和NPC抢装备 Looting Equipment From NPCs

CN Title: 和NPC抢装备 [Unlimited Flow/Survival]

Author: 原叶原/Yuán Yè Yuán

Chapter: 102

Lou Fan is an ordinary person, nothing special. However, after being suddenly drawn into the mission world, he found himself quite special-very lucky to be exact!

When other people’s whole team is destroyed, his team passed with everyone intact; other people can’t find equipment, they get rewards from NPC; other people’s spirit weapons are used as decorations, while their spirit weapons leveled up like a rocket.

Lou Fan: Although I’m lucky, my strength is terrible…

Qin Tan: I will never waste time talking rubbish if I can just take action. Alright, who of you is my opponent?

NPC: No! We just want to kneel down and call Dad!

This terrifying lucky king not only robs players of equipment, but the important thing is that he doesn’t even let go of NPCs!!! A violent but unlucky guy and a weak but lucky king teaming up, the NPCs decided to resign. They couldn’t do this job!

A super lucky archer shou vs powerful but unlucky gong


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 1
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 2
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 3
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 4
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 5
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 6
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 7
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 8
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 9
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 10
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 11
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 12
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 13
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 14
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 15
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 16
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 17
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 18
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 19
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 20
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 21
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 22
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 23
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 24
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 25
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 26
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 27
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 28
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 29
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 30
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 31
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 32
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 33
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 34
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 35
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 36 Part 1
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 36 Part 2
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 36 Part 3
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 37
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 38
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 39
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 40
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 41
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 42
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 43
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 44 Part 1
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 44 Part 2
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 45
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 46
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 47
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 48
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 49
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 50
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 51
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 52
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 53
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 54
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 55
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 56
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 57
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 58
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 59
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 60
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 61
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 62
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 63
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 64
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 65
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 66
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 67
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 68
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 69
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 70
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 71
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 72
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 73
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 74
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 75
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 76
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 77
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 78
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 79
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 80
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 81
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 82
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 83
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 84
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 85
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 86
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 87
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 88
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 89
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 90
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 91
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 92
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 93
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 94
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 95
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 96
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 97
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 98
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 99
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 100
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 101
Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 102 The End

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 102 The End

Lou Fan opened his eyes, it felt like he has just slept for a night, and is a little confused. Rubbing his head, he propped up his body, and for a while, he couldn’t tell where he is.


A cry sounded, and the white ball of fur scurried up Lou Fan’s shoulders and touched his cheek.

“Furball.” Lou Fan leaned over and kissed it, “You really came back with me.”

Lou Fan walked to the window in slippers, reached out, and opened the curtains. The sunlight poured down, causing him to reach out to cover his eyes. Then, the heat from the sunlight started to fill the room.

At this moment, a knock sounded on the door, “Senior brother, we are ready to go to the arena.”

So there’s still a competition today? Lou Fan responded, “Okay, I’ll come down right away.”

After cleaning up, Lou Fan went downstairs. He is already good-looking to start with but his junior brother still got stunned when he saw him, “Senior brother, why do I think you are not the same as yesterday?”

Lou Fan propped his chin and looked at his junior brother, “Which part is different?”

The junior brother, who originally thought that Lou Fan’s temperament had become fierce, stared at Lou Fan for a second. Then his face turned red, stammered, “It’s, it’s just a little different. Senior brother, let’s go.” After he finished speaking, he grabbed his backpack and quickly ran away.

Puzzled, Lou Fan touched his face and wondered, “Huh? Am I becoming scary?” He felt like he had a very gentle expression just now.

Without any suspense, Lou Fan’s team won first place in the competition. After the game, the young ladies who has been waiting eagerly for a long time rushed over and gathered around Lou Fan to ask for autographs.

It is the first time Lou Fan encountered such a situation, and he looked at his junior brother at a loss, “Hey, junior brother, what’s going on?”

“Senior brother, you don’t know how handsome you were just now! You were so cool, so manly!”

Lou Fan don’t think he could count on his junior brother to help with anything, so he had no choice but to pick up the pen and start signing. After finally signing the pile in front of him, his fingers are sore.

“Can you sign for me too?” A low male voice sounded, and a broad palm is handed to Lou Fan.

Lou Fan has held this hand many times.

“Okay.” Lou Fan said with a smile. He picked up the pen and signed his name on the palm of the man’s hand before raising his head.

The man wore casual clothes. He restrained his fierce aura but still, he didn’t look ordinary in the crowd. The man glanced at the name signed in the palm of his hand and clenched his fists, tightly grasping the name into his hand.

The two sat in the restaurant. Lou Fan adjusted his cuffs, and the person sitting on the opposite keep staring at him as if to strip him off.

“Haven’t seen enough yet?”

“Not enough.” The man replied without hesitation.

Lou Fan smiled helplessly, “Order first, I’m hungry.”

Qin Tan immediately called the waiter and ordered dishes skillfully, all of which Lou Fan liked.

The phone on the table rang, it is from an unfamiliar number. Lou Fan pressed ‘Accept’ and put it to his ear.

“Hey, is it Brother Lou? It’s Brother Lou, right?! I’m Wen Lang! Woo woo woo, we’re finally back. I’ve already called Shuyang, and Jiang Dong is with me now. Wait for us there, we’ll be right away!”

Before Lou Fan could make a sound, Wen Lang blabbered a long list of stuff without gasping for breath, as if already confirmed that the person on the other side of the line must be Lou Fan.

“Okay, Qin Tan and I are waiting for you.”

“Ah ah ah ah, Brother Lou! I just knew it. Gotta end the call now, we are boarding the plane.”

Lou Fan: …

People who act first before thinking are sure fast with their actions.

At 3.00 pm, 6 people successfully met up. However, everyone just stares at each other wordlessly and seems a little afraid to recognize each other.

Nie Feng chuckled and spoke first, “Hello, it’s the first time we meet. I’m Nie Feng, a hairdresser.”

Following his introduction, everyone burst out laughing.

Wen Lang stretched, not feeling unfamiliar at all. This kind of interaction is so familiar.

“Let’s go on a trip. I haven’t relaxed for a long time. Every day in Lazuli, I struggle at the edge of death and at how I’m going to die. I think I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.”

Chen Shuyang had a complicated expression and asked hesitantly, “Do you think Sister Tong Fei and the others will come out smoothly?”

“Lazuli’s purpose is for screening for the best. Those who can come out will have their memories. And the others who got eliminated in that screening are just passers-by, They might experience it but won’t remember the details. Tong Fei and her team will definitely come out but the only difference is whether they can remember us or not.”

Lou Fan looked at the people coming and going outside and said, “Maybe everyone on this road has been in there, but they don’t remember it.”

In a resort cabin, 6 people raised their wine glasses and toasted each other.

“This is to celebrate our escape from that damned Lazuli.” Wen Lang raised his head and gulped the wine down.

Lou Fan took a sip and said, “Actually, Lazuli is quite interesting. Don’t you think you have changed since you came back?”

Chen Shuyang replied, “I think so. I feel that I have improved in all aspects, even my worst physical strength is different now.”

Qin Tan leaned against the back of the chair. He is a little different from when he was at Lazuli, “Shuyang, that’s what you trained yourself. Of course it’s improved.”

Chen Shuyang retorted, “Brother Qin, I feel that my mind has changed as well.”

Wen Lang: “Change to being stupid?”

“You’re stupid.”

Lou Fan watched the 2 childish young men quarrel and smiled. Of course it would be different, otherwise, how could those outstanding people achieve great things? Except that the spirit weapon cannot be brought out, the things they obtained from Lazuli are indescribable in words.

Furball stomped on Wen Lang’s face and jumped onto Chen Shuyang’s shoulders. Then it helped Chen Shuyang to chirp (banter) with Wen Lang.

“Tsk, Furball, you dared to step on me. Do you not want to eat snacks anymore?”

Jiang Dong and Nie Feng clinked glasses and drank their wine, not planning to participate in the quarrel between the 2 children.

Jiang Dong raised his glass to Qin Tan, “Thank you, Brother Qin, for covering our trip. Otherwise, my monthly salary will be gone.”

Lou Fan laughed and follow the flattery, “Yes, yes, thank you Boss for your generosity.”

Qin Tan stared at Lou Fan and said, “You are the one who is generous.”

“Me?” Lou Fan puzzled asked.

“All mine is yours.”

Lou Fan laughed, “Looks like I got myself a bigshot.”

Wen Lang: “Congratulations, Brother Lou is about to reach the peak of his life.”

“Come, come, have a drink!”

Jiang Dong helped Wen Lang to walk to the room. Wen Lang waved his hand and kept shouting, “Shuyang, come, have another drink. Brother Lou, don’t forget your friend when you get rich…”

Jiang Dong is going to be annoyed to death by Wen Lang. Already gotten drunk and now he acts like a drunkard. Can’t hold it anymore, he warned with gritted teeth in Wen Lang’s ear, “Behave yourself or see how I ‘take care’ of you when we get back.”

Hearing that, Wen Lang loses it. He turned to look at Jiang Dong with misty eyes and pointed his index finger, “Jiang Dong, you’re sure good huh? The person who reaps the benefit is you. The person who ‘ate’ me cleanly and being irresponsible is you too! You dare to be so fierce to me! I won’t serve you anymore!”

Jiang Dong: Who the hell is serving whom?!

Unable to bear it any longer, Jiang Dong leaned in and kissed Wen Lang fiercely, biting on his lips.

Wen Lang covered his mouth and didn’t seem to react, but he didn’t make any more trouble. Jiang Dong immediately rushed back to the room while carrying someone. His head would explode if the person quarreled again.

Jiang Dong put Wen Lang in the black bathtub in the bathroom. In the tub filled with warm water, a pale and tender person is lying in it. When Jiang Dong took the bath towel and went in, he saw the young man with closed eyes resting his head on the edge of the bathtub, breathing lightly and shallowly.

Jiang Dong walked over and wiped Wen Lang’s cheek lightly, “Wen Lang, Wen Lang, get up first, you’ll catch a cold later.”

Wen Lang muttered an ‘en’ and opened his eyes a little. He looked at Jiang Dong with slender, steamy eyes. The misty eyes are wet and it tickles Jiang Dong’s heart under the dim, ambiguous light. Jiang Dong is about to get up when his neck is hooked by a pair of arms. The arms gently pulled forward and their lips are pressed together.


When Wen Lang lightly gnawed at his lips, a nameless fire burst forth from Jiang Dong’s body, burning his whole body unbearably.

A bundle of wet clothes is thrown on the ground. Someone stepped into the bathtub, causing the water to overflow from the bathtub. The rippling water waves rolled up and down in the bathtub. The young men stuck their heated bodies together with enthusiasm, and the sound of splashing water accompanied by out-of-tune gasping formed the most beautiful music of the night.

Chen Shuyang became very obedient after drinking wine. He is motionless and half-held by Nie Feng as Nie Feng is leading him to his room.

Lou Fan shouted from behind, “Nie Feng, take good care of Shuyang.”

Nie Feng turned back and smiled, making Lou Fan tremble all over.

“Did I say wrong?” Lou Fan asked Qin Tan.

Qin Tan solemnly maintained the ‘harmonious life’ of his team members and said, “No, you are right. Let’s go for a walk, I’m a little dizzy.”

Standing in the bathroom, it can be seen that the bathroom in this room is very large. The washbasin is especially large and a whole mirror is built into the wall. Chen Shuyang stared at himself in the mirror with a flushed face. At this moment, the drunkenness has reached his head and he feels hot all over.  Taking off his glasses, Chen Shuyang turned on the faucet and poured a handful of water on his face. The water flowed down his neck, and the white T-shirt is soaked all around his neck and slowly expanded to his chest. The transparent fabric became sticky to the chest, and the rise and fall of the chest could be clearly seen.

After taking off the glasses, Chen Shuyang’s eyes look wet, like a confused deer. He raised his eyes and saw from the mirror that Nie Feng is leaning against the door frame. Nie Feng’s drooping eyes are staring at him lazily, and his whole body exuded an aura of laziness.

“Your clothes are wet?” A lazy voice sounded. Nie Feng’s eyes fell on Chen Shuyang’s chest and his eyes darkened.

Chen Shuyang looked down at his clothes. It is uncomfortable that his shirt is sticking to the skin. He turned around and prepared to go out. However, Nie Feng started walking towards him slowly while looking at him with deep eyes. Chen Shuyang took 2 steps back in a daze and then his waist bumped against the sink, there is no way to retreat.

Nie Feng pinched the hem of Chen Shuyang’s clothes and lifted the clothes, swiftly taking off the T-shirt. He stared greedily at this body full of vitality, watching him tremble slightly under the light.

“Nie Feng.”

Chen Shuyang called out in a low voice, staring at Nie Feng with his eyes full of him.


A hot kiss came and Chen Shuyang is forced to raise his neck to meet the kiss, the big palm imprisoned him from the back of his head. After being kissed dizzily, Chen Shuyang realized that Nie Feng is so much taller than him. His hands unconsciously climbed up the man’s neck and he stretched his neck, trying to match the height of the kiss.

Nie Feng let go of Chen Shuyang’s mouth and gave him a deep look.

The remaining clothes dropped to the ground. At this moment, Chen Shuyang is supporting himself at the sink with both hands and looked at himself blushing in the mirror. His head and neck are raised to an arc, and sweat dripped onto his back from Nie Feng’s forehead behind him.

Chen Shuyang bit his lip, not daring to gro.an.

“Alright, don’t bite your lips, it’s all red.”

Though saying that, Nie Feng didn’t stop his thrusting. His waist moved faster and faster, and Chen Shuyang tightened up.

“Relax, relax…”

The man gasped for breath, and a huge pleasure transmitted from the center to the brain to the whole body. At the same time, Chen Shuyang bit his lip and a sensation exploded in his mind.

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the sea, the salty sea breeze blew from a distance, and the dry heat after drinking is blown away. Lou Fan, on a whim, threw off his shoes and walked into the sea.

Qin Tan let Lou Fan go at first. But Lou Fan walked farther and farther, the seawater reaches his chest but he didn’t stop.

“Lou Fan, come back.” Qin Tan ordered strictly.

Lou Fan turned around, the moonlight behind him shone against the light, making it impossible to see his face. Qin Tan didn’t have time to think too much. He took off his clothes and went into the water. This place is originally sparsely populated, and they are on a private island so there is no one else at all except the two of them at night.

Qin Tan swam and finally caught up with the person after some effort. He pulled and Lou Fan turned around, looking at him with burning eyes.

Qin Tan originally wanted to be angry with Lou Fan. But when he saw Lou Fan’s bright eyes, he couldn’t say anything. Lou Fan smiled brightly and hooked his arms around his neck before sending a hot kiss.

Qin Tan took over the control and pressed Lou Fan’s head to deepen the kiss. At this moment, he just wanted to hug Lou Fan quietly and melt the person in his arms into his body. He didn’t want power and money, he just wanted this person in front to stay with him.

Lou Fan opened himself enthusiastically, letting Qin Tan love him over and over again. At a climax, he heard a voice in his ear saying, “I love you.”

Raw word count: 3489

#ItsAGoodTimeToFck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[Banana: Alright guys, the novel finally ended. Banana wished to thank everyone who still stuck around. The author’s writing style is kinda green, but Banana enjoyed the novel nonetheless. Though, the river crab is sure annoying _(;3/ we need moar thrusting 😛 Anyway, thanks and have a nice day~ ]

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 101

Furball has long run back when Chen Shuyang shouted to Lou Fan, and now sitting on Lou Fan’s shoulder.

Everyone looked up at the sky and thought, “Finally, there are no more of those birds.”

“How many advanced spirit weapons now?”

“That’s amazing!”

Before Chen Shuyang could be happy with the upgrade of his spiritual book, he supported the collapsing Nie Feng, with a look of horror.

“Brother Dong, Nie Feng is injured!” Chen Shuyang shouted.

Jiang Dong immediately came over to help him support Nie Feng to lie down. There are large and small holes in Nie Feng’s body. His flesh got pecked away, and his clothes are already stained with blood.

“Nie Feng is so fcuking amazing.” Wen Lang clicked his tongue and immediately went to rummage for medicine to stop bleeding and muscle regeneration.

Jiang Dong pursed his lips and said nothing, swiftly tending to Nie Feng’s wound. He removed the damaged flesh and sterilized the area. Then he sprinkled the wounds with medicinal powder and wrapped them with bandages.

Nie Feng just closed his eyes and didn’t say anything. Chen Shuyang let Nie Feng rest his head against his thighs. He looked down, only to see Nie Feng’s fluttering eyelashes, and his pale face due to excessive blood loss.

Both Qin Tan and Lou Fan are standing by the side. Lou Fan asked Jiang Dong worriedly, “Is Nie Feng okay?”

“The injury is very serious.” Jiang Dong said in a deep voice, “But fortunately we have enough medicine, so it’s good enough that we stopped the bleeding.”

Lou Fan looked at Chen Shuyang, whose face looked pale. Chen Shuyang pursed his lips tightly and can be seen trembling slightly as he hugged Nie Feng in both hands. Lou Fan opened his mouth but said nothing. He simply turned to look at Qin Tan. If Qin Tan is injured this badly to protect him, he would be more vulnerable than Chen Shuyang now.

After Jiang Dong treated Nie Feng’s wound, he looked in the direction where a lot of mourning/crying sounded not far away. Many people were injured by the birds.

“I’ll go take a look.”

Qin Tan nodded, “Go ahead.”

Lou Fan walked up to Tong Fei’s side. She and Jiang Rou’s condition are not bad as they used a protective item during the fight just now. As for Feng Zhi, she used her umbrella as a shield, so all three looked fine.

“Lou Fan.” Tong Fei stopped Lou Fan and said, “I remember that when I checked the data in the club, I also found a strange point. From the data, it seems at a certain period, all the passengers with the intermediate spirit weapon suddenly disappeared together, and never return to Lazuli. Some of them were heading out to do their task while some of them didn’t go back from their last mission. There were less than 10 people with intermediate spirit weapons at that time.”

Lou Fan vaguely remembered that he also seemed to read something like this, but he really hadn’t paid much attention to it.

“Sister Tong Fei, you mean…”

Tong Fei shouted at Gao Yi to come over. Gao Yi’s arm is injured, but he had been bandaged, and he came over with a serious face.

Tong Fei shared her thoughts, and then continued, “Say, is it possible that this situation right now is the ultimate test? For the passengers.” Her gaze swept past Lou Fan and Qin Tan’s spirit weapons, both are advanced-level red spirit weapons. Then, she froze for a moment, as if a thought flashed through her mind.

Gao Yi looked thoughtful, but he is not sure, “I’ll ask Dong Kun. To be honest, I haven’t paid attention to it.” Although a lot of information is found in the club, he really hasn’t studied them.

Seeing Gao Yi turn and walk away, Tong Fei frowned again.

Feng Zhi: “I remember you guys said it.”

Feng Zhi glanced at everyone one by one, and finally stopped on her own spirit weapon, “That the final condition to leave Lazuli is our spirit weapon. Only when the spirit weapon reaches the highest level then we can go out.”

Lou Fan nodded, “Yes, this is our guess.”

“If this is really the final test as Tong Fei said, then the purpose is self-evident.”

Qin Tan looked at Feng Zhi, “To let our spirit weapon be advanced?”

Feng Zhi: “Yes. After 2 waves of attacks, 4 people including your teammate have upgraded their weapons to advanced spirit weapons. Adding to you 3 who already advanced, that is to say, there are currently 7 people here who are qualified to return to reality.”

Turning her head to look at Tong Fei, Feng Zhi said seriously, “In terms of ways to level up, Lou Fan is based on perception while Qin Tan is power. Nie Feng is protection, and Chen Shuyang is by drawing amulets in his spiritual book. Wen Lang is also protection, while the other 2 passengers are their will to fight. Those 2 did not even flinch in the battle just now.”

Tong Fei looked at the 2 men that Feng Zhi mentioned, Jiang Dong is currently bandaging them. The one who already finished being bandaged is covered in bandages, like a mummy. She murmured, “In other words, we have to bravely move forward and not be afraid of death in order to let our spirit weapon upgrade?”

Feng Zhi nodded and shook her head after that, “I think the way should be to stick to your heart and to do what your heart wants and also to remain unmoved by difficulties. There are many ways to advance, it depends on how you follow it.”

Wiping his sweat, Jiang Dong stood up and looked around. All the injured are bandaged. He thumped his waist twice to relieve the numbness. When he looked straight ahead, he suddenly felt a strong emotion.

Wen Lang walked over to Jiang Dong and helped to massage his waist a bit, “I say, you should mind your own business. They didn’t ask you to help with the bandaging. Who doesn’t have medicinal powder with them? Ain’t it all the same if they sprinkle it by themselves?”

Jiang Dong smiled and took Wen Lang’s hand, “Just like how you protected me and Nie Feng protected Shuyang, I also felt protective towards the wounded. Physician kindness is sincere benevolence, we won’t refuse to help the needy.”

Wen Lang is helpless with Jiang Dong and is about to sigh when a burst of red light suddenly appeared from Jiang Dong’s body.

People will only get angry when comparing themselves to another, this is probably the truth. The guy simply stood there and said a few words, and his spirit weapon got upgraded. This really makes the person on the side want to vomit blood, the blood already reaching the throat.

Lou Fan and Qin Tan noticed the upgrade right away, and they are immediately overjoyed. Finally, all of their members leveled up to an advanced level.

At the side, Tong Fei and Feng Zhi looked at each other with wry smiles on their lips.

Feng Zhi: “The epiphany is also a way to level up, but it requires a very firm mind.”

This time, the group of people rested on the spot for more than an hour. The medicine from Lazuli has started working and the injured got better from their wounds. With Chen Shuyang’s support, Nie Feng moved to sit up. His complexion is much better, and Chen Shuyang fed him something to eat.

“Let’s go forward.” Lou Fan suggested to the circle where Tong Fei’s team and his team sat.

Wen Lang asked, “Brother Lou, are you sensing something?”

Lou Fan pointed to Furball on his shoulder, “There’s something wrong with Furball. It’s been restless, and I think it might take us somewhere.”

Qin Tan looked at the fur ball. Sure enough, it looked a little impatient, running all over Lou Fan’s body.

“Then, let’s go.”

Naturally, Tong Fei’s team of 3 girls wanted to follow. Seeing them all standing up, Gao Yi immediately ran over and asked, “Are you going?”

Qin Tan replied, “Yes, we are going to walk around. Staying here is not going to help anything.”

Gao Yi knew that staying here is not going to help of course, but no one want to take the initiative to suggest moving. Now that Qin Tan’s team is leaving, everyone should be willing to follow.

And so, the team of 6 people walked in front, followed by a large group of people. At the front of the group is Furball’s figure.

There is no sunlight in the sky but the barren and dark place gradually became brighter. When people think that something is going to happen, an ancient gate appeared in the distance. On both sides of the gate are walls so long that one cannot see the end, as if it is blocking entry from both ends.

“What is that?” Someone asked with doubt.

The group got closer until they could clearly see the 5-story gate. The gate is carved with beams and painted columns, enough to be called elegant. But what is even more surprising is the huge beast’s head on the door. At that 5-story gate, the beast head has occupied most of its space. Though its eyes are closed, one can also imagine its eyes like copper bells. Its fangs are sticking out from the corners of its mouth, making it look like it’s real. The group of people walked to the gate, not knowing whether they should go forward or not.

Dong Kun assumed the position as the leader and took a step forward. At that moment, the giant beast on the gate suddenly opened its eyes. Being stared at by those eyes, Dong Kun got scared and quickly backed away.


The head of the beast swayed, and the gate immediately opened. The head of the beast came out from the giant gate. At this moment, the gate is fully opened, revealing the body of the giant beast. It stood up and is actually as high as the gate. The group of people standing in front of it is tiny like ants.

The beast opened its bloody mouth and stared at the crowd with its copper bell-like eyes as if it is considering who to eat first. Some of the passengers froze in place and while some stood trembling. But they were all tacitly motionless, waiting for the giant beast to move first.


The deafening roar seemed to explode in their ear. The giant beast stepped forward with its huge claws, and the crowd immediately exclaimed in a low voice and stepped back.

When the white fur ball flew straight toward the giant beast, Lou Fan is startled and shouted, “Furball, come back!”

Qin Tan stopped Lou Fan and took him a step back, “Don’t move. Furball is smart, so we see how it goes first.”

“Is that little thing sending itself to death?”

“It will definitely be eaten.”

“Let’s run away!”

There is a lot of discussion in the crowd. Chen Shuyang turned his head to take a look, his expression indignant, “Can’t these people say something nice?”

Nie Feng: “No ivory comes from the mouth of a dog*, ignore them.”

[Idiom: No good words are to be expected from a scoundrel]

Chen Shuyang agrees with the statement and stares at Furball nervously.

Furball rushed in front of the giant beast and instantly grew larger. Its figure vaguely enlarged to half the size of the giant beast, and then its shape turned solid. Though Furball’s body is white, it looked ferocious at first glance. Its eyes are fierce, and its fangs are sharp. Furball might be half smaller than the giant beast, but its aura is no weaker than that of the giant beast.


Furball opened its mouth and roared loudly, the roar is deafening!

Not to be outdone, the giant beast opened its mouth and roared at Furball as well. Then, the two giant beasts rushed toward each other immediately.

The group of passengers no longer dared to get so close, and could only keep backing away.

“What kind of monster is this, it’s horrifying!”

“I seem to have seen this fur ball in Lazuli, could it be some kind of divine beast?”

Lou Fan and his team members have always held Furball dear in their palms. It is the first time they saw it transformed into such a big beast. But it is still the little Furball in their hearts, and they all stared at the battle nervously. If something went wrong, they will help right away.

Facts have proved that Furball is not a ‘herbivore’(weakling). Although it is smaller, it has a flexible body. It has razor-sharp teeth to bite at the giant beast. The giant beast was bitten all over with blood. The giant beast got bitten until it was bloodied. In the end, it fell to the ground, burying its head, and dared not to lift it up. However, Furball is not satisfied. It roared at the giant beast twice, until it is almost buried in the ground before feeling happy with the result. Then, Furball turned to look at Lou Fan. Lou Fan could see the smugness in those eyes and knew that it is trying to brag.

Lou Fan rolled his eyes and gave a helpless smile to Furball. Furball ran up to him cheerfully and lowered its head to the ground, asking Lou Fan to touch it.

“Furball is sure awesome. Now, don’t be spoiled, let’s go first.”

Furball straightened its body, raised its head and chest, and walked to stand beside the lying giant beast. After that, it shook its head to gesture for them to enter.

Walking past the giant beast, some people still couldn’t help shivering. The giant beast seemed to want to raise its head, but Furball bared its teeth and roared again.


The beast froze and buried its head in the ground: I don’t know anything! I didn’t see anything!

The building is quite empty, but as soon as he entered, Lou Fan immediately saw a big tree in the distance. The tree is huge, with luxuriant branches and leaves, enough to cover the sky and the sun. However, in the middle of the tree, a huge group of lights is hidden deep within it, making the whole tree seem to exude a halo.

Lou Fan recognized the light at a glance. It was the light they had seen before, and the bundle of light in the previous passenger’s data.

Several people looked at each other and suddenly felt a little excited in their hearts, as if they had waited for a long time, just for this moment. The shadow of the tree swayed and the white light moved with it. Then, a slightly childish voice suddenly sounded. It carried a heavy pressure, and it shook their heart.

“Someone is here?” it said, and then wondered, “Why are there some little ants too? You are not qualified yet.”

In the blink of an eye, only 6 of them and 2 other passengers with high-level spirit weapons stood there and the rest of the crowd disappeared. With a loud bang, the gate that had been wide open closed immediately.

Furball shrank into its usual size and pounced into Lou Fan’s arms immediately. The voice seemed to be laughing as it says, “It turns out that you are the little thing that is making trouble.”

Lou Fan wanted to say something. He opened his mouth but no sound came out.

“It’s surprising that there are 8 people this time.”

As soon as the voice finished speaking, 8 balls of light flew down from the tree, and a ball of light sank into Lou Fan’s forehead. He subconsciously closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the surroundings are pure white. Qin Tan and the others are all gone.

“I can grant you one wish, what do you want?”

Lou Fan frowned, “Can I go back to the real world?”

“Of course.” The childish voice paused, “I mean after returning to reality, I can grant you one wish. What do you want? Money, power, or fame?”

Oh, it turns out that there is such a good thing. The bundle of light can actually fulfill a wish. Lou Fan thought to himself, but shook his head, “I don’t want anything. If I can, I want to know why Lazuli asked us to do the tasks. Also, can you let Furball come with me?”

“En? You don’t want anything?” The voice then said, “What a strange person. Of course, the little one can go with you if it wants.”

“Then I have no other wishes.” Lou Fan is satisfied with this.

The voice asked again, “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

Lou Fan understood that he will be going back now. He had been looking forward to this moment for so long, but when it finally happened, he didn’t feel any huge emotions.

Countless pictures passed through his mind. Lou Fan saw himself from the 1st mission to the last mission at Ghost Lake. He has changed. His eyes have become resolute and decisive. He now has teammates in his heart that cannot be abandoned. Also, Lou Fan can see the growth of his teammates, and Qin Tan’s feelings for him along the way.

The images flashed, and several people he didn’t know appeared. Those people entered Lazuli and then went out. They became great people in the world, scientists, inventors, billionaires, and others who made outstanding contributions to the world.

For the sake of humankind’s reproduction and inheritance, from the moment they left Lazuli, their genes have since improved. It can also be said – an evolution.

The author has something to say:
The main novel is considered ended. The next chapter is the sweet time in real world.

Raw word count: 3964


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 100

[Banana: Last 3 chapters, folks~ It seems that we can finish the novel this month (0w0)/ ]

Everyone who saw the white light quickly approached, forming a circle around the white light in a tacit understanding. For a while, they managed to fight evenly with the soldiers.

In the white light, 10 spiritual arrows are fired in unison. Then at the next second, 10 more flew out. Each of the arrows managed to hit a soldier, greatly reducing the pressure. Poker cards also shot out accurately, not a single miss.

The soldiers that disappeared didn’t reappear, which means they won’t appear infinitely. After half an hour of fighting, the surrounding storm gradually subsided. The light from the 5 Elements Array gradually diminished and eventually disappeared. Even the crystals placed on the ground became dim.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and stopped moving the weapons in their hands. They sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

There are a few wounds on Jiang Rou’s face, which she casually wiped away. She said to Lou Fan and the others, “It’s really a blessing to have you guys here. Otherwise, it would have been troublesome.” They happened to be beside Lou Fan and the others when it happened and just started to spread out. Hence, when the white light appeared, they managed to get to the circle immediately, so they didn’t get hurt much.

Other people who are sitting on the ground, many are bloody with wounds.

Everyone subconsciously gathered around. In the first round, everyone held on, and no one died.

A middle-aged man stood up and immediately took on the attitude of a leader. He gestured with palms down to signal everyone to be quiet, “Everyone, everyone, listen to me. My name is Dong Kun. Right now, we don’t know what happened to Lazuli, but 1 point is clear. We must unite to deal with emergencies, and we must work together. Everyone has seen what happened just now, the situation is very dangerous.”

Gao Yi walked up to Dong Kun and whispered a few words to him, it seemed that they knew each other very well. Next, Dong Kun immediately looked toward Qin Tan and his team with disbelief in his eyes.

The crowd started to chatter, and Dong Kun spoke again, “Everyone should deal with your wounds first. I don’t know when the next attack will come. Preserving strength is the most important thing.”

Medicine is an essential item to bring along, but everyone’s skills are limited. Some handled their wounds simply and crudely. They just sprinkle the medicine powder on the wound and they are done. For a few with more serious injuries, they sprinkled the medicinal powder directly on the wounds, then sat on the ground, like game characters meditating to recover HP.

As a doctor with occupational habits, Jiang Dong couldn’t stand it any longer and walked over there.

Dong Kun walked up to Qin Tan and took the initiative to greet him, “Hello, you’re Qin Tan, right? My name is Dong Kun, and I’m also one of the managers of the intermediate-level club. Listening to Gao Yi, your team members had a strong feeling before? I wonder if you know of any other clues?”

Qin Tan looked at Dong Kun and said, “I think everyone here has the feeling of heart palpitations. As for the other clues, I don’t have them. It’s just we felt the sensation a little stronger.”

Dong Kun understands that everyone’s sensitivity is different, and it may be related to the spirit weapon. His eyes circled around their spirit weapon, and he said with a smile, “Just now, it is really thanks to Team leader Qin. I hope everyone can work together in the future. The more the contribution, the greater everyone’s strength will be.”

This person must have been a party leader in the past. Just randomly puts a ‘tall hat’* on someone and he wants to make them work for free. What right does he have? Lou Fan curled his lips and pinched Qin Tan’s waist behind him.

[Banana: No exact translation but it somewhat means ‘moral blackmail’]

“Mr. Dong, you overestimated us. Our team members are very afraid of death, but we just want to try our best to keep ourselves alive. I don’t know if I can help others but if I can help you along the way, then it’s fine.” Qin Tan pushed the ‘tall hat’ back to Dong Kun.

Dong Kun didn’t expect the other party to be stubborn like this. He is used to being respected high above, and his ability was not weak. It is rare for him to be treated like this, so his expression doesn’t look good. Gao Yi tried to play the mediator for both sides, and after a few more words, Dong Kun and Gao Yi walked away.

On the other side, Jiang Dong walked to the injured person and squatted down. He warmly said, “Friend, you can’t do that for this kind of wound. It’s a waste of medicine and you won’t get better. You still need to bandage the wound.”

The wounded person sat up with a helpless look on his face, “I also want to bandage it, but my technique is not good. Although the bandage is said to take up no space, I didn’t bring it with me. So I just leave it like this.”

It’s just a matter of bringing bandages with them then. Jiang Dong smiled gently, “I’m a doctor, I’ll help to bandage you.”

“Will it be bothering you too much?”

“No.” As Jiang Dong said, a strip bandage is pulled out from his cuff. With 2 or 3 moves, the wound is properly wrapped, which could be called a textbook-level standard bandage.

At this moment, many injured people who don’t know how to bandage their wounds gathered around and asked, “Doctor, can you help me bandage it?”


“I also need help.”

“No problem.”

Wen Lang folded his hands and looked at the surrounded Jiang Dong with a proud face, “Tsk, Dr. Jiang is very popular. I feel like he really enjoys being surrounded by people.”

“Call him back if you are unwilling to see that.” Lou Fan laughed at Wen Lang.

Wen Lang shrugged, “Forget it, I respect his career.”

“So be it then. I have a feeling that saving lives and helping the injured is good for him.” Lou Fan patted Wen Lang on the shoulder.

Hearing that, Wen Lang is stunned for a moment. Then, he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to walk over, “Then I’ll go and help him.”

“Alright now, you just stand at the side obediently.”

Wen Lang: “I mean to say I’ll help him maintain order.”

Before Wen Lang could step forward to maintain order, there is a tremor under his feet which is stronger than before.

A sharp whistle sounded, and Dong Kun shouted, “Everyone, pay attention and prepare to fight.”

The 5 element stones are quickly placed in place once again. If the enemy is spiritual-type, it should be useful. If the barrier couldn’t help, they could just save it for next time.

Tall monsters are rushing from a distance. The huge size gave everyone a bad feeling in their hearts, and their palms are all sweaty.

“What, what exactly is it?”

No one can tell what the monster is. It is huge, its head is extremely ugly and its mouth is full of sharp teeth. Armed with sharp claws and fangs, it is extremely fierce.

Holding the Tang sword, Qin Tan’s arm muscles bulged and he said, “Don’t scatter, be careful.”

Many people started to step back, trying to hide behind others, while some people stayed at the front. Anyway, it is impossible to hide, maybe they can survive by fighting.


A lot of people are looking forward to the barrier shining as brightly as before to fend off monster attacks. However, the shield is broken! After only blocking for a moment, the behemoth paused for 2 seconds and smashed the protective cover.

“Scatter!” Then Qin Tan yelled, “Surround!”

The 6 people who were scattered immediately swarmed forward. Jiang Dong’s bandage is instantly wrapped around it and the beast is caught. The struggling beast fell to the ground in an instant. Qin Tan raised his sword and stabbed it into the beast’s chest. The Tang sword, which shone with red light, easily plunged into the chest of the giant beast. Then with a single slash, the giant beast stopped struggling and died.

Lou Fan hadn’t had time to shoot his spiritual arrows and the monster is already dead, so he had to turn to the other one. 10 spiritual arrows converged into 1, like a big bird waving its red tail feathers, rushing towards the giant beast. The spirit arrows sank into the giant beast’s head, and then, the running giant beast exploded and shattered into pieces.


The crowd sighed in admiration that these 2 advanced spirit weapons are too powerful, but the scene also gave them infinite expectations, hoping that one day, their own spirit weapons can be this powerful.

The giant beast is huge and ferocious, but it is not impossible to deal with. Except for Qin Tan and Lou Fan (who single-handedly killed theirs), 2 or 3 people can work together to kill a monster. Soon the huge beasts slowly decreased, and while everyone is rejoicing, there are bursts of sharp screeching in the air.

A group of birds flew in the air, with broad wings and long beaks with hooks. Seeing the crowd, its screams became more rapid. The birds are very excited and swooped down at the crowd. They pecked at the human flesh with their sharp beaks and tore a large chunk with them.


“Ahhh! No, no, go away!”

The birds are so agile that they can hardly be hurt by anyone except for long-range attackers.

Lou Fan’s arrows split into 10 and flew into the air. Wen Lang and Jiang Dong’s cards and surgical blades are also very good. In the team, 3 of them could attack the monster bird with ease but the rest of the crowd is not so lucky.

Furball rushed out of Lou Fan’s pocket and pounced toward the strange bird in an instant. They can only see its white figure zipping among the strange birds, and soon the dead bodies of the strange birds kept falling from the sky.

“Brother Lou, use the thunderbolt amulet!” Chen Shuyang yelled at the side, handing over a stack of amulets.

Lou Fan casually reached for his arrows, only to find that there are only 2 cross arrows left in the quiver. Before he could think too much about it, he already affixed the spell to the arrow and shot it into the air.

BANG! The thunderbolt amulet exploded and all the strange birds around it got hit. Dead strange birds fell from the sky one after another.

Lou Fan didn’t stop to think and swiftly took out 3 amulets and threw them into the air. Then he shot the spiritual arrows, which flew into the air with the amulet and exploded again…

“It’s useful!” Lou Fan’s eyes lit up, and he instructed without turning his head, “Distribute the thunderbolt amulets to those who can attack from a distance. Do it like me, this method works best.”

There are too many strange birds gathered in the air, and the two sides confronted each other. But the passengers are obviously in a weaker position as many of them had been pecked and injured too much.

Chen Shuyang pulled out his stack of amulets and is about to distribute it when Nie Feng grabbed him and said, “You stay here and don’t move, I’ll go.”

Chen Shuyang couldn’t say otherwise and reminded, “Be careful. Then, I will continue to draw the amulets.”

Nie Feng turned his head and walked into the crowd to look for long-ranged users with a stack of amulet papers in his hand. But there are less than 10 long-ranged users among the 30-plus passengers. So the stack of amulet papers is divided, and each person received about 3 or 4 amulets.

That was Chen Shuyang’s entire stockpile. Before this, each of his teammates had 5 amulets, and the rest of them are now with Lou Fan.

Lou Fan is in charge of the frontal attacking the strange birds, while Wen Lang and Jiang Dong assisted at the flanks. Qin Tan stood beside Lou Fan and tried his best to resist the birds with his Tang sword. The small sleeve arrows on his wrist had already been used up.

Chen Shuyang squatted in the middle of the circle, quickly drawing amulets. Sweat is dripping from the messy hair on his forehead, and his fingers holding the pen are trembling slightly. A strange bird managed to slip through the encirclement and rushed straight to Chen Shuyang. Just as it is about to peck at his head, a huge pair of scissors suddenly appears and cuts the strange bird with a ‘kacha’.

The corpse of the strange bird brushed Chen Shuyang’s arm and fell to his feet. But he didn’t even look at it. His current condition is like an old monk who had entered a deep meditation, only the amulet in front of him is present in his heart.

With the help of the thunderbolt amulet, a large number of strange birds fell from the sky, but the attacks of the remaining monsters became stronger and stronger. Wen Lang and Jiang Dong gradually unable to resist, and the surging monsters rushed down through the air.

A tall figure blocked the light and also the danger in front of the young man. There is blood dripping down by his ears, but Chen Shuyang didn’t know it at all. A pair of scissors swung in the air, forming a protective umbrella. He is under the umbrella, completing his mission.

A strong red light suddenly erupted from the crowd, followed by exclamations.

Chen Shuyang can’t hear the commotion. He could only see red blood in front of him. Drops of red liquid dripped on the pages of his spiritual book, he raised his head and stared blankly at the man blocking above his head.

“Nie Feng…” Chen Shuyang murmured softly.

A burst of dazzling red light shone in front of Chen Shuyang’s eyes. Next, the originally huge scissors now doubled in size. Swinging into a dance-like airtight movement, the minced bird monster’s corpse fell from it.

The corner of Chen Shuyang’s mouth curved up and he continued to bury his head in drawing amulets. He picked up the pen and closed his eyes, then opened them again. As soon as the pen started moving, a thunderbolt amulet is instantly formed. The amulet emits red light, dazzling and bright. He stood up and flung it into the air, shouting, “Brother Lou, amulet!”

Lou Fan’s eyes narrowed, and swiftly shot an arrow at the thunderbolt amulet—BOOM!

The explosion’s shock spread rapidly in the air, sweeping down all the strange birds, and quickly rippling out further…

Raw word count: 3219


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 99

[Banana: Don’t say I didn’t warn ya~ We’ll be riding this pace straight to the end 😀 so stack the chapters if you can]

“Strange feeling?” Tong Fei looked at Qin Tan’s team and seemed a little puzzled.

Lou Fan touched the bow in his hand and frowned slightly. The handsome young man looked a little troubled, his voice is light but very recognizable, “My heart has been beating fast at times since a few days ago, but I didn’t pay much attention at that time. But in the past 2 days, or the closer we are to going back to Lazuli, this feeling has become stronger. Until today, my chest felt a tingling pain and it hurts. My heart beats so fast that it felt like wanting to jump out of my chest. I feel that something is very wrong.”

Chen Shuyang nodded sharply on the side and echoed, “I also feel my heart beating faster, but the pain is not as powerful as Brother Lou.”

As a Lazuli passenger with an advanced-level spirit weapon, Lou Fan’s strength in all aspects should be said to be above the average person. So when he said ‘it hurts’, Tong Fei has no doubts about how strong the pain is. She doesn’t doubt Fan’s words at all. Thinking for a moment, Tong Fei shook her head, “I don’t feel that way.”

After that, Tong Fei looked at Jiang Rou and Jiang Rou shook her head.

“I have.”

A cold female voice suddenly sounded, and everyone immediately turned to Feng Zhi who is talking. Her gaze is cold, but now she also frowned slightly and said, “I have this feeling. It happened a few days ago, and just now.”

Feng Zhi’s words seemed to hit everyone in the heart with a heavy blow, and everyone’s expression suddenly became serious.

Qin Tan glanced out the window and said solemnly, “In this case, we have to prepare for the worst, and we can’t rule out that there won’t be emergencies when we return to Lazuli. Everyone should make sure to carry their equipment and items at any time, and it is best not to separate.”

Furball jumped out of Lou Fan’s pocket, and its green bean-like eyes looked around. As if feeling that the atmosphere is not right, it jumped onto Qin Tan’s shoulder and chirped twice.

Everyone is discussing serious matters here so Lou Fan reached out to teach Furball a lesson (for disturbing them). When he stood up, he suddenly gro.aned and fell to the ground. He curled his body while clutching his chest.

Lou Fan’s action startled everyone and Furball swiftly jumped onto him, chirping anxiously. Lou Fan opened his eyes with difficulty and said to Furball, “I’m fine, you be good.”

At the same time as Lou Fan’s heart attack, everyone present felt a burst of heart palpitations. Among them, Qin Tan and Wen Lang are second to Lou Fan’s level of pain, while the rest felt a weaker tingling.

In the span of a few seconds, Qin Tan immediately walked to Lou Fan’s side. He picked Lou Fan up and put him on the bed. Seeing that Lou Fan’s frown start to relax, Qin Tan squeezed his hand gently.

Lou Fan grimaced, “That’s really painful to death!”

Qin Tan turned his head to the others and said, “Let’s all prepare. The situation may be worse than we thought.”

Tong Fei’s team and Gao Yi’s team both realized that something is wrong. They left with a sullen faces to their rooms to discuss countermeasures. Wen Lang and the other 3 members did not leave but remained in the room. Qin Tan already said just now that they would be together at any time.

Sitting up from the bed, Lou Fan held Furball in his hand and rubbed its fur. He glanced over at his teammates, and said, “Let’s take a guess. Tell me about the worst-case scenario you think could happen.”

Brainstorming is useful at any time.

Wen Lang is the first to say, “Could it be that the next mission will be terribly difficult?”

Jiang Dong shook his head, “Even if the next mission is difficult, we won’t be going with Tong Fei and Gao Yi again, right?”

Chen Shuyang thought about various possibilities and guessed, “It is also possible that something is happening to Lazuli.”

Lou Fan thought for a while and glanced at the bow beside him. Then he looked at Wen Lang and Qin Tan, and asked, “Did you feel anything about your spirit weapon just now?”

Qin Tan nodded, “It’s hot.”

Wen Lang is stunned for a moment and then came to his senses, “Oh yeah, my poker is also hot. I was wondering what is wrong, I didn’t expect it to be a spirit weapon.”

Chen Shuyang and Nie Feng kept looking at Lou Fan at the moment and they heard him say, “Just now, my bow felt very hot. Then only my chest felt painful, no, it should be my heart felt painful.”

Lou Fan’s eyes are serious like never before, “I think the biggest possibility is that we will go directly to the next mission, with Tong Fei, Gao Yi, and the others.”

Qin Tan looked at Lou Fan and added, “Yes, that’s the only way it makes sense. Everyone in the group just now felt it. As for why our spirit weapon felt hot, it should be a special reminder that the spirit weapon has been upgraded to an advanced level.”

There is no panic at all unlike what Lou Fan expected and he pouted. His teammates are so calm, they are not cute at all.

Chen Shuyang immediately took out his spiritual book and lay it on the table, “Then I’ll draw some more amulets to prepare for emergencies.”

Jiang Dong: “Then let me sort out the medicine.”

Wen Lang looked around in bewilderment. He stared and asked, “Then what should I be doing?”

Qin Tan: “Go and practice your poker.”

At about 9:00 am, the group returned to the place where they got off and waited for the arrival of the train.

Last night, Lou Fan specifically told Tong Fei about his guess. As for Gao Yi and Fan Dayong, Lou Fan felt that those two are not particularly willing to trust his team. Plus, their interactions are just so-so, so he didn’t say anything. After all, Gao Yi and Fan Dayong already knew that something would happen. As a senior passenger with an intermediate spirit weapon, Gao Yi should have the ability to deal with emergencies.

The train arrived on time, and the group stepped on the train. Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang are a little nervous and got comforted by their partner. Lou Fan’s head is empty. He closed his eyes and didn’t think of anything, he couldn’t stop what’s coming anyway.

The whistle of the train made a long ‘woo’ sound and stopped slowly at random.

Qin Tan got up and walked to the door of the train compartment first. He turned around and said to his team members, “Act according to the circumstances, we must stay together as much as possible.”

Everyone nodded to express their acknowledgment. Holding the spirit weapon in their hands, the group got out of the train.

The violent wind mixed with gravel smashed into the crowd, making people frantically cover their faces. After a look around – as expected, they didn’t reach Lazuli.

Tong Fei’s team and Gao Yi’s team in the next carriage got down together. Gao Yi and Fan Dayong looked around in surprise.

Fan Dayong couldn’t believe it, “What’s the matter? Shouldn’t we go back to Lazuli? Where is this place?”

However, what is even more shocking is that there are originally only 2 carriages but many carriages suddenly appeared next to them. People gradually came down one after another, all looking around blankly.

“My mission should be completed already? Why am I here?”

There are also some who were originally scheduled to go to their mission world. This is the first time they saw so many people and they are also confused, “Why are there so many people on this task?”

“Look, their weapons are all mid-level spirit weapons,” Lou Fan whispered, in a voice that only his team members could hear.

Sure enough, the trains disappeared and all the passengers present gathered together. Looking around, orange light shone everywhere, and only 3 of them are glowing in eye-catching red light, which attracted a lot of attention.

The crowd hasn’t had time to figure out what’s going on. The biggest question is, why are there more than 30 people with intermediate spirit weapons and some even with advanced spirit weapons? What exactly is this mission? How hard will it be?

Tong Fei stared at the crowd with heavy eyes. Qi Haichao’s* eyes met hers, and he instantly turned his head away.

[Banana: Sorry to break immersion. Qi Haichao is the jerk who pitted Tong Fei in her previous mission world, in case someone forgot.]

The wind and sand around the crowd became bigger in an instant. The gravel brushed their cheeks, causing throbbing pain.

Jiang Rou took out a few windproof scarves from her bag and handed them to the team, “Take this. The sandstorm is too heavy.” She had already put it on and felt much better.

“Guys, what’s that?”

Suddenly someone in the crowd exclaimed and everyone look over there. Within the layer of flying sand and rocks in the distance, a rumbling vibration could be heard.

“There seems to be a lot of people.”

The thunderous aura carried a killing intent. The crowd did not dare to be careless and they all stepped back while trying to see what’s ahead.

Qin Tan protected Lou Fan and took a few steps back. After staring at the front for a long time, he said, “It’s a troop of Ancient Chinese army, it shouldn’t be real.”

Lou Fan quickly took out 5 stones from his bag and stuffed them into his teammates’ hand. Without identifying the direction, he quickly said, “Put up the 5-element stones. If these are undead, it should be effective. If they are real people, then we can only fight with a real sword.”

Between talking, the icy aura is already approaching. The 5 element stones are arranged in place. Lou Fan and his team members stood in a circle with their backs against each other. They held their spirit weapon tightly in hand, while normal weapons are within easy reach.

After reaching the advanced level, the team found that the advanced spirit weapons could now be used like a normal weapon, unlike previously when Lou Fan’s spiritual arrow could only deal with spirit-type enemies. Right now, his spiritual arrows are incomparably powerful.

“It’s coming.” Someone yelled.

Sand and stones are flying all around. It’s painful when they brushed past the people’s skin and flesh. It is dark and the crowd only faintly saw the powerful army running towards them.

Qin Tan’s eyesight is good, he saw the passengers on the side all take out their equipment and items. Some are sticking amulets while some are putting on equipment.

It’s getting closer!

Lou Fan held the bow in front of his chest, his right hand on the bow string.


A muffled sound accompanied by a circle of ripples spread over the protective cover formed by the 5 Elements Stone array, and the soldiers who hit it disappeared without a trace.

“It’s useful!” Chen Shuyang shouted happily.

Countless soldiers slammed into the protective shield, and the dull sound is endless. The team of 6 people hid safely in the protective cover but the others are not so lucky.

When the soldiers came, the strong momentum pushed most people back for some distance, Tong Fei and the others were still beside them at first. When Qin Tan’s team was arranging the 5 Element Stones array, they are also preparing themselves. But it’s just for the shortest moment when they came into contact with soldiers, everyone other than Qin Tan’s team got carried behind by the force of the impact.

The overwhelming roar is mixed with the sound of weapons clashing. The surroundings are dark, and in the whistling wind, shouts came from all directions.

“Team leader, where are you?”

“Ah Tian, come here quickly!”

The passengers are all intermediate spirit weapon holders with rich experience. Although some got injured, it is not life-threatening. It’s just that they can’t see the surroundings clearly, and can’t even find their teammates. It’s dangerous if anyone got singled out.

“Lou Fan, take out the white crystal! Shuyang, the Yang Gathering Amulet!” Qin Tan shouted.

The 2 items are quickly delivered to Qin Tan, and he immediately stuck the Yang Gathering Amulet on the white crystal. Instantly, with them as the center, a dazzling white light radiated out, and the area within 10 meters radius could be seen clearly.

“Quick, go towards the white light!”

“Over there, over there!”

“Everyone, hold on and gather over the white light!”

Raw word count: 3043


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 98

[Banana: Hey guys, the end is coming soon so Banana recommend to stack the chapters first, after this chapter. I’ll see y’all at the end then~ (O w O)/ ]

Lou Fan’s bow has been upgraded!

No one expects this to happen. Because, number one, they are not in danger, and two, they are not in a battle. Lou Fan just stood there and watched the sunrise, then his weapon got upgraded?!

Tong Fei and Jiang Rou are not surprised by these happenings from Qin Tan’s team anymore, so they could still tease them. But Gao Yi didn’t think so. He really couldn’t figure out what’s with these people from the intermediate team. Not only did their team member upgrade to advanced spirit weapon, there are 3 of them upgrading at the same time. Since when the advanced spirit weapon becomes so common like Chinese cabbage in the market like they can get one whenever they want it? On the other hand, everyone else looked so calm to this upgrade that Gao Yi felt a little stuffy inside.

It’s suffocating!

But no one cares about Gao Yi now. Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang immediately come up and start giving rainbow farts (flattery).

Wen Lang: “As expected of my Brother Lou, you will not fall behind. I already guessed that you will be upgrading soon.”

Chen Shuyang looked around the bow and swiftly gave a rainbow fart, “This bow looks so radiant and beautiful. It must be very powerful. Brother Lou, why are you so awesome!”

Lou Fan is speechless by the flatteries, “Enough, the two of you. Will you die if you don’t flatter me? Shuyang, don’t get led astray by Ah Lang.”

Hearing that, Wen Lang complained, “Brother Lou, you wronged me, I didn’t do anything.”

“Alright, alright.” Lou Fan waved his hand, “You already leveled up before me so don’t stand in front of me. Shush, go to the side.”

Wen Lang smiled and stood aside.

Qin Tan’s eyes are filled with deep smiles and he praised, “Not bad.”

Lou Fan smiled at Qin Tan, “Thank you, Team leader for the compliment. I managed to live up to your expectations.”

On the other side, Fan Dayong felt a little numb, “Team leader, aren’t they all monsters?”

But Gao Yi is lost in thoughts. What is the trigger for the upgrade of the spirit weapon? What is the purpose of Lazuli? He didn’t care much at first, but now he thinks these 2 issues are very important.

The lake has returned to calm. Lou Fan faced the light and said, “I think those ghosts in human skins are actually villagers. They died long ago when they were skinned. The deceased couldn’t rest in peace and their consciousnesses split into 2 halves. One half escaped and entered the fog forest while the other half lives at the bottom of the lake because of resentment. But deep inside, they still wanted to return to their home and live in the village. Then, the black fog at the bottom of the lake may be their resentment. Resentment persists and materialized.”

Although this is Lou Fan’s guess, he thinks the truth must be so. The villagers didn’t get disappointed by the lake that nurtured them but remained hopeful in their hearts.

Lou Fan stretched and said casually, “This task should be considered completed, right?”

After saying that, Lou Fan raised his hand to look at the watch. The rest of the group has completely forgotten about it and immediately looks at their watch. Sure enough, the task had been completed, but there are still 7 days left. Just as the group is about to cheer with joy, the mountain range between the 2 lakes in the distance made a loud noise. Looking at it from a distance, only a large hole could be seen.

“Is this the road to Holy Lake City?” Gao Yi guessed.

Qin Tan squinted his eyes, but could only see clearly that it is a hole, so he said, “Let’s go and have a look. The time is still early and there’s nothing else here to do. Since there are still 7 days to go, we should go to Holy Lake City to rest.”

The ghost lake village really became a village without ghosts, and the forest behind it also appeared. It is impossible for the group to stay here and wait for the train to arrive. Hence, everyone agreed to go to Holy Lake City.

When the group arrived in front of the big cave, they can see the opposite side at a glance, and the sparkling lake is in sight. It is indeed the holy lake. The group managed to find the only inn in the city with ease and the inn turned out to be completely different from before. People are coming in and out. Also, the chattering voices could be heard outside.

Lou Fan’s group showed some doubts and walked in. The innkeeper immediately recognized them and came over to greet them enthusiastically.

“Guests, you are here again. Hurry up and sit in. Do you need to stay in the inn? There are 4 guest rooms left for today.”

There are only 4 rooms left? Previously, it was so empty that they could choose their room at will. Lou Fan immediately informed the boss, “Boss, we’ll take the 4 rooms.”

The group of people sat down around a table. Qin Tan asked, “Boss, how did business become so good? Did something happen in the city?”

While wiping the table, the boss smiled and said, “Guests, you probably don’t know about it. Yesterday, there are news from the city lord’s mansion that the city lord had disappeared. Now, everyone is very happy and willing to walk around. Relatives who were afraid to come in the past are visiting again so my business is quite good.”

It seems that the city lord has also disappeared with the changes in the ghost lake. From that, it could be seen that the people of Holy Lake City are also controlled by ghosts, no wonder. They were wondering why though many people are living in Holy Lake City, the atmosphere is so dead.

The boss smiled and went to prepare the rooms for them. The group is just waiting for the food to be served. Their tensed nerves are finally relaxed, and they happily enjoyed their food and drink.

“Everyone, you can plan for yourself what to do for the next few days,” Qin Tan said. “Do whatever you want to do, and take a good rest.”

Of course, Qin Tan’s main purpose is to prevent people from disturbing his couple time with Lou Fan.

The ease of not needing to do tasks lets Lou Fan sleep soundly until the next day. He propped his chin up and watched the shirtless Qin Tan doing push-ups in the room. His sticky gaze swept back and forth, and he tutted twice.

Qin Tan stood up slowly and raised his eyebrows. He looked at Lou Fan and asked, “Satisfied with what you see?”

Lou Fan licked his lips and said, “Very satisfied.” His gaze cast an unbridled glance at Qin Tan’s body down there. But with just a glance, that particular spot suddenly grew and bulged up.

Lou Fan is shocked and said, “You beast!”

Qin Tan swiftly unzipped his pants. A deep laugh came out of his throat, and then——


Lou Fan got pounced into the bed and his shouts are swallowed up in kisses. During the gap he is breathing for air, Qin Tan said, “I gave you a good night’s sleep yesterday, so now it’s time for me to enjoy myself.”

“Mhmmm… beast!”

It is already noon after the ‘exercise’, and the two had a leisurely meal. Then Lou Fan said that he wanted to visit Ah Feng’s house. He really wanted to ask the granny something more. Qin Tan had no objection and followed him. Unexpectedly, when they got there, the door is closed and no one is inside.

“Granny, are you there?” Lou Fan knocked on the door, “Ah Feng, are you there?”

After knocking for a few minutes, there is still no response. At that point, Lou Fan knew that, as an NPC, they have finished providing clues and disappeared.

“Forget it, let’s go for a walk by the lake.” Lou Fan didn’t bother too much. It’s fine if they have disappeared, it’s not something urgent anyway.

In the room, Chen Shuyang is drawing amulets. The biggest consumption of this mission is his amulets. The thunderbolt amulets are used the most, and they are almost used up. He has to make more for them in case of emergencies.

Nie Feng is sitting opposite Chen Shuyang, wiping his scissors. The small scissors swung around at his fingertips with glinting cold light.

Chen Shuyang’s eyes drifted to Nie Feng involuntarily. Nie Feng kept moving his hand as if he didn’t notice the gaze. Chen Shuyang pursed his lips and continued drawing the amulets in his hand, but he couldn’t calm down.

That kiss…

Chen Shuyang shook his head, forcing himself to concentrate.

“What’s there to be confused about?” Nie Feng lowered his head, his hands kept moving, and his voice is lazy.

“You, you…” Chen Shuyang opened his mouth but still couldn’t say anything.

Nie Feng looked up at Chen Shuyang, his drooping eyes full of seriousness. Putting down the scissors, he stood up and walked around the table to stand behind Chen Shuyang. Chen Shuyang looked up at him, his neck arched in a beautiful arc.

Nie Feng supported the back of Chen Shuyang’s chair with one hand while lightly squeezing his chin to make him look up. His lazy gaze swept around Chen Shuyang’s face and finally landed on his pale lips. The lazy voice sounded at the same time the man’s aggressive breath descended, and he caught Chen Shuyang’s lips accurately.

“You are mine.”

Chen Shuyang could only hear the sentence reverberating in his ears. Stunned, he lets the man pull him into his embrace as he invaded his mouth and does whatever he wanted. Then, the tingling on his lips brought him back to his senses.

“Silly.” Nie Feng let go of Chen Shuyang and chuckled. After that, his lips captured Chen Shuyang’s again.

Wen Lang propped his chin and looked at his spirit weapon poker that he placed on the table with a sad face.

“Jiang Dong, when will your spirit weapon be upgraded?”

Wen Lang is a little anxious. After some research, Shuyang pointed out that the condition for going out of Lazuli should be upgrading their spirit weapon to an advanced level. Now, he basically satisfied the condition, but Jiang Dong’s spirit weapon is still at an intermediate level.

Jiang Dong rolled his eyes at Wen Lang, “Do you think upgrading spirit weapon is like buying Chinese cabbage in the market? How long has it been since you last got promoted to the intermediate level? You upgrading it to an advanced level so quickly is just dogshit luck (super lucky).”

“Then I’ll give you some shit?” Wen Lang giggled.

Jiang Dong ignored Wen Lang and continued to wipe his scalpel. To be honest, seeing that 3 members of the team have upgraded their spirit weapon, he is actually anxious. But the person in front of him is even more anxious than him. If he shows it, Wen Lang is even more unable to sit still. This kind of thing is not up to him to decide, it’s no use worrying.

“There will always be a chance to upgrade, you just practice your poker well,” Jiang Dong said.

Wen Lang nodded, “Okay, then before you could level up, I’ll protect you. ‘Little lady’, come to this brother’s arms.”

Jiang Dong gritted his teeth, “Is your skin feeling itchy? Sure, I’ll go to your arms. Let’s go to bed and have a good talk.”

Wen Lang immediately jumped up and waved his hands vigorously, “No no no, I’m joking. I still have something to ask Shuyang, I’ll go first.”

After walking around and knocking on the door for a long time, there is no response from Chen Shuyang’s room. Wen Lang could only go back in despair, but got caught by the “little lady” and dragged to bed for a good education.

“Jiang Dong, be moderate!” Wen Lang growled with his head tilted sideways, laying on the bed.

Jiang Dong, who is working hard in ‘tiling the soil’, thrust his waist and said, “Let this ‘little lady’ love you properly, brother.”

Damnit! He won’t say nonsense anymore!

Eating and drinking every day, time flies. Qin Tan didn’t let them relax too much so on the 3rd day, he make his team members resume their daily training, they can’t be lazy. Others see their diligence and follow suit to train.

Tong Fei sighed, “It’s not unreasonable for you guys to be strong. You don’t relax yourself and you do the tasks very seriously. Moreover, your team is united.” It’s simply illogical if they are not strong like this.

Feng Zhi also had a great change in her attitude toward the intermediate team. Her attitude is friendlier, which is quite different from Gao Yi and Fan Dayong.

It is almost time to go back to Lazuli, which is tomorrow. Qin Tan is exercising by the lake with his teammates when he suddenly saw Lou Fan frowning and clutching at his chest.

“What’s wrong?” Qin Tan walked over to Lou Fan and supported him.

Lou Fan grabbed at his heart with 5 fingers. Just now, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his heart. Other than that, his heart is beating very fast, abnormally fast.

“I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen.” After the pain has passed, Lou Fan straightened up and looked into the distance.

The other teammates came over to check on him and Lou Fan waved, “I’m fine, but I have a bad premonition. My heartbeat has occasionally accelerated these days, but it was very strong just now. It felt like I have a bad premonition.”

Chen Shuyang immediately chipped in, “Me too, I have this feeling as well. My heartbeat suddenly increased, and then returned to normal again. It happened several times.”

Hearing that, Nie Feng looked at Chen Shuyang, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought it was nothing. Plus it didn’t hurt, just beating a little faster.” Chen Shuyang replied.

Among the team, Lou Fan and Chen Shuyang had the sharpest intuition. Since both of them felt that way, Qin Tan couldn’t help taking the matter seriously.

“Let’s go back and ask Tong Fei if they have the same feeling. Even if they didn’t feel anything, we have to prepare for the worst in advance.”

Raw word count: 3308


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 97

Gao Yi and Fan Dayong’s eyes are already fixed on Qin Tan, and even Feng Zhi is paying attention to his Tang sword. But Qin Tan himself didn’t care at all. Instead, he went to see his own team members first to make sure everything is fine before finally noticing his sword.

Gao Yi: …

For the first time, Gao Yi felt so much difference between types of people. Advanced spirit weapon, the first time he’s seen it in Lazuli after staying for so long. He looked at Qin Tan, could this person be the first person he could see going out of Lazuli? He thinks it should be.

There is a hint of light in Feng Zhi’s always-cold eyes. She fondly stroked her umbrella, wondering when it would be upgraded again and bring her back to reality.

The sun rose and the warm sunlight shone on everyone’s body, dispelling the remaining coldness of the lake. The group of people scattered on the shore, some sitting while some resting.

The human skins have been taken out by them and are spread on the ground, all intact. When night comes, they will enter the woods again to find the black-robed man. Soon, this task will be completed. Lou Fan felt that he is in a good mood. He glanced at Jiang Dong who is applying medicine to himself while checking on Wen Lang, and the corners of his mouth curved up inexplicably.

On the other side, Nie Feng is talking to Chen Shuyang slowly. Not sure what Nie Feng said but the young boy who was sullen just now had a bright smile on his face.

His companions are all fine and that makes Lou Fan very happy. What made him even happier is that Qin Tan’s Tang sword had been upgraded again. Lou Fan looked at the bow in his hand. Back at the time in the maze, he vaguely felt that his bow is a little different, but there was no upgrade. Maybe the time has not come.

At 2.00 pm, Wen Lang woke up leisurely. When he woke up, he jumped up like he got frightened, and immediately fell down again when he saw Jiang Dong who is in good condition beside him. His series of actions made everyone stunned, startled, and then burst into laughter. Wen Lang covered his face and said he doesn’t know anything at all.

Jiang Dong chuckled in Wen Lang’s ear and pulled his clothes, “Get up. Don’t pretend to be dead and change your clothes. It’s so dirty.”

Wen Lang got up silently with his ears all red. Hiding behind the wooden house and changing into clean clothes, Wen Lang felt much refreshed. He felt less embarrassed when he returned to the house. However, when he turned his gaze, he met with Lou Fan’s playful eyes.

“Ah Lang, do you feel any difference?” Lou Fan asked with a smile, his eyes swept up and down on Wen Lang.

Wen Lang immediately hugged himself tightly. Then, he turned to look at Jiang Dong, and asked hesitantly, “It’s, it’s, nothing different, right?”

Hearing that, Lou Fan burst out laughing. He raised his chin and gestured, “Stupid, look at your poker.”

Having seen Wen Lang’s poker forming a tornado-like vortex in the water before, and ground the surrounding ghosts to dust, Lou Fan felt that his spirit weapon is different. When Wen Lang took the poker out, Lou Fan revealed the ‘as expected’ expression on his face.

“My, my poker, upgraded again?” Wen Lang stammered, looking over and over at his poker in disbelief.

Gao Yi jumped up from the ground, his eyes wide with suspicion. What the hell did the intermediate team do in the water? Why did 2 of their teammates manage to upgrade their spirit weapons? This is impossible! However, the red light from Wen Lang’s poker dazzlingly told him that this is the truth.

Lou Fan tsk-ed and commented, “It seems that you have a deep love for Jiang Dong. Otherwise, you won’t explode like a Big Bang.”

Wen Lang doesn’t care about blushing now, he just stares at his poker. The surreal feeling in his heart is smoothed out by the touch of his hand, telling him that this is the real thing. His spirit weapon has been upgraded. He became an advanced spirit weapon owner like Qin Tan, even more advanced than Lou Fan’s spirit weapon.

“This, this…” Wen Lang is speechless from the excitement. He looked at Jiang Dong and Lou Fan and looked around at his other teammates. Seeing that they all smiled encouragingly at him, he immediately calmed down.

Chen Shuyang said with a smile, “Ah Lang, I will have to rely on you to protect me from now on.”

Wen Lang is about to say sure but when he saw Nie Feng’s face, he pouted, “Che, when will it be my turn? I want to protect Brother Lou.”

“Your Brother Lou doesn’t need your protection.” Qin Tan said slowly. Then he raised the Tang sword in his hand and waved.

Qin Tan looked very much like a male beast declaring his territory so Wen Lang silently shut his mouth, and sat back beside Jiang Dong in a sullen manner.

Sitting not far away and watching the team playing around with envy, Jiang Rou said, “Sister Fei, their relationship is really good, and their luck is also very good.”

“Their luck is indeed good.” Tong Fei murmured. It is impossible to say that she is not envious. Everyone who is struggling in the mission world will have a dream that their spirit weapon can be upgraded as the spirit weapon is their biggest reliance to survive.

“But.” Tong Fei continued sternly, “Didn’t you see how they looked like when they came up from the lake? Everyone looked extremely exhausted and on the brink of death. They fought with ghosts in the water until the last of their breath, and their wounds were bloody. If you also can do the same, then your spirit weapon will also be upgraded.”

The sound of Tong Fei’s voice is not small so both Gao Yi and Feng Zhi who are sitting around her heard it. Gao Yi is stunned, the color on his face keeps changing. Tong Fei is right, it is impossible to get something without paying the price.

The group of people took the whole afternoon to rest. When the sun slowly went down the mountain, they packed their things and bags, and they waited for the forest to appear.

The fog is hazy and the shadow of the woods appeared in the distance. At the moment, the lake is calm and the waves nearby are calm as well. The dark clouds enveloped the night sky, and the group stepped to the edge of the woods. This time, Lou Fan is leading the way. Although he doesn’t know the location, he simply picked a direction and goes with it.

Facts have proved that his sense of direction is still very good. Soon, he saw the traps made by the villagers, which means they are close to their place of residence. At this point, Lou Fan is replaced by Qin Tan. He walked to the front, probing the traps to avoid them. After walking for a while, the group saw the stone mountain where the black-robed people lived again.

“Village Chief, Village Chief…” Lou Fan shouted a few times and saw 5 black-robed men appear.

Lou Fan immediately said, “We have been to Holy Lake City, and we also learned that there is no channel between the two lakes. The only way is for you to trust in the lake that nurtures you again.”

Lou Fan said that, but he felt that the men in black robes are not happy to hear it. Lou Fan took out the jade in his arms and handed it over. The two fish jade, one blue and one gold, glowed faintly when it touched the man in black robe.

The black-robed man holding the two-colored jade stood silently. After a long time, he told the people around him in an elderly voice filled with infinite emotion, “Go and ask the villagers to prepare. Let’s go out of the mountain.”

“Village chief…”

“Go quickly.”


While they are waiting, the surroundings are silent. Fortunately, it didn’t take long. When all the villagers came out in black robes and stood together, Lou Fan remembered something.

“We forgot to give them back their thing,” Lou Fan reminded.

Everyone suddenly realized that they have forgotten about the most important thing.

Qin Tan took out the tarp from his bag and handed it over. He explained, “This is what we found in the cave under the lake. It should belong to you, and I’ll give it back to you now.”

Several bundles of wrapped human skins are handed over one by one. The village chief accepted it with shaky hands and opened the tarpaulin. Dozens of human skins appeared in front of them, and the crowd screamed, not sure if it is surprise or other emotion.

The village chief suddenly knelt down in front of the group. Immediately, the villagers behind him knelt down one by one after him. The group of people got startled and they quickly came forward to support them.

“Thank you, thank you…”

The village chief thanked Lou Fan and looked up at the sky, “We have been waiting for this day to come.”

“Let’s go, it’s time for us to go back.” While being supported, the village chief said this and stepped forward.

Lou Fan and his party followed behind the black-robed people, watching them walk forward steadily while holding the most precious things in their hands.

Wen Lang approached Jiang Dong and whispered, “What did you think they are going to do?”

Jiang Dong shook his head, “How would I know?”

“Are your legs okay?” Wen Lang glanced at Jiang Dong’s legs.

“I’m fine.”

Lou Fan watched the black-robed people stepping out of the woods, all the way to the ghost lake. Finally, they stopped at the edge of the ghost lake.

The village chief took the lead and knelt down, with a human skin in front of him, which belonged to him. He raised his arms and stretched forward. Next, he bowed down to the ghost lake and knocked his forehead strongly on the ground. He reverently kowtowed 3 times and stood up tremblingly. His black robe is taken off, revealing the body inside. Under the shocked eyes of the group, the villagers took off their black robes as well and put on their human skins.

It’s as if the people have grown a new layer of skin, the human skin fits the body perfectly. The old village chief turned back and smiled at them, kind and gentle.

“We have returned.” The village chief said to the ghost lake.

The dark lake’s surface tumbled as if something is about to emerge from it. Lou Fan clenched the bow in his hand, ready to pull the arrow at any time. The expected big boss did not appear. Instead, transparent figures emerged from it. They looked at the black-robed man below and waved their hands with relaxed smiles.

The village chief also smiled, and his perfectly fitting human skin made him look natural[1]. He walked forward slowly and dipped his feet into the lake water. Soon, the villagers behind him followed him into the water. When the waters of the lake went over their heads and they disappeared into the lake, a layer of water rippled and 2 fishes jumped out of the water. The golden fish is dazzling while the blue one is lively and lovely. They overlapped each other in mid-air above the water, and then jump into the water again.

The air felt like a cool wind blowing on a hot and dark night, and it began to spread out from the center of the lake. Visible to the naked eye, the jet-black lake water began to turn clear, and finally, it became crystal clear and one could almost see the bottom of the lake. The rising sun rises from the lake, and under the sun, the ghost lake becomes indistinguishable from the holy lake.

Countless ghosts floated up from the bottom of the lake. They turned out to look like the same group of villagers just now. The ghosts turned to face the sun with relieved smiles on their faces. Like punctured bubbles, they disappeared in mid-air, turning into dust and dissipating.

Lou Fan closed his eyes, facing the sun and the lake. He seemed to be in a soft beam of light. It’s like he could see the bundle of light (from the painting) again, and a steady stream of power emanating from it. Lou Fan kept breathing heavily, wanting to breathe in all that power into his body.

The group of people is still sighing in relief that the ghost lake had finally changed, only to hear a hum. Next, the aura around Lou Fan’s body changed, and the bow in his hand glowed dazzling red.

Raw word count: 3090


[1] It’s hard to explain in a short sentence but it basically meant the real village chief’s expression looked normal because this is his own skin. Unlike when the team first arrived to the world where the ghost’s expression are stiff and weird to Lou Fan’s eyes.

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 96

[Banana – It seems that the chapter I published in the afternoon has disappeared so I’m publishing this again now :v]

The group stopped in their tracks and Qin Tan walked to the front. With a cold face, he took out 3 Thunderbolt[1] amulets from his bag and threw them straight into the black hole. 3 thunderous sounds of lightning boomed, and the black mist at the exit is scattered a bit.

It’s effective!

Chen Shuyang immediately became happy and took out a large number of amulets from his bag. He handed them to Lou Fan and said, “Brother Lou, these are for you.”

Hearing that, the corner of Lou Fan’s mouth curved up. He took the amulets and drew out a cross arrow. Next, he attached all the amulets to the arrow, as if the amulets are just blank pieces of paper which are free. The arrow shot towards the exit with a swish, and 10 Thunderbolt amulets completely dispelled the black fog at the exit.

“Let’s go.” Qin Tan didn’t hesitate and swiftly grabbed the backpack with the human skin on the ground before walking out.

Lou Fan put away his bow and looked back, but he did not see Wen Lang and Jiang Dong.

“Wen Lang, Jiang Dong.” Lou Fan shouted loudly.

No one answered.

Walking in the middle of the group, Gao Yi and Fan Dayong are shocked inside. This is the first time they saw someone using the amulets like this; casually and wastefully as if they are free. Even for a senior team with a wealth of money like them, they don’t dare to use amulets like that. The amulets are a life-saving item ah. But the people from the intermediate team are sure capricious. They didn’t even blink and a dozen of amulets are thrown out.

Lou Fan looked back anxiously over and over again. Walking in front of him is Gao Yi so he simply tucked his backpack into Gao Yi’s arms, “Team leader Gao, you should go out first. I have to trouble you with my backpack as I need to return to find my team members.”

Gao Yi took over the bag with a complicated look. Finally, he nodded before walking forward to keep up with Tong Fei in front of him.

Lou Fan is about to go back down when he saw 2 figures running quickly toward him. He immediately took out his bow and kept shooting behind them to relieve their pressure.

Wen Lang shouted as he ran, “Brother Lou, hurry up! There are too many of them, hurry and get out.”

Lou Fan responded with a sound of acknowledgment. Then he drew the bow a few times again. A dozen arrows disappeared among the ghosts behind and a bunch of ghosts disappear in an instant. But even if a dozen of them disappeared, no reduction in amount could be seen. He pulled the panting Wen Lang with him. Seeing that Jiang Dong looked okay, Wen Lang quickly followed and walked out of the exit to the waters.

All of a sudden, Wen Lang’s hand broke free of Lou Fan. Lou Fan turned to look and saw that Jiang Dong’s foot is entangled in the black mist. Bubbles kept popping out of his mouth as he stretched out his hands helplessly and struggled upwards. Quickly, Wen Lang swam towards Jiang Dong. He took hold of Jiang Dong’s hand and pull up.

Lou Fan held his breath and keep drawing the bow. The spiritual arrows shot towards the black mist that entangled Jiang Dong’s feet, but just as a wisp of it disappeared, another strand of black mist tangled around Jiang Dong again. Lou Fan gritted his teeth. There is only 1 small pearl left in his hand but he didn’t know whether to give it to Jiang Dong or Wen Lang. He doesn’t dare to stop shooting the arrows, and his face turned red from holding his breath.

Qin Tan at the front noticed the abnormality and swam back. The black mist in the water seemed to sense the existence of their stolen human skin and began to violently surge up. On the other hand, the rest of the people are struggling to swim upstream.

Ghosts poured out of the hole of the cave. They are not afraid of water at all, and they moved freely in the water. One by one, they rushed to Wen Lang, Jiang Dong, and Lou Fan, who is shooting arrows, while the rest chased after the people in front.

The group of people is trapped in the water and has to deal with ghosts at the same time, they can only try their best to swim upstream.

Nie Feng pulled Chen Shuyang as they swam. Holding Lou Fan[2], Qin Tan and Wen Lang’s backpacks in one hand and Chen Shuyang in the other hand, blue veins are popping on his arms. With too much weight, he swam slower and slower. Seeing that the ghosts are about to catch up to them, Chen Shuyang threw out a Thunderbolt amulet while swimming with dog paddle style. Finally, he surfaced a second before the ghost caught him, and is dragged ashore by Nie Feng.

“Guard the bags here and I’ll go down to help.” Nie Feng settled Chen Shuyang on the shore, and added, “Hold the amulets in your hand and throw it at the ghost when you see one. Also, step back a little.”

For every sentence Nie Feng said, Chen Shuyang will nod once. Nie Feng sighed and rubbed Chen Shuyang’s head. Then, he leaned over and dropped a kiss on Chen Shuyang’s forehead before turning around and entering the water again.

The kiss got Chen Shuyang stunned on the spot. He touched his forehead blankly, feeling like the cold but gentle soft touch still remained there.

Qin Tan stuffed the last small pearl into Lou Fan’s mouth. Lou Fan turned his head and saw Qin Tan’s greenish face from holding his breath and his eyes turned red. So, Lou Fan leaned down and transfer a breath to him (via mouth-to-mouth). Then, Lou Fan got an idea and his eyes lit up. He took out his only small pearl and handed it to Qin Tan, pointing at Wen Lang.

Qin Tan nodded, and while waving his Tang sword, he swam toward Wen Lang. He handed the small pearl to Wen Lang, then pointed to their mouths. At the same time, Qin Tan swiped at Jiang Dong’s foot with his Tang sword, severing the black mist. But it is useless as Jiang Dong hadn’t had the time to move yet, and the black mist came to entangle him again. On the other side, ghosts are coming close to them. Qin Tan couldn’t deal with them all and can only fight with the ghosts on one side first.

Wen Lang stuffed the small pearl into Jiang Dong’s mouth. After that, he kissed Jiang Dong and took a breath from his mouth, the poker at his fingertips kept shooting out. Jiang Dong’s suffocated head finally cleared up a little, and he pushed Wen Lang away to get Wen Lang to go upstream. But Wen Lang turned a deaf ear and vehemently held on his breath with red eyes. Dragging Jiang Dong by the arm while throwing poker, Wen Lang is already out of strength. But in his heart, he is forcing himself, gritting his teeth that he will never let go.

He will never loosen his hand.

Both of Jiang Dong’s feet are entangled, and his entire lower body is covered in black mist. His legs are covered with wounds, and the red blood is scattered in the water, like a dull red flower. Jiang Dong waved his hand to let go. But Wen Lang shook his head vigorously, and arrows shot past him one by one, dispersing the surrounding black mist. Wen Lang hugged Jiang Dong tightly, and he looked at Jiang Dong with determination – if you are going to die, then we’ll die together. The poker that flew out of his finger suddenly flashed brightly in dazzling white light, and a huge vortex appeared in the dark and turbulent lake water. Wen Lang and Jiang Dong are wrapped in it, and the surrounding black mist and ghosts disappeared. They are the only ones in the vortex.

Wen Lang gritted his teeth, holding Jiang Dong and pulling him forward vigorously. His feet swung rapidly alternately and finally, they got out of the dark mist at the bottom of the lake. Wen Lang glanced down and the strength he has been holding on is used up. His body turned soft and the arm around Jiang Dong hung down. It looked like he is going to sink.

At this moment, Jiang Dong, who had recovered a bit, immediately grabbed his arms. Holding Wen Lang firmly in his arms, Jiang Dong gave him a tight squeeze before starting to swim upstream. With the small pearl, he regained some stamina. Even though it is a little difficult to carry Wen Lang, it won’t be a problem to go up.

Nie Feng swam down and saw that Wen Lang and Jiang Dong had left the bottom of the lake. Just as he is about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw Qin Tan and Lou Fan trying their best to go upstream, followed by a bunch of ghosts.

Seeing that the ghosts are about to catch up with them, Qin Tan stopped and swung the Tang sword in his hand. From the whirlpool just now, Qin Tan got the idea and swung it like a propeller, and the effect is very good.

Nie Feng stepped forward to join the battle. His scissors copied the movement like Qin Tan and swung like a propeller. The 2 propellers are powerful, saving some time for the people above them to get ashore. Lou Fan turned around and drew out a cross arrow. He affixed the thunderbolt amulet and shot it between Qin Tan and Nie Feng. The amulet exploded below the two, leaving a gap for them to go up.

Soon, the rest of the group went upstream. While the people on the shore are waiting anxiously, Jiang Dong took Wen Lang out of the water first, followed by Lou Fan and Nie Feng. Qin Tan is still underwater. He faintly felt that something in his body is about to burst out so he didn’t come out of the water. When he glared at the black group of ghosts, his gaze is icy as if his eyes are about to shoot out ice arrows. The feeling of suffocation didn’t make him faint, instead, he became more awake. Qin Tan held the Tang sword in both hands, and his arms bulged lightly. Slowly, he raise the Tang sword in the water and hacked down sharply in the water. The Tang sword slashed into the water, and a sword aura with a cold light sliced into the darkness, like a bolt of huge lightning splitting in the water. The darkness is divided in two, then disappeared. The black mist that is about to move at the bottom of the lake fell in silence now.

The people on the shore only saw that the water seemed to be split in half. Then the black mist disappeared and the water felt a little clearer. Lou Fan, who is waiting anxiously on the shore, finally feels relieved when he saw Qin Tan surface from the lake. The water drips from his body as Lou Fan’s legs move forward weakly against the resistance of the lake water. After taking a step, he can no longer move. With a thud, he fell to the shore.

Other people are no better than Lou Fan. Nie Feng staggered and is supported by Chen Shuyang. On the other hand, Jiang Dong is half hugging and half dragging Wen Lang and Qin Tan is supporting his body with his Tang sword while walking forward slowly.

Tong Fei and the others immediately gathered around. Some went to help the collapsed people while some helped to pick up things. After they brought the rest of the people ashore, they turned their heads and looked – ei, countless black ghost heads appeared in the lake.

The combat effectiveness of the intermediate team greatly decreased but Tong Fei and the others didn’t hesitate. They held onto their weapons and face the ghosts head-on. Probably because of lack of skin, most of the ghosts stayed in the water, and very few come ashore so there is less fighting. Tong Fei and the rest quickly killed them off. But even so, a steady stream of ghosts is coming up ashore, until the sky turns white with gold trim from the sun.

The sun is coming out.

Without protection, the ghosts sank into the water unwillingly.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Tong Fei looked at everyone’s situation and felt a little guilty, “It’s all thanks to you guys. If you weren’t staying behind to fight, we probably wouldn’t have come up so easily.”

Gao Yi also felt the same. His spirit weapon is a nest of bees. Fighting is fine on the shore, but his spirit weapon won’t work in the water at all. So when Lou Fan gave him the backpack, he lived up to Lou Fan’s expectations and managed to bring the human skin ashore safely[3]. Just that he couldn’t help with the fighting at all.

Qin Tan and Wen Lang are exhausted, and Wen Lang is still in a coma. Lou Fan is exhausted as well. He had pulled the bow no less than a hundred times, and the resistance in the water was so great that his arms don’t feel like his own anymore. On the other hand, Nie Feng’s back is full of wounds. The wounds turned white from soaking in the lake water, and his face is deathly pale.

After Jiang Dong settled Wen Lang’s condition, he immediately went over to check Nie Feng’s wound.

“Take off your clothes and let me see.” Jiang Dong said while rummaging through things.

Nie Feng didn’t speak and took off his clothes. There is almost no clean spot on his back. No one knows when he got this injured, he never said a word.

“The wound is a little deep, and there is also a problem with the water in the lake. The wound is red and swollen, and it needs to be disinfected.” Jiang Dong frowned, turning over the flesh of the wound with tweezers while looking for medicine.

Fortunately, the medicine is prepared well this time, and all of them are good stuff. As soon as the medicine powder is sprinkled on the wound, the cracked purple-red flesh started foaming white as if the flesh was poisonous.

Chen Shuyang felt a pain in his teeth when he looked at the wound. The naive boy in the past now had red eyes with sadness. Lowering his head, Chen Shuyang wiped the corners of his eyes while pretending to shift his glasses. A big hand rested on his head and Nie Feng’s lazy voice sounded from above his head.

“What’s wrong, hmm? I’m not feeling painful.”

Chen Shuyang didn’t raise his head. His voice is muffled as he said, “It would be strange if that doesn’t hurt.”

Nie Feng’s eyes curved up and he didn’t speak, but he looked like he is in a good mood.

Lou Fan and Qin Tan finally recovered a bit. Qin Tan pulled Lou Fan up and checked his whole body. He didn’t see any wounds, so he went to see Nie Feng. Hearing Jiang Dong says he is fine, Qin Tan looked down at Jiang Dong’s feet. The exposed calf under his trousers is covered with red marks, which should have been wounded by the black mist.

“After putting the medicine on Nie Feng, quickly tend to your own legs.”

Jiang Dong is taken aback for a moment, and then he realized the burning pain in his leg.

Lou Fan looked at Wen Lang and determined that he is now probably tired. Wen Lang recovering from a coma to a tired sleep, Lou Fan immediately felt relieved. Next, he looked at the Tang sword in Qin Tan’s hand.

It’s upgraded!

Raw word count: 3202


[1] Banana: Apologies if I got the name wrong. The glossary I stored in mozilla got wiped out in my laptop and I can’t remember which chapter the amulet came one :v
[2] Banana think the author has totally forgotten about Gao Yi, because it seems that Nie Feng is holding Lou Fan’s backpack lol
[3] Now only the author remembers Gao Yi :v Too late, Nie Feng already brought the bags up! Joking, this is probably an undersight from the author.

Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 95

Chen Shuyang turned to look at Nie Feng, and Nie Feng immediately answered, “Team leader may be trapped somewhere. We planned to come back and discuss with Lou Fan.”

“But Brother Lou went out.” Chen Shuyang is a little anxious and explained, “The innkeeper and his wife were talking outside the door earlier. We overheard them saying that the water in the holy lake is abnormal, so Brother Lou said he will go and have a look.”

But it is almost midnight and Lou Fan still hasn’t come back. Chen Shuyang originally wanted to find Lou Fan, but he is afraid that Qin Tan’s team would be anxious when they came back and did not see them. Hence, he could only wait here, which is really tormenting.

Lou Fan went into the water wearing the fish scale suit. He already swallowed a small pearl, planning to explore the lake. The lake is clear, but he swam for a long time without seeing any tunnels. Also, there is no fish in the lake, let alone a blue and a golden fish. He didn’t give up and dived further, but still no fish. However, he found something unusual instead.

Back on the shore, Lou Fan shook the water on his head and looked sideways at the holy lake. The holy lake sparkled in the moonlight, it is so sacred that people just want to worship it and have no other intention. But at this moment, Lou Fan’s eyes are dark. After a few glances, he turned around and walked back.

“Brother Lou, you are finally back.” Hearing the knock on the door, Chen Shuyang immediately ran to open the door and is very happy to see Lou Fan.

Lou Fan looked around quickly in the room and his expression sank, “Where’s Qin Tan?”

Chen Shuyang replied immediately, “Brother Qin may be trapped somewhere, but he might be back soon.”

Lou Fan pursed his lips. He walked quickly to his backpack and started to pack his things, looking like he is going to go out.

Chen Shuyang stopped Lou Fan immediately, “Brother Lou, why don’t we wait first? Brother Qin is so powerful, he must be alright.”

“No.” Lou Fan glanced at the sky outside the window, “It’s almost dawn.”

Lou Fan hurriedly grabbed some stuff and is about to go out. Gao Yi and Nie Feng both stood up to join him when the door is pushed open from the outside.

Qin Tan came back, followed by a burly girl with two braids.

Chen Shuyang immediately became happy, “Brother Qin, you are back! That’s great. Brother Lou is about to go out to find you.”

Qin Tan looked over, Lou Fan simply hehe-ed and his gaze started to wander elsewhere.

At the moment, everyone on the team has returned, and Qin Tan brought Ah Feng back. Gao Yi and Nie Feng also shared their findings in the City Lord’s mansion. The city lord is a ghost and is colluding with the ‘village chief’ from the ghost lake village. Those who get caught will be skinned, which the skin should be used by the city lord.

Lou Fan pondered for a while, temporarily felt that this discovery is useless, and said what he found out. “I went into the holy lake to explore. There are no passages in the lake, and there are no blue and gold fish as the black-robed man said in the village. However, the water below the lake has begun to turn black, which is a bit like the ghost lake.”

Qin Tan listened intently and did not interrupt Lou Fan. After Lou Fan finished speaking, he said, “You went to the lake by yourself?”

Lou Fan: “Hehehe… Well, I heard what the innkeeper said and wanted to investigate.”

“Oh.” Qin Tan took a sip of water and said lightly, “Who promised me to keep watch earlier?”

The furball in Lou Fan’s arms shook, making Lou Fan wonder whether to laugh or cry.

“It’s dawn, let’s go and send Ah Feng back first.” Lou Fan said quickly.

Ah Feng’s matter is indeed more important, but Qin Tan didn’t intend to let Lou Fan go like this. He humph-ed at Lou Fan, and said in a low voice, “I’ll settle the account with you when this is over.”

In the small yard, a few people looked at Ah Feng, who is a lot taller than the old woman, hugging her tightly. Ah Feng even patted her hard a few times. The group couldn’t help worrying for the old lady. These few hard blows (pats), won’t her bones fall apart? However, the old woman is obviously very energetic and happily lets them sit.

However, the group is eager to know the clues, so they didn’t sit down. Lou Fan asked on behalf of everyone, “Granny, please tell us how to connect the holy lake and the ghost lake. Haven’t you noticed that the water of the holy lake has begun to change?”

Hearing that, the old woman, who was still happy, sat down unhurriedly. The expression of joy on her face is gone, only loneliness and sighs remained.

“Actually, there is no passage between the holy lake and the ghost lake at all, and they can’t be connected no matter what.” The old woman stared at the flowers by the wall, as if she just zoned out, “The holy lake originally relies on the power of faith. When faith is obtained, it will become a holy lake. Unfortunately, the villagers of the ghost lake’s side no longer trust the lake water that nurtured them. The lake water gradually becomes stagnant water. It’s turbid, dark, and dead. And this distrust is because they lost their human skin.”

The group became nervous, knowing that important clues are coming.

“To make the lake water change again, you must return their faiths to the villagers. They are humans, how can they have no human skin? When their resentment disappears, they will believe that the lake water will nurture them again. Then, the lake water can become clear once more.”

Ah Feng, who disappeared into the house earlier came out holding a round object in her hand. Under the granny’s gesture, she handed it to Lou Fan and said, “Take it and give this to the villagers. Also, bring back the things that belong to them. They will thank you.”

In Lou Fan’s palm lies a round jade stone, one blue and one gold fish with their heads following the other’s tail to form a round shape, which is very similar to a Bagua. It turned out that this is the blue and gold fish, no wonder he didn’t find it in the lake. Lou Fan looked up at the old woman. Her face is full of kindness, like a bodhisattva who embraces all living beings. The next moment, Lou Fan blinked and looked again, it is the same granny, standing next to Ah Feng.

“Go on.” The old woman said, “Time waits for no one.”

Tonight is the time for the ‘village chief’ to go back. It is already afternoon at the moment, so they have to prepare quickly. Lou Fan said thank you to the closed door and bowed again. The rest of the group followed Lou Fan to bow and left the courtyard.

At the gate of the city, a crisp sound of the bell rang, and the group of 5 people immediately paid attention. The ‘village chief’ has changed into normal clothes, but with a bell in his hand. Behind him is a string of people. It is quiet at night, so at first glance, the march looked like a ghost officer escorting a line of ghosts to reincarnate.

But the ‘village chief’ is indeed a ‘ghost’ officer! Lou Fan thought to himself, but his eyes are fixed on the line as they hid in the shadows to avoid detection. When the line of people passed by them, 5 figures immediately followed, lined up, and fell behind.

There are still 2 gatekeepers standing guard, and Lou Fan realized that this entrance is actually a hole under the lake. Following the sound of the bell into the hole, the further they went in, the damper it became, and water droplets are seeping out from the stone wall.

“Psst psst psst…”

Lou Fan turned his head around suspiciously. He heard a strange sound, but it seems familiar. The others heard it and turned to look. A head popped out by the stone wall on the side. Seeing Lou Fan looking over, the person immediately opened his mouth, revealing a set of white teeth, and waved vigorously at Lou Fan. Lou Fan’s eyes widened, and he turned to look at Qin Tan, who also noticed the person. They looked at each other, immediately let go of the clothes of the person in front of them, and ran over quickly.

“Brother Lou, Brother Qin!” Wen Lang is a little excited, but still, he controlled his voice and whispered, “I didn’t expect to meet you guys here. We were wondering earlier whether we can meet you.”

Qin Tan asked, “What about the others? There’s only you?”

Lou Fan is about to speak when he saw Jiang Dong emerge from another place and said with a smile, “Sure enough.”

Wen Lang: “Sister Tong Fei and the others are here, and Fan Dayong is also there.”

As soon as Wen Lang said that, Gao Yi knew that Chen Man is gone. There was a trace of regret on his face, but he didn’t say anything. He just pursed his lips tightly.

“How did you guys get here?” Qin Tan asked again.

Everyone wanted to know the answer to this question. Wen Lang is about to explain when the girls and Fan Dayong came. When the newcomers saw them, they immediately became happy. Even Feng Zhi showed a smile.

Tong Fei said happily, “You guys returned so soon? It looks like you’ve found a clue.”

It is still early at this moment (before the exit is closed), and everyone is in no hurry, so they simply went to a hidden place to talk. They let one person stand guard, while the rest gathered together and discussed in a low voice. Tong Fei and the others mainly talked about how they got in, and how could they be here at this moment. In fact, they didn’t go out the day before because they missed the time. After the ghosts left, they couldn’t find the exit and stayed here for a day and a night.

Lou Fan’s side told the rest of them about the main clue and mentioned the part to find the human skin. He didn’t know where to look for it yet.

Hearing that, Tong Fei and the others have smiles in their eyes, they know where is it!

“The human skins are here.”

Lou Fan is surprised and asked, “It’s here?! You guys found it?”

Tong Fei nodded and immediately led the way forward. The path in the cave is complicated, but luckily they had left a mark in advance. Moreover, Wen Lang still had the fluorescent powder Lou Fan gave him.

When the neat row of human skins appeared in front of Lou Fan and the others, the goosebumps keep standing up all over their bodies.

Chen Shuyang shuddered, “So many human skins to be taken out, ergh…” He rubbed his arms.

Qin Tan put down his backpack and took out a stack of tarpaulins from the inside. “First, put away the human skins and wrap them all in the tarps. Then, we’ll put them into the backpack.”

The ghosts have to take off their human skin on the shore, which means they should not get wet. They need to try not to let human skin get wet when they go out.

Following Qin Tan’s actions, everyone quickly began to work together. Taking the skins down, arranging them, and wrapping them with tarpaulin. With so many people helping out, the tasks are quickly done. The human skins in the hole are packed up in a few seconds.

Vague figures could be seen moving outside the cave. Soon a ghost discovered the theft. Everyone can feel that when it ‘saw’ that the human skins in the cave are gone, it made a harsh cry.

It is calling for its companions.

“Go ashore first!” Qin Tan said immediately, pushing everyone out, “Tong Fei, lead the way.”

Qin Tan is about to say that he is going to go last when Wen Lang and Jiang Dong stood behind him. Wen Lang quickly said, “Brother Qin, you go ahead. We know where’s the exit, so we’ll come after we lead them away.”

Lou Fan is about to come to help when Wen Lang shoved his backpack into his arms, “Brother Lou, go.”

Qin Tan pulled Lou Fan and said, “Let’s go first. We will send the human skin up and come back to help.”

Lou Fan paused and shouted to Wen Lang, “Be careful.”

Lou Fan only had time to say this sentence as the ghosts behind him have already swarmed up. Looking around, there are ghosts everywhere. The group displayed their abilities, each holding their spirit weapon in their hands. Wen Lang’s and Jiang Dong’s spirit weapons are long-range attacks, but with their unlimited attacks, they are taking the lead at the moment and managed to block a wave of ghosts for a while.

Lou Fan followed Tong Fei and the others to the entrance of the cave. Seeing that the exit is right there, Tong Fei at the front screamed, “How come there are so many?!”

The exit is pitch black, darker than the black lake water. It is like a black hole, wanting to suck everyone in.

Raw word count: 3060


Looting Equipment From NPCs – Chapter 94

[Banana: Minor cliff alert. Don’t jump if you can :v]

“Have you guys gotten any information?” Lou Fan changed the subject from Ah Feng’s description, “When you guys found anyone, just ask for their name first. As for the appearance, it doesn’t matter.”

Lou Fan’s perplexed look made everyone laugh.

Chen Shuyang threw a glance at Nie Feng but Nie Feng only looked lazy, with drooping eyelids as if he is about to fall asleep. So, Chen Shuyang had to say what they found out himself.

“Nie Feng and I heard that the city lord has arrested a lot of people recently, and they have all been imprisoned. Many people are worried.”

As usual with great powers, people will do whatever they want. Lou Fan and others also think it is understandable, but there are only so few citizens left in Holy Lake City. Moreover, there is a ghost village next door. What is the city lord trying to do by arresting people?

There is no solution to this problem for the time being so everyone turned to Gao Yi, expecting him to find out some other news.

Being looked at by 4 pairs of eyes, Gao Yi felt a little embarrassed. He had planned to go to the gate of the city to find information as many people are gathering and there are also city guards there. Unexpectedly, everyone acted like they are mute and didn’t talk with Gao Yi at all. Hence, he went to the guards at the gate for a chat. He took some universal currency such as gold and silver with him, but he didn’t expect that not only he didn’t get any information, he got questioned by the guards a few times. Afraid of being exposed, he could only mumble a few words to fool them. Feeling embarrassed for a moment, Gao Yi then returned to normal, and said, “I didn’t find out anything but I have a feeling that the people here seem to be very secretive about their city lord.”

Gao Yi only said a few nonsense words, but he didn’t expect that he guessed it right. Because of what he said, everyone had doubts about the city lord. They felt that there must be a problem with him, so they paid attention to the city lord.

Qin Tan began to plan, “The topographical layout of the City Lord’s mansion is unclear. We can only talk about it after checking it out. Upon entering the mansion, we will act separately to avoid being discovered. If there is an abnormal situation, immediately withdraw. At most at 2 hours, even if nothing is found, we must come out immediately.”

Both Nie Feng and Gao Yi listened intently. Gao Yi stopped taking the initiative to take the lead after his team members disappeared, and instead let Qin Tan call the shots. Except for him, everyone here is the intermediate team’s people. Even if he wants to take the lead, it still depends on whether these team members listen to him or not. Now, he feels that Qin Tan is very thoughtful. He has careful plans and is very considerate of the members.

Qin Tan thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t think of anything else to pay attention to, so they just have to take one step at a time when something happens.

Soon, night arrived and the 3 members are ready to explore. Lou Fan stood outside the door and told them to be careful. Suddenly a fluffy head popped out of Lou Fan’s pocket. Furball chirped twice at Qin Tan, it sounds like it is reluctant to part.

Qin Tan laughed. He took Furball out and rubbed it in the palm of his hand. Then he instructed, “Stay with him obediently and help me watch him. I will be back soon.”

“Jii jii.” – (Don’t worry, I’ll watch over him for sure.)

Lou Fan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. They talked as if he is going to make trouble while Qin Tan is away. It makes him feel speechless about these two.

The 3 men disappeared into the night and Lou Fan returned to the room with Furball and Chen Shuyang. Because only the two of them are left in the inn tonight, it is more convenient for them to stay in a room together. At the moment, Chen Shuyang is still drawing amulets. Even though there is already a thick stack of amulets in his bag, Chen Shuyang still would draw a few sheets every day, so he feels at ease. Chen Shuyang gave Qin Tan and Nie Feng each a large stack of amulets before they left, so now he is restocking his inventory.

“Shuyang, go to bed soon, I’ll go to bed first.” Lou Fan lay on the bed and yawned.

Chen Shuyang nodded, “Go to sleep, Brother Lou. I’ll go to sleep in a while.”

Originally, Lou Fan planned to have a good night’s sleep but unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, he got shaken awake by Chen Shuyang. Chen Shuyang held a finger on his lips and said, “Brother Lou, there’s someone outside.”

The 3 figures ran quickly on the street, and after being careful to hide their presence, they quickly approached the City Lord’s mansion. The wall of the mansion is not too high. Taking a few steps back, Qin Tan then ran quickly and leaped. He held onto the mansion’s wall and glanced inside. There’s no one around. With a push from his waist, Qin Tan kicked at the wall and jumped onto the mansion’s wall. Immediately after, he jumped into the yard.

A soft whistle sounded briefly, and Nie Feng and Gao Yi also quickly climbed up the wall and jumped down.

In the dark, by the moonlight, Qin Tan nodded to the men, and the 3 quickly dispersed and ran away in different directions.

The City Lord’s mansion is not as heavily guarded as they had imagined in advance. It is unexpectedly quiet, not even a single person can be seen. Qin Tan still moved forward vigilantly, not making a sound even if there is no one around. As he is walking toward the very center of the mansion, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a black robe. Immediately, Qin Tan leaned against the wall and waited. Seeing that the other party didn’t notice him, he quickly followed behind.

The figure in front is somewhat familiar. The figure is wearing a large black robe with a tightly covered hood, it is the ‘village chief’ who brought them here. Qin Tan followed closely behind the figure. The ‘village chief’ walked into a room and pressed the wall lamp a few times. Next, a secret door opened silently.

Qin Tan didn’t even think about it and immediately rushed to follow when the secret door is about to close. Down the long steps, there are dark prison cells. Qin Tan didn’t dare to get too close, so he could only fall behind the ‘village chief’. There are men and women locked in the cells. Adding together, there could be a dozen of them here.

Originally, Qin Tan thought that the ‘village chief’ is going to do something, but he only patrolled inside and left. Qin Tan hid in the shadows and only came out after the ‘village chief’ had left. He glanced around and saw that all of the prisoners are either leaning or lying in an apathetic state.

“Ah Feng, Ah Feng…” Qin Tan whispered.

A short and stocky woman raised her head and looked around in confusion, “Who, who is calling me?”

Sure enough, Qin Tan is able to meet the Ah Feng that the old woman said. Qin Tan walked over quickly and said to her, “Your granny asked me to rescue you out, you…”

Qin Tan is about to explain a few more words. If the girl didn’t believe him, he would tell the old woman’s address and details of her home to get the trust, but he didn’t expect to be interrupted by the girl as soon as he uttered the first sentence.

“Hurry up, quickly open the door. It’s suffocating me here, and I miss my rabbits…”

Qin Tan: … This NPC is acting a little too familiar with him.

All of a sudden, Qin Tan thought of something when he is holding the lock. Stopping what he is doing, he turned and ran to look at the hidden door he came down from. He went to the door and pressed around the spots, and found that it couldn’t be opened – he got trapped here.

Qin Tan is not in a hurry. Since the ‘village chief’ came to inspect the prisoners just now, he will definitely come again. The trouble is, he set a time to meet up with Nie Feng and Gao Yi. If he didn’t go back by then, Lou Fan will be anxious. Thinking of Lou Fan, Qin Tan feels that he is more anxious than Lou Fan. He is not there with Lou Fan, he can’t help worrying about what bizarre thing Lou Fan might do.

As Nie Feng is running quickly down the corridor, he suddenly a high-pitched cry that made him turn around and follow the sound. The sliding door has a gap so he pushed it open gently, and probed inside lightly. The room is very dark. There is no light, and the moonlight outside is blocked by the clouds. After getting used to the darkness, Nie Feng could see the outline of an object. Taking a few steps inside, he heard rapid gasps and small whimpers from someone being covered by his mouth.

There is more than one person in this room.

His spirit weapon, the scissors are held in his hand firmly. It will only take 1 movement to block in front of him when needed.

The smell of blood tickled the tip of Nie Feng’s nose. The smell became stronger as he approached nearer which made him frown uncomfortably. But after a moment, he returned to his former expression. The moonlight is half exposed from behind the dark clouds, and gradually there is a little bit of light shining into the house. Nie Feng immediately hid behind the curtains. When the whole moon appeared behind the clouds, he could see the scene not far away.

A nekid man crouched on the ground, his skin festered and pitted with holes. In front of him is a person lying on the ground. The nekid man is currently using a tool to do something to the person and blood slowly seeped out from under the person. Nie Feng doesn’t think the person is still alive at this moment. As the nekid man is doing his thing, he keeps scratching at his own skin. When he scratched, the skin fell off like paint on a wall.

Nie Feng quietly exited the room. At the last moment when the door is closed, the squatting man suddenly turned to look over in the direction.

2 hours later, Nie Feng and Gao Yi meet up and waited for a while, but they still don’t see Qin Tan.

“Team leader Qin won’t be in trouble, right? Why hasn’t he come yet?” Gao Yi is a little anxious and kept looking around.

Nie Feng stayed silent for a while and said, “I’ll go in and have a look.”

Gao Yi grabbed Nie Feng, “I’ll go in too. But if we can’t find him, don’t force it. We’ll  go back and discuss it with Lou Fan.”

Nie Feng nodded and immediately ran into the mansion without a word.

Gao Yi sighed. In this intermediate team, everyone looked normal from the outside, but they all turned out to be reckless. All just ran away without a word, they are the kind who speaks with their actions. With a sigh, Gao Yi quickly entered the city lord’s mansion again. He didn’t find anything when he first entered the mansion. So this time round, thinking of going to look for Qin Tan, Gao Yi went to a more remote place, but he didn’t expect to find something useful.

In a silent space, even the slightest voice can be loud.

In a dimly lit room with only 1 candle illuminating the area, a man in a black robe is sitting in front of a masked man.

“You are too impatient. You shouldn’t do it yourself, let alone do it here.” said a slightly old and familiar voice.

The masked man reached out and touched his face, not minding the words. He replied, “There is no one else in this City Lord’s mansion, so do not worry about it. You should take the people you caught and leave tomorrow. Hurry up, this human skin is becoming more and more useless.”

The two exchanged a few more words, and Gao Yi listened frightfully. Afraid of being discovered, he was very careful when he left.

At Nie Feng’s side, it didn’t go so well this time. Suddenly some people are moving around at the place where there was no one just now. Nie Feng got found by one person. He immediately took out an immobilizing amulet and stick it on the person. When the person returned to his senses, there is no one in sight and it made him think that he saw things wrongly. This enables Nie Feng to escape safely. However, he couldn’t find Qin Tan.

The two meet up again. Gao Yi hurriedly pulled Nie Feng and said, “I didn’t see Qin Tan, but the city lord in this mansion should be a ghost, and the ‘village chief’ is in a cohort with him.”

Nie Feng doesn’t look surprised so Gao Yi got stunned and asked, “You knew?”

“I saw him skinning someone just now.” Nie Feng calmly replied.

Gao Yi stayed dumbfounded for a moment, then said, “Let’s go back to Lou Fan to discuss first. Qin Tan should be fine, maybe he’s trapped somewhere.”

Nie Feng also felt the same way. The two returned to the inn together and knocked on the door. It’s Chen Shuyang who came to open the door. Lou Fan is not seen in the room.

Chen Shuyang glanced outside and asked, “Where’s Brother Qin?”

“Where’s Lou Fan?” Gao Yi asked at the same time.

Raw word count: 3027
