Chapter 064 – Requesting for the truth ah

“Xiao Yeye, I just got myself a little brother!”

Raising his head, Shui Ruoshan flaunted off while lazing in Yin Suye’s arms. They have already left the inn, and currently wandering along the streets. Of course, he is still being carried by Yin Suye. After all, there is a free ‘No.11[1] bus’ to use, it doesn’t make sense for him to use his own stubby legs instead.

1. I put in a cantonese slang for this expression. 11 looked like a pair of legs right? No.11 bus means walking.

If one can be lazy, one will be lazy!

But towards the matter of him so easily obtaining one little brother, Shui Ruoshan still felt a bit proud of himself. It was a rare chance that he get to enjoy the protagonist’s treatment. He just released a bit of his domineering power, and this little brother immediately bowed down at his ‘suit pants’[2]. Although Bai Yu didn’t looked much reliable, at the very least he is a young man with positive 3 views[3]; good points more than bad points.

2. I think SRS imagined himself wearing a western suit, that’s why he used the word suit
3. For those who forgot, 3 views are views of the world, views of values, and views of life

From what one could see, he(SRS) could be considered very attractive! At the very least, he is more attractive/affinitive than the facial paralysis villain, Yin Suye!

This is a very worthwhile thing to be proud of!
He should throw confetti and celebrate it!
Life is still very promising!
He smiled proudly, smiled proudly!
Smiled until he looked at worldly affairs and not get old!
Hey, Ba Zha Hei!

[Banana : It doesn’t really makes sense so Banana suspected SRS is talking about the lyric from a song – 得意的笑 . And the last sentence, I have no idea at all, lol. Google gave me THIS]
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“En, Xiao Ruo is very amazing!”

Although Yin Suye was really dissatisfied by the fact that the little guy kept talking about Bai Yu, he still cooperatively nodded to express his approval. He remembered what other people said, that children need to be coaxed and also need to be praised a lot. So he said what he need to say, certainly he could make the little guy happy with his praises.

“But then, why didn’t you let Bai Yu to follow us ah?”

Shui Ruoshan felt very depressed now. It seems like no matter what he did, he will always be a child seeking for praises in Yin Suye’s eyes. When did he tried to seek praises just now? He obviously just wanted to get a sense of superiority from Yin Suye! This feeling of always being coaxed like a child, nothing else can be more heart-wrenching! And so, the Shui Ruoshan who felt like he has been looked down, immediately started picking on Yin Suye’s wrongs.

“Bai Yu need to handle the follow-up of the mess in the inn.” Yin Suye didn’t even stop his footsteps; calmly stated the reason.

“That’s true.” Shui Ruoshan nodded in understanding.

Let’s not talk about how Yin Suye ‘tortured’ the inn, it indeed needs someone to go out there and clean up the mess, plus someone to discuss the compensation whatsoever. Furthermore, Bai Yu volunteered himself to stay behind, said something about having the courage to take responsibility and trying his best to deal with the problem. He(SRS) naturally has no reason to object.

“But why didn’t we stay back to take care of the mess together?”

Shui Ruoshan still doesn’t understand why Yin Suye didn’t choose to stay, and decided to take him(SRS) away from the inn instead. One need to know, them staying back and Bai Yu cleaning up the mess is two completely different matter ah! He actually is very curious regarding how Bai Yu will deal with the inn’s mess. Will he compensate with money? Or apologize? Or something else? However, he is even more curious whether Bai Yu will look for Huo Ruyan to settle their business. This point is very worth looking forward alright?!

Unfortunately, Yin Suye doesn’t has any interest towards this kind of commotion watching; not even the slightest interest. He just carried him(SRS) away after naturally throwing a sentence “You handle this” to Bai Yu. So cool with a flick of his sleeves, like leaving on a piece of cloud!

However, Yin Suye didn’t ask the opinion of this party ah!

Is there any human rights in this world?!

“You are hungry.” Yin Suye stated his reason without blinking.

“…” Yin Suye, that’s enough!

Always use his(SRS) excuses as his(YSY) reason, Yin Suye don’t you think you have used it too often? He(SRS) already listened until his tears are dry and he don’t like it – he is tired of it! And there are food in the inn, is it necessary to go far? This kind of bad reason cannot even fool a 3-years old kid. How could it be used to fool a great young man like him, a slave of education, who is fully developed in terms of morality, intelligence, physical fitness and aesthetic sense?

It seems that this Ruo Xiaoshan has completely forgotten that he was the one who actually proposed to change to another place to continue eating…

However, he was not someone who gives up so easily. In order to get the truth out of Yin Suye’s mouth, he doesn’t mind continuing his questions, until he could know the truth!

“Then why didn’t you let Bai Yu to come together with us after he finished handling the matter in the inn?” Shui Ruoshan pressured on with his questions.

Yin Suye’s way of handling matters this time has too many flaws in it, causing people to doubt his real purpose in doing so! Because Yin Suye has no motive to do it ah! The more Shui Ruoshan think of it, the more he felt wrong!

One need to know, whether the current timeline or from the draft’s timeline, no matter which one you look at, Bai Yu and Yin Suye don’t have any connections between them nor will they cross path in the future. Both of them getting to meet right now was entirely from the fact that he changed the story’s plot. Both Bai Yu and Yin Suye clearly doesn’t have any clash in interest, but he could feel that Yin Suye seems to dislike Bai Yu very much; even hated the thought of Bai Yu following them.

Sure enough, one simply couldn’t guess the reaction of the big BOSS! You can try but you won’t get it!

“Not convenient.”

Yin Suye’s thin lips slightly opened and icily threw out these 2 simple words. He lowered his eyes, quickly concealed the unpleasant look from his eyes. Bai Yu is the heir of the Bai Family, and since he(BY) is here outside from his home, it means he should be undergoing his family’s trial. Then, he would be qualified to inherit the Bai Family. And it’s completely out of the way from the direction they are heading to, the Capital. Naturally, it’s impossible for Bai Yu to follow Shui Ruoshan to be his subordinate. The Yin Suye who thought his reasoning is good enough, totally didn’t think that this matter actually shouldn’t be taken into consideration by an onlooker like him. It should be the person concerned, Bai Yu the one to explain about this (about why he shouldn’t follow SRS).


Shui Ruoshan who originally wanted to say something, suddenly looked at Yin Suye in surprise. He(SRS) seemed to hear some kind of resentment from that super short 2 words?! This must be a mistake with his senses, that’s why he has such strange feeling?

This must be it!

But in order to prove that it was just a misconception of his, Shui Ruoshan felt that he need to take a look at Yin Suye’s ‘forever waveless ancient well’ deadpanned face.

En, let’s do this!

It’s a pity that the moment he raised his head, Yin Suye pressed him back with his hand. He was unable to see Yin Suye’s expression at the moment. Instantly, he has the illusion that Yin Suye is covering the truth right now. The more he think about it, the more he felt his intuition is correct, what to do? Could it be Yin Suye is feeling embarrassed now, that’s why he(YSY) is not letting him to see him(YSY)? Are his(YSY) ears turning red now, but trying his best to display a tough expression so that other people won’t discover it? Is he(YSY) afraid to let him(SRS) know that he(YSY) is feeling shy? That’s why he deliberately turned away his head, to avoid being noticed him? The more he think of it, the more Shui Ruoshan’s heart felt itchy! Really wanted to see ah! Seeking the truth ah!


Shui Ruoshan felt that he should say something at a moment like this to distract his own attention, so that he could stop guessing about Yin Suye’s expression at the moment. But all he could think of in his mind was Yin Suye’s awkward expression, he couldn’t think of anything else ah! The hole in his head was too great, he couldn’t stop it at all[4]!

4. He couldn’t stop himself from being stupid :v

“No buts.”

Yin Suye looked at the restless little guy who keep moving around in his arms, there is a strong possessiveness in his eyes that even he himself didn’t notice. After experiencing hell-like life in his past life, he could no longer trust anyone anymore. Even for this little guy, he tested him over and over again. Only then he decided to trust again, so he will not allow anyone to distract the attention of the little guy (away from him)! This little guy is his, naturally he(SRS) could only pay attention to him(YSY) alone!


Shui Ruoshan had a feeling that no matter how he asked about this matter, he probably won’t get any answers from Yin Suye. Yin Suye has too many excuses to use, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know how to refute. To prevent his weak heart from being agitated, Shui Ruoshan felt that he should change the subject.

“Xiao Yeye, say, we left just like that, will Huo Ruyan go directly to the Fog Forest?”

Shui Ruoshan only thought to comfort Yin Suye earlier, that’s why he suggested to leave the inn. After he calmed down, he found out that his way of doing things was too ill-considered. Actually, he should first settle this important female supporting character Huo Ruyan; making sure that she won’t enter the Fog Forest before leaving! If Huo Ruyan really entered the Fog Forest, won’t all his efforts done before this go up in smoke? And he got themselves a strong enemy as well!

Plus he just accepted a little brother Bai Yu, who might get finished off by Huo Ruyan and the protagonist later on.

His little brother ah!
His ‘fresh from oven’ little brother #1 ah!
If his little brother becomes cannon fodder and get finished so quickly… then it’s too unworthy!
He still haven’t finished playing (the role of being a big brother)!

If he returns to the inn now, is it still possible to make up for the mistake?

“How about we go back to the inn now?”

Although Huo Ruyan is very annoying, but for the sake of their future safety, Shui Ruoshan could reluctantly bring her back to the Capital with them.

“No need to worry.”

Yin Suye reached out and rubbed Shui Ruoshan’s head, lightly comforted. He understood what the little guy is worrying about, but he(SRS) really don’t need to worry because he won’t give Huo Ruyan any chance to betray him! A bloody red light flashed through his pair of heterochromatic eyes, covered by his long lashes…

Cold and decisive, dangerous and ruthless, madness covered in bloodthirstiness…

Raw Word Count : 2843

#DeadpannedFaceFeelingShy ?
#RemindsMeOfLanWangJi :3

Banana: Late to post this but hey, at least it’s still Tuesday~ XD wahahahahahaha ohoks ohoks wahahahaha

Chapter 063 – Taught the wrong path

“Please wait a minute!”

The young man in white quickly called out to stop them when he saw they were about to leave. After being freed from that terrifying pressure, the young man has yet to figure out what is actually happening when he got stunned by the development and climax happened between Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan and Huo Ruyan. And now, show is over but he still hasn’t figure out what happened between the three of them. However, this doesn’t prevent him from stopping the people first. After all, a big mess in the inn still need someone to be responsible.

“Step aside.”

Yin Suye’s eyes slightly squinted, it was obvious that his patience is running out. If not for him still carrying Shui Ruoshan in his arms, he probably has already struck out.

“Not stepping aside!”

The emotion in the young man in white doesn’t look good, and he still insisted to block in the middle of the path.

“Seeking death!”

Yin Suye used one hand to continue carrying Shui Ruoshan, while his other free hand is ready to go. As long as the other party starts moving, he will immediately pull out his sword from his space ring and put on an offensive stance.


Upon seeing that Yin Suye has the intention to take action, Shui Ruoshan reached out to hold Yin Suye back without thinking. He gently shook his head to tell Yin Suye not to do it. Yin Suye’s habit in attacking at the drop of a hat is very bad. It’s very easy to offend other people and leave himself with hidden dangers and new enemies.

Sensing Shui Ruoshan’s disapproval, Yin Suye hesitated for a moment before slowly put his hand back to its original place. That expressionless face was as if nothing has happened at all.

After he persuaded Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan then shifted his gaze towards the young man in white.[1]

1. Banana : I had the impulse to call the dude ‘White man’ due to laziness… but that’s racist :v

“Who are you ah?”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have much info of this young man in his draft outline. This young man in white is just a little cannon fodder in the protagonist’s way to level up; a fuse to lead the story to the next plot. So, even he as the author also doesn’t know much about this young man. No author would write a detail description for cannon fodders with a very short ‘airtime’ after all.

“My name is Bai Yu. The ‘Bai’ from the color white, and the ‘Yu’ from the word feather.”

The young man in white, no, should call Bai Yu now. Bai Yu fixed his own expression, looking very serious with his self-introduction.


Just stating a name only, not need to be so detailed ah!

Instantly, the word ‘chatterbox’ flashed through Shui Ruoshan’s mind.

“I have introduced myself, why haven’t you guys introduce yourself as well ah?” He asked in dissatisfaction after waiting for a moment and the other party didn’t say anything.


Facing this person who talks all by himself, Shui Ruoshan could only use the word ‘God-tier Speechlessness’ to describe his current mood. How big is this ‘nerve’ of Bai Yu? To actually ignore the ‘low pressure’[2] from Yin Suye, running his mouth away without any sense of crisis! The thickness of this ‘nerve’ must have be thickened to a certain (godly) level!

2. Rather than YSY’s pressure, it kinda means the air pressure and temperature

“Do you have any reason to stop us?”

In order to prevent Bai Yu from continuing his nonsense, Shui Ruoshan felt that it would be better to go directly to the main point.

“Oh yeah, I stopped you not to make friends but for serious matters!”

Bai Yu patted his head as if he has just got enlightened. He seemed to be upset by the fact that he keep going out of the main point.


Shui Ruoshan felt that talking to Bai Yu was a very wrong move. It was like ‘çhicken talking to duck’, are you alright, dear? At the same time, he deeply doubted if such a silly character was really created by him.

“-cough cough-!”

Bai Yu seemed to also notice that his behavior just now was a bit unreliable. So he fixed his expression, and put on an act in coughing a few times; wanted to use these action to save his image.

“Just tell us why did you stopped us! Other than that, PLEASE.SAY.THE.MAIN.POINT!”

If he don’t remind Bai Yu, Shui Ruoshan think Bai Yu probably could stand there and perform ‘facial expression changing stunt’ for a long time.

“-cough- actually what I wanted to say is your partner released his pressure for no reason just now, not only it injured the people present, it almost collapsed the inn. So, you guys cannot leave just like that!”

Bai Yu pointed at Yin Suye, and started listing down the number of crimes done by the other party.

“The one who injured the people was that woman, not us! You stopped the wrong person!”

Shui Ruoshan pointed at Huo Ruyan, ‘directly throwing the dirty water’ on Huo Ruyan.

These matters were originally caused by Huo Ruyan, so it’s alright to let her take the responsibility. Want him to pay (take the responsibility) on behalf of Huo Ruyan? Don’t say the door, there won’t be windows or even door seams alright[3]!

3. This is probably an online slang but it’s too long for me to search google. The terms are too general, but I think the main point is probably they won’t help HRY take responsibility, not even a bit.

“The remaining innocent people who were implicated, how about them?”

At crucial moments, Bai Yu still could be counted on for a bit. Excluding those who were injured by Huo Ruyan, the rest of the people were all injured by Yin Suye’s pressure.

“Them ah? That is even lesser of our problem!”

Shui Ruoshan glanced around the inn, and found out that he couldn’t find even a single unharmed person. Instantly, he had a deeper understanding towards the extent of Yin Suye’s ferocity.

“Yin Suye is clearly affected by the battle between you and Huo Ruyan, so he couldn’t help but took action for self-preservation purpose ba!”

When Shui Ruoshan lies, he really don’t blink at all. That solemn statement let people feel that he is speaking the truth. Let’s not talk about the time when Huo Ruyan and Bai Yu confronted each other first, they didn’t even do anything at first. Even after they started attacking, their movements were quite small. The people at the ground floor were not affected, so how could he and Yin Suye who were at the second floor get affected? Even if the battling movement gets bigger, with Yin Suye’s strength, there won’t be any chance of him getting affected by other people’s battle!

“Speaking of this, the fact that everyone present got injured, the responsibility still lies on you and Huo Ruyan.”

Shui Ruoshan explained his conclusion without any regards.

“If both of you didn’t fight, then Yin Suye won’t have to take action. Then none of the people here will get injured!”

Such a simple case of cause and effect, right?

“Is it like this?”

Bai Yu has completely turned dizzy by Shui Ruoshan’s words. Whenever he thought of the person who caused this situation might be him, he will feel uneasy.

“Of course it’s like that!”

This skill in fooling other people, Shui Ruoshan felt that he has full score of this; he could just open his mouth and start right away. No need to worry too much in the mind, then speaking it out will definitely come in sets.

“It seems like this is really the truth!”

Very obvious, Bai Yu also felt that if he didn’t start arguing with other people, then the incident happened behind probably will not happen.

“You finally understood, en, very good!”

Shui Ruoshan was very pleased and nodded. He is very sure that this honest child Bai Yu has completely fooled by him. But in order to prevent unnecessary trouble, he felt that it is still necessary to deepen the influence on Bai Yu.

“If you want to seek justice for all these people here, then just look for yourself and Huo Ruyan. This matter was caused by both of you after all.”

Through that short period of contact, Shui Ruoshan is very certain that Bai Yu is actually a silly young man with excessive sense of justice ah! Otherwise, he won’t come forward and argue with Huo Ruyan about the logics after she injured those people. Right now, it’s also because Yin Suye injured those people that he came up to stop them from leaving. When this kind of people become stubborn, they will become the typical representative of the saying ‘won’t look back as long as one doesn’t hit the south wall’ ah!

[Banana : It means someone being stubborn and won’t give in until he/she hits the dead end. ‘Stubborn like a mule’]

So, in order to avoid the fate of being tangled together, Shui Ruoshan chose to shift the attention and thoroughly removed themselves from this matter.

“All the things happened were actually caused by me?!”

Bai Yu could be clearly seen shocked speechless by this fact, his entire body slowly collapsing.

“Actually, the main reason is not with you but with that woman, Huo Ruyan!”

Seeing Bai Yu’s expression from suffering a heavy blow, Shui Ruoshan suddenly couldn’t bear to continue. Actually, he doesn’t hate this kind of Bai Yu so he doesn’t mind giving a hand to Bai Yu and causing some troubles for Huo Ruyan along the way. After all, Bai Yu in the plot is the one to cause trouble for Huo Ruyan, just that the flow was accidentally interrupted by him and Yin Suye. Right now he just only letting the plot return to its original trajectory only!

Totally no psychological pressure at all ah!

“What do you mean?”

The moment he heard that the matter is not like what he thought of, Bai Yu instantly recovered his spirit; staring intently at Shui Ruoshan.

“Because if not for Huo Ruyan suddenly took action and injured the people, you won’t come forward to seek justice for the injured people!”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t want to explain much. Everything was exactly the same with the previous cause and effect he mentioned earlier, so there’s nothing much to talk about.

“Got it!”

Bai Yu’s eyes became bright. He bowed at Shui Ruoshan, sincerely gave his thanks. He seemed to be grateful to be able to learn such profound philosophical truth.

“Don’t mention it!”

Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt he couldn’t look directly at Bai Yu. Simple too silly that one couldn’t bear to look directly at him ah! Actually, was it the level of these people from parallel world is too low or simply his level is too high ah?! This Bai Yu is too naive and easily cheated! He actually got deceived with his(SRS) few words! Such a silly person will definitely is a typical example of ‘being cheated and still help people count money’[4]. At the same time, a deep sense of guilt inevitably developed in his heart. He seemed to have taught a good young man to a wrong path?!

4. The long version of the saying is ‘being sold and still help people to count the money’.

“Actually, you can follow this brother[5] to roam (the world), guarantee good food and spicy drinks[6]!” As he said that, Shui Ruoshan flipped his hair. If not for the situation doesn’t match, he really wanted to add one more sentence – ‘This brother is just a myth, don’t worship this brother!’[7]

5. Talking about himself
6. Chinese wine are supposedly spicy :v
7. Probably a reference of some triads movie idk

That way it would feel awesomely cool!

Shui Ruoshan didn’t stop to look at himself, his little Zhengtai(shota) figure and his little bun appearance; yet he make a serious and solemn expression. Does he know how ‘meng’ he looked right now and how much he is inviting other people to smooch him?!

Killing the crowd with ‘meng’ ah, my dear!

Could you please be a bit more self-conscious, my dear?!

The little Zhengtai who didn’t notice anything still stood there with much proudness, completely oblivious towards Yin Suye standing behind whose gaze turned deeper and more dangerous…
He(YSY) knew he will soon need to use his supreme charm to conquer a little brother!

Little kid don’t be too proud/pleased!

“If you can teach me more philosophies, I will follow you to roam!”

Bai Yu didn’t hear the joke-like words of Shui Ruoshan at all, he gave his words with a rather serious committed look.

“Good! Remember to call me ‘Laoda'(Boss)!”

Shui Ruoshan thought for a moment and felt that he doesn’t dislike this kind of Bai Yu so he decided to take this especially easy-to-deceive younger brother. One need to know, from the day he transmigrated until now, Bai Yu was the first person who didn’t look down at him because of his child-like appearance. Instead, he(BY) talked and treated him(SRS) with equal footing; even trusted his words. This has greatly satisfied Shui Ruoshan’s vanity. Getting a younger brother who listens to his words, it seemed to be a very good thing.


Bai Yu readily accepted the instruction and called Shui Ruoshan ‘Boss’ without even stopping to think. That natural action was as if it’s not a strange thing at all to recognize a child as the Boss.


After he finally cheated the person to follow under his wings, Shui Ruoshan then felt that this ‘younger brother collecting process’ is too simple, too easy, too smooth. This caused him to feel insecure/unstable! Especially when he looked at Bai Yu’s foolish face, he felt like he shouldn’t be so smooth in seeking death! At the very least, he should observe Bai Yu for some time before deciding whether to accept him as his younger brother or not! He keep having a feeling that with Bai Yu as his younger brother, his future days will be very hard to live!

In other words, he is repenting now, is it too late to do so?

Raw Word Count : 3423


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Chapter 062 – Final trump card

“You don’t be too much!”

Facing the Shui Ruoshan who keep pushing her limits, Huo Ruyan finally couldn’t keep it in anymore. In the Capital, no one ever dares to offend her because anyone who offended her did not end well. But she never expect that she would encounter such an embarrassing thing in this time’s trip. She never think that her tolerance would let the other party to ‘give an inch and take a mile’ with her. Even that damned pet dared to despise her!

What even more unexpected was that the Yin Suye who used to treat her with care in the past, now not only he ignored her, he began to meticulously care for a child whose origin is unknown. She has no way to teach this stupid child who provoked her in every way a lesson, nor does she dared to teach him, because she is not an opponent for Yin Suye.

Right now Yin Suye could immobilise her with just his pressure, this proved that the strength difference between them is at least a whole stage. She remembered that when Yin Suye left the Capital, their strength was the same; 1st level of the Profound stage. That also means Yin Suye’s strength right now is at least 1st level of Imperial stage, or even higher.

[Banana : Refer chapter 23 for more. In short, the cultivation are – 天(Sky) 地(Earth) 玄(Profound Mystery) 黄(Imperial)]

One need to know, the higher the level of cultivation, the harder is it for one to breakthrough and the time needed to do so is longer. Following the speed of a normal cultivation, for an average person to breakthrough from Profound stage’s level 1 to level 2 within the short period of a few months is already considered very fast.

And for Yin Suye to be able to improve so much of his strength in such a short time, he must have come across some fruitful encounters. As long as she could get any information regarding his fruitful encounter or even resources from that encounter, she might be able to improve greatly in a short period of time as well. This is also one of the reason why she is willing to lower herself to please Yin Suye. For the sake of her self-interest, Huo Ruyan suppressed her anger in order to worm her way to become closer to Yin Suye.

“Suye gege, could it be you really has forgotten of our feelings in the past?”

Huo Ruyan felt that the person snuggled inside Yin Suye’s protecting arms was extremely prickling to her eyes. The person being cared and pampered as such by Yin Suye should be her! But not only this damned unknown child has replaced her position, he also provoked the relationship between her and Yin Suye.

This is extremely wicked!

She definitely could reclaim Yin Suye back! Although she doesn’t know why Yin Suye’s attitude towards her would change so much this time, but she knew the way to make him treat her better back. Utilizing every method possible, as long as her purpose can be achieved, she would do anything. This is her personal experience from living in the Capital for so many years. So, she decides to make use of her past memories with Yin Suye as innocent playmates; this is the best ‘ice-breaker’.

How to say this, she did gave a great favor to Yin Suye when she was a child after all.
She was the one who has given care to Yin Suye when he was in dire straits.
She was the one who secretly gave Yin Suye food and toys when he had nothing at all.
She was the one who stood up for him, protected him and given medical treatments to him when he was bullied.

Huo Ruyan believed as long as Yin Suye remembers her good points, she will be able to quickly pull back her disadvantages. As long as she regains the favor from Yin Suye, she will have ways to let this nasty child completely disappear from her sight.

“I have already paid back your sentiment!”

Originally, Yin Suye has prepared to completely ignore Huo Ruyan. But he didn’t think that Huo Ruyan would be so shameless, to even take out their feelings in the past as a bargaining chip. Furthermore, her words only mentioned the favor he owed her but didn’t mention any of his help/assistance to her. Not counting his previous life, in just this lifetime he has helped this woman so many times, blocked so many disaster/trouble for her. And yet, she remembers nothing of those. For one moment, Yin Suye felt unworthy for the things he has done (for her).

This is the woman he has devoted himself to in his past life ah!

How hypocritical,
How funny,
How ridiculous…

“Suye gege, you really want to be so heartless to me?”

Huo Ruyan didn’t expect that she still couldn’t move Yin Suye even after she has taken out her final trump card. Something unknown to her must has happened between the two of them.

“Heartless? Hmph!”

Yin Suye slightly squinted his eyes, blocking the soon-to-be-unstoppable enormous killing intent. The black history between him and her was a nightmare he could not forget.

“Wei wei[1] woman, have you not mistaken something? In my opinion, the heartless one is you, alright? To actually reverse it and say my family’s Xiao Yeye is the heartless one, are your face not red (blushing) ah?”

1. A rude ‘Hey’ to call someone else.

Shui Ruoshan afraid the Yin Suye ‘who doesn’t know how to explain himself’ will suffer losses, immediately continued the topic. This woman’s ability in reversing black and white is too amazing! Other people don’t know but he as the author is very clear about all the ins and outs.

Huo Ruyan has learned to be smart this time, knowing who is the most important person (to focus on); directly ignored Shui Ruoshan’s provocation and turned towards to look at Yin Suye.
As she turned around, her line of sight came in contact with Yin Suye’s eyes at that moment. What she saw was that alluring face ‘that is enough to make many people go crazy with obsession’ deadpanned, without any trace of expression. That pair of heterochromatic eyes coldly stared at her, causing her to feel a creepy sense of danger. At this moment, her throat was as if being choked by someone; couldn’t say anything at all. Her intuition told her that if she continues to entangle herself with him, Yin Suye might end her life straight away?!

Subconsciously wanted to run away, but people are prone to mistakes when in panic. Huo Ruyan took a step backwards and bumped into some ornaments behind, then she fell on the ground with a sorry appearance…

Shui Ruoshan was slightly stunned. Isn’t Yin Suye a bit too powerful? To actually make people lose their minds with just a look?!

Isn’t that too cool and awesome?!

Strong people are indeed freaking awesome, they don’t need any reasons(to do anything) at all! But Shui Ruoshan felt a bit guilty when he sensed that Yin Suye’s current mood is not very good at the moment. If not for him wanted a moment of gloating and insisted in looking for trouble with Huo Ruyan, Yin Suye won’t have to be in such an unpleasant situation with her now.

“Yin Suye, we didn’t get to eat much just now! Right now, I’m hungry and also thirsty, how about we change to another place to eat?”

At a moment like this, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t dare to call out ‘Xiao Yeye’ that nightmarish prank-nickname. Reaching out his hand, he lightly tugged at the corner of Yin Suye’s sleeves to express his intent to leave the place. He believed as long as Yin Suye is separated away from Huo Ruyan, and he ‘consoled’ him(YSY) a bit afterwards, he definitely could make Yin Suye’s mood become better again.

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know that his current action has inadvertently saved Huo Ruyan’s life. All he wanted was just to comfort Yin Suye properly.


Yin Suye lowered down his head to look at the little guy in his arms who is trying to comfort him, and slowly restrained all his negative emotions. He don’t have to immediately finish off Huo Ruyan right now, but the little guy’s stomach must be properly taken care of.


Only when Yin Suye carried him away that Shui Ruoshan realized one thing, Yin Suye wouldn’t really planned to take him to another place to eat, right? He has just finished eating ah! And he ate until he was very full! What he said about being hungry and thirsty was just an excuse alright?! What is excuse? Excuse means you cannot really take it for real ah! Understand?!

Sure enough, he is really incompetent to carry out such a high-level skill like comforting the villain ah! But in order to appease Yin Suye’s mood, Shui Ruoshan decided to sacrifice his own image and become a glutton. It should be alright to eat a bit more!


Seeing that Yin Suye is leaving, Huo Ruyan subconsciously opened her mouth wanting to stop him from leaving.

“Woman, you are very annoying ah!”

Not waiting for Huo Ruyan to finish her words, Shui Ruoshan went to cut her short. Yin Suye’s mood has already been agitated by Huo Ruyan. If he let her continue hanging around, he(SRS) don’t think he has the ability to stop the enraged Yin Suye.


Huo Ruyan bit tightly onto her lower lip. Even when she has bitten her lips until it bled, she still didn’t feel it. Right now she is feeling resentful to death; towards the Yin Suye who ignored her, towards the Shui Ruoshan who attacked her with ridicule, towards that young man in white who went against her, and also towards the people around who was watching the scene…

But she doesn’t dare to do anything right now. Just now Yin Suye has turned around to look at her. That icy gaze contained endless killing intent, causing her to feel cold from inside out. That also let her know clearly that if she dares to even make one move, Yin Suye definitely will not be polite with her.
Seeing the slender figure passing beside her, Huo Ruyan finally pressed down all the hatred at the bottom of her heart. This hatred today, she will not forget! She will repay back a thousand times in the future!

Yin Suye naturally can sense the emotional change from Huo Ruyan, and also understand her hatred towards Shui Ruoshan. He didn’t miss her vicious deep killing intent towards them either. At first, he didn’t plan to finish Huo Ruyan that early, but Huo Ruyan is seeking death by herself now, so she can’t blame other people!

The people in the inn watched as Yin Suye carried Shui Ruoshan down the stairs step by step, automatically opened a path for him. They only ask that this killing God Yin Suye could leave this place as soon as possible. They don’t want to continue enduring that terrifying pressure that almost caused their death anymore. Just that though they doesn’t dare to stop Yin Suye and Shui Ruoshan from leaving, it doesn’t mean that everyone is willing to let this culprit who caused a large number of casualties to leave so easily.

“Please wait!”

Raw Word Count : 2882


Banana: This time sponsored chapter took a long time to fulfill and to post as well. Much apologies. Many many thanks to k , E.Zh (you didn’t leave your name so I put initials, hope it’s fine) , and Jin ~! (0w0)/ I’m grateful that you guys liked this enough to sponsor a chapter~

Chapter 061 – Address issue

Shui Ruoshan is definitely the type to ‘do first, think later’. This is especially apparent when he is preparing to mess with other people. The Shui Ruoshan who already has a plan in his heart, turned around and revealed a sweet smile at Yin Suye. That innocent and cheerful look almost blinded everyone’s eyes.

“Yin……” Suye.

Just as he wanted to say it, Shui Ruoshan immediately stopped himself. Sometimes being too used to something is not a good thing[1]. Since he had decided to use Yin Suye as the point to attack Huo Ruyan, then it’s necessary to make it clear to Huo Ruyan that the Yin Suye who used to ‘cross mountains, endure sea of fire’ for her is gone. The current Yin Suye now completely belonged to him.

1. Banana : I think SRS is talking about calling YSY with his full name

What is better to stimulate the enemy than snatching away something that originally should belong them? Thus, calling Yin Suye with his full name is not suitable, he need to change the way he addresses Yin Suye. After moment of thought, Shui Ruoshan decided to call Yin Suye the same way as Huo Ruyan. This way he could anger the other party even more, isn’t it so?!

“Suye gege!”

The Shui Ruoshan who has made up his mind, imitated Huo Ruyan’s tone and way of talking, called out using that address that even he himself felt corny. Originally, he already made mental preparation towards this wicked address but when the words were out, even Shui Ruoshan was stunned by his own voice. He did not expect that by softening his voice a bit, lengthening the tone, and throwing in some spoilt(pampered) sound, his voice would actually be so nice to hear!

It was so unexpectedly nice to hear ah!


He knew from the start that the little guy’s voice is nice to hear, but he never thought it would be that nice to hear. Being called Suye gege by the little guy using his soft voice, Yin Suye felt like a feather is lightly brushing his heart; a bit itchy, a bit numb, a bit soft…
It caused him to lose his control for a moment. He had the urge to present the best thing in the world to the owner of this voice, just to keep the voice and the person (beside him) for a long time.

“I’m tired, can’t stand up anymore!”

As he said that, Shui Ruoshan reached out for Yin Suye. His wish to be carried was very obvious. When it’s necessary, he could do any ‘pretending to be obedient and selling meng’.
He is the cute~meng~meng~ little Zhengtai(shota) after all!

On the other hand, thinking of this gave him a face of tears[2]! He somehow felt something at this moment has shattered into a total mess. That definitely is his integrity ah!

2. Because he looked like a child.


A hint of smile flashed through Yin Suye’s eyes. The little guy took the initiative to be closer for the first time; Yin Suye directly bent down and hugged/carried the person up. Even though he already knew the little guy is acting, but to be depended as such by him, Yin Suye still felt good.

“Suye gege really treats me well!”

Seeing Yin Suye being so cooperative, Shui Ruoshan revealed a bright smile and took the initiative to loop both his hands around Yin Suye’s neck. Then he turned his head around, and displayed a look full of provocation at Huo Ruyan; it was filled with evil intent inside! At the same time, he hmph-ed twice proudly in his heart. This woman Huo Ruyan dared to offend him, and also targeted Yin Suye as well. How can he not return the favor back to her?!


Yin Suye adjusted slightly the position of his lower arm to let the little guy stay more comfortably in his arms.

“But this nasty woman in front of me also called you as Suye gege. This makes me feel like I’m not the most important existence in Suye gege’s heart. I feel very upset!”

As he said that, Shui Ruoshan pouted his mouth in anger.

“What do you want to do?”

Yin Suye slightly curved the corner of his lips, he think he know what this little guy is trying to play.

“I want a name, an unique name that only I can call you, no one else can!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that taking this opportunity to win some benefits for himself is not a bad idea. He actually doesn’t mind calling Yin Suye by his name but it would be great if he(SRS) could get the chance to address him(YSY) with a better name[3]. That way, he didn’t sacrifice his image for nothing!

3. Banana – I couldn’t think of a better word than ‘name’ now, but do take note it just SRS wanted another way to call YSY.

“How do you want to call (me)?”

Towards these little things, Yin Suye never cared much about it. Otherwise, he won’t let Shui Ruoshan keep calling him by his full name without any propriety.

“You will agree to anything that I can think of, no matter what?”

In order to achieve his goal, Shui Ruoshan has completely abandoned his image. Knowing that Yin Suye particularly leaned towards soft approach, Shui Ruoshan stared at him(YSY) with a pair of big and watery eyes; unblinkingly and full of expectation. The intention was so obvious that he(SRS) only lacked these 3 words ‘Quickly promise me’ written in his eyes.


Although he knew that the little guy is up to something bad, Yin Suye still pampered him and nodded; gave his promise to him.

“Since you agreed, you cannot go back on your words!”

The moment he saw Yin Suye agreed, Shui Ruoshan stopped acting soft and immediately curved his small eyebrows; showing an evil smile.


“Then I’ll call you Xiao Yeye from now on!”

Shui Ruoshan specially drawled on the 3 words (Xiao-Ye-Ye), pronouncing each word with much cadence.


Who let Yin Suye keep treating him as a child this whole time, this time he finally found the opportunity to let Yin Suye experience how it felt to be treated as a child by other people! This ‘Xiao Yeye’ couldn’t be any more awesome! When he thought of how Yin Suye must accept this address with a black face due to his earlier promise, Shui Ruoshan felt great each time (he thinks about it) ah! Especially when he calls Yin Suye like this in the middle of a crowd, this will absolutely drop the jaw of many people. Thinking of that possible funny scene, Shui Ruoshan felt a bit excited! What’s about ‘meng’, this is better ah![4] Can’t wait to see that scene, what to do?

4. I have yet to master this online slang, don’t quite understand how to translate it :v Raw at the bottom.


Looking at the little guy in his arms who is exuding a delightful aura, Yin Suye doubted for the first time if he was too indulgent to the little guy’s nonsense. But seeing how the little guy smiled until his eyes were curving as well, he is a bit reluctant to destroy such an atmosphere.

“You did promised, you are not allowed to renege oh!”

Seeing that Yin Suye didn’t speak after a long while, Shui Ruoshan spoke out to firmly emphasize his stand. He finally came up with this wonderful name, definitely cannot let it be vetoed out before he even has the chance to call it. Plus he is really looking forward to the bright days where he could call him Xiao Yeye in the public!

“Not reneging.”

Looking at the little guy’s nervous expression, Yin Suye gave a light sigh. What the little guy wants, just let it be ba! It’s just an address, he really don’t care. Back in those days, he was called with… names that were even more difficult to hear, more nasty, and worst; he didn’t care a bit. What more with just Shui Ruoshan’s little mischievous and intimate call? If not for the overly pleased expression on the little guy’s face, he would have silently accepted it like nothing. But now, he thinks maybe it’s better to get the little guy to pay the same price.

Yin Suye : “I’m just thinking, what kind of nickname should I call you?”

Yin Suye just realized that he hasn’t been calling Shui Ruoshan much by his name all this while. It’s better to take this opportunity and set a name that only he could call him(SRS); a unique one!


In an instant, Shui Ruoshan had a bad feeling.

“Xiao Shuishui? Xiao Ruoruo? Xiao Shanshan?”

Yin Suye tilted his head, his handsome cold face revealed a thoughtful look. That solemn and focused look was as if he is currently thinking about some major life issues.


Xiao Shuishui? Xiao Ruoruo? Xiao Shanshan? Your sister ah! Are names supposed to be split like that? Can you pay more attention to the technique, alright? Moreover, Yin Suye had such a serious expression on his face. The result from that was these goddamned names? What is he trying to do?!

“Shui-er? Ruo-er? Shan-er?”

Sure enough, it is very interesting to watch the little guy’s face.


He still can be called ‘-er’? How about ‘Long-er’[5]?!

5. Male lead of the drama The Romance of the Condor Heroes

*falls down*

Is he(YSY) thinking that we are acting in ‘The Romance of the Condor Heroes’? What ‘lifting rock to smash one own feet’, at this moment Shui Ruoshan could really understand the real meaning of it. Right now, should he sigh that Yin Suye is really the biggest villain in his novel; not even willing to eat such a small loss ah! He has just won a small round, and Yin Suye countered back right away! This is too black-bellied, alright?

“Why don’t you just call me Ruo Xiao Shan then?!”

The moment he gets angry, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t stop his own mouth (from giving bad suggestions). He would get uncomfortable if he doesn’t fire back a few sentences!

“Good idea!”

Seeing that the little guy has started to speak incoherently, the laughter in Yin Suye’s eyes started to deepen.


Yin Suye, Xiao Yeye, please pay more attention, alright? Can’t you hear that those were just words spoken out of anger? Angry words can’t be taken seriously alright!

“Xiao Ruo.”

Looking at the little guy’s cute angry face, that ‘I don’t care anymore’ face, Yin Suye knew that he can’t continue teasing him anymore. Otherwise, if he(SRS) really gets angry, he(YSY) still need to console him back.


Suddenly heard of such a normal name, Shui Ruoshan don’t know how to respond right away.

“I will call you Xiao Ruo from now on.”

Yin Suye told Shui Ruoshan the name that he has decided earlier on.


Shui Ruoshan reluctantly accepted this normal name. Although the name has the word ‘Xiao'(little) that he doesn’t like, but compared to the ones suggested previously, this is the most normal one. Then he slowly realized something. Yin Suye actually was playing with him just now? Or he was playing with him just now? He is definitely playing with him?!

“But this name Ruo Xiaoshan can be kept (at a side).”

Yin Suye felt that he quite liked this Ruo Xiaoshan intimate-sounding name. He could consider switching between these two names to use in the future.


He(SRS) really shouldn’t talk back just now. Xiao Yeye, don’t be so naughty oh! Unfortunately, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t dare to say that sentence out loud in front of so many people. He could only say it in his heart to satisfy his own vanity.

Although he couldn’t win against Yin Suye, that doesn’t mean it would be the same against other people. Wasn’t there a ready-made candidate standing in front of him that could let him abuse? So, he want to release all the grievance caused by Yin Suye on Huo Ruyan!

En, that was a pleasant decision.

And so, the Shui Ruoshan who has decided to continue making trouble for Huo Ruyan, immediately shifted the spearhead towards her, the supporting female character that has been forgotten by him.

“Woman, do you understand who Xiao Yeye belongs to right now?”

This is definitely a blatant showing off from Shui Ruoshan to Huo Ruyan! What ‘Suye gege? It’s already outdated. Only such high-end name like Xiao Yeye could keep up with the pace of time ah![6]

6. Banana : Again, I do not understand SRS’s words, nor the author’s sanity. :v

Haha! Please allow him to proudly laugh three times first!


Ruixue which was forgotten and neglected at a side as well, has finally found the opportunity to express its stand/support. Seeing that its owner is dealing with the nasty woman, it immediately called out cooperatively to express its unconditional support for its owner. Then, it arrogantly raised its head, turned around and used its butt to face that bad woman who made its owner angry. Finally, it opened its eyes widely, swayed its tail, and looked at Shui Ruoshan with a face seeking for praises which seems to say ‘Owner, quickly come and praise me ba!’.

Shui Ruoshan gave Ruixue a thumb-up in front of Huo Ruyan, to express that it is doing a good job and deserved to be praised. Then he turned around and looked at Huo Ruyan with provocation…

Raw Word Count : 3463


Banana: Raw – 反正萌什么的,不要太赞啊!

By the way, the sponsored chapter will be out along with Chapter 62 on Friday. Thank you

Chapter 060 – Too noisy

“Suye gege, I’m Huo Ruyan ah!”

Seeing that Yin Suye stood motionless there and didn’t respond to her words, Huo Ruyan continued on. Although she was a bit disappointed that Yin Suye couldn’t recognise her at first glance, she still could understand the reason. She thinks herself as a very understanding woman. So, Huo Ruyan took big steps towards Yin Suye; didn’t beat about the bush and immediately revealed her own identity.


When he heard what Huo Ruyan called Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan could feel his goosebumps rising up. That delicate tone is too corny ah! What even more unbearable was Huo Ruyan actually looked at Yin Suye like a little girl full of admiration towards the person(YSY). Other people doesn’t know, but as the author he is very clear of the characters’ nature in the novel. Huo Ruyan has never place Yin Suye anywhere in her eyes, but now she is making a face like Yin Suye has the most important place in her heart. This show is too fake ah!

In Shui Ruoshan’s mind, if not for him worrying about his own aloof cold image in front of outsiders, he really wanted to step forward and ruthlessly shake Huo Ruyan to wake up. Then he will loudly remind her this – She is already not the innocent little girl in the past, the current her who has been washed black by reality could no longer make that kind of pure and naive expression. So, don’t defile the good memories of her and Yin Suye’s childhood, alright? Begging (HRY) for mercy, please let go of that pure feeling of the past, that is a little innocent child!

“Suye gege, you don’t recognise me anymore?”

Seeing that Yin Suye still has no reaction, the smile on Huo Ruyan’s face nearly fell off. Just that at the next second, she put on a grievous look like she wanted to cry; that pitiful look really makes people want to care/pamper her.

“Yin Suye, do you know her?”

It was painful to see Huo Ruyan doing a one-man show over there, so Shui Ruoshan decided to give her a hand. He immediately followed after Huo Ruyan’s words and questioned Yin Suye. Shui Ruoshan felt that although he couldn’t fully understand Yin Suye’s person, but he could still more or less grasp a few points about him.

He looked at Yin Suye who was standing beside him, acting like a wooden figure; unmoving. That solemn expression with a fixed gaze completely ignored Huo Ruyan who was standing right in front of him. At that moment, Shui Ruoshan understood that Yin Suye’s intention to ignore Huo Ruyan.


Yin Suye felt a bit helpless towards this little guy who likes to play pranks on other people. But then he didn’t say anything regarding the little guy’s action in creating chaos.

“Is it because you don’t know this woman, so you don’t know how to answer her?”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t seem to expect any answers from Yin Suye, hence he continued with the answer he already thought of. It was obviously a question, but became an affirmative sentence by Shui Ruoshan.

“Where did this wild child came from? So uneducated!”

Huo Ruyan’s temper was not good to start with, her bad mood from ‘hitting walls’ with Yin Suye became even worse after Shui Ruoshan’s interruption. But considering that there are other people around[1], Huo Ruyan didn’t say even more ugly words to this little rascal. She still need to take care of her own image!

1. Banana : …who are currently lying on the floor half dead :v

From what she can see, Yin Suye right now is definitely trying to recall the things between the two of them, that’s why he didn’t answer her questions right away. And this wild child popping out from nowhere dared to misinterpret her meaning, creating trouble between her and Yin Suye, really unforgivable. It must be this child doing something at the back, causing Yin Suye to ignore her.

“Suye gege, you must not be deceived by the harmless appearance of some people!”

Huo Ruyan even glanced meaningfully at Shui Ruoshan after that. This is no longer an indirect accusation, but directly pointing at Shui Ruoshan. If not for her doesn’t want to destroy her beautiful image in Yin Suye’s heart, she won’t have to use such a troublesome method like using words to provoke the other person. She could have pick the most convenient method, taking action with her hands, and this child would be crippled in minutes.

“You should know, there are a lot of swindlers in this world. And the younger they are, the skillful they are in swindling other people. I got cheated by these little children many times now, so Suye gege must be vigilant ah!”

Seemed to think that she didn’t state it obvious enough, Huo Ruyan added one more sentence after some thoughts, “Being cheated will only show you are too stupid, cannot blame anyone!”

Shui Ruoshan squinted his eyes, it was clear that he looked very unhappy.

Huo Ruyan actually dared to say he is a wild child?!

He hated it the most when people treated him like a child!

She even used the word ‘wild’, that is completely stepping on his landmine ah!

Lastly, she dared to say that he as a swindler, accusing him in cheating Yin Suye?!

Is this saying his IQ is low? Or saying Yin Suye’s IQ is low?

This is really unbearable ah!

Even if uncle can endure, aunt can’t.

[Banana : Meaning if you can endure this, there’s nothing else you can’t endure. Long story short, it’s unbearable…. :v Cheesus Christ, dem Chinese authors.]

This is the first time Shui Ruoshan really realized that the words in the novel and reality are two completely different worlds. During his time after transmigration, Shui Ruoshan gradually come to understand that even though the characters were created by him, what he could write was just a part of it. When it comes to real contact (with the characters), he found out that every characters has something he doesn’t know, or another side of them that was not written down. Perhaps human nature is naturally complex, there’s no way to express clearly… with just a few words, a few paragraphs, a few stories.

Previously when he wrote [The Strongest King in History], he quite liked Huo Ruyan with her straightforward character who doesn’t fear of anything. That’s why she was written as the female supporting character only one position lower than the female lead.

At first, he still feel a bit guilty for destroying her fate with the protagonist when he decided to stop her from entering the Fog Forest. But now, after meeting the real person, he doesn’t feel any psychological burden anymore.

Because Huo Ruyan is too hateful!

Perhaps this Huo Ruyan in front of him is the real person, while the Huo Ruyan in his novel is just a shadow of his beautification only. After all, she grew up in the Capital where darkness and light are mixed together. She definitely has witnessed all kind of chaos and darkness between the nobles. How could she not has any self-protection means?

Shui Ruoshan was not sure if his senses were different because he is seeing this from another point of perspective. But he believed in the truth he saw. At the very least, he knew that Yin Suye is not the cruel bloodthirsty villain in his novel, but someone wooden with face paralysis who cannot express goodwill properly. This is the reason why he is willing to keep helping Yin Suye, because he(YSY) worth it.

Like right now, he has no reason to hate Huo Ruyan, he couldn’t help but wanted to cause trouble for her.

“What is the younger they are, the skillful they are in swindling other people ah? The original saying clearly says the more beautiful a woman is, the skillful she is in swindling other people! Just like you, spouting lies with a pretty face is the most skillful deception! Humph!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that it is definitely not his style if he doesn’t counterattack when being defamed. Should he sigh with a sense of schadenfreude now, that not having civilization is scary? Then pity Huo Ruyan a bit, because this woman doesn’t even know such a simple trick like telling lies with eyes wide opened! She is so outdated that it makes him want to ruthlessly strike a few more attack at her, to boost his own superiority, what to do?

One has to say, Shui Ruoshan in a certain aspect possessed an evil trait in his character.


Huo Ruyan was angered to speechless by Shui Ruoshan’s illogical argument. But because she was aware of other people around them, it’s not convenient for her to argue back; how upsetting is that.

“I know that you are very self-aware about how you deceive other people, no need to explain!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he normally does not talk with poisonous tongue, but when he does, he is not human at all! Because compared to unprofessional people like Huo Ruyan, he is absolutely a godlike existence!

“So, the next time you start a rumor, please be a bit more professional and don’t include yourself in it as well!”

Raising his eyes, Shui Ruoshan scornfully spat out this sentence to end the conversation.

“You are twisting the logic!”

Huo Ruyan tried her best to stabilize her emotions, telling herself that she need to be calm, and that she couldn’t lose her grace because of a child.

“So what?”

Very obvious, Shui Ruoshan also knew about the fact that his godlike logic which seemed to make sense at first, will expose loopholes if one think carefully. But he didn’t think to use this to thwart Huo Ruyan, he just wanted to anger her.

“So, you also admit that you are a scheming little liar?”

Huo Ruyan immediately grasped the loophole in Shui Ruoshan’s words, proudly retorted back.
Just reversing black and white, she also know how.

“Woman, you are too noisy!”

Seeing Huo Ruyan looking very happy like victory is already in her hand, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t know what to say. Is this person’s self-perception too good? He already played that trick to the point he doesn’t want to play anymore, and Huo Ruyan just learned how to use it; is this really alright?

However, he only sneered in his heart, his appearance is still very decent. His eyes slightly deepened; his aloof coldness that distanced himself from people thousand miles away was boundless. Shui Ruoshan is very clear himself that his current appearance couldn’t add to his temperament, but it should more or less add a bit to display his big and tall aura.

His theory has always been ‘when faced with someone more eye-opening than you, you gotta be more eye-opening than that person!’.

Shui Ruoshan thinks that there’s no meaning in continuing the argument with Huo Ruyan, because he is definitely the winning side! Maybe he should change his direction and let Huo Ruyan understand even more clearly that the distance between the two of them is not some distance but a gap between Heaven and earth. In his mind, he already thought of a even better way to retaliate!

Raw Word Count : 2959


Banana: Sponsored chapter still queuing because my computer broke down for 4 days _(;3/

Chapter 059 – It’s good that you are fine

Standing on the upper floor, Yin Suye condescendingly looked down at Huo Ruyan’s sorry figure; the corner of his mouth slightly curved up to a mocking smile. Even when Huo Ruyan recognized him, there were no changes on his expression; cold and stern. Just that when he saw the changes in Huo Ruyan’s eyes, Yin Suye’s expression suddenly turned colder.

Huo Ruyan, how dare she looked at him with such disgusting gaze?!

Instantly, a pressure twice the force than the previous pressure is hurled towards Huo Ruyan.

Suddenly being attacked, Huo Ruyan who already couldn’t withstand any longer immediately fell and knelt onto the ground, a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. Huo Ruyan never expect that Yin Suye would suddenly attack her. With just a hit, she already suffered some serious internal injuries.

“Yin…” Suye, quickly stop it! I’m Huo Ruyan ah!

Under the strong pressure from Yin Suye’s aura, Huo Ruyan couldn’t finish saying her words at all. The next second, she found out that even her voice was suppressed. Her delicate body started to tremble under that stormy and turbulent pressure. All of a sudden, Huo Ruyan became nervous. The anxiety and tension in her heart keep stimulating her nerves. In her heart, a feeling suddenly appeared; the current Yin Suye may not be the Yin Suye she knew who used to treat her with much care! But very quickly, Huo Ruyan kicked this inexplicable thought out from her mind.

It must be because Yin Suye has not seen her for too long, plus her changes in past few years were a bit big. Furthermore whenever she left the house, she will deliberately disguise herself. That’s why he(YSY) couldn’t recognize her in first and accidentally injured her. Although she doesn’t know who exactly targeted by Yin Suye’s large scale pressure, Huo Ruyan was sure that she must be the innocent one who was accidentally dragged into this. As long as she could go and meet up with Yin Suye, Yin Suye definitely will stand at her side after she explained it clearly. Then she could ask Yin Suye to avenge her on her behalf, and settle this young man in white who dared to offend her. Her past experience let Huo Ruyan believe strongly in her own judgement.

Yin Suye saw all the changes in Huo Ruyan’s eyes, a bloodthirsty madness slowly brewing at the bottom of his heart. In his mind he thought, his endurance level might not be as good as he expected. Otherwise, why would he has the urge to directly settle this woman who has no self-awareness, when he saw the calculating gaze in her eyes?

In his past life, he was too stupid and naive; letting himself being thoroughly used by this woman. But in this life, how could the reborn him let this woman do whatever she wished this time? Without this woman Huo Ruyan, to block in front of his path, Yin Suye believed that his future path would only go smoother. Not to mention that right now, he has this little guy beside him who is more compatible with himself.

Thinking of Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye doesn’t has the mood to spare any look for Huo Ruyan anymore; turning directly towards Shui Ruoshan. It seems that because he stood right in front of this little guy, he blocked his(SRS) sight from seeing the situation downstairs well. This little guy probably was embarrassed to push him away, or one could say he(SRS) couldn’t push him away at all, so he(SRS) could only stepped a bit to a side or shuffle a bit to the other side. He keep turning his little head here and there to peek at the situation downstairs.

His little guy is really cutely lively ah!

And Ruixue this Persian cat, closely followed the little guy’s movement as well. So whatever the little guy did, it followed suit. One human and one cat’s tacit cooperation let people to feel particularly entertained.

Yin Suye : “Are you alright?”

Although Shui Ruoshan looked fine to him(YSY), Yin Suye still felt unassured and immediately asked about his(SRS) physical condition. He did controlled the scope of his pressure and prevented it from causing any impact for Shui Ruoshan, but the whole inn was pressed down by his pressure. Even when he already separated him(SRS) from the attack, the suffocating environment might put some pressure on Shui Ruoshan[1].

1. Banana : Pfft peer pressure… sorry, ignore me.

“What possibly could happen to me ah?” The happening ones are obviously the other people in the inn alright?!

Shui Ruoshan felt that other than Yin Suye, he(SRS) is the most unharmed person(in the inn). Especially when compared to those who are currently trembling under Yin Suye’s pressure, Shui Ruoshan felt like he couldn’t be better. Just that when he recalled back that Yin Suye has only took a small step forward, and that alone caused everyone to cease making sound, immediately bowed down under the strong pressure. Shui Ruoshan felt that he should sigh (in admiration) towards Yin Suye’s arrogant and cool behaviour. At the same time, he should sigh – Villain, you are so damn strong, is this created by your author?

Then he made an exaggerated boastful stance, pridefully stated that this author actually knew nothing at all. Because there are no such scene written in the draft alright?! Shui Ruoshan suddenly wanted to kneel to his brain hole’s silly antics! How bored could he be to made fun of himself ah?

Since he already disrupted the plot, then naturally he would be mentally prepared for the consequences and will also take responsible for his actions. And so, towards the scene just now, he only think about it for a bit; he didn’t get unnerved or anything!

Just now the person with his hackles raised in this brain hole scene is definitely not him! He is a magnanimous person, he won’t have such a naive side!

“It’s good that you are fine.”

After carefully checking Shui Ruoshan and confirmed that he(SRS) is really fine, Yin Suye finally stopped fretting. Just that he couldn’t cover up the pondering at the bottom of his eyes. He could almost be certain now, that his pressure is not effective against Shui Ruoshan. Because Ruixue who was beside Shui Ruoshan was a bit stiffer than usual, under the influence of his(YSY) pressure; its body even trembled from time to time.

Yin Suye instantly remembered the time when he first met Shui Ruoshan. That time, he thought that his soul has yet to fully integrate in his body because he was just reborn, his sensitivity towards his surroundings were not strong enough and didn’t manage to find out about the Shui Ruoshan who was hidden behind him.

Now, it seemed that the truth is not like that. If not for Shui Ruoshan making a slight noise that time, he may not even find out about his(SRS) existence at all. In other words, Shui Ruoshan is probably immune to his(YSY) pressure and mental search[2].

2. Like a scanner.

Looking at this, Shui Ruoshan’s identity is really not simple ah! But no matter what identity this little guy has, he(SRS) can only be his(YSY)!

“Yin Suye, quickly put away your pressure!”

Although Shui Ruoshan couldn’t feel Yin Suye’s pressure, he could see that the current situation is not quite right. Looking up, he found out that this originally creaky inn has started to make ‘creak creak’ sound under Yin Suye’s pressure and started to sway a bit. Instantly, Shui Ruoshan’s heart tightened. If he continue letting Yin Suye do whatever he want, the inn might collapse soon?!

He doesn’t want to be buried under the ruins caused by the pressure, it would be absolutely embarrassing; very shameful ah!

When he looked downstairs, Shui Ruoshan found out that other than Huo Ruyan and the young man in white who were still struggling to resist, the rest of the people in the inn were foaming in the mouth?! If this continues, someone would get killed and it would be a lot of people! He only wanted Yin Suye to teach these people a lesson, not to take their life!
Therefore, for the sake of his own image, for the sake of everyone’s life, for the sake of world peace, he must stop Yin Suye from continuing.


Although Yin Suye doesn’t understand why this little guy wanted to let these people go, he still cooperated and put away his pressure. When facing Shui Ruoshan, the aloof god-like Yin Suye instantly recalled back all his sharp aura and walked down from the altar[3]. He seemed to be able to fit only one person in his world!

3. Banana : Long assed sentence just to say YSY becomes gentler when facing SRS :v

It’s a pity that no one at the scene were paying attention to the interaction between the two upstairs; they don’t even have the courage to look up. They only knew that the powerful pressure that almost killed has disappeared, they finally gotten back their life. If not for them fretting that any excessive movements might anger the Killing God, they would immediately leave this scary place even if it means crawling away!

Compared to the crowd’s extreme fear towards Yin Suye’s pressure, Huo Ruyan on the other hand wore a sweet smile on her face the moment the pressure was lifted. After she tidied up her appearance a bit, she flew up towards Yin Suye in impatience. Her person has yet to arrive, but her voice has reached the destination; her address for Yin Suye has changed as well.

“Suye gege!”

[Banana : Gege means older brother, not necessarily has the same blood, in case anyone forgotten :v ]

Huo Ruyan remembered that this is how she called Yin Suye when they were young. And Yin Suye particularly like the way she called him. Although due to various reasons, she have long stopped calling Yin Suye like that after they have grown up, this doesn’t prevent her from using such intimate address now to pull her relationship closer to Yin Suye.

Because this powerful and perfect Yin Suye in front of her eyes has the qualification for her to call him like that!

Raw Word Count : 2725


Banana: At first I thought I’m saved with this copyable text from sxx.xx , then I found typos and mistakes when I started translating it. Doom.jpg
This novel has 169 chapters. More Doom.jpg
Ah, man. This is going to be tough, and I AM a Banana ah, I can’t read dem chinese characters very well ah _(;3/

Chapter 058 – Terrifying pressure

No matter how it is, Huo Ruyan is still a member from an influential family. Even when she was suffocated by Yin Suye’s overwhelming pressure to the point that it’s hard to breathe, she still persevered and tightly clenched her teeth. She even started to muster all her strength to mobilize her power in her body, wanted to use it to resist this terrifying pressure. Just that when she exhausted all her efforts and tried her best, all Huo Ruyan could do was a simple movement such as slightly raising her head.

But at this point, it was already enough for her. Because she only wanted to see who is targeting her, then she’ll pay back this debt in the future.

“Yin Suye?!”

Huo Ruyan stared in disbelief at the aloof man upstairs, her eyes were filled with pleasant surprise. She never thought she would bump into Yin Suye here?! Before this, all of her attention were focused in her confrontation with the young man in white. Plus Yin Suye’s location was quite out of the way, that’s why she didn’t realize.

Even though she has not met with Yin Suye for a long time, she still could recognize him with just a glance.

Because Yin suye was too dazzling! To the point of being unreal! Long slender figure, and exquisite face. His golden strands of hair fluttered gently behind him. Just a simple gesture like standing still and holding his own arms, he set off a golden sparkling light in this small and rough-looking inn.

As if the God has descended!

Just that when that pair of emotionless heterochromatic eyes coldly glanced through the crowd, it gave the impression that he was looking down at them from up high in the clouds. That disdaining and domineering aura forced people to look away and doesn’t dare to look at his appearance; his appearance that could cause people to sigh in amazement.

But for Huo Ruyan, she simply dislike that overly devilish face of Yin Suye from the bottom of her heart, although it’s because of that good-looking face that she liked to be close to him when she was young. However, as she gets older, she gradually disliked to be together with Yin Suye.

Any beautiful woman will not like to see someone more eye-catching than herself, what more the opponent is a man! Particularly when Huo Ruyan realized, no matter how pretty and attractive she dressed up, she would be eclipsed the moment she stood next to Yin Suye; forever the sidekick. This is also the very reason why no matter how good Yin Suye treated her, she couldn’t place Yin Suye anywhere in her heart.

However at this moment, Huo Ruyan felt like Yin Suye has completely overturned the impression she had for him. This person in front of her eyes is so powerful that other people can’t help but shuddered. He is not the perfect man who used to be accommodating and compliant with her, but a peerless powerhouse who can control life and death of people.

Aloof, powerful, domineering…

At that moment, Huo Ruyan felt her body slightly trembled. She can’t tell if the emotion in her heart is fear or excitement. She seemed to be scared of that person’s terrifying power? But also seemed to be feeling eager of this strong power? And this perfect and powerful man used to be her fiancé!

It’s a man who completely belongs to her!

Thinking to this point, Huo Ruyan felt her heart began to beat rapidly…

Author’s note :







Banana : Author’s note is basically the author asking for support for a competition (probably held in lcread when this chapter is published) and also general support like vote, bookmark etc…
I can’t translate it because the top half consists of random online slang _(;3/ (plus I’m lazy)

Raw Word Count : 1197


Banana: This chapter is a short one. Starting from the next chapter, it will be the VIP chapters and the word count will be more stable (around 3k).

Chapter 057 – Teaching a lesson

“It’s all your fault!”

Shui Ruoshan decided not to pay attention to those two who didn’t give him face for mean time. Those two have started to fight anyway, and were awfully busy. It seemed that win or loss couldn’t be determined in a short while. He was not in a hurry too. Wait until they almost finished fighting, then he could come forward and solve the problem.

However, whenever he thought of the scene where he got completely ignored by everyone, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help placing all his grievances on Yin Suye.


If not for Yin Suye being so uncooperative, he won’t be placed in such a shameful situation ah!

It’s all Yin Suye’s fault!

“Alright, it’s all my fault.”[1]

1. Banana : Aww yiss, I can’t help smiling _(;3/

Seeing the little guy turned away his head and doesn’t want to see him, the corner of Yin Suye’s mouth slightly curved up. Just that, his tone should be a pampering tone and yet, one can’t help but noticed a bit of a gloating in it.

“Since you have admitted your mistakes, then you should quickly compensate me. Otherwise……”

As he said that, Shui Ruoshan lifted up his little fist. If you don’t obey, just wait for the fist!


Looking at Shui Ruoshan opening his eyes widely while trying his best to make an angry expression, Yin Suye who was originally feeling dark from seeing Huo Ruyan felt a bit more better now. Doesn’t Shui Ruoshan know that his watery eyes were filled with a layer of mist from opening too widely? And doesn’t he know that not only his cute look didn’t give any threat, it caused people to have the urge to glomp him and rub him a few times?

Hence, Yin Suye did just that. Grabbing the little person into his arms and roughly rubbed and pinched him(SRS).

“I tell you now, even if you tried to please me, I will not let you go easily this time!”

Shui Ruoshan humph-ed twice and reached out to push the man away from him. Very obvious, Shui Ruoshan has completely misunderstood the meaning of Yin Suye’s action. He thought that Yin Suye was stunned by his fierce attitude, who was afraid of him(SRS) getting angry so he(YSY) came to comfort him(SRS).

Sometimes, delusion is an illness!

Must get it treated!


This time, Yin Suye obediently released the person from his arms. Although he really wanted to see more expressions that the little guy make because of him(YSY), right now is obviously not a good time. The location is wrong, the atmosphere is not good, and there are too many people…

And so, Yin Suye can only suppress this idea at the bottom of his heart, and comfort the little guy.
There are opportunities in the future anyway.

“In this case, go and teach that Huo Ruyan and the young man in white a lesson, to release my anger!”

In his heart, Shui Ruoshan ranted furiously – Who asked you guys to ignore him, not giving him any faces, starting fight in the public…

With his current power, he indeed couldn’t fight against those two. But that doesn’t mean he is not allowed to get help! Anyway, he has a fighter free-of-charge called Yin Suye beside him. He did so many thing to pave the road, this time he definitely could convince Yin Suye to take action right?

“Didn’t you say you wanted to prevent both of them from fighting?” How come it suddenly turned from preventing fight to teaching them a lesson?

Yin Suye sometimes felt helpless towards Shui Ruoshan’s erratic behavior but he still have to cooperate.

“Could it be you couldn’t bear to put your hand on Huo Ruyan?”

Sensing that Yin Suye has the intention to refuse, Shui Ruoshan unpleasantly jeered at him. Although he knew that the relationship between Yin Suye and Huo Ruyan has yet to be broken, but whenever he remembers that Huo Ruyan will betray Yin Suye and Yin Suye still tried to protect her now, Shui Ruoshan instantly felt a bit unhappy.

“I’m not.”

Towards Huo Ruyan, Yin Suye couldn’t wait for her to disappear as soon as possible. Naturally, he won’t let Shui Ruoshan randomly guessing the relationship between him and Huo Ruyan.

“Very well then!”

Although he was very pleased with Yin Suye’s attitude towards Huo Ruyan, but Shui Ruoshan still added one more sentence after a thought, “I’ll tell you now, Huo Ruyan is not a good person. She will betray you, so don’t you dare to be lenient to her ah!”

Shui Ruoshan was very clear that Yin Suye paid great attention to her and was also very caring before this. Because of their engagement breaking off when they were young, Yin Suye had not has the time to feel any love for Huo Ruyan, it ended without even starting. But that doesn’t prevent Yin Suye from growing a feeling of affection for Huo Ruyan in the later days. One need know, when Yin Suye was abandoned by everyone around him, Huo Ruyan was the only person who is willing to smile at him. Even if it’s just a little bit of tiny friendliness, that was enough to make Yin Suye remember for a long time.

This is also the reason why Yin Suye treated and cared for Huo Ruyan like a real sister later on. It can be said that in Yin Suye’s past life, he has cleaned up countless mess for her, carried countless ‘black pots’ (blame) for her, resolved countless fights for her…

Because Yin Suye was too good to her, Huo Ruyan felt grateful at first. But over the time, she got used to it and took Yin Suye’s kindness as granted instead. Things that are too easy to get will never be cherished by anyone. Huo Ruyan is obviously just the same, therefore managed to betray Yin Suye without any hesitation. Also because Yin Suye in the past took Huo Ruyan too seriously, he has no way to fight back when she betrayed him; getting knocked down sadly into the dust. So, after that Yin Suye became more and more ruthless, his temperament became abnormal and he(soul) turned darker…

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t care if he sounded like he is sowing discord and being suspicious. Other than trying to prevent Huo Ruyan from meeting the protagonist, he also wanted to make Yin Suye draw a clear line between Huo Ruyan and him(YSY) in order to avoid the future betrayal in his fate.

Because some feelings won’t change just because you wanted to change.

Shui Ruoshan is unsure of how much feeling Yin Suye felt towards the Huo Ruyan right now.
He just know he can’t let Yin Suye to continue obsessing over her.


The moment Yin Suye heard the word ‘betray’, his pupil unnoticeably contracted slightly. A hint of bloody red flashed through his eyes…

But the next second, he immediately returned back to normal. Then, towards Shui Ruoshan’s request, he gently nodded; that considered as an agreement. Actually, Yin Suye also felt dissatisfied towards the people’s attitude in the inn when they ignored Shui Ruoshan. He just didn’t show it out right away. He himself couldn’t bear to let the little guy suffer any little grievance, and yet all these people gave him(SRS) such a big embarrassment right in front of him(YSY). This caused the normally narrow-minded Yin Suye to add a few Hate points to everyone present in the inn.

The reason why he (didn’t? [2]) agreed to stop the fight between Huo Ruyan and the youth in white was because he was very clear of the outcome of the fight. Huo Ruyan is not the opponent of the young man, and will be taught a lesson by him. There’s no reason why he will help someone who has betrayed him before! He already could be considered very restrained that he didn’t take actions himself!

2. Think the author typo

Right now, the little guy asked him to teach them a lesson. He could take this opportunity to also teach those people who didn’t take little guy seriously just now. Very obvious, Yin Suye is prepared to teach not only Huo Ruyan and the youth in white, he also included everyone in the inn.

Yin Suye took a step forward. After he confirmed that he has completely protected Shui Ruoshan behind him, his gaze then coldly glanced through everyone present. His thin lips opened, clearly revealed the word exactly same as what Shui Ruoshan said earlier.


At the same time, a supreme pressure came down crushing on everyone in the inn…
That majestic pressure was like a giant sword unsheathing, bringing the power to destroy everything, surged through everyone present and swept the entire small inn. Especially for Huo Ruyan and the young man in white who were in the center of the pressure, they were very shocked in their heart; no words could be used to describe it.

Can’t move, their body can’t move at all!

They were completely suppressed by this powerful pressure!

Even if the pressure is just an invisible spiritual suppression, Huo Ruyan and the young man seemed to be able to see a shocking pressure rushing towards them like a giant tide, burying them inside this momentum of destruction. Just one pressure caused them to unable to escape, unable to fight against, unable to resist…

It caused people to be unable to muster any confidence from the bottom of their heart, to go against the pressure!

This is an absolute power that is much higher than their own strength!

Author note :






Raw Word Count : 2763

#WifeyIsJustice !

Banana: Yes, I’m being lazy again. Sorry, dear author’s note _(;3/ Oh, the next chapter on Friday will be a short one again 😛

Chapter 056 – Being ignored


Seeing that Huo Ruyan and the young man in white has the intention to start fighting, Shui Ruoshan called out straight away without thinking to stop them. Since Yin Suye is not willing to help, then he(SRS) could only reluctantly take up the job himself! But considering that if both of them really started to fight, using his current small body to stop them will not has any possibility of success at all ah! So Shui Ruoshan wisely decided to stop them before the two people begin the fight. This way, he won’t have to worry for himself when he go up to stop the people, because his own combat power is so low, he will definitely be injured!

Shui Ruoshan’s idea was good of course, and it seemed that all the circumstances have been taken into account. But he has forgotten one thing, that is if the others are willing to do according to his words.

Because of Shui Ruoshan’s call that was brimming with confidence, a variety of reactions appeared from the people in the inn. Some left because they were afraid of getting into trouble, some raised their heads to look at him from curiosity, some just ignored him, some checked him out in confusion, and some just came over to watch the show…

It’s a pity that no one took Shui Ruoshan’s words for real. His tender Zhengtai’s voice was too harmless! Shui Ruoshan never expect he would be able to stun everyone here with just his call, but what even more unexpected was he ended up getting ignored by everyone as they only saw him as a child throwing tantrums. Dazedly looking at the people’s ‘don’t care’ reaction, Shui Ruoshan felt very depressed. Why were these people’s reactions so different from his imagination?

According to a normal plot development, shouldn’t these people turn to him and cast their sight on him after his call? Which they will be instantly stunned by his domineering kingly aura, then will proceed to kneel down and cry; begging to be his younger bros(followers)?

Especially when he looked at the targets of his persuasion(the two people he was trying to stop). Not only they ignored his persuasion, they even proceed to fight right after he finished his words?!

This is too much not giving his face ah!

He saw Huo Ruyan raised her hand, the fiery red whip in her hand flew out towards the young man in white…

The young man slightly leaped and dodged the attack. Then, he opened his fan and fanned a strike at Huo Ruyan…

Shui Ruoshan watched as the two started fighting from using small attacks to powerful killing techniques…

The facts in hand once again let Shui Ruoshan clearly confirmed with one thing. That is every single people in this inn has completely ignored him! No one actually listened to his words just now! At that moment, Shui Ruoshan could feel the ill intention to him from this parallel world! Even if he is not the protagonist of this world, but as the fellow transmigrator like the protagonist, the treatment to him shouldn’t be that worse ah? Is it all because of the downside of his appearance?

Thinking back of his previously favorable noble and glamorous image and his current soft tender Zhengtai image, Shui Ruoshan felt like he can already write a book on his experiences. The title of the book will be called [Discussion on the Importance and Inevitability of the Appearance].

Forget it, he is a broad-minded person. He won’t be petty with these silly mortals! His goal is the vast sea of the star universe!

Huh? Something seems wrong?

His goal clearly should be ‘never have cavities’!

No cavities…

The Hell ah!

*falling down*

His very first goal should be just to stop Huo Ruyan from entering the Fog Forest ah!

Raw Word Count : 1012


Chapter 055 – Too anxious

“Yin Suye, don’t just stand there. Quickly help ah!”

Shui Ruoshan never expect that after he has spoken that much, Yin Suye actually didn’t intend to change his mind; still standing there watching the ‘show’. Ain’t this attitude a bit too much ah?! He(SRS) has been struggling (internally) for quite some time, and finally decided to help Yin Suye (change his fate) regardless the price to pay. But not only Yin Suye was not grateful to him, he(YSY) refused to work with him. A completely passive resistance ah!

There is nothing more depressing moment than this one ah?!


Yin Suye merely gave a sound of acknowledgement. But he didn’t say if he is going or not, as he remained standing there quietly and motionless. The fact that he didn’t went straight up ahead and ruthlessly teach Huo Ruyan a lesson was already quite good.

“Yin Suye, why are you making this difficult ah?”

Struggling for some time now, Shui Ruoshan finally figured one thing out. That is Yin Suye has never intend to help at all! Making things difficult at such a critical time, is this really a behavior of a great man[1]? He himself has yet to make any problems, what right do Yin Suye has to feel unhappy ah?

1. 大丈夫 – Man with honor and righteousness … that kind of stuff la. By the way, do you know the same Chinese word means Daijoubu/It’s alright in Japanese? XD I always find this kind of similarities interesting~

“You are the one too anxious.”

Yin Suye was very clear that if he let Huo Ruyan go, she will meet Huang Beichen. But that’s what he wanted, to let both of them smoothly meet up. If they don’t meet up, how can Huo Ruyan proceed to betray him? And how can he(YSY) make them pay if he(YSY) don’t get betrayed? Although he had been ruthless betrayed by Huo Ruyan in his past life, the betrayal has yet to happen in this life. His self-respect doesn’t allow him to attack someone who doesn’t know anything, even when that person is destined to betray him in the future.

“You are the one without any sense of nervousness, alright?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that they are not thinking on the same channel (wavelength/train of thought) at all. Here he is worried to death for Yin Suye, and Yin Suye acted like there’s nothing to worry about, not caring of the matter at all! This scene of ‘The emperor is not worried, but the eunuchs are worried to death[2] is making him especially furious!

2. Meaning the person involved is calm and collected, but observers are very worried.

“It’s going to be alright.”

Yin Suye comforted, and reached out to rub Shui Ruoshan’s hair. Although he was very happy that this little guy is feeling nervous for his sake, it also showed that he(SRS) didn’t has enough confidence in him(YSY).

He(YSY) has never used his own life to make a joke! Looked like he need to find a time to have a good discussion with this little guy to discuss the issue. He who has been reborn is no longer the one he used to be! He really didn’t place Huo Ruyan in his eyes. Just an ant, he don’t have to care at all!


Shui Ruoshan pursed his lips tightly, he turned away and didn’t pay attention to Yin Suye’s pampering. That was to express his strong dissatisfaction towards Yin Suye’s arrogant attitude. What make him even more dissatisfied was Yin Suye has always tried to comfort him with the method one usually do to children.

He is not really a kid, he didn’t like being treated as one at all!


Isn’t that the problem right there?

Was it because Yin Suye has always regarded him(SRS) as a child subconsciously, so he(YSY) don’t place much importance to his(SRS) words? If so, this white and tender harmless little Zhengtai(shota) image is really a mishap ah!

Raw Word Count : 930

#ISayYouDoRealizeYouThrewTantrumLikeAKidMate ?