Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 44 Part 1

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef) – dead
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

In the dark cave, only Qin Tan, the leader, turned on the flashlight. Their speed is very fast and the light of the flashlight flickered here and there. Finally, Qin Tan slowed down after running through 5 forked holes.

Chen Shuyang gasped while supporting himself on his knees. Looking back into the depths of the darkness, he said, “It seems that nothing is following us.”

Wen Lang’s stamina is even worse than Chen Shuyang’s. He is already resting against the wall, and he kept complaining, “I say! The Level 8 team is really… sigh, I don’t know what happened to them. It was Qitong just now, right? That’s so scary. I saw the snakes under his feet, they were humongous. Fortunately, we escaped fast.”

When Qitong appeared, a group of snakes can be seen surrounding his feet. Those snakes seem to be way bigger than the 3 snakes they killed. If they do come across snakes of that size… that will be a tough fight. At this moment, their team didn’t know that the Level 8 team that was separated from them had lost a member.

Speaking of which, Lou Fan’s warning was too timely. Wen Lang spoke out in awe, “My word, Brother Lou, your forecasting function is too good. If it weren’t for you, we would have had quite some trouble.”

Lou Fan touched the fur ball in his chest pocket and took it out. A small ball of snow-white furs, like a snowball in his palm.

“This time, you have to thank Furball. It was the one who reminded me.” At that time he felt that something is wrong, but if Furball didn’t make a sound, he wouldn’t react so quickly.

Being stared at by everyone’s curious eyes, Furball blinked its mung bean eyes and turned to look at Lou Fan. Seeing him smiling and nodding, it chirped twice at everyone.

Chen Shuyang used to have a teacup teddy at home and was very affectionate with it. Hence, seeing the fluffy Furball now, he likes it very much. “Brother Lou, what animal is this? I don’t seem to have seen it before.”

Lou Fan: “I also want to know what it is. Even you don’t know, so why do you think I might know? Besides, where are we right now? In this kind of place, it’s not strange for undocumented creatures to appear.”

That sounds right. Chen Shuyang nodded and suddenly asked again, “Brother Lou, are you going to bring it back to Lazuli?”

This question caught Lou Fan off guard. He looked at Jiang Dong inquiringly. When it came to collecting data, he knew the most at this moment.

Jiang Dong thought for a while before saying, “I haven’t paid special attention to this kind of information, but I don’t seem to have heard of anyone bringing other creatures to Lazuli.”

After Jiang Dong said this, Lou Fan realized that they really hadn’t seen anything like any other animal in Lazuli. He sighed, “Let’s talk about it later, I quite like Furball.”

Seemingly feeling that Lou Fan’s mood suddenly became low, Furball stretched out its small paw to scratch his palm and chirped at him twice. Lou Fan poked its furry body with his fingers and tucked it back into his chest pocket.

“Now, where are we going and what’s the next plan?” Lou Fan asked Qin Tan.

Qin Tan didn’t even think about it and said, “You lead the way and follow your feelings. We don’t know what’s going on at Zhang Zhang’s side, and we can’t go back to find them. Even if they managed to escape, we don’t know when we will meet them. Just let it be. We’ll try to find Longjing grass to complete our task first.”

“If Chang snakes out, can the 5 of us fight it?”

Qin Tan laughed, “If to fight with all our might, we can win, barely.”

After all, their melee and long-range attacks are all good, but they lack a powerful weapon. For example, Zhang Zhang’s chainsaw. Qin Tan’s Tang sword is generally good, but going against such large monsters, they still need heavy-duty weapons.

At this moment, it is already over 6 in the morning. But no sunlight can shine into the cave so their path is completely illuminated by torchlight. Because their task is to look for Longjing grass, the team turned on their torchlights. They are not in a hurry, so they nibbled on their breakfast biscuits as they walked, looking leisurely.

Heavy footsteps sounded one after another in the black hole. You Xing’s face is full of tears. She raised her arm and wiped it but the tears that had just disappeared rolled down again. Since she came into this strange world, she met Fu Chun first before meeting Zhang Zhang and the Du siblings. Speaking of which, she is more familiar with Fu Chun. But now, the simple and chubby big brother is gone and she knows that there is almost no possibility of surviving for him.

Zhang Zhang had a sullen face. The big man with a northeastern accent who always laughed in the past had only regret and guilt on his face. He shouldn’t be too careless. Qin Tan and the others have already reminded him, but he still put safety issues aside for the sake of his immediate interests, ignoring the safety of his team members.

It’s his fault.

The Du siblings also looked solemn. Originally, the five of them already struggled to deal with a Chang snake but now they have a member lesser, Fu Chun. What’s worse is they got separated from the junior team.

“Team leader, what should we do now?” After hesitating for a while, Du Feng still asked.

Zhang Zhang slowed down and finally stopped. He glanced over his teammates and sighed, “I’m sorry, Fu Chun’s matter is my fault.” He wanted to apologize to Fu Chun, but he is not here anymore.

You Xing wiped away her tears and said firmly, “Team leader, Brother Fu Chun will definitely not blame you. Let’s discuss what to do next.”

Seeing that Zhang Zhang is still immersed in regret and self-blame, You Xing continued, “We sprinkled fluorescent powder on the way we came, but the junior team didn’t know, they might not be able to find a way out. But now we have also gone astray from the original path. It’s impossible to find that path anymore.” They were busy running for their lives, so when they meet a fork in the road, they have no choice but to run into it. It is impossible to return to the previous cave now.

But that doesn’t stop them from using this as a bargaining chip.

“Team leader, I’m afraid we still have to find Team leader Qin and the others and ask them to help.”

Du Feng nodded in agreement, “Give them some benefits too. Otherwise, I’m afraid they won’t do their best.”

Perhaps because of bad things they encountered in the previous mission worlds, Du Feng felt that most people would not help for no reason. Who would do things that are not beneficial? It’s not like they are benevolent saints coming to rescue the suffering people.

Zhang Zhang actually had a relatively good impression of Qin Tan and the others. But still, he nodded and said, “Okay, just do as you said. I’ll prepare the things, so we just need to find them.”

Chen Shuyang squeezed in to walk at Lou Fan’s side. He took a chocolate bean to tease the fur ball. Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he asked, “Brother Lou, we are walking around randomly like this, how will we get out then? Can we still find the hole we came down from?”

It happened that the five of them just passed by a hole. Lou Fan raised his head and stared at the little white dot above his head, “With so many holes connected, we can definitely get out. I think there are other exits.”

Hearing Lou Fan said this, Chen Shuyang felt relieved immediately, and he continued to tease the fur ball without care. However, Lou Fan is not as big-hearted as Chen Shuyang. He only said those words to stabilize everyone’s hearts. Qitong can appear anywhere so it seems that there is no need for such things as entrances and exits. Can they really find the exit after completing the task?

As if sensing Lou Fan’s worry, Qin Tan took his hand and squeezed it. He comforted, “Don’t worry, there must be a way. Didn’t Jiang Dong say that there is no inevitable death situation? There will be a way to survive.”

Wen Lang stared at the linked hands of the two people in front of him. Opening his mouth, he almost cried out in shock, but Jiang Dong covered his mouth.

“Th, th, they…” Wen Lang turned to Jiang Dong stiffly, hoping to find some comfort in him.

But Jiang Dong looked calm and raised his eyebrows at Wen Lang, “It’s exactly what you think. Also, what’s with your expression like you caught someone in the scene of adultery?”

“You already knew?!”

Jiang Dong nodded, “Not too long ago.”

Wen Lang covered his little heart and felt a little breathless. That’s why he always had a feeling that something felt strange between the two. How can they develop so fast? And they are together? Although it felt a little too fast, but now that he knew it, Wen Lang felt that Qin Tan and Lou Fan is meant to be together.

Turning his head to see Chen Shuyang walking beside the two, Wen Lang looked sympathetically at him. There is someone stupider than him, and suddenly he felt comforted. Wen Lang nudged Jiang Dong with his elbow and scolded angrily, “Hey, you’re not being a good brother. You should have told me earlier so that I could be mentally prepared.”

“What’s there to prepare for?” Jiang Dong felt helpless.

Wen Lang: “Anyway, they are 2 guys. Besides, both of them are the objects of my admiration, so can’t you say it in advance and let me prepare myself?”

The 2 idols he admired have been taken, his mentality has collapsed, a’ight?[1]

Furball is successfully lured by Chen Shuyang’s chocolate beans onto his palm. The more he looked at Furball, the more he liked it.

“Brother Lou, I know!” As Chen Shuyang looked at Furball, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted happily. “Will Furball be able to help us find the Longjing grass? Didn’t Brother Lou say that Furball is the one who plucked the 2nd Longjing grass before this?” That time, they almost faced a double-pronged attack by 2 snakes.

“It’s a good idea, let’s try it.” Lou Fan grabbed Furball and looked into its mung bean-sized eyes, “Furball, do you remember the Longjing grass? The one you gave me just now? Can you take us there?”

After Lou Fan finished speaking, he looked at Furball expectantly.

The other members also gathered around, and the ‘weak and helpless’ Furball has once again become the brightest spotlight in the crowd. It immediately chirped twice before burying itself in Lou Fan’s palm.

Is Furball embarrassed?

Lou Fan stretched out his finger and poked it, “Don’t play dead, what’s there to be shy of?”

Chen Shuyang stopped Lou Fan and said doubtfully, “Hmm, that’s not what Jiang Yiran told me. He said that any cute pet can help to find treasures or guide the way, etc.”

Lou Fan almost couldn’t catch his breath and he slapped Chen Shuyang’s head hard, “That guy Jiang Yiran is already poisoned by the novels he read. Why didn’t you learn good things but remember useless things like this?”

Chen Shuyang touched his head aggrievedly, “He is the one who pulled me to say those things.”

“What else did he say?”

“He also said that we can try taking something and give the ‘pet’ a sniff at it. Then maybe it’ll be able to find something.”

Lou Fan: “Isn’t that for dogs?”

Well, it doesn’t matter now whether the subject is a dog or not, Lou Fan took the Longjing grass out of his bag and put the grass in front of the Furball. Then he said with a smile, “Furball, come. This is the grass, can you take us to find it? I’ll give you butter beans later, okay?”

Furball raised its head. Blinking with its small mung bean-like eyes, it chirped twice. Then it jumped from Lou Fan’s palm to the ground, and before everyone could react, it swiftly zoomed away.

Lou Fan: !!!

“Furball! Come back!” Lou Fan shouted in a hurry.

Can it give him a buffer time? Simply running away like this, who can keep up with its speed?! Lou Fan felt anxious, what would he do if it got lost?

Raw word count: 6092 (whole chapter)


[1] Not sure how to explain this but Wen Lang is not in love with Qin Tan or Lou Fan.

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 43

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef)
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

“What a big cave!”

“Who lives here?”

The second sentence is simply nonsense. Lou Fan thinks that this is probably Qitong’s place. As for whether it is a residence or not, it’s not certain. After all, the entire Mount Gui is Qitong’s territory, and it is up to him to decide where to live.

The 10 people were cautious at first, and after finding that there is no danger, they spread out to look around. This cave is really big, and the 10 people are so small that they seem to have entered the kingdom of giants, looking up at the high dome with their heads raised.

“Look, Brother Lou!” Chen Shuyang’s excited voice sounded and Lou Fan turned to look to see him pointed to an illuminating bead. The bead is as big as a washbasin, inlaid on the surrounding stone walls and shining brightly.

No wonder it is so bright here. They even forgot that the torches in their hands are still on.

Lou Fan turned his head and asked Chen Shuyang, “Is this the legendary night pearl? But is there such a big night pearl? I remember most of the night pearl in writing is about the size of a goose egg which is already considered very big. But this one is as big as a washbasin…” Isn’t it a bit unscientific?!

Chen Shuyang corrected Lou Fan, “Brother Lou, it’s not recorded officially. Most of the night pearls you read are written with a fantasy element, which means, they are all fabricated.”

Wen Lang frowned, “Mount Gui is the mythical world, so there’s nothing impossible.”

Jiang Dong also echoed, “This is not a world that we can infer with our common sense, so this is probably the night pearl.”

As the four of them discussed the matter eagerly, Qin Tan reminded them of the reality, like a basin of cold water on their eagerness, “Even if it’s the legendary night pearl, we can’t touch anything here. Remember what Qitong did on the first night? Everyone needs to be careful.”

There is a huge stone platform in the cave, and there are some things sparsely placed on it. They shone brightly and look like gems. There are also some small stone platforms around, and some things are placed at random on them too.

Zhang Zhang and his team members are very excited. They looked around and put things into their bags from time to time. Lou Fan wanted to remind them, but in this case, it’s like someone has a piece of gold in front of them but you stop them from picking it up. Anyone would be angry in that situation.

Qin Tan only glanced around the cave. Then he found a clean spot near the entrance of the cave and waved to Lou Fan to follow him. Lou Fan walked over with a grin, followed by three tails (team members). The group sat together to rest. Lou Fan rested his head on his palm as he looked at the Level 8 team, “Is it really okay for them to move things so casually? Will that implicate us?” Everyone is in the same boat at the moment, and who can beat the gods in mythology? Won’t they be massacred?

Jiang Dong replied aloud, “Regarding this, I have collected data and researched it. Generally speaking, there won’t be a 100% death situation in the mission world, that is to say, there will always be a way of life in any situation. However, once the death condition is triggered, the person who triggers it will die. Or if he did something to resolve the death condition, then there is still the possibility of surviving.”

The points that Jiang Dong said, Lou Fan didn’t know anything about it. Right now, he felt that he should collect more information on that aspect, which would be very helpful for them when they entered the mission worlds.

“Jiang Dong, not bad. The information you collected is very useful.” Lou Fan pondered for a while before saying, “I will leave it to you and Wen Lang to inquire about the information about the mission world in the future, and then share it with us. Chen Shuyang is responsible for analyzing the information and keeping records. Everyone performs their own duties, perfect!” Lou Fan snapped his fingers and added, “Qin Tan and I will be in charge of leading and training you guys.”

With such an arrangement, Lou Fan felt that he had fully utilized the abilities of his team members. He winked at Qin Tan, “What do you think of my arrangements, team leader?” As he said that, Lou Fan slipped his hand to Qin Tan’s thigh. With the backpack as his cover, he caressed the area, feeling delighted in his heart.

Qin Tan: “You are right.”

His b.utt suddenly gro.ped made Lou Fan almost jump up in shock. He looked at Qin Tan, who is acting like a hooligan in a serious manner, and gritted his teeth. He really wanted to pounce on Qin Tan and take a bite!

Just as Lou Fan is about to continue to tease back, Zhang Zhang came over and said to them with a smile, “Team leader Qin, shall we stay here for the night today? We will continue to look for snakes tomorrow.” He seemed to have achieved a good harvest, so the previous fatigue is swept away, and is high-spirited.

“Stay here for the night?” Lou Fan frowned, “Team leader Zhang, you didn’t forget where our mission world is, right? You already took the things here, and now you want to spend the night as well? Are you sure?” Are you thinking that you lived your life long enough?

Zhang Zhang obviously came prepared. The big man with a northeast accent rubbed his hands as he explained, “You see, it’s very late now and everyone is tired after a long day. This place is spacious and bright. Even if Qitong comes, we can hide quickly.”

The most important thing is that their team wanted to pry out a night pearl, but they can’t do it right away. If there are only 5 of them left in this cave, they don’t feel at ease. That’s why Zhang Zhang wanted to convince Qin Tan and the others to stay together so that there’s someone to help keep watch.

Qin Tan disagreed, “Team leader Zhang, I’m sure you know the level of danger here. Treasures are very important, but you have to be alive to take them back with you.”

Zhang Zhang argued, “Then do you think that the dark and damp forked hole is more suitable for resting at night? If a Chang snake passes by, it will still be a hard fight. It’s better for us to get a good rest here, it’ll be easier to deal with the Chang snake then.”

Zhang Zhang’s words are not unreasonable, but Lou Fan had a feeling that this place is not that simple. But when he thinks of resting at the fork road, it is obviously more comfortable here.

After Qin Tan’s team inputted their opinions, Jiang Dong analyzed and concluded, “We should stay here, separated from them. This location that Brother Qin chose is very suitable. If there is an emergency, we can evacuate in time.”

Everyone thinks that this proposal is feasible. If nothing works, they’ll just have to run faster.

And so, Qin Tan said to Zhang Zhang, “Team leader Zhang, we will be resting here. It is better for the 2 teams to be separated. If there is an emergency, we can escape in time.”

Seeing that Qin Tan’s team agreed to stay, Zhang Zhang became happy. He nodded a few times and said, “Then, you guys get some rest first, and I will tell my team.”

Zhang Zhang left with a smile.

Wen Lang snorted softly, “Humans. Greed is an innate human characteristic, but it also depends on how he enjoys his life. Brother Lou already said that, I thought this team leader Zhang is a sensible person before. Unexpectedly, he doesn’t understand.” Wen Lang shook his head and sighed.

Seeing Wen Lang acting like that, Lou Fan felt an itch on his hand and he slapped Wen Lang on the head, “Don’t act like an old man here. Be alert tonight. If there is any movement, don’t worry about anything and just run away.”

The time is approaching midnight, and they are indeed very sleepy. Qin Tan is the first vigil, and the second is Lou Fan. After Lou Fan fell asleep, Qin Tan shifted Lou Fan’s head to rest on his shoulders. Lou Fan’s brows are still wrinkled in his deep sleep. He is sound asleep, but the sleep is unstable.

Originally they are supposed to change shifts every 1.5 hours, but 2 hours had passed by the time Lou Fan woke up.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Lou Fan rubbed his neck. Then he poured a handful of water from the water bottle and splashed it on his face, instantly sobering up.

Because Lou Fan had just woken up, he has a confused look on his face. Qin Tan liked it, so he couldn’t help rubbing his hair. After that, he leaned in and pecked at Lou Fan’s cheek. The touch on his cheek surprised Lou Fan. Turning his head, he glanced around and smiled. Then, he kissed Qin Tan’s lips. It is just a light touch but the sweetness in his heart made the corners of Lou Fan’s mouth rise up.

Lou Fan pushed Qin Tan to rest, “Go to sleep soon.”

Qin Tan chuckled lightly and nodded. He squeezed himself to Lou Fan’s side and rested his head on the nook of Lou Fan’s neck. Lou Fan shifted his body to let Qin Tan lean more comfortably. After a few seconds, the person beside him fell asleep immediately. Lou Fan’s body is stiff as he didn’t dare to move, for fear of waking Qin Tan up.

The members of the Level 8 team are also resting, they are leaning behind a stone platform. It is some distance from the entrance of the cave, but there is a stone platform covering them, so they won’t be easily discovered.

The night pearl on the stone wall is shining brightly, and Lou Fan stared at it, not knowing how long he has been staring. Suddenly, Lou Fan’s heart skipped a beat, and an indescribable feeling of panic spread from the bottom of his heart. The fur ball in his arms twitched and it made rapid short chirps.

Something is wrong!

Lou Fan immediately felt that something has happened, and he immediately pushed Qin Tan and the other three, “Wake up, something is wrong.”

Everyone looked very alert, and they woke up immediately when called as if they didn’t sleep at all. Lou Fan was going to call Zhang Zhang, but it is too late.

A tremor came from the ground, followed by a heavy bell sound. Zhang Zhang and his members had woken up by now and Lou Fan and his members are standing at the entrance of the cave. The next moment, no one saw what happened but a huge figure appeared in the cave. The figure is very tall, and everyone realized that they couldn’t see the figure’s face at all. It seemed like there is a layer of fog over his face.

It’s Qitong!

Qin Tan didn’t even think about it, he pulled Lou Fan and roared, “Run!” The rest of his team kept up without hesitation. The team ran into the entrance immediately and disappeared in an instant.

However, Zhang Zhang’s team is not so lucky because they are behind the stone platform. As soon as they stood up, Qitong only stomped his feet gently, and the ground shook violently, like an earthquake. Zhang Zhang and the others couldn’t stand firm at all. They staggered to and fro, barely holding onto the stone platform to avoid falling.

“Yo, it seems that I have a few little ants here, and you guys have been bad.”

The deep mellow voice slammed down from the top of their heads, like an invisible wall slamming on them. Zhang Zhang’s team felt that their internal organs are churning, and couldn’t suppress the metallic blood taste in their mouths.

Fu Chun gritted his teeth and waited for his breathing to calm down. Then he picked up his shovel and rushed forward, shouting, “Run, team leader! I’ll attract his attention!”

Despair appeared in Zhang Zhang’s eyes, “Fu Chun, come back!”

Du Jun pulled Zhang Zhang to run, “Team leader, don’t disappoint Brother Fu Chun’s goodwill!”

Zhang Zhang took a few deep breaths before reaching out to pull You Xing up. Du Jun pulled Du Feng, and they stumbled towards the entrance.

“Want to run after taking my things?”

Qitong picked up the ant-like Fu Chun and brought him to his face. Next, he opened his mouth wide and released his fingers…

At this moment, how can Zhang Zhang not understand? Immediately, he threw away the things he collected from the cave as he ran. None of the things here should be taken out!! He regretted not listening to Qin Tan and the others, but it is useless to regret it now. The strong man with a northeastern accent didn’t even dare to look back at his teammates.

Raw word count: 3038


[Banana: The thing with translating survival novel is I already know who will be dying but I still need to translate it, it’s so depressing and sad _(;3/ (random, I don’t like SnK also :v)  Btw, a reminder that the next chapter has 6k word count so it will be split into 2 parts.]

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 42

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef)
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

Though Lou Fan said that, their purpose in coming down is to find the Chang snake so Zhang Zhang didn’t think there is anything wrong with it. Only the junior team felt the decision is wrong. Their purpose is to find Longjing grass and though they did promise to help the intermediate team, they didn’t mean to help this way.

Zhang Zhang soon felt a little unhappy, but he still asked, “Then, what do you think we should do?”

When it comes to own interests, people generally are like this, and they will be suspicious of others.

Hearing that, Qin Tan became unhappy, and said in a deep voice, “Should make a plan accordingly, so that we won’t be caught off guard. In case we encounter danger, we can escape in time instead of rushing forward like this recklessly.” As an intermediate team, isn’t this basic common sense?

Qin Tan said his opinion without any politeness in it. Wen Lang, Jiang Dong, and Chen Shuyang all showed displeasure on their faces, and they looked at the other Level 8 team members with sympathy.

Zhang Zhang suddenly felt that he didn’t think out the plan well and was too impatient. Fortunately, he is someone who doesn’t mind lowering himself and saying apologetically, “I was in a hurry and didn’t think carefully. So, let’s discuss it first. Stopping for a moment for this won’t take much time.”

Although Zhang Zhang said this, Lou Fan has lost interest in the discussion. He turned around and walked to the side against the wall, staring at the 5 holes and thinking about something.

Qin Tan glanced at Lou Fan sideways but continued to discuss with Zhang Zhang, Jiang Dong got pulled by him to join the discussion. Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang walked over to Lou Fan’s side and followed his gaze to the 5 holes.

Chen Shuyang stared for a long time and didn’t figure anything out. If don’t understand, one should ask so he asked Lou Fan, “Brother Lou, what did you see?”

Lou Fan: “I didn’t see anything.”

Wen Lang: “Then why are you staring at the holes?”

Lou Fan: “Decide whether I want to cast lots or not.”

Wen Lang & Chen Shuyang: …

Even if they are used to Lou Fan’s unusual way of thinking, they still get black lines on their face [=.=ll] by Lou Fan’s random actions. If the intermediate team heard Lou Fan, they would probably have doubts about Lou Fan’s IQ. But the junior team got used to it so they didn’t think that Lou Fan’s strangeness is surprising.

Chen Shuyang: “Didn’t Brother Qin say that there is a snake passed through that hole? Why don’t we go that way?”

Lou Fan rolled his eyes at Chen Shuyang before saying, “Are you stupid?! Do we have the strength to chase after the snake (and kill it)? Of course not, so we’re going to sneak around. Even if we want to kill the snake, we can’t just bump it by ourselves. Got to catch it off guard, do you understand! Chasing the snake like this? If you encounter 2 or 3 of them at the same time, who can run faster, you or them? Since we already know that there must be snakes in that hole,  we should kill them one by one, right?!” After speaking, Lou Fan sighed, “I think I need to consider changing teammates after I go back.”

Chen Shuyang instantly looked like he is about to cry, “Brother Lou, I was wrong! Whatever you say is correct, I have no opinion!”

Wen Lang watched at the side with relish, and suddenly interjected, “Brother Lou, what if you drew the lot and ended up picking that hole?” Isn’t this a slap in the face?

Lou Fan: “You might be stupid but I’m not. Don’t I know to exclude that hole before casting lots?”

Wen Lang: Why does that make so much sense!

Wen Lang & Chen Shuyang vs Lou Fan, Lou Fan wins.

Chen Shuyang quickly took out a pen and paper from his backpack and handed it to Lou Fan. Lou Fan numbered the entrance of the hole and wrote it down. Then, he made 4 paper balls and spread them out on the ground.

The three of them squatted together in a circle, how strange it looked.

Lou Fan is about to take a paper ball when a white ball of lightning jumped out from his chest pocket. Next, a ball of paper on the ground immediately disappeared with the ball of white. His chest pocket twitched, and then a ball of paper is thrown out. Lou Fan even heard the sound of the fur ball sticking out its tongue in his chest pocket so he laughed out unkindly.

“You thought it’s butter beans? It’s paper.” In order to appease the displeased fur ball, Lou Fan handed it a butter bean. The paper ball dropped on the ground is still fine so Lou Fan grabbed it and took a look, “Okay, we’ll just choose this one.”

Chen Shuyang & Wen Lang: … Felt powerless to complain.

The three of them at the side have already made a hasty decision, while Qin Tan, Jiang Dong, and Zhang Zhang also finished analyzing the pros and cons. Qin Tan came over and looked at his team members crouching on the ground with some paper balls in front of them.

Jiang Dong: It’s not what I think it is, is it?

Lou Fan looked up at Qin Tan, “We have decided which hole to go in the fairest way.” He pointed out a hole.

Qin Tan laughed, “The fairest way? Drawing lots?”

Lou Fan nodded, with an expression that is asking for compliments.

Jiang Dong palmed his forehead, feeling that he is about to faint.

Qin Tan: “En, it’s fair. We’ll just listen to you.”

The other members of the team: …

Brother Qin! Such dishonest words, how could you say it out?!

Zhang Zhang agreed to listen to Qin Tan and the others’ suggestions. It doesn’t matter which way he decides to go in the end anyway because it won’t be the hole Qin Tan mentioned just now.

A group of 10 people walked forward, each with a flashlight. The combined light source is like daytime, and the surrounding environment can be clearly seen. Qin Tan is leading the group while Zhang Zhang’s team is at the back.

Referring to the Longjing grass found by Wen Lang, the grass is indeed a little small so they need to concentrate to find it. The cave is dark and deep, and they don’t know it will come to an end. Lou Fan glanced at his watch. They had been walking for about half an hour but they are still in the hole.

Soon, another fork appeared, and there are 5 holes to choose from.

Lou Fan has sharp eyes and spotted something. “There is Longjing grass, 2 of them.”

After Lou Fan finished speaking, he immediately became vigilant, and the bow on his back is already in his hand. The people behind also heard his voice and made preparations to meet the enemy.

2 stalks of Longjing grass means 2 Chang snakes.

Qin Tan nodded at Lou Fan before stepping forward. After he plucked the Longjing grass, he turned it over to Lou Fan to put it away. The next moment, a rustling sound came from the entrance of the cave. The moment the snake’s head appeared, 10 people who are ready to fight immediately attacked.

This snake is 2 times bigger than the one above ground, but fortunately, they can still handle it. This time, they are not as unprepared as that time. Wen Lang and Jiang Dong restrained the snake’s head and tail, while the other 8 people punched and stabbed it. Soon, the snake gradually weakened. You Xing stepped forward boldly and waved her flower at the head of the snake. Instantly, the snake became confused. It turns out her flower has a psychedelic effect.

As the group ‘happily’ fighting and the Chang snake is about to be beaten to death, the fur ball in Lou Fan’s chest pocket jumped out, which startled Lou Fan.

“Furball, where are you going?” Lou Fan shouted out.

The fur ball can be seen swiftly running to the other Longjing grass, and it quickly came back with the grass. It raised its short paws and handed the grass to Lou Fan, looking cute as if asking for credit.

Lou Fan couldn’t help it and laugh out helplessly. What to do? The grass is already picked up. He immediately shouted, “Quickly finish the snake, the next one is coming.”

Hearing that, everyone felt a shudder in their heart, and they immediately increased the speed of their attack. Qin Tan zoomed over and guarded the upcoming Chang snake with Lou Fan. Fortunately, the moment this one came out, the first snake is finally killed and it fell to the ground with a thud, making a loud noise.

The second Chang snake is even bigger than the previous one. They just finished one but before they could stop to take a breath, another one comes right away. What to do? They can only grit their teeth and hold on.

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong contributed the most, it is no joke to restrain the snake’s head and tail. Lou Fan circled around the snake’s head and shoot it in the eyes, but the snake is too big and the swinging degree is too large for him to shoot accurately. Seeing that Wen Lang is about to lose his strength, Lou Fan hurriedly took over Wen Lang’s chain whip and wrapped it around the bandage given by Jiang Dong, barely preventing it to slip away.

Zhang Zhang roared, “Hold on, hold on, it is about to die.”

Lou Fan gritted his teeth and pulled, and took the time to look at Jiang Dong. “Chen Shuyang, go and help Jiang Dong to pull. The rest of you guys hurry up, we can’t hold it anymore!”

The snake arched its body and Qin Tan dodged under the snake’s belly. With his Tang sword, he stabbed into the snake’s belly. The Chang snake struggled even more, Lou Fan and Jiang Dong are on the verge of losing their strength. The snake’s skin is so thick that Zhang Zhang’s chainsaw could only cut through its scales and inflict shallow wounds.

Qin Tan’s arms bulged slightly as his hands clenched the handle of the knife. He pushed with force, and his whole person moved forward. A stream of fishy blood poured down from above his head, but fortunately, he moved to avoid it so he didn’t get drenched. However, the fishy stench still covered Qin Tan from top to bottom.

The people who were pulling at the snake loosened their hold and the Chang snake slumped to the ground weakly. Blood flowed out from the snake’s belly and sprayed all over the place. The stench is so strong that it made people feel dizzy.

At this moment, everyone is super tired. They found a clean place to sit and rest. For a while, the surroundings are so quiet that only the sound of gasping could be heard. As Lou Fan rubbed his wrists, the fur ball came out of his chest pocket. Recalling that this is the culprit of their trouble, Lou Fan slapped the fur ball’s bottom.

“Who asked you to pick it up randomly?!” Lou Fan scolded sternly.

The fur ball chirped twice and looked shrunk like a deflated balloon.

“Do you know what you did wrong?”


It’s fine if it knows its mistake. Lou Fan takes out a butter bean to the fur ball, a typical example of a stick and carrot approach.

“Jijiji!” The voice sounded very cheerful.

The Longjing grass they obtained is kept by Lou Fan, there are 3 in total. The task progress on the watch has also changed to 3/10.

After some fighting, it is already nighttime now. But because they are in the cave, they are unaware of the day or night. Everyone is exhausted and needs to replenish their energy. Each took out their own dry food and began to eat. The cave is not like the outside where they can make a camp fire to boil water. At moments like this, it’s already good enough to have dry food and cold water to fill the stomach.

After enough rest, food, and drink, they planned to continue walking. Even if they want to rest, this place is impossible. The blood on the ground will smell disgusting, not to mention the ferocious dead snake head. They are afraid that they will have nightmares sleeping with the head.

Zhang Zhang dissected the Chang snake, but there is still nothing to gain. But Lou Fan suddenly said, it would be great if the snake skin could be peeled off, which is a good material to make equipment. However, there is no tool at hand right now, so they can only give up.

When it is time to choose which entrance to proceed to, Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang prayed in their hearts that Lou Fan would not use the ‘fairest method’ to choose again. Otherwise, Zhang Zhang might vomit 3 liters of blood. Lou Fan thought for 2 seconds this time, then pointed to one of the holes where the 2 snakes came out.

The group did not ask why, dragging their tired bodies forward. However, this time, they didn’t walk for long. After about 10 minutes, Qin Tan, who is in the lead, stopped. The hole that can only accommodate two people side by side makes it impossible for the people behind to know what is in front, but the bright light lets them know that they have reached a bright place.

Raw word count: 3075


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 41

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef)
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

The thing moves so fast, like a bolt of lightning. It swiftly grabbed a bean and immediately dodged back into the grass patch, Lou Fan almost only saw an afterimage of it. When the line of dropped butter beans is half-eaten, Lou Fan finally saw that it is a white thing, and he could vaguely see its fluffy appearance. This should be an animal. But its movement is too fast so he couldn’t see what kind of animal it is. Lou Fan licked his lips, feeling a little excited.

No one noticed what Lou Fan is doing, and Lou Fan is just waiting by the tree. He squatted there, motionless as if he had merged with the tree. On the ground in front of him is a small pile of a dozen butter beans. The line of butter beans decreased one by one, and the little thing seemed to let down its guard. Lou Fan finally saw it clearly. The animal is very small, only the size of an adult’s palm and its whole body is white and fluffy. It’s so fluffy that Lou Fan can’t even see where its face is, it is like a living fur ball. When the animal finally slowed down at the moment, Lou Fan thinks it is really kind of cute. But its appearance convinced Lou Fan that he had never seen such an animal.

Following the line, the animal came to the pile and buried its face in the butter beans. It ate so fast that Lou Fan didn’t even notice that it had eaten everything, which made him very curious, where is its mouth. The moment it lifted its face, Lou Fan finally saw what it looked like. The eyes are small and round, the nose is black, and the mouth is small and pink. At first glance, it looks like a doll that girls normally like.

It seems that it has been discovered by Lou Fan. With a tremble, it wanted to run away but Lou Fan suddenly opened his hand to show a few butter beans in his palm. It shrugged its nose, and its round body stopped. Seeming to be sure that the person in front of it is not dangerous, the little thing moved and turned around, leaning towards Lou Fan’s palm. When it ate a bean, Lou Fan will add another bean. The whole fur ball is now in Lou Fan’s hand as if he is holding a white fur ball.

One person and one ball interacted quietly; one happily feeds while the other happily eats. Just as they felt happy, both team leaders over there finished discussing. Wen Lang looked for Lou Fan everywhere. When he saw Lou Fan, Wen Lang ran towards him, roaring as he ran.

“Brother Lou, we are ready to go! What are you doing here?”

The fur ball is like a frightened mouse. It immediately hides and jumped into Lou Fan’s open jacket. A small bulge can be seen on his chest pocket, making Lou Fan unsure if he should laugh or cry.

Wen Lang saw Lou Fan’s expression and thought to ask, but when he saw Lou Fan gesture with a finger at him, he immediately doesn’t dare to speak. Lou Fan took out some butter beans and sent them to his chest pocket. The fur ball seemed very persistent in eating them, and it is no longer feeling afraid, eating the beans one by one. Lou Fan could feel a soft touch on his fingertips, which should be the little thing licking the residual taste with its tongue.

What’s that thing? Wen Lang silently mouthed.

Lou Fan smiled and shook his head, expressing that he didn’t know either.

When the two walked back, everyone saw the bulge on Lou Fan’s chest pocket, so they asked the same question.

Lou Fan spread his hands and whispered, “I don’t know what it is either. It looked like a white fur ball, a live version.”

Everyone didn’t see what it is and didn’t care too much. Immediately, they talked about the next arrangement: Both teams will go down together but Zhang Zhang and Fu Chun will check the front. They will go down to take a look, and if there is no problem, everyone will go down.

Qin Tan has promised Zhang Zhang that their team will help to kill the Chang snake. This is what he discussed with Lou Fan earlier, but Qin Tan suggested that if there is something from the Chang snake, everyone should share it. Zhang Zhang said that there is no problem.

The plan has been made, and everyone started preparing immediately. Zhang Zhang’s team prepared a sturdy rope, one end is tied to a thick tree trunk while the other end is hanging down in the hole. The hole is very deep, and even if one looks down with a flashlight, one can’t see the bottom. No one dares to be careless. They connected 2 bundles of ropes together, if it is not long enough, Zhang Zhang and Fu Chun could only come up and find another way.

“Then I’ll go first.” Zhang Zhang looked solemn.

Qin Tan nodded, “Be careful.”

The other 3 members of the Level 8 team looked even more worried, “Team leader, Brother Fu Chun, be careful. Pull the rope if something happened, don’t push yourself hard.”

Zhang Zhang nodded and said don’t worry.

Lou Fan laughed, “Team leader Zhang, take it easy. If you are too serious, you will gain weight. Then we won’t be able to pull you up even if there is no danger.”

With Lou Fan’s interruption, everyone loosened their expression and laughed.

Zhang Zhang also relaxed a little. No longer wasting time, he took the lead and Fuchun followed closely. The two climbed the rope and started to go down the hole.

Having experienced several worlds already, they are prepared for various situations. Their lighting equipment is also the most convenient kind of head light, which can illuminate the surrounding without needing to hold it by hand. There is also a wrist light, which is worn on the wrist like a bracelet. With a flick of the wrist, it can be turned on and off, and it can illuminate a range of 2 meters around the body, which is very convenient.

Wearing a head light, Zhang Zhang slid down cautiously. He wore a safety buckle on his body, so he is not afraid of suddenly slipping down. As he goes down the hole, he looked up and could still see a few heads sticking out from the entrance of the cave. He couldn’t see them clearly against the light, but the thought makes him very relieved. The surrounding stone walls are smooth like a hole cut straight out of something.

It got darker as they went down, and only a white dot remained at the top of the hole. They had already passed the knot between the 2 ropes. Sensing that they have yet to reach the end, Zhang Zhang felt at a loss.

It doesn’t take 3 ropes, does it?

The rope under his feet began to sway, Zhang Zhang is thinking about whether to pull the rope and signal to the person above to pull them up.

“Fu Chun, it’s not the end yet. Should we go up or…” Zhang Zhang didn’t say anything else, but Fu Chun knew what he meant.

“Team leader, I still have a rope in my backpack. How about we connect it too? I don’t think the bottom is too far away.”

Zhang Zhang gritted his teeth, “Okay, we’ll connect it.” Otherwise, he would really feel unwilling (from going down so long and not reaching the end).

Zhang Zhang is a strong person. With the safety buckle firmly buckled, he twirled his feet around the rope and turned upside down. Taking the rope that he is biting in his mouth, he connected both ends of the rope. After tying it tightly and making sure the knot is firm, Zhang Zhang straightened his waist and turned himself back. The two continued down again.

The people at the entrance of the cave are feeling a little anxious. It’s been almost an hour, and they don’t know if the two have reached the end. There is no news at all, and the rope has not moved. Du Jun couldn’t sit still and is about to say like he would go down and have a look. Then, he saw the rope move violently, and the bells tied to the rope rang.

“Look, the rope is moving.”

This is the signal they agreed on earlier. If both men reach the end, the rope will be shaken violently. If they wanted to come up, the rope will be pulled hard, and the bell will make a finer sound.

“Let’s go down.” Qin Tan said and prepared to go down.

Du Jun stepped forward and said, “Team leader Qin, our team will go down first.” The other 2 ladies also nodded.

Knowing that they are anxious, Qin Tan did not argue and said, “Then, you guys go first, we will follow behind.”

Chen Shuyang talked to Jiang Yiran and Qi Shan and said a few more words. Seeing that Qin Tan and the others had already started to go down, Chen Shuyang stopped talking and went down immediately.

Han Yu stared solemnly at the rope, no one knows what he is thinking. Seeing the look in his eyes, Qi Shan is taken aback and quickly pulled Jiang Yiran’s sleeve, motioning him to look. Jiang Yiran immediately became vigilant, tightly holding the umbrella in his hand. Qi Shan also clenched the dagger Chen Shuyang gave her. The two looked at each other and exchanged a gaze. Once Han Yu made any move, they would not hesitate to pounce.

As the group slid down the rope, Lou Fan glanced up and down, and laughed, “We are really ‘grasshoppers tied to the same rope’.”

This description is very accurate, and everyone laughed.

Qin Tan said in a deep voice, “Hurry up, it will be bad if someone above does anything bad.”

Knowing that Zhang Zhang and the others are at the bottom, Qin Tan’s group is not afraid and slid down the rope quickly but keeps some distance apart to avoid bumping into each other.

The little fur ball in Lou Fan’s arms popped out and chirped twice. Lou Fan looked down at it and couldn’t help but say, “What’s wrong? Are you scared?”

The fur ball chirped again and looked like it threw a glance at him before retracting into Lou Fan’s arms. Lou Fan felt as if he saw the contempt in the fur ball’s mung bean eyes. He snorted softly, “Hmph, I’ll call you Furball then, you’re just like a ball anyway.”

Another chirp sounded and Lou Fan felt that this sound is a little happy. Could it be that it likes this name very much?

With his feet on the ground, Lou Fan released the rope in his hand and glanced around. This place is like a tunnel, and there are as many as 5 holes around it. After everyone arrived, they realized that Zhang Zhang is not around.

“Where’s Team leader Zhang?” Lou Fan asked.

Fu Chun held a rope in his hand, and said helplessly, “We found 5 holes when we got down. Team leader said he wanted to explore the road, and he had a rope tied to him.”

Lou Fan nodded, this is the most rational choice, but he felt that Team leader Zhang would definitely not gain anything. The hole they went down is too long, which means the 5 holes would not be short either.

Sure enough, Zhang Zhang came back after a while with a frustrated look on his face. “There is no end at all, the tunnels are too long.”

Qin Tan asked, “How many holes have you explored?”

“3.” The rope on Zhang Zhang’s body is not long, it is very thin, and it should be about 100 meters long. He was a little helpless and asked, “Everyone, tell me, what should we do now?”

Lou Fan approached the entrance of the holes with a powerful flashlight and looked inside, but found nothing. The 5 holes are all about the same size, there is no difference. Qin Tan squatted down, pressed the soil on the ground between his fingers. After that, he placed it near to his nose and smelled it. Qin Tan did this for all 5 holes. Lou Fan followed Qin Tan’s example and looked, but didn’t see anything unusual.

Getting up, Qin Tan patted the soil in his hand, pointed to one of the holes, and said, “A snake must have passed by this hole not long ago. The soil on the ground has a faint fishy smell. Also, the soil on the ground is a bit damper than the other holes.”

Lou Fan is startled by the discovery, he didn’t notice it at all. Immediately, he gave Qin Tan a thumbs up and silently praised Qin Tan from top to bottom. This kind of professional skill, even the Level 8 team does not have this ability.

Zhang Zhang suddenly became happy, “Then we will go this way. We will definitely find the Chang snake.”

Lou Fan felt a little helpless and said, “Team leader Zhang, I think it’s not about finding snakes, but what should we do if we encounter a bunch of snakes later.”

Raw word count: 3060


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 40

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef)
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

Wen Lang crossed his hands and said, “Continue! I think both of you are too weak, you should use more force and beat each other to death.”

Han Yu spit out a mouthful of blood, “You are sick.”

Wen Lang glanced at Han Yu, then turned to ask Jiang Yiran, “What happened?”

Jiang Yiran immediately answered emotionally, “He is too shameless! When the big snake came out, he pulled Qi Shan to block in front of him. Qi Shan was too weak to break free.”

Hearing that, Wen Lang’s eyes changed when he looked at Han Yu, “Frick, are you still a man?!”

Knowing that he couldn’t beat the seniors, Han Yu kept his face down and said nothing.

Zhang Zhang’s team also came to check out what happened. The girls in the team heard it and immediately wanted to go up, but Zhang Zhang stopped them. Zhang Zhang looked at Han Yu and said, “You’re a man, at the very least you must have a bottom line on what should not be done. You can run for your own life, but pulling a woman to block in front of you is a bit too much.”

Han Yu doesn’t have anything to say.

Jiang Dong stood behind Wen Lang and said, “If a person like you falls into my hands, I’m afraid you won’t be able to ‘carry on your bloodline’ in this lifetime (meaning castrated).” The scalpel in his hand fluttered at his fingertips, gleaming with cold light.

Wen Lang turned his head sideways and finally felt that Jiang Dong is pleasing to the eye for once.

Qin Tan and Lou Fan came over, Qin Tan looked at Han Yu indifferently, “Captain Zhang, do you want to keep this person? For me, I don’t dare to keep him around. If he caused harm to my team, I can’t guarantee his life.”

Zhang Zhang spread his hands, “If you don’t keep him, of course I won’t either.”

Han Yu looked at them in disbelief. He didn’t expect that he only pulled a woman as a shield, and that caused him to be left behind. If anything popped out of this place, it could kill him. “No, no, don’t leave me!” Han Yu defended. “I was scared just now so I didn’t think about it that much. I was wrong, please? Don’t leave me. I’m just scared.”

“You’re afraid, but others aren’t?” Lou Fan didn’t like Han Yu and his attitude. He hated people who bullied vulnerable people the most.

“Is Qi Shan hurt?” Seeing Qi Shan shaking her head, Lou Fan said, “Then, let’s go quickly, don’t waste time.”

Everyone moved to leave and Han Yu wanted to follow. Fu Chun received an eye signal from the 2 women in his team and raised his cooking spade[1], swinging it to the tree beside him. With a KACHA, the tree snapped and fell down.

Han Yu got startled and didn’t dare to move. Gritting his teeth, he dared not speak. He can only wait for the group to walk away, and then slowly keep up. He looked around anxiously, keep having a feeling that something is spying in the dark, ready to jump out at any time and swallow him.

The woods here are not very lush, but when one is afraid, those looming tree shadows look so terrifying. Seeing that the group in front of him is not paying attention to him, Han Yu accelerated his steps, and finally got closer. He felt a little more at ease when he could hear their voices. If he had known that he could just hide back then, he won’t let his cheap instinct take over and grab Qi Shan in front of him. Now he did it, he doesn’t have to pretend to be a good person anymore but at the same time, his shelter is gone.

Wen Lang threw a glance to the back and said, “That Han Yu is really… ‘give him an inch and he’ll take a mile’. He’s following up again.”

Actually, Qi Shan is not very scared. Being comforted by the 2 big sisters, she felt warm in her heart. She has been the kind of unpopular person since she was a child, and now she is very flattered by everyone being so nice to her. With a smile on her face, she stopped shrinking her body and walked with a straight posture.

Lou Fan glanced back. Seeing that Han Yu had stopped, he turned his head with a blank expression, “Let him be, we can’t force people to death after all. Just this is fine.”

Lou Fan is not Holy Mother, but he will not be a person who insists on forcing people to death. As long as the person is not obstructing in front of him, to be able to return to Lazuli alive is that person’s ability.

As they are talking, Zhang Zhang, who is leading the way, suddenly stopped. The level 8 team members are standing in a line so the people behind couldn’t see what is in front of them. Seeing Zhang Zhang stop, the people behind him also moved forward. However, when they saw the scene in front, everyone seemed to be nailed to the spot.

It is an open land, but it is densely packed with holes, big and small. This view is very similar to the holes made by the groundhog on the prairie, but everyone knows that it is not a groundhog burrow, but a snake hole. Dense snake holes. Just thinking about that gave them goosebumps all over their body.

Han Yu didn’t know what is going on in front of him. He only saw a group of people standing there motionless. He is so curious and wanted to go up and take a look. At this moment, a dark shadow flashed past him. Han Yu is stunned for a moment before screaming out and running forward, “AHH! Help!”

The group of people who were previously stunned turned their heads vigilantly and saw Han Yu dashing towards them.

Qin Tan frowned and asked, “What’s going on?”

Han Yu gasped heavily and pointed shakily to the place where he stood just now, “There, there is something over there! Its speed is too fast, I can’t see it clearly.” It’s small and moves like lightning.

Wen Lang obviously didn’t believe Han Yu and said, “Maybe you did it on purpose to deceive us.” This person is not honest at all. He’s cunning like a loach and more society-trained than him.

“Okay, don’t worry about that. Let’s discuss what’s in front of us first.” Zhang Zhang didn’t take Han Yu seriously at all, the situation in front of him is much more important.

Only then did Han Yu see the dense holes. He swallowed and couldn’t help asking, “Is this a snake hole?”

Wen Lang rolled his eyes at Han Yu, “What else? Wormhole?”

“Team leader Qin, what do you think?” Zhang Zhang asked.

Qin Tan exhaled, “According to this situation, it is not possible to say that it is a snake cave at the bottom. It is definitely dangerous to go down, but the chances of completing the task as soon as possible are also very high, whether it is the Longjing grass we want or the snake you need to kill. “

Zhang Zhang nodded, he thought so too. Although it is dangerous down there, it also means that there is a high chance of encountering a snake, so there is no need to go around looking for it. But they might get surrounded by snakes, the risk factor is too high.

“Let’s discuss with our own team and act according to the decisions.” Qin Tan said after thinking about it for a while. If both teams have the same opinion, they will work together. They’ll discuss again later if it’s different. They are just looking for grass anyway. In case they found it and a snake appears, they can always run away if they can’t win.

Qin Tan’s team has a straightforward mission here, but Zhang Zhang and the others are different. Not to mention the time-consuming search for snakes, it is a bit difficult for his team to deal with snakes. Like the snake just now, if they have no way to restrain it, it is really hard to kill it. The strength of the 2 girls in his team is not weak, but their strength is still not as strong as that of men. Du Feng’s strength after wearing her gloves is extremely powerful, but ordinary ropes are not enough to fix the Chang snake in place.

Zhang Zhang is inclined to cooperate with Qin Tan’s team and shared his ideas with the people in the team. For Fu Chun, he will fight where he is directed. You Xing is the most thoughtful, and Du Feng and her brother also listen to everyone’s opinions.

You Xing thought for a while and said, “If they can help us, then let’s go down together. I think they will go down.”

You Xing is right. Lou Fan and the others unanimously decided to go down and try their luck. Although it looks like there are many snake holes, there are not necessarily that many snakes below. According to experience, the holes should be connected.

“Shuyang, you walk in the middle. Qin Tan and I are in the lead, while Wen Lang and Jiang Dong pay attention to the back. Be sure to pay attention to safety.” After Lou Fan finished saying that, he took out the radish flowers from the bag. He brought a total of 15 flowers to this world. It is also the last 15 flowers in his possession, and each person got 2 flowers.

Lou Fan: “I have tried using this radish flower before. As long as it is crushed and applied to the other party, it will have a stun effect. It is 100% effective on people, but I don’t know how it will work on snakes.”

After everyone put away the radish flower, Lou Fan took out the immortality amulets from the bag and said, “I also bought this thing but I haven’t tried it yet. The other party said that it can immobilize creatures within 5 meters from you, and it is a life-saving tool. Keep it.”

After giving out the things, Chen Shuyang still stared at Lou Fan with bright eyes. Lou Fan laughed out, “What is it? Are you still waiting for me to take out some more good things? I don’t have any more. I’m not Doraemon, these are all I have.”

Even though being teased like this, Wen Lang felt very satisfied with the items. He knew that if those items are put on the bazaar, everyone would be fighting for it. Jiang Dong felt the same, he only felt that the things in his hands are very heavy. These are the things that could save lives, but Lou Fan took them out so casually.

Lou Fan didn’t know what the members are thinking. All he knew is that if the team is strong, everyone could survive.

The 3 newcomers are a little nervous. If the seniors wanted to go down the hole, what will they do? Jiang Yiran stood with Qi Shan, Qi Shan didn’t have a fearful expression on his face, while Jiang Yiran is a little nervous. Han Yu stood by himself, his eyes darting back and forth in confusion.

After both sides have discussed it, Zhang Zhang and Qin Tan got together to combine opinions and plan for the next step.

Chen Shuyang went to tell Jiang Yiran and Qi Shan about some precautions. He told them to hide somewhere nearby and wait for them to come back before distributing some food to them. He glanced sideways at Han Yu, and whispered, “You two, protect yourself and your food. If something goes wrong, run away. But don’t get too far or we won’t be able to find you then.”

At the side, Wen Lang and Jiang Dong are preparing their own things, keeping their weapons handy for easy access.

Lou Fan sat down and ate some snacks. He has all his belongings in his backpack, and some sweets he likes. There is a snack in the Lazuli exchange machine called butter beans that suits his taste very well. It’s sweet and fragrant, Lou Fan loves it. At this moment, he took out the butter beans and threw them into his mouth, while imagining what is under the hole. As Lou Fan is deep in his thoughts, his hand missed, and a butter bean fell to the ground, rolling into the grass patch beside it. Not sure if his hands were shaky, he missed again, and another butter bean rolled to the same place.

Lou Fan glanced over and noticed that something is wrong — the first butter bean is missing. He stared at the second butter bean for a long time but there is no movement in the grass. He looked away, deliberately ‘missed’, and threw one onto the ground. At the same time, he paid attention to the grass patch from the corner of his eye.

Something flashed by, and the butter bean is gone in an instant. The thing moved so fast that Lou Fan didn’t even see what it is.

What is it?

Lou Fan patted his bottom and stood up, still holding a handful of butter beans in his hand. He acted like he didn’t care, and ‘accidentally’ dropped a butter bean after every few steps. The beans he dropped are lined up in a straight line. Lou Fan walked a few steps quickly and dropped one again before hiding behind a tree. The place he found is quite strategic. It is only a little distance from the crowd, so as not to scare the thing. But if it appears, he could see clearly what it is right away.

Raw word count: 3125


[1] A correction to Fu Chun’s spirit weapon. At chapter 36, I translated his weapon as a big shovel because both cooking spade/spatula and shovel has the same chinese word. Since the author didn’t elaborate at that moment, I don’t know which one is correct.

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 39

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef)
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

The group put away their things and started to go on their way.

Time is tight and the task is difficult. Although it is not known exactly when they will find Longjing grass, they have to set aside 2 days for them to return to the train station. Now, it seems that the only way to find the grass is to go up the mountain, but they are not certain how far it is.

Lou Fan walked beside Qin Tan with a smile on his face. At this moment, Chen Shuyang finally realized that something is wrong, and silly-ly asked, “Brother Lou, something good happened? Did you find money on the ground?”

Lou Fan turned his head to look at Chen Shuyang and replied, “Something happier than finding money.”

Chen Shuyang turned to look at Qin Tan and is about to speak when he saw Qin Tan looking at Lou Fan with a doting face. Goosebumps stood up and he shivered. My god! Brother Qin’s eyes are so scary! The two ignored him, and Chen Shuyang looked at Wen Lang and Jiang Dong behind him, who are currently bickering. He has this feeling like there is something wrong with everyone? Tilting his head, Chen Shuyang couldn’t think of a reason so he silently stopped talking, and continued on his way.

It didn’t take long before it started to rain. Being drenched by the rain, one suddenly felt that their body has become sticky. Fortunately, the teams’ rain gear comes with a portable raincoat, which is convenient and lightweight. The 3 newcomers have nothing so they can only continue to move forward in the rain. Han Yu cursed while blocking the rain with his arm. Fortunately, the rain came and went quickly, the sky cleared up within an hour.

There is usually a lot of dirt on the mountain, but it’s different here. Scattered all around is the kind of big stone that needs a person to hug around it. Hence, even if it rains, it will not feel muddy.

“Ei, hold on for a moment, I need to relieve myself.” Wen Lang shouted.

The girls all went to the front, and the Level 8 team is at the front as well. Lou Fan and his other 2 team members heard Wen Lang’s call so they slowed down.

Wen Lang turned his back to the crowd, and after watering the grass comfortably, he pulled up his pants to leave. A flash of light suddenly appeared in the corner of his eye so he turned back to look again. It is a grass with a mixture of green and red colors, the tip of the grass is curled crookedly. Looking at it carefully, it seemed that there are fine scales on the curled part. Wen Lang didn’t think about it, reached out, and picked it up, “This is…”

“Be careful!”

A strong force shoved Wen Lang away, and he fell 2 meters away. He could smell a fishy stench and look over. A large python has suddenly appeared. Jiang Dong is clenching its bloody mouth with both hands, with his back against the tree trunk, and he is tilting his head to avoid the snake’s mouth. 2 spirit arrows flew towards the python, but it seemed to be unaware of it at all. Wen Lang immediately put the reddish-green grass into his pocket and shook the chain whip out of his sleeve. Wrapping it around the snake, he pulled with all his strength but it is like pulling a large and heavy iron block. Qin Tan took his Tang sword and jumped up, then slashed at the snake.


The Chang snake is in pain, it twisted around and let go of Jiang Dong. Jiang Dong immediately stepped aside and drew a sword from his waist.

When Zhang Zhang and the others got to the scene, they saw Qin Tan fighting with the snake. Lou Fan assisted at the side, shooting arrows and interrupting the snake. The snake’s body is super hard so he kept shooting at the eyes. When he saw a gap in the defense, Lou Fan will shoot at the more fragile part of the snake’s belly. Chen Shuyang didn’t dare to go forward with the dagger, but Wen Lang and Jiang Dong are not afraid, so they followed behind Lou Fan to harass the snake.

Seeing Zhang Zhang’s team coming over, Wen Lang immediately shouted, “This is Chang snake, and I picked up a Longjing grass.”

Zhang Zhang originally planned to help anyway, so he immediately went up with the chainsaw. He slashed the chainsaw at the snake’s body, making a loud noise and the snake’s body’s scales went flying. The pained snake immediately turned to face Zhang Zhang. Lou Fan happened to be behind it and when it swung its tail, it would immediately hit Lou Fan. At that moment, Qin Tan swiftly pulled Lou Fan into his arms.

“Nhn.” A muffled groan escaped from Qin Tan’s lips.

Lou Fan quickly pulled Qin Tan aside and asked nervously, “How are you? Are you hurt anywhere?”

Qin Tan shook his head.

Lou Fan didn’t believe it and turned to look at his back. There is a long bloodstain on the back that got struck by the snake’s tail. Qin Tan’s clothes are shredded and it looked like the entire back is injured. Lou Fan glared at the Chang snake hatefully, felt like eating it whole.

“Shuyang, help to put medicine on Qin Tan.” Lou Fan shouted at Chen Shuyang and turned to join the fray.

With 3 phoenix feather arrows notched on the bow, Lou Fan looked calm and composed, as if Qin Tan’s injury did not affect his state. He took aim, and at the moment when Chang snake raised its body, 3 arrows fired at the same time, and they shot at one place in unison. The power of 1 arrow may not be too great, but the 3 arrows together managed to stab the Chang snake 7 inches from the head, but the wound is still not deep.

The Chang snake hissed, Lou Fan took a few steps forward and jumped up on the tree trunk. 2 more phoenix feathers shot at Chang snake’s eyes respectively, followed by 2 spiritual arrows. The blind Chang snake is now writhing on the ground. Wen Lang wrapped his chain whip around the upper body of the snake while Jiang Dong’s bandage is wrapped around the snake’s tail. Fortunately, his bandage is a spirit weapon, otherwise, the bandage would have been broken into pieces long ago. The two pulled as hard as they could.

Fu Chun and Du Jun kept swinging their weapons but hitting the snake’s body had little effect. Zhang Zhang pushed the two away and jumped to the spot 7 inches from the snake’s head. Then he struck down with his chainsaw…

A whirring noise that would cause one’s teeth to feel numb rang out. The snake’s body twisted violently, but couldn’t move away because someone is restraining it from both ends. Zhang Zhang held the electric saw and continue cutting. Soon, the snake’s body, including the skin and meat is sawed open.

The body of the snake though cut into two is still twitching, and everyone sat on the ground gasping for breath. Lou Fan ran back to Qin Tan. Chen Shuyang had already disinfected the wound and put medicine on it. After cleaning up, the flesh of the wound is visible and looked painful.

“Does it hurt?” Lou Fan doesn’t dare to touch.

Qin Tan smiled, “This little injury doesn’t hurt.”

But his heart hurts ah! Lou Fan really wanted to hug Qin Tan and kiss him now. It’s a pity that it’s a bit inappropriate for the public.

Jiang Dong came over with more medicine and bandages in his hands, “I’ll wrap it up.”

Lou Fan stepped aside, “Have to trouble you then.”

Jiang Dong glanced at Lou Fan and smiled knowingly, “The vital parts are fine, don’t worry.” After speaking, he winked at Lou Fan.

When Lou Fan finally reacted to what Jiang Dong meant, his face turned red. The conversation just started and it became rated so quickly? Also, how did Jiang Dong know?

Before Lou Fan could pull Jiang Dong to ask, Wen Lang came over and took out the Longjing grass from his pocket.

“Brother Lou, don’t you think it looks like a dragon?”

The grass is green with a tint of red, and it is not easy to find it in a pile of weeds if one doesn’t look closely. Its top is like a cluster of fruits and its shape is distorted. With scales and no feet, rather than calling a dragon, it’s more like a snake.

Chen Shuyang leaned over to look at it. Raising his glasses, he said in an old-fashioned manner, “It’s a bit like Jiao.”

“It turns out that Longjing grass looks like this.” Lou Fan looked at it carefully and remembered its appearance.

On their watch, their task progress display changed from 0/10 to 1/10. For this kind of quest item, Lou Fan always put it away first and check later. Seeing that Jiang Dong is still treating Qin Tan’s wounds, he walked over to the Chang snake that had been cut into two pieces, wanting to see if there is anything on it that could be harvested.

Zhang Zhang had the same thought as Lou Fan. When Zhang Zhang came over with the chainsaw, he saw Lou Fan standing in front of the Chang snake. He smiled at him, raised the chainsaw, and cut open Chang snake’s belly, which was much faster than they used a sword.

This Chang snake is just like an ordinary python, just a little bigger, and there is nothing special about it. Zhang Zhang wiped the chainsaw with a cloth in disappointment, “There’s nothing useful but it’s so difficult to deal with, that’s too tricky.”

Lou Fan reassured Zhang Zhang, “It might be good that it has nothing. If there is something in it, then the snake must be more difficult to deal with.”

Zhang Zhang nodded and turned his gaze at the junior team, “Is Team leader Qin okay?”

Lou Fan: “The wound on the back is a bit long, but fortunately I brought medicine, it’s not a big problem.”

Zhang Zhang nodded and returned to his team. Watching from a distance, Lou Fan saw that Zhang Zhang seems to be discussing something so he turned around and walked to Qin Tan’s side. He saw Qin Tan taking a new shirt from his backpack and putting it on.

“How is it? Will the wound hinder your movement?” The wound looked quite big. If it hindered the movement, it would be even more troublesome if Qin Tan is in danger later.

Qin Tan moved his arm, “No problem, the medicine’s efficiency is quite good this time.”

When it comes to this, Lou Fan felt pain for their wallet. Before this, the hemostatic and anti-inflammatory medicine only cost 20 to 30 points, but now this medicine actually requires 100 points. However, thinking about the danger they might encounter this time, he exchanged 5 bottles, as well as other types of medicine, and spent a lot of points. Now it seems that expensive price is justified, at least the effect is good.

On the other hand, Lou Fan didn’t expect the medicine to work so well! He actually planned to take this opportunity to ‘be the top’, but as a result, the opportunity slipped away in vain! Thinking so, Lou Fan still felt that he is losing out so he walked over and lifted Qin Tan’s clothes. Then he slid his fingers from top to bottom on the bandage of the wound. Unconsciously, his fingers slipped to the bare skin next to the bandage.

Qin Tan felt like a slowly moving mollusk is attached to his back and immediately shuddered, his muscles tightened instantly. His heart skipped a beat, and he really wanted to pull that ‘someone’ over and punish him.

Sensing Qin Tan’s muscles tensed up, Lou Fan stopped his hand. He immediately put it away and sorted Qin Tan’s clothes.

“The medicine is really good, and Jiang Dong’s skill is also very good.” As Lou Fan said with a smile, he glanced at Qin Tan’s lower body.

On the other side, Zhang Zhang walked back to the team. His 4 team members are waiting for him but there is no joy on their faces in completing 1/10 of their task. In the battle just now, except Zhang Zhang, none of them could provide real help, and they watched nervously throughout the whole process. As an intermediate team, the strength of the junior team this time made them feel that they are no weaker than them.

“The Chang snake is not very easy to deal with. None of us have items that can restrain it, so it’s not easy to handle.”

Zhang Zhang might look a little silly on the outside, but he knew the strength of his team members very well. They have prepared tools to deal with snakes in advance, but now it seems that the tools are not very useful – the purchased weapons are still inferior to spirit weapons. You Xing looked delicate, but she is considered the brains of the team. She hesitated for a moment and said, “How about, we discuss it with Team leader Qin’s team? We ask them to help us, and we give them some points?”

Zhang Zhang scratched his head, “I see that they are richer than us, and their food is much better than us. Can giving points work?”

You Xing: It seems that it is really not good.

Du Feng: “Then let’s use items to exchange for help instead. There’s 1 item that I got from the last task, we’ll give that to them.”

Zhang Zhang sighed in melancholy, “Wait for the next Chang snake to come out and we’ll see. Qin Tan’s team won’t stand by the side and watch us die. If nothing works, then we’ll discuss it again. Team leader Qin is injured just now.”

That’s the only way to do it.

Both teams have completed 1/10 of the task progress and the target has appeared. There may be some more nearby, so the 2 teams planned to search around.

“Han Yu, are you still a man? You dare to pull a girl in front of you as a shield?!”

Jiang Yiran grabbed Han Yu’s clothes and lifted him up, his face flushed with anger. He is originally taller than Han Yu, so when he grabbed Han Yu’s collar with one hand, Han Yu’s toes have to press hard on the ground to maintain balance.

“You fcking let me go. Who the f are you?! How dare you talk to me like this?!” Han Yu struggled and shouted, waving his fists at Jiang Yiran. Jiang Yiran obviously didn’t have much fighting experience and got hit. Then the men rolled to the ground together and scuffled.

“Don’t fight!” Qi Shan shouted anxiously, “Don’t fight!”

“Are you two that free?” Wen Lang walked over slowly, with a piece of grass in his mouth he got at some point. He looked down at the men condescendingly, without any intention of persuading them to stop fighting.

Raw word count: 3316


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 38

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef)
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)
Unknown x3

As the sky is getting darker, the fog started to appear all around. Everyone became vigilant because whenever this kind of thing happens, they know that it is not good. The fog gradually thickened, and soon the visibility is only 2 to 3 meters, the sky is completely dark. Lou Fan’s team gathered together. They looked seemingly casually but their weapons are tightly grasped in their hands.

The surroundings are quiet, not a single sound could be heard, only the sound of breathing between each other. After a while, seeing that nothing happened, the newcomers couldn’t stand it anymore. They sat down one after another and complained in a low voice.

You Xing whispered to Zhang Zhang, “Team leader, I think something is wrong. I seem to smell something, so we still have to be careful.” You Xing’s nose is very sensitive, and she can smell anything that seems wrong. Many times they rely on her sensitive sense of smell to escape danger.

Zhang Zhang believed what You Xing said and nodded, “Okay, I’ll go over to tell Team leader Qin about it and arrange a vigil.”

The team leaders discussed the arrangements for the vigil, and regardless of the complaints of the newcomers, they decided to go straight to rest. Suddenly a newcomer shouted.

“You guys see that? It’s something shiny.”

“Is it something like gold? Or gems?”

The 2 newcomers looked very excited and said, “Let’s go over and take a look. If it’s really gold, we’ll be rich.”

Lou Fan watched the commotion calmly. Such a big piece, if it is really gold, indeed one will be rich.

Zhang Zhang frowned and said, “Don’t move.”

The newcomer disdainfully replied, “Why should I listen to you? We discovered this first. Do you want to hoard all yourself?”

As a person with a bad temper, the accusation caused Zhang Zhang to become angry, “The hell, I’m thinking for your own g…”

“Who wants you to be good for me? Mind your own business.” The two newcomers are disdainful and did not appreciate Zhang Zhang’s goodwill.

Qin Tan grabbed Zhang Zhang and said, “Team leader Zhang, this kind of person who wants to seek death, can you stop them? Just go and rest.”

Zhang Zhang stopped to think about it and felt that Qin Tan is right. Why is he angry with the newcomer? With this kind of self-destruction attitude, they might die at some point anyway. Isn’t it a waste of his goodwill? The newcomers also said that he is nosy. He must have been too idle to think to warn them.

The 2 newcomers quickly ran towards the place with the glowing thing, while the other newcomer hesitated. Looking in that direction with a rapid heartbeat, the third newcomer finally couldn’t resist the temptation and walked slowly there.

The fog is very thick, the figures of the 2 newcomers soon disappeared into the fog. The third newcomer behind them also looked blurred to the rest.

Han Yu looked hesitant and seemed very moved. Qi Shan however didn’t move at all, still sitting by the fire. Jiang Yiran put the umbrella on his shoulders and stared over there with a smirk. He said to Chen Shuyang, “Look, this kind of behavior is courting death. Their ending must be bad.”

As soon as Jiang Yiran finished speaking, the ground began to vibrate slightly, as if something heavy appeared. Lou Fan turned his ears sideways and seemed to hear something rustling. Qi Shan reacted quickly and immediately used the soil around the fire to extinguish it, and Du Jun stepped forward to help. As soon as the fire is extinguished, the surroundings plunged into darkness. You Xing shrugged her nose and she caught a stench.

A bell noise sounded, the sound is heavy and thick and it’s making people feel dizzy.

The 13 people present held their breath and did not dare to make a sound. The 2 newcomers who were picking up things over there also felt that something is wrong and immediately wanted to return. But before they could take 2 steps away, they saw a black shadow appear.

Standing next to Qin Tan, Lou Fan only felt a sense of oppression from all directions, and he unconsciously held the hand by his side. Qin Tan tilted his head indistinctly and squeezed Lou Fan’s hand firmly. Lou Fan’s tense heart seemed to be surrounded by a warm current. A smile appeared in his mouth, and his gaze became firm.

“AHH! Help m…” The screams sounded and stopped abruptly.

The third newcomer who was still on the way froze in place, didn’t dare to move. He stared forward, and his pants got wet.

2 minutes later, the surroundings returned to silence, and everyone looked at each other cautiously. Zhang Zhang gestured at Qin Tan and he walked slowly towards the man who can still be seen in the thick fog. When he reached the man, Zhang Zhang sighed inwardly and shook his head at the crowd. Lou Fan followed Qin Tan and walked over. Although the man remained standing, his 7 orifices are bleeding and his body is as stiff as a stone as if he had been dead for a long time. But for them, it is only 5 minutes ago.

The remaining 3 newcomers are stunned by this kind of situation. Even Qi Shan showed a surprised expression, her eyes under her long bangs showing a terrified gaze. Han Yu is even more frightened. Fortunately, he hesitated a moment ago and didn’t go.

“Frick! What did I say just now?! I knew that doing this kind of thing would definitely be offed as cannon fodders.” Jiang Yiran said in horror, his eyes looking back and forth among the 10 experienced people. “This is terrible, I have to hug a big thigh.”

There must be a protagonist among them but who?

Lou Fan recalled the sound just now and said, “I heard a rustling sound just now, it’s kind of like…” For a while, he couldn’t think of a proper word to describe it.

You Xing added, “I smelled a fishy stench.”

Both of them have sensitive 5 senses, while the rest only feel the strong underground vibration.

Chen Shuyang thought about it, and suddenly said, “Could it be a snake?”

Jiang Dong immediately added, “The god Qitong lives in the mountain, its sound is often like a bell, and there are many snakes under it. It should be Qitong who appeared, and there are snakes beside him.”

Chen Shuyang covered his mouth, in disbelief, “God? We really met a God?!” What could they still do? Might as well die now.

With the speculation of the two, Lou Fan also thinks he heard a snake. So the question is, did Qitong randomly appear, or did it appear because the 2 newcomers picked up the glowing thing?

Lou Fan helplessly said, “Even we encountered him, we still have to do the task. Gods will not eat you for no reason.”

Then, Lou Fan walked to the place where the light was just now. Qin Tan had already checked it out and said, “There are no shiny things anymore.” There is no blood or anything around, the 2 newcomers seemed to disappear suddenly.

Qin Tan ordered the people to return, “Go back to rest, and we’ll continue the mission tomorrow. The shiny thing is the trigger point, don’t touch it.”

Lou Fan nodded and informed Zhang Zhang, “Then I’ll go to bed first. Call me for vigil duty later.”

The night duty arrangement is the Level 8 team in the doing the first half of the night, and the junior team in the second half of the night. The extra person from each team will be on duty together in the early morning. After fully considering various factors, this arrangement is quite reasonable.

There are 3 tents, one for Qin Tan and Lou Fan, one for the other 3 members, and the last one is for the girls from the Level 8 team.

Qin Tan walked into the tent and closed the zipper. There are no lights in the tent so he is about to get a night light when suddenly, someone pulled at his collar. With this weak force, if Qin Tan exerts a little force, the other party won’t be able to pull him down at all. But he knew who it is and cooperatively leaned forward. He sensed a soft touch on his cheek and gave a low chuckle.

“Qin Tan, be serious!” Lou Fan whispered in Qin Tan’s ear.

The shallow breath is right next to his ear making Qin Tan feel like he got lightly brushed by a feather. His body felt itchy, and he wanted to do something.

“What’s the matter?” Mimicking Lou Fan, Qin Tan also lowered his voice, carrying a hint of hoarseness. In the dark, it sounded dangerous.

Hearing that make Lou Fan grit his teeth, he really wanted to take a bite at Qin Tan.

“I like you.”

Qin Tan is not surprised by the confession. In the darkness, the corners of his mouth rose, and he couldn’t hide his smile. But Lou Fan couldn’t see it. Seeing that Qin Tan didn’t speak for a long time, he felt a little anxious in his heart. He couldn’t help but say, “Qin Tan!”

The next moment, Lou Fan is held tightly in Qin Tan’s arms and the man lets out a sigh. Then, they both fell down. With the human protector at the bottom, Lou Fan got thrown into Qin Tan’s arms.

“I liked you for a long time.”

Hearing that, Lou Fan smiled widely, and he kissed Qin Tan fiercely. Soon, Qin Tan took the initiative, and Lou Fan is kissed so deeply by the man that he could hardly breathe. Qin Tan seemed to want to eat him whole. Qin Tan’s broad palms pressed against his back, pressing him tightly to his body. Lou Fan felt that he could hardly breathe, the air in the chest seems to be sucked out. He made small gasps and this made Qin Tan’s body tense up even more.

Qin Tan gasped and stopped when he is about to lose control of himself. He buried himself in Lou Fan’s shoulder, calming himself down.

There is a numb itching on the side of his neck, and Lou Fan could feel Qin Tan’s feeling of excitement at this moment. A strange feeling rose in his heart and Lou Fan closed his eyes, trying hard to suppress the smile that is about to burst out.

In the silence, no one spoke. Lou Fan is hugged by Qin Tan just like that, and then—— fell asleep!

After Qin Tan found that Lou Fan has fallen asleep, he wrapped him properly in a sleeping bag. Then he bowed his head and kissed Lou Fan, again and again, Finally he sucked at Lou Fan’s lips and explored around until Lou Fan made an impatient sound. In the dark, Qin Tan couldn’t stop smiling.

After what happened, Zhang Zhang and the others keep feeling a little nervous all night. When they woke up early in the morning, everyone had a little shadow under their eyes.

Lou Fan came out of the tent and stretched, his face full of good sleep and content, but also with a smug look on his face. The other members also came out one after another, Qin Tan and Jiang Dong looked sober, while Chen Shuyang and Wen Lang looked lazy and dazed.

Wen Lang looked at Lou Fan, left and right, and felt that something has happened that he didn’t know. He leaned over to Chen Shuyang and asked, “Shuyang, do you see something wrong with Brother Lou? Why do I think he is smiling like a…” Wen Lang is a little afraid to say the last word[1].

Chen Shuyang looked up and said, “No, Brother Lou looked normal. What’s wrong?”

Wen Lang looked again suspiciously. Could it be that he is wrong? No, with his keen intuition, something must have happened.

Zhang Zhang: “Brother, you guys are really gutsy, more than me.”

Lou Fan: “It’s useless to worry so it’s better to rest as much as possible. You see, nothing happened, right? And there are people staying vigil in the night. They will call out if there is any situation.”

That’s gutsy too! In that kind of situation, who can sleep!

Once again, Zhang Zhang felt that the junior team is a bunch of amazing people. Zhang Zhang also made a judgment in his heart. If one is not strong enough, they won’t dare to do this. Even if someone is on vigil duty at night, when an emergency occurs, can a sleeping person react swiftly to it? He dared not say he could.

Lou Fan’s team ate bread for breakfast, Zhang Zhang’s team ate biscuits, and the newcomers only had compressed biscuits.

“Continue on the path today?” Zhang Zhang asked Qin Tan. But he didn’t hear the expected answer.

Qin Tan turned to look at Lou Fan and asked, “Where do you think we should be heading?”

Lou Fan finished the last bite of bread and stood up. He put his hands on his hip and closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, Lou Fan slowly turned around.

Zhang Zhang: What is this series of actions?!!!

With his eyes still closed, Lou Fan pointed to a direction, “Over there!”

Nodded, Qin Tan stood up and said to Zhang Zhang, “Team leader Zhang, let’s continue over there.” The other 3 team members behind Qin Tan had already stood up and looked ready to go, without any hesitation in that direction.

Zhang Zhang and his team members: …

What kind of junior team did they meet? Do they need to be so casual about making decisions? Is it not dangerous?! Oh, fortunately, the direction Lou Fan pointed is not too far from the direction he was going, otherwise, Zhang Zhang felt that he might do something terrible.

Raw word count: 3184


[1] Pervert, maniac, it could be anything :v the author didn’t mention it

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 37

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef)
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)
Unknown x3

15 minutes is just like a half-time rest. When the train stopped, the 2 teams got off the train and continued chatting. On the other hand, the screams from the newcomers also arrived as scheduled.

“What the hell is this place? Who are you? What do you want to do?”

“I want to call the police! I want to call the police!”

Familiar recipe, familiar taste.

However, Du Feng in Zhang Zhang’s team specializes in giving explanations to the newcomers. Generally, after arriving in the mission world, as the intermediate team, she will give basic explanations to the newcomers. This action can be regarded as doing a good deed and accumulating some blessings for oneself, a prayer for a smooth return home. But teams like Black Scorpion are an exception. Du Feng explained quickly and briefly. Also this time, the newcomers may have better luck. There are 6 people in total, and all managed to go out with their flyers. They got out of the station and everyone looked dumbfounded when they saw the surrounding environment.

They are surrounded by lush greenery and lush vegetation. No matter which direction one goes, they can’t see anything but green.

A continuous mountain.

“What the hell is this place?” The newcomers murmured in disbelief, turning back to look at the train, which had already disappeared. There are no tracks on the ground as if the old model train had never been there.

Among the newcomers, a man with ‘waxed hair and powdered face’[1] stood up. His hair is combed neatly to the back, and he is wearing cropped suit pants and a white-collar shirt like an elite. With that smile on his face, Lou Fan thinks the man should be the kind of very smooth/sleek guy.

“Everyone, where are we? I was on the high-speed train 10 minutes ago, so why did I get here all of a sudden…” The man couldn’t hold onto the smile on his face and he became very sad.

Another young man who looked like a college student has just recovered from the shock and asked, “Have we transmigrated somewhere? I often see this situation in novels!”

Zhang Zhang called Du Feng, and Du Feng greeted the newcomer, “You guys, come here with me. I will give you a brief introduction first.”

After driving away the newcomer, Zhang Zhang looked around, looking a little different from the previous chatting mode. As expected of someone at Level 8, he quickly entered the state.

“Team leader Qin, let’s take a rest on the spot and explore the surrounding situation, how about it?” Zhang Zhang said to Qin Tan in a negotiating tone.

Qin Tan has also observed the surrounding area at this moment, and said, “Find a dry flat ground to rest, and then spread out radially to explore.”

Zhang Zhang agreed, “Okay.” He said to his team members, “Heard what Team leader Qin said, find a place to camp, and don’t go too far.”

The remaining Level 8 members agreed and started looking for a resting place in a well-trained manner. Lou Fan and his team members also walked around to check the area. He could see that Zhang Zhang had already decided what to do, but he still discussed with Qin Tan symbolically. This attitude made people feel good.

After finding an open space, Du Feng on the other side has also finished explaining to the newcomers. Among them, the 2 men who spoke at the beginning were Han Yu, a real estate agent, and Jiang Yiran, a college student. There’s also Qi Shan, a taciturn girl. The 3 newcomers followed Du Feng to the resting spot. The other 3 newcomers still looked at the crowd with suspicion and sat down to rest a little further away.

Chen Shuyang and Du Feng stayed where they were, while the others divided into 4 groups to start exploring in four directions. They set a timing to return to the same place 2 hours later.

“Brother Lou, I’ll go with you.” Wen Lang smiled and ran to Lou Fan’s side.

Lou Fan shook his head and ruthlessly expressed his disdain, “I want to team up with Qin Tan. You and Jiang Dong will team up. Didn’t you two cooperate well together last time?”

Wen Lang: “Who cooperated well with him?”

Jiang Dong: “I don’t despise him.”

Wen Lang: “…” Who the hell dislikes who!

“Come on,” Lou Fan no longer chat with Wen Lang and said, “Pay attention to safety and be careful.”

Wen Lang bowed his head and said yes. Then, like a little daughter-in-law, he followed behind Jiang Dong.

“Do you think Wen Lang looks like a little daughter-in-law?” Lou Fan said with a smile.

Qin Tan stared at Lou Fan deeply before saying, “En, I think it’s quite similar.”

Lou Fan: “…” Somehow, that sounded wrong.

Lou Fan and Qin Tan chose a random direction to go. Probably because the direction is not chosen properly, they encountered a cliff after walking forward for some time. So, they had no choice but to go back and wait for news from the other 3 teams.

Back at the resting place, Chen Shuyang and Jiang Yiran are talking while Qi Shan is watching them and listening carefully. Han Yu, on the other hand, squatted beside Du Feng and said something with a smile. Du Feng looked impatient as if she is about to get angry. Seeing someone coming back, Han Yu immediately stood up. When they got close, he asked eagerly, “Have you found anything? What’s over there?”

With this tone and attitude, Lou Fan didn’t even bother to look at Han Yu and sat directly next to Chen Shuyang. Qin Tan ignored Han Yu and took out the compass from his bag to check directions.

Being ignored, Han Yu felt like he is not given faces, and threw an unkind look at Qin Tan and Lou Fan. After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He walked into Chen Shuyang’s side and sat down as if wanting to join the conversation.

“Hello, my name is Han Yu. What is your spirit weapon? Mine is a comb, and I don’t know what it can be used for.”

But Chen Shuyang and Jiang Yiran are chatting with each other while Qi Shan kept silent. Lou Fan unscrewed a bottle of water and drank it while listening to Chen Shuyang. Han Yu’s face is comparable to a city wall. He turned directly to Lou Fan and asked, “This handsome guy, can you tell me about the spirit weapon?”

Lou Fan is about to speak when Qin Tan walked behind him and said coldly, “We’ve already told you the basic information. If you’re willing to help out, go scout the area. Don’t just hang around here.”

Qin Tan is tall and has a body with tight muscles. Facing his cold eyes, Han Yu stared at him blankly, not daring to speak anymore. He got up and walked to the other side to sit. However, seeing Qin Tan squatting down and talking to Lou Fan with gentle eyes, unlike the vicious look he had just now, Han Yu tsk-ed, “Pei, damn ghey bastard.”

2 hours later, the other 3 groups all came back. Only Wen Lang’s group said their path to the north is heading to the mountain, while the other 2 groups couldn’t proceed forward like Lou Fan’s case. After a discussion, everyone packed up and decided to head north.

“If anyone wants to stay, we will leave some food and water, and we will return to the train in 10 days. If you want to go with us, you must be obedient along the way. If you don’t follow the rules, don’t blame us for being rude.” Zhang Zhang said to the 6 newcomers with a serious expression.

Zhang Zhang’s figure is tall and strong, and he looked very intimidating when serious. The newcomers looked at each other, and in the end, they all decided to go with the crowd. Unexpectedly, no one chose to stay.

The vegetation on Mount Gui is not tall, and the tallest tree is only 5 or 6 meters, which is a little different from how Lou Fan imagined the trees in the heavenly ground should be, which is tens of meters high. This mountain is considered to be quite flat, which one couldn’t feel that they are climbing. Instead, it feels like walking up a small dirt slope.

Lou Fan carried a bow on his back and a large quiver around his waist, which contained nearly 30 phoenix feather arrows. Because this time the mission is in the wild, he prepared some more arrows. There are two daggers on his body and a hidden arrow on his wrist. Lou Fan didn’t carry the whip with him but wore the fish scale suit. He also brought a few radish flowers and the talisman that he had just gotten, plus the food in his backpack. His points are almost fully exchanged, and all his belongings are being carried by him right now.

It is only 3.00 pm and the sky is bright. However, both teams walked very cautiously. Han Yu whispered disdainfully, “Tsk, making such a nervous look trying to scare someone? This is a deserted wilderness without a single ghost around, do they need to be so exaggerated?”

Qi Shan glanced at Han Yu sideways, then turned around and continued to follow. With her long bangs down, no one could see her expression at all.

“Chen Shuyang, is spirit weapon really that powerful?” Jiang Yiran discussed with Chen Shuyang excitedly, holding an umbrella in his hand, the spirit weapon he brought. “How do I use this umbrella? Poke someone with it?”

Chen Shuyang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It is sure annoying to meet a chatterbox this time, “You can try poking with it first, and then go back to Lazuli to study the rest. I believe that you can definitely be amazing.”

Jiang Yiran took it for granted and said, “That is necessary. Since I am the selected child, there must be a time to use my strength.”

Chen Shuyang looked helpless. This silly boy, really not sure whether to call him stupid or naive.

Even if the slope is flat, after climbing for 3 hours, everyone still feels the loss of physical strength.

“Lou Fan, save your energy and slow down your breathing as much as possible.” Qin Tan sensed something is wrong, although it was subtle.

Lou Fan also noticed something, “Is there something wrong with gravity? I’m feeling pretty tired.”

Qin Tan nodded and repeated the caution to the rest of his team members. They gathered together, and he said, “Compared with the normal world, walking here is a little more strenuous as the gravity is heavier. Remember to conserve your strength and slow down your movements.”

All five of them felt tired. Not mentioning the Level 8 team, the 6 newcomers are so tired that they sat on the ground and couldn’t get up. But Zhang Zhang and his team members are also very tired. He walked over and said, “Team leader Qin, it looks like it’s going to get dark. How about we set up camp?”

Qin Tan has the same thought and said, “Yes, find a place to camp. It’s hard to move around in the dark, so let’s be careful on the first day.”

Though Zhang Zhang said ‘camp’, the Level 8 team only go to a resting spot, picked up dry wood, and raised a campfire. While Lou Fan and the others took out 3 tents and set them up, which could still be connected, and built a ‘mansion’.

Zhang Zhang is stunned for a moment, “Brother, aren’t you guys enjoying this a bit too much? Are you here on a mission or vacation? ‘Comparing oneself to another is sure infuriating’!”

Hearing that, Qin Tan had a smile on his face. This thing is what Lou Fan is determined to bring, and the rest of the team didn’t care. But at this moment, being so envied by others makes him feel nice inside.

“Team leader Zhang!” Lou Fan patted Zhang Zhang’s shoulder and sighed, “Task needs to be done for sure but rest is also very important. You see, in this wilderness, if there is no tent, there is no sense of security, right? Let me tell you, there is another tent in the exchange machine that is very good, and I strongly recommend it to you.”

As if Zhang Zhang had stumbled to a large-scale promotion event, he looked at Lou Fan in confusion. What is this kind of behavior? Say it, is Lazuli going to give you a commission?

Qin Tan pulled Lou Fan back with a doting face, “Team leader Zhang, Lou Fan pays more attention to the quality of life, please forgive him.”

Zhang Zhang suddenly slapped his own thigh, “Alright, Brother Lou, when we returned, please recommend a good set for me. I also wanted to enjoy life.”

Lou Fan smiled and said, “No problem, count on me. I’ll make sure you are satisfied.”

Crowd: …

Raw word count: 3050


[1] 油头粉面 – Seems to mean overdressed or the appearance is over the top

[Banana] Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter. I got confirmed positive a week ago and was coughing like hell. _(;3/ But hey, not dead yet :v

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 36 Part 3

[Banana: The title is still so misleading :v]

Looking at the form, Lou Fan picked up a pen and filled it out. The girl was staring at Lou Fan when she suddenly realized that there is another person in front of her. When she looked up, she saw a tall man with sharp eyebrows and an upright aura. He held out his hand and there is a watch in it.

“It’s to pay for the registration fee.”

“Oh.” The girl reacted and took the watch. She handed it to the man next to her and stopped looking at Lou Fan.

“I wonder when there will be an update?” Lou Fan returned the pen to the girl and asked.

“There’s no guarantee.” The girl said and added, “It could be some days later or even some months. The important point is whether anyone knows about it and wanted it.”

It’s similar to what Tong Fei said. Lou Fan held the hope that the registration counter could introduce items to buyers, but now it seems that it can only depend on fate. But basically every person will go to the bazaar after returning to Lazuli, not to mention those who have goods or points in hand. Thinking of this, Lou Fan felt relieved – he is in no hurry anyway.

After registering the information, he watched the information of his item scrolled on the electronic screen. Lou Fan and Qin Tan did not delay and returned to their residence to start a new round of training.

5 days later, Lou Fan’s watch suddenly beeped a few times, and a message came in. When he opened it, he saw that the message is sent by the registration office, saying that Lou Fan need to come over as there are buyers who wanted to talk to him.

Lou Fan’s eyes lit up and turned to Qin Tan, “Qin Tan, someone wants to buy the ghost doll. Let’s go and have a look.”

Qin Tan put down the barbell he was holding, and the bulging muscles on his arms glowed healthily, looking very attractive. He walked up to Lou Fan and looked down at the message on Lou Fan’s watch. At that position, Qin Tan’s strong scent surrounded Lou Fan. Qin Tan had a nice soapy scent on his body and no unpleasant smell of sweat. Lou Fan felt like his heart is about to pop out of his chest and he gulped.

Qin Tan’s mouth curved slightly. After reading the message, he said with a hoarse voice, “Wait for me to get dressed.” After speaking, he strode back to the room to change his clothes.

Staring at the back of Qin Tan’s golden ratio figure, Lou Fan inexplicably felt that he must be attracted by this delicious body and definitely not his appearance.

The girl at the registration office saw the two coming, and immediately greeted them with a smile. This is her commission today, so she must greet her sellers well.

“Mr. Lou, the buyer is inside, let’s go in.” The girl pointed to a room behind the registration office, which is their meeting room.

Entering the meeting room, Lou Fan can see a man and a woman sitting inside. The man’s appearance looked common while the woman looked a bit bewitching. When they saw Lou Fan,  they stood up immediately and the woman said eagerly, “Did you bring the ghost doll? Show me.”

Such a hurry? Lou Fan felt that this deal should be successful.

Seemingly feeling that her attitude is a little anxious, the woman curved the corner of her mouth and showed a weird expression, “My name is Shi Zhen.”

Lou Fan nodded and took the doll out of his backpack, “This was taken from a ghost in the last mission, have a look.”

The moment Lou Fan took the doll out of the bag, Shi Zhen’s eyes are fixed on it. With an excited expression on her face, she turned to look at Lou Fan hesitantly, as if she wanted to take the doll in her hand for a closer look. Lou Fan didn’t mind and handed the ghost doll forward.

“It’s really perfect,” Shi Zhen murmured.

The man next to Shi Zhen smiled helplessly and explained, “I’m sorry, she is always like this whenever she looks at dolls. Hello, my name is Niu Xin, and I’m on the same team as Shi Zhen.”

After introducing each other, Shi Zhen finally raised her head and said, “I want to exchange this doll.”

Lou Fan raised his eyebrows, “You don’t even ask what this doll does?”

Shi Zhen shook her head, “No need, but if you want to say it, I can listen.”

It’s really interesting, the buyer doesn’t want to know the effect while the seller wants to take the initiative to say it. The registration office’s staff on the side pursed her lips and smiled.

Lou Fan spread his hands, “As a seller, I think it’s better to explain. This ghost doll can switch places with the ghost at that time in the mission. Only after I nailed it to the wall that the ghost finally gave up switching places.”

After Lou Fan said this, Shi Zhen looked even more excited, “My God, it’s great, great!”

Shi Zhen put the ghost doll aside and began to dig things out of her backpack while muttering, “This is not good, this is so-so, this is it!” She took out a stack of 5 talisman papers.

“Take this for the exchange.” Shi Zhen said and explained, “This is an immobilization talisman. Upon tearing it apart, it can immobilize creatures within a 5-meter radius for 1 minute. I’ve used it before and the effect is very good.”

This is a lifesaver tool! Although there are only 5, it is much better than the ghost doll whose usage method is unknown. Lou Fan immediately agreed, “Okay, if we obtained more dolls next time, we can continue to cooperate.”

Shi Zhen is also very happy with the exchange and cherishingly stroked the ghost doll. Both parties are very satisfied with the transaction.

Holding 5 talisman papers, Lou Fan handed them to Qin Tan with an expression that is seeking compliments, “Qin Tan, look! This talisman paper is really well made. If the effect is really like what Shi Zhen said, it can be regarded as a life-saving tool.”

Taking the talisman, Qin Tan looked at it and praised, “En, such good luck. This thing is very good.”

Being praised, Lou Fan felt that if he had a tail, the tail would be pointing straight at the sky. Back at the residence, Qin Tan asked him to put away the talisman paper, and don’t tell the other three. If they knew that there are such a life-saving means as backup, they would rely on it and loosen their guard, putting themselves in a dangerous situation.

On the 3rd day before the next mission started, all members gathered in Lou Fan’s living room early in the morning. Fruits, tea, and snacks are placed on the coffee table. For those who didn’t know the purpose, they might think Lou Fan is having a tea party.

Di di di!

Chen Shuyang immediately looked down at his watch; the information for the next mission had been released.

Mission: Collect 10 Longjing grass (Dragon Crystal Grass) from the depths of Mount Gui. (Note: Longjing grass grows in places where Chang snakes roam). Get on the train on time at 10:00 am on December 30.

Mission time limit: 10 days.

Team information: Lou Fan Level 3, Chen Shuyang Level 3, Jiang Dong Level 3, Qin Tan Level 4, Wen Lang Level 4.

Mount Gui?” Chen Shuyang closed his eyes and frowned in deep thoughts. After thinking for a while in his mind, he suddenly opened his eyes and said uncertainly, “Could it be the Mount Gui I thought?”

Lou Fan didn’t know which Mount Gui Chen Shuyang is thinking of, he just prepared to listen with a calm expression.

Jiang Dong took over the conversation and said, “I think it’s probably the Mount Gui you think of.” Then he recited the description from Shan Hai Jing (Classic of Mountains and Seas), “190 li (about 95km) to the west, it is called Mount Gui, where there are many jades but no stones. The god Qitong lives in it, whose voice sounded like a gong, and there are many snakes under it.”

Chen Shuyang thought about it for a while, and then said, “But there are several Mount Gui recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and one of them is near the West Sea.”

Jiang Dong: “That version of Mount Gui stated that there are no vegetation on the mountain but many jades, while this version of Mount Gui only said that there are many jades but no stones. It did not say that there is no vegetation[1].”

Chen Shuyang nodded, “That should be the case.” Then he patted his head and wailed, “No way! That is to say, our mission this time is the mythical world?”

Lou Fan felt that he is no longer surprised. Probably if they get an interstellar world next time, he might still be a little surprised.

Qin Tan said in a deep voice, “Chen Shuyang, Jiang Dong, put together the information you know. Then, make a plan and list what we need to prepare.”

The two nodded and sat together to write. Chen Shuyang only knows what he read in books and wrote down everything he knows. Jiang Dong is also familiar with the Classic of Mountains and Seas, so he naturally understands quite a bit, and finally, they made a plan.

They will be setting off in 3 days. Lou Fan looked at the time in the mission and sighed, “It’s incredible to think that we are going to spend our new year in the mythical heavenly mountain.”

Qin Tan stood beside Lou Fan with a cup of tea in his hand. They stood at the roof garden on the 2nd floor, admiring the sunset.

“Time flies pretty fast, it’s soon New Year’s Eve.”

Lou Fan took a sip of hot tea and looked into the distance. Aware of the gaze beside him, he turned his head to look at Qin Tan and joked, “What’s wrong? Did you suddenly realize that I’m handsome?”

Qin Tan shook his head. Just as Lou Fan is feeling depressed with the answer, he said, “I always thought you are handsome.”

Lou Fan: “…”

How can this be sweeter than sweet nothings?!

Lou Fan held back the curve of smile that is threatening to split his mouth and said, “En, you’re handsome too.”

“Oh, I thought my figure is more attractive to your eyes?”

Hearing that, Lou Fan’s heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened slightly. How did he know?!

Not wanting to scare Lou Fan away with more attacks, Qin Tan stopped the topic and talked about what to bring to the next mission world.

3 days soon came to pass.

At 9.00 am on December 30, the group of 5 people waited on the platform with their luggage. At 9:30 am, another group of people walked to the platform. The leader looked tall and strong and carried a very special weapon, a large chainsaw. It makes him look a bit like a chainsaw serial killer.

Seeing the man walking towards their team with a serious face, Qin Tan took 2 steps forward and blocked in front of Lou Fan. Just when they thought the man is going to do something, the man smiled widely, showing a row of big white teeth. Then the man started talking and a strong northeastern accent came out, “Bros, your mission is also at Mount Gui, right?”

Qin Tan nodded.

“Oh, that’s great. Let’s work together and we’ll be able to complete the task smoothly.” The man patted Qin Tan’s shoulder in a very familiar way like they are good brothers.

Lou Fan saw the teammates behind the man covered their faces and pretended not to know him. This caused him to burst out laughing.

“This big brother, is your mission also at Mount Gui? Can you tell me the content of your mission?” Lou Fan walked up to Qin Tan and asked. He said his mission first, “Our mission is to collect 10 Longjing grasses, although we don’t know what it is yet.”

When the man with northeastern accent saw Lou Fan, he smiled even brighter, “Yo, this guy is really good-looking. My name is Zhang Zhang[2], and our mission is to kill 10 Chang snakes[3].”

Longjing grass grows in places where Chang snakes roam, so if their team followed the intermediate team, they will definitely find Longjing grass. Lou Fan smiled brighter and started to get along with the northeastern dude. The rest of the team heard it, and Wen Lang became friendlier as he began to get close to the other team.

The northeastern big brother has a cute name, and the personality is also open-minded so both sides began to communicate very harmoniously. After a chat, they obtained an overview of the team members.

All members are at Level 8. The team leader is Zhang Zhang, a strong man with a northeastern accent and his spirit weapon is a chainsaw, very domineering. Among the members is a short, chubby, and honest man named Fu Chun, who was a school cook, and his spirit weapon is a big shovel. The young girl is called You Xing, and her spirit weapon is a flower. There is also a pair of siblings, the elder sister is called Du Feng, and the younger brother is called Du Jun.

After half an hour of chat, Lou Fan realized that the team of cooperation this time is very friendly, and he has begun to look forward to the successful completion of this task.

At 10.00 am, the train arrived on time.

The conversation between the two parties is not finished yet but they got on the train and prepared to continue the conversation after 15 minutes (when they arrived at the mission world).

“Hope this mission goes well.”

However, an inexplicable feeling hits Lou Fan the moment he stepped on the train and his heart beats faster. He had a bad premonition.

Raw word count: 10189 (whole chapter)


[1] Not sure if there are multiple version of Mount Gui in chinese record or the author is trying to create a new one but Banana only found 1 which is the one that says mountain full of jades, no vegetation
[2] In case you guys wanted to know, the characters for Zhang Zhang’s name are different and not the same character repeated – 张章
[3] The literal translation means long snake but this is no common snake. It’s a specific snake listed in Shan Hai Jing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) so I think the word Chang (means Long) should be called as a name instead of Long Snake. Here’s a drawing of the snake.

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 36 Part 2

[Banana: Technically speaking, the mission world for Shimane has ended but it’s still the same Chapter 36 on the outside so I can’t change the title while keeping the word Part 2, you get what I mean?]

Everyone has been in a tense state for a few days so knowing that they have returned safely to Lazuli, their bodies started to feel the fatigue the moment they relaxed. Seeing Lou Fan yawning constantly, Qin Tan took his backpack and said to everyone, “Go back first and have a good rest. If you have anything to say, we’ll talk about it tomorrow. Everyone has been tired for a few days, and we have half a month to talk.”

No one thinks that Qin Tan is chasing them away, they only felt that Brother Qin is really a reliable team leader, someone who is thinking of everyone’s welfare. Only Lin Man Man suddenly felt that she is disliked by him.

Probably because of too much physical exertion, when Lou Fan woke up, it is already 1.00 pm. But today it rained in Lazuli.

After Lou Fan finished washing up, he went upstairs to find food. His index finger pressed the fingerprint lock, and the door opened with a beep. On the coffee table in the living room are freshly washed fruits, and there is a pot of cooked porridge on the dining table. Lou Fan heard some noise in the kitchen. He picked up a piece of fruit and put it in his mouth, then dumped everything in his backpack on the ground. This time, their harvest has been quite fruitful – they collected more than 100 clocks. In addition, Lou Fan also collected a whip, a spooky doll, a bottle of wine, and a handkerchief.

When Qin Tan walked out of the kitchen, he saw Lou Fan sitting cross-legged on the ground with a small pile of clocks in front of him. He is playing with a whip in his hand, and the spooky doll is placed far away from him. Qin Tan wiped his hands, walked over, and picked up the doll, “You don’t like this, right? Then let’s register this thing at the electronic screen and exchange it away.”

Lou Fan nodded, “Yeah, let’s do that. The doll creeps me out.”

After a while, the other 5 people came to the house. Lin Man Man and Gong Yi came over with things in their hands. Wen Lang got caught by Qin Tan to cook lunch, while the rest chatted in the living room.

Chen Shuyang took the things in Lin Man Man’s hand to see. “Man Man, what animal’s tooth is this?”

Lin Man Man nodded and said, “It’s the monster’s teeth. We are responsible for finding the monster. The intermediate team’s task is to kill the monster.”

Lou Fan turned his face sideways, frowned, and asked, “Just kill the monster?”

Gong Yi nodded, “Yes, the intermediate team only needs to kill the monster.”

Chen Shuyang asked, “Brother Lou, what’s wrong?”

“Something’s wrong.” Lou Fan pondered and said, “Last time, our task is to look for a sunken ship. It seems simple, but we need to find the location of the sunken ship first and kill the fish monsters to get small pearls to breathe underwater. You already know how difficult is it to deal with fish monsters, right? Besides, the Black Scorpion’s team got destroyed. But the mid-level team Man Man mentioned only needs to kill the monster. Isn’t that something not right?”

After Lou Fan said this, everyone felt that as the low-level team, Lou Fan and Qin Tan’s task (during Lao Ye Temple mission world) is indeed not easy. Wen Lang came out of the kitchen and happened to hear the question. With a smug look, he said, “Well, you should ask me.”

Qin Tan at the back gave Wen Lang a kick and said, “Just say it.”

“Oh.” Wen Lang answered honestly, “The task is determined according to the strength of each team member. I believe you all know how smart Lazuli is. After each team is formed, it will issue tasks according to the strength of the team.”

“So we are considered stronger?” Lou Fan asked.

Wen Lang made an exaggerated expression, “Brother Lou, are you not sure about your position? You and Brother Qin are very strong, a’ight?” Then he flipped his non-existing bangs and added, “Of course, I’m a very capable member too.”

Everyone turned back to do their own thing, and no one paid any attention to Wen Lang. Wen Lang couldn’t help but want to whip out his chain whip to express his anger. Lou Fan ignored him and asked everyone to take out their clocks, “Take out the clocks, let me see if they are worth anything.”

Everyone’s backpacks are dead heavy, and the clocks poured out to pile up into a hill. Rubbing his hands excitedly, Lou Fan walked to the exchange machine and put a watch on it. Frowning, he changed another clock. Tsk, the Hell?! Lou Fan is so angry that he wanted to smash the pile of clocks; they painstakingly carried them back and this is what he gets?

When the other members saw Lou Fan’s expression, they realized that the clocks might not be as valuable as they thought, so they went over to take a look. A watch is only worth 20 points, while a bigger clock is worth 25 points. It really doesn’t worth much.

Qin Tan: “Fortunately, we have a lot of them.”

Lou Fan glanced at Qin Tan, is that a word of consolation? It’s not sincere at all.

“Forget it, divide the clocks equally and take what you like.” Lou Fan waved his hand, “You can use it to buy whatever you like!”

Lou Fan didn’t give up, and put the whip on the exchange machine again, which finally lived up to his expectations as it is worth several piles of clocks. The weird doll has similar worth so Lou Fan finally smiled and narrowed his eyes. The points that can be exchanged from the wine and handkerchief are slightly higher than the clocks. Unfortunately, exchanging rare equipment items away would be too wasteful. It would be nice if there are equipment available on the exchange machine. Then they won’t have to go to great lengths to exchange it with others.

As a newsmonger who only gets his information from the grapevine, Wen Lang has no idea about the exchange of high-level items. It happened that they are going to Tong Fei’s party tomorrow, so Lou Fan planned to ask them about this information before releasing the news via the electronic board.

The next day, Lin Man Man and Gong Yi came to Qin Tan to plan a training plan. They are familiar with the training plan set for the first time so this time Qin Tan planned to formulate training related to using weapons. Lin Man Man borrowed points from Lou Fan and exchanged them for a sword as a weapon.

When Lin Man Man and Gong Yi are about to leave, Lou Fan stopped Lin Man Man.

“Man Man, stay here. I have something to trouble you.”

Lin Man Man turned back, sat opposite Lou Fan, and asked, “Brother Lou, what’s the matter?”

Seeing her nervous look, Lou Fan said with a smile, “It’s nothing important, it’s just that we are going to a gathering with 3 girls tonight and I want to take you with me. It would be more convenient to have you since the rest of us are guys.”

Lou Fan just got reminded of the gathering and then realized that Tong Fei and the other 2 members are all girls. Although they might not mind, Qin Tan’s side is all men. It doesn’t feel very good to go like this so bringing Lin Man Man along would be better.

Jiang Dong chose 2 bottles of wine from the exchange machine while the others didn’t need much. In the afternoon, everyone walked to Tong Fei’s residence. Tong Fei lived in the southwest area and it’s not too far away so they just went for a walk.

Tong Fei lives on the ground floor, and there are many flowers in the small garden, which are blooming brightly. When the 6 of them arrived, Tong Fei is resting on a reclining chair in the small garden with her eyes closed. Hearing the sound of movement, she opened her eyes and saw them coming. She smiled and said, “Come in, come in.” Her tone is casual like she’s greeting an old friend for many years.

The group of 6 people entered the house, and they can see the table is already filled with hot dishes that had just been made. Lou Fan grinned, “Jiang Rou and Xiaoyun’s skill is very good, I can have a good time today.”

Tong Fei was pouring tea when she heard that. She looked at Lou Fan and asked, “How do you know if I didn’t help to make it?”

Lou Fan said as a matter of course, “Looking at your appearance, you are not someone who cooks. It’s enough for you to be in charge of being beautiful.”

Who doesn’t like to listen to praises? Tong Fei is no exception. Seeing Lin Man Man standing beside Lou Fan, she raised her eyebrows, then turned her head to look at Qin Tan.

Lou Fan pulled Lin Man Man over and introduced, “This is Lin Man Man, my sister. I brought her here to introduce you guys.”

Tong Fei showed an inexplicable smile, “Man Man, come and sit here. The rest of the guys can sit wherever.”

Lou Fan: “…” Isn’t this bias too obvious?

But Lou Fan didn’t mind. He sat down and began to ask Tong Fei about the exchange of equipment.

Speaking of serious business, Tong Fei also put away her joking attitude and said, “The probability of exchanging items depends on your luck. There are mainly 2 ways. One is that you have the item you like from the electronic board so you can exchange your item with the seller, but this depends on the seller’s requirements. The second is that you are the seller and the person who finds you may be able to come up with something you are interested in. However, if the item has a special purpose (can only be used under certain circumstances), then the quality might not be good. After all, the seller may not have used it before.”

Lou Fan fell in silence. He belonged to the category where the seller has never used it, and he has no idea how to use that creepy doll.

Tong Fei’s lips that are painted with auntie’s color lipsticks touched the cup as she took a sip of coffee. She said slowly, “These are all uncontrollable variables so you might as well just check out the board if there is anything you want. If there’s nothing, then you simply post the information of your item and wait for someone to come to exchange it. It’s that simple.”

That’s right! Why does he need to think so complicated? Since no one knows about the item, he should just depend on his luck and wait for a response. Lou Fan felt relieved and went to see the two girls cook, while the rest played the game console and board games in Tong Fei’s house. All in all, it’s not boring at all.

By the time all the dishes are ready, Lou Fan is drooling and he urged everyone to sit down quickly. All the dishes he listed are there, the brightly colored food really whetted his appetite.

“Come on, raise your glass.” Tong Fei stood up and raised her glass. She called out, “To celebrate our survival once again, and to wish our next mission a success.”

Everyone raised their glasses and toasted, making a crisp tinkling sound.

Qin Tan took a piece of boiled fish and put it in his bowl. After he picked out the bones, he then put it in Lou Fan’s bowl. On the other side, Jiang Dong reached out to pick a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, and Wen Lang’s chopsticks are aiming for the same piece too.

“Hey, I saw it first.” Wen Lang growled.

Jiang Dong calmly refused to give in, “I picked it first.”

Wen Lang clenched his chopsticks, “Mine.”

Jiang Dong picked the meat up closer to his bowl, “I just like this one.”

Tong Fei smiled and shook the red wine, acting as if she is not looking, but everything is within her sight. Jiang Rou and Wang Xiaoyun grinned and whispered to each other as their eyes swept around.

“Look, look! Remember what I told you!” Wang Xiaoyun is so excited that she fiercely chomped a bite of the chicken leg.

Jiang Rou nodded her head in excitement, “Yes, yes, you are right. I almost cried with excitement.”

Lin Man Man approached the two of them blankly and asked mysteriously, “Sister Rou, what are you talking about?”

Jiang Rou glanced at Lin Man Man sideways and showed a wretched smile. She patted her head, “You are too young, I will tell you when you grow up.”

Lin Man Man: “…”

After eating, Lou Fan is so full that he is unable to walk and slumped on the sofa to rest. During a chat, the talk about Lin Man Man going into the mission alone comes up and Tong Fei slapped her thigh.

“I just have an idea, but it’s just a plan.” Tong Fei said, “I’m thinking to organize a women-only team. Man Man, do you want to join me?”

Lin Man Man didn’t even think about it, and nodded immediately, “Yes, I want to join Sister Feifei’s team.”

Lou Fan raised his eyebrows, “Okay, then I’ll leave Man Man to you.”

Lin Man Man looked excited, “I will work hard, Brother Lou.”

Lou Fan didn’t expect going to eat a meal will solve 2 things for him. Lin Man Man is a hardworking girl, and Tong Fei has a good character. Lou Fan felt that if Lin Man Man could follow Tong Fei, the benefit won’t be lesser than following him. Originally, he planned to bring Lin Man Man along with him next time, but now it seems that he doesn’t need to do that anymore. After he exchanged away the weird doll, the next task should be almost time.

The next day, Chen Shuyang stayed to train at home while Lou Fan and Qin Tan went to the North Square bazaar. The bazaar is lively, with huge electronic screens scrolling messages for exchange. Lou Fan looked up at the screen for a long time and his neck felt sore but he still didn’t see anything he liked.

“Forget it, I have a hard time choosing so let’s go to the registration counter.” Lou Fan said to Qin Tan who is still watching the board and walked to the registration office by himself.

There are 2 staff at the registration counter. The electronic screens are said to belong to an organization that manages the electronic screens. However, there is a fee to be paid to put up messages on the electronic screen. Also, a part of the fee will be charged if the exchange is successful, which is paid half and half by the 2 parties. As for the fee, one could give points, or with things which the staff will see how many points are worth on the spot. Lou Fan walked up to the counter and bowed his head, showing a smile with a row of gleaming teeth.

One of the staff is a girl, and when she looked up to see Lou Fan, her face turned red. She screamed in excitement a few times in her heart, how could there be such a good-looking young man? Lou Fan’s appearance is between youthful and mature, he is handsome and bright but also has a calm temperament.

The man next to the girl also got stunned for a moment. Suddenly seeing such a good attitude person here, he is a little uncomfortable. Everyone knows whoever came to exchange stuff on the electronic screen is a powerful character. Hence, those people always wear a look that said ‘I am a bigshot, don’t mess with me’. Who would have such a smile on their faces?

Both of the staff stayed stunned until Lou Fan asked again, “I want to register for an exchange, how do you charge?”

The man coughed lightly, and the girl came back to her senses. With a smile on her face, her attitude is very friendly, “Hello, what do you want to register? Is it information exchange or item exchange?”

“It’s an item exchange.”

The girl took out a form and said, “Then, fill in the information first and briefly describe the item here. The registration fee for item exchange is 20 points.”

Raw word count: 10189 (whole chapter)
