Chapter 074 – I am very happy

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Blood has flowed out, how could that be nothing?!”

Shui Ruoshan was very dissatisfied with Yin Suye’s stubbornly enduring attitude. If it was not serious, how could Yin Suye vomit blood right in front of him? Heard of ‘Facts speak louder than words’[1]  ah?! This kind of lie where even a 3 years old won’t be deceived, really could give any assurance to other people?

1. Banana – I’m not going to lie. I misread it as ‘Farts’ speak louder than words.

So Yin Suye, could you please give a little more trustable reason? Else it would definitely be counterproductive!

“Then you tell me, when did you injured your hand?”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t bother with Yin Suye’s explanation at all, and didn’t gave him the opportunity to refute either. He took a step forward and started inspecting Yin Suye’s body from top to bottom. When he got to Yin Suye’s hands, he straightforwardly grabbed his big hand; discovering that not only there were scars, there were bloodstains over scabbed injuries…

That means Yin Suye has been hurt for some time now. Shui Ruoshan has enough evidence right now and Yin Suye should has nothing left to say. He felt that it was necessary for him to take this opportunity to educate him(YSY) to pay attention to his own body.

“Xiao Yeye, have you heard of an old saying called ‘the crying child gets to eat candy’[2]  ah?”

2. Click on the saying to get the English equivalent idiom.

It was rare for Shui Ruoshan to has so much confidence in front of Yin Suye, acting proud and arrogant is not stressful at all. Teaching and educating other people is definitely a good future! Especially now when he is educating that anti-human, anti-community, anti-world villain, and this villain still doesn’t dare to refute back. One couldn’t describe how awesome it felt! But he doesn’t dare to gloat for long because Shui Ruoshan hasn’t forget that Yin Suye is currently injured. So he immediately checked his space for healing items for Yin Suye.


Watching the little guy feeling anxious on his(YSY) behalf, Yin Suye’s emotions gradually calmed down. He liked how the little guy only has him(YSY) currently in his sight and mind. Only at this moment that Yin Suye could feel that the little guy really belonged solely to him(YSY) alone! If getting injured could let the little guy keep focusing with all his heart on him(YSY), even if the injury is 10 times more serious, 100 times, 1000 times… he felt that he would be willing either way! Actually, this kind of injury was really not worth mentioning for Yin Suye. There’s no need to fuss about it at all. One need to know, the injuries he suffered from his past life were way more serious than this one. And he managed to silently endure it by himself, what more his current situation?

“That is to say you are injured now, so don’t stubbornly endure it by yourself. You can totally find someone to tell about your pain. Occasionally showing your weaker side could let you receive more care and concern!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that the reason why Yin Suye fell from betrayal in the end is greatly related to his ‘stubbornly want to save face and rather suffer’ attitude. To put it bluntly, Yin Suye is that kind of person who won’t ask anyone for help no matter what kind of difficulties he encountered, and will silently solve/endure it. And when he did something good for other people, he won’t take the initiative to tell them about it so they are completely unaware that he has helped them. He put up a facial paralysis face and displayed a powerful and cruel side of him in front of other people. Over the time, the others will think that he is invincible. It have never cross their mind that he will also feel pain, feel sad, feel bad…

In a positive way, Shui Ruoshan would call it ‘strong-willed’. But negatively saying, then it should be ‘mensao’[3] ! Before this, even he himself was misled by Yin Suye’s strength and thought that nothing could ever stump him. But until that moment when Yin Suye vomited blood in front of him, he realized that Yin Suye is also a normal human!

3. Dictionary said – outwardly cold or retiring but deep and passionate inside

In order to avoid Yin Suye repeating the same mistake again, he must educate Yin Suye properly. Instantly, he felt a great (imaginary) pressure on his shoulders, alright?! If he managed to educate the villain properly, doesn’t that means he(SRS) has indirectly become the savior of the world?! En, only such high-level career is worthy of his transmigration.

“Are you worried about me?”

Watching the little guy keep ransacking stuffs from the space ring and busying around for his(YSY) sake, the red light at the bottom of his eyes has faded completely without a trace. Although the little guy’s tone at the moment was not nice, and he(SRS) keep spacing out, but he could clearly sense the feeling of concern and care from him(SRS). This caused his previously dark mood to suddenly become a few points brighter.

“That’s right!”

Shui Ruoshan replied straightforwardly as he didn’t think that there’s anything wrong with it; his hands searching non-stop. Finally, his hard work paid off when he found a bottle of medicinal pill called ‘Healing pills’ from the space ring. Seeing such a simple and easy-to-understand name, Shui Ruoshan felt the need to give his foresight 32 praises. Fortunately he didn’t has any brain-holes when he wrote this part of the novel, like giving some seemingly elegant names but actually complex names that can’t be remembered at all. Else, he will definitely be stunned speechless now (as in don’t know what medicine is what).

“I am very happy.”

Yin Suye’s eyes were slightly curved up, it was obvious that his current mood was very good. At the very least, he now knows that the little guy treated him differently from other people. He is now a step closer to his goal; the goal to get the little guy completely tied up to him!

“I have never seen someone injured but still could look so happy!”

Shui Ruoshan really don’t understand what Yin Suye is thinking right now. Already injured, it’s fine if he(YSY) could stop frowning. Now he even revealed a happy expression, where did such wonderful reaction came from? But Shui Ruoshan didn’t find out why his mood was so good, he just want Yin Suye’s injuries to heal as soon as possible.

He didn’t use incantation to heal Yin Suye this time. Other than his lack of ability, the reason why he didn’t use incantation was because he remembers seeing healing medicines in the stone room[4]  back in the Fog Forest so he could take those out to use. As he thought of that, Shui Ruoshan pour the pill out from the bottle for Yin Suye. But he tilted too much and dispensed 3 pills all at once. Shui Ruoshan looked at the small opening of the bottle and then at Yin Suye. Next, he stuffed all 3 pills towards Yin Suye’s mouth. Yin Suye cooperatively opened his mouth. After he ate all 3 pills, Shui Ruoshan nodded in satisfaction. At the same time, Shui Ruoshan gleefully thinks that the pills are used for healing purpose anyway. Eating more should be better than less, and he doesn’t have to force the pills back into the bottle plus it will speed up Yin Suye’s recovery. Killing two birds with one stone indeed!

4. Talking about the treasure room it seems.

It was impossible for Shui Ruoshan to see the effect of the medicines from Yin Suye’s paralysis face. So he decided to give up meaninglessly staring at his face after waiting for some time. He knew he can’t win against people with facial paralysis like Yin Suye! After a moment of thought, he gestured to Yin Suye to sit on the chair and not to move. Then he went to get a roll of bandages, some powdered medicines and a wet towel from the room. Next, he grabbed Yin Suye’s big hand and started to wipe away the bloodstains with a wet towel. Though he already given the Healing Pill to Yin Suye, he still sees some shallow marks on his(YSY) hand; it were not completely healed. After that, he sprinkled some of the powdered medicine on the wound before bandaging it. He believed that the wound will definitely heal faster with treatment on the outside as well as inside! After he is finished with the dressing, Shui Ruoshan had a feeling that something is missing.

Oh dang! Butterfly knot ah! A bandage without butterfly knot is like instant noodle without seasoning packet ah! Instantly, Shui Ruoshan started to tie a butterfly knot on Yin Suye’s big hand…

“Seems like the wound on your hand looked a bit strange?” He doesn’t dare to tell it to Yin Suye’s face that his wound looked like a bite mark.

“Got scratched.” Yin Suye truthfully answered when he saw the confusion in the little guy’s eyes.

“Are you born in the year of Dog?”

Hearing Yin Suye’s reply, Shui Ruoshan felt that the wound started to look like some animals have scratched him with its claw. This small wound really could make people associate it with various kind of things! And it’s the type that ‘the more you think about it, the more you will misunderstood’!


Yin Suye has already gotten used to Shui Ruoshan randomly spouting strange keywords. What he couldn’t get used to was the super striking butterfly knot on the bandage on both of his hands. Whenever he looked at the crooked butterfly knot, Yin Suye would wonder if the little guy did it on purpose.

Raw Word Count : 2722

#BananaJokes :v
#YouAreVeryHappy ?

Chapter 073 – I am very calm

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“The word ‘book’ is only a metaphor, not a real book, understand?”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t expect that Yin Suye would have such a big reaction although he has changed his words to a more understandable explanation. At times like this, he is even more scared to admit that the continent/world (Mowu Dalu) is actually the content of a book! Instantly, Shui Ruoshan felt that there are no other author more bitter than he is. Standing face to face with this big villain Yin Suye, not only he doesn’t dare to admit that he is the God who created this world, he couldn’t even say about the truth of the origin of this world. Really couldn’t be any more bitter!

“En?” Yin Suye remained unmoved. He just silently stared at Shui Ruoshan with his facial paralysis face.

“It means I could see some trajectories of this world and also the fate of some people through the content suddenly obtained in my mind!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he has already explained very clearly. If Yin Suye doesn’t understand, then he will be at his wit’s end. He can’t say about the dead and living, because at the very least he doesn’t know who he transmigrated into, and also doesn’t know that Yin Suye was actually reborn. This shows that this parallel world is not stationary; accidents happen everywhere. So he used the word ‘some’ in his explanation to show that he is not omnipotent. After all, there are so many people/existence in this continent, it was impossible to write about everything and everyone in his little story. That’s why he need to prepare a place to fall back in case he encountered people/events outside the novel he wrote.

“So you are using the mentality of playing a game to view everything in this world?”

No matter if Shui Ruoshan mentioned whether he regarded this world as a book or not, Yin Suye knew that Shui Ruoshan has never placed this world seriously in his eyes.

“…” He actually couldn’t refute Yin Suye’s words, what to do?

“See, every time you looked very unconcerned, like nothing in this world could enter your eyes!”

Yin Suye felt that he probably will not be able to grasp Shui Ruoshan this person in his hand. For the first time, he found out that the distance between him and Shui Ruoshan was that far away. The negative emotions that he suppressed earlier has resurfaced, a faint red light instantly dyed his pair of eyes bloody red…

“Yin Suye, you musn’t be agitated, you need to stay calm ah!”

Cold sweat suddenly fell down from Shui Ruoshan’s forehead when he saw that Yin Suye looked like he is going to have a Qi deviation. With his current small body, he doesn’t has the power to stop Yin Suye from being invaded by his inner demon ah! The Yin Suye who suffered from Qi deviation has strong destructive power. To describe in one word, it would be ‘Extraordinary’ ah!

“I am very calm!”

But whenever he think that the little guy might not put him(YSY) in the eye at all, his situation begun to go out of control. The red awn in his eyes keep flashing, but couldn’t completely fade away.


If just by looking at Yin Suye sitting there unmovingly with strong pressure, it was quite convincing (that he is very calm). But that is if his eyes were not red in color. Should he(SRS) be glad that it was fortunate that Yin Suye has not completely lost his mind? Else, the first unlucky person must be him(SRS)! However at times like this, he doesn’t know what to say to break the silence between them.

Oh right!

The reason why Yin Suye suddenly became abnormal and almost gotten Qi deviation was because he(YSY) said his(SRS) attitude was unconcerned and didn’t put anyone in his eyes. That means if he could explain that matter properly, he could stop Yin Suye from getting Qi deviation?

“Yin Suye, listen properly! If I don’t put you in my eyes, will I disrupt the trajectory of the world for you?”

After thinking for a moment, rather than using other people as an example, it would be better to use Yin Suye instead. At the very least, he could let Yin Suye know that he didn’t not put him too much in his eyes![1]  Plus ever since he transmigrated into this continent, he don’t know much people at all other than Yin Suye! He couldn’t not use Yin Suye as the example ah (because he don’t know anyone else to use as example)! Thinking it this way, Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye’s accusation just now was too heartless! He admits that he(SRS) is quite absent-minded and likes to zone out; plus his reactions were always a beat slower. But where on Earth did he ever acted high and mighty like that Yin Suye said and doesn’t put anything in his eyes ah? He never has any sense of superiority at all when facing Yin Suye; there were feelings of inferiority instead!

1. Raw at the bottom, not sure what the author meant _(;3/

This is definitely slander ah!

“What you mean is I’m different for you?”

Although Shui Ruoshan’s tone just now was not too good, Yin Suye’s mood miraculously calmed down. At the very least, he has some position in Shui Ruoshan’s heart.

“Of course!”

The first person he met when he transmigrated was Yin Suye. No matter what, the ‘first’ always has the deepest impression. Plus Yin Suye treated him well after that, so he was willing to help Yin Suye.

“I understand.”

Yin Suye quietly closed his eyes. Although he has a little bit of position in Shui Ruoshan’s heart, this was obviously far from what he really wants in his heart! But he can’t rush it, especially when facing with dense people like Shui Ruoshan. Anxious to seek success will most likely to be counterproductive. ‘Boiling frog with warm water’ is the best way. There was a deep gap between him and Shui Ruoshan. The distance between two worlds was too far that it’s depressing!

Thoughts, ideas, views…
So much difference like between the Sky and Earth. For example, in the continent one would start killing another upon disagreement, while Shui Ruoshan was just an ordinary boy who would be scared by the sight of giant wolves’ dead bodies. This shows that his world is definitely a peaceful one, and obviously had a completely different civilization. It was obviously not an easy task to eliminate the difference between worlds, and even more impossible to do so in such short time so he must be patient. He need to slowly change Shui Ruoshan’s views by accumulation of time and let himself become an irreplaceable existence in his(SRS) heart!

“It’s fine that you figured it out!”

Shui Ruoshan secretly sighed in relief when he could feel the temperature gradually getting warmer in the room. His ‘fur smoothing’[2] skill is getting more and more amazing! Practice makes perfect indeed! With Yin Suye cooperating with him, Shui Ruoshan is sure that his ‘fur smoothing’ skill will be fully leveled up soon.

2. Placating angry animals :v


Just as Yin Suye wanted to stand up, his body swayed a bit and he sat back down. The next second, a line of bright red blood trickled out from the corner of his mouth…

“What happened to you?”

Shui Ruoshan who has been paying attention to Yin Suye immediately found out that the situation was not right. He quickly stepped towards Yin Suye without thinking.

“It’s nothing.”

Yin Suye frowned in dissatisfaction towards his current state. He nonchalantly reached out to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth. Actually, the balance between the magic and sword force in his body has been unstable when he used magic to kill Huo Ruyan. Both forces have begun fighting in his body. After that, when he found out that the person who has been sneaking at the corner was Shui Ruoshan, he forcibly recalled his full force attack and suffered heavy backlash, causing his body’s condition to worsen. Just now, he was afraid of hurting Shui Ruoshan and forcibly pressed back his signs of getting Qi deviation. All these resulted in the injuries in his body to become worse.

Towards the pain, he has already gotten used to it in his past life. No matter how painful was it, he could endure without changing his expressions. Originally, he thought it would be the same as his past life right now; that the pain will pass after enduring it for a bit. That’s why he didn’t bother with his injuries. But he has forgotten that his current body is not the same body from his past life that has been tempered by various life experiences, and couldn’t bear such big damage at all. That’s why all these physical weaknesses showed up right away.

Even though he has consumed the Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus to improve his strength, it didn’t change the fact that his starting point was too low in this lifetime. Plus in these past few years, his body was constantly being used as an experiment tester by those bigwigs and has long been riddled with injuries. Those hidden injuries couldn’t heal in such a short time. His body couldn’t stand his current emotion turbulence at all.

In short, he is still too weak now!

Raw Word Count : 2596


Banana: Raw : 最起码还能让殷夙夜知道他不要太将他放在眼里了啊!

Chapter 072 – Age problem

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Since you have reborn, does it means you have been doubting me right from the start?”

Upon confirming that Yin Suye has reborn, Shui Ruoshan sucked in a breath of cold air. That means no matter if he(SRS) has revealed any flaws or not, he has already roused Yin Suye’s suspicions. After all, the original story doesn’t has any plot about someone like him appearing in the Fog Forest at all.


That’s right, it was when he has just reborn and encountered this variable, Shui Ruoshan that he has his doubt and expectation at the same time.

“Then from when you reborn back to life?”

Understanding that Yin Suye has reborn, many unreasonable things happened before could now be fully understood. No wonder he(YSY) was so cold towards Huo Ruyan, and even directly took her life. No one who got betrayed mercilessly would be able to stay calm and treat the other party nicely. Anyone who could do that can no longer be called ‘Holy Mother’ but a ‘Retard’.

After that, Shui Ruoshan stabilized his emotions a bit and asked the question he concerned the most. He need to know when Yin Suye came back to life in this timeline so that he could determine when did the plot begin to change.

“Some moment before I met you.”

Yin Suye felt that the time he met Shui Ruoshan after he got reborn was just nice; felt like it was predestined. Returning back to life too early, he won’t be able to encounter Shui Ruoshan and if he reborn any later, he would miss Shui Ruoshan as well. And because he met Shui Ruoshan at the right time, it let him feel that Shui Ruoshan was given to him(YSY) by God as a compensation; the existence who only belongs to him(YSY)!

“I transmigrated over almost around that time too.”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t conceal the truth regarding his origins, and briefly explained about his transmigration. It seemed that everything has started to change the moment he transmigrated, just that he didn’t notice it.

One reborn, and another one transmigrated.[1]  These two variables combining together, the effect was not as simple as 1+1=2 but increases by fold ah! With such powerful effects together, it would be really abnormal if the plot doesn’t change!

1. Banana : Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Really sorry for Yin Suye, he obviously knew his(SRS) appearance was very mysterious but he still has to bear with it until now to ask his questions, really not easy ah! He estimated that his transmigration and Yin Suye’s rebirth probably happened at the same time. After all, he stayed quite some time in the stone room before he saw Yin Suye. Just that he don’t know what caused his transmigration and Yin Suye’s rebirth?


Yin Suye slightly frowned. Before this, he focused all his focus on the word ‘rebirth’ and planned to asked about ‘transmigration’ later. He didn’t expect Shui Ruoshan would mention it first. Actually, he doesn’t like this word very much. Because he inadvertently heard Huang Beichen mentioned it before that he(HBC) is a transmigrator. At that time, his relationship with Huang Beichen was already like water and fire, so naturally it’s impossible for him to know the meaning of ‘transmigration’ from Huang Beichen. Later on, he did checked some old records and books but still couldn’t find the meaning of ‘transmigration’, his curiosity gradually faded. However, he never expect he will hear the same word coming from Shui Ruoshan.

“Transmigration is the abbreviation for transmigrating through time and space. Commonly means one person due to some reasons, went through some event (could be without reason nor event as well) from current space (Space A) to another space and time (Space B).”

Shui Ruoshan recited the explanation he got from ‘Du Niang’[2]  directly to Yin Suye. But thinking back, although Yin Suye was reborn, he is still a native born and lived in this parallel world. He probably don’t understand the word ‘transmigration’ which was infamous back in Earth, so he(SRS) explained it again using words easier to understand.

2. Alternative name for Baidu, their version of Google and Wiki

“In other words, I used to live in a world called Earth. But due to some unscientific reasons, I crossed through time and space, and came to this world.”

Then he immediately bumped into this villain Yin Suye. As for the things happened afterwards, Yin Suye already knew it. Shui Ruoshan really felt that there’s nothing special to explain about his transmigration, so he only briefed mentioned it.

“You and Huang Beichen came from the same place?”

He remembered heard the word ‘Earth’ from Huang Beichen before. Since he already bared open his secrets with Shui Ruoshan, it became easier to discuss things.

“You could say that!”

Shui Ruoshan nodded with some hesitation. Although he wrote that Huang Beichen came from 21st century’s Earth, but it was only a character written in his novel and doesn’t exist in real life. However, he couldn’t deny and say that Huang Beichen didn’t came from the same place as him, so he could only reluctantly admitted it.

“But Huang Beichen transmigrated along with his body while I transmigrated only with my soul.”

Shui Ruoshan felt the need to make this point clear. Huang Beichen as the protagonist of [The Strongest King in History] naturally was given a lot of ‘golden fingers’ by the author Shui Ruoshan. And one of the biggest ‘golden finger’ was that Huang Beichen transmigrated along with his body. Coming over with his own body, Huang Beichen has the blood of the ‘Descendants of the Fiery Emperor and Yellow Emperor’ (Han Chinese people lol) flowing in him. To a certain extent, he won’t be bounded by the rules of the parallel world; he could do things that other people for the parallel world couldn’t. This is also why Huang Beichen could cultivate double abilities without any obstacles while Yin Suye nearly threw away half of his life to do the same.

“Although my current body is a child, but my soul inside isn’t. So stop treating me the way you treat a child, or else don’t blame me for being hostile!”

That’s the reason why Shui Ruoshan emphasized on the point that he came as a soul. Since they have confessed their secrets to each other, he naturally has to take the opportunity to fight for some necessary benefits. His request was not high, he is fine as long as he gets treated as an equal.

“You are a child now.”

Yin Suye looked at Shui Ruoshan in doubts. Such a simple and naive character, he doesn’t look like an adult however you see it!

“I’m already 20 years old, a completely and thoroughly adult!”

Instantly, Shui Ruoshan became dissatisfied. He was already very depressed when he transmigrated into a Zhengtai(shota) and got treated like a child! And right now, he managed to get rid of his identity as a child with much difficulty, but Yin Suye doesn’t buy it. Really depressing until one can’t be more depressed!

“I’m 22, still older than you.” Yin Suye faintly rebutted.

“You are twisting the facts!” Shui Ruoshan really wanted to get crazy!

How could he not know that Yin Suye is 22 years old now? Do he need him(YSY) to emphasize it for him? What’s so great about being older than him by 2 years? If you have the ability, try being 20 years older than him(SRS) ah! Should he known such thing would happen today, he would have set Yin Suye as a 17 years old youth, see how he(YSY) can remain smug! Or how about turning Yin Suye into a 42 years old middle-aged uncle? He could accept being treated like a child, and let him(YSY) be smug as much as he can! However, is there still time to change the settings right now?


Yin Suye’s ‘en’ was stretched a bit, sounded like a question but also like a threat too.


Felt like the two of them are unable to communicate at all, alright?! Once again, Shui Ruoshan decided that he and Yin Suye couldn’t play well together!

“Oh right, do you know the identity of this body I have got into?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he should change the topic to prevent himself from getting depressed over the age matter. Plus, since he has explained everything about himself, he should take the opportunity to find out who did he transmigrated into. After, the problem has plagued him for a long time.

“Don’t know.” Yin Suye shook his head.

When he first met Shui Ruoshan, he already knew that he doesn’t recognise this person and confirmed that this person didn’t appear in his past life.

“You don’t know as well?!”

Shui Ruoshan was somewhat disappointed by this.

As expected, he really got into a passerby character that has never appear in the novel!

“You are not sure yourself too?”

Yin Suye originally thought Shui Ruoshan would know everything about him(YSY) because he seemed too familiar with this world. But he never expect it would be the opposite instead.

“I didn’t even any information about this body at all when I transmigrated over.” Shui Ruoshan felt depressed as well about this.

“Shui Ruoshan is my own name, and not the name of this body.”

That means he doesn’t even know the name of the body he is currently using now; felt like there are nothing more bitter transmigrator than himself. Especially when he is the author of the story, he actually doesn’t know who is he now. If words went out, he will lose his face to death!

“But you are very familiar with the continent (Magic and Sword Continent/Mowu Dalu).”

Or one should say, everything happened previously told Yin Suye that Shui Ruoshan is clearly very familiar with the people and matter in this world.


Shui Ruoshan felt that he is really a death-seeking idiot. He actually explained everything without considering some other matters. No one ever would be more death-seeking than him. It seemed that he is no longer the witty young man with outstanding IQ ever since he met Yin Suye!

Now is not the time to sigh, he should think how he could answer Yin Suye’s question properly ba. But there is one thing that Shui Ruoshan is very clear, that is he absolutely must not disclose the part where he is the author of this novel; can’t let Yin Suye know he is the initiator of all his misfortunes!

“When I transmigrated over, there are a lot of information appearing in my mind. The content was like an invisible book. By looking through a search function, I can know about some things that happened in the continent.”

Though Shui Ruoshan could transformed his identity of an author to a reader to explain himself, but taking the feeling of this native Yin Suye into consideration, Shui Ruoshan hesitated with the keywords he should use. He doesn’t dare to tell Yin Suye that everything happened was just the content of a book, so he used the word as a metaphor to express matters clearly. After all, if you tell the people here that they are just some characters inside a book, you don’t even have to think about it to know that is a very shocking truth! Using the keyword in a metaphorical way shouldn’t step on any landmines right?

“What you mean is this world is just like a book in your eyes?”

Although Shui Ruoshan phrased it tactfully, Yin Suye could see through his thoughts. Or in other words, he is also just a character in a book in Shui Ruoshan’s eyes?! This realization caused Yin Suye to feel extremely unhappy. Instantly, he narrowed his eyes dangerously with a face of deep contemplation. He think he found out where the nagging feeling that Shui Ruoshan always gave him came from!

Previously, he heard Shui Ruoshan said he is a transmigrator and that he was so out of place because he was not adapted to this world. Huang Beichen also had a period of time where he looked at the world with cold eyes of a bystander and uninvolved attitude. He(YSY) thought that Shui Ruoshan felt no sense of belonging to the world also because of the same reason. But through Shui Ruoshan’s words, Yin Suye knew he got it all wrong. It wasn’t that Shui Ruoshan felt no sense of belonging to this world, he never really see this world as a real one at all!

Very obviously, the situation with Shui Ruoshan was more serious than he imagined!


What do you mean ‘like a book’ ah? It IS a world in a book, alright?! But Shui Ruoshan doesn’t really dare to say these words to Yin Suye’s face, whose mood looked obviously wrong. Yin Suye, are you really alright with such temperamental emotions? He(SRS) felt a lot of pressure alright?!

Raw Word Count : 3583


Chapter 071 – Confess the truth

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“You killed Huo Ruyan in order to prevent it from happening?”

Shui Ruoshan continued to guess Yin Suye’s purpose. He believed he will hit the truth if he guessed a few more times. No matter what, Huo Ruyan is also a very important female supporting character in the novel. To die so easily like that, he as the author should try to expose the truth ah! Besides, he could mentally prepare himself in advance to prevent getting caught unprepared by any sudden situation in the future. He didn’t notice it before, but he couldn’t help worrying now after some thoughts. Not sure if Huo Ruyan’s death will completely turn the novel [The Strongest King in History] over? If that happens, he as the author who knew the original plot will has no advantage at all!

“Yes, and no.” Yin Suye answered patiently seeing the little guy still didn’t give up.


Such an ambiguous answer, he(YSY) is definitely entertaining him ba? He felt like fainting from Yin Suye’s ‘no here, no there’ alright? For the first time, Shui Ruoshan felt anxious for his own IQ!

Requesting for the truth ah!

One shouldn’t tease people’s curiosity then give an irresponsible answer!
Yin Suye, you didn’t handle this professionally ah!

“You just can’t tell me the truth directly?”

As he said that, Shui Ruoshan pouted and prodded the ground with his feet. Then with a face full of grievance, he stared accusingly at Yin Suye. He couldn’t do this the hard way, so he could only pick the soft approach. In order to achieve the goal, he has abandoned his image; started selling ‘meng’ and being obedient.

“The truth is related to my secret, are you sure you want to know?”

Although Yin Suye don’t mind enjoying Shui Ruoshan acting spoiled, but now is not the time. He only want to explore the little guy’s secret now. If he missed this chance today, he don’t know how long he has to wait for the next time!


Upon hearing this, the colors faded from his(SRS) face. Just wanted to know the truth, will you die if you don’t say the secret out?! Wait a minute! If this matter is related to Yin Suye’s secret, then he shouldn’t keep focusing on Huo Ruyan. He should place his sight on Yin Suye instead. Think about it, what is unusual with Yin Suye? There are a lot of things that are not right! The very wrong thing is the fact that he(YSY) met him(SRS). Then, like an alpaca/grass horse[1]  running out of control, it’s gone and not returning anymore!

1. This is actually a slang curse word – Eff your mom (cao ni ma)

Previously, he thought it was his transmigration that changed the course of the plot. Especially when he took the initiative to break away from the plot, he felt like he was causing all the changes..
But then, how could the butterfly effect of his transmigration possess so much power to make such big changes? He didn’t think of it before, but now that he consider it, he suddenly felt that in addition of the variable of his transmigration, Yin Suye’s suspicious points were not small. After all, Yin Suye did many things that were different from what he wrote in the novel.

At that time, was Yin Suye’s eagerness to return to the Capital really because of him(SRS)?

After consuming Nine-turn Petal Jade Lotus, Yin Suye’s strength increase seemed to be a little more than his(SRS) calculation?

His(YSY) attitude towards Huo Ruyan was quite wrong?

The time for his(YSY) to get dual ability cultivation doesn’t match at all?

It’s too much to list down all the doubts one by one ah!

The more he think of it, the more suspicious he felt alright?!

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan really wanted to grab Yin Suye by his collar and yelled : “Tell me, are you schizophrenic? Or you have some unknown clairvoyant skills? Or have you been reborn or you transmigrated?”

Instantly, Shui Ruoshan ‘hehe-ed’ twice to these thoughts. To think of such unreliable guesses, it was not easy ah! This is definitely a side effect from ‘read more, write more’ illness! As long as someone is behaving weirdly, he will think that person must has encountered something special, like reborn or transmigrated? [The Strongest King in History] was a story created by him, he naturally was very familiar with everything in the story. In order to guarantee the uniqueness of the protagonist, he set Huang Beichen as the one and only transgmirator in the whole story. As for the others, whether they are the female lead, supporting characters or the villain, everyone is the very original people born and raised in this parallel world ah!

There was no such complicated setup as rebirth!

So, it is impossible for him to open such a big ‘golden finger'(cheat) for the villain Yin Suye ah!

“What did you said just now?”

Yin Suye’s eyes squinted dangerously, and his pupil contracted in an instant. The red awns in his eyes keep flickering, and he subconsciously tightened his grip. He obviously knew Shui Ruoshan could guess what happened to him(YSY) but he still couldn’t help but want to confirm it again.

Not sure if Shui Ruoshan was too deeply engrossed with his own thoughts or has a habit in thinking out loud, he(SRS) accidentally whispered his thoughts out in a small voice. Although the little guy’s voice was quite small, but how could Yin Suye not hear it with his current strength? Especially now where their position were very close to each other, he doesn’t has to pay special attention at all to be able to hear it easily.

“Huh, what did I found out ah?”

As Shui Ruoshan was still mumbling his thoughts, Yin Suye’s sudden question shocked him into answering stupidly. Just that when he felt his surrounding temperature seemed to suddenly get colder, he raised his head to see the man who was emitting cold air; no idea what Yin Suye is getting at. No thanks to the cold air pressure, Shui Ruoshan whose mind was about to become a paste from over-thinking gradually sobered up. At the same time, he seems to realize that he inadvertently blurted out his guesses regarding Yin Suye’s secret.

And Yin Suye’s mood started to look wrong after that! Instantly, Shui Ruoshan felt his whole person is not well! He said a bunch of incredible stuff ah! Especially about the part regarding transmigration. Could it be he indirectly disclosed his own background while he is not paying attention and let Yin Suye discover it?


Already shocked by his own guesses, Shui Ruoshan didn’t has spare any time to think how Yin Suye’s question was in a surprised tone, or to observe Yin Suye’s abnormal behavior. All he knew right now was he might has exposed his own information! His heart already turned into a river of sorrow, how could he pay attention to anything else ah! At this moment, Shui Ruoshan’s emotions were tightened, wondering if he could get pardon by confesion. He doesn’t want to ‘confess under torture’ ah!

Yin Suye didn’t say anything, just silently looking at Shui Ruoshan. Although he doesn’t understand why the little guy suddenly became so depressed, it doesn’t affect him from observing in silent. At first, the moment he heard the word rebirth, he thought the little guy has found out the truth. So he couldn’t control his emotions for a moment and showed some gaffe. But when he saw that the little guy is even more nervous than him, Yin Suye calmed down. Very obvious, the little guy hasn’t figure out anything about his rebirth, and also seemed to accidentally spilled his own secret as well? In this case, if he didn’t grab the opportunity to seek the truth, then he really wasted his time living 2 lifetimes!
Mainly because the little guy’s expressions were too transparent, he doesn’t has to guess anything and was able to see through it at a glance. This time, he estimated that he would have to wait patiently a bit more and he would be able to get the answer he wants from the little guy!

But seriously, the little guy’s ability to ‘run out of topic’ is really extraordinary! He even prepared so many follow-up methods, it were not used and he could directly get the result. Little guy is really weak (mentally), en, very cute.

“Just now you said if I wanted to know your secrets, I need to exchange it with my own secrets right?”

Clenching his teeth, Shui Ruoshan settled his heart and decided to honestly confess. Regardless whether Yin Suye has guessed anything (about him), he will have to stay together with Yin Suye for a long time. He couldn’t guarantee that he won’t revealed anymore loopholes in the future with this careless character of his. Even if he managed to fool his way out this time, but with Yin Suye’s wisdom, he(YSY) will figure out something sooner or later. Basing on the principle ‘early death, early reincarnation’[2] , he has decided to say it. He understood Yin Suye’s character, and because he understood, he doesn’t dare to make a random lie to deceive Yin Suye. One must know, Yin Suye is someone who pursues perfection, so perfect that he couldn’t tolerate even a bit of flaws.

2. Meaning a short suffering is better than a long one

This habit was especially obvious when Yin Suye deals with other people. He could treat someone well to the max, but he absolutely couldn’t tolerate other people hiding something from him, acting suspicious, deceiving and harming him…
What Yin Suye wants was the purest and truest feeling without any impurities. But there’s no such thing as pure feeling in the world, so Yin Suye’s character was destined to be the one being hurt. As he receives more injuries, naturally he will become blacker.

His mentality, darkness, extremeness, bloodthirsty, ruthlessness, and madness…

These characteristics were already there, it was after he continues to experience disappointments over disappointments that those characteristics gradually deepened. It can be said that these characteristics were the real culprit for Yin Suye’s tragic fate in his past life. Otherwise, when he was framed in the Fog Forest and the protagonist was suspicious of him, he won’t just give up the relationship between them and explained nothing. He even started fighting them, causing the protagonist to deepen his misunderstanding. This then ended with both of them standing opposite of each other in the future.

If Yin Suye could try to explain himself a bit right at the beginning, Shui Ruoshan believed that the friendship between Yin Suye and the protagonist Huang Beichen will not be broken in the Fog Forest. And because he(SRS) understood Yin Suye’s character, Shui Ruoshan won’t casually say a reason to fool Yin Suye. Plus he promised Yin Suye before that he won’t lie to him(YSY) anymore. Since he has promised it, he will do it (say the truth). This is his principle as a person. He has a master-servant bond with Yin Suye anyway so he is not afraid of Yin Suye harming him.
So even if Yin Suye knew about his transmigration, he(YSY) won’t be able to do anything about it!

Yin Suye : “Yes.”

Seeing that the little guy finally decided to open his mouth, the corner of Yin Suye’s mouth slowly curved up.

Shui Ruoshan : “Alright, after you told me your secret, I will tell you mine.”

Shui Ruoshan felt that he has made enough mental preparation for his own confession, but based on the principle of not suffering losses, he has to let Yin Suye spill first. That way he could proudly say that he is the one holding the power[3] !

3. Since after YSY said his secret, SRS still are holding onto his own.

This kind of self-deception, is it really alright?

“I was reborn.”

Yin Suye was not afraid of Shui Ruoshan regretting it, and told Shui Ruoshan the biggest secret of his life just like that.

“You were reborn?!”

Shui Ruoshan felt like scolding people! Fiercely scolding people ah! Just because the novel was written by him, Shui Ruoshan was confident that the Yin Suye he met could be considered the Yin Suye from his novel. The result gave him a resounding slap in the face instead!

Yin Suye, he actually was reborn?!

So the reason the original plot changed so much, it was not him at all but Yin Suye. He actually unconsciously shouldered so much ‘black pots'(blame) on Yin Suye’s behalf? No wonder Yin Suye gave such a big reaction upon hearing his mumblings. It was because he managed to guess Yin Suye’s secret, and not Yin Suye managed to guess his(SRS) origins?! Could he(SRS) be considered cleanly sold himself out? Or those kind who specialized in selling ownself, doing it 30 years unshakeable[4] ?! No, should say Yin Suye acted very well by just putting up a paralysis face, he(SRS) actually went in; even willing to enter the trap himself!

4. It seems that this is some minor internet slang that doesn’t has its own baidu page. I’m guessing the meaning of the sentence is ‘those who keep digging a hole for ownself to jump in, with unwavering spirit’ :v Raw at the bottom for those who wanna try

Shui Ruoshan felt that he is better off not knowing the truth!

Reality is always cruel, causing him to burst into tears; too tired to love anymore!

Raw Word Count : 3648


Banana: Raw : 还是那种专注卖自己,三十年不动摇的!

Chapter 070 – The desired answer

“You don’t want to know why I killed Huo Ruyan?”

Seeing that the little guy’s expression keep changing but didn’t say anything, Yin Suye increased his betting chips. Actually he could see that although the little guy didn’t express any objections towards him killing Huo Ruyan, he was very clear that this incident must have left a deep trace in the little guy’s heart. If this matter is not explained clearly, a gap might appear between the two of them. The little guy don’t know how to conceal his emotions at all, letting people guess it with just a glance. This is also one of the reasons why he chose to confess right now.


Shui Ruoshan will never admit that this sentence from Yin Suye hits right on the spot! He indeed really wanted to know the reason! On the other hand, comparing to knowing the truth, Shui Ruoshan cared more about his own life! After all, no one knows if dying in this world means dying for real!

“Because Huo Ruyan will betray you in the future?”

Not wanting to bow down to Yin Suye that early, Shui Ruoshan decided to use his talents to guess the reason. Although he expressed his views regarding Yin Suye’s murder of Huo Ruyan, he actually felt very complicated in his heart. In one hand, he was very happy that Yin Suye trusted him so much that he(YSY) cut off all relationship with Huo Ruyan just from one ‘She will betray you’ from him(SRS). But on the other hand, he felt that Yin Suye was too heartless towards Huo Ruyan, to kill her off just like this without any hesitation.

One need to know, he as the author knew how Huo Ruyan going to betray Yin Suye at the end, but Yin Suye didn’t know that. Plus Huo Ruyan treated him quite well when they were young, though she started to compare their abilities after they grew up. However up until now, Huo Ruyan didn’t really do anything that will harm Yin Suye. So for Yin Suye to abandon all his memories with Huo Ruyan in the past and even became a killer all because of his(SRS) words, this showed Yin Suye scarily heartless and ruthless towards feelings!

Right now, Yin Suye could take action against Huo Ruyan for the things in the future that have yet to happen, then is it possible that Yin Suye would do the same to him(SRS) because of other matters in the future? Moreover, the things that he hid from Yin Suye were too much to count! It’s absolutely a dead end road if he really said it alright?! He has to worry about his death!

“She hasn’t done anything to betray me yet!”

This is also why Yin Suye didn’t immediately take action the moment he encountered Huo Ruyan. In his past life, she did gave him the betrayal of his life, it was impossible for him to not remember this grudge. So in his life, he simply took his revenge in advance! Moreover, she was the one looking for death afterwards; to hold a killing intent towards the little guy. For this, he has no reason to continue keeping such a dangerous person alive, in order to prevent her from hurting the little guy one day in the future. However, Yin Suye will not disclose this reason. A pure and clean person like the little guy doesn’t need to know these dirty sins.

“Then why did you killed her?”

Shui Ruoshan felt like he couldn’t catch up to Yin Suye’s strange direction of thoughts. Since Yin Suye himself knew that the Huo Ruyan right didn’t do any betrayals, with their past feelings together he shouldn’t move to destroy her ah!

What actually happened in the middle that he didn’t notice?

“She will betray me.”

He is not some God who won’t repay a grudge, it is just a matter of time. At most, he only pushed the matter with Huo Ruyan a bit earlier, nothing so strange about it.


Yin Suye, you didn’t eat your medicine properly? What you said just now is contradicting your previous words ah! Please go back and eat your medicine before coming back, alright? He felt like they can’t play happily together anymore! Life is so lonely as snow ah!

“I believed you (that’s why)!”

Looking at the little guy’s speechless face, Yin Suye knew that he(SRS) probably doesn’t understand what he said right now. In the end, he(YSY) didn’t explain anything. Instead, he gave him(SRS) this oath-like sentence as his answer. Moreover, even if he doesn’t has the memories from his past life, just by all the things Shui Ruoshan did for him, he believed that he will definitely stay away from Huo Ruyan just the same, though he might not do something like killing her. Because Huo Rutan doesn’t’ deserve his trust!

“Why you believe me?”

Though Yin Suye’s words doesn’t match his previous words, this doesn’t prevent him(SRS) from understanding it. Right now, Yin Suye is trying to tell him that he(YSY) did such a thing to Huo Ruyan because he(YSY) believed in him. Though killing people felt a bit extreme in Shui Ruoshan’s opinion, but the moment he knew that Yin Suye hated Huo Ruyan because of his words, Shui Ruoshan inexplicably felt better. Instantly, Shui Ruoshan felt his 3 views crumbling! Because of this one sentence from Yin Suye, he forgot about his(YSY) cruelty of Huo Ruyan’s death. He(SRS) seems to be ‘unable to be cured’[1] ?

1. Meaning no antidote can cure his bias towards YSY

“You are trustworthy.” Yin Suye seriously told Shui Ruoshan.

If he could trust no one in this lifetime, then his life would be too much of a failure. Very obvious, in Yin Suye’s eyes, he himself in his past life was a complete failure. Even though he finally became the Supreme Human King above tens of thousands of people, he never had even one real friend. It was a lonely life where everyone in the world seems to be your enemy, a life who could drive people crazy! Actually when he was finally defeated by Huang Beichen, other than feeling unwilling, he also felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation. Finally he could leave this world that causes him feel hate and despair!

But he never expect that after he died, he was reborn!

At that time, he didn’t feel any joy from being reborn at all. What’s there was a thick sense of dissatisfaction, anger, resentment…
Why is it when he finally be free, he came back to experience again the injustice of his fate, the world that was cruel to him…

Just when he decided to completely destroy this unsightly world, Shui Ruoshan appeared in front of him and told him that he could trust him. This caused the him whose emotions were at the edge of collapsing regained a bit of reasoning. He admits it, at that moment he was touched and bewitched by Shui Ruoshan’s beautiful words. Shui Ruoshan was like a driftwood that appeared at the time he was most desperate, bringing him hope, so he hugged it tightly. Although he wanted to convince himself to believe, he doesn’t dare to do so. Because he is afraid of being betrayed again! He could no longer afford to be deceived again, otherwise the him who has lost hope for the world will really collapsed/become crazy! And so in their interactions later on, even when he keep testing Shui Ruoshan again and again, he still couldn’t really rest assured! His past experience really caused him to no longer be trustful in other people. At one side, he wished that Shui Ruoshan would stay like this forever where he can always trust him, while on the other side he keep thinking when would Shui Ruoshan finally betray him.

Contradicting and complicated.

Until later on where Shui Ruoshan did something for his sake completely beyond his expectations, letting him think that he can finally can be hopeful and has expectations, destiny once again makes a joke with him. To actually let Shui Ruoshan witnessed his killing scene. If that moment Shui Ruoshan became fearful and ran away from him, he doesn’t know what kind of thing he will do at that moment! Fortunately, Shui Ruoshan didn’t let him down. But at the same time, Shui Ruoshan didn’t give him enough hope. It’s this kind of ‘not up, but not down’ feeling let Yin Suye feel extremely annoyed! He wished to place Shui Ruoshan in all seriousness in his(YSY) heart, so that whenever he(YSY) felt tired, there would be a place for him to rely on. Even if Shui Ruoshan’s tiny figure is not enough for him to lean on, but that kind of mental satisfaction was enough to make him remain and linger.

When one get their hands on some warmth, they couldn’t bear to let go and would even want to get more.

This is the reason why Yin Suye was greedy for such warmth the more he interacted with shui Ruoshan. If he can, he really want to hide Shui Ruoshan away in a place no one else could find. This way, there will be only one person in Shui Ruoshan’s eyes and heart! But he will not do that because he really placed Shui Ruoshan in his heart. That’s why he was worrying whether his arbitrary action would caused Shui Ruoshan to be unhappy, then finally like everyone else, stayed further and further away from him. If so, his world would be just himself once again.

He couldn’t afford to pay that price anymore!

So he allowed Shui Ruoshan to interact with other people, allowed him to be overly friendly with other people, because everything was within his control so he doesn’t has to worry. But also because he already placed heavy importance on Shui Ruoshan that he couldn’t tolerate the fact that the little guy is hiding something from him. Any troublesome matter or people that might destroy the relationship between them, he will not allow it to exist. And the secret in Shui Ruoshan is a very obvious point. Since he (accidentally) let Shui Ruoshan saw his killing, some things were destined to be unable to escape, unable to deceive oneself anymore. Then no need to wait anymore, proactive attack is the best strategy. No matter what, he must get the answer he wants this time!


Raw Word Count : 2696


Banana: This month’s end, I’m going to be busy in RL so there will not be any release this Friday. Sorry for that _(;3/

Chapter 069 – Hiding something

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

If the plot goes by the normal path, Yin Suye should be a warrior all the way to the end. But Shui Ruoshan didn’t do so. Since he gave so many ‘golden fingers'(cheat) to the protagonist, he should give some for the villain as well. Else, it would be really unfair. If the gap between the protagonist and the villain is too large, there won’t be any suspense in the story. Without some ups and downs, the readers won’t buy it. And so, as a semi-professional novelist, Shui Ruoshan felt that he is a very cultured novelist. Later on when the strength difference between protagonist and the villain became bigger and bigger, he has to help the villain gain a bit more strength.

Considering the balance of power, Shui Ruoshan set it this way in his draft. When one cultivated to the Imperial stage, one would get one chance to reshape their constitution. So when Yin Suye reached the Imperial stage in the later part of the story, he reshaped his constitution; his destroyed ‘magic source’ naturally recovered. With his impressive magical talent, re-cultivating his magic was a piece of cake. However, as Yin Suye’s magic level advances, the rejection between the two elements -magic and warrior- in his body became more and more powerful.

Hence, the fight between the two forces in Yin Suye’s body became more intense, like it wanted to swallow and destroy the other force in the body. At that time, even if Yin Suye found out what’s wrong, he won’t be able to stop it. Because if he really let one power swallowed the other power, he will definitely die from self-combustion as soon as two forces combined into one, even if he has the power of an Imperial practitioner.

In regard to this, Yin Suye could only cultivate endlessly to maintain the balance between the two forces. When none of the forces could rise above the other, then it would stop fighting for a while. So, the Imperial stage Yin Suye rarely use his power. Because once he started, both forces are bound to be unbalanced. One careless mistake will cost him his life. This is also one of the reason why Yin Suye get stuck at the losing side at the final battle with the protagonist.

Shui Ruoshan thinks too much, not because he wanted to retell the story to himself about the difficulties of dual ability cultivation, but because when Yin Suye finally could use dual abilities, it was after he reached the Imperial stage! But now Yin Suye told him that he(YSY) has dual abilities, the timeline doesn’t follow the original plot alright?!

*falls down*

Don’t tell him that all these strange incidents were caused by his transmigration?

This is unscientific!

Even though he changed a part of the story previously, it was just to improve some of Yin Suye’s strength, it doesn’t has any ability to restore Yin Suye’s magic powers ah! Plus when Yin Suye used his magic skill to murder, he used it with such ease that it doesn’t look like he just restored his magical powers no matter how you look at it! So who can tell him what is actually happening with all this incidents that are completely inconsistent with the development of the plot ah?

“Yin Suye, are you hiding something important from me?”

Shui Ruoshan who can’t figure anything out, directed his doubtful gaze on Yin Suye. Although he doesn’t has any expectation for the plot to continue as it is after he transmigrated, he didn’t think that the trajectory of the development would deviate so much from the beginning. This makes him very worried ah!

The most depressing thing was he cannot complain as he also contributed a lot to this deviation. However, he doesn’t want to admit that the consequences of all this may have been caused by him, so he could only direct a doubtful gaze at Yin Suye. If one would say he(SRS) is the one driving the variables forward, then Yin Suye is the variable itself. After all, all the wrong things happened on Yin Suye only! In order to escape from taking responsibility, Shui Ruoshan irresponsibly dragged Yin Suye down the water. Yin Suye must have did something he(SRS) doesn’t know about to cause the deviation even further.


Yin Suye’s eyes slightly flashed, as he calmly answered. It seems that the little guy has found out something wrong with him?!

“You really hid something from me?!”

Shui Ruoshan originally didn’t expect Yin Suye to answer him. After all, everyone have their own secrets that they don’t want other people to know. That is understandable. However, he didn’t expect that his endless pestering would receive a positive answer from Yin Suye. This makes Shui Ruoshan feel very disbelief. One need to know, as the biggest villain in the novel, there are a lot of secrets that cannot be disclosed to other people. Otherwise, Yin Suye won’t have to purposely make him sleep to sneak out to murder. So, is Yin Suye ready to confess to him right now? This is too unscientific ah!

“Want to know?”

Yin Suye’s nice voice carried a touch of temptation. Maybe he could take this opportunity to test the little guy! Who ask this little guy to have so many secrets in him, causing him(YSY) to be unable to stand wanting to investigate him in depth!

“Want, but also don’t want!”

Facing Yin Suye who suddenly became easier to talk to, Shui Ruoshan instantly increased his vigilance and nodded. Then he immediately shook his head. He had a feeling that Yin Suye at the moment really similar to a big bad wolf which will abduct children; must stand guard!


Yin Suye didn’t immediately push forward to force the little guy to make a choice, but patiently waited for the little guy’s explanation instead.

“Suddenly taking the initiative to confess to me, I felt like there is a conspiracy behind!”

Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye’s attitude right now is not right, very wrong! One need to know, that time when he accidentally came across his killing scene, Yin Suye didn’t intend to confess anything to him at all. Instead, he(YSY) tried his best to hide it. And now, not only he decided to come clean, he looked like he couldn’t wait to tell everything to him(SRS). This is very strange no matter how he look at it ah!

There is definitely a conspiracy! And a big one too!

Although Yin Suye was created by him, but to compare one’s slyness and schemes, he(SRS) is definitely not his(YSY) opponent. Or one could say he(SRS) has no qualification to become his(YSY) opponent at all! A large piece of noodle-like tears instantly appeared on his face ah!

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“You didn’t ask.” Yin Suye felt that at most he is wrong for not taking the initiative to explain, the responsibility is not on him at all, he still has the upper hand.

“So if I ask you, you will tell me?” He(SRS) don’t know about this hidden truth at all previously, how could he know to ask, how?

This is completely twisting the fact! Twisting facts is clearly his(SRS) skill, how come Yin Suye learned it as well ah? Simply not letting people to live?! Villain, you are so versatile, the pressure on the author will be heavy, capisce?

“Yes.” Yin Suye firmly nodded.

“Really?” Shui Ruoshan was very doubtful towards this solemn Yin Suye.


Yin Suye resolutely looked at Shui Ruoshan. As for disclosing the whole matter or just a part of it, this will have to see how it goes first.


After being repeatedly confirmed by Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan thinks that he must have thought too much. Perhaps he is viewing this matter in a narrow hearted/short sighted way?

“Could it be you still have some follow-up conditions that you haven’t say?”

For his own safety, Shui Ruoshan felt that he should ask as clear as possible before making his decision.


Yin Suye has nothing to hide regarding this. He really wanted to know how the little guy going to choose.


He knew it, Yin Suye is not that kind. Turned out everything is waiting for him behind! Fortunately, he is quick-witted and didn’t fall into Yin Suye’s trap; need to give himself 32 likes!

“I can tell you my secret but as an equivalent exchange, you must tell me your secret as well!”

Since he has decided to trust this little guy, he doesn’t mind telling his secret. Little guy want to know his secrets, then he(YSY) will not allow the little guy to hide anything from him also.

“I do not understand what you are saying?”

Shui Ruoshan turned away with some guilt, the things he hid from Yin Suye were quite a lot! He knew Yin Suye won’t be so easy to talk to, it turned out everything is waiting for him here!

“You hid a lot of things from me.”

Yin Suye said this sentence firmly and without hesitation. The little guy revealed too much loopholes, so he couldn’t not doubt him.


Shui Ruoshan knew that he didn’t manage to disguise it well, especially in front of someone who is sensitive to the finest detail like Yin Suye. So he got exposed just like this? However, he doesn’t dare to reveal his secrets at all! He can’t tell Yin Suye that this world was created by him, and that the reason why his(YSY) life was so bitter is all because by this author! How much did he(SRS) wanted to seek death, or can’t think properly to dig such a hole for himself ah! He doesn’t want to be tortured by Yin Suye to death right now ah! At this moment, should he sing loudly : I have many small secrets, Little secret! I won’t tell you! I won’t tell you! Not going! To tell! You… No![1]

1. Refering to a song, which I don’t know what is it.

Or he should probably yell at Yin Suye : Your Majesty! Chen qie(This concubine) can’t do it!

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Raw Word Count : 2759


Chapter 068 – Dual magic-warrior cultivation

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

“Do you have anything to say to me?”

After Yin Suye carried Shui Ruoshan back to the room they stayed previously, he erected a barrier to prevent other people from disturbing them. Then he frankly asked for explanation.


Shui Ruoshan felt very speechless. It was Yin Suye who said they should talk just now, and he(SRS) only passively accepted the suggestion. So why did the moment they returned to the inn, the roles of the speakers were completely reversed? The thing that made him the most, most depressed was Yin Suye is actually sitting while he has to pitiful stand there. Even if this is to allow them to communicate on an equal level, to let them see each other’s expression more clearly, this is still wrong ah!

One is sitting while asking question, the other is standing while answering, this will give him an illusion that they are not talking between the two of them at all, but it’s Yin Suye interrogating him! Actually he can comfort himself a bit that it was fortunate that the ‘little dark theatre’ in his brain hole didn’t appear.

… he is not feeling comforted at all, alright?

Mainly because he was too nervous before, he forgot that he and Yin Suye has a direct master-servant contract between them. Even if he never command Yin Suye to do anything, Yin Suye still couldn’t do anything harmful to him. He don’t have to worry about anything at all! No worry your sister ah! Even if he doesn’t has to worry about his little life, he still need to worry about other things! Just that even he himself doesn’t know if he is worried of his own situation or worried about Yin Suye’s daring moves, or the future that has been completely disrupted…

In short, his heart couldn’t be stabilized.

“Don’t want to say?”

Seeing Shui Ruoshan standing there with ever-changing expression but still not saying anything, the hopeful emotion in Yin Suye’s eyes weakened a bit.

“No, I just don’t know what to say all of a sudden. Give me some time to sort out my thoughts, okay?”

Sensing that Yin Suye suddenly became sad, Shui Ruoshan denied his(YSY) words without even thinking. Since he is now tied to Yin Suye, in order to prevent problems like this or that happen in the future, he should take advantage of this time to explain some matters. This way will benefit both of them in their future interactions.

Shui Ruoshan felt that for him to be able to talk so calmly to the murderer Yin Suye after he murdered someone, in addition of his good mental preparation, a large part of the reason was because he subconsciously felt that Yin Suye should be someone who kills without wavering. Yin Suye is the big villain he shaped out after all, not any righteous person with firm 3-views.

Shui Ruoshan is very familiar with the characters born from his pen, and clearly knows that Yin Suye is definitely not someone perfect. Due to his rough experience in the past, his character has greatly flawed to a certain extent; quite neurotic or on the edge. Which also means, even if Yin Suye didn’t get blackened, he will never be a good young man who is sunny and willing to help others..

And so, the various good treatment from Yin Suye to him, he felt touched and at the same time he felt a sense of weird surrealism. But when he saw Yin Suye secretly went to murder someone behind him, Shui Ruoshan breathed a sigh of relief. This person from his novel has not acted out of character, Yin Suye is still Yin Suye! Just that he(YSY) has learned some new skills, and knows how to cover up his bad side, showing only the good side!


Since Shui Ruoshan requested for some time to think, he(YSY) will give him the time he needed, no matter how long it takes. Yin Suye keep telling himself in his heart not to be too greedy. The fact that the little guy saw him killed someone and still not afraid of him, not distancing away from him, willing to talk to him, it is already very good.

Too many experiences from his past life told him that sometimes, ‘the higher is the expectation, the bigger the disappointment’, so he shouldn’t expect anything! But at the same time, his inner thoughts couldn’t help thinking that the little guy is special, and not the same with the people from his past. Maybe he(SRS) will have different reactions?

This contracting and complex emotion caused a rare hint of confusion in Yin Suye’s eyes.

“You killed Huo Ruyan, is it really alright?”

Thinking about it, Shui Ruoshan decided to face the reality, and starts their conversation directly with Huo Ruyan’s murder.

“No one would be able to guess that I am the one who killed Huo Ruyan.”

Seeing that Shui Ruoshan didn’t show any feeling of disgust towards his act of murder, his tightly gripped hands slightly loosened and he started to explain slowly to Shui Ruoshan.


They got into a conflict with Huo Ruyan in the previous inn, and there were countless of people who have seen it. That is to say after the people from the Huo family found out about Huo Ruyan’s death, they(YSY+SRS) would definitely be suspected as the first suspect.

The motive is too obvious ah!

“Because I am a warrior[1] .”

1. Fighter type cultivator.

Yin Suye deeply looked at Shui Ruoshan, then slowly revealed the truth.


He felt that this information revealed by Yin Suye is too much! Looks like he need to reflect on this. He remembered that time, Yin Suye killed Huo Ruyan with ice arrows. That is to say he used magic to finish her off. Everyone in the human realm knew that Yin Suye is a warrior, so naturally he won’t be suspected. No wonder Yin Suye decided to leave Huo Ruyan’s body in the crime scene instead of destroying her body. He is using facts to let other people know that he didn’t kill her because he don’t know magic. This ‘openly in the public’ trick is too brilliant!

“Dual magic-warrior cultivation?” Shui Ruoshan asked in uncertainties.

Previously Yin Suye only displayed abilities of a warrior. But then he used magic when he murdered Huo Ruyan. In other words, he can do both?


Since he was seen by Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye won’t conceal it and nodded affirmatively.


Getting his confirmation, Shui Ruoshan felt like his whole body is not good! He discovered the biggest difference in the plot. It was not the fact that Yin Suye has killed Huo Ruyan, it was not Yin Suye’s character getting blackened, and it was not Yin Suye’s schemes either…

It was Yin Suye’s dual ability cultivation!

“What is it?”

Yin Suye doesn’t understand why Shui Ruoshan became completely stunned in an instant but he was certain that it is related to his answer just now. But looking at the little guy’s expression, it doesn’t look like he was shocked by the fact he(YSY) has dual ability cultivation. Instead, it was some emotions that he couldn’t understand.

This feeling of not having the control in hand caused him to be extremely unhappy.

“I think I need some time to calm down!”

Shui Ruoshan doesn’t bother with Yin Suye’s suspicion towards him. He only knew now that he need to review back Yin Suye’s life experience in [The Strongest King in History].He named this parallel world, The Continent of Magic and Sword [Mo jian Dalu], which means it’s a world centered on swords and magic. Absolutely easy to understand.

But in order to highlight the special and powerful traits of the protagonist, he set the rules that people in this world could only choose to cultivate either magic or sword, because these two forces don’t mix together. As the protagonist’s constitution is special, he was able to cultivate the legendary dual ability cultivation and it naturally became the protagonist’s golden finger. And Yin Suye is one of the only two person in this world who could cultivate dual ability cultivation. Just that compared to the protagonist’s ‘free and easy’ cultivation path, Yin Suye’s cultivation for dual ability was more difficult.

Originally, Yin Suye doesn’t has the talent for dual ability, and it was impossible for him to cultivate both. When he was young, he was tested as super class magic talent. And his advance in magic was very fast; a well-deserved genius. Unfortunately, when he was 8 years old, his mother’s ex-lover came to look for his mother, wanting to take her away. His mother was unwilling to leave with her ex-lover. They started to argue, ended up with his mother killed by her ex-lover. The man also instantly became mad as a result. Not only the Yin Suye who was hiding at the scene watched as his mother died in the hands of her ex-lover, he was implicated by the man’s anger as well.

When the ex-lover found Yin Suye, he pushed all the responsibilities on Yin Suye as he felt it was all because of Yin Suye’s existence that his lover is not willing to go with him. So at that time, he directly went for the kill. Just that Yin Suye is lucky, and was rescued. But the magical source[2]  for his magic cultivation was completely destroyed. He could no longer cultivate magic in the future.

2. Something like Dantian.

Yin Suye’s father originally was very sympathetic towards Yin Suye. But after he found out that Yin Suye has turned from a talented genius to a waste that cannot cultivate at all, he became cold and distant. Especially when he know that Yin Suye’s mother was having an affair. After she was killed, he began to suspect if Yin Suye is really his biological son and stopped caring for him.
This cause Yin Suye’s situation to become even worse.

Before this incident, Yin Suye was the ‘Di’[3]  son of the family, a highly regarded genius, has the love from both parents, lived well and frivolously. But after the incident, Yin Suye who lost his mother and his father’s love, instantly fell to Hell from Heaven. He has nothing left, and became a little pitiful child anyone also can bully. One could say that, Yin Suye lived a perfect and glorious life before he was eight, and a life of a fallen after that.

3.  A son from the main wife.

Of course, the story won’t end like this. After that, Shui Ruoshan’s pen immediately twisted and he started to write about the young Yin Suye in a snowy night. Because he was too hungry and couldn’t find anything to eat, he went up to the mountain alone to find food. He who doesn’t has any abilities couldn’t catch any animals at all. But he doesn’t has any survival experience in the wild, he doesn’t know which plant can be eaten, which plant can’t.

Hungry to the point he couldn’t stand it, Yin Suye hoped to be lucky in his heart, randomly grabbed some plants that he think are edible and ate it. At that time, Yin Suye doesn’t know that most of the things he ate were poisonous and harmful. He only knows that not long after he ate those plants, his whole body started twitching in pain.

A variety of toxic and harmful plants fought with each other in Yin Suye’s body, but constraints each other at the same time.Many coincidences putting together prevented Yin Suye from losing his life, his physique has also changed to some extent. After 2 days and 1 night of pain, he found out that he could cultivate as a warrior. At that time, the young Yin Suye was very clear that as long as he has the strength, he could change his horrible situation. And so, he started to move forward the path of a warrior without hesitation.

His special experience from cultivating magic to warrior immediately attracted the attention of some bigwigs.They wanted to use Yin Suye’s experience to break the barrier between magic and swords4. Therefore, Yin Suye was used as a test subject by those bigwigs. However, this also gave Yin Suye an access to various advanced warrior’s cultivation manual to improve his strength. Borrowing the power of those bigwigs, Yin Suye continuously builds support for himself and seeks all kinds of benefits.

Although Yin Suye’s talent to cultivate as a warrior was not as good as his magical talent that he once had, but by working extremely hard, it took him a few years and his strength has surpassed most people in the world. Unfortunately, even after so many years, those who wanted to study Yin Suye to crack the barrier between magic and swords limitation couldn’t come out with any results, because Yin Suye’s experience was not replicable.

Wait a minute!

Shui Ruoshan broke away from his train of thoughts that wanted to continue recalling Yin Suye’s past. He was clearly thinking about the matter of dual ability cultivation, how come he suddenly thought of something else?

This feeling of always missing the point really makes people crazy ah!

He needs to return to the main point!

Thinking back to…

Raw Word Count : 3530


Chapter 067 – Saw it

Please do not repost elsewhere and do not re-translate to other language from my English version.

When Yin Suye told him to go to sleep, Shui Ruoshan became a little alerted. After all, they have just started on a topic not very long ago, and it got ended abruptly without any transition. This is very strange. Moreover, the Yin Suye who suggested to sleep didn’t look like he is going to sleep anytime soon; just focusing on asking him(SRS) to sleep. He(YSY) didn’t ask him to do those daily necessary actions like washing (face/teeth), change clothing (to sleeping wear?), and prepare the bed. Other than that, after Yin Suye told him to sleep, he immediately felt very sleepy and really wanted to close his eyes. No matter how you look at it, it looked totally illogical! He is not really a child, so it’s impossible for him to miss such obvious signs.

The most important thing was he experienced this situation before. He remembered very clearly back when they were in the Fog Forest, it was also during the time they were preparing to sleep. He clearly has a lot of things to say to Yin Suye but right after Yin Suye told him to sleep, he went straight to sleep. Although he didn’t doubt it that time, but when he encountered the same situation again, he knew Yin Suye is definitely hiding something from him.

The first time could be considered a coincidence, but for the second time, even he couldn’t deceive himself that this is also a coincidence. There is one sentence he used to like a lot, and it’s perfect to use it to describe his situation right now.

‘There is no such thing as coincidence in this world, only the inevitable!’[1]

1. Banana : Imagine my surprise, because I also heard of it before! From Yuuko-san (xxxHolic)

In order to find out what Yin Suye is hiding from him, Shui Ruoshan decided to follow the flow (and fake sleeping). He guessed that for Yin Suye to be able to make him fall asleep that quickly and not let him notice it, he(YSY) probably used some hypnosis spell. The effect shouldn’t be that strong, so Shui Ruoshan probably could avoid being hypnotized as long as he increases his mental resistance. Just in case, he placed his hand on his leg. If he really couldn’t bear it, he will strongly pinch his leg so that he will stay awake.

When Yin Suye told him to sleep, Shui Ruoshan who has made enough preparations, cooperatively made a very sleepy expression while keeping himself alert in the dark. Not sure if it was because Yin Suye was eager to do his own matter or because Shui Ruoshan was successful in acting sleepy, in short, he has successfully deceived Yin Suye. After Yin Suye left the room, Shui Ruoshan immediately got up from the bed, carried Ruixue with him and secretly followed behind Yin Suye. Shui Ruoshan is very clear that with his small body, it’s impossible for him to catch up with the speed-flying Yin Suye.

But that doesn’t mean he is helpless. He immediately put his past knowledge in use, focusing his spiritual power on his eyes. Instantly his eyes became clairvoyant, ain’t that right?! After confirming Yin Suye’s exact location, Shui Ruoshan slowly follow up. He doesn’t dare to walk too fast, because he would be easily found out that way. Or one could say, with his current physical condition, he can’t walk that fast either.

When Shui Ruoshan finally arrived with much effort and panting, he originally planned to hide in the dark and secretly watch what kind of evil thing Yin Suye is planning to do. But he never expect to see the live broadcast of Yin Suye murdering someone?! Because he was too surprised, Shui Ruoshan unconsciously uttered a sound of exclamation. In the blink of an eye, Yin Suye has discovered his presence. Seeing that Yin Suye has launched an attack straight away at him, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t care much about hiding anymore. He walked out from his hiding place, while announcing his identity.

“Own people, don’t attack ah![2]

2. English equivalent probably would be ‘I’m at your side, don’t shoot!’ kinda feel

At this moment, Shui Ruoshan don’t care about what noble what aloof image, he just shouted out loud without any image[3]. Because he doesn’t want to get mistakenly killed by Yin Suye. That way of dying is too sad! Just that Shui Ruoshan didn’t think his yell would be a bit louder than expected, it echoed in this quiet environment. Feeling that he has just throw away his face, Shui Ruoshan’s cheeks were slightly red and he bowed down his head in embarrassment. In his heart, he tried to deceive himself that the person with such loud voice just now is absolutely not himself!’

3. Meaning the way he screamed out probably not elegant :v

“Shui Ruoshan?!”

When Yin Suye saw Shui Ruoshan, his actions were all stopped in an instant. After he recalled back his attack, he stood silently in the same place. The bloodthirsty red light has yet to fade away from his eyes. Against the backdrop of the night, it gave off a bewitching charm.

“Yes, it’s me!”

Shui Ruoshan stood in the same place as well, doesn’t dare to move. He felt that he is very bitter, so bitter than he couldn’t be any bitter! Who else other than him, who eagerly went out to tail someone to find their mistake or blackmail material just to be discovered red-handedly on the spot? Is there any more humiliating thing?

Is this what you call ‘dead before the ship even sank’?

“Do you have red eye disease?”

Shui Ruoshan felt that both of them staring at each other in silent was too quiet. The atmosphere was too tensed to the point that he almost couldn’t breath! He felt that he need to do something to break away from this awkward atmosphere between them. For example, find a topic that they can easily talk about? Right! Must steer away from the topic regarding to Yin Suye’s murder to avoid aggravating the other party. It’s best if he could make the other party to forget about the fact that he(SRS) saw the crime scene. Shui Ruoshan who has made his decision, like he has discovered the New World, pointed at Yin Suye’s red eyes and exclaimed. For the sake of his own safety, he once again destroyed his own perfect image ah! Pretending to be crazy or stupid whatnot, one just couldn’t bear to look straight at it ah!


Yin Suye who originally prepared for everything, got choked by Shui Ruoshan’s random question and ended up didn’t know what to say.

“Let me tell you ah, if you are sick, you must see the doctor and don’t pretend to be strong!” Quickly go and treat yourself ba, this way you will forget about the fact that he(SRS) witness the murder.

Although Shui Ruoshan is not very skilled in pretending to be crazy or stupid, but he still could do ‘nagging endlessly’ quite well! He will never think rashly, like to go to question Yin Suye why he killed other people, like an incarnation of some warrior of justice. Compared to the lives of others, he cared more about his own life! Perhaps other people might not know what kind of situation Yin Suye is currently in, but as the author, he is very much aware of how dangerous Yin Suye is.

That’s right. Dangerous, harmful and hazardous! Becoming a demon. This is the most accurate sentence from his novel to describe the current Yin Suye. Because Yin Suye has experienced too much betrayals, he has no hope left for this world. His heart became darker, and he crossed to the dark side. Whenever he lost control of his spiritual power, the negative feelings in his heart would take over and he will transform into a demon; became bloodthirsty, dark, cruel, mad…

That’s why facing the Yin Suye who has turned demonic, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t dare to act rashly!


4.  Ancient chinese used the word 大夫/dài fu/physician while we use 医生/yisheng/doctor so YSY doesn’t recognise our word for doctor.

Yin Suye’s emotions gradually recovered back to normal, and the red light at the bottom of his eyes also dissipated little by little. He seemed to always hear some strange new words from the little guy’s mouth. Looks like this little guy has a lot of secrets in him ah!

“Not doctor, it’s ‘Sacrifice’!”

[Banana : The word here is 祭祀 but it doesn’t make sense to me. It seems that SRS is in deep thoughts when he suddenly blurted out this word. It looked like SRS is saying since YSY has turned demonic, he will need a Sacrifice ritual(exorcism) rather than seeing a doctor :v ]

Shui Ruoshan is deeply regretting his fast mouth. Sacrifice is the equivalent of a doctor’s profession, but the grades are divided according to the parallel world’s grades. Just that is there still enough time if he wanted to change his words now?

Yin Suye didn’t hold onto Shui Ruoshan’s mistakes because right now is not the time to discuss the little guy’s secret. The matter of him killing someone stood right between the little guy and him, it needs to be solved first.

“You saw it?”

Yin Suye stared at the unsettled little guy in front of him, trying his best to make his tone sounds normal. No one noticed that his hands hidden under his sleeves were tightly gripped, his strength was so great that hints of blood trickled out from his palm.


Being asked so seriously and so suddenly by Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help but replied in seriousness as well. But Shui Ruoshan returned to his senses at the next second. Did he just confessed to something big? So he immediately shook his head like a rattle, expressing his eagerness to deny the question; he only lacked the ‘swearing hand gesture’ to complete this whole denial action.

“No, I really didn’t see the scene where you killed Huo Ruyan!”

After he said that, Shui Ruoshan was instantly stunned stupid (by his own words)! This ‘300 silver taels not hidden here’ action of his, is it really alright? It’s all Yin Suye’s fault that his aura is too strong, causing him(SRS) to lose control and said what he shouldn’t have said…
Requesting for a time rewind ah! He won’t jump into the pit next time!

[Banana : This idiom above is referring to a folk tale -> Long time ago, there was a man named Zhang San who buried his money in the ground. Fearing that others would steal it, he left a note there written: “There are no three hundred silver here.” His neighbor Wang Er stole the money and wrote a note: “The next door Wang Er did not steal it.”]

This action of ‘digging a hole and jumping into it’ doesn’t suit his cold aloof image ah! The little person(his inner thoughts) inside Shui Ruoshan was full of tears, doing various pose of beating the ground in regrets…

“It seems that we need to seriously talk about this!”

As he said that, Yin Suye took a step forward and ‘carried’[5] the Shui Ruoshan who was still standing on the spot at a loss.

5. The word here is 扛/kang which means carried over the shoulder or raise aloft with both hands

Yes, you didn’t see it wrongly. It was ‘kang'(carried over shoulder) instead of ‘bao'(princess-carry or hugging style).

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Being carried by Yin Suye over his shoulder, Shui Ruoshan didn’t struggle because he knew it’s useless no matter how hard he struggles. It would be better to keep quiet, so to increase his brownie points. At the moment, he really doesn’t want to talk to Yin Suye alone at all. Too much pressure alright?!

Thinking back, the few times he wanted to talk (about serious matter) with Yin Suye, Yin Suye didn’t give him face at all and refused to discuss with him. Now that their position has reversed, he doesn’t dare to refuse Yin Suye’s suggestion to talk! Because he afraid Yin Suye might get crazy or mad, he cannot afford the consequences and doesn’t want to bear it either!

However, the moment he thinks about how he might get taken to a cold cell by Yin Suye later, being threatened, being intimidated, being tortured, imprisoned…
He will feel unsettled, nervous, scared…

STOP! Pleading for brain hole not getting any bigger! Especially this kind of dark brain hole, he couldn’t handle it this big! If his hole continues to expand, Shui Ruoshan is certain that he will scared himself to death! But then again, he really shouldn’t have followed Yin Suye out of curiosity. Now the retribution has swiftly arrived. Sure enough, curiosity kills the cat ah! Wrong, it should be ‘curiosity kills the author’! Even though he didn’t hesitate to sacrifice his image just now, he still couldn’t escape this? He really doesn’t want to be murdered ah! Requesting the villain not to be so cold, ruthless and unreasonable ah!

The moment Yin Suye carried Shui Ruoshan over his shoulder, he immediately lifted his foot to leave the place. This place is not suitable to stay any longer. They need to leave as soon as possible. Anything else, he will discuss slowly with the little guy, he has enough time in hand.


Seeing that Yin Suye has decided to leave flamboyantly just like that, Shui Ruoshan became nervous and immediately called out to stop.


Yin Suye’s footsteps slightly paused for a moment.

“Before we leave, you should at least destroy the corpse first!”

Because he was looking to the back from Yin Suye’s head, he could clearly see Huo Ruyan’s body lying bleakly in the corner of the alley. Such an unprofessional way in killing people, is it really alright? One need to know, Huo Ruyan’s role (in the story) is not any random passerby. Her family’s status is quite good, and possessed quite a lot of power in the Capital. That is to say, if Huo Ruyan gets inexplicably killed in such a small place, the Huo family will definitely not let the murderer go unpunished. Then Yin Suye’s situation will become dangerous.

Shui Ruoshan at this moment didn’t realize at all that his direction of thinking has been completely biased towards Yin Suye. The first thing he thought of was not about this important supporting female character Huo Ruyan is dead and how the story later on could proceed, but about Yin Suye killed Huo Ruyan and how big are the troubles that will follow behind.

“It’s alright.”

Yin Suye’s tone instantly became gentler. Although he doesn’t know what the little guy is thinking, but seeing from the current situation, it is much better than the worst outcome he has mentally prepared for. At the very least, the little guy still cares for him! Perhaps he can have a bit more expectations for the little guy?!

Raw Word Count : 3505

#SoYSYIsADemonicCultivatorNow ?
#WhoIsAlsoTheFutureKingOfTheHumanRealm :v

Banana: Forgot to mention this last time due to some angry issues, many thanks to Mintraraya and Michelle in Colorado for the kofi (OwO)/ And hey, we got Disqus now~~

Chapter 066 – The real him

Banana : Fcuk, ehmergerd I’m so angry! I just randomly google the title of this novel and found one Wattpad-er translating it to indonesian without my permission (and no, I don’t want anyone translating it to other language from my Eng ver, please translate it yourself from Chinese version). Then I found another one translating to Thai. Anyone who can read Thai, can you tell me if this person is translating from my Eng ver or the Chinese version?
Why am I so angry? I’m angry because I alone has to brave through those damned typos and you bunch of idiots happily go and translate from my version. #MotivationDroppingDown

Back to the other side, Huo Ruyan has lost a big face at the inn. After Yin Suye left, she also prepared to leave this place that caused her to feel embarrassed. But she didn’t expect that Bai Yu will return to stop her again, not letting her to leave. This caused Huo Ruyan who originally had a bad mood to has an ugly expression. In the end, she couldn’t contain her anger anymore and started to fight with Bai Yu without any consideration.

Unfortunately, her strength was much lower than Bai Yu. Not only she lost in the hands of Bai Yu and got seriously injured, Bai Yu even extorted a large sum of money from her. He said it was to compensate the injured people. At that moment, Huo Ruyan was furious and frustrated!

She has never been in such a sorry situation before!

Although Huo Ruyan left the inn covered in dirt, the hatred she had for Shui Ruoshan and Yin Suye deepened even more. The moment she found the opportunity, she will return this hatred a thousand times more back! Right now she is not the opponent of Yin Suye, Huo Ruyan is not so stupid to seek them out now. She cannot take her revenge at all, so she simply pressed down this intention in her heart.

She decided to go to the Fog Forest to look for opportunities to get a breakthrough, so that she could improve her own strength. Only when her strength is high enough that she could do what she wanted to do, making Yin Suye and the damned child regret for offending her!

Huo Ruyan headed towards the Fog Forest as she planned for her future plans. But the more she walked forward, then more she felt something is wrong. She keep having a feeling that someone is staring at her, causing her to feel uncomfortable all over. But looking back, nothing unusual could be found. This caused Huo Ruyan to feel even more afraid to delay her journey on the road, speeding up her steps to reach the Fog Forest as soon as possible. She felt that as long as she entered the forest, and take advantage of the complex maze in the forest, she would be able to get rid of this strange feeling. But she has yet to even reach the forest, as she passed by an isolated alley, she got pressed into the corner of the alley by a force of power behind her.

Huo Ruyan rolled a few times on the ground in a sorry look before she managed to stabilize herself, then she prepared to defend herself. She raised her head and saw a tall and slender figure slowly coming out from the alley.

“Yin… Yin Suye?!” Huo Ruyan opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

The current Yin Suye gave her a very unfamiliar feeling. That pair of strange eyes flashing with a hint of red light has a bewitching and dangerous feel, it was impossible to describe it in words. If Yin Suye who stood under the sun could be described as the ‘Light of the Sun’, representing good qualities of the world, then the current Yin Suye who stood in the darkness seemed to be wielding the Death’s scythe, would be the ‘Child of the Night’ who could take away human’s life at any time. Especially when he looked at you with his half-lidded eyes, you would be able to feel only boundless fear and not amorous feeling of temptation.

Yin Suye silently looked at Huo Ruyan. In that delicate face, there weren’t any expressions on it at all. His gaze was waveless without emotions; no disgust, no anger, no resentment…
This kind of void without emotions caused the entire space to become cold and empty to the extreme.

“Suye gege, why are you here?”

Facing the current Yin Suye, Huo Ruyan instinctively felt afraid. She could feel her soul shivering from being watched by such cold eyes without any emotions. Instantly, danger alarms rang out in her heart….

At this moment, if she still doesn’t understand that Yin Suye didn’t come to her to talk about past old days, then she really wasted her life living. She wanted to run for it, but she found out that Yin Suye has forced her into the corner. If she don’t go past Yin Suye, she couldn’t get out (from the alley) at all. With this, she tried her best to suppress the fear in her heart and lowered her posture; wanted to talk to Yin Suye in order to escape this calamity.

“Come to kill you.”

Yin Suye’s thin lips slightly opened and said this one sentence. His voice was very nice to hear; low and raspy like a fermented fine wine carrying a unique charm. But this tone so flat without any emotions revealed the intention for a human’s life.

“You actually want to kill me?”

Huo Ruyan’s expression instantly became ugly. She originally thought at most Yin Suye will only come to warn her, so that she won’t dare to do anything that is not good for him. But she never expect Yin Suye to be so ruthless to want her life at first thought!


In an instant, an immerse fierce pressure rushed towards Huo Ruyan.

“You really disregard the friendship we used to have, and wanted to push me to my death?”

Under the almost tangible pressure, Huo Ruyan felt that even moving her mouth was extremely difficult. When her lips were slightly opened, she will feel like she swallowed a blade of knife, causing her to be very uncomfortable. A sheen of sweat appeared on her forehead, her plain and neat face no longer as before; her current look was very unsightly. But in order to survive, Huo Ruyan couldn’t care so much anymore.

Actually, there’s one thing that she couldn’t understand until now. What kind of unforgivable thing she ever done to Yin Suye for him to has the intent to kill her?

Yin Suye doesn’t has any intention to continue talking with Huo Ruyan. The corner of his lips turned with an irony curve, then the force of the pressure rose rapidly…

“Is it something I did that caused you to hate me?”

Huo Ruyan just felt like the surrounding air has been completely sucked away, the shadow of dearth instantly fell on her body.

Just like this, Yin Suye condescendingly watched Huo Ruyan’s unsightly look as she tried her best to struggle but unable to break away. At the moment, he is like someone from high above, the absolute god who controls the life and death of human.

“Is it because of that child?”

The color has completely faded from Huo Ruyan’s lips, her legs were shaking uncontrollably. But she still tried her best to think of the reason, trying to change this unfavorable situation.

“No matter what I did wrong, I am willing to change, I just ask for you to let me go!”

At the moment when her life is really endangered, Huo Ruyan felt very regrettable, she shouldn’t has provoked this person. She instantly abandoned all her dignity and bent down, sorrowfully pleading. Because she doesn’t want to die yet!


Yin Suye doesn’t feel soft-hearted towards this matter. After experiencing betrayal multiple times from this woman from his past life, he knew that Huo Ruyan is the kind of shameless and treacherous woman who will certainly take her revenge the moment she found the opportunity. Actually, her trait of ‘taking revenge when opportunity comes’ is kind of similar to him, as expected from the person who grew up together with him. But her means of retaliation were too low. If it was him, he would fight back face-to-face; this is how strong people choose to act. So, he will not give any chance to this woman. Slightly lifting his hand up, the water element in the air instantly gathered on his palm and immediately turned into ice…

Seeing the gleaming ice arrows in Yin Suye’s hand, Huo Ruyan has no time to feel strange on why Yin Suye as a warrior could use magic. She only know Yin Suye wants to kill her!

Yin Suye doesn’t care much about Huo Ruyan’s struggles; it is just an ant! He slightly waved forward, the ice arrows were like an arrow on a bow, shot towards Huo Ruyan…

Seeing that the ice arrows are flying towards her, Huo Ruyan mustered up her courage and wanted to resist. But she found her body as stiff as a rock, she couldn’t move at all. She can only watch as the ice arrows merciless pierced into her heart…

“… why…. ?”

The ice arrows accurately stabbed into her heart, at that moment a cold breath of air penetrated her whole body. No matter how unwilling and despaired she was, it was useless. She could only feel her life gradually slipping away.

She is going to die!

“Because you deserved it!”

That low-pitched voice was as if it was from a demon from Hell. Ruthless, fearless, uncontrollable, looking down on the world, staying above all living things…

This is the real Yin Suye!

Upon sensing that Huo Ruyan has completely stopped her breathing, Yin Suye flapped his sleeves. He turned away and left directly without even looking at that body in the dirty alley. No intention to ‘destroy the corpse and wipe away evidence’ at all.

He need to return now.

Dealing with Huo Ruyan took longer time than he expected, he need to return as soon as possible. Leaving Shui Ruoshan alone in the inn, he keep feeling worried about it. Just as Yin Suye leaped away from the scene, he immediately changed his direction in the air and flew towards the other inconspicuous corner of the alley…


Just now, he heard a slight noise coming from that area, so he attacked without any hesitation. That person seemed to be able to escape from his spiritual probe, if not for that person (accidentally) making some noise, he wouldn’t be able to find out at all. But now he found out about this person, this person must be dealt with because there is a possibility that this person has seen his murder process. Although he is not afraid of any troubles, he hated dealing with it.

Just that right before Yin Suye’s attack could hit the other person, that person voluntarily came out from the corner. When Yin Suye saw that person, he stared in disbelief. He immediately recalled back his attack, enduring the pain from the backlash. At the same time, there were some uncertainties and slight fluster in his voice.

“Shui Ruoshan?!”

Raw Word Count : 2737

#EffYou !

Chapter 065 – Don’t worry

“Why are we getting a single room for the two of us?”

Shui Ruoshan jumped down from Yin Suye’s arms the moment they entered the room and stated his dissatisfaction.

Just now they went to stroll around the street, then after they finished eating and playing, they came to the biggest inn in the town and requested for a room. Although the condition of the rooms in this inn is very good in this town, it couldn’t change the fact that there is only one bed in the room! As a ‘manly’ man, he doesn’t mind sleeping together (in one bed) with other people.

However, the moment he think that Yin Suye would be sharing the bed with him, his entire body felt uncomfortable. Previously in the Fog Forest, he has no choice, that’s why he stayed together (in the same bed) with Yin Suye. But they clearly have better conditions now, so why should the both of them still stuck with each other? Whenever he thought of the fact that the people lying beside him is not any harmless passerby but the big BOSS villain, he felt a lot of pressure!


[Banana : Translation – For safety purpose :v]

Yin Suye lightly frowned, there were some confusion in his eyes. At the same time, he felt a bit unhappy because the little guy actually has such a big reaction towards sleeping together with him. The little guy was obviously very dependent on him back at the Fog Forest. Could it be because of the changing of environment, he(SRS) is not used to it? A child’s mind is not easy to guess indeed!


Safety, your sister ah! He(SRS) is not a dangerous figure with a crapload of arch enemies, who need to worry about others seeking revenge 24/7! He is just a newly transmigrated ‘illegal immigrant’ who didn’t even has any identity, a’ight! Such an insignificant person (like him), is it really necessary to consider the issue of security? Or rather, should he be relieved that Yin Suye didn’t spout out unreliable reasons like ‘to save money’? Else he don’t know how he should react.

Wait a minute!

His way of thinking seems a bit wrong. Need to redo!

He is currently staying in a world which is full of dangers, and not in the peaceful Earth. He shouldn’t use his own thoughts to measure the level of danger here. Even in the inn itself, things like murder, robbery, robbers robbing other robbers, and raping could also happen! And right now he is following this big villain, Yin Suye. Some time ago, he has just offended Huo Ruyan. Thinking about it this way, Shui Ruoshan felt that his personal safety needs to be be taken attention to.

Then, did he just ranted about the wrong thing? Blamed the wrong person?

“Since we are staying together (in the same room), how about we talk about Huo Ruyan?”

Shui Ruoshan felt fortunate that he didn’t say anything to protest earlier, otherwise he will lose his face! So in order to restore his image, he must change the topic to something he could talk a lot about. Although Yin Suye gave his words that there won’t be anymore incidents from Huo Ruyan, Shui Ruoshan still felt a bit unassured. The most important thing is he need to talk to Yin Suye about what Huo Ruyan might do in the future so that he(YSY) could be vigilant.

“No need.”

Yin Suye can somehow guess what Shui Ruoshan want to say, but he felt that they absolutely have no need to discuss this matter. After all, he has already experienced those things in his past life, no need to hear Shui Ruoshan talk about it again to destroy his mood.

“It’s not good to treat everything so lightly!”

Shui Ruoshan expressed a strong dissatisfaction towards Yin Suye’s perfunctory attitude. If he has a beard now, he will definitely blow up his long beard to show the expression ‘huffing beard in anger‘.

When can this arrogance of Yin Suye be cured? It’s all because of Yin Suye’s ‘doesn’t care, don’t pay attention’ attitude that he got betrayed in the end. And with just Huo Ruyan alone, it’s enough to almost cause fatal damage to Yin Suye. So this woman Huo Ruyan must be paid attention to!

“I have my plan.”

Actually, there are a lot of things that have changed radically from the moment he was reborn. He understood the little guy’s worry but he will never make the same the mistakes from his past life again! So there’s nothing to worry at all!

“You need to rest now.”

To prevent the little guy from continuing the topic, Yin Suye grabbed the little guy onto the bed to express that he can sleep now.

“We can totally chat while sleeping, it doesn’t affect anything at all ah.”

Shui Ruoshan didn’t oppose Yin Suye’s action and obediently laid on the bed. This body is very spoilt/pampered and cannot endure sufferings. Right now he is indeed a bit tired, need to rest. Towards this matter, Shui Ruoshan won’t deny and he can’t deny it either. Because countless fact told him that forcing something will make a fool out of himself.

“You won’t grow tall if you don’t rest well.”

Yin Suye heard someone said it before that a good rest will help children grow taller[1]. Right now, it’s just the right thing he could use to convince Shui Ruoshan.

1. Is this the reason why Banana is short? #158cmSadLife

“You are the one not growing taller, your whole family not growing taller!”

The moment Shui Ruoshan heard about ‘not growing taller’, his hackles were raised. This height whatever is an incurable wound in his heart. Before he transmigrated, he as a stay home nerd is around 178cm tall. Although he can’t be considered tall, he was not short either; absolutely can be categorized at the upper-tier in the middle class. But after he transmigrated, he instantly get despaired by his height!

As a little Zhengtai(shota) that has yet to start developing, he can’t make any progress in terms of height at all in a short period of time. Height is definitely his shortcoming right now, no need for discussion at all!

“I don’t need to grow taller anymore.”

Yin Suye blinked his eyes in confusion. This time, he really don’t understand why the little guy is angry.


Don’t agitate people like this!

If not that he couldn’t win over Yin Suye, the thing Shui Ruoshan really wanted to do at the moment was to give Yin Suye a beating of his life to relieve his anger! Yes, he know. Comparing to Yin Suye, his height is trash! But, your sister Yin Suye, why did you have to say it out ah?!

To Hell with honesty, that is actually a taunting skill is it?!

Surely he(SRS) must be very concerned about this in the past, that’s why he set Yin Suye’s height too high! He actually set his(YSY) height as 196cm, this is really a sad story alright?! His face is covered all over in blood alright?!

“Sleep ba.”

He doesn’t have much time to humor the little guy now. Wait until tomorrow, then no matter what the little guy has to say to him, he will listen patiently. But now he has more important things to do, so let the little guy sleep first.

“I still haven’t talk serious matters with you.”

Shui Ruoshan realized that after Yin Suye cut short his(SRS) words just now, the direction of the conversation shifted to the middle of nowhere.

“Be obedient.” Yin Suye rubbed Shui Ruoshan’s head.


All of a sudden, Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye’s voice became fuzzy and light. In the middle of the fuzziness, he seemed to see a faint red light and a strange black aura flashed through Yin Suye’s eyes… not enough time to think much, he quietly closed his eyes.

Upon confirming that Shui Ruoshan has completely asleep, Yin Suye stood up.

It’s time to collect the debt from Huo Ruyan!

Since Huo Ruyan has formed resentments towards him and the little guy, he cannot leave her alone. He doesn’t has the habit to ‘release the tiger back to the mountain’. Knowing that Huo Ruyan posed a kind of danger to him, he has no reason to let this danger continue existing. Nipping the trouble in the bud is the best action. Thinking of this, Yin Suye’s gaze sharpened; full of murderous intent. Against the backdrop of the faint light in the room, he looked extremely dark but carried a deadly seductive aura with him!


Seemed to sense the changing of aura from Yin Suye’s body, Ruixue which has been staying quietly beside Shui Ruoshan instinctively flee from Yin Suye’s side. It quickly hid in the corner, curling itself up. This bad person is getting more and more scary! Now his whole body is even blanketed by a layer of black smoke. Ruixue felt that if its body gets contaminated by it even a bit, its cat life will be gone! Really scaring this cat to death!

“Take good care of your master!”

Yin Suye glanced at the funny Ruixue before coldly ordering it. Although he has already placed a strong barrier around the little guy to protect him, there’s nothing wrong with having one more layer of protection. Though Ruixue is not a combat type spiritual beast, it still possesses more or less some combat skills.


Seeing that Yin Suye is not going to ‘use a knife on the cat’ and even ordered it to do things, Ruixue immediately nodded. When it saw Yin Suye didn’t object, it carefully catwalk-ed back to Shui Ruoshan’s side. Then, it laid down at the corner of the bed. This way, it absolutely would be able to complete its task.

Upon confirming that there will not be any problems at Shui Ruoshan’s side, Yin Suye left the room in a flash, and headed towards the direction of Huo Ruyan’s location. He has no time to waste, he must complete his matter with Huo Ruyan before the little guy wakes up.

Raw Word Count : 2692

#WillHeSucceed ?

Banana: *rolls* #WhatToDo #GotAddictedToReadingOtherNovelsRaw #GetsDistracted