Chapter 002 – Transmigrated

After Shui Ruoshan recovered his consciousness, he doesn’t have much spare time to care of his physical discomfort. He just stupidly opened his eyes wide, his mouth gaped open; he has a stunned expression like he just saw a ghost. He obviously fainted in front of his computer in his house, so how come he woke up in a totally strange place?

For Shui Ruoshan who writes online novels, this kind of situation was way too familiar!

Did he just transmigrated? Or transmigrated? Or really transmigrated?!1

No one told him that one could transmigrate just by writing novel at home!

This is unscientific!

Although the transmigration genre has been written to exhaustion, one would still feel incredibly unbelievable when it happened to themselves. He now only hoped that tomorrow will not appear such humiliating news of him in the community where he lived, like ‘A web author suddenly passed away from smashing keyboard (typing rapidly) for a few nights’.

Is it too late for him to request for a ‘high-end’ news now?

But it is not the time to sigh right now, he must first understand the current situation.

He seemed to be lying down inside a rectangular box made of crystal?!

When he finally climbed out and saw what exactly was the rectangular box, he was shocked still alright! It was actually a coffin?! Even if it is not covered with a lid, there was no doubt that it is still a coffin. Even if this crystal casket is very gorgeous, very luxurious, very valuable, very upscale, very mighty, very good quality…

It still doesn’t change the fact that it is a coffin!

This kind of situation where one transmigrated into a horror movie, what is going on?

Must be a bad one ah! (implying his transmigration was a low quality story).

He was inside a cave; not big but quite empty. Other than the crystal coffin and a luminous pearl for lighting, there were no other things in the cave. Therefore, Shui Ruoshan could only put the attention back to himself.

Not to mention that his ancient clothes doesn’t belong to the modern world, just by that pair of white tender hands in front of him which still possessed some baby fats in it, it is definitely not his original thin hands!

Right now, this pair of hands… seemed to be… quite small!

No! He should say his appearance overall is quite small right now!
As an adult, how could he transmigrate into the body of a child?
Even more sucky thing was he couldn’t find any clues of the original body’s identity in here! (from clothes or personal items with identification)

From what Shui Ruoshan could guess, the original owner of the body should have died and his soul probably has disappeared. Else, his body won’t be put inside a coffin and sealed in this cave. That’s why he couldn’t inherit the original owner’s memory.

As for how long the original body has died and why the body is still intact and whole, such profound questions were not within Shui Ruoshan’s current consideration.
Since he could even transmigrate, it was very normal to come across things that couldn’t be explained.

Just that, why usually protagonists in a novel could transmigrate and immediately understood the new world then proceed to play their role properly, while he -bitter laughter- don’t have anything at all?

This is not fair!

The only thing he could give thanks to was the fact that there was a door in this cave, not being completely sealed so at least he won’t become a corpse alive (dying slowly) here. Therefore, Shui Ruoshan unhesitatingly pushed open the door and headed outside. Outside the stone door was a narrow cave. Right before he went out, he took the night pearl (luminous pearl) from the wall with him . Not only the night pearl could be used as a torchlight, he could also exchange it for money.

Although it was quite a long walk in the cave, there was no danger so Shui Ruoshan smoothly reached the entrance of the cave. He has yet to walk out from the cave when a thick disgusting smell of blood wafted over. Shui Ruoshan strongly pushed down the urge to vomit. When he looked up, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of his eyes that looked like a picture from Hell.

What he saw was an upright figure holding a sword, standing proudly on top of numerous corpses; aloof and decisive, like the blood-soaked Asura! His clothes were stained with blood, making him almost blended into the background where the red blood flowed from the bodies on the ground. It was like the whole world is colored in scary blood red.

Even though he was quite far away, Shui Ruoshan still could see the bloody traces of blood on the glowing long sword in the man’s hand. He could also smell the bloodthirsty scent of blood, causing him to instantly stop breathing. Other than that, he could hear the slight sound of blood dripping onto the ground from the sword. The sound seemed to be able to strike directly on people’s heart, causing Shui Ruoshan’s heart to tremble.

Seemed to sense movement behind him, that figure who originally had his back facing Shui Ruoshan slowly turned around…

Raw Word Count : 1386


Chapter 001 – The Strongest King in History

First arc : Author VS Villain

[Banana : This Banana only read until the end of free chapter which is chapter 58. The word count is low and the progress is slow. Heard of a danmei -> Spirit Hotel? Yup, our MC is just like Feisha :v Sexy time seems very far away, none in the free chapters though _(;3/ If it’s okay with you, then let’s start :3 ]

Shui Ruoshan is an online novelist, and he is currently publishing the 5th chapter of [The Strongest King in History] in the website.

This story was about a modern elite man who transmigrated into a world where swords and magic coexist; a world where different races exist side by side. The main character carried a strong ‘golden finger'(cheat) and went on continuous adventures, using his supreme charm to conquer beauties and recruit brothers; a story of a man dominating the world, fighting monsters and level up.

A standard ‘cool text’ on YY leveling (Meaning: A standard OP MC story).

This story with such a very common plot however has helped Shui Ruoshan to achieve an unprecedented success. For an online novel to get so hot, there must be something special and different in it. Shui Ruoshan didn’t attempt to write differently nor seek a breakthrough from that ‘transmigration’ genre which has been repeatedly used to exhaustion.

Car accident transmigration, illness transmigration, toilet transmigration, electric shock transmigration, falling down transmigration, sleeping transmigration, reading transmigration….

No matter how weird is the method of transmigration, how illogical or strange… one could still transmigrate. There’s no way you can’t transmigrate, only those you that didn’t think of. (Meaning, as long as you can think of a way to transmigrate, it can be used to write a novel)

That’s why Shui Ruoshan used the most common car accident transmigration at the beginning of his story, and let the protagonist cross to another world straight away without fuss.

The unique setting of [The Strongest King in History] was that the villain in the story is an epitome of beauty, wealth, power and wisdom; the representative of perfection.

At the beginning, the villain and the protagonist were even friends of similar talents. However, due to the villain experiencing various kind of betrayal, his theory and view of life clashed with the protagonist’s views.

Eventually, the villain began to move towards the road of blackening, causing the protagonist to counterattack in the end. Not even Shui Ruoshan himself could imagine that such a random idea would cause his villain to achieve a high popularity beyond imagination.

There was only one thing that he couldn’t quite figure out. Why most of the people who cheered for the villain were females? Plus he couldn’t understand most of the comments by these females at all.

For example :

Please write more on the interaction between the protagonist and his good gay friend!

Please increase the feeling between two main characters ah! (Protag & Villain)

Strongly requesting for both of them to achieve fruition (of their feelings)!

What mutual love and hate, good feeling!

Want benefits, got any?! [1]

1. Banana: No idea what this means _(;3/


For Shui Ruoshan, these comments regarding the relationship between the protagonist and the villain were baffling. It was until his rotten (fujoshi) editor explained to him what ‘danmei’ was, he suddenly felt like ‘being beaten by the wind’[2].

2. 风中凌乱 – Not very sure the meaning, it felt like someone getting depressed and his hair became disheveled in the wind.

The protagonist and the villain only had a pure friendship in the beginning. Then in the end, the friendship was gone, leaving endless hatred to death! How on earth could these females pick out the non-existing forbidden love between the two main characters in the story?

But then, Shui Ruoshan won’t change the main points just because of these comments as he will only write the story slowly according to his own ideas.

Right now, he is working on a big climax of the story. This part was not only the most important turning point of the story but also the beginning of the villain’s blackening.

The writing was quite smooth because the story line was already in his mind. However when Shui Ruoshan was typing rapidly on the keyboard, he felt a sudden sting on his finger. His body trembled and he immediately lost his consciousness.

At that very moment of losing his consciousness, the only thing that Shui Ruoshan could think of was not ‘How come the plastic keyboard could conduct electricity?!’ such an unscientific question but …

Due to his occupational disease as a novelist, only one thought surfaced in his mind.

This feeling of being shocked, it is definitely the process of transmigration ah!

Raw Word Count : 1027


Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 28

Heya, it’s me (0w0)/ Here’s the chapter yo~! Before that, I want to thank Tiffany and MCJohnston for the kofi. m(_ _)m Stay healthy yo~!

Banana heard that there are panic buying in the US and somewhere nearby as well. [||0 A0] Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 28”

Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 27

Let me give my thanks to Tiffany and MCJohnston for the kofi (0w0)/ I felt like I have to work harder when people give me kofis. _(;3/ Anyways, here’s the chapter yo~! Stay healthy, people (0w0)/ Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 27”

Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 26

Hey guys, here’s a new chapter~! Btw, how are everyone out there? A fellow translator from Singapore said it’s not very good at his side _(;3/

On the other hand, Banana changed to a new page navigator plugin because the previous one stopped working after the latest WP update, so please inform me if there are any problems you encountered while reading in my site yo~

Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 26”

Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 25

Once again, a round of applause to MCJohnston for the kofi and support~ (0w0)/ Have a nice day yo~!
On the other hand, hope everyone stay safe out there. The wuhan virus is spreading widely :0 Many pharmacies here has sold out dem surgical masks _(;3/ Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 25”

Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 23

Yass, many thanks to anonymous MJ for the kofi (0w0)/
I am very grateful that you still supported me despite my irregular release recently _(;3/
The work in my office is no joke, unfortunately I can’t resign #BillsAintGonnaPayItself :v

Anyways, here is the chapter yo~~~ Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 23”