Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 73

After getting out of the train, Wen Lang took out a small megaphone and shouted to the newcomer’s train compartment, “Those with the black leaflet, yes, you guys. Get off the train and follow me. Now, go through the faregate. Come, come, there is not much time, follow me!” The loudspeaker emits an electric sound, so when Wen Lang said the instructions, it gave people a feeling that he is a tour guide who is leading the visitors to a scenic spot. To be honest, they felt like denying that they know him.

The junior team inside the compartment beside is led down by a tall man who looked like the team leader. Qin Tan walked out of the platform first, followed by the junior team. After going out of the station, the junior team’s leader walked up to Qin Tan to say hello.

Lou Fan ignored the people and started to observe the situation around him. This is an amusement park that seems to have been abandoned for a long time. The small carousel not far away is rusted and its original appearance cannot be seen anymore. The iron fence surrounding the amusement facilities is broken into pieces and thrown to the ground in a mess. All in all, it’s a small, deserted amusement park in the middle of nowhere.

In the middle of the park, there is a railway track that the original track cannot be seen clearly due to being unused for a long time. The train they were riding seemed to be integrated with this park. After everyone left the station, it drove away along this track.

Turning around, they can see a huge building that is out of tune with the style here in front of them. It is about 3 or 4 stories high, and on the top door there are 2 big characters with colorful lights: 迷宫 (Maze). 2 wooden doors are wide open, and the one on the right has a sign that read ‘Entrance’.

“Where the hell is this place?” An indifferent female voice asked. A woman is looking at everyone with suspicious eyes, “Who are you? What are you guys planning to do here?”

The woman has delicate makeup on her face and is wearing a beige professional suit. She looks capable and calm, she should be a senior white-collar worker.

Wen Lang put away the megaphone and walked over to the newcomers, starting to recite the basic knowledge he had memorized early in the morning. It doesn’t matter if the newcomers believe it or not, it’s not his business anymore after he finished talking. They couldn’t blame him if they courted death themselves. After the series of explanations, Wen Lang clapped his hands and concluded, “That’s it. It’s up to you to believe it or not. If you believe it, just follow us and don’t talk nonsense. If you don’t believe it, then just stay where you are and don’t make trouble. We won’t help if you get beaten up from that.”

The intermediate team consists of 6 people, the junior team consists of 5 people, and the newcomer team consists of 6 people.

When Lou Fan walked over to Qin Tan’s side, Qin Tan had just finished talking with the team leader of the junior team. The junior team this time is a Level 1 team. Adding the people from the newcomer team, he felt that this task should not be too difficult.

The newcomers stood on the spot, looking apprehensive. The woman who took the lead strode over, her high heels striding steadily on the dirt-covered ground. At first glance, she can see the leaders standing together. Hence, she walked over and nodded slightly to them. Her voice cold as she said, “My name is Zhuo Lan, what are we going to do now?”

Qin Tan frowned and replied, “My name is Qin Tan, the team leader of the intermediate team. All of you wait here first and keep quiet.”

Hearing that, Zhuo Lan frowned in dissatisfaction. She is about to speak again, but got stopped by Wen Lang, “I say, this young lady, our team leader is busy now. Can you put away the momentum of a company’s top management staff and stay obedient? And you guys?” He raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself, “… are under my supervision.”

Zhuo Lan didn’t even look at Wen Lang. She remained standing beside Qin Tan, her presence could not be ignored.

Qin Tan turned his head to look at Lou Fan and introduced, “This is the temporary team leader of the junior team, Song Ye.”

Lou Fan nodded as a greeting. Then he raised his chin in the direction of the maze and said, “That’s our mission this time. I have looked around, but it is just a dilapidated amusement park, nothing of value.”

“What is the junior team’s mission?” Lou Fan asked.

Song Ye pursed his lips, “Go through the maze.”

Lou Fan is surprised for a moment before asking, “Don’t tell me the newcomer team also has the same mission?”

Wen Lang nodded, “It’s the same.”

Isn’t the task a bit too easy this time? The task content of the 3 teams is the same, which is almost never heard of. This caused the intermediate team to feel a little confused.

“Shuyang,” Lou Fan called out to Chen Shuyang. Still staring at the huge maze in front of him, he instructed, “analyze the location first and envision what’s inside. Wen Lang and, uh, Zhuo Lan? You guys take out the food from the backpack and divide them among the team.”

Anticipating the situation in the maze, Qin Tan’s team brought the food for the newcomer team as well. Although it is just compressed food, it’s still a bit cumbersome, so they simply divide the food out and let them carry their own food.

Zhuo Lan’s job has always been instructing others. Except for the general manager of the company, no one can instruct her to do things. Right now, being instructed by a fair-skinned young man with a naive temperament, she suddenly felt an uncomfortable tightness in her chest. She is about to refute when that gaze lightly brushed over her. Her words stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t say anything.

Wen Lang called the newcomer team to come over, everyone picked up a simple backpack and he distributed food to them.

On the other side, Chen Shuyang and Lou Fan analyzed the situation of the maze. According to experience, there are only 2 situations that they might encounter in the maze. One is trap type (hidden traps) and the other is pursuit type (by NPC). Anyway, the probability of encountering a supernatural situation is very small.

“Then, if the 2 situations appear together, what’s the solution?” Qin Tan’s voice sounded above the heads of the two who are squatting on the ground.

Lou Fan looked up at Qin Tan and helplessly answered, “Then, we can only depend on our luck to survive.”

“Alright then, that’s about it.” Lou Fan stood up on his knees and patted the dirt on his trouser legs. Throwing the backpack over his shoulders, he said, “It’s the first time that there’s a time restriction[1], so let’s go in early.”

The time is now 7.00 am on 20th February, and the group of people is standing at the entrance of the maze.

Song Ye is followed by 4 team members of Level 1. They are all randomly picked to form a team. As the temporarily selected team leader, his job is basically conveying the instructions from the intermediate team. He had too little experience, so being obedient is the right way. He heard it just now that all teams, even the newcomer team, have the same mission which is going through the maze. Everyone has to enter the maze and can only go back to Lazuli after exiting the maze. Staying where they are right now will only be a dead end.

Zhuo Lan’s expression is dark, but she couldn’t find anything wrong with the situation. People distributed food to them and didn’t ask them to charge forward. It’s just that she is not allowed to participate in the leadership. She doesn’t understand the situation at all, so it makes sense that she is not qualified to lead. But she just felt uncomfortable all over her body. This feeling of being out of control is horrible and it made her feel very insecure. All she did was accept a flyer and slept on the high-speed train. How can she arrive at such an inexplicable place?

“The miss over there, I advise you to take off your high heels. If you twist your feet while running, it will be fatal.” Wen Lang turned his head to remind the woman kindly.

When Zhuo Lan came back to her senses, she realized that he was advising her. She looked down at her feet, it was a pair of stilettos with 10 centimeters heels. Needless to say what would happen if she twisted her feet. Zhuo Lan took off her shoes and stepped on the ground with her bare feet. Then she rolled up her wide-leg pants and tied a knot.

Standing at the front, Qin Tan said loudly, “We are going in now. Everyone be careful, you are responsible for your own safety. If you don’t obey our instructions, you are on your own.”

The maze is literally what it’s called – a maze, there are many forks in the path. There is a tip on how to get through a maze on the Internet. When you encounter a fork in the road, turn left, and then turn left at the next fork. Every time you encounter a fork, turn in the same direction. When you encounter a dead-end, return to the fork and go to the next fork. If you keep walking like this, you will definitely find an exit.

Lou Fan doesn’t know if this tip is true or not. Anyway, Chen Shuyang said so, so they will be following this plan. There is no other way after all.

Upon entering the maze, they can see that there is a long alley, with high walls on both sides. The walls are smooth, and it is almost impossible to climb up. They walked along the path and came across the first fork in the road.

It is a crossroads.

The maze is very big, and the road inside is very wide. Everyone will inevitably crowd together. The intersection is normal, with bare walls and empty roads. Qin Tan took the lead and turned left first. Lou Fan stared in the other 2 directions for a few seconds, and he didn’t recover until Chen Shuyang patted him.

“Brother Lou, what’s wrong?” Chen Shuyang followed Lou Fan’s gaze but saw nothing there.

Lou Fan shook his head. Seeing Wen Lang walking in front with newcomers following behind, and the Level 1 team also crowded together, Lou Fan stepped up to follow, “Let’s go, follow the people in front.”

Nie Feng walked slowly at the end of the crowd, with his hands on the back of his head, as if he is as leisurely as taking a walk after dinner.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Furball came out from Lou Fan’s pocket and chirped. Lou Fan thought it is asking for food and is about to say something when he heard a small sound by his ear. Before he could say ‘be careful’, the path at a meter ahead suddenly sank.

It’s a trap!

Lou Fan’s figure flashed, and he immediately grabbed the person in front of him who is about to fall.



3 screams sounded one after another, followed by a long echo. The rest of the people who were caught by other people, all had lingering fears and scrambled to stay away from that trap.

“Brother Lou, are you guys all right? What should we do now?” Wen Lang pulled away the person in front of him and looked at Lou Fan who is standing on the opposite side. Then, he turned to Qin Tan, “Brother Qin, it’s too far away to get to the other side.”

The trap was only 2 or 3 meters wide at the beginning. But at this moment, it is 5 or 6 meters away, it is impossible to jump to the other side.

“Let’s go forward separately, remember to pay attention to safety.” Lou Fan said helplessly. Looking at the 3 team members on the opposite side, he is a little worried.

Qin Tan worriedly said, “Be vigilant, maybe we will meet you guys again later.”

On the opposite, there are Qin Tan, Wen Lang, and Jiang Dong. There are also 2 people from the Level 1 team and 3 people from the newcomer team (8 ppl in total).

On this side, there are Lou Fan, Chen Shuyang, and Nie Feng. Then, there are Zhuo Lan from the newcomer team and 2 people from the Level 1 team (6 ppl in total).

Knowing that Shuyang is on his side makes Lou Fan more relieved. Qin Tan’s hands are black (unlucky), and Wen Lang and Jiang Dong’s hands are not too white either, which is a bit worrying.

Wen Lang also reminded with a worried look, “Brother Lou and Shuyang, you two be careful. We will look for you when we find a way.”

“Alright now, you should take care of yourself instead. Don’t you know how much you weigh (in terms of strength)?” Jiang Dong rolled his eyes at Wen Lang. On the opposite side, there’s a lucky king who had an explosive strength, and a walking encyclopedia. Their side here is the ones who should be worried.

Wen Lang: “You look down on me?”

“Oh, I even look down on myself.”

Wen Lang: …I had a feeling that something is wrong but don’t know what.

Lou Fan walked back to the previous fork with the group. This time, he is more cautious. Furball called out before, he is now sure that it is actually cautioning him of dangers. At this moment, Furball is standing on his shoulder. Shrinking into a ball, it looked like a decorative adornment on his shoulders.

When they came to a fork in the road, Lou Fan stopped walking. He stared at the fork in the road, with a bit of seriousness in his eyes.

Raw word count: 3044


[1] Banana: Not sure what the author meant because all tasks have time limit, as in the time they need to be at the station to catch the train.

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 72

After sleeping for half a month, Furball is very affectionate to everyone. It rubbed itself in everyone’s arms before returning to Lou Fan. Squatting on the edge of the plate in front of Lou Fan, Furball began to feast.

After eating the hot pot, Lou Fan slumped on the sofa, rubbing his bulging belly. He felt more comfortable eating at home. There are no annoying people here so his appetite is much better.

Jiang Dong and Wen Lang helped to clean up Nie Feng’s room which is next to Chen Shuyang’s. After dinner, Nie Feng went to his room. The rest also cleaned up and returned to their rooms.

After everything is cleaned up, only Lou Fan and Qin Tan are left downstairs. Seeing Lou Fan lying on the sofa and didn’t want to move, Qin Tan helplessly walked over. Leaning close to Lou Fan, Qin Tan lowered his head and bit Lou Fan’s lips.

Feeling the pain, Lou Fan let out a whimper. Next, Furball rushed over to block between the two and started a staring match with Qin Tan.

“Pfft.” Lou Fan laughed, and rubbed Furball’s head, which felt so good, “Furball is good. He bullied me so you have to help me.”

Furball chirped twice and glared at Qin Tan aggressively, with a feeling of ‘If you want to bully my master, step over my dead body first’. Lou Fan twisted his body wickedly, and the place where the two were touching suddenly became tight.

The sensation caused Lou Fan to suppress the low breath in his throat, while Qin Tan took a deep breath. His eyes suddenly darkened, and one could even see the desire flashing inside.

“Acting up now? That place doesn’t hurt anymore?” The man asked in a suppressed voice.

However, there is a ball of fur blocking in front of him. No matter how one looked at the scene, there is no sense of threat. Lou Fan sneered, “Only you are allowed to be a tease? Not possible!” Anyone can be one, depending on who can do better.

Looking at the smug man under him, Qin Tan picked the furball up and flung it away. With a PA, Furball got thrown far away. After rolling twice on the ground, it stood up in confusion. Next, Furball bared its teeth and wants to jump back, only to find out that it got locked in the living room. Furball chirped twice outside but no one responded so it can only lie down on the sofa by itself, staring at the door.

The touch of fingers lingers on his firm back, making his back muscles turn tenser. Qin Tan let go of the lips he was biting. His voice is so low that he could spit fire, “You don’t want to get up anymore tomorrow?”

Lou Fan looked at Qin Tan defiantly and pecked him on the mouth, “Who said I can’t get up tomorrow? Have you never heard a saying before – There’s no over-plowed fields, only exhausted cows?”

Qin Tan squinted. This person is very arrogant today, could it be because of drinking? Next time, it’s better to make him drink a little more.

Strong arms wrapped around the man and they threw themselves on the bed. Clothes have long since been discarded and their exposed skin sticks to each other. Qin Tan slid his fingers to the edge of Lou Fan’s lower abdomen. With a flick, the clasp opens easily. Lou Fan is fully exposed to the air and the coldness made him shiver. In the next second, he is engulfed by the man again.

Hot sensation invaded and the intense pleasure made Lou Fan arched his body to accommodate; his toes slightly curled up. The violent impact made the leaked gr.o.a.n shatter into pieces. Lou Fan hugged the man’s neck tightly, gasping like a choking fish. He could only feel like he is currently bobbing up and down, about to be overwhelmed by the huge waves.

Qin Tan held Lou Fan tightly, fiercely thrusting in and out. It was like huge fireworks exploded in Lou Fan’s mind but Qin Tan bit his lips, suppressing the gro.a.n.s in his throat. Then, the man covered on top of him, kissing his lips lightly.

Lou Fan felt like he got turned over and over again. His entire body is powerless, and it felt like he is about to be torn apart. Maybe there’s only a broken body left for tomorrow.

“The field is damaged by over-plowing?”

Lou Fan: You still have the frcking spirit to joke around.

The eyes glaring at Qin Tan looked like they are fluttering like a soft wink, very seductive. Qin Tan couldn’t hold back and bit down again.

With a pain in his chest, Lou Fan growled, “Qin Tan, are you a dog?”

“Yes, you only find out today? I’m a dog.” After Qin Tan said that, he stuck out his tongue and licked Lou Fan’s nips lightly.

Lou Fan froze all over, and a shudder ran from his tailbone to the back of his head: …

Qin Tan, where is your face (dignity)? I don’t want to date a dog.

Wen Lang heard Qin Tan humming in the kitchen early in the morning. He walked over with a weird look and asked, “Brother Qin, why are you so happy?”

Qin Tan: “Ploughing the land makes me happy.”

Lou Fan who just came out while rubbing his waist: …

Lou Fan is sitting on the sofa with a can of Coke, waiting for Tong Fei to come down. There is still a little discomfort in the waist. As he rubbed it, he pulled a soft pad to put it under his buttocks.

Tong Fei arrived with a grin. Big waves of hair draped over her shoulders, and she sat across from Lou Fan while looking at her newly painted nails. Her gaze is very blatant as she glanced up and down Lou Fan’s waist, “What happened? Your conjoined twins didn’t come with you?”

Lou Fan: “No, he’s kneeling on the washboard at home.”

“Pfft.” Tong Fei couldn’t help laughing out and then changed the subject. She asked, “So, tell me why you asked to see me today?”

Lou Fan put down the Coke. He took out 2 sets of spells, a total of 8 amulets, and handed them to Tong Fei. “Tomorrow, you are going to enter your next mission world. Consider this a gift given by our team, take it.”

Tong Fei raised her eyebrows as she reached out to take it. Then, her expression changed immediately. She heard from Qi Haichao yesterday that the bazaar registration office obtained a few amulets, but they got intercepted by the senior management of the registration office before they could get listed on the electronic board. Also, the asking price was not expensive. She remembered hearing Qi Haichao say that he didn’t know which idiot was selling it but it was really stupid to sell a few amulets at such a low price. So stupid.

Tong Fei touched the amulets, which are made with ordinary paper. The spell on it was drawn with a black-inked pen, which is completely different from the ordinary amulet she knew. But it looked exactly as Qi Haichao described, and the seller guarantees that it will work.

Tong Fei looked up at Lou Fan and asked hesitantly, “You give me so much of such an important thing? You are also the people who put it up to sell in the bazaar yesterday?”

Lou Fan didn’t expect that Tong Fei would know about it and nodded, “It’s ours. I can’t tell you how we got it, but I promise it works.”

“Of course I believe you.” Tong Fei waved her hand, hesitant to return the amulets. Since Lou Fan gave it to her, it means he still has some in hand so she added, “Then, I will thank you first.”

Lou Fan laughed, “It’s nothing, but don’t tell anyone else.”

The meaning in his words is too clear. Tong Fei looked at Lou Fan and said seriously, “You don’t like Qi Haichao. Why?”

“It doesn’t matter if we like him or not.” Lou Fan said, “It’s just that I instinctively don’t like him. Sister Tong Fei, you should also be a bit more vigilant.”

After explaining to Tong Fei about the effect and usage of the spell, Lou Fan has completed what he came to do. He still have to go back to training, so he told Tong Fei that they will come to send her off tomorrow, then got up and left.

Tong Fei pinched the amulets in her hand, feeling a little emotional for a while.

Jiang Rou came out of the kitchen with some fruits in her hand. She didn’t see Lou Fan and only saw her captain sitting silently on the sofa, holding a few strange amulets in her hand.

“Sister Fei, what is this?”

Tong Fei handed the amulets to Jiang Rou, “These amulets are given by Lou Fan.”

Hearing that, Jiang Rou widened her eyes. She touched it carefully, and blurted out, “Brother Lou, they are so nice. They even gave us such an important thing, unlike that someone…”

Jiang Rou stopped herself and looked at Tong Fei carefully. Her eyes shifted, and she made an excuse to slip away.

Tong Fei giggled to herself. That’s right, friends can think about her so much, but what about men? Heh.

The next day, at 11.30 am, Lou Fan’s team of 6 people stood on the platform to send Tong Fei off. Tong Fei’s team also has a total of 6 people this time, and everything is well prepared. The team of 6 women[1] is carrying big bags and their expressions are very calm.

“Sister Tong Fei, you all be careful. Pay attention to safety, and we will wait for your return.”

Tong Fei smiled, “Don’t worry, I will come back safely.”

The train slowly entered the station and Tong Fei took a deep breath. She waved and brought her teammates into the train, never looking back.

Selling spells, recruiting a new member Nie Feng, and Furball waking up have become the most important things for their team upon returning to Lazuli this time. Because there are too few points in the hand, their team has to sell more amulets even though it is conspicuous. Before this, the amulets are not too eye-catching so nothing happens when they sold it. But now, they can only sell them secretly.

All the transactions regarding the amulets are done by Jiang Dong to the bazaar registry. Because he requested confidentiality, It didn’t cause any waves. After selling 3 sets, the team thinks they should stop selling temporarily to avoid attracting attention. Although they don’t know who the buyer is, the buyers already know who they are.

Nie Feng started training with the rest of the team the next day. His skills are good, but he was a wild rogue. It could be seen from his moves that he has been to many fights before. Qin Tan made a training plan for Nie Feng according to his characteristics. Nie Feng politely said thank you, and then trained strictly according to the plan. He also worked very hard.

The team is actively preparing for their next task, trying to adjust their state to the best, and everyone is working hard. Lou Fan originally planned to exchange a set of weapons for Nie Feng, but Nie Feng didn’t want it, saying that his scissors is easy to use and he didn’t need more. Finally, at Qin Tan’s insistence, he exchanged a dagger and equipped it on himself.

Jiang Dong learned the lesson from the previous mission this time. After Lou Fan authorized the funds, the medical supplies are well prepared. The quantity is not much but expensive, and all aspects were considered.

Wen Lang is the first to find out that something is wrong. While eating today, he looked out a few times before saying to everyone, “Do you feel that more people are walking around recently? I counted, there are 10 people walking past from outside this morning alone. This was impossible in the past, as I can count the people I see in a day with just 1 hand.”

Lou Fan sighed, “It seems that this is caused by the sale of amulets. Forget it, those who want to come will always come. We’ll just let them see. We are all so handsome here, it’s a pity not to show them.”

Since no one has taken actual action, the team doesn’t plan to care. It’s not like they can prevent others from passing by their door. It’s illogical.

The leisure time always passes quickly, and their next task information arrives as usual.

Task content: Going through the maze and getting on the train on time at 6.00 pm on 29th February. Please get on the train on time at 6.00 am on 20th February.

Task time limit: From 6.00 am on 20th February to 6.00 pm on 29th February.

Team information: Lou Fan Level 5, Chen Shuyang Level 5, Jiang Dong Level 5, Qin Tan Level 6, Wen Lang Level 6, Nie Feng Level 6.

Everyone in the team stared at the words ‘Going through the maze’. The content of this task is too simple, and it could only be preliminarily judged that their task is a maze. Hence, the things that could be prepared in advance are very limited.

Tong Fei’s mission this time lasted for half a month. Hence, until Lou Fan and the others set foot on the train for their mission, they still didn’t see Tong Fei. In his heart, Lou Fan is sweating nervously for Tong Fei and is very worried. There is still 1 day before the deadline for her return. Lou Fan didn’t know if she…

As an intermediate team, Qin Tan’s team arranged for Wen Lang to impart basic knowledge to the newcomers. This is Lazuli’s practice (for the intermediate team). Wen Lang also made preparations in advance, trying to explain everything in the shortest time and in the most concise words, without wasting time.

Of course, if there are really disobedient people, they can only use force.

A day later, Tong Fei and Jiang Rou got off the train. There are only 2 of them left in the 3 carriages[2]. Their bodies are intact, not lacking any parts, but their eyes are cold and ruthless, with a trace of bloodthirstiness. The spirit weapon they held in their hands emitted a faint orange light.

Raw word count: 3133

#Hard( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[1] It was not mentioned before who are in Tong Fei’s new team after she announced that she will be creating a all-female team so they are probably random females that are not introduced in the novel.
[2] Meaning, everyone in the junior team and newcomer team are dead.

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 71

With Qi Haichao’s arrival, everyone immediately entered the normal eating routine. All of them are engrossed in eating, not even sparing time to drink wine. Qi Haichao still had a decent smile on his face, and occasionally said a few words. Until everyone slowed down their eating, he still kept the same smile.

“I heard Xiao Fei say that half of your team members is Level 5 while the other half is Level 6.” Qi Haichao said, his voice warm and clear.

“Yes.” Qin Tan responded.

Qi Haichao smiled, “I have some information to tell you. Not sure if you knew it before.”

Lou Fan instantly became interested, “Tell me about it.”

Qi Haichao smiled again, and Lou Fan shivered all over. He has this feeling that Qi Haichao’s smile is so penetrating that he felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

“Generally in Lazuli, passengers of the same level will form a team by default. If there is a difference in level, then Lazuli’s preference is to divide the task world according to the highest level team member. That is to say, if Level 5 and 6 members go together, then the difficulty will be set according to the Level 6 team members. Hence, passengers with lower levels will suffer, this is a default rule.”

Seeing Lou Fan nod, Qi Haichao added, “So, your next mission should be the Level 6 mission.”

Lou Fan had this guess before. Every time he would wonder why his team’s mission is so unusual. Apparently, it’s because Qin Tan and Wen Lang are a level higher than them.

Qi Haichao is still smiling, Except for Lou Fan’s face that looked fine, the rest of the people are expressionless. The more he smiled, the more he felt embarrassed. Slowly his face began to stiffen.

“Cough, your next mission should be the Level 6 mission. The Level 6 mission is the threshold to become the intermediate team. According to the common arrangement, it should be a very simple world because you just need to lead the Level 1 team and the newcomer team. As long as you are careful, it will be fine. Consider this a transitional mission world.”

Lou Fan propped his chin and nodded as he listened. In Qi Haichao’s eyes, Lou Fan looked like he is eager to learn, which stroke Qi Haichao’s ego. He thought to himself that although these two people are both intermediate-level spirit weapons holders, they seemed to be inexperienced. Maybe they are just lucky. Aren’t they still need to be taught by an experienced person like him now?

Tong Fei is about to speak, she wanted to tell Qi Haichao that this junior team is very unusual, but she saw Qin Tan shaking his head slightly at her, and she paused. Turning to look at Qi Haichao who is still talking, she pursed her mouth and stayed silent.

Lou Fan yawned and heard Qi Haichao say in a very kind voice, “Both of you have intermediate-level spirit weapons, they must be very powerful. Xiao Fei is about to start her next mission and I’m very worried about her. I have told her about my experience, but it doesn’t seem to be of any use.”

“Oh, we just have pure luck.” Lou Fan turned to look at Tong Fei and winked, “I told Sister Tong Fei just now that we are lucky and managed to randomly bump into the right direction. We are just a junior team and don’t understand anything so your experience is very useful to us.”

A stool slid across the ground, making a harsh rubbing sound. Qin Tan stood up, straightened his clothes, and said in a low voice, “We’ll go back first, everyone is tired.”

Lou Fan nodded and stood up, “Sister Tong Fei, we’ll go back first and not disturb you guys enjoying your time together.”

Tong Fei smiled and watched as they supported Chen Shuyang up and walked out. Seeing that Qi Haichao is going out too, she smiled and said, “I’ll just send them off myself.”

“Won’t that be impolite…” Before Qi Haichao could finish speaking, Tong Fei had already followed the group out and didn’t respond to him at all. His smiling face suddenly collapsed and his expression is heavy. His eyes are fixed on the backs of the group of people with a deep gaze.

Outside of the house, Lou Fan turned his head and saw that Qi Haichao hadn’t followed. He said to Tong Fei, “Sister Tong Fei, I’ll come to see you tomorrow. Um, I have something to do now so I’ll go back for today.”

Tong Fei nodded, understanding what Lou Fan meant.

Nie Feng silently nodded to Tong Fei as a greeting and stepped up to keep up with the people in front of him. This is his new team now.

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong walked in front while supporting Chen Shuyang, and Lou Fan and Qin Tan walked behind. Suddenly remembering that they have a new person joining the team today, Lou Fan tugged Qin Tan’s shirt, motioning him to look back.

Qin Tan turned his head and saw Nie Feng walking slowly behind them, his demeanor lazy and indifferent.

“Nie Feng, where do you live?” Qin Tan asked.

Nie Feng is stunned by the question for a moment. He thought about it and seemed to have a headache. Then he said, “I have forgotten where. I sleep in the store.”

In the store?!

Lou Fan remembered the so-called store is a shed that was built to keep out the wind and rain at best. That place could also be called a home? Isn’t this person a bit too big-hearted?

“Team leader, how do you arrange the new team member? You can’t let such a poor teammate sleep on the street, right?”

Qin Tan thought for a moment. Downstairs, except for him and Lou Fan’s room, other rooms have been converted into recreation rooms. The place where Chen Shuyang lived in the past has turned into training rooms. Then, the 3 rooms upstairs are fully occupied. The only room left is a utility room. It’s just that the space is too small, only can fit a single bed.

“I can accept anywhere, even the sofa.” Nie Feng’s lazy voice sounded.

Qin Tan made a decision and said, “Then, we’ll clear the utility room and put a single bed for you.”

It’s good to meet a teammate who is not picky. See, a decision can be made in just a few minutes.

It is only after 6.00 pm when they returned to the residence. Because of Qi Haichao’s arrival, everyone hadn’t eaten much afterward. Now that they have returned to their residence, they all feel a little hungry.

Not long after Chen Shuyang is brought back, he sobered up at the moment. He rubbed his head and sat on the sofa, looking at Nie Feng with a confused expression.

“Aren’t you the barber? Why are you here?”

Nie Feng sat lazily next to Chen Shuyang. Looking at the cow lick hair on the top of his head, Nie Feng’s hands felt itchy again.

At this moment, Wen Lang came out of the kitchen with a glass of water. When he saw Chen Shuyang is awake, he exaggeratedly exclaimed, “I’m not trying to criticize you, Shuyang. But your alcohol tolerance is no different than none. A glass is enough to make you drunk and you start talking nonsense after that.”

Seeing Nie Feng, who is sitting beside him, Wen Lang recalled that Chen Shuyang was sleeping on the sofa when they accepted the new member. Hence, he introduced him, “This is Nie Feng, a new member of our team.”

The new member Nie Feng gave Chen Shuyang a lazy look. Chen Shuyang make a sound of acknowledgment and said, “Hello, my name is Chen Shuyang”.

They didn’t have enough of the hot pot earlier and didn’t want to think too much about what to make. So, Qin Tan simply brought out a pot of hot pot. Jiang Dong helped to wash and cut the vegetables. Lou Fan stuck his head out and saw 2 people sitting on the sofa. He has never been soft-hearted when using free labor so he gave orders right away.

“Nie Feng, come and help set the table. Wen Lang, go get the drink out. Shuyang, wash your face and sober up. You will have a non-alcoholic drink later. Hurry up, everyone. Get up and get ready to eat.” After that, he clapped his hands and continued to help in the kitchen.

Chen Shuyang responded and got up obediently. He went to the bathroom to wash his face.

On the other hand, Nie Feng is stunned, as if he didn’t understand what Lou Fan said to him. After a while, he slowly got up and walked towards the kitchen with his long legs.

6 people sat at the long dining table that is full of food, with more meat and fewer vegetables. Lou Fan held up an open bottle of beer and got up.

“Cheers, let’s welcome Nie Feng to the team. We have added a new member to our big family.”

Chen Shuyang’s hand is a little itchy and he wanted to sneak a beer over, but the person next to him stuffed a bottle of Coke into his hand. He turned to look and the man looked down. He looked like he is not fully awake, holding a bottle of beer in his hand. Chen Shuyang stood up. Being much shorter than Nie Feng suddenly makes him a little dissatisfied with his height.


Nie Feng didn’t talk much, most of the time is Lou Fan and the others talking while Chen Shuyang spoke up occasionally. Nie Feng narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved to a smile that he didn’t even notice. It had been a long time since he felt such a happy team atmosphere.

“By the way, Nie Feng, what is your spirit weapon?” Wen Lang asked curiously.

Nie Feng took out a pair of scissors from his pocket. It is the one that cut their hair. He stood up and swung forward with the scissors in his hand. It instantly turned into a pair of scissors that is more than 1 meter long. The smooth surface glinted with cold lights, and the blade looked extremely sharp. Nie Feng rested the scissors on his shoulders with one hand, his appearance seemed domineering and powerful.

“My god! That is so frcking handsome!” Wen Lang almost jumped up, staring with envy.

This weapon is awesome! Lou Fan gave a thumbs up and asked, “Nie Feng, have you improved your physique?”

The scissors flipped in Nie Feng’s hand and became smaller again. Putting it into his pocket, he shook his head and sat down, “I was in randomly assigned teams previously, so no.”

Lou Fan turned his head to look at Qin Tan, Qin Tan gave him a faint nod. He got up and walked to his room. When he came out again a few minutes later, he is smiling and holding the snow furball in his hand.

“Guys, see who is this.”

Everyone turned to look at the snow furball in Lou Fan’s hand. Next, Furball opened its mung bean-sized eyes and chirped twice. Then, it swooped and pounced at Chen Shuyang.

Chen Shuyang exclaimed in surprise, “Furball, you are awake!”

Furball has been sleeping for almost half a month and now it finally woke up. On the other hand, their team welcomed a new member. Overall, everything is going fine.

Lou Fan smiled and handed the Longjing grass to Nie Feng. Nie Feng shifted his surprised gaze from the furball and looked at the grass in front of him with doubts.

“This is Longjing Grass, which has a certain role in improving physical fitness. As a new team member introduced by Sister Tong Fei, we fully trust you. Everyone in our team has improved their physical fitness. As a member of our team, you can’t hold us back. So, you should set some time to eat this directly. As for the upgrade of your spirit weapon, we certainly hope you can do it as soon as possible.”

The surprise in Nie Feng’s eyes is even greater. If he remembered correctly, in all the teams he joined before, although they are called a team, everyone basically does things for their own interests. So, it is impossible to anyone to give away this kind of thing to others.

Seeing Nie Feng’s hesitation, Lou Fan put down the Longjing grass in front of him and sat back in his seat. Then he said slowly, “Of course, while we trust you, I also hope you can trust us. After all, we want to go on missions together. Our goal is the same, which is to return to the original world, right?”

It’s not that Nie Feng distrusts this Longjing grass, he was just caught off-guard by this team’s unexpected actions. Not saying anything, he picked up the Longjing grass and put it in his mouth without hesitation. Next, he chewed it twice and swallowed everything. A warm feeling rose in his lower abdomen, then the feeling flowed to his limbs and bones. After that, it disappeared.

Furball tilted its head at the stranger and chirped twice—who is this man?

Raw word count: 3067


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 70

Liwan Plaza mission world, 2 members of the senior team died, but everyone in the junior team survived.

The first 2 sentences sounded normal, but the last part seemed wrong. Liwan Plaza is equivalent to a slaughterhouse. Even the senior team lost 2 members, and almost got annihilated. It’s fine that none of the junior team get killed or injured, but 2 of them even upgraded their spirit weapons. Moreover, the spiritual book that only their team knows has activated a sky-defying usage.

It’s not scientific at all.

The question caused Lou Fan to pause while turning the bottle in his hand, and he looked up at Tong Fei. Her eyes looked serious, but there are also doubts in them. All kinds of emotions are mixed together.

“Sister Tong Fei, when is your next mission?”

Tong Fei smiled bitterly, “The day after tomorrow.”

Lou Fan ruffled a handful of his newly cut hair. Tong Fei’s next mission is Level 10, which is the so-called threshold mission. Feeling a little irritable, Lou Fan replied, “I’ll tell you about it, how Qin Tan and my spirit weapon got upgraded.”

Tong Fei’s spirit weapon has not been upgraded yet, which is the biggest problem.

Asking Qin Tan to explain may result in only a few words, so Lou Fan is the one to explain to Tong Fei from the beginning to the end of the whole mission, very carefully. The part of Qin Tan’s upgrade is done by Qin Tan while Lou Fan explained carefully about his upgrade.

The nails painted with starry blue glowed with fine light, and they tapped on the table one by one, making a slight sound. Tong Fei’s head is lowered but she is actually listening carefully to what Lou Fan said. Qin Tan’s spirit weapon was upgraded because Lou Fan is in danger, and Lou Fan’s spirit weapon was an epiphany from hearing the scriptures.

But as Chen Changdong said, the upgrade of the spirit weapon is something that can’t be forced/created. Also, there’s the other most important point.

“Sister Tong Fei, has your physique been improved?”

Lou Fan stared at Tong Fei with wide eyes, and Tong Fei could even feel the tension in his eyes. She burst out laughing and said, “Don’t worry, it’s already improved.”

Lou Fan breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, “That’s good, I guess you’re just a step away. You’ll improve soon.” Maybe in the next world.

Tong Fei is not as optimistic as Lou Fan is. On the contrary, the next world may be the most dangerous.

This kind of thing is unknown, Tong Fei left these aside and raised the wine glass, “Come, let’s toast. We’ll celebrate your smooth return, and wish me a successful upgrade too.”

Lou Fan held up the wine glass, “I wish you a safe return as well, Sister Tong Fei.”

A few people touched their glasses, and the atmosphere began to warm up.

Tong Fei said with a smile, “Actually, I’m going to introduce 2 people to you today, and they should be there soon.”

Qin Tan put down the wine and turned to talk about another thing, “I remember you said yesterday that you were going to tell us another thing, what is it?”

Tong Fei is stunned for a moment and suddenly remembered that she was going to say about 1 more issue. She pursed her lips and said, “It is about why everyone tacitly agrees not to talk about the upgrade of the spirit weapon. Speaking of which, everyone speculates that this incident of teams getting annihilated is also related to the spirit weapon. You all know that with the increase of tasks, the difficulty of the task will also increase. But the change in the difficulty of the task is not only related to the level of passengers but also related to their spirit weapon. That is to say, the higher the level of one’s spirit weapon, the greater the difficulty of the task. Although the task is divided into 2 levels, but inevitably, the difficulty of the entire mission world will also increase. Simply put, once their strength cannot keep up, it is very dangerous for one to encounter a team with an intermediate spirit weapon in a mission world.”

“Of course, the advanced spirit weapon has not yet appeared, but I think if someone has it, the difficulty of their task is unimaginable.”

Qin Tan’s team agreed with Tong Fei. Lou Fan wondered inside if he and Qin Tan would cause the difficulty of his team’s tasks to increase. If so, it is imminent to improve the strength of his team members as soon as possible. Also, he had to find a way to upgrade their spirit weapons too. For time being, Chen Shuyang’s spirit weapon should have little hope to upgrade.

What Lou Fan is thinking, Qin Tan is thinking about it too. When his eyes swept over the other 3 members, Wen Lang suddenly felt a chill on his back. Jiang Dong rubbed his arms and felt a little cold, while Chen Shuyang shuddered.

Just as they are talking, a tall figure walked in from the door. A girl greeted the person as he entered and he just snorted lightly. Next, he walked in without stopping. When the man saw the 5 people sitting in front of the dining table, he stopped.

Tong Fei looked up and got up immediately. Smiling, she walked over and patted the man’s sturdy arm, pulling him over.

“Let me introduce you, this is the savior of my last mission. En, his level is similar to you guys. His name is Nie Feng.”

At this moment, Chen Shuyang’s cheeks are a little red. With a fresh hairstyle and confused eyes, Chen Shuyang tilted his head, and asked in confusion, “Eh, his name is not Tony?”

“Pfft!” 3 people spat out their drinks in unison, followed by a scrambling sound to wipe the water.

Tong Fei also burst out laughing.

Qin Tan had a smile in his eyes, but a very apologetic expression. He said to Nie Feng, “Sorry, Shuyang is probably drunk.”

While wiping his mouth, Wen Lang picked up the can in front of Chen Shuyang and shook it. There is still a bit of beer left. This kind of drinking level is more terrifying than those weaklings who get drunk after 3 glasses of beer.

Jiang Dong stood up to help Chen Shuyang, who is swaying back and forth, “I’ll put him on the sofa. From the look of it, he is drunk.”

Chen Shuyang’s face is red, and his hair is messed up by his movements. He looked cute with a student-like appearance, and also fluffy like a small animal.

Nie Feng frowned and walked over to him. Jiang Dong who was supporting Chen Shuyang immediately took a half step back. However, Nie Feng is tall and big with long limbs, so he caught Chen Shuyang right away.

Lou Fan is about to stand up when he saw Nie Feng gently smoothing Chen Shuyang’s hair, tidying it to its original hairstyle. He is about to withdraw his hand in satisfaction when Chen Shuyang threw himself into Nie Feng’s arms and rubbed his face against his chest. After that, he smacked his mouth twice and slept soundly with his eyes closed.

Lou Fan palmed his forehead helplessly, and Jiang Dong planned to take over Chen Shuyang. However, Nie Feng frowned and carried Chen Shuyang in a princess hug. He walked to the edge of the sofa and placed him on the sofa with a light movement, before covering him with the blanket on the side.

Not a word was spoken throughout the process.

Tong Fei squinted and glanced back and forth, revealing a meaningful smile. “Everyone, come and sit down. Just let Shuyang sleep there. The beer I prepared here is not high enough in alcohol content. Is Shuyang’s drinking that bad?”

As Tong Fei is talking, she glanced over their hair, and suddenly realized, “Did you go to Nie Feng to cut your hair? I was thinking that the craftsmanship is really good.” Speaking of this, she remembered what Chen Shuyang said about Nie Feng’s name as Tony and suddenly can’t stop laughing.

Immediately, Tong Fei waved her hand and said, “Let’s talk about business. Nie Feng saved me in the last mission, it happens that he is about the same level as you, Level 5. His 6th mission will be arriving soon. I remember that you still have a spot in your team so I thought to introduce you guys and also, give you a good helper. He is quite remarkable.”

Lou Fan thought about Nie Feng’s quick hands and feet when he cut his hair. The man looked tall and strong, so his skill shouldn’t be bad. But he couldn’t decide this, so he turned to look at Qin Tan.

Qin Tan give Nie Feng a look-over and asked, “What about your former teammates?”

“It was a randomly assigned group, they are dead.”

Still short and concise as ever. Tong Fei touched her nose, “He doesn’t talk much.”

Qin Tan: “Interested in a fight?”

Nie Feng didn’t say a word. He only raised his feet expressionlessly and walked to the small garden outside.

Wen Lang smiled and whistled, “This guy is cool enough. He dares to fight with our brother Qin. Just wait until he gets beaten down.”

Nie Feng’s fighting moves are very random, but he can always find the key points of the fight. Although he is tall, his body is unbelievably soft. Several times Qin Tan is about to apprehend him, he fought with a backhand and managed to slip away again.

Watching the two fight each other, the people on the side are so excited that Lou Fan couldn’t help but want to go forward to exchange a few moves too. In the end, Qin Tan won. The two of them are breathing heavily and wiping away their sweat. Previously they were looking at each other with a fierce glint and but now suddenly there is a smile in it. Nie Feng smiled, it was a very shallow smile and gone with the wind in the next second.

Qin Tan walked up to Nie Feng and held out his hand, “Interested in joining our team?”

Nie Feng looked at the hand for 2 seconds and reached out to hold it, “My pleasure.”

Tong Fei clapped, feeling like a matchmaker who had brought good things together, “Come and have a drink. Congratulations to you guys for adding a strong member.”

Everyone cheered, Lou Fan drank the wine in the glass in one breath, and his heart is relieved.

At that moment, the knocking sound of ‘dong dong dong’ sounded, and the people at the table looked sideways. A man is leaning against the door. He is wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, looking mature and handsome, and he is looking at the table with a smile. Seeing everyone looking over, he chuckled lightly, “I don’t know if I’m disturbing?”

Tong Fei stood up again and trot towards the man with a very sweet smile on her face, “You’re here, come in quickly.”

Wen Lang whispered, “I bet the relationship between this man and Sister Tong Fei is not simple.”

Jiang Dong: “Do you think everyone is blind?”

Lou Fan sniffed hard, “I smell the sour stench of love.”

The man stretched out his hand from behind and handed Tong Fei a blue enchantress flower. Seeing that, Tong Fei’s face suddenly seemed to bloom, a hundred times more beautiful than the flower in his hand. Her whole appearance is more delicate than a flower.

Tong Fei sniffed the flower and said softly, “It smells nice, thank you. I like it very much.” Then she took the man’s hand and walked in, “I’ll introduce you to some good friends.”

Tsk tsk, no matter how fierce a woman is, she will become a little sheep when she encounters love.

Tong Fei took the man to the front of a group of people and introduced him with a smile, “This is my boyfriend, Qi Haichao, and these are my good friends.” She introduced them one by one and said everyone’s name. She didn’t miss even Chen Shuyang, who is currently slumbering away without a hint of what’s going on.

With a gentle smile, Qi Haichao greeted everyone very friendly. When he saw the spirit weapon behind Qin Tan and Lou Fan, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he returned to normal.

“Hello everyone, thanks for taking care of Tong Fei before this.” Qi Haichao hugged Tong Fei’s waist. Talking about his girlfriend, he turned his head to look at Tong Fei, and the doting in his eyes almost overflowed.

Tong Fei looked sweet and shy.

Lou Fan rubbed his arms, feeling uncomfortable all over. He turned to look at Wen Lang, who also had a sour expression and waved his eyebrows at him. Jiang Dong lowered his eyes, he thinks that it is intentional. Only Qin Tan and Nie Feng’s faces are expressionless like they didn’t see the two people showing off their love.

The hand under the table gently hooked the little finger of the person next to him. Lou Fan exerted a little strength and got enveloped by the man’s hand. Being wrapped in the palm of the man’s hand, Lou Fan is instantly satisfied.

Gee, the sour stench of love.

Raw word count: 3048


Banana: Dude’s name means Tide/Hǎicháo but I keep seeing it as Seaweed/Hǎizǎo 😛

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 69

Qin Tan turned his head sideways, stepped up, and left the center of the square, and the other members followed. After finding an open space and discussing it a bit, the five decided to go for a walk around, and find out what is going on along the way.

Bazaar is the place Wen Lang is most familiar. After the team walked around and asked the people from the 2 other shops, they finally found the only barber shop in Lazuli.

The storefront is very simple. The word Barbershop is written on a piece of cardboard and hung at the door. There is also a price next to it, and there is only 1 item listed: 500 points for a haircut. The price is clearly marked, with no hidden charge or anything.

The barber inside is a man with a slovenly appearance, with drooping eyelids, and he is quite tall. He is holding a pair of scissors and a comb in his hands. His actions are quick and neat, carefully cutting the hair with his head lowered. A person is sitting inside who is getting a haircut, and 3 people are waiting outside. Qin Tan’s team moved over some stools and sat down to wait for their turn.

Wen Lang is about to walk over to talk to the 3 people when Jiang Dong held him back. Jiang Dong took out 2 packs of cigarettes from his bag and handed them to Wen Lang. Wen Lang got stunned for a moment before taking the cigarette and putting it in his pocket. Then, he approached the 3 men and started talking.

Smiling with a sunny and handsome face, Wen Lang approached the men and asked, “These 3 big brothers, you also came to cut your hair? How is this master’s craftsmanship? This is the first time this brother came here. I even asked several people for directions to find this place.” After saying that, Wen Lang handed out 3 sticks of cigarettes. The men took the cigarettes, put them under their noses, and smelled them. After that, they began to chat happily.

“This guy’s craftsmanship is very good. Have you seen his spirit weapon? It’s the scissors and comb in his hand. It is said to be very powerful.”

Another man said, “That’s right, the man cut people’s hair as a way to relax whenever he returned to Lazuli.”

Wen Lang smiled and asked again, “I just came from the square and found a lot of people around. Do you three know what’s going on? This brother just came back from a mission, and is completely in the dark.”

“Hey, about this, you’ve asked the right person…” The old man started talking freely while smoking a cigarette. During the period, the other 2 people next to him added information from time to time, basically letting Qin Tan’s team understand the general situation.

It happened 10 days ago, a senior team of the Black Scorpion went on a mission with another intermediate team, and as a result, the entire team in that mission world have been destroyed. That intermediate team is a member of another relatively large organization. With 2 well-known organizations dying in a mission world, the impact of such a result can be imagined. In the following week, such incident happened twice again. And, most importantly, there are passengers with intermediate spirit weapons in the team.

Although Lazuli has a lot of passengers, the level of their strength is like a pyramid. The higher the level, the lesser the quantity. Those who can reach level 10 or above are the elite of the elite. This time the organization lost 3 senior teams, it is no exaggeration to say that it caused an uproar in Lazuli. This kind of explosive news was broadcasted on the electronic screens of the north and south squares at the same time. The news at the north square was spread by the people, while the south square which is controlled by Lazuli broadcasted the news in bright red characters. The impact was humongous, so to say. To this day, the names of the demised teams are still displayed on the display in the South Plaza. Almost everyone who is not in the mission world knows about it.

The man paused for a while, glanced at the group sitting in a circle, and then said mysteriously, “You should have seen the electronic screen on the bazaar, right? Then you should notice the information on it.” He paused, not expecting anyone to answer him, and continued, “Most of the requests are about purchasing items from spiritual worlds, do you know why?”

Wen Lang cooperatively asked why and the man looked inscrutable before answering, “Because, all the fallen teams failed their mission in a supernatural world.”

After the man finished speaking, he couldn’t help shrinking, as if he is cold.

The barber called out ‘Next’ from the room and the man responded. Standing up, he finally said, “This is how things are. Listen to this big brother, if you have points, go and post a request to purchase information. Just in case you are lucky enough that someone is willing to sell, there is more hope in the mission world.” After speaking, the man couldn’t help sighing and walked into the barber room.

Wen Lang thanked the other 2 brothers and turned to sit back in the line. This news is also very explosive for them. Lou Fan remembered that Tong Fei’s expression seemed to be a bit wrong yesterday, and she should have come to pick them up on purpose. Probably because she was afraid that something would happen to them.

Thinking of this, the goodwill towards Tong Fei and Lin Man Man has risen again.

Speaking of annihilation of a team, they met such an incident once, the Black Scorpion team at Lao Ye Temple. Unexpectedly, it happened again this time. The man only talked about teams getting annihilated, but no one is sure what is going on. After all, if the whole team is really destroyed, there is no one left to tell the tale.

Such an incident is not a good thing for the passengers, and it even makes one wonders if Lazuli is deliberately annihilating the senior teams.

Lou Fan frowned and thought about the matter but Qin Tan whispered to him, “Don’t think about it so much. We have encountered so many senior teams before, the sky won’t fall (just because some teams got annihilated). We’ll go to Tong Fei to inquire about the details at night.”

Lou Fan nodded, forcing himself not to think about it, but his thoughts still couldn’t help but turn in that direction.

Soon it is time for them to get a haircut. The barber didn’t ask for their opinions. He just asked them to sit down and then he started working. Staying in Lazuli, the team didn’t have any requirements for hairstyles. They won’t insist to get a Mr. TONY to design the trendiest and most fashionable hairstyle for them. There is only 1 requirement, that it should be shorter and not ugly.

The barber looked expressionless and a little unfriendly, with drooping eyelids as if he hasn’t fully waken up, but his craftsmanship is good. According to the different face shapes of the 5 people, he used the scissors in his hand to cut the hairstyles that fit their temperaments. The styles are all good-looking, not inferior to the most expensive hairstyle directors in fashion hair design stores at all.

Qin Tan’s style is crew cut while Jiang Dong’s is the same but a little bit longer. Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang’s hairstyle is a little bit longer and looks quite like a college student. Lou Fan’s hairstyle is like the most popular hairstyle with some bangs in front.

All in all, everyone is very satisfied.

Lou Fan looked in the mirror and finally felt that he looked like a normal person. He sincerely praised, “Boss, your craftsmanship is awesome.”

The barber is about the same height as Qin Tan so he is half a head taller than Lou Fan. He turned to look at him and nodded expressionlessly, “I think so too.”

Lou Fan: …

This boss is really out of the ordinary.

Coming to the square again, the team stood on the edge of the square, watching the information scrolling on the electronic screen. For a while, the information only increased, with no sign of decreasing.

Chen Shuyang scratched his head, “Brother Lou, should we sell more?”

Lou Fan glared at Chen Shuyang, “You don’t want to live anymore? I don’t even want to sell one now.”

Qin Tan disagreed and insisted on the original plan, but they could not act together. He ordered, “Jiang Dong, you will do the communication, but make a request that the information will not be released until half an hour after you leave. The others go home first.”

Jiang Dong took the amulets and stuffed them into his pocket. After the others have left, he strolled slowly to the registration office. He even chatted with the person who came to register a request to purchase information, saying that he is also here to purchase, and it is not easy to stay alive these days.

Half an hour after Jiang Dong left, the 2 registrars at the registration office have already reported to the top management of their own organization. The five amulets in their hands are like hot potatoes.

The person in charge frowned and knocked on the 2 staff, “Do I need to tell you about how to handle this kind of thing? Our organization is also lacking this kind of item, why didn’t you report it immediately?”

The two stuttered a few times. The policy of their registration office is always like that when a passenger asked for confidentiality, they would not reveal their personal information. Hence, they didn’t ask any further questions and only recorded Jiang Dong’s watch number for communication.

The person in charge notified the higher-ups, and they decided to purchase the amulets in a normal procedure. After that, they ordered the people in the registration office to pay attention. If this happens again, they are to notify them immediately.

As soon as Jiang Dong walked into the living room, the watch on his wrist beeped. He talked with the people from the registration office, and then, the points after deducting the handling fee are credited to his account. Jiang Dong looked at the 3 people in the living room staring at him and shrugged, “The amulets are sold.”

Since the situation is quite urgent, the team went straight to Tong Fei in the afternoon. Unlike in the past, Tong Fei is basking in the sun, but in a training. Her long wavy hair is tied up neatly, her expression is serious and solemn, and her movements are sharp and neat.

Lou Fan raised his eyebrows, it’s been a long time since he saw Tong Fei so serious.

Seeing the 5 people coming, Tong Fei put away her weapons. She turned and walked inside, “Come in and sit.”

As soon as they entered the room, they heard her chattering away, obviously aimed at them. “I know that you will definitely come over early. So, you must have heard something. But it’s just right, I have something to tell you too. I have a lot to say today, so we’ll take it slow. Hmm, you all got a haircut? Not bad, you lot looked human now.”

Everyone: …

Thank you so much for your compliment!

There is a banquet on the dining table; hot pot, barbecue, fruit, and wine. Judging by this arrangement, it seems that they will talk for a very long time. But for the 5 people who just rushed over after a simple lunch, this banquet is undoubtedly a silent temptation.

Tong Fei sat on the chair. The sweat on her forehead had been wiped off, her hair is pulled up, and she looked mature and charming. Opening a can of beer, Tong Fei took a big gulp and sighed comfortably.

“What do you want to ask?” Tong Fei asked with her red lips opened and stared at them with big eyes, “You should have heard about the general situation.”

Qin Tan glanced at Lou Fan, who looked eagerly at all kinds of alcohol, and turned his head to answer, “We’ve inquired a bit, it should be the basic situation, so I wanted to ask you for details.”

Tong Fei pursed her lips and looked serious, “Originally, I intended to wait until you come back and talk to you briefly. But as soon as you guys returned, the two of you returned big and your spirit weapons have been upgraded. I don’t know whether to envy you or feel anxious for your guys.”

“Alright, things are a bit weird recently. You all know the basic situation and I won’t talk about it anymore. According to the information I got from the organization of the demised team, including the Black Scorpion, we lost 6 whole teams. 3 of them are senior teams, and the other 3 are intermediate teams. Moreover, the 3 intermediate teams are about to enter the rank of the senior team, which is just a step away. Now, everyone’s focus is on what a terrible mission world that caused none of the 6 teams to survive. For your information, among the 6 teams, there are 4 passengers with intermediate spirit weapons.” Tong Fei paused, then raised her head suddenly, “Speaking of which, the Liwan Plaza you’ve been to is a super scary mission world. That’s where the 1st team got annihilated.”

After Tong Fei said that, she looked at the team, as if suddenly curious and asked, “What was your mission? Can you tell me the whole process of your stay in Liwan Plaza? I remember the senior team that came back with you, they only have 3 members left.”

And the junior team in front of her, everyone came back well and alive.

Raw word count: 3150


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 68

After breakfast, Lou Fan took out the items he brought back from the missions world this time. The most important thing is the 4 sets of 5-attributes crystals. According to the master, it can be used to deal with evil spirits. There are also other crystals, they can be used when needed or just exchanged for points directly. Other than that, he has the praying bead bracelet that the master gave to him and Shuyang.

The 5-attributes crystals and praying bead bracelet will definitely not be exchanged, but that does not prevent Lou Fan from finding out their value on the exchange machine. When he put a crystal into the exchange machine, it showed that the exchange points are 5,000 points. Changing to other types showed the same value. However, when Lou Fan put the white crystal on the exchange tray, the value multiplied tenfold, showing 50,000 points.

Seeing that, Lou Fan’s eyes curved with laughter. As expected from the white crystal, its role is different from ordinary crystals after all. He thought for a while and put a set of 5-attribute crystals together on the tray. This time, the buffer icon rotated for a minute. This familiar feeling made Lou Fan’s heart skip a beat, and he immediately became excited.

100,000 points.

Lou Fan snorted. His expectations were a bit high as he wondered if there would be a higher value. But then he thought of the previous Longjing grass that can improve their physique and its value is only 100,000 points. Compared to Longjing grass, the set of crystals has the same value so it’s pretty awesome. Thinking of this, the feeling of loss in his heart is comforted.

“It’s worth 100,000 points!” Wen Lang shouted. Then his expression dimmed as he said, “But we can’t exchange these 5-attribute crystals for points, right?”

Yes, that’s right. Wen Lang’s words got to the point.

The reality caused Lou Fan to be speechless. These crystals are like Longjing grass, it cannot be exchanged unless it is a last resort, it is a life-saving item. There are more than 50 random crystals in his hand, but they are only worth 200,000 points at most. White crystals can’t be exchanged away either. Combining its usage with Yang Gathering Amulet, this crystal will be their light source in the spiritual worlds.

Lou Fan frowned and worried staring at the pile of crystals. There are very few points that could be used.

Qin Tan is making something for Lou Fan in the kitchen at the moment. Jiang Dong saw Lou Fan’s dark expression and comforted him, “Though the points are not much, but we just changed our weapons. Now, there is not much use for the points except for medicines.”

Speaking of medicines, without the medicines from Chen Changdong and his team, Lou Fan’s leg wouldn’t be able to heal so quickly. And then at the last battle with the evil ghost king, they would have lost a lot of help from Lou Fan.

Wen Lang also echoed Jiang Dong’s words, “That’s right, Brother Lou. The weapons were useless in our last mission world. So, we haven’t used them yet and they are new, brand-new. There’s no need to exchange for more.”

Lou Fan looked at the two sadly, the disdain in his eyes almost turned into a tangible thing. At this moment, Chen Shuyang walked into the hall, rubbing his hair like a chicken coop.

Ding! ——Lou Fan felt as if he heard the sound of money and points swaying in front of him. The money tree has arrived!

Wen Lang only saw the RMB symbols flashing in Lou Fan’s eyes, and then saw Lou Fan bounce off the sofa and wave at Chen Shuyang.

“Shuyang, come on, have you eaten? If you haven’t, let your brother Qin cook something for you.”

Qin Tan who just came out with a bowl of dessert: …

When did he become a bargaining chip to please the members? ‘Public morals are degenerating with each passing day’ (idiom).

Wen Lang: “Brother Lou, are you such a superficial person?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Lou Fan nodded and admitted, “If you are like Shuyang, and can earn points for the team instead of making me worry, I will also ask your brother Qin to cook delicious food for you.”

Chen Shuyang scratched his head, “Well then, thank you, Brother Qin.”

Lou Fan pulled Chen Shuyang to sit down and asked earnestly, “Shuyang, did you learn anything from the anime?”

Chen Shuyang: “No, the spells can’t be seen clearly even after pausing the movie.”

Wen Lang threw his hands behind his head and shook his feet in the air. Hearing their conversation, he laughed out loud, “I say, rather than looking for information in the anime, it’s better to go to the bazaar. Maybe there’s something to gain.”

Hearing that, Chen Shuyang and Lou Fan’s eyes suddenly lit up. They stood up together, and are about to go out. Qin Tan called them, “Where are you going? Shuyang, eat your breakfast first. We’ll go to the bazaar after a discussion. Also, if you guys want to sell Shuyang’s amulet, you can try putting them on the electronic screen.”

Since the team leader has spoken, the two calmed down. Lou Fan nodded, “Oh yes, we must list them on the electronic screen.”

Jiang Dong interjected, “You should state that it is limited in quantity. Previously, the master said that drawing amulets consumes energy.”

Wen Lang also added, “It’s better to mark the listing as anonymous so we don’t get in trouble.” While they may not be afraid of getting in trouble, getting stuck on is annoying.

Lou Fan took out a small notebook, wrote down everyone’s opinions, and briefly introduced the effect of each spell in one sentence. He turned to Chen Shuyang and asked him how many spells he had in his hand. Chen Shuyang opened his spirit book. Inside, there are about 5 sets of spells, 5 for each type of spell, adding up to a total of 25 spells. These are all drawn by him in his spare time, so it does not waste any energy at all.

Lou Fan tapped his index finger on the coffee table and thought for a moment. Then he said, “Then, we’ll take these first to sell. We’ll talk about it again after it’s sold out. Make it like Hunger marketing, this will help increase the value of the spell.”

As if he thought of something, Jiang Dong sat up abruptly. He took one of the spells from the coffee table, walked to the exchange machine, and put it in. After waiting for more than 10 seconds, the value of the spell is displayed on the screen. Staring at the display, Jiang Dong is stunned for a while, then he silently turned to look at the others.

“Hey, what’s the matter with you?” Wen Lang asked anxiously. Seeing that Jiang Dong didn’t speak, Wen Lang walked over there by himself to look. Immediately, he widened his eyes and exclaimed, “Damn, Brother Lou, we are rich!”

Lou Fan is startled and swiftly walked over. Together with Qin Tan who had just come out of the kitchen, they saw on the display – Spell: 10,000 points.

The bright light in his eyes almost turned into a tangible thing. Chen Shuyang became incredibly happy and said, “Damn, I didn’t expect that I am now a high-paying skilled worker!”

Wen Lang is very envious. The sour jealousy turned him into a ‘lemon spirit’, “Ah, ah, I also want this skill too!”

Jiang Dong glanced at Wen Lang and said, “Stop dreaming.”

Wen Lang gritted his teeth. What else could he say?!

Like a splash of cold water, Qin Tan said, “Don’t be too happy. ‘Men dread fame as pigs dread being fat’, so keep a low profile.”

Everyone immediately restrained their smiles and got driven back to the sofa to sit down by Qin Tan.

“Regarding the fact that Shuyang can draw spells on his book, I have talked to Team leader Chen about it so he should not talk about it outside.” Qin Tan sat next to Lou Fan and said with a serious face, “Put the amulets on the electronic screen, just as you said before. Also, set the quantity as limited and keep it anonymous. Everyone, don’t reveal about the amulets so easily outside and in the mission world as well. I’m afraid Shuyang will be in danger if it goes out.”

Everyone also took the warning seriously and expressed that they will pay attention.

Qin Tan turned his head and asked Chen Shuyang, “How much are you going to price the spell?”

Chen Shuyang looked dazed. He uttered a word and looked at Lou Fan, “I don’t know. We’ll just put whatever Brother Lou said.”

Lou Fan nodded and touched his chin with his index finger. After thinking for a while, he decided not to go too far, one must have the capacity to be kind. Since in Lazuli’s exchange machine it is worth 10,000 points, they’ll set the price at 30,000 points. The most important thing is that there is no such item available to exchange in the exchange machine. Even if the amulet is only worth 10,000 points in the exchange machine, one might not be able to get the amulets even if they have the points, which makes it easy to raise the price.

“30,000 points is not too outrageous, right?” Lou Fan smiled and narrowed his eyes, like a cunning fox.

Jiang Dong, Wen Lang, Chen Shuyang: …

Qin Tan’s expression looked serious and remained unchanged as he added, “En, it’s not outrageous at all. I think we can add another 20,000 points to it.”

The highest level of ‘saying nonsense without blinking’.

In the end, they set to sell a spell with 30,000 points each, and they are only going to take out 5 spells this time, which is a set. The main reason is that if they take out 25 spells at a time, it will be too eye-catching, and they will definitely be monitored. They don’t want to stand out.

The first day they returned to Lazuli is always the most relaxing time. After everyone finished unpacking their stuff, Lou Fan stood in front of the mirror and brushed the hair on his forehead. It keeps making him uncomfortable as it is a bit long. Lou Fan turned his head to look at the others. Except for Qin Tan, everyone’s hair has grown below the ears and is about to become mid-shoulder-length.

“Wen Lang, does Lazuli have a place to cut hair?” Lou Fan asked casually, “If we don’t cut our hair, we will have to go to Tong Fei to ask for a rubber band to tie it up.”

Wen Lang got taken aback for a moment and he tugged at his own hair. After thinking for a while, he said, “I seem to have heard of such a person. It should be in the bazaar.”

Lou Fan nodded. Qin Tan walked over to Lou Fan, pulled a lock of his hair, and blew it. Then he chuckled and said, “Let’s go to the bazaar. We’ll go for a walk.”

The two of them fell behind the group and Qin Tan suddenly approached nearer to Lou Fan. With a smile, he asked, “Does it still hurt down there?”

The question got Lou Fan froze for a moment. Feeling a little awkward, he coughed lightly and shook his head.

“En.” Qin Tan replied with an acknowledgment. Then, he reached out and lightly patted Lou Fan’s butt.

This ambiguous action made Lou Fan turn his head to look at Qin Tan with a stunned gaze. The words in his eyes said, ‘You have changed!’

Qin Tan is in a good mood. Seeing Lou Fan’s wide and round eyes like a small animal, he couldn’t help rubbing his head again.

Lou Fan: “Qin Tan, don’t overdo it!”

Qin Tan: “I can ‘do’ even more, don’t you already know it all?”

Lou Fan took a deep breath. He doesn’t know where Qin Tan learns this kind of thing. Let’s not talk about how Qin Tan looked at him with a hair-raising gaze. Now, even his speech is so blatant. Lou Fan felt that he has to figure out a way to counter. Otherwise, if he is so passive every time, he will lose out.

Qin Tan had already walked out of the door. He turned his head and shouted at Lou Fan, who is still stunned in the living room. Lou Fan rubbed his hair and decided to talk about this later, so he stepped up and followed.

The team hasn’t been in Lazuli for more than 10 days, and they felt a long-lost intimacy as they walked. Soon, they came to the bazaar in the north square. There are many information displayed on the electronic screen. Each listing stayed for 10 seconds, and the scrolling frequency is quite high.

The team stood there and stared for a long time. Then, they all realized that something is wrong.

“Why are there so many requests for information exchange? I counted them, and there are more than 70.” Lou Fan counted twice with squinted eyes.

Qin Tan nodded, “There are more requests for items from the spiritual world, more than 80%.”

Jiang Dong looked around calmly and whispered, “Many people are hiding and monitoring in the dark, all staring at the registration office.”

The team can’t understand, what happened recently? Why did the bazaar’s atmosphere suddenly become so strange?

Raw word count: 3009


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 67

Tong Fei ignored Qin Tan’s knife-like eyes and took Lin Man Man away with the spoils.

Qin Tan also want to take his team back to their residence, so he said goodbye to the Level 10 team before leaving. Chen Changdong looked a little better now, but Liu Xing still had a heavy emotion in her eyes. That lively girl he saw before going to the mission world will never come back.

Back at the house, Wen Lang said goodbye to Qin Tan and went upstairs with the other 2 team members. Lou Fan immediately felt relieved when he entered the house. It felt like he is home. Unfortunately, his whole body is covered in dust so he didn’t dare to sit on the sofa. Throwing his backpack on the ground, Lou Fan ran to his room. Lou Fan carefully took Furball out of his pocket, but it is still curled up, and fell asleep like a snowball. Lou Fan put it on the bed, and let it continue to sleep. Since they are back in Lazuli, there is no danger anymore.

Qin Tan heard the sound of someone running in the house, and then the sound of the bathroom door closing. Smiling helplessly, he put the 2 backpacks in the corner properly. Then he went to his room to change his clothes. Next, after tapping a few times on the exchange machine, Qin Tan picked up the exchanged ingredients and went into the kitchen, where the sound of running water could be heard.

Warm water flowing down on the body, and the exhaustion all over the body is swept away. It would be nice if their next mission world can allow them to take a bath every day, Lou Fan thought. After rinsing the foam off his hair, Lou Fan flicked the water droplets and turned off the faucet. He took out a blue towel and wiped his hair, suddenly feeling that something is missing.

Aiya, he forgot to bring a clean change of clothes. Leaning to the door, he shouted to the outside, “Qin Tan, Qin Tan…”

Qin Tan came out from the kitchen and responded.

Lou Fan said, “Help me get the change of clothes, it’s the pile on the bed.” He doesn’t like bath sheets, and he can’t go out wrapped in a bath towel[1], it can’t cover everything at all.

Qin Tan wiped his hands and walked into Lou Fan’s room[2], where he saw neatly folded changes of clothes piled on the edge of the bed. It’s a set of light grey loungewear, the fabric looked soft.

There is a gap in the door of the bathroom and Lou Fan was wiping his hair when the man suddenly pushed the door and came in. Those black eyes immediately met his gaze from the mirror. After a quick glance across Lou Fan’s body, the man’s eyes darkened slightly and he walked it, step by step closer.

Lou Fan: …

Shiet! Forgot to close the door, and he is nekid.

Lou Fan immediately grabbed the towel to cover his ‘little brother’. As Qin Tan approached, looking at him with slightly deep eyes, Lou Fan unconsciously swallowed and his Adam’s apple moved up and down.

The man’s deep voice sounded in his ears, “Nice body.”

Lou Fan’s eyes narrowed slightly. The man lowered his head slowly and Lou Fan’s hands reached out to press against his chest. He could feel the person’s warmth emanating from under the clothes, but at the moment it is as hot as a soldering iron.

Lou Fan: “You are still dirty.”

The inexplicable disdain tone caused a deep chuckle to sound from above Lou Fan’s head. Qin Tan shoved the clean clothes into Lou Fan’s hands, and said lightly, “Then, wash again with me.”

Lou Fan: “In your dreams! If you just want me to rub your back for you, then no.”

Qin Tan asked, “Then, how about I rub it for you?” He stretched out his hand.

Lou Fan reached out and pushed Qin Tan away, “Get out now, it’s cold.”

Hearing that Lou Fan is cold, Qin Tan stopped teasing him and went out. Then he closed the door to let him change his clothes.

When the door is closed, Lou Fan held his clothes and blushed inexplicably. The next moment, he scolded himself for blushing. It’s not like his nekid body had not been seen by other people before. When he was in the archery club, he used to wash together in the common bathroom with other members.

As Lou Fan came out of his room, he raised his hand and touched his half-dried hair. When he passed the other bathroom, he heard someone humming a song in a light voice, as if the person is in a good mood. Lou Fan curled his mouth. Tsk, Qin Tan is this happy from teasing him?

Lou Fan glanced across the room and saw a bowl of yellow mango sago that looked delicious on the dining table. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he glanced sideways in the direction of the sound of water. Using a porcelain white spoon, he scooped a spoonful of sago and sent it into his mouth. Soft and sweet, smooth and chewy. Mixed with the unique taste of mango pulp and milk, a sense of happiness grows from the bottom of Lou Fan’s heart.

Suddenly, Wen Lang could be heard shouting from upstairs, “Jiang Dong, put that down! That is my shower gel.”

Jiang Dong seemed to say something and then, Wen Lang shouted again, “Who is being stingy?! If you like it, then buy it yourself. I don’t like to share my stuff with others!”

Immediately after, Wen Lang’s voice became smaller but still, he could be heard roaring wildly.

Accompanied by Wen Lang’s wailing noise, Lou Fan happily savor every bite and had a feeling that the dessert this time is more delicious than usual.

Qin Tan wiped his hair and wrapped a bath towel as he came out of the bathroom. Then he saw the person lying on the sofa. Walking over, he smiled when he saw the empty bowl on the coffee table. Then, he turned to look at the sleeping man.

Lou Fan’s eyes are closed and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised. His hair has grown longer now, and his bangs covered his eyes a little. The sun dipped in the west and the afterglow of the setting sun spilled in, causing the sleeping person’s fine eyelashes to cast a shadow on his face.

Qin Tan sat down beside Lou Fan gently. He reached out and brushed Lou Fan’s hair, revealing his handsome face. Qin Tan smiled inexplicably, and his fingertips touched Lou Fan’s smooth skin. It’s like poison, which made him not want to let go. Qin Tan’s other hand took Lou Fan’s hand and found out that his slender fingertips are slightly cold. Qin Tan frowned and turned to pull the blanket on the sofa to cover him.

Lou Fan moved slightly. He shifted to a comfortable position, wrapped in a blanket, and fell asleep again, like a small animal who just found a heat source. Qin Tan chuckled lightly, and his eyes swept across Lou Fan’s calf, where a piece of flesh had been gouged out by an evil spirit before. The wound was dripping with blood, and the flesh was exposed. His hand that lifted Lou Fan’s trouser legs even trembled slightly. But now, the calf is as smooth as ever. Qin Tan closed his eyes and forced himself to put aside his emotions to calm down. He could always recall that moment, if he was one step later…

A numb itching sensation spread from the calf to his whole body so Lou Fan opened his eyes in confusion. For a while, he doesn’t know where he is right now. He rubbed his eyes, his expression a little daze. Looking at the person in front of him, he called out ‘Qin Tan’ in a low voice, with a nasal sound and a little hoarseness.

The man didn’t respond to Lou Fan and he got pressed down heavily the next moment. The man captured his lips roughly, and let out a deep rumble of a smile from his throat. Lou Fan put both hands against him but the man is only wrapped in a bath towel. Hence, at this moment, his hands are in direct contact with a firm and hard chest. The touch of warm skin makes Lou Fan feel that his palms are slightly hot, not sure where to put them.


The man’s dissatisfied voice sounded in his ears, Lou Fan only had time to take a breath before getting kissed into a daze again. Finally fully waken up from the sleepiness, Lou Fan wrapped his hands around the man’s neck unconsciously and responded enthusiastically.

Amid heavy breathing, the towel wrapped around the man’s waist had already slipped to the ground. Lou Fan’s buttons are pulled apart, revealing his sturdy upper body. Touching each other skin-to-skin, their bodies trembled slightly.

The man stood up slightly, looked at Lou Fan’s misty and moist eyes with deep desire black eyes, and asked in a hoarse voice, “Can I?”

Being stared intensely like that, Lou Fan only felt that the blood all over his body is boiling. He nodded slightly, “En.”

With 2-3 movements, Lou Fan is stripped nekid. He felt like he is a boiled shrimp now. The man slowly pressed down, and the sensitive friction caused them to shudder, making people go insane. Lou Fan took deep breaths and slightly raised his neck. The man didn’t stop moving as he lowered his head to press his lips on Lou Fan’s neck. The touch caused Lou Fan to let out a low cry.

It was too intense, causing Lou Fan to shed tears, which are then licked clean by the man. Lou Fan hugged the man tightly. At this moment, he doesn’t want to think about anything and just wanted to be with this man.

“Qin Tan.” Lou Fan called out the man’s name.

The man responded in a low voice, touching his forehead like caressing a treasure, “I’m here.”

Hearing that, Lou Fan wrapped his arms around the man’s neck and raised his head to initiate a lingering and long kiss.

When Lou Fan wakes up, he is surrounded by darkness, the heavy curtains drawn. Lou Fan pushed himself up, causing the quilt on his body to slip down. A breeze of coldness hit his skin, causing him to shiver. There is a little discomfort below at that place and Lou Fan frowned slightly. Just as he moved, a firm arm stretched out from under the quilt, wrapping his shoulders and pressing him back to the bed.

The man buried his head at the side of Lou Fan’s neck and sniffed him. It made his body tremble, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded, “Sleep for a little while more. Do you feel any discomfort?”

Lou Fan snorted softly. Earlier he even put down his pride and begged for mercy, but Qin Tan didn’t spare him. Now he dared to ask him if he is uncomfortable?

Of course there is!

It’s too late to ask now!

The man pressed down on him again but Lou Fan blocked with his hands. Gritting his teeth, he scolded, “Qin Tan, act properly.”

Qin Tan didn’t want to be ‘proper’ at all, but seeing that Lou Fan is about to get irritated, he flipped from the top with a quick movement and stepped on the ground with his bare feet, “I’ll make you something to eat, you can sleep for a while.”

Looking at the man’s nekid and strong back, Lou Fan clicked his tongue and pulled the quilt over to continue resting. Although he didn’t fall asleep and just lay quietly in bed, there is a smile on his lips.

Although the ‘exercise’ was a little painful, it felt good unsurprisingly. With them living a day-by-day[3] life in Lazuli, if he doesn’t enjoy things to the fullest, he will feel sorry for himself.

There is a gap at the door, and some light shone in. Lou Fan glanced at the time and saw that it is already 8.00 am. Sounds are coming from the kitchen outside, and then someone knocked on the main door.

“Brother Lou is still sleeping?” Wen Lang asked in surprise, “He wouldn’t be sick, right? He slept for more than 10 hours now. Logically speaking, he won’t get sick. No, Jiang Dong, you should go take a look.”

Wen Lang is in a hurry to look for Lou Fan but got stopped by Qin Tan, “He is just catching up some sleep. He is not sick so don’t yell. You better shut up if you want to eat breakfast.”

Wen Lang immediately made a zipping motion on his mouth and sat down at the dining table. Though, he couldn’t understand since Brother Lou isn’t sick, why Qin Tan’s attitude is still so unfriendly?

Lou Fan rolled twice on the bed, and then went to the bathroom in the room to take a shower. He felt much more comfortable, so he changed his clothes and went out.

Jiang Dong and Wen Lang are already seated, but Chen Shuyang isn’t there.

“Where’s Shuyang?”

Jiang Dong: “He slept late last night and hasn’t woken up yet.”

Lou Fan: “What did he do, sleeping so late?”

Jiang Dong showed an indescribable expression before saying, “He exchanged some points for an anime called Onmyoji, and watched it all night.”

“Pfft!” Lou Fan couldn’t hold back and burst out laughing.

Is Chen Shuyang planning to learn how to draw spells from the anime? He kind of wanted to go upstairs now and stand beside Chen Shuyang’s bed. Then he’ll ask him how he felt after watching the anime.

Jiang Dong’s eyes scanned Lou Fan up and down, and Lou Fan looked at him too. Then he saw Jiang Dong blinked and raised an eyebrow at him.

Lou Fan: …

Why didn’t he find out before that Jiang Dong is so sassy? Can he still change teammates now?!

The author has something to say:
This novel is also known as “Is it too late to think about changing teammates every day?
I think this chapter is super sweet!
Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3131


[1] Apparently, there are different types of bath towels lol
[2] Not sure if the author noticed the plot hole but Lou Fan can always go to his bed nekid to quickly take the change of clothes. There’s only him and Qin Tan staying in the house anyway _(;3/
[3] Not sure if there’s an English word for this. The chinese word here means ‘living everyday, not knowing if you might die the next day’. Something like ‘carpe diem’ I think
Banana: I tried to make this chapter as sexy as possible but the author isn’t giving much for me to expand _(;3/

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 66

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 10 team
Chen Changdong (leader)
Liu Yue (older sister of the twins) -dead
Liu Xing (younger sister of the twins)
Yuan Jin (man with slightly long hair) -dead
Ma Ming (a short guy) -dead
Dong Xu (a tall guy)

The transparent figure in mid-air disappeared without a trace, and everyone collapsed tiredly to the ground.

Wen Lang let out a long sigh of relief and howled, “I’m so exhausted!”

With the evil ghost king disappeared, the darkness around faded away, gradually revealing the original appearance of the circular atrium on the 1st floor of the shopping mall. Unexpectedly, it is already daytime. When they glanced at the time on their watch, it is already 7.00 am on the 11th day.

Suddenly, Chen Shuyang, who was standing just now, fell head-first to the ground with a loud ‘thump’. Lou Fan is startled and immediately ran to Chen Shuyang’s side. Wen Lang and others also came to surround Chen Shuyang.

“Shuyang is injured? What’s the matter?” Lou Fan turned to ask Wen Lang because he was the one standing the closest to Chen Shuyang just now.

Wen Lang blankly replied, “No, Shuyang has been drawing amulets by the master’s side. The evil ghost king never came to this side, so he shouldn’t be hurt.”

The master who is standing at the side said quietly, “So, drawing amulets is not tiring huh?”

Lou Fan and the others turned their heads to look and saw that the master seemed to roll his eyes at Wen Lang. His gaze seemed to ask, ‘Are you looking down on people who support with brain power?’.

Wen Lang: …What’s with this feeling like his IQ is being questioned?

Hearing that, Lou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. It’s fine as long as Chen Shuyang is okay. “It seems that drawing amulets is not an easy job. Let’s go back to rest first, everyone is exhausted.”

They are physically exhausted, while Chen Shuyang is mentally exhausted, both are not easy.

The task of going back with Chen Shuyang on his back is handed over to Wen Lang as he contributed the least. Although Wen Lang is tired after a tense night, everyone else is even more tired. Wen Lang also felt sorry for not helping, so he took the initiative to carry Chen Shuyang back.

Yuan Jin and Liu Yue’s bodies are still here so the Level 10 team did not follow them back. Chen Changdong and Qin Tan exchanged some words before carrying Liu Yue on his back. Dong Xu carrying Yuan Jin, and Liu Xing followed behind. The team of 3 people heads outside together.

Qin Tan sighed deeply and took his team back to rest.

When everyone in Qin Tan’s team woke up, it is already evening. Everyone was very tired after all. At this moment, they woke up after getting a full sleep, and their eyes are hazy.

Chen Shuyang rubbed his head with a confused look on his face. There is a huge bulge on the back of his head. Did someone hit him with a stick? But looking at the expressions of his teammates like nothing is wrong, he didn’t ask further.

When everyone in the team woke up, the Level 10 team coincidentally came in from outside. No one knows where they were going earlier but the team of 3 looked tired and depressed. Qin Tan and his team are going to go out for food, so they gave them the space to rest in the staff lounge.

The master followed Qin Tan’s team out of the lounge. His face is still full of kindness, but Lou Fan looked at him and had a feeling that he is a little different now, like a weak old man.

“Young men, our fate has ended, and I’m afraid we won’t see each other again in the future. Let’s leave it as it is now.”

There’s a cloth bag on the master’s shoulder but it didn’t look like there is anything in it. The master smiled mildly and took out 2 bracelets with 18 praying beads. The beads looked shiny and smooth. At first glance, one can see that the bracelets are often rolled in someone’s hands. The master looked at Lou Fan and Chen Shuyang, and said with a smile, “You two have a fateful link with me. I have these 2 bracelets which I often carry with me. Just take them as a souvenir. Take them.”

Lou Fan and Chen Shuyang are overwhelmed by the favor. They didn’t expect to receive a gift from the NPC. They immediately stretched out their hands, took them solemnly, and sincerely thanked the master.

The master narrowed his eyes and chanted the Buddha’s name, “Our meeting is fate. Young brother Chen has learned several spells from me. I hope those can help you in the future. Well then, I will take my leave first.”

Chen Shuyang raised his hand and wanted to say something, but he only opened his mouth and closed it again. He didn’t know what to say, but he felt a faint sense of loss in his heart.

The master walked away slowly, and his back looked free and relaxed.

Jiang Dong put a hand around Chen Shuyang’s shoulder and patted him, “Where there’s a meeting, there will be a separation as well. Then the circle will be complete.”

Chen Shuyang sighed silently.

Suddenly, Wen Lang made a fuss at the side, “What is the master doing?! Didn’t he see that there are still 3 people at the side? Do we not want our faces as well? At least give us an amulet or something! But he gave us nothing!!”

Wen Lang’s funny tone and expression of grief and indignation immediately made everyone laugh. Lou Fan and Chen Shuyang put away the bracelets in their hands, and their team went out to find something to eat.

Since the matter with the evil ghost king is cleaned up, the plaza looks a lot normal. Even the customers who come and go inside are all smiling. They are planning to find a place to eat something good. They had been in this world for more than 10 days, and they really relied on dry food to fill their stomachs every day. This kind of food almost caused them to become ascetic monks.

No, even ascetic monks are not as miserable!

Then, the team found a hot pot restaurant in the plaza. They ordered a dual-soup pot and started to eat together. Fortunately, the hot pot restaurant closed at 2.00 am so they have enough time to eat. When they came out of the hot pot restaurant, their belly is round with food. Lou Fan felt that he is stuffed to his throat already. If he is to take another half a mouthful, he will vomit.

Since the team slept too much during the day, they are not sleepy at all at this moment. Hence, they walked around like walking corpses, wandering inside the mall. The mall is empty, but it wasn’t as gloomy as it used to be. Looking left and right, it is just an ordinary mall.

Wen Lang put his hands behind his head and let out a leisurely sigh, “Ah, when will this leisurely time become an everyday thing. I just want to be a person who lazes around until the day I die!”

Jiang Dong let out a laugh, “If you don’t work hard, you don’t get to laze around and just wait to die!”

Being confronted like this, Wen Lang suddenly frowned. Even Shuyang found the best way to use his spirit book. His poker is the weakest weapon on the team right now, and the restrictions are also very big. If he doesn’t try hard, he’s afraid it will be really hard to keep his life.

Qin Tan said lightly, “Wen Lang’s practice will be doubled up when we return to Lazuli. The same goes for Shuyang. It’s not enough to just count on your book. Your body is too weak.”

Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang nodded quickly, showing no resistance at all.

Thinking of leaving tomorrow, Lou Fan reluctantly stuck his face at the window of the crystal shops. He looked at the crystals inside, thinking about whether to break into the store at night to search for more crystals. But the probability of getting the attribute crystals here is really low. Also, it is too time and power-consuming to smash the shops one by one. After thinking about it, Lou Fan lets go of his thoughts. This row of shops in the south has been looted by them, and almost everything that can be taken is in his bag. It is better not to do such immoral things.

At 12:00 pm on February 5th, the junior team carried their luggage to the platform and waited. The atmosphere in the team is light and happy. When the Level 10 team came, they only felt that the atmosphere of the 3 people is heavy.

After a while, Wen Lang turned his head left and right to look around, and suddenly asked, “Why hasn’t the newcomer team come?”

Oh yeah! How did they forget the newcomer team? It’s almost time, and there is no one there. While discussing whether or not to look for the newcomers, 2 miserable-looking people appeared out of nowhere and scrambled up to them. Their faces are full of panic as if they had been frightened by something.

Everyone asked for details and found out that on the day they dealt with the ghost king, all kinds of ghosts appeared in the plaza, and the newcomer team was attacked. Only the two of them fought back with their spirit weapons. With much hardship, they hold on until dawn and survive. But they couldn’t find anyone else, so they could only hide by themselves, afraid that those ghosts might appear again. It is until now that they finally came back to their senses, and realized that the mission time is ending soon.

Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang comforted the newcomers with a few words and then everyone waited for the train to arrive. At 1.00 pm, the train arrived on time. Everyone looked back once more and saw that the characters inscribed at the entrance had returned to become Liwan Plaza. Sighing, they embarked on the return journey.

Liu Xing turned back and her gaze stopped at a point. Then she looked sideways at her backpack. Inside is a small jar containing Liu Yue’s ashes. She said silently in her heart, “Sister, let’s leave here. I’ll take you back.”

When Lou Fan and the others got out of the train, they saw a charming woman standing opposite a pillar with a cigarette in her hand. There is also a sweet-looking girl standing beside her.

Seeing the people getting out of the train, the charming woman curved her red lips. She snuffed out the cigarette in her hand and walked over to them. Skipping past Qin Tan, the woman pounced at Lou Fan boldly and said, “I knew that you guys will be all right.”

Lin Man Man next to the woman also smiled and narrowed her eyes, “Brother Lou, you guys are amazing. It’s great that you are all fine.” After that, she greeted Wen Lang and the other members.

Not expecting that someone would come to pick him up upon returning, Lou Fan is quite happy. “Sister Tong Fei, Man Man, you two waited here to pick us up?”

Squinted her eyes, Tong Fei smirked and raised Lou Fan’s chin with her fingers, “Of course, I’m here to see you.”

Tong Fei is a beautiful woman, but when she raised her eyebrows and smiled, she looked like a domineering female president teasing a naive young man. Lou Fan is a little helpless and wanted to move away, but Qin Tan is quicker and he slapped Tong Fei’s tender fingers away. He pulled Lou Fan behind him and said, “Don’t touch as you please, talk properly.” The tone is full of possessiveness.

Tong Fei chuckled. Her big eyes looked back and forth, and her expression towards the ambiguous relationship is very obvious, like an X-ray. Even Lin Man Man has a gossipy expression on her face.

Lou Fan is a little embarrassed for some reason. When he is about to speak, Tong Fei suddenly froze, followed by a look of shock.

“You, both your spirit weapons…”

Lou Fan got taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, “Yes, both of us have been upgraded.”

“The fuc…” Tong Fei accidentally said a foul word and continued, “You guys are too frcking awesome!”

As one of their few friends, Lou Fan felt that he is willing to tell Tong Fei everything he knew, so he agreed to get together tomorrow and talk about the upgrade of the spirit weapon in detail.

Although Tong Fei is anxious to know more inside, Qin Tan’s team had just returned and she had to let them rest, so she said yes. After a pause, she raised her head and asked hesitantly, “Can I call another friend to listen?”

Lou Fan glanced at Qin Tan and shrugged, “No problem, it’s not something that can’t be said. Isn’t it easier to survive if more people upgraded their weapons?”

Hearing that, Tong Fei shook her head with a wry smile. Then she said, “I have also inquired about some things here. I’ll talk about it in detail tomorrow. You go back to rest first. I can see that you are tired too.”

Before leaving, Lou Fan casually took out a crystal from his bag and handed it to Lin Man Man, “This time we have collected some crystals. This is for you, you can keep it for fun.”

Lin Man Man likes this kind of shiny thing very much. She knows that Lou Fan must have collected a lot of items this time. She still remembers that back in the mission world of Lao Ye Temple, they collected a lot of items so she accepted it with a smile.

At the side, Tong Fei spread her hands and said, “I want one too.”

Lou Fan: …

Qin Tan: …

Why is this woman so annoying?!

The author has something to say:
Preview notice, next chapter will be sweet! Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3056


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 65

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 10 team
Chen Changdong (leader)
Liu Yue (older sister of the twins) -dead
Liu Xing (younger sister of the twins)
Yuan Jin (man with slightly long hair)
Ma Ming (a short guy) -dead
Dong Xu (a tall guy)

Liu Xing’s face is expressionless. Her eyes are dull as she used her remaining hand to help Liu Yue tidy up her clothes and appearance.

Chen Changdong tightly held the fishing rod in his hand. Raising his head, he stood up and straightened his back, as if the sad man just now was not him. He said to the only 2 remaining fighting forces in a deep tone, “Be vigilant. Be sure to keep your surroundings visible, don’t be careless.”

Before this, Liu Xing had already lost an arm and now she got hit by the loss of her sister. At this moment, she is like a walking dead. Even if she is at the juncture of life and death, even if the evil ghost king is in front of her now, she would not even blink.

Both Yuan Jin and Dong Xu are nervous, the palms holding the spirit weapon are covered in sweat. Yuan Jin stretched out his hand and wiped the side of his pants, suddenly feeling very thirsty.

The Level 10 team lost a member in an instant and Qin Tan’s team couldn’t even react in time. Lou Fan felt his eyelids twitch. He had a bad premonition, and his whole body tensed up.

“Remember to be careful!” Qin Tan urged, standing beside Lou Fan.

Lou Fan nodded, then turned to instruct the other team members, “Shuyang’s Yang Gathering Amulet are prepared quite a lot. Take turns to stick the amulets around. Stick one every 10 minutes. Don’t let your surrounding be in darkness and hold tightly to your spirit weapon. Also, hold the Thunderbolt Amulet in your hand. If the situation is not right, use it right away even if you might get hurt from the explosion. You can’t let the evil ghost grab you.”

In short, their policy is to protect their own life, and at the same time to ensure that the master does not die.

The longer the master recited the scriptures, the faster it becomes. The sound in Lou Fan’s ears is strong, like a built-in loudspeaker, with a mellow voice reverberating in his ears. Lou Fan felt that the ghost king is going to be forced out by the master soon. Sure enough, the next moment, a huge shadow appeared from behind the mountain of corpses. It rushed straight to their side, obviously its target is the master sitting in the middle of their team’s guard.

Chen Changdong came over to the junior team’s side immediately, and the two people behind him followed. With a swipe, his hook and fishing line flew towards the huge shadow. Qin Tan also did not hesitate to face the shadow immediately. Lou Fan took a stance, stood in front of the master, and began to shoot arrows at the shadow. His arms moved rapidly, and the spiritual arrows are shot at the shadow like a dense rain of arrows. When the spiritual arrow hits the black shadow, a small white spot will appear in the black mass. As the arrow rains down, the black shadow seems to have been pierced with many small holes, looking like it is leaking. The effect of the spirit arrow is much stronger after the upgrade. Lou Fan could even see the puff of smoke coming out of the shadow after being wounded by the arrow rain. As Lou Fan is happy with the result, the movements of his hands became faster.

Chen Changdong’s fish hook hooked at the evil ghost king, but the evil ghost managed to get away before the fishing line can entangle it. The evil ghost king still has some intelligence. Qin Tan stepped forward and slashed at the ghost king. However, the ghost king stretched out his arm and actually blocked it. Qin Tan flipped over, pulled back his Tang sword, and then stabbed at the ghost king again.

Both sides attacked and defended ceaselessly. Qin Tan is flexible and powerful and managed to fight an even battle with the ghost king. Also, Lou Fan is assisting on the side. Once Lou Fan’s arrows hit the evil ghost king, Qin Tan will slash at the ghost next. After a while, the evil ghost king dodged an attack and disappeared.

The Sanskrit chanting is also something. Lou Fan felt that the scriptures recited by the master might have a stimulating effect on the evil ghost king, After a while, the ghost king appeared again but the dark aura around him is not as thick as the first time.

The defense line in front is very strong. Jiang Dong informed Chen Shuyang and Wen Lang that he is going to help, and joined the battle himself. Yuan Jin and Dong Xu are both close-range fighters, but they didn’t have the courage to go head-to-head like Qin Tan.

The evil ghost king is slippery like a loach. Chen Changdong’s fishing line couldn’t get around the ghost every time it got hooked. Only Lou Fan’s spirit arrow could do something in the battle.

The bandage in Jiang Dong’s hand is actually similar to Chen Changdong’s fishing line. Even better, his bandage is wider and not slippery. With a flick of his hand, a strip of bandage is wrapped around the ghost king. It’s a pity that his spirit weapon is not an intermediate spirit weapon, It’s a little bit low-leveled to deal with the evil ghost king. After a few moments, the bandages are broken into several pieces by the evil ghost king. Jiang Dong frowned and saw the Thunderbolt Amulet in his hand. With a flash of inspiration, he put the amulet on his bandage. Then, with a flick of his hand, the bandage rushed out to wrap around the ghost king again. Jiang Dong felt that he even heard the ghost king’s ridicule – Even small fries like you want to deal with me? In your dreams!

The next second, Jiang Dong whispered the word ‘Explode’ softly.

Inside the bandage wrapped around the ghost king, thunderbolts and lightning flashed. With a loud BANG, the amulet caused an explosion on the ghost king’s body.

The explosion is quite loud and everyone looked at the evil ghost king. They saw a hole in the place where the Thunderbolt amulet detonated, oh, the ghost is leaking.

It’s effective! Everyone’s eyes lit up and they all held the Thunderbolt Amulet in their hands. In case the evil ghost king approaches, they’ll stick it on the ghost!

Instantly, Chen Shuyang become the treasured person on the team. Because though the amulet was taught by the master to Chen Shuyang, the master himself did not draw this amulet. Lou Fan took 2 Thunderbolt Amulets from Chen Shuyang. Next, he pulled out 3 cross arrows from the quiver on his side. He stuck the 3 amulets on the arrows, raised his bow, and aimed. The 3 arrows flew toward the evil ghost king who is currently fighting with Qin Tan.

“Qin Tan, cross arrows incoming.” Lou Fan shouted.

Qin Tan keeps moving but slightly turned his body sideways. Reaching out, he caught the 3 arrows and then directed them forward, right into the huge shadow[1].



With 3 deafening explosions, the evil ghost king looked like it got immobilized. Qin Tan fixed his eyes on the huge shadow and felt like there is a human figure in the dark shadow.

“Team leader Chen, your fishing line.”

Chen Changdong reacted and immediately threw out his fishing hook. The fishing line finally entangled the evil ghost king. Qin Tan slapped an immobilizing amulet on the ghost king. Lou Fan ran forward and stuck 2 more amulets on the ghost. After making sure that it couldn’t move, he then felt relieved.

Chen Changdong also let out a sigh of relief, “Let’s get it down and seal it. Then it’s over.”

Lou Fan shook his head and looked at the master, “Master, please.”

It was unknown when the chanting stopped, the master stood up and walked toward the evil ghost king. Standing in front of the ghost, he put his hands together and chanted the Buddha’s name. Then he said, “Put down your enmity and repent. If you continue doing something like this, you will never be able to be reborn as a human again[2].”

The evil ghost king screamed, but they couldn’t hear what the ghost is saying. Only the master shook his head with a look of pity. Sighing, he said, “Obstinately persist in going the wrong way.”

As the master spoke, he took off the rosary bead on his body and held it in his hand, reciting the scriptures again. Then, he grabbed a handful of glutinous rice in his hand and sprinkled it on the evil ghost king. Everyone can see the black aura emanating from the ghost king’s body and the human figure in the shadow is struggling violently, screaming. The sound wasn’t loud, but they can’t help wanting to cover their ears and falling into a trance.

The master is not affected at all and continued to chant. His chanting turned faster and faster, and the evil ghost king struggled even more. Qin Tan took the Calming Amulet from Chen Shuyang and put it on himself and Lou Fan. After that, he told the other 3 members to stick it on too. Then, he stood beside the master to prevent the evil ghost king from suddenly attacking.

Seeing that the ghost struggled more and more violently, the master suddenly nodded at Lou Fan. Lou Fan immediately understood, turned around, and went to the pile of objects to find the hair and nails of the 7 deceased wrapped by the master. He lit the fire in the brazier and then threw them in.


The dark shadow dissipated, leaving only a terrifying-looking human figure. His face is hideous and his head is drooping, but he looked like a man. His eyes are scarlet, full of hatred. The man looked at the master fiercely, and cursed out in gritted teeth, word by word: “I. Want. To. Kill. You!”

The master looked kindly at the man with a gentle smile on his face, “If killing me can dispel the hatred in your heart, then you can kill me.”

Lou Fan’s heart skipped a beat. Master, can we not make this kind of joke? If you dispelled his hatred (by dying), isn’t this asking us to die (because they failed their mission)? This idea doesn’t work.

The ghost king suddenly laughed. He raised his head and laughed continuously, unable to stop.

The master sighed, “Go, she must be waiting for you. You should go!”

A struggling expression suddenly appeared on the man’s face. Suddenly, the surrounding black mist slowly gathered again and Qin Tan guards the master as they retreated.

“What’s going on? Why do I feel like he is going to be the ghost king again?”

Everyone suddenly became nervous, and the junior team immediately surrounded the master. The master waved his hand and wanted to move forward, but is stopped by Lou Fan. Lou Fan looked at the master firmly and shook his head. The master smiled gently, but did not insist and continued to recite the scriptures.

“Stand guard first.” Qin Tan said and stuck 2 more immobilizing amulets on the evil ghost, hesitating whether to stick a Thunderbolt Amulet as well. But the evil ghost king broke free the next moment, it seems the immobilizing amulet doesn’t work either.

The ghost stretched out its hand and grabbed Yuan Jin, who is standing not far away. Then the ghost burst into laughter as if mocking the group for underestimating him.

The master sighed again and continued, “Since you are stubborn, don’t blame me. Originally, I wanted to save you because of your pitiful background and guide you to reincarnate, but you are unrepentant. Let go of the innocent in your hands.”

The evil ghost king didn’t listen at all and pinched Yuan Jin’s neck. They could even hear the sound of bones breaking.

“Ah Jin!” Dong Xu shouted, his voice sorrowful.

The master took out a golden bead from his pocket and held it up with his hands. The bead slowly floated into the air, and a dazzling golden light appeared in the air.

Seems like the master is going to release a big move!

Accompanied by the chanting of scriptures, Yuan Jin fell from the hands of the evil ghost king and collapsed to the ground softly. Looking at his condition, he probably is dead.

Shadow and human figure appear alternately in the ghost king, it is enough to see how powerful this golden bead is. Lou Fan pondered silently that without the key NPC, the Master, the Level 10 team would not even be able to complete their mission. Firstly, it would be impossible for them to seal the evil ghost king. They can’t even pull the human figure out of the huge shadow. Also, after pulling the figure out, the man can return to become the ghost king again.

The master here is the one with the ultimate killer move!

If the master is not protected well, the junior and intermediate teams will not be able to complete the task at all.

And so, with no suspense, the evil ghost king slowly separated from the shadow from the master’s chanting and returned to his human body again. Immediately after that, everyone saw the hideous face fade away and turned into a handsome man whose body gradually became transparent. A good-looking smile appeared at the corner of the man’s mouth, like a nice boy next door.

The man’s figure slowly became more transparent, and then dissipated into the air.

Finally, they finished off the ghost king!

Everyone immediately slumped to the ground, while Chen Changdong and Dong Xu ran to Yuan Jin’s side. Seeing that Yuan Jin is really dead, Dong Xu clenched his fists and thumped the ground. His fist hits the ground, making a loud sound.

Lou Fan sighed and turned his head away. When he saw his teammates who are all well, his brows relaxed again.

The author has something to say:
That green novel cover, en, is from my itchy hand. I made it with a new hand-painted board, you can ignore it…
However, I found that the cover change managed to shock you all out to comment, and it got me thinking about changing the cover a few more times!
I am serious!
Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3046


[1] Banana: Re-read it 3 times, but that’s what the raw said. I don’t get why Qin Tan need to catch the arrows lol.
[2] Banana: The master is implying that if the ghost is willing to be purified, it could still be reincarnated as a human in the next life. It seems weird to me, since the ghost has taken many lifes already _(;3/ but Banana is a free-thinker so not very sure how this works 😛

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 64

Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 10 team
Chen Changdong (leader)
Liu Yue (older sister of the twins)
Liu Xing (younger sister of the twins)
Yuan Jin (man with slightly long hair)
Ma Ming (a short guy) -dead
Dong Xu (a tall guy)

Minor cliff alert. Jump at your own risk _(;3/

Chen Changdong: …

Chen Changdong felt like he is defeated by this team. People want life not money, but they want money instead of life, a’ight?! Everyone in that team, the moment they opened their mouth is to talk about points, why don’t they go out and rob instead?! No, this is a robbery, or should he say a daylight robbery! But, so what? He still has to obediently pull out his wallet and let others take it. Moreover, he has to say, “How much do you want? Just to take at will. If it’s not enough, I still have some here.”

Bah, why is his situation so pitiful?

Lou Fan quietly gave Chen Shuyang a thumbs up. He did a beautiful job. For their first business, they need to leave a good impression and not ask for too high a price. After all, their business reputation is not up there yet, so they can do this slowly. They can’t scare away their customers. These are long-term businesses.

Chen Changdong didn’t know what Lou Fan was thinking. But if he knew, he would probably vomit blood. Chen Shuyang’s asking price is not high indeed. It’s only 1,000 points. What can he buy with 1,000 points at Lazuli? Those items are nothing usable at moments like this, okay? So, with 1,000 points to buy a Yang Gathering Amulet, it can be considered that they got a bargain.

Chen Changdong accepted the offer and transferred the payment. Upon receiving the goods, he put the Yang Gathering Amulet in his bag. After thinking about it, he bought a few other amulets from Chen Shuyang. He wanted to keep them around just in case.

Chen Shuyang smiled so widely that his eyes cannot be seen anymore. Inside, he is secretly calculating the points he had earned. Now, he is also someone who can earn points. Selling charms to earns points, and he can draw a lot to sell too.

Earlier, Chen Shuyang was immersed in the great joy of the Lou Fan’s spirit weapon being upgraded, and now he has earned points for the team. Chen Shuyang can’t wait to act like a rich person, waving his hand and taking his teammates to eat a nice meal in a restaurant. But the reality is that they are trapped in the mall and can’t get out. Moreover, the people in the mall are very weird, and they don’t want to risk eating here. Chen Shuyang had a sense of melancholy that he suddenly made a fortune, but didn’t know how to spend it. It is really frustrating him to death.

On the 10th day of coming here, the 7th person who fell from the building died. He died in a tragic and terrifying state. During this period, Lou Fan has adapted to his upgraded bow and could shoot up to 3 spiritual arrows at a time, which he could control them. Moreover, every time he dealt with evil spirits, he could feel that the spiritual arrows had the function of purifying the spirits. Not sure if it is because he had an epiphany by relying on the master’s chanting of Buddhist scriptures, so that’s why there is a power of purification in it.

On the other hand, Lou Fan found 4 sets of attribute crystals, several other crystals, and 5 white crystals in the shopping mall, which can be said to be quite rewarding. And although the amulet drawn by Chen Shuyang is not as good as the one he exchanged with other passengers in Lazuli, it can be considered a substitute nonetheless.

After the 7th person fell from the building, the Level 10 team sealed the 7th evil spirit that appeared, and both teams began to nervously prepare for the final battle. Chen Changdong felt that his team is actually lucky this time. The fact that the junior team had 2 members with intermediate spirit weapons helped them a lot. It gave him a little more confidence to pass this mission world.

The master carried a bunch of his own things and followed both teams out of the staff lounge. They planned to go to the 5th floor and wait for the final evil spirit. After all, the yin aura is the thickest there every time.

Following behind, Lou Fan looked at the master’s casual and easy attitude. Then he remembered the master’s indifferent face before going out of the staff lounge. There seems to be an unusual feeling to it. He inadvertently glanced at the black watch on his wrist and suddenly paused. Looking at the back of the master’s head, Lou Fan got frightened by the unbelievable thought that came to his mind.

Their task is to prevent the death of the 8th person to fall and protect the eminent monk. Could it be that the master is the 8th person who is about to fall from the building? Therefore, their tasks seem to be made up of 2 different tasks, but they are actually the same task. If this is the case, then the importance of the master is self-evident.

Lou Fan shivered inexplicably from head to toe and his heart trembled from the chill. What happens when the master dies? Lou Fan didn’t dare to think about it, and immediately took a few steps forward, pulling Qin Tan back to speak. His serious expression made the other three members nervously lean over. After hearing Lou Fan’s thoughts, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong immediately walked up to the master’s side to stand guard.

Lou Fan discussed with Qin Tan that no matter what happens, protecting the master is the first priority. The evil ghost king is, in a sense, the Level 10 team’s task and they can help as much as they can if needed. However, the premise is that the evil ghost king will not seek trouble with the master. As long as they successfully prevent the evil ghost king from killing the master before the mission time ends, their task is completed.

Lou Fan silently counted in his heart that there are still 2 days left to go back to Lazuli. If they can’t kill the ghost king within these 2 days, will they be able to survive until the time to go back? If the ghost king is not killed, then the Level 10 team’s mission will definitely not be completed…

Lou Fan looked at the Level 10 team with a complicated gaze. This world is so cruel and one could only speak with their strength. If not enough strength, then their ending is to be obliterated.

While speaking, the group of people reached the circular atrium in the middle. Instantly, a thick yin aura burst out.

It’s coming!

With the weapons in their hands, everyone looked around vigilantly. The thick bloody smell blew out from all directions, making people feel like fainting from the stink. It is almost impossible to imagine how many people died to have such a strong bloody smell.

Chen Shuyang drew a lot of Yang Gathering Amulet, and everyone got one to stick on themselves. The white crystal lit up, and the surrounding area that was originally pitch black suddenly lit up. Everyone looked around, only to feel a sour sensation coming out of their chests, almost uncontrollably vomiting out.

It’s not an exaggeration to describe the surrounding scene as a bloody field. The mountain of corpses, the sea of blood, and the layers of corpses piled up on each other. It is almost impossible to make up a complete human shape (due to the corpse stacking up tightly).

“Have we arrived at the evil ghost’s lair?”

The master’s expression is calm, and he quickly puts up a setting. A yellow cloth is spread out on the ground. The fingernails and hair of the 7 dead people collected are put on it, as well as the glutinous rice from the 8 shops. With a shake of his plain robe, the eminent monk sat down. He clasped his hands together and started reciting Buddhist scriptures.

At that moment, everyone’s mind suddenly became much clearer, and ripples of power began to spread out in the air. One could even see the ripples as they hit something in the air and then disappeared.

They are trapped by the evil ghost king.

Lou Fan also shot a few spirit arrows to check and saw that the spirit arrows encountered the same obstacles. The ripples spread out, and the spirit arrows disappeared.

As if feeling their resistance, the corpses around them began to stagger and stand up. Then, they moved toward their group with bared teeth and claws.

“Be vigilant! Everyone spread out and don’t let these corpses injure you.” As the leader of the Level 10 team, Chen Changdong is one of the most experienced people here.

After a few quick reminders, Chen Changdong swung out with a flick of the fishing rod. It is hooked on a walking corpse, and the fishing line is wrapped around its neck. With a slight force, the head fell from the shoulder, and the walking corpse slowly fell down. One corpse down.

Seeing Chen Changdong’s movements, the other members of the team are not to be outdone. They quickly waved the spirit weapon in their hands and attacked the walking corpse.

Qin Tan whispered to his team members, “Don’t separate and try to stay together as much as possible. The most important thing is to protect the master. Pay attention to the situation around, the evil ghost king should appear soon.”

Everyone nodded. Wen Lang, Jiang Dong, and Chen Shuyang tightly surrounded the master who is sitting on the ground motionless as a mountain. Qin Tan and Lou Fan wandered around their team, dealing with the slowly approaching walking corpse.

Both their spirit weapons are intermediate level so it is easy for Qin Tan and Lou Fan to deal with this kind of walking corpse. Lou Fan’s spirit arrows are always shot 3 at a time. After the arrows are released, 3 walking corpses will fall to the ground at the same time. Lou Fan is like a reaper. Before the walking corpse is near, all of them got resolved by him. Qin Tan had no chance to act at all, so his attention turned to the master.

The group of people killed the corpse until their hands and feet felt weak but the walking corpses continued to stand up and approach from the back. The surroundings that were still bright earlier suddenly darkened. Next, the white crystal also declared the end of its usability. Suddenly, everyone fell into darkness.

For no reason, a gust of wind that caused palpitations blew, and Chen Shuyang’s hand that is going to stick a new Yang Gathering Amulet trembled. Immediately afterward, a slight ‘puchi’ sound can be heard and something fell to the ground. When he can see his surroundings clearly again, Chen Shuyang heard Liu Xing’s cry.

“Sister, sister… open your eyes! Team leader, please save my sister!” Liu Xing hugged Liu Yue’s body, which kept sliding down, and cried so hard.

Earlier, a gust of wind blew, and Liu Xing suddenly sensed something beside her. Then, before she could react, her elder sister beside her threw herself into her arms. Next, Liu Xing heard her sister gro.a.ned in pain, and her body fell limply.

“Live…” The voice as thin as a whisper said.

A big hole appeared in Liu Yue’s chest, and gushes of blood flowed out, staining her clothes red. Liu Xing cried as she tried to cover Liu Yue’s wound with her hand and her pale hand quickly get covered with blood. She only had one hand at the moment so she is supporting Liu Yue with her body, while her other injured arm helplessly wanted to do something.

“Sister, elder sister…Why do you want to save me?! Why are you always like this?!”

Chen Changdong stepped over in a few steps and took Liu Yue into his arms. This calm man had a dazed expression on his face at the moment. He hurriedly took out the medicine from his bag, but he couldn’t open it because his hands are shaking uncontrollably. After repeating it a few times, he finally opened it and desperately sprinkled the powder on Liu Yue’s chest.

Liu Yue struggled to open her eyes and saw the man’s pursed lips and tightened chin. She wanted to laugh and touch it with her hand, but she didn’t have the strength to raise her hand at all. She is so tired of struggling to live in this world, and she really wants to have a good night’s sleep. But she is reluctant, reluctant to part with Liu Xing. Liu Xing’s character is naive and reckless. Without her by her side, will it be difficult for Liu Xing to live on in the future? Also, Liu Yue is reluctant to part with this man. This man has a broad back and she always follows behind him. She does not feel afraid at all. However, she is so tired now that she wanted to close her eyes and sleep.

“Liu Yue, I won’t allow you to die!” Chen Changdong’s low voice seemed to be squeezed from between his gritted teeth.

Liu Yue looked at Chen Changdong and her lips moved, but she didn’t make a sound. She could only use all her strength to move her gaze to look at Liu Xing.

Chen Changdong’s face is terrifyingly gloomy, and he finally nodded, “I will help you to take care of Liu Xing.”

Liu Yue seemed to put down the most important thing from her shoulders. The corners of her mouth curved up. Closing her eyes, Liu Yue tilted her head and buried her head in Chen Changdong’s arms.

Chen Changdong’s arms hugged Liu Yue tightly. He lowered his head and touched her forehead with his own. He could feel her body temperature dropping slowly, and there seemed to be a metallic taste in his mouth.

He hasn’t told her yet that he has always liked her.

The author has something to say:
Poor Team leader Chen, your wife is gone… I’m so sorry to you!

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3080

#BecauseIAlreadyKnewSheWillDie T^T