much?” The youth in white blocked the girl and asked in dissatisfaction.

“They dared to speak rudely to me, this Miss naturally want to teach them a lesson!” The girl in red replied in confidence.

“But then, you don’t have to deal such a heavy hand!”

“If you want to blame someone, blame them for being so weak and couldn’t catch this Miss’s moves!”

“Just because you are strong, you could cripple them?”

“Not taking their lives is already this Miss’s favor for them!”

“You are just ‘twisting words and forcing logic’ here!”


As the arguments between the two increasingly heated, Shui Ruoshan became more and more absent-minded. It was because he keep feeling that this scene is very familiar and was trying his best to recall it. All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan who seemed to has recalled something, immediately looked at the girl in red with a disbelief look. Because he wrote similar scene in his draft! And that scene was the official appearance of one of the protagonist’s harem member?! Doesn’t that means he just met the protagonist’s future woman?!

Author note :

Thank you to all dearies for the recent supports to Shui Shui, love y’all!
Muacks ╭(╯3╰)╮! And now, I will submit an update of 3000 (word count)!
Lastly, must continue to support Shui Shui oh!
Because your support is Shui Shui’s biggest motivation for writing!

[Banana : Hurhurhur, today Banana is feeling good so might as well translate the author’s note too~ Huh? What about the previous author note? Uh…. oh, look at the time. Gotta go, bye~~ ε=ε=ε=ε=┏(; ̄▽ ̄)┛]

Raw Word Count : 2813

#WhoForgotThatSRSAlsoHasPowers ?
#SRSHoldWhatIn ?!

Banana: Raw : 水若善这种用完就扔的行为,做起来不要太熟练了!

On the other hand, please take note that the next chapter on Friday will be a super short one. You might wanna wait until next week to continue reading 😛

Chapter 051 – Wrong guess


Upon hearing that something has happened, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want to eat his meal anymore and stood up straight away. He opened the door of their booth and went out, his gaze searching the area downstairs from above. Although trouble didn’t come to find them this time, watching the commotion is still something he likes to do.

“This side.”

Yin Suye was following closely behind. Seeing that Shui Ruoshan didn’t look at the correct place, he reached out and gently turned his(SRS) head to the right direction.

Yin Suye’s gaze was very calm, to the point that there were no flaw in his calmness. But right after he turned Shui Ruoshan’s head to the correct side, his face became dark in an instant. The hand he put down gripped tightly in a fist. He didn’t expect that he would bump into an acquaintance here! Plus it was an ‘acquaintance’ who has a deep hatred with him! When he turned around and saw that little rascal being so lively in checking out the commotion, his(YSY) mood slightly calmed down. He keep telling himself at the bottom of his heart that it is still not the time to act yet, he must be more patient!

Because he don’t want to scare away this little guy beside him!


The Shui Ruoshan with ‘thick nerves’ didn’t notice any strange from Yin Suye at all, and placed all his attention at the incident below. Due to the far distance, Shui Ruoshan could only see a group of savage-looking dudes with weapons below, and a slender girl in red surrounded at a corner.

“People bullying others with their number?”[1]

1. The longer version is – People with more people bullying people with lesser number of people? :v

Shui Ruoshan felt like he should use another saying to describe the scene he saw – ‘Bullies teasing a beauty’. Following the development of the novel, at this time the protagonist should bravely stand up; it time for hero to save the beauty ah! Unfortunately, according to the plot of [The Strongest King in History], he(Protag) suffered a minor injury from a big fight due to the misunderstanding with Yin Suye. Right now the protagonist should be still in the Fog Forest.

And so, it’s currently impossible to start the classic scene of ‘Hero saving beauty’ here. Thinking of this, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know why but he turned around to sneak a peek at Yin Suye. The protagonist might not be here, but Yin Suye the villain is right here ah!

So, how should this plot develop now?

“Wrong guess.”

Noticing Shui Ruoshan’s sneaky gaze, Yin Suye corrected his own expression and refuted his(SRS) speculation with a serious expression.

“Wrong guess?!”

It must be the hole in his(SRS) head has been expanded too much, so Shui Ruoshan couldn’t understand Yin Suye’s word at the moment. Earlier, he mentioned ‘Bullying people with their number’, so by ‘wrong guess’ it means the current status is ‘Bullying people with their smaller number’?!

The next second, Shui Ruoshan came to his senses and understood. What Yin Suye is telling him was the truth that the girl in red is the one bullying the group of savage-looking dudes with weapons?! All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan opened his eyes widely in disbelief, and stared unblinkingly at the ‘crime scene’. No, should say looking at the ‘event scene’ instead.

Shui Ruoshan felt his mind is a bit messy right now so his wordings were confused as well. This is not a detective show, nor a news broadcast. Is it really appropriate for him to use this two words with such distinctive characteristics?[2]

2. Banana : Nope, I don’t understand this sentence. The logical part. Raw at the bottom.

Hold on, the direction of his thoughts seemed to be wrong, should quickly correct it. He should feel complicated (over the scene below) instead, a girl bullying a group of men is an abnormal sight to see. How did it happen? Or he should think a bit if this world is changing (genre) to Fantasy/XuanHuan (玄幻)? Or could it be his thinking is unable to keep up with the development of the times?

Thinking so many random thoughts like this, it must be from writing too much novels; a sequelae from a hole opening in his brain. That’s why as an author, this kind of occupational disease is unacceptable ah!

Raw Word Count : 1073


Banana: Raw : 这里既不是侦探剧,也不是新闻联播,他用这样两个有着鲜明特色的词语真的合适吗?

Chapter 050 – Something has happened

“Why is there no incident happening when we are eating here?”

Rather than saying Shui Ruoshan is questioning it, it would be better to say he is complaining. Mainly because he is full from the meal and has nothing else to do, his occupational disease strike again causing him to start thinking all sorts of random things. According to general rule of a novel, the inn is a place where something is most likely to happen. Especially when the protagonist or villain is present, the probability is even higher.

But he has stayed with this big villain Yin Suye for so many days in the inn and nothing happened. On the contrary, it was too calm that it’s ridiculous. This seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with the development of a normal story ah!

“What unexpected situation do you wish to happen?”

Yin Suye was quite used to Shui Ruoshan’s unpredictable behavior, so he continued to eat his food while giving some attention to converse with him(SRS). Looking at his bowl full of dishes, the corner of his mouth slightly curved up. All these dishes in his bowl were given by Shui Ruoshan. Not sure what kind of shock did the little rascal suffered, he(SRS) started to desperately pick up the dishes and gave it to him right after he said ‘Alright’. (refer previous chapter) If not for the lack of capacity in Yin Suye’s bowl, he think Shui Ruoshan would have given him all the dishes on the table. Such a cute and awkward child!

“A lot of things can happen ah!”

Shui Ruoshan gave Yin Suye a ‘You really have no common sense’ look, a look despising Yin Suye for not knowing such a simple answer.


Yin Suye doesn’t mind Shui Ruoshan’s rude behaviour at all. Instead, he cooperated and acted like he is listening with respectful attention.

“For example, we could have entered a ‘black’[1] shop!”

1. inn that kills and robs guests

Shui Ruoshan will not admit that he watched too much movies like ‘New Dragon Gate Inn‘, that caused him to have such strange associations.

“Or some hedonistic son from rich families came here and found out it is full, then insisted us to give him our private booth…”

He forgot to mention this before but they were eating in a private booth[2] on the second floor of the inn, that’s why they could enjoy their meal in a quiet environment.

2. Like a small dining room with doors.
[Banana : That means no one could come up randomly and demanded to take their booth.]

“Or some drunkards got into a fight with other people, then hurt innocent bystanders with their fight.”

This innocent bystanders could be them, but also could be someone else.

“Of course, some other things could happen too.’

Too many things could happen in an inn. If Shui Ruoshan really wanted to list down all of the incidents that could happen, he probably can’t finish by the dawn of the next day. So Shui Ruoshan only gave a few common examples and stopped listing the rest.

“You….” …thought too much.

The moment Yin Suye started to talk, he couldn’t finish it anymore. Then his gaze towards Shui Ruoshan became strange. His surprised look was as if he was looking at something incredible.

“What do you want to say?” Shui Ruoshan looked at Yin Suye in confusion.

Although Yin Suye’s words were usually very concise, it was rare to see him stop talking after the first word like now.

“Something really happened downstairs.”

Yin Suye gave a deep look at Shui Ruoshan. He didn’t expect that Shui Ruoshan was just complaining about it not very long ago, and something happened straight away. This coincidence is too shocking!

“Something really happened?!”

The moment Shui Ruoshan heard that something has happened, he stood up with agitation.

The hell?!

As expected!

How could the common law of novel plot not applicable in the world of novel?! See, things immediately came up!

Raw Word Count : 1023


Chapter 049 – Willing to change for you

“Why are you taking back the food?”

Yin Suye’s expression became dark, his gaze slightly dimmed.

“Because you don’t eat food given by other people!”

Toughened his heart, Shui Ruoshan ended up telling the real reason, though he knew it may anger Yin Suye. Let’s not talk about the fact he already promised Yin Suye that he won’t lie to him anymore, even if he wanted to give a good excuse, he couldn’t think of one in such a short time ah! Blame himself for forgetting that Yin suye has a few taboos the others mustn’t touch.

As for why Yin Suye has such strange taboo, it was from his character setting in order to express the weirdness and abnormality of the villain. Plus his blackening later on, it was specially arranged by him. Not eating food given by other people is one of the more obvious taboo.

In order to deepen the effect, Shui Ruoshan specially wrote a memory for Yin Suye for this taboo. This is probably what happened. In the past, Yin Suye had a maid who he trusted very much. The maid took care of him since he was young, and this maid is also the first one ever to betray him. When he later fell from grace, not only this maid didn’t endure the bitterness with him, she was bought over (by his enemies) instead. She put poison in the food and personally sent the poisoned food to his mouth.

At that time, Yin Suye was still a young man with normal 3 views[1]. He has yet to experience the evil side of humanity. As expected, Yin Suye who didn’t has any caution against the maid was easily poisoned. If not for him feeling a bit unwell that day and ate lesser than usual, and also the maid didn’t persuade him to eat more from her guilty conscience, he wouldn’t be lucky enough to preserve his life. However, after experiencing both physical and mental pain, Yin Suye realized that the world is very dark and realistic. His character gradually began to turn dark, slowly losing confidence in all human.

1. 三观 – 3 views of the world (世界观/view on world)、 (价值观/view on moral values)、 (人生观/view on life)

Since then, he began to hate the thought of other people giving him food. As long as the food has passed from other people’s hand, he would definitely be unassured. Only after he get someone else to try the food and tested it for poison that he dared to eat the food. Also starting from that time, he began to learn to cook, taking care of his life all by himself. Those helpless and arduous days were the days Yin Suye lived with much hardship. One could say that the experience was one of the turning points in changing Yin Suye’s life.

“Did you foresee that?”

Yin Suye’s eyes slightly flashed, just that there are no changes in his expression. He didn’t expect Shui Ruoshan would be able to find out even his secret habits. This is really unexpected.

“En.” Shui Ruoshan nodded in confirmation, once again letting this identity as a Seer to ‘take the black pot’ on his behalf.

Yin Suye : “I am willing to change for you.”

So even though he is not used to eating the food given by other people, but for the sake of Shui Ruoshan, he is willing to change himself, adapt to changes, getting used to the changes…
Thinking about this, Yin Suye leaned forward and slightly raised Shui Ruoshan’s hand. He lowered down his head and ate the food directly from Shui Ruoshan’s chopsticks. Since he has decided to trust Shui Ruoshan, then it won’t be just words. He is using his actions to tell Shui Ruoshan that he believed in him(SRS)!

“Actually, you don’t have to force yourself like this!”

Comparing to Yin Suye’s extremely calm action, Shui Ruoshan felt a bit overwhelmed instead. All he could do was stiffened his body and squinted his eyes while he stupidly watched Yin Suye raised his(SRS) hand and slowly ate the food (from the chopsticks). He felt a bit complicated at this moment.

As the author for [The Strongest King in History], he understood Yin Suye very well.

And because he knew him(YSY) well, he knew how disgusted Yin Suye was towards eating food given by other people. One can say the maid’s betrayal has left a deep shadow inside the heart of the young Yin Suye. From that day onwards, whenever he ate something given by other people, his body would uncontrollably reject it and feel nauseous. Therefore, there were times when it wasn’t that Yin Suye doesn’t want to accept the kindness from other people, it was his body which didn’t allow him to do so.

But because of him, Yin Suye is trying his best to restrain his body’s instinct right now, very determined to eat the food he gave him(YSY). For Shui Ruoshan to see such actions and not feel touched, it is absolutely impossible.

“Not forcing (myself).”

Yin Suye felt very helpless when he saw the little guy’s disbelief and complicated look. It seems that this little guy doesn’t has much confidence in him ah? At this moment, he can’t explain to him(SRS) saying that the reason he got angry just now was not because the little guy picked some food for him but because he(SRS) took away the food after that.


Shui Ruoshan replied in a daze, he doesn’t know what to do at the moment. Seeing that Yin Suye has finished eating (from his chopsticks), Shui Ruoshan wanted to take his hand back from Yin Suye’s grip. But Yin Suye didn’t seem to has any intention to return his hand back to him.

“Does it hurts?”

Yin Suye noticed Shui Ruoshan’s little movement, and couldn’t help loosened his grip a bit. But he didn’t completely let go. Instead, he gently raised his(SRS) hand to his eye level. A trace of regret flashed in his eyes when he saw the faint red marks left from his actions earlier. He was too impulsive just now; he didn’t control his emotions and accidentally injured Shui Ruoshan!

“Doesn’t hurt.”

If not for Shui Ruoshan very convinced that he himself didn’t even has any small injuries, he would suspected that he actually suffered a fatal injury, judging from Yin Suye’s serious expression; pursed lips and silent demeanor with a look of guilt! Looking at the fingerprints left on his wrist, Shui Ruoshan could only sigh again; this body is too pampered. To actually leave a mark just by being gripped! Such a vulnerable person, is this really him?

“There won’t be next time.”

Yin Suye leaned down and lightly blew on the red marks on Shui Ruoshan’s wrist, he also used his fingers to gently caress back and forth. He seemed to be thinking the red mark would disappear if he did it like that.

“It’s nothing.”

Looking at Yin Suye’s persistence and serious focus on his wrist, Shui Ruoshan could only voice out again to emphasize that he is really fine. Not sure why, when Shui Ruoshan felt the warmth breath from Yin Suye’s breathing and the sensation from his(YSY) cold fingers lightly touching his wrist, Shui Ruoshan has a feeling of rapid heartbeat. He also felt his cheeks turned boiling hot all of a sudden.

This reaction is absolutely wrong ah!

All Yin Suye did was rubbing his red and swollen area. He(YSY) didn’t do anything that crossed the border, there were no ambiguous scenes nor any intimacy actions…

The Hell is he getting embarrassed for?!

Was it because Yin Suye said he would change himself for him, so his feeling became particularly deep, and also the reason why his feeling couldn’t adapt right away?

It should be the case!

On the outside, he doesn’t has any way to get his hand back from Yin Suye. He could only convince himself silently inside his heart. What Yin Suye did was comforting him, he shouldn’t take it the wrong way! The logic is just like what parents would usually do when their child is injured, gently blew on the wound and patted the child then said ‘Pain fly away’. As soon as he thought of this, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t feel nervous anymore. Just that, why did even him placed himself into the role of a child who needs to be comforted?

In order not to let himself to be so embarrassing, Shui Ruoshan felt that it is very necessary to find a topic to talk about. He need to shift the hardworking Yin Suye’s attention to release his(SRS) hand from his grip!

“Do you still want to eat the food?”

The moment those words were out, Shui Ruoshan seriously wished he had said nothing at all. He is definitely an idiot! To dare to ask Yin Suye if he need him(SRS) to pick more food for him?! Seeking death like this, is it really no problem?!


Looking at Shui Ruoshan’s embarrassed face looking shy and awkward, Yin Suye felt for the first time that eating food given by other people could be a good thing.


Hearing this one word ‘Alright’ happily given Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan felt ‘his entire person is not good’[2]. No, it’s ‘the entire world is wrong’!

2. 整个人都不好了 – Online slang for ‘can’t stand it anymore’. Link below.
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This person who spoke to him in a pampering tone, is he really the big villain who was blackened to the point of no return? So, all those stupid words he(SRS) said earlier that was different from what he thought in his mind were actually not because he(SRS) is too stupid, but because Yin Suye was too abnormal! Yes, the truth should be like this!

Author note :






Raw Word Count : 2769

#ThisIsWhatICallProposalOath :v
#YouSeeHowMuchRepetitionInThisChapter ?
#YouSeeHowMuchCellsDiedInsideThisBanana ?

Link for 整个人都不好 – HERE

Banana : Now I want to talk about this word – 夹 (jia) verb.

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In my knowledge, there’s no exact word for this action of holding food with the chopstick. At least there isn’t any 1-word equivalent for this in English. Another meaning for this word is ‘clip’ but it’s not usable here because you don’t ‘clip’ food to give other people. I could use ‘hold’ but it felt like the action was done with your entire hand.

Another word here is 菜 (cai). It can mean vegetable , but it also mean dish(es). In a normal chinese lunch/dinner setting, there’s rice (饭 / fan) and also other dishes (菜 / cai). People sometimes ‘pick some dishes’ (夹菜) to other people to show respect or care. See how wrong it felt in English? _(;3/

Chapter 048 – Without any way out

“Eat slowly.”

Watching Shui Ruoshan indecently wolfed down the food, Yin Suye was worried that the little guys would accidentally choke from eating too fast. But then, he(YSY) was also worried of him not having enough to eat and couldn’t stop putting more food into his(SRS) bowl. His actions not matching his words; it is not a persuasion(not to eat too fast/much) but a total indulgence towards Shui Ruoshan!

“Got it.”

Although Shui Ruoshan sounded his acknowledgement to Yin Suye, he continued burying his head in his food and gobbled it down. He didn’t plan to slow down at all. It’s not because the food here is any delicious cuisine, but because he was hungry. Therefore, he let go of his restraints and ate as much as he could.

By the way, under the fast navigation from Yin Suye ‘the free travel guide’, they have reached the town around 15 minutes ago. The small town was situated outside the Fog Forest – Lin Sen Town. Right after they arrived, they went directly to the biggest inn[1] in the town, ordered a whole table of dishes and started eating.

1. 酒店 – It’s technically a hotel but the term hotel doesn’t really sit with the time setting so I changed it to inn, to give the same feel like what you see in ancient chinese dramas/movies

This is what happened (within this period).


After finishing its portion of a small fish, Ruixue looked at Shui Ruoshan with hopeful eyes, expressing its wish to eat more fish.

“Take it.”

Shui Ruoshan put down his chopsticks and moved the plate of big fish to the front of Ruixue. Regarding the matter of forgetting Ruixue previously, if not for it catching up with them from behind, Shui Ruoshan probably won’t think of it in a short period of time. He felt a bit embarrassed so he wanted to slowly compensate his family’s pet in the future. That’s why not only he lets Ruixue ate together with them at the table, he also specially ordered a few fish dishes for Ruixue; letting it eat until it is satisfied.


Upon getting those delicious fishes, Ruixue called out to Shui Ruoshan in a pleasing way. That shameless behavior showed that it has completely forgotten about being left out by its owner earlier. At this moment, inside its small head was full of fishes. Big big fishes, delicious fishes, fragrant fishes…
Only a cat’s life with fishes inside could be considered a completed cat’s life ah!

“No need to worry, just eat. If it’s not enough, we still have more.”

Looking at Ruixue’s expression like ‘as long as there is fish, everything would be fine’, Shui Ruoshan breathed a sigh of relief. Looks like his own pet is still the easier one to bribe!

“You should eat too ah!”

When Shui Ruoshan turned around, he saw Yin Suye quietly watching him and Ruixue eat but he himself didn’t touch his own chopsticks that much. Thinking back of him(YSY) keep putting food in his(SRS) bowl before this, Shui Ruoshan thought for a while and get up to pick up some food; putting it in Yin Suye’s bowl. The next second, he seemed to have remembered something, immediately went to pick out the food he placed in Yin Suye’s bowl just now.

Just that not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to retrieve his hand, Yin Suye pulled his(SRS) wrist and stopped him; not letting him(SRS) to take back the food he gave him(YSY).

“Why are you taking back the food?”

Yin Suye’s expression became dark, his gaze slightly dimmed.


Feeling the strength gripping his wrist has suddenly increased, Shui Ruoshan knew that Yin Suye is currently very dissatisfied with his current behavior. All of a sudden, he felt a bit guilty and his confidence started decreasing. Towards the food in his hand, putting it down is wrong, but not putting it down is also wrong[2].

2. Raw below for those who wanna check it

No way out ah!

Raw Word Count : 925


Banana: Ze raw – 手中夹着的菜,是放下也不是,不放下也不是。

Chapter 047 – Leaving Fog Forest

“Want to eat grilled fish or something else?”

Yin Suye still hasn’t forget about Shui Ruoshan complaining being hungry.

“Something else ba.”

Although Yin Suye’s grilling skill is good, but to keep eating nothing but grilled fish makes him sick so it’s better to change his palate a bit.


Not waiting for Shui Ruoshan to approve his actions, Yin Suye reached out and carried the other person in his arms.

“What are you doing?”

Suddenly being carried up, Shui Ruoshan subconsciously reached out to hook his hand around Yin Suye’s neck to prevent himself from falling down.

“Leaving Fog Forest.”

As he says that, Yin Suye started walking towards the path heading outside.

“Wait! Aren’t we just talking about what to eat?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye’s skill in jumping from a topic to another is too fast, to the point other people couldn’t keep up!

“Be patient for a while.”

Seemed to realize Shui Ruoshan might not understand what he means, Yin Suye thought for a while and continued his words.

“If we are fast enough, we should be able to enter the nearest town before the sky gets dark. There you could eat hot and delicious meal.”

“But we still haven’t found the ingredient to dissolve the master-servant contract!”

Though Shui Ruoshan also wanted to eat some good food, he doesn’t want Yin suye to leave the forest so soon.

“As for the material, we will come back next time ba.”

Yin Suye remained unmoved by Shui Ruoshan’s protest, and continued heading out while carrying Shui Ruoshan.

“It’s very dangerous to return to the Capital!”

Shui Ruoshan angrily glared at Yin Suye. How come this person still remembers the matter to return to the Capital right now?

“I’m already at Imperial stage now.”

After absorbing the energy from the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus which was more than 800 years old, plus he had his inner spiritual strength as the Supreme King, his leveling was absolutely unimpeded. The whole process was convenient and fast, without the slightest danger at all…


Shui Ruoshan realized that Yin Suye has make up his mind to return to the Capital this time. What depressed him was he doesn’t know what kind of reason to use to protest this time. Because Yin Suye has met his condition to reach the a certain level of cultivation before leaving the forest, even more than what he proposed! Even with the help from the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus, isn’t Yin Suye’s breakthroughs a bit too amazing ah?!

Then again, he is a bit tired of staying inside the forest for so long. More importantly, this small body of his seemed to be unable to stand this as well. Previously he doesn’t want Yin Suye to leave the forest so quickly because he was afraid of him(YSY) being in danger after returning to the Capital. But not only his(YSY) strength is higher than expected, he also has him(SRS) the omnipotent author beside him.

They shouldn’t have any dangers returning to the Capital right?

With this thought, the urge to visit the Capital suddenly surged in Shui Ruoshan. Immersed in his thoughts, Shui Ruoshan had a feeling that he somehow forgotten about something? But he seemed to be unable to recall what was it[1]. The Shui Ruoshan who has think it through no longer oppose Yin Suye’s decision. Instead, he started relaxing inside Yin Suye’s arms and enjoyed the free transportation provided by someone.

1. Without referring to the following paragraphs, can you guess what SRS forgot?

During the time Shui Ruoshan didn’t notice, Yin Suye slightly turned his head and threw a glance towards the direction of Ruixue. Then he quickly returned his attention back to the little guy who was so well-behaved in his arms; didn’t say anything.

A certain pet that has been splendidly forgotten by Shui Ruoshan widened its eyes in disbelief.
It seemed to be unable to believe that its new owner actually has abandoned it and left just like that?! The most depressing thing was that bad bully didn’t bother reminding its owner but still looked back to glance at it?! Did it get mixed-up with bad companies? Ruixue suddenly questioned why its cat life so bitter?


Ruixue raised its head and looked up to the sky at a 45-degree angle. It is currently thinking about a very big matter, this matter will definitely affect its whole cat life! Should it follow its owner to leave (the forest)? Or don’t care of its owner, return to own nest and check out all the various treasure it has collected with much efforts? Looking at its owner getting further and further, and thinking back of the deep look on that bad person when they left, Ruixue doesn’t has the courage to choose the second option and could only accept its cat fate in the end; tightly followed up.

Wu wu!

Humans are so bad, bullying cats every time!

Raw Word Count : 1308


Banana:For those who need a random reminder of this novel’s cultivation stages -> 天(Sky) 地(Earth) 玄(Profound Mystery) 黄(Yellow :v Imperial)

Chapter 046 – Finally waking up

“Getting hungry?”

The moment Yin Suye opened his eyes and he heard someone complaining he(SRS) has nothing to eat; the corner of his mouth couldn’t help curving up.

“You finally awake?!”

Shui Ruoshan raised his head, and his gaze met with that pair of unusually beautiful heterochromia eyes of Yin Suye. Both people could clearly see their own figure from the other person’s eyes. The setting sun gave Yin Suye a layer of faint golden light, softening his whole aura. His golden hair fluttered in the air; glorious and dazzling. Looking at the current Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan felt like something is different. But taking a closer look, it seemed that nothing has changed. Towards such a contradictory feeling, he(SRS) felt kind of perplexed. He probably could feel that Yin Suye’s strength has increased, his aura became different, so it gave people a different feeling?

“Getting anxious from the wait?”

Yin Suye squatted down; setting his sight at the level as Shui Ruoshan’s. Reaching out to rub the little guy’s head, his hand then slowly moved down and eventually stopped at the back of Shui Ruoshan’s neck. He gently stroke the area; there was an unprecedented satisfaction in his eyes.

When he decided to absorb the energy from the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus, he has quickly placed a bunch of unnecessary barriers and counterattack spells around himself. Other than that, he also left a part of his mental power outside to monitor his surroundings. No matter what kind of movements happened outside, it will not escape his monitor. As long as he can feel any kind of danger, he would be able to wake up immediately and quickly counterattack.

Vigilance against his surroundings has long been an instinct for his body. The life experience from his past life caused him to be unable to believe in other people so the skills he needed to learn the most was how to protect himself. Just that what he didn’t expect was Shui Ruoshan didn’t find out his actions[1] at all. Instead, he(SRS) despised him for not being reliable and too casual.

1. Setting the barriers and counterattack spells

One need to know, when he(YSY) made these actions, he didn’t deliberately hide it from Shui Ruoshan. Could it be due to the speed of his movement, this little guy didn’t manage to see it?
This realization gave Yin Suye a feeling that he don’t know if he should laugh or cry. Especially when Shui Ruoshan kept a tight guard beside him (when he is cultivating) while ranting non-stop about him; helping him(YSY) to watch out for his surrounding. He then gave up his intention to explain to Shui Ruoshan (that he already placed barriers and such), because he liked to see how this little guy cares and keep watch for him.
That’s why even though he was immersed in his absorption of the lotus’s energy, he didn’t forget to observe Shui Ruoshan’s reaction from time to time. Seeing Shui Ruoshan’s expression and behaviors towards any changes from their surrounding, Yin Suye felt that this little guy is getting more and more interesting!

He saw the little guy getting nervous whenever there are movements from around them, panically pulling out several offensive or defensive tools from space ring, forcing himself to calm down, making an exaggerated offensive posture to bluff any possible enemy…
Then realizing it was a false alarm, immediately put the items back into the space ring, patting own chest afterwards and take a deep breath, trying to relax…
Lastly finding out nothing dangerous would actually appear, immediately become relaxed and sat on the grass in a daze from boredom…
After that, he(SRS) started to play with Ruixue because he has nothing to do, then taking a glance at him(YSY) with a hopeful look from time to time to check if he has woken up…
In the end, he has completely lost his patience and started complaining about him(YSY), worrying about their situation while ranting…

Watching Shui Ruoshan with such rich expressions, even as he is immersed in the middle of his cultivation, Yin Suye couldn’t help curving the corner of his mouth to a pleasant arc. At the same time, he felt helpless towards the little guy’s lack of vigilance. Could it be this little guy doesn’t know that if he really met with a high leveled master with his relaxed behavior, don’t say counterattacking with the items from the space ring, for him not being murdered right from the beginning is already an amazing thing! Fortunately, there are no powerful beasts nearby the Bewitching Misfortune Lake or any adventurers either. This allowed Shui Ruoshan to be able to fool around (safely).

“En, en!” Shui Ruoshan honestly nodded.

It is definitely a lie if he said he is not anxious from the wait. Especially when he needed to keep his guard up against all the dangers around them all by himself and need to ensure Yin Suye’s safety as well. When his nerves were stretched taut, time felt like it flowed slower at that moment. Fortunately, Yin Suye still met with his(SRS) expectation and has only let him wait for half a day, unlike what usually described in novels which would take ten days to half a month to cultivate; some even took longer. If things really happened like what he imagined, Shui Ruoshan believes he would definitely die! Not from hunger but from anxiousness!

Raw Word Count : 1398


Chapter 045 – Telling the truth

“Alright, I’ll tell you the truth! Actually, I have an ulterior motive for giving you the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus!”

Although Shui Ruoshan admitted his wrong to Yin Suye and gave his promise as well, he still haven’t forget the reason why he lied.


Yin Suye indicated to Shui Ruoshan to continue with his explanation, he will listen patiently.

“Both of us could be considered tied together now. So, if you are awesome, it means I’m awesome too.”

To convince Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan has decided to start from analyzing the awesome part of the situation. He remembered his promise to Yin Suye that before he dissolves the master-servant contract, he will not leave his(YSY) side. Also, it was quite clear that the contract wouldn’t be able to be dissolved in a short time. That is to say, both of them will be living together for a long time.

“Moreover, the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus mainly increases strength. The increase on spiritual power is very low.”

He mentioned of his identity as a Seer and also an Incantation master, and that he needed to increase his spiritual power instead of strength. So, it would be a waste to use the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus on him!

“Other than that, I don’t have any practical combat skills. Even if I consumed the lotus, it is quite impossible for a fighting noob to become a super fighter right away.”

This is definitely the biggest truth. As a small fry with only battle combat value of 5, high level skill like fighting is not an essential skill for stay-home nerd like Shui Ruoshan ah! Otherwise, he won’t be so scared of the wolfs until he completely forgotten to counterattack. Although he couldn’t be sure if this body he transmigrated into has any powers, he was very clear that even with the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus to increase his strength, it is still useless as he doesn’t know how to use his powers.

“That’s why you can protect me better by getting stronger!”

Furthermore, Shui Ruoshan has no confidence at all towards his current small body. Rather than counting on himself, it’s better to rely on others.

“In short, my safety depends on you!”

Shui Ruoshan ended his explanation with that conclusion. If not for his height doesn’t allows it, at this moment he would definitely step forward and pat Yin Suye at the shoulder like two good brothers, to express his(SRS) trust on him(YSY).


Yin Suye gave Shui Ruoshan a deep gaze, then slowly nodded. His solemn expression looked like he just make up his mind on something.


He(SRS) racked his brain to come up with so many reasonings to convince Yin Suye, and he ended up with a simple ‘Alright’ from him. Why is the contrast so big ah?! On the other hand, he seemed to be telling Yin Suye to accept the lotus only. Why is Yin Suye being so serious? This gave him an illusion that he(SRS) had just unconsciously forced the other party to promise him an oath?

Where did this strange feeling came from?

“Since you agreed, then quickly absorb the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus ba!”

Shui Ruoshan decided to ignore this strange feeling that would appear from time to time. He already got used to this inexplicable feeling anyway, as it would randomly appears since the day he first met Yin Suye. The most important thing right now is to let Yin Suye improve his strength.

“Alright.” Yin Suye nodded accordingly.


The moment Shui Ruoshan saw Yin Suye agreed, he immediately stuffed the lotus into Yin Suye’s hands. That fierce eagerness from Shui Ruoshan doesn’t seem to mean he is afraid of Yin Suye suddenly changing his mind but more like he has an immense hatred with the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus.


Yin Suye looked down at the lotus stuffed into his hands. The lotus’s appearance was very miserable, so Yin Suye silently straightened it a bit.

“You are going to eat it soon, what’s the point in fixing it up?”

Looking at Yin Suye’s gentle actions towards the lotus, Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt some dissatisfaction. Yin Suye’s attitude towards the lotus was so cautious, was it an indirect comparison to how rough and inelegant he was when handling the lotus? Isn’t this just bullying?!

“No, it would be easier to consume it this way.”

Although he doesn’t know why Shui Ruoshan’s mood could change so fast, Yin Suye still answered accordingly.

“Isn’t it just the same?” Shui Ruoshan slightly raised his chin, expressing that he is quite satisfied with that answer.

“En.” Really a child indeed, the emotions came quickly and left just as quick.

“After this, you should find a safe place then consume that lotus ba!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye is too indifferent, he has to give him(YSY) a reminder every time.

“It’s fine here.”

Yin Suye’s gaze swept over their surroundings, then he went to sit down on a piece of clean and open ground.

“You are being lazy in picking the location!”

Shui Ruoshan felt helpless by Yin Suye’s hasty decision to choose their current location as the cultivation ground. For normal cultivators, who doesn’t plan in advance, pick a good hiding place, place various barriers around the location, then start their long journey of cultivation when everything is ready? But when it comes to Yin suye, everything is completely different. Not only he didn’t show that he placed any importance towards cultivation matters, he did everything so casually to the point other people can’t help but worried on his behalf ah!

“Nothing bad will happen, trust me!”

Yin Suye reached out and rubbed Shui Ruoshan’s head. Although he knew that Shui Ruoshan was worried for him, the Bewitching Misfortune Lake is actually a good choice. Moreover, he believed that he shouldn’t take too much time to absorb the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus. He relied on his own efforts to make it to the Imperial stage[1] in his past life after all. His spiritual power is still at the Imperial stage so as long as he could raise enough power, he could quickly become the Supreme King again. And this Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus may be the stepping stone for him to reach the pinnacle of his cultivation.

1. Last stage to become the Supreme King, refer chapter 23 for that list again.

Thinking of this, Yin Suye reached out to take the lotus seeds from the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus. As far as he knows, the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus will produce one lotus seed every hundred years. The essence was stored inside the lotus seed, and one lotus seed could increase one’s strength by 100 years.

“Wait a minute. Don’t take the lotus seed out, and consume the whole lotus together.”

Seeing Yin Suye’s move to eat the seed, Shui Ruoshan immediately stopped him and informed him the correct method of consumption.

He(SRS) spent quite some time on the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus when he first created the setting for it. In order to let the protagonist get fortuitous encounters and also beauties, he wrote that the lotus seed contained quite a violent energy. If the seed is consumed directly, one would easily feel fire burning inside their body, causing them to be muddled and couldn’t control themselves…

Following the plot, although the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus was obtained by the protagonist, the scene was seen by the ‘thief sister’ who arrived after that. Under the pesterings from the thief sister, the protagonist finally gave her 3 lotus seeds and tremendously raised the sister’s affection level towards the protagonist. Hence, those two who were clueless about the characteristics of lotus seeds have decided to cultivate together (at the same place) so that they can cover for each other. They picked a hidden cave, then consumed the lotus seeds at the same time. The result was both of them ‘lost their reasons’ and started a sweet amorous session that is not suitable for children. After that, not only those two became a couple, their strength were greatly improved too.

A pity that this wonderful plot he spent all night to write was destroyed by his butterfly effect. Towards this matter, Shui Ruoshan could only helplessly sigh. Although he felt regretful for the loss, there’s no way around it. If he let Yin Suye eat the lotus seed, he(SRS) won’t be able to find anyone to help him ‘put out the fire’ when his(YSY) energy starts to turn violent. That’s why Yin Suye must consume the whole stalk of the lotus instead. Because not only the roots and leaves of the lotus could neutralize the violent energy in the lotus seeds, it contains energy as well and promotes the absorption and utilization of energy into the body. This makes the entire stalk of the lotus absolutely indispensable (in order to absorb the energy successfully without side effect).


Yin Suye stopped his action and changed it to place the whole stalk to his mouth; slowly chewing as he eats. After he elegantly finished eating the entire stalk of lotus, Yin Suye quietly closed his eyes and started to digest and absorb the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus’s energy to increase his strength.

Shui Ruoshan didn’t think that Yin Suye would trust him so much that he ate the whole stalk without any hesitations. This makes his mood a bit complicated. In the end, Shui Ruoshan only chose to remain standing at his place, quietly watching Yin Suye who has his eyes closed and decided not to think anything further. Then he saw it, a layer of faint water mist filled around Yin Suye and started to seep into his body…
Up until the mist around Yin Suye has been completely absorbed, Shui Ruoshan still couldn’t find out what is the current situation as the other party didn’t even wrinkled his brows (didn’t have any reactions on his face). However, Yin Suye didn’t immediately open his eyes and continued sitting at the same place.

Shui Ruoshan knew that Yin Suye is currently transforming all the energies that he has just absorbed into his own strength slowly. And so, he(SRS) waited by the side, waited ….
Until the sun started setting, Shui Ruoshan still couldn’t see any signs of Yin Suye opening his eyes and dejected bowed down his head.

“Say, when do you think Yin Suye will wake up? If he can’t wake up within a short period, wouldn’t that mean we don’t have anything to eat?”

Though he knew that the time of cultivation varies from person to person, Shui Ruoshan still want to complain when he lowered his head and saw Ruixue keep nudging his legs, trying to please him. He now realized that being willful is not good, he shouldn’t have refused the food left by the group of four previously. As a stay-home nerd with zero outdoor survival skill and possessed no food reserves, Shui Ruoshan will really have to suffer hunger if Yin Suye still doesn’t wake up in a short while.


Raw Word Count : 2954

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