Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 53

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 10 team
Chen Changdong (leader)
Liu Xing (twins)
Liu Yue (twins)
Yuan Jin (man with slightly long hair)
Ma Ming (a short guy)
Dong Xu (a tall guy)

At 1.00 pm, it should be the brightest time of the day, but the atmosphere around the square is overcast. The 5 newcomers are about to cry in fright. They hid on the side and shivered, but did not dare to make a sound.

Pedestrians are walking around the square, and quite a few people are coming in and out. Everyone observed for a while and found no abnormality so Chen Changdong walked into the plaza first.

Lou Fan followed behind and saw that Chen Shuyang is reading a book. Throwing a curious glance at it, he saw the title of the book – The Most Powerful Exorcism in History.

Lou Fan: “Shuyang, what kind of random thing are you reading?”

“Exorcism.” Chen Shuyang added, “Wen Lang gave it to me and I saw that it is quite interesting. There are a lot of exorcism incantations written in it. The book even said with a single recitation, demons and monsters would not dare to approach.”

Lou Fan patted Chen Shuyang on the shoulder and said solemnly, “Then we’ll count on you when we encounter demons or ghosts.”

Chen Shuyang hehe-ed and said, “Brother Lou, I’m just joking. It’s not harmful to learn more, what if it’s useful?”

“The Hell it’s useful?” Lou Fan patted Chen Shuyang’s head, “Don’t learn from Wen Lang. he is unreliable. Be careful that he pit you so badly that your father can’t recognize you.”

Wen Lang immediately said while holding his heart, “Brother Lou, it hurts my heart too much for you to say that.”

Jiang Dong leaned over, “Do you need me to soothe your heart?”

“Frick!” Wen Lang shrugged his shoulders, “Go away, it’s disgusting.”

Jiang Dong seemed to have found something interesting about it, and leaned nearer again, “Come on, I’m the best at appeasing young men’s hearts. Brother Lou, leave it to me.”

When Wen Lang heard this, he make random noises and ducked to the back.

Lou Fan burst out laughing. These 2 national treasures are quite interesting.

Chen Shuyang raised his glasses and sighed woefully, “Those stupid humans ah!” But then Lou Fan glared at him just after saying a word, so Chen Shuyang immediately stopped talking. He put away the book about exorcism and followed behind Lou Fan.

Lou Fan said with an elderly tone, “Shuyang, I have high expectations for you. Maybe your book would be the first spirit weapon to upgrade in our team. You work hard and don’t learn from Wen Lang ah.”

“Yes, I will definitely live up to Brother Lou’s trust in me.” Chen Shuyang replied, full of confidence as if he had been injected with chicken blood/adrenaline.

The flow of people in the square is not as deserted as they imagined. A lot of people mean it’s more difficult to find someone. Chen Changdong suggested that everyone separate and familiarize themselves with the environment. It doesn’t seem to be dangerous at this moment.

Other than the villagers from Lao Ye Temple village, this is the first time Qin Tan’s team had come to a spiritual world with so many people inside. However, they are familiar with the location distribution based on the map drawn by Chen Shuyang before this, so now they are going to go to the 4th and 5th floors to take a look, which is the place where accidents often happen.

Chen Changdong took his team members and the 5 newcomers to check the floor plan of the square.

The tall Dong Xu said, “Captain, that Qin Tan looks good.”

Chen Changdong nodded, “Qin Tan should have a solid foundation. The one named Lou Fan is not weak either with a bow. You have also seen that he has a pet. This is the first time I have seen a living creature in Lazuli, so be careful.”

Liu Xing grinned and interjected, “The other 3 are not weak too, Captain.”

Chen Changdong smiled, “Generally speaking, the quality of the lower team is good this time. We’ll see their performance later. It is best if they could be recruited into the organization. It has been a long time since we accept new people.”

The newcomers followed the team of 6 people, not knowing where they are going. Their task is to survive in the plaza for 12 days, but it is not easy to survive in such a place.

Ma Ming is a little troubled and didn’t know how to place them. “Captain, what about the newcomers? We can’t take them with us all the time.”

The 1st floor is the hall, the hall is surrounded by booths, and there are 4 security exits. After observing for a while, Chen Changdong decided to place the newcomers near an exit, so that they could escape in case something bad happened.

The newcomer’s mood has stabilized now. One of them, a man in a suit organized everyone to sit together, and then asked the newcomers to take out their money to buy backpacks. The remaining money is to buy food and water[1]. The newcomers each held their backpacks and looked around vigilantly. The nervousness and anxiety of suddenly coming to a strange place are written all over their faces.

Chen Changdong took the team members to see the floor plan of the plaza. Liwan Plaza is a circular building with two symmetrical sides. The sides are connected to the residential area. In the middle is the commercial plaza, which is full of shops and crowded.

Qin Tan’s team went up to the 4th floor, which is like a dividing line, dividing the flow of people below. As soon as they reached the 4th floor, they immediately sensed that the aura here had changed significantly. Unlike the flow of people below, there are few people on this floor, and those who occasionally pass by are as silent as ghosts. The shops are open but the owner inside is sitting stiffly, with no expression on his face. Only the pair of eyes are staring straight at the person who came in, causing one to feel a chill coming from the soles of their feet to the back of their head.

Chen Shuyang rubbed the goosebumps on his arms and muttered something silently in his mouth. Then he said, “Their eyes are too scary. Not the scary type, but creepy.”

Although Lou Fan isn’t afraid of ghosts or the like, he felt a little unnerved by the expressions this kind of person made. You think he should be human, but his facial expressions and movements are not like a human being. However, Lou Fan can’t simply shoot an arrow at the owner. He is from a society ruled by law, so there is still a psychological barrier to attacking a human like this.

After walking around the circular path, Qin Tan’s team found nothing special so they are going to go up to the 5th floor to have a look. When the elevator opened to the 5th floor, someone can be seen standing alone on the railing opposite. Then he jumped without hesitation…

Qin Tan’s team watched helplessly as the person flew down.


A loud noise that would make their teeth hurt sounded. Lou Fan leaned on the railing and glanced down. Then he immediately retracted his gaze and looked at the opposite side.

Qin Tan squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully for a while, but found nothing unusual. Then, his sleeve is pulled, and Lou Fan whispered in his ear, “I saw a shadow on the opposite side just now, and it disappeared after a flicker. It must be a ghost.”

Qin Tan nodded and turned to ask Jiang Dong, “Is that person still alive?”

Jiang Dong shook his head, “No. Look at his posture, his skull head-first on the ground and his cervical vertebra is broken. He can’t be saved.”

Qin Tan acknowledged with a sound and said, “Get ready with your weapons, let’s go to the opposite side.”

The team looked at each other and understood something, immediately clenching their weapons. Chen Shuyang is surrounded by his team members in the center, holding the immobilizing amulet tightly in his hand. If there is any danger, he would immediately tear it.

As soon as the loud noise sounded, the Level 10 team rushed to the open space in the center of the plaza. This man fell from a height and slammed hard on the marble floor of the circular atrium below. Blood splashed everywhere, and the bright red blood pooled on the ground.

Chen Changdong looked up. Qin Tan was looking down at that moment so he shook his head at Chen Changdong and pointed with his chin towards the direction where the person jumped down.

This floor is even gloomier than the 4th floor. There are only a few shops open and there is no one inside. The lights overhead dimmed occasionally and in dead silence, only the slight footsteps of 5 people could be heard. Not sure if it’s because of the light, there seemed to be many figures swaying around in the shadows, but they can’t see clearly. Lou Fan rubbed his eyes and looked again at the place where the fallen man was standing.

A shadow stood there, unable to see his facial features, but Lou Fan could clearly feel that the shadow is smiling at him. However, when he looked again, there is no shadow there. Lou Fan pursed his lips and didn’t tell the others. The next time the shadow comes out, he will serve it with an arrow.

Going to the opposite side, Lou Fan is about to walk forward but Qin Tan had already stepped forward, leaning on the railing to look down. Suddenly, Qin Tan shook his head, feeling like he is in a trance. A voice said to him, “Go up and jump down, then all your troubles will be gone… Go up…” A hand behind him gently pushed him. Qin Tan’s hands and feet seemed to be under control as he lifted them up stiffly…

Almost immediately, Lou Fan noticed that something is wrong with Qin Tan. Without hesitation, he raised his bow and pulled it gently, and a spiritual arrow flew towards the back of Qin Tan’s head. Before the arrow could touch Qin Tan, a wave of ripples spread out in the air, and the spiritual arrow disappeared behind Qin Tan. Next, there is a small pool of black liquid on the ground behind him.

At the same time, Qin Tan slashed with a backhand motion, as if he is slashing in the air, but he felt a slight resistance – something got slashed.

A shrill and short hiss sounded in everyone’s ears, it was extremely harsh. Invisible airflow swept past the 5 people but they couldn’t see anything at all. Lou Fan is very sure that it must be the dark shadow he saw just now, and the shadow escaped, unfortunately.

“Are you alright?” Lou Fan’s eyes swept over Qin Tan. When he found that there is no problem, he raised his head and said, “Let’s go down first, and discuss with Chen Changdong.”

Just as they are about to leave, Chen Shuyang said, “Brother Lou, I just saw a slightly different shop. There is a yellow talisman pasted at the door.”

“Are you sure?” Lou Fan asked with a frown, “Where?”

Chen Shuyang stretched out his hand and pointed at the half-circle where they walked past just now, “I was just thinking to check if other shops have the same thing before telling you guys, but I didn’t expect this to happen. Shall we go and have a look?”

Lou Fan looked at Qin Tan, “What do you think?”

Qin Tan pondered for a while, “Go down first, we don’t want to stand out. It’s not a good thing if we got targeted.”

Lou Fan thought so too, and the team walked downstairs together. The elevator has unknowingly stopped working. Wen Lang walked in front of Jiang Dong, trembling with fear. He turned around and is about to talk to Jiang Dong when he saw a dark shadow behind Jiang Dong.


The moment the word fell, a poker in Wen Lang’s hand flew out. Jiang Dong ducked and avoided the poker. The poker seemed to hit something, and a puff of black smoke came out. Then the thing disappeared.

They just said that it’s not good to be targeted, but the shadow came again.

Qin Tan immediately said, “Speed up and be careful behind you.”

Immediately, the team quickly ran down to the 3rd floor. The voices in their ears made them feel the heat around them. But there is nothing behind them, just people who came and went.

After meeting with Chen Changdong in the atrium downstairs, Qin Tan talked about what happened upstairs, emphasizing the yellow talisman that Chen Shuyang found.

It was not long after someone jumped down, Chen Changdong didn’t expect that Qin Tan’s team would encounter a ghost.

Qin Tan: “That thing should be very important, but we’re afraid we won’t be able to deal with it, so we decided to tell you first.”

Anyway, Qin Tan’s task is to stop the 8th person from dying and to find the eminent monk. The evil ghost has nothing to do with them for the time being. If it comes to the point they need to get into battle, they will talk about it later.

The corpse on the ground is already covered with a piece of cloth. A large group of NPCs gathered around, and there are constant discussions.

“The first of this month! What a tragic death.”

“I don’t know when it will stop.”

“I heard that the boss found an eminent monk to subdue demons and exorcise them.”

Raw word count: 3160


[1] Can you spot the plot hole? … No? :v It’s the money. Since they are in a different world, how can their money still usable in this world lol? _(;3/

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 52

Lou Fan asked without any confidence, “How expensive is it?”

Tong Fei sighed, “Generally speaking, the price will start at 50,000 points and ordinary ones will cost 100,000 points. If you want to buy more advanced ones, the seller may not necessarily sell them.”

Indeed, good things will be kept for themselves. Who would be foolish enough to sell them for points?

As if she knew what Lou Fan was thinking, Tong Fei waved her fingers, “Do you think points are useless? You’ve probably already seen weapons with 1 star rating. I can tell you, when you get a weapon with 3 star rating, you won’t be able to say this anymore.”

Tong Fei sighed again, “The tasks are difficult, so equipment and points are equally important. They are both indispensable tools. The more advanced weapons and equipment, you can do more with less and complete the task more safely.”

Lou Fan nodded while Qin Tan showed a thoughtful expression.

Seeing both men contemplating, Tong Fei smiled and once again threw out a big surprise, “Do you know that spirit weapons can be upgraded?”

“Spirit weapon can be upgraded?!” Lou Fan exclaimed. He didn’t know anything about it. Qin Tan is also shocked.

Tong Fei nodded, “I only discovered that the spirit weapon can be upgraded during this mission. I don’t know why the senior team chose not to share the news. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes this time, I don’t know when I would find out about it.”

Lou Fan puzzledly asked, “Why?”

“It’s because too few people can upgrade their spirit weapons.” Tong Fei said too much that she felt dry in her throat.

“Spirit weapons follow their owner’s progress, so only the owner can upgrade the spirit weapon. That is to say, the owner’s improvement is the foundation. Without this foundation, the spirit weapon cannot be upgraded. But looking at the people in Lazuli, how many can improve themselves to become stronger?” Tong Fei herself is already at Level 9 and is about to enter her 10th mission. But up until now, she only saw 1 person with a Level 2 spirit weapon.

A thought stirred in Lou Fan’s heart and he turned to look at Qin Tan. In other words, their group of 5 can be considered to have improved their physique, and they are all likely to upgrade their spirit weapon?

Lou Fan asked again, “How many levels can spirit weapons level up? And what is the maximum number of stars for weapons that can be redeemed?”

Tong Fei rolled her eyes, “You think I’m such a local tyrant, that I can see everything in the back pages (have that many points to unlock the view of higher-level weapons)? But I did ask about the spirit weapon’s level. It is said that what we bring with us is called the beginner level, and the upper level is the intermediate and advanced level. It is estimated that no one has seen any spirit weapon more advanced than that.”

Lou Fan interrupted Tong Fei, “Wait, Sister Tong Fei. How did you know that the spirit weapon has been upgraded?”

“The glow of our spirit weapon is just a pale light, while the higher-level ones glowed in orange light. That’s the difference. The more advanced ones are said to be red.”

Lou Fan asked about the tips for the upgrade of the spirit weapon. Tong Fei replied saying if she knew, it would not be a secret.

After coming out of Tong Fei’s place, Lou Fan frowned and thought about it all the way. He almost hit the wall and was pulled by Qin Tan.

“Walk properly. Wait until we go back and think again.”

Lou Fan grabbed Qin Tan’s hand, “Qin Tan, say, can we upgrade our spirit weapon?”

Qin Tan smiled, “Definitely.”

Lou Fan nodded, “I think so too, and you must be the first.”


“Intuition.” After speaking, Lou Fan rubbed his hair, “Forget it, it depends on luck. Let’s go back first and tell them the news.”

Speaking of luck, Lou Fan had a whim and said to Qin Tan, “Qin Tan, let’s play a game. We play the fist guessing game and whoever wins will move forward.”

Qin Tan: “Then I’m afraid I won’t be able to go back.”

Lou Fan: “I don’t believe it.”

10 games later, Lou Fan walked forward a long distance while Qin Tan still stood in the same spot.

Lou Fan: …

Black hand (unlucky hand) is really no joke.

“Stop playing, let’s go home.”

The other members are all waiting at home. When Lou Fan went back, he relayed the information he got from Tong Fei. The rest suddenly felt that the road ahead is really long and far.

After eating a meal in silence, no one wanted to move so Lou Fan again proposed to do the dishes with a fist guessing game. Without a doubt, Qin Tan lose again. Lou Fan finally understood what’s going on with unlucky hands, and silently decided to treat Old Qin better in the future.

Until the last day, there is still no news about the information they requested, and on Tong Fei’s side, she couldn’t get in touch with anyone willing to sell equipment to them. The members of Qin Tan’s team felt a little despair.

Not sure where Wen Lang went to, Lou Fan grabbed the rest of the team and make them guess what would be the intermediate team’s mission so that they had a good idea of what will happen.

Chen Shuyang thought for a while before taking out a pen and paper to write, “My guess, it is most likely that their mission is related to evil spirits, that 8 evil spirits.”

Lou Fan nodded in agreement, “I think so too. The most likely thing is to deal with evil spirits. We will try to stay away from it when that time comes. Of course, if it is beneficial to us, we can consider supporting them.”

Qin Tan looked at Jiang Dong, “Are you ready with the medicines?”

Jiang Dong nodded, “I’ve researched all the medicines available. There are medicines for wounds caused by ghosts in the exchange machine. That’s a must.”

“There’s that kind of medicine?” Lou Fan said, “I’ve never seen it before, I thought just an ordinary wound medicine will do.”

Jiang Dong opened the page in the exchange machine and pointed to a medicine. But his expression is a little worried as he said, “This medicine is the most basic for dealing with ghost wounds. There are better ones but more expensive.”

Lou Fan walked over to take a look and is immediately stunned. The most basic medicine that Jiang Dong said is Hungry Ghost medicine which would cost 1,000 points. Preparing a wound medicine for each member is a must. Lou Fan is considering whether to exchange away another Longjing grass so that he will have more points, he will keep just one for spare. But Jiang Dong said that for now, he doesn’t know what the effect will be, so the basic preparation should be able to handle it.

“Brother Lou, Brother Qin!” Wen Lang rushed in from outside. He took a deep breath and picked up the teacup to fill it with water. After drinking, he wiped his mouth and put down the teacup. With a face full of excitement, Wen Lang said, “I tell you, I heard good news.”

Qin Tan: “Don’t talk nonsense, talk.”

Wen Lang immediately said, “I was hanging around at the bazaar news registry last night, and two registrars were drinking. I heard them say that in the supernatural world, there must be something or someone who can restrain the evil spirits of that world. We just need to find it and we will be able to restrain the evil spirits, which is better than the items we bring in.”

This news can be regarded as good news for them who have nothing useful in their hands.

Lou Fan clapped his hands, “Okay, then we will try to find it in the mission world. I think the Nanhua monk must be very important. Also, we should collect as much as we can when we find the items that could restrain ghosts. We have too few items that could restrain evil spirits in our hands. Also, pay attention to your spirit weapon, it’s best if you can upgrade it.”

Furball came out of his arms at this moment and Lou Fan worriedly asked, “What about Furball? Take it with us? It won’t be eaten by ghosts, right?”

Qin Tan raised his eyebrows, “It’s fine if it doesn’t eat ghosts instead. Take it with you, you won’t lose it in your pocket.”

After the meeting, Wen Lang and Jiang Dong have to go back to continue their training. Qin Tan suddenly said, “Why don’t you both move in? Lou Fan and I can stay downstairs, and you 3 can stay above. Chen Shuyang’s house can be used as a practice ground.”

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong both expressed no objections. That way they don’t have to run around and it’s easier to discuss anything. It is also convenient for Qin Tan to guide their training. So at night, Wen Lang and Jiang Dong moved their luggage over, staying in Qin Tan’s house with Chen Shuyang.

After a full lunch, Qin Tan’s team set off, each carrying their own bags.

At 12.00 pm, the team of 5 arrived at the station and waited for the arrival of the train. Almost at the same time, a team of 6 people also walked to the platform. The leader of the group saw Qin Tan, his eyes glanced over their team before he nodded slightly to Qin Tan.

Both sides checked each other out for a while. Then, the leader of the other team came over and stretched out his hand towards Qin Tan, “Level 10 team, Chen Changdong, Liwan Plaza mission.”

The man is wearing a black jacket and his arms are bulging. He looked very strong, but his appearance looked ordinary, though not weak.

Qin Tan reached out and shook it, “Level 5, Qin Tan, the same mission.”

Both sides are looking at each other, assessing each other’s strengths. The other side looked all very powerful. There is a pair of twin sisters, both with long ponytails, one in black and the other in red clothing. The other 3 men on the team also looked strong, stable, and reliable.

This is a very strong team.

In Lou Fan’s mind, he is thinking that the other team should be looking at whether his team would drag them down or not.

Chen Changdong seemed to be very satisfied with this junior team after looking at them so he spoke first, “Team leader Qin, let’s discuss this mission first.”

Qin Tan nodded, “Okay, that’s exactly what I intend to.”

A group of people sat down on the spot, divided into 2 sides. The twin sisters on the opposite side are called Liu Xing and Liu Yue. The man with slightly longer hair is called Yuan Jin. The shorter man is called Ma Ming, while the taller one is called Dong Xu.

The mission of the intermediate team this time is to seal the 8 evil spirits into the coffin. This task is not a good thing when one hears it, not to mention the dangers. Chen Changdong also looked like he had a headache when he talked about the task, but Lou Fan felt that he is not really worried. There is no emotion in his eyes, it seems that he is a good actor.

“According to the content of both our tasks, this eminent monk is the key point and he should also be able to help us seal the evil ghosts. Also, the 8th person who might die may be the key.”

Chen Changdong’s analysis is quite reliable. He looked at the listed information and said, “In this way, upon arriving at the place, let’s get acquainted with the environment first, and everyone should pay more attention to unusual places. The duration of our task is 12 days, which is not too short. This is good news.”

Seeing that the time is almost up, Chen Changdong said again, “Get ready, everyone must be vigilant when we arrived at the place. Other than that, you must inform of anything that seemed wrong as soon as possible if you saw it.” There is a vague sense of leadership in his words.

Just as Chen Changdong is talking, Furball emerged from Lou Fan’s chest pocket. Seeing so many people here, it looked around curiously. The twin sisters saw it and their eyes lit up, exclaiming ‘So cute!’. Chen Changdong gave Lou Fan one more look. Looking at Furball, he seemed to want to say something but the train’s whistle sounded at this moment.

A group of 11 people set foot on the train. The whistle sounded again, and it sets off to the mission world.

The moment Chen Changdong got out of the train, he immediately let the shorter guy, Ma Ming, brief the newcomers, without making any fuss or letting the newcomer make those familiar shouts. 5 minutes later, 11 people plus 5 newcomers stood under the entrance of Liwan Plaza.

The 4 words stated on it are Liwan Corpse Hall (荔湾尸场).

The weather is gloomy. With cold winds blowing all around, the weather matched the background of a supernatural world quite well.

Raw word count: 3011


[Banana: Not sure I mentioned this before, but the author seems to forgot about a minor setting he/she set, which is, dangerous mission world can be judged by the absence of newcomers. This mission world is deemed dangerous because no one survived previously, according to rumors and yet, there are newcomers in the mission world this time :v]

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 51

Lou Fan exchanged a better dagger that carries a cold glint, and a barrel of cross arrows. The cross arrow is more penetrating, and there are barbs on the arrow. Being shot by it, one will pull out a big hole with skin and flesh when trying to remove it. It hurts just from thinking about it.

Qin Tan’s dagger is also changed to the same style. As for a personal self-defense weapon, Lou Fan also exchanged for Qin Tan a sleeve arrow that can be shot repeatedly, a concealed weapon.

Wen Lang’s chain whip was seriously worn out from dealing with the Chang snakes. Low-level weapons are like this, they get broken after several usages. Lou Fan replaced that with a more advanced whip for Wen Lang.

Chen Shuyang requested to use a long spear because of the change in his physique now. He felt useless back at the time when dealing with the Chang snake before. His weapon was too short and it affected his performance. Only with a longer weapon can he feel more secure.

Jiang Dong still used a long sword, but with better quality.

And with this, there isn’t much left from the 100,000 points. The weapon nearly cost 10,000 points each, so Lou Fan felt pain (for his wallet) from the exchange. On the other hand, they found something special when exchanging their weapons. Before this, there were only pictures and brief introductions of weapons on the weapon page. But this time, there is an additional star rating on the screen. The team had a guess that the weapons on the further pages that they haven’t unlocked will have more stars on them. It is just that they were so busy choosing a weapon that they forgot to check.

Thinking like this, Lou Fan put the other 2 Longjing grass on the tray, and 200,000 points are displayed. He went to the weapon category and flipped the pages to the back. Sure enough, as they thought, the weapons at the back have a 2 and 3 stars rating, but mostly 3 stars. The rest are greyed out. This means that the weapons at the back are more expensive, and even needed hundreds of thousands of points to exchange. But at the same time, it also means that the weapons are more powerful.

“I’m going to try out my whip.” Wen Lang ran out and snapped his whip at a stone the size of a water tank in the yard. The stone shattered and is split into several pieces.

Wen Lang remembered that he practiced whipping at this stone before, but he never broke the stone. This weapon with 1 star rating is so powerful. He wondered what kind of power will the 3 or 4 stars have? If going back to the fish monster before, this whip should have the power to fight along.

Everyone tried their weapons and they are all satisfied. Even Qin Tan couldn’t put down his sleeve arrow.

“Okay, the points have been spent. Everyone should train hard and prepare. If the remaining points are enough to buy some daily necessities, medicines…” Lou Fan is really not good at medicines. He only knows the common wound medicine and what he uses the most is safflower oil.

Jiang Dong took the initiative to take this task, “I’ll wait until the next mission is released since I don’t know what the world would be like.”

Lou Fan nodded, “Okay, just do as you said.”

All that can be prepared is almost done, everyone will wait for the task to be released before preparing other things.

January 21.

Early this morning, as usual, the team members gathered in Lou Fan’s house, waiting for the task to be released. Wen Lang is wearing a cartoon apron and is washing fruits in the kitchen. Jiang Dong took the washed fruits and peeled them.

As a qualified caretaker, Chen Shuyang took over the job of raising Furball and is happily feeding it some nuts.

At 10.00 am, 5 beeps sounded at the same time. Everyone took a deep breath and waited for Chen Shuyang to read it out.

Mission: Find the eminent monk of Nanhua Temple in Liwan Plaza to protect him and prevent the 8th person from dying. Please get on the train on time at 1.00 pm on January 24th.

Task duration: 12 days.

Team information: Lou Fan Level 4, Chen Shuyang Level 4, Jiang Dong Level 4, Qin Tan Level 5, Wen Lang Level 5.

[Banana: This is the scariest arc in the whole novel :v If anyone remembers, Banana is scared of ghost stories lol _(;3/ Even the author is a bit scared when writing this because it is based on real event.
For reference purpose, you can google Liwan Plaza/Liwan Square to read up the source yourself. Or you can also check these link – HERE and HERE]

As Chen Shuyang read it out loud, his heart sank deeper. There were countless legends about Liwan Plaza in his mind, which is enough to make him feel that the task this time is difficult.

“Liwan Plaza.” Jiang Dong sighed.

Wen Lang also said solemnly, “I’ve heard of Liwan Plaza too.”

Only Lou Fan is clueless, and Qin Tan watched in silence as he waited for a detailed explanation.

Chen Shuyang coughed lightly, “Let me tell you guys about it then, I’ve read some reports on this in detail.”

Liwan Plaza is a well-known place in China, not to mention locally, almost everyone knows it. Its predecessor was a dense residential area of 100 homes and a small area of mass graves. The 1st developer was not a responsible one. They embezzled public funds, and set fire to most of the houses, causing countless casualties. Then, the demolition work stopped.

Immediately afterward, the area began to be haunted. Many people passing by in the middle of the night could hear human voices. Later, a wandering monk passed by and told everyone that he would help to disperse evil for the residents, but he died amid broken tiles the next day. Residents are even more convinced that there are a lot of grievances from ghosts there, and they are scrambling to move out of the place. In just 3 months, there are fewer than 20 households left. Soon, it began to become a paradise for all kinds of criminals, and people continued to die there.

Until the 2nd developer came, there were only 2 families left. And this developer is not good either, they actually dared to misappropriate pensions and delayed workers’ wages. The workers who came back during a Chinese New Year holiday to ask for wages found that the boss and his mistress had died on the construction site and were dismembered. The wounds were not man-made but were torn apart by sharp teeth.

It wasn’t until the 3rd developer arrived that the demolition of the area was finally completed. However, the construction of the new building has not started for 2 consecutive terms. Until 1994, a developer from Hong Kong came to undertake the construction. He was a great believer in Feng Shui, so he asked an old abbot to look at Feng Shui. The old abbot said that this area is the entrance of the ghost realm’s gate, and no earth shall be broken. If a park or temple is built to suppress it, it will be of great merit and the grievances can be suppressed. Otherwise, it will bring disaster to the whole family. The lighter effect would be the whole family died unexpectedly. In the worst case, 3 generations of the entire clan will be affected.

However, the Hong Kong developer insisted on his own opinion, and the old abbot did not agree. So the developer hired a priest to suppress it. On the first day of the official start of construction, it was found that the piles (for construction’s foundation) could not be driven in and they dug out something called Tai Sui (something deemed ominous for some). On the second day, 8 empty coffins were dug out from the ground. In less than a month, the wife of the Hong Kong developer on the mainland, his mistress, and the 2 sons born by the mistress, together with the invited priest, all died unexpectedly. The boss was very regretful, so he hurried to find someone to solve the matter. A wandering eminent monk suggested burying the coffins, but the coffins disappeared and couldn’t be found. The developer died at his home in the end.

In the end, another developer came and finally built Liwan Plaza. But every time the night falls, the four words Liwan Plaza (荔湾广场) will turn into Liwan Corpse Hall (荔湾尸场). Moreover, there are at least 8 falling incidents every year. Because 8 coffins were dug up, 8 evil spirits are looking for substitutes. What’s more, before the old abbot passed away, he specially requested that the shops in the South Tower must only sell crystals to suppress the evil spirits, so that the square would not be filled with resentful qi.

But since then, the fact that there will be 8 deaths each year is inescapable.

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong have heard about this version, but compared to Chen Shuyang’s detailed version, it is still simpler. At most, they only heard that every year, someone falls from the building for no reason. They have never heard of so many entanglements before.

After Chen Shuyang finished speaking, Lou Fan felt goosebumps all over himself. Although he is not afraid of ghosts, it sounds really creepy. How bizarre the deaths are. Just talking about the resentment, it’s probably so thick that it becomes tangible, not to mention that there are 8 evil ghosts.

Lou Fan is hugging Furball, it makes him feel less terrified when he smoothed the fur in his hand. He said, “This time, the intermediate team will probably have a tough battle. Our task is not easy as well. We have to avoid ghosts, find our target, and also stop the 8th person from dying.”

Qin Tan stayed silent for a while before saying, “It’s a bit tricky. It’s best to go to the previous team to inquire about this kind of mission world. Also, Wen Lang and Jiang Dong, you two go to the bazaar to publish the request. Try to collect as much information as possible. Shuyang will study the case again and pick out the information that you think is more critical and we’ll discuss it before going to the mission world.”

Everyone nodded and went to work. Lou Fan calculated with his fingers to count the things in his possession that could deal with ghosts. After doing all the calculations, only the ghost whip and the immobilizing amulet could be used. At that moment, he felt as poor as hell. Of course, their respective spirit weapons are also powerful weapons against ghosts, but he had a feeling that something is missing, and felt uneasy.

“Qin Tan, let’s go to He Yong and Tong Fei to ask for information.” Lou Fan called out.

Qin Tan is not anywhere in the living room, only some sounds could be heard from the kitchen. Lou Fan is about to take a look when Qin Tan came out with a bowl.

“Let’s have a dessert first.” Qin Tan put down the bowl, and Lou Fan immediately smiled when he saw that it is mango pomelo sago made from fresh mangoes.

Qin Tan watched as Lou Fan eat with a satisfied expression. Furball squatted on the table and ate on a small plate with a satisfied expression as well. “The matter regarding the mission, we’ll cross the bridge when we get to it. If the other teams can survive, we will definitely be able to.”

Lou Fan nodded and ate, this bowl of dessert is the only thing that mattered in his mind.

Lou Fan leaned against the door frame with the dessert and watched Qin Tan clean the pots and pans. Then, he silently walked over to feed Qin Tan a spoonful.

“Sweet?” Lou Fan asked.

Qin Tan glanced at Lou Fan, then pulled him over by the waist and kissed him, “Sweet.”

When the fingers cold from rinsing with water touched his skin, Lou Fan shuddered and his low gro.a.n is drowned between their lips.

Qin Tan pressed the person on the countertop and their bodies are tightly pressed together. Other than the intense friction sound, there’s only the sound of their gasps…

Taking Furball with them, Qin Tan and Lou Fan went to He Yong’s residence, and they sent a message in advance but did not get a response. At this moment, there is no one in He Yong’s residence. Lou Fan had a bad feeling in his heart and turned to look at Qin Tan.

Qin Tan gave Lou Fan a reassuring look, “Let’s find Tong Fei.”

Tong Fei had just returned from her mission for 2 days and is resting at home leisurely at this moment. She has enough people to handle stuff here and is taking good care of her life, which makes Lou Fan envious.

“Sister Tong Fei.” Lou Fan called out from outside the guardrail.

Hearing that, Tong Fei took off the mask on her face. When she saw it is Qin Tan and Lou Fan, she waved her hand immediately, “It’s you guys, come in quickly.”

The two walked in and received very high treatment. As soon as they entered the door, a beautiful young lady brought hot tea and fruit, which made Lou Fan a little embarrassed.

“Don’t start to get busy, we only came here just to ask you something. We went to Team leader He’s place before this, but he is not at home.”

Tong Fei didn’t bat an eye and asked, “What are you looking for? Tell me.”

Lou Fan immediately explained his intention, “It’s about this, our mission this time is Liwan Plaza, and you probably know that place. It felt more dangerous so, this time, I want to ask if you have any good things here that can be exchanged with us. Any items or points are fine, as long as you see it fit.”

“Liwan Plaza?” Tong Fei straightened her back immediately, “You are unlucky to receive this task, so be careful.”

“Looks like you know about this mission?” Qin Tan asked.

Tong Fei said, “Of course I know, but it’s gossip passed down from other people. There used to be an intermediate team and a high-level team doing the task together, but in the end, none of them came back alive.” Even Tong Fei sighed in sadness.

Lou Fan suddenly felt bad in his heart.

Seeing that Lou Fan’s expression changed, Tong Fei comforted again, “I believe you can definitely do it. I really don’t have anything useful here, but I can help you to ask other people. If there is a senior team willing to give you the extra stuff, it would be better.”

“However.” Tong Fei paused before continuing, “Things that deal with ghosts are very expensive.”

Raw word count: 3289


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 50

“But this is just my assumption, it’s up to you whether to try it out or not.” Lou Fan continued, “I don’t guarantee it will work. But even if it doesn’t work, you shouldn’t die… I think.” The tone of the last sentence is spoken with a bit of uncertain guilt.

“I’ll try it.” Wen Lang stood up, “I’ll try it first, and then let Jiang Dong and Chen Shuyang eat it.”


Since Wen Lang has made up his mind, Lou Fan didn’t say much and got Jiang Dong to exchange a bunch of first aid supplies, thinking of treating Wen Lang swiftly in case something happens. Next, he took out a stalk of Longjing grass from the box and handed it to Wen Lang.

Without hesitation, Wen Lang bit off the fruit from the top of the stalk. The fruit melted in his mouth, and a burst of liquid flowed into his body. It would be a lie to say that he is not nervous. Wen Lang tried to feel the changes in his body, only to feel a warm current flowing to his limbs, and there is a warm sensation in his lower abdomen.

The other members stared at Wen Lang and Lou Fan asked nervously, “How are you feeling, Wen Lang?”

Wen Lang shook his head, “I felt good, nothing has changed.”

No change? Lou Fan looked at Qin Tan suspiciously.

Qin Tan pointed at the dining table, “Try splitting it with your hand.”

Wen Lang walked over, raised his hand, and slashed down…

“Aiyo, my God. It hurts!”

Lou Fan: … His expectations were too high. It seems that they should exchange the grasses for points instead.

Qin Tan walked to the edge of the table and squatted down to check. He touched the legs of the table with his fingers. After looking at it for a while, he said, “Let the other two eat the grass too. It worked. The tabletop has a cracked line, and the legs of the table are broken.”

Although Wen Lang’s change didn’t have the expected effect like sending the sawdust flying, but for the average person, it is already very good.

Hearing that, everyone leaned over to look at the table. Lou Fan is even more delighted, he took out the Longjing grass and stuffed it to Jiang Dong and Chen Shuyang, “Hurry up, hurry up, you two eat quickly.”

The two waited for a while after eating the grass and tried the effect of the enhancement. Their changes are similar to Wen Lang, but Jiang Dong is slightly better. Everyone is immersed in joy. They didn’t expect that they still could improve their body after leaving the mythical world. Totally unexpected.

“Great, after this mission world, everyone has improved. Weapons have to be replaced, as well as medicines. I wonder if the points from exchanging a Longjing grass are enough.” Lou Fan said while calculating, planning to check the weapon’s page later.

Hearing this, Jiang Dong asked casually, “How many points can Longjing grass exchange for?”

Oh right, they don’t know yet. Lou Fan answered, “1 Longjing grass can exchange for 100,000 points.”

(((Pfft!))) (spitting sound)

The 3 members choked and spitted out of reflex. Lou Fan jumped up quickly before narrowly dodging. He said with a disgusted tone, “What are you guys doing?! That’s so disgusting. You have to wipe it off for me before you can leave.”

“100,000?!” Wen Lang exclaimed, “Did you read that right, Brother Lou?!”

“100,000?” Chen Shuyang pondered for 2 seconds before saying, “Is it too late for me to spit it out now?”

“100,000?” Jiang Dong said, “As expected from the things from the mythical world.”

As the leader, Qin Tan stood up and said, “Since you have improved your physique, you have to get used to it. After that, you have to choose your weapon again. Also, remember to do daily training.” He paused for 2 seconds and then looked at Wen Lang and Jiang Dong, “You guys pay attention to collecting news when the next mission is released. It’s better to know more in advance. We were a little weak in this area before.”

Now that their team is relatively wealthy, after the next mission is released, they can broadcast a request on the bazaar’s electronic screen. This is also a way to gather information.

Qin Tan looked at Chen Shuyang, and before he spoke, Chen Shuyang immediately said, “I’m in charge of summarizing and analyzing. Brother Qin, don’t worry. I guaranteed to complete the task.” He now feels that his body is full of energy. His legs are stronger too and his waist doesn’t hurt anymore. His entire person is so happy that he is about to fly.

Seeing the 3 members got to eat Longjing grass each, Furball jumped onto the coffee table and stretched out its small paws to take 1. Fortunately, Lou Fan quickly closed the lid with a snap.

“You are not allowed to eat any more. There are 3 left, 2 are reserved for future use, and the other 1 is for exchanging weapons and equipment.” Lou Fan held the box, “We still have 2 spots on our team. We must take them in when we meet reliable teammates.”

Lou Fan waved his hand, “Okay, you all go back and get used to your new strength. Come and choose weapons in 2 days.”

After driving away the other members, Lou Fan took out everything he had and put it on the coffee table, ready to tidy up. Items currently in possession: radish flower, fish scale suit, small pearl, ghost whip, immobilizing amulet (the ones exchanged from Shi Zhen and Niu Xin), 3 Longjing grass, and glowing powder. Other members only have radish flowers, small pearls, and talismans though. It looks like a lot when placed in this way, but it’s not quite useful when needed, not to mention the quantity is not much. Still felt like they are too poor!

Lou Fan put a Longjing grass on the exchange machine again. Then he browsed at the weapons and medicines pages that were greyed out before. On the side, Qin Tan introduced to him which one is better. Lou Fan looked around and finally found that many good things can be exchanged, but they are not cheap. Some better weapons even cost 10,000 points. In this way, after everyone replaced their weapons, there are not many points left from the initial 100,000 points.

Lou Fan looked at Qin Tan with a pitiful expression, “So poor!”

Qin Tan leaned over, “I’ll earn it for you in the future, it’s all yours.”

Lou Fan burst out laughing, “Why does it feel like being bought by a sugar mummy?”

Qin Tan pressed Lou Fan into the sofa and stuck their bodies together. He asked, “Who are you calling a sugar mummy, en?”

Lou Fan couldn’t reply at all as he is busy responding to Qin Tan’s action.

After they left Lou Fan’s house, Chen Shuyang went back to his house. On the other hand, Wen Lang and Jiang Dong turned around and headed for the bazaar. They planned to go there first to see if there is any information to collect.

People are always wandering in the bazaar, and the former Wen Lang is also one of them. He will prick his ear and open his eyes widely to collect any hints of information. If he just edits it a bit, it will become his own information, which he can sell for points. He is too familiar with this kind of operation, but still, he couldn’t find any valuable information by looking around.

Another method of selling information is by setting a marked price, putting a sign on a booth, and writing ‘Selling XXX’s mission world information’, he also knows this. If someone really wants to buy it, he can’t really say anything specific, just fooling around with what he knows. Walking encyclopedias like Chen Shuyang can do well here.

After walking around for a while, neither of them gained anything.

Jiang Dong stared at the electronic screen for a while, and said to Wen Lang, “The information on the electronic screen looked good, but we can’t use it now. We can exchange it later if needed.”

Wen Lang agreed with an En and said, “After the next mission is released, we can come here to register the request. Maybe there will be something to gain.”

The 1st cooperation between Wen Lang and Jiang Dong ended, and they walked back together since they are heading in the same direction.

Before parting, Wen Lang said, “Get used to your new strength. Don’t be weaker than me, and then hold everyone back.”

Jiang Dong: …

What is this? A threat? Tsk, even when encouraging other people, he has nothing nice to say. Jiang Dong looked at the back of the person walking away and chuckled lightly.

For the next 3 days, the other members did not come to gather, only Qin Tan Lou Fan spent time together closely every day. Oh, it’s just Qin Tan and Lou Fan fighting against each other and Qin Tan taught Lou Fan fighting skills, which is also close enough.

After Qin Tan abused Lou Fan in the training room, he comforted him with delicious food. The good food made them very happy, both someone and his fur ball.

This day, after dinner, the rain stopped and a rare sunset appeared. Lou Fan took Qin Tan to the lake for a walk. People in Lazuli are tiringly fighting to survive, and not many people have the leisure to take a walk after a meal and watch the sunset. There are no pedestrians on the road, only them two.

“Do we look like we’re on a date?” Lou Fan hooked Qin Tan’s fingers and asked with a smile.

“This is a date.”

Lou Fan suddenly remembered something and asked, “Qin Tan, have you ever been in a relationship before?”

Qin Tan stared at Lou Fan, “No.”

No? Then how are your kissing skills so good? Who are you lying to?! En, fine. Since he said no, then it’s a no. Lou Fan curved the corners of his mouth.

“And you?”

Man, he shouldn’t have asked this question. Lou Fan answered, “I dated twice, but it is just to make sure I am different from others. I felt nothing from either of the relationship, really!” Lou Fan strongly felt that when he said ‘twice’, Qin Tan held his hand with quite some strength. The strong desire to survive forced him to explain.

“Oh…” Qin Tan stretched his tone.

Lou Fan immediately sensed danger coming from all directions and is in a hurry to run. But he got pulled by Qin Tan and slammed into his chest. The hard muscles of Qin Tan’s chest hurt his head.

Lou Fan is so blinded by the kiss that he didn’t care if anyone is around. He found that he couldn’t resist Qin Tan’s kiss every time. Qin Tan’s aura is so strong that it enveloped him, almost taking his breath away. Probably because he likes Qin Tan too much, his entire person, including his body.

It is getting late. When they returned to the house downstairs, they saw Lin Man Man coming out of the house with a bag and a suitcase beside her.

“Man Man, where are you going?” Lou Fan asked curiously.

Lin Man Man is very happy to see Lou Fan. She walked quickly toward them, and said with a smile, “Brother Lou, you guys are back, that’s great. I’m going to Sister Tong Fei’s place. They have selected several houses next to them and arranged for us to live together. Each of us will have a room, which is more convenient.”

Lou Fan: “That’s good, how’s your mission? No danger?”

Lin Man Man is in good shape, “En, the sisters in the team take good care of me.”

“That’s good, come to me anytime if you need it.” Lou Fan still treats Lin Man Man like a sister.

Lin Man Man is very moved. She nodded and said yes. After a pause, she remembered something, and said in a low voice, “Brother Lou, Gong Yi… I haven’t seen him for a long time.”

Gong Yi? Lou Fan still remembers that boy, but unfortunately, his spirit weapon is not very good, and he doesn’t know what happened to him after that. It’s true that they haven’t seen each other for a long time since then, and it’s possible that Gong Yi did the same as Lin Man Man which he just went to live elsewhere.

Lou Fan smiled reassuringly and said, “Maybe he is like you. Don’t think too much, train hard, and work hard to survive.”

Lin Man Man nodded firmly, “En, Brother Lou, Brother Qin, you must also do your best. I believe in you.”

Watching as Lin Man Man dragged her suitcase away, Lou Fan walked towards the house with his head down. This world really makes people realize what is ‘living from hand to mouth’ and ‘things change over time’.

But when Lou Fan looked up and saw Qin Tan beside him, he suddenly felt hopeful and full of strength again. Everything would be fine.

2 days later, thinking that the other members should all be familiar with their changes, Lou Fan asked them to come and choose their new weapons. When the weapons are selected, Lou Fan only felt a pain in his flesh when he looked at the remaining points.

Lou Fan roared, “You guys have to work hard to collect equipment and make money!”

Raw word count: 3054


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 49

Stepping on the ground of Lazuli, the tired group of people finally felt more at ease.

Du Feng’s severed hand has grown back, and she is swinging her arms freely. Han Yu, who got out of the train is also fine now. But he still remembered the grudge from the mission world and glared at Lou Fan with hatred.

Putting his hands on his hips, Lou Fan looked at Han Yu, “You still dare to glare at me? I’m already kind enough that I didn’t follow up to settle the account. If you glare at me again, I will let Furball bite you.”

Hearing its name, Furball immediately snarled at Han Yu in cooperation. Han Yu recalled its low growl previously and immediately took 2 steps back.

It’s a pity that Lazuli stipulated that the residents cannot hurt each other. Qin Tan walked in front of Lou Fan and looked at Han Yu indifferently. His eyes filled with iciness as he said, “You better pray that you don’t meet me again.”

Wen Lang’s poker flutters at his fingertips, Jiang Dong’s blade spins on his fingers, while Chen Shuyang can only mimic Furball and growl.

Han Yu is also very daring, he didn’t respond to them at all. He just turned around and left. Inside, Han Yu is actually scared in his heart, but he looked calm on the surface. Du Feng mentioned to them before that one can’t hurt anyone in Lazuli. With nearly 5,000 people in Lazuli, he doubts if they will meet again. Besides, he will definitely not be so weak the next time.

No matter what Han Yu did, everyone present took note of him. Once they met again, they would definitely not forgive him.

Zhang Zhang and his team are exhausted but Zhang Zhang still took out his team’s equipment for Qin Tan’s team to pick. They had few things so all their belongings are brought together with them. At the moment, the number of things they have is so little that it’s pitiful. Qin Tan asked Lou Fan to choose. Lou Fan thought about it and then asked Zhang Zhang to take the glowing powder. This thing is good for marking. With that, their cooperation ended, and everyone returned to their own home.

Furball stood on Lou Fan’s shoulder and looked around, feeling excited.

“Didn’t someone say that Lazuli doesn’t have pets? Isn’t Furball a bit ostentatious like this?” Lou Fan said. He had seen several people looking back at it.

“It’s fine.” Qin Tan said, he reached out to pick up Furball. Furball jumped into his hands quite naturally, and is placed on his shoulders by him, “It can look at it as much as it wants.”

So spoiled? Lou Fan suddenly felt like he had drunk a bottle of vinegar (jealous).

Wen Lang pinched his nose and asked Jiang Dong next to him, “Eh Jiang Dong, do you smell the strong stink of vinegar?”

Lou Fan glared at Wen Lang.

Qin Tan laughed, “Furball is so fierce, what are you afraid of? It can just bite whoever comes to make trouble.”

Lou Fan: … My Furball not a dog, a’ight?

Wen Lang, Jiang Dong, and Chen Shuyang went back to their own house. Because they didn’t enhance their physiques, the sudden recovery of gravity and the consumption of a lot of physical strength when going down the mountain caused them to be so sleepy that they could fall asleep while walking. Both Lou Fan and Qin Tan are fine though and felt even better after the gravity returned to normal.

Back at home, Lou Fan put down his bag and immediately took out the Longjing grass, “I want to see how many points this grass is worth.”

After Zhang Zhang said the items are worth a huge amount of points, Lou Fan couldn’t help but want to know. Now he put the Longjing grass on the tray of the exchange machine, holding his breath and waiting for the display on the screen. Not sure if it is because the grass is too valuable, he waited for nearly a minute before the screen refreshed. Then, Lou Fan stared widely at the points displayed in the lower right corner, but couldn’t come to his sense for a long time.

“Qin Tan, we’re rich!”

Qin Tan stood beside Lou Fan and looked at the displayed value. He is also a little surprised. He didn’t expect Longjing grass to be worth 100,000 points, which is really a huge amount.

Lou Fan touched his head, “I think if Zhang Zhang knew that Longjing grass is so valuable, I’m afraid he would kill us all. Helping them to kill the snakes is a real profit, otherwise, we might just stupidly look for the way out after the mission is completed (and miss the extra grasses). Now that I accepted his glowing powders, it suddenly makes me feel a little sorry for them.”

Qin Tan looked at Lou Fan with a smile. He obviously is not apologetic at all, how can he manage to say such a thing?

Qin Tan: “Next time if we have something good, give a bit to them.”

Lou Fan: “Okay, we’ll consider that as compensation. It was not easy for them.”

Lou Fan moved a chair and sat in front of the exchange machine, intending to study the items to be exchanged in detail. With 7 Longjing grass in his hand, he felt that he had suddenly become a nouveau riche.

“Go and wash up. Isn’t it uncomfortable to be dirty?” Qin Tan began to nag.

“I want to do some research, I’m not sleepy yet.”

“Even if you’re not sleepy, you have to take a rest. Wait until you wake up, then we’ll talk about it.” Qin Tan’s attitude is tough.

Lou Fan decided to obey his boyfriend’s words and agreed, “Okay, okay, I’m going to wash. You should also go back and rest early, we’ll discuss it tomorrow.”

Though the body is not tired, the spirit has been in a tense condition. After washing up with hot water, Lou Fan’s whole body became unbelievably soft. After washing, he went to bed and instantly fell asleep. Furball, who got ignored by Qin Tan, automatically jumped onto the bed and fell asleep next to Lou Fan’s head.

Lou Fan woke up at 6.00 am the next day. He has slept for more than 10 hours, so his mind is a little groggy. After getting up, he went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, turned, and walked to the living room. Suddenly, he stopped walking.

There should be a stalk of Longjing grass on the table, why is it gone now? Lou Fan put down the water glass with a slam and looked under the table, none! On the coffee table, none! On the ground, neither! He didn’t see it anywhere, so he hurried to open his backpack and breathed a sigh of relief. There are still 6 stalks of grass in the box that he kept in the inner compartment. So where did the other stalk go?

It’s obviously impossible for a burglar to break into the house. Could it be Qin Tan took it? Lou Fan thought about it and wanted to go upstairs to ask. At this moment, Furball jumped out of nowhere and jumped on his shoulder. Lou Fan turned to look at it with a smile, and his hand that is about to poke the fur ball froze…

On the white fur beside Furball’s mouth, there is a sparkling red substance. According to his judgment, there is a high probability that it is – Longjing grass.

“Furball! Spit out my Longjing grass!” Lou Fan grabbed Furball and yelled.

Qin Tan quickly pushed the door and came in, “What’s the matter?”

“Qin Tan, Furball ate the Longjing grass.” Lou Fan immediately complained, lifting Furball to Qin Tan.

Qin Tan took Furball and smoothed its fur. He looked at it up and down, “Isn’t Furball looked alright? It is lively and well, jumping around. It shouldn’t have any problem.”

“Who is asking if it’s jumping around or not?!” Lou Fan yelled, “My points, my points!”

Qin Tan: “Isn’t there another 6 stalks left?”

Lou Fan suddenly realized something, “Wait, what did you say just now?”

“What did I say?” Qin Tan asked back, “There are 6 stalks left.”

Lou Fan: “Not this. Just now you said Furball is fine, it ate Longjing grass and is jumping around energetically…”

“Yes, I said it.”

Lou Fan instantly became happy and clapped his hands together, “Then, can I assume that Jiang Dong, Wen Lang, and Chen Shuyang will be fine after eating the grass? And maybe there will be some good changes in their body?”

Lou Fan has been brooding about not being able to let the other team members go into the pool. Now that there is hope, he immediately feels that this method is feasible.

Qin Tan pondered for a while, and asked Lou Fan, “Are you sure? You have seen the points that Longjing Grass can redeem. Many things we haven’t seen before on the further pages have appeared on the screen, are you willing?”

“Why do you ask that?” Lou Fan said straightly, “I always want them to improve their strength. The overall strength of team members affects the survival of the entire team. I think you know better than me. As for willing or not, although it is true the grass can be exchanged for a lot of points, but no matter how powerful the weapons and medicines are, if the strength of the team members is not up to the level, the powered-up item/equipment is useless. As for these special items, I believe we will encounter them again in the future.”

After saying that, Lou Fan winked at Qin Tan, “Am I right, Team leader Qin?”

Qin Tan’s hands felt itchy and he pinched Lou Fan’s face, “You’re the smart one.”

Lou Fan is delighted and he turned on his watch, starting to notify the other members. He couldn’t wait to share this information. As for whether or not to try it, it is up to them to make their own choices.

Qin Tan saw that Lou Fan is happy, and added, “Tell them about the function of pool water first. Trust your companions.”

Lou Fan nodded. In fact, he also thought about it and felt that he was just overthinking. If it were any of the other members who got the opportunity to enhance their bodies with the pool water, he would not take it to heart either.

Upon receiving the message, Chen Shuyang arrived first and said he is hungry as soon as he arrived. Wen Lang is the second to arrive, carrying a box of sandwiches he made himself. Lou Fan immediately picked up a piece to eat. Furball smelled the fragrance and stood at the side of the box. Lou Fan broke a small piece of the sandwich for it. Jiang Dong arrived last, wearing tracksuits and sweating, he should have just finished running.

Lou Fan sat on the sofa casually and called out, “Come here, we have a meeting.”

“We just got back and there’s a meeting already?” Wen Lang asked. “Is there something special? I’m planning to collect information outside today.”

Qin Tan sat next to Lou Fan, and Furball is squeezed between them. It looked like a family of 3.

Lou Fan thought for a while before saying, “It’s like this. Back at Mount Gui, didn’t I soak in the pool for a while? After that, I found that my body is as light as a swallow and can almost fly. My physique has changed, I think It is probably due to the effect of pool water. After that, I wanted to find it again and let you guys soak in it, but who knew that I couldn’t find it anymore. I asked Furball, and it shook its head. That’s why we couldn’t let you guys enjoy this benefit too.”

After Lou Fan said that, he felt relieved, and suddenly felt much better. He waited for the members to respond but they didn’t speak for a long time.

Lou Fan: “Why don’t you say anything?”

Wen Lang: “Go on, don’t tell me you just wanted to tell us this?”

Jiang Dong: “I guessed it as we are going down the mountain.”

Chen Shuyang: “No wonder. Brother Lou, you ran so fast that you are going to fly.”

Lou Fan: … I’m being honest with you guys, and that’s how you react?

Lou Fan is a little speechless. Qin Tan covered his mouth and chuckled beside him.

Annoyed, Lou Fan immediately changed the subject, “Of course, it’s not just that. This morning, Furball stole a stalk of Longjing grass and ate it. But it’s still fine and lively.”

Wen Lang puzzledly asked, “What does it have to do with Furball?”

Chen Shuyang also didn’t understand, “Brother Lou, Furball lives in Mount Gui. It should have eaten a lot of Longjing grass.”

En, when he needs to talk to his team members, he can’t beat about the bush and have to be direct, so that he won’t be so tired. Sigh, feeling tired in his heart, what to do if he wanted to change his teammates now?

Jiang Dong immediately understood what Lou Fan meant, and said his guess, “You mean, Longjing grass as an item from the mythical world, it may improve our physique? And since Furball is fine after eating it, it means we can give it a try and eat it too?”

Lou Fan nodded, “Finally, someone is being smart.”

Raw word count: 3034


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 48

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef) – dead
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

Qin Tan and Lou Fan dragged their teammates as they ran. At this moment, Lou Fan thought it was fortunate that he took a dip in the pool. Otherwise, with Qin Tan alone lugging all four of them, he would be exhausted and unable to run so fast.

Fortunately, there’s no trick or trap on the escape route this time. As they walked through the woods and saw a flat land full of holes, they knew that the station is not far away.

Qin Tan stopped and looked around, “Qi Shan and Jiang Yiran are not here.”

Jiang Dong pointed to a tree not far away and said, “Look.”

On the sturdy tree trunk, a severed rope is tied to it. That tree is the tree that they tied the rope to when they went down. The team walked over and Qin Tan checked the rope, his expression sank.

“It was cut off.”

Lou Fan pursed his lips and didn’t speak, that is an expression when he is furious.

Wen Lang growled: “It must be Han Yu that fker. Frick, don’t let me see him again, I’ll kill him.”

If this rope is the only way for them to survive, the result is obvious, they won’t be able to climb up the hole in the end. This is simply trying to let the junior team and the intermediate team die here. This person is too cruel.

Qin Tan looked around, “There are traces of fighting here. But don’t worry about it, go to the station first.”

Lou Fan nodded, “If I see Han Yu, I’ll settle the account with him. I’ve noted down this grudge.”

The team continued to rush down the mountain again. They focused on their way and hardly stopped. When they got to the area where they got off the train, there is only 4 hours left.

There is no one around the station’s area. The team found a place to sit and rest. Running down all the way, even with Qin Tan and Lou Fan pulling them, the other team members are exhausted. They leaned against a tree on the side, panting.

“Who is it?” Qin Tan immediately called out upon hearing a slight noise from the bushes on the side.

Lou Fan swiftly draws an arrow with a bow and aims.

“Don’t, don’t, Brother Qin Lou.” Jiang Yiran got out, “It’s us.”

Jiang Yiran and Qi Shan helped each other out from the inside and said as they walked, “Qi Shan and I didn’t know when you would come out from the hole, so we got here first. We were still worried about when you would arrive, and now we saw you guys. It’s good.”

The duo walked up to the team and sat down. Lou Fan asked, “Where’s Han Yu? You fought with him?”

As soon as Han Yu is mentioned, Jiang Yiran got agitated, “I knew he is not a good person. After you guys went down, he rushed over and grabbed Qi Shan’s knife. I stabbed a hole in him with my umbrella, but he actually endured the pain and cut the rope off. Then, he quickly ran away. Qi Shan and I lay at the entrance of the cave and shouted a few times, afraid that you guys haven’t reached the bottom yet, and fell down. We didn’t hear any response so we think that you guys should be fine.”

“Bah!” Wen Lang spat, “That fker.”

Chen Shuyang also became agitated, “So shameless, how could there be such a person? And we don’t owe him anything.” He has never sworn since he was a child, usually treats people kindly, and has a narrow social circle. It’s rare for him to meet such a person, he is really curious why there is such a horrible person.

Qi Shan whispered, “He stole my rope[1], it’s my fault that I didn’t hide the knife well.”

Lou Fan doesn’t know what to do with this kind of low self-esteem and timid little girl, he can only comfort her, “You are just a little girl. How can you be stronger than a big man? If he really wants to snatch it from you, you can’t protect it.”

Jiang Yiran looked at the mountain road and asked, “Team leader Zhang, why haven’t they come back yet?”

“They’re still behind, they should be there soon.”

3 hours later, with 1 hour left before boarding time, Zhang Zhang and his team members arrived panting heavily and staggering, as if they are about to fall down at any moment. The mountain doesn’t look high, but they ran for hours without stopping from the top to the bottom. If they didn’t come out early, catching the train would be big trouble.

Seeing everyone waiting there, as if he saw his own relatives, Zhang Zhang said, “I’m finally here, so exhausted. I say, are you running a bit too fast? Faster than rabbits, and in the blink of an eye, you guys cannot be seen anymore.”

Lou Fan threw a candy into his mouth, “Team leader Zhang, if one doesn’t practice this escape skill well, how can one escape for their life?”

Zhang Zhang and the others naturally didn’t have the time to look at the broken rope. Now that Jiang Yiran said it again to them, Zhang Zhang almost wanted to kill Han Yu on the spot.

“Don’t let me see that kid, or my chainsaw will serve him at any time.” Zhang Zhang gritted his teeth.

After successfully completing the task and managed rushed to the station, everyone took a break to drink water and eat.

Lou Fan has something in his mind that he really didn’t understand. Hence, he asked casually, “Team leader Zhang, I really don’t understand something.”

Zhang Zhang casually asked, “What is it?”

“It stands to reason that you are already Level 8 team. You have experienced so many worlds and are much more experienced than us. When you were in Qitong’s cave, why did you still take those things?”

Thinking of Fu Chun’s death inside, Zhang Zhang’s self-blame and sadness surged up again. He sighed and said, “This time, I got careless. I shouldn’t be greedy, and didn’t listen to your persuasion, so Fu Chun…”

Zhang Zhang paused and changed the subject, “This is actually a saying circulated by Lazuli’s seniors. It is said that things in the world of myths and legends are generally good things, and they definitely cannot be compared with ordinary gold and silver jewelry. The word ‘good’ here means they can be exchanged for a huge amount of points. Secondly, there may be things that improve one’s physique. Although our team has experienced several worlds, it was very difficult for us to survive every time, and there are almost no good items or equipment in our hands. We don’t have many points either, so I want to take a risk and get something, thinking that even if I can’t improve my physique, it would be good to exchange more points for weapons. As a result…”

Hearing that, Lou Fan’s guts are turning green with regret now. Why didn’t he do his homework in advance? If they knew that things in the mythical world are hard to come by, they should drink up the pool water together. Then, they’ll go down to take a bath together. But now, they missed all the good things.

Zhang Zhang added, “Your quest items should have disappeared, right?”


“As expected, in every mythical world or a more mysterious world, quest items will be consumed.”

“I see.” Lou Fan nodded.

Zhang Zhang paused. After hesitating for a moment, he asked, “I want to ask, is the extra Longjing grass still there?”

Zhang Zhang gave Lou Fan 2 stalks, and they got 5 more after that. Adding up to 7 stalks, not to mention the one they got before both teams met, the junior team must have more than 10 stalks. Except for the 10 required stalks for the mission, the extra should be still here?

Lou Fan replied with a straight face, “There are 2 stalks left.”

An expression that says ‘As expected’ appeared on Zhang Zhang’s face. He felt both envy and regret, why is there nothing special in the Chang snake that can be taken away?

After asking all the questions that can be asked, Lou Fan leaned to rest at the side with a sullen expression. Furball came out of his arms and stood on his shoulder, looking curiously at the people in this circle.

A ball of snow-white fur, just looking at it makes people love it. Jiang Yiran and Qi Shan have not seen Furball before, so now they are staring at it with sparkling eyes. Qi Shan is rather shy, so she just stared at it with a smile on her face, obviously liking it. Jiang Yiran is more courageous. He liked Furball with just a look, so he wanted to touch it and tease it.

“Brother Lou, what kind of animal is this? It’s so cute and fluffy.” Jiang Yiran said, reaching out to Furball.

Before Jiang Yiran’s hand could touch it, Furball suddenly raised its hackles. Making a loud noise, the hair all over its body stood up like thorns. Furball bared its teeth and then let out a dull low roar, the sound is like a large beast. Everyone got startled by the sound of it, and those who closed their eyes to rest swiftly woke up, holding onto their weapon and looking around. Lou Fan held down Furball and smoothed its fur so that Jiang Yiran’s hand is safely protected.

“Furball, that’s a companion, not a bad guy.” Lou Fan took the fur ball in his palm and rubbed it, “Good boy, he’s not malicious. Do you want butter beans?”

Qin Tan looked at the fur ball, and its fur softened under the comfort of Lou Fan. Unexpectedly, its fur is also a weapon, and it can be used as a thorn.

Jiang Yiran got stunned by the shock and didn’t realize that his hand was almost in danger. He just felt that such a little thing could make a terrifying sound. The sound is like a muffled thunder blasting beside his ear, making him tingle all over.

Lou Fan smoothed Furball and saw the time is getting closer and closer. He is reluctant to part with it, “If Furball can’t be taken away, it will have to be left alone again. I haven’t seen any animals of its kind.” It would be too lonely.

Qin Tan pressed on Lou Fan’s shoulder, “Every creature has its own environment to live in. It could survive by itself before this, and it can too from now on. If it can be taken away, it is the best. If Furball cannot be taken away, it can only be said that this is the rule of this world.”

Wen Lang and the rest didn’t know how to comfort Lou Fan, so they didn’t say anything.

Lou Fan remained silent, just kept rubbing Furball. Furball rolled around like a ball in his hand. The more he looked at it, the softer his heart became. He couldn’t help rubbing his cheek against Furball and kissing it. Furball’s body trembled, and Lou Fan could even feel its happiness. It rubbed against Lou Fan with its soft fur.

At 10.00 am, the whistle of the train sounded on time, and the old train appeared out of thin air – it is time to get on the train.

Walking through the platform, Furball is still perching on Lou Fan’s shoulder. Lou Fan is overjoyed, can he expect things to go his way? He got on the train with an uneasy heart, and yet Furball is still there, looking around curiously.

It did not disappear!

At this moment, there is still a minute and a half before the train departed. There is a rustling sound in the grass next to the station, and a figure jumped out like a rabbit and ran toward the train.

“Look, it’s Han Yu that fker!” Wen Lang pointed at Han Yu and shouted.

Lou Fan didn’t say a word and immediately leaned at the door of the train. Raising his bow, he shot an arrow. The phoenix feather arrow flew out with a swish, hitting Han Yu at the shoulder, who is running toward the train. Han Yu staggered under his feet and covered his shoulder with a hand. But he gritted his teeth and continue to run to the train. He managed to climb into the compartment in the last 10 seconds.

“Tsk, he is something.” Wen Lang sighed regretfully. “With a hole in the waist and an arrow in the shoulder, he still managed to climb into the train.”

As soon as one gets on the train, they couldn’t attack each other. Han Yu lay on the floor panting heavily. He closed his eyes and felt that the wounds on his body are slowly healing.

“A cockroach that can’t be beaten to death.” Jiang Yiran looked at Han Yu and said angrily, “It really is ‘a scourge that lives for thousands of years.’[2]”

Being glared at by Qi Shan and Jiang Yiran, Han Yu simply looked at them and laughed indifferently. Frick that, he survived anyway.

The train started slowly and Lou Fan looked at Furball running here and there. He opened his mouth to laugh, and threw himself into Qin Tan’s arms, “Qin Tan, Furball really is returning with us! That’s great!”

Chen Shuyang is also happy and took out some chocolate beans, “Come, Furball. I’ll give you as much as you want when we go back.”

Raw word count: 3093


[1] Banana: Not sure if author typo-ed or Qi Shan has a rope as her spirit weapon, I can’t remember _(;3/
[2] The whole idiom is ‘好人不长命祸害遗千年’ which means, Good people don’t live long while scourge lives for thousands of years

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 47

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef) – dead
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

Because Zhang Zhang’s team didn’t touch the Chang snake at all, this kill wasn’t counted in their mission count.

Furball jumped back happily to Lou Fan for compliments but Lou Fan poked it and said, “You are too fast. It doesn’t count, no butter beans for you.”

Furball: !!! So it’s my fault?!

You Xing’s eyes shined brightly, she had never seen such an animal before, and it is so powerful. So, she couldn’t help but ask, “Brother Lou, what kind of animal is this?”

Lou Fan spread his hands helplessly: “I also don’t know. Its appearance is like this and moves so fast. We also couldn’t figure out what it is.”

You Xing ahh-ed, feeling a little disappointed. But no matter how powerful this animal is, they couldn’t bring it back to Lazuli. She had never heard of any animal that could be taken back to Lazuli. In the mission world before this, You Xing caught a very cute rabbit but couldn’t bring it back.

It’s not uncommon to see strange animals in the mission world, but such obedient and powerful animals are very rare. But Zhang Zhang doesn’t intend to find out further, he is more concerned about his mission.

“Lou Fan, it moved too fast, and the mission progress hasn’t changed!” He said this with a sullen expression on his face. He despised himself deeply; he can’t even win against an animal.

Lou Fan thought about it for a while. Furball’s movements are indeed too fast, and can just kill with 1 hit. Getting it to help is quite hard for Zhang Zhang and his team. With that speed, even Qin Tan might not be able to keep up.

“We’ll help then. Furball can come in the middle.”

Wen Lang is the first to stand up, “I’ll do it.”

Jiang Dong and Chen Shuyang also said, “I’ll come too.”

The three of them got stimulated by Qin Tan’s words and wanted to improve their strength as soon as possible. Lou Fan simply let all three of them go. If they can’t bear it, Furball can go in anyway.

Furball: !!!

When the Chang snake came out of the hole, Wen Lang immediately swung the whip around it and ran quickly. After Jiang Dong also wrapped the bandage, the two pulled the Chang snake together.

Everyone realized that this Chang snake is much bigger than the previous ones, so Wen Lang and Jiang Dong struggled to pull it. While they are restraining the snake, Zhang Zhang and Du Jun attack together. The moment the chainsaw touched the snake’s body, the Chang snake began to swing its body violently. Chen Shuyang took the opportunity to attack with his short sword.

The battle makes Lou Fan’s hands feel itchy, so he lifted his bow to shoot. He doesn’t know why the spiritual arrows are not quite effective against the snake, so he used the phoenix feather arrows he brought. 3 arrows are notched to the bow and he shot out. With a kick on the stone wall, Lou Fan felt that his body is so light that he almost flew into the air and turned around in mid-air. The Chang snake came towards him with its mouth wide open. With a jump, Lou Fan stepped on the snake’s head, with a phoenix feather arrow aimed at the snake’s eyes…

“HISS…” Chang snake’s scream sounded.

Lou Fan instantly landed lightly on the ground and he ran to Qin Tan’s side in 2 steps. He pulled Qin Tan and whispered, “Qin Tan, something is different with me. My body is too light, and I don’t feel anything when I jump up. I suspect it is the water from the pool just now.”

Lou Fan couldn’t be more clear about the changes in his body. He thought of the fact that the water he drank managed to sweep away his exhaustion, plus the black substance that floated out of his body after he came out of the pool – it must be the cause of the water in the pool. He couldn’t even feel the effect of gravity now. At first, he felt that the gravity seems wrong and Qin Tan also told them about this before.

[Banana: If you guys still remember, the gravity is heavier in this heavenly mission world]

After calling Furball to help, the battle is over immediately. Lou Fan couldn’t wait to let Wen Lang and the others take a dip so he anxiously wanted to go to the pool just now.

Lou Fan is leading the team anxiously, his pace getting faster and faster. He remembered the route just now, but after walking for a long time, it is still the tunnel. He didn’t see the pool at all. Lou Fan lowered his body and grabbed Furball.

“Furball, I still want to drink water, can you take me to drink water again?” Lou Fan made a gesture of drinking water and raised his bottle, but Furball shook its head.

A bolt from the blue!

As if he missed the encounter with a huge treasure once again, Lou Fan felt that he has crumbled inside and is about to vomit blood.

Wen Lang puzzledly looked at Lou Fan, who is standing still and not moving. He asked Qin Tan, “What’s wrong with Brother Lou? Why didn’t he move?”

Qin Tan felt a pity in his heart too when he saw Furball shaking its head. He sighed, “It’s okay, Lou Fan just suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, just let him rest for a while. You all can follow Furball and go ahead.”

Wen Lang acknowledged with an ‘Oh’ and walked to the front. Jiang Dong glanced at Lou Fan, as if aware of something, but didn’t say anything.

Lou Fan blamed himself, “I should have let everyone go down the pool, it’s all my fault.”

“I don’t blame you. Didn’t I tell you not to go down at the time too? If it comes to this, it should be my fault.”

“I should have thought of this when that layer of black stuff appeared on my body.”

Qin Tan held Lou Fan’s arms and looked at him deeply, “It’s not your fault. Who knows what the water will do? What if our skin rots? Your assumption is unreasonable and not valid at all.”

Lou Fan looked up at Qin Tan, his eyes full of sadness. He knew how much the rest of their team members wanted to become stronger. That’s why Lou Fan felt that it is all because of him that they lost the chance. Even if they could improve a little, the three of them would give it a try without hesitation.

Qin Tan: “There is always the next mission world, there are still many opportunities. Don’t blame yourself.”

Qin Tan’s voice and words seemed to have a calming effect on people’s hearts. Lou Fan’s heart is settled, and his eyes became firm, “Next time, I will definitely not let the opportunity slip away.” He glanced at the other members and said to Qin Tan, “But don’t tell them first, or they will be disappointed.”

After the team killed the remaining Chang snake within a day, the members of Zhang Zhang’s team felt incredible. At the same time, Zhang Zhang also blamed himself even more, feeling that Fu Chun died because of him. Otherwise, they could complete the task this time and return to Lazuli together.

Lou Fan obtained 5 stalks of Longjing grass, and Zhang Zhang also gave Lou Fan the 2 stalks of Longjing grass in his hand as agreed. Because the previous Longjing grass disappeared as a quest item, Lou Fan instinctively felt that the grasses are good stuff, so he accepted it without hesitation. He will wait until they returned to Lazuli to study it.

“There is something I haven’t had time to tell you. When we were looking for you guys, we seemed to have found an exit.” Zhang Zhang suddenly said.

Hearing that, Lou Fan thought to himself, is this something they left as a backup to make them help with their task? But for the sake of Longjing grass, Lou Fan doesn’t plan to be petty with Zhang Zhang.

Qin Tan glanced at his watch and said, “Then, let’s go out. We don’t know where the exit is, so we’ll take your route just in case.”

Qin Tan always thinks more carefully in case the worst happens.

“Team leader Zhang, are you sure you can still find the way?” Qin Tan asked.

Zhang Zhang became nervous for a moment. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and smiled unnaturally, “We have fluorescent powder, and we made a mark along the way.”

Oh, it turns out there is something good. Lou Fan winked at Qin Tan and curled his lips. Indeed, how could the team that has been struggling in the mission worlds not have some good things to defend themselves? Lou Fan felt that their team lacked too many things for a while, so worrying!

Zhang Zhang and the others led the way, and Qin Tan’s team followed behind.

Chen Shuyang turned his head behind and complained to Wen Lang, “Brother Wen, I think this Team leader Zhang is a little unkind. He was so enthusiastic at the beginning, calling everyone Brother and being friendly. But in the end, he is still guarding against us everywhere.”

Wen Lang looked at Chen Shuyang with an expression that says ‘you didn’t understand’. He explained, “I’m telling you, you, we, are all lucky. Brother Lou, he is a good person; Brother Qin, he is reliable. If you meet someone else, they could have used you as bait at the beginning and threw it out to fish, and you won’t even know how you died. Unlike now, where you get to have weapons and equipment. Remember to burn incense and pay respect to God/Buddha when you go back.” After Wen Lang finished speaking, he sighed, “Not sure what good things we did in our last life. Probably, we saved the earth.”

Chen Shuyang nodded, saving the earth is a bit exaggerated, but he must have done good deeds in his previous life. That or his grandmother blessed him from the heavens to meet Brother Lou. His spirit weapon is a book. If he is on a different team, who would care about him?

Wen Lang saw Chen Shuyang accepting his lesson, and continued, “As for Team leader Zhang, actually he didn’t do anything wrong, everyone will hide an ace card in their sleeve. Like when we met the Black Scorpion team before, if we hadn’t acted separately from the beginning, we might be pushed out to die as their scapegoat. However, Brother Qin and Brother Lou have high offense power, that’s why they won’t be underestimated.”

Wen Lang sighed old-fashionedly, “So, improving your strength is the most important thing.”

Chen Shuyang listened to Wen Lang’s words and nodded, thinking about something as he walked.

Jiang Dong spoke out suddenly, “I didn’t expect you to think so much.”

Wen Lang: “What to do? I’m not very good with my strength so I can only use my brain.”

“En, not too stupid.”

“Hey, who are you calling stupid?”

“Whoever is stupid said it.”

Following Zhang Zhang and the others all the way, Qin Tan’s team doesn’t know how they could tell the difference. Anyway, after walking for about an hour, they saw another hole. The hole is so shallow that they could see the sky from it.

As soon as he stepped out of the hole, Lou Fan immediately stretched his body. He finally came out from the underground. It was so dark inside and he was using a torch all the time, making him feel like he couldn’t remember the sun anymore. Unexpectedly, the place where they came out turned out to be the top of the mountain. The wind whistled on the top of the mountain and the sky is covered with dark clouds, making the sky look terribly gloomy. Lou Fan casually lifted his watch to look at it, only to be stunned.

“Qin Tan.” Lou Fan shouted, his voice changed a bit, “Qin Tan, look at your watch. Why does the time seem wrong?”

Qin Tan immediately raised his watch to look at it, and the rest of the team also looked at it. The next moment, everyone’s expressions changed.

“Bro, Brother Lou, we have less than a day left?” Chen Shuyang’s voice trembled a little because the watch indicated that there is only 23:45 left.

Qin Tan frowned and immediately said, “Go down the mountain to find the train station!”

Zhang Zhang’s team also discovered the problem with the remaining time. Their expressions changed again and again. Hearing Qin Tan’s words, Zhang Zhang also immediately shouted to his team members, “Quick, quick, go down the mountain.”

At this moment, Zhang Zhang didn’t care about choosing a route or looking for a direction. There is only one visible road in front of him.

Grabbing Wen Lang and Jiang Dong, Qin Tan shouted at Lou Fan, “Lou Fan, take Chen Shuyang with you, go!”

Lou Fan responded and pulled up Chen Shuyang without saying a word, just running away.

Feeling the whistling wind blowing on his face, Chen Shuyang said, “So that’s what it means to race against time.”

Lou Fan: …

The gust of wind and rain came crashing down, causing their face to feel painful, but they couldn’t care less about it now. Zhang Zhang pulled You Xing, Du Jun pulled Du Feng, and the four followed Qin Tan’s team as they ran. However, due to the influence of gravity in this world, they couldn’t run very fast.

Qin Tan and Lou Fan are not affected by gravity’s effect. The two pulled their teammates and ran as fast as if they could fly. Soon, their figure couldn’t be seen on the curving mountain road anymore.

Zhang Zhang gritted his teeth and ran but no longer saw anyone from Qin Tan’s team. He could only try his best to move forward along the mountain road. Fortunately, there is only one way down the mountain. The road curved here and there, he doesn’t know where to go. At this moment, he only prayed that the end of the road is the train station.

Raw word count: 3074


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 46

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef) – dead
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

With Furball’s request to kill the snakes, collecting Longjing grass went very smoothly. The moment Lou Fan picked the 10th Longjing grass, the team’s watch made a long beep. Next, the Longjing grass in Lou Fan’s hand disappeared. Stunned for a moment, Lou Fan immediately opened his backpack. Sure enough, the Longjing grass inside had disappeared as well.

The task on the watch shows 10/10 – the task has been completed.

Lou Fan turned his head to look at the other team members and said, “The Longjing grass has disappeared. This is the first time I saw the quest item disappear. I haven’t encountered it before. Have you guys heard of it?”

In the previous mission world where they adjusted the clocks to the correct time, most of the 250 clocks were brought back to Lazuli. That’s why, Lou Fan thought that this time he should be able to bring the grasses back too, but Longjing Grass disappeared.

This time, even Wen Lang, the king of gossip, and Jiang Dong, a news collector, didn’t know about this situation, and they didn’t have much news in this regard. Since they don’t know anything about this, there’s nothing much can be done. The quest items are already taken away,  so they can only go back to Lazuli to ask other people.

After Furball killed the snake and ran back, Lou Fan handed it a butter bean, “Okay, the task is complete so there’s no need to look for Longjing grass anymore. Let’s start looking for the exit.”

Finally, their team has completed the task. Everyone began to eat some food to replenish their physical strength. As Lou Fan is drinking some water, he noticed Furball staring at his water bottle. So he poured out a little bit in the palm of his hand and gestured to Furball. Unexpectedly, it turned away in disgust.

After the team are done eating, Furball suddenly jumped to the ground and started running. Lou Fan called out twice and it stopped. But it only looked back at them and continued to run. Not knowing what Furball wanted to do, Lou Fan could only follow it forward.

After walking around for a long time, Furball stopped and in front of it is a rather large pool. Light shone down from the hole at the top of the pool, reflecting the pool’s gleaming water. The water is clear, but one can’t see what’s underneath. Furball ran to the edge of the pool, walked to the edge of the shallow water, and began to drink water – it turned out to be thirsty.

Lou Fan walked over and tried to take a sip of the water. The water in the pool is clear and delicious, with a hint of sweetness. It is very delicious. “This water is delicious, it’s sweet.” He turned his head and said to the other team members.

Chen Shuyang didn’t need Lou Fan to say more and ran to the lake to drink. After drinking, he said, “This can’t be the place where Qitong drinks water, right?”

As a doctor, Jiang Dong has a keen feeling about his body, “I think after drinking it, I feel less tired and my thinking is much clearer.”

Hearing Jiang Dong’s words, Chen Shuyang also felt it. He felt exhausted just now. He was exhausted all over his body and his mind was chaotic, but now these negative feelings have disappeared.

“These heavenly kinds of stuff are surely different,” Wen Lang said. “Hey, I’m going to replace all the water in my bag with this.”

Lou Fan stood on the edge of the pool and stared into the water. This time he brought the fish scale suit and little pearls with him. Will there be anything good at the bottom of the water? Driven by curiosity, he decided to go into the water.

“No, what if Qitong comes?” Qin Tan disagreed.

Lou Fan: “I’ll be back soon. I’ll just go down and take a look. Just a look, and if there’s nothing there, I’ll return right away.”

Knowing that he can’t win over Lou Fan, Qin Tan could only nod his head and requested Lou Fan to be back in 10 minutes.

Wen Lang cheered at the side, “Brother Lou, good luck. Also, don’t hesitate if you see something good.” Qin Tan gave Wen Lang a stern look, causing him to immediately hide behind Jiang Dong and didn’t dare to speak anymore.

Chen Shuyang and Jiang Dong both told Lou Fan to be careful.

Originally, Qin Tan said he wanted to go down instead. But Lou Fan rejected it saying, “What if there is something good in the water, and ended up nothing when you go down because your hands are black (unlucky hand)?”

Qin Tan: This fact is simply irrefutable.

After changing into a fish scale suit and swallowing a small pearl, Lou Fan slowly went down the water with a headlamp on his head. Furball was originally standing by the water. When Lou Fan went into the water, it threw itself into the water with a plop.

The water is warm and moist, not cold at all, and Lou Fan even felt comfortable soaking in it. Since there are no other creatures in the water, he simply pulled the fish scale suit off and let the water wrap around his body. Then he noticed a white ball swimming to his side, and Furball’s little eyes blinked at him.

So Furball can dive? Lou Fan is even more curious about what breed it is now, but with Furball accompanying, Lou Fan felt a lot more at ease. He kept diving, and the water didn’t look deep, but at the moment he didn’t think it is shallow at all. On the other hand, there is really nothing in the water. Suddenly, he glimpsed a flash of light. Lou Fan accelerated his speed and went downstream, only to find that it is the light emitted by the stones at the bottom of the pool. He swam down and found that they are actually jades like they grew underground. Lou Fan reached out to touch them but realized he couldn’t pick them up at all. Looking around, there is nothing else, so Lou Fan can only return without success.

Emerging from the water, the other team members who were standing by the pool immediately surrounded Lou Fan, and Qin Tan pulled him up.

“There is nothing in the water, only some jades at the bottom of the pool, but I can’t pick it up.” Lou Fan said regretfully.

“Nothing is fine. It would be weird if you could find something good every time.” They didn’t hold out hope anyway, just letting Lou Fan satisfy his curiosity.

Qin Tan turned to get Lou Fan a towel. At the moment, Chen Shuyang is the one standing closest to Lou Fan. Chen Shuyang raised his glasses and asked, “Brother Lou, what is on your body? Why is it like a layer of mud?”

“Ah?” If Chen Shuyang didn’t ask, Lou Fan wouldn’t realize it yet. He looked down and saw that there is a black layer on his exposed skin. Touching it, Lou Fan asked with a disgusted tone, “What is this? There is nothing in the water, and the water is clean.”

Qin Tan rubbed a handful from Lou Fan’s body and sniffed the black thing, which smelled a little stinky. “Go over there, take off the fish scale suit, and then wash it away with the pool water first. The black thing doesn’t have a particular smell. Wash it first and see if there is any discomfort.”

Lou Fan nodded. Enduring nausea, he went to wash himself. Taking off his fish scale suit, he realized that he is covered with this kind of black stuff. Lou Fan reached out and touched his face; there’s even on his face. But after he washed it with water, the black thing went away. When he touched his skin with his hands, Lou Fan found that his skin is smooth and it felt quite comfortable.

Lou Fan is just getting dressed when there is a sound of fighting, accompanied by a female scream.

“It’s Zhang Zhang and the others.” Qin Tan said and immediately went to the voice.

They don’t have to think to know that it is them. Zhang Zhang’s team must have encountered a Chang snake. Lou Fan immediately gets Furball to go with Qin Tan. Then he and the other team members followed closely behind.

When they arrived, the battle is already over, but the situation looked rather tragic.

Zhang Zhang is injured all over while Du Feng had a broken arm. She is covered in blood, and her face is pale. Du Jun who is also badly injured is helping to apply some medicine and dressing her wound. You Xing is a little better, compared to the others.

Seeing Qin Tan and the others, Zhang Zhang breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he had seen his relatives, “Finally found you.” He looked tired and relieved.

“They look a bit miserable these days.” Wen Lang whispered to Jiang Dong.

They are all from the same world after all, so Lou Fan and the others helped to bandage them with medicine.

Zhang Zhang proceed to say what happened to them these few days with a wry smile. After they used the spiderweb, they planned to find Qin Tan and the others, but there were many forks in the cave, and it is really difficult to find someone. They have hardly rested in the past few days, as they wanted to find Qin Tan and the others for help as soon as possible. But in the end, they couldn’t find anyone. At this moment, they are already lesser than 4 days from the end of the mission. There is no way. Zhang Zhang’s team can only start killing snakes. Unexpectedly, they encountered a higher hurdle this time – this snake is bigger than the first one they met. If Qin Tan and Furball hadn’t appeared in time, the whole team is really going to be wiped out.

After saying this, Zhang Zhang heaved a breath, and the wound that had been treated with medicine felt much better. He looked at Qin Tan and continued, “Team leader Qin, Fu Chun from our team… sigh Now, there are only 4 of us left, and we are not good at dealing with the Chang snakes. Moreover, the equipment in our hands is not useful except for the spiderweb that has been used. Can I ask you to help us kill the snakes together? Don’t worry, when we returned to Lazuli, all of our equipment is up to you to choose from. It just so happens that you also want to collect Longjing grass, right?” Life is more important than equipment.

For the current Qin Tan, it is not difficult at all to help them, not to mention that there is Furball too, but he can’t say yes just like that. So Qin Tan said, “Everyone wants to survive. We can help, but you will give us all the Longjing grass we find later.” Of course, the reward is also indispensable.

Without needing Qin Tan to say further, Zhang Zhang agreed and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as their team is willing to help, everything else would be easy to talk about. On the contrary, if Qin Tan didn’t want anything for repayment, Zhang Zhang would feel not at ease. One can owe anything but favors.

Lou Fan also has the same intention as Qin Tan. It is okay to help, but it won’t be free. They are not selfless Lei Feng who do good deeds without leaving his name.

After resting for a while, Zhang Zhang immediately asked Qin Tan and the others for help. Qin Tan originally wanted them to rest for a while, but Zhang Zhang’s team firmly disagreed. Even Du Feng shook her head and said that there is no need to rest.

“In less than 4 days, we have to go down the mountain to return to the station. We can’t afford to waste time.”

Since Zhang Zhang said so, Qin Tan agreed with him. But when it is time to leave, Lou Fan pulled Qin Tan to the other side to talk.

“Qin Tan, I think we should let Furball help them instead. Their team came into this world with us and is very familiar with your strength. I want you to hide your strength and use it as our trump card.”

Qin Tan thought for a while. He is indeed not very familiar with his own changes now, and since Lou Fan said so, he has no objection.

“Team leader Zhang, Furball will be your main force, so just follow it.” Lou Fan put Furball on the ground and pointed to it when he said that to Zhang Zhang. Then, he told Furball to look for Longjing Grass.

Zhang Zhang is a little puzzled, “Furball? Is that the animal you found before?”

Lou Fan nodded, “Yes, it is very good at looking for Longjing grass. As to the snakes… En, it is very good at that too.”

Zhang Zhang is skeptical but still followed the fur ball running in front of him. Only then did he realize that the fur ball is moving so fast that they could hardly keep up. It is until Lou Fan calls after it a few times before his team can follow.

Sure enough, they arrived at an area with a Longjing grass soon after. Zhang Zhang and his team members are very nervous. Du Feng’s face turned pale again and Du Jun raised a wooden stick in front of her. You Xing looked calm, but her hands trembled slightly. Zhang Zhang took a deep breath and saw Furball swiftly picking up the Longjing grass. Then with a flash, it handed the grass to Lou Fan.

The Chang snake is here! Zhang Zhang clenched the chainsaw in his hand and looked at Qin Tan and the others anxiously—they really didn’t make a move and stayed where they were. He felt a chill in his heart, wondering if Qin Tan’s team really didn’t intend to help? Next, he saw the fur ball jumping down from Lou Fan’s arms, and had a face-to-face with the Chang snake that came out of the hole. The next moment, the Chang snake fell to the ground with a thud.

Zhang Zhang and his team members: !!!

Raw word count: 3135


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 45

Aware of Furball’s kindness towards him, Lou Fan immediately softened his expression and apologized. Then he shoved it into his arms and went to see Qin Tan again.

After Jiang Dong checked Qin Tan, his face looked very calm, “Qin Tan’s state is normal, his heartbeat is very strong, and he doesn’t look like he’s in danger. I can’t see any problem anywhere. Maybe it’s just overexertion, let him rest.”

Lou Fan worriedly asked, “Is he really okay?”

“He’s okay, don’t worry.” Jiang Dong said affirmatively.

After receiving Jiang Dong’s affirmative answer, Lou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He helped Qin Tan to tidy up a bit and sat down beside him. Then he said to the other members, “Let’s all take a rest and eat something.”

Everyone still can feel the lingering fear in their heart. If it wasn’t for the Furball just now, they are afraid that even if they managed to exhaust the snake to death, they would not be able to get away unscathed. At this moment, the team only feels dry in their mouth and also stomachs empty. They are hungry enough to eat a whole cow.

Lou Fan uneasily watched Qin Tan’s condition while eating. When he just finished eating, he turned around and saw Qin Tan gradually waking up, staring at him.

“How do you feel?” Lou Fan asked.

However, seeing Qin Tan still staring unblinkingly at him, Lou Fan became nervous again. He hurriedly called Jiang Dong over and asked, “Jiang Dong, come and see Qin Tan. Why is he not responding, did he turn stupid?”

Finally, Qin Tan couldn’t hold back. He took Lou Fan’s hand and laughed out loud, “Felt like you are hoping me to be stupid? Why, are you trying to find another lover?”

Qin Tan did not turn stupid!

Lou Fan jumped over happily and replied saying that he wouldn’t dare.

Hugging Lou Fan, Qin Tan stood up effortlessly. He used to be like a sheathed sword, a black panther stalking his prey in the dark night. But now, his whole person exudes a strong aura, which makes people feel smaller.

Wen Lang clicked his tongue twice, “Brother Qin, why do I think you’re different now? This kind of aura is leaking dominance!”

Wen Lang described it very aptly, and Chen Shuyang nodded again and again with adoration in his eyes. Even Jiang Dong nodded, agreeing with what he said. Lou Fan pulled Qin Tan over to look up and down at him, feeling satisfied with what he saw.

“Is that bead something like the snake spirit pill in the TV series? It’s so cool, I want one too.” Wen Lang looked at Qin Tan and said enviously, “If we all have one, we can be domineering like Brother Qin. Won’t that feel awesome?”

Qin Tan: “I do feel a little different, more powerful.”

Lou Fan immediately took out Furball and said with a smile, “Good Furball, see. Qin Tan has woken up.”

Furball gave a side glance at Qin Tan, then turned away its head to ignore Lou Fan. One could even see that its body is bulged up in anger.

Seems that Furball is super angry!

Lou Fan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and continued to comfort Furball. It took a full 10-minutes before Furball finally turned around. Lou Fan took out a large handful of butter beans to let Furball continue to lead them to find Longjing grass. He took out the previous matured grass in the bag and shook it at Furball.

“Furball, we want this one, this type of grass.” Lou Fan looked at Furball with anticipation on his face.

Furball stared at Longjing grass before shaking its head.

Seeing that, Wen Lang grabbed his hair and wailed, “It’s not the only one, is it?”

A bolt from the blue!

Jiang Dong and Chen Shuyang’s hopeful eyes suddenly dimmed. Wen Lang turned his head to look at Qin Tan with envy, but no hatred.

“Brother Qin is so lucky!”

Actually, it’s not that Qin Tan is lucky. The lucky one should be Lou Fan because Furball initially gave this snake spirit bead to Lou Fan, but Qin Tan ate it.

Lou Fan is not disappointed at all, and said with a smile, “There is only one, huh? Fortunately, Qin Tan ate it. If I ate it, I would definitely regret it to death. Qin Tan, you are the main fighting force of our team. It is better for you to eat it. This way I can justify my being lazy.”

“Even if I don’t eat the bead, I will still protect you.”

Lou Fan glared at Qin Tan, “Who wants your protection? I’m just being lazy, do you understand?!”

“Okay, you are just lazy!” Qin Tan immediately begged for mercy and went along.

Then, Qin Tan suddenly hugged Lou Fan. He rubbed his cheek against Lou Fan’s hair and said softly, “Thank you.” Although his intention to grab the bead is because he was afraid of Lou Fan getting into an accident

Lou Fan became stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

The other members’ single dog eyes got blinded by this. Wen Lang directly covered his face, “Aiyoyo, I don’t want to eat this dog food!”

Their rest is almost over, and they also got full from the dog food. So, everyone packs up and prepares to continue the task. At this moment, their task has been completed 5/10.

The huge snake body took up most of the space at the opening of the fork, and the ground is covered in blood, but there is only a faint stench as if the space is stagnant with no flowing air. Lou Fan put Furball on the ground and get it to help find Longjing grass. Even if it is just the ordinary type, it would still save them a lot of time.

The moment the Longjing grass is plucked, a Chang snake with the thickness of the basin jumped out quickly. Furball is about to come forward when Lou Fan stopped it. Qin Tan is already eager to try fighting, wondering what changes he had made. Hence, the remaining members stood aside with weapons in hand, waiting to support. If Qin Tan couldn’t take it, they would immediately charge up.

Furball stood blinking in Lou Fan’s palm and got poked by him, “If you see him in danger, remember to help him out, understand? ” After speaking, Lou Fan turned to stare at Qin Tan, his heart is about to fly out of his chest.

The Chang snake slid fast toward Qin Tan like it is swimming. Its eyes glowed green, and it keep hissing with its tongue.

Qin Tan didn’t dodge but went straight up to the snake with his sword. His speed is very fast. Others only saw him move forward, and the next moment, Qin Tan jumped high towards the Chang snake, holding up the Tang sword and slashing down at the snake’s head. At the same time, the Chang snake also raised its snake body, opened its bloody mouth, and is about to bite Qin Tan.

Lou Fan’s heart felt like jumping out.

In mid-air, Qin Tan slashed down horizontally. Next, Qin Tan landed on the ground by inertia. With a twist of his body, his arms bulged and instantly exerted force. He held the Tang sword tightly and pulled it forward…

The Chang snake is instantly split into two halves horizontally and the scene is very bloody. Chen Shuyang’s throat suddenly moved, and he turned to hold on to the stone wall before vomiting.

The battle only lasted 2 minutes and ended. Qin Tan’s speed is staggering, and what is even more staggering is that Qin Tan’s power is unexpectedly powerful. This is completely different from the Qin Tan who struggled to deal with the Chang snake before. If it weren’t for Qin Tan and the Tang sword still the same person and sword, they almost thought that the person and weapon had been changed.

“Frick, Brother Qin, you are too strong!” Wen Lang is about to die of admiration and jealousy. Such a good thing, but it’s not his turn!

Qin Tan raised his Tang sword to take a look and is very satisfied with the feeling just now. Sure enough, a spirit weapon is a weapon that communicates with the owner spiritually, and it improves as one improves.

Lou Fan grinned and asked, “How do you feel?”

Qin Tan nodded, “It feels good, you all should train more. I feel that the spirit weapon will improve with the improvement of the owner. In the future, we will add one more thing to do in the mission world, which is to try finding items that can improve ourselves.”

In fact, everyone knows this without Qin Tan having to say it. Only Chen Shuyang looked bitter, what should he do with his spirit weapon?! Lou Fan patted him on the shoulder, “Your spirit weapon must have other useful purposes, but we haven’t found it yet. Don’t be discouraged.”

Jiang Dong interjected, “Something like snake spirit bead, whether other people in Lazuli know it or not, we should act like we don’t know it. It’s better not to tell others.”

Everyone agrees with this proposal.

Qin Tan’s power value has greatly increased, which greatly boosted the team’s morale. They all feel that at this moment, their mission can be completed without any hindrance. Everyone’s main task changed from finding the Longjing grass to finding a way out. They have Furball to help find Longjing grass.

After picking a Longjing grass again, Qin Tan has not had time to start when Furball quickly jumped into the hole that the snake should be coming out from. Then there is a sound of something falling to the ground, and soon, Furball jumped back to Lou Fan’s arm again. In his arms, only a little bit of Furball can be seen, and its mung bean’s eyes are shining brightly. It turned out that Furball is asking for praise! Lou Fan burst out laughing. He grabbed a few butter beans for Furball, and smoothed its fur, “Okay, I’ll let you handle all the Chang snakes from now on.”

Wen Lang: …

Wen Lang really wanted to know what kind of people he is in a group with! He doesn’t know if Lou Fan is really a Lucky King but anyway, he doesn’t care about the task anymore. At this moment, he just wants to know if there is anything to improve his strength here.

Wen Lang nudged Jiang Dong, “Hey, do you think we might encounter something to improve our strength? I felt like there is only little hope.”

“Isn’t Qin Tan has one already?” Jiang Dong said and laughed. “We have Lou Fan in our team. Are you afraid that there will be no good things in the future? Try to stay alive and there will be many good things coming.”

Wen Lang only ask for the sake of talking, but when he heard Jiang Dong’s words, he felt relieved. He took a long sigh, “I wonder what happened to the intermediate team? If they are here with us, they won’t have to worry about their task at all. They are also unlucky.”

Zhang Zhang and his team members really felt unlucky at the moment. They are trying their best to deal with a Chang snake, and each of them had injuries of varying degrees. When Du Feng is wearing a pair of gloves, her strength is twice as strong as that of ordinary people. Right now, she is holding onto the mouth of the snake tightly and swaying in mid-air as the snake’s body swayed. You Xing’s flower couldn’t get in front of the Chang snake at all, and Du Jun’s stick only felt like a tickle for the snake. Zhang Zhang got whipped all over by the snake’s tail. Gritting his teeth, he chased after the Chang snake with his chainsaw.

This will not do! The snake must be restrained first!

Zhang Zhang gritted his teeth and shouted, “You Xing, take the spider web out!”

You Xing responded and put on her gloves. Then, she took out a ball of silk-like things from her backpack, “Team leader, I’m ready.”

Although Zhang Zhang felt pain (from using rare items), his members are more important. The moment he saw a gap, he immediately shouted, “Cast the net!”

As soon as Zhang Zhang said that, Du Feng and Du Jun immediately let go and moved away from the Chang snake. A white web is thrown from the air and fell on the Chang snake, and it shrank into a ball. The Chang snake shook violently, but the white web became tighter and tighter as it swayed, sticking together. In the end, the Chang snake got wrapped into a bundle.

Zhang Zhang raised the chainsaw and quickly sawed the snake into several pieces.

The Chang snake is dead, but the spider web also became useless. This spider web was obtained from their last mission world, and it is a one-time item. Zhang Zhang originally wanted to keep it for emergencies, or to exchange for other things, but he didn’t expect it to be used at the first Chang snake they encountered after separating from the junior team.

Sighing, Zhang Zhang walked aside and sat down to rest.

Raw word count: 3068


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 44 Part 2

[Banana – Take note, this chapter ends at a cliff~]

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef) – dead
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

The next moment, the little white ball immediately returned to Lou Fan. It jumped on top of him a few times before jumping back to the palm of his hand. Lou Fan picked it up by the ‘neck’. “Who told you to run so fast? At least, wait for us to follow. What if we lose sight of you? Do you still want to eat butter beans then?!”

After Lou Fan finished scolding, he heard Furball chirp aggrievedly.

Qin Tan couldn’t bear it and said to Lou Fan, “Don’t bully it.”

Lou Fan’s eyes widened, and suddenly he felt reluctant, “You reprimand me?” What’s with this feeling of falling out of favor?!

Qin Tan laughed, “Don’t waste time.”

Alright, he just cares about the mission.

Wen Lang: I refuse to eat this dog food!

Lou Fan asked everyone to get ready before putting Furball on the ground again, “Okay, let’s go but please slow down.”

This time the Furball is obedient. It moved very fast, but it will stop once in a while. This scene is actually quite funny so Lou Fan is in a good mood. He decided to give a few more butter beans as a reward.

Even if Furball slowed down, the team still have to run very fast to keep up. After about 10 minutes, Chen Shuyang felt that he had run for several kilometers. He is so tired that he could hardly breathe. When he finally stopped running, he immediately saw the Longjing grass not far away.

That Longjing grass is much bigger than what they saw previously.

Jiang Dong walked over cautiously and carefully observed it at a distance of half a meter from the Longjing grass, for fear that someone accidentally bumped into the Longjing grass and led out the Chang snake. This Longjing grass is darker in color, and compared to the previous grass that looked like a jiao – a dragon without feet, this one can vaguely see claws similar to feet. It is said to be grass, but it is as lifelike as a dragon that really wants to fly up the clouds.

The situation doesn’t look good.

Jiang Dong retracted his gaze with a solemn expression, “It’s a Longjing grass, but it looks more mature. I’m afraid the Chang snake behind it is not easy to deal with.”

Lou Fan glanced helplessly at the fluffy ball in his hand that is happily eating butter beans. It helped to find a grass alright, but such a powerful one… do they pick it or not?

“What to do, to pick or not to pick?”

High risk means high profit, but here comes the problem. Their mission only requires 10 Longjing grass, and it didn’t say what quality is required. Besides, they don’t know if the mission item can be brought back to Lazuli in the end. It will be a huge loss if it disappears the moment they left the world.

At the time of these two difficult choices, Furball has finished eating the butter beans. It looked up at everyone and found that none of them responded, the Longjing grass is still in place – it swooshed to it…

Lou Fan only had time to glare at the hairball before putting the Longjing grass into the bag, where the Chang snake had already appeared the next moment. ‘Gritting his teeth’ is no longer enough to describe his mood. At this moment, he only thinks about how to get rid of the Chang snake quickly, but unfortunately, the Level 8 team is not there. Otherwise, there will be 1 more task progress for them.

This snake is much bigger than usual, as Jiang Dong expected. Its thickness is about 3 people hugging around it combined. The thick scales all over its body are glowing, and they looked very tough at first glance. The bloody mouth the size of a basin opened widely and the snake hissed. Its eyes exuded a faint green light.

“Be careful! All spread out!” Qin Tan shouted.

Pushing Lou Fan away, Qin Tan pulled out his sword and rolled to the side. The Chang snake’s head hit the stone wall. The stone wall is hard but the snake’s head seems to be harder, as a large crack appeared on the stone wall.

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong had long escaped to the side. One threw out the chain whip while the other threw out the bandage. It’s a pity that Wen Lang’s chain whip is too short to deal with this Chang snake, so it couldn’t wrap around it. The Chang snake suddenly turned its head towards him so Wen Lang immediately rolled down and passed through the snake’s belly. Good thing he is not bitten.

“Think of a way! The whip can’t wrap around it!”

Wen Lang shouted while running and Jiang Dong immediately said, “Come to me.”

Wen Lang ran over immediately and the Chang snake behind him got distracted by Lou Fan and Qin Tan. The snake is too big to get close. While Lou Fan is shooting arrows to attract its attention, Qin Tan took the opportunity to attack the snake’s belly, but the snake’s belly is as hard as a stone.

Jiang Dong cut off the bandage in his hand (which the end is tied around the snake’s tail) and handed it to Wen Lang. Wen Lang took the bandage and immediately wrapped it in a circle in his hand. Next, Jiang Dong swiftly ran to the snake’s head and flung out a strip of bandage, wrapping around the head. Fortunately, Jiang Dong’s spirit weapon is the bandage. If ordinary people threw out a strip of bandage, it will only fall down limply, how would it move to wrap around the target object? Only the spirit weapon can have this effect. It could act like a rope and also automatically wrapped around the target, which is very convenient for them.

Jiang Dong pulled at the snake’s head only to realize that the snake’s head is not as easy as pulling the snake’s tail. The head of the snake moves violently, and he has to be careful not to be caught and bitten by the snake. If it goes east, he has to go west. If it turned around, he has to run to the other side very quickly. But Wen Lang never said that, and Lou Fan is the one who helped to pull when he almost lost his strength back then.

The way they restrained the snake is still the same operation, but the effect is greatly reduced. Qin Tan’s Tang sword cannot cut through the snake’s skin. Lou Fan had to keep shooting phoenix feather arrows to attract the Chang snake’s attention because he is afraid that the Chang snake would hurt Qin Tan.

“What should I do?” Chen Shuyang’s dagger is completely useless at the moment. He hid at the entrance of the hole and shuffled back and forth anxiously.

Gritting his teeth, Chen Shuyang raised his dagger and rushed forward. Even if the Chang snake couldn’t be hurt, he still had to attract attention and give Brother Qin a chance. Otherwise, the longer it took, the worse it would be for them.

The nature of creatures is probably to bully the weak and fear the strong. Since it can’t hurt those it is currently fighting with, Chen Shuyang’s arrival gave Chang snake a chance. It immediately gave up fighting with Qin Tan, turned around, and pounced towards Chen Shuyang.

The bloody mouth gave off a strong stench, and Chen Shuyang is stunned. At that moment, he seemed to have been struck by an immobilizing spell, and he couldn’t move. Lou Fan pulled out the short sword from his waist and ran forward. The immobilizing amulet is ready in his left hand, ready to be crushed at any time.

“Lou Fan!” Qin Tan’s terrified voice sounded.

A blur of white shadow flashed out from Lou Fan’s chest pocket and rushed straight to the Chang snake.

Time seemed to freeze at that moment, and Lou Fan hadn’t even regained his senses. The next moment, the Chang snake fell heavily to the ground with a BANG, and the surrounding space shook momentarily.

“Furball!” Lou Fan shouted, and ran to the Chang snake to find the fur ball.

Then, Furball came out of nowhere, and the white fur on its body is stained with blood. It ran to Lou Fan’s feet and shook its body. Miraculously, the blood on its body is immediately shaken off, like one shaking the rain on an umbrella, and its fur returned to snow white again. Holding a dark red bead on its small paw, it proudly handed the bead to Lou Fan.

Qin Tan, Wen Lang, and Jiang Dong came over from the other side of the snake.

Wen Lang: “Brother Lou, what have you done? Why did the snake die so suddenly?”

Qin Tan looked at Lou Fan up and down to make sure he didn’t see any wounds. But still, he asked worriedly, “Are you not injured?”

Lou Fan shook his head, “I’m fine. I didn’t even do anything yet and it died. It should be Furball’s doing.”

Furball once again refreshed everyone’s understanding of its offensive ability.

On the other hand, Chen Shuyang got so frightened by the snake that his hands and feet are frozen stiff, thinking he is doomed. Now that the danger has passed, he slipped from the stone wall and fell to the ground, exhaling a long breath. His back is covered in sweat and his clothes are soaking wet. But his gaze looking at Furball has become fiery.

Chen Shuyang has decided that in the future, he will not do things like being a hero again. He’ll just be a beautiful vase/person quietly waiting by the side. After all, his function in the team is an encyclopedia, and he only needs to use his brainpower. Fighting and whatnots are illusions, and it’s not as important as pleasing Furball.

Qin Tan is not fooled by the distraction. He frowned and said solemnly, “Next time, you are not allowed to do such a dangerous thing again.” Seeing that Lou Fan opened his mouth to quibble, Qin Tan added, “You have other ways of solving the problem without putting yourself in danger. Items are the tool that helps us stay alive. If it’s used up, we can find more again.”

Lou Fan also knew that he is a little reckless this time. He just wanted to wait until the last minute to use the talisman. After all, things like these are hard to come by. But now? Forget it, life is more important. Lou Fan is also afraid that he would not survive just now. He had just found himself a boyfriend, and he still hasn’t done a single thing that should have done together. If he died like this, it would be a great loss for him!

To change the subject, Lou Fan squeezed the bead and asked Furball, “What is this?”

Furball raised its little paw to point at the Chang snake.

It’s from inside the snake?

“I don’t think snake gut looks like this?” Lou Fan turned his head and asked Jiang Dong. He is a doctor, right?

Jiang Dong smiled helplessly, “I’m a surgeon, not a veterinarian. But snake gallbladders really don’t look like this.”

Furball pulled out a butter bean from its fluffy fur and pointed to the bead. Then it put the butter bean in its mouth and ate it.

The bead is for eating?

Lou Fan looked at Qin Tan and then at the bead in his hand. Knowing that it was in the snake’s body previously, he felt a little reluctant to eat it.

Qin Tan took the bead with a frown. Then he stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.

“Ehh?? How could you just eat it just like this?” Lou Fan nervously opened Qin Tan’s mouth and peeked inside on tiptoes. “You swallowed it? Can you still vomit it out? Are you stupid?!”

Qin Tan looked down at Lou Fan and pulled him into his arms, “En? Am I stupid or are you stupid? Don’t think I don’t know that you wanted to swallow it yourself. What if something went wrong?”

Lou Fan slapped Qin Tan away, “Then what if something happened to you?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you live as a widow.”

Lou Fan: …

Though Wen Lang already knew the relationship between the two, but at this moment he still felt that his heart as a single dog is severely attacked. He thinks he needs to call 120 for help (China number for ambulance).

Chen Shuyang is stunned by the situation. He couldn’t understand how things had reversed dramatically. What happened? How did it jump to the topic of being a widow, and who is the one below (shou)?

Just as Qin Tan finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed and his arm muscles tensed up. Lou Fan immediately sensed something is wrong with him and quickly grabbed his arm.

“Qin Tan! Qin Tan, what’s wrong with you? Don’t scare me!”

Qin Tan’s face is the color of pig liver (deep red) and Lou Fan helped him to sit at the side. Then Lou Fan picked up Furball and roared, “What the hell is that bead?! Is it actually edible?!”

On the side, Jiang Dong immediately began to check Qin Tan’s status, while Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang helped to relieve Qin Tan of his backpack and weapon.

Because Lou Fan is in a panicking state at the moment, he has completely forgotten that Furball can’t speak. His roar frightened Furball causing the fur all over its body to stand up like spikes, but the place where Lou Fan is holding it is still a soft and fluffy spot.

Raw word count: 6092 (whole chapter)
